Participants: Dwight K. Nelson
Series Code: 10AYC
Program Code: 10AYC000004
00:16 Dear Jesus, it doesn't get any better than this.
00:21 Jesus said, there is more joy in heaven over 00:25 one lost human being than 99 people at AYC, 00:29 who feel that they're saved and don't need anything else. 00:32 More joy in heaven over one lost person 00:36 in Sydney who gets found. We're going door 00:40 knocking tomorrow, we're going door knocking tomorrow 00:42 and so it would be wonderful Lord, if you would just 00:44 part the clouds because we're going anyway. 00:47 The devil isn't going to win this one. 00:49 But before we go tomorrow tonight 00:53 that weapon you have Oh! God teach us how to wield it, 01:00 by the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom we 01:03 gladly cheerfully serve, let all the friends of Jesus 01:06 say amen and amen. 01:13 I love it, you know I got a lot of uni students 01:18 on the campus where I, where I serve, 01:22 somebody came up to me and said hey, who are you, 01:23 what you do? Well, let me just tell you, I, 01:25 I pastor the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of 01:27 Andrews University. We got 3500 young adults 01:31 in that university and I get to be the pastor. 01:33 And, so I love it when I see two young adult men, 01:39 Oh! This is great, when I see two young adult man 01:44 come together and say, hey let's pray together. 01:47 Sometimes you see them just bowing, bowing their heads, 01:49 well it might be in the cafeteria, 01:50 it might be in walking across campus. Hey, you wanna pray. 01:54 Something about spontaneous prayer you know, 01:57 it's always calculated. Well, let's see what is it 01:59 Wednesday night, well we got to pray, it's Wednesday night. 02:03 Oh! That's alright, but spontaneous prayer. 02:04 When two young men come together and say, 02:06 hey you wanna pray, let's pray that's why I love the story, 02:08 Acts 1 is a great story, we share that last night 02:10 and Acts 2. Let's go into Acts 3. 02:12 This is one of my favorite stories. 02:13 I love this story; two men coming together, 02:16 they look at each other. They both look at their 02:17 watches and say, Ah! It's almost time 02:19 for prayer meeting, do you want to go to prayer meeting 02:20 with meeting today? Yeah, I want to go. 02:23 Let's go, two men, we're not talking about 02:27 wimps here. We're talking about one of the men is 02:29 so big, his shoulders are just busting out of his, 02:32 his worn fisherman garment. This guy has been 02:36 fishing all his life. The other one's been fishing too. 02:40 He's shorter, I mean he is thinner. 02:43 Not shorter in my mind, a little thinner? 02:45 He's younger, they called him John Boy. 02:49 Big guy, Peter is looking at John Boy. 02:53 Hey, John Boy you want to go pray, 02:54 let's go Pete. They're moving through 02:58 the crowded alley ways of the holy city Jerusalem. 03:00 It's almost 3 'O clock. See that's why they had to 03:03 look their watch. When they saw that it's almost 03:05 3 'O clock and say Ah! This is prayer meeting, 03:08 it's always prayer meeting in Jerusalem at 3 'O clock. 03:10 It the hour of prayer. So, they are making 03:13 their way through the crowd, through the bizarre, 03:14 all the wafting aroma and odor, they're making 03:18 their way through deep in conversation. 03:20 I love it when men pray, I love it when they're 03:22 on their way to prayer meeting, because they're 03:24 talking, they're thinking, they're getting their minds 03:25 ready now to encounter the almighty God together. 03:28 It's great to pray alone, but tonight we're not 03:31 talking about praying alone. Tonight we are talking 03:33 about praying together. Amen. And, so the two of them just, 03:35 just coming, and as they're coming towards, 03:39 as they're coming towards the temple, it's enough 03:43 at 3 'O clock in the afternoon to take your breathe 03:46 away and I am sure they stopped and they said, 03:49 wow! Towering over the ascending stairway, 03:55 towering high into the blue heavens 3 'O clock 03:59 in the afternoon, is an ornate gate that is, 04:04 that is composed of carved marble. 04:08 Carved marble into which are sculpted 04:13 almost lushes grapes, grapes overlaid in gold. 04:21 So, you have this, this marble trellis working it's way 04:26 over this towering gate. And in the afternoon sun, 04:30 they say when the sun hit it at 3 'O clock 04:34 in the afternoon that gold turned to fire. 04:36 No wonder they called it, the gate beautiful. 04:41 They said, lets go to church and they're going 04:43 through the gate beautiful. 04:44 Here they come, just the two of them, 04:47 a crowd coming as well, but they two of them, 04:49 two young men in prayer and as they come, 04:52 two beady eyes spotting they coming. 04:57 Ah! There is something on their faces 05:00 that speaks of God and generosity 05:04 and gentle compassion and locked on those 05:09 two beady eyes, this maybe what I have been 05:12 waiting for today. Because for everyday 05:15 since he can remember. They have brought him, 05:18 Mr. Vegetable legs to the gate beautiful and 05:24 beneath it's towering edifice. He would sit 05:28 on two shriveled human legs and do the only thing 05:33 he now can do for the rest of his life. 05:35 He is 40 years old and all he knows to do, 05:38 is to put out up an up turned palm and say, 05:40 alms for the poor, alms for the poor, 05:43 a penny from your heart, pity from your soul, 05:47 alms for the poor. And, they are coming, 05:51 I supposed that most. I, I would think the most 05:54 generous people on earth he would want 05:55 to hit for a donation would be people going 05:57 to church, wouldn't you think. 06:01 And he spots the two fishermen, who are 06:05 now making their way up the marble stairway, 06:08 ascending into the fiery golden glory 06:11 of gate beautiful. He knows exactly 06:14 which step they need to touch, when they touch 06:16 that step, he begins his little chant. 06:18 He knows how much time it takes for a worshiper to 06:20 get to the top. Boom, as they hit that 06:22 step Alms for the poor, hey fellows' alms for the poor, 06:26 a penny from your pocket, pity from your heart, 06:29 alms for the poor and they come up. 06:33 Lost in conversation, suddenly they hear 06:35 this whining appeal, alms for the poor 06:38 and the big one, with the shoulders that are 06:42 stretching, his poor little garment, 06:44 the big one looks at the beggar and as he 06:50 hits the top stair Peter looking down 06:54 at that shriveled specimen of humanity, 06:58 Peter in a voice everybody can hear says, Yo! Look at us. 07:06 And the heart of that beggar about goes through 07:11 the roof because you know what's happening, 07:13 don't you? The man has just announced this to 07:15 everybody that means he has a huge donation. He 07:19 is going to make today on the way to worship 07:21 and with the eager expectation of assumed to be recipient. 07:26 He locks on to the eyes, the gaze of the big fisherman. 