Generation of Youth for Christ 2010

Sat. Evening Program

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. Eric Walsh


Series Code: 10GYC

Program Code: 10GYC000011

00:32 Make me know your presence Lord,
00:38 the King of Glory here.
00:43 You know each thought and action,
00:48 hope, anxiety and fear.
00:54 How can I hide from Thee?
00:59 Can darkness hide iniquity?
01:05 Oh how can I unfaithful be,
01:10 when You are very near to me?
01:22 When God is near, all the world seems far away.
01:33 When God is near, every fear is set aside.
01:43 When God is near,
01:49 how can I stray? How can I falter?
01:54 I'll stay upon the altar, I know my God is near.
02:16 Make me know Your presence Lord,
02:21 when I feel so alone.
02:26 You know each trial and testing pain,
02:32 the hurt that is unknown.
02:37 Oh, why can I not see
02:42 Your hand so firmly guiding me?
02:47 Oh how can I untrusting be,
02:52 when You are very near to me?
03:04 When God is near, all the world seems far away.
03:14 When God is near, every fear is set aside.
03:24 When God is near,
03:29 how can I stray? How can I falter?
03:35 I'll stay upon the altar,
03:39 I know my God is near.
03:48 When God is near, all the world seems far away.
03:59 When God is near, every fear is set aside.
04:09 When God is near,
04:14 how can I stray? How can I falter?
04:20 I'll stay upon the altar,
04:25 I know my God is near.
04:32 My God is near, my God is near.
04:37 My God is near, I know my God is near,
04:49 My God is near. Amen.
05:17 Good evening GYC. Good evening.
05:20 How many enjoyed your Sabbath, here in Baltimore.
05:25 And it was a high Sabbath, we didn't just have a
05:28 New Year celebration, praise God,
05:31 we were able to keep God's holy Sabbath day as well.
05:34 And it was a wonderful experience last night
05:37 as I was slowly making my way back to the hotel,
05:41 I saw where a whole group of young people
05:44 just broke out in songs of praise
05:48 in one of the upper open areas.
05:51 And it was so powerful that I actually just went
05:54 up on an upper level and looked down on it
05:56 and just thanked God for the outpouring
05:59 of His Holy Spirit as the young people just sang.
06:02 And I could just imagine that they were angels,
06:05 that were so pleased to see God's people in praise.
06:09 As the rest of the world was in partying
06:11 and frivolity, God's people were praising Him
06:15 to bring in a New Year. And I just ask that God
06:18 would bless us as we look at what is going
06:22 to take place in 2011, some of the things
06:24 that they have been presenting here tonight,
06:25 like Babylon rising, these things are exciting.
06:29 I don't know if you've ever been to Vegas,
06:31 but they call it Sin City for a reason.
06:33 And so I asked that God would be with them
06:36 as they go into Las Vegas
06:37 and bring the gospel truth, his precious end time
06:42 message to the city of Las Vegas.
06:44 We will be praying for them, amen, amen.
06:47 Yesterday also, I was able to go
06:48 to some of the booths after, we were talking,
06:51 we actually wind up having our own little
06:52 church service over here in front of Vision
06:55 and Little Light studios, booths over here,
06:59 and I just want to say after meeting them
07:01 that I'm gonna be a strong
07:04 supporter of their ministry.
07:05 I'm really trying to get more people
07:06 at least in my area in Southern California
07:08 to see what they're doing.
07:10 I want to say that we should have a
07:12 spirit of team work. If the people of God
07:15 work together guess what happens?
07:17 Synergy happens. And more happens
07:20 when we work together and when
07:22 we support one another, then if we try
07:24 and or do it by ourselves.
07:26 So, we ought to have a spirit of not just unity
07:29 but of synergy. Working together
07:31 to finish God's work on earth.
07:34 I want to ask you to turn with me in your
07:36 Bibles tonight to Second Timothy chapter 4,
07:39 Second Timothy Chapter 4
07:44 and I am going to read verses 7 and 8,
07:47 Second Timothy Chapter 4, verses 7 and 8,
07:58 word of God says, I have fought a good fight,
08:02 I have finished my course, I have kept the faith,
08:08 Henceforth there is laid up for me a
08:10 crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
08:14 the righteous judge, shall give me at that day,
08:18 and not to me only, but unto all them
08:22 also that love his appearing.
08:28 Our message tonight is entitled,
08:31 claim your crown, claim your crown.
08:37 Let us pray. Father God, we thank you
08:40 for bringing us together again here at GYC for
08:44 another evening service.
08:48 I ask right now Lord that you make me
08:50 just the nail upon the wall,
08:52 a rusty, sorry nail Lord. But I ask Lord,
08:57 that you would hang a portrait of Jesus Christ
08:59 upon that nail. So that tonight Lord,
09:02 Eric Walsh is not seen or heard.
09:05 Instead Father God, I ask that we would
09:08 hear a message from the very throne room of grace.
09:12 This is our prayer in Jesus' name,
09:15 let the church say amen, amen.
09:19 As Paul was laying in the dungeon
09:22 and he is dealing with the difficulties
09:25 of being alone, he tells us in Second Timothy
09:28 that most have actually deserted him
09:32 and have left him alone. Paul as he is laying on
09:37 the floor in the dungeon, soldiers come running
09:41 down the stairs and they grab the Apostle Paul.
