May GYC serve as an example both to 00:00:11.80\00:00:16.03 other supporting organizations and 00:00:16.03\00:00:18.40 denominationally organized 00:00:18.40\00:00:20.83 church structures in showing cooperative 00:00:20.83\00:00:24.46 involvement in the mission of the church, 00:00:24.46\00:00:27.83 an example to Seventh day Adventists 00:00:27.83\00:00:30.20 of all ages? Now, as we reflect on 00:00:30.20\00:00:34.56 cooperative mission involvement, 00:00:34.56\00:00:37.43 we can ask the rhetorical question 00:00:37.43\00:00:39.93 posed or found in Amos chapter 3, verse 3, 00:00:39.93\00:00:44.26 "Can two walk together, 00:00:44.26\00:00:46.56 unless they are agreed?" 00:00:46.56\00:00:48.33 Now, let me tell you, 00:00:48.33\00:00:50.36 the special relationship that the 00:00:50.36\00:00:51.60 Seventh-day Adventist Church share 00:00:51.60\00:00:53.50 with supporting ministries like GYC 00:00:53.50\00:00:56.03 is possible only by the commitment of each 00:00:56.03\00:01:00.10 to Christ and the prophetic work 00:01:00.10\00:01:02.86 with which He has entrusted us 00:01:02.86\00:01:04.86 in these last days. There has never been 00:01:04.86\00:01:08.26 a more important time to walk together 00:01:08.26\00:01:11.96 and to work together as God's remnant 00:01:11.96\00:01:16.00 people then in these last closing days 00:01:16.00\00:01:18.53 of earth's history. 00:01:18.53\00:01:19.53 We must take seriously the instruction 00:01:19.53\00:01:22.10 in Hebrews chapter 10 verses 24 and 25, 00:01:22.10\00:01:26.26 "to consider one another in order to 00:01:26.26\00:01:29.40 stir up love and good works, 00:01:29.40\00:01:31.96 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves 00:01:31.96\00:01:34.93 together, as is the manner of some, 00:01:34.93\00:01:37.13 but exhorting one another, 00:01:37.13\00:01:39.00 and so much the more as you see 00:01:39.00\00:01:41.00 the Day approaching." 00:01:41.00\00:01:43.93 I wanna tell you the day is approaching, amen, 00:01:43.93\00:01:46.80 Jesus is coming. 00:01:46.80\00:01:47.80 Now, just a few months ago at the 00:01:47.80\00:01:50.13 59th General Conference session, 00:01:50.13\00:01:52.30 in Atlanta, I shared with the world church 00:01:52.30\00:01:55.10 my firm conviction that the Lord 00:01:55.10\00:01:57.40 has established the Seventh-day Adventist 00:01:57.40\00:01:59.70 Church in these last days to "Go Forward" 00:01:59.70\00:02:03.96 in faith and, by the power of 00:02:03.96\00:02:06.53 the Holy Spirit, finish the work of proclaiming 00:02:06.53\00:02:10.00 the Three Angels' Messages 00:02:10.00\00:02:11.73 to the entire world. 00:02:11.73\00:02:13.63 Now, I believe it is providential that 00:02:13.63\00:02:17.30 I'm speaking to you under GYC's 00:02:17.30\00:02:20.03 corresponding theme of "No Turning Back." 00:02:20.03\00:02:25.40 There is no doubt in my mind 00:02:25.40\00:02:27.80 that the Lord is bidding us as a people, 00:02:27.80\00:02:30.73 a remnant people to "go forward" with 00:02:30.73\00:02:34.66 "no turning back." Amen. 00:02:34.66\00:02:37.83 In your walk with Christ, 00:02:37.83\00:02:39.76 turning even the slightest bit from 00:02:39.76\00:02:44.63 absolute faithfulness to God 00:02:44.63\00:02:47.70 and His Word can have disastrous consequences. 00:02:47.70\00:02:50.96 When Eve turned just slightly 00:02:50.96\00:02:53.86 from God's Word, she left herself open 00:02:53.86\00:02:56.56 to the serpent's deceptions. 00:02:56.56\00:02:59.23 When Lot's wife turned her head 00:02:59.23\00:03:01.53 just one time for a forbidden glance 00:03:01.53\00:03:04.23 at her former home, she lost her life. 00:03:04.23\00:03:07.23 When the children of Israel 00:03:07.23\00:03:09.53 wanted to turn away from the Promised Land 00:03:09.53\00:03:12.40 and turn back to Egypt, 00:03:12.40\00:03:13.73 their bodies were left lying in the desert. 00:03:13.73\00:03:17.53 We must all live out the counsel of Paul 00:03:17.53\00:03:20.83 who wrote in our scripture reading 00:03:20.83\00:03:22.86 as it was read to us Philippians 3:13 and 14: 00:03:22.86\00:03:26.40 "Brethren, I do not count myself to have 00:03:26.40\00:03:28.83 apprehended; but one thing I do, 00:03:28.83\00:03:31.63 forgetting those things which are behind 00:03:31.63\00:03:34.20 and reaching forward to those things 00:03:34.20\00:03:37.03 which are ahead, I press toward the goal 00:03:37.03\00:03:40.60 for the prize of the upward call of God 00:03:40.60\00:03:44.13 in Christ Jesus. " No turning back. 00:03:44.13\00:03:48.83 This was the walk of faith experience 00:03:48.83\00:03:51.63 by Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Sarah. 00:03:51.63\00:03:56.30 In fact Hebrews chapter 11:13 declares: 00:03:56.30\00:04:01.00 "These all died in faith, 00:04:01.00\00:04:04.33 not having received the promises, 00:04:04.33\00:04:06.80 but having seen them afar off were assured 00:04:06.80\00:04:10.03 were assured of them, embraced them 00:04:10.03\00:04:11.70 and confessed that they were strangers 00:04:11.70\00:04:13.90 and pilgrims on the earth." 00:04:13.90\00:04:15.86 Now, notice carefully that though 00:04:15.86\00:04:19.50 they may have died never seeing the fulfillment 00:04:19.50\00:04:23.40 of God's promises, they nonetheless lived 00:04:23.40\00:04:26.40 with their eyes of faith fastened to the promises 00:04:26.40\00:04:30.46 of God's Word. It goes on to tell us 00:04:30.46\00:04:33.76 how they were able to maintain 00:04:33.76\00:04:35.26 this level of commitment in verse 15. " 00:04:35.26\00:04:37.63 And truly if they had called to mind 00:04:37.63\00:04:42.30 that that country from which they had come, 00:04:42.30\00:04:44.70 they would have had opportunity to return." 00:04:44.70\00:04:49.23 These great men and women were heroes 00:04:49.23\00:04:52.33 of faith because they never allowed the place 00:04:52.33\00:04:55.70 from which they came out to occupy their minds. 00:04:55.70\00:04:59.63 Once they left, they left with no turning back. 00:04:59.63\00:05:05.16 This single-minded commitment to God 00:05:05.16\00:05:07.86 and a straightforward understanding 00:05:07.86\00:05:10.80 of His Word was the Lord's intent 00:05:10.80\00:05:13.40 for His chosen people, Israel. 00:05:13.40\00:05:15.63 Deuteronomy 5 verses 32 to 33, tell us: 00:05:15.63\00:05:21.80 "Therefore you shall be careful to do 00:05:21.80\00:05:24.50 as the Lord your God has commanded you; 00:05:24.50\00:05:26.33 you shall not turn aside to the right hand 00:05:26.33\00:05:28.93 or to the left. You shall walk in 00:05:28.93\00:05:31.76 all the ways which the Lord your God 00:05:31.76\00:05:33.76 has commanded you, 00:05:33.76\00:05:34.83 that you may live and that it may be well 00:05:34.83\00:05:37.26 with you, and that you may prolong your days 00:05:37.26\00:05:40.60 in the land which you shall possess." 00:05:40.60\00:05:43.93 As long as they were unwavering in their 00:05:43.93\00:05:47.83 devotion to the Lord and His Word, 00:05:47.83\00:05:51.93 success was guaranteed. Yet instead, 00:05:51.93\00:05:56.20 repeatedly the Lord's people exchanged 00:05:56.20\00:05:58.93 moving ahead in faith with turning back 00:05:58.93\00:06:02.10 in fear. In Numbers chapter 14 verses 3 and 4 00:06:02.10\00:06:07.80 we hear them exclaim: 00:06:07.80\00:06:08.96 "Why has the Lord brought us to this land 00:06:08.96\00:06:13.20 to fall by the sword, 00:06:13.20\00:06:14.50 that our wives and children should become 00:06:14.50\00:06:16.60 victims? Would it not be better for us 00:06:16.60\00:06:18.93 to return to Egypt? I've nothing against Egypt, 00:06:18.93\00:06:22.66 I think some of you know I grew up in Egypt 00:06:22.66\00:06:24.66 and it's a wonderful country, 00:06:24.66\00:06:26.06 but unfortunately they had been slaves there 00:06:26.06\00:06:29.00 and had a very difficult experience. 00:06:29.00\00:06:31.20 But they wanted to return there. 00:06:31.20\00:06:32.73 So they said to one another, 00:06:32.73\00:06:34.03 'Let us select a leader and return to Egypt.' 00:06:34.03\00:06:36.10 Many years later in Second Timothy 00:06:36.10\00:06:39.46 chapter 4 verses 3 to 4, 00:06:39.46\00:06:42.13 the Apostle Paul instructed 00:06:42.13\00:06:44.03 his young protege, Timothy, 00:06:44.03\00:06:46.23 to preach the Word: 00:06:46.23\00:06:47.80 "For the time will come when they will not 00:06:47.80\00:06:51.10 endure sound doctrine, 00:06:51.10\00:06:53.10 but according to their own desires, 00:06:53.10\00:06:55.43 because they have itching ears, 00:06:55.43\00:06:57.83 they will heap up for themselves teachers; 00:06:57.83\00:07:01.23 and they will turn their ears 00:07:01.23\00:07:03.33 away from the truth, 00:07:03.33\00:07:04.90 and be turned aside to fables." 