3ABN Homecoming 2010

The Listening Ones - God's People + More Testimonies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), Jack Blanco


Series Code: 10HC

Program Code: 10HC000013

00:45 Sometimes people hear Illinois and they think of Chicago.
00:48 We sometimes have people that think they're coming
00:51 here and they'll buy a ticket to Chicago
00:54 and get off the plane in Chicago
00:57 and realize that they are 300+ miles north of where we are.
01:03 We are in the far southern part of Illinois.
01:07 We're just about equal with northern Alabama
01:09 if you look at it. Not quite, but that's...
01:11 that's kind of a joke around here.
01:14 But we... It's a beautiful place.
01:19 Wonderful place... particularly in the summer and the spring
01:22 and the fall. And if you love winter,
01:24 you'll love it here in the winter as well.
01:27 And... And we're getting... You know, I'm getting to where
01:29 I kind of like winter.
01:30 Some of those warm days this year I was actually wanting
01:33 to wear a sweater 'cause it was so warm it seemed like.
01:38 But we just welcome you. We're glad you're here.
01:40 We've had such a wonderful time this weekend
01:43 with those that were able to attend.
01:45 And we're hearing from some of you that have been watching
01:48 around the country, and you have been blessed
01:52 by the music, by the messages of Dr. Jack Blanco.
01:58 And this is a man who God has greatly blessed.
02:02 And when I think of the discipline it took
02:05 for him to do the translation of the Clear Word Bible
02:09 from Genesis all the way through to Revelation...
02:12 You know, you think of that - translating it,
02:15 not just reading it but translating it -
02:17 that's quite a job.
02:19 A job not done by very many individuals
02:22 in the history of the world.
02:24 So I really am impressed. Tonight his subject
02:29 is going to be The Listening Ones.
02:31 But before he comes, we're going to have
02:34 Dr. Yvonne Lewis sing for us
02:37 I'm Amazed.
02:43 I'm amazed
02:46 each time I think
02:51 that You could love me
02:59 and You made Yourself a willing
03:06 such a willing sacrifice.
03:10 Yes.
03:14 When all I've ever done
03:21 is cause You pain
03:25 and so much sorrow...
03:31 When I think of what You've done
03:36 well, I'm amazed.
03:44 Oo-oo-oo, I'm amazed
03:49 to know that soon
03:55 my Jesus is coming back for me
04:01 with a robe of light
04:07 and a life that never, never,
04:12 never, never, never ends...
04:16 will never end.
04:19 'Cause all I've ever
04:25 done is go astray
04:29 when You said "follow. "
04:35 When I think of what's to come
04:41 yes, yes, yes
04:46 I'm amazed.
04:51 Now I've often asked
04:53 "What kind of love is this? "
04:59 'cause I just...
05:01 I just don't understand
05:06 why my Savior left
05:11 His glory
05:15 to die for sinful man.
05:23 When all...
05:26 all I've ever done
05:31 is go astray, oh,
05:35 when You said "follow. "
05:40 When I think of what You've done
05:46 well, I'm amazed.
05:56 When I think of what's to come
06:02 yes, I'm amazed.
06:06 I'm so amazed...
06:12 How could You?
06:14 How could You show us
06:16 such love?
06:31 Well, I'm amazed.
06:36 I'm so amazed.
06:46 Oh my, my my...
06:50 my, my, my...
06:53 I'm so amazed.
07:12 After that special, what do we say?
07:15 Amen. Amen; praise the Lord, right?
07:19 I can't believe that, you know, this is the last meeting
07:22 of Camp Meeting. I mean, where did it go?
07:24 I mean, just...
07:28 After the meeting this morning there were some people
07:32 that asked me a couple of questions,
07:36 so let me give a quick response
07:38 and then we'll have prayer
07:40 and go into the subject for this evening.
07:43 By the way, do you know? Do you know how many people?
07:46 We talked about the working of the Holy Spirit,
07:49 quietly in the hearts, right, of others
07:53 and also through evangelism?
07:56 Do you know how many people are being baptized
07:59 into this church every day?
08:02 Three thousand a day.
08:07 That sounds like what? Pentecost, right?
08:10 Quiet Pentecost, yes, before it gets even bigger.
08:14 But anyway, the two questions. Yeah. Someone said:
08:18 "Are you sure that the Holy Spirit is a person? "
08:23 And I said: "Well, I mean, we talked about
08:26 you know, what Jesus said: 'When He comes
08:29 He will do this and He will do that... ' "
08:31 I said: "Well, if you want another example
08:37 it's Acts the 5th chapter verses 1 to 5. "
08:40 You know that story of Ananias and Sapphira.
