Generation of Youth for Christ 2010

Sat. Morning Devotional

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Thando Malambo


Series Code: 10GYC

Program Code: 10GYC000008

00:12 This morning I'm going to share with you a message
00:15 that I first shared with our students and stride
00:19 in Boston and it's entitled "Fully Persuaded."
00:23 Our title this morning is "Fully Persuaded."
00:30 And as we think about our theme, no turning
00:33 back, right. I think that many of us would
00:36 recognize that one of the things that temps us
00:40 to turn back is trials right. That often times
00:43 when we face trials, challenges, difficulties
00:48 or suffering that seems to make no sense
00:51 it's at those moments that we are tempted
00:53 to doubt the providence of God,
00:56 to doubt the leading of God and we're
00:58 tempted to halter. If not even shrink from
01:02 the path of duty. The book Sacrifice
01:07 and Commitments that I encourage
01:09 you to read. Tells of a time when James
01:14 White went through the streets of Brunswick,
01:18 Maine. With a bag upon his shoulder in which
01:22 were a few beans and a little milk and rice
01:25 flour to keep his family from starving.
01:29 Times were hard and the book tells us that
01:34 he entered the house singing the song
01:37 I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stranger.
01:40 And as he entered the house Ellen White
01:42 looked at him and asked has it come to this,
01:46 has God forsaken us, are we reduced to this.
01:52 And James White's answer was, hush,
01:57 the Lord has not forsaken us. He gives us enough
02:02 for our wants. Jesus fed no better.
02:09 And the one to pick up that question has
02:11 God forsaken us, has God forsaken me?
02:16 I know there's been times in my experience
02:19 when I have asked that question and maybe
02:22 that's true for some of us here this morning
02:23 as well. And in our study this morning
02:27 we are going to discover that the Bible paints
02:30 a completely different picture. The trials,
02:34 challenges, difficulties are not there to
02:37 weaken our faith or to make us doubt the
02:39 leading and the providence of God,
02:41 but the trials, challenges and difficulties are
02:46 there to cultivate in us an invincible faith.
02:50 And the fundamental question for us to answer
02:55 this morning is, are we fully persuaded,
02:59 are we absolutely convinced that what God
03:03 has promised, God is able also to perform,
03:08 are we fully persuaded? Let us pray together
03:13 as we begin our message.
03:20 Our gracious heavenly Father.
03:23 We are before you this morning,
03:29 we've come here again Father to hear a word
03:32 from you. And gracious Lord, how we ask that
03:37 as you've spoken to us already in so many ways
03:40 this week that He would speak to us once again
03:43 this morning. Gracious Father, we invite your
03:49 presence, we pray for a fresh outpouring
03:52 of your spirit. We pray dear God that you would
03:56 be here to bring conviction to every heart,
03:59 and Father yet again just claim the promise of
04:02 Exodus 4:12 that as you promised Moses
04:06 you'd be with my moth and teach me what
04:08 I shall see. Father, for the sake of our salvation,
04:13 for the sake of every soul that is here this
04:15 morning, for the sake of everyone who will hear
04:18 this message, please take possession of my heart,
04:21 my mind, my mouth. Let your word and your
04:25 word only be spoken, and teach us what it
04:28 means to be fully persuaded.
04:31 We ask believing in Jesus name amen.
04:41 If you have your Bibles turn them with me to
04:45 Romans chapter 4 and I'm going to let you know
04:49 that this morning yet again, please have your
04:52 Bible, the pens, your notebooks and we're
04:56 gonna turn the page and scripture this morning
04:59 and studying this theme fully persuaded.
05:01 So Romans chapter 4 we begin in Romans chapter 4,
05:06 and before begin just by, by way of a brief
05:09 background, many of us will remember that
05:12 God had given Abraham a very startling promise,
05:16 in promising him a son, and promising him
05:19 descendents that would be as numerous as
05:21 the sands of the sea shore, innumerable in fact,
05:25 great. And you may recall that the first time the
05:28 promise was made in Genesis 15 that Abraham
05:33 doubt led him to hearken unto the voice of Sarah
05:37 and taking Hagar and the results was the birth
05:41 of Ishmael and bitterness in the family,
05:44 right. And the promise was repeated in
05:48 Genesis chapter 18 and by the time that promise
05:51 was repeated, the second time around,
05:53 this time around Abraham and Sarah
05:56 were at a point, they had exhausted human
05:58 means in trying to help God fulfill his promise
06:03 and so by the time the promise comes again,
06:06 in Genesis chapter 18 they're at a point where
06:09 they can do nothing, but wait on God
06:12 and it's on this account, Roman chapter 4 writes
06:16 I'm reading from verse 13. Are we there? Amen,
06:23 and the Bible says for the promise, that
06:27 he should be the heir of the world, was not to
06:30 Abraham or to his seed through the law,
06:32 but through the righteousness of faith.
06:34 And as we read I'm gonna ask you to pay
06:37 attention to how many times the word promise
06:41 is repeated okay. Verse 14, for if they which
06:46 are of the law be heirs. Faith is made void,
06:49 and the promise of known effect.
06:52 Because the law worketh wrath.
