Oh! Thank you AYC choir that was what we 00:00:16.90\00:00:20.70 needed to hear right now. Amen. I wanna warn 00:00:20.70\00:00:24.46 you if you pray that prayer they just sang, 00:00:24.46\00:00:28.16 you are in for the adventure of your life. 00:00:29.53\00:00:34.26 I don't suppose there is a more radical prayer 00:00:35.76\00:00:38.36 that a young adult could pray or a not so young 00:00:39.16\00:00:41.20 adult could pray, as that prayer "here am I, 00:00:41.20\00:00:46.03 send me." And I'm sitting out, I am sitting 00:00:46.40\00:00:49.60 out where you are right now this morning just 00:00:49.60\00:00:52.10 getting blessed to the tips of my toes by all 00:00:52.10\00:00:56.53 these testimonies going on up here and I'm 00:00:56.53\00:00:58.76 thinking to myself can you believe this, 00:00:58.76\00:01:00.80 12 months ago a young adult hardly just a babe 00:01:02.06\00:01:09.06 in Christ Jesus, his name I think is Steve, 00:01:09.06\00:01:11.66 12 months ago. He goes out in the afternoon 00:01:12.36\00:01:17.40 door knocking or as it turns out window knocking. 00:01:17.86\00:01:20.83 He goes out in the afternoon, knocks on 00:01:21.96\00:01:25.50 that window and this young adult who 00:01:25.50\00:01:29.46 doesn't know God, has no clue about the origin 00:01:29.46\00:01:34.56 of this universe or the destiny of humankind, 00:01:34.56\00:01:37.16 this young adult named, was it Mel, Hal, I mean 00:01:37.16\00:01:41.66 Hal, Hal, Hal. Hal gets to window too late, they 00:01:41.66\00:01:46.40 go away, but the spirit of the living God comes 00:01:46.40\00:01:49.60 down upon Hal and moves on his young 00:01:49.60\00:01:52.56 heart and says chase the boys, just chase the 00:01:52.56\00:01:55.00 boys, puts on his best running shoes, gets out 00:01:55.00\00:01:58.06 there and bumps into Steve. Now Steve has just 00:01:58.06\00:02:01.70 come to Jesus, he is going out for the first 00:02:01.70\00:02:04.93 time door knocking, he met Hal, Hal engages a 00:02:04.93\00:02:13.70 brief conversation and 12 months later Steve 00:02:13.70\00:02:17.96 and Hal both are radical young disciples of the 00:02:17.96\00:02:21.56 Lord Jesus Christ. You can't believe it, 00:02:21.56\00:02:23.86 you can't make up scripts like this. 00:02:24.90\00:02:26.80 Hollywood could not design stories like this. 00:02:26.80\00:02:29.73 There is a supernatural threat through everything 00:02:30.70\00:02:33.33 we're hearing here, that's why when you 00:02:33.33\00:02:36.00 pray the prayer that the choir just sang, 00:02:36.00\00:02:38.00 "here am I send me." That is, that is such a 00:02:38.00\00:02:41.73 bold and radical prayer, you will never ever be 00:02:41.73\00:02:46.96 the same again. Oh! I praise God for AYC. 00:02:46.96\00:02:51.30 A generation of young, I don't believe 00:02:53.33\00:02:57.53 coincidentally being raised up Johnny, at this 00:02:57.53\00:03:02.26 very moment in human history, God is preparing 00:03:02.26\00:03:07.96 to storm this planet one last time. 00:03:07.96\00:03:11.23 We'll talk about Pentecost II in just a moment. 00:03:12.30\00:03:14.30 I just sit back and I say thank you Jesus. 00:03:16.60\00:03:21.13 What do you say? Amen. Amen and Amen. 00:03:21.13\00:03:24.80 Last night we touched opening night together, 00:03:25.86\00:03:28.03 some of you are here for the first time, 00:03:28.03\00:03:29.26 opening night together we considered, we pondered, 00:03:29.26\00:03:31.66 we prayed for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 00:03:31.66\00:03:34.00 And we found out, we found out that if you 00:03:34.00\00:03:35.90 take the Pentecost prayer seriously and 00:03:35.90\00:03:37.60 you pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, 00:03:37.60\00:03:39.10 you are not praying for war and spiritual 00:03:39.10\00:03:40.46 fuzzies, you are not, you are not praying for, 00:03:40.46\00:03:42.76 for ecstatic utterances, you are praying one prayer. 00:03:42.76\00:03:46.73 When you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit 00:03:46.73\00:03:48.50 and I hope you'll join me in praying that, 00:03:49.10\00:03:50.76 Karen and I are praying it. The team is 70 senior 00:03:50.76\00:03:54.50 leaders in the Pioneer Memorial Church, 00:03:54.50\00:03:56.06 which I pastor on the campus of Andrews University. 00:03:56.06\00:03:58.40 We have been praying for 40 days, the first 40 days 00:03:58.66\00:04:01.36 of 2010, praying night and day for the 00:04:01.36\00:04:04.70 outpouring of the Holy Spirit, but here is the 00:04:04.70\00:04:06.30 point when the Holy Spirit gets poured out 00:04:06.30\00:04:08.00 and you're baptized in the spirit. 00:04:08.00\00:04:09.26 You will be filled with what aspect of God. 00:04:09.66\00:04:12.66 What aspect of God you would be filled with? 00:04:13.03\00:04:14.80 What aspect of God you would be filled with? 00:04:17.03\00:04:19.10 Passion. His passion for life. 00:04:19.10\00:04:21.53 His passion for what? For the lost. 00:04:22.20\00:04:23.76 For the lost, one passion God has, that's why 00:04:23.76\00:04:27.30 I can't sleep at night. Sydney is up all night, 00:04:27.30\00:04:30.10 God's up all night, and boy with those 00:04:30.36\00:04:32.93 fireworks last night everybody was up all night. 00:04:32.93\00:04:35.30 I thought only in Michigan, we have 00:04:36.60\00:04:38.20 thunderstorms like that. I'm telling you what 00:04:38.20\00:04:40.60 Karen and I standing this dormitory over here, 00:04:40.60\00:04:42.43 lovely dormitory right across the street. 00:04:42.80\00:04:44.30 One of those was straight overhead 00:04:45.00\00:04:46.93 because you can't go one lollipop, 00:04:46.93\00:04:48.50 two lollipop, it just went blip. 00:04:48.50\00:04:50.03 And I kept thinking, I kept thinking of Jesus 00:04:53.26\00:04:55.00 words when the son of man comes, it will be 00:04:55.00\00:04:57.80 like a lightning. That crashes from the east to 00:04:57.80\00:05:02.80 the west. Boy, I want Jesus to come, don't you? 00:05:02.80\00:05:06.83 I want Jesus to come, don't you? Amen. 00:05:06.83\00:05:10.66 Yeah, there is a work to do. We got to have his 00:05:10.66\00:05:14.06 passion, so we're praying for that. 00:05:14.06\00:05:15.73 Baptism of the Holy Spirit, then last night 00:05:15.73\00:05:17.30 we noticed that the, that the church in the Book 00:05:17.30\00:05:19.13 of Acts is steeped in prayer. Our motto at the 00:05:19.13\00:05:21.76 Pioneer Memorial Church begins with 00:05:21.76\00:05:23.10 these words forward on our knees. 00:05:23.10\00:05:25.20 We believe like you do that prayer is a secret to 00:05:25.56\00:05:28.43 every thing the church does. And that's why 00:05:28.43\00:05:30.90 I was so pleased when I got to Melbourne and 00:05:30.90\00:05:32.93 I saw this word go. Well, I knew that it was 00:05:32.93\00:05:35.43 gonna be a go conference. I mean everybody who 00:05:35.43\00:05:37.63 knows anything about AYC knows, it's a go 00:05:37.63\00:05:40.06 conference. But, look how they pictured the go. 00:05:40.06\00:05:43.46 Look at this guys, you see these human beings, 00:05:44.26\00:05:47.96 these young adult radical disciples of Jesus. 00:05:47.96\00:05:51.26 Do you see what they're doing? They are on 00:05:51.26\00:05:53.36 their knees, forward on their knees, that's how 00:05:53.36\00:05:56.20 we go, we pray, and so last night I challenge 00:05:56.20\00:05:59.40 those of you who are here today for the first 00:05:59.40\00:06:00.73 time last night, I challenged everybody 00:06:00.73\00:06:02.90 here to begin praying for five lost people. 