08:43 The church needed money, right?
08:45 And they said: "OK, Lord. Yes, we'll sell this piece of
08:49 property. " And they got a good price for the property.
08:53 And then they talked about it and said: "You know,
08:55 nobody will really know. Why don't we keep a little bit
08:58 for ourselves and just tell the apostles
09:03 that that's how much we sold it for? "
09:06 And so that's what happened. They came to Peter.
09:09 "How much did you sell the property for? " and so on.
09:12 That little discussion going on.
09:14 And then Peter said:
09:18 "How come you held some of it back? "
09:23 "How come you lied to the Holy Spirit? "
09:29 Now if the Holy Spirit is not a person and just an influence
09:34 how can you "lie" to an "influence? "
09:39 The Holy Spirit's a person.
09:41 And as you go to Ecclesiastes chapter 5
09:46 those few verses there in the beginning
09:49 it says: "If you make a vow to God
09:56 be sure to keep it. "
09:59 Don't say to Him: "Well, I think it was a mistake, Lord. "
10:06 The Lord has no pleasure in fools.
10:10 In other words, what is that telling us?
10:12 Take the Holy Spirit seriously.
10:19 Don't play games with the Holy Spirit.
10:23 If you have to think about a decision, fine.
10:26 But once you make a decision, yes, try to keep it.
10:31 Now that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit doesn't forgive.
10:33 He does, right?
10:35 He doesn't like us to, you know, play around.
10:39 He wants us to take Him seriously.
10:42 The other question that was asked
10:45 is about feeling.
10:48 'Cause I said something about, you know, we can't depend
10:51 on feeling.
10:54 And so they said: "What do you mean? "
10:55 And so I explained it this way:
10:57 In Luke the 24th chapter
11:01 and you are acquainted with that experience.
11:05 Luke the 24th chapter beginning with verse 13.
11:09 You have two disciples going on the road to Emmaus, right?
11:12 Remember that?
11:14 And they were concerned as, of course, the promised Messiah
11:18 had been put to death... crucified.
11:22 And all of a sudden a third person joined them
11:28 and caught up with them.
11:31 And He said: "What were you talking about?
11:33 How come you're so serious? "
11:35 "Well haven't you heard? Where have you been? "
11:38 "Haven't you heard what happened in Jerusalem?
11:41 There was another crucifixion... three of them...
11:44 and one of them was the promised Messiah who we thought
11:48 was the Messiah.
11:51 And then to make it worse, the ladies went to the sepulcher,
11:55 went to the tomb and found the tomb empty.
11:58 We don't even know where His body is. "
12:02 And how did Jesus respond?
12:08 Why didn't Jesus say: "Well fellows, here I am! "
12:15 No. He said... He started with
12:18 scripture and pointed out to them all the prophecies
12:24 that pointed to the Messiah and what we going to happen,
12:27 right?
12:33 And then they walked along and He, you know,
12:36 acted like He was going to go ahead. And they said:
12:38 "No, you know, it's getting dark.
12:40 No, it's not a good idea for you to go ahead.
12:43 Why don't you come and stay with us? "
12:46 And so He agreed.
12:47 And as they sat down to eat they asked Him to offer
12:51 the blessing. And as He offered the blessing what?
12:55 They recognized Him, right?
12:58 And He disappeared.
13:00 They ran back to Jerusalem
13:04 about seven miles that night stumbling along.
13:08 The Lord sure is risen.
13:11 Now the point I was trying to make with the person
13:14 who asked me that question was this:
13:19 The Lord knew that their faith
13:23 ought to rest in scripture and not in feeling.
13:29 He could have revealed Himself to them
13:32 and they would have been happy
13:33 and they would have had an experience and it's wonderful
13:36 and it's great and oh, yes...
13:40 But He started with scripture
13:43 and we're told in Desire of Ages -
13:47 the book Desire of Ages - He did so because
13:52 He knew they would be facing troubles and persecutions
13:57 soon and their faith would have to be based on scripture
14:02 and not on feeling.
14:05 Now there's nothing wrong with feeling.
14:08 But that is not THE measure.
14:13 Unfortunately, today the culture in which we live
14:16 is talking about feeling.
14:21 Follow? No we have this experience.
14:24 This feeling. Well how can you counter someone's "experience
14:30 and feeling? "
14:33 What do you do?
14:35 I don't know if some of you have read Foxe's Book of Martyrs
14:39 and some of the experiences there of the early Christians?
14:43 You know, taken to the arena
14:48 and then let the lions out.
14:52 How do you think they felt?
14:54 They had a wonderful little feeling, didn't they?
14:58 Their faith was rooted in scripture.
