Generation of Youth for Christ 2010

Sabbath School Program (Panel)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yamil Rosario (Host), Nathan Renner, Sebastian Braxton, Aiko Reichard, Jeff Tetacheck, Ty Gibson


Series Code: 10GYC

Program Code: 10GYC000009

00:12 And my name Yamil Rosario,
00:13 for those of you who don't know.
00:14 I am General Vice President for GYC.
00:17 I wanna quickly introduce our
00:18 panels here, to my left is Pastor
00:20 Nathan Renner, he's a pastor in the
00:22 Central California Conference
00:24 and is also involved with ARISE.
00:28 To his right is our very own Sebastien
00:32 Braxton and he is a GYC General Vice
00:35 President as well. To his right is,
00:39 to his left is Aiko Ryker and she is a
00:43 missionary in Japan, Amen. Amen
00:47 and to her right is Jeff Tatarchuk and
00:51 he is the Director of, I'm sorry.
00:58 Truth Link Ministries, I apologize for that
01:00 and to his right is Ty Gibson,
01:02 Light Bearers Ministry. This morning I want
01:05 to show you a video that I found online
01:09 which will basically set the stage for our
01:12 discussion this morning, so at this moment
01:13 I want to direct your attention to the
01:15 screens and pay very close
01:17 attention please, thank you.
01:24 My savior. Good guy.
01:28 Love, compassion towards me.
01:31 Easter, loving, bearded, kind.
01:36 I got a good opinion of
01:37 Jesus Christ that's for sure.
01:39 Excellent man, wonderful. Sure.
01:41 We've had a religion after him.
01:42 My savior. Actually Jesus was
01:44 the Punk Rocker. Yeah. Yeah,
01:48 he is pretty cool and I like him a lot.
01:50 Savior. Savior, what else? Black.
01:56 It's good. Good. I think of good
02:00 because it's Jesus what else would you think of?
02:03 I'm definitely altruistic, philanthropy.
02:06 Loving, peaceful, sincere.
02:17 Heart touch, hopeful. Yeah. On their part,
02:21 they're hoping for something
02:22 that I can do, get I believe.
02:25 Psycho, uneducated, backward, south.
02:30 I think of somebody that's possibly
02:31 just a little bit, little bit
02:34 overboard, a little bit extreme.
02:37 My Uncle Bob, conservative, white.
02:42 Fanatical. Okay. Bible members. Crazy
02:47 People who wear white and like kind of
02:49 glow but are kind of freaky.
02:52 Okay. Yeah and Texas.
02:55 I think, think there is everlasting
02:57 stigmas attached to that word.
03:00 I can't answer that, crazy. Okay.
03:03 Frightening. Yeah. Yeah and just
03:06 overpowering. Overpowering. Yeah.
03:08 You don't want to know, somewhat scary.
03:11 Maybe a little rigged and they're full
03:14 and they're dogma in their philosophy.
03:17 Oh! Nothing too good.
03:25 Ouch! Right? I mean were any
03:30 of you as disturbed as I was when
03:32 I first watched that. I mean did you hear that?
03:36 Overpowering, scary, fanatical,
03:40 out of touch and frightening,
03:43 that's what some of the world perceives
03:45 us as. Now what do you think about that?
03:54 It's very inconsistent. Very inconsistent okay,
03:57 any other thoughts, any other thoughts.
03:59 How do you think about that?
04:00 It's disturbing. Very disturbing, okay.
04:05 Our panelist, what do we do with this?
04:07 What are your thoughts on this?
04:11 Well, I think you have to at first
04:15 acknowledge the fact that the individuals
04:18 in this video have a particular perception
04:21 of Christians and obviously that
04:24 perception is different from the perception
04:26 of Jesus. And so it is clear
04:28 from the video that at least in a limited way,
04:32 there is a large gap. There's this kind of
04:36 chasm between how they see Jesus
04:38 and how they see the people that follow him.
04:41 And I think when we start off by
04:43 acknowledging the fact that yes it is a
04:44 perception of valid or not invalid,
04:47 that's another question. You know I,
04:50 I am sorry Nathan, you know I read a
04:52 bumper sticker that said I've got
04:54 nothing against God, it's his fan club
04:58 I have a problem with. Go ahead Nathan.
05:01 You know I was just thinking when I
05:03 watched that video that reminds me so
05:05 much of my own experience.
05:07 When I think about my own younger years
05:11 before I became a Christian and a
05:12 Seventh-day Adventist. I mean if somebody
05:14 would have asked me what I thought
05:16 of Christians, I know exactly what I
05:17 would say because I was glad to freely
05:19 share my opinion that people like I am
05:22 now are wackos, fanatical, stupid,
05:27 backward, uneducated. That's exactly my
05:31 perception and you know I think that
05:35 there are two, maybe two possible
05:37 reasons that we have that kind of perception,
05:41 that people have that kind of perception
05:42 about Christians. One reason is that
05:46 we act psycho sometimes. The other reason is.
05:51 Got to speak for yourself. I've seen you brother,
05:55 I've seen you. Sometimes we act crazy,
06:00 I am not, as Christians we act crazy,
06:03 I'll give you an example. I'll give you an example;
06:05 I used to work at a restaurant.
06:07 This is before I was a Christian and I
06:10 grew up in a very conservative part
06:12 of the country. I grew up in the
06:13 black hills of South Dakota;
06:15 I think there are two democrats in
06:17 the entire state. My mom and my dad,
06:21 I mean it is such a conservative state
06:25 that you can literally. I mean you just
06:27 it's just a very conservative state
06:29 and basically everybody thinks they're a
06:32 Christian and so I was being evangelized
06:36 all the time by their repulsive God.
06:41 By their repulsive ideas about who God is.
06:44 But one thing that would happen quite
06:46 regularly is just that everybody would get
06:48 done with church and they would come
06:51 to eat at the restaurant I would work at.
06:53 And then they would tell me that I was a
06:56 bad person because I wasn't going to
06:58 church and then I would tell to them that
07:02 they're hypocrites and the reason I couldn't
07:03 go to church is because I had to serve
07:05 and bake eggs. So that left a bad impression
07:10 on me because I felt a sense
07:14 of hypocrisy there. So I think some of
07:16 these things we as Christians have to
07:18 own because of our own sense of hypocrisy.
07:23 There is a validity to the second group
07:26 of people who are basically reacting
07:29 negatively to Christians while at the same
07:33 time they're positive toward
07:34 Jesus as a person. My own experience
07:37 was very similar, I was not raised
07:39 with any religious background whatsoever
07:42 and if you would have asked me the same
07:45 questions that were asked.
07:46 I would have given similar answers,
07:48 I felt very strongly that Jesus was probably
07:51 a good guy but Christians were just
07:53 whacked out and I wanted nothing to
07:55 do with them, but the issue was
07:57 deeper than that. Because there was
08:00 an assumption, there was a picture of
08:02 God that I believed must be true and
08:06 therefore I had to react against it because
08:09 I didn't have any resonance with it.
