Adventist Youth Conference 2010

Invisible Shame

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Peter Gregory


Series Code: 10AYC

Program Code: 10AYC000007

00:16 Good morning. Good morning.
00:19 Happy Sunday. It's happy Sunday right?
00:24 Praise God. Alright you know the Bible text,
00:28 faith coming by hearing. And hearing by the what?
00:33 Word. Word of God,
00:34 faith is so important in our Christian life.
00:38 And we're told that faith is,
00:42 is opposite from what? Alright, doubt, okay,
00:47 but faith is, is opposite also from feelings.
00:53 Have you heard that before?
00:54 Yeah, faith and feelings are like the east to the west.
00:58 So, then the question is,
01:00 what should we do with feelings?
01:02 Because we do feel, right.
01:05 So, what should we do with feelings?
01:07 Do you think feelings are important?
01:10 Or should we think feelings are not that important.
01:13 We just kind of ignore it;
01:15 deny it and just kind of walk away from it.
01:20 Yes, there are times that, yes I understand.
01:22 There are times that we need to deny our feelings,
01:25 we must ignore our feelings;
01:27 we must walk away from our feelings,
01:30 but my friends, don't get confused?
01:36 This does not mean that we should live
01:39 our Christian faithful life
01:43 with totally without feelings.
01:48 We cannot become so robotic. You with me?
01:53 Yes. We cannot becomes so,
01:55 so ritual or ceremonial
01:59 because our experience should be real.
02:05 So, then what should we do with our feelings?
02:08 You know, if I can ask the ladies. Ladies,
02:12 is feeling important? Yes. Yes, guys,
02:18 gentleman, is feeling important.
02:20 Yeah. Yeah, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.
02:25 I, I tell you, you know, we men,
02:28 we're, we're a big trouble sometimes.
02:30 Because you know, we have feelings too,
02:33 but we don't like to talk about them.
02:35 You never have guys you know,
02:38 they get together hey guys,
02:40 let's talk about feelings.
02:43 And I would be like, hey man,
02:45 I'll see you later. I'm not going there.
02:49 Yeah, but it's, but if you really break it down
02:52 my friends feelings is so important for male
02:57 and female. And, and listen, look,
03:00 we're told that when we go to heaven,
03:03 we're not going to take our house;
03:05 we're not going to take our car, bank account,
03:09 our clothes. There is only one thing
03:12 that we can take to heaven. What is that?
03:14 Character. Character so important.
03:17 Character, alright. So, be there,
03:19 so by the grace of God, by the mercies of God
03:23 may God transform my character
03:26 when I go to heaven.
03:27 Now, or before I go to heaven.
03:30 Now, but what is character?
03:35 What is character?
03:37 Character is character. What is character?
03:42 Aah, we are told that character is a combination,
03:46 alright. Combination between thoughts and feelings.
03:56 Thoughts and feelings combined,
03:59 meaning my friends.
04:01 Before we come to Christ
04:03 we have these wrong thoughts
04:08 and we've these wrong feelings.
04:11 Yes, I understand that many times temptation,
04:16 obviously temptation is not sin.
04:20 And sometimes or many times temptation
04:23 can come to you with wrong thought
04:24 and you must deny that and claim
04:29 the right thought, amen.
04:31 By the word of God.
04:34 But when you look at that character is based upon
04:37 thoughts and feeling. That means my friend,
04:40 not only we need to know how to claim
04:45 right thinking but by faith,
04:49 we also need to know how to claim right feeling.
04:56 But the problem is many times before we can
05:00 choose the right feeling; we're already confused
05:04 with our own feelings.
05:08 So, in order to understand this
05:11 we need to understand what the Bible says about
05:15 what happened to our feeling in the Bible?
05:19 So, turn your Bibles with me.
05:21 Let's study about feelings in the Bible.
05:25 In the Book of Genesis, you should know it.
05:29 In the Book of Genesis,
05:32 first of all let me introduce to you
05:36 God's feelings, divine feeling.
05:42 Question for you,
05:44 when God created everything
05:46 in the beginning almost everyday.
05:52 At the end of his creation,
05:57 at the end of the day he said,
06:01 it's good, right. And he repeated that word
06:06 good many other days.
06:11 And when everything was created
06:16 at the end of the sixth day
06:19 just before going into the seventh day
06:24 the Bible says, let's read it.
06:27 In Genesis chapter 1; Genesis chapter 1
06:33 and verse 31. And God saw everything
06:39 that he had made and behold, it was what?
