Adventist Youth Conference 2010

How To Enhance Your Intelligence

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Neil Nedley


Series Code: 10AYC

Program Code: 10AYC000003

00:16 Well, today we are talking about how to
00:19 enhance your intelligence and this has a lot do
00:25 with your success in life. Psychologists tell
00:27 us that the job that you get out of college
00:29 is directly related to your IQ.
00:34 And there is a lot of other things directly
00:36 related to your IQ, including how long you
00:39 live, in fact in the new scientific studies they
00:41 are now having to put that in there, in fact
00:44 just last week, a study was done and published
00:47 in the journal circulation showing that
00:51 IQ was the second most important factor to
00:56 how long you're going to live over another
00:59 lifestyle factor that we'll talk about here in
01:02 little bit. So, intelligence is
01:04 related also to longevity and how long your
01:07 success will be. What is the definition of IQ,
01:09 it's your capacity to learn, retain and apply
01:14 knowledge. All three of those things and its
01:18 not just your capacity to learn, you have to
01:20 Retain it, that means you have to have a
01:22 memory, the temporal lobe of the brain has to
01:25 be working and you also have to be able to
01:27 apply that knowledge in your daily life and
01:30 its often measured by an IQ test.
01:32 How many of you have had an IQ test in this
01:35 row? Wow! I would say the majority of
01:38 Australians have not had their IQ measured
01:43 and I am wondering why? But I won't go into
01:48 the possibilities as to why you haven't had
01:50 yours measured. It's related somewhat to
01:53 academic performance, not completely there is
01:58 something called EQ emotional intelligence,
02:00 it's also very much related to academic
02:02 performance and that has to do with
02:04 motivation. Motivation is separate from IQ,
02:08 but if you have motivation and you have
02:10 IQ it's very directly related to your GPA or
02:14 your academic performance.
02:17 Now, there are some myths about IQ that
02:19 need to be cleared up here today in this
02:22 subject about intelligence, one of
02:24 the myths is genetics is all that matters.
02:29 Now we do know genetics is important and it is
02:32 clear that if your mother and father had high
02:35 IQ there is greater chance that you will have
02:37 it. But its not at all this sole determinant of IQ.
02:44 Another myth says there is nothing you can
02:46 do about it after age 18, and one of those,
02:50 one of the reasons why that myth is
02:52 perpetuated is many 18 year olds in America
02:56 have had their IQ measured, normally you
02:57 have it measured your junior or senior year of
03:01 high school and then they will out of
03:04 curiosity try to measure it after age 30 because
03:08 they have learned so much they would just
03:10 share that their IQ has improved.
03:13 And then when they take the IQ test they
03:15 find out it's the same in most instances,
03:19 it's the same not because we are not measuring
03:21 knowledge. Yes, that 30-year-old has
03:23 accumulated a lot of knowledge but its not
03:25 just accumulated knowledge, we're
03:27 measuring the capacity to learn, retain and
03:29 apply new knowledge. And 30-year-olds often
03:34 don't have that much greater than what they
03:36 did at age 18. However they are significant
03:39 exceptions. I remember a young man who actually
03:45 came in to understanding the four message of
03:48 Bible as a result of health in our town of
03:53 Ardmore, Oklahoma. He came in with a
03:57 vegetarian restaurant there and inquired more
03:59 about the truths of God. He was interested in
04:01 his personal health and he adopted that
04:05 lifestyle, the vegetarian lifestyle and then he
04:09 ended up becoming a fully baptized member
04:12 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but he
04:15 had an issue and part of his issue was IQ.
