3ABN Homecoming 2010

The Obedient One - The Holy Spirit

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), Jack Blanco


Series Code: 10HC

Program Code: 10HC000010

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN Fall Camp Meeting Homecoming 2010.
00:32 Featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN family,
00:35 and special guest speaker Jack Blanco
00:39 along with uplifting Christian music.
00:41 All to prepare your hearts for the coming of the Lord.
00:45 We've been so thrilled with the messages here
00:48 that Dr. Jack Blanco, Professor Emeritus from
00:52 Southern Adventist University has
00:55 been bringing to a spirit filled.
00:58 You can hear a pin drop here in this auditorium.
01:01 For each of those messages; the first
01:04 one was the loving one and the second was
01:07 the humble one and today is the obedient one.
01:12 You know the devil has done a great job of
01:16 making people misunderstand obedience.
01:20 He has made people think that obedience is legalism.
01:25 And how wrong that could be when you look at our
01:28 Father in heaven as obedient and his
01:32 Son Jesus obedient. Not because they
01:35 have to but because it is their character
01:39 and the right thing to do. We're gonna listen
01:42 this morning as Dr. Jack Blanco brings us the
01:47 message entitled "The Obedient One"
01:50 but before he comes we're gonna be
01:52 privileged again by Dr. Yvonne Lewis and
01:55 she is going to sing for us "Were It Not For Grace."
02:22 Time measure out my days Life carried me along
02:37 In my soul I yearned to follow God
02:45 But knew I'd never be so strong
02:50 I looked hard at this world
02:54 To see how heaven could be gained
03:03 Just to end where I began
03:08 Where human effort is all in vain. It's all in vain
03:19 Were it not for grace I can tell you where I'd be
03:34 Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere
03:41 With my salvation up to me
03:47 I know how that would go
03:54 The battles I would face
04:01 Forever running but losing the race
04:08 Were it not for grace
04:18 So here is all my praise
04:25 Expressed with all my heart
04:32 Offered to the friend who took my place
04:40 And ran a course I could not start
04:46 And when He saw in full
04:51 Just how much His love would cost
04:59 He still went the final mile
05:04 between earth and heaven
05:07 So I would not be lost Were it not for grace
05:24 I can tell you where I'd be
05:31 Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere
05:38 With my salvation up to me
05:44 I know how that would go
05:51 The battles I would face
05:58 Forever running but losing the race
06:05 Were it not for grace
06:12 Forever running but losing the race
06:21 Were it not for your grace,
06:29 Your grace, Jesus your grace.
06:51 You say amen for that. Amen.
06:53 Praise the Lord right. Well, the last couple
06:59 of meetings, sermons, yeah, we dealt about the,
07:03 talked about the Father, didn't we?
07:06 His compassion, His forgiveness and kindness,
07:13 His gentleness, pain that He suffered over
07:21 His younger Son, the gentleness with
07:24 His older one. We talked about Jesus the humble one,
07:30 the empty one. The devil comes and finds
07:35 nothing in me, total submission, yes.
07:40 And we looked at the amazing control of the
07:46 Father when He saw His son being crucified
07:55 and endured all that pain for you and for me.
08:00 We saw the control of the son, controlling
08:06 divinity and not turning the stones into bread.
08:11 If you can control divinity you can
08:14 control anything. So that's why it says
08:18 He was tempted in all points like as we are.
08:23 And then of course we talked about his Lordship
08:26 and Jesus said; I am the Lord of the Sabbath.
08:32 He connected Lordship with Sabbath.
08:39 And that's what the Sabbath is all about,
08:42 about his Lordship. Not about his resurrection,
08:47 not about this or that, but his Lordship and
08:51 Kingship. Lord of the Sabbath.
08:57 Someone asked me last night after message,
09:01 what about the signs, the scares in his hand
09:05 and feet and head? In Zechariah the 13th
09:11 chapter verse 6, there will be some there;
09:13 who have not heard of the complete gospel.
