Generation of Youth for Christ 2010

Sun. Morning Program

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick


Series Code: 10GYC

Program Code: 10GYC000013

00:12 Great to be here at the GYC.
00:14 I've had a great GYC conference.
00:15 How about you? Amen. And I am happy to be here.
00:19 I am happy to have had a good GYC,
00:23 if I can use that language,
00:25 but I would be remiss if I didn't say that
00:29 I would be even happier to have had, no,
00:32 to have no more GYCs. Amen.
00:38 The conferences are great,
00:39 but I'm sort of looking forward to something
00:41 a little grander, a little greater,
00:42 a little better. And so I invite
00:44 you to pray with me as we commence our
00:47 final presentation here for the 2010.
00:50 I suppose it's now 2011 GYC Conference.
00:55 Father in Heaven,
00:56 we anticipate your presence with us.
01:00 Not because we are worthy of your presence
01:02 or because we deserve your presence
01:05 for certainly we do not.
01:07 We anticipate your presence
01:09 because it is keeping with your promise.
01:10 You've said that where two or more are gathered
01:12 that you would be there in their midst.
01:15 And father we are gathered here this
01:16 morning a great many more than just two or three.
01:19 And we've invited you to be in this room,
01:21 but Father even that is a little inaccurate.
01:24 You were here long before any of us got here.
01:27 Filling all heaven and earth as you do
01:29 and so Father, we want to thank you
01:31 for having invited us to be in your presence.
01:35 And dear Father, it would be only
01:38 half of what we need if you remained only
01:40 inside of these walls. We need you in a place,
01:44 in the person of your spirit,
01:46 that is even more intimate, more proximate,
01:50 even closer than just inside of this building.
01:53 Father, we would ask that you would come
01:55 into our hearts and that the promise
01:59 of Jesus would be true in our experience,
02:01 that he shall be with you and shall be in you.
02:05 And so Father today, I pray that the spirit
02:08 would indwell us and that the inspiring spirit.
02:11 The inspiring spirit of scripture would now
02:13 become the instructing spirit.
02:15 And that our spirit as the Bible says,
02:17 in Romans 8; would bear witness with
02:18 your spirit that we would have a sense,
02:20 an intuitiveness, a knowledge not
02:22 just a belief. But something that
02:25 surpasses mere belief and becomes knowledge
02:28 that we are in fact the sons and daughters of God.
02:31 Father, this is only going to take place
02:33 if something supernatural happens.
02:35 We pray that you would take the elocution
02:38 and the oratory and all of the words
02:40 that will be spoken, and that you would
02:42 do something supernatural.
02:45 And that the spirit within us would resonate
02:47 with the spirit that is preached through
02:49 the word and that the inspiring spirit,
02:51 and the instructing spirit would now
02:53 be the infilling spirit. And Father, in all of
02:55 this supernatural transaction,
02:58 that we would leave this place,
03:00 not just this morning but over the course of
03:02 this convention having known
03:05 that we've been with Jesus and he has been
03:07 with us, that we have supped with him
03:10 and with his Father. So, please be with us
03:13 this morning as we open our hearts to you
03:16 and open your word. May you open your
03:19 heart to us, may we know you better
03:22 and may we know ourselves better.
03:25 This is our prayer in Jesus name,
03:27 let everyone say, amen.
03:31 Please open your Bibles with me
03:32 if you would to Matthew Chapter 19,
03:35 Matthew in the 19th Chapter.
03:37 First book of the New Testiment of course,
03:40 Matthew Chapter 19, and the question has
03:44 been asked whether or not fish know that
03:46 water exists? And the answer is probably not,
03:52 at least not for those fish that live in the
03:53 deepest parts of the ocean
03:56 or some deep part of a lake,
03:59 because how would you explain?
04:02 How would it be possible to explain
04:04 to a fish what water is? A fish is born in water,
04:08 lives in water, breaths in water, dies in water.
04:11 It lives its whole experience in water
04:14 and therefore has no comparison,
04:17 has no what everyone? It has no comparison,
04:19 it has nothing. If you are going to a fish
04:21 and you are trying to explain dry to a fish,
04:25 it would be a very problematic thing to do,
04:27 because you would have no referent.
04:29 You would have no, what everyone?
04:31 A reference. You see friends,
04:34 when you're dealing with two incommensurate worlds.
04:37 It can be very difficult to communicate what that
04:40 world is like, if the only reference that
04:42 we have or within the matrix or the context of
04:44 the only world to which we are accustomed.
04:46 A fish living in the very bottom of the ocean
04:48 or the very bottom of the deep lake would
04:50 have no referent for dry and you could
04:52 use all of the linguistic, gymnastic
04:55 and creativity and spontaneity
04:57 and skillfulness that you could come up with,
04:59 but it would be very difficult to try
05:01 and communicate because the fish
05:02 would have no reference.
05:05 There are other analogies that could be marshal
05:07 to make the same basic point.
05:09 Probably you've tried this experiment every,
05:11 or most of the days of your life.
05:13 You go to sleep and for those of you that dream,
05:15 I dream. Are you a dreamer?
05:17 Yeah, I dream every night.
05:18 Yeah, I don't have to watch movies,
05:20 because I get to watch them every single night
05:22 on the inside of the cinema of my eyelids,
05:25 and I don't know I've always dreamed.
05:29 I just, I've great dreams.
05:31 I have dreams where often I am the hero,
05:33 which is appropriate and I have flying dreams
05:39 and I have fighting dreams and, I mean,
05:41 literally I am not exaggerating,
05:43 every single night I get to dream.
05:45 And for those of you that you don't get
05:46 your dream, my heart goes out to you
05:48 with the deepest sympathies.
05:50 But in my own experience my dreams are so real
05:53 and they are even plot based, I mean,
05:55 it's absolutely astonishing, plot based.
05:57 And every morning when I wake up,
06:01 the realization I was, that I was sleeping
06:04 does not occur until I am awake.
06:06 In other words, here I'm in this world
06:08 and I am existing and I am fighting the enemy
06:11 or I am climbing the wall, whatever it is
06:13 and then all the sudden I am awake
06:15 and now I have a product of comparison.
06:17 I now have a, what everyone?
06:19 A product of comparison.
06:20 Now, I can say, wow! How weird is that?
06:23 I was sleeping, but the fact that,
06:26 that I know cognizance, I am aware that I was
06:29 sleeping is only because I have changed,
06:32 I have transcended my former situation.
06:35 I am now in a new situation.
06:36 A fish does have this luxury.
06:38 A fish never has the opportunity to say,
06:41 oh, now I am dry, I get it, I understand.
06:45 Jesus faced I believed a dilemma very consistence
06:49 with the dilemma that we are describing here
06:51 that awareness is largely the product of comparison.
06:55 Any of us who have traveled to the places,
06:57 especially exotic places and far away places
07:01 and you've come back from overseas
07:04 and you try and communicate to people
07:06 who exist in that world, your world what that
07:10 world was like, it's very difficult.
07:12 And the more different the place
07:14 and the more exotic the place
07:16 and the more unusual the place,
07:18 the more foreign, if I can use that language,
07:20 the more difficult that is to communicate
07:23 to these people, is this making sense everyone.
07:25 Are we together? And so what you look
07:27 for is a reference. A referent is some
07:31 point of attachment. So that you could say
07:33 something like this, well, you know,
07:35 how we fill in the blank, over there they,
07:39 fill in the blank, and you know, how we,
07:42 and you have some point of attachment.
07:45 And the more unusual the place the more
07:47 different the place, the more unlike
07:48 what you are accustomed to.