06:54 For where no law is, there is no transgression.
06:58 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by
07:01 grace; to the end the promise might be sure
07:05 to all the seed; not to that only which is of
07:08 the law, but to that also which is of the faith
07:11 of Abraham; who is the father of us all.
07:15 As it is written, I have made thee a father
07:20 of many nations, before him whom he believed,
07:23 even God, who quickeneth the dead,
07:26 and calleth those things which be not as though
07:29 they were. Verse 18, Who against hope
07:33 believed in hope, that he may become the father
07:37 of many nations, according to that which
07:39 was spoken, So shall thy seed be.
07:43 Verse 19, And being not weak in faith,
07:47 he considered not his own body now dead,
07:50 when he was yet a hundred years old,
07:53 neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb.
07:56 He staggered not at the promise of God
08:00 through unbelief; but was strong in faith,
08:02 giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded
08:07 that what he had promised, he was able
08:11 also to perform. Read with me again verse 19.
08:21 The Bible tells us that being not weak in faith,
08:25 Abraham considered not his own body now dead,
08:29 being about an hundred years old, neither yet
08:32 the deadness of Sarah's womb.
08:34 Let me paint the picture for you as the Bible
08:37 is painting it. Here is a man who was about a
08:39 100-years-old, physically dead in the
08:42 sense he could no longer had children then
08:44 you had his wife Sarah who first of all was
08:48 barren, then second of all she was past
08:51 menopause. And said with a double impossibility
08:55 right here you have these two bodies,
08:57 these two people who are physically dead
09:00 in a sense that no child can come out of their,
09:03 their bodies. And the Bible says Abraham being not
09:07 weak in faith considered not his own body now dead,
09:12 neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb.
09:15 Now medical science would have declared this
09:18 impossible right? I mean you're beyond child
09:22 barring age, you're old, it's impossible for you
09:24 to have a son. But in Abraham's mind this
09:27 situation was not about medical science.
09:32 It was about the God in whom he believed.
09:35 And the Bible tells us in verse 21, being fully
09:41 persuaded that what he had promised,
09:44 he was able also to perform.
09:46 So Abraham was fully persuaded that
09:49 what God had promised, God was able to perform,
09:53 and I wanna submit you that the reason
09:55 Abraham believed that God able and was fully
09:58 persuaded is given for us in verse 17.
10:02 Two things will note about the faith of Abraham.
10:07 First of all he was fully persuaded that God was
10:10 able and second, he did not stagger at the
10:13 promise of God. Look at verse 17 of
10:18 Romans chapter 4. As it is written,
10:20 I have made thee a father of many nations,
10:23 before him whom he believed, even God,
10:26 who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things
10:29 which be not as though they were.
10:32 So verse 17 is telling us that Abraham believed
10:36 in a God who quickeneth the dead,
10:38 a God who calls things that don't exist as though
10:42 they were. The word quickeneth in the
10:45 King James Version that word in the Greek
10:48 means to give life to cause to live.
10:52 So in your minds reason with that Abraham
10:55 believed in a God who could cause the dead
10:58 to live. He believed in a God who could bring
11:02 life from the dead. A creator who could
11:04 call into existence that which was not
11:07 previous there, so when he looked at himself,
11:10 yes my body is physically dead, yes Sarah's womb
11:14 is beyond dead, but I believe in a God who can
11:17 bring life from the dead. So he was fully persuaded
11:22 that what God had promised, God was able
11:24 to perform, because God is creator,
11:27 He quickeneth the dead and therefore being
11:31 not weak in faith, He considered not his own
11:34 body now dead. He was fully persuaded
11:38 that God is able. Are we fully persuaded?
11:43 Is God any less able today?
11:49 The second thing to note about the faith of
11:52 Abraham is that verse 20 records,
11:57 He staggered not at the promise of God
12:01 and as you can see clearly in this verses
12:04 the word promise occur so many times,
12:06 the promise of God he did not waver at the
12:10 promise of God. Now you know human promises
12:14 are like ropes of sand. Somebody can promise
12:18 to marry you today and change his mind
12:20 tomorrow right. It's sad but it happens.
12:24 But friends, this was not just any promise was it?
12:28 This was a promise of God and there is something
12:33 special, something fundamentally important
12:36 to remember about the promises of God.
12:39 And in writing about this, the writer of the book
12:42 of Hebrews has this to say, turn with me to book
12:44 of Hebrews chapter 6 to read about how
12:47 Hebrews paints the picture of Abraham's not
12:51 wavering at the promise of God right.
12:55 Hebrews chapter 6 when you get there please
12:58 say amen? Amen. Here if you want pages turning.
13:03 Hebrews chapter 6 say amen if you're there?
13:07 Amen, amen. I'm beginning for you in verse 13.