09:18 They will say what are these wounds in thine
09:22 hands? Oh, these are the wounds where with
09:26 I was wounded in the house of my friends.
09:35 What friends? So these signs are a reminder of
09:45 redemption, the cost of redemption.
09:51 These signs are, these scares are also reminders
09:56 of submission. He will be known as the humble one.
10:03 You look at his scares and he will know and be
10:07 reminded that this is the humble one,
10:10 in contrast to Satan the proud one.
10:19 And that's why in First Corinthians 15:28
10:22 it says, And after he has put down all power
10:26 and all authority then he himself will be subject
10:30 to God. This is after it's all over then he
10:35 himself will be subject to God that God maybe
10:40 all in all, a sign of submission, and all of
10:46 us who will be there, those who will be there
10:49 will be people who have submitted,
10:52 will be submissive people and humble people.
10:58 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
11:00 Father in Heaven, as we talk today and study
11:04 today and look at the Holy Spirit, we ask for
11:10 your presence in a very special way,
11:15 in Jesus name, amen. My text this morning
11:20 is taken from John the 16th chapter,
11:23 John 16 beginning with verse 13 and 14.
11:29 Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit and
11:33 he refers to the Holy Spirit with the pronoun He,
11:39 eight times. When he, the Spirit of truth is come,
11:44 he shall speak; he shall glorify me and so on.
11:50 The personal pronoun he, the Holy Spirit is
11:55 a person, amen, and has a personality like
12:01 the father and the son, and so this morning
12:04 I want you to think of him as a person.
12:11 And Paul, when he talks about giving gifts
12:15 the Holy Spirit. Also refers to the Holy Spirit
12:19 as he, he will give gifts as he chooses.
12:27 And by the way I should add a footnote,
12:30 you know, God doesn't look at what we do
12:34 as much as at the spirit in which we do it.
12:40 It doesn't to him in one sense, to him it doesn't
12:43 matter whether we are teachers or preachers
12:47 or doctors or mechanics or floor sweepers,
12:52 it doesn't make any difference.
12:55 He looks at the spirit in which we do it.
13:03 Didn't Jesus take care of the goats?
13:05 Milk the goats or clean the barn or whatever,
13:09 right, work at the carpenter's bench.
13:17 And so the Holy Spirit gives gifts as he wills,
13:20 yes, but I want you to follow me and look
13:23 closely at the verses 13 and 14 in John 16.
13:30 Jesus is saying when he, the Spirit of truth,
13:34 is come, yes, he will guide you into all truth.
13:39 But notice the next part.
13:42 He will not speak about himself.
13:51 Anybody that speaks a lot about the Holy Spirit,
13:54 do you have the Holy Spirit, do you have the
13:56 Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit,
13:58 it's not the Holy Spirit. Now that doesn't mean
14:05 we don't speak about the Holy Spirit at all.
14:07 If that's all you hear is about the Holy Spirit,
14:11 it's not the Holy Spirit. He shall not speak of
14:16 himself or about himself but whatsoever
14:20 he hears he will speak: Oh, he is listening
14:28 and so that's why I entitled this message,
14:31 the obedient one. He says what he hears,
14:37 he says what he is told to say,
14:40 he does what he is asked to do.
14:49 And what he shall hear, that shall he speak:
14:52 and he will show you things to come.
14:53 He will glorify me Jesus says, not himself.
14:58 He will glorify me for he will receive of mine and
15:07 he will show it to you. They shall look back;
15:12 lets go to eternity past. In Zechariah the 6th
15:17 chapter, we are not going to, I have a number
15:19 of texts so we can't look all of them up.
15:24 Zechariah the chapter 6 verse 13, it talks about
15:27 the counsel of peace. After the world was
15:33 created and after sin came in, okay,
15:36 now how are we gonna solve this problem and
15:39 there was a counsel of peace among the Father,
15:42 the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit
15:45 was there also in that discussion,
15:52 making decisions. Then we go from there
15:59 to creation. What does it say in Genesis?
16:03 In the beginning God created the heavens
16:05 and the earth, right, and the spirit was there
16:07 and what? Hovered over the waters.
