Participants: William Moala
Series Code: 10AYC
Program Code: 10AYC000009
00:17 Good afternoon AYC. Good afternoon.
00:20 It's the last day of the conference, 00:22 have you enjoyed yourselves? Yes. 00:25 Is my mike on? Yeah it is? Amen. 00:28 Well, before I pray and begin our afternoon message. 00:31 I'll just like to answer a question that you might 00:34 have in your minds and that is no. 00:37 I am not a Mormon. But by the grace of Christ, 00:44 I am a Latter Day Saint, Amen. 00:47 Amen. I am not Pentecostal Christian, 00:49 although I believe in the gift of tongues. 00:52 I'm not a Baptist preacher, although I believe in the 00:55 baptism of the Holy Spirit. By the grace of God 00:58 I am the Seventh-Day Adventist Preacher. Amen. 01:00 Amen. And if you are here as a 01:02 Seventh-Day Adventist Christian, 01:04 I want you to bow your heads as we pray. 01:08 Father in heaven, thank you for the so some 01:10 opportunity to share the word of God with your people 01:14 in the name of Jesus I pray for your Holy Spirit. 01:17 You said Jesus, Jesus in John 16 Verse 13 Howbeit when he, 01:22 the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all 01:25 the truth: for He shall not speak from himself; 01:29 but what things so ever He shall hear, 01:30 that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come. 01:34 Pour out your Holy Spirit and guide us 01:36 we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. 01:42 Title of our message this afternoon is the greatest 01:45 want of the world. As I was preparing, 01:50 I was going through the scriptures, 01:52 I was praying reading what, the pen of inspiration 01:55 had to say. And there was a quote in the writings 01:59 of the Ellen White that shocked me and she says 02:03 in the book of Evangelism page 280, 02:08 Some may be listening to the last sermon they will 02:10 ever hear, some will never again be so situated 02:17 as to have the chain of truth brought before them. 02:25 What a mighty work it is to witness for God. 02:28 And so I don't take this lightly as this opportunity 02:31 present itself to share what God has put in my heart. 02:36 You see Jesus spoke about the kingdom of heaven, 02:39 didn't he? He said the kingdom of heaven 02:42 is like this. The kingdom of heaven is like that 02:47 and there was a certain parable in 02:48 Matthew Chapter 22 where Jesus said the 02:51 kingdom of heaven is like a wedding. 02:55 And the Father prepared the wedding for His son 02:59 and so He prepared that the fatty calves 03:00 and the ox and He called all the friends to come 03:03 to this wedding feast. But, when it was time for those 03:06 who were invited to come one by one they began 03:10 to make excuses and so finally when the Father 03:15 heard that those who are invited didn't want to come, 03:18 He said go to the highways, go to the byways 03:21 and invite those and so they came. 03:27 And there was one man who was there 03:30 who did have worn a wedding garment and so when 03:32 the Father came to the see guests, 03:34 He saw that there was a person there without this 03:37 wedding garment and the father said where is your 03:41 garment, why have you not come with the garment, 03:44 and He was speechless. And then Jesus said to those 03:50 Pharisees He said, for many are called, but 03:54 few are chosen. My friends there are some 420 of us 04:03 here this afternoon and it's not my desire to put guilt 04:09 and may be worry or fear in your hearts, but Jesus said 04:13 many shall be called, but few are chosen. 04:18 In the book Christian Service page 41 Ellen White says 04:21 in the chapter entitled God's condition among 04:24 God's church, she says it is a solemn statement that 04:28 I make to the Church that there are not one in 20 04:33 whose names are registered upon the Church books, 04:35 are prepared to close their earthly history, 04:38 and would be as verily without God and without hope 04:41 in this world as the common sinner. 04:46 They are very serious statements, aren't they? 04:51 So, my burden is to share what God has done 04:54 to my heart, but also to share what is the burden 04:56 of God's heart? We are told that just before the end 05:01 of time, Jesus said this Gospel shall be preached 05:06 in all the world for a, for a? Witness! 