00:06:02.90\00:06:05.56 And I wanna give you two testimonies right now. 00:06:06.00\00:06:07.90 God heard last night and get this, if you ever 00:06:09.36\00:06:13.00 want it before, if the promise in Isaiah 65 00:06:13.00\00:06:15.83 verse 24 is true, before you call I will answer 00:06:15.83\00:06:21.23 and while you are yet speaking I will here. 00:06:21.23\00:06:24.10 If you had a doubt before regarding the 00:06:24.43\00:06:27.66 veracity of Isaiah 65 verse 24, let me tell you 00:06:27.66\00:06:31.26 two testimonies. Sarah comes up to me 00:06:31.26\00:06:32.73 afterwards she says pastor, pastor I just 00:06:32.73\00:06:34.46 wrote down a name, was looking for one more 00:06:34.46\00:06:36.83 name to add to my list of 5 lost people and as 00:06:36.83\00:06:39.33 soon as I wrote the name down the one 00:06:39.33\00:06:42.23 I wrote down stood up and came forward in the 00:06:42.23\00:06:43.83 altar call, can you believe that, isn't that something. 00:06:43.83\00:06:48.00 Obviously God knew and he was responding 00:06:48.86\00:06:51.20 in advance to a prayer that hadn't even been 00:06:51.20\00:06:52.66 prayed yet. Some of you are praying 00:06:52.66\00:06:54.60 for your door knocking this afternoon, guess what? 00:06:54.60\00:06:56.66 The Holy Spirit has already gone before 00:06:56.90\00:06:59.00 you, everything will be in readiness because 00:06:59.00\00:07:01.20 there are other house waiting for you to come 00:07:01.20\00:07:04.83 today, who in 12 months will be standing 00:07:04.83\00:07:07.50 up here and saying I didn't believe in God 00:07:07.50\00:07:10.00 before, I now believe him, and I serve the 00:07:10.00\00:07:12.23 Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Amen. Holy Spirit's 00:07:12.23\00:07:16.13 gone ahead of you already, don't you worry. 00:07:16.13\00:07:17.73 You're a little bit nervous, hey, welcome 00:07:17.73\00:07:19.86 to the club. It's okay to be nervous. 00:07:19.86\00:07:22.86 It keeps your mind alert. Somebody's waiting for you. 00:07:23.23\00:07:27.03 God can hardly wait for you to get on that bus 00:07:28.86\00:07:31.06 and get going this afternoon, alright. 00:07:31.06\00:07:32.83 So, that's there, so before coming up here 00:07:33.36\00:07:35.50 I had to tell Russell, I said Russell isn't it 00:07:35.50\00:07:37.30 something two years ago you were even a 00:07:37.30\00:07:39.03 Christian, two years ago and now you've been to 00:07:39.03\00:07:41.60 Fiji and you conducted youth, I preach, I can't 00:07:41.60\00:07:45.10 believe this Russell. Nice to meet you, I like 00:07:45.10\00:07:48.80 that beard by the way, makes you look very 00:07:48.80\00:07:50.33 much like a philosopher, so keep that beard. 00:07:50.33\00:07:52.63 He said, hey pastor, I got to tell you this last 00:07:53.86\00:07:55.70 night I'm writing down those names and as 00:07:55.70\00:07:58.80 I write the fourth name down, the one whose 00:07:58.80\00:08:02.60 name I put down when you said, I'm not gonna 00:08:02.60\00:08:06.70 extend this call, I'm not gonna extend this call 00:08:06.70\00:08:09.50 and then he said I wrote that name and that 00:08:09.50\00:08:13.40 person stood up and came forward to be baptized. 00:08:13.40\00:08:16.20 Hallelujah. Guys, you think this is just a little 00:08:16.83\00:08:20.13 bit of a AYC hype, no. It's the Holy Spirit, who 00:08:20.13\00:08:25.40 says you got to believe me, you pray, I am 00:08:25.40\00:08:29.46 power, because it's my passion to seek and 00:08:29.46\00:08:32.66 save the lost for Calvary is all about. 00:08:32.66\00:08:35.10 So, we are doing the right thing, praise God. 00:08:35.90\00:08:38.73 I want to pray with you in just a moment, but 00:08:40.40\00:08:41.53 I wanna remind you there are three young 00:08:41.53\00:08:43.53 adults mentioned by name in the Book of 00:08:43.53\00:08:45.60 Acts, three of them, they're, they're 00:08:45.60\00:08:48.16 hundreds and thousands of them in the Book of 00:08:48.16\00:08:50.10 Acts, we just don't have their names. 00:08:50.10\00:08:51.50 We can surmise as the Pastor Garry suggested 00:08:52.50\00:08:55.50 that even the apostles, the disciples were many 00:08:55.50\00:08:58.26 of them young adults, John was probably 21, 00:08:58.26\00:09:00.56 22, 23 at the max, John boy. That would be a young 00:09:00.56\00:09:05.43 adult now wouldn't it, ends up being the great 00:09:05.43\00:09:08.06 Apostle, the beloved Apostle. But, we know three of 00:09:08.66\00:09:12.60 them in the Book of Acts by name we met 00:09:12.60\00:09:13.90 one of them last night, her name means Rose, 00:09:13.90\00:09:16.03 Rhoda and she was at prayer meeting. 00:09:16.23\00:09:17.80 A good place for young adults to be found in 00:09:17.80\00:09:19.53 prayer meeting. There is another young adult 00:09:19.53\00:09:21.60 that we are not even gonna talk about. 00:09:21.60\00:09:22.66 We are not gonna meet him here because we 00:09:22.66\00:09:24.16 don't have the time, but his name is John Mark. 00:09:24.16\00:09:26.26 Young as they come, I want you to know about 00:09:26.76\00:09:29.70 John Mark before we go to the third young 00:09:29.70\00:09:31.30 adult, who is the theme of our, our teaching 00:09:31.30\00:09:33.60 today. I want you to know about John Mark 00:09:33.60\00:09:35.00 because John Mark crashed and burned. 00:09:35.00\00:09:37.33 Got all excited after an AYC conference, said 00:09:37.66\00:09:40.86 I'm going, I'm gonna serve the Lord Jesus Christ 00:09:40.86\00:09:43.66 got two weeks into his mission and said I'm out 00:09:43.66\00:09:48.06 here, I'm an abject failure, and he quit, 00:09:48.26\00:09:51.26 went home. I want you to know about John 00:09:51.60\00:09:55.40 Mark because some of you have felt like quitting. 00:09:55.40\00:09:57.13 Some of you are going to feel like quitting. 00:09:57.60\00:09:59.96 You are gonna feel I just can't cut it. 00:10:00.50\00:10:03.23 I want you to know about John Mark 00:10:03.23\00:10:04.96 because God, when he starts on you, 00:10:04.96\00:10:06.93 Philippines 1:6, my God, who was begun a 00:10:06.93\00:10:09.43 good work and you will bring it to completion 00:10:09.43\00:10:12.06 by the day of Christ Jesus. When God begins 00:10:12.06\00:10:14.26 something in you, he will not quit until it's done. 00:10:14.26\00:10:17.00 Romans 11:29, both the gifts and the calling of 00:10:18.60\00:10:20.73 God are irrevocable. If God had called you, 00:10:20.73\00:10:24.43 you can never get out of that call. 00:10:24.43\00:10:25.80 You can run like Joanna, but you can't hide. 00:10:26.23\00:10:29.20 God knows where you are, he has got a big fish 00:10:29.96\00:10:32.16 just designed for the likes of you. 00:10:32.50\00:10:35.26 So, I hope you taste good. God kept his eye on that 00:10:36.33\00:10:41.60 boy that crashed and burned said John Mark 00:10:41.60\00:10:43.70 what a failure. Paul is saying, you know I'm 00:10:43.70\00:10:45.90 an evangelist. I can't have whips on my team, 00:10:45.90\00:10:48.60 uncle Barnabas, so you can take your nephew, 00:10:48.60\00:10:51.30 he is never on my team again. Adios and Paul's 00:10:51.30\00:10:54.76 gone, he grabbed Silas and God doubles his 00:10:54.76\00:10:56.70 money over that little conflict. 00:10:56.70\00:10:58.23 It's okay to have conflict in the family of 00:10:58.23\00:11:00.60 God because out of the conflict God doubled 00:11:00.60\00:11:02.60 his money. He got twice as much now. 00:11:02.60\00:11:04.70 And John Mark goes back, the tail tucked 00:11:05.80\00:11:07.63 between his legs, goes back to Jerusalem. 00:11:07.63\00:11:09.70 His mother owned the upper room by the way. 00:11:10.03\00:11:12.10 So, John Mark hung around Jesus, his 00:11:12.10\00:11:14.23 mother owned the upper room and big old Peter, 00:11:14.23\00:11:17.33 big old Peter put his arm, that burly 00:11:18.06\00:11:20.03 fisherman arm around John Mark and said boy 00:11:20.03\00:11:21.96 stay close to me, I think you're a diamond in the 00:11:22.20\00:11:25.10 rough and O boy was he ever a shining diamond, 00:11:25.10\00:11:28.83 wrote the very first gospel. The Bible says it's the 00:11:28.83\00:11:32.60 gospel according to Mark, but we know the 00:11:32.60\00:11:34.20 truth today it's the gospel according to Peter. 