Adventist Youth Conference 2010

Purchased Paradise

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Peter Gregory


Series Code: 10AYC

Program Code: 10AYC000005

00:16 Good Morning, good morning,
00:18 happy Sabbath! Happy Sabbath!
00:21 Are you alive this morning? Yes. You sound like it,
00:26 you know life without passion it may not be a
00:32 life at all, what do you think?
00:35 I think life deserves to have a passion they can
00:39 live for and the Bible teaches that God wants
00:45 to give us full of life and everybody wants to
00:49 experience that fullness of life and this morning,
00:53 I want to share with you from the Bible,
00:55 What the Life is All About. Turn your Bibles with me
00:59 again to the book of Genesis,
01:04 Genesis chapter 2, Genesis chapter 2
01:18 and once again verse 8, and the Lord God
01:23 planted a garden eastward in Eden and
01:26 there he puts the man whom he had formed,
01:30 once again we talked about yesterday the, the
01:34 word Eden, it means pleasure and delights
01:40 and happiness, but let me ask you something
01:45 when you look that word garden.
01:47 Garden of Eden, what do you think that word
01:52 garden means, I know what your thinking,
01:57 some of you are thinking garden is like
02:01 a you know having tomatoes, and
02:04 cucumbers and squash like a vegetable garden,
02:09 but if you look at the original word,
02:15 original meaning behind this word garden
02:17 you will discover that garden means
02:21 surrounded, enclosed, cover. So, when we interpret
02:29 this name that Garden of Eden, it's really
02:32 surrounded with pleasure, covered with delights,
02:39 enclosed with happiness, that's what it means.
02:44 And I'm wondering what made the Garden
02:46 of Eden, a place of a full of life and I began
02:52 to wonder about these rivers in the garden and
02:56 when was the last time you study about the
02:59 rivers in the Garden, let's look at it, Genesis
03:03 chapter 2 and look with me, verse 10, and a
03:11 river went out of Eden to water the garden and
03:14 from hence, from thence it was parted and
03:18 became into four heads the name of the first is
03:23 Pison, and then verse 13 and a name of the
03:30 second river is Gihon, and then verse 14 and a
03:36 name of the third river is Hiddekel or Tigris,
03:41 and then the fourth river is Euphrates, and when
03:47 you read the names of those rivers may be
03:51 you're saying tears of so what or we just, we can
03:57 just simply saying hmm interesting, they were
04:01 rivers in the Garden of Eden, we just, we can
04:05 just move on but sometimes may not be
04:09 all the times, but some times it is interesting to
04:13 study into the meaning of these names in the Bible.
04:19 And when I did that I began to discover
04:22 something every interesting, first of all
04:26 in order to, for us to understand this spiritual
04:29 application from this, now let me ask me
04:32 something, in the Bible, a river usually
04:36 represents what? In the book of Revelation the
04:41 Bible says rivers of life, perhaps this is a reason
04:47 why major cities are build near or on top of a
04:54 humongous river, because it needs lot of water.
04:59 So, river in the Bible often represents life,
05:03 so is it possible, is it possible that these
05:09 rivers can teach us something about life well, lets see.
05:17 Then I began to look into the meaning of these
05:20 names Pison, in the original language, the
05:25 root word of that name means increase, increase.
05:34 Gihon, what a name huh, Gihon means
05:40 bursting forth, like flower, blooming and blossoming.
05:48 And Hiddekel, means rapid speed, it give you
05:55 the idea of energy and then Euphrates,
05:59 I am sure you are familiar with that one.
06:02 Euphrates means much fruit or fruitful.
06:08 So, let me ask you something, when you
06:10 hear these words increase, bursting force,
06:15 rapid energetic, fruitful, how do you feel, do you
06:20 feel like you are alive or dead. Alive, that's right
06:25 and if we really analyze the desire of every
06:29 person in this world. We all want to
06:33 experience this increasing life, bursting forth life,
06:39 energetic life and fruitful life. But, let me
06:44 ask you something when you wake up in
06:46 the morning how do you feel,
06:49 how do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
06:53 Many times we feel like we're decreasing,
06:57 we feel as though we're dried up, we feel as
07:01 though we're slowing down, we feel as though
07:06 we are withering away, so what do most people
07:10 do in the morning what do most people do
07:14 in the morning in order to experience to have
07:18 this feelings of you know increase and
07:21 bursting forth, energetic, what these really do,
07:25 they drink coffee, and you know that we don't
07:29 promote you know caffeinated drinks.