13:12 And again see the word promise repeated here
13:15 and then remember what Abraham was fully
13:17 persuaded. Beginning in verse 13 of Hebrews
13:19 chapter 6, For when God made promise to Abraham,
13:23 because he could swear by no greater,
13:26 he swore by himself. Saying, Surely blessing
13:30 I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply
13:34 thee. And so, after he had patiently endured,
13:38 he obtained the promise. For men verily swear
13:43 by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is
13:46 to them an end of all strife. Wherein God,
13:50 willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs
13:53 of promise the immutability of his counsel,
13:58 confirmed it by an oath. That by two immutable
14:03 things, in which it was impossible for God to lie,
14:09 we might have a strong consolation, who have fled
14:13 for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set
14:16 before us. The writer of the book of Hebrews
14:21 is telling us here that you know often times
14:23 when man make a promise they swear by
14:26 somebody greater. But when God made His promise
14:29 to Abraham, God looked around and, you know
14:32 what there is no one greater than God.
14:34 And so God swore by Himself.
14:38 He made the promise and He confirmed it
14:41 by an oath that in these two immutable things,
14:45 when was it impossible for God to lie?
14:47 So understand with me that father Abraham
14:50 could be fully persuaded was because friends
14:53 it's impossible for God to lie. He gave His promise
14:57 and He swore by Himself confirmed it by an oath.
15:03 And Abraham did not waver at the promise
15:06 of God, he believed, fully persuaded and that's
15:11 verse 15 confirms that after he had patiently
15:17 endured, he obtained the promise.
15:22 And then in verse 12 the writer councils us you
15:26 and me, that ye be not slothful, but followers
15:31 of them who through faith and patience inherit
15:34 the promises. See how verse 12 is telling you
15:38 and me that the promises are there.
15:41 They are there to be inherited, but they're
15:43 inherited by those who exercise faith
15:47 and patience. Faith and patience.
15:54 And thus we find recorded in the famous chapter
15:59 on faith in Hebrews 11 the record.
16:03 In Hebrews 11 verse 11 and 12 where the Bible
16:08 confirms the faith of Abraham and Sarah tells
16:13 us in chapter 11 verse 11, are we there? Yeah.
16:18 Just a few chapters over. Hebrews 11 verse 11,
16:25 through faith also Sarah herself received
16:29 strength to conceive seed, and was delivered
16:32 of a child when she was past age,
16:34 because she judged him faithful who had promised.
16:38 And I think the logic of that verse suggest that
16:41 if it wasn't for her faith, if she hadn't
16:44 considered God faithful, if she had not believed
16:47 without wavering the promise of God
16:50 she may not have received strength to conceive
16:53 seed, but here's a woman, barren, beyond
16:57 child baring simply because she believed
17:01 the promise of God, she received strength
17:04 to conceive seed. And God rights the
17:08 impossible in her life, because she trusted the
17:11 promise of God. The fundamental word this
17:14 morning friends is promise, promise of God.
17:19 Now as you think of Hebrews 11 and it's a
17:22 famous topic that we read over and over again
17:24 is the chapter, the great hall of fame,
17:27 the great hall of faith as we call it.
17:29 In verse 3 of Hebrews 11 is something
17:35 fundamental about faith that I want us to
17:38 understand this morning. Because we're talking
17:41 here about a faith that is fully persuaded.
17:44 Hebrews 11 verse 3, the Bible tells us that,
17:49 Through faith we understand that the
17:51 worlds were framed by the word of God,
17:54 so that things which are seen were not made
17:57 of things which do appear.
18:01 So faith understands that the worlds were
18:06 framed by the word of God.
18:07 In another words, faith understands that
18:11 God commanded and it stood fast.
18:15 Faith understands that when God said let there
18:18 be lights as he pronounced those
18:20 words light was created. Faith understands the
18:25 creative ability of the word of God.
18:28 Faith understands that when God speaks
18:32 He transforms reality. In another words friends,
18:36 in the mind of somebody who has faith,
18:40 somebody who is fully persuaded when God
18:42 speaks it as good as done. God speaks therefore
18:47 it is. Do you understand friends that the word
18:52 of God just by merely speaking the word
18:55 God creates. God creates, He just speaks and it's
19:00 done. Let there be a firmament its done.
19:05 So I hope now you're beginning to see a
19:08 deeper picture of why I believe Abraham was
19:11 fully persuaded. Because friends, reality for a
19:16 Christian, reality for me and for you is not
19:19 defined by what we feel or what we go
19:22 through, it's defined by thus saith the Lord.
19:26 God speaks therefore it is, whether we feel,
19:32 whether we feel it or not, God speaks
19:36 therefore it is. And writing about this in the
19:40 Book Education pages 253 Ellen White has this
19:44 very profound statement to say.
19:48 Whatever gift God promises, is in the promise
19:54 itself. Are you listening to that? Whatever gift
19:59 God promises, is in the promise itself.
20:02 As surely as the oak is in the acorn,
20:05 so surely is the gift of God in His promise.
20:09 If we receive the promise, we have the gift.
20:15 The gift of God is in His promise.
20:19 And if we receive the promise we have the gift.
20:25 So now you consider by God's promise to Abraham
20:28 Sarah thy wife shall have a son.
20:32 God spoke the promise did He not and in,
20:35 in, in sense friends in a, in a very real sense
20:39 when God spoke those words, Sarah thy wife
20:41 shall have a son, in speaking the words God
20:45 in a sense gave Isaac to Abraham.
20:49 Because God pronounced the promise
20:50 and when God spoke it was as good as done.
20:53 So why would waver at a promise of God.