07:30 Peter sees that look of hope and Peter quickly 07:35 douses that fire. Look at us. Ah! I have no silver, 07:45 and I have no gold, Ah! Take a look, step, just my luck, 07:52 two poor fisherman. Look at me, I said 07:58 I have no silver, and no gold, but such as we have, 08:06 I now give to you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth 08:12 get up and walk. Petrified, frozen he just stares, 08:22 these are vegetables, they don't walk 08:28 and that muscular arm that has pulled in the fish 08:32 by the bucket folds, that burly hairy arm 08:37 of Peter reaches out, sees the paralysis 08:41 on that face, 40 year old countenance and 08:44 Peter reaches down and grabs that man 08:47 by his bony wrist and somewhere between 08:50 down and up two vegetables shoo are alive, 08:58 and legs, and the man starts dancing, wouldn't you? 09:05 It says he was really weeping, jumping and crying out, 09:13 I do walk, I can walk, did I tell you there were 09:19 vegetables from the birth for 40 years, two vegetables. 09:23 And now he can walk, I love that story, don't you? 09:28 Yeah. I just, you tell to me again will you, 09:31 I just love that story. In facts let's read it, 09:33 let's put it on the screen. Let's put the, 09:35 put the screen up please. Down on all fours, 09:39 prime time Acts 3, we've been to Acts 1, 09:41 we've been to Acts 2, we're gonna go to Acts 3. 09:44 We'll be in Acts again tomorrow morning. 09:45 Down on all fours, you got the study guide, don't you? 09:48 You're not gonna read it quite yet, hang on to it, 09:50 let's go. Let's go to Acts chapter 3. 09:52 I'll read this and your hearing. One day Peter 09:55 and John were going up to the temple 09:57 at the time of prayer at three in afternoon, 09:59 it's prayer meeting. It's Wednesday, 10:02 do you go to your church at prayer meeting? 10:05 I want to comeback to that in case you don't? 10:08 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple 10:10 at the time of prayer, at three in the afternoon. 10:12 Now a man who is lame from birth and we know from 10:14 chapter 4, he's 40 years old. Now a man who 10:16 is lame from birth was being carried to the 10:19 temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put 10:22 everyday to beg from those going into 10:24 the temple courts. That's all he knows how to do, 10:26 what's he supposed to do. There is nothing he can 10:29 do in that society, so he begs. 10:32 Verse 3, and when he saw Peter and John 10:35 about to enter, he spots them coming up those stairs, 10:37 when he saw them he ask them for money. 10:40 Alms for the poor. Peter looked straight at him, 10:43 as did John. Then Peter said, "Look at us!" 10:45 Amen. "Look at us!" Ah! This is gonna be huge. 10:49 So, the man gave them his attention, expecting to get 10:54 something from them. Peter said, hey 10:57 "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do 11:03 have I give you now. In the name 11:07 of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." 11:10 Boom, electricity. Taking him by the right hand, 11:16 see the guy's paralyzed, he not gonna move, 11:18 taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, 11:21 and instantly between brought down and up 11:24 the man's feet and ankles become strong. 11:28 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. 11:30 Then he went with them into the temple courts, 11:31 walking, jumping and praising God. 11:33 And when all the people saw walking and praising God, 11:35 they recognized him as the same man 11:37 who used to sit begging at the temple gate 11:39 called Beautiful, and they were filled with 11:41 wonder and amazement at what had happened to him, 11:43 the end. Oh! My, Hallelujah. Thomas Aquinas, 11:52 the great church father, Roman Catholic faith. 11:55 Thomas Aquinas was once being given 11:58 a tour of the Vatican by Pope Innocent the fourth. 12:04 Alright, so the Pope has taken, 12:07 taken Thomas through the Vatican, this room, 12:11 this, this spectacular, fresh coat lobby, 12:17 he comes into the treasury and on the tables of the 12:20 treasury are heaped piles of gold bullion. 12:24 And as he takes the church father with him, 12:27 the scholar, as he brings him in, he says, 12:29 the Pope, the Pope says to Thomas, you see 12:31 Thomas the church can no longer say, silver 12:34 and gold have I none. Oh! Yes Holy Father, 12:39 he shot back, but neither can she 12:41 say in the name of Jesus of Nazareth get up and walk. 12:46 Ah! Yeah, we can't say that, can we? 12:50 Doing pretty well in Sydney. Got some great church 12:53 plans, lovely facilities, wonderful hospital, 12:56 great college, not too far from there, we got it. 13:00 But neither can she say in the name of Jesus 13:03 of Nazareth get up and walk. What's happening? 13:06 Where is the power of Christ today 13:09 in the church that you and I love, I am a fifth generation 13:12 Adventist, fourth generation preacher, my children are 13:14 sixth generation Adventists. Where is the power 13:17 of Christ? Today, in the church you and I love, 13:20 in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I command 13:23 you get up and walk. 13:29 On my page for Acts 3 in my Bible, I wrote these 13:34 words down, I quoted them from a little book called 13:36 the Great Controversy, maybe, maybe you've heard 13:38 of that book. I'm gonna tilt my Bible so, 13:41 I get the light on it. The great work, listen to this 13:43 guys. The great work of the Gospel is not to close 13:46 with less manifestation of the power of God, 13:50 then marked its opening. And that's not. 13:54 Umm! It's not gonna close with less power. 13:56 Umm! In then name of Jesus of Nazareth get 13:59 up and walk, will happen one day all over again. 14:02 Amen. So, something is going on here that we got 14:05 to find out, there is something we must tap into, 14:08 if it will ever happen again. Take out your study guide 14:11 will you, let's go. Let's move it. Okay. 14:17 Take out your study guide, let's go to that first line, 14:21 you see the website there 14:24 if I go too fast, and we leave out a blank, 14:26 you go to that website you will get the study guide 14:28 and have all the answers at the bottom. 14:30 Let's go, the prime time secret of the church 14:32 at the beginning and at the ending remains the same; 14:39 It is the time of prayer that unleashes the time of power. 14:44 Would you get that down please? 14:46 The time of prayer unleashes the time of power. 14:49 Let's go back to Acts chapter 3 verse 1 for a moment. 14:52 One day Peter and John were going up to 14:54 the temple at what time of the day were they, 14:56 were they going to the temple. This is not 14:57 a little aside, Luke is in the, the inclusion by physician, 15:01 Dr. Luke is intentional. What time of the day are they going 15:04 to the temple? It's the time of what? 15:06 It's the time of prayer. No accident, that it is a 15:13 time of prayer that unleashes the time of, of power. 15:16 It was while they were on their way to prayer meeting 15:19 that the miracle takes place, but maybe we get a 15:22 lot more miracles if we went to prayer meeting, 15:24 you ever think about that? 15:25 Amen. I am gonna ask you to raise your hand. 15:27 How many of you, how many of you go to prayer meeting? 15:28 Because I don't want to embarrass you. 15:33 I am not even gonna ask if this is a room full of pastors, 15:35 how many of you still have prayer meeting 15:37 because I don't want to embarrass them. 15:39 Now your church has prayer meeting, I know that, 15:43 but how many of you go to prayer meeting. 