For those of you who were not here last night 00:00:11.53\00:00:14.66 our evening speaker is Dr. Eric Walsh. 00:00:14.66\00:00:17.90 He is living proof that good things 00:00:17.90\00:00:20.33 can come from California. Not only is 00:00:20.33\00:00:24.63 he a family man and an esteemed physician 00:00:24.63\00:00:27.96 he is also a deep convicting passionate 00:00:27.96\00:00:31.43 preacher of the word of God. 00:00:31.43\00:00:32.80 And I know that we'll be blessed tonight 00:00:32.80\00:00:34.63 by his message. But before 00:00:34.63\00:00:36.26 he speaks we'll be blessed in song. 00:00:36.26\00:00:38.20 Good evening. One night I lay a sleeping 00:00:41.93\00:01:00.43 There came a dream so fair, 00:01:00.43\00:01:06.53 I stood in the old Jerusalem 00:01:07.23\00:01:13.66 Beside the temple there 00:01:14.20\00:01:19.40 I heard the children singing 00:01:20.20\00:01:25.06 And ever as they sang, 00:01:25.06\00:01:29.93 I thought the voice of angels 00:01:29.93\00:01:36.30 From heaven in answer rang 00:01:36.30\00:01:42.26 I thought the sweet voice of angels 00:01:42.26\00:01:48.86 From heaven in answering Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem! 00:01:48.86\00:02:05.70 Hark! How the angels sing, 00:02:05.70\00:02:12.00 Hosanna in the highest. 00:02:12.00\00:02:18.00 Hosanna to your lowly King! 00:02:18.00\00:02:25.33 Now suddenly my dream was changed 00:02:36.00\00:02:40.53 The streets no longer rang 00:02:40.53\00:02:45.50 Hush now the glad hosannas 00:02:45.50\00:02:51.03 The little children once sang 00:02:51.03\00:02:56.30 The Sun grew dark with mystery, 00:02:56.30\00:03:01.80 The morn was cold and chill 00:03:01.80\00:03:06.70 As the shadow of a cross arose 00:03:06.70\00:03:13.03 Upon Golgotha's heel. 00:03:13.03\00:03:18.26 As the shadow of his cross arose 00:03:18.26\00:03:25.20 Upon that lonely hill Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem! 00:03:25.20\00:03:39.16 Lift up your gates and sing. 00:03:39.16\00:03:44.60 Hosanna in the highest. 00:03:44.60\00:03:50.16 Hosanna to the risen King! 00:03:50.16\00:03:57.43 But once again my dream was changed 00:03:58.46\00:04:02.76 New earth there seemed to be, 00:04:03.73\00:04:06.80 I saw the holy city Behind a glassy sea 00:04:08.10\00:04:17.20 The light of Christ was on her streets 00:04:17.20\00:04:22.50 The gates were open wide, 00:04:22.50\00:04:27.63 That all who would might enter there 00:04:27.63\00:04:33.80 And no one was denied. 00:04:33.80\00:04:38.63 No need of moon or stars by night, 00:04:38.63\00:04:44.96 Or Sun to rule by day, 00:04:44.96\00:04:50.26 For this was the New Jerusalem 00:04:50.26\00:04:55.63 That would not pass away It was our New Jerusalem 00:04:55.63\00:05:06.86 That would never ever pass away 00:05:06.86\00:05:16.70 Oh Jerusalem! Oh Jerusalem! 00:05:16.70\00:05:25.20 Sing for your night is over 00:05:25.20\00:05:30.73 Hosanna in the highest Hosanna for evermore! 00:05:30.73\00:05:43.53 Hosanna in the highest Hosanna for evermore! 00:05:43.53\00:06:23.50 Amen. Happy Sabbath GYC. 00:06:23.50\00:06:34.83 Happy Sabbath, Happy Sabbath. 00:06:34.83\00:06:37.00 Let me just also say to you Happy New Year. 00:06:38.60\00:06:40.93 The Bible says in the evening 00:06:40.93\00:06:43.23 and the morning were the first day, 00:06:43.23\00:06:46.56 so we don't wait till midnight 00:06:46.56\00:06:48.43 for balls to drop. We know that 00:06:48.43\00:06:51.16 when the sun sets the day is ended 00:06:51.16\00:06:53.86 and the new one is begun and so we, 00:06:53.86\00:06:55.50 I want to be the first, or one of the first to 00:06:55.50\00:06:58.00 welcome you into 2011, a year that I know 00:06:58.00\00:07:00.76 God has filled with opportunity 00:07:00.76\00:07:03.73 and promise for the spreading of the Gospel, 00:07:03.73\00:07:06.56 for reaching out to others and even for 00:07:06.56\00:07:08.96 some of us to deal with some issues 00:07:08.96\00:07:10.36 in our own lives, so I praise God for 00:07:10.36\00:07:12.73 the new year. Because that's one more year 00:07:12.73\00:07:15.50 that he allowed me to live to see, 00:07:15.50\00:07:16.90 and another year he's given us on opportunity 00:07:16.90\00:07:19.50 to be his servants and, we are, I think 00:07:19.50\00:07:21.80 we're a little short on time tonight. 00:07:21.80\00:07:23.43 So I'm gonna try and be obedient to the clock. 00:07:23.43\00:07:27.63 Somebody ought to say amen, amen. 00:07:27.63\00:07:29.36 I'm gonna do my best. But at the same time 00:07:29.36\00:07:33.23 I want what God has to be preached 00:07:33.23\00:07:35.70 to be preached. And so I ask that 00:07:35.70\00:07:38.26 you pray for me, and pray with me. 00:07:38.26\00:07:39.93 Turn with me in your Bibles to 00:07:39.93\00:07:41.40 Second Timothy chapter 3. We're gonna 00:07:41.40\00:07:44.30 continue tonight in our three part series 00:07:44.30\00:07:46.20 on the book of Second Timothy. 00:07:46.20\00:07:48.70 Our message tonight is entitled 00:07:49.23\00:07:51.96 Unflinching Faith. Second Timothy 00:07:51.96\00:07:54.63 chapter 3 and I'll read verses 1 through 5, 00:07:54.63\00:08:00.06 Second Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 5, 00:08:00.06\00:08:04.00 the Bible says this know also 00:08:05.23\00:08:07.90 that in the last days, perilous times 00:08:08.80\00:08:12.40 shall come. For men shall be lovers of 00:08:12.40\00:08:16.83 their own selves, covetous, boasters, 00:08:16.83\00:08:21.10 proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, 00:08:21.10\00:08:26.96 unthankful, unholy without natural 00:08:27.66\00:08:31.86 affection, truce breakers, 00:08:31.86\00:08:34.46 false accusers, incontinent, fierce, 00:08:34.46\00:08:38.80 despisers of those that are good, 00:08:38.80\00:08:41.83 traitors, heady, high-minded, 00:08:41.83\00:08:45.83 lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. 00:08:45.83\00:08:51.06 Having a form of godliness, but denying 00:08:52.00\00:08:57.13 the power thereof: from such turn away. 00:08:57.13\00:09:03.43 Our message again tonight, 00:09:03.43\00:09:06.13 is entitled Unflinching Faith. 00:09:06.13\00:09:09.56 Unflinching Faith. Let us pray. Father God, 00:09:10.66\00:09:12.90 we thank you Lord for this year 00:09:13.66\00:09:15.50 Holy Sabbath day. We thank you Father 00:09:15.50\00:09:18.93 for a new year. And Father God I just ask 00:09:18.93\00:09:24.03 right now that you make me an instrument 00:09:24.03\00:09:27.83 of your peace, a vessel for your truth, 00:09:27.83\00:09:31.73 and a canvas for your glory. 00:09:33.43\00:09:36.63 Let Eric Walsh not be seen or heard 00:09:37.43\00:09:39.30 tonight Lord. But Lord bring us a word 00:09:39.30\00:09:43.63 from the very throne room of grace. 00:09:44.43\00:09:46.50 This is our prayer in Jesus' name. 00:09:48.00\00:09:50.20 Amen, amen. Paul is still in the dungeon. 00:09:51.50\00:09:55.63 He is still living in very difficult 00:09:56.33\00:10:00.60 situation. He is writing Timothy trying to warn 00:10:00.60\00:10:06.50 Timothy, trying to encourage Timothy. 00:10:06.50\00:10:08.76 Paul is a disheveled, angry, not angry 00:10:10.20\00:10:16.33 but hungry man as he is trying to deal 00:10:16.33\00:10:19.46 with the difficulties of being a prisoner of 00:10:19.46\00:10:23.23 what is truly a mad man in narrow. 