06:44 Very good and evening and the morning
06:48 were the sixth day, oh my friends here is
06:53 my spiritual application for you and that is this.
06:57 It is God's plan that we should feel everyday,
07:05 we should feel good every single day.
07:10 What do you think? Yes, I believe so.
07:15 And just before we enter into the Sabbath.
07:20 We should feel what? Very good,
07:23 so if I can glean or observe to see,
07:30 what is God's plan for our feelings?
07:34 I think I can say, it is God's plan that
07:38 we should feel good everyday
07:41 and for the Sabbath day we should feel very good.
07:44 This was God's plan. What do you think?
07:48 But then something happened? Something,
07:52 something went wrong. And that was when Satan
07:56 came in the form of a serpent
08:00 and just to remind you, just to remind you that
08:03 when every thing was very good,
08:07 that came with something for the humanity.
08:13 God felt what? Very good,
08:16 but what was the feelings of Adam and Eve.
08:19 Just, just before he; they enter into the Sabbath.
08:23 Look with me what the Bible says,
08:24 in Genesis chapter 2. Genesis chapter 2
08:29 and look with me at the end of Genesis chapter 2,
08:33 verse 25. At the end of Genesis chapter 1,
08:36 we see God's feeling, but now we begin to
08:40 observe the feelings of perfect human beings
08:44 at the end of chapter 2. Check this out, verse 25.
08:48 And they were what? Both naked,
08:54 the man and his wife and were not what?
08:58 Ashamed, and I want to suggest to you the idea that
09:03 they felt without shame.
09:07 And as I mentioned to you yesterday
09:09 that means perhaps they felt confidence
09:12 in a good way. Confidence,
09:14 feeling secure or feeling accepted,
09:20 feeling like in total peace.
09:23 They are not shame,
09:26 with this with the creation of man,
09:30 male and female. And they are not feeling shame,
09:37 with every good things around them
09:41 without shame God called everything very good,
09:49 are you with me? It is very good my friend
09:53 that we are without shame
09:58 and that's how we should feel.
10:01 If you want to, you will see the connection.
10:05 If you want to feel the power in your life,
10:11 if you want to feel the power in your life,
10:14 the energy of life my friends,
10:16 it is life without shame.
10:20 Because shame drag us down,
10:24 shame discourages us. We're depressed by shame,
10:28 we're driven by shame and you'll begin to understand
10:32 my friends that when serpent came to Eve,
10:36 yes Satan he wants Eve and Adam to sin and die.
10:45 But in the process with all of that,
10:49 he came, listen. He came to change their thoughts.
10:58 But much more their feelings;
11:03 let me show you from the Bible. Alright,
11:06 so let's look at it Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1,
11:12 I'm sure you're familiar with this story.
11:14 You read it many times, you studied it many times.
11:18 But here we go, Genesis chapter 3, verse 1.
11:21 Now the serpent was more subtle than
11:26 any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
11:33 And he said unto the woman, Ye, as God said,
11:37 Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
11:42 You know it is very interesting obviously
11:44 I cannot use this is as a biblical proof
11:49 but it is interesting to notice,
11:51 that the word serpent means enchantment
11:58 or enchanter and the word enchanter,
12:03 English word comes from this Latin word incanto
12:10 and incanto means to sin.
12:14 Now, I thought this was very interesting, why?
12:16 Because you know Ellen White talked about,
12:20 how this serpent had a melodious voice,
12:27 melodious voice, because I don't imagine,
12:31 I don't imagine this serpent sounded very scary,
12:35 do you? Hey woman come here,
12:40 do you think God said, ye shall, oh runaway right.
12:46 I think he had a very beautiful, musical voice.
12:52 Oh! Woman did God said, ye shall not eat of,
12:58 I don't know, I don't know what he did.
13:01 I don't know what he did, but I think he,
13:04 he had this incredible musical tone.
13:08 Now I just want to point out to you that, if we.
13:12 If we observe that carefully, then yeah,
13:16 if that was true then that melodious
13:19 voice provided what? Feelings,
13:26 why do we like to listen to music.
13:29 Aha it makes us feel good that's right,
13:34 that's right. So, he the serpent was attracting her
13:38 with this feeling and what is he trying to do.
13:41 He's trying to deceive her and what is deception?
13:47 Deception my friend is simply to introduce
13:52 new thoughts and new feeling and to change you
13:56 and to change the way you feel about God
14:00 and the way you think about God.