15:44 I mean this is AYC. Oh! Pastor Gary 15:49 and Johnny Wong, everybody has been talking of AYC, 15:52 this is a great youth movement. In Australia today, 15:55 well Hallelujah, I praise God for this youth movement. 15:58 I'm wondering if this youth movement is affecting the 15:59 church on Wednesday nights. 16:01 Amen. Because you can talk Evangelism all you want, 16:04 but if you're not talking prayer, 16:05 you got the wrong church. Amen. 16:08 You got the wrong church. It's not just about Evangelism, 16:13 it's about prayer that leads to power, 16:18 it's a time that leads to a time of power. 16:21 Not a time of power that leads to a time of prayer, 16:23 if we're not, if we're not praying together 16:24 on Wednesday nights. If we're not praying together on 16:26 Wednesday nights. And God knows that's the only night 16:28 that we will give to him during the week. 16:31 Unless you're in a care group, by the way I'm proud 16:33 if you're in a care group, unless you're gonna 16:34 start an SOS group, which we'll talk about tomorrow. 16:36 If we're not in a group that is praying to God, 16:41 they'll be no time of power. The time of prayer 16:44 must perceive the time of power. That's the whole 16:46 point of tonight's teaching. The time of prayer must 16:49 precede the time of power, the two go together. 16:51 Amen. They go together. So, if you're not 16:54 going to prayer meeting and you wanna make a 16:56 difference in the local church because that's what 16:57 I really admire about AYC. It is local church connected, 17:04 it's not this little Casa Libre that we filled with air, 17:05 has these big meeting that are dealing with controversial 17:06 subjects and then goes off into the world. 17:08 No, no, no AYC is about moving into the local church, 17:11 the local city, the local village, 17:12 the local country side moving in for the Lord Jesus 17:16 and you're staying connected to the local church, 17:17 good on you. Amen, amen. 17:20 Alright, so that's what I like about it. 17:22 Which means you got to think about prayer meeting. 17:24 You can't cut prayer meeting out of your strategy. 17:26 Well, I am so busy, I am so busy doing the Lord's work, 17:28 I don't have time for prayer meeting. 17:29 Are you serious, did you really 17:31 mean what you just said? 17:32 You're so busy doing the Lord's work, 17:34 you don't have time for prayer meeting, give me a break. 17:37 Come on, you got to have time for prayer. Amen 17:41 It's the time of prayer that leads to the time of power, 17:44 alright. Amen. We got that straight. Prayer, listen 17:50 to this Frank Laubach. Boy, this is dynamite, 17:52 don't you love this quotation. 17:53 "Prayer is the mightiest power on Earth. 17:55 Enough of us, if we prayed enough, 17:58 could save the world, if we prayed enough." 18:04 We're not praying, we got a little prayer tent, 18:07 a little prayer corner in this building. 18:09 There in a whole lot of you are making a, a b line 18:11 to that prayer time. Every time you get a break. 18:13 Come on, come on, lets be real now. 18:16 A little reality, reality check time. We're loving 18:18 the stories, loving the testimonies, 18:19 loving to hear about Evangelism, 18:21 who is loving praying around here. 18:22 There isn't a whole lot of that, is there? 18:25 Or you're praying in your heart Hallelujah, 18:27 good for you. Well, at least there is a lot of prayer 18:29 going on there. Praying in the heart. 18:33 Well, Peter could have said that to John, 18:34 John I got, can't go. John, I can't go to 18:35 the temple today I'm praying in my heart. 18:36 You go to the temple alone. They probably had a 18:40 prayer group in the temple you go, meet with them. 18:41 I am too busy right now. Come on guys; 18:44 get real, pray, time of prayer leads to time of power. 18:51 Amen. It's not the other way around. Well, 18:53 we will have some great miracles in Sydney one day. 18:55 We'll have even better testimonies than these, 18:56 then we'll really pray. 18:57 Amen. Are you serious? It's the other way around. 19:00 He will never get it. You will never get the big 19:01 stories and then nothing is bigger than this anyway. 19:05 But you want the big stuff, you want to heal guys, 19:07 don t you? You want the miracles. 19:10 Your not going to get any miracle, Joseph 19:13 unless you pray in New Zealand, 19:15 isn't that right? Amen. Yeah, amen, 19:19 alright. time of prayer and so isn't this a great quote, 19:24 "Prayer is the mightiest power on Earth. 19:25 Enough of us, if we prayed enough, 19:26 could save the world, if we prayed enough." 19:28 We got to pray together. We just have to get 19:30 this mentality of praying together. 19:32 Look at this one, John Dawson by the way. 19:34 Hey, Joseph since you're sitting on 19:35 the front row and you're from New Zealand, 19:37 here is a kiwi. This guy is a kiwi. 19:39 John Dawson is a kiwi. Take a look at this quote, Joe. 19:42 Anybody else from New Zealand by the way? 19:45 Any kiwis here. Don't be ashamed, Hallelujah. 19:48 Hallelujah. John Dawson is a kiwi. 19:52 The priorities, and by the way this book, 19:55 Taking our Cities for God is dynamite. 19:56 I read the book four five times, 19:58 it just stirs me up. "The priorities of eternity 20:01 and the spiritual world should be the realities that 20:04 dominate our thinking." Now, here 20:06 is a troubling question. Are you an Adventist? 20:09 No, he says Christian doesn't he. Excuse me." 20:11 Are you a Christian in belief, but 20:13 an agnostic in practice? Ho, ho, wow! 20:18 What are you saying Mr. Kiwi? 20:22 You're saying, hey are you going around telling 20:24 people I am an Adventist Christian, I am an 20:25 Adventist Christian, I am an Adventist Christian, 20:27 but act you like an agnostic because you 20:29 never talk to God, you never, you never get down 20:31 on your knees and plea with God. 20:33 You don't believe in the power of prayer do you? 20:35 You're a Christian in name and an agnostic in practice. 20:38 Wow! The priorities of eternity and the spiritual 20:43 world should be the realities that dominate our 20:45 thinking. Oh! The prayer of a human being, 20:48 do you believe this. "The prayer of a human being 20:52 can alter history by releasing angels into the Earth." 20:56 Do you believe that, that when we pray 20:59 angels are released into this Earth. 21:00 Amen. You believe that? Yeah, believe it. If we 21:03 really believed it, we be praying all the time. 21:05 If we, in fact let me just put the rest that. 21:08 Rest of that quotation, 'cause I think, do you have 21:09 this on your study guide. 21:10 "The prayer of a human being can alter history 21:12 by releasing angels into the Earth." 21:14 If we really believed this truth, 21:15 we would pray with intensity, and we would 21:17 pray constantly. I'm going to leave at it for a while. 21:19 We would pray with intensity and we would pray 21:21 constantly. We would pray and pray and pray. 21:24 Why because we know that when we pray angels are released. 21:30 By the way, it is now the Seventh-day 21:32 Adventist perspective. I will tell you what 21:33 the Adventist perspective is, we're in a great 21:35 controversy. Those of you who have taken the little seminar 21:37 that we are doing together, we're in, we're in 21:39 this war theme. The universe is at war; it's a civil war 21:42 right now. Isn't that right? 