07:34 However I do sympathize, I do understand why
07:39 some of these people they drink that why it
07:43 just shows you one thing is clear and that is
07:48 we all want to live a vibrant life, don't you
07:52 think so? So perhaps the Bible is trying to
07:56 teach us how we can have this kind of life,
08:01 the description of life should be increasing
08:05 life, bursting forth life, energetic life and
08:09 fruitful life, but now the question is how can we
08:15 have that kind of life. Well, in the Garden of
08:21 Eden, was there anything in the Garden of Eden
08:26 that talked about life? Ahh! The Tree of Life,
08:33 that's right the Tree of Life, and it is very
08:36 interesting, it is very interesting when Adam
08:39 and Eve, when they were kicked out they
08:43 had to say goodbye to three unique things,
08:52 in the Garden of Eden, look with me, Genesis
08:58 chapter 3, and verse 24, Genesis chapter 3,
09:05 and verse 24, the Bible says this, so he drove
09:14 out the man and he placed at the east of the
09:19 Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword
09:23 which turned every way to keep the way of the
09:28 tree of life. So the Bible makes it very clear that
09:33 Adam and Eve, they had to say goodbye to
09:37 the tree of life. You see my friends
09:43 when we began think about the Garden of
09:47 Eden and the outside of the Garden of Eden,
09:54 what made the Garden of Eden so, so special,
10:00 it was the tree of life because when you have
10:03 think about it, I mean in the Garden of Eden
10:06 they were trees right, what about outside?
10:11 I mean are you trying to tell me that as soon as
10:14 they walked out of the Garden of Eden it was
10:17 desert, desolation, and only a few cactus,
10:25 is that you're trying to tell me, I mean were
10:27 there fruit trees in the garden? Yes. Fruit trees
10:30 outside? Yes. Grass inside? Yes. Grass outside?
10:35 Yes. Animals inside? Yes. Animals outside?
10:39 Yes. Then what made the Garden of Eden so special?
10:46 Number one, it's clear from the Bible, the tree
10:51 of life, so lost item number one, tree of life,
10:57 lost item number two, the garments of lights,
11:06 let me show from the Bible turn your Bibles
11:08 with me to the book of Genesis chapter 2,
11:10 once again and verse 25, Genesis chapter 2
11:19 and verse 25, the Bible says this, and they were
11:24 both how? Naked, the man and his wife and
11:32 they were not ashamed, okay so the Bible
11:35 makes it very clear that Adam and Eve,
11:37 were how? Naked, okay, a question for
11:42 you, were they really naked yes or no?
11:47 Yes or no. Naked, yes, no, you don't know, I mean it's
11:57 English, you don't know, it's right there,
12:01 it says they were naked but wait a minute,
12:04 wait a minute, something very strange, look at
12:07 this Genesis 3 and verse 7, right after they
12:11 commit a sin, see what the Bible says, and it
12:15 says in the eyes of them both what?
12:18 Were opened. Literally? Literally? No, if you
12:28 say literally, are you telling me that God
12:30 created half way blind Adam and Eve.
12:35 Eve, where are you? But that wouldn't make
12:40 any sense right. Okay, then what it mean their
12:42 eyes opened, then we conclude, eye in the
12:46 Bible represents enlightenment,
12:49 understanding, perception, oh now they understand
12:54 that they are naked, oh that's a good
12:58 interpretation Okay, but the problem is my friends.
13:02 If you say now they realized that they are
13:05 naked, are you telling me that God created
13:08 them halfway dumb. Like they were naked,
13:11 don't know I'm naked. But, then after I eat a
13:16 fruit oh, I'm smarter, oh I'm naked.