00:07:04.90\00:07:07.86 Now, it's important to note that in both 00:07:07.86\00:07:10.76 ancient Israel and the Christian church, 00:07:10.76\00:07:13.76 God's people had no problem submitting 00:07:13.76\00:07:17.60 to leadership just as long as the leaders 00:07:17.60\00:07:21.06 capitulated to their desire to be led away 00:07:21.06\00:07:25.76 from the Lord's commandments 00:07:25.76\00:07:27.50 and be turned back to the world 00:07:27.50\00:07:30.03 from which the Lord had delivered them. 00:07:30.03\00:07:31.93 But this cannot be for God's people now. 00:07:31.93\00:07:39.30 We must never deviate from the direction 00:07:39.30\00:07:44.70 the Lord leads us according to His Word. 00:07:44.70\00:07:49.66 Amen. The closer we come to the 00:07:49.66\00:07:52.30 second coming it becomes more evident 00:07:52.30\00:07:55.40 why Jesus declared Satan the ruler of this world. 00:07:55.40\00:07:59.50 As the stream of modern culture rushes 00:07:59.50\00:08:03.46 headlong toward destruction, 00:08:03.46\00:08:05.83 standing firm on the solid rock of Scripture 00:08:05.83\00:08:10.00 will make it appear as though you are 00:08:10.00\00:08:12.66 removing yourself from society. 00:08:12.66\00:08:15.53 Yet seeking the approval of God 00:08:15.53\00:08:18.60 must always be the single objective 00:08:18.60\00:08:22.36 of our lives with no turning back. 00:08:22.36\00:08:27.10 In our entertainment there must be no 00:08:27.10\00:08:33.30 turning back. Ever increasing technological 00:08:33.30\00:08:37.56 advances are becoming commonplace 00:08:37.56\00:08:39.60 in our society. For example, 00:08:39.60\00:08:41.46 how many of you have sent or received 00:08:41.46\00:08:44.83 a text message in the last 24 hours? 00:08:44.83\00:08:47.30 I would be so bold as to say that a number 00:08:47.30\00:08:50.26 of you had even texted while I've been 00:08:50.26\00:08:53.20 preaching here, amen. 00:08:53.20\00:08:54.20 My point is that through modern technology 00:08:54.20\00:08:58.20 we have unlimited access to literally 00:08:58.20\00:09:01.10 an entire world of communication 00:09:01.10\00:09:03.73 and media that, for all its evangelistic 00:09:03.73\00:09:06.63 potential, is often more detrimental 00:09:06.63\00:09:10.43 than beneficial to our Christian walk. Amen. 00:09:10.43\00:09:13.13 Though we live in the Internet age 00:09:13.13\00:09:15.36 and are almost continually subjected 00:09:15.36\00:09:17.66 to the most powerful temptations 00:09:17.66\00:09:19.46 through television, movies, music, 00:09:19.46\00:09:21.26 and literature, we must always guard the 00:09:21.26\00:09:23.80 avenues of the soul. 00:09:23.80\00:09:25.56 Even in the 21st century, 00:09:25.56\00:09:27.73 Philippians 4 verse 8 is God's formula 00:09:27.73\00:09:33.66 for right thinking, charging us to think 00:09:33.66\00:09:37.06 on only those things that are true, 00:09:37.06\00:09:39.30 and noble, just, pure, lovely, 00:09:39.30\00:09:42.83 of good report, and virtuous. 00:09:42.83\00:09:44.86 Young people let these Biblical principles 00:09:44.86\00:09:50.36 and the counsels of inspiration in the Spirit 00:09:50.36\00:09:52.90 of Prophecy guide you in your entertainment 00:09:52.90\00:09:56.83 choices. Amen. 00:09:56.83\00:09:58.93 In our personal relationships 00:09:58.93\00:10:00.80 there must be no turning back. 00:10:00.80\00:10:03.00 While we should always be outgoing 00:10:03.00\00:10:06.00 and friendly to everyone, 00:10:06.00\00:10:07.30 I hope this afternoon people 00:10:07.30\00:10:09.53 are known throughout Baltimore 00:10:09.53\00:10:11.66 the Seventh-day Adventist church 00:10:11.66\00:10:13.36 is known as the friendliest church 00:10:13.36\00:10:15.30 as you go door to door, amen. 00:10:15.30\00:10:17.26 However we must be discerning 00:10:17.26\00:10:19.43 and judicious about those in whom we place 00:10:19.43\00:10:21.86 our personal confidence. Our closest relationships 00:10:21.86\00:10:26.06 and are most trusted relationships 00:10:26.06\00:10:27.83 and companionships should be built 00:10:27.83\00:10:30.00 on the solid foundation of a common faith 00:10:30.00\00:10:33.20 in God and the truths of His Word. 00:10:33.20\00:10:36.16 After the instruction of Second Corinthians 00:10:36.16\00:10:39.06 chapter 6, verse 14: 00:10:39.06\00:10:41.33 "Do not be unequally yoked together 00:10:41.33\00:10:44.33 with unbelievers," the passage continues 00:10:44.33\00:10:47.50 with the salient rhetorical questions, 00:10:47.50\00:10:50.26 "For what fellowship has righteousness 00:10:50.26\00:10:53.00 with lawlessness? And what communion 00:10:53.00\00:10:57.00 has light with darkness?" 00:10:57.00\00:10:59.20 Young people, choose godly associates 00:10:59.20\00:11:04.50 who will encourage your walk with Christ. 00:11:04.50\00:11:06.93 If you have any relationships, 00:11:06.93\00:11:09.13 platonic or romantic, 00:11:09.13\00:11:13.03 that are displeasing to the Lord. 00:11:13.03\00:11:15.70 I implore you to muster the holy boldness 00:11:15.70\00:11:20.90 to separate yourself for their salvation 00:11:20.90\00:11:24.00 and for your own. Amen. 00:11:24.00\00:11:26.43 In our behavior there must be no turning back. 00:11:26.43\00:11:29.16 Today much encouragement is given 00:11:29.16\00:11:31.63 to behaviors that society deems 00:11:31.63\00:11:34.33 acceptable and I say "acceptable," 00:11:34.33\00:11:37.60 even laudable. 00:11:37.60\00:11:40.40 But these are things that the 00:11:40.40\00:11:42.96 Lord abhors. Promiscuity, 00:11:42.96\00:11:46.73 homosexuality, violence, vulgarity, 00:11:46.73\00:11:52.16 overindulgence, greed, and pride 00:11:52.16\00:11:56.96 and all of these are seen as normal 00:11:56.96\00:12:00.26 in current society while a godly lifestyle 00:12:00.26\00:12:03.50 marked by purity and temperance 00:12:03.50\00:12:06.26 is ridiculed and mocked. 00:12:06.26\00:12:08.83 But young people do not let 00:12:08.83\00:12:11.96 that discourage you! For those 00:12:11.96\00:12:14.23 who would face the struggles of a godly 00:12:14.23\00:12:16.43 life in an evil world, 00:12:16.43\00:12:18.03 the words of Jesus are recorded 00:12:18.03\00:12:20.10 in John chapter 15 verses 18 and 19: 00:12:20.10\00:12:23.60 "If the world hates you, 00:12:23.60\00:12:25.43 you know that it hated Me 00:12:25.43\00:12:27.13 before it hated you. 00:12:27.13\00:12:28.13 If you were of the world, 00:12:28.13\00:12:29.96 the world would love its own. 00:12:29.96\00:12:32.10 Yet because you are not of the world, 00:12:32.10\00:12:34.73 but I chose you out of the world, 00:12:34.73\00:12:37.10 therefore the world hates you." 00:12:37.10\00:12:39.56 What a blessing to know that the Lord 00:12:39.56\00:12:44.06 never asks you to walk a path 00:12:44.06\00:12:46.00 He has not trod before. 00:12:46.00\00:12:48.93 What an encouragement is ours 00:12:48.93\00:12:52.16 when you read beautiful passages 00:12:52.16\00:12:53.20 like in Hebrews chapter 4 verses 15 00:12:53.20\00:12:56.13 and 16 that: "we do not have a High Priest 00:12:56.13\00:12:59.60 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, 00:12:59.60\00:13:02.40 but was in all points tempted as we are, 00:13:02.40\00:13:05.80 yet without sin. Let us therefore come 00:13:05.80\00:13:10.90 boldly to the throne of grace 00:13:10.90\00:13:14.60 that we may obtain mercy and find grace 00:13:14.60\00:13:17.06 to help in time of need." Brothers and sisters, 00:13:17.06\00:13:21.70 the same Jesus who has been where you are 00:13:21.70\00:13:25.30 and faced what you faced has promised to give you 00:13:25.30\00:13:30.43 the strength you need to walk with Him 00:13:30.43\00:13:33.46 victoriously. In our diligence at work 00:13:33.46\00:13:38.43 and at school there must be no turning back. 00:13:38.43\00:13:42.73 The Bible repeatedly declares that our God 00:13:42.73\00:13:47.00 is a God of excellence. As His representatives 00:13:47.00\00:13:50.53 who were originally made in 00:13:50.53\00:13:52.66 and are being restored to His image, 00:13:52.66\00:13:55.60 we should strive for the excellence 00:13:55.60\00:13:58.83 in all our undertakings as a witness 00:13:58.83\00:14:01.90 for the glory of God. Complacency, apathy, 00:14:01.90\00:14:06.96 and mediocrity at home or in the school 00:14:06.96\00:14:11.83 should never be seen in the life of a Christian. 00:14:11.83\00:14:15.30 I am reminded of the prophet Daniel 00:14:15.30\00:14:18.73 whose excellence in all things won the favor of 00:14:18.73\00:14:22.36 the King and the envy of his peers. 