21:43 Amen. It's a civil war going on in this universe. 21:45 We have a fallen angel who is holding this planet 21:48 and declares that it belongs to him and nobody 21:51 not even God can get it back. 21:52 And, God had to come down here infiltrate 21:54 the planet and land behind enemy lands. 21:55 The rifle came and died for the human race. 21:58 God has won this planet back. He is going to get 22:00 it back, trust me. He will get it back. 22:02 But in this battle called the great controversy, 22:05 God cannot move, unless two, two, two, two 22:12 possibilities. Possibility A, the person who is being held in 22:16 bondage asked to be delivered. 22:18 Amen. Boom, just like that God's there. 22:22 Because you see the rules are fair play, are you okay? 22:24 The girl's mine, what's your problem? 22:27 Don't you understand? She belongs to me, 22:28 stay away from here. She's never asked for you, 22:30 she's never thought about you. I've been watching her 22:32 24/7, she doesn't want you. Adios 22:35 and that's the way it works, that's it okay, okay, okay. 22:38 But option B, option B is your praying for her. 22:46 Amen. God shows up again. Hey, didn't I just 22:49 tell you, you can't come here. Hey, move aside 22:53 you wimp. Amen. Move aside, I know she is 22:59 not praying for me, but I have a friend of mine 23:01 who is praying for her to me. 23:03 And I am here on behalf of my friend. Amen. 23:06 Adios, boom, she still may say no. 23:09 But God's taking every excuse he can to get her. 23:12 That's how it works. It's the rules of fair play. 23:14 God is so free and so fair. He won't force his 23:18 love on anybody. You don't want me, 23:20 love in order to be loved must not only give you 23:22 the right to say yes, it must also give you the right 23:24 to say no. Amen. No, you don't want me, I'll leave. 23:28 You don't want me. Are you serious? 23:31 ? I am your life and you don't want me. 23:33 Go away, I'll go. So, when you pray 23:41 for a heart that is not praying for itself. 23:44 God has an excuse, I am coming. 23:46 I got a friend of mine, who is praying. 23:49 So that's how it works. Amen. Yeah. Amen. 23:52 So, that's why when, when Peter is in prison. 23:56 Peter's in prison. Herod has just cut off the 24:00 head of James. Very interesting 24:02 in Acts chapter 12. They don't pray for James. 24:04 Herod arrest James and you know what 24:07 they're thinking, don't you? He is part of the inside 24:08 circle. The circle of three, remember James, John, 24:11 and Peter. Hey, these guys are, these guys are 24:14 immortal man. They're not, nothing is gonna happen 24:16 to them. They don't pray for James, gone. 24:21 Whoa! We should pray for everybody. 24:25 So, Herod says, Ah! The Jewish leader love this. 24:29 Who else in that inner circle, Peter, 24:32 arrest boom he is in the dungeon, 24:34 the fortress, Herod's fortress. The church has 24:37 just learned unfortunately the very hard way 24:41 that they need to pray for even the people who 24:43 are closest to Jesus because there is no immunity. 24:45 You maybe the closest friend Jesus has in Sydney and 24:48 something awful could happen to you. 24:50 I am sorry we're living in a battle zone. 24:53 Amen. You can die, but that's okay. 24:58 You will live again. Amen. You will live again 25:01 and when God puts that crown on your head. 25:03 And he holds your face and he says, I 25:06 told you I would make it up to you. 25:08 They're gonna be tears coming down your cheeks 25:11 and you're gonna follow Jesus nails carved 25:13 feet and you're gonna hug his feet 25:15 and you're gonna weep and laugh and worship 25:18 at the same time. Amen. He'll make it up to you, 25:21 don't you worry? You die, you die. 25:23 We'll miss you, but you'll come again to life. Amen. 25:29 So, boy the church realized, we gotta pray. 25:32 They weren't praying for James, but boy they're; 25:34 they're having all night prayer meetings now. 25:35 All night prayer meetings and you know the story. 25:37 Everybody loves the story of Acts 12. Peter sound asleep. 25:40 Does Peter have a guardian angel, yes or no? 25:42 Yes. Does angel know how Peter sleeps, yes or no? 25:44 Yes. Has an angel watched Peter sleep all 25:46 his life, yes or no? Yes. 25:48 Yes, so the angel knows that he can't come 25:49 to Peter and say, hey Peter. Peter, hey Peter 25:52 would you want to get up Pete, Pete. Pete. 25:55 The angel knows, this boy sleeps like a log. 25:59 And, that's why in Acts 12 you have his guarding angel, 26:01 being what I hope. You know, I hope my guarding angel 26:05 is a little more thoughtful than that because 26:07 Acts 12 said and you already read in the King James. 26:08 It says, he smote Peter. Boom, oh! That's what happened. 26:18 I am not making it up. That's what happened. 26:20 He smote him, 'cause he knows how the guy sleeps. 26:23 Karen just says, Dwight, Dwight, I'm up. 26:24 Some of us are light sleepers Peter. 26:29 Now, he was, he is wide awake. He thinks 26:31 he is dreaming. He is wide awake, 26:33 but he thinks he is dreaming. Put on your coat. 26:37 Sssh! Oh! The chains come, he puts his coat on. 26:42 Peter and the angel says; they go through, 26:53 the soldiers are all sleeping. Next gate, 26:59 three sets of gates. Peter says feels like night air. 27:05 The angel smiles and nods at him, gone. 27:10 Wow! I'm here, I'm outside the jail. 27:15 I gotta get out of here. And, guess where he goes. 27:19 He goes to the upper room, the very upper room 27:21 where Jesus washed the disciples feet, the very 27:22 upper room where Pentecost took place, 27:24 I got to preach in that upper room. 27:25 In Jerusalem, the archeologist say, 27:27 this is the very same upper room. 27:29 I am telling you, there is nothing like standing 27:31 in that upper room. I got to preach in it once. 27:33 Amen. Peter goes to that upper room, boom, boom. 27:38 And, a young adult, there are only three only 27:42 young adults mentioned by name. You're gonna find 27:44 the other one tomorrow, three of them. 27:45 Her name means rose, she comes, 27:49 and you remember little exchange to the door. 27:51 This is Peter, Peter who? Peter me. 27:53 Peter who? Peter me, let me in. 27:55 We are praying for Peter right now. 27:57 Can't let you in, bye. It's me Rhoda, it's me. 28:01 We're praying for Peter right now. 28:03 Rhoda, it's me. She leaves him at the door, 28:07 that young adult is so excited. 28:09 She goes running in, they're having an 28:11 all night prayer meeting and when she says, 28:14 guys time out, whoa. Peter is at the door, 28:17 they say, Rhoda, we're praying for Peter. 28:20 Get down on your knees. People pray 28:24 and have no faith that their prayers will be answered. 28:26 Amen. And, they had no clue. It's not Peter Rhoda. 28:29 It's a problem when put young adults in charge of the 28:31 church. They get these crazy ideas. 28:33 Sit down girl and start praying with us. 28:34 She said I am telling you Peter is at the door. 28:37 Okay, John go with her. Peter, where did you come from? 28:47 "The prayer of a human being can alter history by 28:51 releasing angels into the earth. If we 28:54 really believed this truth, we would pray with 28:56 intensity, and we would pray constantly." 