3ABN Homecoming 2010

The Humble One - The Son Of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), Jack Blanco


Series Code: 10HC

Program Code: 10HC000008

00:45 We're so happy tonight that we have Elder Jack Blanco.
00:49 Dr. Blanco is our speaker.
00:51 Told you a little bit about him last night
00:53 about his early life. And you read that in that book "Jack"
00:59 that he wrote. It's just a tremendous book.
01:01 And by the way, all of his writings
01:04 including the Clear Word Bible which he translated...
01:08 He did that whole Clear Word Bible translation
01:11 from Genesis to Revelation.
01:13 That began as his devotional reading.
01:17 Taking the original language in the Hebrew and the Greek
01:21 and the Aramaic and sitting down with those languages
01:25 and translating those,
01:27 and translating it as more of a study Bible.
01:31 I don't think He's preaching out of the Clear Word himself.
01:34 I haven't checked what he's preaching out of, but
01:36 it would be all right if he did.
01:38 I've preached out of the Clear Word before.
01:39 But I usually don't. I usually use it for study
01:42 because it gives me insights.
01:44 And this man... this was his devotional life.
01:47 And all of the proceeds from that go to help
01:51 ministerial students at Southern Adventist University.
01:55 Isn't that tremendous?
01:56 And I think that this is a man that's given his heart
02:00 to the Lord. I mentioned earlier about
02:02 his sharing with us last night the final hours of his son.
02:07 Only 51 years old, dying with Lou Gehrig's disease
02:11 and what a terrible experience that was.
02:14 And how as a father he couldn't help, but how much it hurt
02:17 the father. And tonight his subject will be
02:22 The Humble One.
02:24 And we're looking forward to that presentation this evening.
02:28 Before he comes to speak to us
02:31 we have the honor of some music from Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
02:35 I first met her when I was pastoring in Dallas, Texas.
02:40 And Anita, I see you over there.
02:43 You know that every once in a while
02:46 Dr. Lewis would come over to our church
02:50 and sing for us. And it was always a tremendous blessing.
02:55 And so I was so happy when I got here and found out that
02:59 she was good friends with C.A.
03:01 He and I kept talking about a singer
03:04 and I didn't know we were talking about the same person.
03:07 And he kept telling me: "We've got to get Yvonne Lewis
03:11 here to sing for us some weekend. "
03:13 And I kept saying: "Well that's fine, but
03:16 there's another lady... " And I couldn't think of her name.
03:18 And I found out that the two ladies were the same lady.
03:21 And the Lord has gifted her in such a wonderful
03:27 and beautiful way.
03:28 Right now she's going to sing for us: "With All My Heart. "
03:48 In this quiet place with You
03:53 I bow before Your throne.
03:57 I bare the deepest part of me
04:01 to You and You alone.
04:05 I keep no secrets
04:07 for there is no thought You haven't known.
04:13 I bring my best and all the rest
04:17 to You and lay them down.
04:27 With all of my heart
04:32 I want to love you, Lord.
04:37 And live my life
04:41 each day to know You more.
04:45 All that is in me
04:49 it's Yours completely.
04:53 I'll serve You only
04:58 with all my heart.
05:14 You faithfully supply my needs
05:19 according to Your plan.
05:22 So help me, Lord, to seek Your face
05:26 before I seek Your hand.
05:30 I trust You to know what's best for me
05:35 when I don't understand.
05:39 Sometimes I don't understand,
05:44 but I'll follow in obedience
05:49 in every circumstance.
05:58 With all my heart
06:04 I want to love You, Lord.
06:08 And live my life
06:11 each day to know You more.
06:15 All that's in me
06:19 Lord is Yours... is Yours completely.
06:24 I'll serve You only
06:33 with all my heart.
07:03 Why good evening. Good evening.
07:05 Praise the Lord!
07:07 You know the Sabbath has begun, right?
07:11 Yes. The sun has set; Sabbath has begun.
07:16 We're going to talk a little bit about the Lord Jesus Christ
07:22 and the Sabbath.
07:24 But you know, last night we focused on the Father,
07:26 didn't we? His compassion, His love.
07:31 His forgiveness; His gentleness and kindness.
07:36 Tonight we want to focus on the Son:
07:39 His person; His character; His actions...
07:45 in contrast with Lucifer.