16:14 The Holy Spirit was there at creation, yes.
16:18 And in Genesis it also says, yes, that to come,
16:23 let us God says, let us make man in our image
16:28 and after our likeness. And that includes
16:36 being created in order to reflect the Holy Spirit.
16:43 Wasn't just let us create meaning father, son.
16:48 Let us create plural father, son, Holy Spirit
16:54 and the Holy Spirit was there, yes.
16:56 It's all exactly how the part that each one had,
17:03 yes, Jesus created all things by Him.
17:07 What role did the Holy Spirit play?
17:10 We are not told, but I'm wondering sometimes
17:14 whether after Jesus molded Adam whether
17:21 the Holy Spirit did breathe into His nostrils
17:27 and then Jesus said, yes, Adam, wake up,
17:33 you are body, mind and spirit.
17:39 Because in the book of Job, Job says,
17:42 yes, the spirit is in my nostrils.
17:50 Then I am of course we come to John the 3rd
17:52 chapter jumping ahead. Jesus talks to Nicodemus
17:58 and what did He tell him? you must be born
18:01 of water and the spirit, yes, because when Adam
18:06 sinned his spiritual nature died.
18:11 We are dead, it had to be a new creation
18:16 as Paul says, that all we are a new what?
18:19 Creation, oh, yes, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
18:31 Then we come down quickly through our
18:35 scripture and we come to Noah and the flood.
18:43 You know Jesus said, He that blasphemes
18:46 the Holy Spirit that sin cannot be forgiven,
18:50 right. Well, that word blasphemy is a broad
18:55 term because, yes, you read that in Mark 3:29
18:59 but you go to Acts 13:45 and it talks
19:03 about contradicting the spirit.
19:07 Oh, turning against the spirit.
19:13 Contradicting him, working against him,
19:17 all of that is included and that cannot
19:21 be forgiven. When you go to the time of the
19:25 flood what did they do? They ignored the
19:30 Holy Spirit, they turned against the Holy Spirit
19:34 and they didn't listen to the Holy Spirit.
19:36 And the Holy Spirit longsuffering as he is,
19:40 waited a 120 years and finally what happened?
19:45 It grieved God including the Holy Spirit.
19:51 If the Holy Spirit is a person and as a
19:54 personality and he is like the father
19:57 and the son then he has emotional feelings also,
20:02 right, yes. Emotional pain and the Holy Spirit
20:09 was grieved and that's why we are told grieve
20:13 not the Holy Spirit. It hurt the Holy Spirit.
20:18 After 120 years mercy came to its end.
20:24 There is an end to mercy. It has its limits and the
20:29 Holy Spirit was hurt and grieved and was sorry
20:34 that he was involved in the creation of mankind.
20:41 And he said; fine, I'm withdrawing.
20:47 Right of course Noah was found faithful and
20:51 so on you know the story. You go down to the time
20:55 of Moses and Egypt. And in Nehemiah the
20:59 9th chapter it says, yes, they were led out
21:02 by a cloud, a pillar of cloud by day, pillar of
21:05 fire by night and the Holy Spirit guided them.
21:12 He was there. Then of course you come down
21:19 to the time of David. David says, in Psalm 139,
21:24 where shall I go from you presence?
21:26 Where shall I flee? If I go to the utter most
21:29 parts of the sea even there you are there.
21:35 Brother and sisters, I know that from experience
21:39 which when I was in the military in Korean war
21:42 in the South Pacific. The Holy Spirit touched
21:45 my heart and I gave my heart to the Lord
21:47 Jesus Christ. I know, I know He was there.
22:00 Then of course you come down to the time
22:01 of Jesus, yes. The Holy Spirit was there at its
22:07 birth dedicated by the priest.
22:13 There at his baptism, man this scripture says
22:20 in Romans 8:11; not only did the Father called
22:25 Jesus forth from the grave, you know like the
22:28 angel said Son of God thy Father calleth thee.
