3ABN Homecoming 2010

The Will

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), C. A. Murray


Series Code: 10HC

Program Code: 10HC000005

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting
00:27 Homecoming 2010 featuring inspired messages
00:31 from your 3ABN family
00:34 along with uplifting Christian music
00:37 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:45 Hello and welcome to 3ABN 2010 Fall Camp Meeting.
00:51 We're so glad that you're joining us from around the world
00:54 whether you're watching on the television or the Internet
00:57 or perhaps listening by the radio we just welcome you
01:00 and we know that you're going to be blessed today.
01:04 And I particularly want to thank all of my brothers and sisters
01:07 who are here. This is such a beautiful church,
01:11 isn't it? And I'm not talking about the building.
01:14 You know the church is the one who goes in and out the doors.
01:18 And you all are a beautiful church and we're glad that
01:21 each and every one of you are here.
01:23 Today we're going to have Pastor C. A. Murray
01:27 who is our production manager at 3ABN.
01:30 He also is the producer for our flagship program
01:35 The Today Program, and he is a powerful preacher of the Word.
01:40 Wouldn't you agree? He is going to be teaching today
01:44 on the will. Now don't think he's talking about how you
01:48 leave your legacy to someone else.
01:50 It's the will that is your own legacy.
01:54 And before he does that, though, we have with us
01:57 two very special friends of 3ABN.
02:00 We love them; they are precious, precious people.
02:03 And I'm speaking of Jimmy and Pam Rhodes.
02:06 And you know, I was asking Jimmy back stage:
02:08 How many instruments do you play?
02:12 He was a band director so he can play them all.
02:14 But he kind of majored in the brass and in keyboard.
02:19 And then we have our beautiful Pam. Thank you, Pam.
02:22 She's going to be singing a very upbeat song,
02:25 and it's a reason to be upbeat because the title
02:28 of the song is My Sins Are Gone.
02:42 You ask me why I'm happy
02:45 so I'll tell you why: because
02:49 my sins are gone.
02:56 I say... my sins are gone.
03:01 They're underneath the blood of the cross of Calvary,
03:05 as far away as darkness is from dawn.
03:10 In the sea of God's forgetfulness...
03:12 that's good enough for me!
03:14 Praise God, my sins are gone.
05:15 Amen. Praise God, my sins are gone!
05:21 You should all have in your hand -
05:24 and if not on your chair... you're sitting on them -
05:31 a little thing that we're going to talk about
05:34 called The Human Will.
05:37 This is not wills and trusts... that's another seminar.
05:40 This is the human will,
05:43 and we want to spend just a little time talking about that
05:48 for the next little bit.
05:50 Would like to refer you to a text -
05:55 a familiar one to most of us - found in
05:59 Philippians chapter 2 and verse 13.
06:03 Philippians 2:13.
06:06 The Bible says: "For it is God who works in you
06:10 both to will and to do
06:13 for His good pleasure. "
06:17 Shall we pray. Father God,
06:20 we do praise you and thank you for the privilege we have
06:25 of coming before You.
06:27 For the call that brought us out of darkness into light
06:31 and error into truth.
06:34 And we thank Thee that we serve a loving God
06:37 who is concerned about each and every aspect of our lives
06:42 and who wants more than anything
06:46 to be at one with us.
06:50 So we ask You now, Lord, to teach us
06:53 those things that You would have us to know
06:55 and then help us to do them... because it is in the doing
06:59 that we are made like Christ Jesus.
07:01 And we thank you in His name, Amen.
07:04 I have as of late begun to re-study
07:08 the lives of the pioneers
07:12 and, um, I found a number of interesting things.
07:15 I wanted really to know what kind of man,
07:20 Dr. Blanco, could be married to the prophetess of the church.
07:25 And that's... that's... I wanted to see what kind of guy
07:27 James White was. I have read so much about Ellen White...
07:31 Know of her strength, know of her love for the Lord.
07:34 I wanted to know who's the guy that could...
07:38 that could marry an Ellen G. White.
07:41 And... and so I began studying the lives of the pioneers.
07:44 I read about Joseph Bates.
07:46 Read about James White.
07:47 Read about E. J. Waggoner.
07:50 Several books on Ellen White.
07:52 And I found out a number of things that these men and women
07:57 were men and women of like passion just like we were.
08:00 They had the same trials that we have,
08:03 the same struggles that we have.
08:05 Um, James White was an incredibly strong person.
08:09 We talk about Ellen White's three years of schooling...
08:11 well James White only had about 18 months of formal education.
08:16 And yet before he was done he edited the Adventist Review -
08:21 Review and Herald then - and taught high school.
08:24 He was a brilliant man.
08:25 Very strong-willed individual.
08:28 Very, very strong-willed individual
08:30 and had a penchant, interestingly enough,
08:34 for turning a buck. James White knew how to make money,
08:38 and he gave away tons of money
08:41 to the fledgling church.