13:22 No, no, no, that would not make any sense
13:24 then what happened? What happened, ah, you
13:27 see my friends, let me ask you something, you
13:30 believe that they were, Adam and Eve were
13:33 created in the image of God yes, alright,
13:37 alright, I am about to ask you this question
13:39 and I want you to be mature about it and
13:42 I am not trying to be funny, but let me ask
13:44 something. So they were created in the
13:46 image of God, the question is, Is God
13:50 naked? And the answer is no, then what is he
13:54 wearing, what is he wearing, ah, let's see
13:59 with the Bible has to say, so turn your Bibles
14:02 with me to Psalms, Psalms 104,
14:10 Psalms 104 and verse 2, Psalms 104 and verse 2,
14:21 the Bible says talking about God who covers
14:26 thyself with lights as with a garment, there
14:32 you go the Bible makes it pretty clear that God
14:35 is wearing so to speak the garment of light,
14:40 therefore my friends when God created
14:44 Adam and Eve, they were naked meaning no
14:49 man made fabric however they had the
14:54 garment of light, imagine from your body
15:02 glowing light, perhaps it was bright enough
15:09 that it worked as covering your body,
15:14 it does not matter where ever go, it is always
15:18 bright, you cannot even turn it off at night when
15:22 you go to bed. Good night Eve, and
15:26 light goes out, are you with me. So, if you can
15:34 imagine this you see they were made with
15:37 the garment of lights but they are naked, but
15:41 no shame, as when they committed sin together
15:46 they lost the garment of light and then what
15:48 happened? Now they're able to see that they are
15:52 naked meaning without the garment of light.
15:58 So, lost item number two, the garment of
16:04 light, so the tree of life number one, garment of
16:09 lights, number two, lost item number three,
16:14 well it is not so clear, written in the Bible,
16:19 but I believe that we can safely come to this
16:23 conclusion and that is, Adam and Eve had to
16:28 say goodbye to face to face conversation,
16:36 communication with God. We see God speaking to
16:43 Adam, telling him what to do? So then we have
16:51 these three items, the Tree of Life,
16:56 the Garment of Light, and Face to Face
17:01 communication was God, these three things
17:07 made the Garden of Eden special and this
17:13 morning I want to observe that these three
17:18 things are teaching us something very
17:24 important about life. In some ways my friends
17:30 in order for us, listen in order for us to
17:33 experience life that is increasing, bursting
17:37 forth, energetic and fruitful, perhaps we
17:41 need these three things. So, let me ask you
17:46 something, tree of life, what is the tree of life?
17:51 Teaching us about life. If you eat that fruit what
17:58 will happen? You will live forever so perhaps
18:05 the Bible is teaching us that life should be forever,
18:13 life should be everlasting, we should experience
18:19 immortality because my friends you cannot
18:24 really, really enjoy life when you know that
18:29 you have an expiration date on your forehead
18:34 and this day it gets sooner if you smoke
18:38 and drink and do other things, and ladies and
18:42 gentleman, I know this is a morbid way of
18:45 saying it I know I'm so sorry to tell you this,
18:48 but as soon as we were born, we began to die.
18:55 You see death is never, we never get used to
18:59 death, I mean I know you see death on TV,
19:06 news and when you see death and somewhere
19:10 you're like okay people die, but listen when you
19:14 death, when it's so close to you and when it
19:17 happens so many times do you get used to it?
19:22 Every time it happens, what happens, well,
19:24 how do you react to that?
19:30 In shock, why? Shock. Some where in your
19:35 soul it's telling you it should not be like this.
19:42 If we were created to die, it's like oh! die
19:48 okay, he is dead, okay, that's part of life.
19:53 But, something is telling us from inside
19:56 the way we were created, the creator put this desire,
20:02 what desire? I want to live forever, yes or no?
