ASI Conventions, 2011

Be Courageous (Keynote Address)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Doug Batchelor


Series Code: 11ASIC

Program Code: 11ASIC000001

00:22 music
00:50 There is a higher throne
00:54 Than all this world has known,
00:57 Where faithful ones from ev'ry tongue
01:00 Will one day come.
01:06 Before the Son we'll stand,
01:13 Made faultless through the Lamb
01:18 Believing hearts find promised grace--
01:25 Salvation comes.
01:31 Hear heaven's voices sing
01:37 Their thund'rous anthem rings
01:42 Through em'rald courts and sapphire skies.
01:48 Their praises rise.
01:51 Hear heaven's voices sing
01:58 Their thund'rous anthem rings
02:02 Through em'rald courts and sapphire skies.
02:06 Their praises rise.
02:08 All glory, wisdom, pow'r,
02:11 Strength, thanks, and honor are
02:14 To God our King, who reigns on high Forevermore.
02:19 music
02:28 And there we'll find our home,
02:34 Our life before the throne
02:39 We'll honor Him in perfect song
02:46 Where we belong.
02:52 He'll wipe each tear-stained eye
02:58 As thirst and hunger die.
03:03 The Lamb becomes our Shepherd King
03:10 We'll reign with Him.
03:16 Hear heaven's voices sing
03:22 Their thund'rous anthem rings
03:27 Through em'rald courts and sapphire skies.
03:33 Their praises rise.
03:40 All glory, wisdom, pow'r,
03:46 Strength, thanks, and honor are
03:51 To God our King, who reigns on high forevermore
04:05 To God our King, who reigns on high forevermore
04:34 Praise the Lord. Amen.
04:39 Good evening.
04:40 This evening's our scripture reading
04:42 is in Joshua Chapter 1 verses 6 through 9.
04:48 "Be strong and of a good courage,
04:51 for to this people you shall divide
04:53 as an inheritance the land, which I swore to their
04:57 fathers to give them.
04:59 Only be strong and very courageous,
05:02 that you may observe to do according to all the law,
05:05 which Moses my servant commanded you,
05:08 do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left,
05:11 that you may prosper wherever you go.
05:15 This book of the law shall not depart
05:17 from your mouth, but you shall meditate in a day
05:20 and night, that you may observe to do according
05:23 to all that is written in it, for then you shall make
05:27 your way prosperous,
05:28 and then you will have good success.
05:31 Have I not commanded you?
05:33 Be strong and of a good courage, do not be afraid,
05:37 nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you
05:40 wherever you go." Amen.
05:55 music
09:32 Good afternoon, evening everybody.
09:37 And thank you for inviting me to share with you
09:41 for this opening meeting of the ASI.
09:45 And I'd like to welcome you,
09:47 if you've not been welcome to Sacramento.
09:50 And in behalf of Sacramento Central Church,
09:53 and Amazing Facts,
09:54 we're so glad to have ASI here in Sacramento.
09:57 You've picked the good time to come.
09:59 This has been historically one of the best years
10:01 for weather that we've had in probably half a century,
10:06 while much of the country is sweltering,
10:07 it's just been beautiful here.
10:09 And if you have a break in your busy schedule at some
10:13 point tomorrow, we'd invite you to come by
10:15 and take a little tour of the Amazing Facts office.
10:17 We love to just to give you a little tour,
10:20 show you what we do at the Bible school
10:21 in the median and so forth.
10:22 So glad to have you in Sacramento, welcome.
10:26 And I'm thankful to be here to open
10:28 the word of God with you.
10:30 And talk with you, about this very important theme
10:33 this week a "Finishing Strong."
10:38 And if you would, could I invite you to join me
10:40 for a moment as we bow our heads and just invite
10:44 the Lord to speak to us,
10:45 through His word at this time.
10:51 Heavenly Father, Lord we desperately need you.
10:56 We pray right now not because we deserve any goog thing.
11:01 But we're coming to you and we're pleading
11:02 the merits of your son Jesus and His blood. Amen.
11:06 We ask that you would evict anything that might
11:09 distract us from hearing you speak through
11:12 Your word to our hearts or speak to Your people.
11:16 We believe we are on the borders of the Promised Land,
11:19 and yet there is a struggle before us.
11:22 Please give us your spirit,
11:25 courage and inspire through your word,
11:28 in Jesus name we ask, amen.
11:35 In our scripture reading tonight,
11:36 you notice that we chose a passage from the
11:40 1 Chapter of Joshua.
11:44 And one reason that I pick that is because,
11:48 there is some similarities.
11:50 We're right now
11:51 I believe in a similar situation to Joshua.
11:55 In that we as God's people had been wondering
11:59 and we're at the borders of the Promised Land.
12:03 And I think it's significant that three times
12:07 more than any other time in the Bible,
12:09 God challenges and admonishes Joshua to have courage.
12:17 Matter of fact, I'd like to read verses
12:19 1 Joshua Chapter 1, if you have your Bibles,
12:23 verses 1 through 9, and notice the emphasis here.
