3ABN Homecoming 2010

The Joy Of Repentance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Shelley Quinn


Series Code: 10HC

Program Code: 10HC000006

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting
00:27 Homecoming 2010
00:30 featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN family
00:34 along with uplifting Christian music
00:37 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:45 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall 2010 Camp Meeting
00:49 here in Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:51 If you are still in driving distance, get in your car now
00:54 and come on down and enjoy the weekend with us
00:56 because God is blessing in a wonderful way.
00:59 Can we all say Amen to that? Amen!
01:01 And so there are still seats available and there is
01:03 no admission. The only thing that you need to do
01:06 to come on in is just come on in!
01:07 And we've been blessed with some wonderful messages.
01:09 And this one is no exception.
01:11 Shelley Quinn, a woman of the Word, one who exalts
01:15 the Lord of the Word and also exalts the Word...
01:17 she's going to be preaching a message about
01:19 salvation and redemption.
01:21 And so stay tuned. Invite a friend to sit down
01:24 and if you'd like to hit the record button
01:26 so that you can go back and share this message
01:28 with others of your friends and of your neighbors.
01:30 So thank you so much for tuning in.
01:32 As you know we like to always invite the Lord's presence
01:35 to be here, so bow your heads with me as we ask the Lord
01:37 to lead. Gracious Father in Heaven,
01:39 thank you so much for the power that will attend this meeting.
01:42 Bless and anoint Shelley, we pray, in a very powerful way
01:45 to the uplifting of Your precious name.
01:48 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
01:51 I've been also given the wonderful opportunity of
01:54 sharing a song. And I think that you know
01:56 it is true when the Bible talks about our redemption
01:58 it leads us to do something that we probably didn't
02:01 fully understand before, and this song says it wonderfully:
02:04 My Jesus, I Love Thee.
02:22 My Jesus,
02:25 I love Thee.
02:29 I know Thou art mine;
02:34 For Thee
02:37 all the follies
02:41 of sin I resign;
02:47 My gracious
02:51 Redeemer,
02:54 my Savior art Thou;
03:01 If ever I loved Thee,
03:07 my Jesus,
03:11 'tis now.
03:23 I love Thee because
03:29 hast first loved me,
03:36 And purchased
03:40 my pardon
03:43 on Calvary's tree;
03:52 I love Thee
03:56 for wearing
03:59 the thorns on Thy brow;
04:06 If ever I loved Thee,
04:12 my Jesus,
04:16 'tis now.
04:28 I love Thee in life
04:33 and I will love Thee
04:38 till death,
04:41 And praise Thee as long
04:47 as Thou lendest me breath;
04:54 I'll sing when
04:57 the death dew
05:00 lies cold on
05:04 my brow;
05:08 If ever...
05:11 If ever I loved Thee,
05:17 my Jesus
05:20 'tis now.
05:33 In mansions
05:36 of glory
05:40 and endless
05:43 delight;
05:49 I'll ever adore Thee
05:56 in heaven so bright;
06:02 I'll sing with
06:06 the glittering
06:09 crown on my brow;
06:18 If ever
06:22 I loved Thee,
06:25 my Jesus,
06:31 'tis now.
06:55 Thank you, John.
06:58 Let's pray.
07:01 Our Lord Jesus
07:02 and Heavenly Father,
07:04 Oh, we do love You! We ask that in the name of Jesus
07:09 You would open our hearts, Father, and pour out Your love
07:13 into our hearts that we might love You with all of our hearts
07:16 and mind and strength and love one another
07:18 as we love ourselves. In Jesus' name, Amen.
07:22 You know, before I begin on this afternoon's message
07:25 I want to share a little praise report...
07:28 no, it's a BIG praise report... with you.
07:31 I have been sharing over the last few years about
07:35 one of our sisters who lives in a Muslim nation
07:39 in Africa. And, bless her heart,
07:43 when she watched 3ABN for several years
07:46 and just to practice her English. She's highly educated,
07:50 and she was just wanting to practice her English.
07:53 Well she accepted Christ as her Savior
07:55 and she has had several years of a very tough road since
07:59 because she's been beaten almost daily by her husband
08:02 because of this. He is now planning a divorce.
08:05 But I have to tell you, her faith is so strong
08:09 and this Sabbath she is being baptized.
08:13 Can you say glory to the Lord?
08:16 I'm so excited about that!
08:18 Well last night we heard a wonderful message
08:21 and I thought it would have been so easy for Dr. Blanco
08:24 rather than calling his message The Loving One
08:28 to have given it the same title that my message has today
08:31 and that is: The Joy of Repentance.
08:34 Because certainly when we hear the story of the Prodigal Son
08:38 we know the joy of repentance, do we not?
08:42 He came home; the father threw a celebration for him.
08:46 But you know, it was the father's joy that Dr. Blanco
08:50 was really helping us understand last night.
08:53 I want to share with you something that
08:57 changed my life as the Lord began to help me
09:01 understand this whole process of repentance.
09:05 Sometimes if I tell somebody I'm going to talk about
09:08 the joy of repentance they say:
09:10 "Joy? What joy is there in repentance? "
09:14 Most of us think of the sack cloth and ashes
09:17 and the pain that comes from repentance.
09:20 But I want to start by talking about King David.
