Good morning GYC, good morning friends. 00:00:12.83\00:00:15.10 We want to welcome you to morning devotions here 00:00:15.10\00:00:19.10 at GYC and I open my phone this morning 00:00:19.10\00:00:23.36 it's 12/31 the last day of the year and what 00:00:23.36\00:00:27.10 better way to end the year by spending 00:00:27.10\00:00:29.40 it together here seeking God at GYC 00:00:29.40\00:00:32.90 and if any of you are from the west coast 00:00:32.90\00:00:35.46 like I am and you haven't adjusted to 00:00:35.46\00:00:38.30 the time zone yet, thank you for being 00:00:38.30\00:00:41.30 here even if it feels like 4 am. 00:00:41.30\00:00:43.66 We are expecting a blessing from God 00:00:43.66\00:00:46.63 this morning. And we are going to enjoy 00:00:46.63\00:00:51.00 another message from God's word brought 00:00:51.00\00:00:52.90 to us by Thando. I want to invite you to 00:00:52.90\00:00:55.80 join me on your knees as we 00:00:55.80\00:00:57.50 prepare our hearts this morning. 00:00:57.50\00:00:59.53 Dear Heavenly Father, we are coming to you 00:01:06.10\00:01:09.13 this morning to your throne, not to seek you 00:01:09.13\00:01:12.33 in some casual, routine, ordinary way, 00:01:12.33\00:01:17.13 but really Lord we are seeking your blessing 00:01:17.13\00:01:20.50 this morning, so please be with us. 00:01:20.50\00:01:23.90 Lord, forgive us for our sins and prepare 00:01:23.90\00:01:26.73 our hearts, open us up and do inside of us 00:01:26.73\00:01:31.10 Lord only what you can do, give us soft 00:01:31.10\00:01:34.13 hearts and sharp minds to receive your message 00:01:34.13\00:01:37.46 this morning I pray in Jesus name, amen. 00:01:37.46\00:01:40.50 At this time we will enjoy music brought 00:01:44.26\00:01:46.96 to us by my friends Sarah and Stephanie Draget 00:01:46.96\00:01:50.50 with the message from 00:01:50.50\00:01:51.50 Thando immediately following. 00:01:51.50\00:01:52.93 Beloved, hear my words, 00:02:14.23\00:02:18.40 the signs are soon to come to pass, 00:02:18.40\00:02:22.90 Do you see the growing hunger, 00:02:22.90\00:02:27.00 Do you think this world can last, 00:02:27.00\00:02:31.20 I've heard her deep distressing 00:02:31.20\00:02:34.50 groans in her labor, mourn and cry, 00:02:34.50\00:02:39.30 But do not fear my child, my chosen one, 00:02:39.30\00:02:43.73 Is to you I testify 00:02:43.73\00:02:47.80 Behold I am coming soon 00:02:47.80\00:02:51.86 to receive you to Myself, 00:02:51.86\00:02:55.53 that where I am you may be also, 00:02:55.53\00:03:00.43 with my people I may dwell, 00:03:00.43\00:03:04.63 wherever you are now come, 00:03:04.63\00:03:08.70 take the water of life and live, 00:03:08.70\00:03:12.90 if you seek me, you'll find me, 00:03:12.90\00:03:17.10 I will take you as you are. 00:03:17.10\00:03:21.10 I'm the alpha and omega, 00:03:21.10\00:03:25.20 And the brighter morning star, 00:03:25.20\00:03:30.66 Hold fast to us is yours by faith, 00:03:30.66\00:03:35.76 Let no one take your crown, 00:03:35.76\00:03:39.36 I will clothe you with my righteousness, 00:03:39.36\00:03:43.76 If you lay your whole sin down, 00:03:43.76\00:03:47.80 Then take up your Cross and follow me, 00:03:47.80\00:03:51.80 In the storms of life be still, 00:03:51.80\00:03:54.96 I'll never leave you nor forsake you, 00:03:54.96\00:03:59.80 As you go into my will, 00:03:59.80\00:04:03.93 Behold, I am coming soon, 00:04:03.93\00:04:07.80 to receive you to Myself, 00:04:07.80\00:04:11.30 that where I am you may be also, 00:04:11.30\00:04:16.00 with my people I may dwell, 00:04:16.00\00:04:20.13 wherever you are now come, 00:04:20.13\00:04:24.03 take the water of life and live, 00:04:24.03\00:04:28.30 if you seek me, you will find me, 00:04:28.30\00:04:32.50 I'll take you as you are. 00:04:32.50\00:04:36.53 I'm the alpha and omega, 00:04:36.53\00:04:40.73 And the brighter morning star, 00:04:40.73\00:04:45.43 I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you. 00:04:45.43\00:05:01.06 I'm coming for you, 00:05:01.06\00:05:08.53 please be ready, please be ready. 00:05:08.53\00:05:17.60 Behold, I am coming soon, 00:05:17.60\00:05:21.83 to receive you to Myself, 00:05:21.83\00:05:25.40 that where I am you may be also, 00:05:25.40\00:05:30.06 with my people I may dwell, 00:05:30.06\00:05:34.23 wherever you are now come, 00:05:34.23\00:05:38.30 take the water of life and live, 00:05:38.30\00:05:42.46 if you seek me, you will find me, 00:05:42.46\00:05:46.50 I'll take you as you are. 00:05:46.50\00:05:50.56 I'm the alpha and omega, 00:05:50.56\00:05:54.60 And the brighter morning star, 00:05:54.60\00:06:00.20 I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming. Amen. 00:06:00.20\00:06:19.56 Good morning GYC. Good morning. 00:06:27.13\00:06:30.03 Are we alive and well this morning, yes? 00:06:30.03\00:06:33.36 Yes we are, praise the Lord. 00:06:33.36\00:06:35.73 You know before I came up here yesterday 00:06:38.40\00:06:42.60 I don't know if you guys realize how nervous 00:06:42.60\00:06:45.10 I was and then when I got up here I realized 00:06:45.10\00:06:48.40 you know what I'm on stage, can't go back 00:06:48.40\00:06:52.06 now right, might as well preach, and there 00:06:52.06\00:06:56.20 is interesting no turning back experience, 00:06:56.20\00:06:58.66 I have been tremendously blessed, 00:06:58.66\00:07:02.96 have you been blessed? Amen. 00:07:02.96\00:07:04.73 Have you been encouraged? Amen. 00:07:04.73\00:07:07.33 And I'm so happy to see us here this morning 00:07:07.33\00:07:10.03 and I do want to ask us for one small favor 00:07:10.03\00:07:14.20 this morning, you know yesterday going 00:07:14.20\00:07:16.80 around the holes, running around for 00:07:16.80\00:07:18.93 some logistical issues, I saw quite a few of 00:07:18.93\00:07:22.03 our brothers and sisters just wandering 00:07:22.03\00:07:24.00 in the hallways. And I know that as we are here, 00:07:24.00\00:07:27.86 I would ask us to be our brothers and 00:07:27.86\00:07:30.80 our sisters keeper, can we do that, 00:07:30.80\00:07:33.40 so if you see a brother or a sister just wilding 00:07:33.40\00:07:37.50 time in the hallway when meetings are 00:07:37.50\00:07:39.70 going on kindly in the meekness of Christ 00:07:39.70\00:07:44.16 encourage them to come into the meetings. 00:07:44.16\00:07:46.26 Can we do that, lets be our brothers 00:07:46.26\00:07:48.43 and sisters keeper. And, our message 00:07:48.43\00:07:53.33 this morning, the title is "Nothing Less." 00:07:53.33\00:07:58.00 Nothing less, and as I began I am going 00:07:58.00\00:08:01.86 to warn you that we are going to go 00:08:01.86\00:08:03.10 through a lot of scripture this morning. 