12:28 "After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord,
12:32 it came to pass, the Lord spoke to Joshua
12:34 the son of Nun, Moses' assistant saying,
12:38 Moses my servant is dead, now therefore arise,
12:44 go over this Jordan, you and all this people,
12:48 to the land that I'm giving them,
12:50 the children of Israel.
12:52 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon,
12:55 I have given to you, as I said to Moses.
12:58 From the wilderness of this Lebanon as far as
13:00 the great river, the river Euphrates,
13:02 and all the land of the Hittites,
13:05 and to the great sea towards the going down
13:07 of the sun, shall be your territory."
13:12 Here Joshua was given a great challenge
13:14 and after Moses died
13:16 and they completed the time of morning.
13:18 God said to Joshua, arise and go, be courageous,
13:24 be courageous, be courageous.
13:27 Why would He say that?
13:31 You know I like history, and I was doing some
13:34 reading on the Civil War not too long ago.
13:40 And quite an amazing study and the north never really
13:46 believed that the south was actually gonna turn
13:48 to violence until the Battle of Buron
13:50 caught them off guard.
13:51 They thought it was all saber rattling and Lincoln
13:55 realized, he needed to help organize an army
13:57 in the north to not only defend the north,
14:01 but to advance into reclaim the union, to go forward.
14:06 So they searched and they found what they thought
14:09 was the sharpest brightest mind
14:10 in the military graduated
14:12 second in his class at West Point, George McClellan.
14:17 And this man was meticulous,
14:21 he studied battle, his uniform was always
14:25 spotless, he was a great organizer.
14:27 He carried himself with
14:28 an air of confidence and success.
14:31 And first thing he said is we need more men.
14:35 So they send some spies from the north off
14:39 to the south to look at their forces and spies kept
14:41 coming back and reporting numbers much bigger than
14:44 they really were, they were frightened evidently.
14:47 And they said, oh, they have got thousands
14:48 of soldiers, Rober E. Lee's got thousands of soldiers.
14:51 And so McClellan, he said, we need a bigger army
14:55 and so Lincoln, they did all the recruiting
14:57 they could and all the drafting they could,
14:58 and they were even paying soldiers to come
15:02 and eventually they amassed an army,
15:05 it was the biggest army in the world at the time.
15:07 The army of the north 100,000
15:09 soldiers on the border ready to go into the south
15:12 to preserve the Union of the United States.
15:17 But General George McClellan was so meticulous,
15:23 he kept organizing and drilling and practicing.
15:27 He wrote books on battles.
15:29 He had studied battles in Europe,
15:32 and everything was about preparation
15:35 and logistics and details.
15:38 Until Lincoln became so exasperated,
15:41 there is a few little scaramouches
15:42 that he retreated from.
15:44 He had a 100,000 soldiers and he was afraid to go forward.
15:50 He was afraid to advance.
15:53 Lincoln finally said, I begin to believe
15:56 that we will never get ready to go forward.
15:59 They were forever getting ready.
16:04 And never he retreated from a battle,
16:07 he said I did it so we can fight another day.
16:10 And he didn't want to put his soldiers and arms away.
16:13 So they loved him for it,
16:15 but you don't win a war that way.
16:18 To win a war, you got to have courage to go forward.
16:20 Why do you think God said three times to Joshua,
16:25 be courageous, be very courageous, be courageous.
16:33 Why three times to him more than anyone else?
16:37 Because Joshua had been there before and because
16:42 the other people lost courage they wandered long time.
16:47 Could that happen to God's people
16:49 again near the end of time?
16:50 Maybe it already has happened
16:52 and we're at the Jordan now.
16:55 Do we need courage?
16:57 Do we need to go forward?
17:00 What is courage?
17:03 Courage is the state or quality of mind
17:05 or a spirit that enables one to face danger,
17:09 fear of vicissitudes with self-possession,
17:12 confidence, resolution and bravery.
17:15 Andrew Jackson, use to say one man
17:18 and courage is a majority.
17:22 How do God's people need courage?
17:25 Why do we need courage?
17:28 At the borders of the Promised Land,
17:29 he told them to go forward once before and they didn't.
17:33 They were intimidated by the size of the enemy.
17:38 Could we be intimidated?
17:41 Have we ever been frightened by the odds
17:44 of reaching the world with a message?
17:47 Now I don't want to, last thing
17:48 I want to do is discourage you.
17:51 But some times the task before us is daunting.
17:56 Now I like being real, I hope you don't mind.
17:59 But I'm always excited, when I think about
18:04 how our church has grown.
18:07 I'm encouraged, I like telling people.
18:10 We have a million members in North America
18:12 and a 17 million plus around the world.
18:14 And that's exciting, that's significant,
18:17 considering we started from nothing.
18:21 But then you realize at every year,
18:23 80 million new people, after you even factor
18:29 in all those who have died, 80 million new people
18:33 are added to the world's population.