07:50 The harder and harder and harder
07:52 it gets to find those points of attachment,
07:54 to find those reference. What's the word everyone?
07:59 Reference. Now Jesus faced this
08:02 because Jesus have been to a place far different,
08:05 far in terms of its geography but even
08:08 more important then its geography,
08:09 in terms of its basic structure,
08:11 Jesus had been to a place and come from a place
08:13 that was totally, radically, completely
08:15 fundamentally different from anything
08:18 to which the disciples and the rest of humanity
08:20 were accustomed. How is Jesus going
08:23 to communicate the principles of
08:26 the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God?
08:28 How is He going to be able communicate
08:30 that to a people who live in sin, die in sin,
08:33 are saturated by sin, love sin,
08:35 are saved from sin, or attempted to sin
08:38 and eventually die because the wages
08:39 of sin is death. Our whole reality is
08:42 absolutely sin-saturated. Are we together everyone,
08:46 yes or no? Jesus comes from a place where there
08:48 is no sin. No rape, no murder,
08:51 no genocide, no agendas, no oppression,
08:54 no injustice and here comes Jesus,
08:56 we don't know how it would happened,
08:57 of course. It's impossible
08:58 probably for us to understand the physics
09:00 of the event, but Jesus...
09:02 And there he is in Bethlehem's manger.
09:04 And as He grows and He calls His disciples
09:07 to Himself, He faces the very difficult task,
09:11 the monumentally difficult task.
09:13 I would say, were it not for the evidences
09:15 of the New Testament. The impossibly difficult
09:17 task of communicating to the disciples,
09:20 the fish, what dry is like.
09:23 Now to further complicate matters,
09:26 the disciples and others already think
09:29 they know what dry is like.
09:31 So when Jesus comes down and says,
09:33 the Kingdom of Heaven they already think
09:37 they know. They think they have a basic
09:41 understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven.
09:43 Their referent for the Kingdom of Heaven
09:46 what would have been the kingdom
09:47 to which they were most accustomed,
09:48 the kingdom of Rome. What kingdom everyone?
09:52 Rome. The kingdom of Rome and we could spend
09:54 time talking about Rome in terms of its breath
09:57 and its height and its depth and its intellectual
10:00 sophistication, of course, the inheritors of the
10:03 Greco-Roman world, the Hellenistic world and.
10:05 We could talk about the military might of Rome
10:07 and the cruelty of Rome, and the sophistication
10:10 of Rome and just the geographical
10:12 swath that was Rome. And so in the mind of
10:14 the disciples, of course, being Israelites
10:16 subjected to this grand, monolithic power
10:20 called Rome. When Jesus uses the word kingdom,
10:24 what word everyone? When Jesus uses the word
10:28 kingdom their referent is Rome.
10:32 When Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is,
10:35 they referent is Rome and we know this.
10:39 The evidence in the New Testament that
10:41 they consistently even after the resurrection
10:43 their Acts Chapter 1, Jesus is just ready
10:45 to ascend to heaven, he's already spent
10:46 several days with them, forty days with them.
10:49 After the resurrection
10:51 the heart that is just burning,
10:52 the question that is burning in their hearts,
10:54 they're waiting with bated breath,
10:55 they have to have this question answered,
10:57 Acts Chapter 1, Jesus, will you at this time
11:01 restore that is anyone know what?
11:03 The kingdom to Israel, this is after the
11:07 resurrection, this is after having spent more
11:10 than three years with Jesus and the question
11:12 that is just burning in their hearts,
11:14 what about the kingdom Jesus,
11:16 is this the point where we get to start loping
11:18 the heads off of the Romans.
11:20 Because we're sort of looking for that.
11:21 We're looking forward to that part.
11:25 Every time Jesus would speak of the kingdom,
11:27 in fact, everything that Jesus would do,
11:28 would be filtered through the disciples
11:31 referent of what a kingdom was?
11:34 A kingdom is Rome. Rome wasn't built in a day.
11:39 This was the reality for the disciples.
11:41 The history of the Jews of course,
11:43 have been on uninterrupted history of,
11:46 basically subjugations to pagan powers,
11:49 whether the Assyrians or to the Egyptians
11:51 or to the Babylonians or to the Greeks
11:53 and the Persians and now the Romans.
11:56 In uninterrupted history of captivities
12:00 and here this most recent captivity
12:02 to the Romans was, they hated the Romans
12:05 and yet in some ways they admired them
12:07 for their strength, for their puissant,
12:09 for their power, for their intellectual
12:11 sophistication. And so, here is Jesus talking
12:15 about the Kingdom of Heaven
12:16 and the disciples are hearing every thing
12:18 through Rome wasn't built in a day,
12:20 all roads lead to Rome, when in Rome do as
12:23 the Romans. So when Jesus
12:24 says the Kingdom of Heaven,
12:26 what the disciples must be hearing is that
12:29 whatever Rome is, I mean, think about
12:31 the kingdom of God must be.
12:34 If Rome is mighty, the kingdom of God
12:38 must be mightier still. If Rome is powerful
12:41 and puissant, the kingdom of God
12:43 must be more powerful and puissant still.
12:45 If Rome is huge, the kingdom of God
12:48 must be larger still and the disciples love
12:50 this talk about the kingdom, with the only
12:53 exception, the only problem being
12:54 they don't understand any of what he actually says.
12:58 Jesus having come from there to here,
13:01 now has to try and find language
13:04 and to try and locate a reference.
13:08 To try and locate a connection,
13:10 some point of attachment to which they can say,
13:13 oh, oh, so that's what the kingdom.
13:18 Oh, oh, okay. And so, imagine the incredulity
13:23 of the disciples. I mean, you can hear
13:26 the incredulity in the New Testament.
13:28 When Jesus would say the most unusual the most,
13:30 the most befuddling things.
13:31 He would say things like this; fellows,
13:36 the kingdom of heaven and they are waiting with
13:39 bated breath. This is what they have
13:41 signed up for when they joined the Messiah club.
13:42 This is what they signed up for, yeah, yeah,
13:43 yeah, yeah, yeah. The Kingdom of Heaven.
13:46 Fellows, the Kingdom of Heaven,
13:54 it's like a mustard seed.
14:01 Matthew Chapter 13. These are not words
14:04 that are calculated to set the blood racing.
14:09 But Jesus isn't finished, he's on a roll now,
14:11 yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, in fact,
14:13 the Kingdom of Heaven is also like yeast.
14:21 Again not exactly where it's calculated
14:23 to set the blood racing.
14:24 And now Jesus is off to the races.
14:26 Yes, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net.
14:29 The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man
14:30 who found a treasure buried in a field.
14:32 The Kingdom of Heaven is like
14:34 and the disciples are sitting there in absolute
14:36 stupefaction and absolute...
14:42 Amen. Amen, I mean, this doesn't really
14:48 fit into their modus operandi of what the
14:50 Kingdom of Heaven is. I mean, you don't really
14:52 envision the disciples charging into
14:54 the field of battle, ready to lop the heads
14:56 off of the Romans, which we know that
14:57 Peter was just couldn't wait to do there in the
14:59 Garden of Gethsemane, he's like this is it,
15:00 this is the. So you know, it just it's hard to
15:04 imagine the disciples charging into battle,
15:07 mustard seed, all right. Yeast, you know
15:14 it's just not. So the disciples were,
15:18 they were in a bit of conundrum here,
15:20 the Kingdom of Heaven is like.
15:22 Why does Jesus use these highly unusual,
15:26 very non kingdom like things
15:28 to describe a kingdom. What would I say because
15:31 he not only had to do something in terms of
15:34 an intellectual thing. He had to undo something.