15:04 Father in heaven,
15:09 we want to say that we love You very much.
15:13 Thank you for 3ABN.
15:15 Thank you for our church.
15:17 Thank you for the outreach and evangelism everywhere:
15:23 whether it is evangelistic meetings,
15:26 quiet witnessing, whatever.
15:29 Lord, we know that You are eager to come.
15:36 You want to come quickly.
15:39 And we give ourselves to You
15:41 to use us as You see fit to hasten Your coming.
15:47 We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
15:53 My subject tonight is The Listening Ones.
15:59 We talked about the Father.
16:01 How much He loves us.
16:04 We talked about the Son of God who died for us.
16:08 We talked about the Holy Spirit who guides us.
16:15 I should add a footnote here.
16:18 When you and I pray to the Holy Spirit
16:21 to help us to understand scripture
16:24 which we should do, right?
16:26 Shouldn't we pray before we study scripture?
16:30 There's a statement that I have in the margin of my Bible
16:36 which opened my eyes
16:39 and it goes something like this:
16:42 Those who bring to the study of the Word
16:47 a spirit that it does not approve
16:52 will take away from the study
16:55 a spirit that it has not imparted.
17:03 So when we pray for the Holy Spirit to help us
17:06 understand the Bible, that is not the main point.
17:10 That is the point that follows.
17:13 The main point is: Dear Holy Spirit,
17:16 give me the right attitude
17:21 as I study the Bible -
17:24 Hmmm? - so I can take away from my study
17:28 the right attitude.
17:32 It's not knowledge only.
17:36 When you and I study the Bible
17:39 unless we have the right attitude
17:41 Satan can come along and make suggestions
17:46 of interpretations that are not correct.
17:56 So the Holy Spirit guides us, yes.
18:00 The Father loves us; the Son of God died for us.
18:04 The Holy Spirit guides us.
18:06 But there's one other thing that we miss.
18:11 You know, we think about the gospel as we said Thursday
18:15 evening and think about it in relationship to us
18:18 and don't think about it in relationship...
18:22 the gospel in relationship to the Father, to the Son,
18:25 to the Holy Spirit... three persons.
18:30 But there's another area that we tend to forget,
18:33 and so I'm going to ask you the question. Are you listening?
18:39 I want you to listen.
18:44 What else does the Bible say about you
18:48 and the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit?
18:55 We were missionaries in Africa, and from Africa we went to
18:59 the Philippines. And while we were there,
19:04 uh, my wife came down with cancer.
19:07 They had to fly us to Loma Linda for treatments.
19:12 And while she was going through her treatments
19:15 I had the privilege of sitting in on some of the classes
19:20 taught at the School of Health.
19:23 Dr. Baldwin, who is now at Wildwood, was teaching there
19:27 at that time. And he taught a course in
19:30 physiological psychology.
19:34 In other words, how the mind affects the body
19:39 and the relationship.
19:43 And we got, of course, on the subject of drugs:
19:47 what that does to the mind, to the body, and so on.
19:51 And I still remember. One young woman raised her hand.
19:55 She was probably in her late 30's
19:59 and she raised her hand and Dr. Baldwin called on her.
20:03 and he says: "Yes? " She says: I never had any problem
20:08 with drugs. " "OK. "
20:12 She says: "Let me tell you my story.
20:18 I was raised by my grandmother
20:23 and even before I had started school... lived with her.
20:29 And she would pray with me every day.
20:32 And she would say something like this:
20:36 'Now child, I want you to remember
20:42 who your Father is. ' "
20:49 Prayed with the little girl.
20:51 "Another time: 'Child, I want you to remember
20:58 that you are a little princess
21:02 because you are the daughter of the King. ' "
21:10 Prayed with her.
21:15 "Child remember... " Yes!
21:20 "who you belong to. When you go to school today
21:26 you will find a lot of children not acting like they should,
21:33 but remember who you are. "
21:37 "Child, you are royalty. "
21:46 Prayed with the little girl.
21:50 She said: "Yes, that kept me from drugs because
21:55 I knew who I was. "
22:05 Brothers and sisters, we need to be careful
22:08 that we don't forget who we are.
22:13 We need to conduct ourselves accordingly.
22:17 Your Father
22:24 is up in heaven.
22:27 God is your Father. Do you understand that?
22:32 Are you listening to me?
22:37 I never had a father.
22:41 Before the wedding, all of a sudden my father disappeared.
22:45 I never knew him.
22:47 When I gave my heart to Jesus Christ
22:50 I had a Brother and a Father.
22:56 There was a song years ago that was written
23:00 "He has His Father's eyes. "
23:04 Talking about Jesus.
23:11 We are sons and daughters of the King.