09:24 Don't you just love King David?
09:26 And in II Samuel chapter 11 the Bible tells the story
09:31 of this wonderful, godly man
09:34 who God called a man after His own heart.
09:39 Yet this wonderful, godly man
09:43 inflamed by torrid lust
09:46 he began to make a series of wrong moral choices
09:50 that took him down a path of disobedience
09:53 and degradation.
09:55 And after he was guilty of committing adultery
09:59 then he became guilty of plotting to have Bathsheba's
10:04 husband killed. So now he's guilty of murder.
10:07 And he finds himself - unknowingly -
10:11 blinded to his own condition.
10:13 He is right on the cliff of spiritual death.
10:17 But God in His mercy sends the prophet Nathan to him.
10:22 And Nathan tells him the story of this rich man
10:27 that had many, many flocks.
10:29 And yet when he had a visitor come to his house
10:32 he went out and he took the only little ewe lamb
10:37 that belonged to a man.
10:39 And that was his only treasured possession
10:43 was this one little ewe lamb.
10:45 Well David takes this lamb and serves it up for supper.
10:49 Well... Excuse me... David in the story
10:52 that Nathan's telling... the man takes the lamb
10:56 and serves it up for supper.
10:58 So what was David's reaction? Do you remember?
11:02 He was ready to chop off the man's head, wasn't he?
11:06 He was ready to do away with the man...
11:10 enraged that anyone could do such a thing.
11:16 Now what do you think happened?
11:19 How did his fury change when Nathan turned to him
11:24 and said: "You are the man. "
11:27 You see that David was thinking
11:31 "I'm a man after God's own heart.
11:33 Look at what God has done in my life.
11:36 I'm a good person.
11:38 I'm judging someone else for their bad act. "
11:41 He was blinded to his condition.
11:44 I think I'm a good person.
11:47 I'll bet you think you're a good person too.
11:51 But you know something, we don't know our own hearts, do we?
11:54 And what we need to remember is that in Matthew 5
12:00 Jesus says that hatred
12:05 equals heart murder... doesn't it?
12:08 And the act of taking someone else's life
12:12 is just what's coming from the evil in your own heart.
12:16 And He also says that thoughts of adultery...
12:22 He actually says the thought is the sin.
12:26 Adultery's just the fruit of the sin.
12:30 So what am I trying to point out?
12:32 Sometimes we look at ourselves and we think
12:35 "I'm not like him. "
12:37 "I'm not like that man that took the only little ewe lamb.
12:40 No, no... I'm a good person. "
12:43 And we look at David even and think: "Wow!
12:47 David got away with murder and adultery and everything else. "
12:50 But what God wants us to do is look into the reflection pool
12:54 of our own conscience
12:56 and realize how much we need to confess our sins
13:02 and repent. Because without confession and repentance
13:06 we don't even have the assurance
13:09 that our worship is acceptable before the Lord.
13:12 Turn in your Bibles to Psalm 24.
13:15 This is a verse that is very familiar to us.
13:18 But I want us to look at this
13:22 as we look at this process of repentance
13:26 and why it is in the end ultimately so joyful.
13:30 We need to first recognize our need to repent.
13:34 Psalm 24, and let's look at verses 3 and 4.
13:42 The Psalmist writes:
13:44 "Who may ascend unto the hill of the Lord
13:48 or who may stand in His holy place?
13:53 He who has clean hands
13:57 and a pure heart. "
13:58 Clean hands: that's symbolic of our actions.
14:03 The pure heart is symbolic of our thoughts.
14:05 What is this scripture saying to us?
14:08 If we want to go before the Lord of holiness
14:13 and righteousness, we need to come before Him
14:18 humbly and ask for forgiveness before we go
14:22 in to enter into His presence.
14:24 We need to have clean hands and a pure heart
14:29 to stand before God in prayer.
14:32 But you know, to us the fountain has been opened, hasn't it?
14:36 Praise the Lord! The guilt of sin is washed away
14:39 by the blood of the Lamb.
14:41 So we know it is not by our works of righteousness
14:45 that we are saved but according to God's mercy.
14:48 And we are cleansed from pollution of sin.
14:54 From the pollution of sin
14:57 by our day by day repentance, confessing our sins.
15:01 Now I want to go back to David for just a minute.
15:05 How did David react when Nathan
15:10 accused him of being the man?
15:13 You know, a hot-headed king could have told the prophet
15:16 "Off with your head. "
15:18 "Out of my sight! "
15:19 But that's not what David did.
15:22 When David recognized his own lawlessness
15:26 what did he do?
15:28 He said: "Against You, Lord, I have sinned. "
15:34 "I have sinned against the Lord. "
15:38 He recognized his sin; he was seized by remorse.
15:43 Have you ever felt that way
15:46 when suddenly your sin becomes to apparent to you
15:49 and you feel remorseful?
15:51 But then what did he do?
15:53 If you want to... we don't have time to do this right now...
15:56 but I want to encourage you if you really want to learn
15:59 about the art of repentance go to Psalm 51.
16:04 Read that Psalm because that is the Psalm
16:07 that David wrote after Nathan came to him.
16:10 And when... this is a very tender but intense
16:15 record of confession.
16:16 So now what we're going to do in the next few minutes
16:19 is we're going to be looking at the process of repentance.