07:48 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
07:51 Father in heaven,
07:55 as we focus on Your Son this evening
08:02 we pray that through Your Holy Spirit You will be here
08:06 to guide and direct our hearts, our thoughts.
08:10 May we sense Your presence as never before.
08:15 We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
08:20 My text for this evening is Philippians
08:23 the second chapter verses 5 to 8.
08:28 Philippians the second chapter verses 5 to 8.
08:33 Verses that you are familiar with.
08:38 It says: "Let this mind be in you
08:43 which was also in Christ Jesus
08:49 being in the form of God thought it not robbery
08:56 to be equal with God
09:02 but made Himself of no reputation
09:06 took upon Him the form of a servant
09:11 and was made in the likeness of men.
09:15 And being found and fashioned as a man
09:18 He humbled Himself
09:23 and became obedient unto death,
09:26 even the death of the cross!
09:31 Wherefore God hath highly exalted Him
09:34 and given Him a name which is above every name
09:36 that at the name of Jesus
09:39 every knee should bow
09:42 of things of heaven, things of the earth,
09:44 things under the earth and every tongue
09:47 should confess that
09:50 Jesus Christ is Lord... "
09:56 And that is the key.
09:58 That Jesus Christ is Lord to His own glory?
10:04 "to the glory of God the Father. "
10:09 You know Jesus said that when
10:15 the prince of this world cometh to me
10:17 uh, he finds nothing in Me.
10:23 So this sermon could also be entitled The Empty One.
10:28 The Humble One... The Empty One.
10:31 Completely emptied of anything self...
10:36 even that which is legitimate.
10:47 So let's look at eternity past
10:50 and then we'll look at eternity present and eternity future.
10:54 Eternity past. Of course, you know that text
10:58 in John the first chapter and verses 1 to 3
11:02 where it talks about Jesus. "In the beginning was... "
11:06 "the Word and the Word was with God
11:11 and the Word was God. "
11:14 And in the original language there is no article in front of
11:18 that word God
11:21 which emphasizes the quality
11:26 not only the God pointing to God
11:31 but the quality of God. So "In the beginning was the Word
11:35 and the Word was with God and the Word was fully God. "
11:41 Totally, all the qualities.
11:46 In Him is life, original,
11:53 unborrowed and underived.
11:59 Some people say: "Well, it's borrowed...
12:01 it's bestowed. "
12:03 No. It's life original, unborrowed,
12:08 underived.
12:10 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God
12:12 and the Word was God. All things were made by...
12:15 Him and without Him was nothing made that was made. "
12:23 Fully God.
12:25 Well now if everything was made by Him,
12:28 all the angels were created also, right?
12:32 By Him?
12:34 How about Lucifer?
12:37 What is Lucifer's name?
12:40 Son of the Morning.
12:44 The first rays of the sun...
12:49 Lucifer was the first one created.
12:59 When he opened his eyes, yes, there was the Son of God
13:04 looking at him.
13:07 And as we mentioned last night
13:09 in Ezekiel: "Thou was perfect in all thy ways
13:13 until iniquity was found in thee. "
13:17 The mystery of God. There are two mysteries in the Bible:
13:20 the mystery of godliness
13:22 and the mystery of iniquity.
13:26 You can't explain the mystery of iniquity
13:31 because if you can explain it then you can excuse it.
13:39 Until iniquity was found in him, yes.
13:43 And of course, the Son of God's other name is Michael:
13:47 the archangel, the one in charge of all the angels.
13:51 And wherever He went throughout the universe
13:53 the angels welcomed Him and honored Him
13:57 and bowed before Him.
14:02 And Lucifer become jealous.
14:08 "How come He gets so much honor and praise? "
14:10 "How come I'm neglected? "
14:15 Sound familiar? "How come I'm neglected? "
14:20 "I've been around as long as He has. "
14:24 Now how would the angels know any different?
14:30 How would they know any different? If Lucifer was the
14:32 first one created, how would they know any different?
14:35 They wouldn't. "I've been around as long as He has
14:40 so why shouldn't I receive the same recognition
14:44 and honor and so on? " Yes.
14:49 How did Christ respond to that?
14:54 Now as the Son of God I mean He was like in charge of
14:58 the family business and here is this employee
15:01 that's complaining about the boss.
15:04 Sorry to use that analogy.
15:07 What do you do? What does the boss do?