00:10:24.30\00:10:26.33 But Paul understood that when he was writing to 00:10:29.63\00:10:31.86 Timothy that by writing to Timothy he would get 00:10:31.86\00:10:34.90 word that would go far. He understood 00:10:34.90\00:10:38.70 the importance of what he was writing, 00:10:38.70\00:10:40.46 in fact when you look at the New Testament 00:10:40.46\00:10:42.90 much of the New Testament of 00:10:42.90\00:10:45.20 Paul's writings were submitted as affidavits 00:10:45.20\00:10:47.83 in Paul's defense. So the people who went 00:10:47.83\00:10:50.93 to try Paul when Paul was to go before Nero, 00:10:50.93\00:10:54.50 actually would have probably read 00:10:55.56\00:10:57.30 many of them much of the New Testament 00:10:57.30\00:10:59.76 in doing so. Also what would have been 00:10:59.76\00:11:03.70 submitted are the two books written by Luke, 00:11:03.70\00:11:06.33 the Apostle Luke's Gospel as well as the 00:11:06.33\00:11:09.50 Book of Acts. So much of the Bible was submitted, 00:11:09.50\00:11:13.60 so when Paul is writing here, he understands 00:11:13.60\00:11:16.16 that not only hopefully this Timothy 00:11:16.16\00:11:19.40 get the letter and he is hoping that Timothy 00:11:19.40\00:11:21.66 gets to him while he is still alive, 00:11:21.66\00:11:23.76 but also the Roman power itself 00:11:24.50\00:11:28.26 would get this letter. Because he was a 00:11:28.26\00:11:30.60 prisoner that it would be read before it was 00:11:30.60\00:11:32.90 distributed any further. So Paul is writing 00:11:32.90\00:11:36.80 to multiple audiences but tonight I wanna 00:11:36.80\00:11:39.43 focus on the audience of us. 00:11:39.43\00:11:42.46 The fact that Paul is writing as I said 00:11:43.13\00:11:45.63 last night a message to the last generation, 00:11:45.63\00:11:49.36 a message to those who would be alive 00:11:50.06\00:11:52.73 at the close of earth's history. 00:11:52.73\00:11:55.13 Paul is writing to try and give the same 00:11:55.13\00:11:59.30 admonition he's given to Timothy, 00:11:59.30\00:12:01.66 to those of you young people who would enter 00:12:01.66\00:12:04.36 into a work for Christ in the last days. 00:12:04.36\00:12:06.76 He's trying to prepare you for the 00:12:07.70\00:12:09.70 disappointment that will come from 00:12:09.70\00:12:12.30 being attached to the church 00:12:12.30\00:12:13.96 of the living God. That difficult 00:12:13.96\00:12:16.63 and perilous times would come. 00:12:16.63\00:12:18.53 And Paul is trying to make sure that you 00:12:19.36\00:12:21.76 understand upfront what you signed up for. 00:12:21.76\00:12:25.80 You live in a time when people will try 00:12:28.30\00:12:29.76 and trick you, dupe you. Get you to buy things 00:12:29.76\00:12:33.80 without you understanding it 00:12:33.80\00:12:34.96 or get you to sign up for programs 00:12:34.96\00:12:36.83 and when you get into this you say no 00:12:36.83\00:12:38.23 that's not what I want, but it's too late 00:12:38.23\00:12:39.90 you signed up. God doesn't deal 00:12:39.90\00:12:41.60 with us like that. He is giving us a warning 00:12:41.60\00:12:44.13 in the book of Second Timothy so that 00:12:44.13\00:12:46.13 you cannot say you didn't know 00:12:46.13\00:12:48.16 it was coming. In fact as we read 00:12:48.16\00:12:55.10 Second Timothy chapter 3 it reminds us of 00:12:55.10\00:12:57.76 something else and that is that Paul 00:12:57.76\00:12:59.80 was not just a great writer who helped to 00:12:59.80\00:13:02.56 expand on some of the most important doctrines 00:13:02.56\00:13:05.63 in scripture. Like righteousness by faith 00:13:05.63\00:13:07.96 and the importance of fellowship 00:13:07.96\00:13:10.73 and other things that Paul really focuses on, 00:13:10.73\00:13:12.86 the importance of dealing with sin, 00:13:12.86\00:13:15.23 in a serious way but Paul also was a prophet. 00:13:15.23\00:13:19.46 And here you get a glimpse of Paul writing 00:13:20.80\00:13:24.20 as a prophet, as he begins to write in 00:13:24.20\00:13:27.53 Second Timothy chapter 2, chapter 3 and verse 1 00:13:27.53\00:13:31.06 he says, this know also that in the last days 00:13:31.06\00:13:36.20 perilous times shall come. The word perilous 00:13:36.20\00:13:42.20 in the Greek can also be stated that fierce times 00:13:42.20\00:13:47.66 will come, in fact it is the same word used to 00:13:47.66\00:13:50.40 describe the Gadarenes the men who were 00:13:50.40\00:13:52.63 possessed by demons, there were fierce. 00:13:52.63\00:13:56.50 He says there were fierce with the 00:13:56.50\00:13:58.10 connotation of a demonic element at work. 00:13:58.10\00:14:01.26 The last days would be perilous but that's not 00:14:02.00\00:14:06.03 the only definition you can get, it also says 00:14:06.03\00:14:08.56 that they would, if you look at the Greek 00:14:08.56\00:14:10.30 that these would be days that 00:14:10.30\00:14:11.76 would be hard to bear. Not impossible to bear, 00:14:11.76\00:14:17.13 but these days, these last days would be 00:14:17.73\00:14:20.50 difficult days to live in, difficult to 00:14:20.50\00:14:24.66 survive in; no these are days that if you 00:14:24.66\00:14:26.90 call yourself a Christian it will not be 00:14:26.90\00:14:29.33 easy days for you to get through. 00:14:29.33\00:14:31.43 It says listen, the last days Timothy, 00:14:34.40\00:14:38.63 the last days GYC are gonna be perilous times. 00:14:38.63\00:14:43.46 And so Paul begins to outline the type of 00:14:44.73\00:14:48.56 behaviors that you'll see in the last days. 00:14:48.56\00:14:51.13 He says that men would be lovers of 00:14:51.13\00:14:53.33 their own selves, that's how he starts it off. 00:14:53.33\00:14:55.23 Men would love themselves they would be 00:14:56.73\00:14:58.60 covetous, they want other people have, 00:14:58.60\00:15:00.50 they would be boasters, proud, blasphemers, 00:15:00.50\00:15:03.43 that they would be disobedient 00:15:04.23\00:15:05.66 to their parents, unthankful, and unholy. 00:15:05.66\00:15:08.76 And there's so much, so much in this. 00:15:10.03\00:15:12.23 For the truth we live in a time when people love 00:15:14.36\00:15:16.40 themselves to a point where it literally 00:15:16.40\00:15:19.06 creates disease in individuals. 00:15:19.06\00:15:21.40 They are so much more concern about themselves 00:15:22.10\00:15:24.66 so selfish, so self-centered, 00:15:24.66\00:15:26.83 so worried about the me and I and how people 00:15:26.83\00:15:30.76 view them that in fact diseases that 00:15:30.76\00:15:33.30 historically never existed like anorexia 00:15:33.30\00:15:38.13 and bulimia, body dimorphic, 00:15:38.13\00:15:41.36 disorders have come into existence 00:15:41.36\00:15:43.43 because people are so focused on themselves. 00:15:43.43\00:15:47.00 Have you ever seen the images of the people 00:15:47.83\00:15:49.83 who spend tens of thousands of countless 00:15:49.83\00:15:52.83 dollars on plastic surgery, 00:15:52.83\00:15:55.00 only to wind-up a greater and more hideous 00:15:55.00\00:15:58.16 monster than they could have ever dreamed 00:15:58.16\00:16:00.33 of being? They paid to look ugly. 00:16:00.33\00:16:08.43 God had created them just fine, 00:16:12.26\00:16:14.70 but under the scalpel of the plastic surgeon 00:16:16.66\00:16:19.30 men like Michael Jackson. You look at 00:16:19.30\00:16:24.70 pictures of Michael Jackson when he was a 00:16:24.70\00:16:26.20 child and you look at him at the time of 00:16:26.20\00:16:28.46 his death and when you want how 00:16:28.46\00:16:30.76 he transforms during his life, 00:16:30.76\00:16:35.00 it is one of the most befuddling things 00:16:35.00\00:16:38.33 you could ever imagine. Yet he is almost 00:16:38.33\00:16:40.60 worshiped in our time. Why, because these are 00:16:40.60\00:16:45.66 perilous times so that people who 00:16:45.66\00:16:48.90 don't even really know themselves 00:16:48.90\00:16:51.13 and in are a constant war with themselves, 00:16:51.13\00:16:54.43 so focused on themselves that they mutilate 00:16:54.43\00:16:57.23 themselves, are worshiped in themselves 00:16:57.23\00:17:00.06 as if they were small GODS. 00:17:00.06\00:17:03.23 So when Michael Jackson dies, 00:17:03.96\00:17:05.76 we live in a time when churches had 00:17:07.13\00:17:09.30 whole services dedicated to the life of 00:17:09.30\00:17:12.63 Michael Jackson. Whole choir put on one glove 00:17:12.63\00:17:16.43 and sang Beat It. Perilous times, 00:17:16.43\00:17:27.50 they'd be covetous, they would want 00:17:29.03\00:17:30.76 what everybody else has. In fact when you look at 00:17:30.76\00:17:33.90 America's economics collapse recently 00:17:33.90\00:17:36.13 it speaks to the fact that we live 00:17:36.13\00:17:38.00 in a society where people were so concerned 00:17:38.00\00:17:40.33 with keeping up into Jones' that they 00:17:40.33\00:17:42.80 literally borrowed away their 00:17:42.80\00:17:44.96 very futures to do it. Boasters, proud, 00:17:44.96\00:17:49.66 blasphemers. You look at there was a great 00:17:49.66\00:17:52.30 documentary I watched once called Hollywood's 00:17:52.30\00:17:55.30 war on God and this Christian filmmaker 00:17:55.30\00:17:59.43 shows how all of the Hollywood movies 00:17:59.43\00:18:02.40 have this running theme through them, 00:18:02.40\00:18:04.90 and one of the themes that you will notice 00:18:04.90\00:18:06.60 that they can consistently 00:18:06.60\00:18:08.33 and repeatedly like 60 or 70 percent 00:18:08.33\00:18:11.06 of the movies made will directly blaspheme 00:18:11.06\00:18:14.43 the name of God. And more so they really 00:18:14.43\00:18:19.10 as you can tell if you watch the documentary, 00:18:19.10\00:18:20.76 they really want to blaspheme the name of 00:18:20.76\00:18:22.63 Jesus Christ. And so when Christians go 00:18:22.63\00:18:27.50 and spend their money to watch these movies 00:18:27.50\00:18:29.70 whether at home or in the theater literally 00:18:29.70\00:18:32.16 they are paying for an industry that in large, 00:18:32.16\00:18:34.93 part not all of it, but in large part 00:18:34.93\00:18:37.00 has signed up to literally pick away 00:18:37.80\00:18:41.00 at our God by making, blaspheming the name of 00:18:41.00\00:18:44.60 God a part of the common vernacular. 