00:08:03.10\00:08:06.50 So please have your Bibles, your pens, 00:08:06.50\00:08:09.10 your pencils and have your minds sharp 00:08:09.10\00:08:11.60 and ready to reason through the word of 00:08:11.60\00:08:13.60 God this morning. I shared with you 00:08:13.60\00:08:18.03 yesterday my testimony about 00:08:18.03\00:08:20.53 taking a year off to do the campus missionary 00:08:20.53\00:08:24.00 training program after my sophomore year 00:08:24.00\00:08:26.30 at Harvard. And taking that year off at the 00:08:26.30\00:08:29.33 risk of losing my scholarship, losing 00:08:29.33\00:08:32.36 my education, but how it is our God was 00:08:32.36\00:08:35.10 faithful to restore everything to me at 00:08:35.10\00:08:37.60 the end of that year off. 00:08:37.60\00:08:39.36 And I told you that the story did not end there, 00:08:39.36\00:08:42.80 so I'll finish it this morning. When I went 00:08:42.80\00:08:45.86 back to Harvard to finish my junior and 00:08:45.86\00:08:49.40 my senior years God made it abundantly 00:08:49.40\00:08:52.73 clear to me that He was calling me into 00:08:52.73\00:08:55.70 fulltime youth and campus ministry 00:08:55.70\00:08:58.20 through His word, through his providence, 00:08:58.20\00:09:00.73 and to the burden that He placed upon 00:09:00.73\00:09:02.66 my heart, there was no doubts in me 00:09:02.66\00:09:05.03 that God was calling me into fulltime youth 00:09:05.03\00:09:08.43 and campus ministry. And I made up my 00:09:08.43\00:09:11.13 mind by the grace of God to obey Him, 00:09:11.13\00:09:13.63 no turning back right. Until may 2010 00:09:13.63\00:09:20.30 commencement week, graduation week, 00:09:20.30\00:09:23.33 and all of the sudden the realization of 00:09:23.33\00:09:26.30 what I was doing hit me with full force 00:09:26.30\00:09:29.63 and you know commencement week 00:09:29.63\00:09:31.43 was this pomp and circumstance at Harvard 00:09:31.43\00:09:34.40 and you are mingling with some of the elites 00:09:34.40\00:09:38.50 of the elites, right Harvard graduates 00:09:38.50\00:09:41.36 who have done amazing things in their lives, 00:09:41.36\00:09:44.26 alumni who have gone onto glittering careers 00:09:44.26\00:09:47.10 in business and medicine in different 00:09:47.10\00:09:49.76 areas of what this will consider success. 00:09:49.76\00:09:53.13 And suddenly it dawned on me that one could do 00:09:53.13\00:09:59.30 so much with the Harvard degree, 00:09:59.30\00:10:02.40 because that name opens so many doors 00:10:02.40\00:10:05.13 right that's what the world says because 00:10:05.13\00:10:07.60 it's considered one of the world's best 00:10:07.60\00:10:09.13 universities, and that week of graduation 00:10:09.13\00:10:13.63 was I give that the one of the most depressing 00:10:13.63\00:10:15.93 weeks of my life. And friends are asking Thando, 00:10:15.93\00:10:21.53 what are you doing when you graduate, 00:10:21.53\00:10:23.70 I am gonna be a missionary, 00:10:23.70\00:10:26.50 and when I came back from the graduation 00:10:33.50\00:10:36.00 ceremony all ducked in my gown, my cap, 00:10:36.00\00:10:38.56 and having my degree in my hand, 00:10:38.56\00:10:40.40 I went back home to my room and I just sat 00:10:40.40\00:10:42.23 down and I was fighting back tears. 00:10:42.23\00:10:45.23 And I cannot describe to you the tension 00:10:45.23\00:10:49.30 in my mind and the thoughts, the questions 00:10:49.30\00:10:52.76 that were raising there and I asked the Lord 00:10:52.76\00:10:55.20 to say Lord why would you call me to do this 00:10:55.20\00:10:58.36 and I thought back to my life growing up, 00:10:58.36\00:11:01.70 and how God had led me down a path of 00:11:01.70\00:11:03.96 clear academic success, growing up in 00:11:03.96\00:11:07.36 Switzerland and every time we took national 00:11:07.36\00:11:10.16 exams being the best student ever with 00:11:10.16\00:11:12.10 perfect scores, perfect scores in my 00:11:12.10\00:11:15.00 IB diploma exams, early admissions to Harvard 00:11:15.00\00:11:17.96 and now here I was with a chemistry degree 00:11:17.96\00:11:20.60 and God was saying Thando, I'm calling you 00:11:20.60\00:11:23.20 to fulltime campus ministry. 00:11:23.20\00:11:25.60 And I thought to myself surely Lord 00:11:25.60\00:11:28.60 you let me done this path for a reason, 00:11:28.60\00:11:31.03 surely God wouldn't leave me so far just 00:11:31.03\00:11:34.33 to have me waste this academic success 00:11:34.33\00:11:36.76 in ministry, would he? And those questions 00:11:36.76\00:11:42.10 troubled me. And I think that experience is a 00:11:42.10\00:11:49.40 common one in our Christian journey, 00:11:49.40\00:11:52.33 when the will of God takes us to places that 00:11:52.33\00:11:57.40 seem to make no logical human sense. 00:11:57.40\00:12:01.90 When the will of God is so crystal clear 00:12:01.90\00:12:05.23 but we don't understand why 00:12:05.23\00:12:06.90 He would call in such a way, and we sit back 00:12:06.90\00:12:09.90 and we are attempted to say God why would 00:12:09.90\00:12:12.56 you ask me to do this? And yet Jesus taught 00:12:12.56\00:12:18.16 us how to pray, let thy will be done on earth 00:12:18.16\00:12:24.46 as it is in heaven. And every time we pray 00:12:24.46\00:12:28.80 those words we're saying that if we've 00:12:28.80\00:12:31.76 given ourselves to God, we're always asking 00:12:31.76\00:12:35.70 the question God what will you have me do, 00:12:35.70\00:12:39.86 and when God reveals His will unquestioning 00:12:39.86\00:12:43.83 obedience is imperative, nothing less. 00:12:43.83\00:12:49.00 Let's pray together as we begin. 00:12:49.00\00:12:51.80 Dear Heavenly Father, 00:12:56.76\00:12:58.93 we've come this morning yet again to hear a 00:13:01.60\00:13:06.36 word from you. Father, you've spoken to our 00:13:06.36\00:13:10.00 hearts in so many ways already this weekend. 00:13:10.00\00:13:14.60 We're blessed, we're encouraged, 00:13:14.60\00:13:18.00 we're inspired. This morning we seek yet 00:13:18.00\00:13:22.43 another word and Father we pray that in spite 00:13:22.43\00:13:26.76 of the fatigue and the weakness of my human 00:13:26.76\00:13:29.66 frame that Lord you would condescend to 00:13:29.66\00:13:33.23 speak through me, that every heart here 00:13:33.23\00:13:36.73 would hear a word from your throne. 00:13:36.73\00:13:39.10 Father, we ask that your spirit would be 00:13:42.00\00:13:45.10 amongst us this morning for it's the 00:13:45.10\00:13:47.90 Holy Spirit that presses the truth homes to 00:13:47.90\00:13:50.53 every heart and brings conviction upon our souls. 00:13:50.53\00:13:54.40 So Father sent Him to be with us this morning, 00:13:54.40\00:13:58.90 speak to us, draw us nearer to Christ and 00:13:58.90\00:14:05.70 teach us what it means to be like Him, 00:14:05.70\00:14:08.90 to follow Him in the path of self-denial. 00:14:08.90\00:14:13.13 So this we pray and we ask believing 00:14:13.13\00:14:16.86 for we ask in Jesus name, amen. 00:14:16.86\00:14:20.93 Nothing Less. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 00:14:29.60\00:14:34.93 the German Theologian wrote a book entitled 00:14:34.93\00:14:38.76 "The Cost of Discipleship" 00:14:38.76\00:14:40.90 that I want to encourage you to read 00:14:40.90\00:14:42.90 if you haven't read it. I'm gonna read with 00:14:42.90\00:14:45.50 you one quotation that never fails to pause, 00:14:45.50\00:14:52.80 at least to make me pause and think. 