14:04 That's it, and so many times, we as a Christians.
14:08 We concentrate on. Okay,
14:09 this is the right thinking then,
14:11 but then we don't know
14:12 what to do with our feelings;
14:16 because our feelings are many times
14:19 stronger than our thought.
14:26 And here we have Satan in the form of serpent.
14:29 Beautiful animal, so look at this,
14:32 a beautiful animal with beautiful sound.
14:37 This is fantastic and this woman was walking
14:41 in the Garden of Eden by herself
14:44 and she was wondering, you know where
14:46 and just walking around, she came near to this tree
14:51 of the knowledge of good and evil
14:56 and she was wondering about why God said
15:00 we should not eat this fruit and this voice came
15:05 from the tree and when she turned around,
15:11 she is seeing this animal talking to her.
15:17 How did she feel? How would you feel,
15:21 you're walking down the tree?
15:23 Here comes a little dog
15:26 and the dog and this dog he runs past you
15:29 and he turns around, stops you and says
15:31 hey you got any bones. What would you do?
15:38 Maybe some ladies go, oh and faint and,
15:41 you know just or scream and run
15:43 and then guys. We may just kick the dog;
15:49 hey you're not supposed to talk.
15:54 I mean we get scared right.
15:56 But aha remember, no, no fear for Eve.
16:04 So then, how did she feel, she was feeling what?
16:12 Curious, you know curiosity.
16:16 Curiosity it's like a strong magnet,
16:21 oh! You want to know, you are so curious.
16:26 Have you ever felt, I mean,
16:27 can you imagine in the city of Sydney,
16:31 you have this long white wall. Alright
16:36 you got this long white wall
16:38 and then there is a little hole,
16:40 right and then above that hole,
16:43 it says please do not look
16:52 and when you're walking by that,
16:53 how would you feel? Oh! Man I'm dying to look at it,
16:59 I'm dying. You see curiosity,
17:02 yeah it kills you and when you look at it,
17:05 it kills you too and so this woman was so curios
17:12 and she was fascinated. You see,
17:15 you know how like TV has lot of fascinating things.
17:17 So, you know, very interesting,
17:20 so she was looking at this and just thinking Wow!
17:24 How can this, this, this animal. Yesterday,
17:28 he was not talking to me,
17:30 but now he's talking to me Wow!
17:33 So Satan got her attention
17:41 and then he begins to introduce these,
17:44 these thinking, these thoughts and continuing
17:48 the Bible says and the woman said unto the serpent,
17:52 we may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden:
17:57 But of the fruit of the tree which is
17:59 in the midst of the garden,
18:00 God has said, Ye shall not eat of it,
18:03 neither shall ye what, touch it, lest ye die.
18:08 Can you imagine how she was feeling when she said,
18:12 you know what she said, I know what God said,
18:14 she felt how. Confident, right,
18:20 she felt confident, I know what God said.
18:24 You cannot tell me, what God said.
18:26 I know what God said.
18:28 So, she was feeling this confidence.
18:32 But if she knew what God said,
18:34 why is she standing there.
18:37 She should have said I know what God said.
18:39 This is what God said, Umm! Bye.
18:45 But she's like standing there.
18:46 I know, what God said,
18:51 can you talk to me more. This is fascinating.
18:56 Do you see what's happening,
18:59 you know what God said,
19:00 you have the right thinking.
19:05 But your feeling says this is fascinating.
19:10 Pay attention to this,
19:14 so don't go after all the fantastic things.
19:19 You may end up being deceived.
19:23 So she's standing there and wanting some more.
19:25 That's, that was her body language
19:28 and the serpent continued with these words
19:30 and the Bible says:
19:31 And the serpent said unto the woman,
19:33 Ye shall not surely die:
19:35 For God does know that in the day ye, what?
19:39 Eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened,
19:42 and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
19:47 Now how was she feeling at that time,
19:50 based upon his argument, what is he saying?
19:54 Oh! If you eat this, your eyes shall be opened
19:57 and then you shall know good and evil,
20:00 you shall be like Gods.
20:03 So, basically if you eat this you will become better.
20:12 If you eat this you will become better.
20:16 How would you feel when somebody
20:17 says you can be better?
20:21 Oh! You can come, you can be elevated,
20:26 you can go little higher. How was she felling?
20:33 Ah! Now only curious, not only fascinated
20:37 but now maybe see felt a little flattered.
20:43 Oh! Yeah I should be, I deserve to be better.