00:18:44.60\00:18:47.16 Perilous times, kids will be disobedient 00:18:49.33\00:18:55.60 to parents. Live in a time when kids tell 00:18:55.60\00:18:59.23 parents what to do. You couldn't tell my mother 00:18:59.23\00:19:02.26 what to do. You would be waken-up, 00:19:02.26\00:19:07.13 trying to figure out what hit you. 00:19:07.93\00:19:09.86 My mother wasn't afraid to, and then I heard 00:19:12.50\00:19:15.10 kids say, I'll call child protective 00:19:15.10\00:19:17.16 services, my mother said, go ahead I'll have 00:19:17.16\00:19:19.53 your bag packed when they get here. 00:19:19.53\00:19:21.33 We live in a time when the kids are, 00:19:25.13\00:19:26.90 I remember working there again, little kids 00:19:26.90\00:19:28.60 would come in and like little ninjas 00:19:28.60\00:19:30.80 they would just be doing flips over the gurneys 00:19:30.80\00:19:33.70 and tables and the parents can't control, 00:19:33.70\00:19:36.06 I mean they. If you can't control a child 00:19:36.06\00:19:41.16 when they're two or three years old, 00:19:41.16\00:19:42.60 what else do you have in controlling 00:19:44.33\00:19:45.90 or having any influence on the child 00:19:45.90\00:19:47.36 when they're 17 or 18 years of age. 00:19:47.36\00:19:49.73 We live in a time when we have confused love 00:19:51.83\00:19:54.20 for a child with spoiling a child. 00:19:54.20\00:19:57.50 And so children have no respect 00:19:59.10\00:20:00.70 for their parents and the problem 00:20:00.70\00:20:02.10 with that history tells us is that if you can't 00:20:02.10\00:20:04.60 respect your mother and your father, 00:20:04.60\00:20:06.40 why in the world would you ever respect 00:20:06.80\00:20:08.00 the police or the teacher in the 00:20:08.00\00:20:10.80 classroom? Perilous times are gonna 00:20:10.80\00:20:14.56 come up on us. The scripture says 00:20:14.56\00:20:20.26 that they would be unthankful, unholy, 00:20:20.26\00:20:22.90 without natural affectionate, 00:20:24.00\00:20:26.13 the very affection, the way that people are 00:20:26.13\00:20:28.20 drawn to each other wouldn't be 00:20:28.20\00:20:29.50 natural anymore. Unnatural things 00:20:29.50\00:20:32.93 would begin to, to become common 00:20:32.93\00:20:35.00 and be raised up, and I told you last night 00:20:35.00\00:20:38.13 I talked to you a little bit more about 00:20:38.13\00:20:40.13 some of the national meetings that 00:20:40.13\00:20:42.56 I've been to. And I've been amazed 00:20:42.56\00:20:47.10 when I go to these meetings. 00:20:47.10\00:20:48.53 Where really the agenda is a discussion 00:20:48.53\00:20:53.26 about sexual health, so from a public health 00:20:53.26\00:20:55.50 stand point theoretically 00:20:55.50\00:20:56.86 we're looking and how do you make it so that 00:20:56.86\00:20:59.50 America has a better profile as it were of 00:20:59.50\00:21:03.73 sexual health. So there would be 00:21:03.73\00:21:05.06 less diseases more, less diseases more deaths 00:21:05.06\00:21:08.76 from some of those diseases. 00:21:08.76\00:21:09.83 Less unwanted pregnancies they would 00:21:09.83\00:21:12.80 say, they would say things like more 00:21:12.80\00:21:15.20 fulfilling relationships maybe. 00:21:15.20\00:21:16.86 What I found was amazing unnatural affection. 00:21:18.90\00:21:23.70 There were people there one of whom had a 00:21:25.10\00:21:28.63 doctorate in divinity. From another 00:21:28.63\00:21:33.16 denomination I was amazed when this man 00:21:33.16\00:21:36.16 would say things like there's nothing wrong 00:21:36.16\00:21:38.66 with a man and a boy having relations. 00:21:38.66\00:21:41.50 I would be amazed to hear leaders in 00:21:45.53\00:21:48.06 our country, people who are over whole 00:21:48.06\00:21:51.60 university systems, or over 00:21:51.60\00:21:53.80 schools of theology. As they would say 00:21:53.80\00:21:57.60 that their Bible does not say anything 00:21:57.60\00:21:59.63 that would prohibit homosexuality. 00:21:59.63\00:22:02.00 And I would be amazed as I'll be sitting there 00:22:04.86\00:22:06.66 and there would just be a few of us 00:22:06.66\00:22:08.46 who would be trying to speak up 00:22:08.46\00:22:10.10 and say wait a minute maybe there's something 00:22:10.10\00:22:13.23 protective about God's plan for men and women 00:22:13.23\00:22:17.46 and relationships. Maybe there's something 00:22:17.46\00:22:20.00 protective and you would be ridiculed. 00:22:20.00\00:22:22.90 What was amazing in these meetings? 00:22:23.66\00:22:26.16 Is that yes you would be ridiculed by 00:22:27.23\00:22:29.06 the liberals who don't believe in God. 00:22:29.06\00:22:31.36 The people that are far political left. 00:22:31.36\00:22:33.40 What began to shock me after while is 00:22:35.00\00:22:37.60 their ability to produce people, 00:22:37.60\00:22:39.33 who are members of churches, 00:22:39.33\00:22:41.36 who are leaders in religious organizations. 00:22:41.36\00:22:45.46 Who would literally back the argument of people 00:22:46.06\00:22:49.86 who don't know God. And after while 00:22:49.86\00:22:53.93 I started to realize there is truly a work of 00:22:53.93\00:22:58.00 foot in this country. And in this world 00:22:58.00\00:23:01.36 that is working to do away, 00:23:01.36\00:23:03.30 to erase as it were. To erase as it were 00:23:03.30\00:23:07.96 all semblance of moral purity. 00:23:07.96\00:23:12.40 There was a work of foot in these last days 00:23:13.83\00:23:16.56 that is going to try to make it so that 00:23:16.56\00:23:18.80 the most debase things are normal and common. 00:23:18.80\00:23:22.63 Listen, the church can't be silent anymore. 00:23:24.86\00:23:27.26 You can't do Bible studies 00:23:30.00\00:23:31.36 and skip the sections on purity, sexual purity. 00:23:31.36\00:23:36.33 You got to, if you're gonna, you have to 00:23:36.33\00:23:38.36 instruct people of what God requires 00:23:38.36\00:23:40.53 for them in that room, because it has become 00:23:40.53\00:23:43.10 so common place that they had an exchange 00:23:43.10\00:23:45.80 sexual partners is like going out 00:23:45.80\00:23:48.13 and just buying a meal of or just, 00:23:48.13\00:23:50.33 it's a simple or as common as, as jumping on 00:23:50.33\00:23:52.93 a roller coaster, and you just jump from 00:23:52.93\00:23:55.10 one roller coaster to the next one. 00:23:55.10\00:23:56.90 Serial monogamy has been come the way 00:23:58.36\00:24:00.96 for many but even now, even that is being 00:24:00.96\00:24:03.53 eroded and we're seeing that multiple 00:24:03.53\00:24:05.70 sexual partners has again become the order 00:24:05.70\00:24:08.20 of the day in America. Let me submit 00:24:08.20\00:24:15.16 to you as Paul saw that in the last days 00:24:15.16\00:24:18.16 there would be great moral decline. 