15:38 Not only is it what the Kingdom of Heaven
15:40 is like by extension and even more importantly,
15:43 this is what the Kingdom of Heaven is not like,
15:45 it's not like Rome, it's not power,
15:47 it's not strength, it's not mighty,
15:48 He said the most unusual things.
15:50 How did you find that? Oh! Thank you Jesus.
15:55 This is my Bible, which I have had for 10 years
16:00 and which has been lost for the last 36 hours
16:02 and it's now returned to its owner.
16:03 Just wanna thank you Lord.
16:05 You're so absolutely amazing
16:06 and thank you Laura. You are a messenger.
16:08 That is a messenger that will not be shot.
16:10 She maybe hug, she maybe praise
16:13 but she will not be shot and thank you Henry
16:15 for the use of your Bible.
16:16 But, you know, I was little nervous about
16:18 it honestly that's why I haven't gone to it yet.
16:20 We are still... I just wasn't sure,
16:25 but this one it's like oh, you know,
16:27 I feel like in those, those old movie scenes
16:29 where it's like my sword and...
16:32 Now, you have no idea what's coming.
16:36 So the point is this, the things that Jesus
16:38 is saying are so totally unkingdom like.
16:43 Now I don't find any place in the New Testament,
16:46 me personally. I don't find any place in the
16:49 New Testament where Jesus says unambiguously
16:52 the Kingdom of Heaven is something.
16:56 I don't find that, maybe you do.
16:57 I don't find anywhere where Jesus gives an actual,
17:01 grammatical, theological equivalence.
17:04 The Kingdom of Heaven is fill in the blank.
17:08 I find him saying things like
17:11 the Kingdom of Heaven is like,
17:15 the Kingdom of Heaven is, what everyone?
17:17 Like. Why does Jesus have to use the word
17:20 because He's searching, He's searching for a
17:22 referent, something that will make sense.
17:25 Some point of contact, some point of touch
17:29 with the disciples. The Kingdom of Heaven
17:32 is like a grain of mustard seed.
17:33 The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast.
17:34 The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net.
17:35 The Kingdom of Heaven is like fill in the blank.
17:37 And arguably the most difficult place,
17:41 the most difficult analogy,
17:42 the most difficult simile that Jesus implies is
17:45 found in Matthew Chapter 20.
17:46 Now you open your Bible's Matthew Chapter, what?
17:48 You remember, 19, and the reason I am
17:50 going to Matthew Chapter 19 before
17:52 Matthew Chapter 20. We want to set a context,
17:55 a what everyone? Context.
17:57 So let's dive into this, I'm going to maintain
18:00 most difficult of the Kingdom of Heaven
18:03 is like statements and let's see what the
18:04 takeaway is. You can just quickly glance it.
18:06 It's Matthew Chapter 20 verse 1,
18:09 Matthew Chapter 20 verse 1;
18:11 For the Kingdom of Heaven is,
18:13 what does your Bible say?
18:14 For the Kingdom of Heaven,
18:15 what does your Bible say, maybe it's different
18:16 then mine. Like, let's all say that together,
18:19 the Kingdom of Heaven is?
18:21 Like, a landowner who went out early in the
18:24 morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.
18:26 Again not exactly the kind of thing that would,
18:29 you know, you would scream charging
18:31 in the battle. Landowners, you know,
18:33 it's just doesn't, it doesn't really lend
18:35 itself to a testosterone saturated battle.
18:39 But anyway, how are we going to understand this,
18:42 I think it's the most difficult one frankly.
18:44 And we are going to understand by going to
18:46 Matthew Chapter 19 and setting a context.
18:49 A what everyone? Because we want
18:51 to be sure that we're reading the passage
18:53 Matthew 20 in its historical, theological
18:56 and in the context that Jesus intended.
18:58 So let's begin there in verse 16.
19:01 Verse 16 says, Now behold, one came
19:03 and said to Him, "Good Teacher,
19:05 what good thing shall I do that
19:07 I may have eternal life? We called it,
19:10 we don't know his name? But what do
19:11 we call this guy? We call him the rich,
19:14 young ruler, so we're just gonna call him Rich.
19:16 So, Rich comes to Jesus and he basically has
19:20 a proposition for Jesus. Now I am going to invite
19:21 my good friend Justin Ken to come out here
19:23 and he just happen to be the one closest to me
19:26 and so I am so thankful just I'm gonna ask you
19:29 stand right here and Justin is going
19:32 to represent Jesus. And I'm gonna act,
19:34 ask him to act like Jesus, but he can try,
19:37 I mean, I don't know what you would do but..
19:40 So we're gonna give you the water bottle.
19:42 Okay, now the water bottle represents
19:44 eternal life. What is it represent everyone?
19:47 Eternal life. Okay, now I am Rich.
19:49 Okay, I am the rich young ruler.
19:51 So I am, hey! I approach Jesus,
19:54 hey, good teacher, how are you doing?
19:58 Good to see you, okay, now what does he say,
20:02 he basically says, what thing, what shall
20:06 I do that I may have eternal life?
20:10 Is that what he says? So what should I do that
20:14 I may have eternal life, okay,
20:16 so now don't miss this.
20:17 This is crucial to everything else
20:18 we're gonna say. The rich young ruler
20:21 recognizes that Jesus has or at least
20:24 to be eternal if you heard the context has
20:26 access in terms of knowledge to something
20:28 that he wants, Okay. So and the rich young
20:30 rulers prospective, this is gonna be very simple.
20:33 You have something I want.
20:35 Hey, I am the rich young ruler.
20:39 We can make this, we can work this out, right.
20:41 I will do something for you and then
20:43 you will reciprocate, okay. He's accustomed
20:45 to being able to get things, to purchase things,
20:47 to own things, to negotiate,
20:49 he's an entrepreneur, he's a wheeler,
20:50 he is a dealer, he can get it done.
20:52 I say, hey, you got something that I want
20:53 and so I am just curious, really want that.
20:55 What I do? Together everyone?
21:00 So, in the rich young rulers view,
21:03 he is going to do something for Jesus
21:05 and Jesus is going to give it to him.
21:06 So can I have that Justin? Thank you.
21:09 Okay, do you see that? What has happened
21:11 here very simply in a word is exchange?
21:15 What's the word everyone? Exchange.
21:18 The rich young ruler wants to know what do I do,
21:21 what do I say, what do I give, what do I,
21:25 fill in the blank that I can have that
21:27 and then the exchanged takes place.
21:30 Is that make sense? Look at the verse again.
21:33 See if I am making this, verse 16;
21:34 behold, one came and said to Him,
21:36 "Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do
21:38 that I may have eternal life?
21:40 He's striking a deal with Jesus.
21:42 He says very simple. This is basic economics.
21:45 You have something that I want and I am going
21:47 to do something and then you are going
21:49 to give me what I want and thank you,
21:51 it's been great doing business with you Jesus.
21:53 Are we together everyone?
21:56 Okay, now keep this picture in your mind,
21:59 keep this exact picture in your mind.
22:01 Thank you so much Justin. I appreciate it.
22:02 Now, keep this exact picture in your mind.
22:05 It's the idea of exchange, of what everyone?
22:09 Exchange. You didn't say it loud enough.
22:11 The idea of what everyone? Exchange.
22:13 Now let's continue on here.
22:14 Verse 17; He said to him, "Why do you call Me good?
22:16 No one is good but One, that is, God.
22:18 If you want to enter into life, keep the
22:19 commandments. He said, "Which ones?"