05:10 Witness, to all nations then the end shall come. 05:15 And friends as we have been listening to these 05:17 messages night after night, the theme is go with purpose, 05:21 passion, and power and Pastor Nelson has been talking 05:23 about primetime. We are the generation and what 05:29 message does God give His primetime generation, the end 05:33 time to share to the world. The three angels messages, 05:40 and so God says that there is a message to the whole 05:44 world and He says fear God give glory to him. Amen. 05:49 Amen. So the implication is in the end times 05:52 there will be people who are not fearing God. 05:57 Why does He say give glory to him; for the hour 06:00 of His judgment is coming. Now I got to study these 06:07 and I began to ask question why does God say fear him? 06:16 What happens when a person fears God in other 06:18 words what happens when they want to give 06:21 their lives to Jesus Christ? What happens 06:22 when they make a stand for truth to decide to serve Him? 06:28 The Bible says in Proverbs Chapter 1 Verse 7 06:31 For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of does 06:35 anyone know that verse? Wisdom! 06:36 Wisdom. So, wait a minute in the end time message 06:44 part of God's plan is that you have wisdom, 06:51 for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. 06:56 Now what happens to us? What is, 07:00 why does God want us to have wisdom in these last days? 07:09 What is so important about wisdom? This is going 07:17 along the lines of what Pastor Norman just preached. 07:21 Paul said to Timothy and that from a child thou hast 07:25 known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make 07:28 thee wise unto, what? Salvation! 07:31 Salvation, Amen. So, part of God's end time message 07:34 is fear God, why, to have wisdom so that you could 07:39 be saved. Amen. Amen. 07:42 Salvation is on God's heart. I don't know what 07:44 you're thinking about today. Maybe you're invited 07:46 by a friend, may be you're just here to pass time, but 07:49 on God's mind is salvation of souls. Amen. Amen. 07:54 It's on His heart day and night. He doesn't sleep. 07:57 He thinks about His lost children. So, the end time 08:03 message is seek wisdom because in wisdom 08:08 we find salvation and the Bible friends is only book 08:13 that will show you Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. 08:17 You can go to borders, you can go gimmicks, you 08:19 can go to your Uni Library and there are many books 08:21 on the shelves, but there is one book that shows us 08:25 salvation that is Jesus Christ. Amen. 08:29 Amen. So, we are saved part of God's entire message 08:33 is to save people, what else does wisdom provide 08:36 for us when we feel God and we give glory to Him. 08:40 We have wisdom, wisdom means we see our need 08:43 for our savior and the Holy Spirit is Jesus said convicts 08:47 of sin, righteousness and judgment and it shows us 08:51 that we're living in a time where people need 08:58 to decide where they will spend eternity. 09:03 Forgive me if I'm preaching in a certain way, 09:06 but I believe we are living in last saints of 09:09 earth history. And so God says that wisdom through 09:18 the scriptures gives us a chance to be saved, 09:23 gives us a chance to know Jesus Christ, 09:25 gives us a chance to know that man on Calvary 09:27 that shed His blood some 2000 years ago. Amen. 09:31 Amen. So, what else does wisdom do? 09:35 Bible says in Proverbs Chapter 11 Verse 30 but 09:38 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and 09:42 He that winneth soul is wise. Did you get that? 09:50 So, as I understand the Bible as primetime youth there 09:54 are two overwhelming things that we should understand 09:59 is number one God wants you to be saved and 10:02 number two He wants you to be a saving influence 10:05 in other people. Amen. Amen. 10:07 The soul that wins souls is wise. Amen.Amen. 10:14 The purpose of AYC is not to entertain you. 10:17 It's not to make you feel good, it's meant to help us 10:21 arise ourselves to the possibility that there is a 10:25 time when we may want to God's work, we may want 10:28 to be saved but then there may be a time when 10:31 that opportunity will pass. As I mentioned before, 10:42 previous AYC's always not brought up the 10:44 Seventh day Adventist, that this time some seven, 10:48 eight years ago I was out in the streets getting 10:51 up to kids get up to and I remember one time 10:54 we were drinking up a Charlie chance George Street, 10:59 as I had friends who lived in Glebe and we would do 11:03 what they do and then we would go to the pub take over 11:07 the place sit there have fun. One thing about Island 11:11 is we get drunk, but one thing we never do when we 11:15 are drunk is talk about religion. I don't know why, 11:18 maybe it's embedded in us from a young age, 11:20 we don't talk