20:47 I deserve to be better.
20:49 These feelings are just attacking her like virus.
20:56 But on top of that, on top of that
20:59 the serpent said God knows,
21:03 it's like God knows this but he is holding back.
21:07 So, there is that little bit of this is injustice.
21:12 How do you feel when you know
21:14 that something is not fair?
21:16 How do you feel? You want to?
21:20 Do something about it. You wanna do something,
21:23 it's like injustice. It's not fair.
21:27 That's a problem, if there is a problem what do
21:29 you wanna do with it. Fix it, exactly.
21:32 Can't you see, all these attacks with feelings.
21:38 Very tricky, so she is curious, fascinated,
21:42 she is feeling confidence like I am strong,
21:46 I can stand here, I can protect myself
21:49 I know what God said but at the same time
21:51 I'm curious and the serpent is saying
21:53 oh! You can be better, come up higher.
21:56 But now she is analyzing all of these things
22:01 and she is thinking this animal,
22:04 he didn't talk to me yesterday
22:06 but he is talking to me today.
22:09 Most likely he ate the fruit,
22:13 if he can talk today and got better
22:15 then oh if I eat this.
22:18 I guess I can be better. So, she had this visual,
22:26 visual evidence, audible evidence
22:32 that what the serpent was saying true.
22:38 With all these feelings she only got one thing,
22:43 I know what God said but she was overwhelmed
22:47 by these tangible feelings that were around her.
22:59 What I'm about to read to you is a shocker,
23:02 it is a, it is a shock. Look at it verse 6,
23:07 and when the woman saw that the tree was what?
23:13 Was what? Good for food.
23:21 God said it's not good,
23:25 don't eat it, but now she is telling herself what?
23:31 Good for food. And that tells me
23:35 how she felt about the fruit now. Good,
23:41 before she was harsh, she would avoid, stay away.
23:46 Don't, you know even touch it
23:48 but now it's good for food.
23:53 Her feelings changed, she is being deceived
24:00 and by the way good for food.
24:03 The serpent did not say its good food.
24:06 He didn't say that, did he?
24:08 He didn't say this food contains
24:11 20 percent proteins, five percent vitamin c,
24:14 six percent vitamin D,
24:16 you know he didn't give that fill, did he.
24:19 It's very nutritious.
24:20 What, just a little bit of evil.
24:26 He didn't say that, did he? No,
24:31 it's like she is making up
24:33 stories to convince herself.
24:36 It's like, we all this,
24:38 you know how we try to convince ourselves
24:40 when we buy something. You know,
24:42 give ourselves more reason to buy it's like okay,
24:46 and this is also good for this.
24:50 That tells me my friend her thoughts
24:52 and feelings changed and she committed sin
24:57 and she gave her sins so to speak to her husband.
25:03 And you know what happened after they committed sin.
25:06 Their eyes were open, they saw that they were naked
25:10 and notice with me from the Bible,
25:15 I know death is the result of sin.
25:21 But listen as soon as they committed sin the first,
25:28 may I suggest to you; the first change
25:31 that they felt was not so much the immediate death.
25:37 It was not like you know Adam and Eve ate the fruit
25:39 and they both going on, they both were going,
25:42 Oh what's going on, I'm feeling little,
25:46 something is wrong with my body.
25:48 No, no, no, no, no, what was the very first
25:52 change that came to them.
25:55 It was their feeling, how do I know,
25:58 the Bible says, the Bible says in verse 7,
26:01 it says and the eyes of them both were opened,
26:04 and they knew that they were naked;
26:06 and they sewed fig-leaves together
26:08 and made themselves what? Aprons.
26:13 Those aprons were what, what are they for?
26:17 To cover, so their action to cover is showing that,
26:22 now what do they feel? Shame.
26:26 Ladies and gentlemen take notice of this.
26:31 The first feeling that came to both Adam and Eve
26:39 after they committed sin. Shame,
26:44 and if you really analyze your life, our life,
26:49 we are slaves to our own shame.
26:54 We are moved and motivated,
26:57 driven by our shame.
27:01 Many, many ways
27:03 and their action to their visible shame,
27:08 their action to their, their, their reaction
27:10 to their visible shame.
27:12 What do they do? They just covered it.
27:19 Problem solved, what do you think?
27:21 You know I was looking at this and obviously
27:24 I looked at the word apron in the original language,
27:27 it's just basically covering.
27:29 But if I go by the usual English definition
27:34 or the way we use the word apron.