00:14:22.36\00:14:25.10 In Daniel chapter 6 verse 4 we read 00:14:25.10\00:14:28.76 the following: "So the governors 00:14:28.76\00:14:31.63 and satraps sought to find some charge 00:14:31.63\00:14:34.00 against Daniel concerning the kingdom; 00:14:34.00\00:14:36.26 but they could find no charge or fault, 00:14:36.26\00:14:38.76 because he was faithful; 00:14:38.76\00:14:40.90 nor was there any error or fault found in him." 00:14:40.90\00:14:45.33 I like the way the words are 00:14:45.33\00:14:49.23 indicated in the New America Standard Bible, 00:14:49.23\00:14:53.06 that "no negligence or corruption 00:14:53.06\00:14:57.23 was to be found in him." 00:14:57.23\00:15:00.40 Not only was Daniel's life free 00:15:00.40\00:15:03.46 from corruption, it was also free of negligence. 00:15:03.46\00:15:08.43 This combination of integrity and diligence 00:15:08.43\00:15:12.13 was a witness for the glory of God. 00:15:12.13\00:15:14.70 And I pray that Daniel's legacy of excellence 00:15:14.70\00:15:18.20 is seen in the lives of each young person 00:15:18.20\00:15:22.00 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church 00:15:22.00\00:15:23.90 as we finish the work of God 00:15:23.90\00:15:25.73 and hasten the coming of Christ. 00:15:25.73\00:15:27.80 In our pursuit of science 00:15:27.80\00:15:31.00 there must be no turning back. 00:15:31.00\00:15:33.93 In recent years great concern has developed 00:15:33.93\00:15:38.53 about the relationship of science to Scripture. 00:15:38.53\00:15:41.10 The Lord desires us to consider 00:15:41.10\00:15:43.53 all aspects of His creation from biology 00:15:43.53\00:15:47.70 and geology to psychology 00:15:47.70\00:15:49.83 and sociology. However, 00:15:49.83\00:15:51.56 we must always keep in mind 00:15:51.56\00:15:55.36 that for every truth God has established, 00:15:55.36\00:15:58.86 Satan conjures a counterfeit 00:15:58.86\00:16:01.83 in an effort to turn minds away 00:16:01.83\00:16:04.73 from understanding the will and works of God. 00:16:04.73\00:16:09.30 Nothing could improve on what has already been 00:16:09.30\00:16:15.70 written by heavenly inspiration 00:16:15.70\00:16:17.53 in the little book called 00:16:17.53\00:16:19.33 "The Faith I Live By," 00:16:19.33\00:16:21.03 which is incredibly pertinent 00:16:21.03\00:16:24.23 information for us today. 00:16:24.23\00:16:25.66 "To many, scientific research has become 00:16:25.66\00:16:30.10 a curse. God has permitted a flood of 00:16:30.10\00:16:32.80 light to be poured upon the world 00:16:32.80\00:16:34.56 in discoveries of science and art. 00:16:34.56\00:16:36.90 But even the greatest minds, 00:16:36.90\00:16:39.70 if not guided by the Word of God 00:16:39.70\00:16:41.96 in their research, become bewildered 00:16:41.96\00:16:45.73 in their attempts to investigate 00:16:45.73\00:16:47.53 the relations of science and revelation. 00:16:47.53\00:16:50.53 God is the foundation of everything. 00:16:50.53\00:16:55.10 All true science is in harmony with His works; 00:16:55.10\00:17:01.06 let me repeat that, all true science 00:17:01.06\00:17:05.30 is in harmony with His works, 00:17:05.30\00:17:07.00 all true education leads to obedience 00:17:07.00\00:17:09.56 to His government. Science opens new 00:17:09.56\00:17:12.43 wonders to our view; she soars high, 00:17:12.43\00:17:15.16 and explores new depths; 00:17:15.16\00:17:17.13 but she brings nothing from her 00:17:17.13\00:17:19.60 research that conflicts with divine revelation." 00:17:19.60\00:17:24.13 Amen. Believe it young people, 00:17:24.13\00:17:26.56 I urge all those who are engaged 00:17:26.56\00:17:29.16 in scientific pursuits either as students, 00:17:29.16\00:17:31.83 educators, researchers, or practitioners 00:17:31.83\00:17:35.00 to heed this counsel as you seek to explore 00:17:35.00\00:17:39.06 the wonders of God's creation. 00:17:39.06\00:17:41.43 And the way we dress there must be 00:17:41.43\00:17:45.43 no turning back: Jesus was highly-respected 00:17:45.43\00:17:48.73 and deeply-loved while having 00:17:48.73\00:17:50.33 what Isaiah chapter 53 verse 2 says: 00:17:50.33\00:17:54.36 "There was no beauty that we should 00:17:54.36\00:17:56.93 desire Him." In all matters of life, 00:17:56.93\00:18:00.96 Christ is to be our ultimate example 00:18:00.96\00:18:03.03 of Christian appearance. Of course, 00:18:03.03\00:18:07.20 you know we're aware that there are those 00:18:07.20\00:18:10.00 who go to extremes on either end 00:18:10.00\00:18:12.10 of this issue. Some conform entirely 00:18:12.10\00:18:15.66 to the world, while others seem 00:18:15.66\00:18:19.46 to go out of their way to be so unnecessarily 00:18:19.46\00:18:23.60 peculiar as to be purposefully 00:18:23.60\00:18:26.46 unattractive! Neither one of these extremes 00:18:26.46\00:18:31.00 is right. Amen. Listen carefully 00:18:31.00\00:18:33.73 to the inspired balance on this issue 00:18:33.73\00:18:36.20 found in Selected Messages, 00:18:36.20\00:18:37.76 book 3, page 245: 00:18:37.76\00:18:39.83 "We do not discourage taste 00:18:39.83\00:18:43.20 and neatness in dress. 00:18:43.20\00:18:45.20 Correct taste in dress is not to be 00:18:45.20\00:18:47.80 despised or condemned." 00:18:47.80\00:18:50.23 Now, it goes on to say in the same page, 00:18:50.23\00:18:52.80 "Self-denial in dress is a part of our 00:18:52.80\00:18:56.76 Christian duty. To dress plainly, 00:18:56.76\00:18:59.90 abstaining from display of jewelry 00:18:59.90\00:19:03.03 and ornaments of every kind 00:19:03.03\00:19:04.90 is in keeping with our faith." Amen. 00:19:04.90\00:19:09.33 Young people please use these principles 00:19:09.33\00:19:13.30 from Scripture, and the counsel from the Spirit 00:19:13.30\00:19:15.56 of Prophecy, and the example of Jesus 00:19:15.56\00:19:18.86 as you choose what to wear 00:19:18.86\00:19:21.36 that will best witness for the Creator 00:19:21.36\00:19:23.83 God you serve. Amen. In our stewardship 00:19:23.83\00:19:27.80 there must be no turning back: 00:19:27.80\00:19:30.26 I hope that all of you've been taught 00:19:30.26\00:19:32.76 somewhere along the line at home 00:19:32.76\00:19:34.66 or in church how to manage your God-given 00:19:34.66\00:19:37.36 resources correctly. 00:19:37.36\00:19:39.26 Be good stewards of your money. 00:19:39.26\00:19:42.73 Faithfully return the Lord's tithe 00:19:42.73\00:19:45.73 and give of your freewill offerings. 00:19:45.73\00:19:48.70 Be good stewards of your body. 00:19:48.70\00:19:51.20 Consistently care for yourself according 00:19:51.20\00:19:54.23 to God's practical and healthy eight 00:19:54.23\00:19:56.90 natural remedies: healthy vegetarian diet, 00:19:56.90\00:20:00.33 consistent exercise, drinking enough water, 00:20:00.33\00:20:04.10 adequate sunlight, abstaining from alcohol, 00:20:04.10\00:20:07.46 tobacco, and illicit drugs, 00:20:07.46\00:20:09.00 enjoying fresh air, 00:20:09.00\00:20:10.76 getting appropriate rest, 00:20:10.76\00:20:12.63 and trust in divine power. 00:20:12.63\00:20:14.20 Amen, let me tell you as someone 00:20:14.20\00:20:17.20 who is busy traveling around the world 00:20:17.20\00:20:20.26 and doing all kinds of things that seem good, 00:20:20.26\00:20:22.83 I need to pay attention to that myself. 00:20:22.83\00:20:25.70 Amen, all of us do to be good stewards 00:20:25.70\00:20:28.56 of God's beautiful creation. 00:20:28.56\00:20:31.96 Be good stewards of your time: 00:20:31.96\00:20:33.90 Make sure that you set aside special time 00:20:33.90\00:20:36.83 each day for prayer and for study. 00:20:36.83\00:20:40.66 Again I commend the young people 00:20:40.66\00:20:43.30 for what they did last night 00:20:43.30\00:20:44.53 and what they have been doing for the prayer 00:20:44.53\00:20:46.73 time that you have been engaged in. 00:20:46.73\00:20:49.06 Furthermore, keep in mind that while you 00:20:49.06\00:20:53.50 have been given six days to labor 00:20:53.50\00:20:55.46 and do all your work, 00:20:55.46\00:20:56.63 the seventh-day is the Sabbath 00:20:56.63\00:20:58.63 of the Lord your God. 00:20:58.63\00:21:00.83 Too often we see Seventh-day Adventists, 00:21:00.83\00:21:04.46 I'm not condemning people, 00:21:04.46\00:21:06.03 I'm just saying this is reality 00:21:06.03\00:21:07.63 we see them remembering that the Sabbath 00:21:07.63\00:21:11.30 exists but forgetting to keep it holy. Amen. 00:21:11.30\00:21:16.26 I have to admit sometimes 00:21:16.26\00:21:19.33 I'm part of that, how do we guard 00:21:19.33\00:21:22.90 the edges of the Sabbath. 00:21:22.90\00:21:25.40 The Sabbath is the seal of God's 00:21:25.40\00:21:28.10 authority, the memorial of God's recent 00:21:28.10\00:21:30.26 creative power capping six literal, consecutive, 00:21:30.26\00:21:34.13 contiguous days of creating this earth 00:21:34.13\00:21:37.26 with the marvelous seventh-day Sabbath, 00:21:37.26\00:21:39.73 the beautiful crowning act. 00:21:39.73\00:21:43.03 It demonstrates His redemptive power, 00:21:43.03\00:21:45.80 a weekly invitation to draw near to Him. Amen. 00:21:45.80\00:21:50.33 And it is and will be the end-time sign 00:21:50.33\00:21:55.70 of God's faithful people. Amen. 00:21:55.70\00:21:58.93 Resist the temptation to abuse the 00:21:58.93\00:22:02.06 Sabbath as merely free time to do whatever 00:22:02.06\00:22:05.76 you like. Keep it holy through 00:22:05.76\00:22:08.30 God's power by ceasing your normal activities, 00:22:08.30\00:22:11.86 by making necessary preparations beforehand, 00:22:11.86\00:22:15.33 worshiping the Lord and fellow shipping 00:22:15.33\00:22:17.90 with believers in church, 00:22:17.90\00:22:19.60 ministering to the spiritual needs 00:22:19.60\00:22:21.96 of others, and enjoying God's marvelous 00:22:21.96\00:22:24.50 handiwork in nature. 