20:08 Yes, you know back in those days, back in
20:13 those days I was break dancing, my hair was
20:16 down till here, I was deejaying, you know
20:20 doing graffiti, you know what graffiti is,
20:22 making people's wall beautiful without their
20:24 permission and you surprise them in the
20:29 morning and do it quickly and you run and
20:32 it's one of those things. And I was doing that
20:35 and drinking and partying and you know
20:38 rock concert, performance and all
20:42 kinds of things. But, I sure remember that
20:46 night I was going to a dance club and my
20:50 friend was driving and he was about to make a
20:53 left turn and we heard this sound from behind
20:57 a car you know keee and boom and wow and
21:03 my friends were all in pain and I was able to
21:06 get of the car and look at the car and car use to
21:08 be like this but it became like this
21:12 and this lady hit us and she is. I mean I'm
21:15 thinking actually like play dead, scared her
21:19 even more, but I was just cursing at her and
21:23 just yelling at her, and she began to get like
21:25 scared and cry and it's like oh! and I still went
21:29 to dance club that night. But, my friend said man
21:34 you better go to the hospital I'm like yeah,
21:37 maybe I should. So, on the way to the hospital
21:42 I saw another accident, head on collision,
21:49 it looks like people died and it just hit me,
21:55 here I am 17, having, you know having this
22:01 great life, popular, lots of friends, I'm like the
22:05 leader of a gang and having this good time.
22:08 But, I could have been dead tonight, and ever
22:14 after that it doesn't matter how hard I try to
22:17 dance that thought kept hitting me. It's like I can
22:23 have you know, can laugh and enjoy, and
22:25 drink, and talk, but somewhere you're gonna
22:28 die some day and that just takes away the joy
22:34 of life all together and we all have this desire
22:39 of immortality, why people they write about
22:42 in their poem, they sing about, they make
22:45 dramas and movies about it, they write
22:48 books about it. Why do we have this desire?
22:53 Perhaps your soul is telling you, you miss
22:58 your home, the Garden of Eden.
23:03 How many meals do eat a day?
23:06 Three, some people six, some people one,
23:12 they start in the morning and
23:13 they finish in the evening.
23:19 But, three meals average, that's 21, that's 84 a
23:24 month, 21 a week, 84, a month, one year it will
23:28 be more than thousand. 70 years of life 70,000
23:33 meals, how would you like to see that at once,
23:36 well you know at one time, trucks, many
23:39 trucks and we are thinking, you got to
23:43 think this way basically our whole life, my own
23:47 life is eat all that and die. Eating all that cannot
23:55 give you life, but in order to eat that we
24:00 work so hard, we push so hard, we wanna live,
24:10 we miss home, we miss the original purpose of
24:16 the creation of man to live, forever.
24:24 The lost item number two, Garment of Light,
24:28 what is that teaching us about life? The Bible
24:33 says they both were naked and then it says
24:38 they were not what? Ashamed. So let me ask
24:43 something how would you feel if from your
24:47 body is glowing light, how would
24:49 you feel about yourself?
24:54 One thing for sure, since they did not feel
24:58 shame because they had the garment of light,
25:03 therefore the opposite of shame is what?
25:10 In a good way confidence,
25:17 confidence, what is God trying to teaching us here?
25:22 You see the tree of life is teaching the quantity
25:29 of life, life should be forever, longevity of
25:35 life, but the garment of light is teaching us the
25:42 Quality of Life, how life should be, how?
25:47 Without shame. In a very healthy way
25:55 confidence, stability. Are you listening?
26:05 And even today, what we do today
26:10 in a symbolic and spiritual way
26:15 we do things that will, will tell us we do miss
26:21 the garment of light, how? For some reason
26:27 psychologically we like to shine, what do you
26:32 think? We like to look bright, how do we do
26:39 this? We began with lotion, now lotion is not
26:44 sinful, so don't, don't. Alright, but we try these
26:48 things, ah! Garments, nice hairstyle, alright,
26:54 all good, all good, all good. Now what else do we
26:57 use? Ah! Talent, I know how to sing, I can
27:02 speak, oh, look at me dunk you know, look at
27:07 me, correct me, I don't know what that is?
27:08 But, look at me, look at me, you know so many
27:14 of these things might be innocent but we use a
27:17 lot of these things, look at my jaw, and see, oh,
27:21 I'm the President, look at my house, look at my
27:24 car, look at me, look, look, look at me, I'm bright.
