3ABN Homecoming 2010

The Latter Rain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: 10HC

Program Code: 10HC000004

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting
00:27 Homecoming 2010
00:30 featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN family
00:34 along with uplifting Christian music...
00:37 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:45 Allow me please to wish you good morning once again.
00:49 We are beginning seminar #2 in our morning of seminars.
00:55 And we... we like to have these seminars because
00:58 they allow the speaker to delve into a particular subject,
01:02 give it a little bit difference stance than we do
01:05 in the evening preaching meetings.
01:07 And so this morning Pastor Dinzey talked about
01:10 the red heifer and during this particular hour we will hear
01:14 from our pastor here at the Thompsonville church...
01:16 which we call the biggest little church in the world...
01:20 as Pastor John talks about the Latter Rain.
01:24 It is a particular pleasure of mine to introduce him
01:27 because I have watched him as it were grow up.
01:31 I knew Angie before she was Angela Lomacang.
01:34 She was Angela Marr back in those days...
01:36 one of the fair beauties in the Bethel Church in Brooklyn, NY.
01:40 And Pastor John, of the... he had what we used to call
01:45 a lollipop Afro back in those days -
01:47 one of those big Afros.
01:49 And running around Brooklyn, New York back in those days.
01:52 And we had fun together playing on the same basketball team.
01:56 And we sort of followed each other's careers
01:58 for many, many years.
02:00 I was his pastor then; he is my pastor now.
02:03 We at 3ABN have a love affair each with the other.
02:07 We appreciate each other's ministry.
02:09 We like to hear each other speak.
02:12 There is no jealously here
02:13 at Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
02:15 We really root for each other,
02:17 and I think that's a wonderful way to serve the Lord.
02:20 When one is blessed all are blessed.
02:22 And when one lifts up the name of Jesus,
02:25 all of us are lifted up. And I know that Pastor John
02:27 has much to say to us this very day.
02:30 And so we ask that you give ear to him as he sings
02:34 and as he ministers the word.
02:36 Before he does both, let us bow our heads in prayer.
02:39 Gracious Father, we do praise You and thank You
02:42 for being such a good God.
02:45 We thank You for the call that brought each of us
02:48 out of darkness into the marvelous light of Your truth
02:52 and your love.
02:54 We thank Thee, Father, that You are preparing to come
02:57 but before that coming You are preparing a people.
03:01 We want to be prepared people
03:05 and so give us listening ears this day
03:09 and opened eyes this day
03:12 and receptive hearts this day
03:14 as the man of God brings us a word from You
03:19 as we seek to take another step along the road that leads
03:25 to glory. And we thank You in Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
03:31 Our pastor - John Lomacang.
03:37 Good morning everyone.
03:39 Glad to see you all here.
03:41 Particularly excited that my wife is able to be here with us
03:44 today and the Lord is continuing to bless her
03:47 with health and strength. And I want you to continue
03:49 to keep her in prayer.
03:50 And... but this morning we're going to be dealing with a topic
03:53 everyone of us has an opportunity to do our part
03:57 to contribute to understanding what the Bible says
04:00 and how important these messages are for the last days.
04:03 And the message I have chosen to share with you this morning
04:06 is entitled The Latter Rain.
04:08 Very straight-forward title.
04:10 Nothing conspicuous or inconspicuous about it
04:13 because I think that it needs to be very clear.
04:15 Because we are living in the days of the Latter Rain.
04:19 And what's exciting about that is Jesus is soon to come.
04:22 And we are a people that must get ready and do our part
04:26 to get others ready for the coming of the Lord.
04:29 If you have your Bibles, those of you who are joining us
04:32 via television or satellite or Internet or radio
04:35 and you can scoop your Bible on your lap and open with me
04:38 to the book of Matthew 24-
04:40 Matthew chapter 24- we're going to begin with a single verse
04:45 that you may have heard before
04:46 used in a completely different context with the topic today.
04:51 Matthew chapter 24 and verse 37.
04:56 Matthew chapter 24 and verse 37.
05:01 And if you don't have a Bible, share with your neighbor.
05:04 But I have quite a bit of scriptures I'm going to
05:07 cover today and a lot of quotations from the writings
05:11 of Ellen White because she does an excellent job
05:13 on putting together the wonderful picture
05:16 that is presented about the blessings of the Latter Rain
05:19 as it pertains to the last days.
05:22 The Bible reads: "But as the days of Noah were
05:26 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
05:30 I'll read that one more time.
05:33 "But as the days of Noah were
05:36 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
05:40 Elder Murray prayed. I want to pray one more time
05:43 to ask for the Lord to send His Holy Spirit
05:46 on a topic about the Holy Spirit.
05:49 Heavenly Father, please send the rain.
05:53 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
05:59 Let me begin by giving you a totally different perspective
06:02 of the text we just read.
06:05 "But as the days of Noah were
06:08 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
06:13 Had they understood the power of the rain that was coming
06:20 the preparation would have been quite different.
06:24 It had never rained before that day came.
06:29 There were no clouds to even suggest
06:32 that rain was on its way. As a matter of fact,
06:35 rain was not even a word used during the days of Noah.
06:39 There were no umbrellas... no need of them.
06:44 The Lord flourished the earth in ways that were
06:47 quite different than today.
06:49 So if some said that the rain was coming,
06:52 it sounded completely odd and out of sorts.
06:56 And so when Noah took up the task to preach that rain
06:58 was coming, they did not understand the power
07:01 of the rain that was to come.
07:04 In the very same way in our day
07:07 if we would only understand the power of the rain that IS coming
07:13 I believe the preparation will be quite different.
07:15 I believe one of the reasons why the church is not preparing
07:19 the way it is; is because "As it was in the days of Noah
07:22 so also will it be in the days
07:24 of the coming of the Son of Man. "
07:26 Jesus is getting ready to come,
07:28 and we know the world is not going to be destroyed by a flood
07:31 but God has promised to pour out the rain again.
07:34 Amen!
07:36 And if we understand as they did not understand
07:39 in the days of Noah, had they understood that the world
07:43 was going to be swept away by a flood
07:45 they would have responded differently to the messages.
07:48 Had they understood that every- thing they put their faith in
07:51 was going to be destroyed by the rain
07:53 they would have made different choices.
07:55 In the same way, brothers and sisters,
07:58 let's not take for granted that the end is going to come
08:00 in a whimper. It is going to come in a
08:02 grand and glorious way. Can you say Amen?
08:04 It's going to come in a way more predominantly powerful
08:08 than it was in the days of Noah.