08:44 But he could find money where no one else could find money.
08:46 There's an interesting story
08:48 where James White actually took Ellen White
08:51 on a cattle drive. He found... he found that you could buy
08:55 cattle in Abilene at one price,
08:58 herd them to Denver, and sell them for three times the money.
09:03 And he said: "Well the church could use that money. "
09:06 So he dragged Ellen White along on his cattle drive.
09:08 And she was fit to be tied.
09:11 You know that term? She just...
09:13 She said: "He's got me out here bouncing in this wagon
09:16 and bouncing up and down on these horses. "
09:18 And she wrote her son Willie and she said:
09:20 "I will never go on another one of these cockamamie
09:24 adventures with your father again. I'm not doing it.
09:28 I'm cooking for all these rough men.
09:29 You can't get a bath; you can't get a shower.
09:33 You're bouncing up and down in these dusty roads. "
09:36 She said: "This is the last time I go on one of these adventures
09:39 with your father. He can do it without me.
09:42 I should be out serving the Lord
09:44 and I'm bouncing up and down in the back of a wagon.
09:45 Not going to do it again. "
09:47 Uh, so they are people of like passions like we were
09:49 and they struggled to find the truth,
09:52 um, many many times in their lives.
09:55 You know Ellen White - bless her heart - had a penchant
09:57 for falling. Several times in her life
09:59 she fracture her ankle, broke her ankle, twisted her ankle.
10:03 Sometimes had to be carried. She would step out of a wagon
10:05 and hit a stone... down she would go.
10:07 She would miss her step and down she would go.
10:08 She would fall kind of a lot and she asked the Lord about that.
10:12 "Why am I on the ground so much? "
10:14 There was one time when the devil tried to kill them both
10:16 and flipped their buckboard over
10:18 and both of them went flying through the air.
10:20 And she says it was as though the angels put their hands
10:23 under us and we landed softly.
10:26 Praise God!
10:28 So I set that as a backdrop for what we are about to talk about
10:33 because God did not wrap
10:37 Adventist theology in a bow and give it to the church.
10:42 The church had to struggle - to dig deeply -
10:46 to find out truth.
10:48 And there were some times in that continuum of finding out
10:52 truth when they were wrong.
10:54 And they had to realize they were wrong,
10:57 correct their errors, and move on.
11:01 And I think that's a good message for us today.
11:03 Always be in the attitude of a learner.
11:07 You know, Adventists tend to hold their belief
11:10 very firmly. And you should!
11:11 You shouldn't be blow about by every wind of doctrine.
11:14 But by the same token the Bible says
11:17 always to "study to show yourself approved. "
11:21 Always be in the attitude of a learner...
11:24 of one who is ready to learn and accept new truth.
11:29 And so this is the background... the context for
11:33 what we want to talk about today
11:35 because our pioneers had adopted a theological stance
11:39 that really overemphasized... overemphasized
11:43 the position of obedience and law-keeping
11:47 as a way of righteousness. Now,
11:50 I say that they overemphasized the position.
11:54 We know and understand that Jesus says
11:58 "if you love Me... " do what?
12:00 "keep My commandments. " But He said: "If ye love Me... "
12:04 not just flat "keep My commandments. "
12:07 And sometimes in our past we have sort of
12:11 pushed the "If ye love Me" part aside
12:14 and just stumped on the "keep My commandments. "
12:17 And that was the position that many of our early
12:21 church fathers found themselves in. They were...
12:24 they were hammering on the law, the law, the law, the law
12:28 so much they forgot about the love part.
12:30 And love precedes law.
12:33 Amen? "If ye love Me, then keep. "
12:37 Because if you keep and don't love
12:39 well you've got a problem that we're going to talk about
12:41 uh, in just a little bit.
12:45 And so, ummm, they said "If you use your will,
12:51 if you just... " We had developed this theology
12:54 that said: "If you just work harder,
12:59 you can do it. " You know, if you're having
13:02 keeping the law, if you're having trouble serving the Lord,
13:04 just try harder.
13:06 Just... just try more and you'll be fine!
13:09 So we had moved into sort of a legalistic, work oriented
13:13 theology that said: "You've just go to try harder.
13:16 Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and you'll be fine. "
13:19 And so beginning 1888... after... a little before 1888
13:23 and through the 90's just before Ellen White went off to
13:28 Avondale and Waggoner went off to London,
13:31 we began to swing the pendulum back to Christ...
13:35 to Christ as the center.
13:36 That righteousness is not just keeping...
13:39 righteousness is being. Righteousness is surrendering
13:42 to Christ and letting Christ live His life out through you.
13:46 And that the correct use of the will
13:48 is to... to surrender to Jesus Christ.
13:51 And so for the pioneers it was obedience.
13:54 For the reformers it was faith.