15:09 Put him in his place? Talk to him?
15:13 Stop him? Fire him?
15:20 Challenge him?
15:23 No, we are told that Christ said nothing.
15:34 He could have defended His own right, right?
15:39 It was His right to be Lord...
15:42 to be in charge of the angels.
15:45 He says nothing.
15:48 That reminds you, of course, when He was before Pilate,
15:52 right?
15:54 What did Pilate say? "Don't You have anything to say? "
16:03 Or like Isaiah 53
16:06 "Like a sheep before his shearers is dumb... " What?
16:09 "He opened not His mouth. "
16:13 The Son of God "opened not His mouth" but He just gradually
16:17 withdrew from His own domain.
16:26 And after while the angels missed Him and said:
16:28 "You know, God's Son hasn't been to see us for some time. "
16:41 No, Christ gradually withdrew - quietly withdrew -
16:45 and let the Father speak for Him.
16:53 And as we mentioned last night, the Father called a meeting.
16:56 He made it clear to everyone who His Son was:
17:00 equal with Himself.
17:05 Whatever He said, His words were the Father's words.
17:11 And also it was announced in that first meeting
17:18 the plan of creation.
17:21 Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Yes.
17:24 They would go ahead with their plan of creating
17:28 a unique and distinct order of being.
17:39 But Lucifer could have no part in it.
17:41 He wanted to have a part in it.
17:43 He would like to have had a part in it
17:45 but he could not because he also was what?
17:48 A created being.
17:53 And so he bows and worships, and as we said last night
17:58 he bowed and worshiped but in his heart hatred grew
18:02 even more intense.
18:06 A good illustration of how sin
18:10 can distort intelligence.
18:16 And he bows, yes, but hatred grows in his heart.
18:21 Did God know his heart?
18:23 Of course.
18:25 Why didn't Lucifer realize this?
18:28 He should have.
18:30 But that shows what sin can do.
18:37 And so he goes out and he continues his quiet rebellion.
18:43 Notice what I said: "quiet rebellion. "
18:46 And he reasons with the angels.
18:49 I want you to notice his logic.
18:54 "Aren't we perfect beings? "
18:57 The answer is what? Yes.
19:02 "Do we have perfect minds? " Yes.
19:08 "Can perfect beings make mistakes? " No.
19:16 "Can perfect beings know what is good and bad? " Yes.
19:23 Notice the logic.
19:25 Logic is not the answer.
19:29 You can say, you know: a equals b
19:34 and b equals c
19:36 so therefore what? a equals c, right?
19:41 And logic is good for science
19:44 but it is not the answer to faith and spirituality.
19:50 Reason must bow to the great "I AM. "
19:59 Reason must bow to scripture.
20:06 And so this quiet rebellion continued
20:09 and the Father calls a second meeting and now decision time
20:13 has come. And as we alluded to last night
20:21 Lucifer took his stand
20:27 and verbally pointed his finger at God.
20:30 I said: "verbally pointed his finger at God"
20:34 by saying: "I will defend my position
20:40 by force! "
20:46 So who started the war?
20:51 "I will not have the authority of Christ rule over me.
20:56 I will defend my position in heaven by force. "
21:00 And there was war in heaven.
21:05 You see, brothers and sisters, that is the issue:
21:09 is Jesus Lord?
21:12 You can accept Jesus Christ as your Savior
21:17 but do you accept Him as your Lord?
21:20 What's the difference?
21:23 When you accept Him as Lord that means obedience.
21:29 No one will be in heaven
21:33 who does not accept Christ as Lord and King!
21:40 Right? True?
21:49 The Lordship of Jesus Christ which Satan never accepted.
21:55 And of course there was war in heaven and he was cast out.
21:58 You get a little glimpse of this play on words
22:03 in Genesis chapter 1, 2, and 3.
22:05 And I'm just going to allude to it.
22:10 Of course we have in Genesis 1 "In the beginning God created
22:13 the heavens and the earth. " Right?
22:15 Elohim... plural.
22:18 "God created the heavens and the earth. "
22:19 And it goes all the way through.
22:21 "And God said: 'let there be light'
22:23 and God did this and God did that, right?