20:57 God said it, therefore it is.
21:07 The kind of faith that it believes in the
21:13 word of God. The kind of faith that is fully
21:16 persuaded is critical for us. Critical for us if
21:21 we are to have a not turning back experience,
21:24 because this kind of faith that we're talking
21:26 about this morning is the only kind of faith
21:29 that will endure trial without turning back.
21:33 The only kind of faith that will endure without
21:37 turning back and as you can see the rest
21:39 of Hebrews chapter 11, you read in verse
21:41 36 about men and women of faith in
21:45 verse 36, who had trial of cruel mockings
21:50 and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds
21:53 and imprisonment. And verse 37, They
21:56 were stoned, they were sawn asunder,
21:59 they were tempted, they were slain with the
22:01 sword: they wandered about in sheepskins
22:03 and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted,
22:06 tormented. Their trial of cruel mockings
22:13 and scourgings, bonds and imprisonments.
22:17 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder
22:21 you know what that means sawn asunder?
22:23 Slain with a sword. And yet, verse 39 records
22:31 that they still obtained a good report
22:34 through faith. That in spite of their trails,
22:37 in spite of what they suffered, in spite
22:39 of the cruelty, the mockings, the bond
22:42 imprisonment, they still had faith.
22:44 And their faith did not waver, their faith did
22:49 not waver. Being fully persuaded,
22:54 being fully persuaded. And I want to submit to
23:01 you this morning that the reason many
23:05 of us are tempted to turn back when those
23:10 trials come upon us. Is because we're not
23:12 fully persuaded. But God's promises are as
23:16 sure as sure can be. We're not fully
23:20 persuaded. You see verse 13 of Hebrews 11,
23:30 tells us that these all died in faith right?
23:36 Not having received the things promised,
23:40 but having seen them afar off, and were
23:42 persuaded of them, and embraced them,
23:45 and confessed that they were strangers
23:47 and pilgrims on the earth. And the ESV translates
23:53 this verse this way. It says, these all died
23:56 in faith, not having received the things
23:59 promised, but having seen them afar off.
24:05 They didn't need to receive it to not it was
24:08 coming. They took the promise of God
24:10 and that was enough for them.
24:12 God had promised. And the Bible goes
24:17 so far as to say in verse 35, listen to verse 35.
24:22 And you, as you think about this faith that
24:24 radically trust the promise of God no matter
24:27 what. Verse 35 tells us that, women received
24:32 their dead raised to life again: and others
24:34 were tortured, not accepting deliverance;
24:37 that they might obtain a better resurrection.
24:41 What kind of person refuses deliverance from
24:45 torture. What kind of person does that?
24:51 They refuse deliverance, so they might obtain a
24:53 better resurrection. They hadn't seen the
24:57 resurrection physically.
25:00 The only way that they knew that there
25:02 was a resurrection was guess what,
25:04 the promise of God. That's all they had.
25:08 God had promised a better resurrection
25:11 and though they didn't feel it or see it
25:13 God had promised and God's promise
25:16 was enough. Are we fully persuaded?
25:21 That what God has promised,
25:23 God is able to perform. Are we persuaded?
25:30 Many of us trials come, we're tempted to
25:33 shrink back. Trials come we,
25:37 we doubt the goodness and the mercy of God.
25:40 we doubt the love of God. and then as I think about
25:44 it friends I, I just, I have to ask,
25:47 what are our trials? What are the things
25:51 that we consider trials? You get rejected by
25:54 a boyfriend or girlfriend that's trial.
25:58 Maybe you've got pimples or acne,
26:00 maybe you've got not queue to close
26:02 to work at GYC that's trial.
26:05 Are those are trials? You know I,
26:09 I keep my African hair natural in
26:11 all of its glory. One morning I
26:13 woke up and my hair was a mess.
26:16 and I remember I sit at the mirror
26:17 and I say to myself, what I'm gonna
26:21 do with my hair, life is so hard?
26:25 And you laugh 'cause it's ridiculous.
26:28 For me that was trial. Persecution,
26:30 my hair was a mess. God had mercy upon us.
26:35 Friends, we need to get over ourselves.
26:38 Because our trials are not as deep as we
26:40 think they are. They're not even
26:42 that deep. You know in the
26:49 book Cross Examination which I encourage
26:57 you to read because it goes over
27:00 reasons why we can believe right?
27:03 As far as establishing the evidence for our
27:06 faith and our belief. And I also wanted
27:09 to read it because I spend countless
27:11 days and nights editing it,
27:13 so you must read it. But in this book
27:18 the Author Dr. Pundit quotes for us
27:21 some of the things that the disciples suffered.
27:24 And he quotes for us how they
27:26 were slaughtered, how they faced arrest,
27:29 imprisonment, beating and horrible
27:31 deaths and not one of them,
27:33 not a single one of them turned back.
27:37 Listen to this, Peter was crucified
27:40 upside down. You know what
27:42 that feels like? Crucified upside down.
27:47 James was stoned to death,
27:49 Matthew was killed by the sword.