23:15 We are royalty.
23:18 In Revelation the 1st chapter -
23:22 Revelation, first chapter - John has a vision of Jesus Christ.
23:27 The first chapter and verse 6.
23:35 And of course there from Jesus Christ
23:37 who is the faithful witness, the first begotten of the dead.
23:40 "Unto Him who loved us and washed us
23:43 from our sins in His own blood
23:44 and hath made us kings
23:48 and priests unto God the Father.
23:53 To Him be glory, dominion,
23:56 power, forever and ever. Amen. "
23:59 He made us what? Kings.
24:02 Royalty.
24:04 Princes; princesses.
24:11 Let us never undervalue ourselves.
24:15 Are you with me?
24:17 Well that doesn't mean we don't make mistakes, we don't sin.
24:20 We come to Christ; we confess. God forgives us, right?
24:26 He doesn't reject us because we make mistakes.
24:35 The Father is displeased and hurt
24:39 when we undervalue ourselves.
24:43 Are you listening?
24:53 Then you come to Revelation the third chapter
24:56 and all the seven churches. And at the end of each church
24:59 it says what? "He that hath an ear
25:03 let him hear
25:05 what the Spirit is saying. "
25:08 And you come to the Laodicean church...
25:12 the last church.
25:14 And at the end of that Laodicean church
25:18 which thinks it's rich and increased with goods, OK?
25:24 And it says: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
25:28 To he that opens the door I will come in and sup with him
25:31 and he with Me. "
25:34 And then it says: "To him that overcometh
25:37 will I grant to sit with Me on My throne. "
25:46 Talking to what church?
25:51 Let's not so focus on Laodicea that we forget the promise!
25:58 The promise to the Laodiceans.
26:01 Yes. "I will have you sit with Me on My throne
26:05 even as I overcame and sat on My throne with the Father. "
26:09 "He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says. "
26:16 Jesus Christ Himself will put crowns on our heads.
26:20 And I can give you scripture and scripture, right?
26:29 The Father is hurt when we undervalue ourselves.
26:37 And then we think, of course, what Jesus has done for us.
26:41 And what I want to share with you
26:44 is a story from Africa.
26:47 Now, of course, I was the head of the Bible Department there
26:52 and my job was to train these students for city evangelism.
26:58 They came in from the villages.
27:00 And some were older and some were younger.
27:03 Some had been in "the work, " you know, already.
27:08 Now they were coming to college to get a degree.
27:12 Learn how to work in the cities.
27:15 And so I would hold evangelistic meetings
27:19 and usually held the meetings for six weeks.
27:26 Three weeks preaching every night
27:29 and then three weeks of Bible marking follow-up
27:34 on the same subjects.
27:35 Because Ellen White in the book Evangelism says:
27:39 "It's not enough for them to hear it the first time.
27:41 They have to hear it a second time. "
27:47 And so I was preaching on the righteousness of Christ.
27:55 Because the first three weeks we focus in, you know, on...
27:58 on Christ, the second coming of Christ,
28:02 salvation, the second coming, keeping the commandments
28:04 and then we got into more details later.
28:08 And somehow I was not connecting with the group.
28:13 People had come in, you know, from the villages and so on
28:16 and we had been out there visiting and they had come.
28:21 And the students were the ushers
28:27 and the people would come in, they would seat them.
28:33 And so they had the girls sitting over on this side
28:36 then the women here then the men here
28:39 and then the boys there.
28:42 That's the custom, all right.
28:46 And I was preaching on righteousness by faith
28:48 and I just was not getting through. And as I visited
28:51 around, you know, one young lady said:
28:55 "Righteousness? Is that something you eat? "
29:01 I thought: "Oh boy, am I missing the boat! "
29:06 How in the world am I going to make it clear?
29:09 And so I prayed: "Lord, somehow let me make this clear.
29:13 If I can't preach righteousness by faith,
29:16 then where do I go from here? "
29:19 So I got the idea that, yes,
29:24 go and buy a nice clean white shirt
29:29 to offer one of the young lads
29:33 but don't tell anybody about it, not even your interpreter.
29:39 OK?
29:42 So I went and bought a white shirt
29:43 and hid it behind the pulpit.
29:45 When the time my sermon came I came to the point,
29:48 you know, of what righteousness means
29:52 I looked over at the boys and I said:
29:55 "If one of you come up here on the rostrum -
29:58 on the platform - and give me your dirty shirt,
30:04 I will give you a clean white shirt. "
30:10 And I paused and looked at the boys.
30:17 No response.
30:19 So I made appeal again, right?