22:28 "God saw that it was good. "
22:32 "God created man in His own image. "
22:36 Then in chapter 2 it goes on:
22:40 "And the seventh day... God blessed the seventh day"
22:43 and so on. But then it changes
22:50 and it begins to talk about "these are the generations. "
22:54 So you have... chapter 2 gives clarification
22:59 to chapter 1. Are you with me?
23:05 Chapter 2 says yes,
23:07 "these are the generations of the heavens and the earth
23:10 when they were created in the day that the Lord God... "
23:14 Oh, "the Lord God made the earth and the heavens
23:21 and every plant. And the Lord God formed man
23:27 of the dust of the ground. "
23:29 Oh.
23:33 Jesus comes into the picture more fully now.
23:36 The Lord God.
23:39 "And the Lord God made every tree to grow... " and so on.
23:42 And you know, you can read this chapter yourself sometime.
23:48 "And the Lord God said: 'It's not good that man
23:50 should be alone... ' "
23:52 And the Lord God, of course, made a companion
23:56 and blessed them.
23:59 And then chapter 3.
24:01 "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field
24:05 which the Lord God had made.
24:09 And the serpent said to Eve: 'Hath God said? ' "
24:16 Now he didn't say: "Lord God. "
24:18 He said: "God said ye shall not eat of every tree? "
24:22 Oh. And the woman said: "Oh, yeah, we may eat
24:27 of the fruit of the tree" and so on, you know.
24:29 And she refers to what God said because the serpent
24:34 asked: "What did God say? "
24:38 Didn't say Lord.
24:41 He does not want to use the word Lord.
24:49 And the woman said: "Yeah, it's good for food" and so on.
24:52 You know the rest of the story.
24:55 "And they heard the voice of the Lord God
24:58 walking in the garden in the cool of the day.
25:02 And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the
25:04 presence of the Lord God. "
25:07 And interesting play on words.
25:10 God in chapter 1.
25:12 Lord God in chapter 2.
25:14 Then the serpent only uses the word "God" not "Lord God. "
25:22 Then of course the story goes on.
25:25 When you come to the seventh day and the creation of the Sabbath,
25:29 creation of this world and the blessing of the Sabbath,
25:33 it talks about the Lord God.
25:36 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
25:38 Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work... " Right?
25:41 "The seventh day the Lord God created. "
25:45 What is it? What does it say? "Lord God created. "
25:53 See brothers and sisters, I mentioned this one other time
25:56 on 3ABN:
25:59 the Sabbath has to do
26:04 with the position of the Son of God
26:09 in the Godhead
26:13 which Lucifer rejected.
26:18 "I will be like the Most High. "
26:25 The great controversy between Christ and Satan
26:27 is over what issue?
26:31 Not over Christ's power
26:38 but rather over His position
26:44 as the Son of God in the Godhead.
26:52 And so the Sabbath has to do about Him.
26:58 Sabbath is not about us.
27:00 The Sabbath is not about Seventh-day Adventists.
27:04 The Sabbath is about Him.
27:07 Who He is and His position in the Godhead.
27:14 Creator. Son of God.
27:19 Him in whom is life original, unborrowed, underived.
27:24 "All things were made by Him,
27:26 and without Him was not anything made that was made. "
27:34 So if some authority some day would ask me
27:37 "Why do you keep the seventh day? "
27:39 you know what I'm going to say?
27:42 "Because it's all about Him. "
27:45 I'm not going to say: "Well, it's because of my conscience. "
27:48 "It's because I keep the Ten Commandments. "
27:50 "It's because I'm a Seventh-day Adventist. "
27:52 I'm going to say: "It's all about Him. "
27:54 And then what question will they ask?
27:56 "What do you mean 'all about Him? ' "
27:59 And that will give me a chance to talk all about Him. Amen!
28:14 You see the Sabbath points, as I already said 2 or 3 times,
28:18 to Christ's position in the Godhead.
28:28 It's not about His resurrection.
28:33 You talk about resurrection...
28:38 there were others also who resurrected.
28:46 What about Elijah and the little boy?
28:52 He prayed to God and God heard his prayer
28:58 and answered it and raised the boy to life.
29:04 What about Elisha? Hmmm?
29:10 He prayed and the Lord heard
29:14 and the little boy that was dead - what? - was raised
29:19 to life.
29:23 And when Jesus stood before the tomb of Lazarus
29:27 He prayed to the Father
29:30 and the Father heard and answered, right?