08:10 The rain that came then destroyed, but God is going to
08:12 pour out a rain today... God is going to pour out a rain
08:14 just before He comes that is not for the purpose of destruction
08:18 but for the purpose of salvation.
08:21 But had they understood the power of the rain that was
08:23 coming, their preparation would have been quite different.
08:26 We need to understand the power of the rain that is coming.
08:32 I took the time to peruse the Internet, and I like to do that
08:35 when it comes to very important statistics.
08:38 I'm a statistic man.
08:40 And I came to discover that rain is more powerful
08:43 than we sometimes even lead on for it to be.
08:45 You know, when we have a lot of rain, the last thing you want
08:48 to see is more rain.
08:50 I discovered just in the country of China alone -
08:54 and this is not talking about all of their rainfall -
08:57 but just in the country of China
08:59 in seven significant events they have lost by rain,
09:04 more people have been killed in the country of China
09:08 by rain than any other country on the earth.
09:11 Can you fathom losing 7 and a half million people
09:14 in your country to rain?
09:16 Just China!
09:18 And I would say, had they understood the power of the rain
09:22 they would have prepared quite differently for the rain
09:24 that was coming.
09:25 In one incident alone, one to three and a half million people
09:29 were destroyed - killed, wiped out of existence -
09:32 just by rain.
09:34 And the Lord is saying to us in the last days:
09:35 He is going to send a rain.
09:37 He is going to send a rain not to destroy but to save.
09:41 The flood - the most powerful of all the rains that we've
09:45 heard of. But it's also the most famous flood
09:47 that we've ever heard of. Genesis chapter 7
09:50 has a few lines about this great flood
09:53 that we look back on.
09:55 The Lord gave Noah a job.
09:57 He said: "Preach that the rain is coming. "
10:00 And sometimes I feel like Noah
10:02 because I'm preaching today that the rain is coming.
10:05 And people sometimes misunderstand that, because
10:07 we know the world is going to be destroyed by fire
10:09 the second time.
10:12 But the rain that's coming this time is going to be glorious.
10:16 It's going to ripen the harvest
10:17 in a way that it's never been ripened before.
10:19 And I've... I've received some encouragement.
10:22 See, last time these great rains fell only 8 people were saved.
10:25 But God has given me courage that a number which no man
10:29 can number is going to be saved. What do you say?
10:32 Amen! He's built a larger vessel this time!
10:36 Bigger than the last ship built by Royal Caribbean.
10:40 They just released a new one coming out here.
10:43 Matter of fact, it's coming out now
10:45 in just a few months called the Oasis of the Seas.
10:50 More than 6,000 passengers on that ship!
10:56 God can build ships bigger than Royal Caribbean...
10:59 what do you say? Amen.
11:00 On this next ship there's going to be a number which no man
11:04 can number of every nation, every kindred,
11:08 every tongue, and every people.
11:10 When God poured out the rain last time the Bible says
11:13 the Lord told Noah to preach: "I will cause rain to fall
11:17 on the earth 40 days and 40 nights.
11:19 It will destroy from the face of the earth
11:22 every living thing that I have made. "
11:24 And the record is clear.
11:26 Rain was on the earth 40 days and 40 nights.
11:29 But there's something about the rain that fell in Noah's day
11:32 that exposes something far greater than the magnitude
11:36 of man's wickedness. And the rain then revealed
11:40 the tremendous power of God.
11:43 Think about that for a moment.
11:46 Go with me to Matthew chapter 24 again
11:49 and notice verses 38 and 39:
11:51 the tremendous power of God.
11:54 "For as in the days before the flood
11:58 they were" doing what, church?
12:00 "eating" and what else? "drinking. "
12:03 "Marrying and giving in marriage. " Stop!
12:07 God is about to pour out His Latter Rain,
12:10 but so many of us are busy eating and drinking.
12:14 "Marrying and giving in marriage. " Celebration.
12:18 And God is looking for someone waiting and expecting
12:21 and praying for the infilling of His Holy Spirit.
12:24 "As it was in the days of Noah. "
12:26 Before the flood came then,
12:28 people were caught up in day by day life.
12:30 I would suggest to you today: the church needs to wake up
12:33 because so many of the churches today are becoming
12:36 an entertainment center...
12:38 a center where the people come to have things done for them.
12:40 But God wants to do more than giving you money
12:43 for your next bill.
12:44 He wants to give you power to turn your life on
12:47 for the glory of God.
12:49 And so we've come to this place where people come:
12:51 what can you do for me? But I remember the words of
12:54 the now deceased John F. Kennedy.
12:55 He said: "Ask not what your country can do for you
12:59 but what you can do for your country. "
13:01 Ask not what the church can do for you
13:04 but what you can do for the church! Amen.
13:06 God has called us not to membership
13:09 but to be laborers together with God.
13:12 And so a few want to be members rather than laborers
13:15 together with God.
13:16 We want to be on the rolls rather than on the battlefield.
13:20 We want to be in the church
13:22 rather than in the harvest field.
13:25 "As it was in the days of Noah... "
13:27 They were "eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage
13:30 until the day that Noah entered the ark. "
13:33 There's going to be an ark,
13:34 and before we enter that ark there's going to be
13:36 a declaration: "He that is unjust, let him be... " What?
13:39 "Unjust still. "
13:41 "He that is righteous, let him be righteous still. "
13:44 When the ark's doors are closed,
13:48 then the rain is over.
13:51 Unlike in Noah's day, when the ark's doors were closed
13:54 the rain began.
13:56 This time when the ark's doors close, the rain is over.
14:01 And so it says: "They did not know until the flood came
14:05 and took them all away. " God wants a flood
14:09 today to come and take us away from the humdrum
14:13 so-called spiritual activity of our lives
14:16 and take us away into the glorious field
14:18 where the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few.
14:23 He wants the rains to come.
14:26 There's another flood coming, and this time as it was in the
14:29 days of Noah, it's going to cover the earth again.
14:32 Listen to the words of the apostle Paul as he writes.
14:35 In the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 17 we read these words:
14:40 "And it shall come to pass in the last days"
14:43 What days did I say?
14:44 "that the Lord said: 'I will pour out' "
14:49 There are those flood words. I will do what, friend?
14:52 "Pour out My Spirit on all flesh. "
14:56 The day is coming when the windows of heaven
14:59 will be opened again. Can you say Amen to that?
15:01 "The days are coming when the clouds of heaven will gather
15:04 in abundance. The moment is nearing
15:06 when the final harvest will be gathered. "
15:10 God is pouring out His Spirit,
15:13 and like it was in the days of Ezekiel,
15:15 He says: "There shall be showers of blessing. "
15:19 But the songwriter said: "Send them upon us, oh Lord. "
15:24 He wanted those blessings today.