22:34 Father raised Jesus from the dead but also the
22:37 Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead,
22:41 in a sense he was there too.
22:51 And here we come the Pentecost.
22:54 Pentecost Acts first chapter, Lord says,
22:58 pray and I will pray and I will baptize you with
23:00 the Holy Spirit not long from now.
23:03 And 10 days later they were praying and
23:06 the Holy Spirit came upon them and got little
23:10 flames of fire on their heads right? Yeah.
23:15 Now let me use a common expression, yeah,
23:18 sometimes when the Holy Spirit comes,
23:20 the Holy Spirit can fire you up but that doesn't
23:27 always happen. Was there a flame of fire over
23:33 Paul's head when he went out to preach?
23:49 About the flame of fire and some of the others.
23:55 So sometimes the Holy Spirit you know
23:59 speaks quietly. No man controls the Holy Spirit
24:03 and can say, okay, because there is so much
24:06 power it is the Holy Spirit, not necessarily.
24:12 Sometimes the Holy Spirit works very quietly.
24:16 I'm gonna share a story or two with you
24:18 in a minute. We don't control the Holy Spirit,
24:23 yeah, and then of course when he come to
24:26 Act the 8th chapter and the Holy Spirit says
24:30 to Philip okay, I want you to go down and
24:33 there is this Ethiopian treasurer I need,
24:36 he is reading the Bible and he doesn't understand
24:38 it and so I wants you to help him understand
24:40 you know the story, yeah. He went down there
24:46 and of course the Eunuch was reading from Isaiah.
24:50 Who is Isaiah talking about? Okay, Philip
24:55 helped him. He was baptized.
24:59 Then it says, the spirit caught Philip up, yes,
25:04 and took him to another city, right, and he
25:09 preached all up the coast, all the way up
25:12 to Caesarea. Now some of you already know
25:16 that during world war II, I was caught in the
25:19 concentration camp or labor camp.
25:21 Concentration camps, labor camps,
25:23 the end result is the same.
25:26 Somebody says they were in a concentration camp,
25:28 yeah, they will have a number tattooed
25:30 on their arm. And it was usually the gas chamber.
25:35 But with labor camp the end result as they say
25:39 is the same, okay, they work you to death.
25:46 And I was up in labor camp, first of all up in
25:51 near Konigs Wusterhausen near Berlin,
25:53 which was a sub camp and then transferred
25:57 to Leipzig, okay. And what happened there
26:06 I will never know for sure in a certain way.
26:13 When we got to Leipzig suddenly I found myself
26:18 outside the gates, outside the enclosure
26:25 and nobody around. Now in the book it say yes,
26:29 I escaped and yeah, in general sense that's true.
26:36 But the specifics which I'm sharing with you
26:39 I suddenly found myself outside the enclosure
26:44 and nobody around. After I became a Christian
26:54 and studied the Bible I said, you know I wondered
26:56 whether that was the Holy Spirit.
26:58 Just picking me up and putting me outside.
27:09 And looking back, yes, I know.
27:13 Sometimes the Holy Spirit works very quietly.
27:24 And after I, after I found myself outside
27:26 I took off and made my way to my grandfather's
27:30 farm where I had lived until the war kicked in.
27:38 My grandfather had opposed Hitler coming
27:41 to power. He had been in Jail.
27:46 And when he saw me and he was just thrilled
27:50 and oh was it good to get a good meal,
27:54 good farm meal, let me tell you and then
27:58 he turned to me he called me son, he said son;
28:01 you have to turn yourself in,
28:06 because if they find out that I'm harboring you,
28:10 I'm gone. You know what that's like?
28:17 Son, you have to turn yourself in, and I did.
28:24 And I was shipped down to Buchenbach near
28:26 Nuremberg and we worked in an ammunitions
28:30 factory 12 hours a day. For breakfast a cup
28:35 of black coffee and one slice of bread, that's it.
28:39 At noon time a bowl of watery soup,
28:43 literally watery soup, two slices of bread,
28:47 in the evening a cup of black coffee and a slice
28:50 of bread and that was it. I saw many faint
28:55 and they carried them out and I never saw
28:58 them again. And then I came back to this country.