16:23 What is repentance?
16:26 You know we usually have kind of a pat little answer
16:29 of what it means. But as I was seeking the Lord
16:33 and saying "Father, I need to truly understand this.
16:36 I need to understand how to repent, "
16:38 He gave me five steps. And I think it's important
16:41 that we understand God's guidelines.
16:44 So these are the five steps that we're going to look at today.
16:47 Repentance begins with the recognition of sin.
16:51 After that comes godly sorrow.
16:55 Then we confess our sin.
16:58 And the next and important thing is that after we confess
17:01 that we receive God's forgiveness
17:05 and then we change our conduct.
17:08 So let's look at those five steps.
17:10 When we come to recognize our sin...
17:14 How do we recognize our sin?
17:16 How do I know that what I am doing is wrong?
17:20 When we examine our lives in the light of God's Word
17:25 then the character of our conduct
17:29 is exposed as it were.
17:31 Have you ever done that?
17:33 Sometimes you're just feeling really good about yourself
17:35 and you pick up the Bible and you start studying
17:37 and you come to something and you think:
17:40 "Oh, Lord, I'm so sorry.
17:42 You know, I'm gossiping.
17:46 I'm murmuring. I'm doing such and such. "
17:50 But as you read the Word
17:52 and you're being washed by the water of the Word
17:55 we recognize our sin.
17:57 The Holy Spirit's convicting power.
18:00 It's between the Word and the Spirit that we are convicted
18:04 of our sin and we begin to think differently.
18:07 We see the foul essence of sin.
18:11 You know the word sin: I say it is a perfect acronym.
18:16 SIN... that's a perfect acronym for what's at the root of it.
18:19 The S stands for selfishness
18:23 and selfish acts of sin.
18:27 The I stands for ignorance.
18:29 These are sins of omission.
18:32 The selfishness is things that we do even though
18:35 we know it's wrong to do it.
18:37 We do it anyway... feels good.
18:41 The I is for ignorance: that's unintentional sin.
18:45 Things that we do not realizing
18:48 because we don't know what's in God's Word.
18:52 And then the N stands for neglect.
18:55 This is things that we know that we ought to do
18:58 but we don't do them... perhaps because we've just become
19:01 overly busy. I did a study
19:06 on sin not too long ago.
19:10 And it was as I was writing the book Pressing into His Presence
19:14 from which this teaching comes.
19:16 And I have to tell you... it was a sobering study.
19:21 As I began to catalog the sins
19:25 and there was about, oh, I forget
19:28 12 plus maybe even 15 different categories of sin.
19:33 And I thought "Oh, Lord, help me! "
19:37 But you know, it's important.
19:40 If... if repentance begins at the recognition of sin,
19:44 we need to see sin for what it really is.
19:47 I just want to share three of those things with you today,
19:51 and these are the three: To sin is to miss the mark
19:55 of God's righteous requirement.
19:57 Let me give you two scriptures for that.
19:59 James 4:17 says: "To him who knows to do good
20:03 and does not do it, to him it is sin. "
20:07 Is that a sin of commission or omission?
20:11 Omission.
20:14 When we know we should be doing something
20:18 and we don't do it, we're sinning.
20:21 That is a sin of omission.
20:24 Romans 14:23 says: "Whatever's not from faith is of sin. "
20:29 When we are going out here and we think:
20:32 "Well I'm not sure if God would approve of this,
20:34 but I'm going to go ahead and do it anyway. "
20:36 That's not of faith and it's a sin.
20:39 Of course, the one that you probably can quote
20:43 to me is I John 3:4.
20:48 "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness. "
20:52 And sin is lawlessness.
20:55 See, we are committing an iniquity... lawlessness.
20:59 That means an intentional or unintentional
21:04 breaking of God's law.
21:07 And then here's the one that gets me more than anything
21:11 and I think it'll get all of us
21:13 and that is: anything that is a deviation from God's
21:19 holy and righteous character is a sin.
21:22 All unrighteousness is a sin.
21:25 I John 5:17 sums it up that simply:
21:30 all unrighteousness is sin.
21:34 I want to ask you a question.
21:37 Have you sinned today?
21:39 Have you missed the mark, the bullseye, of God's requirements?
21:44 Have you realized that you're doing something that doesn't
21:48 really attain to the character of Jesus Christ or of the Lord?
21:52 Romans 3:23 states "All have sinned and fallen short
21:57 of the glory of God. " What's the glory of God?
22:00 What is that? His character.
22:03 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
22:07 That "fall short" in the Greek the tense
22:10 is one of continuous action.
22:12 What it is saying is: "All have sinned
22:16 and are falling short of the glory" - the character -
22:20 "of God. " I fall short of His character every day,
22:23 how about you?
22:25 So the reason it is so important for us
22:29 to see our sin is because
22:32 that's the beginning of recog... I mean,
22:34 recognition of sin is the beginning of repentance.
22:37 And we should rejoice in the recognition of sin.
22:42 What? Yeah! Rejoice when you recognize you're sinning.
22:48 That means the Word's doing it's job.
22:51 That means the Holy Spirit is doing His job.
22:54 And as we recognize our sin
22:57 then we can go before the Lord.
23:01 You know, the reason we need to recognize our sin is
23:03 so that we recognize our need for repentance.