08:11 Well fast-forwarding my experience after I
08:13 become a Christian I had an experience
08:16 with somebody that really illustrates
08:18 the difference between who God truly
08:21 is and how attractive he can be
08:23 if rightly presented. And how ugly he has
08:26 been misrepresented, I got into a plane,
08:29 going out of Denver, I sit next to a guy,
08:30 I am reading a religious book.
08:33 He obviously sees, glancing over my
08:35 shoulder that it's you know the word
08:37 God or something and so he just hey what,
08:39 where are you going, what do you do?
08:40 I say oh I teach. Well what do you teach?
08:42 I teach spiritual subjects,
08:44 I said and the Bible is my text book.
08:47 And he says just rather abruptly,
08:48 he says why I am an atheist?
08:51 And so I respond in a way that he
08:53 is not expecting, I say well actually
08:55 I am an atheist too. And he says but you
08:59 teach the Bible, no, no you're playing
09:01 with my mind, you're not an atheist.
09:03 I said no, I am an atheist
09:05 and he says how so? And I say well,
09:07 we'll just take a moment,
09:08 you know we have a two hour flight
09:10 and describe for me the God you don't
09:12 believe in. So this guy starts
09:16 thinking and he comes up well you know
09:17 what I'm taking about, this like Head Honcho,
09:20 all powerful being in the sky who torments
09:25 people forever and ever if they don't agree
09:27 with him and then he's gonna burn them
09:29 and you know this once saved,
09:31 always saved thing where God decides
09:32 from eternity past who's going to heaven
09:34 and who's going to hell and we have no
09:35 choice in the matter and he just goes
09:37 on describing this God. And I say that's
09:39 precisely the point, I don't believe that
09:41 any such God as you just described exists
09:43 anywhere in the universe. So I share your atheism
09:49 against that picture of God but let me
09:50 ask you another question I said to him.
09:54 Just hypothetically what if a God could exist,
09:58 I'm not saying he does but what if a
10:00 God could exist that is the diametric
10:03 opposite kind of character to the one
10:06 that you don't believe in.
10:08 I said what if a God could exist,
10:09 who is nothing but infinite love and
10:12 mercy and justice. A God who would
10:14 never do wrong to any person,
10:17 a God who literally loves everybody more
10:19 than his own existence. Would you want that
10:22 God to exist? I am not saying he does,
10:26 but would you wish for him to exist
10:29 and he said, well I be a fool not to. Yeah.
10:31 You know that shows that they are people out
10:33 there who are unbelievers;
10:35 they're rejecting God because of
10:37 a gross misrepresentation of his character.
10:40 But Ty, here's the thing though and
10:42 I guess when I watched that video
10:44 it's true you know, in Christians we
10:48 definitely can portray an incorrect picture
10:51 of Christ. But the Bible says
10:55 Jesus said because the world hated me,
10:58 it will hate you. But when I look at
11:00 that video people in the world say they
11:02 like Jesus but they don't like Christians.
11:06 So for me that creates some tension
11:08 in that as not just a misrepresentation
11:11 because maybe their perception of
11:13 who Jesus is, is actually incorrect
11:17 and therefore the Christians that they're
11:19 meeting because we can't assume that
11:21 the Christians that those people met in the
11:22 video were bad Christians.
11:25 We can't assume that, so the truth must also
11:28 come forward that it could be that they
11:30 actually met the sweetest,
11:32 most faithful Christ loving Christians known
11:35 to humanity and because of their
11:37 perceptions of who Jesus is or their
11:39 love for sin. They say look I hate
11:42 your Christians because that's a physical
11:44 representation of Jesus but in your minds
11:46 Jesus is just an idea. He is a figure of
11:48 history that we exalt and say he
11:50 had preached the greatest sermon ever
11:51 preached on the mount. Exactly and it seems
11:54 like as somebody who was born in Christianity,
11:57 somebody who was born in the Seventh-day
11:59 Adventist Church that the paradigm can
12:01 completely different. You know when you are,
12:04 you seem to be almost turned off by God
12:06 because you see almost the different side.
12:08 You see the backside, you see the dark
12:09 side of Christianity, you see the dark
12:11 side of the moon almost. The entire picture and
12:15 so a lot of times when it's portrayed
12:17 to the public, a lot of times you don't
12:19 understand what you're fully seeing
12:21 from the front. You're seeing the
12:23 lights of it but you don't understand
12:24 the backside of it and a lot of times people
12:28 have been hurt by Christianity.
12:30 People, there have been Pastors that have
12:32 gone home and molested their
12:34 daughter or gone home and abused
12:36 their wives at the end of the day.
12:38 So how do we respond, how do we react to
12:40 that sort of perspective for the people who
12:42 are hurt by that. How do we show
12:44 a different paradigm, how do we show a
12:46 different perspective to those that were
12:48 actually hurt by that? So I guess what
12:50 we're saying is there is a validity.
12:52 Right. And there is a sense which it's invalid;
12:55 it depends on what they've encountered.
12:57 Yes. Exactly. Any counsel pass on that
12:59 from the floor, how do we deal with this?
13:03 Any thoughts? What were you gonna
13:04 say Aiko? I was just gonna say,
13:07 well I think one thing we need to address
13:09 first is, is it our responsibility first
13:13 of all to try to polish our image.
13:16 That's an amazing question. Is it, are we supposed
13:19 to just base our actions on over the feedback
13:23 we get from other people. Yeah. Oh! That's
13:25 an amazing question. Yeah, yeah lets get to
13:27 the heart of the matter. I think there is a
13:34 yes and a no to that question because
13:39 on one hand you have the idea that
13:41 there are Christians who are of the persuasion
13:44 that it's about being light.
13:45 That's how I know I am a good Christian
13:47 and we may emphasize the grace aspect
13:50 of Christianity. Oh! You know that
13:52 person is very giving, that person is
13:54 very loving. That person is very kind,
13:56 very welcoming and that's true but
13:58 I think we also have to recognize that
14:01 there's an aspect of love that's also tough.
14:03 Tough. You know, I read a story about
14:05 a mother who you know her child was
14:09 stuck under a vehicle and she I mean
14:11 through the adrenaline rush lifted that
14:13 vehicle off of her child to save her child.
14:16 So to me there's a certain kind of rough
14:20 edge to love that says look.
14:21 Normally if I went to that woman say hey
14:23 can you lift this car up for me?
14:24 She wouldn't do it just for general show off
14:26 or as some guys might do.
14:28 Hey let's see who's stronger,
14:29 lift the vehicle, but because of
14:31 the love for her child that leads her to
14:32 take some radical steps even when I grew
14:35 up in inner city Chicago.
14:36 I've seen mothers stand up to gang
14:38 leaders in defense of their sons.
14:43 Now, these are gang leaders bringing guns,
14:44 knives saying look you know if you
14:45 don't step out of the way she said look
14:46 if you're going to get to my son,
14:48 you're gonna have to come through me.
14:50 And I think there's an aspect of love
14:52 that says yes there's also the hard
14:53 aspect and I think that aspect of the love of
14:57 God and of Christianity is the aspects
14:59 that you can't polish up. You can't polish up
15:03 Seventh-day is the Sabbath. That's right.