about God. But one time, 11:24 when someone in that group just had a bit too much 11:27 the drink, we started talking and then somehow the topic 11:34 of religion came up and everyone having the little 11:36 two sense about what God is and what's happening 11:39 about the Bible and everything and this guy was 11:41 standing in the back and I could see smoke coming out 11:44 of His nostrils and He was fuming and like He wanted 11:47 to say something and then He just had enough, 11:52 sipped His schooner banged on the ground and He said 11:54 enough. You didn't know a single word of the Bible 12:01 because my church is the truth. This guy was brought 12:11 up to Seventh-day Adventist and we all looked 12:14 at Himlike well He is, what's wrong with him. 12:18 But He said it with such purpose, 12:20 such intention that we didn't even wanted to even dare 12:25 open that door. So, He said okay, next topic. 12:30 And let me tell you friends that when I was baptized 12:34 He came to the baptism, when I was baptizing 12:36 in '04 and the very next week was my cousin, 12:40 He was having a 21st in His backyard and He realized 12:43 that I was not drinking and then He was, 12:47 had too much to drink again and then as I was walking 12:50 pass He pulled me over and He grabbed me 12:52 to the end of the fence in the backyard and I thought 12:54 He was or what I've done. And then He begins 12:57 He looked me in eye and He said William, 13:03 I thought that you would have a drink tonight. 13:08 I mean this is one week after baptism, 13:10 but that's how weak He thought I would just fall, 13:14 say I thought that with all these boxes of the beers 13:17 and all these things I knew you would have a drink, 13:22 but when you didn't it made me realize maybe 13:27 I should start going back to church. Amen. Amen. 13:33 I'm not showing this to show you how I good was, 13:35 but we are witness wherever we go and I learned 13:42 a valuable lesson that people are watching me, 13:48 people are watching me. Even another friend 13:53 that came to my baptism, He had no mercy. 13:58 He told me straight as He was shaking His hand 14:00 as He walked up out and He said to me point blank 14:04 in the face, oh William I'll see how long you last. 14:07 Amen. Amen. But you got to understand my friend's 14:12 mindset. We would be sitting there smoking 14:14 marijuana and all these other stuff and I used to say 14:16 every week I am not smoking anymore. 14:19 This is my last smoke. What was I doing the very 14:22 next night? This is my last smoke and then one of them 14:26 just got so upset He said William can you just stop 14:29 that. You will never change? And the more He said 14:35 that the more it hurt and so I was trying in my own 14:39 strength to change, but should, someone should 14:44 have shared with me what is said in Jeremiah, 14:45 Can the Ethiopian change His skin? Can the leopard 14:48 change His spots? Can you do good who are 14:51 accustomed to do evil? I was trying to do it in my own 14:53 strength. And so I learned a very valuable lesson. 15:02 I thank you Pastor's wife for the names we pray for. 15:05 First five was my friends. They're still out there, 15:09 they're still doing God knows what, and I'm praying 15:12 for them. And so I ask myself the questions 15:20 what does that mean to be a primetime Adventist, 15:23 Young generation of youth in these last days, 15:26 it is wisdom through the scriptures it helps you, 15:30 it shows you Jesus Christ, it gives you a chance 15:32 to be saved, not only you, Jesus wants you to be 15:36 saved, He is calling you to save others, 15:41 that's what wisdom is. But friends as the word of God 15:50 says the hour of His judgment is coming, 15:54 He is coming. We are living in the judgment hour I know 15:57 I'm preaching Adventist, you've heard this many times, 16:03 but there is a time that the fruits of wisdom 16:07 what its sort to accomplish in saving you, 16:11 in saving friends around you, there is a time when that 16:13 will pass. Solomon knew that very well as 16:20 He says in Proverbs, Chapter 1 reading form Verse 20 16:25 He said wisdom cries out. Wisdom cries without, 16:31 she utters her voice in the street, help, 16:35 Jesus is coming soon. She cries in the chief place 16:40 of concourse, she cries at the Uni, she cries wisdom 16:44 to those who door knocked yesterday. 16:48 She utters her voice in the streets and she is 16:52 saying people give your lives to Christ. 17:00 Since how long you simple ones? Will you love 17:03 simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, 17:06 and fools hate knowledge? Turn your reproof. 