09:45 They shake him up and tell him it is time for him
09:49 to go and stand in the hall of justice.
09:55 I could imagine as Paul is dragged through
09:58 the streets of Rome that many of the soldiers
10:02 or some of the soldiers would have whispered
10:03 to him, Paul, make sure when you get here
10:07 and you have an audience with these dignitaries
10:10 and with the Emperor that Paul, you don't lift
10:13 up the name of Jesus. Paul, if you do that,
10:17 they will put you to death.
10:22 As Paul is dragged into this hall.
10:28 As he enters in, there are dignitaries
10:30 from all over the Roman Empire,
10:33 seated in array before the Emperor Nero.
10:38 But not only are these dignitaries present
10:42 outside of the hall, the regular citizens,
10:47 the street common person of Rome,
10:51 is gathered outside pressing in,
10:53 wanting to hear what would happen to someone
10:56 who was so hated by Rome.
10:59 You see by lying on the Christians
11:01 and hence lying on Paul they got all in
11:05 Rome to believe that Paul was responsible
11:08 for the fire that destroyed 3/4ths of the city.
11:12 He was a hated man by this point for those
11:15 who did not know him. And so there was a
11:18 crowd kind of reminiscent of
11:21 the kind of attention that something like the
11:24 O.J. Simpson trial received.
11:30 But Paul was in chains when he was brought in,
11:35 and he, and most of the people there would
11:38 have thought that Paul was a prisoner of Nero.
11:42 But Paul makes it clear in his writings that Paul
11:45 was a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
11:47 Paul makes it clear that he was only in chains
11:51 because he chose to be a servant of Jesus Christ.
11:59 And at one point in that terrible night, the aged,
12:07 feeble Apostle Paul is brought to stand
12:12 face-to-face with the Emperor Nero.
12:17 Paul, God's most powerful agent on earth,
12:24 stands before the most powerful human
12:26 being on earth. Nero, in essence,
12:31 the ruler of the world, stands before Paul,
12:36 who is the servant of the King of the Universe.
12:41 Spirit of Prophecy, as well as the ancient
12:45 historians tell us that there has been no
12:48 greater contrast between two men.
12:52 As when the Apostle Paul stands face-to-face
12:58 with the great Emperor of Rome, what a contrast?
13:04 You see Nero came to power on a river of blood,
13:11 his mother, Agrippina the second,
13:14 married his uncle, Claudius Caesar,
13:18 Claudius Caesar was known to be a weak emperor
13:21 and Agrippina was told by astrologists
13:24 that her son, Nero, would one day rule Rome.
13:27 And so she jockeyed her position and actually
13:31 assisted in the death of Claudius wife and then
13:34 married a man she was related to.
13:37 She got her son in position and once
13:40 she got Claudius to say that Nero in
13:44 case of Claudius' death would be made emperor,
13:48 it wasn't very long before Claudius was dead.
13:51 After Claudius died, Nero's stepbrother
13:55 Britannica, most loved of all of the
13:58 Roman citizens, a noble young man was poisoned
14:02 at the dinner table while all of them
14:04 sat there and ate. Leaving Nero alone
14:09 to rule the well known world as the Emperor
14:14 of the Roman empire. But I learned a long
14:18 time ago there is no honor among thieves.
14:21 And it wasn't long after Nero took power that
14:26 he was looking to kill his own mother.
14:28 In fact, Nero had made multiple attempts
14:32 to kill his mother, most of them failed,
14:34 until finely he hired assassins and had his
14:37 mother killed at the hands of trained
14:41 professional assassins. Nero, when he married
14:46 Octavia, his first wife, divorced her
14:49 and then killed her and then his second wife,
14:51 he kicked to death shortly after marrying her,
14:55 because she asked him had been out chariot
14:58 racing that night. The contrast between
15:03 this bloody, murderous, hedonistic leader
15:07 and the simple, yet eloquent Apostle Paul
15:13 is a dramatic contrast,
15:18 because you see Nero had only three loves in life.
15:25 Nero loved poetry and singing,
15:29 in fact when he would sing and many of the senators
15:33 and the elite of Rome thought it was so beneath
15:37 the Emperor to try and perform.
15:40 I remember when Bill Clinton used to play the
15:42 saxophone there were those who kind of thought
15:44 the same thing. And he would sing
15:48 and the problem of course was
15:50 he had soldiers around the auditorium
15:52 and if someone when he was done singing
15:54 didn't clap loud enough or shout loud
15:57 enough for Nero, Nero had them put to death.
16:01 It was a capital crime, if when he performed,
16:05 enough people didn't applaud.
16:09 But he also thought he was an actor,
16:13 and living in California everybody thinks
16:15 they're actors. And so he would go
16:19 and he would perform in the theater
16:21 and if the people didn't like his performance,
16:23 if he thought someone didn't appreciate
16:26 his performance, Nero would have that
16:28 individual put to death.
16:31 But his other great love,
16:33 his third great love was chariot racing.
16:36 Nero loved to race chariots,
16:39 horse drawn chariots and he was so in such
16:44 love with it, that I told you on the first night
16:45 that even when he began the persecution
16:48 of the Christians, because of the burning
16:52 of Rome and trying to deflect the blame from
16:54 off of himself, Nero would use the Christians,
16:57 put them up on posts and set them on fire
17:00 and he would drive his chariots through
17:03 the burning torches that were Christians.