00:24:18.16\00:24:20.03 What's, it's not so shocking that the world 00:24:21.46\00:24:24.70 has great moral decline. What's shocking 00:24:25.30\00:24:28.73 and what Paul is really speaking to, 00:24:28.73\00:24:31.10 is that great moral decline has 00:24:31.10\00:24:33.96 entered the church. That in fact 00:24:33.96\00:24:38.33 the divorce rate is the same inside of 00:24:38.33\00:24:41.03 Christendom in the United States 00:24:41.03\00:24:42.53 as outside. Pastors don't stand up in 00:24:42.53\00:24:47.53 pulpits anymore and say things like 00:24:47.53\00:24:49.13 if you divorce your wife for anything 00:24:49.13\00:24:51.70 except adultery, and you go and marry someone 00:24:51.70\00:24:55.10 else the new marriage is not accepted by God, 00:24:55.10\00:24:58.40 they don't preach that anymore. 00:24:58.40\00:24:59.96 We don't say that stuff anymore. 00:25:02.20\00:25:03.70 Why, because our congregations are 00:25:04.46\00:25:06.33 full of divorcees and we don't wanna offend 00:25:06.33\00:25:08.80 anyone but the problem is then we set a 00:25:08.80\00:25:11.23 new norm for the next generation. 00:25:11.23\00:25:13.13 And we're living in a time when we don't 00:25:15.80\00:25:18.20 understand that the media and now even 00:25:18.20\00:25:20.53 the governments are working to move America 00:25:20.53\00:25:23.83 and the rest of the world into a dark 00:25:23.83\00:25:26.46 moral decline. Paul could see it not just in 00:25:26.46\00:25:32.80 the future prophetically but he was watching 00:25:32.80\00:25:35.10 as it was unfolding in ancient Rome. 00:25:35.10\00:25:37.90 Paul could see that Rome herself would 00:25:39.30\00:25:41.76 eventually collapse because one of the 00:25:41.76\00:25:45.10 major ways that it would happen is that 00:25:45.10\00:25:47.03 moral decay would set up so deep into the fabric 00:25:47.03\00:25:50.70 of the civilization that was ancient Rome 00:25:50.70\00:25:53.50 that eventually Rome would not be able to 00:25:53.50\00:25:56.06 sustain herself. And eventually Rome fell. 00:25:56.06\00:26:01.83 And if you draw a parallel between 00:26:03.33\00:26:05.20 ancient Rome, her over expansion into 00:26:05.20\00:26:09.03 territories, her inflation, the fact that 00:26:09.03\00:26:12.40 Rome began to stop using solid silver coins 00:26:12.40\00:26:16.20 as their currency and started to use base 00:26:16.20\00:26:18.53 metals and barely covered them in silver, 00:26:18.53\00:26:20.50 it remind you of United States of America now, 00:26:20.50\00:26:23.20 where we are living a country where they just 00:26:24.66\00:26:26.50 print money. So you know the federal government 00:26:26.50\00:26:30.23 always is solvent because, 00:26:30.23\00:26:31.70 yeah the federal government if they need 00:26:31.70\00:26:33.80 more money they just print it. 00:26:33.80\00:26:36.90 So what is not backed by anything, 00:26:38.26\00:26:40.53 we're America, the same kind of arrogance, 00:26:42.06\00:26:46.36 just like Rome. They also predict that by 00:26:46.36\00:26:50.16 2050 China will be a much more stable strong 00:26:50.16\00:26:53.06 and powerful economy to ours, 00:26:53.06\00:26:54.70 if the American economy doesn't change, 00:26:54.70\00:26:56.76 the same things are happening 00:26:56.76\00:26:58.80 in the last days to this world power as happened 00:26:58.80\00:27:02.23 to that one. But I want to submit to you 00:27:02.23\00:27:08.36 that just as Paul is saying here 00:27:08.36\00:27:10.70 when you look at this without 00:27:10.70\00:27:12.16 natural affection, he goes on he says 00:27:12.16\00:27:17.13 truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, 00:27:17.13\00:27:19.46 fierce and look at the last part of verse 3, 00:27:19.46\00:27:21.50 he says despisers of those that are good. 00:27:21.50\00:27:25.50 There was a man that came out 00:27:28.33\00:27:29.60 in the early part of the last century, 00:27:29.60\00:27:33.00 a man named Aleister Crowley. 00:27:33.00\00:27:34.36 Aleister Crowley's mother called him 00:27:35.23\00:27:37.13 the beast. He wanted to be known as the 00:27:37.13\00:27:40.50 most wicked man whoever lived. 00:27:40.50\00:27:42.00 And something happened by him he was able to, 00:27:43.36\00:27:46.76 the British man; he was able to infect the world 00:27:46.76\00:27:50.73 by infecting key people in popular culture. 00:27:50.73\00:27:53.80 The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts 00:27:54.56\00:27:57.66 Club album has a picture of him on the cover. 00:27:57.66\00:28:01.20 Michael Jackson's Dangerous album 00:28:03.13\00:28:05.06 has a picture of him on the cover looking at 00:28:05.06\00:28:07.20 Michael Jackson's great hand holding a 00:28:07.20\00:28:10.86 naked boy in it. And the naked boy is holding 00:28:10.86\00:28:17.20 the skull of a dragon. Aleister Crowley's 00:28:20.06\00:28:23.70 influence goes through to many, 00:28:23.70\00:28:25.73 he's the one who introduced this new 00:28:25.73\00:28:27.90 occult movement that is a foot in Hollywood 00:28:27.90\00:28:30.03 called Qabalah. Aleister Crowley infiltrated 00:28:30.03\00:28:35.56 so much that even when you look at 00:28:35.56\00:28:37.60 someone like Jay-Z, Aleister Crowley's Book 00:28:37.60\00:28:40.70 of the Law which eventually leads to 00:28:40.70\00:28:43.66 the satanic church and their one commandment, 00:28:43.66\00:28:46.96 which is, Do what thou wilt shall be the whole 00:28:46.96\00:28:50.56 of the law. The whole law in the church of 00:28:50.56\00:28:54.36 Satan is that you can do whatever you want. 00:28:54.36\00:28:56.56 And I've pictures in some of my seminars 00:28:59.23\00:29:00.90 where I saw Jay-Z, the most popular wrapper 00:29:00.90\00:29:03.50 of all time wearing a racowear T-shirt 00:29:03.50\00:29:06.33 that says on it, do as thou wilt. 00:29:06.33\00:29:08.90 The literal one commandment of the 00:29:10.50\00:29:12.56 Church of Satan straight from Aleister Crowley. 00:29:12.56\00:29:15.03 But you see that's the state in the world, 00:29:16.80\00:29:18.73 it wouldn't be such perilous times. 00:29:20.13\00:29:21.90 It was easy to see that the world has accepted 00:29:25.30\00:29:28.33 these crazy doctrines and if gone into this 00:29:28.33\00:29:32.10 de-moral decline, it wouldn't be bad, 00:29:32.10\00:29:33.96 but the problem is if you come into church 00:29:33.96\00:29:36.33 and the church no longer has any standards. 00:29:36.33\00:29:38.80 That in fact the doctrines of many of 00:29:40.63\00:29:43.23 the denominations now really are a doctrine 00:29:43.23\00:29:46.03 of what they call complete liberation. 00:29:46.03\00:29:48.46 If I am in Christ Jesus I cannot be lost. 00:29:49.20\00:29:52.66 So I can do whatever I want. 00:29:54.10\00:29:56.66 And hence they use and they take 00:29:57.60\00:30:01.26 the grace of God and turn it into disgrace. 00:30:01.26\00:30:04.70 Taking the very grace and mercy of God 00:30:05.53\00:30:08.23 and they take it in what they've done 00:30:08.23\00:30:09.93 with it is they've actually used it to take 00:30:09.93\00:30:12.33 the one commandment of the church of Satan 00:30:12.33\00:30:14.70 and move that one commandment 00:30:14.70\00:30:16.80 into a command of the Christian churches. 00:30:18.90\00:30:21.63 When Paul says we'll be living in 00:30:23.23\00:30:24.83 perilous times. We get to see it. 00:30:24.83\00:30:28.06 We are living in times when you have got to be 00:30:29.60\00:30:32.13 totally and completely committed 00:30:32.13\00:30:34.96 to Jesus Christ. Because on all sides you are 00:30:34.96\00:30:39.96 being moved to believe that you are fanatic, 00:30:39.96\00:30:42.26 if you stand for anything. 00:30:42.26\00:30:43.86 Paul goes on to say there would be traitors 00:30:51.40\00:30:55.10 in verse 4, heady, high minded, 00:30:55.10\00:30:58.03 lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. 