04:19 Nice looking man, tall, handsome,
04:23 great personality but he did not do well in
04:27 school. He had learned enough to learn the
04:30 Gospel and accept that, but he had a desire to
04:34 really excel and I remember talking to him
04:39 he was coming to me wondering how he could
04:43 excel more in school. And I told him you
04:46 know, maybe first you ought to go to place
04:49 like Mission College where you can learn
04:52 more of the deep truths of word of the God
04:55 and he did that. He went there for six months
04:57 and he enjoyed his time there, but I remember
05:01 calling the director of that school Louie
05:02 Torres, about half way through the course and
05:05 I said tell us, tell me how Les is going,
05:09 he said, you know I am not sure he is gonna
05:11 make it. He is struggling and he is getting some
05:16 of the lowest grades in our classes but he is
05:19 barely, barely surviving. And he says I am
05:23 hoping that he is gonna pull through.
05:27 And at the end he did pull through, he actually
05:28 raised his grades enough, he wasn't by any
05:31 means in the top half of his class. He was in
05:33 the bottom half of his class at Mission
05:35 College, but he learned enough to become a
05:38 Bible worker and he went right into Bible
05:41 work in Colorado. And he was a successful
05:44 Bible worker he had that winning personality
05:47 and that nice appearance that went long with it
05:49 and that helped to make up maybe for some of
05:51 the deficits that he had as far as his IQ was
05:55 concerned. But I remember about a year after
05:58 being in Bible work he came back to me in
06:01 Ardmore, Oklahoma and he says you know
06:04 what I really like to do is to incorporate the
06:08 health message of the Gospel full time.
06:11 I would really like to become a doctor and I
06:14 am thinking Les, there is no way. There is no
06:19 way, I mean in America, I don't know how it
06:22 Is in Australia but on those who try to become
06:25 doctors less than two percent will actually
06:29 make it into medical school and so, you have
06:34 to have a certain IQ to even be able to
06:39 withstand that because of all the information
06:42 that is thrown at you in a four year time period
06:45 that you have to learn. But he says you know I
06:48 really have that desire, so I told them well
06:51 listen to this I gave him as presentation that
06:53 I'm about ready to give you and I said
06:56 incorporate it and really work on it for about a
06:59 year. And I wasn't sure if it was going to be
07:01 successful or not, but he had that desire and I
07:04 didn't want to say no to that desire and so he
07:07 incorporated it. He followed every aspect of
07:10 the message and then he went into the
07:15 pre-med part of things, where he took
07:17 Chemistry and Biology and Physics, and at
07:20 first it was a little rough but then he started
07:22 to excel more and more, and then he took
07:26 his MCAT and now he is in medical school.
07:32 He made it, the top two percent and he is
07:36 having a good time in medical school.
07:38 So, it's a myth that there is nothing that you
07:40 can do after age 18, 'cause he was over 20 by
07:44 the time he first came into the message.
07:46 Another myth, people that are highly
07:48 intelligent are generally irritating to be around.
07:54 That has actually been studied and the study
07:56 show that although some of them are irritating
07:59 to be around, there are no more likely to be
08:02 irritable than people of low IQ or average IQ.
08:06 So irritableness has a lot more to do with EQ
08:09 than IQ and they are not necessarily related.
08:13 Another myth, people that are highly
08:14 intelligent lack common sense and this of
08:18 course it's true in some. Albert Einstein I think
08:20 was a good example and that's maybe how the
08:22 myth was perpetuated. Albert Einstein would
08:25 frequently get lost on his way home.
08:30 And he would just forget about where he was
08:33 at, he was deep in thought and then he would
08:35 have say wait a minute where am I,
08:37 I just passed my house sometime ago.
08:40 And he would have to find it again.
08:44 And then another myth you can't improve it so
08:46 why try, I think we've already dispelled that
08:48 myth because it can be improved upon.
08:50 So, let's talk about how to improve
08:52 intelligence in children and in adults.
08:55 Now what I am going to be presenting to you
08:58 are things that you can do now to improve
09:01 your intelligence and you know I really,
09:04 you know we have limited time, one of
09:06 things I would like to talk about is how you
09:09 can raise you kids to be high IQ.