17:09 So much he loved charioteering that
17:11 Nero decided to postpone 1865 Olympics
17:16 for two years so he could practice.
17:20 Being the Emperor, he delayed the great
17:22 Greek games for two years and he practiced
17:25 chariot racing, but Nero was a crooked type of guy.
17:29 So what he did was he bribed the judges
17:31 and when the time came for him to race in 1867,
17:35 Nero, when everyone else only had four horses
17:38 on their chariot, Nero had ten horses on his.
17:45 It's kind of funny because not only
17:47 did he have ten horses but he wasn't really
17:49 that good of a charioteer as you would imagine.
17:51 And so, in the race after bribing the judges
17:54 to allow him to have ten horses,
17:56 he doesn't fall once as he's racing,
17:59 he falls twice as he is racing.
18:01 In fact, there are some historians who say that
18:03 he almost died, one from the second
18:05 fall from the chariot. In fact, Nero never
18:12 finishes the race. I will say that again,
18:16 because its important, Nero never finishes
18:19 the race, but he bribed the judges
18:23 so well and being the Emperor of Rome.
18:26 The judges make a decision that had
18:28 he finished the race, he was so good that had
18:32 he finished the race he would have won the race.
18:41 History tell us that he began to tour all over,
18:44 collecting crowns from all of the
18:47 different races in Greece.
18:53 And ironically, he began to collect the crowns
18:55 and brought all of the crowns back to Rome,
19:00 he put them on separate chariots
19:03 and had them displayed. He wore one on his head
19:06 and he rode back into Rome triumphant
19:10 with the plant crowns of the Olympics,
19:14 bragging as if he had gone
19:17 and won the race fair and square.
19:25 Paul is a different man, Paul had traveled
19:28 all over the empire as well, but he had not
19:31 traveled all over the empire looking to gain
19:34 crowns that would not last, crowns that
19:38 as he says in First Corinthians 9:24-27,
19:42 Paul says that those crowns were corruptible.
19:45 Paul had gone around the empire and he had been
19:48 building up churches and training people
19:50 for ministry. He had been preaching the gospel,
19:53 he had been debating and winning over
19:57 the Gentiles and even the Jews.
20:00 Paul, unlike Nero, did not have to buy affection.
20:05 It was said that if Nero had his eye on a woman
20:07 and she did not take his advances,
20:09 then he would instantly command
20:11 that she be put to death. Paul on the other hand,
20:16 the striking contrast between the two men.
20:19 Paul, when he would leave, be-leaving a
20:22 church and the church would come together
20:24 to pray for Paul. That when Paul was leaving,
20:27 the people of the church would fall on him
20:29 and kiss him and tell him they loved him,
20:32 and Paul didn't have to buy their affection.
20:42 Well, let me tell you what happens as
20:43 Paul and Nero face off.
20:46 The time comes for Paul to defend himself,
20:49 because he was so hated in Rome
20:51 that he could not find any attorney
20:55 or any legal representation for himself.
20:58 So, Paul had to defend himself,
21:01 but it worked to God's glory.
21:05 Because although Paul was warned that
21:07 if he went up in front of this group of dignitaries
21:10 and for the waiting mob to hear.
21:13 Although he was warned, that if he lifted up the
21:15 name of Jesus, history in a spread of Prophecy
21:19 he tells us that when Paul stands at a podium,
21:22 probably more beautiful that this one
21:24 and begins to speak. He preaches his most
21:27 powerful sermon. So powerful a sermon
21:32 that many of the people in the room,
21:34 who came to see him convicted and put to death,
21:37 actually their hearts melt and they are convinced
21:40 or convicted of the reality of Jesus Christ.
21:44 Amen. In fact, when you read the Spirit
21:48 of Prophecy and the book, Acts of the Apostles,
21:50 face, and the chapter that describes when Paul
21:53 and Nero come face-to-face,
21:55 Ellen White tells us that even Nero,
21:59 a light from heaven shines down through the dark,
22:03 seemingly impenetrable soul, that is Nero,
22:07 and even Nero begins to contemplate eternity.
22:14 Because you see, Paul doesn't go up there
22:17 and preach a weak sermon, Paul preaches
22:22 a sermon on the judgment.
22:24 Paul stands before this big and respectable
22:30 crowd of people and Paul says, listen,
22:33 one day every single one of you is going to have
22:36 to stand before the very judgment seat of the
22:39 living God. Paul says he's a loving God
22:43 and he's a merciful God, but if you stand
22:46 before him, and you stand before him uncovered
22:49 by the blood of his son, untouched by the grace
22:52 and mercy that is embodied in his son
22:55 Christ Jesus, you will not be able to stand.
23:01 The Emperor Nero begins to realize that
23:05 all of the sick and twisted, debotury acts
23:09 that he's performed. Well, one day, he will
23:11 have to give an answer for. And in that moment,
23:17 he begins to contemplate his own eternity.
23:23 Paul preached the God of the universe;
23:26 Nero preached that he was God.
23:30 In fact, people set up alters to Nero
23:33 and they would worship him.
23:35 And when Nero built his palace,
23:38 like I said last night, he erected a 120 foot
23:41 statue in honor of himself.
23:45 What a contrast between Nero and Paul.
23:50 But I submit to you, it was a powerful sermon.