27:34 But, then, but then when nobody is watching
27:37 us we feel so dark, we eat and eat and do all
27:44 that we can to live, but yet we feel so lifeless.
27:50 We cover, cover, wear, do things to make
27:53 ourselves bright, but yet we feel so dark,
28:01 but we want it and God understands, some days
28:04 we think I wish I could live forever.
28:09 I wish I can shine. Your deep embedded
28:14 desire is telling you, go back to the Garden of
28:20 Eden, that's where you can get it, but yet we
28:27 don't go back to the Garden of Eden,
28:29 where do be go, we go everywhere else,
28:34 to get that. And we are disappointed, we see
28:40 are miserable, lost item number three, face to face
28:48 communication with God, basically talking,
28:54 you know talking is important, try to live
29:00 your life without talking? Why don't try
29:04 like a one month, speech fast, speech fast, maybe
29:11 some of you need that, you know maybe some
29:15 of you maybe you talk too much. So, no talking
29:18 for one month, on top of that see nobody for
29:21 one month, what would happen to you?
29:26 Can you really experience life,
29:29 you know what's gonna happen to you?
29:31 You're going to end up talking to yourself.
29:32 Good Morning Peter. Hi, how are you?
29:38 You go cuckoo and even some, some
29:43 computer you know game lovers as like a
29:47 little nerd says I don't need people, I can do
29:49 without people, I love to be by myself but they
29:55 are playing game with other people,
29:58 on the Internet. They have a virtual relationship.
30:04 My friends we love to talk right. That's why
30:07 we have a cell phone, chat room, Internet we
30:10 have all these things because when you study
30:14 the Bible carefully, it is very interesting.
30:19 Talking, listen, talking, I want to suggest to you
30:24 in many ways talking is the image of God and
30:30 you're like what are you talking about.
30:32 You know, having two eyes and one nose and
30:35 you know two arms, this is the image of
30:37 God. No, no, no. Yes. That's true. That's true.
30:40 But, I want to suggest that our ability to
30:44 express ourselves this maybe the best image
30:50 of God. Why? Well, Genesis chapter 1,
30:57 do we know what he looks like, in terms of God.
31:01 No, what do we know about him? What is
31:05 keep repeating himself over and over and over again.
31:09 God said, God said, God said, God said,
31:12 one thing for sure, God he speaks.
31:16 Therefore, when he gave us the ability to
31:20 talk, he gave us his image. Maybe this is the reason
31:24 why the way we express ourselves, the way we
31:28 talk reveals our character the most.
31:34 Maybe, so, talking is important. You know,
31:37 they have done a study to see how many words
31:40 do men use a day, how many words do women
31:43 use a day. And I don't think they went to
31:47 China for this, because let me explain to you.
31:52 So, when they study about male, they
31:55 discovered that male use around 1,800 words a day.
32:02 I mean to me that sounds a lot.
32:05 I mean, I don't think that's Asian.
32:07 I think Asian men maybe ten words a day.
32:11 And any how then they study about the female.
32:15 Now ladies, don't get mad at me.
32:17 This is not my study and this is not about
32:20 gender competition here but they discover ladies
32:23 use about 3,600 words a day.
32:28 But, one thing is for sure; one thing is for sure.
32:31 We all like to what, talk, talk. And have
32:36 you, have you ever, have you ever had this
32:38 experience, now here is a lady comes and she is
32:42 meeting her friend and this lady is talking
32:45 about her friend; I mean talking about her
32:48 friend's problem and her problem and just
32:51 keep talking about the problem, problem,
32:52 problem, problem, problem, and then after
32:55 three hours other friend goes yeah.
32:57 I have a similar problem too. So, they just keep talking
33:00 about their problems. No solution.
33:06 Just keep your breath, just keep expressing.
33:10 And after six hours of talking oh they feel so good.
33:14 Oh any solution, no, no solution.
33:17 It just feels good; just feels good.
33:20 You see my friends it is so true talking is important.
33:25 But, look at this, eating is important but you
33:31 have to eat the tree of life. Feeling confident
33:36 without shame is important, but you need
33:39 the garment of light. Talking is important
33:43 and we can talk, talk, talk and talk and talk to
33:46 everybody but if we are not talking to God,
33:54 we may not have life. Do you understand?