27:52 James, son of Alphaeus was crucified
27:56 Thaddaeus was shot through with arrows
28:00 to his death. Simon the Zealot
28:03 was crucified, Thomas killed with a spear,
28:06 Paul beheaded. And we think we have
28:09 trials! We think we have trails GYC?
28:16 Now let me be understood. Some of our trials
28:20 maybe deeper. We may lose a loved one,
28:25 we may face major health challenges.
28:28 Well my point here this morning is
28:31 no matter how big or small it is.
28:35 The trial is irrelevant if we're fully persuaded.
28:39 Amen. If we're fully persuaded of the
28:44 promises of God let the trials come
28:47 we will not turn back. Small or as big as
28:52 they are we shall not turn back,
28:55 because God has promised. God has promised.
29:03 Abraham was fully persuaded that what
29:07 God had promised, God was able to perform.
29:14 And I wanna submit to you that that's
29:19 the kind of faith you and I need to cultivate.
29:25 Wanna share with you an account that
29:26 the first time I read it brought tears
29:29 to my eyes. This from the book,
29:31 Tortured For Christ. Then again I
29:33 encourage you to, I'm a bookworm so
29:35 forgive me, I recommend a lot of book,
29:37 I love books. And well it's particular
29:39 book is a must read, to gain some
29:42 prospective on our petty trials,
29:46 because this book describes some trials
29:47 that will pierce your soul,
29:49 that Christians and Communist countries
29:51 have suffered for their faith.
29:54 The author Richard Wurmbrand writes
29:58 about how his son Mihai 11-years-old
30:04 seeing his parents arrested and tortured
30:08 for their faith in Christ. And I cannot recount
30:12 for you the kind of horrors that
30:14 they suffered. You know sometimes
30:16 they would have starving rats driven
30:20 into their cells at night. I don't know if
30:24 you can imagine that. When I was on mission
30:27 in Zambia this summer in July with,
30:30 the impact Zambia missionaries went to
30:33 this Island called Chilubi Island and I was
30:36 there for a couple of days doing ministry
30:38 going door to door, sharing Bible studies
30:40 with people, and just being a
30:41 missionary and sleeping on the floor,
30:43 the cold hard concrete floor in a room
30:45 with rats and mosquitoes. And I remember my
30:49 first night going to sleep in my sleeping bag,
30:53 hitting the rats moving in there
30:55 and then I thought to myself only for Jesus.
31:00 Only for Jesus would I do this right.
31:03 Just a couple of rats. These Christians
31:07 had starving rats driven into their
31:09 cells at night. And others were made
31:12 to stand for two weeks day and night.
31:17 Others were put into refrigerators
31:19 and repeatedly frozen and taken out again.
31:24 Women were raped, cruel horrors and
31:29 as Mihai. Young Mihai sees his parents
31:31 suffer he, he pointed in his mind
31:34 how can a good and loving God permit
31:36 my parents to suffer these things without
31:39 reason and he abandoned the faith
31:43 because he thought I cannot believe
31:45 in a God who would permit this to happen
31:47 to my parents, who have done
31:49 nothing wrong. And you know what happened?
31:53 He went to see his mother in prison
31:56 and he was allowed to see her.
31:58 And when he saw his mother behind
32:00 bars right, behind bars she was weak,
32:08 she's thin, she's bruised,
32:09 she is battered and she looks at
32:11 her son and the first thing she says
32:13 to him is Mihai, believe in Jesus.
32:17 Here's a woman who has suffered in,
32:20 incredible torture and the first thing
32:23 she has to say to her son,
32:25 please believe in Jesus. Her suffering,
32:29 her trials did not make her forget
32:32 or turn back her faith in Jesus.
32:35 And then Mihai looked at his mother
32:41 and he says to himself if my mother,
32:42 if my mother can still believe in Christ
32:44 even now, Christ must be a real savior
32:48 and he was converted right there and then.
32:52 His mother's faith, his mother's unshaken
32:56 faith won him back to Christ.
33:00 Here is a woman who was fully persuaded.
33:03 That no matter what I suffer right now
33:05 God has promised and God's promises
33:09 are sure. God promised He would never
33:13 leave me nor forsake me. God promised that it
33:17 was a blessed thing to suffer for Christ
33:19 say God promise these things.
33:21 And because God promised she
33:23 did not waver. Are we fully persuaded?
33:33 Are we fully persuaded? I want to remind us
33:40 this morning friends that the Bible
33:43 has told us, that in this world we
33:50 shall have tribulation. It does say that
33:53 doesn't it? Matter of fact Dr. Walsh
33:57 read for us from 2nd Timothy chapter
34:00 3 last night, that all who live godly
34:04 in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
34:10 It did not say that they may suffer
34:13 persecution, it say they shall.
34:17 It will come guaranteed. But when it comes
34:21 it calls for minds that are fully persuaded.
34:24 Young people who would say no matter
34:26 what I go through God is good
34:29 and God has promised. Because the trials
34:32 will come. Let me ask you
34:34 something friends. I, you know I,
34:38 the brain and my heart is just heavy
34:41 to how but understand who God is?
34:45 Does God lie? So if it's impossible
34:49 for God to lie, why is it hard to
34:52 believe to be fully persuaded?
34:57 Maybe some of us have believed in a liar.