23:07 J.D. and I were on a plane recently
23:09 and I was sitting next to a man who was an attorney.
23:12 And we were talking at great length about the Lord.
23:15 He was brought up as a Catholic.
23:17 Hasn't been to church for many, many years.
23:20 But he kept saying: "I'm a good person.
23:22 I don't need to go to church. I don't need to repent.
23:25 I don't need... " He didn't see his need for a Savior.
23:29 But turn to Micah chapter 7 if you will, please.
23:35 Micah chapter 7. That's right after Jonah.
23:38 The reason that we can rejoice in recognition
23:43 of our sin debt is because God delights in mercy
23:49 and He stands ready to forgive us.
23:51 His heart beats with pity for the penitent sinner,
23:56 and He will not leave your head hanging low.
24:01 Look at Micah chapter 7 and verse 18 is where we'll begin.
24:06 I love this verse!
24:09 Micah 7:18: "Who is a God like You
24:14 pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression
24:20 of the remnant of His heritage?
24:22 He does not retain His anger forever... "
24:27 Why? "Because He delights in mercy.
24:32 He will again have compassion on us and will
24:34 subdue our iniquities. "
24:37 And then he says it directly to the Lord:
24:39 "You will cast all of our sins into the depths of the sea. "
24:45 So when you recognize your sin, yes...
24:49 That's going to bring up step two: godly sorrow.
24:54 Godly sorrow should fill your heart.
24:57 But don't think that's where it's gotta end.
25:00 We go from recognition of sin to godly sorrow.
25:04 As we begin to interpret the love of a God
25:07 who was willing to die for us while we were yet sinners
25:12 what happens is this awakens in us
25:16 this wonder and this want to please Him.
25:22 And we begin to regret our sins,
25:26 and godly sorrow produces a change of heart
25:29 that leads us to repentance and salvation.
25:33 That's what II Corinthians 7:10 says is that
25:36 godly sorrow produces
25:40 repentance leading to salvation.
25:44 And the Bible tells us in Romans 2:4
25:47 "Do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance
25:51 and longsuffering not knowing that the goodness of God
25:57 leads you to repentance? "
25:59 So the next time you feel that godly sorrow
26:03 praise the Lord for it!
26:06 Say: "Father I thank you that You are opening my eyes
26:09 to recognize my sin and my need for a Savior. "
26:12 "Thank you Lord for filling my heart with this godly sorrow
26:17 to lead me to repentance. "
26:20 So that leads us to step three.
26:22 Once we have reached this condition
26:24 confession is our next critical step.
26:27 Turn to Psalm 66.
26:30 Psalm 66. Please hear what I'm about to say.
26:35 Sin erects a barrier
26:40 that hinders our prayers to the Lord.
26:44 We've already looked at "Who can ascend to His hill
26:48 and stand before the Lord except he with clean hands
26:52 and a pure heart? " Look at Psalm 66:18
26:56 and we'll see this sin barrier that's separating us
27:00 from our holy God.
27:03 Psalm 66:18... David says:
27:08 "If I regard iniquity in my heart... "
27:11 what's going to happen?
27:13 "The Lord will not hear. "
27:15 Hear what? What won't the Lord hear?
27:18 He's not going to hear your prayers.
27:22 You know, so many people come to the Lord
27:24 and as they're praying all they're doing is seeking
27:28 the hand of the Lord.
27:30 It's kind of like what Dr. Blanco was talking about
27:34 last night. It's like the son who was saying:
27:37 "Give me, give me. Gimme, gimme, give me. "
27:41 But what God wants us to do
27:44 is to recognize how badly sin hurts Him.
27:47 And He wants us to come before Him
27:50 and to say to Him: "Father, oh thank you for helping me
27:55 to see my sin. Lord, I'm here to confess my sin. "
27:59 Turn to Hosea 5:15.
28:02 Hosea 5:15.
28:04 Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea.
28:06 Because God wants us to know that there's a way to get rid
28:12 of this sin barrier.
28:14 He shuts His ears to the unrepentant sinner.
28:18 He requires that we acknowledge our offenses towards Him.
28:22 Hosea 5:15... this is God speaking and He says:
28:28 "I will return again to My place... "
28:32 Until what?
28:35 "Until they acknowledge their offense.
28:39 Then they will seek My face.
28:44 In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me. "
28:50 God is saying: "I'm withdrawing. "
28:53 What part does light have with darkness?
28:58 What fellowship does Belial have with the righteous?
29:04 What God is saying is:
29:07 "I can't... you can't stand in My presence
29:10 until you confess your sins, acknowledge your offense. "
29:14 So when we begin to confess our sins
29:19 it demonstrates we've had a change of mind about
29:22 our own sin-sick behavior
29:24 and through confession we seek forgiveness of our sins.
29:28 We acknowledge our need for a Savior.
29:31 And I have to share something with you.
29:33 Don't ever get to that point where you think
29:36 "Well I'm a fourth generation Adventist Christian.
29:40 I know all about it.
29:43 I can tell you all about the 2,300 days. "
29:46 If you get to thinking because of your heritage
29:50 that you are a good person, a righteous person,
29:55 you're wrong. The only thing that makes you righteous
29:59 is Jesus Christ.