33:58 So, tree of life teaching us the quantity of life.
34:06 Garment of light teaching us the quality of life,
34:10 but talking to God help us to understand the
34:14 author of life then its complete, complete package.
34:21 But, let me ask you something what happened
34:23 to the garment of, excuse me, what happened
34:27 to the Garden of Eden, where is it?
34:34 Where is it? It's in heaven, how do you know that.
34:40 Where is it? The best answer I think I don't know
34:43 I mean from the Bible, I don't know.
34:46 But, I'm guessing it was taken maybe or
34:50 something happened to it during the flood.
34:54 But, I wanna show you something very interesting.
34:58 Turn your Bibles with me to the book of Exodus;
35:04 Exodus chapter 25, Exodus chapter 25 and verse 8.
35:15 The Bible says and let them make me a
35:19 sanctuary that I may dwell among them.
35:23 Well, let me give you Peter Gregory's version
35:26 on this okay. Let them make me a sanctuary
35:30 that I may dwell with them as I did in the
35:35 Garden of Eden. Because when you
35:37 study those sanctuary, you begin to realize that
35:41 there are some things are very similar to the
35:45 Garden of Eden. Remember the meaning
35:47 of the word Garden surrounded, cover,
35:51 enclosed. When you look at the sanctuary
35:54 structure, is it surrounded, enclosed
35:58 and covered? Interesting isn't it.
36:02 And on top of that check this out when you
36:05 go into the holy place you have three items,
36:13 three items, to your right the table of
36:18 Shewbread, to your left the candle stick, just
36:24 before the most holy place, the altar of
36:28 incense and then when we begin to examine
36:32 those items very carefully you begin to
36:34 realize the table of Shewbread, and bread
36:38 is something that you eat and bread represents
36:42 the word of God. And if you eat the word of God
36:46 you shall live forever. And then when you
36:52 look at the candlestick, candlestick gives light.
36:56 It's based upon; it comes from using the
37:00 oil right. And oil in the Bible represents Holy
37:05 Spirit and other places in the Bible, the Bible
37:09 says we need to be anointed or we need to
37:14 be covered by the Holy Spirit in order for us to
37:24 shine the light. And then just before the
37:28 most holy place, the altar of incense and in
37:31 the Bible incense represents prayer,
37:37 very similar to three lost items from the
37:42 Garden of Eden. So, sanctuary becomes
37:48 portable Garden of Eden. So, what is God trying
37:54 to teach us. God is saying I know you miss
37:57 the Garden of Eden, I know you miss those
38:01 three items but if you have these three things
38:07 today, you can have Garden of Eden in 21st century.
38:13 What three things oh God tell us.
38:15 You need your Bible; the word of God
38:20 and you need to invite the Holy Spirit and then
38:26 you need to talk to me. And if you do that,
38:30 that is your Garden of Eden. And if you do that my
38:38 friends you are going to be able to have this life
38:43 that is increasing, bursting forth, energetic
38:48 and fruitful, you can. And the Bible it will tell
38:53 you and this is how. Do you remember when
38:57 Aaron's rod was placed in the sanctuary overnight?
39:03 You remember that. Not just for five
39:06 minutes, it was there overnight, long time.
39:13 What happened to the rod and by the way is
39:17 there any life in a rod. What happens if I stick
39:21 that rod into the best soil in Australia?
39:28 What would happen? Yeah, put some cow dung.
39:34 Let the sun shine upon it. Water it, what would happen.
39:42 Play classical music for it what would happen.
39:46 Nothing, because it is dead. This teaches my friends
39:52 many times we are like a dead rod. No life and
39:58 a rod is only good for one thing. What is it good for?
40:03 Hitting things, and we are totally spiritually
40:08 dead and we just end up hitting people.
40:13 No life, Aaron's rod dead rod, they place it
40:21 in the sanctuary and something happened.
40:25 Something happened and I know that was,
40:29 that story is to tell us that how Aaron was
40:31 chosen to be the high priest. But we can have a very
40:35 wonder, incredible spiritual application from here.
