3ABN Homecoming 2010

Music & Testimonies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), Danny Shelton (Host)


Series Code: 10HC

Program Code: 10HC000012

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting,
00:27 Homecoming 2010. Featuring inspired messages
00:31 from your 3ABN family,
00:35 along with uplifting Christian music.
00:37 All to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:44 We are just so happy to see each one of you
00:46 and you know, again, we want to sing our theme song,
00:50 Holy Ground, because we are reminded constantly
00:54 that this is God's ministry.
00:56 It's his doing. This morning
00:59 we asked for an offering
01:02 and we received a total of 111,000 this morning.
01:08 Wow, that's great. Praise the Lord, amen,
01:10 praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
01:12 A 111 and 200 and, alright, and another 100, alright.
01:22 So we get 300, that's so, we're getting some checks.
01:25 Alright, so 111 and 300 alright,
01:26 yeah there you go. Well it all adds up,
01:29 and let me tell you there is one thing we have,
01:31 Danny had told me this when I came.
01:33 He said its those bread and butter gifts.
01:36 Its $10 a month, $25 a month, $50 a month,
01:40 $100 a month and some above,
01:42 they do it on a regular monthly basis.
01:44 I somebody wrote to me this week
01:48 and said they have been sending 5000 a month
01:50 now for several months since God has been blessing them.
01:54 Wow, its amazing. And its amazing to me,
01:56 but I will tell you that it's only by your sacrificial giving
02:02 that this ministry continues to broadcast
02:06 around the world and touching lives
02:08 and touching hearts. I know when we had
02:10 our 20th anniversary, we ask people that weren't
02:14 given monthly to maybe give 25 or $20 a month, yes,
02:18 and that helped tremendously.
02:19 People said well I can give that much, that's right.
02:22 Now this year is 26, that's right,
02:24 we maybe ask people if you are not giving
02:25 it all ask the Lord if you can get $26 a month
02:28 because getting few thousands of people
02:30 to do that will make a huge difference,
02:33 big difference, in this ministry,
02:34 big difference, in what we are doing.
02:35 And most of us can afford that if want to, yeah.
02:38 I don't think you can turn in soda bottles anymore.
02:40 Kenny and me, we used to,
02:41 when we were kids we turned them in
02:43 we got two cents a piece, yeah,
02:44 but we didn't give them to donations,
02:45 we brought candy with them usually.
02:47 So, that's what we did, because we didn't have candy
02:50 money so we go around the neighborhood picking up
02:52 soda bottles. We call them sodee bottles,
02:54 that's right, sodee, yeah we call them soda water,
02:57 soda water, where I came from.
02:58 Well, we sing that song together,
03:01 We Are Standing On Holy Ground.
03:08 Just stand as we sing.
03:14 We are standing on Holy ground
03:26 And I know that there are angels all around
03:39 Let us praise Jesus now
03:52 We are standing in His presence
03:58 On Holy ground
04:05 We are standing on Holy ground
04:17 And I know that there are angels all around
04:30 Let us praise Jesus now
04:42 We are standing in His presence
04:49 On Holy ground Heavenly Father,
04:57 we are so thankful that we can be in your presence
05:02 and we believe is all of our hearts Father,
05:05 that you are the one that gave birth to this ministry.
05:09 So, that it would spread the gospel around the world.
05:12 So it would encourage others to begin ministries like this,
05:17 to continue to spread the gospel.
05:20 That this fire that you lit here might catch on
05:25 and be multiplied around the world.
05:27 Thank you Father, for that, that encouragement,
05:31 that assurance that comes to us
05:33 that we are following your will
05:34 when we are proclaiming the three angels messages.
05:38 Thank you for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
05:42 Thank you Father, for the assurance
05:45 that you give to each one of us,
05:47 for we ask it in Jesus name, amen, amen. Please be seated.
05:53 Wow! This was a great group here
05:55 they came out to sing with us.