09:12 There is an environment that's actually started
09:15 in the prenatal and the natal influences and
09:18 then the first five years of life that are
09:20 critically important to how high an IQ your
09:24 own children will have. But that's a whole
09:27 different topic somewhat related, but it is a
09:29 different topic but that will be for another
09:31 time. One is to avoid toxins, toxins to the
09:35 brain will adversely effect IQ and alcohol
09:40 actually effects a certain portion of the
09:42 brain before it effects any other portion of the
09:44 brain. It's called the frontal lobe of the
09:47 brain. This is the area of spirituality, morality
09:52 and the will, it's the area where we make our
09:54 decisions, it's the judgment area of the
09:56 brain, the analytical portion of the brain.
10:00 And when alcohol is on board in fact in
10:02 Australia the legal limit of alcohol
10:04 intoxication is 0.05 percent.
10:09 And I know you have a major problem with
10:11 this in this country, because I was leaving the
10:14 airport I came into Sydney the first time on
10:19 Sunday night and I, the taxi driver picked me
10:23 up and the police had made a line out of the
10:27 airport measuring everyone that came out
10:29 and having them blow into a machine to make
10:31 sure alcohol wasn't on board. Everyone had to
10:34 blow before they could go and this taxi driver
10:38 fortunately passed the test, I was glad to
10:40 see that but studies show that you're at 0.05
10:46 ercent and the police man pulls you over and
10:48 your right at that legal limit, you will you able
10:51 to walk a straight line, you actually will.
10:55 You can walk a straight line, in fact if you're
10:57 skilled at doing so, you can hit a curve ball out
11:01 of a baseball park at that limit. So why is it
11:07 then that your ten times as likely to get into an
11:09 automobile accident.
11:12 It's not your coordination,
11:14 your cerebellum is working fine.
11:16 The problem is your judgment and that's what
11:19 happened to Princess Di's driver.
11:21 No one recognized that he was drunk he was
11:23 walking straight lines, he was conversing
11:25 normally, but he attempted to negotiate a
11:29 turn in a tunnel at a speed that was impossible
11:32 to negotiate. That wreck has been analyzed
11:38 and its been found that the best race car driver
11:41 in the world would not have been able to
11:42 successfully negotiate that turn at that speed
11:47 and thus he lost his life and others lost their
11:49 life as well. Now, once alcohol is out of the
11:51 system the next day you are able to drive
11:55 again. Does driving involve critical abstract
11:59 difficult decision making?
12:03 No. if it did sixteen year olds would not be
12:06 allowed to drive in the world. The reason why
12:10 sixteen and eighteen and twenty year olds can
12:12 drive is because it's a fairly simplistic thing,
12:15 it doesn't require a lot of complex thinking and
12:19 analysis. But studies show once alcohol is
12:22 onboard it takes two weeks for critical
12:28 abstract thinking to comeback, one of the
12:31 reasons why it's best to totally abstain from
12:35 alcohol so the frontal lobe can be in tip top
12:39 shape. Another substance that affects the frontal
12:44 lobe of the brain in a more subtle area is
12:46 Nicotine, but its clear Nicotine has a
12:48 suppression effect on the frontal lobe of the
12:50 brain. Lead also is a toxin that effects IQ,
12:54 one of the reasons why you don't want to have
12:56 your kids play with toys that are laced with
12:58 lead. And the most commonly consumed drug
13:02 in Australia also has a role to play,
13:07 anyone want to guess what it is?
13:09 Caffeine. Caffeine actually affects the
13:12 adenosine receptors in the frontal lobe of the
13:15 brain. Blocks the adenosine receptors,
13:18 it also has too much of another chemical
13:20 acetylcholine available. Acetylcholine, actually
13:27 what it does is it destroys the enzyme
13:29 called acetylcholinesterase
13:31 which makes too much acetylcholine available
13:33 and this why people under the influence of
13:35 caffeine feel stimulated.
13:38 Pavlath studied this out. Typists actually can
13:41 type a little bit faster under the influence of
13:43 caffeine, but they make ten times as many
13:46 errors. And recently there was a study done on
13:50 caffeine and gossip.