00:22:24.50\00:22:26.50 By these simple stewardship practices, 00:22:26.50\00:22:30.10 you will continually find in the mercies 00:22:30.10\00:22:33.06 of the Lord enough time, 00:22:33.06\00:22:35.73 enough money, and enough strength, 00:22:35.73\00:22:39.70 not only for your daily needs 00:22:39.70\00:22:41.96 but also for use in the cause of the Lord. 00:22:41.96\00:22:46.26 In our spiritual revivals there 00:22:46.26\00:22:50.10 must be no turning back: On March 22, 00:22:50.10\00:22:53.73 1887 Ellen White wrote the following 00:22:53.73\00:22:57.36 words in an article for the Review 00:22:57.36\00:22:59.23 and Herald entitled "The Church's Great Need:" 00:22:59.23\00:23:03.70 "A revival of true godliness among us is 00:23:03.70\00:23:08.60 the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. 00:23:08.60\00:23:12.43 To seek this should be our first work." 00:23:12.43\00:23:16.16 Now, today I praise the Lord that so many 00:23:16.16\00:23:20.20 Seventh-day Adventists are earnestly seeking 00:23:20.20\00:23:22.30 the Lord's blessing and praying for a genuine 00:23:22.30\00:23:25.20 revival and reformation in the lives individually 00:23:25.20\00:23:29.53 and in the church collectively. 00:23:29.53\00:23:31.26 But we must remain alert, 00:23:31.26\00:23:35.50 because as we have already mentioned, 00:23:35.50\00:23:37.80 the devil has a counterfeit 00:23:37.80\00:23:39.90 for every truth of God. 00:23:39.90\00:23:41.43 We have been cautioned both in the Bible 00:23:41.43\00:23:44.10 and in the Spirit of Prophecy, 00:23:44.10\00:23:45.83 that in these last days Satan 00:23:45.83\00:23:48.13 will unleash false revivals, 00:23:48.13\00:23:51.73 revivals of his own kind in an effort to deceive, 00:23:51.73\00:23:57.33 if possible, even the very elect. 00:23:57.33\00:24:00.26 Ellen White wrote pointedly to these 00:24:00.26\00:24:03.26 very things that we actually 00:24:03.26\00:24:05.56 see in our world today moving within our ranks. 00:24:05.56\00:24:09.26 In Selected Messages, volume 2, page 23 00:24:09.26\00:24:13.56 we read: "We are in continual 00:24:13.56\00:24:16.80 danger of getting above the simplicity 00:24:16.80\00:24:19.80 of the gospel. Can I underscore 00:24:19.80\00:24:22.30 that to you my dear friends of GYC 00:24:22.30\00:24:24.63 the simplicity of the gospel. Amen. 00:24:24.63\00:24:27.06 Adventist, Seventh day Adventist 00:24:27.06\00:24:31.33 are simple people, not simplistic, 00:24:31.33\00:24:34.16 simple people in their lifestyle 00:24:34.16\00:24:36.90 and in their worship to the Lord, 00:24:36.90\00:24:39.36 but we are in danger of getting above 00:24:39.36\00:24:43.10 the simplicity of the Gospel. 00:24:43.10\00:24:44.40 There is an intense desire 00:24:44.40\00:24:45.73 on the part of many to startle the world 00:24:45.73\00:24:47.76 and I'm quoting here 00:24:47.76\00:24:49.30 "startle the world with some, 00:24:49.30\00:24:50.83 something original, that shall lift 00:24:50.83\00:24:53.20 the people into a state of spiritual ecstasy, 00:24:53.20\00:24:56.03 and change the present order of experience." 00:24:56.03\00:24:58.13 There is certainly great need and I'm quoting: 00:24:58.13\00:25:01.00 "There is certainly great need of a change 00:25:01.00\00:25:02.83 in the present order of experience, 00:25:02.83\00:25:05.26 for the sacredness of present truth 00:25:05.26\00:25:08.23 is not realized as it should be, 00:25:08.23\00:25:10.43 but the change we need is a change of heart, 00:25:10.43\00:25:15.96 amen. And can only be obtained by seeking 00:25:15.96\00:25:19.36 God individually for His blessing, 00:25:19.36\00:25:23.20 by pleading with Him for His power, 00:25:23.20\00:25:25.66 by fervently praying that His grace 00:25:25.66\00:25:27.76 may come upon us, 00:25:27.76\00:25:28.80 and that our characters may be transformed. 00:25:28.80\00:25:32.60 This is the change we need today, 00:25:32.60\00:25:36.26 and for the attainment of this experience 00:25:36.26\00:25:39.40 we should exercise persevering energy 00:25:39.40\00:25:43.43 and manifest heartfelt earnestness." 00:25:43.43\00:25:47.46 What an appeal from God's servant? 00:25:47.46\00:25:50.50 And why is it that the General Conference 00:25:50.50\00:25:53.40 another church organization 00:25:53.40\00:25:55.30 and hopefully your local church are lifting up 00:25:55.30\00:25:59.16 the theme of "Revival and Reformation." 00:25:59.16\00:26:02.50 Why do we have materials and seminars 00:26:02.50\00:26:04.90 on revival and reformation? 00:26:04.90\00:26:06.46 Why do we have websites like 00:26:06.46\00:26:08.26 that offer 00:26:08.26\00:26:11.56 vital information? Why do we have a 00:26:11.56\00:26:14.00 General Conference Revival 00:26:14.00\00:26:15.33 and Reformation Committee? 00:26:15.33\00:26:16.86 Is it just a lot of bureaucratic propaganda 00:26:16.86\00:26:20.20 and promotion? 00:26:20.20\00:26:21.70 No, it is for one purpose and one purpose 00:26:21.70\00:26:26.90 alone to focus our attention on our 00:26:26.90\00:26:31.43 greatest need which is a need for Jesus. 00:26:31.43\00:26:35.03 Amen. His grace and His power 00:26:35.03\00:26:37.20 in our lives through the word of God 00:26:37.20\00:26:39.66 and the Holy Spirit so that we can 00:26:39.66\00:26:42.33 be reformed and remade, amen, 00:26:42.33\00:26:45.23 individually and corporately and become 00:26:45.23\00:26:48.26 more and more like Jesus. Amen. 00:26:48.26\00:26:52.70 As the Laodicean Church described 00:26:52.70\00:26:57.20 in Revelation chapter 3: 00:26:57.20\00:26:59.16 We desperately need God's "gold tried 00:26:59.16\00:27:04.00 in the fire." The white raiment of Christ 00:27:04.00\00:27:07.06 pure robe of righteousness 00:27:07.06\00:27:08.93 and the eyes have of God's power 00:27:08.93\00:27:12.53 so that we can see clearly. 00:27:12.53\00:27:15.26 God wants to do something very special 00:27:15.26\00:27:18.13 in His church as we come to the very end 00:27:18.13\00:27:21.36 of time. We realize that he wants to revive 00:27:21.36\00:27:24.90 and reform and renew His people, 00:27:24.90\00:27:28.20 He wants His people to proclaim 00:27:28.20\00:27:30.23 the three angels messages 00:27:30.23\00:27:31.50 with latter rain power. 00:27:31.50\00:27:33.63 He wants His people to fully know 00:27:33.63\00:27:35.63 the word of God, young people, 00:27:35.63\00:27:38.76 you are to be a vital part of this 00:27:38.76\00:27:42.90 great movement, we want to go home, 00:27:42.90\00:27:46.13 no turning back. Amen. 00:27:46.13\00:27:49.63 I am so glad that your GYC leaders, 00:27:49.63\00:27:52.00 I just commend them, 00:27:52.00\00:27:53.06 I'm just excited that they have placed 00:27:53.06\00:27:55.46 on each of your seats and I hope you have your 00:27:55.46\00:27:58.26 copy of this exciting book 00:27:58.26\00:28:00.43 "True Revival The Church's Greatest Need," 00:28:00.43\00:28:04.26 it's a compilation of the writings of Ellen White. 00:28:04.26\00:28:07.33 And I highly encourage each of you to read it, 00:28:07.33\00:28:10.50 underline it, and follow the counsel of this 00:28:10.50\00:28:13.90 wonderful Spirit of Prophecy book. 00:28:13.90\00:28:16.36 I'm personally doing that myself. 00:28:16.36\00:28:20.30 And those of you who are watching on television 00:28:20.30\00:28:23.13 or hearing this or seeing it on Internet 00:28:23.13\00:28:25.73 and don't have a copy of this marvelous book, 00:28:25.73\00:28:28.53 be sure to get a copy from the 00:28:28.53\00:28:30.50 Adventist Book Center, or your conference, 00:28:30.50\00:28:32.76 or the Review and Herald Publishing Association. 00:28:32.76\00:28:35.40 Over 150,000 copies of this important book 00:28:35.40\00:28:40.26 have already been sold. 00:28:40.26\00:28:41.36 Let's blanket the world with multiple thousands 00:28:41.36\00:28:45.86 more in various languages. 