27:37 Do you know what aprons look like?
27:39 Yeah basically covers the front right.
27:43 Not so much the back,
27:44 so they're thinking if that was true,
27:46 if that was true, they sowed together this
27:50 you know garden fashion, Eden fashion fig leaves
27:55 and then they covered themselves in the front,
27:57 it's like okay, problem solved
27:59 even though the back is completely open.
28:04 It's like as long as we cover the problem areas,
28:08 little embarrassing areas,
28:09 ah! Okay the problem solved.
28:12 Okay, then now they can just continue
28:14 with their happy life.
28:16 Oh! That was it, we only feeling shame,
28:18 we only feeling naked,
28:19 we only feeling a little embarrassed.
28:21 Well, that's solved their problem,
28:24 let's just cover it and how did they feel
28:28 after they covered their nakedness.
28:31 I'm sure they probably felt what?
28:33 It's like okay what, that wasn't too bad,
28:37 problem solved. Okay, but my friends
28:42 there is what we called visible shame like pimple,
28:48 zit, and there is what we called invisible shame.
28:55 When you have a visible shame,
28:56 I don't know if you're too big go get,
29:00 you know do exercise and if you have something
29:03 on your forehead you know get something to cover up.
29:06 You know, your teeth are sticking out
29:08 and go to see, go and see a dentist.
29:11 You know and, and if you don't look;
29:14 if you don't like the way you look you know go
29:16 and do some surgery and you know I tell you,
29:21 you know Asians are really getting
29:22 into this plastic surgery.
29:24 Yeah, I mean they all want to have big eyes,
29:28 yeah and eye lids and bigger nose and
29:32 when I go to Korea, I see a lot of beautiful people.
29:36 But I am wondering which one is fake
29:37 and which one is really?
29:40 And you know can you imagine you see beautiful parents,
29:44 but the children they don't look like the parents.
29:46 It's like oh man. So, we do all kinds of things
29:51 to just cover our shame to make ourselves okay.
29:55 We can now feel confident,
30:01 but then there is what we called an invisible shame.
30:06 Let's see what the Bible has to say, come with me.
30:12 Let's see what the Bible has to say.
30:15 In Genesis chapter 3, here we go.
30:19 in Genesis chapter 3, and verse 8,
30:23 and they heard the voice of the Lord.
30:27 God walking in the garden, in the cool of the day.
30:32 Adam and his wife hid themselves
30:36 from the presence of the Lord
30:38 God amongst the trees of the garden
30:42 and the Lord God called on to Adam
30:45 and said unto him where are thou?
30:50 Where are you Adam? You know if I was Adam.
30:57 I would be like, God you know where I am.
31:03 Why is God asking this question
31:05 where are you Adam? I don't know,
31:08 where are you? No, he knows.
31:13 He is asking the question listen carefully,
31:18 he is asking the question because he wants Adam
31:22 to know that he does not know where he is.
31:34 Listen my friends, look at this reaction.
31:37 Visible shame, cover it,
31:40 but when they heard the voice of God.
31:44 Voice of God, it penetrates into your own heart
31:51 revealing invisible shame in your mind
31:58 and when you begin to feel your invisible shame
32:02 what is your reaction? You cover it,
32:07 it doesn't work, you cannot cover invisible shame,
32:10 you cannot, so what you do.
32:13 Only thing that you can do is
32:15 to run away from that voice.
32:21 Because that voice is reminding you
32:25 that you are naked;
32:30 because when God said why are you hiding.
32:33 Noticed what Adam said. This is really funny,
32:35 because in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 9, verse 10
32:40 and then he said, notice the way Adam
32:43 responding to God and he said I heard thy voice
32:47 in the garden and I was what? Afraid,
32:51 because I was naked and what? I hid myself.
32:57 He say he was what? Naked. Adam,
33:01 you know if I was there, Adam come out man,
33:04 look you got the fig leaves fashion, you're covered.
33:09 What do you mean your naked, don't lie.
33:13 You're covering yourself, yeah.
33:15 Yeah he was. But then what he can do,
33:24 what he can do to cover his shame,
33:28 cannot cover his shame.
33:31 So, it doesn't matter what we do
33:33 to make ourselves good
33:35 it cannot take away our shame.
33:37 Do you understand that? So, stop trying to do
33:42 what you can to save yourselves. Amen.
33:47 Only way to save yourselves is to not run away.
33:56 Do you understand; he was completely,
34:01 he was covered but he says I am naked.