29:06 I was only, I was 17 years old, only 5 foot tall,
29:12 weighed only about 85 or 90 pounds.
29:17 Got home, when that troop transport and some
29:23 of us who were rescued came back and that troop
29:29 transport came into New York harbor and I saw
29:32 that statue of liberty standing there with that
29:35 torch held high. I had chills from the top of my
29:39 head to the bottom of my feet, okay, I was
29:43 ready to kiss the ground, home free, home free,
29:49 home free. Amen. You never know what freedom
29:53 is until you don't have it. Brothers and sisters,
29:57 Jesus Christ has set us free. Amen.
30:09 And the Holy Spirit, we can go on down and talk
30:11 about the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
30:14 Galatians the 5th chapter as you know,
30:20 fruits of the spirit what, love, joy, peace,
30:25 longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
30:29 right, yes. As I said in a minute ago Paul even
30:35 though he preached strongly there was no fire
30:38 on the top of his head. How about Cornelius?
30:44 He did kind deeds quietly done and he
30:49 received what? The Holy Spirit.
30:53 You see the qualities that it talks about,
30:57 the fruit that it talks about that the Holy
31:00 Spirit wants to give you his qualities.
31:09 How can he give you something he doesn't
31:11 have? The Holy Spirit is a God of joy,
31:17 the God of peace and longsuffering,
31:21 the God of gentleness, the God of goodness.
31:24 The Holy Spirit is your friend. Jesus is your
31:29 older brother. He has the same nature you do.
31:36 But the Holy Spirit, yes, is your friend and guide
31:42 and leads you, yes. Then of course we come on
31:47 down and we look at the end time.
31:51 And he says, yes, in the end of the Holy Spirit
31:55 will pour out where the Lord will pour out his
31:57 Holy Spirit upon you. Your old men shall
32:01 dream dreams or young men shall see visions,
32:03 right, yes. Pour out your Holy Spirit.
32:07 Let me share a story with you.
32:09 We were missionaries in Africa.
32:11 I went down and I held the meetings in the
32:15 city Gaborone, which is right on the outskirts
32:19 of the Kalahari desert. There was a man there
32:25 called Sikuba. The people who are living in the
32:29 Kalahari desert are not what you would
32:32 call little people I don't know, medium people,
32:36 about 4 feet at the most right.
32:43 And go out hunting, looking for stray animals.
32:53 They know where to find ostrich eggs and
32:58 they take, put a little hole, make a little hole,
33:04 take something and make a little hole there okay.
33:08 And then they gave a little straw whatever
33:13 they can find, go in there and suck out the
33:16 ingredients of the egg. And then they can take
33:22 that straw or whatever they find and put it right
33:28 down in the ground and they know where to find
33:31 a little bit of water that drop at the time and
33:35 they fill that egg and they cover it up.
33:39 There is a little pitcher whatever from a little
33:42 tree and they burry that egg in the sand
33:47 and they can find that egg.
33:52 The wind may blow over it but they know exactly
33:55 where that egg is. And Sikuba was out and he
33:59 was yes forging and tried to get some food
34:02 for the family. And toward evening he was
34:08 tired and sat down under a little bush,
34:13 looked up at the stars and he was wondering
34:19 you know how did those stars come?
34:22 Where did they come from?
34:24 And he fell asleep and he had a dream and
34:30 in the dream an angel appeared to him and
34:33 said Sikuba, you want to know where the stars
34:36 came from? Yes. All these lights in the sky,
34:41 yes, let me tell you; when he told him about
34:46 the God, the great creator. There is God,
34:55 the creator who made them all.
34:57 All this he has made, yes.
34:59 Then he told about God had a son.
35:05 And how man was created. Oh, but then
35:11 men sinned and turned against the God who
35:15 made him. You know you put somebody's things
35:20 in simple language, it really hits doesn't it?
35:23 The man turned against the God who made him.
35:29 Oh, no, he couldn't believe this.