18:38 And that means every 80 days approximately,
18:41 there as many people added to the world's population
18:43 as we have in the world church.
18:46 Could that make your knee shake on the borders
18:48 of the Promised Land?
18:51 That's a daunting task, Jesus has told us to go
18:54 into all the world.
18:56 But what did God tell Joshua?
19:00 He said as I was with Moses,
19:04 so I'll be with you.
19:07 What do you think Moses odds look like when he
19:09 first went to pharaoh, who had completely subjugated
19:13 these people, and said let them go?
19:16 And then all pharaoh did was tighten his grip
19:19 and make them produced bricks without straw.
19:22 It didn't look very hopeful.
19:25 But they probably hadn't factored
19:27 in the miracle power of God.
19:30 And within a matter of weeks,
19:31 we don't know the exact time
19:32 but it was a matter of weeks.
19:33 God had completely turn things around,
19:36 the Egyptians not only said you can go free,
19:38 they said here take our silver and gold as you leave.
19:43 And God potted an ocean
19:46 and fed them with bread from heaven,
19:47 and give them water from the rock
19:48 and delivered them from their enemies. Amen.
19:51 And there was no man like Moses.
19:53 So when God says to Joshua be courageous, why?
19:56 As I was with Moses, I will be with you. Amen.
20:00 Well, He was certainly with Moses.
20:02 And who had a better view of God
20:06 being with Moses than Joshua.
20:10 Joshua had a front row seat as the assistant of Moses.
20:13 Not when they were down making the golden calf,
20:15 Joshua didn't even notice, he was right up there
20:18 with Moses on the mountain.
20:20 He saw Moses face shining as he came
20:22 from the presence of God.
20:23 He went with Moses into the tabernacle,
20:26 when God spoke to him.
20:29 And he said as God was with Moses,
20:31 so I will be with you.
20:33 Well, that would encourage me.
20:35 Matter a fact, you and I in some ways should be
20:37 more encouraged than Joshua,
20:39 because Joshua could look back at the leading of God
20:42 through Moses as an example.
20:45 How many heroes can we look out?
20:47 I mean can't the Lord say to us as I was with David,
20:51 as I was Gideon, as I was Elijah,
20:55 as I was with Moses, so I'll be with you. Amen.
20:59 Is he saying that to us?
21:01 Do we have the history an example in the word of God?
21:05 That He is gonna be with us.
21:09 That should be encouraging.
21:11 Why do we need courage?
21:13 But one thing we got to keep in mind,
21:16 fear is contagious.
21:19 Once a person starts to shake and sweat,
21:23 everybody around them starts to get little bit nervous.
21:27 God had told Moses, that when you gather
21:30 for battle with your enemies.
21:32 He never said they are going to be battles.
21:33 Matter of fact, the law is given assuming
21:36 there are going to be battles.
21:38 God doesn't say come to me
21:40 and I'll save you from the battles.
21:42 He says I'll give you courage for the battles.
21:45 They are gonna be battles everybody.
21:48 It says when you gather them for battle,
21:50 Deuteronomy 20 verse 8, "The officer will speak
21:53 further to the people, and say,
21:54 What man is there who is fearful and fainthearted?
21:57 Let him go and return to his house,
22:01 lest the heart of his brethren
22:02 faint like his heart."
22:04 It's contagious, we don't need you to be spreading
22:07 fear among God's people just go home,
22:11 we are better off without you.
22:14 God is looking for a people
22:15 who are courageous that believe in Him.
22:19 Same thing happened with Gideon.
22:20 God says Gideon, I want you to go fight
22:22 the Midianites, you know, tells us they were like
22:24 the sand of the sea these armies
22:26 that I want you to go fight him.
22:27 So Gideon blows the trumpet,
22:30 and he blows it among his tribe
22:31 and they get about 32,000 men,
22:34 who kind of comes slinking out of their ranches
22:38 and their homes to go fight
22:39 this army that's spread out like an ocean
22:44 in the Valley of Jezreel there, Megiddo.
22:51 And God said you got too many people
22:54 and Gideon goes what, too many.
22:57 Make an announcement, Judges 7 verse 3.
23:02 "Proclaim in the hearing of the people saying,
23:03 Whoever is afraid, let him turn
23:06 and departed once from mount Gilead.
23:09 And out of 32,000, 22,000 of the people returned."
23:15 Well if I was courageous before that announcement,
23:17 I don't know how courageous
23:18 I would havebeen after two-thirds of the army left.
23:23 And you know what God said,
23:26 you still have too many, because while the first
23:29 group may have been fearful,
23:32 you've got a bunch in your group now
23:34 that aren't fearful, but they are full hearty.
23:37 They are reckless, so we've got to weed them out.
23:43 So they went down to a broken he said look
23:45 whoever drinks water by bringing it to his face
23:47 and lapping it like a dog, set him aside,
23:49 hang on to him.
23:50 Those who are so thirsty, they put their faces right
23:52 down in the water, let them go home.