13:56 They assumed that if you kept the law
13:59 you'd just be fine. But then they found out
14:01 that it was not just law keeping it was surrendering
14:04 to Jesus that made one more and mostly like Christ.
14:09 So, you've got your papers in your hand
14:11 and you can follow along with me and, ummm,
14:15 this information will also be up on the screen.
14:17 Let's define the human will as defined in the
14:20 fifth volume of the Testimonies page 513.
14:29 So your will... your mind... is part of serving God.
14:34 And the Bible says: "Come let us reason together. "
14:38 Pure religion has to do with the will.
14:53 And forgive my typing, my finger slipped there.
14:55 That's away but it should be sway.
14:57 All right?
15:12 The will then is the mindset.
15:15 The will is the attitude that you have
15:19 toward the commandments of God and towards God Himself.
15:23 Suppose you got up this morning
15:26 and you said to yourself and to anyone who would hear
15:30 "Today I will not sin. "
15:35 Or better yet... "I will not to sin.
15:40 I WILL not to sin. "
15:42 How far do you think that'll get you?
15:47 Get out of your bed. Today's the day:
15:50 today I'm not going to sin.
15:53 How long do you think that'll last?
16:02 The very statement is presumptuous
16:06 and... and can be looked at as sin.
16:10 Because you're saying you're going to do something
16:12 that God said you can't do.
16:15 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean thing?
16:19 Not I. Not you.
16:24 John says - John 15:5- "Without Me
16:27 ye can do nothing. "
16:30 So your promise not to sin is going to last how long?
16:37 About as long as it takes to say it.
16:40 Or you get in your car and get on the road
16:43 in New York City or Atlanta or any other major city
16:46 and your promise is gone.
16:49 Amen? Some of you it doesn't last that long.
16:52 You try to find your car keys and you can't find them...
16:57 Promise gone.
16:59 Today I'm not going to think a bad thought
17:01 or do a bad thing. Last's about that long.
17:06 So our will is not enough.
17:09 We need to link ourselves - link our wills -
17:14 with Jesus Christ through surrender.
17:17 Now I'm going to make a statement and I'm going to
17:19 come back to it several times in the course of our discussion.
17:22 It is my settled belief from my research
17:26 that using the will
17:30 to not do a thing is the incorrect use of the will.
17:37 That's my belief... and I'll come back to that.
17:40 To try to use your will to stop doing something
17:43 is a wrong use of the will
17:47 because on some days
17:51 your biological functions will be stronger than your will
17:56 and you will have the ability through the force of will
17:59 to stop. Other days
18:02 your biology will be stronger than your will
18:06 and you will not... you will fail.
18:08 Some days you can just say: "I'm not going to smoke;
18:11 not doing it. " And some days the habit is stronger than you.
18:15 Amen? So... lasting success
18:20 which we call victory is not by force of will.
18:26 It comes from something else.
18:28 We're going to get back to that in just a little bit.
18:30 Let's look at this:
19:28 How in the world did a person with a third-grade education
19:32 know this stuff?
19:36 This is not human wisdom.
19:38 Certainly not for the time in which she lived.
19:41 It comes from God.
19:43 So she's saying that there is this automatic reaction
19:48 between your mind and your body.
19:50 And if you thing something's going to happen,
19:54 it's going to happen.
19:55 And if you plan in your mind for something to happen,
19:59 it's going to happen.
20:01 So you can affect the surroundings...
20:05 your surroundings by the use of the will and the mind.
20:09 We're going to talk about something a little bit later
20:10 about speaking positive all the time.
20:12 That's why I'm such a fan of Shelley Quinn's books
20:16 that say you need to affirm yourself in the Lord.
20:18 You know, you need to... you need to practice
20:20 speaking positive. You need to practice speaking
20:25 help and healing and hope into your life.
20:27 And when somebody... when someone says
20:29 "How are doing? "
20:31 don't tell them every ache, pain, itch, glitch
20:34 that you've got. Amen! Huh?
20:38 You know, if you see a person and every time you see them
20:42 they're plucking that same string,
20:45 "How're you doing? " "Oh, Lord... oh, just awful.
20:51 The world is awful and the people are awful
20:53 and the church is awful and my life is awful. "
20:57 Ellen White says "talk positive. "
21:00 Sure you've got problems... but know what else you've got?
21:04 You've got Jesus. Amen?
21:07 Amen? Amen. So speak positively.
21:11 We'll come back to that in just a little bit.
21:13 And as you... as you speak, so your life goes.
21:17 It's a proven fact.
21:20 We're on disease now.
21:58 Now, she's not talking about denying the truth.
22:02 If you've... if you've got the measles,
22:05 you've got to accept the fact that you've got the measles
22:08 and get help for the measles.
22:11 Amen. But while you've got the measles
22:14 you can speak positively and think positively
22:17 and act positively and live positively. Amen? Amen!