34:58 I know I haven't, I know him
35:03 and whom I have believe it and I'm
35:06 persuaded that he is able friends.
35:09 I'm fully convinced that God is able.
35:14 And that God does not lie.
35:15 In fact God cannot lie. Even if He wanted to.
35:19 And you know why He cannot lie,
35:21 because His word creates reality.
35:25 So even if God wanted to lie
35:27 "suppose God were to lie" suppose,
35:31 he were to lie and say Thando is Asian.
35:36 The minute he says that I became Asian.
35:40 And it's funny but it's true that's
35:42 why God cannot lie. So if God cannot lie
35:46 and His word transforms our reality,
35:49 unbelief, it's senseless.
35:52 How do you not believe the spoken word
35:53 of God which creates your reality.
35:56 God speaks therefore it is.
35:59 Unbelief makes no sense and that's
36:02 why Jesus marvels. The angels marvel at
36:05 our lack of faith. They marvel.
36:09 How can we not believe?
36:18 In Conflict And Courage page 369,
36:25 the servants of the Lord writes
36:27 that the season of distress and anguish
36:31 before us will require a faith that can
36:40 endure weariness, delay and hunger.
36:41 A faith that will not faint those
36:44 severely tried. The times ahead
36:49 of us require such a faith that will
36:53 not faint those severely tried.
36:58 And friends, I submit to you
37:00 this morning that if we're not willing
37:02 to endure hardness as a good soldier
37:06 of Christ Jesus. We might as well
37:08 turn back right now. The kind of faith
37:13 that stands only in good times is
37:15 no faith at all. That's not faith.
37:21 The stony ground faith is good
37:23 for nothing, and I think it's about
37:26 time we show some backbone.
37:29 It's about time we show the world what
37:31 it means to believe in God even when
37:34 trials make no sense, backbone friends,
37:36 where is our backbone? The slightest
37:40 hint of trouble we're running away from God.
37:42 Almost like Israel in the wilderness.
37:45 When they left Egypt. Every time some
37:49 challenge came, oh well lets go
37:50 back to Egypt. As if Egypt were
37:52 better than Canaan, have mercy.
37:58 And you know how Hebrews 11 transitions
38:00 to Hebrews chapter 12 after giving us
38:03 these examples of faith. He then goes on
38:06 to say in Hebrews chapter 12
38:08 and verse 1. The Bible says,
38:11 Wherefore seeing that we also are
38:14 compassed about with so great a cloud
38:18 of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight,
38:23 and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
38:26 and let us run with patience the race
38:29 set before us. Looking unto Jesus,
38:33 the author and finisher of our faith;
38:37 who for the joy set before him endured
38:40 the cross, despising the shame,
38:42 and is set down at the right hand
38:44 of the throne of God. For consider
38:48 him who endured such contradiction
38:51 of sinners against himself,
38:54 lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
38:58 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood,
39:02 striving against sin. And if you faith is
39:10 tempted to faultier Hebrews tells you to
39:14 look to Jesus. Who is not just the author
39:18 but the finisher of your faith.
39:21 And who is an example of the kind of
39:23 faith that we must cultivate as well.
39:27 For the joy set before him,
39:31 he endured the cross. Will we for the joy set
39:35 before us endure the hardness of trial.
39:41 By the grace of God and after Christ's
39:44 own example. Abraham did not
39:51 stagger at the promise of God.
40:01 Turn back to Romans chapter 4, you know
40:08 I want to read again in your hearing
40:11 which is 20 and 21. Abraham staggered not
40:17 at the promise of God through unbelief;
40:20 but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.
40:23 And being fully persuaded that what he had promised,
40:27 he was able also to perform.
40:32 Friends, you can doubt any promise you
40:36 want to doubt, but please, please lets have the
40:41 common sense enough not to doubt the promises of God.
40:47 Let's not charge God with crimes He has not
40:50 committed. Think of your favorite Bible promise.
40:59 One of mine is Matthew 6:33 you know what that
41:02 one says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and
41:05 his righteousness; and all these things will be
41:09 added unto you. But you know how many of us do.
41:13 We waste our lives seeking things that God wants to
41:16 add on to us. Are we fully persuaded friends?
41:25 God says, just seek one thing, now add everything
41:29 else unto you. Be fully persuaded.
41:33 I think of the promise in John Chapter 14:1-4,
41:39 where he promised that in his father's house
41:42 are many mansions, but he went to repair a
41:45 place for us that he would come again to receive us
41:48 unto himself. And we look around it's been hundreds
41:52 of years we're singing the same song,
41:54 is he really coming? We doubt,
41:57 are we fully persuaded? I think of 1st John 1 verse 9
42:07 that beloved promise that if we confess our sins,
42:11 He is faithful and just to forgive us and to
42:14 cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
42:18 Everyone would come to God, we pray for
42:20 forgiveness then we rise from pressed through
42:23 burden by guilt as if we had no pardon.
42:29 Are we fully persuaded? I think of how in announcing
42:39 Christ birth to Mary in Matthew 1 verse 21.
42:43 The angel said you will call His name Jesus,
42:46 for He will save His people from their sins
42:51 that promise that Jesus will save.