30:02 And we've got to go before Him day by day and acknowledge
30:06 our need for Him. Because when confession is accompanied
30:10 by godly sorrow and a sincere desire to change
30:14 God will forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
30:19 I John 1:8-9. "If we say that we have no sin,
30:25 we deceive ourself and the truth is not in us.
30:29 But if we confess our sins,
30:33 He is faithful and just to forgive us
30:37 all of our sins and cleanse us from" how much unrighteousness?
30:41 "all of our unrighteousness. "
30:44 And again, this verb confess
30:48 is the present active condition. So what John was saying is
30:53 "We keep on confessing. "
30:56 Never become callous to the act of confessing your sin.
31:01 Confession is the clearinghouse of the conscience.
31:05 And you know what? Once... This is God's prescribed way
31:10 to purify us and it results in the renewal
31:13 of a robust relationship with the Lord.
31:16 It's the place where misery meets mercy, if you will.
31:19 So go ahead and bring your sins into His light
31:23 because you're not going to be telling Him anything
31:24 that He doesn't know. He's just waiting for you
31:28 to acknowledge your sin.
31:31 You should still be in Hosea... Flip on over to Hosea 14
31:35 because I want to show you something.
31:38 The scriptures say to take words with you
31:44 when you return to the Lord.
31:47 Hosea 14:1.
31:49 Hosea 14:1... "Return to the Lord your God
31:54 for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.
31:56 Take words with you and return to the Lord.
31:59 Say to Him: 'Take away all my iniquity.
32:02 Receive us graciously. ' "
32:05 Take words with you.
32:07 And look at verse 4. This is God answering:
32:11 "I will heal their backsliding.
32:14 I will love them freely
32:17 for my anger has turned away. "
32:20 If we walk in the light as He is in the light
32:24 the blood of Jesus will cleanse us of all sin.
32:28 And our great reward of confession is that
32:33 now we have a clear conscience before God.
32:36 And you know what I John 3:21 says.
32:40 "Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us
32:44 we have confidence before God. "
32:47 A lot of us spend our time groveling before the Lord
32:52 when what He is saying is: "Child, you've confessed
32:56 your sins. Step forward to repentance now
32:59 and receive My forgiveness. "
33:02 "Receive My forgiveness. "
33:05 Sometimes this is a challenge.
33:08 It's easier I heard someone say earlier this morning...
33:11 "God forgives me.
33:13 I just don't do a very good job of forgiving myself. "
33:16 Well see, when we receive God's forgiveness
33:19 this is how we disarm the devil
33:21 and we extricate ourself from that quicksand
33:25 trap of his of condemnation.
33:27 I met a lady that... Actually she has been calling
33:31 here... I've not met her, excuse me.
33:33 She has called here for a number of years,
33:36 always with the same request. She's in her 80's
33:41 and she had an abortion - an illegal abortion -
33:43 when she was much younger
33:45 and she cannot get that off her mind.
33:47 And she's prayed and prayed and prayed
33:49 for God to forgive her.
33:52 And I keep telling her: "He has.
33:55 Receive it; receive it. "
33:58 And she finally made that breakthrough.
34:00 She finally received that forgiveness.
34:05 You know, one of my favorite stories is found in
34:09 Luke chapter 7.
34:12 We're not going to go there 'cause we don't have time
34:15 today unfortunately. But it's verses 36 to 50
34:18 if you're just a note taker. Luke 7:36-50.
34:21 And this is when Jesus is telling a very judgmental
34:26 Pharisee the story of a creditor and two debtors.
34:31 One of the debtors owed a little;
34:33 the other owed a lot.
34:35 So Jesus turns to the Pharisee after He's told the story
34:39 and He said: "So which do you presume would love
34:42 the creditor more:
34:44 The one who was forgiven a little
34:46 or the one who was forgiven a lot? "
34:49 Well, the Pharisee rightly chose.
34:51 He said: "The one who was forgiven a lot. "
34:54 But the thing is that Jesus was telling the story
34:59 in reference to a woman of ill repute
35:01 who was washing His feet with her tears at that moment.
35:07 Who took an alabaster box and broke it open
35:11 and was pouring this very expensive spikenard on His feet.
35:16 And the Pharisee was recoiling at this act.
35:20 And the punch line is this:
35:23 This self-righteous Pharisee
35:26 didn't recognize his need for a Savior.
35:29 What was going on in his heart was: "I'm better than her.
35:34 I don't even see my need for a Savior. "
35:37 And he loved Jesus very little.
35:41 But the woman who was weeping at His feet
35:45 had once been filled with unspeakable shame
35:48 and a sense of unutterable unworthiness
35:53 and Jesus had forgiven her.
35:56 And now she could not contain her love.
36:00 She was pouring out all she had at His feet.
36:05 And then Jesus said in Luke 7:47:
36:11 "Therefore I say to you
36:13 her sins which are many are forgiven
36:17 for she loved much.
36:19 But to whom little is forgiven
36:22 the same loves little. "
36:24 You know what some people's problem is
36:27 who don't have enough love for the Lord?
36:31 They don't recognize how much sin they've had to have
36:34 cast into the sea.
36:36 They don't realize how much they've been forgiven of.
36:39 The more you acknowledge your sin,
36:43 have that sense of godly sorrow, confess your sin,
36:48 receive the forgiveness of God
36:49 the more you're going to love Him.