28:59 Amen. You wouldn't have to call all night prayer meeting. 29:01 The young adults of AYC would gather their own 29:03 prayer meetings. They would be in prayer meetings. 29:05 If there are only three people there they are in 29:07 prayer meeting, they're not saying for the whole church 29:09 to show up. They just believe that if two 29:11 or three are gathered in my name, I'm there. 29:14 Amen. And, they're praying because they want 29:17 to unleash the angels of heaven. So that 29:19 angels can go to hearts that are not wanting to be saved. 29:23 But if God has a friend praying for 29:25 that heart. God can get in. God can get in. Amen. 29:27 That's why we go to pray, we gotta pray, alright. 29:32 So, how shall we pray? 29:41 I'm going to give you five ways to pray. 29:44 A couple quotations are gonna lead us up to those five. 29:47 You gotta have this in your study guides, 29:48 so grab your study guides. 29:49 No wonder the book of Acts records the praying of 29:51 its prime time players, 25 times! Prime time players 29:54 in Acts are praying 25 times, boy there must be a 29:57 message in that number 25. Write it in your study guide, 30:00 please. Prayer is the power of passion put to practice. 30:04 Okay, so last night, we prayer oh! God fill me with your 30:07 passion for lost people. Do you want God's passion for 30:09 lost people? Do you? 30:11 Amen. Praying is how you get the power, power. 30:17 Prayer is the power of passion put into practice. 30:22 That's it; prayer is the power of passion 30:25 put into practice. When you pray for lost people, 30:29 you are entering into God's passion and you will never 30:32 be the same again. Prayer is the power of passion 30:36 put into practice, alright. Let's take a look at this 30:39 quotation. God's love for the lost earth children 30:47 is the greatest power in this universe! 30:52 There is no stronger power on the earth in God's love. 30:55 Strongest power in the universe is nuclear fishing 31:00 at Calvary. Andrew Murray, the great South African 31:05 preacher from the time of Ellen White. 31:07 Andrew Murray wrote, wrote these words. 31:10 "Where there is much prayer there will be much of the 31:12 Spirit, and where there is much of the Spirit, 31:14 there will be much prayer, between our impotence." 31:17 That means no power, alright so that's you will need. 31:19 We have no power, we have, we're impotent. 31:21 Between our impotence and God's omnipotence, 31:24 that's all power."Intercession is the blessed link." 31:31 "Intercession is the blessed link." 31:34 Wow! That's must be why Jesus was 31:38 so big on intercession. Remember even 31:42 while he was here, they're on the way to the 31:44 Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus say, hey, hey, 31:45 hey, hey Simon, Simon, remember that. 31:48 Luke 22 Simon, Simon, by the way whenever God calls 31:52 your name twice, he is feeling very close to you, 31:56 Abraham, Abraham. Martha, Martha. Simon, Simon. 32:03 Saul, Saul. When God calls your name twice, 32:07 he is feeling very close to you. Simon, Simon, 32:13 I have prayed for you. When you're converted? 32:18 Amen. When you're converted? 32:22 You will lead your brothers. I have prayed for Simon, Simon. 32:27 Alright that's why I love Hebrew 7:25, 32:30 don't you love Hebrew 7:25, for he ever liveth. 32:33 Guess what, that's today, right now. 32:34 For he ever liveth to make intercession for them. 32:38 Seeing he is able to say them, unto to the outermost, 32:42 isn't that it? He is able to save us to the outermost, 32:46 for he ever liveth to make intercession for us. 32:48 He is always praying. For you by name. 32:51 He is praying for you and me by name right now, 32:54 Hallelujah. So, one more text, then this list of five. 32:57 So, that's why Paul is so big on intercessory prayer. 33:00 It's what saved him and a nice pray for Saul 33:03 before he ever met him. Oh! Boy was Ananias down 33:05 on his knees praying for Saul. 33:07 I am gonna have to go to see this man. 33:09 First Timothy chapter two, Paul writing, 33:11 "I urge then the petitions, prayers, and 33:13 intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone." 33:15 This is good, why should we be praying for everyone. 33:18 Ah! Because this is good and it pleases God our savior, 33:20 who wants all people to be saved. 33:22 There it is, you can't get away from it guys. 33:24 The greatest passion in the universe 33:26 is the power of God's passion for a lost people. 33:29 His love for lost people is a passion. 33:31 Why does he want us to pray for people 33:33 because he wants all people to be saved, 33:35 he wants all people to come to the knowledge of the truth. 33:37 That's why, so how shall I pray for lost people. 33:41 Here we go, jot these down, five of them. 33:42 And then I'll sit down. 33:44 Number one, how can I effectively pray 33:46 for the lost people. ah! Guess there is one more. 33:49 Wesley, you can't beat this line though. 33:50 "You can love more people through prayer than 33:52 any other way." Yeah, get that down. 33:54 There is no greater way to love people. 33:57 There is no greater way to love people 33:58 than through prayer, you're can love more people through 34:02 prayer than any other way, alright. 34:04 Now, finally we get to these five. Let's go, number one. 34:08 Make a list. Number one, make a list. 34:11 What are you talking about Dwight? 34:13 What I am talking about is, if you don't have a list, 34:15 you will never remember to pray for them. 34:17 Who goes on the list, jot this down please. 34:19 Anyone you care about, who needs to know Christ 34:22 and his truth goes on this list. 34:23 Now, I'm not talking about Aunt Bertha, 34:25 who is gonna have surgery in three weeks. 34:26 You may pray for Aunt Bertha of course. 34:29 She is not on your lost people prayer list though. 34:31 Now, you understand that. Aunt Bertha is 34:33 Aunt Bertha, she needs your prayers. 34:35 But that's not, this not this prayer list. 34:37 We're not putting a hospital checklist together. 34:40 This is for lost people. Some of them could be 34:42 in the hospital. Anyone you care 34:44 about who needs to know Christ and his truth. 34:46 Who will that be? You have a family tree. 34:48 So, let's just start with the people who are closest 34:50 on earth to you. How many people 34:52 on your family tree tonight? So, here is your family tree, 34:54 all the branches, wow! Look at all those cousins out there. 34:57 How many of those are you close enough 34:59 to know are lost, they are lost. 35:02 If Jesus were to come tonight, 35:04 they wouldn't be going to heaven. 35:05 Those are the people you pray for, the lost people. 35:09 Don't put your whole family tree on your prayer list, 35:10 because look, what's the point of it. 35:12 But pick out, let the Holy Spirit kind of nudge you. 35:15 Uh huh, yeah, whoa! Cousin, cousin, cousin. 35:17 Uncle, uncle, put them down, put them down. 35:19 Put down the names of your family, who are lost. 35:23 Put down the names of your mates, your 35:24 friends who are lost? Only put the lost ones, 35:28 don't put the saved ones on and you can pray for them 35:30 in another time. You've a prayer list, but 35:31 the prayer list must be composed of lost people. 