15:05 You can't polish up you shouldn't lie,
15:07 that's right, you can't polish up you only get
15:09 divorced for this reason.
15:11 There's no polishing but we can,
15:12 we can polish up God is not a God of
15:16 eternal torment. Yes. That God is not a
15:19 deterministic deity that orchestrates every
15:22 tragedy that ever happens to anybody
15:25 in the world. I mean Seventh-day Adventism
15:27 if you think about, is a revolutionary movement.
15:30 We've been given a package of doctrines
15:34 and truths that will in fact present to
15:37 the world the most beautiful picture of
15:39 God the world has ever seen,
15:40 Revelation 18:1 says the whole earth will
15:43 be illuminated with God's glory that's
15:46 just prophetic shorthand for there will be
15:48 a global God revolution that will magnify
15:52 the truth of god's character in a system
15:55 of theology and in lives that rightly
15:58 represent the character of God but
15:59 even when we come down to that point,
16:01 Jesus was the best Christian that ever
16:03 lived and he was crucified. That's right.
16:05 And if I can read a verse its John 15:19,
16:10 yeah that came to my mind too,
16:11 Jesus was crucified. People hated Jesus
16:16 and John 15:19 says, if you were of this world,
16:22 the world would love it's own but because
16:25 you are not of the world but I have chosen
16:29 you out of the world therefore the world
16:31 hated you. Now let's ask the question though,
16:34 do most people who have a negative
16:37 reaction to Christians. Do they have a
16:40 negative reaction to Christians because
16:43 they are living totally completely selfless
16:46 lives of Godliness or do they have a negative
16:49 impression of Christians because so often
16:52 Christians live lives of selfishness and
16:58 uncharitableness? You know I'll give you
17:00 an example, let's say you're a Christian
17:05 and you're, you have this idea
17:10 that you are going to do your Christian duty
17:16 and you are going to go hang the
17:20 sign and we've all seen them.
17:21 We've seen them, it's the God hates
17:24 homosexual sign. So you're gonna
17:26 do your Christian duty and preach the
17:28 truth and go stand on the street corner
17:33 with the God hates fill in the blank,
17:37 street sign. So that person
17:39 might smugly think. Well, the Bible says
17:42 that if you follow Jesus the world's gonna
17:44 hate you and I am sure being hated,
17:47 so I must be following Jesus right?
17:50 So we as Christians, we have to ask
17:53 ourselves if I would go into my neighbor
17:57 in disinterested love, treating them kindly,
18:00 ministering to them in their sickness,
18:03 caring for them in their brokenness
18:05 and sharing with them the hope of
18:07 the Gospel in a winsome positive way
18:10 and lets dress that Sabbath up a little bit.
18:12 Not my days better than your day
18:14 or my dad can beat your dad up but
18:16 you know what, we serve a God
18:18 who is so awesome that he is not like
18:20 the tyrant corporate Titans who keep
18:23 you slaving away. Amen. The God of the
18:25 universe says you get rest,
18:27 complete rest each and every week
18:30 and my sovereignty overrules the
18:32 sovereignty of your boss. That dresses the
18:35 Sabbath up, can you say amen?
18:36 Amen, amen. So, so anyway go ahead.
18:39 I can keep talking I am getting preaching.
18:41 Am I preachin g? Yeah you are preaching
18:42 and it's all right. I have a comment here,
18:44 what's your name brother?
18:46 My name is Handel Smith and I have
18:48 a verse here First Peter 2 verse 9 says,
18:53 But ye are a chosen generation,
18:55 a royal priesthood, an holy nation,
18:59 a peculiar people; that you should bring
19:00 forth the praises of him who hath called
19:02 you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
19:04 As Christians we have a responsibility to be
19:07 priests as Christ was and is to us today.
19:11 He goes before the Father and pleads on
19:12 our behalf, we must go to the people
19:16 and pray for them. People who aren't
19:20 even Christian, people who don't even know,
19:22 we need to lift them up before our Father
19:24 in heaven and connect with them,
19:27 connect with God on their behalf.
19:29 And that's living a Christ like life. Amen.
19:32 You know, I appreciate the comment
19:35 that the young man just made,
19:36 because what it tells us is the fact
19:40 that it is our perception of what it means
19:42 to be peculiar and so the perceptions,
19:46 false perceptions or a true perceptions,
19:48 but let's just deal with false perceptions.
19:52 Comes as a fact that I as a Christian may
19:55 have false perceptions of God and if I have
19:59 false perceptions of who God is,
20:01 I will always portray a false picture of
20:04 who God is to others and therefore that
20:06 false perception is perpetuated in society.
20:09 The only difference is that I as a Christian
20:11 have access to true information,
20:14 to correct perception of God and so I think
20:17 we have to on some level own that this
20:22 issue that yet sometimes we do cut
20:23 people off in traffic. Sometimes we are
20:26 rushing to get to Sabbath school amen
20:28 and bump somebody out the way on the escalator.
20:30 With a what would Jesus do sticker on the car.
20:33 ,No what I raced it on, wwjd.
20:38 Jesus would get to the front of GYC;
20:40 you know and reserve these seats.
20:42 So I think on some level. Careful, careful.
20:49 On some level we have to own the
20:51 misrepresentations that exist but on
20:53 the other level we also have to disown
20:55 the fact that sometimes we are following
20:58 our Lord faithfully and people just have
21:00 a misconception that is perpetuated because
21:03 of that love of sin. And it's that what
21:04 being distinct to one of the things that
21:05 really spoke to me in the video is when
21:07 one of the girl she says you know,
21:09 when I think of Christianity I think of
21:10 my uncle Bob. You know, and that's
21:14 asking me anything. We can have somebody
21:16 like I remember being, I remember being in our
21:18 in you know, in my Christian home
21:20 and looking and seeing certain people that
21:22 would do things that to me would be
21:24 weird as an unconverted person.
21:27 You know, that they would be getting up
21:28 early in the morning that they would,
21:30 that they would be living a healthy lifestyle,
21:32 that they would not certain things.
21:33 That they were living a distinct life style
21:36 and to me not being converted that
21:39 was weird, that I would call
21:41 you know like crazy uncle Bob or you know,
21:43 crazy aunt, you know so and so.
21:46 To me that was weird, so like what Sebastien
21:47 was saying, we have to understand is it a
21:49 true perception or a false perception.
21:52 Before talk about that, we have another
21:54 comment here from the floor.
21:55 What's your name? Marissa. Marissa,
21:57 what's your comment. Thank you,
22:00 I am just thinking of a quote from steps
22:02 of Christ that reminds us that Jesus never
22:04 said a harsh word to a sensitive soul.
22:08 Amen. And I just I look at him as an
22:11 example this is something we
22:12 were talking about a breakfast one
22:13 of the days here at GYC. That if we have a close
22:16 enough relationship with God that everything
22:19 that we do is permeated with his spirit.