22:21 Jesus said, "'You shall not murder,' six,
22:22 'You shall not commit adultery,' seven,
22:23 'You shall not steal,' eight,
22:24 'You shall not bear false witness, nine,
22:26 you would except ten to come next
22:27 because he said six, seven, eight,
22:28 nine but Jesus reverts back.
22:31 Verse 19; 'Honor your father and your mother,'
22:33 five, and, 'You shall love your neighbor
22:34 as yourself.' basically the submission
22:36 of the second tablet of the law.
22:37 Very interesting what Jesus does here
22:39 and very calculated to elicit the appropriate
22:42 response from the rich young ruler.
22:44 He basically says, which ones?
22:46 Okay, okay, okay, now we are getting somewhere.
22:48 Which ones because he's negotiating.
22:51 I will do something for you.
22:52 You will do something for me.
22:53 I will render a service. I will give an offer,
22:55 whatever it is? Let's strike up a deal, right?
22:59 Which one's, now they're negotiating?
23:01 The terms the contract being written out,
23:03 he says, oh, he says, well, you need to do
23:05 number six, got that; and you need to do
23:07 number seven, got that; and you need to do
23:10 number eight, yeah, I got that.
23:11 I don't need to do still anything, got that;
23:12 and you need to do number nine, got that;
23:14 and what's the rich young ruler expecting.
23:16 Six, seven, eight, nine, what would you expect?
23:19 Of course, you're expecting ten.
23:22 I am expecting 10. Everybody is expecting
23:25 ten and Jesus puts the things in reverse,
23:28 makes the U-turn and goes back to five.
23:31 Six, seven, eight, nine, five.
23:33 Then He says, you shall love
23:35 your neighbor yourself and then he stops talking.
23:40 Now the rich young ruler has a problem.
23:42 We don't call him the rich young ruler for nothing.
23:44 He has things. He has lots of things.
23:47 He is accustomed to having things.
23:49 Apparently Jesus could discern in the way
23:51 He carried himself and the way He dressed
23:52 we don't know. We don't know all of the
23:54 parameters of the story but Jesus discerns
23:56 that the struggle of this man's heart is greed
23:59 and covetousness. What's his struggle everyone?
24:03 Greed and covetousness, and so Jesus, you tell me
24:06 what's the Ten Commandment?
24:07 Encourage me now. That's shall not covert
24:11 which is inordinate desire for material things
24:13 and Jesus anticipates that this is the rich
24:15 young ruler's struggle and so He purposefully,
24:18 what word did I use, everyone?
24:19 He purposefully leaves off the Ten Commandment.
24:23 The rich young ruler being a Jew what would
24:25 have been absolutely familiar with the law
24:26 and so when Jesus says you keep number six,
24:28 you keep number seven, you keep number eight,
24:30 you keep number nine, six, seven, eight,
24:31 nine, five. The rich young ruler is now aware
24:36 that he is in the presence not just of a rabbi,
24:38 not just of a teacher, and not just of a
24:40 professor but umh, oh, and he somehow
24:43 manages the courage to say, oh,
24:46 I've kept all these from my youth.
24:48 What do I lack yet? Why would he asked,
24:51 what do I lack yet. If he wasn't under total
24:53 conviction that he lacked something.
24:55 Are you with me, yes or no?
24:56 Jesus is undoing now. Jesus has taken the
24:59 finger of divinity and He's placed it with the
25:03 exactitude of a surgeon right there.
25:07 How about right there? Does that hurt when I
25:08 push there right there? He has placed his finger
25:15 right on the very point where the rich
25:18 young ruler struggles and then He is quite.
25:20 He says nothing. The rich young rulers
25:21 manages the courage here to say.
25:23 All these I've kept from my youth what do I lack
25:26 verse 20. Verse 21; "If you want to be perfect,
25:29 go and sell all that you have and give to the poor,
25:32 and you will have treasure in heaven;
25:33 and come, follow Me." Verse 22; But when the
25:36 young man heard that saying,
25:37 he was very sorrowful, because he had great,
25:39 what? Possessions. He had great possessions.
25:42 When he heard that saying, the Bible says
25:45 he went away very sorrowful because
25:46 he had great possessions.
25:47 Now, this whole situation, this whole episode
25:50 in which the rich young ruler is looking for
25:52 an exchange. What everyone?
25:54 Sets up the dialogue that takes place next.
25:57 As the rich young ruler is walking far lonely away,
26:00 the disciples are looking on in
26:02 absolute incredulity. They can't believe that
26:05 Jesus let another one away, man we could
26:08 have used that guy's resources
26:09 and so they're somewhat frustrated
26:11 with the decision that Jesus has made.
26:12 We pick it up here in verse 23
26:14 but Jesus hasn't done yet.
26:15 Look at what he says here. Verse 23;
26:17 "Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard
26:20 for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
26:26 Verse 24; and again I say to you,
26:27 it is easier for a camel to go through
26:28 the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter
26:30 the kingdom of God. Verse 25 says,
26:32 When His disciples heard it,
26:33 what does your Bible say? They were, they were,
26:36 they were greatly astonished,
26:41 they were just astonished.
26:43 No, no, no, no, they were greatly astonished.
26:46 Something about what Jesus said,
26:48 stuck at the very heart of what,
26:49 they believed about the nature of reality.
26:52 And the nature of reality of course,
26:54 relative to salvation is that if you're a Jew,
26:56 you are in right standing with God.
26:58 If you are a healthy Jew, this is a sign of
26:59 God's blessing upon your life
27:01 and if you're a healthy, wealthy Jew,
27:02 this is a double sign of God's blessing
27:04 upon your life. So a healthy, wealthy Jew
27:06 in the mind of the disciples would have been
27:07 triply saved, triply in right standing with God.
27:10 First, he's a Jew. A genealogy descendant
27:12 of Abraham, then he is healthy,
27:13 a sign of God's blessing upon him
27:15 and he is wealthy and Jesus just had the
27:17 temerity to say, the audacity to say that
27:20 it was hard for a healthy, wealthy Jew to be saved.
27:26 And the disciples heads are spinning,
27:28 they just can't believe what they have heard.
27:30 They were greatly astonished and Peter's
27:33 speaking up on behalf of the rest of the disciples.
27:34 Manages the courage to speak for all of them
27:36 and says verse 25, what's this question?
27:40 What is the question burning in their hearts
27:41 when they hear that? Are you kidding? What?
27:53 With all due respect Jesus,
27:55 who could be saved then? I mean if,
27:58 if it's hard for a healthy, wealthy Jew
28:00 to be saved and now the disciples begin
28:02 to be insecure. They begin to be insecure
28:04 about their own standing with God.
28:05 They begin of think of oh man.
28:06 If a healthy, wealthy Jew, if it's hard for him,
28:08 what about us? And here again Peter,
28:10 who either strikes out or hits a home run
28:12 that's classic Petering, I mean, he's either
28:14 hitting it out of the part or totally striking.
28:16 He's prepared to strike out here right in moments.
28:18 He's up to play. Here we go.
28:21 He swings, strike one; he swings, strike two;
28:23 and here we are in verse 27.
28:25 So Peter answered and said to him,
28:26 see and I love that. He is like he invites
28:28 Jesus to look at something.
28:29 Perhaps Jesus, something has
28:30 escaped your observational powers.
28:34 See, other translations, look I love that,
28:37 just, I just, Jesus take note.
28:40 See, see we have left all and followed you.
28:45 Now look at this. Therefore, on the basis
28:49 of this reasoning, what shall we have?
28:54 Oh, you got to be kidding.