00:30:58.96\00:31:01.76 One of the mistakes that are churches are making, 00:31:01.76\00:31:03.70 and I'm sorry if I'm gonna be a little 00:31:04.46\00:31:06.06 real tonight. One of the mistakes that our 00:31:06.06\00:31:10.03 churches are making is that we believe 00:31:10.03\00:31:11.60 that the way that will keep young people is 00:31:11.60\00:31:14.60 if we find a way to entertain them. 00:31:14.60\00:31:16.30 And I'm not against kids playing softball 00:31:20.33\00:31:22.20 and having a good time and fellowship, 00:31:22.20\00:31:24.43 that's not my, I don't have a problem 00:31:24.43\00:31:26.20 with that. I think it should go on hikes, 00:31:26.20\00:31:29.93 and they should do things together, 00:31:29.93\00:31:31.13 they should have fellowship, 00:31:31.13\00:31:32.73 but there's a fundamental problem 00:31:34.13\00:31:36.06 when we're willing to not teach 00:31:36.06\00:31:38.16 young people anything. And instead we replace 00:31:38.16\00:31:43.76 no truth, no doctrine, we replace it simply 00:31:44.40\00:31:48.70 with stay around the church at all cost, 00:31:48.70\00:31:51.50 because all we really care about is that 00:31:51.50\00:31:53.50 you're here. In fact it was Time Magazine 00:31:53.50\00:31:59.46 I believe it was that actually ran an article 00:31:59.46\00:32:02.76 on all of the young adults in the 00:32:03.43\00:32:05.33 United States who are leaving the evangelical 00:32:05.33\00:32:08.46 church in droves. And they went 00:32:08.46\00:32:11.16 and they didn't interview of these 00:32:11.16\00:32:12.46 young people and ask the hard question 00:32:12.46\00:32:14.40 why is that after you were raised a Baptist 00:32:14.40\00:32:17.76 or a Methodist or whatever denomination 00:32:17.76\00:32:19.80 it was, why is it that you left and are now not 00:32:19.80\00:32:22.70 attending church at all in your mid to late 20s 00:32:22.70\00:32:25.26 what is that shifted that you no longer are 00:32:25.26\00:32:27.70 connected with church in that way. 00:32:27.70\00:32:29.10 You know what young people said, 00:32:30.43\00:32:31.90 because we had an MTV Church experience. 00:32:33.23\00:32:36.03 And one of the things they say in this article 00:32:38.30\00:32:40.00 is they say the reason is that when we got to 00:32:40.00\00:32:43.40 college and they challenged us on 00:32:43.40\00:32:46.40 evolution and creation and they challenged us 00:32:46.40\00:32:48.80 on homosexuality and they challenged us 00:32:48.80\00:32:51.40 on pre-marital sex we could not give a 00:32:51.40\00:32:53.80 defense for what we believe. 00:32:53.80\00:32:55.50 And because we couldn't defend what we believe 00:32:58.30\00:33:00.20 we seized to believe anything. 00:33:00.20\00:33:03.83 The scripture says in verse 5, 00:33:09.33\00:33:11.70 having a form of Godliness but denying 00:33:13.23\00:33:19.53 the power thereof. From such turn away, 00:33:19.53\00:33:27.10 having a form of godliness but denying 00:33:28.60\00:33:34.80 the power there of, from such turn away. 00:33:34.80\00:33:41.06 I'm gonna submit to you, that we live in a time 00:33:43.76\00:33:47.80 when for many people being religious 00:33:47.80\00:33:51.53 is very popular. It's a part of their culture 00:33:51.53\00:33:56.36 more than it is a part of their spiritual life. 00:33:56.36\00:33:58.93 And so people are religious but they don't 00:34:00.96\00:34:04.10 necessarily have an abiding relationship 00:34:04.10\00:34:06.26 with Jesus Christ. And one of the 00:34:06.26\00:34:09.03 manifestations of that is that by having a form 00:34:09.03\00:34:12.43 of Godliness but denying the power thereof 00:34:12.43\00:34:14.90 is that people will outwardly appeared 00:34:16.30\00:34:18.30 to be very religious inside the church. 00:34:18.30\00:34:20.80 But the power of God which is the power of, 00:34:21.56\00:34:23.76 to convert you, to convict you, 00:34:23.76\00:34:26.20 and to change the way you live. 00:34:26.20\00:34:28.13 Is absent in their lives. So instead of 00:34:28.93\00:34:32.53 being a Christian who is bold for Christ 00:34:32.53\00:34:36.33 and the evidence that they have Christ 00:34:36.33\00:34:39.10 in their lives is seen in how they live 00:34:39.10\00:34:41.50 their lives instead, they actually live 00:34:41.50\00:34:43.70 just like the world and hold on to a title 00:34:43.70\00:34:46.43 of being Christian. That's a dangerous place 00:34:46.43\00:34:50.30 to be. In fact in Revelation 00:34:50.30\00:34:52.33 the Bible says, that God would rather you 00:34:52.33\00:34:54.16 were hot or you're cold. And not lukewarm 00:34:54.16\00:34:56.90 and that he would spew the people out there 00:34:56.90\00:34:58.90 were in this condition, this is one of the 00:34:58.90\00:35:00.46 reasons that Paul says you should turn away 00:35:00.46\00:35:02.26 from these people. It's a dangerous thing 00:35:02.26\00:35:05.30 to be around those who think they have 00:35:05.30\00:35:07.30 and they know God. Think they're in a 00:35:07.30\00:35:08.96 relationship with God and really don't want 00:35:08.96\00:35:10.63 anything to do with him. It's a dangerous 00:35:10.63\00:35:13.86 place to be. And it's amazing because 00:35:13.86\00:35:17.03 you know you watch televangelists. 00:35:17.03\00:35:18.56 Guys like Creflo Dollar. Creflo Dollar has 00:35:19.53\00:35:23.93 this incredible Gospel of prosperity 00:35:23.93\00:35:25.83 that he preaches. And I was wondering 00:35:25.83\00:35:28.76 how he got the name Dollar and he kind of 00:35:28.76\00:35:32.60 preaches about money all the time, 00:35:32.60\00:35:33.90 maybe he changed his name I don't know. 00:35:33.90\00:35:35.63 And there are many people who are moved 00:35:37.26\00:35:40.00 to believe that the evidence, 00:35:40.00\00:35:41.60 don't miss this, the evidence that 00:35:41.60\00:35:43.30 you are in a relationship with 00:35:43.30\00:35:44.43 Jesus Christ is not that you begin to grow 00:35:44.43\00:35:48.26 in Chris and that you begin to lay aside 00:35:48.26\00:35:51.30 the sins that so used to easily beset you, 00:35:51.30\00:35:53.40 that you begin to be a different person, 00:35:53.40\00:35:55.23 a new creation, a new creature in Christ Jesus 00:35:55.23\00:35:58.10 but that the evidence that you're in a 00:35:58.10\00:36:00.16 relationship with Jesus Christ in these last 00:36:00.16\00:36:02.13 and terrible perilous days. For so many people 00:36:02.13\00:36:05.23 now is how prosperous you are. 00:36:05.23\00:36:07.86 How much you have in the bank, 00:36:08.63\00:36:10.43 how nice your car is. It's a terrible thing 00:36:10.43\00:36:15.10 when people are being duped to believe 00:36:15.10\00:36:17.03 that if they are in a relationship with 00:36:17.03\00:36:18.80 Jesus Christ what happens is you get rich. 00:36:18.80\00:36:23.40 And being wealthy is the litmus test. 00:36:25.40\00:36:28.13 Among so many Christians that they have a 00:36:28.96\00:36:33.96 relationship with Jesus Christ, 00:36:33.96\00:36:35.33 Paul says that this is having a form of 00:36:35.33\00:36:38.46 Godliness but denying the power thereof, 00:36:38.46\00:36:41.26 from such he says turn away and the reason for 00:36:41.26\00:36:44.10 this is people do not want a relationship 00:36:44.10\00:36:47.16 that will cause them to have to move to change 00:36:47.16\00:36:50.53 their lives. In fact in those meeting in Atlanta 00:36:50.53\00:36:55.16 one of the interesting stories that happened, 00:36:55.16\00:36:56.80 was when we had a host they brought me 00:36:57.63\00:36:59.76 out for one of the meetings 00:36:59.76\00:37:00.76 and it was on religion and sexuality. 00:37:00.76\00:37:03.10 And again I was amazed that they produced 00:37:03.10\00:37:05.86 church leaders, deans of the schools of theology, 00:37:05.86\00:37:11.03 all kinds of Muslim women and all of them 00:37:11.03\00:37:14.83 believed in his radical, non-Biblical ideas of 00:37:14.83\00:37:18.73 sexuality impurity. And I remember 00:37:18.73\00:37:21.70 when I came around to meet, 00:37:21.70\00:37:23.03 to talk about my religion and what I 00:37:23.03\00:37:24.83 believe and I said let me start by saying 00:37:24.83\00:37:26.90 I believe in a separation of church 00:37:26.90\00:37:29.30 and state. I said in fact the Bible says 00:37:29.30\00:37:34.56 and I quoted the scripture on purpose 00:37:34.56\00:37:36.03 to them, the Bible says that Jesus speaking 00:37:36.03\00:37:38.66 that you should render on to Caesar that things 00:37:38.66\00:37:40.80 that are Caesar's, and unto God the things 00:37:40.80\00:37:43.46 that are God's. I said so guess what? 00:37:43.46\00:37:46.16 I don't care what do you guys say, 00:37:46.16\00:37:48.76 I don't care what laws they pass in the 00:37:48.76\00:37:51.26 United States as for me and my house 00:37:51.26\00:37:53.26 we're gonna serve the Lord. 00:37:54.53\00:37:55.70 And I could see that someone have began 00:37:58.06\00:37:59.56 to get upset and they began to try 00:37:59.56\00:38:02.40 and rebuttal, now you remember these are 00:38:02.40\00:38:03.83 mostly people who teaches in the schools 00:38:03.83\00:38:06.46 of theology of America, divinity schools. 