29:33 "I thank you Father that You have heard Me
29:36 that they may know that You sent Me. "
29:39 And the Father heard and Lazarus was resurrected.
29:47 And the body of Moses was taken to heaven
29:50 like it tells you in Jude.
29:54 The issue is not Christ's resurrection.
29:59 The issue with the Sabbath has to do with
30:03 His position in the Godhead.
30:06 Who He is... not just creation.
30:10 Creation, yes, is a sign of power.
30:12 But it is more than that. That is one issue
30:15 but the key issue is who Jesus Christ IS!
30:24 Which worshiping on another day cannot make
30:28 that same statement...
30:36 as much as we honor Christ's resurrection.
30:46 And so Christ, yes,
30:49 quietly carried out His Father's wishes.
30:53 Could the Father have created this world?
30:56 Mankind? Of course. Why did He let the Son do it?
31:00 Well, some say: "Well, the Father was the supervisor.
31:04 You know, like a building contractor
31:07 and of course Jesus was the worker. "
31:09 Well you know I'm not going to dispute that...
31:13 whatever... but there's more to it than that
31:16 because the Father was giving his Son an opportunity
31:22 to display to the universe -
31:27 after Satan had brought all these accusations -
31:31 to display to the universe who He was.
31:36 He spoke and it was.
31:40 He commanded and it stood fast. Amen!
31:47 That's what it's all about.
31:51 Brothers and sisters, that's what we're all about:
31:55 to uplift Jesus Christ.
31:57 Not only Calvary, not only His resurrection, but who He is.
32:02 He is Lord.
32:04 Over and over you go through the epistles and Paul says,
32:08 talks about our Savior and Lord.
32:17 Ah, the Humble One... the Quiet One...
32:21 the Empty One.
32:24 Let's look at this a little more closely.
32:27 Revelation the 12th chapter which you know so very well.
32:32 Revelation the 12th chapter verses 1 to 9.
32:41 Revelation the 12th chapter gives us a little glimpse of
32:46 the... what I call the Hebrew way of thinking.
32:51 The Hebrew way of thinking.
32:55 And you know how it begins. "And there was a great wonder
32:58 in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun... "
33:00 Moon under her feet. Twelve stars, the child was there.
33:04 And another wonder appeared in heaven: a great red...
33:07 dragon.
33:11 Satan's hatred of Christ had grown to the extent
33:16 where he had turned into a dragon.
33:20 You know, when you and I have hatred in our hearts
33:25 if through the Holy Spirit's power we don't get rid of that
33:30 hatred grows exponentially,
33:35 and this is an example.
33:40 "I'm neglected. " "How come He keeps going around
33:45 and asking us what to do and trying to guide us
33:49 when we are perfect beings and we know what
33:52 is right and wrong? "
33:54 "I don't like this interference. "
34:00 Me... my, huh? Focus.
34:03 And that little hatred and dissatisfaction grew and grew
34:07 and grew until Lucifer turned into a dragon...
34:12 ready to kill the Son of God as soon as He was born.
34:25 And then you go down to verse 7
34:28 "And there was war in heaven. Michael and His angels
34:31 fought against the dragon, and the dragon prevailed not
34:34 and he was cast out. The old serpent called the devil and
34:37 Satan... " and so on. Now why does John as the author
34:43 of Revelation, the writer of Revelation,
34:46 why does he begin with the baby Jesus
34:51 and then he goes down and he talks about the war in heaven?
34:58 Because
35:02 Hebrew thinking always puts the most important
35:08 thing first.
35:11 Greek thinking is cyclical.
35:16 Sort of a uniformitarian theory
35:20 whatever goes around comes around.
35:21 That's an oversimplification.
35:23 Yes. Goes around comes around.
35:28 Hebrew thinking is linear.
35:31 Has a beginning and there's an end.
35:36 And God can break into that cyclical motion
35:41 of history or whatever. And God steps into history
35:47 and He controls it. And that is the most important thing.
35:51 And Hebrew thinking always puts the most important thing
35:55 FIRST and then fills in the blanks.
36:00 Now what does that tell us?
36:05 Whatever we look at, whatever thinking we do,
36:09 we need to put the most important things first
36:16 in our lives, you know.
36:19 That's... that's Hebrew thinking.
36:23 That's the way Israelites think.
36:30 We think differently than the secular world.