30:23 "Come up. Give me your shirt. I will... I promise
30:27 I will give you a white shirt. "
30:30 No response. I said: "Oh Lord, where do I go from here? "
30:36 Made a third appeal and finally a young lad stood up,
30:41 pressed through the seats, and started coming up.
30:46 And all his buddies snickered.
30:49 "Ha, ha, ha. You're going to be fooled. Ha, ha, ha, ha. "
30:53 He came up, stood there.
30:57 And I said: "Well, let me have your shirt
30:59 and I'll give you the shirt I have for you. "
31:02 And so my interpreter went over there and started unbuttoning
31:05 the boy's shirt. And I said: "No!
31:08 I want him to take it off and give it to me. "
31:15 So the young man took his shirt off and I have that shirt.
31:24 I've had it for 45 years.
31:34 This is exactly how it came off his back.
31:38 See this?
31:49 Holes everywhere.
31:53 Hole in the back.
31:59 Took the shirt off and gave it to me.
32:05 And of course, he didn't see...
32:08 he didn't see the clean white shirt.
32:10 It's only after he gave me this shirt
32:13 I said: "Thank you, " and I reached under the pulpit
32:17 and pulled out this clean white shirt.
32:26 And I said: "This shirt is now yours. "
32:29 You should have seen his eyes!
32:35 Then I said: "Here, let me help you put it on. "
32:39 And I put it on him.
32:42 And after he realized, you know, that it was on
32:48 and then, you know, he turned and looked at his buddies...
32:57 and their eyes went like this.
33:05 And then you know what happened?
33:08 He started to take the shirt off.
33:14 Well he said: "No. This is YOUR shirt.
33:18 This is MY shirt. "
33:24 I said: "No! This is YOUR shirt.
33:30 THIS is my shirt. "
33:40 Ah, yes.
33:44 Zechariah the third chapter, right?
33:47 Raiment. Remove the raiment and put a new raiment on him,
33:53 right? Yes.
33:55 Praise the Lord. OK?
33:58 What a gift!
34:00 What a gift... what an expensive gift.
34:08 You can't afford to buy this shirt.
34:11 That little boy could not afford to buy that shirt.
34:16 And so finally, of course, he went back
34:18 to his buddies and they were all looking, right?
34:22 'Cause all the other boys were wearing this kind of shirt,
34:24 right? And he's coming now in white. He has a different shirt.
34:28 And as he pressed back to his seat
34:30 and as he passed his friends
34:32 they all wanted to feel that shirt.
34:35 Is this real? Is it real?
34:38 Yeah. Wow!
34:42 Are you listening, brothers and sisters?
34:49 The Lord has given us His shirt.
35:00 We can be humble and grateful for what the Lord has done.
35:06 Are you listening?
35:10 Let's not depreciate ourselves.
35:14 We are royalty.
35:17 The Father is offended when we undervalue ourselves.
35:23 Jesus Christ is offended when we continually talk
35:28 about ourselves as sinners.
35:32 As I tell my students: "You need to take a quick look
35:37 at sin and a long, long, long,
35:40 long, long look at Jesus Christ.
35:46 That's how we need to do it.
35:49 Then we will go about our business with joy.
35:59 And then we come to the Holy Spirit.
36:01 The Holy Spirit, yes, also has given us
36:07 precious gifts. Matthew the 25th chapter.
36:11 You know that chapter very well.
36:13 And the Lord says, yes: "And then the kingdom of heaven
36:16 shall be likened unto 10 virgins which took their lamps
36:20 and went forth to meet the bridegroom. "
36:26 And the wise... the wise and the foolish.
36:33 "But the foolish took their lamps and no oil with them...
36:38 no extra oil...
36:41 But the wise took oil in their vessels. "
36:44 Now listen.
36:45 "The wise took oil in their vessels
36:50 with their lamps. " Oh.
36:54 Vessels and lamps.
36:57 What does the lamp represent?
37:00 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
37:04 and a light unto my path. " Right?
37:06 The lamp represents? The Bible and scripture.
37:09 How about the oil?
37:12 The Holy Spirit. You read that in Zechariah.
37:15 Yes.
37:17 Zechariah 3 and 4... the olive oil that goes from
37:23 the olive trees, right?
37:25 into golden pipes and brings the oil.
37:29 No? Zechariah the 4th chapter
37:35 particularly verses 11 and 12.
37:46 I have here a genuine
37:51 archaeological lamp.
38:04 And, of course, there's oil inside.
38:10 And then, of course, you light the wick.
38:30 And all the virgins had
38:34 lamps and oil in the lamp.
38:45 But the wise had a vessel
38:51 and this vessel came from the time of David that was undug.
39:02 And the wise had a vessel with the lamp.
39:08 Extra oil.