35:35 A little story of the crucifixion, no, well,
35:44 after that dream I can't tell you the whole story,
35:47 yes, Sikuba went back home. Eventually he was
35:51 led to the Seventh-day Adventist mission, yes,
35:54 he was baptized. Again his family became one
35:58 of the, started the church became elder
36:02 there in one of the churches.
36:04 God has His people, doesn't He?
36:07 God has His people and the Holy Spirit
36:09 works quietly. Let me share another story
36:12 with you, a recent one. Carol Fatibom is the wife
36:18 of one of our history teacher at Southern.
36:21 She had just recently came down with colon cancer,
36:26 had surgery, needs more treatments and she was
36:33 scheduled with her husband to go on a
36:36 trip to the Middle East last May.
36:42 And she prayed to the Lord, that Lord please
36:44 have these symptoms go away.
36:46 I sure would like go to Jerusalem.
36:49 The Lord lessened the symptoms so she was
36:54 able to go. After the trip the symptoms came
37:00 back fully and she has to have treatments.
37:03 But when she shared with me as I prayed with her,
37:06 she shared with me her experience.
37:09 She said, Lord please help me because there
37:11 were forty, forty of our people there from
37:15 Collegedale who went. Please help me to sit
37:20 next to someone that I can witness to.
37:23 On the way over she sat next her Catholic lady.
37:27 And they got to talking about conditions
37:30 in the world. In the end time and this lady
37:34 asked her what she thought about the antichrist.
37:38 Now as a Catholic lady, now how do you answer
37:41 that question right. And so as she said,
37:47 well the antichrist is someone who goes
37:50 against what the Bible teaches.
37:55 Oh, and so they talked what does the Bible teach.
37:59 She didn't share with me the entire conversation.
38:05 They had some more witnesses, experiences
38:08 over there in Palestine and then on the way back
38:12 she said, again prayed Lord put me next to a lady.
38:15 And I can witness too and she was sitting next
38:21 to a lady she didn't know who she was.
38:23 And then of course when meal time came
38:27 and they were serving the trays you know
38:29 that they stewardesses had to go around,
38:31 ask you know, which, are you the vegetarian
38:35 and you know, and you got to have 40 vegetarians
38:37 and the steward was a little you know I mean
38:40 really busy and plus tried to find out and so yes,
38:45 I see Carol is a, yes, on the vegetarian.
38:47 And you know this lady next to her she said,
38:51 oh, you are vegetarian, yes.
38:54 Are you don't happen to be a Seventh-day
38:56 Adventist? Well, yes, oh, she said, I keep the
39:02 Sabbath too. Oh, well, she said that someone
39:07 handed me a card and it had the Ten Commandments
39:12 on it and I read them and I came to the fourth one.
39:18 And I thought now wait a minute.
39:20 This is this lady talking now, wait a minute.
39:23 How come we go to church on the first day?
39:28 And she said, so I went on the Internet, right.
39:33 Now this lady is not a Seventh-day Baptist,
39:36 general Baptist and went on the Internet
39:40 and found out, okay, more about the Sabbath
39:42 and of course you know how it was changed
39:45 from Saturday to Sunday and so on, so forth.
39:48 And she shared with her husband.
39:49 Her husband said, now wait a minute.
39:52 I mean this, you know, I mean the church
39:54 has been around a long time, the church knows
39:58 what it's doing. But she persisted, found out
40:04 more information persisted.
40:06 So finally the husband said, okay, well, I want
40:11 to read it for myself. So he took a quick short
40:14 course in reading Hebrew. Then he went and read
40:20 Hebrew and he went through his wife and he said,
40:22 yeah, you know that's true, the Sabbath and so
40:27 he start keeping the Sabbath and you know
40:30 how they keep it. And she was sharing this
40:34 with Carol and she said that, so Carol said,
40:38 well, how many of you are there?
40:39 You and your husband oh, no we share it
40:40 with others. Well, how many others are there?
40:43 You know, ten, twelve, oh, no more than that.