36:52 I know that when I consider what He's had to clean me up from
36:56 oh, it makes me love Him all the more
36:59 to think that His extreme grace just wiped out that debt of sin
37:04 that I could never repay.
37:07 God desires that we open our hearts
37:10 and receive His forgiveness.
37:13 As He grants us forgiveness He gives us liberty
37:17 and access to Him.
37:19 The God of new beginnings whose mercies are
37:22 new every morning, and our situation changes.
37:26 We no longer have to wander in the wasteland of sin.
37:30 Isaiah 43:18-19 God says:
37:33 "Forget the former things; "
37:35 do not dwell on the past;
37:38 "See, I am doing a new thing!
37:41 Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
37:45 I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. "
37:49 "Come let us reason together.
37:53 Though your sins be like scarlet
37:55 they shall be white as snow. "
37:58 David understood this,
38:01 and in Psalm 51 he says:
38:04 "O wash me thoroughly from my iniquity.
38:09 Cleanse me from my sin.
38:11 Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. "
38:14 Oh Lord Jesus, wash me repeatedly in Your blood.
38:19 Oh I need You, Lord.
38:22 Wash me and I will be clean.
38:26 And David prayed
38:28 that God would restore the joy of His salvation.
38:32 There's nothing like recognizing you've been forgiven
38:36 to restore the joy of your salvation.
38:38 You know, I've got a little note here.
38:42 When you get what you deserve, that's justice.
38:47 When you don't get what you deserve, it's mercy.
38:52 But when you get what you don't deserve, that's grace!
38:57 Amen! Grace! Turn to I Kings...
39:01 I Kings chapter 14.
39:06 Grace is where the joy of repentance truly begins.
39:12 I Kings chapter 14. Let me set this up.
39:19 God has told the prophet Ahijah
39:23 He's got a message for King Jereboam,
39:26 and he's prophesying the destruction of the house
39:30 of Jereboam. Jereboam... the unrepentant king...
39:35 is about to get justice, right?
39:37 So let's look at verse 8.
39:41 "You have not... " This is the message that
39:44 that's to be taken to King Jereboam.
39:47 "You have not been as My servant David,
39:50 who kept My commandments, who followed Me
39:55 with all of his heart
39:57 to do only what was right in My eyes. "
40:02 Now wait a minute!
40:04 Hang on just a second.
40:06 What does this mean?
40:08 You see, this message is after King David died.
40:12 This is God's message... God speaking.
40:15 He said: "Take this message to King Jereboam:
40:17 You've not been like David
40:19 who followed after Me with all of his heart.
40:24 Who kept all My commandments.
40:25 Who did only that which was right in My eyes. "
40:28 Now wait a minute, Lord.
40:30 What do you mean he kept Your commandments?
40:33 Guilty of adultery; guilty of murder.
40:35 What do you mean he did only what was right in your eyes?
40:39 You know what that scripture proves to me?
40:42 God forgets what we ask Him to forgive.
40:48 When we pray and ask God...
40:50 David in the Psalm 51 when he is praying
40:53 asking the Lord to forgive his great sin
40:57 God blotted out that sin.
41:01 He cast it into the sea and God forgot that sin.
41:06 God's not a man that He can lie.
41:09 Let me give you some more scriptures.
41:12 Psalm 103:12. Just jot these down.
41:16 Psalm 103:12.
41:18 "As far as the east is from the west,
41:21 so far has He removed our transgressions from us. "
41:24 Isaiah 43:25.
41:27 "I, even I, am He who blots out and cancels
41:33 your transgression, for My own sake,
41:36 and I will not remember your sin. "
41:39 Have you ever forgiven anybody
41:41 and forgot about their sin or a debt that they owed you
41:45 for your own sake because it was troubling you so much
41:48 that you thought "Man, it's not worth it? "
41:51 See God... When we ask for forgiveness, God says:
41:54 "Hey, as much for your sake as for Mine because
41:57 I'm a holy God. That sin just... just...
42:00 wrecks... It wrecks My day. It gives Me that emotional pain. "
42:04 And so He's saying: " I forgive and blot out
42:08 what you've confessed and asked for forgiveness.
42:11 For My own sake I do it. "
42:14 Isaiah 44:22.
42:17 God's speaking again. "I have blotted out like a thick
42:21 cloud your transgression... like a cloud your sins.
42:25 Return to Me for I have redeemed you. "
42:28 And even in the New Testament it says the same thing.
42:31 Hebrews 8:10-12.
42:33 God says this is the covenant: "I'll put My laws in their minds
42:37 write them on their hearts. I'll be their God;
42:40 they'll be My people
42:41 and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember
42:47 no more. "
42:49 When we confess our sins in sincere-hearted repentance,
42:53 God applies the blood of Jesus
42:56 to blot out their stain.
43:00 They're covered and cancelled in the memory of God.
43:03 He looks upon our record... all He sees is the blood of Jesus.
43:09 Hallelujah! Does that make you joyful?
43:11 So now turn to Micah chapter 7.
43:15 Again, Micah is nestled there between Jonah and Nahum.
43:18 Micah chapter 7.
43:22 I have big stars in my Bible by this scripture.
43:25 I love this scripture.
43:28 To me it is the joy of repentance.
43:30 Micah 7:7.