23:54 And as Paul is being dragged back to his
23:57 dungeon after preaching the sermon,
24:00 you can imagine that they are those whispering
24:03 he's finished, they're gonna kill him.
24:08 But Paul writes the book of Second Timothy
24:11 after that incident and I want to read
24:14 Second Timothy chapter 4 starting at verse 1,
24:18 I want you to understand that after his experience
24:21 with this crazy tyrant Nero, he pens words
24:24 that are powerful. He says, I charged thee
24:30 therefore, Second Timothy chapter 4 and verse 1
24:34 he says, I charge thee therefore before God
24:37 and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge
24:39 the quick and the dead at his appearing
24:41 and his kingdom. Preach the word.
24:46 He says, be instant in season, out of season.
24:51 He says, to reprove, to rebuke, to exhort
24:56 with all longsuffering and doctrine.
25:00 Paul does not send Timothy out on a mission
25:04 to be liked by everyone, don't miss this.
25:09 He does not send Timothy out
25:11 to win a popularity contest.
25:13 He does not expect that Timothy is going to go
25:17 and give the gospel and by giving the gospel,
25:21 it will be so fussy and round that everyone
25:23 will just be drawn to Timothy and he will be
25:26 popular and liked. And he can sell a
25:28 whole bunch of DVDs and books.
25:35 No, Paul says, when you preach,
25:40 things should be reproved, sin should be rebuked,
25:46 you should exhort. But he says that this
25:50 must be done with all longsuffering and doctrine.
26:00 Difficult for me to talk about this,
26:02 but last night, when I was preaching
26:04 there were some who approached me later
26:06 and said that I offended them.
26:10 Because I brought up one of my stories,
26:13 when I was really not talking about
26:14 what I thought they thought I was talking about,
26:16 but the issue of transsexual.
26:20 And I want to say that if I offended someone
26:23 because they thought I was making a joke
26:25 about individuals I wasn't.
26:27 But I even challenged them to go back
26:29 and watch last night's presentation
26:31 and see that I didn't laugh, I wasn't joking
26:33 at all. In fact, being a physician,
26:37 one of the things I have learned is that,
26:39 when people are in that situation
26:42 and I've worked in HIV and AIDS for many years
26:44 and I have many patients in that situation.
26:47 It is probably one of the most difficult,
26:50 confusing, challenging and in the end,
26:54 from a purely medical and health standpoint,
26:56 one of the most detrimental places
26:58 a person can be. So I don't find it funny
27:01 and I was not making a joke.
27:04 But I want to say that on the other hand,
27:06 I don't know that I would be a preacher
27:09 of the gospel of the Jesus Christ,
27:11 if somehow I wasn't plain in saying what
27:15 the Bible says about it, amen.
27:17 I don't know if I should be more worried about
27:20 being offensive to people or if I should be more
27:24 worried about offending the living God, amen.
27:28 And believe me, I take this stuff very seriously,
27:32 its life and its death. I understand
27:36 the consequences of the words that we speak
27:38 when we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
27:41 But Paul says, Dr. Walsh like,
27:44 he says to every other person who will stand
27:46 and deliver the word of God through Bible study
27:48 or preaching. When you take the Bible
27:51 and you stand in the place where the gospel
27:54 can be preached or shared, you take
27:56 on a very serious responsibility, amen.
28:01 Because one day, every individual is
28:04 going to have to stand before the very judgment
28:07 seat of the living God. And what if I am
28:10 the only person that might have spoken a
28:13 word of warning to an individual,
28:15 who is going off course.
28:19 What kind of love is it
28:21 if you know a house is burning,
28:22 and you're afraid to run inside and shout fire.
28:29 Paul says, we must be longsuffering
28:31 and I will admit that sometimes we as
28:34 Adventists have been very short suffering.
28:38 But there are times when we are so concerned
28:41 what people are doing, we forget to ask the
28:43 harder question, who do they know?
28:46 Sometimes we can't jump the gun and say,
28:49 look, put down that cigarette,
28:50 put down the alcohol, lose the weight,
28:52 do those things and never really ask the
28:54 hard question, are they doing what they're doing,
28:56 because there is a God size hole in their heart?
29:00 And one of the things I learned in the addiction
29:03 medicine clinic, that I used to work in at the
29:05 Veterans Hospital in Loma Linda.
29:07 When those former addicts would be coming
29:09 out of their addictions to heroine and cocaine
29:12 and crystal methamphetamine
29:14 and alcohol, and they would stand together
29:17 and they would chant at the end of their meetings,
29:18 and one of things I used to love them,
29:20 hear them say is when they said,
29:21 God made the human heart so big that only
29:27 He can fill it, amen. We must be longsuffering,
29:33 because we have to understand that there
29:34 are a lot of people who have this God sized
29:37 hole in their heart and the behaviors that
29:39 we see them doing are really only a reflection
29:42 of the fact that they do not have the kind of
29:45 relationship with God that fills the hole.
29:48 And then once they're introduced to Jesus Christ
29:52 and their peace and the peace is given to them,
29:54 that passes all understanding,
29:56 that comes from a relationship with
29:58 Jesus Christ. All of a sudden, how easy is it.
30:04 For the things that used to,
30:05 the sins and the things that used to
30:07 so easily beset them, to be shaken off
30:09 and tossed aside. But there were times
30:13 when I was involved in things in my life that
30:14 I thought I could never get out of.