28:56 There is no difference and you know,
28:58 there was no material difference between Peter
29:00 and the rich young ruler. The rich young ruler
29:03 has just walked way. He was unwilling
29:06 to give up his things and become perfect,
29:08 and sell all that he had to the poor
29:09 and so now we are in a situation where Peter,
29:12 he knows he didn't have all of the stuff
29:14 that the rich young ruler had.
29:15 And he's not rich, he's not young.
29:16 We don't know how young it was,
29:17 but he certainly not a ruler and so
29:18 I imagine Peter saying well, come on Jesus.
29:21 I mean, look at this new boat.
29:24 I mean, oh sure, I mean, I couldn't,
29:26 I couldn't afford you know the bigger model.
29:28 This one has the cloth seats.
29:29 But still I mean, I left it, we have left
29:33 everything and followed you. What do we get?
29:38 Now, what do we get? Do you see how there
29:43 is no material difference between the proposition
29:45 of the rich young ruler and the proposition
29:46 of Jesus. It's identical. The rich young ruler
29:49 to remind ourselves is looking for an exchange.
29:53 A what everyone? Exchange.
29:54 You've got to say with me on this.
29:55 He is looking for a what, everyone?
29:57 An exchange, you have something I want.
29:59 I will do something for you and you will
30:01 reciprocate, okay. I will do for you,
30:03 you will do for me. I will scratch your back,
30:05 you will scratch mine. It's an exchange
30:08 and you will reward me precisely to the degree
30:11 that I do whatever is expected of me.
30:13 It will be a proportional reward. Yeah.
30:17 See, we have left everything and followed you.
30:19 What's in it for us? We didn't leave everything
30:21 that you asked the rich young ruler.
30:22 We recognize that Jesus. Well, we did leave
30:23 something and what do we get based on
30:26 what we have left behind. Do you see that what
30:29 Peter is saying is exactly what the rich young
30:31 ruler is saying? You have something we want Jesus
30:34 and we want that and we've given up this,
30:36 is it enough? We want a proportional reward.
30:41 A what kind everyone? Ellen White says that
30:45 Peter has questioned manifested the spirit
30:47 of a hireling. The spirit of what did I say?
30:51 Hireling. What's the root word of hireling?
30:55 Hire, now hireling is not an employee.
30:58 An employee is somebody that you hire,
31:01 you have relationship with, that's ongoing,
31:03 it's overtime, you know them, they know you.
31:06 There is the Christmas party, there is the
31:07 Christmas bonus, there is the, you know,
31:09 the trip that we take with the company,
31:11 the company picnic. That's an employee.
31:13 A hireling is somebody that knocks on your door
31:14 and says I'll shove your driveway for ten bucks.
31:16 Sure. That's a hireling. Ellen White says that
31:20 Peter manifests the spirit of a hireling.
31:24 Hey, I will perform some odd job for you Jesus.
31:27 And you will reward me, commensurate with
31:30 and consistent with the work that I have done.
31:33 The rich young ruler and Peter are basically
31:36 viewing this whole transaction between us
31:39 and God in identical ways.
31:41 I do for you, you do for me.
31:43 Hey, I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
31:47 And now Jesus is perfectly poised to say beginning
31:51 in verse 1 Chapter 20, go there now.
31:55 Fellows I got to tell you something.
31:57 You need to clear up some misconceptions.
31:59 The Kingdom of Heaven is like I tend to see the
32:01 groaning of the disciples.
32:02 Oh, oh, another one of those, okay, here we go.
32:07 The Kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner.
32:11 Who went out early in the morning to hire
32:14 laborers for his vineyard?
32:16 When he had agreed with the laborers
32:18 for a denarii a day, that's the day wage,
32:19 he sent them into his vineyard.
32:20 And He went out about the third hour,
32:22 and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
32:23 and he said to them; You also go into
32:25 the vineyard, and whatever is right
32:26 I will give you, so they went.
32:27 Verse 5; Again he went out about the sixth
32:29 and the ninth hour, and did likewise.
32:30 And so very simple, very simple illustration here.
32:33 There's a marketplace, and there's people
32:35 standing in the marketplace,
32:36 six O'clock in the morning.
32:37 Jewish day starts at six in the morning.
32:38 So, they're all standing there, hoping for work,
32:40 hoping that some labor, a person who is need
32:43 of laborers will come by and sure enough.
32:45 Sure enough, hey, hey, you guys want
32:46 some work today. Yeah, we would love to work.
32:48 Hey, a day's wage. Game on, yeah we're in.
32:52 So he sends them off to work in the vineyard.
32:54 And then he comes in at three hours later.
32:56 Says, this is now 9 O'clock.
32:58 What time is it everyone? 9 O'clock,
33:00 hey, you guys looking for some work?
33:01 Yeah, we'd love some work.
33:03 Okay, it starts a little late but get out right
33:05 over here and this is my vineyard, okay,
33:06 so they go to work. Comes out at 12 O'clock.
33:09 Hey, you guys looking for some work.
33:10 Yeah, we're looking for some work.
33:11 Please head to my vineyard.
33:12 Comes out at 3 O'clock. Hey, you guys looking
33:14 for some work. Yeah, we're looking
33:15 for some work. Sends them into his vineyard,
33:17 okay, so very simple. But what Jesus says
33:19 next is absolutely astonishing.
33:21 We'll pick it up in verse 6; and he went out
33:25 about the eleventh hour. When is this everyone?
33:29 The eleventh. What time of the day would that be?
33:31 That would be. If the first,
33:33 if hour one is 6 O'clock, what's gonna be the
33:36 eleventh hour? This is 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
33:38 Do you love it? It's 5 O'clock.
33:41 Here in the United States in America,
33:44 our work day is already done.
33:45 We've already checked out, we are headed home,
33:46 we are stuck in traffic at this point.
33:50 The eleventh hour, it says, he goes out about
33:52 the eleventh hour, verse 6 and he found others
33:56 standing idle. And he said, why have you been
33:57 standing here idle all day? And they said
33:58 because no one has hired us.
33:59 And he said to them, you also go into the vineyard,
34:01 and whatever is right you will receive.
34:02 Verse 8, so when evening had come,
34:04 the owner of the vineyard said to his steward,
34:06 'call the laborers and give them their wages,
34:07 beginning with the last to the first.'
34:09 Start with the ones who worked only one hour
34:10 then pay the three hours, then pay the six,
34:12 then pay the nine, then pay the all day.
34:14 Line up them in reverse order of employment.
34:16 So there's the steward sitting in his table
34:19 and he said there in verse 9;
34:21 when those who came that were hired at about
34:23 the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius.
34:27 What do they receive everyone?
34:28 A denarius, and a denarius is how much?
34:31 A day's wage. Okay, so imagine that you are
34:34 at the front of that line. I mean, when he hired
34:37 you, you didn't have your overall aren't
34:38 so you had to run home, quickly get into
34:40 your work close and then see only work like
34:42 47 minutes, 48 minutes and now here handing them,
34:45 you've barely broken a sweat, you're standing
34:46 at the table. The steward is before you
34:48 and the steward is preparing to pay you.
34:51 You lined up in reverse order of employment.
34:53 One hour, three hours, six hours, nine hours,
34:55 twelve hours, lined up in reverse order
34:58 and the steward hands you a full day's wage;
35:02 twelve hours worth, of twelve hours moneys worth
35:04 of work. Now probably your response will be
35:07 something like this, oh, hey, bro, yeah,
35:11 love to take that but that actually those guys
35:16 who are back there, you know, we're sort
35:17 at the front of the line. We only worked hour
35:20 and the steward says, thank you, thank you
35:22 for the work you've done in the vineyard today
35:23 and this is your pay. I'm sorry, I think there's
35:28 just been a bit of miss. We only worked an hour.