15:26 I don't want to wait till some future date.
15:27 I want the power of God to reside in my life today.
15:30 What about you? Amen.
15:31 Don't want to wait for some date way down the road
15:33 where all of a sudden like a Christmas tree on the front lawn
15:35 of the White House that the lights just come on arbitrarily.
15:38 God wants us to shine for His glory every day.
15:41 God wants us to be passionate about winning souls to Christ
15:46 every day... not just one day of the year.
15:50 Ezekiel said: "The Lord said 'I will cause showers to come
15:52 down in their season
15:54 and there shall be showers of blessing. ' "
15:56 And just like the days of Elijah,
15:57 before the rains even fell Elijah told Ahab:
16:01 "There is a sound of abundance of rain. "
16:06 If you've been looking at the climate of our world,
16:09 there's a sound of abundance of rain.
16:11 The world is falling apart,
16:14 but there is a sound of abundance of rain.
16:17 The economy is unstable, but God is still saying
16:20 the blessing is there.
16:21 There is a sound of abundance of rain.
16:24 Spiritual wickedness is now in high places
16:27 but God is saying there's a sound of abundance of rain.
16:31 There's very little that we can still trust,
16:34 but we look to God and He is saying to us:
16:36 "There is a sound of abundance of rain. "
16:38 What do you say? Amen!
16:40 So let's not look at what's happening around us
16:42 but what's happening inside of us.
16:43 As the world is falling apart,
16:45 God is looking to pull us back together.
16:47 There is a sound of abundance of rain.
16:49 Get that picture, because Elijah said that to Ahab.
16:53 Ahab was concerned about his journey,
16:55 and time after time he sent his servant to the mountaintop
16:58 to look out over the plain to see if rain was coming.
17:01 And every time he said: "There's no rain in the distance. "
17:04 But all of a sudden, a hand... as small as a man's hand...
17:07 a cloud appeared. And the servant came back to Elijah
17:10 and said: "I see in the distance coming up out of the waters
17:13 something as small as a man's hand. "
17:15 And he said: "Go back and tell Ahab
17:17 that there is the sound of abundance of rain. "
17:23 And whether you know it or not, we are living in the days
17:26 of Elijah. But God wants to pour out His Spirit.
17:30 But the problem is: so little is understood about
17:33 the Latter Rain because so little is taught about
17:36 the Early Rain.
17:38 Let's talk about the Early Rain first.
17:40 Go with me to Zechariah chapter 10 and verse 1.
17:42 Are you ready? Go there with me:
17:43 Zechariah 10 and verse 1.
17:49 Zechariah 10 and verse 1. My wife and I lived in the
17:53 Napa Valley area - not too far outside of there -
17:57 in the city of Fairfield, California.
17:59 And she'd go to work every day through the Napa Valley area.
18:03 And sometimes we would ride our bikes.
18:06 And we would know that there were two significant times
18:08 of the year where we would look for the rain.
18:11 The early rain prepared the way for planting
18:14 and the latter rain prepared the way for harvest.
18:17 One thing you have to keep in mind is that the volume
18:20 of your planting determines the volume of your harvest.
18:25 Did you hear what I said?
18:26 The volume of your planting will determine
18:29 the volume of your harvest.
18:31 I'm not going to read the entire verse,
18:33 but Zechariah 10 and verse 1: The Lord says...
18:35 What's the very first word? Say that together with me.
18:37 Say it again. What is it?
18:40 One more time. Ask. "Ask the Lord
18:43 for rain in the time of the Latter Rain. "
18:47 Are we living in the time of the Latter Rain?
18:49 So what should we be doing?
18:50 Asking. Not... not just before you come to church
18:54 but every morning, every day: ask
18:56 for rain in the time of the Latter Rain.
18:59 And notice what the Lord said.
19:00 Just like Elijah told Ahab
19:03 notice what the Lord said He would do.
19:04 "The Lord will make flashing clouds and will give them
19:09 showers of rain. "
19:11 When you ask God for His indwelling Holy Spirit,
19:15 that is one request that God will not ignore.
19:23 Right there you guys missed a huge Amen.
19:29 I wanted to see... I was waiting for the delay.
19:32 When you ask God for the infilling of His Holy Spirit,
19:36 that is one request that God will not ignore.
19:39 Amen.
19:42 So we've got to get away from just church attendance
19:46 and Christian activity. There a lot of Christian activity.
19:50 You can go to the Internet and type in the word Christian
19:52 and sit there for the rest of your life just sorting through
19:54 all the entries that come up by the millions.
19:57 Everything is titled Christian nowadays, but not everything
19:59 titled Christian is Christian.
20:03 So to make a difference between the harvest
20:05 and just those things that are in the same field as the harvest
20:08 because there are weeds in the harvest field.
20:11 There are insects in the harvest field.
20:15 Not everything in the field is good for the harvest.
20:18 But you've got to pray for the Lord to send the rain.
20:21 And remember that. I say that again, the volume of
20:23 your planting determines the volume of your harvest.
20:26 Paul, the apostle says: "He who sows sparingly
20:29 will also reap sparingly,
20:30 but he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. "
20:34 Do you know that there's not going to be a single crown
20:36 in heaven without at least one star?
20:39 That means if you plan on going
20:41 and you have not led somebody to Christ,
20:43 then you're not going.
20:50 'Cause there's not going to be a single crown in heaven
20:52 that does not have at least one star:
20:54 that person you led to Christ.
20:56 And here's the simple mathematics of soul winning:
20:59 if you sow bountifully you're going to do what?
21:02 Reap bountifully.
21:03 But if you never sow seed...
21:04 So many of us have wondered well what's going to happen.
21:06 Is that person going to come to Christ? That's not your job.
21:09 You just simply have to put the seed where it ought to be.
21:11 One sows, one waters, but what?
21:15 God gives the increase.
21:17 You've got to sow. Notice the Lord didn't say:
21:18 "You have to harvest bountifully. "
21:20 But whatever you sow is going to be harvested
21:23 because what you put in when it's the Word of God
21:25 the Word of God will never return void.
21:28 Amen. God's Word will always accomplish
21:31 what God intends. So we've got to get busy
21:34 in the sowing. Whatever we sow we're going to reap.
21:36 And remember this: "Do not be deceived,
21:38 God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows he will reap. "
21:43 If the seed has not been sown,
21:45 if the seed has not been planted,
21:47 the fruit will not be seen. There will be no harvest.
21:50 But then again you have to remember something else
21:52 about harvesting... about the Latter Rain.
21:54 Ecclesiastes 11 verse 4.