23:56 Out of that 10,000 that remain only 300
24:00 were courageous but also prudent.
24:05 And they looked around for the enemy
24:07 and they brought the water to their mouth.
24:10 And God said to Gideon, here is what I'm looking for.
24:14 People who are courageous and wise,
24:17 not brave and reckless.
24:21 You probably heard the expression before there
24:22 are old pilots and there are bold pilots,
24:26 but there are no old bold pilots and God wants us
24:31 to have that balance.
24:35 So we got to be courageous,
24:36 because fear is contagious and it spreads not only
24:41 is fear contagious, courage is contagious too.
24:47 You know, we can be courageous
24:49 when we remember that God is with us. Amen.
24:52 That we're not alone.
24:54 I think that makes all the difference in the world.
24:58 He gives us the, a promise of His presence.
25:04 You notice in verse 5, "As I was with Moses,
25:07 so I will be with you." Amen.
25:11 That's a wonderful promise,
25:12 the Bible ends with the promise
25:13 God himself will be with them.
25:17 And he was with Moses, no question about it,
25:19 Exodus 33:14, "My presence will go with thee,
25:24 and I'll give the rest."
25:25 Was God with the children of Israel
25:26 through the wilderness?
25:29 Did they have visible evidence that
25:31 He was with them.
25:33 Do we have evidence that God is with us?
25:37 Well, I think we do friends.
25:38 We've seen such wonderful examples of God's blessing
25:42 and evidence of His presence, Joshua 1 verse 9.
25:47 "Have I not commanded thee?
25:50 Be strong and be of good courage, be not afraid,
25:55 neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God
25:58 is with thee wherever you go."
26:00 You know that sounds strangely familiar.
26:02 Notice what he says, "Have I not commanded thee,
26:06 God is with thee." I'm reading Joshua 1:9.
26:09 Now I want you to read another Joshua speaking,
26:12 except the Greek pronunciation is Jesus.
26:15 Jesus says in Matthew 28, "Teaching them to observe
26:19 all things that I've commanded you, and lo,
26:22 I'm with you."
26:23 Christ is basically quoting the words that He
26:26 spoke to Joshua 2000 years earlier.
26:31 So as God was with Moses, and as God was with Joshua.
26:36 And as the Father was with Jesus.
26:38 Jesus said I'm with you.
26:42 Has his promise changed, or do we still have
26:45 grounds to be courageous these days.
26:47 When we consider that He is with us.
26:50 And having God with us, should we expect less than
26:56 Joshua experienced. Should we?
27:01 You know, it's amazing to me,
27:03 when the angel first appeared to Gideon.
27:06 Now you got to keep in mind,
27:07 Gideon lived after Joshua.
27:10 And Gideon said to the angel, if God is with us,
27:12 the angel said to Gideon, man of valor,
27:15 the Lord is with you.
27:16 He said, God's with us really.
27:17 It doesn't look like He is with us.
27:19 We're being beaten on every side.
27:21 We are overwhelmed, how can God be with us?
27:26 And you know what, Gideon said.
27:28 What about all the miracles we used to hear about?
27:31 We don't see God's power anymore,
27:33 the days of miracles are over.
27:36 Isn't that strange that Gideon would say that.
27:39 That's Gideon who lived before Elijah fire
27:41 coming down from heaven.
27:43 That's Gideon who lived before Daniel
27:46 and Shadrach, and Meshach, all those miracles.
27:48 Gideon said looks like the days of miracles are over.
27:51 It doesn't look like God's with us.
27:54 Well did God then start new ways of miracles with Gideon?
27:58 That He do wonders of deliverance.
28:01 And that's same way He'll be with us.
28:04 Is God's work going to finish with less power
28:07 than it started with?
28:08 We're on the banks of the Jordan.
28:10 Or should be by faith anticipate that God
28:13 is gonna move again.
28:14 How we can ever reach Him to world where 80 million
28:18 new people are added to the account every year
28:23 without the power of God and without courage.
28:28 He wants us to finish strong.
28:31 I don't think the days of miracles are over.
28:33 Let me read something to you from the book
28:34 "Great Controversy" speaking of last days, page 6,
28:37 12 if you're taking notes.
28:40 "Servants of God, with their faces illuminated
28:43 in shining with holy consecration,
28:45 will hasten from place to place to proclaim
28:49 the message from heaven by thousands of voices,
28:53 all over the earth."
28:56 Many of them ASI members, I threw that in,
29:00 did you noticed.
29:03 The warning will be the given, I'm still reading.
29:06 "Miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed,
29:10 signs and wonders will follow the believers."
29:15 As God was with Moses, have you ever read
29:17 the last thing that Moses, well actually Moses
29:20 didn't write because he was dead.
29:21 But the last thing in Deuteronomy,
29:23 which is the last book of Moses.
29:24 Turn to the last Chapter of Deuteronomy.
29:28 And I want you to notice something,
29:29 talking about the power of God.
29:31 Deuteronomy Chapter 34 verse 10.