00:38:06.46\00:38:09.86 These are leaders of large churches 00:38:09.86\00:38:12.10 and bishops even. And I remember it was 00:38:12.10\00:38:16.70 spiritual warfare because one of the 00:38:16.70\00:38:18.56 persons at the table began to stare at me. 00:38:18.56\00:38:20.96 I mean stare at me and you know like he was 00:38:22.46\00:38:24.73 trying to give me an evil eye or something. 00:38:24.73\00:38:26.43 As they make it I called it Ovea. 00:38:26.43\00:38:28.56 And they would just stare at me 00:38:30.66\00:38:32.26 and I remember as I went around to this person 00:38:32.26\00:38:34.66 and this person was an interesting person, 00:38:34.66\00:38:36.63 she had gone through general surgery 00:38:36.63\00:38:40.33 and learned plastic surgery and she said 00:38:40.33\00:38:42.40 that her glow was to go into low income 00:38:42.40\00:38:44.90 and poor neighborhood and that's what she 00:38:44.90\00:38:46.83 wanted to do in these low income 00:38:46.83\00:38:48.76 and poor neighborhood is provide inexpensive 00:38:48.76\00:38:52.13 and chief transgender surgeries 00:38:52.13\00:38:54.66 for individuals. Making it easy and cheap 00:38:54.66\00:38:59.73 for poor people in America to go from 00:38:59.73\00:39:01.70 being male to female, or female to male 00:39:01.70\00:39:03.80 that was her calling. Now what you didn't know 00:39:03.80\00:39:09.60 upfront is that she used to be a he. 00:39:09.60\00:39:12.33 And she stared at me now. 00:39:14.70\00:39:16.80 She's staring at me now. I say, Lord, 00:39:22.30\00:39:26.86 I just started to pray and as it begins to move 00:39:28.70\00:39:33.63 around the table and she gets her turn 00:39:33.63\00:39:37.30 and I used at first I would mess up 00:39:38.20\00:39:40.36 and call her he all the time 00:39:40.36\00:39:42.00 and I always get corrected, 00:39:42.00\00:39:43.93 I even slipped once and said shim, 00:39:43.93\00:39:46.00 she and him and I shouldn't have 00:39:46.00\00:39:48.40 done that. I shouldn't have done that. 00:39:48.40\00:39:51.90 But she looked at me and she looked at me, 00:39:55.46\00:39:58.56 and when came to her then she said 00:39:58.56\00:39:59.80 I was a man once. She said an I was engaged 00:39:59.80\00:40:03.23 to be married and I was a Catholic 00:40:03.23\00:40:04.70 and I went to the Canaan classes 00:40:04.70\00:40:07.36 and I guess that's what the Catholic church 00:40:07.36\00:40:08.40 does, they prepare you for marriage 00:40:08.40\00:40:10.00 and I was married and she was a man 00:40:10.00\00:40:12.56 then she was married to a woman 00:40:12.56\00:40:13.66 and I was married and it didn't work 00:40:13.66\00:40:15.00 because I was a woman trapped in a man's body. 00:40:15.00\00:40:17.83 And she said and she started to try 00:40:18.60\00:40:20.13 and quote scripture and just messed it all up. 00:40:20.13\00:40:22.60 That couldn't put two scriptures together. 00:40:22.60\00:40:24.53 'cause she was trying to make the point 00:40:25.26\00:40:26.43 that she'd been religious. She was a 00:40:26.43\00:40:28.66 Catholic and she gave up church she said 00:40:28.66\00:40:30.83 because it was too restrictive. 00:40:30.83\00:40:32.83 She gave up on God because He was too 00:40:34.66\00:40:36.80 restricted and right now I'm sitting here 00:40:36.80\00:40:39.23 and next to me is the assistant to the 00:40:39.23\00:40:41.40 former surgeon general of the United States 00:40:41.40\00:40:43.36 and the former surgeon general is two seats 00:40:43.36\00:40:45.33 over from me and David Satcher, 00:40:45.33\00:40:47.86 and he's sitting there and when he gets to her 00:40:47.86\00:40:49.46 she says and that's why now I no longer go to 00:40:49.46\00:40:52.63 church. She said I'm a Wiccan. David Satcher 00:40:52.63\00:40:57.53 leans over his assistant to me 00:40:57.53\00:40:59.00 and says what does it mean that she's a 00:40:59.00\00:41:01.33 Wiccan. And I said, she's a witch. 00:41:01.33\00:41:03.73 He said what Blunt, she's a what? 00:41:10.80\00:41:12.70 Why, because if you're in Christ Jesus 00:41:15.13\00:41:17.90 and if you're studying God's word 00:41:18.63\00:41:20.63 and you have a relationship with 00:41:20.63\00:41:22.23 Jesus Christ the word itself begins to 00:41:22.23\00:41:25.06 bother you, but people want a 00:41:25.06\00:41:28.06 form of Godliness. So now into the church sees 00:41:28.06\00:41:32.03 witchcraft and voodoo and all of these things 00:41:32.03\00:41:35.43 start to come in and I was talking to one of 00:41:35.43\00:41:38.00 my friends today and they were talking about 00:41:38.00\00:41:39.33 their church where they brought in a congo drums 00:41:39.33\00:41:42.70 and the guy was walking around the church, 00:41:42.70\00:41:44.50 doing the African, some kind of rights of 00:41:44.50\00:41:47.33 passage ritual and I was like you, you got to be 00:41:47.33\00:41:50.90 careful that could be voodoo. 00:41:50.90\00:41:52.60 Why? Because the devil will let you do whatever 00:41:56.96\00:42:00.76 you want and he delights, he knows 00:42:00.76\00:42:04.66 that man like in Loma Linda says, 00:42:04.66\00:42:06.40 to make man whole he knows that man is whole 00:42:06.40\00:42:08.83 when there's a spiritual aspect, 00:42:08.83\00:42:10.53 so if he's gonna remove Christianity out, 00:42:10.53\00:42:12.93 a form of Godliness must replace it. 00:42:12.93\00:42:15.90 Matter of fact Paul goes further in verse 6 00:42:21.53\00:42:23.50 and says for this sort they which creep into 00:42:23.50\00:42:26.30 houses and lead captive silly women 00:42:26.30\00:42:29.03 laid in which sins, led away with diverse lusts. 00:42:29.03\00:42:32.66 Ever learning and never able to come to a 00:42:33.46\00:42:36.46 knowledge of the truth. He says that look in the 00:42:36.46\00:42:40.56 last days,s it's gonna get so terrible 00:42:40.56\00:42:42.70 that evil forces will worm their way 00:42:42.70\00:42:45.36 into houses. You would almost think 00:42:45.36\00:42:48.50 Paul understood that there would be 00:42:48.50\00:42:50.06 high speed Internet running into the houses 00:42:50.06\00:42:52.40 of the last days. That he would understand 00:42:52.40\00:42:55.00 that satellites would be linked up, 00:42:55.00\00:42:56.50 that cable would be linked up 00:42:56.50\00:42:57.73 and that all of a sudden the evil influences 00:42:57.73\00:43:00.06 of the world would no longer need to knock 00:43:00.06\00:43:02.43 on the front door of your house to get in. 00:43:02.43\00:43:04.56 But in fact you would download the devil. 00:43:04.56\00:43:07.80 Paul seems to understand that in the last times 00:43:12.90\00:43:15.73 the availability of evil to quickly get around 00:43:15.73\00:43:19.33 the globe would not, would be like nothing 00:43:19.33\00:43:21.53 that the world has ever seen. 00:43:21.53\00:43:23.13 And short enough I call this the 00:43:25.20\00:43:26.86 Oprah Winfrey effect. They creep into houses 00:43:26.86\00:43:33.33 and Oprah Winfrey now is gonna start 00:43:33.33\00:43:35.56 her own network called OWN. 00:43:35.56\00:43:39.30 But isn't that amazing that Oprah Winfrey 00:43:40.26\00:43:41.86 who runs this huge, she was gonna run this huge 00:43:41.86\00:43:44.46 network also through her, Eckhart Tolle has 00:43:44.46\00:43:47.50 started the world's largest on-line church 00:43:47.50\00:43:49.53 and when you go online I challenge you to Google 00:43:49.53\00:43:51.76 or YouTube some of the stuff on Oprah Winfrey 00:43:51.76\00:43:54.16 where she literally has people who walk away 00:43:54.16\00:43:56.90 from Christianity and despise it. 00:43:56.90\00:43:59.73 To say they have been so enlightened now. 00:44:01.83\00:44:03.43 They're no longer Christians, 00:44:04.76\00:44:06.50 no longer Baptists, no longer Methodists. 00:44:06.50\00:44:09.80 They've been liberated by this doctrine, 00:44:11.00\00:44:13.60 this theology that Oprah Winfrey 00:44:13.60\00:44:15.26 and Eckhart Tolle preaching. 