21:56 Listen to this text:
21:57 "He who observes the wind will not sow,
22:01 and he who regards the clouds will not reap. "
22:04 You know, there's a... there's a saying that, um...
22:07 Agrippa said it to Paul.
22:11 He was looking for a more convenient season.
22:14 You cannot wait till all the conditions are perfect
22:18 for going out and sharing your faith.
22:21 You can't wait till all the opposition is done.
22:24 I was doing some research a little bit ago, and I was
22:27 asking the question: when is the right time to plant
22:30 grass seed?
22:33 And somebody responded: "Well, it depends on
22:34 what kind of grass seed...
22:36 because some grow well in the warm weather.
22:39 Others grow well when you plant it just before the fall season.
22:42 Others do well when you plant it just before the rain
22:45 has come, just before the snow comes
22:47 because it requires that incubation period
22:49 during the cold weather so that it can germinate
22:52 in time for the spring. " So it depends on what you're planting.
22:55 And so there are those who say
22:57 "Well, when is going to be the right time to share my faith
22:59 with those at my job? "
23:00 Whenever I travel and people give me an opportunity
23:03 to talk about Jesus, I take that opportunity.
23:06 Because you know, you can plant a seed.
23:07 You never know what the outcome is going to be,
23:09 but there'll never be an outcome if you don't plant the seed.
23:13 I was at the... just a few days ago I went
23:17 to one of the salons in the mall there in Marion
23:20 to get my hair spray. You know, I have to keep my helmet of
23:22 salvation, right?
23:24 And so I was kind of looking for hairspray that really would
23:27 hold up. And I went to the store there
23:30 and I was listening. And a lady that was walking me through
23:34 the different sprays - 'cause you know I've learned
23:36 that not everything that says it holds tight holds tight.
23:39 Not everything that says strong hold is strong hold.
23:42 It depends on the manufacturer's definition of strong hold.
23:45 So I'm not deceived by what's on the can.
23:47 I want to know whether or not the contents is going to
23:50 do its job. So I said: "Now is this really strong hold?
23:53 Does this really mean volumized? "
23:55 And she said: "Why does your voice sound familiar? "
24:00 I said: "I don't know. "
24:02 She said: "House Calls, right?
24:04 I listen to it on the radio. You and that other guy named John
24:08 Sanders. " She didn't say tall guy because she listens
24:10 on the radio. She said: "I knew I heard that voice. "
24:13 She said: "Every day I listen to 3ABN. "
24:16 She's a Christian of another denomination.
24:19 She said: "I tune in every day long. "
24:22 You see, 3ABN is planting those seeds.
24:24 We call it here... at the 3ABN Headquarters we
24:27 call it closet Adventists.
24:31 Well I like that program; I'm listening to that program.
24:35 Closet Adventists.
24:36 We have no idea what the harvest is going to be.
24:39 But our job is not to worry about the harvest...
24:41 Our job is to plant the seeds. Can you say Amen?
24:43 Amen! That young lady... And so she said:
24:45 "Well, I know I'm not an Adventist... "
24:46 She knew what denomination... "I know I'm not
24:48 an Adventist but I have a Bible question. "
24:50 And she asked me her Bible question.
24:51 And just then one of the other stylists...
24:54 one of the other stylists - came to the counter
24:56 and began to input on that particular question.
24:59 And I'll be very honest with you,
25:00 you can't even determine whether or not a person is a Christian
25:03 by what you see on the outside.
25:06 Because that young lady came to the counter...
25:08 didn't look like a Christian - in your own measurement
25:10 she looked very much like a person of the world -
25:12 but God works on everybody in His own time
25:16 and in His own way. Amen!
25:18 And she began to quote Bible texts, and I thought
25:20 "Hey, praise the Lord. We have a Bible study here
25:22 at Regis Hair Stylists. "
25:25 Right there at the counter.
25:26 She came in and she heard the Bible study.
25:28 Never be ashamed to let people know
25:30 that the Lord you serve is the One who reigns in your life.
25:33 Amen! My wife was in the hospital there in Herrin
25:35 and one of the mornings they started the day
25:39 in a... in a secular hospital they began the day
25:42 with prayer over the loudspeaker system.
25:45 Amen! Would to God that we did that in all of our
25:48 Adventist hospitals. Unashamed of the gospel.
25:52 Don't be ashamed of Jesus.
25:54 He says: "If you are ashamed of Me in this wicked and perverse
25:58 generation, I'll be ashamed of you. "
26:01 Let's not be ashamed of Jesus. Can you say Amen?
26:04 Amen. Because whatever you sow you're going to reap.
26:06 So you cannot wait for the more favorable time.
26:08 You can't wait till all the opposition...
26:10 because the Bible makes it very clear:
26:12 "Behold, now is the acceptable time.
26:14 Behold, today is the day of salvation. "
26:16 II Corinthians 6:2.
26:18 There's no better time to sow than now, what do you say?
26:21 Amen! This is the time to sow...
26:22 before all the opposition.
26:23 Because one day we're not going to have
26:25 such a favorable climate.
26:26 And if you're listening carefully, you can see in the
26:28 news that... that Satan is so working, he's trying to push
26:32 as best he can to restrict our freedoms here in America.
26:36 Until that day comes, preach the message.
26:39 Preach it with all the power you have because
26:41 the day is going to come when we're not going to have the
26:44 liberty to say what's on our minds.
26:46 Say it while you have the opportunity.
26:48 Once again, when you have that opportunity,
26:51 do it for the glory of God.
26:53 Remember the Day of Pentecost?
26:54 The thing that we all need to remember
26:57 is that what happened on the Day of Pentecost
26:59 God has just given us a glimpse of what He intends
27:03 to do for the last days.
27:04 I'll say that again.
27:06 There in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost
27:08 is only a glimpse of what's going to happen north,
27:11 east, south, and west and every point in between.
27:16 God is going to pour out His Spirit.
27:18 As He did on Jerusalem, He's going to pour it out
27:21 in the last days. The Holy Spirit available to the
27:24 disciples then is available to the church now.
27:28 Listen to this quotation.
27:30 Testimonies volume 8 page 21.
27:33 "The outpouring of the Spirit in the days of the apostles
27:36 was the Former Rain. " Was what, friends?
27:39 The Former Rain.
27:41 "And glorious was the results.
27:44 But the Latter Rain will be more abundant. "
27:48 Amen! Not just in Jerusalem
27:52 but in Thompsonville. In California.
27:55 In Florida; in New York.
27:57 When God pours out His power,
27:59 there's going to be rain everywhere. What do you say?
28:01 Amen! I remember one day I woke up early
28:04 and, um, when I say early I'm talking about early in the
28:07 morning before the sun had even arisen.