00:11:34.20\00:11:36.30 Peter told, because all the eyewitness stories 00:11:36.93\00:11:38.73 that only Peter was in on. Peter told Mark the story. 00:11:38.73\00:11:42.40 And Mark dutifully wrote it down and 00:11:42.40\00:11:44.40 finally 20 years later, Paul says, oh, and by 00:11:44.40\00:11:47.46 the way PS, get a hold of my boy John, 00:11:47.46\00:11:50.86 I love that boy. So, if you crashed and 00:11:51.56\00:11:55.66 burned, you get another chance today. 00:11:55.66\00:11:58.60 Here am I, send me, God hasn't finished 00:11:58.90\00:12:01.46 with you. He's just getting started with you, 00:12:01.46\00:12:03.90 you have another chance today, I'm gonna 00:12:04.36\00:12:05.50 make an altar call at the end of this, at the end 00:12:05.50\00:12:07.60 of this teaching. And you'll have to chance to 00:12:07.60\00:12:09.43 respond, to give your life back to God, 00:12:09.43\00:12:12.40 not just spiritually, but physically put your 00:12:12.40\00:12:16.00 body on the frontline of God's mission again. 00:12:16.00\00:12:18.80 Let's pray together before we meet young 00:12:19.86\00:12:21.26 adult number 3. Dear God, Oh! It's hot in 00:12:21.26\00:12:25.66 Sydney, thank you Lord for summer time. 00:12:25.66\00:12:27.73 And it is warm here and sometimes when it gets 00:12:28.30\00:12:30.86 warm our eyelids get a little heavy, so Lord 00:12:30.86\00:12:35.53 two prayers, keep the preacher and the 00:12:35.53\00:12:38.36 listeners wide awake in the spirit and prayer 00:12:38.36\00:12:41.60 number 2. Dear Father, for the John Marks and 00:12:41.60\00:12:46.06 the Rhodas and the young adult we are 00:12:46.06\00:12:49.13 about to meet. For the Johns, and the James, 00:12:49.13\00:12:55.26 and the Marys, and the Marthas, for all of them 00:12:56.66\00:13:00.50 who are here by divine appointment, here 00:13:00.50\00:13:03.56 am I send me, when that appeal comes may 00:13:03.56\00:13:06.76 they say I will follow you, I will follow you 00:13:06.76\00:13:11.00 my savior, where so ever your feet may drive. 00:13:11.00\00:13:15.63 We listen now Father teach us the scripture 00:13:17.20\00:13:19.16 we pray in Jesus name, amen. Open your Bible with me 00:13:19.16\00:13:23.60 please today's teaching Pentecost II. 00:13:23.60\00:13:25.80 Laptop, cell phone, Oh! boy did I get corrected 00:13:25.80\00:13:28.76 last week, Oh! Pastor what is a cell phone. 00:13:28.76\00:13:31.96 Don't you know it's a mobile, you say 00:13:33.10\00:13:36.80 mobile? Mobile. That's what it is, a laptop, 00:13:36.80\00:13:42.93 a cell phone and a plane ticket, what's that all 00:13:43.30\00:13:45.60 about, open your Bible to young adult number 00:13:45.60\00:13:47.33 3 open your Bible please to Acts chapter 20. 00:13:47.33\00:13:49.46 The reason this young adult gets in the Bible, 00:13:50.90\00:13:52.70 Hallelujah and there are two lessons, they are 00:13:52.70\00:13:55.00 two messages that will come out of this 00:13:55.00\00:13:56.50 teaching today. Acts chapter 20, the reason 00:13:56.50\00:14:00.96 he gets in the story at all is because of what 00:14:00.96\00:14:05.06 happen to him when he was in church. 00:14:05.06\00:14:06.53 I'm keeping an eye on you very closely now 00:14:06.80\00:14:09.33 because what happen to him, could happen to 00:14:09.33\00:14:11.30 you and if I see it happening I'm gonna 00:14:11.30\00:14:13.10 call you by name and it will be like this, hey 00:14:13.10\00:14:15.93 you, alright if you start to nod and follow 00:14:15.93\00:14:19.46 asleep like this young adult did. 00:14:19.46\00:14:21.33 The reason we know this young adult is 00:14:21.80\00:14:23.56 because he slept in church. Yeah, that's true, 00:14:23.56\00:14:27.56 isn't that right? We know him by name, 00:14:28.16\00:14:30.23 his name means fortunate. He went by the name 00:14:30.23\00:14:34.50 his friends called him Eutychus. 00:14:34.50\00:14:36.20 And we know him because he fell asleep in church. 00:14:36.20\00:14:38.93 Somebody once said that if you, if you took 00:14:38.93\00:14:41.46 everybody who fell asleep in church, took 00:14:41.46\00:14:43.83 everybody who fell asleep in church and 00:14:43.83\00:14:45.90 you line them all up end to end, they'd be a 00:14:45.90\00:14:49.10 whole lot more comfortable. So, this is about a 00:14:49.10\00:14:52.96 young adult who slept in church and that's why 00:14:52.96\00:14:55.76 we know him. There is a message, there is a 00:14:55.76\00:14:57.93 message to the church and there is a message 00:14:57.93\00:14:59.50 to the young by that falling asleep and we 00:14:59.50\00:15:01.93 wanna note it together. Acts chapter 20, verse 7, 00:15:01.93\00:15:05.50 I've got the changer right here, Acts chapter 00:15:06.30\00:15:08.63 20 verse 7. I'll put it on the screen for you, 00:15:08.63\00:15:11.13 you have your Bible you read it from whatever 00:15:11.13\00:15:12.86 translation you brought along today; on the first 00:15:12.86\00:15:15.00 day of the week we came together to break bread. 00:15:15.00\00:15:18.30 Paul spoke to the people and, because he 00:15:19.06\00:15:20.56 intended to leave the next day, kept on it, 00:15:20.56\00:15:23.00 this is a farewell service, because he 00:15:23.00\00:15:25.66 intended to leave the next day, he kept on 00:15:25.66\00:15:27.40 talking until midnight. Now I need to get the 00:15:27.40\00:15:30.33 pause button right here. Because some people 00:15:30.33\00:15:35.83 read those words first day of the week, aha, 00:15:35.83\00:15:38.73 they're having a Sunday worship service that's 00:15:38.73\00:15:41.13 clearly what's going on, Jesus rose on Sunday, 00:15:41.13\00:15:43.50 so they're having a Sunday worship service. 00:15:43.50\00:15:45.10 Wow! Timeout, timeout, I need to remind you 00:15:45.10\00:15:47.93 that when Luke is writing this, the physician, 00:15:47.93\00:15:50.26 because he says we came together, so we 00:15:50.26\00:15:52.36 have a physician, who is an eyewitness about, 00:15:52.36\00:15:53.80 of what is about to happen. When Luke writes this, 00:15:54.00\00:15:56.73 he is using one of two reckonings for time. 00:15:57.06\00:16:00.06 One could be the Jewish reckoning of 00:16:00.06\00:16:01.40 time and the Jewish reckoning goes from 00:16:01.40\00:16:03.56 what to what? From sunset to sunset. 00:16:03.56\00:16:07.06 He can be the Jewish reckoning of time, so 00:16:07.66\00:16:09.43 that would be if it's, if it's the dark part of the 00:16:09.43\00:16:12.10 first day of the week, do you know when 00:16:12.10\00:16:13.53 that would be. That would be Saturday night, 00:16:13.53\00:16:16.66 in fact the old New English Bible for the 00:16:16.66\00:16:20.10 British Christians put it that way on Saturday night, 00:16:20.10\00:16:24.20 see that; on Saturday night in our assembly 00:16:24.86\00:16:27.33 for the breaking of bread, Paul, who was to 00:16:27.33\00:16:28.76 leave the next day addressed them, and 00:16:28.76\00:16:30.96 went on speaking until midnight. It's a farewell 00:16:30.96\00:16:33.00 service, it's not a worship service, 00:16:33.00\00:16:35.23 it's a farewell service. But, wait a minute, 00:16:35.23\00:16:36.90 Dwight, what if he is using Roman reckoning. 00:16:36.90\00:16:38.70 If he is using the Roman reckoning of 00:16:38.90\00:16:40.46 time from midnight to midnight then it has to 00:16:40.46\00:16:42.83 be midnight, just the dark part is coming up 00:16:42.83\00:16:45.30 to midnight that's Sunday night. 00:16:45.30\00:16:46.96 Either way you have it it's not a Sunday morning 00:16:47.93\00:16:50.20 worship service, true? Yeah, it's a farewell service. 