05:57 And I'm going to see if Reggie and Ladye Love
06:01 will stay with us, as you have very much,
06:05 you got acquitted with them through the Pillars Project.
06:09 And you know I had enjoyed hearing them sing before that,
06:13 but there was something about that that just caught on.
06:17 And they have really become regulars with us
06:21 and part of the family.
06:22 And we really appreciate their ministry.
06:25 In fact with 70,000 people there you may have seen
06:30 Reggie singing, I Fixed My Mind on another time
06:35 at General Conference did you see that.
06:37 How many of you saw it?
06:38 Alright. And we were thrilled that with that opportunity,
06:43 our General Conference President,
06:46 Elder Ted Wilson made that possible.
06:49 He invited Reggie to come and sing that specifically
06:53 because he had seen it on 3ABN and he had heard it
06:58 on one of the albums. And it thrilled his soul,
07:01 and so he requested that you sing that.
07:05 And you know somebody little sidelight,
07:07 somebody told me, while you were singing that
07:11 Elder Wilson went into what they call the holding pan.
07:15 It's the place where somebody
07:17 getting ready to go on, they put them in there
07:19 and then they go from there on out.
07:21 And they said they almost has to restrain him,
07:25 because he kept working his way out.
07:28 And he was almost on the platform.
07:31 He was listening to that song and so it just shows you
07:36 that people all over have been moved by this
07:39 wonderful inspired music that we believe God has given.
07:44 And we're going to ask Reggie if he would sing
07:47 that song I Fixed My Mind and then maybe after that
07:51 you folks could do, It's a Miracle
07:54 or something like that.
07:55 Maybe something you chose alright,
07:57 okay, God bless you.
08:15 I have fixed my mind on another time, on another time.
08:29 And here I mean to stand until God gives me more light,
08:42 And that is today, today, Today until he comes.
08:55 I have fixed my mind on another time, another time.
09:10 I have set my course on the narrow way, on the narrow way
09:25 For I know the time is close at hand
09:32 for which I watch and pray
09:37 And that is today, today,
09:45 Today until he comes
09:52 I have set my course on the narrow way,
09:58 on the narrow way Even so, Lord come quickly
10:12 This is my fervent prayer
10:19 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
10:25 and I'm longing to be there
10:46 When shall the Son of Man appear,
10:52 The trumpet sound its blast
10:58 And Christ descend in glorious fire
11:05 with all the saints amassed
11:11 We'll rise with those who sleep no more
11:17 To meet Him in the air
11:24 When shall the Son of Man appear,
11:34 the Son of Man appear Even so Lord come quickly
11:49 This is my fervent prayer
11:55 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
12:02 And I'm longing to be there
12:08 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
12:18 And I'm longing to be there
12:35 I have fixed my mind on another time,
12:46 on another time.
13:19 We would like share one of the hymn favorites,
13:21 Blessed Assurance.
13:34 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
13:51 Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
14:08 Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
14:24 Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
14:42 Perfect submission, all is at rest,
15:01 I in my Savior am happy and blest,
15:15 And watching and waiting, and looking above,
15:29 And filled with His goodness, and lost in His love.
15:46 This is my story, and this is my song,
16:00 Praising my Savior all the day long;
16:16 This is my story, and this is my song,
16:30 I'm praising my Savior all the day long.
16:49 I'm praising my Savior all the day long.
17:18 Amen, amen, praise the Lord.
17:23 Alright, really enjoyed that. Love those hymns,
17:28 don't you? They just get better and better and better.
17:32 Blessed Assurance never sounded so good
17:36 and now we're going to get hear another one,
17:40 Redeemed, How I love to proclaim it.
17:43 Jim and Pam Rhodes and that great hymn Redeemed.
17:47 Thank you, thank you. Want you all to help,
17:49 help me sing this.
17:51 Because I know you know it and we are going to
17:53 just get things moving here and raise the rafters.
17:57 I want your help okay, let's do it.