00:28:45.86\00:28:48.03 Let us also distribute by the millions 00:28:48.03\00:28:51.26 other Spirit of Prophecy books including 00:28:51.26\00:28:54.13 Steps to Christ, The Desire of Ages, 00:28:54.13\00:28:57.30 Christ's Object Lessons, 00:28:57.30\00:28:58.96 and the one book that Ellen White 00:28:58.96\00:29:02.53 wished distributed more than any other, 00:29:02.53\00:29:06.60 The Great Controversy, amen, 00:29:06.60\00:29:09.60 no turning back. Amen. 00:29:09.60\00:29:12.73 In our confidence, in the Spirit of Prophecy 00:29:12.73\00:29:16.63 there must be no turning back: Amen. 00:29:16.63\00:29:20.00 Among some of our church members 00:29:20.00\00:29:21.40 there is a tendency to downplay 00:29:21.40\00:29:23.16 or even dismiss the counsels of the Spirit 00:29:23.16\00:29:26.20 of Prophecy. We hear today that while 00:29:26.20\00:29:29.23 the writings of Ellen White may have some 00:29:29.23\00:29:31.90 devotional value we should not let her 00:29:31.90\00:29:35.66 "limited 19th-century perspective" 00:29:35.66\00:29:39.90 shape our 21st century understanding 00:29:39.90\00:29:44.26 of Bible truth. But I believe, 00:29:44.26\00:29:49.13 and the Seventh day Adventist Church 00:29:49.13\00:29:52.46 firmly and unashamedly upholds that the 00:29:52.46\00:29:57.90 Spirit of Prophecy is one of God's 00:29:57.90\00:30:00.93 greatest gifts to His end-time 00:30:00.93\00:30:03.30 remnant people. Amen. 00:30:03.30\00:30:05.46 Trust the Word of the God, 00:30:05.46\00:30:07.90 trust the Word of the Lord and follow 00:30:08.63\00:30:12.00 the counsel of His humble messenger, 00:30:12.00\00:30:14.90 Ellen White. Amen. Listen to me carefully, 00:30:15.50\00:30:19.33 let no one, local church leader, pastor, 00:30:20.73\00:30:27.30 teacher, administrator, magazine or 00:30:28.33\00:30:33.46 literature or anyone turn you away from 00:30:33.46\00:30:39.10 that complete absolute trust and confidence 00:30:39.10\00:30:44.03 in the Spirit of Prophecy. Amen. Because 00:30:44.03\00:30:47.76 the Spirit of Prophecy points to the 00:30:47.76\00:30:50.73 Bible as God's authoritative Word! Amen. 00:30:50.73\00:30:56.86 Today I echo Paul's challenge in First 00:30:57.50\00:30:59.76 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 19 and 20: 00:30:59.76\00:31:05.00 "Do not quench the Spirit. 00:31:06.20\00:31:07.90 Do not despise prophecies." 00:31:07.90\00:31:11.13 And in Selected Messages, Book 1, 00:31:12.16\00:31:14.36 P. 48 we read the following, now this is, 00:31:14.36\00:31:20.20 this is so pertinent for today it is, 00:31:20.20\00:31:22.53 it is unbelievably realistic. 00:31:22.53\00:31:24.96 "There will be a hatred kindled against 00:31:24.96\00:31:27.63 the testimonies, now those are the 00:31:27.63\00:31:29.66 testimonies to the church written through 00:31:29.66\00:31:33.90 inspiration by God, against the testimony 00:31:33.90\00:31:37.60 which is satanic. The workings of Satan 00:31:37.60\00:31:40.73 will be to unsettle the faith of the 00:31:40.73\00:31:42.83 churches in them, for this reason, 00:31:42.83\00:31:45.33 here it is: Satan cannot have 00:31:46.10\00:31:49.03 so clear a track to bring in his deceptions 00:31:49.03\00:31:52.26 and bind up souls in his delusions if the 00:31:52.26\00:31:55.03 warnings and reproofs and counsels of the 00:31:55.03\00:31:57.43 Spirit of God are heeded." Amen. 00:31:57.43\00:32:00.56 My friends, though some around 00:32:02.06\00:32:04.96 you may fall away, for the safety of your 00:32:04.96\00:32:10.03 own soul I plead with you to stay faithful. 00:32:10.03\00:32:14.86 Amen. Let neither the subtle doubts nor 00:32:14.86\00:32:18.00 the open ridicule of friends and family or 00:32:18.00\00:32:21.60 anyone else turn you away from the truth 00:32:21.60\00:32:25.46 of God and what he has shared with us 00:32:25.46\00:32:29.60 through his chosen servant, Ellen G. White. 00:32:29.60\00:32:32.43 Just read the Spirit of Prophecy and you will 00:32:33.06\00:32:37.30 see God's guidance in what is written. Amen. 00:32:37.30\00:32:40.93 Such consistent faithfulness to Christ 00:32:40.93\00:32:43.46 and His Word is only possible through the 00:32:43.46\00:32:45.70 power of the Holy Spirit. The level of spiritual 00:32:45.70\00:32:49.46 vitality to which we are called is not 00:32:49.46\00:32:52.10 something that can be achieve by human effort. 00:32:52.10\00:32:55.93 We must, in all that we do, 00:32:56.70\00:32:58.46 rely on the Spirit of God to work in our 00:32:58.66\00:33:00.66 hearts so that among God's faithful 00:33:00.66\00:33:02.60 remnant there will be no turning back, 00:33:02.60\00:33:06.10 no turning aside, no turning left, 00:33:06.50\00:33:09.50 no turning right, no turning away, 00:33:09.50\00:33:11.96 no returning to the world whatsoever. 00:33:11.96\00:33:14.46 Friends, God is calling you to go forward in 00:33:15.40\00:33:19.00 faith until we reach what Ephesians 00:33:19.00\00:33:21.43 chapter 4 verse 13 calls: "The measure of the 00:33:21.43\00:33:26.30 stature of the fullness of Christ." Amen. 00:33:26.30\00:33:29.20 While society bombards you with the 00:33:29.20\00:33:30.93 idea that youth is a time for reckless 00:33:30.93\00:33:34.00 self- indulgence, God's Word declares otherwise. 00:33:34.00\00:33:37.83 Paul's counsel to young Timothy in First 00:33:38.53\00:33:41.26 Timothy 4:12 is my counsel for all 00:33:41.26\00:33:44.43 Seventh-day Adventist young people 00:33:44.43\00:33:46.50 whether here in Baltimore or 00:33:46.80\00:33:49.53 around the world. "Let no one despise 00:33:49.53\00:33:54.00 your youth, but be an example 00:33:54.00\00:33:56.56 to the believers in word, in conduct, 00:33:56.56\00:33:59.30 in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 00:33:59.30\00:34:01.76 It is my prayer that the greatest examples 00:34:02.10\00:34:04.83 of our faith and lifestyle shown to the 00:34:04.83\00:34:07.96 world will be the youth of the 00:34:07.96\00:34:10.46 Seventh-day Adventist Church. Amen. 00:34:10.46\00:34:13.20 The same God that is calling you to go 00:34:13.43\00:34:15.13 forward in faith with no turning back is 00:34:15.13\00:34:17.93 the God who established the 00:34:17.93\00:34:19.60 Seventh-day Adventist Church as His 00:34:19.60\00:34:21.70 remnant people with a mandate to 00:34:21.70\00:34:23.56 proclaim the Three Angels' Messages 00:34:23.56\00:34:26.40 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. 00:34:26.40\00:34:28.93 This far-reaching and seemingly 00:34:29.73\00:34:31.80 insurmountable goal cannot be attained 00:34:32.26\00:34:36.43 haphazardly but must be accomplished 00:34:37.13\00:34:39.90 in an organized manner and with 00:34:39.90\00:34:42.30 the full cooperation of both full-time 00:34:42.30\00:34:45.06 church workers and dedicated lay members. 00:34:45.06\00:34:49.00 We are told clearly in Gospel Workers, 00:34:49.40\00:34:51.20 page 352: "The work of God in this 00:34:51.20\00:34:54.90 earth can never be finished until the men 00:34:54.90\00:34:57.43 and women comprising our church 00:34:57.43\00:35:00.30 membership rally to the work, 00:35:00.30\00:35:02.73 and unite their efforts with those 00:35:03.10\00:35:05.30 of ministers and church officers." 00:35:05.30\00:35:08.96 This method of work is not unique to 00:35:10.46\00:35:13.00 our time as we can see that same expectation 00:35:13.00\00:35:17.50 of cooperative effort in the history 00:35:17.50\00:35:19.80 of both ancient Israel and the early 00:35:19.80\00:35:21.86 Christian church. For instance, 00:35:21.86\00:35:23.86 although there were clearly prescribed 00:35:24.76\00:35:26.83 roles for the leaders of Israel's 00:35:26.83\00:35:29.63 spiritual economy, each citizen of that 00:35:29.63\00:35:33.93 chosen nation was still expected to 00:35:33.93\00:35:37.86 be individually faithful to the Lord. 00:35:37.86\00:35:41.30 In the book Exodus chapter 19 verses 5 to 7 00:35:43.03\00:35:46.83 we read the Lord's instructions to the 00:35:47.46\00:35:49.00 children of Israel just prior to His giving 00:35:49.00\00:35:52.46 of the Ten Commandments: "Now therefore, 00:35:52.46\00:35:55.86 if you will indeed obey My voice and keep 00:35:56.50\00:36:00.06 My covenant, then you shall be a 00:36:00.06\00:36:02.73 special treasure to Me above all people; 00:36:02.73\00:36:05.20 for all the earth is Mine. 00:36:05.20\00:36:06.83 And you shall be to Me a kingdom of 00:36:07.20\00:36:10.00 priests and a holy nation." 00:36:10.00\00:36:12.33 Similarly in the Christian church, 00:36:13.80\00:36:15.73 the same requirements for every member 00:36:16.60\00:36:18.80 to work individually for the cause of the 00:36:18.80\00:36:21.96 movement remained. In his instruction 00:36:21.96\00:36:25.80 to the New Testament body of believers, 00:36:25.80\00:36:28.30 the Apostle Peter echoed that which is 00:36:28.30\00:36:31.33 found in the book of Exodus when he 00:36:31.33\00:36:33.70 declared in First Peter 2 verse 9 , 00:36:33.70\00:36:36.86 " You are a chosen generation, 00:36:37.80\00:36:39.50 a royal priesthood, a holy nation, 00:36:40.30\00:36:43.56 His own special people, that you may proclaim 00:36:44.13\00:36:47.10 the praises of Him who called you 00:36:47.10\00:36:48.93 out of darkness into His marvelous light." 