00:14:52.80\00:14:55.40 Bonhoeffer wrote this: "When Christ calls a man, 00:14:55.40\00:15:01.90 He bids him come and die, death in Jesus Christ, 00:15:01.90\00:15:08.86 the death of the old man or nature at his call. 00:15:08.86\00:15:13.70 Jesus' summons to the rich young man was 00:15:13.70\00:15:17.20 calling him to die, because only the 00:15:17.20\00:15:20.70 man who is dead to his own will can follow Christ. 00:15:20.70\00:15:25.40 In fact, every command of Jesus is a call to die, 00:15:25.40\00:15:31.86 with all our affections and lusts." 00:15:31.86\00:15:37.03 Notice how Bonhoeffer says every command 00:15:37.03\00:15:41.86 of Jesus is a call to die and that the only 00:15:41.86\00:15:46.13 person, the only man or woman, who can 00:15:46.13\00:15:50.03 follow Christ is the one who has died to 00:15:50.03\00:15:53.50 his own will. For when Jesus calls a man 00:15:53.50\00:15:57.46 He bids him come and die. And Christ Himself 00:15:57.46\00:16:02.06 said very clearly, if any man will come after me, 00:16:02.06\00:16:07.00 if you will come and He's how He wants us 00:16:07.00\00:16:09.93 to come, if any man will come after me, 00:16:09.93\00:16:14.40 let him deny himself, take up His cross daily 00:16:14.40\00:16:19.60 and follow me, that's Luke 9:23; If any man 00:16:19.60\00:16:25.83 will come after me, and that's how Jesus wants 00:16:25.83\00:16:30.43 to be followed, come and die. 00:16:30.43\00:16:34.36 And as I begin our study I want us to 00:16:34.36\00:16:36.73 understand friends that Jesus makes this 00:16:36.73\00:16:39.53 call under the premise of His own example, 00:16:39.53\00:16:42.83 because He stands as the example of what 00:16:42.83\00:16:46.90 He calls us to do, an unreserved surrender 00:16:46.90\00:16:50.30 to the will of God. Take your Bibles 00:16:50.30\00:16:52.80 to the Gospel of John chapter 1, 00:16:52.80\00:16:55.26 arguably my favorite Gospel John chapter 1, 00:16:55.26\00:17:00.96 when you're there say amen. 00:17:00.96\00:17:02.83 John chapter 1 and we are going to look at 00:17:06.73\00:17:09.36 how Jesus set the example and now 00:17:09.36\00:17:12.36 He calls us to follow in His foot steps in coming 00:17:12.36\00:17:16.26 and dying. John chapter 1, are we there? 00:17:16.26\00:17:19.86 Amen. Beginning in verse 1 the Bible says 00:17:19.86\00:17:23.63 in the beginning was the word, and the 00:17:23.63\00:17:25.46 word was with God, and the word was God. 00:17:25.46\00:17:28.36 The same was in the beginning with God 00:17:28.36\00:17:31.20 and all things were made by Him and 00:17:31.20\00:17:33.46 without Him was not anything made that 00:17:33.46\00:17:36.40 was made, in Him was life, and the life was 00:17:36.40\00:17:40.60 the light of men. And I love how John begins 00:17:40.60\00:17:45.80 his gospel here by reminding us about 00:17:45.80\00:17:48.40 this being he calls the word. 00:17:48.40\00:17:50.33 And in verse 1 three things about the word, 00:17:50.33\00:17:53.03 He was in the beginning, He was 00:17:53.03\00:17:55.00 with God and He was God. In the beginning 00:17:55.00\00:17:58.76 meaning His eternal and pre-existent. 00:17:58.76\00:18:01.33 He was with God being a distinct person of 00:18:01.33\00:18:04.16 the God had, and He was God being, 00:18:04.16\00:18:06.36 He is divine, He was God. And in this word 00:18:06.36\00:18:10.90 is also creator according to verse 3 00:18:10.90\00:18:13.53 and in verse 4 in Him was life right. 00:18:13.53\00:18:17.03 And now having told us about this word 00:18:17.03\00:18:19.86 John then identifies Him in verse 14 and 00:18:19.86\00:18:23.26 in verse 14 he identifies the word in very clear, 00:18:23.26\00:18:26.66 in equivocal terms. And he says the word 00:18:26.66\00:18:30.50 was made flesh, and dwelt among us, 00:18:30.50\00:18:33.56 and we beheld his glory, the glory added, 00:18:33.56\00:18:36.43 the only begotten of the Father, full of grace 00:18:36.43\00:18:40.10 and truth. And so this being who is the word, 00:18:40.10\00:18:43.96 this eternal pre-existing being who is divine, 00:18:43.96\00:18:47.80 who is God is none other than Jesus Christ 00:18:47.80\00:18:50.60 Himself, and so John's gospel begins by telling 00:18:50.60\00:18:55.03 us very clearly that Jesus is God. 00:18:55.03\00:18:58.63 His divinity is very clearly affirmed. 00:18:58.63\00:19:01.90 He was in the beginning, He was with God and 00:19:01.90\00:19:04.33 he was God, and the rest of the Bible agrees 00:19:04.33\00:19:07.66 with this concept. Go to Hebrews chapter 1 00:19:07.66\00:19:09.96 and just see one instance of this. 00:19:09.96\00:19:11.46 In Hebrews chapter 1 and agreeing with John 00:19:11.46\00:19:14.10 in affirming Christ divinity. 00:19:14.10\00:19:17.10 Hebrews chapter 1, the writer of the book of 00:19:17.10\00:19:23.70 Hebrews begins in verse 1 by saying, 00:19:23.70\00:19:29.93 are we there, amen, okay. God, who at sundry 00:19:29.93\00:19:37.93 times and in divers manners spake in time 00:19:37.93\00:19:41.10 past unto the fathers by the prophets, 00:19:41.10\00:19:43.86 hath in these last days spoken unto us 00:19:43.86\00:19:47.20 by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir 00:19:47.20\00:19:50.53 of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 00:19:50.53\00:19:55.00 who being the brightness of his glory, 00:19:55.00\00:19:58.16 and the express image of his person. 00:19:58.16\00:20:01.20 And so Christ is described in verse 3 00:20:01.20\00:20:05.30 as the brightness of God's glory and the 00:20:05.30\00:20:08.00 express image of God's person, and again 00:20:08.00\00:20:11.30 affirming Christ divinity. And then in verse 8 of 00:20:11.30\00:20:15.46 Hebrews chapter 1 the Father Himself affirms 00:20:15.46\00:20:19.13 Christ's divinity, and verse 8 reads: 00:20:19.13\00:20:22.30 But unto the Son He God saith, unto the 00:20:22.30\00:20:26.10 Son God says Thy throne O God is forever 00:20:26.10\00:20:32.96 and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the 00:20:32.96\00:20:37.73 scepter of thy kingdom, and so God the Father 00:20:37.73\00:20:41.90 acknowledge us the divinity of His Son. 00:20:41.90\00:20:45.60 And as Colossians 2:9 tells us in Christ 00:20:45.60\00:20:50.23 dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, 00:20:50.23\00:20:54.80 amen. So let that be in our thoughts, 00:20:54.80\00:20:57.66 in our minds that Jesus was God. 00:20:57.66\00:21:00.86 His divinity is crystal clear, and Isaiah 9:6 00:21:00.86\00:21:06.43 that famous promise calls Him the wonderful 00:21:06.43\00:21:10.46 counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting 00:21:10.46\00:21:13.83 Father, The prince of peace, Jesus is God. 00:21:13.83\00:21:18.13 And yet now we transition to the, 