18:13 Redeemed how I love to proclaim it!
18:17 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
18:23 Redeemed through His infinite mercy,
18:28 His child, and forever, I am.
18:33 Redeemed, redeemed,
18:38 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
18:43 Redeemed, redeemed, His child, and forever, I am.
18:53 I like that.
18:56 Redeemed and so happy in Jesus,
19:01 No rapture my language can tell;
19:06 I know that the light of His presence
19:11 With me will continually dwell.
19:17 Redeemed, redeemed,
19:22 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
19:27 Redeemed, redeemed, His child, and forever, I am.
19:38 You all go with us.
19:45 I think of my blessed Redeemer,
19:50 I think of Him all the day long;
19:55 I sing, for I cannot be silent;
20:00 His love is my theme and my song.
20:09 I know I shall see in His beauty
20:15 The King in whose way I delight;
20:21 Who lovingly guardeth my footsteps,
20:27 And gives me a song in the night.
20:33 Redeemed, redeemed,
20:38 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
20:43 Redeemed, redeemed,
20:49 His child, and forever, I am.
20:54 Redeemed, redeemed,
20:59 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
21:04 Redeemed, redeemed, His child, and forever,
21:13 His child, and forever, His child, and forever, I am.
21:21 I am redeemed. Amen, thank you so much.
21:32 Okay, I think we are going to have Melody come out,
21:39 and Reggie, you're still on tap.
21:42 We got Reggie, we got his wife Ladye Love
21:46 and we have Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
21:49 And I was telling you, oh sorry Melody,
21:51 I'll get out of your way.
21:52 I was...now you can't even see her,
21:55 she is so little right, if I get in front of her.
21:57 Oh! I'm not so little. I meant width wise,
22:02 not height wise honey.
22:04 So Melody has did a new project,
22:06 she wrote some of the songs and this one,
22:09 count it as joy, to happy songs.
22:11 I hope you don't mind being happy because
22:13 we like to be happy. But on her actual CD
22:15 in fact she'll have them out here after awhile.
22:17 Reggie and Ladye and Yvonne sing as backup,
22:23 background singers. And so we said,
22:25 well why don't you just do it as you are on the record?
22:27 Why don't you come out tonight?
22:28 And so see background singers they just sing
22:30 the songs and then they go on,
22:33 they don't really you know learn them.
22:34 Because its like, go to next song,
22:36 they may sing a 100 songs or 500 songs
22:38 over a few years I guess.
22:39 So, they got sheets right here so,
22:42 so they said we'll sing but we forgot what we did.
22:45 So Yvonne arranged all the backup parts
22:49 and when to come in the parts and all that so.
22:51 So, she said, well I'll show them to you,
22:53 so they just came this afternoon
22:55 and this is the way it sounds and so we appreciate them
22:58 and they've also are doing.
23:00 They did CA's record, all the background voices
23:04 that you hear are theirs.
23:05 And, so they have a great blend
23:07 and do a great job and it's a wonderful song, Melody.
23:10 So prepare to get happy alright, okay.
23:31 When life calls upon
23:36 And you have a broken heart
23:43 God has brought you this far
23:49 So count it as joy, count it as joy.
24:03 If you can't find your way, can't find your way
24:09 And things get harder each day
24:13 Let Him test your faith
24:21 And count it as joy, count it as joy
24:27 Count it as joy, Well he owns your hand
24:33 Count it as joy, as he understands
24:39 Every fine gift come from heaven above
24:46 Wrapped just for us in God's perfect love
25:05 When it's hard to see the light,
25:09 can't see the light
25:11 And you want to give up the fight, don't give up
25:17 Walk by faith on side
25:21 And count it as joy, count it as joy
25:29 Count it as joy,
25:33 Well he owns your hand
25:35 Count it as joy, as he understands
25:42 Every fine gift come from heaven above
25:48 Wrapped just for us in God's perfect love
25:54 When you feel all alone
26:00 And you're so far from home, don't worry
26:07 God is still in control, So count it as joy,
26:16 count it as joy Count it as joy,
26:22 you got to count it as joy Count it as joy,
26:28 don't forget to count it as joy
26:31 Count it as joy, count it as joy.