30:17 I honestly thought at times I was trapped
30:19 in certain behaviors, certain things about
30:22 my life and lifestyle and I thought
30:23 I could never be delivered.
30:24 But it was as I studied the word,
30:26 as I prayed and what I learned is that
30:29 I had to learn to stop focusing in Morris Venden
30:33 writes well on this. I had to stop focusing on
30:37 what I was doing and switch my focus
30:39 from my behaviors onto Christ, amen.
30:42 And what I learned was that as long as my focus
30:45 we on not doing things, I failed miserably.
30:50 Because I was not fighting the fight of faith,
30:52 I was fighting the fight of works.
30:55 And what happened is, once I learned,
30:57 you know what, let me just put Christ first,
30:59 I can't win the battle over here,
31:01 I keep losing the battle over here.
31:03 I can't give up cheese.
31:07 Some of you all thought I was going
31:08 to say something real drastic.
31:11 Praise God he delivered me from cheese,
31:13 somebody else say amen, amen.
31:15 I can't give up milk or cheese or whatever it is,
31:19 nightclubs at one time in my life.
31:20 I can't give it up, but maybe if I just focus
31:23 on Jesus Christ and you know what happens?
31:28 You can't focus on Jesus
31:30 and then walk into a nightclub. Amen.
31:32 All of a sudden you see the place differently,
31:35 all of a sudden the demonic influences
31:37 of that nightclub, the demonic influences
31:40 of the alcohol, the demonic influences
31:42 of whatever it is that's in your life
31:44 of that bad relation, the person you're being
31:47 intimate with, that God has,
31:48 that you have no business being
31:50 intimate with. As you draw closer to Christ,
31:53 the spirit of God falls on you
31:55 and the love of Christ begins to constrain you.
32:05 So, I tell addicts now,
32:06 in my practice, when I see patients
32:07 and they're dealing with stuff
32:08 and if they're a Christian, especially
32:10 if they're a Christian, I say listen,
32:12 the first battle you must fight is the
32:14 fight of faith. Because righteousness is by faith,
32:19 the just shall live by faith,
32:21 if you fight the fight of faith the behavior,
32:24 what God is gonna do is give you the knowledge
32:26 that stuff is wrong.
32:28 He'll tell you what's wrong as you study
32:29 God's word and you see
32:30 and you learn what's wrong,
32:31 but faith is what it takes for the spirit of God
32:34 to fill you, so that Jesus lives in you
32:37 and you stop living in your own self, amen.
32:40 Because some of us put more emphasis on
32:43 what we're doing then on Christ.
32:46 And I will submit to you that if you lift up
32:48 Jesus Christ in your life,
32:50 He will change your life, amen.
32:52 The Ten Commandments will no longer be ten rules,
32:57 they become ten promises. Amen.
33:00 That's why I love God.
33:02 He is not saying thou shall not,
33:03 he said don't worry, you won't do that, amen.
33:07 Don't worry you won't commit,
33:08 don't worry you're not going to steal.
33:10 Don't worry you are not going to murder
33:11 because I am in you, amen.
33:17 Paul says to preach the word,
33:18 be instant in season, out of season,
33:21 reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering
33:24 and doctrine. The scripture determines doctrine,
33:30 Amen. Amen.
33:32 So, when people come at me with stuff and it,
33:34 whether it is to the left or right,
33:35 so you can show me from the scripture.
33:38 You'll be amazed at how many arguments will end
33:40 if you say show me from the scripture.
33:47 Paul says in verse 3, For the time will come
33:52 when they will not endure sound doctrine;
33:55 but after their own lusts shall they heap
33:57 to themselves teachers, having itching ears.
34:02 Then they shall turn away their ears from the truth,
34:05 and shall be turned unto fables.
34:09 I saw someone who actually think
34:11 is a very nice man, a man named Joel Osteen
34:15 on the Larry King live show one night,
34:17 Larry King just recently retired I believe.
34:20 Joel Osteen was on and Larry King was asking
34:23 him some very difficult questions
34:25 and one of the things he asked Joel Osteen
34:26 he says, do you ever use the word sinner?
34:30 Joel Osteen, you can go online
34:31 and look at the transcript of this.
34:33 Joel Osteen says, no, you know that's a word
34:34 I never use. Larry King replies that,
34:39 do you believe in the Bible?
34:44 People want teachers now that will tell them
34:46 how to better manage their money,
34:49 how to live a more prosperous life,
34:51 how to be more happy, how to find a better
34:54 spouse and not that anything is wrong
34:56 with any of that. But the problem is people
34:59 don't want the word of God in a mess,
35:04 they don't want to have to apply the
35:05 word of God to the parts of their life
35:08 where they're failing God.
35:10 We wanna keep our secret sins
35:12 and hold them tight and tuck them away
35:14 and incubate them, and pretend that God
35:20 doesn't see what we do on this lie.
35:24 And as the world and the church gets more like that,
35:27 and I mean Christendom in general.
35:29 As that happens, they will start to ask
35:33 for preachers and teachers who would teach them
35:36 what they want to hear.
35:41 And in fact, its that pressure that is changing
35:43 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
35:45 And I shouldn't say change,
35:46 but that pressure is on our church because
35:48 there are a lot of pastors who simply
35:50 want the numbers. We want to make sure
35:53 that we fill our churches,
35:54 we wanna show that we baptize so many so.