34:03 So, look at the sequence, very interesting.
34:06 Sin brought shame; visible shame,
34:14 they covered it but then when
34:16 they heard the voice of God.
34:19 He said I was afraid. Right and then he hide.
34:29 Look at this, this is the way
34:30 we react guys check it out.
34:33 With visible shame we cover it,
34:35 but with invisible shame we have this fear within
34:41 and because of this fear,
34:43 this fear that we have, we run.
34:48 And what causes us to discover
34:53 and to be in touch with our invisible shame.
34:57 What? The voice of God.
35:01 Voice of God reveals very clearly that we are naked,
35:08 but we don't want to think that way.
35:11 That sounds miserable we don't feel that depressed
35:15 or you know just, we don't want to have,
35:17 we don't want to go there.
35:19 This is a reason why my friends I believe
35:23 many times this is the reason why
35:26 we refuse to hear God's voice.
35:30 The word of God, the Bible,
35:33 we don't want to hear his voice because
35:36 when we listen to his voice,
35:39 the Bible says you are naked,
35:43 shall I open the Bible, you are naked. Naked.
35:51 Ah! Ah! I don't want this, I don't want this,
35:53 just leave me alone, give some ecstasy
35:56 and crystal meth and give me some drugs.
35:59 Give me some marijuana, cocaine,
36:01 give me some alcohol. Let's go party and dance
36:03 and let's just listen to music.
36:05 Ah! I cannot deal with this because I,
36:08 I just want to feel happy. Yeah, with ignorance.
36:13 Just leave me alone,
36:18 don't bother me I will, I am not interested,
36:20 I don't want any literature.
36:23 I am busy watching football, leave me alone.
36:30 This is my problem I will deal,
36:32 I will deal with it, you cannot deal with it.
36:37 We cannot do brain operation hope that,
36:41 shame will just come out and just can throw away.
36:53 It gets worse; it gets worse,
36:58 so the feelings shame,
37:01 fear, hide and then discovered guilty,
37:12 convicted, the next thing.
37:18 Oh my, this is so,
37:22 it's a history of humanity look at this.
37:25 Genesis 3, look at this, verse 11,
37:29 And he said I told him that thou was naked,
37:34 oh sorry verse 11 and he said
37:37 who told you that thou was naked.
37:39 Has thou eaten of the tree where of
37:41 I commanded thee that thou shouldeth not eat?
37:44 And the man said, the biggest man I say he is;
37:50 the biggest man, macho man,
37:52 right with all the muscles.
37:55 You know, I don't, I don't think God
37:57 created him with, you know wimpy, skinny body.
38:00 I think God created with already six pack.
38:03 Not like many of us with one pack, he was just,
38:07 just you know standing straight I am a man.
38:10 I am a man said, woman caused me to do.
38:15 Poor man. What a wimp huh!
38:23 And the woman is like I am helpless, the serpent.
38:31 Blaming others, why do we blame others?
38:36 Because we just cannot stand the fact that
38:40 we have been discovered with our guilt.
38:48 We cannot face our own invisible shame
38:50 because of that we cannot handle this,
38:53 so we blame other people.
38:55 And when we blame other people in the moment,
38:58 that moment we feel good
39:02 because we pass our responsibility
39:04 to somebody else. So, that moment we feel good
39:11 and then movement you're like okay, okay,
39:14 I am not going to do that again.
39:15 I mean yes even though it's her fault,
39:18 I am not going to do it again. Okay.
39:22 So, you, you, you, you tell yourself
39:25 I am not going to do it again and you so,
39:27 you, you begin to build this little self confidence.
39:34 But the problem is my friends,
39:40 we love our sin.
39:47 So it goes something like this, sin,
39:49 shame, fear, hide, discovered,
39:59 blame, feeling guilty and then we blame
40:04 and then we, after we blame others
40:09 we tell ourselves we are not going to do it.
40:13 But then because we love our sin,
40:18 we go back and then we go through this
40:22 vicious cycle of shame.
40:26 Over, over, over, over, again, again, again,
40:33 until we are completely depressed, discouraged
40:39 and we say to ourselves I give up.
40:51 And we have these feelings,
40:53 even though we are trying to read the Bible,
40:56 even though we're trying to go to the church,
40:59 even though we are trying to witness
41:03 these feelings may come and attack your soul.
41:13 What is God's good news for this couple?
41:17 Total chaos, feeling wise.