28:10 I don't normally get up during the night to use the restroom
28:12 but this particular night I had to get up.
28:14 And... drank a whole lot of water before I went to bed.
28:17 And, but... I was raised in a family where you never
28:20 get caught off guard. You never get in the dark
28:23 without a flashlight.
28:25 My dad was a flashlight man. You've heard my story before?
28:29 My wife travels with a flashlight.
28:31 I have at least one or two when I travel.
28:33 And I woke up during that night to reach for my flashlight
28:36 and I pressed the button so as not to wake up my wife.
28:39 You know you don't want to turn the whole light on on your wives
28:42 right husbands? Right.
28:45 So I have a small little penlight
28:49 and I turned... I pressed the button
28:51 and no light.
28:54 And I just realized hours before my wife was looking for shoes
28:59 under the bed and she left the flashlight on...
29:04 and I forgot to change the batteries.
29:07 I found out when it was darkest
29:11 that there was no power on the inside.
29:14 And I fear that there are many who are taking for granted
29:17 that there will always be power on the inside.
29:20 But you cannot wait... you've got to check your batteries.
29:23 Right behind the stage as a matter of fact here at 3ABN
29:26 we've got this big old box of batteries.
29:28 One thing I have to say: they all look the same.
29:30 All the batteries on the outside they all look the same.
29:32 But if you go back there, I don't know if they'll let you
29:34 see it, but if you go back there
29:36 on the right side of the box
29:38 there's a little label called BAD.
29:41 On the left side there's a label entitled GOOD.
29:44 And you know what? The bad batteries and the good batteries
29:47 look the same. And there are more bad batteries
29:51 than there are good batteries.
29:53 But you'll never know which one is which
29:55 until it is tested.
29:58 Did you get the spiritual parallel there?
30:00 You'll never know who's who.
30:02 They may look just like everybody else.
30:04 But when the test comes, there are many who are
30:06 taking for granted that the power will always be there
30:09 and they fail to check their batteries.
30:11 Have you check your study batteries lately?
30:15 Have you checked your prayer batteries lately?
30:19 Have you checked your devotion batteries lately?
30:22 Have you checked your prayer meeting batteries lately?
30:25 Have you checked your church attendance batteries lately?
30:28 Have you checked your desire for souls to be saved?
30:31 Have you checked that battery lately?
30:33 Because I fear that if any of those batteries come up dead
30:36 that we are going to wait for the darkest hour
30:38 to be confronted with the fact
30:39 that we may look good on the outside but there's no power
30:42 resident on the inside.
30:45 Now I'm going to run through 9 points very rapidly.
30:48 Are you ready?
30:49 Are you ready?
30:51 First one is this:
30:52 it is not enough to pray for the outpouring of
30:55 the Holy Spirit.
30:56 It is not enough to pray.
30:58 Listen to this quotation:
31:00 Review and Herald, February 25, 1890.
31:04 Ellen White said: "When the churches become living... "
31:09 What word did I say?
31:11 Living. "Living, working churches
31:14 the Holy Spirit will be given
31:17 in answer to their sincere request. "
31:21 When the churches become living and working churches.
31:25 Not churches just filled with people...
31:27 but living and working. And she also goes on to say
31:30 that while... until there is a majority in the church that is
31:34 working for the work of God
31:35 the church will not receive the infilling as a corporate body
31:39 of God's Latter Rain.
31:42 There's individual infilling; there's also corporate.
31:45 While the predominant of... the church is idle
31:47 God will not pour out His Spirit on that congregation.
31:50 So therefore, you can't just pray.
31:51 The church has to be a working and a living church.
31:54 Can you say Amen? Amen.
31:55 And then she says: "Then the windows of heaven will be opened
31:58 for the showers of the Latter Rain.
32:00 God decides when to open the windows and pour out
32:03 the Latter Rain because God is the One that searches the heart.
32:05 He examines the lives to see whether or not
32:08 that congregation is qualified. "
32:10 That's why we have to pray not only for fired-up members
32:13 but we have to pray for pastors to be fired-up.
32:17 Amen.
32:18 We get phone calls here at 3ABN... sometimes I get letters
32:20 and when I travel sometimes people say after the sermon
32:23 "My church is dead. "
32:26 "My pastor just doesn't have it from week to week.
32:29 He comes to the church unprepared,
32:31 and we can see it in his sermons
32:33 and the church is dying because of him. "
32:35 We've got to stay in touch with the Lord,
32:37 because a dead preacher
32:38 will translate into a dead congregation.
32:44 We are told that the church could never rise higher
32:47 than its minister.
32:49 And so if I'm not plugged in you surely won't be.
32:52 If I'm coming up here every day and every week
32:54 wasting your time not bringing forth the Word of God,
32:56 the church cannot be more powerful than the vision
32:59 that God has given to the leader of that church.
33:02 We've got a great responsibility.
33:04 We've got to pray... we've got to pray that as God
33:06 searches the hearts of our leaders and examines their lives
33:08 that He finds more qualified than unqualified.
33:11 Can you say Amen? Amen.
33:13 Because we need leaders to be prepared for that Latter Rain.
33:16 Second point is we've got to recognize our need of the
33:21 Holy Spirit and then pray earnestly for Him.
33:24 We've got to recognize our what?
33:26 Our need. Anybody need water right now?
33:33 Let me help you.
33:39 I used to... I don't have one with me but I used to
33:41 sometimes preach and have water here.
33:42 And when I'd pick up the water I'd look for the expressions
33:45 of the people. And all of a sudden they recognized
33:46 when I drank that they were thirsty.
33:49 Now there's a spiritual application there
33:51 because Paul the apostle when he was on the way to Rome
33:54 and all the sailors has lost their courage
33:56 and they thought they were going to lose their lives
33:58 Paul had to eat for them to get the courage to eat.
34:03 You see, if as the leader of this church I'm not spending
34:05 time eating the Word of God I cannot encourage my members
34:08 to eat the Word of God.
34:10 If I'm not spending my time drinking of the water of life,
34:13 I cannot encourage my members to drink of the water of life.
34:17 So as they see me drinking of the water of life
34:20 they will be encouraged in the troublous times
34:23 to drink from the water of life.
34:25 Because there's a promise the Lord makes in Luke 11:13:
34:28 hear it as I read it.
34:31 You can turn there if you'd like,
34:32 but you've got to be fast.
34:34 Luke 11:13... I'll read it:
34:36 "If you then being evil... " Being what? Evil.
34:41 "know how to give good gifts to your children,
34:43 how much more will your Heavenly Father
34:47 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. "
34:51 Isn't that a wonderful promise?