00:21:18.13\00:21:21.73 the mystery of godliness that Paul addresses 00:21:21.73\00:21:25.63 in 1st Timothy 3 verse 16 and keeping in your 00:21:25.63\00:21:29.26 minds that Jesus is divine. In 1st Timothy 00:21:29.26\00:21:35.06 3 verse 16, I'll give you a minute to get there, 00:21:35.06\00:21:45.40 Bible students are we there? Yes. 00:21:49.50\00:21:55.60 Keeping in our minds that Jesus is fully God 00:21:55.60\00:22:01.13 and Paul writes, without controversy great 00:22:01.13\00:22:04.83 in verse 16, And without controversy great 00:22:04.83\00:22:09.00 is the mystery of godliness: That God 00:22:09.00\00:22:11.50 was manifest in the flesh, justified 00:22:11.50\00:22:14.23 in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto 00:22:14.23\00:22:17.70 the gentiles, believed in the word, received up 00:22:17.70\00:22:21.26 into glory, it's a mystery okay. 00:22:21.26\00:22:26.10 The mystery over the fact that Jesus came down, 00:22:26.10\00:22:29.23 being fully God to be our Emmanuel God with us, 00:22:29.23\00:22:33.13 and that He walks the earth being fully God 00:22:33.13\00:22:35.76 and being fully man that the gospels tell the 00:22:35.76\00:22:39.23 story of Jesus Christ, the man Jesus Christ, 00:22:39.23\00:22:44.00 who was also mysteriously God the son. 00:22:44.00\00:22:48.20 And Paul says without controversy 00:22:48.20\00:22:50.86 it's a great mystery that God was manifest 00:22:50.86\00:22:54.36 in the flesh, that the word was made flesh 00:22:54.36\00:22:57.90 and dwells among us. And so you're seeing 00:22:57.90\00:23:01.13 this crystal clear picture of who Jesus is, 00:23:01.13\00:23:05.00 being fully God, being fully man, 00:23:05.00\00:23:07.63 but our study this morning takes us 00:23:07.63\00:23:10.10 to the heart of Christ life while He on earth, 00:23:10.10\00:23:14.10 being fully God being fully vested with the 00:23:14.10\00:23:18.00 powers of divinity in Himself, having the 00:23:18.00\00:23:21.10 fullness of the Godhead bodily in him, 00:23:21.10\00:23:24.03 He came down here and lived a life of 00:23:24.03\00:23:28.40 nothing less than unreserved surrender 00:23:28.40\00:23:34.00 to the will of His Father. If you turn back now to 00:23:34.00\00:23:40.00 the gospel of John, I wanna show you 00:23:40.00\00:23:42.30 how the theme of the Father's will ruled 00:23:42.30\00:23:45.86 the life of Christ. And I warned you of the 00:23:45.86\00:23:51.06 turning scriptures pages this morning; 00:23:51.06\00:23:53.80 I hope it's keeping you awake. 00:23:53.80\00:23:56.40 In John chapter 4, let's begin there 00:23:56.40\00:24:01.13 and just see how Christ life was ruled 00:24:01.13\00:24:05.43 by the will of the Father. 00:24:05.43\00:24:07.76 In John chapter 4 are we there, amen are 00:24:11.20\00:24:15.66 we all there, amen. Okay, In John chapter 4 00:24:15.66\00:24:21.93 and verse 34 Jesus speaking says, 00:24:21.93\00:24:25.93 my meat is to do the will of him that sends me, 00:24:25.93\00:24:30.10 and to finish his work. So Jesus meets 00:24:30.10\00:24:33.70 His greatest satisfaction His deepest joy was to 00:24:33.70\00:24:36.83 do the will of His Father. In John chapter 5 just 00:24:36.83\00:24:41.00 one chapter over in verse 30 the same 00:24:41.00\00:24:43.66 truth is repeated. In John chapter 5 00:24:43.66\00:24:47.10 and verse 30 and again speaking Jesus says, 00:24:47.10\00:24:51.43 I can of mine own self do nothing: 00:24:51.43\00:24:54.80 and as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; 00:24:54.80\00:24:58.40 because I seek not mine own will, 00:24:58.40\00:25:01.33 but the will of the Father which hath sent me. 00:25:01.33\00:25:04.83 He came down from heaven to seek not 00:25:04.83\00:25:08.73 his own will but the Father's will. 00:25:08.73\00:25:11.43 And in John 6:38 that we've read from 00:25:11.43\00:25:16.56 yesterday Jesus says, for I came down from 00:25:16.56\00:25:21.60 heaven, not to do mine own will, 00:25:21.60\00:25:25.56 but the will of him that sent me. 00:25:25.56\00:25:29.30 Do you see how the words will and sent 00:25:29.30\00:25:33.60 are being repeated here? Do you see that, 00:25:33.60\00:25:37.16 do you see that friends? Do you see 00:25:37.16\00:25:41.50 that repetition of the will of the Father 00:25:41.50\00:25:44.80 and Him that sent me, and then Christ came 00:25:44.80\00:25:48.36 down from heaven not to do His own will 00:25:48.36\00:25:52.33 but the will of Him that sent Him. 00:25:52.33\00:25:54.93 And that as He walked the earth being fully, 00:25:56.90\00:26:01.70 fully God he surrendered 00:26:01.70\00:26:04.50 Himself to the will of His Father. 00:26:04.50\00:26:07.93 And a beautiful expedition of Christ's 00:26:10.90\00:26:16.00 surrender, Paul writes Philippians chapter 2, 00:26:16.00\00:26:20.33 arguably one of the most beautiful and 00:26:20.33\00:26:23.53 deepest passages on Christ's life ever written. 00:26:23.53\00:26:27.43 And when I study that this morning and 00:26:27.43\00:26:32.63 understanding Christ's call to come and to die. 00:26:32.63\00:26:37.96 Philippians chapter 2, when you get there 00:26:41.60\00:26:47.10 please say amen, amen. I'm reading 00:26:47.10\00:26:54.30 from verse 5, the Bible says, let this mind 00:26:54.30\00:27:02.90 be in you. Philippians chapter 2 and verse 5, 00:27:02.90\00:27:07.56 which was also in Christ Jesus who 00:27:07.56\00:27:11.63 being in the form of God, thought it not 00:27:11.63\00:27:14.30 robbery to be equal with God: 00:27:14.30\00:27:16.40 But made himself of no reputation, 00:27:16.40\00:27:19.90 and took upon him the form of a servant, 00:27:19.90\00:27:23.10 and was made in the likeness of men. 00:27:23.10\00:27:25.53 And being found in fashion as a man, 00:27:25.53\00:27:28.73 he humbled himself, and became obedient 00:27:28.73\00:27:30.90 unto death, even the death of the cross. 00:27:30.90\00:27:35.50 So as you and I reflect on Philippians chapter 2 00:27:35.50\00:27:39.73 verse 8 this morning, that Christ humbled 00:27:39.73\00:27:43.00 Himself and became obedience to His 00:27:43.00\00:27:45.50 Father's will even to the point of death 00:27:45.50\00:27:48.86 on the Cross. His life was a life of not my 00:27:48.86\00:27:54.40 will but thine, nothing less than unreserved 00:27:54.40\00:27:58.50 surrender, nothing less than radical abandon 00:27:58.50\00:28:02.70 to the will of God even to the point of death 00:28:02.70\00:28:07.13 on the cross. And so think about him in 00:28:07.13\00:28:12.03 Gethsemane. Think about Him kneeling upon 00:28:12.03\00:28:15.43 the ground, praying that crushing prayer, 00:28:15.43\00:28:18.33 Father if it be possible let this cup pass from 00:28:18.33\00:28:22.30 me yet nevertheless not my will but thine. 