35:34 People you are in class with. 35:36 I was just talking with one of our young adults today; 35:38 we were at the Gideon table, Hallelujah. 35:41 We've figured out why the Gideon table by 35:43 the way today was out in the blazing sun, 35:45 the rest of you were in the shade. 35:46 We were in the sun, Gideon. We have found out, 35:50 because one of our people tell, I am telling you 35:52 the truth, isn't that right? Sunny, 35:53 your name is Sunny and that's why they had, 35:55 she's ended up on our table, sunny, 35:58 so God put us right under the sun, 35:59 whichever group she is in tomorrow, 36:03 I'll be praying for you. 36:06 It'll be wonderful wouldn't it, if he had sun tomorrow, 36:07 that would be wonderful. God give us sun please. 36:09 But anyways, so I am sitting by somebody else, 36:12 who is a premed student, she going into medicine 36:15 and she says you know, I got a, I got a professor, 36:17 who is ridiculing monotheism upfront in class. 36:20 He just ridiculing. Belief in a one, in a God. 36:24 Hey, God just gave you a name, perhaps it's a professor, 36:27 you ought to start praying lost. 36:30 He is clearly lost. Lost, he goes on your list. 36:34 People you golf with, people you ride bikes with, 36:38 people you go diving with, it doesn't matter. 36:41 Your friends, lost people. Neighbors, lost people. 36:44 Anybody you care about, so it has to be 36:47 somebody you care about, who knows Christ and his truth. 36:49 Now, look at, it doesn't, it doesn't would be, 36:51 it doesn't have to be somebody you know personally. 36:53 I have a couple of preachers three, two preachers 36:55 who are total strangest to me, I know who they are, 36:58 they have no idea who I am they, you know they, 37:00 they would be, they would be affronted. 37:04 He is praying for me, what do you think I am? Lost. 37:07 I am praying for them because they don't know all 37:10 the truth yet. And they will know it. 37:12 And I am thinking God, if you could save 37:14 these two, lead them into truth. 37:17 God wants everybody to be saved and to come to 37:18 a knowledge of the truth, if you could, 37:20 if you could bring these to a knowledge of the truth, 37:21 God, think of the thousands they would impact. 37:23 Amen. So, I am praying for them. 37:25 They're on my prayer list. 37:27 That's who you put, okay. So, number one, 37:30 five step, number one, make a list. 37:33 Here is a wonderful Ellen White, they put a quote, 37:37 a compilation together called prayer. 37:39 You go to your A, B, C here in Sydney. 37:41 The book is called prayer. It's a great book on prayer. 37:44 I am going to show you between here and the end now. 37:47 These quotations are all from her book Prayer. 37:48 In our petitions, we are to include our neighbors 37:52 as well as ourselves. No one praise, 37:54 alright, who seeks a blessing for himself or 37:58 herself, what's up with that. Some of us that's 38:01 the only praying we do, oh! God help me to do this. 38:03 Oh! God give me victory here. Oh! God save me. 38:06 Oh! God please I want more power in my life, 38:09 me, me, me, me, me, come on. Some of us, 38:12 you're not praying alright, if you only asking a 38:14 blessing for yourself, start praying for other 38:15 people that will get you off of yourself 38:17 and some of the problems you have because you, 38:19 you're always focusing on yourself. 38:20 We'll just dissipate with the morning sun. 38:23 Amen. Add all this to your prayer group, 38:24 don't be so introspective when you're praying, 38:27 alright. Number one, make a list. 38:28 Number two, pray the list. It's not enough just to 38:30 make a list you got to, you got to pray the list, 38:33 should I pray this list everyday, you don't have to, 38:35 I need to tell you that I choose to pray 38:37 through my list. There are more than a 38:38 few names on it. So, I pray once a week on Fridays. 38:41 And that's all I do in my prayer time. 38:43 Because I couldn't do that everyday. 38:44 I wouldn't have any other time for what I want to 38:46 be doing during worship. So, on Fridays are 38:49 my prayer day and if you're lost and I 38:50 happen to get your name. I am gonna tell you 38:52 I pray for you every Friday. So, if you want you can, 38:57 if you have a, you are gonna start off with a small list. 39:00 You are gonna start off with a small list, 39:01 you can pray that everyday. I mean if you have 39:03 four or five names, you can pray that everyday. 39:05 But as your, as your list will grow then you 39:09 may wanna you know, do half of the list today 39:11 and half of the list you know, you divide it up. 39:12 This isn't rocket science, you do what you, 39:14 what works best for you, but the point is there is 39:16 no point of having of prayer list. If you don't pray 39:18 and look at this quotation. "As we seek to win others 39:20 to Christ, bearing the burden of souls in our prayers, 39:23 our own hearts will throb with the quickening 39:25 influence of God's grace; Something is coming back 39:28 to you, something is going to happen to you and 39:29 you start praying for others. 39:30 Watch this, our own affections will glow 39:32 in more divine fervor; our whole Christian 39:34 life will be more of a reality, more earnest, 39:37 and more prayerful. When you start praying for people, 39:40 you're gonna become a prayer warrior and you're gonna be 39:42 praying not just for lost people, you're gonna be 39:44 praying for everything. You're gonna be praying 39:46 without ceasing pretty soon. 39:48 God is gonna change you, when you become, 39:51 when you take the sword of the Spirit 39:53 of praying for lost people, 39:56 you will never be the same again. Amen. Ever. Amen. 40:01 Yeah, isn't that great. Okay, number three. 40:02 Make a list number one. Pray, pray the list, number two. 40:05 Number three, there are only five of these. 40:07 Number three, work the list. Work the list. 40:10 I need to tell you a story right here. 40:12 For sometime, I have had a college professor on 40:17 my prayer list, alright. Not teaching at 40:19 Andrews University. We got a great university 40:20 and some of you are thinking of coming and I hope you do. 40:23 This is a near by college, an Adventist student 40:28 going to this secular college. Gave the professor 40:31 one day a tape, she said this is my pastor. 40:34 He listened to the tape, he came to church. 40:36 We met on Easter Sabbath, we met. 40:38 And, so we developed a friendship, a relationship 40:41 and so we started meeting, the guy has a, 40:43 collects Bibles. He has a 120 Bibles in his college office, 40:48 120 Bibles. He's memorized the Bible. 40:52 I checked him out once, I said Tim, let me try you. 40:54 Let me try Psalm 84, and then he started 41:00 working on Psalm 84. Brilliant mind, 41:02 teaches the Bible as literature, he is a Christian. 41:06 So, we started studying together, he's been coming 41:09 to the conviction about the Sabbath. We're studying the 41:11 Bible together, then Tim goes through a crises 41:13 and I mean a big crises. He had two before, 41:16 but now this is the big one. And, suddenly I don't 41:18 hear from Tim anymore. I mean I send emails, no answer. 41:21 I tried calling the voicemail at his office. 41:23 His college office no, no, return of answer. 