13:56 Now the definition of gossip that was used in
13:58 this study was sharing private information
14:01 with someone who is not part of the problem
14:03 or part of the solution to the problem.
14:06 And studies show when you have caffeine
14:08 onboard you're significantly more likely
14:10 to do that when you don't, than when you
14:12 don't have caffeine onboard. And that simply
14:17 due to that loss of break in the frontal lobe of
14:20 the brain that comes from blocking those
14:23 adenosine receptors. Now this is even izn,
14:29 this information is caught up with the
14:31 National football league in America,
14:34 we just had the biggest, most watched sporting
14:36 event of the year, the Superbowl occured.
14:40 And interestingly those linemen and those
14:44 blockers, the one trying to protect the
14:47 the ones that are trying
14:49 to get to the quarterback are told to consume
14:53 caffeine. But there is one individual on that
14:57 field that is told to consume no caffeine
15:02 and guess who that is? It's actually the
15:06 quarterback. And the quarterback is the one
15:08 that has to get away from those people that
15:10 are juiced up with caffeine. So, why
15:12 shouldn't he have caffeine onboard?
15:20 There is a lot of information coming into
15:22 that quarterback in about three seconds and
15:24 he has to make a wise decision.
15:26 It requires an active frontal lobe of the brain
15:30 to make that wise decision. And studies
15:32 show when caffeine is onboard is more likely
15:34 to make the wrong decision. And so if it's
15:37 true in regards to NFL quarterbacks with the
15:40 decisions that were having to make moment
15:42 by moment, analyzing information and
15:45 making wise decisions, it would make sense
15:47 for us also to go caffeine free. Another
15:51 thing that has to do with IQ is breathing,
15:55 the study was done at Harvard University for
15:57 children, healthy lungs may mean healthier
15:59 scores on tests of memory learning and
16:01 intelligence. Researchers at Harvard
16:03 University examined data of 165 Boston
16:06 children who have been followed since birth.
16:08 At the age of six, the children had their lung
16:10 function tested. At age nine, they completed
16:12 standard tests of memory learning ability and
16:15 intelligence. And the researchers found that
16:17 for each increase in the children's
16:19 lung-function performance, there was a
16:21 corresponding increase in their cognitive-test
16:24 score. This previously was shown in adults to
16:29 be the case, young adults and now it's shown
16:32 to be case also in children and part of
16:35 this, that is emphasized is deep breathing.
16:40 In fact it was interesting when this
16:41 study came out I actually plugged in the
16:43 phrase deep breathing into Ellen White's
16:48 CD-ROM and I was going to show that to
16:52 you, I think it's actually a hidden slide,
16:54 I don't know if anyone up there might be able
16:56 to unhide the slide, but interestingly what she
17:00 stated was those that participate in exercises
17:06 for deep breathing will have an advantage and
17:09 she recommended that every educational
17:12 institution, actually institute in children the
17:17 exercise of deep breathing. Here it is,
17:19 the one who sits and stands erect is more
17:21 likely than others to breathe properly.
17:23 But the teacher should impress upon his pupils
17:25 the importance of deep breathing. Show how
17:27 the healthy action of the respiratory organs,
17:29 assisting the circulation of the blood
17:31 invigorates the whole system, excites the
17:33 appetite, promotes digestion, and induces
17:36 sound, sweet sleep, thus not only refreshing
17:38 the body but soothing and tranquilizing the
17:40 mind. And while the importance of deep
17:42 breathing is shown, the practice should be
17:44 what? Insisted upon. Let exercises be given
17:49 which will promote this, and see that the habit
17:51 becomes established. And so, this is why
17:53 even posture and even sitting in an
17:55 environment where you're in classes all day
17:58 or you are at AYC, it's important to take those
18:01 slow deep breathes, actually it will
18:04 oxygenate the brain better and you will have
18:07 better frontal lobe as well as better retention,
18:10 better temporal lobe function.
18:13 Now, there is one lifestyle habit that's
18:15 been shown to be the most critically
18:18 associated, at least at Brigham Young
18:19 University. Forty thousand student body in
18:23 regards to their GPA. This lifestyle factor is
18:29 very much related to melatonin.