00:28:22.30\00:28:26.53 And let us not think for one minute that 00:28:26.53\00:28:29.70 Gethsemane was easy it was not, 00:28:29.70\00:28:32.30 because Gethsemane wasn't easy, 00:28:32.30\00:28:35.60 no man sweats great drops of blood if it's easy. 00:28:35.60\00:28:40.20 Calvary wasn't easy either the submission 00:28:40.20\00:28:43.93 was painful. His humanity felt the 00:28:43.93\00:28:47.20 crushing weight of sin and of being man 00:28:47.20\00:28:50.16 sin bearer, but feeling that crushing weights 00:28:50.16\00:28:53.90 and being tempted to go back being tempted 00:28:53.90\00:28:56.86 to say it's enough I am going back to heaven 00:28:56.86\00:28:59.40 Christ surrender whether the pain and 00:28:59.40\00:29:03.46 He said Father not my will but thine. 00:29:03.46\00:29:06.56 If it be possible let this cup pass from me, 00:29:06.56\00:29:11.10 but if this cup cannot pass from me except 00:29:11.10\00:29:14.86 I drink it, let thy will be done. 00:29:14.86\00:29:20.06 As he walks to Calvary, they're beating Him, 00:29:20.06\00:29:26.40 they're spitting in his face. 00:29:26.40\00:29:30.73 You every had somebody spit in your face? 00:29:30.73\00:29:32.86 I hope not, and I don't think any of us 00:29:32.86\00:29:39.53 would have the audacity to spit 00:29:39.53\00:29:41.80 in our President's face for example right. 00:29:41.80\00:29:46.60 And here where these human beings spitting 00:29:46.60\00:29:50.20 in the face of their creator, spitting 00:29:50.20\00:29:54.23 in the face of the one who sustained their lives. 00:29:54.23\00:29:58.23 And Jesus stands there being fully God 00:29:58.23\00:30:03.00 having the poweth in Himself to end 00:30:03.00\00:30:05.50 his own suffering because He was still 00:30:05.50\00:30:07.66 fully God, but not my will but thine. 00:30:07.66\00:30:12.83 See Him being hung on the cross, 00:30:16.43\00:30:20.03 the nails piercing His hands, and His feet, 00:30:20.03\00:30:25.20 dying the death of a condemned criminal 00:30:25.20\00:30:29.73 and all the while He is fully God and 00:30:29.73\00:30:32.80 He had the power in himself to come down 00:30:32.80\00:30:35.90 from the cross, but not my will but thine. 00:30:35.90\00:30:41.03 He chose to give himself over to the 00:30:41.03\00:30:45.76 will of the Father, He gave Himself over. 00:30:45.76\00:30:49.56 And then Paul explains why in Philippians 2 00:30:49.56\00:30:54.70 verse 7, as you think about Christ 00:30:54.70\00:30:58.63 surrender here is why He could make that 00:30:58.63\00:31:02.00 surrender. In verse 7 Paul says: 00:31:02.00\00:31:05.83 But He made himself of no reputation, 00:31:05.83\00:31:11.16 and took upon him the form of a servant, 00:31:11.16\00:31:14.36 and was made in the likeness of men: 00:31:14.36\00:31:17.06 Do you see the word servant in verse 7 00:31:17.06\00:31:20.36 of Philippians chapter 2. The word servant 00:31:20.36\00:31:24.20 translated servant in our English Bible is 00:31:24.20\00:31:27.36 that Greek word Doulos, what the word everyone, 00:31:27.36\00:31:31.36 Doulos the Greek word Doulos. 00:31:31.36\00:31:33.90 Do you know the word Doulos means, 00:31:33.90\00:31:36.00 slave bond man. The word Doulos implies to 00:31:36.00\00:31:41.60 somebody who voluntarily gives 00:31:41.60\00:31:44.63 himself over to another's will. 00:31:44.63\00:31:47.90 Someone who chooses to be a slave to 00:31:47.90\00:31:51.76 somebody else, that's Doulos. 00:31:51.76\00:31:53.73 It's never forced, it's a choice to become 00:31:53.73\00:31:58.50 a slave to another. And so Jesus made 00:31:58.50\00:32:02.20 Himself of no reputation made 00:32:02.20\00:32:04.60 Himself a slave of God, He chose to surrender 00:32:04.60\00:32:10.16 completely to His father's will a slave 00:32:10.16\00:32:12.93 of God and so in Jesus calls a man, 00:32:12.93\00:32:17.16 when Christ calls me and you He calls us 00:32:17.16\00:32:19.73 to the same kind of surrender on the 00:32:19.73\00:32:22.83 premise of His example, He was a slave of God. 00:32:22.83\00:32:27.36 And if we call ourselves disciples, 00:32:27.36\00:32:30.96 if we call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ 00:32:30.96\00:32:35.56 foot steps, go down the path of radical 00:32:35.56\00:32:39.56 abandon to the will of God, slavery to God 00:32:39.56\00:32:44.60 a conscious choice, are there any disciples of 00:32:44.60\00:32:50.40 Jesus this morning. Is there anybody who 00:32:50.40\00:32:53.86 will follow Christ in the foot steps of Doulos, 00:32:53.86\00:32:57.60 are there disciples of Christ this morning? 00:32:57.60\00:33:01.66 If any man will come after me deny himself, 00:33:01.66\00:33:07.66 take up the cross daily and follow me, 00:33:07.66\00:33:11.93 in the path of servant hood, 00:33:11.93\00:33:14.33 the path of Doulos, the path of radical reckless 00:33:14.33\00:33:18.06 abundant to God's will. But here is the cutting 00:33:18.06\00:33:22.26 point friends where as Jesus did not have 00:33:22.26\00:33:26.50 to surrender we actually have to and 00:33:26.50\00:33:30.63 do you know why because we've got 00:33:30.63\00:33:32.66 two choices Doulos for us has two and 00:33:32.66\00:33:37.03 only two choices and those choices are 00:33:37.03\00:33:40.03 very crystal, clearly stated in Romans 00:33:40.03\00:33:43.53 chapter 6, Romans chapter 6 where Paul 00:33:43.53\00:33:48.83 again uses the word Doulos. 00:33:48.83\00:33:51.80 And as you turn to Romans chapter 6 00:33:51.80\00:33:54.13 let me remind you to that the Bible is 00:33:54.13\00:33:56.53 full of examples of men and women 00:33:56.53\00:33:59.90 who understood Christ's Doulos and made it 00:33:59.90\00:34:04.56 their own. Did you know for example that 00:34:04.56\00:34:07.83 Paul calls himself a slave of Christ, 00:34:07.83\00:34:11.23 there in Romans 1:1 when Paul says I'm 00:34:11.23\00:34:14.36 a servant of Christ, that word is Doulos, 00:34:14.36\00:34:17.73 a slave of Jesus and many others do the 00:34:17.73\00:34:21.36 same thing too. And in Romans chapter 6 00:34:21.36\00:34:25.50 writing for you and for me Paul has this to say. 00:34:25.50\00:34:30.80 I'm gonna begin in verse 16 are we there, amen. 00:34:30.80\00:34:36.43 Romans chapter 6 and verse 16, Know ye not, 00:34:36.43\00:34:40.73 that to whom ye yield yourselves servants 00:34:40.73\00:34:44.03 to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; 00:34:44.03\00:34:48.43 whether of sin unto death, or of obedience 00:34:48.43\00:34:51.70 unto righteousness? But God be thanked, 00:34:51.70\00:34:57.26 that ye were the servants of sin, 00:34:57.26\00:34:59.43 but ye have obeyed from the heart that 00:34:59.43\00:35:01.63 form of doctrine which was delivered you. 00:35:01.63\00:35:04.66 Being then made free from sin, ye became the 00:35:04.66\00:35:08.50 servants of righteousness. And verse 20, for when 00:35:08.50\00:35:14.43 you were the servants of sin, you were free 00:35:14.43\00:35:17.16 from what? Righteousness. 00:35:17.16\00:35:19.93 Do you see the word servant in verse 16, 00:35:19.93\00:35:23.50 17, 19 and 20 do you see it? You see the word 00:35:23.50\00:35:28.73 servants there, do you know that the word 00:35:28.73\00:35:31.66 servants there is in the Greek, anybody care 00:35:31.66\00:35:36.43 to guess, is the word Doulos. 