29:36 Matter of fact, scholars pretty much agree
29:40 that the last Chapter of Deuteronomy is really
29:42 the 1 Chapter of Joshua.
29:44 Because Joshua probably wrote it because Moses was dead.
29:49 Verse 10, "But since then there has not a arisen
29:53 in Israel a prophet like Moses,
29:55 whom the Lord knew face to face.
29:57 In all the signs and the wonders,
30:01 which the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt
30:04 before Pharaoh, and all his servants,
30:05 and an all his land, all of the signs wonders
30:08 and miracles before Pharaoh."
30:09 Verse 12 "And by all that mighty power,
30:12 and all the great terror which Moses performed
30:15 in the sight of all Israel."
30:17 In the sight of the government
30:19 and the appraisers, in the sight of his own people,
30:22 signs and wonders on power and terror and miracles
30:25 through Moses as they left Egypt.
30:28 Will we expect less going into the Promised Land?
30:32 Or is God gonna do something and pour out
30:35 His spirit and raise up an army,
30:37 that will go everywhere, preaching the word
30:41 fearlessly on the tomb
30:45 of Lord Lawrence in Westminster Abbey.
30:49 It simply says that he feared no man because
30:55 he feared God so much.
30:58 And I think God is looking for people that loved Him
31:01 and feared Him so much that they are not
31:03 afraid of anything else.
31:05 You know, when you come to Christ and you take up
31:07 your cross and you are crucified with Christ,
31:09 you don't have to be afraid of death,
31:10 because you've already died.
31:12 Did that make sense?
31:14 You know unless you didn't keep killing the horse
31:17 over and over again.
31:19 When you've been crucified with Christ,
31:22 and you've died, then you are dead.
31:28 And you don't need to fear him,
31:29 who can hurt your body
31:30 because they can't touch your soul. Amen.
31:33 And that gives you courage.
31:36 He says I'll be with you as I was with Moses.
31:39 You know, I love that story in the Bible
31:42 of Jonathan, 1 Samuel Chapter 14.
31:46 We've got a brave example.
31:47 Why should we be courageous,
31:49 because we're not alone?
31:53 You remember the story.
31:54 Jonathan said to these young man that bare his
31:57 armor, "Come, and let us go over unto the garrison
32:00 of these uncircumcised, and it might be that the
32:03 Lord will work for us, for there is no restraint to
32:07 the Lord to save by many or by few."
32:09 And his armor bearer said to him,
32:12 " Do all that is in your heart, behold,
32:15 I am with thee according to thy heart."
32:17 The armor bearer of Jonathan
32:19 went around with that young prince.
32:21 Jonathan was he was quality stuff.
32:24 He was a good man.
32:25 David just love Jonathan, because he had such
32:28 courage and love for God.
32:30 So humble, Jonathan said to David when he first met
32:34 him and saw him go out against the giant,
32:36 says he loved him.
32:37 Jonathan took off his armor and he gave him
32:40 his belt and he gave him his sword and he gave him his
32:42 bow, and later he told him I know
32:43 you're gonna be king in my place.
32:45 You've been chosen by God,
32:46 and that's good enough from me.
32:48 What kind of man would do that?
32:50 Just say, you've been called to the Lord to do
32:53 what you are doing and I accept that.
32:57 He was quality material.
33:00 He said there is no restraint with the Lord
33:03 to deliver by few or many.
33:05 I've a feeling that Jonathan was inspired
33:09 by the story of Gideon, and through the example of God
33:13 delivering with few through Gideon.
33:16 He said, you know, we don't have to wait
33:19 because Saul and the people of Israel were all gathered
33:23 together trembling, you remember that.
33:27 Jonathan said, look if we wait for them to advance,
33:32 the war is never gonna start,
33:34 maybe we can start something.
33:37 There was no restraint with the Lord
33:39 to deliver by few or many.
33:40 You know, Saul kept having committee meetings.
33:44 So we're gonna have a committee study.
33:47 And they weren't going forward
33:48 against the Philistines.
33:50 It's really easy sometimes for us to get involved in
33:53 and I believe in preparation,
33:56 I believe in training, you know, the AFCOE program,
33:59 we believe in training.
34:01 We believe in seminars and study in evangelism.
34:05 We're gonna be doing an AFCOE to go program next week,
34:08 we believe and all that.
34:10 But you can't forever be studying how to go forward,
34:13 and never going forward.
34:15 And finally Jonathan said look enough is enough,
34:18 let's get out of this committee meeting,
34:19 let's go fight some in Philistines.
34:22 And he said, there is no problem with the Lord,
34:24 maybe we haven't got everybody organize
34:26 and ready yet, but let see what we can do.
34:30 Sometimes I think we're so afraid that we're gonna do
34:32 something wrong in our witnessing,
34:34 instead we do nothing very well.
34:39 And he said let's go and his armor bearer was
34:43 so inspired by his courage, it was contagious.
34:49 He said wow!
34:51 I can follow a God like that in the battle.
34:54 My heart is with you as your heart.