22:21 Every word that we have for somebody,
22:24 every gesture that we have for somebody
22:25 is permeated with the spirit of God,
22:28 the spirit of God is gonna lead us
22:29 to love them. Even if we're reaching
22:32 out to them and asking them to change
22:34 or forming a friendship with someone who's
22:36 an atheist and if we have that relationship,
22:39 we'll be able to have perfect balance between
22:42 standing apart from the world and having
22:45 sometimes people dislike us or treat us
22:47 poorly and being a witness. Amen.
22:51 Thank you so much Marissa,
22:52 that's an excellent comment and I think
22:56 that kind of brings out the tension.
23:01 Sometimes we need, I mean all the time we
23:03 need to have that spirit of Christ to have
23:06 that tender word right there but in
23:08 the Bible like for example the way Jesus
23:11 dealt with Judas that was read out,
23:14 but then on the other hand,
23:15 sometimes you have Jesus outright
23:17 rebuking Peter. Yeah. So how with the
23:21 and the and Marissa said, the only,
23:24 the only way that we can know when to do
23:27 what is by maintaining that relationship
23:30 with Jesus. Yeah. It's through love
23:31 and one of the things that I want to bring up,
23:33 that I really have to get off my chest
23:34 is when you read that text earlier in John
23:37 15:18 that if the world hates you,
23:39 you know that it hated me before it hated you.
23:42 And so when you think of the perspective,
23:43 you think of the perspective of Jesus
23:45 people have said well Jesus is a good guy.
23:46 You know he was a prophet and he was
23:48 a good rabbi but yet they hate Christians
23:51 and so it seems there might need some
23:52 kind of perception difference
23:54 and so what's interesting is when it comes to
23:56 the love and how we are perceived by
23:59 the world in verse 13. It says greater
24:00 love has no man than this then a man lay
24:03 down his life for his friends and he says
24:06 I am not gonna call you servants but I
24:07 call you friends. You know,
24:09 and this is how Jesus is portraying
24:11 himself to his disciple as he's teaching this
24:14 to them. That no greater love hath any
24:16 man than this, that he would lay
24:17 down his life for his friends. Amen.
24:21 Jeff I was thinking as you were reading
24:23 this point up that Bible prophecy is extremely
24:27 helpful in giving us a historic understanding
24:31 of how we got where we are right now
24:33 in history where the United States of
24:35 America which was once a Protestant
24:38 Christian nation is becoming increasingly
24:39 more and more secular, more and more
24:42 post modern, more and more people
24:43 are professing themselves to be agnostics or
24:46 atheist or unbelievers of different kinds
24:50 and that we're going the way of western
24:51 Europe which was the cradle of western
24:54 civilization and of Christianity for so long.
24:58 Before we know it we're going to be
24:59 in a situation where United States of America
25:02 is in fact just a secular nation full and complete.
25:06 Bible prophecy tells us what's happened,
25:08 in the book of Revelation we're told in four basic
25:12 steps that number 1 that in history there will
25:15 arise a colossal system of false Christianity,
25:22 a grand masquerade if you will that will
25:25 purport to be the Christian church but
25:28 will form a system of doctrine that will
25:31 misrepresent the character of God.
25:33 That's the dark ages, the middle ages
25:35 and then we're told in Bible prophecy
25:37 that as a reaction to that false Christianity
25:41 the beast from the bottomless pit will
25:43 emerge in chapter 10 and that beast from
25:47 the bottom of chapter 11. The beast from
25:48 the bottomless pit according to great
25:49 controversy and Bible said is in fact the
25:52 French revolution and the birth of
25:54 modern atheism, right there in the cradle
25:57 of Christian civilization.
25:59 Atheism was born as the excuse me,
26:02 the bastard child of the church.
26:05 In other words Ellen White says in Great
26:07 Controversy that atheism arouse as a
26:10 violent reaction against Catholic doctrine.
26:14 That's right. Then prophecy says,
26:18 a movement would be born called the
26:19 advent movement. That's right.
26:21 That would prophesy before the world
26:23 with a declaration of truth,
26:26 that would exonerate and vindicate the
26:29 character of God before the nations.
26:31 Ty, you know, you just reminded me
26:33 of an experience I had in college,
26:36 where I worked with the service organization
26:38 at my school and the LGBT, Lesbian,
26:42 bisexual, gay, transgender,
26:45 kind of organizational campus they said,
26:46 they wanted to show a video about
26:48 Christians and homosexuality in
26:50 lesbian, gay, bisexual, all this and it said
26:52 you know Sebastien, we know that you
26:53 are a Christian. You know profess
26:55 and so we like you to come to the video
26:56 and participate in the discussion.
26:59 Now as I am sitting in the video,
27:01 I am thinking may be I am one of maybe
27:05 four people in this entire kind of theater
27:07 setting that is not lesbian, gay,
27:10 you know etc, etc. And the video was
27:12 basically about the Christian right in,
27:15 you know how these people are in the
27:17 church and they're coming out of the closet
27:20 and these people are chalking their
27:21 drive ways and lighting bottles with fires
27:24 and throwing them into churches and etc, etc.
27:26 Parents disowning their children because
27:28 they never thought that their son would be
27:30 homosexual, they were raised in a good
27:31 Christian family. How could this
27:33 happen to them and at the end of the video
27:34 I was thinking to myself you know.
27:37 My only question to them was that,
27:39 would if there was an alternative perspective
27:41 that Christians have on this issue,
27:43 can I disagree with homosexuality
27:45 and at the same time still remain in a loving
27:47 relationship and the reason I am
27:49 bringing up with what you said is
27:50 because if the Adventist Church was raised
27:52 up to proclaim truth as well as grace.
27:56 What I find is that we kind of become
27:59 paralyzed with these young people
28:00 because how do I speak up in a situation
28:04 of homosexuality that I don't support but
28:06 I want to speak up to say that I am still
28:07 loving without saying that I am
28:09 endorsing what you're doing.
28:10 But the Christian rights speaks up without
28:12 a problem and they say look we're against
28:15 this and we believe that you know all
28:17 those who walk up this lifestyle are gonna
28:19 burn in hell etc, etc and I am like look,
28:21 there's deliverance but that voice is
28:24 very small in the world. And I think that
28:28 tension right there at least with me
28:30 that's difficult, you know,
28:31 how do I sit in this room and be like
28:33 I still love you and I wanna have friendship
28:36 but I don't endorse what you do.
28:42 And how do we, how do we relate
28:43 from there? And I think on some level
28:45 that's a hard, that's a hard thing
28:47 to walk straight. Hey before we,
28:48 before we get into that I really wanna
28:49 touch on that we have another comment
28:51 here from the floor, what's your name?
28:52 Daniel, go ahead. In the Bible
28:55 I believe it's in Genesis or Exodus
28:56 it says that in the last days scoffers
28:58 will come walking after their own lusts.
29:00 And I feel that the issue actually goes
29:02 clear back to evolution. Evolution,
29:05 the idea of evolution was brought about
29:07 because people didn't like the constrains
29:09 of the Bible. They didn't like
29:10 the constrains of God's law and with the
29:13 idea of evolution there isn't any of that right.