00:35:36.43\00:35:40.20 The word servants in verse 16, 17, 19 00:35:42.16\00:35:46.40 and 20 is that Greek word Doulos, 00:35:46.40\00:35:49.63 slave a bondman. So Paul is saying here 00:35:49.63\00:35:54.33 friends that we've got two choices, 00:35:54.33\00:35:57.40 either we are slaves to sin, or we are slaves 00:35:57.40\00:36:00.26 to whom, to God and to Christ. 00:36:00.26\00:36:04.30 Now look to at the fact that it's a voluntary 00:36:04.30\00:36:08.40 choice, verse 16, you yield yourself 00:36:08.40\00:36:11.90 as a servant to sin or servant to God. 00:36:11.90\00:36:14.76 Nobody forces you, you chose to enslave 00:36:14.76\00:36:19.00 yourself to sin or to enslave yourself to God. 00:36:19.00\00:36:22.70 You choose to surrender to give yourself 00:36:22.70\00:36:25.80 voluntarily to the will of sin or the 00:36:25.80\00:36:29.46 will of God, is there a third choice, is there? 00:36:29.46\00:36:35.36 You're not convincing me GYC, 00:36:35.36\00:36:38.10 is there a third choice? No. Is there any middle 00:36:38.10\00:36:41.96 ground? No. Is there any gray zone? No. 00:36:41.96\00:36:45.43 Okay, so why is this so hard to surrender 00:36:45.43\00:36:48.46 all to God then? Do what I means to be a slave 00:36:48.46\00:36:52.40 to sin, I'm sure we all know, controlled 00:36:52.40\00:36:57.96 by habits, controlled by passions we cannot 00:36:57.96\00:37:01.93 break and guess what amazingly God 00:37:01.93\00:37:06.56 wants to free us, amen, amen. 00:37:06.56\00:37:09.46 But freedom comes at a cost, being 00:37:09.46\00:37:13.53 then make free from sin. Look at verse 22 00:37:13.53\00:37:17.63 of Romans chapter 6: But now, verse 22, 00:37:17.63\00:37:24.46 being made free from sin you become what, 00:37:24.46\00:37:27.26 servants to whom to God. So yes, Jesus set 00:37:27.26\00:37:36.90 the example of Doulos, voluntary slavery 00:37:36.90\00:37:41.93 to the will of God, but he didn't have to, 00:37:41.93\00:37:45.70 for me and for you controlled by the 00:37:45.70\00:37:49.33 habits of sin the choice is imperative, 00:37:49.33\00:37:52.93 because understand with me that the 00:37:52.93\00:37:54.86 logic of Romans 6 is very clearly friends, 00:37:54.86\00:37:57.90 if you are not a slave to God you are by 00:37:57.90\00:38:01.13 implication a slave to what, to sin. 00:38:01.13\00:38:04.26 Now look at verse 23, look at verse 23, 00:38:04.26\00:38:07.90 where Paul then concludes the whole 00:38:07.90\00:38:10.06 matter by saying, the wages of sin is what? 00:38:10.06\00:38:13.43 Death; but the gift of God is eternal life. 00:38:13.43\00:38:17.60 So now any logically reasoning human being 00:38:17.60\00:38:22.66 okay, there are two choices either 00:38:22.66\00:38:25.60 I'm a slave to God, or I'm a slave to sin. 00:38:25.60\00:38:28.46 And I think friend that anybody who has a 00:38:28.46\00:38:31.20 mind to reason and think if sin leads me to death 00:38:31.20\00:38:35.50 and God gives me the gift of eternal life 00:38:35.50\00:38:37.66 the choice then what sensible thing to do 00:38:37.66\00:38:40.06 is to do what, to choose God. 00:38:40.06\00:38:42.73 To say I'm gonna break free by the 00:38:42.73\00:38:46.36 grace of God from sin and make myself choose, 00:38:46.36\00:38:50.23 to make myself a slave of God, because the 00:38:50.23\00:38:53.00 other choice leads you to death. 00:38:53.00\00:38:55.46 There is no middle ground, there is no 00:38:55.46\00:38:58.10 picket fence to stand on, either you are 00:38:58.10\00:39:00.70 in this camp or that camp, one or the other. 00:39:00.70\00:39:03.70 Either God has all of you, your entire hearts 00:39:03.70\00:39:07.80 and minds then you His slave or you are 00:39:07.80\00:39:09.93 slave to sin. Nothing less than a complete 00:39:09.93\00:39:15.90 Doulos experience, is what God expects. 00:39:15.90\00:39:20.03 And you know God cannot accept anything 00:39:20.03\00:39:23.50 less than that, do you know that? 00:39:23.50\00:39:26.03 Because if He does accept less than that 00:39:26.03\00:39:29.06 He will be leaving us in slavery to sin, 00:39:29.06\00:39:31.70 because there is no middle ground friends, 00:39:31.70\00:39:34.10 there is no middle ground. So when 00:39:34.10\00:39:38.06 Jesus calls a man, he bids him come and die, 00:39:38.06\00:39:42.43 he bids him come and die. 00:39:42.43\00:39:47.36 In the premise of his own example 00:39:51.33\00:39:54.83 and the call is as clear, as clear can be. 00:39:54.83\00:40:00.26 In Steps to Christ page 43, the servants 00:40:00.26\00:40:06.00 of the Lord writes: The warfare against self 00:40:06.00\00:40:12.50 is the greatest battle that was ever fought. 00:40:12.50\00:40:16.06 The yielding of self, surrendering all 00:40:16.06\00:40:20.20 to the will of God, requires a struggle; 00:40:20.20\00:40:22.96 but the soul must submit to God before 00:40:22.96\00:40:28.63 it can be renewed in holiness. 00:40:28.63\00:40:30.80 We must submit to God surrendering 00:40:30.80\00:40:36.70 all to the will of God. And as I was thinking 00:40:36.70\00:40:43.66 about my experience that I shared with you, 00:40:43.66\00:40:48.90 of graduation week standing there thinking 00:40:48.90\00:40:52.23 how could God ask me to take my Harvard degree 00:40:52.23\00:40:55.76 and shelve it and become a fulltime work 00:40:55.76\00:40:59.10 in campus ministry, it made no sense. 00:40:59.10\00:41:01.66 But the point is these friends if we made up 00:41:01.66\00:41:04.83 our minds to voluntarily give ourselves to the 00:41:04.83\00:41:08.83 will of God, when God commands the 00:41:08.83\00:41:11.30 answer must always be yes Lord. Amen. 00:41:11.30\00:41:14.63 Even if you don't understand why 00:41:14.63\00:41:17.30 He commands He is God, and if he has chosen 00:41:17.30\00:41:20.90 to be his slave you must always answer yes. 00:41:20.90\00:41:24.46 And then I think that some of us friends 00:41:24.46\00:41:28.56 think that God owes us an explanation. 00:41:28.56\00:41:32.66 We think that God must explain to us 00:41:32.66\00:41:36.40 why He does what He does. 00:41:36.40\00:41:38.43 Is God, God? Does God see the end from 00:41:38.43\00:41:42.43 the beginning? Does God know what He is doing, 00:41:42.43\00:41:46.13 then why do we struggle to surrender all? 00:41:46.13\00:41:49.86 Is he God, some of us think we can tell God 00:41:49.86\00:41:58.36 has to do his job, worse yet some of us 00:41:58.36\00:42:03.73 have the foolish thought that we 00:42:03.73\00:42:06.20 could do better than God at managing our lives. 00:42:06.20\00:42:09.40 We think we know better than he knows. 00:42:09.40\00:42:12.93 Friends, God's will doesn't always need 00:42:12.93\00:42:17.20 to make sense, because if He is God He knows 00:42:17.20\00:42:20.06 what He is doing. Just obey Him, 00:42:20.06\00:42:23.16 don't ask why, just obey. Choose to have a Doulos 00:42:23.16\00:42:27.83 mind set, because the only other options 00:42:27.83\00:42:30.30 to that is slavery to sin leading it to death. 