34:53 Said: "If you're terrible and you give good gifts.
34:55 I'm not terrible and I always give good gifts
34:57 and I'll give to those who ask. "
34:59 And Ellen White says in the book My Life Today page 57
35:02 she says: "It is not because of any restriction on God's part
35:06 that the riches of His grace did not flow to man.
35:09 If all were willing to receive, all would be filled
35:14 with the Spirit. "
35:16 Did you get that? Well get the rest of this:
35:18 "We are too easily satisfied with a ripple on the surface
35:26 when it is our privilege to expect the deep, moving
35:30 of the Spirit of God. "
35:33 Do you like a ripple or do you want the whole thing?
35:35 When you're thirsty and somebody comes up to you and just
35:38 drops one drop on your tongue, is that enough?
35:41 We've got some thirsty folk in the world today,
35:43 and we need to be the water of life. Can you say Amen?
35:45 The third point:
35:47 the Holy Spirit is never given for selfish purposes.
35:51 Not to be given... I Corinthian 12 and verse 7:
35:55 "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one
35:58 for the profit of all. " The Holy Spirit
36:01 gives as He sees that the motive is not selfish.
36:06 There are some people that want the Holy Spirit
36:07 but you know, brethren, you've got to get this
36:09 and this is a powerful point -
36:11 I'll even pause before I say it -
36:13 it is not important that we have the Holy Spirit.
36:17 It is important that the Holy Spirit has us.
36:22 You know what will happen if you went down the street
36:24 and climbed up onto those power poles
36:26 and just grabbed onto those power cables?
36:29 That's just a glimpse of the Holy Spirit!
36:32 We can't handle the power of the Holy Spirit,
36:35 but the power of the Holy Spirit can be stepped down.
36:40 Anybody in electronics here?
36:42 You've heard of a step-down transformer?
36:44 If you follow... when I plug in my shaver in the morning
36:48 I have a little one... I have a little shaver called a peanut.
36:50 And I've traveled around the world, and sometimes
36:53 I would take that with a converter.
36:55 Well when I went to Australia I blew up two peanuts already.
37:00 The converter didn't work.
37:02 It said good for 240 volts.
37:05 It will allow anything to be used by that,
37:07 so with all confidence I plugged that little peanut
37:09 into that converter,
37:10 plugged it into the wall,
37:11 and I got three seconds of shaving.
37:13 You didn't get that?
37:15 It shaved faster than it ever had before...
37:18 and it started smoking.
37:23 So I'm now up to my third peanut
37:25 and I'm not going to plug it into any foreign current
37:28 any more. So when I travel now I have a battery-operated
37:31 face shaver.
37:33 My point is this: if we think that we can handle the
37:37 Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will consume us on our feet.
37:42 But the Holy Spirit knows how to step down the power
37:46 that He can reside in us
37:47 and allow the will of God to be worked out in us.
37:49 Can you say Amen? Amen.
37:51 So you've got to pray this prayer: "Holy Spirit,
37:53 I pray that You have me... not just that I have You"
37:57 because there's a false manifestation nowadays
38:00 called the moving of the Holy Spirit
38:02 but it just translates to noise.
38:05 And people think the louder the music the more the Holy Spirit.
38:08 No. You get more excited but that does not translate
38:11 into the Holy Spirit.
38:12 So they think if you jig more and jump up and down more
38:15 like what Pastor C. D. Brooks said:
38:17 "It's not how high you jump it's how straight you walk
38:20 when your feet hit the ground. "
38:22 I wish I came up with that but I'm...
38:24 I'm far behind him in wisdom.
38:27 So there are people that want to jump and say they
38:29 have the Holy Spirit. When we ascend to heaven
38:31 we will all be filled by the ascending power of Christ.
38:34 But the Lord wants us simply to walk a straight line today.
38:37 If you have enough Holy Spirit in your life
38:39 to walk a straight line, that's good enough for me.
38:41 God wants to fill us so that we can walk that line.
38:44 So let's not pray for this thing to be a selfish thing.
38:47 Let's not pray for self-glory.
38:48 It is for the benefit of everyone around us.
38:51 If the Spirit of God fills your life, it's not to fill you
38:53 but it's to make a difference in the life of somebody else.
38:56 Point number four: God is not looking for church service;
38:59 God is looking for consecrated service.
39:03 Quite a difference all together.
39:05 You know when you go to church on Sabbath morning
39:06 you see there in the bulletin when does church service begin?
39:09 When does church service end?
39:11 Church service end? By the way, consecrated service never ends.
39:16 Doesn't end at 1 o'clock like here in Thompsonville
39:21 or at 12 o'clock where you come from.
39:24 I always said years ago: "I've heard of the Midnight Cry
39:27 but I've never heard of the mid-day cry. "
39:29 Church service has beginning and ending points
39:33 but consecrated service never has an ending.
39:37 When we are consecrated to the Lord
39:39 then the Lord sees fit to fill us with His Holy Spirit.
39:41 Listen to this. Review and Herald, July 21, 1896:
39:45 "When we have entire... " What word did I say?
39:49 "entire, whole-hearted consecration
39:53 to the service of Christ, God will recognize
39:55 the fact by the outpouring of His Spirit without measure.
40:00 But this will not be while the largest portion
40:04 of the church are not laborers together with God. "
40:08 So we all have a job to do. I've got a job to do.
40:11 I've got to find a way to get the majority of my members
40:13 working for the salvation of other people.
40:16 Because if that's not the case,
40:17 God is not going to pour into something
40:19 that is not being emptied into somebody else.
40:21 Have you seen that? Did you catch that?
40:23 Why put more fluid in the cup
40:25 if it's not emptying out of the other direction?
40:27 God will not fill up something that's already filled up
40:29 with something else.
40:31 He wants us to be empty... pouring out His grace,
40:33 pouring out His love, pouring out His compassion,
40:36 pouring out His service.
40:37 But He'll never see the need to fill us up
40:39 unless we're pouring it out
40:40 on the community, in the lives and the membership around us.
40:45 He's not looking for church service;
40:47 He's looking for consecrated service.
40:49 Matthew says: "They draw near to Me with their mouth,
40:52 they honor Me with their lips, but their heart is... " What?
40:54 "Far from Me. " So it's not what you say
40:57 or even what you sing, but what's the condition
40:59 of the human heart?
41:01 What is the condition of the spiritual heart?
41:02 Point number five: God will not pour out the Latter Rain
41:06 on those who are idle nor on those who claim
41:09 to have nothing to do.