40:46 You know Facebook and Internet knowledge,
40:50 how many of you are there? Oh, well, fifty!
40:55 Oh, no more. Ah, hundred! Oh, no more than that.
41:00 Maybe five hundred, oh, no more than that.
41:06 A thousand oh, no, more than that. How many?
41:11 Ten thousand. Brother and sisters, the Holy
41:17 Spirit is quietly working whether we work with
41:23 him or not. The Holy Spirit is working and the
41:29 Holy Spirit is eager to finish the work and come
41:33 whether powerfully show or quietly show.
41:38 Then of course as we look at the end time yes,
41:41 the spirit of course has been poured out.
41:44 In Ephesians 4 says, you know,
41:48 the Lord has also given us the gift of prophecy
41:50 that we be not more what? No more tossed
41:54 to and fro by every wind of doctrine, yes.
42:01 Moved by the Holy Spirit, yes, and so we have
42:05 the spirit of prophecy, the gift of prophecy
42:08 amongst us. In Revelation 12:17, right 19:10,
42:13 here are they that keep the commandments of God,
42:15 and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
42:18 And in Revelation 19:10 the testimony of Jesus
42:21 Christ is what? The spirit of prophecy.
42:24 But when you go to Zachariah 7 verse 12,
42:28 it says, when they didn't listen to the prophets
42:33 and didn't listen to the Holy Spirit, okay,
42:36 that the Lord was not pleased with them.
42:45 It's a question of the Holy Spirit; are we
42:48 listening, are we paying attention? Yes,
42:53 and in the last days, Jude 17:19, Samuel
42:58 come who do not have the spirit, yes.
43:02 Oh you go through the seven churches in
43:04 Revelation what does it say? He that have an ear,
43:07 let them hear to what the spirits says, okay.
43:16 And that includes the gift of the spirit
43:20 of prophecy. Amen. Then First John 4:1
43:27 it says, test the spirit. How do we
43:29 test the spirit? We test it by, by the word of God,
43:35 okay. The spirit of prophecy is tested
43:39 by the word. The spirits are tested by the word,
43:43 yes. Then Zachariah not by might nor by power
43:47 but by my spirits says the Lord. But let's not
43:52 focus on power because we are also told that
43:58 the Holy Spirit could be quietly falling on
44:03 the person next to you sitting in the same pew
44:06 in church and you won't even know it.
44:14 And that's why we have the invitation so that
44:18 the Holy Spirit will be poured out to every
44:22 one grass in the field it says in Zachariah.
44:27 How, how is grass watered? Gently by
44:34 dew right, also by rain but also gently by dew,
44:39 every one grass in the field. Then we have the
44:43 appeal of the Holy Spirit, of course,
44:46 in Revelation 22, right. And the spirit and the
44:50 bride say what? Come, yes.
44:53 And he who hears let him, he who hears let
44:59 him come and whosoever is thirsty let him come
45:06 and drink of the water of life freely.
45:14 You know, when you look at Father and the Son
45:18 in the Holy Spirit, three person with feelings,
45:25 with emotions, and let's be careful, we don't
45:32 think that when we feel the presence of the
45:36 Holy Spirit that the Holy Spirit is
45:40 actually there. Today in our culture there
45:45 is so much emphasis on feeling.
45:49 If I feel this, if I have this experience
45:55 and I feel this then I know brothers and sisters,
46:00 that is a great deception.
46:02 The Holy Spirit's presence will never leave you
46:08 or forsake you. He is always by your side
46:13 unless you turn against Him, right.
46:16 You may feel good or not feel good.
46:24 You may feel His presence or not feel His presence
46:29 but His presence is there, He will never leave you
46:34 nor forsake you. That's hard to
46:39 remember sometimes, isn't it? When we get to
46:47 heaven we will meet our Father who will hug us,
46:56 welcome us home like Father welcomed the
47:01 prodigal right. Remember what we said
47:04 Thursday day night. The Father fell on his neck;
47:11 what does that mean? He hugged him and
47:14 He kissed him and there were tears of
47:17 joy in his eye. And the Bible says you're gonna
47:24 meet your Father face to face.