00:42:30.30\00:42:33.80 Listen to this Steps to Christ page 46. 00:42:33.80\00:42:38.43 God does not require us to give up anything 00:42:41.73\00:42:47.56 that it is for our best interest to retain. 00:42:47.56\00:42:51.80 In all that God does, He has the well being 00:42:51.80\00:42:55.83 of His children in view. Man is doing the 00:42:55.83\00:43:01.40 greatest injury and injustice to his own 00:43:01.40\00:43:09.03 soul when he thinks and acts contrary 00:43:09.03\00:43:14.00 to the will of God. Did you get it friends? 00:43:14.00\00:43:18.73 Did you get that, to think and to act 00:43:18.73\00:43:24.50 contrary to the will of God is to do the 00:43:24.50\00:43:27.83 greatest injury and injustice to your 00:43:27.83\00:43:32.93 own soul, it's the greatest injury 00:43:32.93\00:43:37.36 and injustice. No real joy can be found 00:43:37.36\00:43:45.73 in the path forbidden by Him who knows 00:43:45.73\00:43:49.43 what is best, and who plans 00:43:49.43\00:43:52.10 for the good of His creatures. 00:43:52.10\00:43:55.13 There is no real joy to be found in disobedience 00:43:59.80\00:44:05.00 to the will of God. And God will accept nothing 00:44:05.00\00:44:13.96 less than absolute surrender of the mind, 00:44:13.96\00:44:19.26 the heart, the will, that strengthen the entire 00:44:19.26\00:44:22.00 being to his control, servants of the Lord 00:44:22.00\00:44:26.43 writes. So you can bring something less 00:44:26.43\00:44:31.76 God will not accept it, it's a simple as that. 00:44:31.76\00:44:35.93 Try to come to God with the mindsets less 00:44:39.23\00:44:42.86 than Doulos He will not accept it for two reasons, 00:44:42.86\00:44:48.56 first because Christ example was that 00:44:48.56\00:44:51.70 of Doulos. He walks the steps of radical 00:44:51.70\00:44:55.26 abandon to God's will. Second reason, 00:44:55.26\00:44:58.80 if we are not slaves of God, we are slaves 00:44:58.80\00:45:01.93 of sin. And God does not want either you 00:45:01.93\00:45:05.66 or me to live a life of slavery to sin, 00:45:05.66\00:45:09.10 because that leads us to death. 00:45:09.10\00:45:11.46 The mind must chose to voluntary give 00:45:12.80\00:45:17.50 itself up to the will of God. 00:45:17.50\00:45:20.63 And I think sometimes we struggle, 00:45:20.63\00:45:26.13 because we don't trust the heart of God. 00:45:26.13\00:45:29.40 We think that God is out to hurt us, 00:45:29.40\00:45:33.16 what kind of God do you serve? 00:45:33.16\00:45:35.93 Can you imagine if you were married 00:45:35.93\00:45:39.80 and you thought your husband or wife was 00:45:39.80\00:45:42.13 always out to hurt you, how long will 00:45:42.13\00:45:45.56 that marriage last, would it even survive 00:45:45.56\00:45:48.53 a week, and yet we think that God 00:45:48.53\00:45:52.60 who has done the most amazing thing 00:45:52.60\00:45:55.53 in giving us Jesus Christ, in sacrificing 00:45:55.53\00:45:58.36 everything He could to save us, 00:45:58.36\00:46:00.13 we think that this God is out to hurt us 00:46:00.13\00:46:03.40 and I say how do you think that makes 00:46:03.40\00:46:05.93 God feel, that his children that he has 00:46:05.93\00:46:10.20 loved so much don't trust His will. 00:46:10.20\00:46:13.63 How must that make God feel? 00:46:13.63\00:46:16.30 God expects nothing less and better yet 00:46:16.30\00:46:20.66 he deserves nothing less than absolute 00:46:20.66\00:46:23.83 surrender under premise of Christ example 00:46:23.83\00:46:28.60 and for what God has given to us. 00:46:28.60\00:46:31.13 God expects, God deserves nothing less. 00:46:31.13\00:46:38.63 Let me give you a rule to live by and 00:46:40.43\00:46:44.66 that rule is given very succinctly in 00:46:44.66\00:46:49.23 John chapter 2 verse 5, when Mary the 00:46:49.23\00:46:52.56 mother of Jesus instructs the servants 00:46:52.56\00:46:56.30 of the feast the wedding at Cana 00:46:56.30\00:46:59.06 and she says something that's simple, 00:46:59.06\00:47:02.90 profound and is a rule of life for a Christian 00:47:02.90\00:47:07.80 underline that verse write it on your wall, 00:47:09.46\00:47:13.40 put it on your Facebook status, make it the 00:47:13.40\00:47:17.93 rule of your life. John 2 verse 5 Mary says 00:47:17.93\00:47:22.40 "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it!" Amen, 00:47:22.40\00:47:27.56 it's that simple. It doesn't need to make 00:47:27.56\00:47:31.06 sense just do it God has saith so just do it 00:47:31.06\00:47:33.63 he is God, and you are his slave because 00:47:33.63\00:47:36.70 you've chosen to give yourself to God, 00:47:36.70\00:47:39.40 it's a simple rule to live by. 00:47:41.33\00:47:43.96 And as you make that commitments 00:47:45.80\00:47:48.20 don't worry about how you will sustain it, 00:47:48.20\00:47:51.30 Jesus does the sustaining. 00:47:51.30\00:47:53.86 He then begins a good work in you is 00:47:53.86\00:47:58.00 faithful to do what complete it unto the 00:47:58.00\00:48:01.23 day of Christ. So Christ will sustain the 00:48:01.23\00:48:05.63 commitments, but you by his grace make 00:48:05.63\00:48:09.53 the choice just make up your mind that 00:48:09.53\00:48:13.00 whatsoever God commands whether or 00:48:13.00\00:48:15.86 not you understand just do it. 00:48:15.86\00:48:18.30 So yes, we'll go away from glittering career 00:48:18.30\00:48:22.03 with the Harvard degree into ministry 00:48:22.03\00:48:23.80 yes God has said so, just do it. 00:48:23.80\00:48:27.36 Doesn't need to make sense just do it, 00:48:27.36\00:48:29.73 obey the voice of God. Let the word of God 00:48:29.73\00:48:36.53 be enough for you, don't ask why, 00:48:36.53\00:48:40.10 don't ask why God says thou shall not lie 00:48:40.10\00:48:44.23 if God says so, you just do it. 00:48:44.23\00:48:46.40 Don't ask why God for busy from I am not 00:48:46.40\00:48:50.30 Adventist if God says so just do it, 00:48:50.30\00:48:52.70 don't ask why. But question you must ask 00:48:52.70\00:48:56.30 is has God commanded, and if God has commanded 00:48:56.30\00:49:00.73 yes Lord. Our last scripture is Luke 6 00:49:00.73\00:49:05.60 verse 46, where Jesus now asks the question 00:49:05.60\00:49:10.10 that I'm gonna ask us this morning. 