35:56 There are a lot of people say,
35:57 you know what, maybe if we don't talk about
35:59 the health message. Maybe we do better at
36:03 bringing people in. I was actually in a
36:07 evangelistic series where they decided to do that,
36:10 I wasn't in it, I was a member
36:12 at a church in that small town.
36:14 And I'll never forget, we have the baptism
36:16 that Sabbath and seven
36:18 or eight people got baptized,
36:19 it was a big number for that church.
36:21 And on the way home, one of the guys that
36:24 was just baptized, lit up a cigarette,
36:26 was smoking, driving home
36:29 and I'm driving next to him and I'm saying,
36:31 well you think the brother would at least
36:33 wait until he got home to smoke.
36:37 And in there was a potluck
36:38 and he brought something unclean.
36:40 I think he brought like a pork dish
36:42 to the potluck, and I said, let me pull
36:46 this brother aside and say,
36:47 you know you realize that
36:49 Seventh-day Adventist Church there are certain
36:50 things we don't eat and then,
36:53 obviously if you're struggling with smoking,
36:54 we can give you some help with quitting nicotine,
36:56 but public smoking is probably still a bad idea.
37:02 And he said, what? They never told me any of this,
37:08 and he left the church because he felt betrayed
37:12 as if he had been conned into being
37:14 baptized into the church.
37:19 I think its only fear that if you want someone
37:20 to join our church that you upfront,
37:22 you tell them what we believe, amen.
37:28 Scripture says in verse 4,
37:29 that they would turn away their ears
37:31 from the truth, and shall be turned
37:33 unto fables. Big movements like the
37:36 Left Behind series. Well it teach that Jesus
37:41 is gonna come and take a select bunch
37:43 of people to heaven, and then if you're left behind,
37:46 just wait seven years and if you wait
37:49 till seven years, its like the bus stop.
37:51 You know the bus will come back around for you,
37:53 so you'll get a second chance.
37:56 These are fables, not biblical at all.
38:01 But they have been so popularized
38:02 in the last days. So, Paul says in verse 5
38:09 to watch thou in all things.
38:12 He says, endure afflictions,
38:14 he says to Timothy, do the work of an evangelist.
38:18 He says to make full proof of your ministry.
38:21 He says in verse 6, For I am now ready
38:24 to be offered, and the time of my departure
38:28 is at hand. Now you realize he understood
38:33 that the Roman powers would read this so.
38:35 I wonder if he was thinking that old Nero
38:37 would be a bit upset when reads that
38:39 Paul was not afraid of death.
38:44 You know you take away the power from
38:45 your oppressor or from your jailer,
38:48 or from your, or in this case a person
38:50 who is really trying to destroy you
38:52 and your movement. The power is taken away
38:54 when they realize you are not afraid of death.
39:00 Paul says, I'm ready to be offered.
39:02 He says, and the time of my departure is at hand,
39:06 because Paul did something powerful.
39:10 Paul was not on the defensive in dealing
39:13 with his captures. In fact, when you read
39:16 in Acts 24: 25 or Acts 26:28
39:20 when he is dealing with Festus
39:21 and Felix and Agrippa, when he is dealing
39:23 with these men, you realize that
39:25 Paul isn't actually on the defensive.
39:28 Paul uses his captivity as a tool
39:31 to be on the offensive.
39:34 He does what Jesus says in Matthew 16 and verse 18,
39:38 where Christ says to Peter, Peter,
39:41 you are upon this rock,
39:43 speaking of himself Jesus Christ,
39:44 upon this rock I will build my church;
39:47 and he says, and the gates of hell shall not
39:50 prevail against them. Are gates offensive
39:53 or defensive pieces of equipment.
39:56 A gate is a defensive position,
39:58 you don't put up a gate so you could run
40:00 people over. Somebody ought to say amen, amen.
40:05 What Jesus was saying is that,
40:07 I am gonna build my church and my church
40:09 is gonna run over the gates of hell.
40:13 Someone must have that in reverse,
40:14 you know we live in fear. Oh listen,
40:17 Paul understood that although he looked like
40:20 the prisoner, he looked like the captive,
40:22 he looked like the weak and feeble one
40:24 as he stood in front of Nero.
40:26 Paul understood that with God he had all power
40:29 behind him, amen. And Paul took his captivity
40:34 as an opportunity to preach the gospel,
40:38 not just a common man, but the gospel reached
40:41 so high that even in Acts 26:28,
40:45 one of the Roman leaders says you have almost
40:47 convinced me of this thing.
40:54 Paul was on the offensive,
41:01 he was ready to die if that's what it took
41:05 and in verse 7 of Second Timothy, chapter 4,
41:09 he says, I have fought a good fight,
41:12 I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.
41:18 Paul understood the importance of fighting
41:20 the fight of faith.
41:22 He said I fought a good fight,
41:25 I finished my course, I have kept the faith
41:28 and I wonder as I read this,
41:32 if he wasn't writing so that Nero would get this
41:35 Let's think back for a second about Nero.
41:38 You see when Nero entered his race,
41:42 Nero rode his ten horse chariot
41:46 and fell twice and never finished the race.