41:26 What's going up with Tim, but I keep him on 41:29 my prayer list and finally I am saying, 41:30 God I am not gonna pray for Tim anymore. 41:32 I mean you know what, there is nothing I can do. 41:34 I mean you win some, you lose some. As we found out tonight. 41:37 You don't win them all. So, I can't, I, 41:39 I just didn't it with Tim. So, I just kind 41:43 of quit praying for him. One Friday, I'm on 41:44 a prayer walk, I normally run 5k everyday 41:46 but this, on Friday sometimes I do a prayer walk. 41:48 I saw him on this prayer walk and all of a sudden 41:50 Tim's name comes to my mind. 41:51 I said, God, Tim is coming into my mind. 41:53 You know, what God I don't what to do, 41:55 I mean I tried and left messages, done everything, 41:57 here is the deal, if you want Tim and me to study again, 42:00 you have him contact me. Two hours later got 42:04 an mail from him. Two hours later. 42:07 Amen. We hadn't been in touch for months. 42:10 Don't tell me that praying for lost people 42:14 doesn't get straight to the heart of God, say 42:16 hey yo, you're ready, lets go. Amen. 42:19 Wow! And the email said, hey Dwight, I missed our 42:22 time together, when can we get together, you pick the 42:24 subject. Man, work the list that's the point guys. 42:29 Some of you've been praying, some of you 42:31 are gonna pray for some lost people and you're 42:33 gonna do anything more than pray, 42:34 no, no that's not enough. You got to work the list, 42:36 that means you better, you better be the one to answer 42:38 your own prayer. You know how your gonna answer 42:39 your prayer. You've been going to AYC, 42:41 you've been taking some of these great seminars 42:43 on how to reach the lost people for Jesus. 42:46 And, if you didn't get that seminar, I wish I could 42:48 have been in that one too and I heard some great 42:49 sounds coming out of this one, but I had to be here. 42:51 Amen. Get the training, there is no excuse. 42:55 You can lead somebody to Christ. 42:57 Did you hear this? Amen. You can do it, 43:00 you don't have to do public Evangelism. 43:02 You can have private Evangelism. 43:03 Hey, can I come over on Tuesday night. 43:05 And we will study the Bible together. Yo, 43:07 come on over. Boom, that's what you do. 43:08 You just start doing it. I don't know what's, 43:11 what if he ask a tough question forget it. 43:13 The Holy Spirit will give you what your need, 43:16 when you need it at the moment. Amen. 43:17 Luke 12:12, those who are in my seminar know, 43:19 that's the worship claim, when you read, when you go 43:21 before an answer Luke 12:12 write that down, 43:23 and we won't even bother thinking about it anymore. 43:25 The point is, you can give the studies, you can 43:28 answer your own pray. You not only make a list, 43:30 you not only pray the list. You got to work the list, 43:32 you've got to be willing to be used by God to reach 43:34 and save that lost person, alright. 43:35 Let's go, number four. Grow the list. 43:39 Here's how it works. God will keep bringing 43:43 to you more lost people as you faithfully intercede 43:47 for the ones he is giving you in the beginning. 43:49 God is like a great businessman. You know, 43:53 if you're, if you're a businessman and you got 43:57 several people investing your money. 43:58 This guy just keeps going gang busters. Every time 44:01 I give him a thousand bucks, the guy makes money. 44:04 I give a thousand bucks to that broker over there 44:06 and I never get anything, it goes down. 44:09 Now, this isn't rocket science, if you're 44:11 a businessman where will you start putting all your money. 44:15 The guy that keeps getting more. 44:19 Amen. That's the way God is. 44:21 I mean I've given this guy lost, I 44:23 I have given him a lost one, I've given him another 44:24 lost one. The guy never, he, he, he just dumps. 44:26 I am not giving anymore lost ones to you. 44:29 But she every time I gave her a name, 44:33 she goes bananas. Amen. For me. 44:37 That is where I'm pouring my money. 44:40 Wouldn't that to be the bright thing to do. 44:42 If you pray your list and God sees you 44:44 praying your list and you're, you're working the list. 44:47 God saying get another one to him, quick. 44:49 Hey Gabriel, get somebody to this guy. 44:51 He is out of names and he works. 44:55 Amen. Amen. He works, so you got to grow the list. 45:00 As you, don't be afraid then to add more names. 45:03 God keeps bringing more names to you, you add them. 45:05 In fact, jot this down will you. You will grown your 45:07 passion for the lost as you grow your prayers 45:10 for the lost. That's how it works. You want passion for 45:12 the lost. It will grow, you keep praying for the lost. 45:15 God will give you that passion. The passion comes 45:17 in response to the praying. That's just 45:19 the way it works. Alright, is there a quotation 45:22 on this one. Oh! There is. Oh! Ellen White writing. 45:27 "Oh, that the earnest prayer of faith may arise 45:29 everywhere. Here is the, here is a sample prayer. 45:32 Give me souls, buried now in error or I die!" 45:36 Quoting John Know of Scotland, the great reformer. 45:38 Give me souls buried now in error or I die! 45:41 Bring them to the knowledge of the truth 45:43 as it is in Jesus." If you don't know what to prayer 45:46 for lost people, you have know been given a 45:47 sample prayer that you can pray for the rest of your life, 45:50 just pray the words in our telex. 45:51 You pray those words and you're praying for lost 45:53 people, everyday say God give me her, 45:56 God give me him or I die! 45:58 When you say or I die. That's passion. 46:01 You've now connected to the passion of Calvary 46:05 or I die! And he did. See, alright. Let's go, 46:11 number five, finally. Number one, make a list. 46:14 Number two, pray the list. Number three, work the list. 46:16 Number four, grow the list and finally number five, 46:18 keep the list. Keep praying no matter what happens 46:24 or does not happen with that list. 46:27 Don't quit praying. I am gonna close 46:30 with the story of George Mueller 46:31 and then I am gonna tell you about what happened in 46:33 Melbourne, alright. First the story of George Mueller. 46:36 You ever heard of George Mueller. If you heard 46:39 of George Mueller you know who he is? 46:40 This, this gentleman in England, who raised up 46:44 orphanages all across England, have you heard 46:46 of George Mueller. One of the giant men of faith 46:49 of yesteryear. George Mueller, who raised, get this, 46:53 he raised the equivalent of a $180 million U.S. 46:56 without ever asking for a penny of money. 47:00 His, his bargain with God at the beginning was God. 47:03 It's just you and me, we're gonna talk this through. 47:05 I am never gonna ask anybody for money, 47:07 I am only gonna ask you to provide. 47:10 He never made in a public appeal, he never called 47:13 for an offering. He never did, his deal 47:15 was you and I know, and that's all that counts and 47:18 the money, 180 million equivalent dollars 47:22 came rolling in over his lifetime. 47:24 10,000 children taken from off the streets 47:26 of England because of this man's passion 47:28 to raise up orphanages. 10,000 children got saved, 47:32 isn't that some. One man, who believed in the 47:36 power of prayer. No, he believed in the power 47:41 of the God who answers prayer. Amen. Amen. 47:42 He believed in the power of the God who answer prayer. 