22:55 God wants you to be happy.
22:57 Doesn't He? You think God wants you to be sad?
23:00 Do you think God wants you to be miserable?
23:03 No He doesn't. He wants you to be happy.
23:06 He wants you to be well and happy.
23:19 You can do things to help yourself.
23:22 Exercise is medicine.
23:25 Exercise is medicine.
23:29 And you don't have to kill yourself.
23:31 You don't have to drive yourself crazy.
23:33 Don't park your car closest to the door of the mall.
23:41 You know, in New York I had a neighbor that lived next to me
23:44 who would get in his car, drive to the end of the block,
23:48 pick up his newspaper,
23:50 get in his car, and drive back home.
23:54 One block. In fact, not even a full block
23:56 because he lived in the middle of the block.
23:58 Drive to the end of the block... pick up his newspaper.
24:00 Heat up that car... burn that gas,
24:02 waste all that time to drive to pick up a newspaper
24:06 and turn around and drive back home.
24:08 So make a little game with yourself.
24:11 Park your car on the far side of the lot -
24:14 Amen? - and walk to the store. Praise the Lord!
24:20 In fact, it will save you a lot of aggravation.
24:22 I remember I bought a car some time ago
24:25 and I was... in that mindset I was going into Radio Shack.
24:29 And I jammed it into a little space
24:32 and a lady got out next to me and she banged it.
24:36 And I... I could feel the dent!
24:38 I knew the dent was there.
24:40 And my blood pressure is rising... you know...
24:44 'cause I know the dent is there. And sure enough,
24:46 there was a dent.
24:48 Nothing I could do, you know.
24:50 Had I parked far away, I probably wouldn't have had
24:52 that problem. Oh, let me tell you something a little cute.
24:54 I was in Panama last year visiting my wife's parents.
24:58 They were all in the... in the mall.
25:02 I didn't feel like walking through the mall so I'm
25:03 in the car. We had rented this little minibus because
25:06 my wife, the kids, grandkids...
25:08 all of us jammed into the little minibus.
25:10 And I'm waiting in the car,
25:11 and someone gets out of the car next door and they
25:14 bang the side of the car.
25:15 Not once... a bunch of times. Bang! Bang!
25:19 Bang! Bang! Bang!
25:21 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
25:23 And I'm sitting there. Each bang I'm saying
25:25 you know when you take a rent-a-car back,
25:26 they walk around the car and they check for every dent.
25:29 And every time I heard Bang! I hear ching,
25:32 cha-ching, cha-ching. See? And I'm sitting there like
25:37 and I said: "I can't take it any more. "
25:38 So I got out and I walked around the car.
25:40 There was a lady sitting in the car - she was half-asleep -
25:42 and her child was just banging the car door.
25:44 As I began to speak, my eye caught a bumper sticker
25:48 in Panama on the back of the car.
25:51 You know what the bumper sticker said?
25:52 3ABN.
25:55 What are you going to say?
26:00 What are you going to say
26:02 but "God bless you? "
26:06 But praise the Lord it knocked some dust off
26:09 but it didn't dent the car too bad. So God was good.
26:12 So when I saw the 3ABN I froze in my tracks.
26:15 Nothing I could say but wish them well.
26:17 And worse... she recognized me!
26:20 What are you going to say?
26:24 God bless you.
26:33 Let's go down to sin.
26:57 Satan can't force you.
27:01 He can back you in a corner. I remember there was a comedian
27:03 years ago. He said: "The devil made me do it. "
27:06 The devil doesn't make you do anything.
27:08 He can entice you. He can use peer pressure.
27:12 He can use trickery. In fact,
27:14 Satan can use 1,001 methodologies
27:18 that God cannot use.
27:21 All God has is love.
27:24 That's the only weapon He has.
27:26 And Satan can use so many other weapons but he cannot force you
27:30 to sin. You've got to make that decision
27:34 under pressure to sin.
27:48 And that's why preachers have to preach so hard.
27:49 If sin looked bad, smelled bad, and tasted bad,
27:54 we wouldn't have to preach so hard.
27:57 Amen? Amen. But the problem is it looks good,
28:00 smells good and tastes good. But beneath
28:05 the veneer... I was going to say it's like eating at a certain
28:08 fast food restaurant, but I'd better not mention that.
28:10 I may get into trouble.
28:12 But if you eat junk food all of the time,
28:17 junk in and junk out.
28:20 I had a preacher say once: "If you eat fat, greasy food
28:24 you become a fat, greasy dude. "
28:33 So Satan makes it look good.
28:35 Loads it with sugar, fat, and calories and we think it's good.
28:40 That's why we've got to preach so hard against it.
28:42 But the end thereof are the ways of? Death.
28:45 "There's a way that seemeth right unto a man... "
28:49 but when you scratch beneath the surface it's death.
28:53 And so he can't force you to do it.