41:13 It amazes me when the time comes - and I think sometime
41:16 next year we're going to start our process again
41:18 of electing officers - it amazes me when the time comes
41:21 and people say: "Oh, I don't want to do anything this year.
41:23 I just want to relax. "
41:27 You go to any company that hires people
41:31 and walk in and find an employee that says he is just relaxing
41:37 and see if he's going to get a paycheck.
41:40 Every one of us is going to get paid. Amen!
41:44 We're going to all get a penny.
41:46 But God is not going to give money to relaxing Christians.
41:48 God is going to give money to those who are working.
41:50 Even if you come in at the eleventh hour,
41:52 you're going to get a penny. Amen!
41:54 So you've got to be working for... God doesn't call us
41:57 to sit down; God calls us to work!
41:59 To be laborers in the field. To get together
42:01 and work for the salvation of souls.
42:03 God will not pour out His Spirit on those who are idle
42:06 and say they have nothing to do.
42:09 Point number six -
42:11 and this is a powerful one:
42:13 we must be willing to respect each other
42:17 to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
42:21 Now... now jar the person next to you.
42:23 If you look at them real quickly...
42:24 if they're... if they're reading the back on their eyelids,
42:27 jar them for a brief moment.
42:29 They've got to get this one.
42:31 Desire of Ages... 827: "Before the Day of Pentecost
42:35 the church - the disciples - met together
42:38 and they put away all differences.
42:40 They were of one accord.
42:42 Let Christians put away their dissention
42:46 and give themselves to God for the saving of the lost.
42:50 Let them in faith ask for the blessing and it will come. "
42:54 Now I want you to get this:
42:55 They did not ignore their differences...
42:59 they put away their differences.
43:02 They didn't say: "That's how he or she is... "
43:04 So often we see people that don't live the Christian life
43:06 and we say: "Well that's brother so and so;
43:08 that's sister so and so" and we dismiss it.
43:10 They did not ignore their differences,
43:13 they did not dismiss their differences,
43:16 they did not conceal their differences,
43:19 they confronted their differences
43:21 and they got rid of their differences.
43:24 They made sure that when God poured out His Spirit
43:27 there was no division. They were in one accord
43:29 in how many places, friends?
43:30 How many places were they?
43:32 They were in how many accord?
43:35 How many places? God wants us to be in one accord.
43:39 That means harmoniously together.
43:41 Let's put aside our differences.
43:42 There's too much pride and backbiting;
43:44 there's too much arguing;
43:46 there's too much well I don't like his attitude
43:48 or I don't like her attitude.
43:49 And you know, sometimes the pastor does not know what to do,
43:51 so I'm going to counsel you. The best thing to do is
43:54 if there's somebody you don't like in the church
43:55 you need to pray for God to change you!
43:58 Amen!
43:59 Because too often people think that it's always
44:01 the other person's fault.
44:03 But if God will change us,
44:06 even if we just react differently...
44:07 You know, the Bible says to have a friend somebody must
44:09 first show themselves to be friendly.
44:12 But there's some people that want everybody else to change
44:15 but themselves. Don't ignore, dismiss, conceal
44:18 but confront the differences by prayer
44:20 and put them away so that God can pour out His Spirit.
44:24 And if your church only had one aisle,
44:26 every one of you would be glad
44:27 to walk down that aisle together.
44:31 I think the reason for more than one aisle is because
44:33 we have so many differences.
44:36 Point number seven:
44:37 we must be willing to live up to the light that we have.
44:41 We must be willing to live up to the light that we have.
44:44 You know what? I believe that one of the reasons why people
44:46 are battling with so many issues of darkness
44:48 is because they spend so little time on the issues
44:52 of light.
44:54 They're battling with issues of darkness
44:56 because they spend so little time on the issues of light.
44:59 But Jesus promises: If we walk in the light
45:02 as He is in the light,
45:04 we'll have fellowship with one another
45:05 and the blood of Jesus Christ - His Son - will cleanse us
45:08 from all sin. Amen!
45:10 But notice, He didn't say... He didn't say relationship.
45:14 He said fellowship.
45:15 I preached a few months ago relationship is not the same
45:18 as fellowship. You've got a relationship with your banker
45:21 or the person that cuts your grass
45:23 or the person that you see at the store,
45:24 but are you willing to give your life
45:26 for the person you see at the store?
45:28 Fellowship and relationship are not the same thing.
45:31 Relationship means we are in koinonia: we are in one.
45:35 We are together; we love each other.
45:37 We are knit together in the same cause.
45:39 We are bound together by the same purpose.
45:41 So what do you want: relationship or fellowship?
45:43 I would suggest to you that fellowship is what God wants
45:46 every one of us to have. What do you say?
45:48 So only those who are living up to the light
45:51 that they already have will even receive greater light
45:55 and will receive the infilling of God's Holy Spirit.
45:58 That's point number seven.
46:00 I told you I had nine points.
46:02 I've got two more. Are you ready for number eight?
46:06 Don't set a specific time for the outpouring
46:10 of the Latter Rain.
46:12 I hear... I've been hearing this since I was raised.
46:15 People say: "Well you know in the last days
46:18 God's going to pour out His Spirit. "
46:20 Hey, I've got a bulletin for you:
46:21 we're living in the last days. Come on somebody.
46:23 Amen!
46:24 Don't set some future date.
46:27 Listen to what Ellen White says.
46:29 Selected Messages Book 1 page 192:
46:31 "I have no specific time of which to speak
46:34 when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will take place.
46:36 When the mighty angel will come down from heaven
46:39 and unite with the third angel in the closing up of the work
46:43 for this world. " She also said in the Review and Herald
46:46 March 19, 1895, she said:
46:52 "The descent of the Holy Spirit
46:54 upon the church is looked forward to as in the future
46:58 but it is the privilege of the church to have it now. "
47:02 Amen!
47:05 So somebody may say: "When the Sunday Law gets passed
47:08 the Holy Spirit will be poured out. " Un-uh!
47:09 The Lord wants to pour out His Spirit today!
47:13 When we get together in Camp Meeting,
47:14 God wants to change your life today. Can you say Amen?
47:17 Amen! He wants to make a difference in your life today.
47:20 Not in some distant future when you don't have any energy
47:23 to give to the Lord. He wants to pour it out today.
47:26 And my final point:
47:29 and this one gets me excited because I look back at
47:32 all the records I read in Acts of the Apostles...
47:34 I read in the New Testament.
47:36 We read about how these twelve men
47:38 turned the world upside down
47:39 and all the world received the gospel in 34 years.
47:42 And then I read a quotation like this:
47:44 "The outpouring of the Spirit in the days of the apostles
47:48 was glorious but the Latter Rain will be much more abundant. "
47:52 Amen!