29:16 You know, you don't there is no constraint
29:18 and that's what it is today. Non-Christians
29:21 have a problem with Christians because
29:23 we make them look bad. Our lifestyle makes
29:26 their lifestyle look worse,
29:27 if they can make us look radical,
29:29 if they can convince themselves in
29:30 their mind, that we're radical
29:32 and we're different then it makes
29:33 them feel better about themselves.
29:35 Agreed 100% but I wanna make a caveat,
29:39 I was a non Christian who hated the idea
29:43 of creation, I thought that you
29:45 had to be an absolute idiot,
29:49 an imbecile to believe in a six day creation.
29:50 I was a person who mocked the
29:52 Christian lifestyle. I was totally complete,
29:55 I had no problem with homosexuality or
29:57 any other lifestyle decision
29:59 and so I and when Christians would talk
30:01 like you just did no offense.
30:06 I would write them off as imbeciles okay.
30:07 But when a Christian came to me and said
30:10 let me give you a little evidence as to why
30:12 the Bible is true and then I read that
30:15 evidence Daniel 2, Daniel chapter 7,
30:19 Daniel chapter 9, Revelation 13 and then
30:23 that person and then I said, well okay,
30:25 okay may be the Bible is beginning to
30:28 appear true but what about this God
30:30 who burns people in the lake of fire.
30:33 And then they said well let me kind of show
30:34 you what the Bible teaches about who God
30:37 is as concerns this matter and then they
30:40 gave me this beautiful Bible study on
30:41 the Great Controversy and then all of
30:44 the sudden rather than automatically
30:47 reacting against, my heart was totally open.
30:52 And you know how easy it was for me
30:53 to believe in creation and reject evolution
30:56 as soon as I got the proper picture of God,
30:58 I mean it was instantaneous.
31:00 So we as Christians and I am not saying
31:02 that you are being smug not one bit.
31:04 And there are certainly, there are certainly
31:07 people who have heard and have just
31:10 rejected because they're hard hearted
31:12 and they love sin. But there are lots of
31:15 people out there who have tender hearts,
31:18 tender hearts and they will not read.
31:22 They will not respond positively when we
31:24 come to them and just say,
31:25 you're hard hearted because you
31:27 don't believe in creation the only reason you
31:30 believe in creation is because you're a rebel
31:31 and you don't wanna follow God.
31:33 Well may be they just, they just don't have
31:35 any world view and so we need to help
31:38 them tenderly and gently.
31:40 And I wouldn't have listen to just anybody
31:42 happened to be a friend that talked to me.
31:45 I have a question, I have a so what question.
31:49 Okay, so we need to do some self
31:52 examination right, to see whether their
31:56 reaction is, if it's a negative reaction
31:59 to see if that's our fault or may be
32:04 that the condition of their heart.
32:06 So how practically, how do you self examine
32:11 yourself? I think Aiko you should answer
32:15 that question or begin the answer,
32:21 what do you think? I was the one that
32:22 asked the question, I wanna know.
32:26 It's a tight rope walk isn't it?
32:28 It really is because if you think about it
32:32 the negative attitude against Christianity
32:35 and Christians could be valid or invalid
32:37 depending on how we're representing
32:39 God and we need to be self examining
32:43 and on the one hand we need to correctly
32:45 represent God in our teaching.
32:47 God has given Adventism a package of
32:50 doctrinal trues, a perfect chain of
32:52 truth that literally beautifies the character
32:55 of God and you know the little horn power
32:57 is said to blaspheme the name of God.
33:00 To defame the character of God,
33:02 God give the advent movement a package
33:04 of truths that exonerates the character of God.
33:06 So that's the teaching aspect but when
33:08 there's the living testimony of our actual
33:12 lives that gives credibility to that
33:15 proclamation and that's what puts
33:17 a seal on it. That's what causes
33:19 people to say what you're saying to
33:21 me makes emotional sense not just
33:23 intellectual sense. We have a comment
33:26 on here, your name please?
33:27 Keisha and I just want to comment
33:30 on both Pastor Nathan and
33:33 what you just said. And I just watching
33:37 this video I realize that the world
33:40 doesn't know Jesus and he told us that,
33:42 he said the world doesn't know me
33:44 but this God said For God so loved
33:47 the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
33:50 that whosoever believeth in him should
33:52 not perish, but have everlasting life.
33:55 And then Jesus continues to say He
33:57 that believeth on Him is not condemned.
34:00 But he that believeth not is condemned
34:02 already and so He continues to say
34:05 that and this is the condemnation
34:08 that the light is come into the world
34:09 and men love darkness rather than
34:11 light because their deeds were evil.
34:14 So when we see sinners or other people
34:17 in the world who does not understand
34:19 Jesus, we have to remember that this
34:22 is the condition and we also have
34:25 to know that our lives can be a
34:27 living testimony. Pastor Nathan said it,
34:30 he said it was his friend who you know,
34:33 inspired him and spoke to him and so we
34:36 cannot reach everyone but everyone
34:39 that comes in contact with us we
34:41 influence them either for the kingdom or
34:44 for eternal damnation. Amen. And so I believe
34:47 that if we live a life that is pleasing to
34:51 God in everything that we do,
34:54 we will have a influence on other people.
34:57 Amen, amen. You know when,
34:59 when I was a young man just learning how
35:06 to do ministry. There were times when I would
35:09 go into a situation and you know brand new
35:12 Christian and very zealous by God's grace
35:15 I am still very zealous,
35:17 but that zeal might have a little bit
35:19 more knowledge now but I remember
35:21 many occasions where I would go to my dear
35:23 friend Pastor Luis Torres and I would say
35:25 to Pastor Torres. I would say,
35:28 hey I just you know I was in this situation
35:30 and I did thus and so and he would just
35:32 look at me with that inimitable smile
35:34 and laugh and just put his hand on my head
35:37 and rub my head and I would just know
35:40 that I had done something totally,
35:42 completely stupid. And then you know
35:46 he would graciously teach me about that
35:51 and you know, that goes back to your question
35:53 about self examination.
35:55 It's very easy for us to spend time
35:59 with people who are a lot like us.
36:01 So I've got a you know,
36:03 I blasted somebody and I think
36:05 I did the right thing by standing up
36:07 for the truth and then I tell my buddy
36:09 Sebastien and Sebastien is like that's right,
36:12 go get him. Go get him partner right?
36:14 And it's good for us,
36:17 it's good for us to have,
36:19 to think about these things before God
36:22 and pray and ask God.
36:24 God, you know,
36:25 could have I said a little differently.
36:27 Could have I toned it down a little bit,
36:28 could have I but it's also good for us
36:31 to say to, to have people.
36:33 I mean my elders come to me sometimes
36:35 and say you know pastor,
36:36 this thing I am not feeling that
36:38 or this thing that's good
36:40 and it's good to have
36:42 that kind of relationship
36:43 so that we can learn how to really
36:45 treat people the way Christ would have us.
36:47 And I think what you're hitting on is the
36:49 importance of modeling, you know.
36:51 Yes. That's a big thing that's been missing
36:53 is the disciples should peace is that you know,
36:56 we've all had experiences when we
36:57 first came into the church.
36:58 We were the fire ball of the church, you know.