36:38 Oh yes. And then, of course, Jesus
36:44 allowed Himself to become a human being.
36:50 In the scale of the universe,
36:55 we are, the Bible says, "as little grasshoppers. "
37:03 As I tell my students: "You need to stop and think.
37:07 It is neither painful nor fatal to think! "
37:13 I mean, please think.
37:20 And so, you know, you think of the God of the universe...
37:23 If any of you have done any reading or whatever,
37:26 have been familiar with astronomy
37:29 and all the galaxies in the universe
37:33 with billions of stars and planets in each
37:43 and our little... our little earth is like a...
37:49 an atom.
37:52 You know, somebody loaned me a video
37:56 a couple of months ago on astronomy and I...
37:58 all these photographs. Wow! Just a little speck.
38:05 Why not just step on this grasshopper?
38:14 Then the Son of God... willing to come down -
38:18 and I say this respectfully -
38:23 willing to be a grasshopper?
38:31 Talk about humility and humbleness
38:36 and emptiness. And even when He was 12 years old
38:40 what'd He tell His parents?
38:41 "I must be about My Father's business. "
38:47 Just the opposite of Lucifer.
38:50 You see, Lucifer did not believe the Father.
38:53 He did not believe God when God said: "My Son is equal
38:56 with Myself"
38:58 and even through creation gave a demonstration
39:01 of what His Son could do and who He was.
39:04 No. Didn't believe it.
39:10 But Jesus as a 12-year-old: "I must be about
39:13 My Father's business. "
39:14 And then, of course, you have the baptism.
39:18 John says: "No! Me baptize You?
39:23 I'm a sinner. " And Jesus said: "No.
39:29 Permit it to be so now. "
39:33 And He humbly lets John baptize Him.
39:41 The Son of God letting a sinner baptize Him?
39:45 I mean, excuse the expression brethren,
39:48 "Give me a break. "
39:55 Then the Holy Spirit descending upon Him.
39:57 The Father said what? "This is My beloved Son
40:00 in whom I am well pleased. "
40:04 Then where does the Spirit lead Him?
40:10 You have here an example of Jesus obeying
40:16 the Holy Spirit.
40:19 Now if Jesus can obey the Holy Spirit
40:21 surely we should be able to obey. OK?
40:24 Listen to the Holy Spirit and obey the Holy Spirit.
40:27 And the Holy Spirit leads Him into the wilderness
40:30 to be tempted. Or a better way to express it: to be tested.
40:35 To be tested.
40:38 Jesus, of course, fasted for 40 days
40:41 and nights and ate nothing.
40:46 How many of you have gone without meals for a day?
40:52 You know what I mean. How about 2 days and 3 days?
40:56 And after a while you say what? "Whew! " Or a week? What?
41:01 "Give me something to eat, " right?
41:03 Forty days.
41:09 And then Satan comes and appears as an angel.
41:15 Appears as an angel and, of course, tests Christ.
41:21 He taunts Him.
41:24 "Oh You? You are the head of the angels? "
41:30 No. "You are Lord and King? "
41:36 "What? I mean, look at You... look at You,
41:39 just look at You. "
41:42 And he goes on and on and on.
41:46 "Look at me... look at You. "
41:51 "Now if You really are the Son of God, then why don't
41:54 You turn these stones into bread and then I'll know? "
42:01 If somebody hasn't eaten for 40 days and He had the power
42:04 to turn stones into bread, isn't that a legitimate thing to do?
42:07 I want you to notice: the temptation was legitimate
42:11 as far as hunger is concerned.
42:19 But if Christ would have used His power to demonstrate
42:24 His Godhead, His Lordship,
42:30 His Sonship to Lucifer,
42:35 He would have obeyed Lucifer.
42:41 Are you with me?
42:43 "To him whom you yield yourselves to obey
42:48 his servants you are
42:50 to whom you yield yourself to obey. "
42:56 There's more at stake than just hunger.
43:03 No, He refused. And you know the other temptations.
43:08 "Throw Yourself down from the pinnacle of the temple
43:10 and I'll give you... " Or the other one on the mountain:
43:13 "I'll give You all the world and save You a lot of trouble. "
43:19 But what I want to mention here, brothers and sisters,
43:22 is that Jesus Christ had a temptation here
43:27 that overshadows any temptation we know.