00:36:48.93\00:36:52.36 This counsel wasn't addressed merely 00:36:53.80\00:36:56.46 to his fellow apostles or other church 00:36:56.90\00:36:59.23 leaders but was given to the entire 00:36:59.23\00:37:02.03 body of Christ, every member 00:37:02.03\00:37:04.70 included young and old. Every member of the 00:37:05.16\00:37:09.40 church was entrusted with the sacred 00:37:09.40\00:37:11.10 responsibility to "proclaim the praises 00:37:11.10\00:37:14.73 of Him who called you out of darkness 00:37:14.73\00:37:17.70 into His marvelous light." 00:37:17.70\00:37:20.00 I'm so glad that in addition to many 00:37:21.06\00:37:22.80 young people here, we also have 00:37:23.26\00:37:25.30 a number of older people. Amen. 00:37:25.30\00:37:28.80 I guess like myself. But for this next part, 00:37:28.80\00:37:33.30 I want to speak primarily to those who 00:37:35.20\00:37:38.56 are 35 years or younger. Now let's just take 00:37:38.56\00:37:44.36 a little, a little example of your response, 00:37:44.36\00:37:50.60 by a show of hands, 00:37:51.36\00:37:52.66 respond to these questions. 00:37:53.66\00:37:55.46 How many of you long to see Jesus 00:37:56.40\00:37:59.13 come again? Amen. Amen. How many 00:37:59.13\00:38:04.13 of you believe that the Seventh-day Adventist 00:38:04.13\00:38:05.56 Church is God's end-time movement raised 00:38:05.56\00:38:08.20 up to proclaim the Three Angels' Messages 00:38:08.20\00:38:11.00 to the world and hasten the soon coming? 00:38:11.00\00:38:13.03 Amen, amen. Now, let's try a different question, 00:38:13.03\00:38:19.30 how many of you attended your last local 00:38:21.06\00:38:24.43 church business meeting, 00:38:24.43\00:38:26.40 far fewer hands, but thank you to 00:38:28.76\00:38:31.53 those who did, amen. Okay let's try 00:38:31.53\00:38:34.26 another series of exciting questions 00:38:34.26\00:38:37.40 how many of you believe that we're living in 00:38:37.40\00:38:39.40 the very final days of earth's history 00:38:39.40\00:38:42.06 and by the grace of God you want to be 00:38:42.06\00:38:44.43 part of the 144,000 who will stand for the 00:38:44.43\00:38:47.80 right though the heavens fall? Amen. Amen. 00:38:47.80\00:38:51.50 How many of you want to be part 00:38:52.20\00:38:53.26 of that army of youth who are rightly 00:38:53.26\00:38:55.20 trained and willing to finish the work in 00:38:55.20\00:38:57.43 this generation? Amen. Amen. 00:38:57.43\00:39:00.66 Now, you don't have to raise your hands 00:39:02.10\00:39:03.63 on the following although some of you 00:39:03.63\00:39:05.46 could but I'm not asking you to raise 00:39:05.46\00:39:08.06 your hands because we may get a 00:39:08.06\00:39:09.60 similar response as we did to the question 00:39:09.60\00:39:12.06 about the church business meeting. 00:39:12.06\00:39:13.56 How many of you regularly attend 00:39:14.83\00:39:16.60 prayer meeting at your local church? 00:39:17.76\00:39:19.73 How many of you volunteer at your local 00:39:20.60\00:39:23.70 community services centers? 00:39:23.70\00:39:25.33 How many of you regularly seek out 00:39:25.60\00:39:27.10 non-believers to lead Jesus through 00:39:27.10\00:39:28.86 personal Bible study? How many of you 00:39:28.86\00:39:31.00 teach in your church's cradle roll or 00:39:31.00\00:39:33.50 beginner's division, maybe kindergarten 00:39:33.50\00:39:35.83 or primary or juniors or early teens or 00:39:35.83\00:39:38.43 even the youth group. You've spent money 00:39:38.43\00:39:41.96 to come to a very serious Bible conference 00:39:41.96\00:39:44.76 here at GYC. But if we were to take 00:39:45.63\00:39:48.76 an accurate poll of some of these questions, 00:39:48.76\00:39:52.03 we may find the responses 00:39:52.03\00:39:53.56 are far too low. In fact what would we 00:39:53.56\00:39:57.73 discovered if we surveyed the general 00:39:57.73\00:40:00.03 membership of the Seventh-day Adventist 00:40:00.03\00:40:01.86 Church? Probably a serious gap between 00:40:01.86\00:40:05.63 intentions and actual participation. 00:40:05.63\00:40:08.86 My young friends, through the Holy 00:40:10.50\00:40:12.76 Spirit's power we must bridge the gap 00:40:12.76\00:40:16.46 between the grand ideals we long for 00:40:16.86\00:40:20.03 and the practical duties we are faced 00:40:20.03\00:40:23.16 with if we are to finish the work in this 00:40:23.16\00:40:26.40 generation. Amen. We must come to the 00:40:26.40\00:40:29.90 realization that the first step in finishing 00:40:29.90\00:40:32.76 the work is actually going to work. 00:40:32.76\00:40:35.73 As was God's plan for Israel and the 00:40:37.13\00:40:39.80 apostolic church, the lifeblood of the 00:40:39.80\00:40:41.80 Seventh-day Adventist movement is the 00:40:41.80\00:40:43.56 participation of each member in the 00:40:43.56\00:40:47.16 mission of the local church. 00:40:47.16\00:40:49.26 Today I am particularly appealing 00:40:50.73\00:40:54.10 to the young people of this church 00:40:54.73\00:40:57.00 worldwide in every setting of the church. 00:40:57.40\00:41:02.40 In Christian Service page 10 we read: 00:41:03.23\00:41:06.93 "We should all be workers together with God. 00:41:07.70\00:41:10.06 No idlers are acknowledged 00:41:10.06\00:41:12.30 as His servants. The members of the 00:41:12.30\00:41:14.36 church should individually feel that 00:41:14.36\00:41:17.23 the life and prosperity of the church 00:41:17.23\00:41:19.53 are affected by their course of action." 00:41:19.53\00:41:23.03 Who is the church? You are the church, 00:41:24.76\00:41:27.90 I am the church. Young people, 00:41:27.90\00:41:30.60 roll up your sleeves and work for Christ. 00:41:30.60\00:41:33.60 Breathe life into your local Sabbath School 00:41:34.10\00:41:37.13 program by showing up on time, 00:41:37.13\00:41:39.56 having studied your Bible and your 00:41:39.56\00:41:41.36 Sabbath school lesson and being prepared 00:41:41.36\00:41:44.00 to enthusiastically discuss what 00:41:44.00\00:41:46.90 you've learned. Amen. Now, let me just 00:41:46.90\00:41:49.63 say something about Sabbath school, 00:41:49.63\00:41:50.93 we are seeing in some parts of the 00:41:50.93\00:41:52.93 world a decline in Sabbath school 00:41:52.93\00:41:55.30 attendance by God's grace we must reverse that. 00:41:55.30\00:41:59.13 Amen. Let's Sabbath school be an important 00:41:59.13\00:42:01.90 part of your spiritual life, 00:42:01.90\00:42:03.70 a time when you discover new truths 00:42:04.06\00:42:06.40 as you go through the Bible, 00:42:06.40\00:42:07.96 don't just discuss any old topic, 00:42:07.96\00:42:10.23 discuss the Bible. Amen. I wanna encourage 00:42:10.23\00:42:16.90 each of you to help older members to see 00:42:16.90\00:42:21.00 young people in prayer meeting, 00:42:21.00\00:42:23.10 interceding for others before God's 00:42:24.30\00:42:26.70 throne of grace. Give the 85-year-olds a 00:42:26.70\00:42:29.70 hand and meet some of the truly needy 00:42:29.70\00:42:31.80 people in your area by volunteering at 00:42:31.80\00:42:34.33 your community services center. 00:42:34.33\00:42:36.06 Carry and distribute evangelistic literature 00:42:36.06\00:42:39.56 wherever you go. Request that for 00:42:39.56\00:42:42.46 one year your local academy or college 00:42:42.46\00:42:46.70 apply the time, energy, and money that 00:42:47.00\00:42:50.23 would have been spent on varsity sports 00:42:50.23\00:42:52.60 to instead be spent on evangelism training, 00:42:52.60\00:42:55.70 programming, and direct outreach 00:42:55.70\00:42:58.00 to the community. Amen. Have a voice in 00:42:58.00\00:43:00.93 the direction of your church by attending 00:43:00.93\00:43:03.40 church business meetings and accepting, 00:43:03.40\00:43:05.90 when the nominating committee calls, 00:43:05.90\00:43:07.96 positions of responsibility, 00:43:07.96\00:43:09.80 no matter how large or small those 00:43:10.10\00:43:12.73 responsibilities maybe. And for that matter, 00:43:12.73\00:43:15.90 be willing to serve on the 00:43:16.66\00:43:18.46 nominating committee if asked. 00:43:18.46\00:43:20.20 I'm so glad that GYC has emphasized 00:43:21.90\00:43:25.13 the total church seminars yesterday. 00:43:25.13\00:43:27.86 Amen. Many of my colleagues were 00:43:31.86\00:43:32.83 participating in that and I praise 00:43:32.83\00:43:34.36 the Lord for help you to understand 00:43:34.36\00:43:36.46 the need for total involvement on 00:43:36.46\00:43:39.20 the part of young people. 