37:01 I went to the potluck lunch my sister
37:02 got couple extra pieces of pie.
37:04 You know, I said Acts 319.
37:06 She didn't know the verse she looked it up,
37:08 repent therefore and be converted.
37:10 You know it's like.
37:14 Did she take the whole pie?
37:16 I mean it was like two or three slices. Okay.
37:18 And even worse than that,
37:20 she is the one who made the pie,
37:21 so you recognize that.
37:26 Is she okay now? I hope not.
37:28 So I think the modeling piece is key
37:33 but we also recognize that the spirit of
37:36 prophecy affirms that we have one pattern.
37:38 Amen. And that pattern is in Jesus.
37:42 And in the verses that the sister just read
37:45 John 3:16 was not spoken to a congregation,
37:49 it was spoken to one man in the middle of
37:52 the night but notice the first part
37:55 of the conversation was except
37:56 you'll be born again,
37:57 you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
37:59 So we see that Jesus gives us a model of
38:03 the fact that he can actually successfully
38:06 exist in that tension. Yeah.
38:09 That Jesus can actually go to a man
38:10 and tell him, you're not converted first
38:13 words out of my mouth in the conversation
38:14 and by the end of it I am telling you
38:16 that God so loved the world that
38:17 He gave us only begotten Son
38:19 or He goes to John chapter 8.
38:20 Hey you know this women caught
38:22 in adultery neither do I condemn thee
38:26 yet verses later you are of you
38:27 Father the devil. What about John chapter 4?
38:30 Go call your husband. Yes.
38:33 I don't have a husband, you're right
38:34 you don't have a you got a whole
38:35 pile of husbands.
38:37 I mean when you read verses like that.
38:40 But then she is thrilled with this encounter
38:42 with Jesus, He had this way.
38:44 And that's what I think when the Bible says
38:46 the word be king flesh and was full of grace
38:50 and truth. And I think. Amen.
38:53 Jesus is walking that tension throughout
38:56 the entire Gospels which creates an entire
38:59 new respect from me because
39:00 I think for many us here and I think
39:02 it's important for as young people to
39:03 recognize there is no formula that there is
39:06 an element of discernment
39:07 that is needed to know this is the time
39:10 when I am wrong and I need to have
39:12 the humility to admit it.
39:13 And I also need to have the courage
39:16 to say this is the truth. Here I stand,
39:20 I can do know other and I think learning
39:23 to walk that line as I like to say
39:26 that Jesus didn't walk a line.
39:27 Jesus walked a tight rope,
39:29 that they were parleys,
39:31 obsesses on either side.
39:33 If he was too harsh and if he was too nice
39:37 and too, you know reluctant to speak
39:39 of truth and I think of specifically
39:42 when Peter denied Christ and Ellen White says
39:44 when Jesus turned his head had his face
39:47 had a look of condemnation.
39:49 She said that Peter would not have
39:50 come because of just the face of Jesus;
39:54 do we understand the impact of our
39:55 countenance? And the turn around points. Yes.
39:59 We have a comment here from Taj. Yes,
40:02 I just want to follow up on what you folks
40:04 are really been talking about
40:05 are perfect example of Christ
40:07 when we look at him we see the picture
40:09 that God wants to review to the world
40:11 in us and through us.
40:13 And we sort of when we look at Christ
40:14 we see a God that hates sin
40:16 with a perfect hatred but at the very same
40:19 time He love sinners with a perfect love.
40:21 But the corner of sinful heart we love sin
40:24 and we hate sinners,
40:25 and so the only way possible
40:27 that we can wipe, walk this tightrope
40:31 and learn how to embrace humanity
40:33 but not embrace the things that they do
40:36 is to look upon Jesus and let Him
40:37 give us His character.
40:39 And he says Jesus made it clear that
40:41 you know before the end comes the gospel must go
40:44 through out the world as a witness,
40:45 He didn't use the word Testimony
40:47 but a witness and the difference is
40:48 the Testimony is something you can hear
40:50 audibly but a witness is something
40:52 that you can see visibly.
40:53 We've done a good job of appreciating the gospel
40:56 as a Testimony but the end has not come
40:58 because the witness,
41:00 the visible demonstration
41:01 of the love of God in us has not been
41:03 fully experience, so we need to pray
41:05 that demonstration comes with our proclamation
41:09 so that we can be glorified
41:11 when Christ comes. Amen, amen.
41:12 Now that thank you Taj.
41:14 What you guys think?
41:15 I really love the prophecy of David
41:18 along the lines what we've been discussing
41:19 and when the point that Taj has just made,
41:21 where David says that in Jesus Christ mercy
41:24 and truth kissed each other. Amen.
41:26 They had a perfect embodiment and union
41:30 that tightrope of justice and mercy.
41:32 What, what we see happening in Jesus
41:34 is that when people encountered Him
41:36 like the people women at the well.
41:37 She was under the distinct impulsion
41:39 this man knows everything about me
41:44 and at the same time she runs back to her village
41:47 and she says, come and meet a man
41:48 who had told me everything I ever did.
41:50 I mean if you think about that rationally,
41:52 how many of us would want to meet a man
41:54 who could tell us everything we ever did?
41:55 I mean, that's not rational,
41:58 somebody else be there,
41:59 somebody knows who knows every dark nuke
42:00 and cranny of your history.
42:02 But somehow he was attractive to her, yeah.
42:06 And I take that to mean that she knew
42:09 that he knew everything about her,
42:12 and still loved her. Amen.
42:14 Somehow he communicated that.
42:16 You know what's interesting Ty
42:17 is that who was that,
42:19 that really was opposed to Jesus,
42:21 I mean Jesus was a winsome personality,
42:23 He had a winning character.
42:25 When you lead through the gospels
42:27 I get the distinct impression
42:28 that Jesus was going to communities
42:32 and the whole town was going.
42:33 The guy was so mobbed by people,
42:35 he didn't even have time to eat,
42:37 that's right, right?
42:38 So when we get the idea that Jesus
42:40 was hated by everyone.
42:42 Wait a minute when you're so surrounded
42:45 by people that you don't have time to eat,
42:47 it's not because they hate you, right?
42:49 He was surrounded by the people because
42:52 they were interested in Him,
42:53 they wanted to see Him.
42:55 But the religious establishment
42:58 reacted because He pulling people away
43:03 from their thinking. Its interesting Nathan
43:06 that the religious establishment
43:08 that rejected Him was the conservative end
43:10 of the religious establishment,
43:11 that's right, the Pharisees
43:13 and the liberal end of the establishment
43:15 the Sadducees, that's exactly right.
43:16 The liberals and the conservatives ganged up
43:18 against Jesus and crucified him,
43:19 so even we as the Seventh-day Adventist
43:21 fulfill our God given purpose of reflecting
43:25 the love Christ. I believe our church
43:28 will have a power that we have never seen.
43:30 Amen. It will, it will reach across
43:33 these boundaries that are so drawn almost
43:36 as if they were concrete walls.
43:40 God will give us the power to do that
43:41 when we embody Christ's love
43:43 and proclaim His truth.