28:54 He can shine the bright lights in your eyes.
28:57 He can do all of those kinds of things
28:59 but you've got to decide. Amen?
29:04 Amen. You've got to decide to do it.
29:06 I met a sister here from Las Vegas.
29:09 I used to hear what can come out of a city like Las Vegas?
29:13 You know a couple years ago in Las Vegas
29:15 a certain church baptized... oh, I think they had about
29:18 140 baptisms that year.
29:22 And I think somewhere between 50 and 60 of those people
29:26 came to the Lord through watching 3ABN
29:28 and just walked into the church ready for baptism.
29:33 Didn't need studies... didn't need anything.
29:35 Ready to go! So even in a place like Las Vegas -
29:39 any of these big cities, small towns, anywhere -
29:41 Jesus can lift up His standard against the enemy.
29:44 You've got to decide to turn your back on Jesus
29:48 and accept the call of Satan.
29:50 He cannot force you to do anything.
29:53 And Ellen White says in the book Desire of Ages,
29:55 she says: "the weakest Christian... "
29:58 Who's the weakest Christian in here?
30:06 "when he calls upon the name of Jesus
30:10 is more than a match for the hosts of Satan. "
30:14 Amen?
30:16 You've got an army behind you that's ready to fight for you.
30:21 Amen?
30:22 You don't have to waste time shadowboxing with the devil.
30:25 Get your big brother.
30:28 Tell Jesus: "You'd better leave me alone. "
30:32 Or rather, tell Satan.
30:34 Tell Satan "you'd better leave me alone
30:37 'cause I've got somebody behind me that'll beat you up. "
30:42 Fight my battles for me. Amen?
30:44 And so you've got to turn your will over to him
30:50 in order to sin. He cannot make you sin.
30:53 Not at all.
30:58 Um, let me go back to this.
31:10 He just gives you Sabbathitis.
31:18 I found there is a disease called Sabbathitis:
31:22 inflammation of the Sabbath.
31:25 You wake up Sabbath morning... you have aches and pains,
31:27 Matthew, you never had before in your life.
31:32 You went to bed fine Friday night.
31:34 Sabbath morning... stuff hurts.
31:37 Where'd that come from?
31:41 And so you decide maybe I'll go back to bed.
31:46 So you go back to bed with a headache
31:50 or a foot ache or a toe ache or a backache
31:52 or a fingernail ache.
31:56 And you know when that ache stops?
32:00 About 1 o'clock.
32:04 Yeah. When church is over and your blessing is gone,
32:08 you feel fine.
32:10 That's Sabbathitis.
32:11 He got you to stay home.
32:14 Now, had you come to church -
32:17 Amen! - fought through that pain,
32:21 God would have seen to it that you got your blessing
32:25 and the pain probably would have gone away anyway.
32:29 These little annoyances... it's just Sabbathitis.
32:32 It's Satan trying to keep you home -
32:34 huh? - and have you miss your blessing.
32:39 So he doesn't force you to stay away from church...
32:42 he just provides a little temptation, a little motivation.
32:45 And you miss a little this, you miss a little that
32:48 and you don't know it but imperceptibly
32:51 your strength and power are diminishing.
32:55 You know the Sabbath we were having that discussion about
32:58 who's going to be the greatest?
33:00 And a long comes a little demon-possessed boy
33:02 and they try to cast him out and they can't do it.
33:04 They did not know that they'd lost the presence
33:07 and power of the Holy Spirit.
33:09 You've got to stay in constant communication and contact
33:12 with the Lord. Amen?
33:14 So he doesn't force you to do anything,
33:17 but he is a master of temptation
33:21 and dissuasion.
33:23 You can accept or you can refuse.
33:28 And failure is so sad because all of the power
33:34 of heaven is available just to give you success.
33:38 Jesus died to give you success.
33:43 He lives to give you success.
33:47 He ministers before His Father to give you success
33:53 and victory. And we serve a God who can do anything
33:57 but fail. Amen? And Amen.
34:02 You need to drink daily at the fountain of what?
34:05 Truth. Daily... every single day.
34:08 Read, study, pray every day...
34:22 We can do things to strengthen our will
34:26 or do things to weaken our will.
34:29 Amen? Yeah, you can!
34:32 You can do things. You can eat things.
34:35 Take things into your body that strengthen or weaken your will.
34:38 Excessive sugar intake weakens your will.
34:42 It does! We've got to be very, very, very careful.
34:47 You know, another time she says the will is not the taste
34:49 or inclination. You can manipulate your taste
34:51 and inclination. I used to be a sugar-holic.
34:56 Loved sugar. Couldn't get enough doughnuts.
34:59 Couldn't get enough... I liked my drinks
35:01 really, really sweet.
35:04 I went out to eat in the valley a couple years ago
35:06 and I've educated my taste.