35:32 We just worked one hour today.
35:35 Thank you so much, we really appreciate
35:37 your work and looks like you almost broke a sweat.
35:39 Here's your, here's your pay.
35:43 Now, here you are.
35:48 Cool, right, and you're gonzo.
35:53 You're out of there. Now just assuming
35:56 that the people with the back of the line,
35:57 they saw this interaction.
35:58 Okay, now you are at the back of the line.
36:00 Just imagine you're at the back of the line.
36:09 What? Did you.. I think this guy's confused.
36:14 So now by this time, now the three hours
36:16 labors come up. Hey, thank you so much
36:19 for the opportunity to work.
36:20 Yeah, and thank you for working today.
36:21 Maybe tomorrow too, you never know,
36:22 here's your pay a denarius.
36:26 Oh, yeah, no, no, appreciate that,
36:31 just the three hour labors here, few of us,
36:34 just three hours. Yet, we understand that
36:37 and we thank you for your work and
36:38 you did break a sweat, good for you
36:40 and here you go, here's your... really?
36:45 Yeah. Cool, thanks. Gone, right.
36:51 And on through, six hour labors day's wages,
36:54 nine hour labors day's wage and here,
36:56 how are these guys feeling?
37:03 Stop. Right, I mean these people have born
37:07 the burden in the heat of the day.
37:08 So let's go back to the parable here.
37:10 Let's go back to the parable.
37:11 We're in verse 7; they said to him
37:13 because no one has hired us, verse 8,
37:15 they are paying every one the same, verse 9;
37:17 then when those who were hired about the
37:19 eleventh hour came they each received a denarius,
37:22 but when the first came, verse 10;
37:24 they supposed, they what's the word everyone?
37:28 Oh, hey, what's up with this?
37:33 They supposed that they would receive what?
37:35 They suppose they would receive more.
37:38 But say it together, they suppose they would
37:40 receive more. And they likewise
37:44 received a denarius. Thank you, wow! Looks like,
37:47 you got a little money today, but hey, here's
37:51 your denarius. Can we talk to the guy
37:55 that hired us? Right, The Bible says that they
37:58 were absolutely upset. Verse 11; And when they
38:00 had received it, they complained against
38:01 the land owner, who does this guy think he is?
38:04 Doesn't he know this is America man?
38:06 Doesn't he know this is meritocracy?
38:07 Doesn't he know I mean we're gonna,
38:09 this is gonna be reported to the labor unions
38:10 and so verse 12 saying they begin to complaint
38:14 saying these last man they only worked an hour
38:16 and you've made them, look at this,
38:17 this is critical. You've made them equal to us.
38:20 Thank you very much working all day,
38:22 you've made them equal to us who have born
38:24 the burden in the heat of the day,
38:26 but he answered them and said, friend, hey,
38:29 I think there has been a big misunderstanding.
38:31 Friend, come here. Friend, friend, I am doing
38:38 you know wrong. I am sorry, remind me of
38:40 our conversation morning,
38:41 our contractual agreement.
38:43 Did you not agree with me for a denarius.
38:45 Refresh me, refresh me, I've been busy.
38:48 Take what is yours and go your way.
38:51 Now, look at this. Look at verse 14;
38:53 I wish, I desire, it brings me pleasure, I wish,
39:02 it just brings me pleasure.
39:04 I desire to give to this last man the same
39:06 as to you and just a question for clarity.
39:09 Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish
39:12 what brings me pleasure, what brings
39:13 me happiness with my own things
39:15 or is your eye evil because I'm good.
39:23 This is what Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven
39:25 is like. And here are the disciples, the fish,
39:27 living at the bottom of the ocean.
39:30 And Jesus comes from the air.
39:32 The air of heaven, no oppression,
39:34 no injustice, no sin, no suicide,
39:36 no none of that and He comes down
39:38 and He's like okay, the Kingdom of Heaven is like.
39:39 And here they are swimming down here.
39:40 All they know is wet. And Jesus says let me
39:43 tell what the Kingdom of Heaven is like.
39:44 It's not Rome, it's not power,
39:45 it's not strength, it's not puissant,
39:46 it's not might, it's not geographical breath.
39:48 The Kingdom of Heaven is like a guy
39:50 who paid everyone the same. Amen.
39:56 The rich young ruler had just propositioned Jesus,
39:59 hey, hey, being a good American, of course,
40:01 hey, I will do for you, you will do for me.
40:03 Hey, let's work this out. Hey, my people meet
40:05 with your people and Jesus says, hey,
40:07 just sell everything you've got, you can
40:09 come and follow me. Hey, this will be great.
40:11 We will make a great.
40:15 So Peter, nervous as can be.
40:19 Who, who, who, who then could be saved?
40:24 See Jesus, look at everything we had given up,
40:28 what do we get. We know we didn't
40:30 give up everything or could not have given up
40:32 everything that you asked the rich young
40:33 ruler give up, frankly because we don't own it
40:35 but we have given up something and we are hoping,
40:37 in fact, we are expecting Jesus.
40:39 We are expecting a reward that is commensurate
40:42 with the labor that we have done
40:43 and what we have given up and Jesus says
40:45 you know what? Let me tell what the
40:46 Kingdom of Heaven is like.
40:47 The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who hired
40:49 somebody at six in the morning,
40:50 he hired them at nine in the morning,
40:51 he hired them at twelve, he hired them at three
40:53 and then he hired the people at five O'clock
40:55 and when he line them up, he line up them
40:56 in reverse order of employee and he paid
40:58 every single one of them the same,
41:00 not because they deserved it
41:04 but because it brings the landowner pleasure
41:07 to treat people in a way that they do not
41:09 deserve to be treated. Okay, then so I guess
41:16 we could say safely that the Kingdom of Heaven
41:18 is absolutely nothing like the
41:21 United States of America.
41:22 And I want to be the first to say,
41:25 hallelujah for that. We love it, these people
41:30 aren't rewarded because of the work they did,
41:31 the quality or the quantity of the work they did.
41:34 They're rewarded, everyone of them is
41:35 rewarded the same, not because of the work
41:39 they performed, they not because of the goodness
41:40 they've done but because of the goodness
41:43 and the graciousness and the lavish desire of
41:47 the landowner to give to everyone as brings
41:50 him happiness and pleasure.
41:53 Let me tell you something,
41:54 the person standing in the front line,
41:56 he knew he didn't deserve a day's wage
41:57 and he got it anyway. Why did he get it?
41:59 Because the landowner treated him in the way
42:02 he did not deserve to be treated.
42:03 We could say this way, the landowner treated
42:05 him with grace. Yes, he did.
42:09 Now he needed more grace than the next guy.
42:11 Who did in fact work three whole hours
42:14 and was paid only 400 percent of what
42:16 he was deserved. Thank you and these
42:20 guys worked six hours, still they get grace.
42:22 Twelve times grace, the time and half grace,
42:27 full grace even the guys who work for nine hours
42:29 grace and you might be thinking what about
42:31 the guys worked all day.
42:32 They earned and this is true, but the landowner
42:34 still hired them, he was under no obligation
42:36 to hire them. His choice to hire them
42:39 is an act of grace. Beloved, check it out.
42:42 God gives grace to everyone.