42:54 Are we fully persuaded of that? Many of us go
43:01 through life struggling with the same sins over
43:04 and over again suffering defeat after defeat as
43:09 if we had no savior. And I'm afraid that in some
43:16 ways maybe we've come to think of Jesus as
43:21 somebody who just nurses chronic sinners.
43:27 Jesus saves friends. He doesn't just nurse
43:32 us in our sins. He saves us from them.
43:35 Are we fully persuaded of that? Jesus saves.
43:41 Are we fully persuaded? The writer of amazing
43:50 grace that beloved him is a man by the
43:53 name of John Newton. Some of you may know that
43:58 John Newton was a salve
43:59 ship owner before his conversion.
44:03 That he took an active part in that
44:06 horrible trade of men. When he was converted
44:10 he wrote the song amazing grace.
44:13 I once was blind, but now I see. In his old age
44:17 he's quoted as saying this,
44:20 "my memory is nearly gone, but I remember
44:25 two things very clearly, that I'm a great sinner
44:31 and that Christ is a great savior." Amen.
44:35 Are you fully persuaded? We could go on and on
44:48 listing his precious promises.
44:53 The question is are we fully persuaded?
44:57 You know in 2nd Peter chapter 1 writing about
45:02 these, these precious promises Peter says
45:04 this in 2nd Peter chapter 1 lets go there verse 4,
45:10 may I read verse 3 and 4. Verse 3 and verse 4,
45:19 are we there? 2nd Peter 1 was to 3 and verse 4
45:26 the Bible says, According as his divine power
45:29 hath given unto us all things that pertain
45:32 unto life and godliness, through the
45:35 knowledge of him that have called us to glory
45:38 and virtue. Whereby are given unto us
45:42 exceeding great and precious promises,
45:46 that by these ye might be partakers of a divine
45:49 nature, having escaped the corruption that is in
45:54 the world through lust. Do you see the little
45:58 word by in verse 4. It is by these exceeding
46:03 great and precious promises that we are to
46:06 partake of the divine nature in the promises of
46:10 God is contained everything we need.
46:14 Why then would we not believe in the
46:17 promises of God. It's by them that we have
46:21 to partake of the divine nature.
46:24 Friends, the promises of God are as sure as
46:27 sure can be. They are to be trusted no matter
46:31 what, they're to be believed no matter what.
46:37 Let's not do God the disservice of accusing him
46:41 as a liar. That's what the world thinks of God.
46:46 They think he's a liar, an imposter.
46:48 They think he is unjust, he is evil,
46:50 he is not good enough. Is there somebody here
46:55 today willing to believe in the goodness of God
46:57 no matter what they suffer.
47:01 Willing to believe the promise of God is shown
47:03 no matter what they go through.
47:05 That when there is a dissonant what I feel
47:08 and what I know in my mind, I will not trust
47:10 what I feel, but I trust what God has said.
47:14 Because reality is not what I feel or go through,
47:17 it's what has God said that's reality.
47:21 Is there somebody out there fully persuaded,
47:25 that yes there is pain, yes there is suffering,
47:27 but God has promised a better day.
47:32 God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us.
47:36 God has promised that nothing, not even death
47:40 can separate us from the love of God.
47:43 God has promised. Now we fully persuaded
47:48 that what God has promised.
47:49 God is able to perform. Are we fully persuaded?
47:57 I'm afraid for us and I'm afraid because Hebrews
48:04 chapter 4 talks about a danger
48:06 when it's a God against. In our last scripture
48:10 Hebrews chapter 4 and I want to read this verse
48:13 and hearing as a sobering thought,
48:16 as a sobering thought.
48:20 I'm gonna read verse 1 and verse 2. Are we there?
48:30 The Bibles says, Hebrews chapter 4, 1 and 2
48:34 Let us therefore fear, lest a promise being left
48:37 us of entering into his rest, any of you
48:41 should seem to come short of it.
48:43 For the gospel for unto us was the gospel preached,
48:48 as well as unto them: but the word preached
48:52 did not profit them, not being mixed with
48:56 faith in them that heard it.
49:01 Did you read verse two with me?
49:05 Talking about the wilderness experience
49:08 of Israel that the word they heard.
49:13 They heard the word or rights but did them
49:16 no profits, not being mixed with
49:19 faith in them that heard it.
49:22 And it says, let us therefore fear,
49:25 lest a promise being left us and we do have a
49:28 promise being left us of entering His rest.
49:31 Let us fear, lest by unbelief we fall short
49:35 of that promise. Unbelief is the most senseless
49:41 thing in the world. At least unbelief in God,
49:46 unbelief in the promise of God is nonsensical.
49:51 Because when God speaks it's done and
49:56 let us fear. Lets the promise being left
50:00 us of entering his rest we come short of it
50:03 through unbelief. Let us therefore fear.
50:13 In closing, I want to remind us of where we
50:17 begun in Romans chapter 4, where the Bible tells
50:21 us the Abraham was fully persuaded,
50:25 that what God had promised.
50:26 God was able to perform. You know how NLT
50:31 translates that verse, it says Abraham was
50:34 absolutely convinced, he was absolutely convinced
50:40 that God was able to do anything He promised.