35:11 And you can do that... You can... you can train yourself
35:15 and... and educate yourself. And by little actions
35:20 of the will... I didn't think I could eat two meals a day
35:22 and stop eating at 2, 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
35:25 Went out to eat in the valley and that's what we did.
35:29 It ain't so bad.
35:32 Amen? Amen. Train yourself.
35:35 Educate yourself. Fight... win the little battles
35:38 and then move on to the big battles.
35:40 So now I don't like all those sweet things.
35:42 Just... just don't any more.
35:44 Ummm, ummm... and it's better for you
35:47 not to be pumping all that sugar through your body.
36:28 You see, the principle of God's government is freedom.
36:30 He's not going to force you to do anything.
37:03 Amen? Amen. Go with me if you will to Romans chapter 7
37:06 and verse 14. Let me find that really fast.
37:09 Romans 7:14.
37:19 Romans 7 and 14.
37:23 Look at this: "So we know that the law is spiritual
37:26 but I am carnal, sold unto sin.
37:29 For what I am doing I do not understand.
37:31 For what I will to do, that I do not practice
37:34 but what I hate... that I do.
37:36 If then I do that what I will not to do,
37:39 I agree with the law that it is good
37:43 but now it is no longer I who do it
37:45 but sin that dwells in me.
37:47 For I know that in me... that is, in my flesh...
37:51 nothing good dwells.
37:53 For to will is present with me
37:55 but how to perform what is good
37:58 I do not find.
38:00 For the good that I will to do I do not do
38:03 but the evil I will not to do
38:06 that I practice.
38:09 Now if I do what I will not to do
38:13 it is no longer I who do it
38:16 but sin that dwells in me. "
38:21 Paul gives us the basic premise,
38:24 the basic battle that we are fighting.
38:28 Those things I want to do that are good...
38:32 somehow can't find time to do them.
38:36 Those things that I know I should not do
38:39 that are evil and I should stay away from them
38:42 those are the things that I do.
38:45 The law is good; I am not. So how do I a sinner
38:49 serve a righteous God and become righteous?
38:52 As I said before, it is my belief
38:56 that the negative use of the will is incorrect.
39:01 If you are thinking or trying to get the victory
39:07 over lust,
39:11 you can sit and say: "Today
39:15 I will not think about this particular person. "
39:22 So you concentrate on not thinking about that person.
39:29 So in your concentrating about not thinking
39:32 about that person, you are in effect
39:36 thinking about that person, are you not?
39:40 You are thinking about not thinking about that person.
39:44 And to think about not thinking about a person
39:48 is thinking about the person.
39:50 You are always stuck at that person.
39:54 So you're trying to use your will to not think about a person
39:58 who you are thinking about not thinking about...
40:04 and in effect thinking about them.
40:06 So how do you really not think about them?
40:12 By thinking about something else.
40:16 Amen? Amen. So you take your mind off of not thinking about
40:21 them and put your mind on Jesus.
40:27 I'm not going to not think about her.
40:30 I am going to think about Jesus.
40:34 And as I concentrate on Jesus,
40:37 through the act of grace
40:41 Christ imparts in me a strength
40:44 to keep focused on Him.
40:48 Amen? You see, even those victories you get
40:53 without the aid of Christ don't count for anything.
40:58 That's legalism.
41:01 If I could get to heaven by sheer force of the will,
41:06 that makes Christ's death unnecessary.
41:12 Amen? If I could just work my way into righteousness,
41:16 if I could just pull myself up by my bootstraps
41:19 and cease and desist from sinning by my own force of will,
41:24 then what did Jesus die for?
41:27 Huh?
41:31 But that kind of righteousness is the righteousness of
41:35 the scribes and Pharisees.
41:37 I don't do this, I don't do that.
41:39 I don't do that; I don't do that; I don't do that.
41:42 I don't do that and I certainly don't do that.
41:45 You don't get credit with God for that.
41:48 You get credit with God
41:53 by loving Jesus and surrendering to Jesus
41:58 and allowing Jesus to work out His will through you.
42:04 So now when you get victory you not only stop
42:08 doing that thing, you lose the taste for that thing.
42:14 Amen? And the inclination towards that thing.
42:19 And the stain of that thing
42:24 is taken away from you and cast into the depths of the sea
42:29 so it no longer controls you at all.
42:33 It doesn't control your past; it doesn't control your present;
42:38 and it has no effect on your future.
42:41 That's why the Bible says "there is now therefore
42:44 NO condemnation
42:47 to those who are in Christ Jesus. " Amen?
42:52 That's true victory.
42:55 If I stop smoking today,
42:58 I'm fine from today on.
43:00 What about all those years I smoked in the past?
43:03 Who's going to get rid of that?
43:07 Brother Christ has got to take care of that.
43:08 So to stop doing the thing is not enough.
43:12 You've got to get victory over it.
43:14 That means you've got to get victory over past sins,
43:17 and that's only done through the blood of Jesus. Amen?