00:43:39.20\00:43:40.63 If the Seventh-day Adventist Church 00:43:41.33\00:43:43.00 is ever going to meet the Lord's ideal 00:43:43.00\00:43:45.56 of being His end-time remnant people, 00:43:46.30\00:43:49.66 not just "we" as a denomination, 00:43:50.83\00:43:54.10 not just "GYC" as a supporting organization, 00:43:54.66\00:43:58.90 not just "the youth" or other denominationally 00:43:59.50\00:44:02.93 organized events as a particular demographic, 00:44:02.93\00:44:07.93 but it is you as an individual 00:44:08.43\00:44:12.60 who must get to work for Christ in service 00:44:15.56\00:44:20.10 for others. Again on page 10 00:44:20.10\00:44:23.40 of that wonderful little book, 00:44:23.40\00:44:24.50 Christian Service, we're cautioned that, 00:44:25.33\00:44:27.80 "Everywhere there is a tendency to 00:44:28.00\00:44:30.20 substitute the work of organizations 00:44:30.20\00:44:32.40 for individual effort. Don't let the church 00:44:32.40\00:44:36.33 do it, you are the church. 00:44:36.33\00:44:37.76 Human wisdom tends to consolidation, 00:44:39.00\00:44:41.10 to centralization, to the building up 00:44:41.10\00:44:42.86 of great churches and institutions. 00:44:42.86\00:44:44.56 "Multitudes leave to institutions and 00:44:45.90\00:44:48.43 organizations the work of benevolence; 00:44:48.43\00:44:50.66 they exercise themselves, 00:44:50.66\00:44:52.53 they excuse themselves from contact with 00:44:53.30\00:44:55.26 the world, and their hearts grow cold. 00:44:55.26\00:44:59.13 They become self- absorbed and 00:45:00.96\00:45:03.73 unimpressible. Love for God and man 00:45:03.73\00:45:08.36 dies out of the soul. Christ commits to His 00:45:08.36\00:45:12.73 followers an individual work, 00:45:12.73\00:45:14.83 "a work that cannot be done by proxy." 00:45:16.46\00:45:20.03 There is no such thing as a Christian drone 00:45:22.20\00:45:26.03 that is gonna do the work for God where 00:45:26.03\00:45:29.23 He wants you to be, you must be a part 00:45:29.23\00:45:34.13 of that continuing the quote. 00:45:34.13\00:45:36.20 "Ministry to the sick and the poor, 00:45:37.06\00:45:39.53 the giving of the gospel to the lost, 00:45:39.53\00:45:41.43 is not to be left to committees or 00:45:41.43\00:45:45.10 organized charities. Individual 00:45:45.10\00:45:47.30 responsibility, individual effort, 00:45:47.30\00:45:49.96 personal sacrifice, is the 00:45:49.96\00:45:52.40 requirement of the gospel." 00:45:52.40\00:45:54.63 For far too long in the Seventh-day 00:45:56.40\00:45:59.16 Adventist Church and perhaps even 00:45:59.16\00:46:01.56 within the GYC movement, could it be that we have 00:46:01.56\00:46:06.06 responded to God's call for workers with 00:46:06.06\00:46:08.86 a safe "here we are, send us" instead of 00:46:08.86\00:46:13.10 the more daring "here am I, 00:46:13.10\00:46:17.66 send me" as Isaiah proclaimed. 00:46:18.10\00:46:22.90 The grand ideal of a Generation of 00:46:24.76\00:46:26.53 Youth for Christ that will finish the work 00:46:26.53\00:46:28.93 in this generation will become a reality 00:46:28.93\00:46:31.93 only when we see manifested in the 00:46:31.93\00:46:34.76 practical duties of our local churches, 00:46:34.76\00:46:37.30 a Generation of you for Christ that is 00:46:37.73\00:46:42.63 willing to individually go to work wherever 00:46:42.63\00:46:46.16 the need exists. I recently heard 00:46:46.16\00:46:50.80 a term coined for people who claim to be 00:46:50.80\00:46:53.13 activists for a cause, I don't know about 00:46:53.50\00:46:56.30 you but many of us like to be involved 00:46:56.30\00:46:58.90 in something we get, we get active, 00:46:58.90\00:47:01.03 we get really excited about something. 00:47:01.03\00:47:03.40 But some of these people and this 00:47:04.10\00:47:05.33 is a term, who get excited but don't 00:47:05.33\00:47:08.90 actually do anything they're called 00:47:08.90\00:47:11.30 "slacktivists." Now, where an activist will 00:47:11.83\00:47:16.16 make a serious, even painful sacrifice 00:47:16.16\00:47:19.10 of their time, energy, reputation, money, 00:47:19.10\00:47:22.10 relationships, or anything else that 00:47:22.10\00:47:24.66 the cause requires that's in activist, 00:47:24.66\00:47:27.93 a "slacktivist" may wear some special 00:47:28.40\00:47:32.46 symbol of support, without actually 00:47:32.46\00:47:35.26 helping in any tangible way. 00:47:35.26\00:47:36.90 Slacktivists think they're supporting 00:47:38.26\00:47:40.33 a cause because they post a link or 00:47:40.33\00:47:43.10 comment on it in their social network site, 00:47:43.10\00:47:46.63 or they wear a t-shirt, or something else. 00:47:46.63\00:47:50.23 Young people, let me challenge you to go 00:47:51.90\00:47:57.30 beyond the typical expectations of youth. 00:47:57.30\00:48:01.40 Don't leave here just excited enough 00:48:02.20\00:48:04.90 about the Advent movement that you 00:48:04.90\00:48:07.10 merely wear your GYC t-shirt or post a 00:48:07.10\00:48:11.86 bold but fleeting comment about your 00:48:11.86\00:48:14.33 faith somewhere online. Do better than that. 00:48:14.33\00:48:18.60 Amen. Be better than that! Amen. 00:48:18.60\00:48:22.86 In your walk with Christ, genuinely focus on 00:48:22.86\00:48:27.10 the singular goal of the glory of God. 00:48:27.10\00:48:30.46 Don't turn away from God's Word and turn 00:48:31.43\00:48:34.56 back to the allurements of the world. 00:48:34.56\00:48:36.63 Spend serious time in daily prayer 00:48:37.16\00:48:40.56 and Bible study, asking the Lord for 00:48:40.83\00:48:43.26 a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit. 00:48:43.26\00:48:45.70 Humbly ask the Lord for a revival of 00:48:45.70\00:48:49.80 spiritual fervor and a reformation of 00:48:49.80\00:48:53.83 anything in your life that is not in harmony 00:48:53.83\00:48:57.16 with the commands of Scripture and 00:48:57.73\00:49:00.60 the counsels of the Spirit of Prophecy. 00:49:00.60\00:49:03.16 Sabbath, January 1 2011, what an appropriate 00:49:04.86\00:49:13.73 time for revival and reformation. Amen. 00:49:13.73\00:49:19.36 We want to go home, no turning back. 00:49:19.36\00:49:26.20 Beyond just personal renewal, 00:49:27.36\00:49:28.80 determine to play an active role in a genuine 00:49:28.80\00:49:33.03 revival and reformation among God's remnant 00:49:33.03\00:49:37.30 church leading to the latter rain of 00:49:37.30\00:49:39.86 the Holy Spirit. As our consecrated 00:49:39.86\00:49:42.53 General Conference Revival and Reformation 00:49:42.53\00:49:44.80 Committee has recommended, 00:49:44.80\00:49:46.20 take January 5 to 15 for ten days of prayer 00:49:46.56\00:49:51.23 as a special emphasis to prepare us for 00:49:51.60\00:49:53.86 what is ahead. Reserve the first 00:49:53.86\00:49:56.20 Sabbath of every quarter for fasting 00:49:56.20\00:49:59.66 and prayer. Unite with millions of 00:50:00.00\00:50:02.60 Seventh-day Adventist believers around the 00:50:02.60\00:50:04.46 world, at 7 in the morning or 7 in 00:50:04.46\00:50:07.20 the evening or anytime for that matter 00:50:07.20\00:50:09.76 to pray for the Holy Spirit and reformed 00:50:10.33\00:50:13.10 lives through focusing on the word of God 00:50:13.10\00:50:16.26 and the instructions of the Spirit of Prophecy. 00:50:16.80\00:50:19.13 As young people of the worldwide 00:50:20.13\00:50:22.00 Seventh-day Adventist movement through 00:50:22.00\00:50:24.06 God's leading and the power of the 00:50:24.06\00:50:26.46 Holy Spirit fulfill Malachi chapter 4 00:50:26.46\00:50:30.23 verses 5 to 6 by the becoming part of 00:50:30.23\00:50:32.76 the Elijah message turning the hearts of 00:50:32.76\00:50:35.13 the fathers to the children and the 00:50:35.13\00:50:36.86 children to the fathers. Uniting as one under 00:50:36.86\00:50:39.50 the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim 00:50:39.50\00:50:42.10 the final cry to a dying world. 00:50:42.10\00:50:45.03 Commit yourself to a personal effort, 00:50:45.96\00:50:49.50 individual involvement that will help your 00:50:50.60\00:50:54.90 church family finish the work that God has 00:50:54.90\00:50:57.66 entrusted to it. As members of GYC, 00:50:57.66\00:51:00.83 which is a member of that wonderful 00:51:01.53\00:51:03.70 organization, ASI, a group of strongly 00:51:03.70\00:51:07.50 supporting ministries of the Seventh-day 00:51:07.50\00:51:10.50 Adventist Church, continued to work 00:51:10.50\00:51:13.23 closely with your local church. Now, 00:51:13.23\00:51:17.00 I want to underscore this, 00:51:17.00\00:51:17.96 I want you to really get this point, 00:51:17.96\00:51:19.26 work with your local church, 00:51:19.63\00:51:21.36 your local pastor, your local youth 00:51:21.70\00:51:24.20 organization, church administrators, 00:51:24.20\00:51:26.80 your conference, union, and division youth 00:51:26.80\00:51:29.30 departments and their directors. 00:51:29.30\00:51:31.60 Listen my friends, never allow anyone 00:51:34.00\00:51:39.60 to accuse GYC of not working with the 00:51:40.46\00:51:44.40 established church organization. Amen. 00:51:44.40\00:51:48.16 Become so much a part of the outreach 00:51:49.06\00:51:51.60 of this Advent movement that you are 00:51:51.60\00:51:53.86 understood to be part and parcel of your 00:51:53.86\00:51:57.16 local church and conference. 