18:32 And melatonin comes about as a result of
18:34 darkness and being in a dark environment as
18:38 you can see on the screen once darkness
18:40 hits, melatonin starts to spike. In peak it will
18:43 peak around 2 o'clock in the morning and
18:45 when the light comes in the room in the
18:47 morning it shuts down again. Melatonin is
18:50 very much related to your ability to retain
18:54 the information that you learned that day.
18:59 Now, if you go to bed two hours later than 9
19:03 o'clock of if you go to bed at midnight you
19:06 will decrease the area under that curve by
19:08 about 50 percent, so you will have less
19:11 melatonin output as a result of being a
19:14 late-nighter. And what Brigham Young
19:17 University found out is a lifestyle factor most
19:20 connected to GPA was early to bed, early to
19:24 rise. Interestingly Ellen White was also ahead
19:28 of her time on this, she said sleep is worth far
19:32 more before then after midnight.
19:35 Two hours good sleep before 12 o'clock is
19:37 worth more than four hours after 12 o'clock.
19:41 I've actually seen that statement after my
19:43 freshman year of college. I was in pre-med at
19:48 Andrew's University and I had taken just,
19:51 while I had taken General Chemistry and
19:53 Calculus, those were the two hard classes for
19:55 my freshman year. And my sophomore year,
19:59 I had lined up to take organic chemistry,
20:02 foundations of biology, physics for scientists
20:06 and engineers, which is a calculus based
20:08 physics and then quantitative analysis,
20:12 another advanced chemistry course.
20:14 So, I had classes all morning and then every
20:17 afternoon I had a lab associated with one of
20:19 those classes. So Monday was Physics lab,
20:21 Tuesday biology, etcetera. And my adviser
20:25 Dr. Wilkins said, Neil if you want to go
20:29 medical school I would recommend you not
20:31 do this. You need to get good grades and one
20:35 or two of these subjects is hard enough,
20:36 but all four of them. Well I said the problem
20:39 is Dr. Wilkins I have been looking at all the
20:41 subjects I want to take and I can't get them all
20:44 in unless I do this year like that. I said you
20:49 know, can I try it and then if I am not doing so
20:52 well maybe I can drop a class or two, so that I
20:55 am not adversely effected in regards to getting
20:58 into medical school. He says well you can try
21:01 it but I wouldn't recommend it.
21:02 Well, I was used to going to bed at 11:30 and I
21:05 changed my bed time, I actually after class I
21:10 remember I am having class all day long,
21:12 I work in the evening, I actually worked as a
21:14 tutor for the freshmen class and my class,
21:18 my work got out at 9 pm and so the only study
21:23 time I had was in the morning before class,
21:25 so I was used to going to bed at 11:30,
21:27 now I want to bed at 9 o'clock. I got up at 4
21:30 am. The first thing I did was to read spiritual
21:34 material and spend some time with the Lord
21:37 and then I would spend just a few minutes,
21:42 it was never more than 60 or 90 minutes
21:44 studying all of those subjects and then I would
21:47 go out for a three mile run around the track,
21:51 I would make it to breakfast and then I
21:54 would make it to my 07:30 class as the bell
21:56 was ringing. And that was my study
21:59 time and at the end of that semester my GPA
22:03 was 4.0, far higher then it was my freshman
22:07 year with easier classes. And so indeed
22:10 melatonin is critically important I can tell you
22:12 from personal experience early to bed, early to
22:15 rise makes a person, you have this saying in
22:19 Australia. Healthy, wealthy and wise.