43:45 I, I, I can't wait for that day to begin,
43:47 that day is happening,
43:48 it's beginning to happen right now.
43:50 That's right you know
43:51 and that just bring to mind I read a statement
43:53 while ago that said when Jesus walked into a room
43:57 all attention was on Jesus,
44:00 there was no, there was no other object
44:02 near them that would deserve that attention,
44:06 and you know, do we have that?
44:08 Do we have that? When we walk into a room
44:10 the people look at us and say,
44:11 there's something about that brother,
44:13 I don't what it is?
44:14 But something about that young lady
44:17 is just attracting me to her besides what.
44:20 She's wearing white and her face is glowing.
44:22 Now we have another comment here.
44:23 And he has an uncle named Bob.
44:25 That's right, it's kind of freaky.
44:27 Good morning, my name is Eric,
44:29 you have done that, should not have
44:33 admired to us how the world perceive us
44:36 because many of them will think that
44:39 we walk over grace but who we are in our rooms
44:43 in our bedrooms with our families,
44:46 husbands and wives childrens
44:48 is who we really are in household relationship
44:52 with Christ that's what matters,
44:53 because at the end they won't judge us God will.
44:58 So we have to make sure we have our relationship
45:00 with Christ because after this we'll practice
45:05 the love of God those all there
45:07 because we have fulfilled the law
45:09 which is in First Corinthians 13,
45:12 and not because we have to do
45:15 it but because we love because we have
45:19 the love of God that is flowing through us.
45:23 Amen. So it seems that,
45:28 that we've been talking a lot about
45:31 our perception of Jesus as we understand
45:33 it's a day is of positive perception,
45:36 you know grace and mercy justice
45:38 and mercy kissing but how does this tie
45:41 over to us? How do we portray this
45:45 to the world? How do we show that
45:46 we are the followers of Christ?
45:47 How do we show that we are Christians?
45:49 How 'cause that there seems like
45:51 the perception, they like Jesus
45:52 but they don't like Christians. Why?
45:57 How does that tie over, how do,
45:58 how do we make that practical
45:59 for our own lives?
46:01 How do I make that practical?
46:03 How do people perceive me as a Christian?
46:05 The practical embodiments of that
46:08 beautiful balance is in Jesus
46:09 and by beholding Him we become change
46:14 from glory to glory. That is from one stage
46:16 of character development to the next are emotions,
46:20 our intellects,
46:21 our behavior of patterns begin to shape
46:24 and to move in harmony with what we see in Him.
46:28 So what you're saying that by us
46:29 being in Christ, by us being submitted
46:32 to Christ. Experientially, yes.
46:35 Experientially, having that genuine because
46:36 a lot of times we talk about having an
46:38 intellectual knowledge of Christ,
46:40 the information without the actual
46:42 transformation of the life,
46:44 and lot of times when we need to take our
46:46 information and transform it
46:47 into the heart? Yes.
46:49 One of the most beautiful things
46:50 I've read recently is the Desire of Ages
46:52 description of Jesus going into the temple
46:55 with the money changers, you know,
46:57 you know that story, this is Jesus,
46:59 Sebastien with tough love.
47:00 He's turning tables over,
47:02 He's cracking a whip literally
47:04 and Ellen White paints this picture
47:06 where all the money changers
47:07 are just running from Him,
47:11 and then at the same time little children,
47:15 women fled into the temple
47:17 and surround Him. So there's the strength,
47:20 there's this expression of justice
47:22 and indignation at how God is being
47:24 misrepresented. And then there's this attraction
47:28 where Jesus is drawing another group,
47:30 that aren't intimidated to be afraid at all. Yes.
47:33 We, we have, we have a last comment here
47:35 from the floor, I am sorry.
47:36 Hi, I just wanted to make a comment regarding
47:38 the video that was shown,
47:39 and I wanted to say it is inevitable,
47:42 when we look at that video
47:44 it's a reminder for us as a
47:46 Seventh-day Adventists to recognize the work
47:49 that work that God has called us do.
47:50 As we look at that video
47:52 and when we saw the contrast between
47:54 how people perceive Christ
47:56 and how to perceive Christians,
47:59 we need to be reminded that in our homes
48:01 our first example of Christ whether
48:04 we're believers or not is our parents,
48:07 our guardians. And many of these people
48:09 they have valid perceptions of how
48:12 they viewed Christ and how they viewed
48:14 Christians based on their experiences, yeah.
48:17 that's what they based it on,
48:19 it was valid but not true
48:21 but God has called us as Christians
48:23 and Seventh day Adventists
48:25 to make sure that we have an intentional
48:28 and we have a influential witness
48:31 to the world not that we can defend
48:34 the truth because the Lord says
48:35 His world won't return to Him boy
48:37 but that we shall make sure that
48:39 we live that life that when people see us
48:41 even if it be our words or even our present
48:44 speaks first they can know
48:46 that we are Christians because the Lord said
48:48 let them see your good works
48:50 that they may glorify our Father
48:53 which is in heaven.
48:55 And I leave this last thought with us
48:57 is that the greatest argument for the truth
49:02 as it is Christ Jesus is a loving
49:04 and a lovable Christian.
49:06 The Lord said oh no man nothing
49:09 but her love Him for this is the
49:10 fulfillment of the law. Amen.
49:12 You know it's interesting,
49:15 I am just thinking of this amazing verse
49:17 in the Titus words, it's describing us
49:19 before we were Christians
49:20 and the scripture says that we,
49:23 it says in Titus chapter 3 verse 3,
49:27 for we were ourselves were once foolish
49:29 disobedient, led astray,
49:32 slaved to various passions and pleasures.
49:34 Passing our days in malice and envy,
49:38 hated by others and hating one and another,
49:42 so being hated is actually one of the
49:46 characteristics of being unconverted,
49:48 to me that is just an amazing text
49:53 in scripture, if you are hated it maybe
49:56 because you're unconverted
49:58 and you're presenting yourself
49:59 in a hateful kind of a way.
50:00 That's so, that's so a needed,
50:04 we just need to internalize that.
50:06 I mean it's just amazing.
50:07 But I guess you know for me
50:11 I kind like to get into the heart,
50:12 the practical what do I actually do
50:15 when I leave this auditorium?
50:16 How do I treat GYC attendees
50:19 you know in the hallway?
50:21 How do I behave on outreach today
50:23 when we go out into the city of Baltimore.
50:25 And I map that door in the person
50:27 may come to me with scowling
50:28 in a mean spirit. And I think about
50:31 the fact that in John chapter 7,
50:34 when the religious leaders
50:36 had sent the soldiers to go take Christ
50:40 and the Bible says beginning in verse 44,
50:45 in John chapter 7 it says,
50:48 "And some of them would have taken Him
50:50 but no man laid hands on Him.
50:53 Then came the officers to the chief priest
50:56 and the Pharisees, and they said to them
50:58 why have you not brought Him?
51:00 And the officers answered never man
51:03 speak like this man." Amen.