00:16:50.20\00:16:53.73 They've already worshiped on the Sabbath, 00:16:54.40\00:16:55.83 but Paul says listen I'm gonna be gone, 00:16:56.06\00:16:57.60 I'm gonna be gone and I don't know if I'm ever 00:16:57.90\00:16:59.36 coming back again and I'm gonna walk across, 00:16:59.36\00:17:01.76 I'm gonna walk across the Isthmus, first thing 00:17:02.06\00:17:06.46 in the early morning, so let me just talk and so 00:17:06.46\00:17:09.13 Paul begins to preach on the Lord Jesus Christ. 00:17:09.13\00:17:12.00 How do we know that Paul preached on Jesus 00:17:12.00\00:17:13.40 that night because Paul wrote in First 00:17:13.40\00:17:14.73 Corinthians 2:2, I determine to know 00:17:14.73\00:17:17.06 nothing among you except Jesus Christ 00:17:17.06\00:17:20.00 and him crucified. So, we know that Paul 00:17:20.00\00:17:22.23 preached on the cross. I got to take this off guys, 00:17:22.23\00:17:24.60 thank you for your permission. 00:17:24.60\00:17:25.76 We know Paul preached on the cross. He always 00:17:27.70\00:17:30.76 preached on Jesus and the cross. Jesus said 00:17:30.76\00:17:33.50 I, if I'm lifted up, I'll draw everybody to me. 00:17:33.50\00:17:35.83 If anybody response today in this appeal 00:17:35.83\00:17:38.20 that's about to be made, in just a few moments 00:17:38.20\00:17:39.86 it will be because Jesus is the drawing power. 00:17:39.86\00:17:42.36 We know that, so it's a farewell service, either 00:17:43.80\00:17:47.86 way, yeah, but doesn't it say here they were, they 00:17:47.86\00:17:51.30 broke bread, yes it does. Acts 2:46 says they 00:17:51.30\00:17:53.93 broke bread daily. So, you can't use breaking 00:17:53.93\00:17:56.16 bread as a day that designates the sacred 00:17:56.16\00:17:58.96 Holy rest day of God, no it doesn't make sense at all. 00:17:58.96\00:18:02.30 It could be a communion service, it could be a 00:18:02.60\00:18:04.50 social, we don't know because that phrase can 00:18:04.50\00:18:06.33 be used both ways, but either way it's not a 00:18:06.33\00:18:09.13 worship service, that's the point. 00:18:09.13\00:18:10.73 So, on Saturday night, in our assembly for the 00:18:11.56\00:18:14.06 breaking of bread, Paul who was to leave the 00:18:14.06\00:18:15.53 next day he addresses everybody. 00:18:15.53\00:18:16.86 Alright, let's read verse 8, now Luke is an eye 00:18:16.86\00:18:19.70 witness, I need to tell you Luke says; there 00:18:19.70\00:18:21.33 were many lamps in the upstairs room where we 00:18:21.33\00:18:23.43 were meeting. Now we are not talking about 00:18:23.43\00:18:25.60 little battery operated lamps, we are talking 00:18:25.60\00:18:27.63 about like tiki torches burning in that room. 00:18:27.63\00:18:31.86 And when you burn a torch, it produces fumes 00:18:33.13\00:18:37.16 and it gives off smoke. There is nothing worse 00:18:38.30\00:18:42.80 than being in a room full of smoke. 00:18:42.80\00:18:44.16 It just, it gets in your nostrils, you look at the 00:18:45.20\00:18:47.16 other person, you see the smoke in her 00:18:47.16\00:18:49.03 nostrils and say doesn't she look funny not 00:18:49.03\00:18:50.46 knowing that you have it all through your own 00:18:50.46\00:18:51.73 nostrils as well. You just breathe it in. 00:18:51.73\00:18:53.60 So, if you don't wanna have smoke up your 00:18:54.80\00:18:56.40 nostrils and the room is filled with bodies and 00:18:56.40\00:18:59.33 it's hot and you're a bright young adult, you 00:18:59.33\00:19:01.90 are gonna find a place to stay in the meeting, 00:19:01.90\00:19:04.53 but out of the sweat, the smell, and the smoke. 00:19:04.53\00:19:09.00 There were many lamps in the upstairs room 00:19:10.66\00:19:12.20 where we were meeting. Seated in a window, 00:19:12.20\00:19:15.00 smart boy, leave it to young adults to be the 00:19:15.00\00:19:17.76 creative edge. Seated in a window was a young 00:19:17.76\00:19:22.06 man named Eutychus. His name means fortunate. 00:19:22.06\00:19:25.00 Oh! He is fortunate with that seat, that 00:19:25.00\00:19:27.16 Saturday night. Seated in a window was a 00:19:27.16\00:19:29.46 young man named Eutychus, who was 00:19:29.46\00:19:31.20 sinking Oh! Boy here it goes, who was sinking 00:19:31.20\00:19:35.26 into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. 00:19:35.26\00:19:41.86 Now preachers find great comfort and hope 00:19:43.10\00:19:45.53 in that on and on. What you find is drowsiness 00:19:45.53\00:19:49.26 and sleep. We go to the same text for two very 00:19:49.26\00:19:52.66 different reasons. Paul is going on and on, oh, 00:19:52.66\00:19:55.36 I'm thinking, I wanna tell you this about Jesus. 00:19:55.36\00:19:57.06 Let me share this story, I just came back from 00:19:57.06\00:19:59.16 this trip, let me tell you and he is going on, 00:19:59.16\00:20:01.06 anybody here have questions let me take a 00:20:01.06\00:20:02.60 little break right now, good questions, Q&A 00:20:02.60\00:20:04.80 time, now let me tell you. Oh! This reminds 00:20:04.80\00:20:06.83 me, on and on and poor Eutychus, have you 00:20:06.83\00:20:10.53 ever watched people sleep in church it's 00:20:10.53\00:20:12.46 embarrassing for them. Because of where I stand 00:20:12.46\00:20:15.80 every Sabbath morning, I get a special vantage point. 00:20:15.80\00:20:18.03 We have one of our professors at Andrews 00:20:18.76\00:20:20.23 University, true story and this guy is such a 00:20:20.23\00:20:22.03 cut up that I decided I will call him out by 00:20:22.50\00:20:25.90 name in this big university church and 00:20:25.90\00:20:27.60 when he was nodding off, I said isn't that right Woody? 00:20:27.60\00:20:29.76 When you watch a person fall asleep you know 00:20:34.93\00:20:36.93 that they do everything they can to hide it from 00:20:36.93\00:20:38.80 everyone around them and it is so dump to try 00:20:38.80\00:20:40.86 to hide because we all know what you're hiding. 00:20:40.86\00:20:42.46 So, don't even try, just go ahead and lay down 00:20:43.20\00:20:45.50 on the seat beside you, put your head on the lap 00:20:45.50\00:20:47.10 and somebody will stroke your forehead. 00:20:47.63\00:20:49.50 We'll wake you up when the sermon is over alright. 00:20:49.50\00:20:51.70 So, seated in a window was a young man named 00:20:52.36\00:20:55.20 Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep 00:20:55.20\00:20:57.20 as Paul talked on and on. But, you know something, 00:20:57.20\00:21:00.06 you keep catching it, you keep catching it, 00:21:00.06\00:21:01.73 but eventually it will go all the way down, 00:21:01.73\00:21:04.30 your head I'm talking about. It goes all the way down 00:21:04.30\00:21:07.76 and when you are balanced in a window 00:21:08.20\00:21:10.50 sill and your head goes down, you control 00:21:10.50\00:21:16.73 yourself off balance can't you that's exactly 00:21:16.73\00:21:19.20 what happened, tragic story, tragic, the young 00:21:19.20\00:21:22.10 adult sleeping in the window, he goes on and on. 00:21:22.10\00:21:25.10 When he was sound asleep, he is not hiding 00:21:25.10\00:21:27.33 now because he doesn't even know he is doing it. 00:21:27.33\00:21:29.03 When he was sound asleep, he, the young 00:21:29.26\00:21:31.90 adult, fell to the ground from the third storey 00:21:31.90\00:21:34.46 and they counted the storeys beginning with 00:21:34.46\00:21:36.23 what we would call the second, so that's the 00:21:36.23\00:21:38.00 fourth storey, and he was picked up, what's 00:21:38.00\00:21:40.76 that word, who wrote the book, a physician, 00:21:40.76\00:21:45.16 this is not, he was comatose, this is not he 00:21:45.80\00:21:48.20 was unconscious, he had a brain concussion, 00:21:48.20\00:21:50.83 he is dead. Look who's there, probably got 00:21:50.83\00:21:54.86 down the stairs ahead of Paul, took the poles, 00:21:54.86\00:21:56.33 he is dead folks. And imagine Paul in the 00:21:56.60\00:22:02.80 middle, late night, there is a scream because 00:22:02.80\00:22:07.63 somebody sees Eutychus disappear. 