17:11 Behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you, 17:13 I will make known my words unto you. 17:16 Isn't that a beautiful promise friends? God wants us 17:19 and this generation to have Spirit full lives. 17:22 He wants to put His words in our mouth, 17:24 so that when we talk to our friends, when we talk those 17:26 around us we will be a saving influence on people. 17:31 And there is a time factor, but then God goes 17:36 on to say, but I have called and you refused, 17:40 I stretched out my hand and no man regarded, 17:43 but ye have set at nought all my counsel, 17:44 and would none of my reproof: 17:47 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when 17:51 your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation, 17:54 and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; 17:57 when distress and anguish cometh upon you. 17:59 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; 18:03 they shall seek me early, but they will not find 18:08 me why? But that they hated knowledge, 18:11 and they did not choose the fear of the Lord. 18:19 Friends, I said this before that I believe one of the 18:22 greatest gifts apart from Jesus Christ and His blood 18:25 and His sacrifice is; the gift of time and after that 18:29 is the gift of choice. Do you agree with me? 18:35 Yes. One of the greatest gifts of God 18:36 is He is so powerful, but yet He will not force 18:39 His will upon you. Friends I say this with all purpose 18:49 in my heart and all honesty AYC is being a life changing 18:53 experience for me. You say but wait a minute William. 18:56 You've been at Adventist for six years, 18:59 you have gone to Avondale college. What do you mean 19:01 it's been a life changing experience because 19:03 when God's words said to me turn you in my reproof. 19:10 Have you ever had that experience? I pray that is 19:12 your experience now. When God speaks to you in that think 19:18 all your conscious and sometimes we feel that 19:22 its not there we try to leave it alone, but then when we 19:25 come to another sermon that same Spirits that same 19:27 voice speaks to you. And Friends I've had that 19:32 experience. God has been imagining, He says William 19:37 turn you at my reproof. Friends I don't what you are 19:44 going through, but I could almost be guarantee 19:48 that there may some people, God has been 19:51 impressing you with a certain air in your life to surrender 19:55 to Him, but we don't want to surrender. 20:03 Please don't disappoint Jesus, don't disappoint your 20:08 savior, the reason why He convicts you is that 20:13 you may know that you are not walking with Him. 20:17 Or that there certain area of life you need to give 20:19 to Him. And friends I say this with all my heart 20:23 and I stand here with all humility and I can sing 20:30 that hymn with confidence, I surrender all. 20:34 Isn't that a beautiful hymn? Amen. 20:36 All to Jesus that's what God wants in these last days. 20:40 He is not looking for the most brightest, 20:42 the most talented, He is looking for a heart 20:44 that is willing to serve him. And friends there 20:49 is no greater peace that when you sleep at night 20:52 and your head hits that pillow and you know that with 20:57 all intentions and purposes that you're conscience 21:00 is clear, that's why that famous hymn writer 21:08 could write when peace like a river intends my way, 21:11 whatever happened in His life it was well with His 21:17 soul. Is it well with your soul today? I know I spent 21:25 to talk about witnessing, vandalism doing all these, 21:29 yes. By God's grace I have been doing that, 21:32 but burden on my heart today is, are you wise? 21:38 You're saved, and are you using your life to save 21:43 others? Ellen White says in the book Education page 57, 21:54 she says the greatest want of the world 21:57 is the want of men. Ladies don't worry, I'm coming to 22:05 you. The greatest want of the world is the want of men, 22:09 men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their 22:12 inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear 22:15 to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience 22:19 is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; 22:22 men who will stand for the right though the heavens 22:25 fall. Amen. Amen. And this is the WMV, 22:29 William Moala Version. The greatest one in the world 22:33 is the one of Adventist Youth, who are true to duty, 22:41 whose consciences are clear, who can look themselves 22:45 in the mirror and say