42:46 This person gets grace, more grace not as much,
42:49 not as much, not as much, so lets see it
42:50 in reverse order. This person gets grace,
42:52 this person gets more grace, still more grace,
42:55 still more grace, and then in same amount of grace,
42:58 they worked for one measly hour and were
43:00 paid a full days wage. Not because of the work
43:02 they've done but because of the goodness
43:05 of the landowner. Beloved and Jesus says,
43:08 and that's what the
43:10 Kingdom of Heaven is like fellows.
43:15 Little different then the proposition that they
43:19 have brought to Jesus. Hey, hey, I do for you,
43:21 you do for me. I want a proportional reward Jesus.
43:25 Now I wanna ask you a very quick question here.
43:27 Can you think of any other story in the Bible?
43:30 Any other story in the Bible where somebody
43:35 was treated with exceeding grace
43:38 and somebody else was not happy about it.
43:42 Somebody was treated with tremendous grace
43:45 and oh, somebody else was not happy at all about
43:48 the way that person was treated,
43:49 by the way there are many of these stories
43:50 in scripture but one comes just absolutely,
43:53 just forces itself to the front of my personal
43:55 awareness in scripture. Anyone comes to your mind.
43:58 Of course, the prodigal son.
44:01 Luke Chapter 15, join me there if you would,
44:03 Luke Chapter 15, you know the story.
44:06 Randy, we will call him Randy.
44:09 Randy and Ronald we'll stick with the R motif,
44:14 got Rich, Reynold, Randy and Ronald.
44:16 So there's a guy, has two sons.
44:19 I've got two boys, I can relate to this.
44:22 Randy comes to his dad and says, hey,
44:23 dad I hate this place. We live out here
44:25 in the woods. We don't get Internet connection
44:27 and I am over it, I am totally over it.
44:29 The whole self supporting thing,
44:31 I wanna go to Vegas. I am not feeling
44:34 this at all. I want and you owe me half
44:36 of my inheritance, give me half of my inheritance,
44:38 and the father reluctantly agree.
44:39 He reluctantly says, okay, hey, you know,
44:42 we would prefer if you would stay here
44:43 and work on the organic farm and you know,
44:44 helps us to. We appreciate it
44:46 if you take another ARISE course,
44:48 literature of evangelism course but hey,
44:49 you wanna go to Vegas, that's your business.
44:50 So he gives him the money and Randy is
44:52 off to Vegas, yeah, going to Vegas.
44:55 And he gets to Vegas and he absolutely parties
44:58 and does all the things. The Bible says he
44:59 squandered his living with harlots
45:01 and he squandered his living with,
45:03 with riotous living. I mean, he's just
45:05 out there having the time of life surrounded
45:07 by friends until the money begins to wane
45:10 and then all of a sudden the friends begin to
45:12 disappear ever so slowly and the man finds himself
45:14 in a very different situation in Vegas
45:16 then the one that he had arrived in.
45:18 Now he's out of money and apparently
45:20 he doesn't even have enough at least
45:22 with the outset to get back home.
45:24 Doesn't have enough money to get back home,
45:26 and so he picks up a job and apparently
45:30 it was a job of the gentile because
45:31 this is a really bad thing. To be working
45:34 for a gentile and is that not enough.
45:35 He is feeding pigs. Now I am just quickly
45:38 going over the story because many of us
45:39 know the story. And so he's sitting there,
45:40 feeding pigs. What's he is doing everyone?
45:43 He's feeding pigs and while he is feeding
45:44 his pigs he has a moment of clarity,
45:46 a moment of lucidity. Here he is feeding the pig,
45:48 tossing the pots. What is this?
45:51 And note he is at moment of is like,
45:53 just like and epiphany comes to him.
45:55 And here's the epiphany. We're in Luke Chapter 15.
45:57 We are picking it up in verse 17.
45:59 But when he came to himself,
46:01 that's just another way of saying
46:02 he had an epiphany. But when he came
46:04 to himself he said how many of my father's
46:07 hired servants have bread enough,
46:09 have bread enough and to spare
46:12 and I perish with hunger. And then he says I,
46:15 I will arise and go to my father
46:17 and I will say to him, father, I have sinned
46:19 against heaven in before you.
46:20 I got a good idea, I'm gonna go back,
46:22 I'm gonna go back, I'm gonna go back to my dad
46:24 and it's gonna be tough. I don't wanna, it's got
46:26 be tough to face my dad because he is gonna
46:27 say in gracious way and I told you so.
46:30 Vegas is not the place for you.
46:31 You should stay in the farm whatever.
46:32 So he starts realizing that
46:34 this is gonna be difficult,
46:35 can be tough to go back to dad.
46:37 And so he starts planning what he's
46:38 going to say. He starts what everyone? Planning.
46:42 He starts what everyone? Planning.
46:43 So he gets out of his pen and gets out
46:45 of his piece of paper and he said,
46:47 I will read verse 18 and go to my Father
46:48 and I will say to him; Father I've sinned
46:50 against heaven and against you.
46:52 I am no longer worthy to be called your son stop.
46:55 Part A; I've sinned against heaven and against you.
46:58 I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
46:59 He write down in his piece of..
47:00 Yeah, that's sound good. Yeah, that's good.
47:01 I've sinned against heaven; writing it out,
47:03 and against you. I am no longer worthy
47:05 to be called your sons. But I've got same more.
47:07 I've got something more. I got it.
47:09 Part B, verse 19; make me like one of your
47:12 hired servants, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
47:15 that's it, that's it. So then he,
47:17 he gets up the courage to go and he starts
47:19 making his way back home.
47:21 Now at some point here, according
47:23 to Jesus telling of the account.
47:26 The father is sitting out, we don't know
47:27 sitting on the porch swing or something
47:29 and he's just sort of rocking back and forth
47:31 and he, he looks and the man is sitting there
47:35 and he, he sees what appears to be a
47:42 familiar guy and he's looking, he's looking,
47:45 sure enough. That earning of realization
47:50 come to and he says, that's my boy!
47:55 So the dad run out of the Bible says
47:58 and he falls on his neck and he kisses him
48:00 and I grew up in a home in which my dad
48:02 was a hugger. I mean none of this Adventist
48:05 hey frame stuff, hey! Or the Adventist
48:11 bumper cars, you know, the side hug.
48:13 The four hey hug. Hey, how are you?
48:16 Happy Sabbath and just like...
48:20 Okay, fine whatever I mean, I mean,
48:21 I am not looking for this but I know a hug.
48:25 And so the dad in the Bible say,
48:26 he falls on his neck, my son, my son, my son,
48:32 my son and the boy, the boy is trying to get
48:35 his speech out. He's like.
48:40 Father, I have sinned against heaven
48:44 and against you. Look at it.
48:45 Now, watch this. Here we are, check this out,
48:49 check this out. Verse 20; and he arose,
48:54 and came to his father. But when he was still a
48:55 great way off, his father saw him,
48:56 and had compassion, and ran, and fell on
48:58 his neck, and kissed him. Can you feel the passion
49:00 of the father, yes or no? Can you feel it,
49:02 yes or no? He is thrilled his boy is back,
49:06 he falls on his neck and he kisses him,
49:08 can't believe, holding up familiar form in his...
49:12 Oh, oh, is this my boy right there,
49:18 this is my boy. He is holding him.
49:21 Now watch this. Verse 21; Father,
49:24 I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight,
49:27 I am no more worthy to be called your son.
49:29 That's part A. Does any one remember
49:31 what the part B was? Make me like one of you..
49:34 but look at that text he never gets it out.
49:37 He never says it. The father cuts him off.
49:40 Verse 22; But the father said to his servants,
49:43 bring out the best robe, and put it on him;
49:44 and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.