40:38 Turn your Bibles with me, turn your Bibles
40:41 with me to the book of Numbers. Numbers,
40:50 Numbers chapter 17 and verse 8, Numbers
40:58 chapter 17 and verse 8, the Bible says, and he
41:04 came to pass that on the morrow Moses went
41:07 into the Tabernacle of witness and behold the
41:10 rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was what
41:14 budded and brought forth buds and then
41:21 bloomed blossoms and yielded almonds.
41:26 Now wait a minute, that's pretty interesting.
41:29 Check this out, wait a minute. So, Aaron's rod
41:32 did it increase yes or no. Yes. Pison, bursting
41:40 forth, Gihon, rapidly, Hiddekel,
41:47 produce fruit, Euphrates. That dead rod of Aaron.
41:57 No life at all, but because it was placed in the
42:01 sanctuary what happened? Overnight what happened?
42:07 It revived, what does that mean my friends.
42:11 Many times we have, we have no desire for
42:15 God and this is what it means by we're
42:17 spiritually dead. We have no desire to pray.
42:24 Yeah, we have a desire to go to heaven because
42:28 that is, that seems really enticing, but the thing is
42:32 you may have a desire to go to heaven but the
42:35 problem is you have, sometimes we have no
42:38 desires to pray, to study and to show the love of
42:45 God to the people that are around you.
42:50 We have no desire. We have no passion for this.
42:55 Our thoughts and feelings are not into this.
42:58 Our thoughts and feelings are into something that just
43:02 can please us, we have our own garden of pleasure,
43:10 not the Garden of Eden. So, we go for something
43:14 that will just please us and we have no
43:18 pleasure in the things of God and we're thinking
43:23 to our self, this is impossible I cannot
43:25 have spiritual life, how can I change my; yes,
43:30 I can go to, I can go to the church, I can read,
43:33 I can sing, just you know as pretending or
43:36 performing or as a ritual, as a ceremony
43:40 but for me if I'm by myself, if I'm alone,
43:46 do I really have the desire to do this.
43:50 Can I have a life, a spiritual life, can I have
43:55 passion for God. And God says yes you can.
44:01 I know in the beginning it's tough but dwell,
44:08 abide in the mist of where God, Holy Spirit
44:13 and prayer and stay there; stay there please.
44:22 Don't try this microwave oven Christian revival.
44:27 I just go to AYC and I pop into spirituality.
44:33 Come on, it's not gonna be like that.
44:36 You, we, me to abide; abide in what?
44:41 God's word. This word gives God's thoughts
44:48 and his feelings in the beginning, boring,
44:52 in the beginning we don't want, but abide
44:56 there, stay there, invite the Holy Spirit so that
45:00 the Holy Spirit can take the word of God and
45:03 put it into your heart and you pray, open your
45:08 heart, allow your thoughts and feelings to
45:11 be transformed and stay there if it need be all
45:17 night, all day until you begin to feel, until you
45:24 begin to know you have this peaceful assurance
45:27 in your heart that you have this new life.
45:36 Things that you used to love, you hate now.
45:39 Things you used to hate you love now.
45:43 And God says if you abide with me this way
45:52 you can live forever. You have confidence,
46:03 even though you're talking to other people
46:04 because you're talking to God,
46:08 your life will be complete. Oh! My friends, this is
46:15 the reason why Jesus said in John 6, I am the
46:20 bread of life, he is a table of shewbread,
46:24 he is the tree of life. John chapter 8 he says,
46:28 I am the light of the world, he is a candlestick.
46:33 In some ways he is the garment of light.
46:36 Jesus said chapter 14, In my name you pray to
46:39 my Father, he is the incense; he is the way
46:45 we can talk to God, face to face. In some ways
46:51 Jesus is the Garden of Eden. So if you have
46:55 him you have the paradise. And my friends you think
47:06 this Holy Spirit and this prayer,
47:12 you think it's all free. No, Jesus had to buy
47:17 back for us. He did, let me show you.
47:21 In order for him to buy back the Garden of
47:24 Eden he went into the Garden of Gethsemane
47:31 and Gethsemane means pressure.