00:22:07.63\00:22:09.56 The place goes berserk and Paul short probably, 00:22:10.06\00:22:14.63 bald headed, heart of eyesight scholars believe 00:22:14.63\00:22:17.80 has to go downstairs they're outside, they're 00:22:18.60\00:22:20.40 outside, there is no stairs inside those homes, 00:22:20.40\00:22:22.46 outside, he gets down to the bottom, throws 00:22:22.46\00:22:28.36 himself on the young man, just as Elijah did, 00:22:28.36\00:22:32.03 just as Elisha did, he throws himself on the 00:22:32.36\00:22:35.43 young man and he puts his arms around him. 00:22:35.43\00:22:38.50 Boy, that's what we got to do with young adults, 00:22:39.10\00:22:41.13 just put your arms around them. 00:22:41.13\00:22:42.83 When they fall out, put your arms around them, 00:22:43.63\00:22:45.93 he puts his arms around him and he was praying, 00:22:46.30\00:22:50.60 I know he was praying the whole way down 00:22:50.60\00:22:53.20 those 4 storeys and he goes "don't be alarmed, 00:22:53.20\00:22:58.53 Hallelujah. He is alive!' And he was then he 00:22:58.53\00:23:05.66 being the good preacher that he is went upstairs 00:23:06.56\00:23:09.20 again, broke bread and ate and after talking 00:23:09.20\00:23:12.06 until sunrise. Because I had just one more thing 00:23:12.06\00:23:15.40 I want to say and then I'll let you go. 00:23:15.40\00:23:16.80 You ever heard that before just one more thing. 00:23:16.80\00:23:19.70 After talking until daylight, he left. 00:23:20.90\00:23:23.10 And the people took the young man home alive 00:23:23.10\00:23:26.00 and were greatly comforted. Hallelujah, Amen. 00:23:26.00\00:23:30.13 There are two messages in the story and I want 00:23:30.13\00:23:31.96 to share both of them with you. The first message 00:23:31.96\00:23:34.00 is to the church, church, we're all church, 00:23:34.83\00:23:38.26 America, Australia, we're all church. 00:23:38.26\00:23:41.63 Message number one, there are only two in 00:23:43.00\00:23:45.00 this story, message number one to the church, 00:23:45.00\00:23:47.50 "quit talking to yourselves!" I love this church, 00:23:50.13\00:23:56.50 I love the Seventh-Day Adventist church, 00:23:57.50\00:23:59.43 fifth generation Adventist, fourth generation preacher. 00:23:59.93\00:24:03.93 I love this church and so I know this church 00:24:03.93\00:24:06.40 that I love and we have a proclivity perhaps 00:24:06.40\00:24:08.93 more than any of the community of faith on 00:24:08.93\00:24:10.93 earth and that is we love to talk to each other. 00:24:10.93\00:24:14.36 We just yack, yack, yack, yack, yack got 00:24:14.80\00:24:16.66 this little debate going on. Got that little controversy 00:24:16.66\00:24:18.66 going on, yack, yack, yack, yack, yack, where 00:24:18.66\00:24:20.90 we are starting websites to prove our points, 00:24:20.90\00:24:23.10 we are publishing magazines in my country 00:24:23.10\00:24:24.90 at least to prove our point, yack, yack, yack, 00:24:24.90\00:24:26.80 yack, yack, and while we are talking to 00:24:26.80\00:24:28.70 ourselves the young are falling asleep in church 00:24:28.70\00:24:31.76 where the yawn as big as that one and are 00:24:31.76\00:24:34.30 falling out, are falling out. 00:24:34.30\00:24:38.00 On the first day of the week we came together, 00:24:39.76\00:24:41.83 I want to show you that this is in fact the point. 00:24:41.83\00:24:43.90 And the first day of the week we came together 00:24:44.16\00:24:45.33 to break bread and Paul spoke to the people and 00:24:45.33\00:24:47.03 because he intended to leave the next day he 00:24:47.03\00:24:49.03 kept on talking until midnight. 00:24:49.03\00:24:51.80 Jot this down in your study guide would you 00:24:51.80\00:24:53.23 please because they've been handed out to you; 00:24:53.23\00:24:54.80 The Greek world for "talking" is dialegomai, 00:24:54.80\00:24:57.70 from whence comes our English word "dialogue," 00:24:58.10\00:25:00.46 so I know that there is a little bit of a Q&A 00:25:00.96\00:25:02.60 going on, back and forth dialogue, dialogue, 00:25:02.60\00:25:04.73 while the church is dialoguing back and 00:25:04.73\00:25:06.96 forth, back and forth, a young adult falls 00:25:06.96\00:25:09.93 out and is dead. Collective conversation 00:25:09.93\00:25:15.30 between the speaker and the audience. 00:25:15.30\00:25:17.36 While the church was talking, Eutychus falls 00:25:17.36\00:25:21.90 asleep. And falls out of that window. 00:25:21.90\00:25:26.30 Why is it? That rather than become consumed 00:25:31.26\00:25:36.13 with the mission of the church. We become 00:25:36.53\00:25:39.40 impassioned, we're making sure we talk to 00:25:39.40\00:25:42.90 each other. Why do we spend so much energy 00:25:42.90\00:25:46.83 consumed on ourselves when the world and 00:25:47.56\00:25:50.40 Sydney are dying all around us. 00:25:50.40\00:25:53.66 It just doesn't make sense. I tell you what's 00:25:54.10\00:25:57.46 troubling though is that while the church that 00:25:57.46\00:26:00.80 I love is dialoguing, the young are falling away. 00:26:00.80\00:26:07.20 Let me share some astounding statistics with you. 00:26:09.66\00:26:12.50 Allen Martin, who teaches at our, in fact 00:26:13.20\00:26:15.46 you need to fill this in, I've been making the 00:26:15.46\00:26:17.66 point, but I forget to put the slide up. 00:26:17.66\00:26:19.36 Fill it in your study guide, while the church 00:26:19.86\00:26:21.50 was talking to themselves the young adult dropped out. 00:26:21.50\00:26:23.90 Allen Martin, who teaches in our theological 00:26:25.30\00:26:27.30 seminary at Andrews University and I pastor 00:26:27.30\00:26:29.33 on that campus. Wrote an article in Ministry 00:26:29.33\00:26:33.00 Magazine a few months ago and I want you to 00:26:33.00\00:26:35.70 know this is North America, these are North American 00:26:35.70\00:26:37.66 statistics, I don't know what the Australian 00:26:37.66\00:26:39.30 statistics are and we had the conference secretary 00:26:39.30\00:26:41.70 here a moment ago and I didn't check ahead of 00:26:41.70\00:26:44.33 time, but I have a feeling they may not be 00:26:44.33\00:26:46.26 so different. Let me just give you a few, a few 00:26:46.26\00:26:48.50 statistics. Jot these down please; 00:26:48.50\00:26:50.26 The median age for North American 00:26:50.26\00:26:52.56 Seventh-day Adventists is 58, 58 the median 00:26:52.83\00:26:59.00 age, half of the Adventist church is above 58 in 00:26:59.00\00:27:02.00 North America, half is below, but look how 00:27:02.00\00:27:05.76 high that median age is, do you know what it is 00:27:05.76\00:27:07.73 for Canada, for the U.S. and Canada, for the 00:27:07.73\00:27:10.23 U.S. it's 36 and for Canada it's 37. 00:27:10.23\00:27:12.63 The median age of those two nations on the 00:27:12.63\00:27:15.50 continent of North America, 36 and 37, 00:27:15.50\00:27:18.23 the Adventist church is 21 years older. 00:27:18.23\00:27:22.00 Listen to this more than 1000 Adventist 00:27:23.66\00:27:26.80 congregations out of a total of 5,500 in North 00:27:26.80\00:27:30.33 America have no children or teens at all. 00:27:30.33\00:27:34.56 And I know that's not only in North America 00:27:35.00\00:27:36.90 because I had one of you come up to me and 00:27:36.90\00:27:38.40 tell me do you know some of these kids are 00:27:38.40\00:27:39.70 going back to churches, where there is nobody, 00:27:39.70\00:27:41.63 nobody, isn't that something. Roger Dudley, who is 00:27:42.83\00:27:49.86 the head of the church ministry institute and is 00:27:49.86\00:27:52.03 a demographer, he surveys the church in 00:27:52.03\00:27:55.10 North America in particular has determined he wrote 00:27:55.10\00:27:57.50 an epic, a seminar a bit of research called why 00:27:58.13\00:28:01.80 teenagers are leaving the church. 