34:58 Your faith and your God is inspiring me,
35:01 and I'm willing to follow you just the two of us,
35:04 against the garrison of the Philistines.
35:06 Not only that, they strategically bad
35:09 position, they were gonna fight their way up hill.
35:14 And he said I'm with you.
35:16 And they went, and they won.
35:21 Matter a fact, I think the Philistines were so
35:23 surprised they said, Oh look the Israelites
35:25 are coming out of the holes where they have been hiding,
35:27 come on up, we want to show you something.
35:30 And they probably didn't even
35:32 have their bows strung up yet.
35:34 They just weren't prepared for a fight.
35:36 And they were so taken by the surprise
35:39 by the courage, standing like the religious leaders
35:43 back in the days of the apostles when they beheld,
35:47 the boldness of Peter and John the audacity.
35:52 God wants His people to have a wholly audacity
35:55 to share the truth. Amen.
35:58 Not be afraid and be in courageous for God doesn't
36:03 mean you are never afraid of anything.
36:05 Matter a fact,
36:06 I think in order to be courageous for God,
36:07 you need to have a certain amount of normal fear.
36:12 I don't reach out for rattlesnakes.
36:16 I'm not afraid of rattlesnakes,
36:18 but you know, I don't reach out for them
36:19 because I'm afraid of that.
36:22 You know what I mean?
36:24 And I think we've got to have that same kind of balance.
36:30 Today our glass door broke, and we're spoiled,
36:34 we've one of this automatic garage door opners
36:35 and I often having to get out and lift up by hand.
36:39 So we call the repairman, and he came over
36:42 and they had installed this, he repaired the garage door
36:45 and Karen takes you about, five minutes to know
36:50 everything about a person.
36:52 And so she began to mix up with the guy
36:54 and talk to him and chat make friends
36:55 and try to get them the lower the price, and--
36:59 Amen, amen.
37:00 There are advantages to witnessing.
37:05 And as were bidding him farewell,
37:08 it only took him about ten minutes to fix it garage.
37:11 He took him about half an hour
37:13 to get out of our living room.
37:17 I said Karen, give him a book.
37:20 And I was thinking about, you know,
37:21 you don't want to say, are you ever been afraid,
37:23 say something like that to someone or to say,
37:25 would you like this track or can I give you a tape,
37:27 or do you like to read and you are always kind,
37:29 you know, sometimes a devil will try to intimidate us.
37:33 And he frightens us about sharing our faith.
37:37 And so she said hey, do you read.
37:41 And once a guy said, no I'm illiterate.
37:46 She said here is the book and look here
37:49 is my husband's picture, oh he wrote the book she says.
37:53 No you know, you don't know what will happen,
37:55 but you do that enough of the time
37:57 and you might see somebody in the kingdom. Amen.
38:01 You know another reason we need courage
38:03 or what gives us courage
38:05 I should say is having a mission,
38:09 having a reason to fight.
38:11 If someone says I want you to go out in the battle,
38:13 be brave fight and you say what am I fighting for it,
38:16 nothing important but you are willing to die.
38:19 And you go out, I'm not so courageous about that, right.
38:22 If you gonna be courageous,
38:24 you need a cause, you need some reason.
38:30 When David went to deliver his brothers their cheese
38:34 and food from the vittles from home.
38:37 And while he was out there on the frontline,
38:39 like any young man, you know,
38:40 he is out there with the grown soldiers,
38:42 and he is looking at them
38:43 and pretty soon he sees the enemy,
38:44 oh there's enemy frontlines, wow.
38:45 And outcomes Goliath, and then when Goliath began
38:50 the mock the God of Israel,
38:51 and mock the armies of Israel and to blaspheme
38:54 God's name, the blood rose up in David's heart.
38:59 And he said is nobody gonna answer that challenge.
39:04 I've killed a lion and a bear together,
39:06 they are about as big as him.
39:08 I'll do it if no one else is gonna do it,
39:10 and he started talking like that and pretty soon
39:11 his brother got wind of it.
39:15 And you know what happened?
39:17 Eliab 1 Samuel 17:28, "Eliab his eldest brother
39:23 heard when he spoken to the men,
39:24 and Eliab's anger was kindled against David,
39:27 he said his brother, He said why have you come
39:30 down here to the frontlines?
39:31 And who did you leave those few sheep
39:34 within in the wilderness?
39:36 I know the pride, and the naughtiness of your heart,
39:38 you're just curious, you came down here,
39:40 so that you can see the battle."
39:42 And then write a song about it.
39:45 I added that part.
39:51 Isn't that interesting that the discouragement
39:55 from David going against Goliath,
39:58 did not come from the Philistines.
40:01 It came from his own family.
40:06 Sometimes Jesus is going to die for our sins
40:09 and Peter says that's a bad plan.
40:11 You don't want to do that Jesus.
40:14 Jesus said get behind me Satan.