00:44:15.26\00:44:16.66 Says if Paul understood that, 00:44:19.13\00:44:21.00 he says for of this sort of they which creep into 00:44:21.00\00:44:24.00 houses and lead captive silly women laden 00:44:24.00\00:44:27.30 with sins, led away with diverse lusts. 00:44:27.30\00:44:29.63 Ever learning, never able to come 00:44:31.03\00:44:34.40 to the knowledge of the truth, 00:44:34.40\00:44:35.80 if you drop down Paul is still writing 00:44:37.80\00:44:39.86 in his dungeon cell, still writing the 00:44:39.86\00:44:42.16 Timothy in verse 10 he says, 00:44:42.16\00:44:43.53 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, 00:44:43.53\00:44:45.83 manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, 00:44:45.83\00:44:49.36 charity, patience, Persecutions, 00:44:49.36\00:44:51.90 afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, 00:44:51.90\00:44:54.33 at Iconium, at Lystra, and Lystra is where 00:44:54.33\00:44:56.56 Timothy met Paul in the first place. 00:44:56.56\00:44:58.30 Timothy watched Paul bestowed, 00:44:58.30\00:45:00.80 almost beaten to death. You can read that 00:45:00.80\00:45:03.60 story in the Book of Acts, the 14th chapter 00:45:03.60\00:45:05.86 where Paul is, after he, he was a cripple man 00:45:05.86\00:45:09.80 and the Greeks want to worship him 00:45:09.80\00:45:12.00 as one of the Gods, come down from heaven 00:45:12.00\00:45:14.06 and he refuses and the Jews railed him up 00:45:14.06\00:45:16.40 and they tried to kill him, they beat him, 00:45:16.40\00:45:18.46 dragged him out of time, but Timothy is probably 00:45:18.46\00:45:21.33 standing there to see when Paul gets back 00:45:21.33\00:45:23.66 on his feet and dust himself off 00:45:23.66\00:45:25.46 and praises God for the opportunity to be 00:45:25.46\00:45:28.50 abused for the gospel of Jesus Christ. 00:45:28.50\00:45:30.93 By the time Paul comes back to Lystra, 00:45:33.30\00:45:35.40 Timothy by now is a disciple, 00:45:35.40\00:45:37.96 he's called the disciple in this scripture 00:45:37.96\00:45:39.60 and he is on his way to serving God. 00:45:39.60\00:45:41.46 He says, Timothy you know what I've been 00:45:41.46\00:45:43.66 through. But he says but out of them all 00:45:43.66\00:45:48.53 the Lord delivered me. In verse 12 he says, 00:45:48.53\00:45:54.06 Yea, and all that will live godly 00:45:54.06\00:45:55.90 in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 00:45:55.90\00:46:01.90 It says in verse 13, but evil men 00:46:04.43\00:46:06.33 and seducers shall wax worse and worse, 00:46:06.33\00:46:08.90 deceiving, and being deceived. 00:46:09.63\00:46:11.43 But continue thou in the things which thou hast 00:46:11.80\00:46:13.83 learned and hast been assured of, 00:46:13.83\00:46:15.26 knowing of whom thou hast learned them, 00:46:15.26\00:46:17.43 And that from a child thou hast known 00:46:17.43\00:46:20.03 the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make 00:46:20.03\00:46:22.66 thee wise unto salvation through faith 00:46:22.66\00:46:24.63 which is in Christ Jesus. Look at verse 16, 00:46:24.63\00:46:27.40 it's an important text. Paul says to Timothy 00:46:27.40\00:46:30.20 speaking to us he says, all scripture is 00:46:30.20\00:46:32.76 given by inspiration of God, 00:46:32.76\00:46:35.56 and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, 00:46:36.83\00:46:39.86 for correction, for instruction in 00:46:39.86\00:46:42.43 righteousness. In fact when churches say 00:46:42.43\00:46:44.46 they are non-denominational 00:46:44.46\00:46:46.03 the challenge I have with them is 00:46:46.03\00:46:47.70 denominations are defined by doctrine. 00:46:47.70\00:46:51.20 So if you're non-denominational, 00:46:52.06\00:46:54.13 are you saying that you are non-doctrinal? 00:46:54.13\00:46:57.40 And what you find that there are churches 00:46:59.30\00:47:00.96 that literally and I spoke at Saddleback 00:47:00.96\00:47:02.56 Church in Orange County, Rick Warren's 00:47:02.56\00:47:04.23 big church and the purpose driven life 00:47:04.23\00:47:05.86 church and I remember having this discussion 00:47:05.86\00:47:08.36 at the church and then they able to say 00:47:08.36\00:47:09.50 you know what we, we can't just believe 00:47:09.50\00:47:11.76 different things. What you mean about 00:47:11.76\00:47:14.56 some of us are pre-millennial 00:47:14.56\00:47:16.00 some of us are intermillennial, 00:47:16.00\00:47:17.60 and some of us are post-millennial. 00:47:17.60\00:47:19.20 I said so your church is kind of like go 00:47:19.80\00:47:21.63 into a buffet at the Indian Restaurant. 00:47:21.63\00:47:23.43 You got to pick which you believe. 00:47:26.30\00:47:27.90 But the Bible says no, all scripture is given 00:47:30.26\00:47:33.03 by inspiration of God, and is profitable for 00:47:33.03\00:47:35.40 doctrine, for reproof, for correction, 00:47:35.40\00:47:37.83 for instruction in righteousness. 00:47:37.83\00:47:39.80 That the man of God may be what, perfect. 00:47:40.83\00:47:44.63 The word perfect here means from the Greek, 00:47:47.70\00:47:49.66 perfectly suited to do or work for God. 00:47:50.43\00:47:54.56 Perfectly put together to do something for God. 00:47:55.26\00:47:58.30 That the man of God maybe perfect 00:47:59.06\00:48:01.00 thoroughly furnished unto all good work. 00:48:01.00\00:48:04.00 Let me tell you something brothers 00:48:07.06\00:48:08.36 and sisters we live in some hard times. 00:48:08.36\00:48:09.86 It is being based in the scripture. 00:48:11.86\00:48:13.96 They used to say it's Sola scriptura, 00:48:14.70\00:48:17.40 the Bible and the Bible alone 00:48:18.16\00:48:22.00 because of all of the philosophies 00:48:23.93\00:48:25.40 of the world when it begin to come down 00:48:25.40\00:48:26.90 on you if you begin to believe them 00:48:26.90\00:48:28.23 you'll get led off into some crazy stuff. 00:48:28.23\00:48:30.30 And the devil would take you on a rat race, 00:48:31.63\00:48:34.03 in fact as you look at the world, 00:48:34.80\00:48:37.13 the devil will bless you, he will even multiply 00:48:37.13\00:48:40.50 and prosper you in order to keep you 00:48:40.50\00:48:44.13 from really getting back into God's word 00:48:44.13\00:48:46.26 in scripture and following what God 00:48:46.26\00:48:48.26 want you to do. Our faith must be unflinching. 00:48:48.26\00:48:54.56 You've got to be so serious about 00:48:55.76\00:48:58.06 your relationship with Jesus Christ because 00:48:58.06\00:49:00.13 you live in perilous and hard 00:49:00.13\00:49:02.56 and difficult times. Some of you that you 00:49:02.56\00:49:11.86 can't be used, you wonder if you gone 00:49:11.86\00:49:15.10 too far from God to be used. 00:49:15.10\00:49:16.76 Let me to challenge you tonight that 00:49:18.10\00:49:19.93 you too can be perfect. You can become a perfect 00:49:19.93\00:49:24.03 vessel in the hand of the living God. 00:49:24.03\00:49:26.26 I'm here to challenge you tonight 00:49:27.63\00:49:29.13 that your righteousness is by faith 00:49:29.86\00:49:31.50 and that your problems is not doing problem, 00:49:32.43\00:49:35.63 it's a believing problem. That we've got to put 00:49:35.63\00:49:38.83 our trust in God and when we begin to lean 00:49:38.83\00:49:41.63 on the everlasting arms Jesus himself 00:49:41.63\00:49:44.20 will show up and the love of Christ will 00:49:44.20\00:49:46.30 constrain us and the things you used to do. 00:49:46.30\00:49:48.46 As you get information from the scripture 00:49:49.26\00:49:51.16 as to what should be put aside, 00:49:51.16\00:49:52.70 easily those things will fall off of you, 00:49:52.70\00:49:55.16 if you're in Christ. He's looking 00:49:55.16\00:50:02.16 to redeem you. Stories told to the young man, 00:50:02.16\00:50:07.20 went out drinking one night and playing 00:50:10.23\00:50:11.90 pokers a true story. Happened in the 00:50:11.90\00:50:17.60 South Western part of the United States 00:50:17.60\00:50:19.60 but not in California, that I would like to say 00:50:20.96\00:50:24.26 some good things can come out of California. 00:50:24.26\00:50:26.53 And as this young man went out to play poker, 00:50:28.90\00:50:31.76 he got into an argument with the man 00:50:32.36\00:50:34.36 sitting across the table from him. 00:50:34.36\00:50:35.80 And when he got into this argument he reached 00:50:37.43\00:50:40.50 down into his bag and grabbed a gun 00:50:40.50\00:50:42.20 and pointed it across the table. 