43:21 So the victory... the victory is not in using your will
43:26 to stop, it's in using your will to surrender to Jesus Christ.
43:30 Is that clear? I'm kind of begging that point.
43:32 Begging that point because it's important
43:35 in our striving for righteousness.
43:39 Now, let's go into it a little further.
43:59 So do you have to wait for something to come in the mail?
44:02 Un-uh... The moment you surrender.
44:05 You see, He's waiting on you to say "I surrender. "
44:10 "Lord, I can't beat this thing; I can't fight this thing. "
44:15 "I need You to work in me to give me victory. "
44:19 You know how long it takes God to answer that prayer?
44:23 The moment it's formulated in your mind
44:25 before it comes out of your mouth, it's answered.
44:28 Amen? Immediately God's going to do that for you!
44:32 "You cannot control your impulses. "
44:35 And I did a little dictionary search on the word impulse
44:39 just to find out what Ellen White is talking about.
44:43 The dictionary describes an impulse as a sudden, strong
44:46 and unreflective urge or desire to act.
44:51 The key word there is unreflective.
44:53 An impulse is something you don't think about...
44:55 you just do.
44:58 Uh-huh... Driving along...
45:00 somebody cuts in front of you.
45:02 Impulse.
45:07 Impulse.
45:09 Or you go to work. You're having a bad day
45:11 and you're not in the mood and someone says:
45:14 "How you doing, ugly? "
45:17 And they're just playing.
45:19 You know... Yesterday that would have been funny.
45:22 Today it's not.
45:26 And the day that you don't need it, guess what?
45:29 That's the day you get it.
45:31 Yeah. Or you go to church and you're kind of in one of those
45:36 it can go either way and you greet somebody
45:40 and they don't quite give you the greeting
45:43 that you think you should get.
45:46 Impulse.
45:48 Um-hmm.
45:51 You can get so close to Jesus through surrender
45:56 that even those impulses are surrendered to Him.
46:01 You know, even those things that come up real fast.
46:03 Ellen White says sometimes you cannot control a thought
46:05 from gettin' there but you can control it from staying there.
46:11 Sometimes something happens and you get something real fast.
46:13 And you can get to the point where even those little impulses
46:17 are surrendered to Jesus.
46:18 Where He controls not only your mouth
46:21 but also your mind.
46:23 You don't even think about saying it
46:27 and you certainly don't say it.
46:29 Amen? Had a conference president - bless his heart -
46:33 bought a brand new car and came down one morning
46:37 and all four doors were gone.
46:41 All four doors.
46:43 Somebody needed some doors, and they took all four doors.
46:46 And he went upstairs... he happened to play the piano...
46:49 he went upstairs and just began to play Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me.
46:53 He just played. His wife came and said:
46:56 "Why are you playing the piano?
46:58 Shouldn't you be at work? "
46:59 He just pointed to the window.
47:02 So she went over there and looked and screamed: "AAAH! "
47:06 And he said: "It's all right. "
47:09 Just played Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me...
47:11 "Call the insurance company. "
47:13 You can get so close to Jesus
47:15 that even those things that would make you
47:18 pull your hair out... you can handle them
47:22 because Christ is in your life.
47:24 Wouldn't you like that kind of peace
47:26 where you can go to bed at night and sleep
47:28 and... and shut down the cares of the world
47:31 because... because... because your life is hid in Jesus
47:35 and nothing can offend you?
47:38 I'm determined there's no one in the world
47:43 who can push, pull, drag me
47:46 out of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
47:48 There's nothing you can say, nothing you can do,
47:52 that would make me leave the Seventh-day Adventist church.
47:56 It... it's settled for me.
47:59 Amen? It's settled!
48:01 There's no issue for me any more.
48:03 It's settled in my mind and I've got peace about that.
48:08 I've search all of the other religions,
48:11 and I have thoroughly searched my own.
48:13 And this is it, ladies and gentlemen.
48:15 Amen! That's settled.
48:17 And so I can come to church
48:19 and the whole church can turn their back and not say anything.
48:22 I wouldn't like it, but I'll be just fine.
48:27 Just fine. You know, all my years of pastoring
48:30 I had a member say once to me...
48:35 She said: "God has put me here to keep you in line. "
48:44 She said: "That's my job:
48:47 to keep all pastors in line
48:49 and I've got my eye on you. "
48:51 Said: "I'm going to keep you in line. "
48:53 You know what I told her?
48:55 "Praise God!
48:57 I'm going to keep you busy. "
49:05 It's settled for me! I'm staying.
49:08 Amen? Amen! I'm in!
49:10 Staying in because this is where God is.
49:15 OK. Let's go down.
49:16 "Talk faith... " I'm down two paragraphs.
49:19 Let's go back up.
49:21 Go back one paragraph. I'm in the section that says
49:23 I'm given to Christ on the second page.