with all honesty and purpose 22:47 I am a Christian. I am not a hypocrite and I say 22:53 this with all respect and with all vulnerability that 22:56 at times I have been a hypocrite 23:00 and it's not a good feeling, is it? It's not good feeling 23:04 when you look at others happy Sabbath, 23:05 how are you doing? Very good, thank you, see you 23:08 later, happy Sabbath, and all through that life 23:11 when you're driving home you know it is not a happy 23:13 Sabbath, because you got things in your life that you 23:17 have not surrendered. Forgive me for this tone of voice, 23:24 forgive me for the way I am preaching, 23:28 but God is calling is to get real. Use AYC as the turning 23:39 point in your Christian experience. Amen. Amen. 23:44 Whether you've been in the Church or your life 23:46 whether you've just come in, say within your heart, 23:50 Lord at AYC I made a decision to serve you. 23:55 I made a commitment to follow you because 24:00 as we are told there are some who are listening 24:04 to the sound of my voice this could be your last 24:06 conference. This could be the last time I am preaching. 24:12 Did you remember hearing the story of what 24:13 happened couple of GYC's ago, there was a young 24:16 boy that attended the GYC on his way home 24:18 in the winter as he was driving on the road 24:20 there was ice over the road; they lost control he died. 24:25 He died going home from a conference just like this. 24:34 God calling us, to say this afternoon and as we listen 24:40 to the consecration address, our prayer should be 24:46 Lord is there anything in this in here that, 24:51 he is separating me from you. Perhaps some people God is 24:58 calling in to be missionary, some God is calling you 25:06 to start Bible studies with that friend that you hang 25:08 around with everyday, but you have not had the courage 25:10 to say yes, I would do that. Whatever God's plan 25:15 is for you let these next few hours, the hours where your 25:20 heart is like this. Lord as that hymn says take 25:25 my life and let it be, holy consecrated to the isn't that 25:32 your desire friends, that's my desire, 25:36 so when you see me walking around I want you to say 25:39 William just you don't have to say anything when 25:44 you look at me and you just smile at me 25:45 and there is a connection like I'm living for Jesus 25:48 you're living for Jesus that's what matters. 25:51 Amen. I may not know your names, 25:56 I may not know where you come from, 25:57 but when I look around the crowd here I know 25:59 that there are people here who love Jesus. Amen. 26:03 So, when you go back to your local Church you represent 26:07 Jesus. Stand for the right thou the heavens fall. Amen. 26:16 How many people here are willing to stand up 26:19 for Jesus? Can I see your hands? Let's all rise. 26:29 I know that there are have been appeals, 26:31 I know that there have been, but we're just gonna 26:33 make one appeal and that is as we pray, 26:37 I want you to pray in your heart that what is gonna 26:40 happen in these next few hours, you're gonna say Lord, 26:45 whatever you say to me I'm gonna respond. Perhaps 26:49 there is a relationship you want me to stop 26:50 you say I'm gonna stop it right here. 26:54 Maybe there are some things in your life you know 26:55 you shouldn't be doing, you say Lord I'm gonna stop 26:57 it right here. And by your grace Lord as you said 27:04 in Philippians as you began the good work in me 27:08 you will completed until the end. 27:12 Let's bow our heads and pray. 27:16 Father in heaven, as we stand here before you 27:21 in the presence of the living God, 27:24 I pray that each person in this auditorium even 27:28 the usher at the door wherever they are Adventist 27:31 or not, Christian or not, Lord speak to us. 27:35 Open your hearts as David prayed, search me oh God. 27:42 Search us Lord for we've been deceived our own selves, 27:46 such as today. Father, I don't know who I am talking to, 27:52 but you know your children in this place you know 27:56 the experience, you know exactly what each person 27:59 is going through, so I pray in the name of Jesus Christ 28:04 that as we enter into the consecration service 28:09 as we've been listening to the messages all through 28:11 these last few days that you'll speak directly to each 28:15 of us. Father give us heart that'll be willing to say 28:21 yes Lord. I surrender all. Thank you for hearing 28:25 our prayer and thank you for this conference, 28:28 we pray in Jesus name. Amen. 28:31 Amen, God bless you can turn your seats. |
Revised 2014-12-17