47:35 Eden pleasure. So, Jesus was pressured
47:40 by the sins of the world, in order to buy back
47:45 the pure pleasure in God. In order for Jesus
47:50 to buy back the tree of life he carried the tree
47:56 of death to Calvary. In order for Jesus to buy
48:02 back the garment of light he was totally
48:06 naked on the tree and then he was covered
48:11 with darkness for sometime. And in order to buy
48:16 back the privilege to talk to God again,
48:23 Jesus on that Cross, Jesus on that tree of
48:29 death completely naked, completely covered
48:34 with darkness, he cried out my God, my God
48:40 why hast thou forsaken me. Basically talk to me oh God,
48:45 talk to me oh Father. Say something to assure
48:48 my heart, say something to comfort me, talk to me.
48:53 Silence, and the Father was holding back.
48:59 He was holding back to pay the price for us;
49:06 and Jesus cried out, talk to me, talk to me, but silence.
49:14 Jesus purchased the Garden of Eden for you.
49:25 But we ignore the Bible. Holy Spirit oh no,
49:29 pray and talking to God, well I'm not that interested.
49:33 I don't want these things, I just want to eat,
49:36 eat and I have my talent, who I am, my identity.
49:40 Yeah, I can do, I can live my life and yeah
49:43 I have lots of friends to talk to, this is what
49:46 I want and; and I die some day.
49:52 How foolish, how foolish. That thief on the cross,
50:02 he is a Jew. He went to Sabbath school lessons,
50:07 he was attending a church, synagogue, yeah.
50:10 But, he got into wrong friends and he found
50:14 himself a criminal. He heard the teachings of
50:17 Jesus impressed but not convicted and converted.
50:24 But, then on that cross he has nothing to look for now.
50:31 He is dying as a criminal. But, then this man Jesus
50:35 next to him and he heard these words,
50:39 "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
50:42 But, the character of Jesus may I even say
50:49 the passion that Jesus had for the people that
50:53 were rejecting him. He had, Jesus had a passion
51:00 to be like God and this thief on the cross,
51:09 this must be the son of God. Master, I'm a criminal,
51:19 I'm about to die, but before I die I want to
51:23 die with just one thing in my heart that I'm
51:26 forgiven and then I can be changed and I want
51:33 to die with peace. So, master just remember
51:38 me when you enter into the Kingdom of God
51:42 and Jesus he said today; today I tell you, you
51:51 will be with me in my paradise. And that thief
51:56 on the cross he died with paradise in his heart.
52:03 O brothers and sisters, which paradise are you
52:09 buying. I want to challenge you, how
52:16 many of you are willing to say Oh Lord,
52:19 I am spiritually dead. My thoughts and
52:23 feelings, it's not good and I'm feeling so
52:29 discouraged, but Lord I see hope. If you die for
52:36 me like that, Lord help me to abide with you,
52:46 until I receive spiritual resurrection
52:56 and I'm willing to give up these things that are
53:02 killing me. So, how many of you are willing
53:07 to say Lord today I'm willing to give up that
53:13 which is killing me and then I may abide with you.
53:20 If you do, please stand wherever you are.
53:33 God Bless you. Let's pray together.
53:39 Loving heavenly Father, sometimes we are
53:45 totally confused about life. We don't understand
53:53 not only the world that is around us, we don't
53:57 understand the feelings that we have in us.
54:03 But, as we look back to the Garden of Eden we
54:05 begin to realize the type of life that we should
54:11 experience. But, we don't have it.
54:16 So, Lord today we're asking just, just, just
54:21 one thing. That we want you to take control,
54:31 we want to allow you to come into our hearts,
54:37 not just to come in but we want to allow you to
54:42 transform our thoughts and feelings and help us
54:47 oh Lord, to give up the things that are killing us
54:51 spiritually. Thank you.
54:58 We maybe like that thief on the cross,
55:01 But, lord help us. If we have to die may we die
55:07 with peace and paradise in our hearts.
55:15 We ask in Jesus name. Amen. You may be seated.


Revised 2014-12-17