40:17 From your own family Mary Magdalene pores out
40:22 that gift and the Lord says, shall be remembered
40:24 everywhere where the gospel is preached for
40:26 what she has done and Judas says what a waste,
40:28 how reckless from among the apostles.
40:34 And sometimes a person gets inspired,
40:37 they want to do something for God and the family says,
40:40 are you out of your mind.
40:41 You really think that's gonna work.
40:45 We need to encourage each other
40:48 and our exploits forgot.
40:49 What gives us courage, having a mission,
40:52 having a cause?
40:54 Is there not a purpose, did Joshua have a cause.
40:59 Listen to what he said?
41:00 Joshua Chapter 1, God is speaking to Joshua verse 2.
41:03 "Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise, and go."
41:09 Did our Joshua tell us to go?
41:12 Jesus is Joshua, in Hebrew Yeshua.
41:17 Yeshua is Jesus, you all know that.
41:20 I remember first time I heard it,
41:21 it was new from me, some of you heard it many times.
41:24 Our Joshua, Jesus has told us to go.
41:28 He said "Arise and go over this Jordan, you,
41:31 and all this people, unto the land that I do give them,
41:35 even the children of Israel."
41:36 Is there a greater mission than leading people into
41:41 the Promised Land?
41:42 Who has a greater cause than God's people to bring
41:45 folks from death to life, from sickness to health,
41:48 from being blind to sight, from being dead to alive,
41:53 I mean please help me.
41:55 Name a greater cause than that cause.
41:58 Fighting and dying for a peace of dirty real estate
42:03 or for the Promised Land?
42:06 People will be patriotic and pour out their lives
42:10 and their blood for their homeland,
42:12 and the soil and these people dying in Libya.
42:17 And I admire their patriotism,
42:19 but then you look at the ground they are dying for.
42:24 And here the Lord is telling us to be brave
42:26 and to be courageous for the land flowing with milk
42:30 and honey that God has prepared.
42:31 Is that a cause with living for and fighting
42:35 for and dying for? Amen.
42:37 To help people, lead them into the Promised Land,
42:40 that's what He has called us to do,
42:41 to lead people into the Promised Land.
42:46 And you know, you might have to saw a lot of seed
42:48 and something will spring up.
42:50 But can you imagine when you get across to Jordan,
42:53 and you meet people.
42:54 You are so afraid
42:55 and you didn't know whether to ask him
42:56 if they want the DVD, or the book, or the Bible study.
43:02 And you gave it to them, and you get there
43:05 and they are there. Amen.
43:08 Will you ever have doubts then that
43:10 it was a cause worth fighting for?
43:15 You know another reason that we need to be courageous.
43:20 Why did God tell Joshua, be courageous,
43:22 be courageous, be courageous,
43:24 be very courageous, because they had failed before.
43:31 Did they have some failures in the wilderness?
43:36 Can you get discourage and stop fighting when you fail?
43:40 Sometimes a boxer will go out in a ring
43:42 and early in the fight he gets punched,
43:44 and sent to the mat.
43:47 And if he struggles back to his feet,
43:48 there is a chance that he from then on can just try
43:52 to protect himself and run from the opponent
43:57 and hangout in the corner.
44:00 His courage can be dampened.
44:04 And he gets in the corner between rounds
44:07 and the coach is gonna say, what's the matter with you.
44:09 You are a fighter, you are a winner.
44:10 So he hit you once, get in there, start swing in.
44:15 When you've been knocked out once or twice,
44:17 you can loose your courage.
44:21 Have you ever fallen?
44:24 Have you ever been overcome by the enemy?
44:28 Gotten discouraged, you fought and resisted
44:32 temptation and you failed.
44:33 So next time you just don't have much fight left in you.
44:39 As we're here in on the borders
44:40 of the Promised Land is there a chance,
44:42 that some of God's people could be saying.
44:46 You know, the enemy is kind of beat me up a little bit.
44:50 I don't have that much courage left.
44:53 Who was it Thomas Edison said,
44:54 "He that's afraid to fail, is afraid to succeed."
44:58 You can scarcely show me an example
45:01 of a hero in the Bible,
45:02 that didn't fall somewhere along the way.
45:05 Peter, went out and wept bitterly
45:07 after denying Christ.
45:09 But you can hardly tell when he stands up
45:13 on the day of Pentecost that he ever failed.
45:16 He stood there with boldness and courage,
45:20 and then later stood, he puts his life on the line,
45:22 they commanded him do not preach in Jesus name anymore.
45:25 There they will all sitting up elevated
45:27 glaring down at him, fisherman in his rags.
45:31 And he looked up but the austere leaders
45:35 of the church at that time.
45:36 And he said we ought to obey God rather than men. Amen.
45:40 Yeah, Peter had fallen before,
45:43 but God gave him courage.
45:46 We need the kind of courage John the Baptist had.
45:51 Out there in the wilderness, dress funny,
45:56 eating funny things,
46:00 preaching spiritual messages.
46:06 And you know why Jesus said there is no prophet
46:08 that's ever arisen greater than John the Baptist.