00:28:01.80\00:28:03.13 This is probably the most significant longitudinal 00:28:04.83\00:28:07.46 study ever undertaken by any community of 00:28:07.46\00:28:09.63 faith period. It was done by the Adventists in 00:28:09.63\00:28:12.80 North America, what they did was they began 00:28:12.80\00:28:14.83 surveying teenagers at the ages of 15 and 16 alright. 00:28:14.83\00:28:17.86 He started asking them questions. They started, 00:28:17.86\00:28:20.16 they went back to them at 17, they went back to 00:28:20.16\00:28:22.20 them at 18 and they tracked them for 10 00:28:22.20\00:28:23.90 years until the age of 25 and 26. 00:28:23.90\00:28:25.96 They tracked them for 10 years and based on 00:28:25.96\00:28:28.60 those numbers and he wrote a fascinating 00:28:28.60\00:28:30.63 book, get it your A, B, C why teenagers reject 00:28:30.63\00:28:32.93 religion. Based on those numbers here is 00:28:32.93\00:28:37.10 Dudley's conclusion. It seems reasonable to 00:28:37.10\00:28:39.70 believe that at least 40 to 50 percent of 00:28:39.70\00:28:45.06 Seventh-Day Adventist teenagers, isn't that 00:28:45.06\00:28:49.53 something, are essentially leaving the church 00:28:49.53\00:28:52.23 by their middle twenties. Man, Oh! Man, Oh! Man. 00:28:52.63\00:28:59.06 I know that the AYC present company 00:28:59.56\00:29:02.20 accepted, but right now we're thinking church. 00:29:02.20\00:29:04.56 This is a church you're a part of and this is a 00:29:05.46\00:29:07.30 church I'm a part of. If we don't start some of 00:29:07.30\00:29:10.96 these SOS groups, have you been hearing about 00:29:10.96\00:29:12.83 these SOS groups? What is the SOS stand for. 00:29:12.83\00:29:17.83 Share our Savior. Share our Savior. 00:29:18.96\00:29:20.80 Share our Savior, small groups similar to care 00:29:22.20\00:29:26.36 groups from the gateway model. 00:29:26.36\00:29:28.16 If we don't start these SOS groups and start 00:29:29.20\00:29:31.76 bringing our young into groups, where there is 00:29:31.76\00:29:34.30 community and accountability and loving commitment. 00:29:34.30\00:29:38.00 If we don't start pulling them into something 00:29:38.00\00:29:40.40 smaller then just Sabbath morning we are doomed. 00:29:40.40\00:29:43.20 40 to 50 percent of them, I bet it's the same in 00:29:44.23\00:29:46.86 Australia 40 to 50 percent of Australian young are 00:29:46.86\00:29:50.03 saying adios to the church. How many former 00:29:50.03\00:29:53.63 Adventists young do you have in Sydney alone? 00:29:53.63\00:29:56.63 Mercy, that's the West, that's the young, while 00:29:58.33\00:30:03.33 the church is caught up talking to each other, 00:30:03.33\00:30:06.16 yack, yack, yack, yack, yack, yack, yack, 00:30:06.16\00:30:08.40 they're falling out by the buckets full. 00:30:08.40\00:30:10.83 40 to 50 percent I've heard some numbers as 00:30:12.36\00:30:14.93 high as 70% are not coming back. 00:30:14.93\00:30:17.43 Present company accepted and I'm grateful for the 00:30:18.76\00:30:21.33 exception, but we can't sleep, we can't just say, 00:30:21.33\00:30:25.63 Oh! Well it is not our problem, we're AYC, 00:30:25.63\00:30:27.76 we got it together, yeah you are AYC and yes 00:30:27.76\00:30:30.73 by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ you may 00:30:30.73\00:30:33.03 have it together. But, you have a mission for 00:30:33.03\00:30:35.70 the young who are in the church too, not just 00:30:35.70\00:30:37.70 the young outside of the church you have a 00:30:37.70\00:30:39.26 mission to the young in the church. 00:30:39.26\00:30:40.60 You're gonna have to start pulling them into 00:30:40.60\00:30:42.26 your circles and we can't wait every 12 00:30:42.26\00:30:44.20 months till another big conference comes to 00:30:44.20\00:30:46.10 Melbourne or Sydney. You're gonna have to 00:30:46.10\00:30:47.80 pull them in. In the 12 months in between 00:30:47.80\00:30:51.10 that's why those SOS groups are strategic, 00:30:51.63\00:30:53.80 pull the young in, he's fallen asleep he is 00:30:54.06\00:30:57.23 gonna hit his head, he is gonna, she is gonna lose 00:30:57.23\00:30:59.70 her heart and be dead spiritually. 00:30:59.70\00:31:01.90 Pull her in, pull him in. You know what, when 00:31:01.90\00:31:07.30 we stand before God one day, listen to me 00:31:07.30\00:31:09.30 very carefully now 'cause I may be 00:31:09.30\00:31:12.10 misunderstood in a gathering like this one. 00:31:12.10\00:31:14.00 When we stand before God one day, the first 00:31:14.86\00:31:18.70 question, he is not gonna ask us is what 00:31:18.70\00:31:22.00 did you do for all the children out there. 00:31:22.00\00:31:24.66 He is gonna say, I gave you a family. 00:31:26.43\00:31:29.13 What did you do with the children you had. 00:31:30.36\00:31:33.20 So, passionate about children in the Unis and 00:31:34.00\00:31:37.63 you are losing the children in your church. 00:31:37.63\00:31:39.83 Now I understand that the strategy here is to 00:31:40.20\00:31:43.26 keep the children in the church from being lost 00:31:43.26\00:31:46.10 and I praise God. But, don't forget SOS has to 00:31:46.10\00:31:50.33 include the young in the church or they'll fall out 00:31:50.33\00:31:52.13 of that window. Now go out the back door and 00:31:52.13\00:31:54.20 it's goodbye, alright. You know some of the, 00:31:54.20\00:31:57.40 I know what some of the older people are 00:31:57.40\00:31:58.50 saying well you know what Dwight, this is 00:31:58.50\00:31:59.80 really, this is just that the, this is the anomaly 00:31:59.80\00:32:01.86 of being young, it was that way when we were 00:32:01.86\00:32:03.60 young, the young just aren't involved, they 00:32:03.60\00:32:05.66 don't care, they're just doing their own thing, 00:32:05.66\00:32:08.33 pleasing themselves. Oh! My friend you are 00:32:08.33\00:32:10.90 so wrong at this moment in human history, 00:32:10.90\00:32:13.13 because I come from a country, where the 00:32:13.13\00:32:15.30 young change the political landscape in 00:32:15.30\00:32:18.13 the election of a man named Barack Obama. 00:32:18.13\00:32:20.50 He made it to the highest office in the 00:32:21.93\00:32:23.76 land because he mobilized a generation 00:32:23.76\00:32:26.33 of young, harnessed their passion, harnessed 00:32:26.33\00:32:29.90 their enthusiasm and they went to work by 00:32:29.90\00:32:32.73 the thousands for him. Text messaging their 00:32:32.73\00:32:36.90 friends, as passionate as you were about Jesus, 00:32:36.90\00:32:40.10 they were about Barack Obama. 00:32:40.10\00:32:41.86 Political moment, don't you tell me the young 00:32:43.30\00:32:45.40 are not mobilizable, they're already mobilized. 00:32:45.40\00:32:48.96 Don't you think there is a God in heaven that 00:32:49.66\00:32:50.90 looks down on this movement of young in 00:32:50.90\00:32:53.06 politics and says if only that could be my 00:32:53.06\00:32:56.80 church. So, don't tell me it can't happen to the 00:32:56.80\00:33:00.06 young, it can happen to the young. 