00:51:57.16\00:51:58.66 Support and nurture other youth initiatives 00:51:59.40\00:52:02.13 of your local church and conference 00:52:02.13\00:52:04.40 that are Bible and Spirit of Prophecy-based. 00:52:04.40\00:52:08.36 Amen. As you work together, 00:52:08.36\00:52:10.00 your local church and conference will see 00:52:10.00\00:52:11.96 you and your spiritual commitment 00:52:11.96\00:52:16.10 to growing in Christ, your commitment 00:52:16.93\00:52:19.00 to practical service, your evangelistic 00:52:19.00\00:52:21.13 outreach and by God's grace your 00:52:21.13\00:52:23.20 local church will embrace you. 00:52:23.20\00:52:25.90 The challenge I leave with you today, 00:52:27.03\00:52:28.66 the point of this message is that the 00:52:29.46\00:52:32.20 Lord is calling for more than merely a 00:52:32.20\00:52:34.66 Generation of Youth for Christ. 00:52:34.66\00:52:37.16 God wants to see a generation of 00:52:37.53\00:52:40.73 you for Christ. Amen. As great as it is that 00:52:40.73\00:52:44.53 GYC exists and continues to hold these 00:52:44.53\00:52:47.06 wonderful annual conferences, 00:52:47.06\00:52:49.33 what God really wants is an army of 00:52:50.20\00:52:53.00 individuals who daily commit themselves 00:52:53.00\00:52:55.80 to His working in their lives and their 00:52:55.80\00:52:58.50 working in His body, the Seventh-day Adventist 00:52:58.50\00:53:01.73 Church. When we each allow 00:53:01.73\00:53:05.53 the Holy Spirit to change us into the 00:53:05.53\00:53:10.43 likeness of Jesus Christ we will automatically 00:53:10.43\00:53:14.50 begin doing the work that Jesus has 00:53:14.50\00:53:17.30 commanded us to do. In this way the 00:53:17.30\00:53:20.50 character of Christ will be seen in 00:53:20.50\00:53:23.03 what we do, not merely in what we 00:53:23.03\00:53:25.86 don't do. Ellen White describes 00:53:25.86\00:53:29.60 the results of such a revival in Christ's 00:53:29.60\00:53:31.93 Object Lessons page 69, a familiar quote to 00:53:31.93\00:53:34.70 many of you, "When the character 00:53:34.70\00:53:37.03 of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced 00:53:37.03\00:53:39.30 in His people, now I tell you that's 00:53:39.30\00:53:41.40 only by His grace and only through 00:53:41.40\00:53:42.80 connection with Him you can't work your 00:53:42.80\00:53:45.16 way to heaven, only through connection 00:53:45.16\00:53:48.43 and reliance on Christ. When this character 00:53:48.76\00:53:51.46 will be perfectly reproduced in His 00:53:51.46\00:53:52.86 people then He will come to claim them 00:53:52.86\00:53:54.66 as His own. It is the privilege 00:53:54.66\00:53:56.40 of every Christian not only to look for 00:53:56.40\00:53:58.63 but to hasten the coming of our 00:53:58.63\00:54:01.73 Lord Jesus Christ. We're all who profess 00:54:01.73\00:54:04.93 His name bearing fruit to His glory, 00:54:04.93\00:54:07.83 how quickly the whole world would be 00:54:08.83\00:54:10.46 sown with the seed of the gospel. 00:54:10.46\00:54:13.40 Quickly the last great harvest would be 00:54:14.60\00:54:16.60 ripened, and Christ would come to gather 00:54:16.60\00:54:19.13 the precious grain." Amen. I wanna tell 00:54:19.13\00:54:22.10 you I believe that time is soon. Amen. 00:54:22.10\00:54:24.80 Brothers and sisters, young and old, 00:54:24.80\00:54:26.60 go forward in faith with no turning back. 00:54:26.60\00:54:29.63 Amen. Be part of the generation that 00:54:29.63\00:54:31.70 will allow the Holy Spirit to fully develop 00:54:31.70\00:54:34.46 within us the character of Jesus. Amen. 00:54:34.46\00:54:38.26 Lean completely on Him. Turn your back on self 00:54:38.60\00:54:43.73 and look to Christ. As that wonderful 00:54:44.63\00:54:49.40 book by Ellen White, "Faith and Works," 00:54:49.40\00:54:51.16 indicates on page 24, I recommend to all of 00:54:51.16\00:54:55.16 you the two books, there are so many 00:54:55.16\00:54:57.20 wonderful books in the Spirit of Prophecy, 00:54:57.20\00:54:59.03 "Steps to Christ" and "Faith and Works," 00:54:59.36\00:55:01.50 those beautiful volumes go together read them, 00:55:02.20\00:55:04.66 study them, understand them. Amen. 00:55:04.66\00:55:06.70 On that page 24 it says: "Christ for our sakes 00:55:07.63\00:55:11.73 became poor that we through His poverty 00:55:11.73\00:55:15.36 might be made rich. And any works that 00:55:15.36\00:55:17.80 man can render to God will be far less 00:55:17.80\00:55:20.06 than nothingness, nothingness. 00:55:20.06\00:55:23.00 How can you everything less than nothingness, 00:55:23.26\00:55:25.03 but that's what it is. "My requests are 00:55:25.03\00:55:28.36 made acceptable only because they 00:55:28.36\00:55:30.00 are laid upon Christ's righteousness. 00:55:30.00\00:55:32.10 The idea of doing anything to merit 00:55:32.10\00:55:34.13 the grace of pardon is fallacy from 00:55:34.13\00:55:36.70 beginning to end. 'Lord, 00:55:36.70\00:55:38.50 in my hand no price I bring, 00:55:38.50\00:55:40.66 simply to Thy cross I cling." Amen. 00:55:40.66\00:55:44.20 But when we place ourselves at the 00:55:44.20\00:55:46.16 complete disposal of the Holy Spirit, 00:55:46.16\00:55:49.73 He will do wonders and miracles through us. 00:55:50.43\00:55:54.70 So, I challenge you today to do more 00:55:56.10\00:55:58.73 than attend the Generation of Youth for 00:55:58.73\00:56:00.60 Christ conference. Determine, 00:56:00.60\00:56:02.83 by God's grace, to be the Generation 00:56:02.83\00:56:06.16 of you for Christ that will hasten His soon 00:56:06.50\00:56:09.46 coming by finishing of the work 00:56:09.46\00:56:12.20 in this generation. Amen. 00:56:12.50\00:56:14.86 The Holy Spirit is working in so many 00:56:15.30\00:56:17.60 incredible ways to attract young people 00:56:17.60\00:56:19.83 into complete service for Christ. 00:56:19.83\00:56:21.86 Recently, I was in Brazil and 00:56:22.73\00:56:25.30 heard about Alex. By the age of 13, 00:56:25.30\00:56:28.76 Alex was a very accomplished small 00:56:28.76\00:56:31.46 bike trickster, a real expert and a 00:56:31.46\00:56:34.56 real show off. He developed 00:56:34.56\00:56:36.66 tremendous skill and, of course, 00:56:36.66\00:56:38.83 if you're not careful, popularity will go 00:56:38.83\00:56:42.83 to your head and turn you away from God. 00:56:42.83\00:56:46.86 Unfortunately over time, Alex got into drugs 00:56:47.90\00:56:51.73 and the crime scene and eventually 00:56:51.73\00:56:54.20 he ended up in prison. His sister, 00:56:54.83\00:56:57.60 Daniella had a real burden for Alex 00:56:57.60\00:57:00.60 and one day a faithful literature evangelist 00:57:01.63\00:57:04.13 came to her door. Amen. Young people, 00:57:04.13\00:57:07.66 use the heaven-ordained power of the 00:57:08.33\00:57:11.10 printed word and the electronic word. 00:57:11.10\00:57:13.26 Amen. In sharing the three angels' messages. 00:57:13.26\00:57:16.00 Many of you have had the opportunity to 00:57:16.73\00:57:18.63 share the precious truth as door-to-door 00:57:18.63\00:57:21.80 Gospel workers or student literature 00:57:22.20\00:57:24.23 evangelists. Amen. Praise God for the 00:57:24.23\00:57:26.63 megabook program, for the student 00:57:26.63\00:57:28.96 literature program, and for full time 00:57:28.96\00:57:31.43 literature evangelists. Well, in this situation 00:57:31.43\00:57:35.56 a literature evangelist came to Daniella's 00:57:35.56\00:57:37.76 door and sold her a copy of The Great 00:57:37.76\00:57:41.86 Controversy. Amen. I love that book! Amen. 00:57:41.86\00:57:46.53 Heaven only knows the times the Holy Spirit 00:57:47.26\00:57:49.73 has used that book to convict people of truth. 00:57:49.73\00:57:53.50 Daniella bought the book and realized 00:57:54.63\00:57:56.46 it was exactly what Alex needed in 00:57:56.46\00:57:58.80 prison so she sent it to him. 00:57:58.80\00:58:00.60 He began to read it along with his Bible 00:58:01.23\00:58:03.03 and soon was taking Bible studies. 00:58:03.03\00:58:05.46 As a result of his study he gave his 00:58:06.70\00:58:09.50 heart to God, was baptized, and 00:58:09.50\00:58:13.40 joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:58:13.40\00:58:15.53 Amen. Today, I'm happy to report 00:58:15.53\00:58:17.70 that Alex is out of prison and is working 00:58:17.70\00:58:20.90 his way through an Adventist college as 00:58:20.90\00:58:23.90 a literature evangelist sharing with others 00:58:23.90\00:58:26.70 the precious three angels' messages that 00:58:27.16\00:58:30.30 rescued him! Amen. For Alex there is no 00:58:30.30\00:58:35.73 turning back. He is part of that generation 00:58:36.23\00:58:40.66 of youth for Christ. Amen. 00:58:40.66\00:58:43.83 Are you willing to be part of it? 00:58:43.83\00:58:45.43