47:54 God is going to pour out His Spirit.
47:56 The Latter Rain will be more abundant
47:59 than the Day of Pentecost.
48:01 You see, in the days of Noah - the last parallel,
48:04 the last comparison - in the days of Noah
48:07 the Lord saved eight.
48:11 How many did He save? Eight... eight.
48:16 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
48:23 I am so glad that God has made more room
48:27 in the ark of safety. What do you say? Amen.
48:30 Our privilege today is this:
48:32 the hour is coming when the Spirit that called on the people
48:37 in Noah's day is no longer going to call on people in our day.
48:41 The great blessing of the Latter Rain is simply this,
48:45 brothers and sisters: God is looking for those who
48:48 want their lives to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
48:51 Who want their lives to be prepared by the Holy Spirit.
48:54 Who want to be the vessels through which God works.
48:56 And it doesn't have to be lights, camera, action.
48:59 You can work in secret.
49:01 And the Bible says those who are working in secret,
49:03 those who are with God in secret,
49:05 their work will eventually be seen in the open.
49:08 But let us not work for the glory of it...
49:10 let us work so that the glory goes to God.
49:12 Praying for the infilling of God's Holy Spirit.
49:15 Praying for the Latter Rain. It's going to come.
49:18 But the thing that frightens me is this:
49:21 in Noah's day we read this quotation in the book of Genesis
49:24 where the Spirit said:
49:25 "My Spirit will not always strive with man. "
49:28 And do you know, brothers and sisters,
49:30 the dangers of the last days is this:
49:32 the more you ignore the voice of God's Holy Spirit
49:35 the more faint it gets.
49:37 Because the Lord does not yell at you.
49:39 He speaks sometimes in a still, small voice.
49:42 Like even right now
49:44 there are some of those who are watching and listening
49:46 the Lord is speaking to them saying:
49:47 "You know, don't wait for a more favorable time
49:49 to give your life to the Lord.
49:50 This is the most favorable time.
49:51 This is the time to get into the ark:
49:53 before the clouds gather, before the rain starts coming.
49:56 Before all in society begins to bottom out.
50:00 Before everything that we trusted in
50:02 can no longer be reliable. "
50:04 And they tell us that there's another economic crash
50:07 on the way.
50:10 But I want to say, there'll be...
50:12 there'll never be an economic Holy Spirit crash.
50:14 What do you say? Amen!
50:16 Holy Spirit is always going to be available,
50:18 but today as I sing this closing song
50:20 I want you to hear it very carefully
50:21 because God is calling someone today.
50:23 And if God speaks to your heart,
50:25 you can pick up the phone and call 3ABN.
50:27 618-627-4651.
50:30 I don't always do that, but I know that God may be
50:32 speaking to somebody today that'll say:
50:34 "I want to give my life to the Lord. "
50:35 If the Spirit of God is impressing you
50:37 that you want to make a change in your life today,
50:39 don't hesitate because as I sing this song remember
50:41 one day that soft and that tender voice of the
50:45 Spirit of God will not be heard any more.
50:47 Make your decision today
50:49 softly and tenderly while the Spirit of God is calling.
51:05 Softly and tenderly
51:09 Jesus is calling,
51:14 Calling for you
51:18 and for me;
51:23 See on the portals
51:27 He's waiting and watching,
51:33 Watching for you
51:36 and for me. Now hear what He says:
51:41 So come home,
51:46 come home,
51:51 You who are weary,
51:55 come home;
52:01 Earnestly, tenderly,
52:05 Jesus is calling,
52:10 Calling, O sinner,
52:15 come home!
52:20 Is the Lord calling anybody else today?
52:25 Why should we linger
52:28 when Jesus is pleading,
52:33 When he's pleading for you
52:37 and for me?
52:41 And why should we tarry
52:47 and heed not His mercies,
52:52 Mercies for you
52:56 and for me?
53:01 O for the wonderful
53:06 love He has promised,
53:11 Promised
53:13 for you and for me!
53:18 Though we have sinned,
53:23 He has mercy and pardon,
53:29 He has pardon for you
53:33 and for me.
53:37 So come home,
53:42 come home,
53:48 You who are weary,
53:52 come home;
54:03 Earnestly, tenderly,
54:07 Jesus is calling,
54:11 Earnestly and tenderly
54:16 my Jesus is calling,
54:23 He's calling
54:33 so come home.
54:55 Amen.
54:57 Today the Lord is calling us.
55:01 Did you hear the words of that song?
55:03 He's calling us to come home.
55:07 In the passion of Jesus... He says: "In My Father's house
55:10 there are many mansions. "
55:13 And as the world is giving everything it can
55:18 I want to pray for those of you who have joined us today
55:21 and those of you who are here.
55:24 I want to pray that you'll take seriously this message
55:26 and really earnestly in your own life...
55:29 individual walk with God to consider
55:31 the impact of how different your life and your walk
55:36 with Jesus will be if you will
55:40 under the inspiration and the work and the power
55:42 of the Holy Spirit. If there's somebody here today
55:45 that wants to pray for there to be a difference,
55:49 an updraft if I could use that word loosely,
55:53 if God... if you want God to fill your life with the power
55:58 to change and transform you,
56:00 to take away all the things that hinder,
56:02 to burn up all the dross that keeps you from being
56:04 all that God intends for you to be,
56:06 then I want to invite you today to stand with me
56:09 as we pray
56:10 because I believe the Lord is ready to pour His Spirit out.
56:14 But He's looking for those who are willing and asking
56:15 for that power to be made available to them.
56:17 Those of you who are watching us today
56:19 I want you to bow your heads wherever you may be
56:21 and ask for the Spirit of God to come into your life.
56:24 Whether it is to lead you to the truth for the first time
56:27 or whether it is in fact to give you a new dedication
56:33 to the truth you already know and have accepted,
56:36 we're going to pray for that today.
56:37 Father in Heaven,
56:38 our hearts are moved and we are definitely clear
56:42 about the urgency of the hour in which we live.
56:45 The world is telling to us
56:48 in every turn, every newscast, every speech made by Congress,
56:52 every address by the President we see that we are
56:55 living in a crisis age.
56:57 That all that we can rely on is drying up.
57:00 But Heavenly Father, You've said in the same climate
57:02 that the Holy Spirit is not going to be dried up.
57:05 You're going to pour out that Spirit on those who pray and ask
57:08 earnestly for it. So today, Father,
57:10 lead that person who wants to to a knowledge of the truth.
57:13 And those of us who have been dedicated all our lives
57:16 to the message, may we now be activated by the power
57:20 that You would send...


Revised 2014-12-17