00:33:00.06\00:33:01.23 Alright, there are two messages in this story, 00:33:01.23\00:33:02.90 message number one is to the church and then 00:33:04.10\00:33:07.23 message number two is to the young and 00:33:07.23\00:33:08.73 I wanna give this message to you, who 00:33:08.73\00:33:10.50 are young. What's the message to the young 00:33:10.50\00:33:13.43 "wake up, wake up," you can't make an 00:33:14.23\00:33:18.43 excuse, the preacher is long winded and church 00:33:18.43\00:33:21.56 is boring, so I'm falling asleep in church that 00:33:21.56\00:33:24.26 doesn't cut it. You are responsible for your 00:33:24.26\00:33:27.06 own life. Wake up, your generation is being 00:33:27.06\00:33:31.50 called by God right now. I want to share with you 00:33:31.50\00:33:34.10 some astounding parallels between the young and 00:33:34.96\00:33:37.70 AYC today and the young at Pentecost I. 00:33:37.70\00:33:46.36 This is why I'm so excited, this way I'm 00:33:46.76\00:33:47.96 pastoring on a campus with 3,500 young 00:33:48.76\00:33:51.10 adults, why? Because I believe that's the key 00:33:51.10\00:33:54.13 the God's finished word, it's the mobilization of 00:33:54.13\00:33:56.66 the young. Let me share this with you, look what 00:33:56.66\00:33:59.30 was happening, okay here, here we are down 00:33:59.30\00:34:01.13 at the pulpit, that's where, that's where we 00:34:01.13\00:34:02.73 are today, this is right down here in Acts 00:34:02.73\00:34:04.73 chapter 1 and 2. Look at what, Pentecost I, the 00:34:04.73\00:34:08.03 financial conditions, the economy with 00:34:08.03\00:34:09.66 Pentecost I, lets do this. This is a historian 00:34:09.66\00:34:13.00 Philip A. Harland, University of Toronto, 00:34:13.00\00:34:15.16 a Canadian. Here he goes; In that first 00:34:15.16\00:34:17.36 century AD more and more of the land in 00:34:17.36\00:34:19.10 Palestine became concentrated into the 00:34:19.10\00:34:21.23 hands of fewer large landowners at the 00:34:21.23\00:34:24.40 expense of the peasants. So, the rich are getting 00:34:24.40\00:34:27.13 richer and the poor are getting poorer, does that 00:34:27.13\00:34:29.93 sound familiar. The forfeiture of land due to 00:34:29.93\00:34:35.03 indebtedness, Australian debt personal debt now 00:34:35.03\00:34:39.03 is at the highest it has ever been in human 00:34:39.03\00:34:41.10 history and guess what, it's even worse in the 00:34:41.10\00:34:43.63 United States. We are so in hack, we are in 00:34:43.63\00:34:47.66 hack in debt above our eyeballs, we will never 00:34:47.66\00:34:51.53 get out of debt as a nation. The forfeiture of land 00:34:51.53\00:34:56.66 due to indebtedness at the time of Pentecost I 00:34:56.66\00:34:59.50 back there, the forfeiture of land due to 00:34:59.50\00:35:01.10 indebtedness was a main cause of peasants 00:35:01.10\00:35:02.96 losing their land. We are having 10,000 00:35:02.96\00:35:05.26 houses foreclosed a day. 10,000 a day, gone bank 00:35:05.26\00:35:10.63 takes it back. Gone bank takes, I can't pay, 00:35:10.63\00:35:13.03 I can't make the payment. This house is worth less 00:35:13.23\00:35:15.36 now than the loan is, why would I keep 00:35:15.36\00:35:17.63 taking, they're walking away, foreclosed. 00:35:17.63\00:35:19.96 Could it be that the he economic meltdown we 00:35:22.90\00:35:25.86 are experiencing in Australia and the US 00:35:25.86\00:35:28.73 and the West and the East, don't let China 00:35:28.73\00:35:31.43 fool you. China is not immune from this 00:35:31.43\00:35:35.00 economic meltdown. As the world goes China 00:35:35.00\00:35:38.80 will go. We are all in this together. 00:35:38.80\00:35:41.90 Look at the similarity, economic meltdown 00:35:43.53\00:35:45.56 Pentecost I, we are going through 00:35:45.56\00:35:46.90 meltdown Pentecost II. Look at the similarities 00:35:46.90\00:35:50.30 with who is in the upper room there and who is 00:35:50.30\00:35:52.30 at AYC today, watch this, jot these down will you. 00:35:52.30\00:35:54.70 Just like those in the upper room, just like 00:35:54.90\00:35:56.93 Eutychus, you also are devoted followers of 00:35:56.93\00:36:00.46 Jesus Christ praise God. You have given your 00:36:00.46\00:36:04.60 life to the Lord Jesus, you have followed him 00:36:04.60\00:36:06.80 in baptism and if you have not given your life 00:36:06.80\00:36:08.66 to the Lord Jesus and you have not followed 00:36:08.66\00:36:10.53 him in baptism, in just a few moments I'm gonna 00:36:10.53\00:36:12.70 give you an opportunity to decide today is the 00:36:12.70\00:36:14.60 day I'm deciding to be baptized, 00:36:14.60\00:36:16.36 I will follow Jesus. You will be baptized 00:36:16.36\00:36:18.40 today, you will be baptized tomorrow. 00:36:18.40\00:36:19.90 I don't know when you'll be baptized, but 00:36:19.90\00:36:21.43 today will be the day you make your decision 00:36:21.43\00:36:23.66 by the grace of God. You are followers just 00:36:24.00\00:36:26.80 like the upper room of 120. You are also devoted 00:36:26.80\00:36:29.50 followers of Jesus Christ, guess what just like 00:36:29.50\00:36:31.60 them you were also relatively poor, aren't you? 00:36:31.60\00:36:35.33 You look rich, but I know you're poor. 00:36:36.43\00:36:38.10 Isn't true, the young today are poor, come on. 00:36:39.00\00:36:41.73 It's their baby boomer parents that have 00:36:42.36\00:36:45.23 accumulated the possessions of this life. 00:36:45.23\00:36:47.50 Just like them you are also relatively poor and 00:36:48.60\00:36:51.36 dominantly landless. How many young adults 00:36:51.36\00:36:53.43 here own property, don't put your hand up 00:36:53.43\00:36:55.36 because nobody does. Nobody owns property, 00:36:55.36\00:36:58.03 you're landless just like the 120 in the upper room. 00:36:58.70\00:37:01.40 Just like them, you are also Sabbatarian, look 00:37:01.96\00:37:04.60 at that. You worship the creator on his 00:37:04.60\00:37:06.93 Seventh-Day Sabbath and you are also little 00:37:06.93\00:37:09.73 a Adventist, they were little a Adventist. 00:37:09.73\00:37:12.33 They believe passionately that Jesus is coming soon. 00:37:12.56\00:37:16.16 That's what ignited that moment. 00:37:17.30\00:37:18.83 Pentecost I, that's what ignites Pentecost II. 00:37:18.83\00:37:21.56 Just like them, you are also without roots, and 00:37:24.20\00:37:28.70 thus perfectly positioned to be instantly mobilized 00:37:28.70\00:37:32.66 by the Holy Spirit. I want to talk to the 00:37:32.66\00:37:34.73 baby boomers, who are here because some of us 00:37:34.73\00:37:36.56 are baby boomers and we are not apologizing 00:37:36.56\00:37:38.33 for it, we had no choice we just did. 00:37:38.33\00:37:40.06 There is nothing we can do about it, but we are 00:37:41.46\00:37:42.86 baby boomers, so come on be honest baby boomers. 00:37:42.86\00:37:44.96 We have dropped our roots pretty deep into 00:37:46.96\00:37:49.33 this life, haven't we? I mean we're working on 00:37:49.33\00:37:52.70 distal accumulation, we have that accumulation, 00:37:52.70\00:37:54.80 we have this, we have that, we have so much 00:37:54.80\00:37:57.90 now that if Jesus came to us and said I want 00:37:57.90\00:38:00.26 you to move for me now, we have to say 00:38:00.26\00:38:02.93 I can't, I got all this. I got a good job now, 00:38:03.20\00:38:08.56 you can't ask me to do this. And so he doesn't, most 00:38:08.56\00:38:12.90 of the time, but unlike your parents you are 00:38:12.90\00:38:18.06 also like the 120 in the upper room, you have 00:38:18.06\00:38:20.96 no roots and thus you are perfectly positioned 00:38:20.96\00:38:23.40 to be instantly mobilized by the Holy Spirit. 00:38:23.40\00:38:27.73 You know what, all you need is a mobile, 00:38:28.23\00:38:31.30 a laptop and a plane ticket, you can go 00:38:32.13\00:38:34.23 anywhere on earth. You are the most traveled 00:38:34.23\00:38:35.76 generation in the history of the human raise. 