00:50:42.20\00:50:43.90 And he shot and killed the man sitting 00:50:44.63\00:50:48.10 across the table from him. The man in the chair 00:50:48.10\00:50:51.33 fell over dead, the police came 00:50:51.33\00:50:54.93 and arrested this young man who shot 00:50:54.93\00:50:56.96 this other young man. He has taken down 00:50:56.96\00:51:02.13 to the and then he was booked 00:51:02.13\00:51:03.50 and had his first round of trials 00:51:03.50\00:51:05.83 and he was sent to jail and later he went 00:51:05.83\00:51:09.80 before the judge and jury and he was 00:51:09.80\00:51:11.43 convicted of first degree murder. 00:51:11.43\00:51:13.60 Jury sentenced him to death 00:51:18.50\00:51:22.70 in the electric chair. The process of course 00:51:22.70\00:51:28.13 took a few years and true story his family 00:51:28.13\00:51:30.53 in the mean time working, trying to help 00:51:30.53\00:51:35.36 him arguing that he was drunk, 00:51:35.36\00:51:36.73 he's really wasn't him, he is not really 00:51:36.73\00:51:38.90 a murderer. They were trying to get 00:51:38.90\00:51:42.80 when the conviction came down 00:51:42.80\00:51:45.90 and he was sentenced to the death penalty, 00:51:45.90\00:51:47.93 they tried not to get him released 00:51:47.93\00:51:51.30 from the conviction but just to get a stay of 00:51:51.30\00:51:54.26 execution. So everybody in the family 00:51:54.26\00:51:59.60 began to write petitions and all of them in 00:51:59.60\00:52:04.56 his signed and sin the next house, 00:52:04.56\00:52:06.30 and in the next house and the whole 00:52:06.30\00:52:07.96 street signed in. Then the next street 00:52:07.96\00:52:11.00 and the next street and the next block, 00:52:11.80\00:52:13.86 till the whole town and the next town 00:52:13.86\00:52:16.16 until finally one day after it seemed as 00:52:16.16\00:52:18.73 though the whole state had signed the petition 00:52:18.73\00:52:20.93 to stay this young man's execution and leave him 00:52:20.93\00:52:25.10 with just life in prison. Eventually what 00:52:25.10\00:52:29.00 happens is a knock is made on the governor 00:52:29.00\00:52:32.73 of the state's door and a basket of petitions 00:52:32.73\00:52:35.33 is brought and dropped in front of the governor 00:52:35.33\00:52:37.70 of the state. The governor of the state 00:52:37.70\00:52:43.33 was a Christian and when he realized that 00:52:43.33\00:52:45.70 he was mercy and grace that the citizens 00:52:45.70\00:52:48.46 of his state wanted to apply to this young man 00:52:48.46\00:52:51.73 he was so happy that he sat down immediately 00:52:51.73\00:52:54.43 because so many years had passed now 00:52:54.43\00:52:57.10 and he wrote out a full pardon 00:52:57.10\00:52:59.50 for the young man. A full pardon was 00:52:59.50\00:53:03.26 written for the young man. The governor was 00:53:03.26\00:53:08.06 gonna go down to death roll to deliver 00:53:08.06\00:53:09.76 the letter in person. So before he left 00:53:09.76\00:53:15.23 he went into his closet and he slipped 00:53:15.23\00:53:16.80 on of preaches road. He said in his mind 00:53:16.80\00:53:20.46 you know how what better way to deliver 00:53:20.46\00:53:22.50 this message and dressed up like a preacher. 00:53:22.50\00:53:24.80 He gets down via limousine to the state 00:53:26.30\00:53:31.43 penitentiary and he, is met by the warden 00:53:31.43\00:53:33.86 and he runs upstairs to death row. 00:53:33.86\00:53:35.66 The warden points to cell where the young man 00:53:38.06\00:53:40.13 is being kept. And the governor, 00:53:40.13\00:53:43.70 as he begins to walk into the cell 00:53:43.70\00:53:45.56 the young man jumps off of his bunk 00:53:45.56\00:53:47.30 and yells at the governor, get out. 00:53:47.30\00:53:51.60 The governor says well hold on I've got news, 00:53:52.90\00:53:55.30 I've got the best news, the young man says 00:53:55.30\00:53:59.90 I was raised a Christian and look where 00:53:59.90\00:54:02.06 its landed me get out. The governor says 00:54:02.06\00:54:06.90 hold man I've got news, I've got good news. 00:54:06.90\00:54:10.20 It says you are the third preacher has been 00:54:10.20\00:54:13.60 ahead as week, get out. If the governor tries 00:54:13.60\00:54:18.36 one last time he says you don't understand 00:54:18.36\00:54:20.26 I've got good news. The young man says 00:54:20.26\00:54:26.70 if you don't get out I'm calling the governor, 00:54:26.70\00:54:28.43 I'm calling the warden and the guards 00:54:28.43\00:54:32.20 and I'm gonna have you put out. 00:54:32.20\00:54:33.33 Governor drops his head and folds up the paper 00:54:35.80\00:54:39.13 and sticks in his pocket and walks out 00:54:39.13\00:54:40.70 and the warden gets him and wished him off 00:54:40.70\00:54:43.00 to the limousine and he's taken back to the 00:54:43.00\00:54:44.76 governor's mansion and the warden is happy now, 00:54:44.76\00:54:47.20 he comes running into the cell 00:54:47.20\00:54:48.60 and sits to at young man he says 00:54:48.60\00:54:50.20 how did your visit with the governor go? 00:54:50.20\00:54:52.00 The young man says you mean that man 00:54:53.30\00:54:55.76 dressed up like a preacher was the 00:54:55.76\00:54:57.06 governor? He says yes, and he had a 00:54:57.06\00:55:00.60 full pardon for you. You were gonna be let out. 00:55:00.60\00:55:05.63 The young man says you gotta be kidding give me 00:55:07.66\00:55:10.06 some paper let me write dear governor 00:55:10.06\00:55:12.40 I'm so sorry I didn't know that was you. 00:55:12.40\00:55:16.20 The warden takes the letter and he delivered 00:55:20.40\00:55:22.43 to the governor and the governor gets it 00:55:22.43\00:55:23.93 and with tears streaming down the 00:55:23.93\00:55:26.03 governor's face, he reads the letter 00:55:26.03\00:55:27.90 and he turns it over and writes on say back 00:55:27.90\00:55:30.20 no longer interested in this case. 00:55:30.20\00:55:34.46 The day comes for that young man to be put 00:55:37.33\00:55:39.20 to death by electrocution and as he sitting 00:55:39.20\00:55:43.73 in the chair they asked him do you have 00:55:43.73\00:55:45.86 any of last words do you wanna say 00:55:45.86\00:55:47.76 before you die. The young man says yes, 00:55:47.76\00:55:52.10 tell the young men of America that I'm not 00:55:52.10\00:55:55.30 dieing because of a murderer tell them 00:55:55.30\00:55:59.10 that I'm dieing because of what I did but tell 00:55:59.10\00:56:03.56 that I'm die today because I refused to 00:56:03.56\00:56:08.06 accept the pardon. People let me tell you, 00:56:08.06\00:56:13.83 you've got a remember when you go after 00:56:15.53\00:56:16.90 your Bible studies and even in your own 00:56:16.90\00:56:18.46 personal life when you look at yourself nobody 00:56:20.00\00:56:23.36 is gonna be lost because the, of what they did 00:56:23.36\00:56:26.23 per say, because anyone of us who decides to 00:56:26.23\00:56:31.20 accept the full pardon that is in Jesus Christ 00:56:31.20\00:56:34.33 will be saved. Jesus, the great governor 00:56:34.33\00:56:39.50 of the universe, when the petitions 00:56:39.50\00:56:43.83 of our sins came up before him, 00:56:43.83\00:56:46.13 he didn't put on a robe of a governor, 00:56:46.13\00:56:48.00 he slipped on the flesh of a baby and was born 00:56:48.00\00:56:51.00 in a manger. And with his own blood 00:56:51.00\00:56:54.60 he wrote out a full pardon for 00:56:56.00\00:56:59.40 everyone of us, have unflinching faith, 00:56:59.40\00:57:04.03 because you too can be perfect if you can 00:57:04.80\00:57:07.60 accept the blood of Jesus in your life. 00:57:07.60\00:57:10.10 As the appeal song is sung, you want to 00:57:11.56\00:57:15.30 come down front and accept that 00:57:15.30\00:57:16.63 pardon, join me down front. 00:57:16.63\00:57:19.16 My sin is great, my strength is weak, 00:57:29.36\00:57:34.83 my path he set with snares, but thou 00:57:34.83\00:57:40.56 O Christ has died for me, and thou will hear 00:57:40.56\00:57:48.00 my prayer. To thee are the crucified. 00:57:48.00\00:57:58.06 The savior's only plea, relying on thy promised 00:57:58.06\00:58:08.40 grace. My faith still clings to thee. 00:58:08.40\00:58:17.33