39:14 The Holy Spirit has given us extra oil, brothers and sisters.
39:22 If the lamps represent scripture
39:28 then the extra vessel represents also a container
39:33 of the Holy Spirit. Are you with me?
39:37 And that is what?
39:40 The Spirit of Prophecy.
39:44 God the Holy Spirit has given us, yes,
39:48 a lesser light - Ephesians the 4th chapter -
39:52 to lead us to the greater light
39:54 to give us the extra oil. Are you with me?
40:03 You can't buy this extra oil, this extra vessel.
40:12 Oh, Father dear.
40:17 thank you for making us Your children.
40:22 Royalty to the family.
40:29 Boy.
40:32 Dear Jesus, thank you for giving us Your righteousness...
40:38 that expensive shirt that we could never afford.
40:43 And dear Holy Spirit, thank you for the extra oil
40:49 that we need in these last days.
40:55 And that's why in Revelation the 19th chapter
41:02 you have the Hallelujah Chorus.
41:05 "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people
41:08 in heaven saying: 'Hallelujah!
41:11 Salvation and glory and honor and power
41:15 unto the Lord our God. ' "
41:20 "And again they said: 'Hallelujah!
41:23 True and righteous are His judgments. ' "
41:31 "And again they said: 'Hallelujah!
41:35 Amen! ' And the voice came out of the throne
41:40 saying: 'Praise our God all ye His servants
41:43 and ye that fear Him both small and great. ' "
41:47 "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude
41:50 and as the voice of many waters
41:52 and the voice of mighty thunderings
41:57 saying: 'Hallelujah
41:59 for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth! ' "
42:03 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
42:07 Hallelujah! Right?
42:09 Too bad I can't sing!
42:11 And I would sing that Hallelujah Chorus, right?
42:14 Hallelujah to our God forever and ever. Amen!
42:19 Father in heaven, we want to tell you we love You very much.
42:25 Help us, Lord, not to undervalue ourselves.
42:32 Help us, Lord, not to focus on the dirty shirt.
42:36 We've given it away.
42:39 Help us to focus on the clean shirt
42:44 that is ours.
42:49 Lord, we are not a perfect people
42:55 but we are a righteous people because of Your grace.
43:05 Thank you, dear Holy Spirit, for the extra oil
43:08 which we need in these last days so we be not tossed
43:14 to and fro with every wind of doctrine.
43:22 Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling
43:25 and to present you faultless
43:28 before the throne of His majesty
43:32 to Him be glory and honor and power
43:37 forever and ever. Amen.
44:03 Amen. Thank you.
44:05 God bless you. We want to thank you so much for...
44:08 Elder Jack, for what you're doing for the cause of God.
44:10 Thank you and God bless you.
44:12 We're going to have some of the crew come out.
44:14 And we've got a little bit of time, and we just wanted to
44:18 come out. And I think... Mollie Sue out here yet?
44:22 Here Mollie Sue. You were telling me some things while ago
44:26 and while the rest of them are coming out
44:28 you met some folk, and tell me some of the things
44:31 that you're hearing. Well, one little lady came up to me -
44:33 a very shy little lady - and she didn't want me to acknowledge
44:36 who she was. But she said last Camp Meeting when she was here
44:39 she had liver cancer. And she had our Pastoral Department
44:45 anoint her and pray for her. And I want you to know
44:47 this Camp Meeting she is totally cancer free. Amen!
44:56 Isn't that something? The miracles that we hear about
45:01 are just astounding, isn't that right?
45:03 They really are. Yeah. God is blessing.
45:06 Several people - several of you, maybe you want to
45:09 raise your hand - told me you came into the church
45:11 through watching 3ABN. Do we see any folk out here now?
45:14 Amen. All right. Yeah, sure. Praise the Lord!
45:18 And so I had some people while ago come and they were
45:21 telling me about groups of people meeting - yes -
45:23 from watching 3ABN. And I mean it's really amazing
45:26 what is happening.
45:28 And so we want to thank each and every one of you
45:31 for your love and your prayers and financial support
45:33 of this ministry. And we wanted to come out
45:36 and ask the group here... And afterwards we're going to be
45:40 in the foyer. A lot of these folk have CD's.
45:43 They don't ask for anything. Anybody that's here singing
45:46 haven't asked us to pay them. We call and they come.
45:50 Some of them have to fly from wherever.
45:52 Others drive here and they give their time.
45:54 So you can help them and help us, too,
45:57 with products they have: CDs or books or what have you.
46:01 You can get it, baby. CDs or books or what have you.
46:04 She had this thing full of about 6 kinds of grapes
46:06 and has eaten all of them.