22:25 And actually there is study showing that in our
22:27 business community where the top business
22:29 leaders come and meet or when they meet is
22:32 always early in the morning, they're early to
22:34 bed, early to risers, they'll love to meet at
22:37 6 O'clock in the morning to plan how the town
22:40 is going to run. There is no one else there,
22:44 its quiet, they can have that thinking time
22:46 there and virtually the only one that have the
22:50 money who are not doing that is the
22:52 entertainment industry. The entertainment
22:54 industry is linked with major depression and
22:57 the more depressed you are, the more you feel
23:00 better as you are sleep deprived. That's one of
23:03 the reason why the late-nighters tend to be
23:06 associated there with the entertainment
23:09 industry. And fortunately they can also get out
23:11 of program, they come to us and within seven
23:13 days they're early to bed, early risers.
23:15 We can face shift them with light therapy and
23:18 with proper sleep. Diet also has a role
23:20 to play in regards to IQ, high carb low fat diet
23:25 will improve weight loss, enhance moods,
23:27 speed, thinking and while both the high and
23:29 low carb diet seem to boost the speed of
23:31 cognitive processing, the interesting result
23:33 that compared to the high carb diet,
23:35 subjects consuming the low-carb diet had a
23:37 smaller improvement. So just being on a more
23:40 lean portion of food can be helpful but its
23:44 much better to be on the high carb,
23:46 low-fat diet and that's what the frontal lobe
23:49 desires for optimal function is a diet higher
23:52 in carbohydrates. What foods have
23:54 carbohydrates in them?
24:01 Carbohydrates are used almost exclusively by
24:03 the brain for optimal function,
24:05 but carbohydrates are present in fruits,
24:08 vegetables, nuts and grains. Interestingly the
24:11 original diet in Genesis chapter 1, Ellen White
24:15 quotes those four fruit groups and says
24:17 "They impart a strength, the power of endurance,
24:19 and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded by
24:21 a more complex and stimulating diet."
24:25 And so there is an advantage to a diet that
24:29 is plant based. In fact in another place she
24:36 talks about the adverse effect of food high in
24:39 protein and high in fat virtually no
24:40 carbohydrate, which is primarily your meat
24:42 food. Meat is a carbohydrate deficient
24:45 food, one of the reasons why it doesn't come
24:47 out on top as far as the best for brain function.
24:51 Sugar is a carbohydrate, I remember in the 3rd
24:54 grade after the researchers found out
24:56 that carbs are good for the frontal lobe,
24:58 I was handed a candy bar and I said,
25:00 the person who handed it to me said here have
25:02 some brain food and I said really?
25:04 And he said yeah, carbs are good for the brain.
25:06 This candy bar is loaded with it. Should be
25:08 great for your brain. Well, I wondered about
25:11 that, but I didn't just a few years later it was
25:15 studied in Iowa and then in other places,
25:17 actually high sugar diet impairs frontal lobe
25:20 function in school age children significantly.
25:23 In fact it makes over a great later difference
25:25 performance in studies particularly if they
25:29 involve having to think. Now if it's just
25:31 memory you can do alright in most cases but
25:35 if you're having to think about the problem
25:37 and come up with a solution to it, it makes
25:39 powerful difference, one of the reasons why is
25:42 when we eat a candy bar our pancreas thinks
25:44 we have had a large amount of fruits,
25:46 grains, nuts and vegetables, 'cause our
25:48 blood sugar spikes. Then it cranks out a high
25:50 amount of insulin within 20 minutes we're in
25:53 the mildly hyperglycemic phase and it takes
25:56 four hours for the frontal lobe to fully
25:59 recuperate from that. And so at first the
26:02 person feels a little bit hungry, they snack
26:04 again but they're still under that four hour
26:06 recovery time and they're taking their test
26:09 during that time it does make a difference in
26:12 adverse of performance. Arachidonic acid also
26:16 decreases the synthesis and storage of
26:18 acetylcholine, an important neuro
26:20 transmitter in the frontal lobe of the brain
26:22 and its primarily present in flesh foods and
26:25 one of the reasons why Pavlath showed that
26:28 meat and intelligence are not related.
26:32 Ellen White says this, eating much flesh will
26:33 diminish intellectual activity. Students would
26:36 accomplish much more in their studies if they
26:38 did what, never tasted meat. When the animal
26:41 part of the human nature is strengthened by
26:43 meat-eating, the intellectual power
26:45 diminishes proportionately.