41:50 I believe that Paul knew that it wasn't
41:52 un-impossible that Nero or those close to Nero
41:55 would read this letter. And Paul is saying,
41:58 look Nero, you didn't finish your race,
42:01 but guess what? I have fought a good fight,
42:04 I have finished my race Nero.
42:08 You may not have finished your race Nero,
42:10 but I finished mine, I kept the faith.
42:17 Verse 8, Henceforth there is laid up for me,
42:19 a crown of righteousness.
42:21 Nero, you got all of these paper
42:24 or plant based crowns that are corruptible
42:27 and will rot away. But Nero, I want you to
42:30 know something, God is holding a crown
42:35 of righteousness for me. You cheated to get your
42:39 crowns Nero, you murdered to get the
42:41 crown of the emperor, you cheated to get the crowns,
42:45 you got in the Olympics, but my crown is a crown
42:48 of righteousness Nero. He said, so it's the Lord,
42:54 the righteous judge shall give me that day.
42:58 Paul is really playing on the words I think,
43:00 because he is not only saying to Nero
43:02 you didn't finish your race I finished mine.
43:05 He is not only saying you cheated
43:06 and got your crowns, but I'm going to get
43:08 a crown of righteousness. But Paul is also saying
43:11 something powerful here.
43:12 You bribed your judges Nero,
43:17 but my judge cannot be bribed with your money.
43:20 Nero, you cannot convince the God of the universe
43:23 to accept you because of your earthly power,
43:25 or fame, or beauty. Paul is saying to Nero,
43:30 listen, the judge, the God of the universe
43:34 that you heard me speak about is a righteous judge.
43:40 He says, the righteous judge shall give me
43:43 at that day and he says and not to me only,
43:46 I love this, but unto all them that love
43:52 his appearing. You see because after this Nero
43:57 left and went to Greece, got into all kinds
44:00 of debotury and frivolity.
44:04 On his way back from Greece he found out
44:06 that the empire was in a rebellion.
44:09 Whole provinces, insurrection had risen up
44:12 and Galba had been pronounced as emperor.
44:19 Not only did Nero and Paul live different lives,
44:23 they died different deaths.
44:30 Nero, when he found out, he died second,
44:32 Paul died first, but Nero when he found out
44:35 that they were coming for him
44:36 and he was in the palace, he could heard
44:38 the armies coming for him. No more bravery,
44:44 no more strength, he collapses in fear.
44:50 He cries like a baby, he thinks to kill himself,
44:56 but he is not even brave enough to do that.
45:01 He fleas just outside of the city with a few
45:04 of his closet slaves. And he seeks to throw
45:09 himself off of a bridge on his way out of the city
45:11 and drown himself but he can't even
45:13 get the courage to do that.
45:16 He reaches to a secluded place
45:18 where he hides and he pulls out his dagger
45:21 and in theatrical way that he wanted to live,
45:24 he pulls out the daggers and acts as
45:25 if he will kill himself but he is still scared,
45:27 he drops the daggers and falls to the ground.
45:34 Eventually, Nero begs one of his slaves,
45:38 to run the dagger through his neck.
45:41 Nero dies an ignoble, inglorious death,
45:47 at the hand of a slave.
45:52 How different is Paul's death?
45:55 Paul died first, history and tradition tell us
45:59 that as Paul is being led out,
46:03 Nero doesn't want anyone to see Paul's death,
46:05 because Paul had this funny thing about him.
46:08 It was as if Paul just bumped into somebody,
46:12 they came to know Jesus Christ, amen.
46:16 So, they said look, isolate this brother
46:18 and if we're gonna kill him only send him out
46:20 with the assassins and let no one know
46:22 that he's gonna die. But as the weak,
46:27 feeble, by now emaciated Paul is being
46:31 led to be slaughtered. Unlike the babbling,
46:37 crying Nero, Paul is singing songs
46:42 of praise to his God.
46:44 The executioners can't even understand it,
46:48 there is not an ounce of fear on Paul's face.
46:52 He smiles at this captors and at the executioners,
46:56 as they bring him outside of the city
46:58 and kneel him down and lay his head on
47:00 the block to kill him. Before they can raise
47:05 a sword and take the sword to his neck,
47:11 Paul is sure to forgive them of what
47:14 they are about to do.
47:17 How different are Paul and Nero,
47:23 what a contrast between the two men.
47:28 One died clinging to a crown
47:32 that was really never his,
47:37 while the other, Paul dies with a face that
47:44 there is a crown laid up, waiting for him.
47:51 GYC, let me tell you that it's really important
47:54 that you claim your crown.
47:59 I want to close by giving you some beautiful
48:02 scriptures about the crown.
48:03 James 1 and verse 12 said,
48:07 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation:
48:12 for when he is tried,
48:13 he shall receive the crown of life,
48:17 which the Lord hath promised to them
48:19 that love him. Paul understood that
48:23 if he could endure he would receive
48:27 the crown of life. But the Bible goes even further,
48:31 the last of the Apostles alive,
48:34 John the Revelator in Revelation
48:37 chapter 2 and verse 10,
48:42 Revelation chapter 2 and verse 10
48:47 he says, Fear none of these things,
48:50 which thou shalt suffer: This is Jesus speaking
48:53 to the church at Smyrna.
48:55 Fear none of these things, which thou shalt suffer.
48:57 Behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison,
49:01 that you might may be tried and ye,
49:03 and ye shall have tribulation, ten days:
49:05 Be thou faithful unto death,
49:09 and I will give you a crown of life.