46:08 So... helping the folks. So afterwards after this meeting
46:11 if you would go... And the books and there's lots of things
46:15 out here that you want to look at.
46:16 3ABN has our product line. Basically, all the stuff
46:19 that we have. Information, things that you might want.
46:22 And the ABC has their van here.
46:26 I understand they have about a dozen of the books
46:30 "Jack. " They brought every one they could find in the U.S.
46:33 They are backordered right now.
46:36 And they have about a dozen, so about the first 12 people
46:38 there'll get 'em. And don't leave yet, though.
46:42 OK.
46:45 Well, the other thing we wanted to do is maybe...
46:49 And we just want to sing a song, and I think maybe you all
46:52 if you want to sing this with us
46:54 because I have felt God's Holy Spirit.
46:56 I felt the anointing of His Holy Spirit upon these meetings.
47:00 And I feel like that I've been touched by the hand of Jesus.
47:04 And so we'd like for you to sing with all of us up here
47:08 He Touched Me. We'll just do the choruses, OK?
47:11 Lisa and Jim... Jim over there. OK, here we go.
47:14 He touched me.
47:18 O, He touched me.
47:23 And oh the joy
47:27 that floods my soul.
47:33 Something happened
47:38 and now I know
47:43 He touched me
47:45 and made me whole.
47:51 Well, since I met this
47:54 blessed Savior.
49:04 You can be seated for a few minutes if you want.
49:07 3ABN has been a ministry of faith from the beginning.
49:11 You talked about it a little bit earlier.
49:13 But it is a faith ministry,
49:16 and I never cease to marvel at the miracles
49:20 that God performs when we're willing to go forward.
49:23 Jesus says: "Go... Go ye into all the world. "
49:25 And so when we go forward God always honors that
49:29 and He blesses that.
49:30 And I've seen things time and time again.
49:32 And I may have told this story and I don't even know if it was
49:34 last Spring Camp Meeting, but I want to tell it again
49:37 because there's such an amazing thing that happened.
49:40 There was a lady from Puerto Rico who
49:42 felt like that she wanted to work with 3ABN Latino
49:46 with Johnny Dinzey. She wanted to meet Johnny
49:51 and talk to him. So finally she said -
49:53 'cause she said "I can't do much on my own
49:55 but maybe if 3ABN would work with me... "
49:57 And it was about the Spirit of Prophecy and teaching it
49:59 to our young people.
50:02 "If I can reach Johnny Dinzey then, you know, I'll know
50:05 that it's God's will. " Now here's the problem.
50:08 She chose to call 3ABN on Friday morning
50:11 and what happens Friday morning?
50:13 We're closed now because they do 10 hours 4 days a week.
50:17 So she said: 'Lord, if this is Your will,
50:19 then You put me in touch with Johnny Dinzey
50:22 this morning. " But she called and didn't get an answer.
50:24 So she says: "OK, I don't know what to do. "
50:28 Then she said: "I think I know Irma Murray. "
50:31 Is Irma? There's Irma.
50:32 Says: "I know Irma Murray
50:34 and I think I have her phone number. "
50:36 So she dialed the 618, then she dialed the first three prefixes
50:41 of Irma's number - 218-
50:43 but she confused that number and looked back at the 3ABN
50:48 number 4651 or whatever number it was.
50:51 Dialed that in. OK, so now who should she get?
50:55 Nobody, right?
50:57 I mean, you've got to... If you want to talk to somebody
50:59 you've got to call their number, right?
51:01 But she didn't call Irma's number.
51:03 And so 3ABN... she hadn't realized she got the numbers
51:06 confused. So someone answered and she said: "Is this Irma? "
51:10 "No, this is not Irma. "
51:12 'Cause the lady's saying: "You know, if it's the Lord's...
51:14 Your will for me to come and talk to Johnny, then
51:17 You've got to work out where I can talk to Johnny. "
51:19 She thought well maybe Irma would know.
51:21 So she said: "Is this Irma? " She said: "No, this is not Irma.
51:24 I'm Kim. " And she said: "Oh, Kim, well I was trying to call
51:28 Irma. " "Well Irma who? "
51:30 "Well Irma Murray. " Kim said: "I used to work at 3ABN. "
51:33 And she said: "Oh, " she said "well that's wonderful. "
51:37 She said: "But who I'm really trying to get ahold of
51:40 is Johnny Dinzey. " Now here's a lady...
51:43 she has no idea she dialed the wrong number.
51:45 Right? You all with me so far?
51:47 Wrong number. So she says: "Oh, if Johnny... "
51:50 So she says: "Lady, I really want to talk to Johnny Dinzey. "
51:53 She says: "Oh, if it's Johnny you want to talk to
51:56 just a second, I'll hand him the phone. "
52:00 Now. All right. Now think about that one.