26:49 Alright, counted as joy that's our slow song
26:54 for the night, and they said it was upbeat
27:00 as they warned us didn't they.
27:01 It's a happy song, count it as joy.
27:04 Life's falling down around you,
27:07 just count it as joy you know.
27:09 The Lord says to do that,
27:12 and that's the way to get through some of the trials
27:16 that we do face. Well, right now,
27:19 we're going to get the opportunity to hear
27:21 Tammy again and Tammy,
27:24 I forgot to bring my chichi.
27:27 What are you singing for us?
27:29 When I cry, its a wonderful song
27:32 about how when we cry and we're hurt,
27:34 that God is crying along with us,
27:36 because he loves us so much.
27:37 So every pain and heartache that we have,
27:39 he feels it with us.
27:40 Alright, so we take you from joy to cry, alright. Okay.
28:00 Making a list of all of the things
28:06 you've done for me.
28:10 Lord, I've never been one to complain.
28:15 But now that I'm lost, I can't find my way.
28:25 My world's falling apart,
28:28 and it's breaking my heart.
28:32 But it helps to know; that your heart is breaking too.
28:39 When I cry, You cry,
28:42 When I hurt, You hurt.
28:46 When I've lost someone,
28:49 it takes a piece of You too.
28:53 And when I fall on my face, You fill me with grace.
29:01 Because nothing breaks Your heart,
29:04 or tears You apart Like when I cry.
29:13 Alone in the dark, face in my hands,
29:25 crying out to You.
29:29 Lord, there's never been a time in my life,
29:34 There's so much at stake,
29:38 there's so much to lose.
29:43 But I'm trusting in You, to carry me through.
29:51 And its good to know that I'm not alone.
29:57 When I cry, You cry,
30:01 When I hurt, You hurt.
30:05 When I've lost someone, it takes a piece of You too.
30:12 And when I fall on my face,
30:16 You fill me with grace.
30:19 Because nothing breaks Your heart,
30:23 or tears You apart Like when I cry.
30:33 You're the one who calmed the raging sea,
30:35 You calm the raging sea
30:38 You're the one who made the blind to see,
30:42 You made the blind to see
30:45 You looked through all of heaven and eternity,
30:52 And through it all you found me.
31:02 And when I cry, You cry,
31:05 When I hurt, You hurt.
31:09 When I've lost someone,
31:12 it takes a piece of You too.
31:16 And when I fall on my face,
31:20 You fill me with grace.
31:29 Because nothing breaks Your heart,
31:32 or tears You apart Like when I cry.
32:05 Thank you, Tammy.
32:06 Appreciate that so much.
32:08 I know that you know that this miracle ministry
32:14 that God just put here on this earth is effective.
32:20 But every time I hear a new story I get thrilled.
32:25 And I just heard one,
32:27 just before we came on the air.
32:29 I was talking to a lady
32:31 and she was telling me about her father.
32:33 Her father and mother divorced years ago.
32:35 They were church members
32:37 and her father left the church,
32:39 began to drink. And he remarried,
32:43 his wife who was not a Christian.
32:45 Their lifestyle was anything but Christian
32:50 and this went on for years.
32:53 Something like 30 years. This lady told me,
32:56 she said, a little over a year ago,
32:58 I brought my dad one of the satellite dishes.
33:03 Then she said, I've paid somebody to put them up.
33:06 By the way I have made the mistake
33:09 sometimes of buying them dishes,
33:11 but not paying somebody to put them up.
33:13 And they end up in the garage and you say,
33:18 where is that, well I am going to get it up,
33:19 I am going to get it up.
33:21 So when you do give somebody a dish,
33:23 you go ahead and get it put up.