41:22 And when you look them right I mean,
41:24 when you look at them before God,
41:25 I mean do they start having wrinkles in their face,
41:29 they look beautiful.
41:31 Do they have any physical problems,
41:32 their lungs are not working?
41:34 No, they look perfect. Have nice hair,
41:38 yeah, beautiful eyes, yeah they look good.
41:41 They look good, but they have this internal problem
41:47 that they cannot solve.
41:49 So, then what is God's solution for them.
41:53 What is God's solution?
41:56 Verse 15, look at this,
41:59 Genesis chapter 3, verse 15, the Bible says
42:03 look and listen to these words and we are told that.
42:09 That this is the first, this is,
42:12 this was the announcement
42:14 of the gospel for the first time.
42:16 Genesis 3:15 the Bible says
42:19 and I will what? And I will what?
42:24 Put enmity between thee and the woman,
42:30 that means he will put enmity between Satan
42:34 and God's people. What is enmity?
42:41 Hatred, that word hatred is a more thinking word
42:45 or a feeling word, I know it's both.
42:49 I know it's both. But if we have to decide just one,
42:52 which one, it's more feeling isn't it.
42:55 You see my friend the Bible says Jesus, Jesus,
42:59 he loves righteousness, he hates sin,
43:04 but we, we hate righteousness
43:07 and we love sin.
43:10 So, the very first gospel, good news,
43:14 what is good news he will put enmity,
43:17 what is enmity; hatred,
43:19 so first good news is to help you to hate.
43:27 The first good news to help you to hate.
43:29 Hating is good news? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
43:33 Yeah, it is good news. Why? It's a promise,
43:38 it is a promise my friends.
43:42 Not only God can change your behavior,
43:47 but that's not a change. Behavior modification,
43:52 that's not real change.
43:54 Yes, God can do that for you.
43:56 But the real change, God really wants to help
44:01 is to change your heart, your motivation,
44:09 your desire, your passion,
44:13 your emotions, your feelings.
44:18 God can give you the gifts, what gifts?
44:23 To deny your wrong feelings
44:27 and boldly with courage
44:31 you can clean the feelings of God. Amen.
44:38 My friends that is,
44:40 that is a wonderful gift think about it,
44:43 many times we are thinking I'm bound,
44:45 I am in bondage, I cannot get out of here.
44:47 I just cannot free myself.
44:49 I feel this way and when I feel this way,
44:52 I think this is me.
44:56 If this isn't me I should not change.
45:00 But Gods says no, no, no, no, you've been deceived,
45:04 you feel that way because
45:05 you've been deceived by Satan that feeling,
45:08 those feelings they are not yours,
45:14 because I brought you
45:18 with the blood of my own son. Amen.
45:22 You can claim new feelings.
45:26 You can get out of this vicious cycle of shame.
45:35 You don't have to repeat,
45:37 you don't have to go back come unto me,
45:42 all that hatred, all that labor had been laid,
45:44 then come unto me and I will give you rest
45:48 and this rest is not just a sleep but rest,
45:53 having peace in your mind.
45:58 Isn't this what you want? Amen.
46:01 Isn't this what you want? Yeah.
46:04 God says I will put hatred,
46:07 I will change your hearts.
46:10 Now, the question is God,
46:12 how are you going to do this?
46:14 How are you going to do this?
46:16 Well, continue reading the Bible says in verse 15.
46:20 I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
46:22 and between thy seed and her seed;
46:26 it shall bruise thy head,
46:28 and thou shalt bruise his heel.
46:31 And you know this is a prophecy.
46:32 Prophecy regarding the Messiah.
46:34 Our savior, Jesus is coming to this world to die.
46:40 So, basically what we you got here is this. Listen,
46:43 I will put hatred and then we have a prophecy,
46:46 what prophecy? Jesus someday will come
46:49 and he will be bruised for our sin,
46:53 meaning he will die.
46:55 So put it together. Check this out,
46:58 I will put hatred in your heart,
47:02 I will perform this miracle
47:07 through the death of Jesus.
47:10 You know what that means;
47:11 you know what that means my friends.
47:13 You want to have new feelings.
47:17 Yes, you want to have total;
47:20 you want to experience a miracle
47:21 of having new feelings.
47:23 How to start, you know where?
47:27 We must go to the foot of the cross,
47:30 kneel before Jesus die on the cross.
47:36 Stay right there, think about this,
47:39 meditate upon this, if you have to everyday
47:44 I think you should think about this,
47:48 only at the cross you can choose
47:54 a new pathway. Amen. In your thinking
47:58 and in your feelings. Amen.