52:04 All right. She's looking for Johnny Dinzey.
52:06 Calls; gets her numbers confused.
52:09 Johnny Dinzey. A second later Johnny says: "Hello,
52:12 this is Johnny Dinzey. Can I help you? "
52:14 So they get together. I found out the story
52:16 'cause I was driving through our campground
52:18 apparently a week or two later, and the lady and her husband
52:21 and family were over here in a little camper
52:24 and so they told me this story.
52:26 Well, John and Idalia had already gone to San Juan,
52:29 Puerto Rico, and I was supposed to meet them there
52:31 for services. So I went down and I told Johnny.
52:35 I said: "Man, this is an amazing story. "
52:37 And he said: "Did you hear the rest of the story? "
52:39 I said: "Well no. "
52:40 I did have in mind what were you doing and where were you
52:43 doing, you know? "Where were you at some lady's house
52:46 at 9 o'clock in the morning?
52:47 Nothing bad. Don't let your minds wander.
52:49 But how would you be where somebody called a number
52:53 that shouldn't even be a right number you happen to be there? "
52:56 And he said: "I'll tell you the story. "
52:57 Kim lives only about a mile or two down the road.
53:00 Now she could have called anybody 618 area code
53:02 probably it's 100 mile radius...
53:04 but about a mile down the road. Two weeks before this
53:07 the postman had delivered mail for Kim.
53:10 And every morning I keep thinking "I need to take
53:12 that mail down to Kim. "
53:14 But he said: "I never did it 'cause I'm always trying
53:18 to get to work and I'm afraid I'll be late... "
53:20 So he says: "I haven't done it. "
53:21 But this Friday morning we weren't working.
53:23 I said: "Oh, that's Kim's mail. I think I'll take it
53:25 to her. " So he said: "I got into my car, drove down
53:28 to Kim's house. Knocked on the door.
53:30 As I knocked on the door she opened the door
53:32 and said: "Johnny, here... the phone's for you. "
53:38 Now, is that coincidence or is that divine providence?
53:43 You see, we serve a God that is a God of details.
53:46 There is nothing so big - problems that we have -
53:49 that God can't solve it.
53:51 There's nothing so small that He doesn't care about it.
53:53 So it encourages us that day after day,
53:56 week after week, month after month
53:58 that Jim and Mollie especially can tell you that
54:00 and Brian on the financial end.
54:02 It seems like that we've looked at payroll
54:05 in the last several weeks. Jim's saying:
54:06 "You know, it's going to take a miracle even to do payroll. "
54:10 But everybody's gotten paid so far, right?
54:11 That's right. And so we've all gotten paid.
54:14 Somehow God continues to bless.
54:17 But that's... we want to encourage each and every one
54:19 of you. Whatever God is calling you to do
54:21 go forward by faith. God will honor it.
54:24 We see miracles like this constantly
54:26 that let us know that the blessing is on the "Go. "
54:29 Jesus said: "Go ye into all the world. "
54:30 So when you step forward, God will honor that.
54:33 Amen. He does, and we see it.
54:35 Danny just testified that these last few weeks
54:39 have been one miracle after another.
54:43 And Brian... You know, he and I were talking
54:46 and Brian said to me:
54:48 "I'm just wanting to wait and see
54:51 how God's going to answer each one of these miracles. "
54:55 And Mollie, the other day somebody came into your office
54:59 and this was an extremely critical time for 3ABN.
55:05 Brian had already left and he was on his way to
55:09 an appointment. And a gentleman came in the office
55:12 and would you share that.
55:14 "Well, the gentleman has come by the office every year now.
55:19 This is the fourth year.
55:21 And each year that he comes by he comes to bless 3ABN.
55:25 And it was no different this time.
55:28 And he always has me to fill out the check
55:32 which I am honored to do that.
55:35 And when he told me the amount I almost fell out of my chair.
55:38 And I told him: "Only in eternity
55:42 will you know what a blessing you have been to this ministry
55:44 today. " And once again...
55:47 You know, we were looking - Jim, Brian, and myself
55:50 and Danny - looking. You know, how is God going to provide
55:55 this time? And He had a gentleman walk in off the street
55:59 and bless the ministry. God is our source
56:02 and He is our supplier. Once again, Danny,
56:04 it became so real to me
56:06 that if we could look into the spirit realm
56:10 we would be amazed at what God is doing behind the scenes.
56:13 Amen. Our little finite minds
56:16 can't figure out our great and mighty God.
56:18 But God supplies all of our needs
56:20 and we just praise Him here today.


Revised 2014-12-17