33:26 And she did, and her dad began to watch it.
33:29 And within a year he had comeback into God's church,
33:36 Giving his life to Jesus Christ
33:39 and his wife did the same thing.
33:43 She had never accepted the Lord at all
33:45 and she was sitting watching 3ABN.
33:48 And they told me, this is 100 percent watching 3ABN
33:52 and he has even been preaching some lately.
33:56 And he, the Lord gave him complete victory
34:00 over some of those habits that have come into his life.
34:02 And he is singing the praises of this ministry
34:09 of how God is using it to touch lives
34:12 and to reach out and to find those
34:16 that He wants to bring home.
34:21 And He wants to bring us all home doesn't He?
34:22 He does, so I just have, maybe you got someone
34:26 or loved one, a former member,
34:28 somebody that you want to say I want to,
34:30 I am going to give you one of our dishes.
34:33 And give it to them, give them to set it up
34:35 or figure out some way, so that they can watch 3ABN.
34:38 By the way right now with the computer,
34:42 there is no excuse for anyone
34:43 not at least being able to get hold of us.
34:45 Because you can go in online and punch watch 3ABN
34:50 and go to the choice. And you can see 3ABN,
34:53 3ABN Latino, you can watch our Proclaim channel,
34:58 our Sunbeam, our Russian.
35:01 And so you've got your choice right now,
35:05 and we hope that you will be doing that.
35:08 And spreading the word of Jesus Christ
35:11 in this world that needs Him so much.
35:14 I am going to ask Reggie and Ladye Love
35:15 to comeback now and. Well we were in Battle Creek,
35:20 they sang a song that just thrilled my soul.
35:26 This was before we even started doing the other music
35:29 and that is Great is thy faithfulness.
35:35 Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father
35:45 There is no shadow of turning with Thee
35:54 Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
36:06 As Thou hast been, Thou for ever will be
36:17 Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness
36:29 Morning by morning new mercies I see
36:41 All I have needed thy hand hath provided
36:55 Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me
37:26 Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
37:37 Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
37:48 Join with all nature in manifold witness
37:59 To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
38:10 Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness
38:20 Morning by morning new mercies I see
38:30 All I have needed thy hand hath provided
38:41 Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me
38:51 Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness
39:01 Morning by morning new mercies I see
39:11 All I have needed thy hand hath provided
39:21 Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness
39:31 Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
40:11 Thank you Lord. Amen, amen.
40:13 We are so blessed to be here tonight in this safe,
40:16 wonderful environment where,
40:17 warm if we need to be warm
40:19 or cool if we need to be cool we're just all blessed.
40:22 Ladye Love and myself by the way we are married
40:25 and to each other. So, a lot of people have asked,
40:31 now are you guys together?
40:33 And we say yeah we have been together for 15 years now.
40:35 So yes we are, we have a little 8 year old boy,
40:39 his name is Brad. He is a love of our lives
40:41 as your mom and daddies know.
40:42 And very tiring at times, they didn't really tell us
40:46 the whole story.
40:47 We were so blessed to have him.
40:50 He is actually a little ill today,
40:52 has a little fever. He is back over the hotel and,
40:55 but he is ready for mom and daddy to come home
40:58 give him some chips O'Boise every thing,
41:00 but we are so very blessed.
41:02 We are so blessed to be with you
41:03 and you guys are blessed to be here,
41:05 here with 3ABN and it's a wonderful television station.
41:09 We want to sing you one more song
41:11 and the title of this song is, You Raised Me Up
41:13 and I hope you are blessed by this song.
41:36 When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
41:43 When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
41:53 And I am still in wait here in the silence,
42:01 Until you come and sit awhile with me.
42:11 You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
42:18 You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
42:27 And I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
42:37 You raise me up: To more than I can be.
43:21 You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
43:29 You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
43:36 And I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
43:48 You raise me up: To more than I can be.