43:33 Micah writes and he says:
43:36 "I will look to my God.
43:40 I will wait for the God of my salvation.
43:44 My God will hear me.
43:46 Do not rejoice over me, my enemy.
43:50 When I fall I will arise.
43:52 When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. "
43:56 Now listen:
43:58 "I will bear the indignation of the Lord because
44:01 I have sinned against Him
44:04 until He pleads my case
44:10 and executes justice for me. "
44:13 I will bear His indignation until He pleads my case.
44:19 You have an Advocate with the Father
44:22 who is pleading your case.
44:25 Pleading His blood. And then he says:
44:27 "He will bring me forth to the light.
44:30 I will see His righteousness. "
44:35 Hallelujah! You know, that makes my feet want to
44:38 do a dance, and if I didn't know that where I was right now
44:41 I would. I just... I love that scripture.
44:45 "Don't rejoice over me, my enemy. "
44:49 Don't rejoice over your brother's failings and fumblings
44:54 and fallings. Pray that God will help them rise.
45:00 So at the conclusion of these four steps:
45:03 recognition of our sins,
45:04 the godly sorrow that seizes our heart,
45:07 the confession, and then receiving God's forgiveness,
45:11 taking it by faith and saying "Yes, Lord. "
45:14 What happens is... the verdict's been rendered.
45:19 A blood-bought pardon is ours.
45:21 Those sins are not longer on our record.
45:23 We stand justified, acquitted
45:26 by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ
45:28 as He puts that righteousness by faith...
45:31 He puts that robe over us.
45:33 But now we must continue to the final point
45:37 in the repentance process
45:39 because this is where grace abounds.
45:43 Without this step we would be contained to hobble along
45:47 with these habits of sin. And step number five is this:
45:50 we've got to change our conduct.
45:54 The fifth and final step of the repentance process
45:58 is where transformation and triumph are forged.
46:02 And here's how it works.
46:04 We're headed in this direction and we meet Jesus.
46:09 We're going the wrong way and here comes Jesus.
46:12 And as we come along, we just keep passing Him by.
46:15 He just keeps showing up
46:17 until He has convinced us and we recognize our sin.
46:22 And in godly sorrow, just because of the love in His eyes,
46:26 godly sorrow begins to fill our hearts.
46:29 And we finally say: "Yes, I confess my sin, "
46:32 and He lets us know we're forgiven.
46:34 And then what happens is He helps us; He picks us up.
46:40 He turns us around a 180-degree turn
46:44 and heads us right back in the direction of the Father.
46:49 So this represents sanctification
46:55 by the imparted righteousness of Jesus.
46:59 And as the process of sanctification begins to bloom
47:03 in our heart the seduction of sin begins to wither.
47:07 With absolute confidence in Christ's ability to save
47:11 we can develop an unwavering commitment
47:16 to Him that allows for no compromise
47:20 with the royal system. But the process of repentance
47:25 is incomplete unless we turn from self to God.
47:31 Did you hear that?
47:33 The process of repentance is incomplete
47:37 unless we turn from our selfish ways back to God's way.
47:43 Because genuine repentance results in the rejection of sin.
47:48 Have you ever known anyone? I had a friend -
47:51 turn to Acts 5 while I'm talking here, please -
47:57 I had a friend of another religion
48:00 who would go daily to confess his sins.
48:06 Every night he would go out drinking.
48:10 Dated a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader.
48:14 He'd go... He went and partied. Did a little bit of
48:17 recreational drugs. We didn't know him at that time.
48:21 We met him actually right after he'd become a Christian.
48:23 But every day he would go repent.
48:26 Ask for absolution from the sins
48:29 then he'd go out and do it again!
48:31 Did he ever really repent?
48:34 No! That's not repentance.
48:37 Genuine repentance not only results in the rejection of sin
48:43 but in the return of our devotion to God.
48:48 Acts chapter 5... let's look at verse 31
48:51 because repentance is a gift granted by God.
48:55 Acts 5:31.
48:59 "Him... " - speaking of Jesus,
49:02 "God has exalted to His right hand
49:06 to be Prince and Savior to give repentance to Israel
49:12 and forgiveness of sin. "
49:15 You cannot repent by yourself.
49:19 Turn to Romans chapter 8.
49:21 Turn to Romans chapter 8
49:24 because if there's one thing I want you to go away from...
49:28 taking away from this today
49:31 is that when you come daily before the Lord
49:34 and confess your sins and receive God's forgiveness
49:38 that you pray and ask God
49:42 to grant you repentance.
49:46 You need to ask God. That is a gift to be received.
49:50 So you need to pray and say: "Lord,
49:53 please forgive me for murmuring and complaining
49:58 and being negative when You have blessed me so.
50:03 You parted the Red Sea for me
50:05 I don't know how many times in my life.
50:08 Lord, I know You... It's the same as those...
50:11 those Hebrew children out in the desert.
50:13 You've struck the rock and water's miraculously appeared.
50:16 You've given me manna
50:18 and yet, Lord, I murmur and complain.
50:21 Forgive me, Father. But Lord, more than forgive me
50:25 grant me repentance. Romans chapter 8...
50:28 look at verses 13 and 14.
50:31 "If you live according to the flesh, " what's going to happen?
50:35 "You die. But if" by whom?
50:38 "If by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body,
50:44 you will live.