49:15 Scripture says that if you can be faithful
49:17 unto death and sometimes
49:19 we think that's the death of the martyr,
49:20 but let me submit to you that even before that,
49:23 that is death to self, death to pride.
49:31 My favorite verse about crowns
49:33 is found in Revelation chapter 3,
49:38 verses 10 and 11.
49:42 As Jesus is speaking to the church of Philadelphia,
49:46 Revelations 3:10-11, talking about claiming
49:49 your crown now, verse 10 and 11 he says,
49:53 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,
49:57 I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
50:03 you notice that it is Jesus who does the keeping us,
50:05 of us from temptation.
50:07 He says, we shall come upon all the world
50:09 to try them that dwell upon the earth.
50:12 Verse 11 is profound, verse 11 says,
50:16 Behold, I am coming quickly.
50:19 Hold that fast which thou hast,
50:23 that no man takes your crown.
50:29 Claim your crown GYC, claim your crown.
50:36 We're told that the angels in heaven
50:39 were seen resizing the crowns,
50:42 so that they would fit someone else's head.
50:46 It is imperative, it is important
50:50 that each of us claim the crown,
50:52 because the beauty of this message is that
50:55 before anything happens your crown is already
51:00 assigned to you. The beauty of the
51:03 message is that your name is already written
51:05 in the lamb's book of life and what we must do
51:10 is live our lives so that our names remain there.
51:14 We must live our lives so that in the book
51:17 of works our pages are covered
51:21 in the blood red of Jesus Christ, amen.
51:27 Claim your crown,
51:31 those verses were very important to me
51:33 in Second Timothy chapter 4,
51:38 five years ago when I got word that
51:42 my mother was ill, she was suffering
51:46 from multiple myeloma.
51:51 Diagnosed at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami
51:53 by one of our good Adventist physicians
51:55 that worked there. Let me encourage the
51:58 young people so many of you come up to me
51:59 and said you're interested in medicine,
52:00 let me tell you that there is a powerful ministry
52:04 for Christian physicians and health care
52:06 workers of all kinds. And in a time when our
52:09 family was in need and I was on the
52:11 West Coast and my mother was in Miami,
52:13 it was powerful that a Adventist physician
52:16 was able to show up and properly diagnose
52:20 her when no one else did.
52:23 Multiple myeloma, I read in one
52:26 of my medical books that it was two and half
52:29 to three year life expectancy.
52:34 When you raised three sons and a single mother,
52:40 my father left when I was just two years of age.
52:45 My mom was such a beautiful Christian
52:47 she told us later on that was probably
52:49 a good thing that he left because he couldn't stand
52:50 a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
52:53 and she would never been able to raise us
52:56 in the church that saved us.
53:03 My mother went through so much difficulty,
53:04 so much heartache in her life.
53:07 And now at the end, she was battling cancer.
53:14 She fought valiantly for two or three years,
53:16 however long it was and finally my brother
53:21 called me and told me I needed to come to Miami.
53:24 I got off the plane, my brother is a pretty
53:26 tough guy, he was crying.
53:28 As he picked me up in his car
53:29 and we went to the hospital to see her
53:30 in a never forget walking and seeing my mother
53:33 from the cancer and the chemotherapy.
53:39 So shriveled up, so skinny,
53:42 her natural short hair,
53:48 seeing her that sick for the first time,
53:53 I couldn't take it and I retreated
53:54 into the bathroom, fell on my knees
53:58 and I began to agonize with God.
54:01 Lord, after all this woman did in service to you,
54:06 pathfinder leader, treasurer for the church.
54:10 Lord, she was so faithful for so many years,
54:14 how could you allow your daughter
54:16 to go out like this.
54:20 I began to agonize with God,
54:22 Lord, if you are a God of mercy,
54:26 why is she suffering like this.
54:30 I was sobbing, kneeling on a floor
54:35 in the bathroom of her hospital room.
54:38 Ironically the hospital that she was
54:40 an administrator in the Sylvester Comprehensive
54:43 Cancer Center in Miami, Florida.
54:47 Sobbing and agonizing with God.
54:50 And I will never forget, as I was there crying
54:56 it was if a voice spoke to me and said,
55:00 don't worry about your mother.
55:03 She has been perfected, and it dawned on me
55:12 that the verse 7 and 8 of the 4th chapter
55:16 of Second Timothy applied to my mother.
55:18 She was happy, in fact we sang what a friend
55:22 we have in Jesus.
55:24 All the way till she fell asleep in Jesus.
55:27 She was fine with going to sleep,
55:31 because she was ready to see her Jesus.
55:37 She was ready to claim her crown,
55:40 as the appeal song is sung,
55:43 you wanna make sure you claim your crown
55:45 I just want you to join me now upfront.
55:49 You wanna claim that crown.
56:01 I will change your name
56:09 You shall no longer be called
56:18 Wounded, outcast Lonely or afraid
56:35 I will change your name Your new name shall be
56:51 Confidence, joyfulness Overcoming one
57:08 Faithfulness, friend of God
57:16 One who seeks my face.
57:25 I will change your name
57:33 You shall no longer be called
57:41 Wounded, outcast Lonely or afraid
57:57 I will change your name
58:05 Your new name shall be Confidence.


Revised 2014-12-17