43:58 There is no life, no life without its hunger;
44:06 Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
44:14 But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
44:23 Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
44:30 You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
44:38 You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
44:46 And I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
44:55 You raise me up: To more than I can be.
45:08 Lord, You raise me up: To more than I can be.
45:36 Amen, amen. Now before you guys leave,
45:43 isn't that beautiful or what,
45:44 you can go anywhere you want
45:46 and I just don't know how you get any.
45:47 I was whipped in chill bumps.
45:49 Literally you gave me chill bumps.
45:50 I want you to do me a favor.
45:52 I was talking to Melody,
45:54 I said it doesn't seem right that you guys,
45:57 Reggie and Ladye,
45:58 Yvonne to sing a song with you
46:00 and they don't sing with me.
46:02 So, on international television,
46:04 I'm going to ask you if you would sing a song,
46:06 you never sang with me before.
46:08 You have no idea what it is and if Dr. Lewis,
46:11 if you will come out.
46:13 So if Melody has me sing with her,
46:16 I thought they could sing with me.
46:17 This is a song that you will know
46:20 but you have to quickly just see
46:21 what part you want to do.
46:23 And the voice's already on there,
46:26 is Yvonne's voice is,
46:28 but we're, I am going to sing the verses
46:30 and you guys sing the chorus.
46:32 You will know when you hear it.
46:33 Turn your eyes upon Jesus, okay, beautiful song.
46:36 These guys are consummate professionals, they really are.
46:47 O soul, are you weary and troubled?
46:55 No light in the darkness you see?
47:05 There's light for a look at the Savior,
47:14 And life so abundant and free!
47:24 Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
47:33 Look full in His wonderful face,
47:42 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
47:51 In the light of His glory and grace.
48:06 His Word shall not fail you, he has promised;
48:15 Believe Him, and all will be well:
48:23 Then go to a world that is dying,
48:33 His perfect salvation to tell!
48:42 Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
48:51 Look full in His wonderful face,
48:59 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
49:10 In the light of His glory and grace.
49:17 In the light of His glory and grace.
49:34 Thank you, that is beautiful.
49:42 I am not kidding you, they had no idea.
49:44 Reggie, I come out and I practiced it,
49:47 he run over and was kind of singing in the mic,
49:49 but these, they had no idea I was going to ask them
49:51 to do this. And they did beautiful.
49:53 Thank you very much, that's great.
49:55 We have a few more minutes left in this hour
49:59 and I would like Jim Gilley,
50:01 who is our President, 3ABN President to come out.
50:03 And Jim has such a great inspiration.
50:06 I have talked about some of the others Jim,
50:07 but I want to talk just for a moment
50:09 you didn't know this is coming
50:10 but you and Camille, and your family.
50:12 Your entire family are the biggest blessings.
50:15 I mean you came at the right time,
50:18 God brought you guys here and He has chose you
50:21 and He was on, hanging on the cross
50:23 He knew that you would be here in him moments
50:25 of earth's history.
50:26 You would be able to take the helm,
50:28 you come in here as President and do what you do.
50:30 Jim is not only a spiritual man,
50:32 but he is a tremendous businessman.
50:33 And I love him with all my heart,
50:36 great neighbors and I feel so privilege
50:38 live across the street. He let's me use his barn
50:40 and stuff for my horses too, that doesn't hurt anything.
50:43 But they are great people,
50:44 I even use his water when I need it
50:46 and but they're great people.
50:48 Thank you so much for your leadership at 3ABN.
50:50 God bless you all and I love you with all my heart.
50:54 Now Danny, the feeling is mutual
50:55 and I want to tell you this that we've believed in 3ABN
51:00 since before it was.
51:03 When you began to talk about it,
51:05 you came to Keene,
51:06 Texas and I will never forget it.
51:09 Melody was with you, little girl
51:11 and we had a fellowship Sabbath school
51:14 that met there in the chapel.
51:19 Youth chapel they called it,
51:21 I am sure they wouldn't allow you
51:24 at that particular point to come into the main church,
51:27 because where you made your presentation was there.