49:30 There's a great little text: Hebrews chapter 13 verses 5-6.
49:33 Says among other things, one:
49:36 He'll never leave you nor forsake you.
49:39 That's good news!
49:40 Then it says... then it says... it says:
49:45 So we can boldly say... "We can boldly say:
49:50 God is my helper,
49:53 what can man do to me? "
49:56 Amen? That's a bold statement.
49:59 I can... I can say it: "GOD is my helper
50:02 and man cannot hurt me. "
50:04 Amen? Had a person say to me once -
50:06 only happened once in my life, I've said this before -
50:09 She said: "Pastor Murray, I don't like you. "
50:16 She said: "You haven't done anything for me.
50:18 You haven't said anything to me.
50:22 I just don't like you... I don't like you. "
50:26 In fact, what she said was: "Oooh, I don't like you! "
50:32 True story. Said: "I just... "
50:34 like something was crawling on her.
50:36 "I just... I don't like you. "
50:40 Well what do you say?
50:42 God bless you.
50:43 There's nothing you can do.
50:45 You can't cry.
50:47 You can't let persons rent space inside your brain.
50:49 You just... you just... you just give it to Jesus.
50:52 Amen? You know, the Bible says: "When a man's ways please
50:56 God he causes even his enemies to be at peace with him. "
51:01 So just keep following Jesus.
51:04 You can't please the world.
51:08 You've got to spend your time pleasing God.
51:12 So "talk faith, " she says. Say "I will believe. "
51:16 Claim the promises of God.
51:30 "It will take at times every particle of will power
51:35 which you possess: but it is God that is working
51:40 for you, and you will come forth from the molding process
51:45 a vessel unto honor. "
51:48 "Talk faith; keep on God's side of the line... "
52:02 "Your life will be noble.
52:04 Your works will be wrought in God.
52:06 There will be a power... "
52:09 Don't we need power in these last days?
52:20 Stop making excuses for failure
52:24 and don't do things that lead to failure.
52:29 There's something I want to get to before we go.
52:33 I want to go over to Can Control Circumstances.
52:37 I need to get to that.
52:39 I see my time is slipping away but I want to get to this.
53:03 She's talking to a particular individual.
53:11 I want to say this to you:
53:13 If character were easy to get,
53:16 they would sell it at Wal-Mart.
53:20 Are you listening to me?
53:22 It's tough to get
53:25 but it is possible to get.
53:30 Don't be so quick to jump out of the frying pan.
53:38 Sometimes God's got you in there
53:43 because that's where you need to be.
53:48 Amen. I don't like working with them
53:52 so why am I next to them?
53:56 Because God wants you there.
53:59 Because just because you've got a problem with them
54:04 doesn't mean God's got a problem with them.
54:09 And they may be in your life
54:12 to work something out in you.
54:16 Amen.
54:18 So don't be so quick to jump
54:22 because God may be working something out.
54:27 Amen.
54:29 In you and in them.
54:33 So you need to pray and self-assess.
54:37 You know they say when you go to church there are two kinds
54:39 of people who bring two implements to church.
54:42 Some bring a rake and others bring a shovel.
54:47 The shovel folk are in church -
54:49 and every time you say "The church needs to get right
54:52 and people need to straighten up"
54:53 they'll say: "Amen, Pastor"
54:55 and they're shoveling it onto the person next to them.
54:57 "That's right, Pastor. That's right, you are right.
55:01 Preach it! " And they're shoveling it all around
55:03 and you need to bring a rake.
55:05 What do you do with a rake?
55:07 You bring it to yourself.
55:10 You bring it close to home.
55:12 So sometimes God puts us in circumstances
55:16 that are designed to develop our character
55:19 and to test our wills in Jesus Christ.
55:50 God has called us to put our wills
55:54 on the side of Jesus.
55:57 To not place ourselves on the enemy's ground.
56:01 To make no provision for the flesh
56:05 and when called upon to surrender our wills
56:09 to the power of Jesus Christ.
56:11 Ladies and gentlemen, we can have
56:13 victorious Christian living.
56:16 That is God's legacy for us.
56:19 That is His desire for us,
56:21 and we don't have to be defeated.
56:24 We don't have to be knocked down.
56:27 We don't have to be destroyed by the enemy.
56:30 We can be victorious in Jesus Christ
56:34 if we will.
56:37 Not by fighting sin.
56:40 Not by using our will to try to serve God
56:43 and keep the commandments
56:45 but by surrendering our wills to Jesus
56:49 and allowing Him to work out His life in us
56:54 and through us so that we can have complete victory
56:58 in this world and eternal joy in the world to come.
57:03 How many want that in their own lives?
57:04 How many really want to serve Jesus?
57:07 The secret is surrender.
57:10 Amen? Always has been...
57:13 is now, always will be.
57:16 The secret is still surrender.


Revised 2014-12-17