51:06 And Ellen White adds because never a man
51:09 lived as this man lived,
51:10 and in heavenly places page 54 she,
51:14 she portrays to me one of the most
51:17 powerful illustrations of the depth
51:20 and the difficulty of following
51:21 this man Jesus. She says that
51:24 Jesus was able to combine manly strength
51:27 with childlike simplicity,
51:29 all observing devotion to God
51:32 with tender love for men.
51:34 I mean when you think about
51:36 how do you give both of those
51:37 in the same man?
51:38 How can Jesus know how and when to do
51:42 each of these particular things?
51:43 And I think the, the struggle of
51:46 dealing with that is the fact that we cannot
51:48 overestimate the prayer life of Jesus.
51:51 The time that He stole away
51:52 from the congregation in the mountains
51:54 because I think as young people
51:56 you know when we ask questions we,
51:58 we kind want the intellectual you know
52:00 fleshed out give me 15 verses kind of answer.
52:03 But I think if we are really honest
52:05 and someone response us and says you know,
52:08 you just have to pray, you know what we
52:10 hate that is because that, that, that,
52:14 that makes us feel the sense of dependence
52:16 up on God. It makes us feel that
52:18 says that there is no formula,
52:19 you can't just go to this training school
52:21 read these books, read x, y, z
52:24 spirit of the prophecy and now you're ready
52:26 to be a super Christian,
52:27 you'll always represent event
52:29 the Lord felt the constant need to pray.
52:32 Event the Lord felt the constant need to pray,
52:33 even the Lord felt the constant need
52:35 to take time to be with His Father. Yeah.
52:38 And I think that is more of a key to success
52:41 and navigating that line then what
52:43 we wanna like to admit to?
52:44 Amen. I had an experience just
52:47 yesterday I went to the business center
52:49 to send a fax in the Hilton.
52:53 And I walked in and, and the guy who
52:55 was helping me was in his mid twenties,
52:57 and he said to me, he said,
53:00 are you attending that,
53:01 that conference with all these young people
53:03 here and I said yeah I am attending that in
53:06 and he said they're different than the
53:09 other young people that we have come
53:10 through here. Amen.
53:12 And I said is that are you making a positive
53:14 assessment or a negative assessment,
53:16 I mean what's different?
53:18 And he said, he said, it's just different,
53:21 he said they are not acting like
53:23 what you expect they are demeanor everything
53:26 is different and New year's eve is coming up.
53:28 And he says, he says this hotel is expecting
53:32 you know with this many young people
53:34 on the premises? Some kind of serious
53:37 party is gonna go down.
53:38 And the only party is where outside
53:41 the hotel. Hallelujah. Yeah. Hallelujah.
53:44 So there's a Testimony,
53:45 I mean not to pat us on the back
53:47 or to inflate us, yes,
53:49 but I am just saying that a Testimony
53:51 is given in the way we interact in the way
53:55 we interact with people. So true, so true,
54:00 you know Ty when you just said that it a,
54:04 it reminded me off why my respect for Jesus'
54:11 life hasn't increased? And to think to my self
54:17 I need to begin to accept not just the
54:19 humanity of Jesus but also a sense of
54:22 the divinity of Jesus that there's no searching
54:25 of God's understanding.
54:26 And the I think that the ability for Jesus
54:29 to live that life and for us to sit
54:34 here and say, the life that we see Jesus
54:36 living in the gospels is completely
54:38 acceptable to us. That's right.
54:40 But follow this, where does that life end?
54:43 It ends in death, it ends in crucifixion,
54:49 it ends in the people who He might have healed,
54:52 the people He might have counseled
54:54 and brought up emotionally being silent
54:57 while this man Who is such a blessing to them,
55:00 is going to mockery of a trial.
55:02 And for me that tells me that
55:06 if I am really serious about walking
55:08 this line like Jesus did.
55:09 If I am really serious about righteousness,
55:12 if I am really serious about living a Godly life,
55:17 am I ready for where that will read?
55:19 Am I ready to see that just over the
55:22 horizon of the next victory over the sin
55:25 in my life that there's a cross waiting for me.
55:27 And I think that you know because you know
55:31 I have not much time but I think that,
55:34 that is a kind for me that the heart of it
55:38 is that on some level that we have to admit
55:41 that we'll free to be Godly
55:43 all the time at all places.
55:46 We're free to be Godly because
55:48 there's a cross waiting for us
55:50 and I think when we look at the life
55:52 of Jesus, do you want to be like this men?
55:54 You would say yes, but yet you don't want
55:57 the cross, you don't want the spitting
56:00 in your face, you don't want the people
56:02 misunderstanding you,
56:03 characterizing you as oh you're a fanatic,
56:06 you are, you are off some pit somewhere.
56:08 And so I think there's one thing that I think
56:11 for all of us that's self-examination,
56:13 an examination must have a standard
56:15 and that standard looking at the life
56:18 of Jesus is not just yeah I wanna have
56:20 little children flocked to me,
56:22 yeah I wanna walk in a room and be able to flip
56:24 tables and people say you did the right thing.
56:26 But you gotta take it all
56:28 and that includes the cross.
56:30 The aspiration that you have there
56:31 Sebastien in tables. Putting tables.
56:34 But I think I wanna have that but,
56:42 amen I want all. Amen.
56:45 I wanna all and I think we,
56:48 and looking that we no turning back
56:52 we'll walk up and flip the tables
56:55 and say we did the right thing.
56:56 We'll walk up and welcome Jackie
56:58 that other people will not welcome.
57:00 We'll walk up and say neither do I
57:03 condemn the end we felt good
57:04 that we were following the example of Jesus
57:06 but what happens when we step into Gethsemane?
57:08 Is that where our feet stops
57:11 and I think that this morning you know
57:15 it's exciting to get onto evangelism
57:18 but I think when the Bible
57:19 and Taj brought this out,
57:21 when this gospel is preached on the way
57:23 for witness it doesn't say everyone will be
57:26 converted but it says no one in that
57:30 second resurrection would be able to see me
57:32 and say that you gave in the incorrect picture.
57:35 Amen. You didn't show how me where
57:37 Jesus actually look like.
57:39 And I think that's, that for me is the,
57:44 is the scary thing because to try to
57:49 achieve that is gonna take something
57:52 that I don't think that we are ready
57:53 to embrace and if we can honestly
57:55 wake up every morning of our lives
57:57 and say that, Lord I know that as I continue
58:00 to surrender my life to you
58:01 I am one step closer to Calvary.
58:03 Amen. Embrace that cross.
58:05 And this is my final thought on this;
58:07 I was reading an early writings about
58:09 a time of Jacob's struggle.
58:11 And sister White said,
58:13 that when the people of God at that time
58:16 were stressing and they were,
58:17 they were burdened and she says the
58:20 angels of God wanted to go and help them
58:22 and encouraged them and she said,
58:24 a tall angel stood up and said no
58:25 they have to drink of the cup.
58:27 They have to drink of the cup and we say,
58:32 Jesus I want to sit on your right head
58:33 and your left then we want to be willing
58:35 to drink of the cup. I hope that our
58:40 discussion this morning was insightful
58:42 and that, it truly penetrated
58:45 our Christianity.


Revised 2014-12-17