51:31 Maybe now, I don't know,
51:32 how them I know but they you did
51:36 make the presentation in the youth chapel
51:39 and you talked about your dream.
51:43 You talked about how God was opening the doors.
51:47 And I want to tell you something,
51:49 at that very moment I wanted so much to be a part of that.
51:53 So much to be a part of it,
51:55 but the Lord didn't lead in that particular direction.
51:58 And I was so heavily committed in things
52:00 I was doing at that point.
52:02 But over the years we have prayed for this ministry,
52:06 we have supported our daughter Maryann
52:09 and son-in-law Kirk were involved here
52:11 with the young people. And so we started coming
52:14 to camp meeting with them.
52:15 And that's when I was as the division
52:18 and we would come here
52:20 and we just enjoyed being here so much with the people.
52:25 And we enjoy these camp meetings
52:26 just like these folks are enjoying these camp meetings.
52:29 Yes, I want to tell something
52:30 I never told on the air, but I have got to do this.
52:33 It just struck me, a few years ago,
52:36 a few years ago before Jim came to 3ABN
52:39 I knew who he was and of course
52:41 I have known him often on.
52:42 We didn't keep that much contact
52:44 but I knew he is very supportive of ministry,
52:46 but then he got a position with
52:49 the North American division as what?
52:50 Vice President, vice President,
52:52 North American division, so we were having camp meeting
52:55 I don't know if its four, five, six years ago
52:57 something like that. And somebody said
52:59 did you know Jim Gilley,
53:01 Vice President of the North American divisions here
53:04 and my first thought oh no, what have I done.
53:06 They've sent somebody from the division,
53:09 what did I do this time is what I'm thinking.
53:12 So, I was kind of dread I said okay,
53:14 he is going to talk to me about something.
53:16 And so I went to talk to him,
53:18 he had no agenda. He said I'm here
53:20 I want to support you and I want to let you know
53:22 that I just support you personally.
53:24 He didn't ask to be on, he didn't want anything.
53:26 He just said I know you been going through
53:28 a lot of things in your life.
53:29 And I want the people to know
53:31 that the people watching 3ABN,
53:34 the laymen that you are supported by us,
53:37 by the church and I am here just for no reason.
53:39 So we, I was so thankful for that,
53:42 you encouraged me so much.
53:43 I wasn't in trouble, no, that's alright.
53:46 You know, you know Danny
53:47 the thrilling thing about it is if we look at this
53:51 and I was one of the hats that I wore,
53:53 I won't wore so many was
53:55 director of evangelism for the division.
53:58 And overall so media evangelism,
54:00 I chaired the boards out at media center.
54:02 And the thing that we were able to see was that
54:07 from the beginning of 3ABN
54:10 the church began to mushroom as far as growth
54:15 around the world. You remember
54:17 that it was 3ABN that carried the first of the net series.
54:23 And the net series began to just explode around the world.
54:29 You know there were, in little churches here in America
54:31 we thought well I don't know do we baptize
54:34 three or four or five you know,
54:35 overseas it'll be 300,500, 4000, and so,
54:40 it just exploded and God was using 3ABN.
54:45 And we could definitely tell the difference.
54:49 You know when you're charting you got to say
54:51 what's happening different here.
54:53 Now when you see growth start taking off like that,
54:56 and so we were able. I know that everybody
55:00 always did maybe admit that to you,
55:02 but I was able as one who was looking to know
55:07 that a big impact had been caused by this media ministry.
55:12 And in addition to that, look at all of the ministries,
55:16 the television ministries now that say 3ABN showed us
55:21 that we could do it and now they are doing it.
55:24 We just wanted to go all over the world.
55:26 I hope that, to be honest with you,
55:29 pretty soon I hope you can't turn
55:31 a channel without getting some type of
55:33 an Adventist program, alright.
55:35 That will be great. Sure. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17