50:50 And I think the final reason why we cannot
50:54 turn back is if we're fully persuaded of what God
50:58 has promised then victory is guaranteed.
51:02 How many things do you do in life where success
51:07 is guaranteed? What if you walk into your organic
51:11 chemistry class and you were guaranteed
51:13 an A plus. How would that feel?
51:19 The Christian journey, if we believe the word of
51:23 God. If we believe the promises of God victory
51:26 is guaranteed in Jesus. So friends, if you're
51:30 going to battle and you knew that your enemy
51:34 was defeated. Would you retreat? How can you
51:38 retreat from battle with a defeated enemy it
51:41 makes no sense. Friends, Satan is a defeated foe,
51:48 Calvary field the deal on this battle.
51:52 He's defeated and let him, let him bring
51:56 the trial, let him bring the temptations,
51:58 he is defeated. We are fighting a defeated foe,
52:03 if we believe in Jesus. If we belief the promises
52:05 of God. Revelation 21 verse 4 is still
52:11 true today. There's coming a day when God
52:14 will wipe away all tears from the our eyes.
52:17 When there shall be no more death, no more sorrow
52:21 or crying God has promised that and if we believe
52:25 the promise of God we cannot go back,
52:27 victory is guaranteed. Victory is assured.
52:34 We cannot go back. Let the trials come,
52:37 let the challenges come. We cannot, we must not
52:44 go back for we are fully persuaded that what God
52:48 has promised, God is able to perform.
52:56 The December issue of the voice of Madrid
53:00 newsletter tells the story of a woman by the name
53:04 of Gloria and her husband Manuel who had moved
53:09 to a remote village in Colombia that was
53:12 controlled by drug trafficking guerrillas.
53:17 They went there as missionaries to an area,
53:20 to villages where all churches had been closed.
53:26 Their work was hard, but they gave it all
53:29 their effort. You know one morning after family
53:33 prayer they heard somebody outside calling
53:37 Manuel's name. And when Manuel stepped
53:40 outside it's a group of guerrillas that shot him
53:45 through five times. And one of them shouts
53:49 at shoot him, again make sure he is dead.
53:53 And Gloria walks out of house to see her
53:56 husband lying in a pool of blood.
54:02 She picked up his body, tears swimming down her
54:06 face and sat by a nearby tree and then she went
54:12 into her house and she grabbed her Bible
54:14 she's crying, her husband is dead, neighbors are
54:17 gathering around what's going on Gloria.
54:20 She takes her Bible and she kneels by her
54:22 husband's dead body and she reads from the gospel
54:26 of John and she says, this is that my husband
54:30 believed and then she said, Satan did not win
54:35 the battle today, God did. Amen.
54:40 She got up and she kept on preaching the gospel
54:44 after losing her husband in such a painful
54:47 nonsensical way Gloria kept on going.
54:51 God won the battle. Now there is a woman
54:55 who's fully persuaded. The songwriter says I'm
55:02 standing on the promises of God. Standing on the
55:07 promises that cannot fail, though the howling
55:12 winds of doubt and fear fail, I'm standing on
55:16 the promises of God and by the living word of
55:20 God I shall prevail. Standing on the
55:25 promises of God. Who is standing with me?
55:31 Who is standing with me on the promises of God.
55:42 The promises that cannot fail. Standing on the
55:44 promises of God. And you know my experience
55:51 being here preaching at GYC has been a test
55:54 of my fully persuadedness. You know when they
55:58 first asked me to preach. I remember I almost
56:01 fainted. That's it myself Lord I'm only 24 years
56:06 old just graduated, I'm a chemist,
56:09 I don't have any theology training.
56:12 Barely a year of experience in preaching.
56:14 What I might gonna say to GYC. And God's answer
56:19 to me was Thando, are you fully persuaded that
56:23 in your weakness my strength is made perfect.
56:26 Amen. Are you fully persuaded?
56:29 And in front this shy 24 year old is preaching to
56:32 you today that's a miracle of the grace of God.
56:37 Are we fully persuaded friends, that what God
56:39 has promised even when we don't see it or
56:43 feel it. It's still true because God has
56:46 promised. And it's one promise you can be sure
56:50 will never ever fail. God has never
56:51 failed anybody. Don't accuse Him of failing you.
56:57 God never lied, it's impossible for
56:59 God to lie. We will overcome,
57:04 we'll go all the way. We'll have the backbone
57:08 to stand up and face the trials, because God
57:12 has promised. Show some backbone friends.
57:17 People in the world suffer for foolish causes,
57:21 who will suffer for Christ's sake?
57:24 And suffer and counted all joy because God
57:27 has promised. Yes, it hurts but count
57:29 it all joy, because God's promises as sure
57:34 as sure can be. God has promised.
57:44 And in 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 12,
57:47 Paul fully persuaded writes,
57:53 that even though he suffers these bonds
57:55 nevertheless he is not ashamed. For I know whom I
58:01 have believed and I'm persuaded that he is able
58:07 to keep what I've committed unto him
58:09 against that day. May God help us to be
58:17 fully persuaded that he is able,
58:24 that he is able and if we believe
58:26 this there's no turning back.


Revised 2014-12-17