49:46 And bring the fatted calf, and kill it;
49:47 and let us eat, and be merry:
49:49 We're gonna have a party for this
49:50 my son was dead, and is alive again;
49:51 he was lost, and is found.
49:53 And they began to be merry.
49:54 Why does Jesus go to the, Jesus was a thinker,
49:57 he was intelligent and he was absolutely
50:02 lapidary in his articulation
50:04 of this story and when he..
50:06 Why does he let you know that there was
50:07 two parts to the speech. I've sinned against heaven
50:10 and against you. I am no longer
50:12 worthy to be called your son.
50:13 The second part was make me like one of
50:14 your hired servant. Why does he include
50:16 that detail of the boy, never gets it out
50:18 'cause Jesus wants you to know the mentality.
50:22 The what everyone? He wants you to know
50:25 the attitude of the boy who is returning.
50:27 I am going to, I tell you what dad.
50:29 I got this all figured out.
50:30 I'll strike up the deal. I am no, I've sinned
50:34 against heaven and against you.
50:35 I'm no longer worthy to be called your sons.
50:36 But I've got this through and you make me
50:38 like one of your.. he never gets it out.
50:42 The dad is too busy rejoicing him
50:44 and rejoicing him and I would say
50:46 reinstating him, restoring.
50:48 Ellen White says, very essence of the gospel
50:50 is restoration "Desire of Age" page 22.
50:52 Grabbing him, my boy and rushing him off
50:57 to the parties and the boy must have thinking man.
50:59 At some point I've got to get the second part out.
51:03 Well, while the party is going on and the father
51:05 is just glorying in the return of his boy,
51:07 his son, his own flesh, his bone, his blood, home.
51:13 His other boy comes, like Moses and Joshua
51:17 coming down the mountain. He hears a sound, oh,
51:20 that's sounds like a party. Sounds like a party.
51:25 And so he calls over one of the servants,
51:26 do not miss this. It says here, verse 25;
51:32 his elder son came from the field:
51:34 and as he drew near to the house,
51:35 he heard music and dancing.
51:37 So he called one of his servants
51:38 and he asked what these things meant
51:40 and he said to him. Your brother has come.
51:42 You're not gonna believe this,
51:43 your brother has come and your father is
51:44 receiving him safe and sound.
51:45 Randy is home and oh, your dad has killed
51:48 a fatted calf and there is a party
51:49 and all the neighbors have come in.
51:51 Oh, Randy is only, he looks, he looks terrible
51:54 but I mean he's home. And the boy, the older
51:58 boy ran into Randy, Randy is home.
52:04 Bring him to me immediately. What?
52:09 You mean to tell me they're throwing a
52:10 party for Randy? Randy, Vegas Randy?
52:15 And then look at this, look at this.
52:17 This, look at this. Verse 28; look at this pouty,
52:20 pathetic excuse for a brother.
52:22 "But he was angry, and he would not go in:
52:25 Can you just see how big that lip is,
52:27 it just sticking all the way out.
52:32 I'm not going in, right. And so the servant
52:36 is like, ah, he's your bro. He's your brother Randy.
52:42 Remember fishing and remember that time
52:44 we did the hike in the, I'm not going in.
52:49 Tell dad, I'm mad. So the father goes out.
52:57 Ronald, Randy's home. Was that clear,
53:00 Randy's home, now watch this.
53:03 He pleaded with him verse 29, so he answered
53:05 and said his father. This is Ronald's response
53:07 to his father. Lo, these many years I have been,
53:18 what does your Bible say? Mine too.
53:23 These many years I have been serving you.
53:27 I never transgressed your commandment
53:29 at any time and yet you never gave me a
53:31 little goat that I might make merry with my friends.
53:36 But as soon as look at this, this son of yours,
53:40 not my brother. As soon as this
53:44 you can just see him spitting..
53:46 As this son of yours. As soon as the son of
53:50 yours who has devour your livelihood translation,
53:52 my inheritance, with harlots and you've killed
53:56 the fatted calf and now at the father,
53:58 look at the father, look at father.
54:00 Verse 21; what's the first word out of his mouth?
54:03 Son, you've always been with me.
54:13 Everything I have is yours.
54:16 It's right for us to make merry we should be
54:19 glad because your brother was dead
54:20 and he is alive. He was lost
54:22 and he was found. Son, can you hear the
54:29 heart of the father?
54:30 Can you hear the surprise?
54:32 Now you thought that you thought
54:34 as I thought that the prodigal son
54:36 and the older brother were totally different.
54:39 You thought they were totally different
54:40 but they were the same.
54:43 They both related to their dad in the same way.
54:48 Why does Jesus tell us that
54:49 when he came to himself. He wrote out that speech.
54:53 I've sinned against heaven and against you.
54:54 I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
54:56 Something missing. There is an element...Ah,
54:59 make me like one of your hired servants.
55:02 Why does Jesus include that detail?
55:05 He wants you to know about exchange
55:07 that's exactly right. He wants you to know
55:08 the attitude of the young boy.
55:12 The young boy was going to come back,
55:13 he was going to way to his father was a servant.
55:15 I will do for you and you will reward me.
55:19 You see the boy has a plan he has a economic plan.
55:22 I am going to do something for you
55:23 and you are going to reward me corresponded
55:27 in keeping with, commensurate
55:28 with what I do.
55:30 But the father is so busy rejoicing,
55:32 wrapping, hugging, kissing, taking him
55:35 to the party, dancing, killing the fatted calf.
55:38 He never gets that part out,
55:39 why does Jesus include that?
55:40 Because He wants you to know the
55:41 attitude of the boy. And here comes
55:44 his brother. So different and so identical.
55:51 Listen to his language, come on dad.
55:56 All these years dad, oh, just.
55:58 I could have been to Vegas,
56:00 all these years I've been serving you
56:03 and the father heart says woh, woh, woh, woh! what?
56:12 Son, all that I have is yours.
56:18 You've been serving me, is that how this works.
56:23 You're not my servant. Everything I have is yours.
56:29 You're always with me.
56:35 Beloved, listen to me.
56:37 The gospel is not a set of truths.
56:39 The gospel is a person and that person is God.
56:45 Have you understood this sermon?
56:46 Yes. Has this sermon made any sense?
56:51 Here you are in your GYC aquarium.
56:52 Are you hearing this sermon?
56:55 Yeah, I'm hearing it too. I mean I don't know
56:58 if I'm hearing. I think I am hearing
56:59 and I don't know I mean,
57:00 I am doing my best here. I don't understand
57:02 what Jesus means, I mean, I don't get it.
57:04 I mean, frankly I find this parable
57:06 a little repulsive. The capitalist in me,
57:08 the Keynesian economist in me thinks,
57:10 dad, this isn't exactly fair. But I want to hear,
57:13 I want to hear that God rewards us
57:15 on the basis of who he is, not on the basis
57:17 of who we are, what we've done?
57:20 No turning back but make sure you've first
57:23 turned back to him who is your Father.
57:27 Incidentally, you know, Ellen White says,
57:30 she says that when the old boy, the old boy,
57:35 the mad boy I am not going into the party boy.
57:37 She says, when he wouldn't go into the party
57:39 and he said, all these years
57:40 I've been serving you. She says, he manifest the
57:42 spirit of a hireling same as Peter,
57:47 same as the rich young ruler.
57:48 She uses the same word in totally different places.
57:51 Ellen White saw the absolute continuity
57:53 of these situations. Friends, I want to tell you
57:55 something today. You are sons and daughters of God.


Revised 2014-12-17