43:31 When it says: "He was tempted in all points like as we are
43:36 yet without sin, " you need to understand
43:39 the bigger picture... the underlying issue.
43:43 Christ was not tempted in all the little things
43:48 we're tempted with.
43:56 Did He drink alcohol and was tempted to continue to drink
43:59 alcohol?
44:02 Was He ever tempted with drugs?
44:07 Did He have some of the same family temptations
44:10 that we have?
44:15 Family relations? Raising children and all that?
44:20 Did He have all that? No.
44:23 He didn't know what it was to have a family.
44:25 What do you mean "He was tempted in all things? "
44:30 You have to get the bigger view of scripture.
44:36 He was tempted to use a power that you and I do not have.
44:45 When Jesus came and became a man, He did not give up
44:48 His divinity.
44:51 He did not use His divinity.
44:54 He still had it.
44:57 He could have used it. He could have turned stones into bread.
45:03 You see, it's when you have power under the hood
45:07 that brings the temptation.
45:10 When you buy a Porsche that you can drive 200 mph
45:17 that's when the temptation comes...
45:19 not when you have a little VW bug that has only 50 horsepower.
45:31 So if you can control the 500 horsepower,
45:37 whatever, you have been tempted in all things.
45:42 Because there's nothing more powerful than divinity.
45:47 Are you with me? Amen.
45:56 Yes. "Show me Your power. " No.
46:01 Ah, the Humble One, the Empty One.
46:07 The Meek One.
46:11 "Even if I have to die from hunger
46:14 I will not use My power. "
46:26 We don't have power like He had. Never will have.
46:32 Incomprehensible.
46:36 During His ministry He said: "No, I have not come to do My
46:39 will but My Father's will. "
46:43 Then of course when you come down to the Garden of Gethsemane
46:47 "Father... " What? "Not My will but Thine be done. "
46:55 After Satan tempted Christ in the wilderness
47:01 and did not succeed
47:04 he called a meeting of the angels and reported it.
47:07 And the angels were disappointed and angry that they failed.
47:13 So they decided: "No, let's try a more subtle approach. "
47:21 You know, that was the temptation of the angels
47:24 in heaven... the subtle approach.
47:28 "Why don't we try to instill in the minds
47:32 of the Hebrew people doubt
47:37 that Jesus is the Messiah? "
47:43 "Why don't we get them to reject Him? "
47:49 "Why don't we get them to turn against Him?
47:55 And hopefully this will discourage Him.
47:59 And if He realizes that there are so few
48:05 who believe and accept He may say:
48:09 'It's not worth it. '
48:10 So why don't we try that subtle approach? "
48:15 And so they did... but it didn't work
48:21 because Jesus would have died for one if need be.
48:29 When you think about the suffering and the beatings
48:34 and the scourgings... no wonder.
48:39 And Jesus knew what crucifixion was like, didn't He?
48:43 "Father, please. " "No. "
48:47 "But nevertheless... " The Humble One.
48:50 "But nevertheless... " The Empty One.
48:53 "Nevertheless... " The Meek One.
48:55 "not My will but Thine be done. "
49:04 The scourging... the crown of thorns.
49:08 And the scourging... You know, sometimes we don't always
49:11 realize it. As you know, they would get the biggest
49:15 Roman solider they could get.
49:17 You know, the stick and the long leather strips.
49:24 Then at the end glass and metal.
49:27 And then, of course, strip the prisoner.
49:30 And then they would come down at a 45-degree angle.
49:36 Now sometimes they would go horizontally
49:40 and it would wrap around the abdomen
49:43 and they would rip back until they ripped the abdomen open
49:46 and the intestines would fall out
49:49 and they didn't have to take the person to be crucified.
49:53 But not with Christ. "Crucify Him! "
50:01 "Let's see how much He can take. "
50:03 And so they... scourging: a 45-degree angle.
50:13 Rip the back open
50:17 and take Him up there and stretch out His hands.
50:20 "Nail Him to a piece of wood
50:25 and set Him up there
50:27 and let's see what He will do. "
50:30 And what did Jesus say after hours of agony?
50:34 I don't want to go on with a description of crucifixion.
50:39 What did He say? "Father, into... " What?
50:43 "Thy hands I commend My spirit. "
50:47 Yes. "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? "
50:52 "But into Thy hands I commend My spirit. "
51:01 Now how much more humble can a person get?