00:49:10.10\00:49:12.93 In Luke chapter 6 and verse 46 Jesus asked 00:49:12.93\00:49:17.43 the question that bears repeating to us 00:49:17.43\00:49:20.83 as His disciples this morning, 00:49:20.83\00:49:23.36 are you there, amen. In Luke 6 verse 46, 00:49:25.90\00:49:30.06 are we there, amen. Jesus says and 00:49:30.06\00:49:36.26 why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do 00:49:36.26\00:49:39.93 not the things which I say? How do you 00:49:39.93\00:49:44.80 answer Jesus? How do you answer Him? 00:49:44.80\00:49:51.40 Why do you call Him Lord and don't do 00:49:54.33\00:49:58.63 a thing that He says, if He is Lord He must 00:49:58.63\00:50:03.66 be Lord. As we conclude I'm gonna 00:50:03.66\00:50:09.83 share with you a quotation that breaks 00:50:09.83\00:50:12.20 my heart, and it breaks my heart because 00:50:12.20\00:50:16.66 I think that many of us are in this place 00:50:16.66\00:50:18.93 and condition today. Steps to Christ, 00:50:18.93\00:50:22.93 I'm sorry Christ's Object Lessons 00:50:22.93\00:50:27.06 page 118 Ellen White writes, is very 00:50:27.06\00:50:32.93 chilling statement, and if you've listened 00:50:32.93\00:50:36.70 to nothing else I've say today please 00:50:36.70\00:50:39.13 listen to this. There are some who seem 00:50:39.13\00:50:45.36 to always be seeking for the heavenly pearl, 00:50:45.36\00:50:49.43 but they do not make an entire surrender 00:50:49.43\00:50:53.63 of their wrong habits, they do not die to self 00:50:53.63\00:50:58.26 that Christ may live in them, therefore 00:50:58.26\00:51:01.60 they do not find the precious pearl. 00:51:01.60\00:51:04.43 They have knots overcome an holy 00:51:04.43\00:51:09.00 ambition. They do not, they do not take up 00:51:09.00\00:51:15.26 the cross and follow Christ in the path of 00:51:15.26\00:51:19.80 self-denial and sacrifice. Almost Christians, 00:51:19.80\00:51:27.16 almost what Christians, but not 00:51:27.16\00:51:30.60 fully Christians, they seem so near to 00:51:30.60\00:51:34.90 the kingdom of heaven but they cannot 00:51:34.90\00:51:36.90 enter there, almost but not completely 00:51:36.90\00:51:43.00 saved means not almost but completely lost. 00:51:43.00\00:51:49.66 Did you understand what I just read? 00:51:52.90\00:51:54.80 There are some among us who don't take 00:51:56.50\00:52:00.16 up the cross daily and follow Jesus in the 00:52:00.16\00:52:03.53 path of self-denial and as a result 00:52:03.53\00:52:07.73 we are almost Christians, but let me tell you 00:52:07.73\00:52:11.80 something friends there is no such thing 00:52:11.80\00:52:14.10 as almost Christian, either we are or 00:52:14.10\00:52:18.33 we're not. We're almost saved, 00:52:18.33\00:52:22.20 but almost saved means entirely lost, 00:52:22.20\00:52:27.30 are you following me friends? If we do not 00:52:27.30\00:52:33.33 by the grace of God make the choice to 00:52:33.33\00:52:35.70 Doulos our minds to God we are almost saved, 00:52:35.70\00:52:39.63 but almost saved means completely lost. 00:52:39.63\00:52:43.43 How many of us are lost this morning, 00:52:43.43\00:52:45.83 thinking why GYC good looking Christians lost, 00:52:45.83\00:52:49.66 because there are some times when God cometh 00:52:49.66\00:52:51.70 and we say no because we haven't made up 00:52:51.70\00:52:55.13 our minds that we are Doulos, the slaves 00:52:55.13\00:52:57.36 of God almost saved, almost Christians 00:52:57.36\00:53:02.33 but lost, completely lost. 00:53:02.33\00:53:04.70 It will break my heart GYC if there are some 00:53:04.70\00:53:08.23 among us this morning that are almost saved, 00:53:08.23\00:53:12.26 because there is no such thing as almost saved. 00:53:12.26\00:53:16.43 And I'm almost in tears and I don't want to cry 00:53:16.43\00:53:20.26 but here's the point friends, we've come 00:53:20.26\00:53:23.00 so far GYC so many appeals God has made 00:53:23.00\00:53:26.86 and we've responded to, have we obeyed Him, 00:53:26.86\00:53:29.93 have we obeyed Him? Amen. 00:53:29.93\00:53:32.73 God has spoken have we said yes Lord, 00:53:34.26\00:53:37.40 or are we walking through these hallways 00:53:37.40\00:53:41.10 almost saved in reality completely lost. 00:53:41.10\00:53:48.16 I pray, I pray from the bottom of my heart 00:53:54.56\00:54:00.40 that God would grant us the hearts and the 00:54:00.40\00:54:06.66 mind of Christ, the mind of reckless abandon 00:54:06.66\00:54:14.46 to the will of God. If you're gonna abandon 00:54:14.46\00:54:19.06 yourself to anything abandon yourself to 00:54:19.06\00:54:23.13 the will of God, it's the safest place to be. 00:54:23.13\00:54:27.26 Friends, God knows what He is doing. 00:54:27.26\00:54:30.43 God is too wise to be mistaken as the some 00:54:30.43\00:54:34.80 writer writes. God is too good to be unkind, 00:54:34.80\00:54:40.40 His will is for our best. And the best choice 00:54:40.40\00:54:46.16 we could ever make the most logical 00:54:46.16\00:54:50.60 and the very best choice we could ever make 00:54:50.60\00:54:53.10 is to make a pre-commitment 00:54:53.10\00:54:56.20 that whatever God says, whatsoever 00:54:56.20\00:55:00.06 He says unto us by His grace we'll say yes Lord. 00:55:00.06\00:55:06.30 This is the best possible choice 00:55:06.30\00:55:10.36 and it's the only choice that makes sense, 00:55:10.36\00:55:13.93 because the other half of the coin does not 00:55:13.93\00:55:17.40 make sense. So no turning back requires 00:55:17.40\00:55:22.63 our mind that says I've voluntarily given 00:55:22.63\00:55:27.26 myself to the will of God. I'm a Doulos a 00:55:27.26\00:55:30.46 slave of God, and I know slavery has many 00:55:30.46\00:55:33.70 negative meanings in our world today. 00:55:33.70\00:55:36.70 But if you're going to be a slaver of anything, 00:55:36.70\00:55:40.66 be a slave to God, because remember 00:55:40.66\00:55:44.00 there are only two choices right, 00:55:44.00\00:55:46.66 there are only two choices, you are a slave 00:55:46.66\00:55:50.43 either way you go, so turn back you are still 00:55:50.43\00:55:54.23 a slave, so why turn back to slavery to sin 00:55:54.23\00:55:57.36 why either where you go you are a slave, 00:55:57.36\00:56:01.40 so choose the logical thing be a slave to God. 00:56:01.40\00:56:04.60 Amen. It's Christ's example and when 00:56:04.60\00:56:07.16 Jesus calls us, he bids us come and die 00:56:07.16\00:56:10.73 the same way he died the path of servant hood, 00:56:10.73\00:56:14.40 the path of Doulos to God. 00:56:14.40\00:56:16.73 If any man will come after me he must deny 00:56:18.00\00:56:24.60 himself take up His cross daily and follow me 00:56:24.60\00:56:31.10 in the path of self denial. 00:56:31.10\00:56:35.96 There is no music playing, and I wanna make one 00:56:40.30\00:56:44.03 very simple appeal, before I make the 00:56:44.03\00:56:47.13 appeal I'm going to give you little bit of 00:56:47.13\00:56:51.53 time to bow your heads, and think about the 00:56:51.53\00:56:56.60 implications of the word Doulos, 00:56:56.60\00:56:59.13 think about it, reason in your mind what God 00:56:59.13\00:57:02.20 is calling you to do, what Christ call is, 00:57:02.20\00:57:05.53 because the call cannot be changed friends, 00:57:05.53\00:57:08.36 it is as it is, take it or leave it. 00:57:08.36\00:57:11.23 If you're going to come to Christ you 00:57:11.23\00:57:14.26 must Doulos yourself to Christ that's the call. 00:57:14.26\00:57:18.03 So bow your heads and think about it in 00:57:18.03\00:57:21.03 silence for a minute just think about it. 00:57:21.03\00:57:23.96