47:43 So, here is George Mueller. So, when George Mueller 47:45 was starting out, get this early on he began 47:48 to praying for five unsaved friends, five of them. 47:52 After five years, one friend Hallelujah came to Jesus. 47:58 How many friends does he have left to pray for? Four 48:02 he must have had a prayer that's longer than this, 48:03 but he had five friends in particular, alright. 48:06 So, one friend comes to Jesus after ten more years 48:10 of prayer, two more friends come to Jesus, 48:12 two more. How many does he have left now? 48:17 He just has two. Three of his friends 48:19 have come to Jesus. Once while visiting 48:20 Chicago, here we go. Mueller said, 48:22 "I have prayed for two men by name." 48:24 Okay, listen to this. "I have prayed for 48:26 two men by name for 35 years, keep the list." 48:31 Keep the list, work the list, pray the list, but keep it. 48:35 "I pray for two guys for 35 years 48:39 on land or sea, sick or well, I have remembered 48:43 them before God by name and I shall 48:46 continue to pray for them daily by name 48:49 until they're saved, or die." And after 35 years of prayer. 48:52 After thirty-five years of prayer the fourth one 48:55 came to Christ, Hallelujah. Amen. Now, and there is 48:58 just one left and Mueller is praying his heart out 49:01 for the one lost friend in his list of five. 49:07 And, then death came. Mueller's death. 49:12 Three days after his funeral number five 49:16 got saved. Amen. Amen. 49:19 Isn't that something? Keep the list, 49:25 prayer is the power of passion put into practice. 49:31 You want God's passion then you pray God's prayers, 49:35 you pray for the lost. So, here is the deal, 49:39 thank you musicians. Here is the deal. 49:42 You see, at the end of the study guide, you see 49:45 you see at the end of your study guide, you see 49:47 those five blanks. Ladies and gentleman, 49:49 it's your turn now. Five names, you watch 49:54 right now the Holy Spirit is going to began 49:57 bringing names to you. Some of you are gonna get more 50:00 than five, it's okay. God, five people that are lost 50:07 on this planet, I want you to give them to me 50:10 right now Jesus. I want to begin praying in partnership 50:13 with you for five lost people. Right now, 50:16 names are already popping all across this audience. 50:19 Right now, the Holy Spirit is saying, hey 50:21 you remember him. Hey, what about her. 50:23 Oh! Write that name down. Don't analyze and well, 50:26 I don't like the, don't, don't if the Holy Spirit bring 50:29 the name to you. You put that name down right now. 50:31 Five names, you can have a list longer than five. 50:35 So, I am preaching this last Friday night at Melbourne, 50:37 alright. Last Friday night to a crowd down there in 50:40 Melbourne. I said, okay guys five names and people 50:44 started writing down just like you're doing right down. 50:45 They're writing down five names. By the way you don't 50:48 have to be be young to do this. 50:50 Anybody who claims the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior 50:54 needs to have five lost people minimum to be praying for. 50:57 You got a study guide. Those blanks are in front of you 51:00 right now. Don't look at me, look down at your 51:03 piece of paper and say God who should I put on this list. 51:06 Let me tell you some stories now 51:07 that came out of Melbourne. 51:09 So, these guys are sitting here just like you. 51:11 One guy writes down two names, 51:14 five, he writes two of them, two of them 51:18 are sitting right here, he comes up to me all 51:21 excited, Saturday night say, hey Pastor guess what 51:24 you know last night you told us to write down five names, 51:26 guess what? By tonight two of those five stood up in 51:30 alter calls and have come to Jesus. Hallelujah. 51:33 I said you're kidding me. No, I am serious, 51:38 two of his five stood up for Jesus. 51:41 Pastor came he, he was, he used to be a bartender, 51:46 those of you who are in my seminar this afternoon I told 51:48 about this Pastor, you remember who 51:50 just saw John 3:16, yeah. 51:52 This Pastor, bartender Pastor, he wrote a list of five, 51:58 he went to Karen afterwards, the Saturday night, 52:00 he said you are not gonna believe this I have 52:01 this list, how many did you say loved it. 52:03 He said two, he said two, two of the people I 52:06 put down have, have responded to Christ. 52:08 They obvious put people who were present. 52:13 And, then I am going on my email, 52:15 this little weekend between the two series. 52:17 So, I get this email from a kid who took a plane to 52:19 Sydney. He said, Pastor, I just had to write you an email 52:21 right now. He said, I had put a friend on; 52:25 I put a friend on my list of five. 52:28 I have been studying with this friend, I became 52:29 close to this friend and then something 52:31 happened in this friend's life and he was totally 52:32 drawn away, he cut me off, he cut God off, 52:35 he quit coming to church. I have been so concerned 52:38 that he is lost, but Friday night, 52:39 I put him on my list of five and Pastor when I 52:42 got off the plane in Sydney Sunday night 52:44 I had a text message from my friend, who says, 52:47 I want to reconnect to you. 48 hours later, 52:51 hey guys I'm not selling a product to you, 52:54 I am telling you that it works that's all I am telling you. 53:00 I go out on a prayer walk and I say God 53:02 what do I do with this guy. Two hours later, 53:05 I get a reply, are you getting the impression that 53:07 God really does want us to talk to him in 53:10 prayer and he is eager if we would just give him 53:12 a reason. I need somebody praying, 53:15 there is somebody you know that nobody on the earth will 53:18 pray for, unless you pray for her. Nobody will pray for her. 53:21 Amen. You better put her down. She has nobody 53:24 to pray for you. This is an old hymn, for you I am praying, 53:27 for you I am praying, for you I am praying, 53:31 I am praying for you. You want the passion of God, 53:37 really? Five names. Five names on that list, 53:41 five names, you got it. This isn't rocket science, 53:48 you got him. He said, I don't know, I don't know this, 53:51 no, you get five, you have them. Now, some of you 53:55 are saying, God I really, I don't know anybody who is lost. 53:57 You know what that means don't you? 53:59 You've been hanging around too long with the saved. 54:01 That's what it means. You need to start having 54:04 friends who are lost. 'Cause if we only hang with the 54:07 saved, nobody is going to heaven. 54:09 Just be this little tiny glue, and a little click 54:12 will never get saved 'cause if you don't have a heart 54:15 for the lost, you won't get saved anyway, 54:16 so you're lost. And, we ought to be praying for you. 54:20 You know what I mean. Five people, 54:24 you will never be the same again. 54:26 You will never be the same again. 54:28 To begin what you're gonna start tonight 54:31 it'll change your life. 54:32 I am not talking about private worship. 54:33 I am assuming you have private worship. 54:37 This is not an appeal to have private worship, 54:40 it is an appeal to pray for lost people. |
Revised 2014-12-17