50:46 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God
50:49 these are the sons of God. "
50:53 It is only by the Spirit's power that we can repent.
50:59 It is only as we have a cooperative relationship
51:05 with God that we can turn away from our sin.
51:09 You know, David was fully aware of this.
51:12 And that's why in Psalm 51 verse 10 he said:
51:16 "O Lord, create in me a clean heart.
51:21 Renew a steadfast spirit in me. "
51:24 Because it's God who works in you
51:28 to will and to do according to His good pleasure.
51:34 Matthew 28.
51:37 Jesus... Excuse me... Matthew 11 verse 28.
51:41 Jesus gives us some very comforting words.
51:45 He says: "Come to Me
51:50 all you who labor and are heavy laden
51:52 and I will give you rest.
51:54 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me
51:57 for I am gentle and lowly in heart
52:00 and you will find rest for your souls
52:04 for My yoke is easy and my burden is light. "
52:09 See, what's going on here in this whole process of repentance
52:13 is we're going in the wrong direction in some area
52:16 of our life. We meet up with Jesus.
52:19 We... we recognize our sin.
52:22 We have that godly sorrow seize our heart.
52:26 We confess our sin; we receive that forgiveness.
52:29 And you know what? The power to turn around is
52:32 He yokes us to Him and He turns us around
52:35 and here He goes... we're yoked together.
52:39 You know, I was praying once about
52:43 learning how to surrender.
52:45 And as I was praying, what I saw in my mind
52:47 was this teensy, weensy little bitty sugar ant
52:50 next to a huge elephant.
52:52 And the Lord said to me in that still, small voice -
52:57 I didn't hear an audible voice -
52:59 but He impressed His thought on my mind by the power
53:02 of the Holy Spirit. And He said: "Shelley,
53:05 you're greatest human strength
53:09 could be compared to this little tiny sugar ant
53:11 whereas Mine could be compared to this elephant
53:15 millions of times larger.
53:17 Why would you want to try
53:20 to walk the Christian walk by your own power
53:25 when you can draw on Mine?
53:30 Reminds me of what Paul wrote to the Galatians.
53:33 "You foolish Galatians!
53:35 Having begun in the Spirit are you now trying to perfect
53:39 your walk in the flesh? "
53:41 All right, fess up. How many of you have tried to perfect
53:45 your walk in the flesh? Come on... let's be honest.
53:48 Both of my hands have to go up.
53:51 It happens... and God's trying to get our attention
53:56 and say: "You can't do it. "
53:59 The joy of repentance... Now think of -
54:02 and forgive me for using this analogy -
54:05 just think of this elephant who is now... and this tiny
54:08 little sugar ant is now yoked with this elephant.
54:14 Who's carrying the load?
54:17 The elephant's carrying the load!
54:19 That's what it's like when you and I are yoked to Jesus
54:23 when He says: "Take My yoke upon you. "
54:25 But can you image this teensy, weensy little sugar ant
54:28 way up here high in the air. Elephant is carrying the load.
54:32 And all of his little legs just going 90-to-nothing
54:35 saying: "Let me down... I want to do it my way. "
54:37 But that's what we do to God, isn't it?
54:42 And God doesn't want us to.
54:44 The joy of repentance is that being yoked with Jesus Christ
54:49 we're filled afresh with His Spirit.
54:52 He's the One that completes the good work He began in us.
54:56 If we surrender control of our lives to Him,
54:58 He will cause us to be all that He calls us to be.
55:03 Jesus said in Matthew 12:10
55:06 "A bruised reed He will not break
55:09 and smoking flax He will not quench. "
55:12 Do you feel battered and bruised by your mistakes?
55:16 Come to Christ... He will heal you.
55:20 Has your first-love passion for Christ faded?
55:26 Is it dissipating? Is the wick of your spiritual
55:29 lamp smoldering and about to go out?
55:32 Come to Christ. He will add the oil of joy
55:37 to your life and your lamp will burn brightly.
55:40 Five steps of repentance: help me quickly.
55:43 The first step is what? Recognition of sin.
55:47 What's the second step? Godly sorrow.
55:51 And the third step? Confession.
55:54 The fourth step: receive God's forgiveness.
55:57 And the fifth step is to turn around.
56:01 Turn to Acts chapter 3:19
56:03 because this is the culmination of repentance.
56:08 Acts 3:19.
56:10 The Bible says in the New Testament in Acts 3:19:
56:14 "Repent therefore and be converted that your sins
56:19 may be blotted out
56:22 so that times of refreshing may come
56:26 from the presence of the Lord. "
56:28 Repentance is a glorious gift from God.
56:31 It brings times of refreshing that speeds our recovery
56:36 from the sting of sin and it revives us spiritually.
56:40 Isaiah 30:15 He says:
56:44 "In returning to Me, resting in Me, you shall be saved.
56:47 In quietness and in trusting confidence
56:50 shall be your strength. "
56:53 Repentance gives us confidence before the Lord
56:56 and assures us of His power to save.
57:00 Repentance brings rest to our weary souls.
57:04 God grants us forgiveness,
57:07 and when He grants us forgiveness
57:10 He grants us repentance.
57:12 A precious price... a gift of such a price
57:15 it's beyond compare. Receive it with joy.


Revised 2014-12-17