00:38:35.76\00:38:37.33 Nobody's traveled like you, I have never seen 00:38:37.63\00:38:39.10 guys like you, just go up to the plane counter 00:38:39.10\00:38:40.83 and put 300 bucks, I'll take that ticket, 00:38:40.83\00:38:43.10 I'm going to Fiji, boom you're gone to Fiji. 00:38:43.10\00:38:45.20 What's up with that, you just travel, it's a 00:38:45.83\00:38:49.26 part of your DNA. You've been set up 00:38:49.26\00:38:52.16 because they were the same way, you have been 00:38:52.16\00:38:54.20 set up to become Pentecost II, you have 00:38:54.20\00:38:56.90 every thing Pentecost II needs if you have the 00:38:56.90\00:38:59.96 infilling of the mighty third person of the God, 00:38:59.96\00:39:02.40 the Holy Spirit. Amen. You got it all, we are not 00:39:02.40\00:39:06.10 waiting for another generation, baby boomers 00:39:06.10\00:39:08.30 are slowly fainting off the scene, it's the why 00:39:08.30\00:39:10.63 you call yourself generation, why here we call you 00:39:11.00\00:39:13.00 Millennials in the United States, it's this generation. 00:39:13.00\00:39:15.73 That is now positioned strategically by God to 00:39:16.96\00:39:19.70 be instantly mobilized. Oh! My, look at that, 00:39:19.70\00:39:23.66 you've got a mobile, you have a 00:39:24.30\00:39:27.06 plane ticket, and you got a laptop. 00:39:27.06\00:39:28.90 Oh! Did you see that, I'll do it again, alright. 00:39:32.40\00:39:36.63 Because you were probably sleeping in the 00:39:37.33\00:39:38.96 window, watch it this time. Look at this isn't that 00:39:38.96\00:39:41.66 something. Oh! How do you. I had some young 00:39:41.66\00:39:49.40 adults put that together. I don't know how to do 00:39:49.40\00:39:52.10 that, I don't know what you do, but anyway 00:39:52.10\00:39:55.50 that's who you are. All God needs is a handful 00:39:55.50\00:39:59.26 of you. He doesn't need 500 of you, Hallelujah 00:39:59.26\00:40:02.43 for 500. He doesn't need a 1000 of you, 00:40:02.43\00:40:04.53 he needs just a handful of you. 00:40:05.03\00:40:06.36 He got by with 12 minus 1 plus a few others 00:40:06.36\00:40:09.43 thrown into an upper room, 120, he turn the 00:40:09.43\00:40:11.46 world upside down with a 120. Small numbers 00:40:11.46\00:40:14.90 have ever chanced the landscape of the human raise. 00:40:14.90\00:40:17.26 Watch this Margaret Mead, the great anthropologist. 00:40:17.26\00:40:19.83 Margaret Mead she wrote; Never underestimate 00:40:20.46\00:40:24.26 the ability of a small SOS group, that's what 00:40:24.26\00:40:30.10 she meant. Never underestimate the 00:40:30.10\00:40:33.70 ability of a small care group of committed 00:40:33.70\00:40:38.23 individuals to change the world. It takes only 00:40:38.23\00:40:41.93 one group of you to change the human race. 00:40:41.93\00:40:46.10 Never underestimate the power of one small 00:40:47.73\00:40:51.53 handful of young adults devoted to the Lord 00:40:51.53\00:40:54.86 Jesus Christ, it's all it takes to the change the 00:40:54.86\00:40:57.96 world. Indeed, they are the only, write that in, 00:40:57.96\00:41:01.03 they are the only ones who have ever changed 00:41:01.03\00:41:04.03 the earth. Name me a massive body of people 00:41:04.03\00:41:07.06 that's changed human history, name me one. 00:41:07.06\00:41:09.00 History has been changed by handfuls, set ablaze 00:41:10.60\00:41:15.13 with their passion. You have a passion for 00:41:15.13\00:41:18.20 Jesus, do you? You love him with all your heart 00:41:18.20\00:41:21.53 I know you do. My friend, you are 00:41:21.53\00:41:24.50 positioned for God to begin Pentecost II, 00:41:24.50\00:41:29.40 that's why Ellen White wrote unequivocal 00:41:30.00\00:41:32.46 language exactly what Margaret Mead will 00:41:32.46\00:41:34.93 say, Ellen White wrote this; With such an 00:41:34.93\00:41:37.26 army, jot it down; With such an army of 00:41:37.26\00:41:40.40 workers as our youth, rightly trained, you see 00:41:40.40\00:41:44.03 AYC is about that rightly trained. 00:41:44.03\00:41:46.43 You don't, you don't, you don't just go 00:41:47.83\00:41:49.03 marching off. No soldiers just goes 00:41:49.03\00:41:50.90 marching off clothe, with half of his ammunition, 00:41:50.90\00:41:53.60 out of gear, you got to get trained first then we 00:41:54.50\00:41:58.33 put you in a band. So, that you are never 00:41:58.33\00:42:01.70 alone, you're not afraid, you have the almighty 00:42:01.70\00:42:06.53 God with you, but you have, you have mates with you. 00:42:06.53\00:42:10.36 With such an army of workers as our young, 00:42:11.96\00:42:14.33 rightly trained might furnish, how soon, 00:42:14.33\00:42:18.16 I believe the secret to the soon coming of 00:42:18.93\00:42:20.70 Jesus is right here. How soon the message of a 00:42:20.70\00:42:26.56 crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior 00:42:26.56\00:42:28.40 might be carried to the entire city of the 00:42:28.40\00:42:31.13 Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth, Adelaide, 00:42:31.13\00:42:38.00 Canberra, and I met some from New Castle, 00:42:40.93\00:42:44.63 Cairns. How soon, how soon the message of a 00:42:46.60\00:42:51.20 crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior 00:42:51.20\00:42:52.83 might be carried to the whole world! How soon 00:42:53.30\00:42:55.70 might the end come, the end of suffering and sin, 00:42:55.70\00:43:00.33 suffering, sorrow and sin! So, here is the question, 00:43:01.50\00:43:05.26 I want to end with this question, are you 00:43:06.00\00:43:08.33 willing, are you willing to follow Jesus out into 00:43:08.33\00:43:14.83 that world and reach it as his last Pentecost II 00:43:14.83\00:43:22.46 generation, are you willing? Would you be 00:43:22.70\00:43:26.20 willing if Jesus were standing here today and 00:43:26.20\00:43:29.90 I would love to be there, right there on that 00:43:29.90\00:43:32.00 front row, if Jesus were standing here today and 00:43:32.00\00:43:34.73 he says alright guys let's just cut to this chase. 00:43:34.73\00:43:37.90 I have an invitation for you and I need to know 00:43:38.43\00:43:40.73 who will go for me, would you, would I, 00:43:40.73\00:43:45.36 jump to my feet with the cry, here am I, send 00:43:46.00\00:43:50.30 me, send me. I don't care where you send me, 00:43:50.30\00:43:52.70 if you want me to go Jesus I know you are 00:43:52.96\00:43:55.36 with me always even to at the end of the age, send me. 00:43:55.36\00:43:58.06 Are you willing to be send today? Are you? 00:43:59.63\00:44:02.70 want to pray with you right now and then I'm 00:44:05.00\00:44:06.76 gonna pull out a card that you have on your 00:44:06.76\00:44:08.70 lap and I want you to prayerfully consider 00:44:08.70\00:44:10.83 that card. Let's pray together, Oh! God, if 00:44:10.83\00:44:13.76 only Jesus were here, he is through his spirit, 00:44:13.76\00:44:17.66 if he were here in person and we were 00:44:18.40\00:44:20.40 sitting at his feet, his nails scarred feet and he 00:44:20.40\00:44:24.20 said you know my eyes have swept over this 00:44:24.20\00:44:27.86 great nation, I need more in my army. 00:44:27.86\00:44:31.30 The Messiah's army needs new recruits. 00:44:32.10\00:44:34.70 Would you, who are here AYC, would you 00:44:34.96\00:44:38.40 give me your life this year? Would you go for me? 00:44:38.40\00:44:43.03 O Father, would we have the courage, 00:44:45.10\00:44:48.83 oh! But of course we would, we would jump 00:44:51.90\00:44:53.90 to our feet and we would say Jesus starting right now. 00:44:53.90\00:44:58.00 Here am I send me. Well, he is not here 00:44:59.06\00:45:02.70 Father, his spirit is hovering over us, his 00:45:02.70\00:45:05.73 spirit is speaking to our hearts and I pray that as 00:45:05.73\00:45:08.03 we look at this humble little card that you 00:45:08.03\00:45:10.90 might impress us with what your will for us is 00:45:10.90\00:45:14.73 in 2010 not a 11, not 9, this year the only year 00:45:14.73\00:45:20.10 you've given to us is this year, what do you 00:45:20.10\00:45:23.03 want us to do, what would Jesus have us say. 00:45:23.03\00:45:26.13 How should we respond, God for the mighty third 00:45:26.90\00:45:29.80 person who guided through our consciousness speak 00:45:29.80\00:45:32.63 right now. We pray in Christ name, Amen. 00:45:32.63\00:45:36.40