47:28 He is gonna put His arm around you and say
47:31 welcome home son, welcome home daughter.
47:35 Can you imagine feeling not just being welcome
47:41 but feeling a hug, getting a hug from God
47:46 and being kissed on the cheek and tears
47:52 streaming down, tears of joy, welcome home,
47:55 welcome home. And how about Jesus when
48:04 He welcomes us? Oh, yes, it says, He will
48:08 put crowns on our head, right.
48:09 Smile at us, welcome. Do you think He is gonna
48:13 not give us a hug. Well, I can't imagine,
48:17 now may take a long time but we've got
48:20 lots of time. Amen. Well, I don't care whether
48:24 I am one thousands in line. It doesn't make
48:27 any difference. So we get our hug from our
48:32 Heavenly Father, from our Father.
48:34 We get a hug from our older brother and
48:37 you will get a hug from your friend. Amen.
48:42 The Holy Spirit is a person and as a personality
48:46 you think he is just gonna standby and watch.
48:53 He is also going to reach out and give you a hug.
48:55 Welcome home, praise the Lord.
49:02 I mean what a wonderful family we belong to,
49:06 a royal family. I'm gonna talk about that
49:08 this evening, a royal family that we belong to.
49:13 Father in heaven, our hearts are quiet with
49:20 quiet joy and quiet peace.
49:24 And even though the road is rough sometimes,
49:28 dear Holy Spirit we know that you there
49:31 because you love us. You've touched
49:35 our hearts, you've recreated us in spirit.
49:41 Giving us a spiritual existence again,
49:46 and we know that you will welcome us.
49:50 We just want to say Father and Jesus our savior,
49:56 and dear Holy Spirit, we love you.
49:59 Please help us to keep loving you in Jesus name,
50:04 amen. Amen. Amen, thank you.
50:19 Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
50:29 I can feel His mighty power and His grace.
50:39 I can hear the brush of angels wings.
50:44 I see glory on each face.
50:49 Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
51:03 In the midst of His children
51:07 the Lord said He would be.
51:12 It doesn't take very many,
51:17 it can be just two or three.
51:22 And then I feel that same sweet
51:26 spirit that I felt often times before.
51:33 Surely I can say I've been with my Lord.
51:44 Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
51:54 I can feel His mighty power and His grace.
52:03 I can hear the brush of angels wings.
52:09 I see glory on each face.
52:14 Surely the presence of our Lord is in this place.
52:28 There's a holy hush around us
52:32 as God's glory fills this place.
52:38 I've touched the hem of His garment,
52:43 I can almost see His face.
52:47 And my heart is overflowing
52:52 with the fullness of His joy.
52:57 Thank you Lord. For I know without a doubt
53:02 that I've been with my Lord. Sing with me now.
53:08 Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
53:18 I can feel His mighty power and His grace.
53:27 I can hear the brush of angels wings.
53:32 I see glory on each face.
53:37 Surely the presence of the Lord
53:42 is in this place, is in this place.
53:49 Yes, surely the presence
53:55 of the Lord is in this place.
54:06 Lord, we thank you that we have sensed
54:09 and felt your Holy Spirit through music today,
54:13 through spoken word. We're thankful that
54:16 we literally can sense the brush of angels wings
54:20 that we do believe that we are standing
54:22 on holy ground. Thank you Father,
54:24 that you have given us as people a message,
54:27 present truth, the gift to a lost and dying world.
54:30 Thank you so much for the folk around the world
54:34 who supporting this ministry of 3ABN that
54:37 we can continue to take an undiluted three angels
54:40 messages one would counteract the counterfeit
54:43 into all the world. Today Father, we know that
54:46 there are people that are hurting all around
54:49 this world and we just pray right now that they
54:52 can look to you to the cross of Calvary and
54:55 realize you are the only hope for this world's
54:58 problems today. Thank you Father, for hearing
55:01 and for answering prayers,
55:02 in Jesus name I pray, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17