51:04 How much more meek when He has the power?
51:13 What did He? How was He challenged?
51:16 "If you are the Son of God, why don't You come down? "
51:18 Could He have come down?
51:21 Absolutely. But He didn't.
51:23 He stayed there for you and for me.
51:28 That puts a great value on you and me
51:33 which we'll talk about tomorrow.
51:39 And so He died.
51:41 Friday. What time Friday? Friday afternoon, right?
51:48 And it was still time for after He was buried
51:51 for the ladies to go back and prepare for the Sabbath.
51:56 So it was still a couple hours before the Sabbath
52:00 that He died and was buried.
52:07 Could He have been resurrected before the Sabbath started?
52:11 Why did He stay in this tomb on the Sabbath?
52:14 Well some people say: "Well, He had to keep the Sabbath. "
52:17 Well I'm not going to dispute that.
52:21 No.
52:24 He stayed in the tomb until Sunday morning.
52:32 Parts of three days.
52:39 Until the angel came down and rolled away the stone.
52:43 And what did the angel say?
52:46 "Son of God, Your Father calls You. "
52:52 Oh, even obedient in death
52:57 when He could have raised Himself.
53:02 I mean, if that's not obedience I don't know what is!
53:08 Stayed dead until the Father called.
53:17 Then of course: "I am the Resurrection, "
53:20 and He comes forth from the tomb.
53:23 Mary sees Him, wants to worship Him.
53:25 He says: "No, I need to see My Father. "
53:27 Hadn't seen Him for how long? Thirty three years.
53:32 "Got to see Him. "
53:34 Got the approval of the Father. Came down 40 days, right?
53:38 Forty days with the disciples. Yes.
53:41 And then the resurrection. Wow!
53:45 Ah, the resurrection is so vividly described
53:50 in Psalm the 24th chapter.
53:54 Psalm 24.
53:59 The angels welcomed Him as He ascended the Mount of Olives,
54:03 right?
54:05 The disciples looked up: "This same Jesus will come again
54:09 as you have seen Him go. "
54:10 And the angels took Him out of their sight.
54:13 And other angels, a group of angels, stayed at the city
54:17 gate, the gates of New Jerusalem.
54:21 And the angels that accompanied Him
54:24 in verse 7- Psalm 24:7- "Lift up your heads
54:29 O ye gates and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors,
54:32 that the King of Glory may come in. "
54:35 And they say: "Who is this King of Glory? "
54:38 I mean, don't they know?
54:39 Why do they ask the question?
54:42 Because they want to hear!
54:44 "Who is this King of Glory? "
54:47 "Oh, the Lord... the Lord, strong and mighty,
54:52 mighty in battle. " But then that's not the full answer
54:56 so they say: "Lift up your gates; lift up your heads.
54:59 Be lift up, you everlasting doors.
55:02 King of Glory. Who is this King of Glory?
55:04 The Lord of Hosts. " The Lord of all the angels.
55:09 "The Lord of Hosts... He is the King of Glory. "
55:12 And so they open the gates and He goes in.
55:16 And they are ready to bow down and worship Him,
55:19 and He stops them.
55:26 Doesn't He deserve to be worshiped?
55:30 He's Lord... He's King.
55:33 He's returning home.
55:35 The Son of God.
55:40 OK. And so He waves them back until
55:45 He goes to the Father and the Father gives permission...
55:48 the Father gives permission.
55:51 Said: "Let all the angels of God worship Him. "
55:56 Oh, THEN He accepts the worship.
55:59 Only because the Father said so.
56:02 And if you could fast forward to I Corinthians the 15th chapter
56:08 after Christ has put down all sin, all authority,
56:13 and it's all over with, it says in I Corinthians 15
56:17 that He Himself will be subject unto God.
56:21 He himself will be subject unto God that God
56:24 may be all in all in all.
56:27 All through eternity He will be subject unto God.
56:31 He will have His human nature forever and ever.
56:34 The scars in His hands and His feet.
56:38 The scars on His forehead.
56:41 A scarred forehead will be there forever and ever:
56:45 the Humble One, the Meek One.
56:48 And so that's when the Father said: "Yes, every knee
56:52 should bow in heaven and in earth...
56:57 confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
57:01 to the glory of the Father. "


Revised 2014-12-17