46:11 Because John the Baptist
46:12 wasn't afraid to call sin what it was.
46:15 He was able to go right up to the king and said, no,
46:17 you're not supposed to have your brother's wife.
46:19 That's not politically correct,
46:21 you're not gonna get anything from the government
46:23 when you tell the King that.
46:25 Except in prison and beheaded,
46:28 and John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah,
46:31 Elijah who told Ahab, it's you and your father house.
46:36 That's a kind of courage God's
46:38 people need in the last days.
46:40 Not only to live victorious lives,
46:42 but to speak the truth with love and kindness
46:46 intact, but for heaven sake be bold. Amen.
46:50 People are looking for people in the world,
46:53 who know what they believe.
46:55 And yes, you're gonna be ridiculed.
46:59 People find out here in this century,
47:04 how can anybody educated believe
47:08 that the Bible is literal?
47:10 How can anybody educated, believe that God made
47:14 the world in six literal days, you'll be laughed at.
47:19 But I believe what the Bible says,
47:20 even more than that.
47:21 I think that a person is drowning in a sea
47:23 of absurdity to believe that everything,
47:25 everywhere all the organization
47:27 and design that you see came from nothing nowhere. Amen.
47:31 That's your alternative.
47:34 But you say that and people look at you narrowly.
47:40 Let him look. Amen.
47:43 Because we're living lives before the King.
47:47 And before David died, he called Solomon in,
47:50 says Solomon God has told me that you are supposed
47:53 to build a house for him.
47:57 And he said, be courageous and build it.
48:01 God has called us to build up a house for him, hasn't he?
48:03 What gives a person courage?
48:07 Cause, a good example. Love.
48:12 When Abraham's family was kidnapped by the enemy,
48:15 he got an army together and he went after him, didn't he?
48:19 Also an Abraham, who is a farmer.
48:21 He is a shepherd.
48:24 He goes out with 300 men and a few additional ones,
48:28 and he fights against five kings, that takes courage.
48:32 What made him so brave?
48:34 He said they have got my nephew,
48:36 they have got his family.
48:37 A love will make you courageous,
48:41 1973 some people in South Dakota,
48:44 in a motor home that was part taking pictures,
48:48 a mountain lion manage to jump though an open window
48:50 and grab an 18 month old that was in there.
48:55 Grandmother took a butcher knife
48:58 and killed the mountain lion. Amen.
49:01 Now do you normally see grandmothers chasing
49:03 mountain lions with a butcher knife?
49:07 What would give them that kind of courage, love?
49:13 Do we have reason to be courageous for Jesus?
49:17 Has He shown His love for us?
49:19 He has given us an example of courage.
49:23 He has given us promises that he'll be with us.
49:27 And we've a great mission friends to go to the world.
49:30 It's gonna take a miracle of God's power.
49:31 But I believe that we're on the borders of the Jordan,
49:34 and we should expect miracles again,
49:36 what do you say? Amen.
49:37 Would you like to pray with me
49:38 and ask Him again for that power?
49:41 Let's borrow our heads.
49:44 Father we're inspired by Your word.
49:48 By the truth that You have not changed.
49:51 The same way you were with Moses and David and Elijah
49:54 and others, you'll be with your people today.
49:58 Lord, we ask that you pour out Your spirit,
50:00 be with everybody.
50:02 Sometimes we failed, but we pray that You bless us
50:05 and dust us off and lift us up again.
50:07 Send us into the battle, knowing we're not alone.
50:10 But we're fighting along side of thee.
50:14 And I just pray You'll blessed all of this people
50:16 and give us victory that we may finish strong.
50:19 We ask in Jesus name, amen.
50:47 Write what you want from me and store
50:55 Are we fraction of your character alone
51:02 So I try to keep your laws without regret
51:10 But I'm easily distracted and forget
51:15 So write them on my heart
51:20 Fill them in my mind
51:25 The beauty of your love and grace combined
51:32 Remind me just how lucky your commandments are
51:40 And write them on the tablet of my heart.
51:59 There's only one desire inside of me
52:06 It's to be everything, you created me to be
52:13 And I know the only way that I can grow
52:21 It's for you to come inside and take control
52:26 So write them on my heart
52:30 Feel them in my mind.
52:36 The beauty of your love and grace combined
52:43 Remind me just how lucky your commandments are
52:51 And write them on the tablet of my heart.
52:58 Your love reflect your goodness
53:02 The class reveals your grace
53:06 Love's the motivation, behind your perfect ways
53:16 So write them on my heart
53:20 Fill them in my mind.
53:25 The beauty of your love and grace combined
53:33 Remind me just how lucky your commandments are
53:40 And write them on the tablet of my heart
53:46 And write them on my heart
53:50 And pray them in my mind
53:55 The beauty of your love and grace combined
54:03 Remind me just how lucky your commandments are
54:11 And write them on the tablet of my heart
54:19 Remind me just how lucky your commandments are
54:26 And write them on the tablet of my heart.


Revised 2014-12-17