48:01 Only when you see Jesus; when you see Jesus
48:05 bleeding for you, seeing him suffering for you,
48:09 not only his physical suffering although
48:11 that's so painful I know,
48:13 but you have to imagine his internal suffering.
48:20 What God had to give up for us
48:23 and when you meditate just dwelled and abide,
48:26 you forget, don't worry about breakfast,
48:29 don't worry about biology book,
48:31 don't worry about your assignments.
48:33 You just, you find your time and just sit there
48:38 and just spend time with God, one on one
48:43 and just sit there until you just let God
48:47 do his upper his operation.
48:50 Again, again, and again,
48:56 until you can begin to feel heavenly things,
49:03 heavenly feelings, even though
49:06 you are attacked by earthly
49:09 old men worldly feelings.
49:13 You can say not I but Christ, amen,
49:20 which liveth in me
49:22 and a life which I now live in the flesh.
49:25 I live by the faith of son of God who loves me.
49:34 Are you with me? Oh! My friend
49:38 and who gave himself for me,
49:43 this is the only way, the bottom line is this.
49:48 Are you, are you running away from God
49:53 your like what me; I am not running way from God.
49:55 Look at me I am, I am in the church.
49:58 I go to church, I am not running away.
50:00 No, no, no, that's not what I mean.
50:04 Do you have something to hide before God?
50:13 If you do, it means two things,
50:17 you are running away and it means you're naked.
50:26 If you have something to hide from God,
50:29 you are running away and you're naked.
50:34 In the book of Revelation,
50:35 we go all the way to the book of Revelation,
50:36 let me show you this, Revelation chapter 16,
50:39 we read something very interesting,
50:42 Revelation chapter 16 let's go there.
50:44 Revelation chapter 16 the Bible says in verse 15,
50:48 notice regarding the second coming of Jesus
50:50 it says "Behold, I come as a thief!
50:55 " Revelation chapter 16 verse 15, "Behold,
50:58 I come as a thief! Blessed is he that watches me,
51:04 or stay awake and keepeth his garments,
51:12 righteousness of Christ. Keepeth his garments,
51:15 lest he what, walk naked, and they see his shame.
51:24 " How to be prepared for the second coming of Christ?
51:29 Why are those people running away from Jesus,
51:31 hiding from Jesus, asking the mountains
51:34 and the rocks to fall upon them. Why?
51:37 Because my friends the bottom line is
51:40 they see it now or they refuse to see before,
51:47 but now they really see it that they are naked.
51:54 So, in the last days covered people,
51:59 naked people, which one are you going to be?
52:06 And the question is how do I cover myself,
52:11 what do I need? You need righteousness of Jesus.
52:16 But, before you can have the righteousness of Jesus
52:20 and you cannot earn that righteousness only by faith
52:23 and surrender, but a condition.
52:29 What condition? Before you can have
52:30 the righteousness of Jesus,
52:32 you have to repent and confess. Okay,
52:34 repent and confess, but confessing,
52:41 the word confess means to acknowledge,
52:45 it means to May I say uncover.
52:49 So then before Jesus comes, what we need to do?
52:53 We need to uncover everything.
52:59 This is the reason why we are living in a day
53:01 and typical day of atonement,
53:03 afflicting our own soul.
53:05 Searching our own heart,
53:07 this is not righteousness by works no,
53:11 this is, I love Jesus; I want him
53:16 to have everything of me.
53:22 I don't wanna hold back anything from God.
53:24 God, search me, help me to uncover everything.
53:34 Because you love me so much,
53:39 I want to hate sin,
53:43 it's so easy to say, it's so easy to say
53:45 I hate sin, in Brother John.
53:49 I hate sin in Brother Susan, Sister Susan.
53:53 I hate sin in Brother Matthew,
53:57 I can say I hate sin over there, sin over there
53:59 but I love my sin. We need to uncover,
54:06 but look at this uncover means
54:09 not only to acknowledge,
54:14 but at the same time, I'm willing to hate the sin.
54:24 Jesus I give you the permission
54:27 to do a miracle in my heart.
54:31 Grant unto me perfect hatred towards a sin
54:36 and give me perfect love for your righteousness.
54:48 Then we can live without shame. Amen.
54:56 Amen. How many of you are willing to say Lord,
55:04 help me to live a life without shame,
55:10 if you do, stand please.


Revised 2014-12-17