26:47 Now interestingly there was a study done in
26:49 Great Britain not long ago. On the opposite
26:52 effect, in other words IQ and its relationship
26:57 to vegetarianism. What this study showed in
27:02 Great Britain was that children with high IQs
27:05 are more likely to become vegetarians when
27:08 they grow up. Study of more than 8,000 men
27:11 and women aged 30, whose IQs had been
27:13 measured when they were 10, showed that the
27:15 higher the IQ, the greater the odds of
27:18 becoming a vegetarian. For each 15-point
27:21 increase in IQ in the study, the likelihood of
27:23 being a vegetarian rose by 38 percent.
27:27 Even after adjustment to factors such as social
27:30 class and education the link was still
27:32 consistent. And so if you don't have much
27:34 time when someone ask you why your a
27:36 vegetarian you can give them the simple two
27:38 word answer. High IQ.
27:44 Now, it's not just a plant-based diet that can
27:46 be helpful or just a vegetarian diet,
27:49 some vegetarian diets can be unhealthy.
27:51 You know, even eating or drinking soft drinks
27:54 is part of a vegetarian diet, but it's not the
27:57 healthiest and also it depends on what else
28:01 we are getting with that vegetarian diet.
28:04 This was a study done by Bruce Taylor in
28:07 New York. Bruce Taylor was a Pathologist.
28:10 There were medical students in his medical
28:12 school that wanted to publish some research,
28:14 so they could graduate from medical school
28:17 and so they decided to feed rabbits and
28:18 monkeys 100 percent cholesterol and see what
28:24 would happen to their arteries, but they
28:27 needed the cholesterol. So, they came to him
28:30 together and he says well its been over there
28:32 in the corner, its been there for a while,
28:33 but its nothing but pure cholesterol,
28:35 if you want to feed pure cholesterol to them
28:37 go ahead. So, they did and within a few short
28:42 weeks all of them had a decrease in activity of
28:46 their brain and they began to actually have
28:49 strokes. Small strokes and some of them major
28:52 strokes and major heart attacks. And they
28:56 came back to Dr. Taylor and said is there
28:59 anything else in there besides cholesterol?
29:01 He said no, pure cholesterol.
29:05 They mentioned the results. He said
29:06 cholesterol is bad, but it shouldn't have been
29:08 that bad, in that quick a time and then he
29:11 began to think and he recognized the
29:13 cholesterol he had given them had been in a
29:15 bucket that has been exposed to the air it had
29:18 become discolored and then he decided to do
29:22 something else. Let's feed pure cholesterol to
29:25 rabbits and monkeys that have never been
29:27 exposed to the air.
29:30 And so instead of being discolored it was a
29:32 clearer substance, clear white and he found
29:36 out none of them developed any
29:38 atherosclerosis with that. Then he decided to
29:41 do something else. He fed food to the
29:44 monkeys and within 24 hours he would count
29:47 the dead cells in there in order from the
29:49 oxidized cholesterol, the oxidized cholesterol
29:52 that's the most damaging. Anyone want to guess
29:55 what the most harmful food was to monkey
30:00 blood vessels in Dr. Taylor's study?
30:07 Number one, custards, now what are custards?
30:13 What are custards made out of?
30:16 Milk, sugar and eggs. When you mix up
30:19 cholesterol in a sugar environment and eggs
30:23 are particularly loaded, you're going to oxidize
30:27 that cholesterol and cause significant damage,
30:30 doesn't take long within 24 hours. What's the
30:32 most commonly consumed custard in
30:34 America? Or in Australia, I think it's the most
30:38 commonly consumed one here as well.
30:41 It's actually good old fashioned ice cream and
30:44 it's one of the reasons why it's good that they
30:47 are ice creams cropping up that have no
30:49 cholesterol. You know there is the banana ice
30:51 cream that you can put through the frozen
30:53 bananas in champion juicer, there is Tofutti
30:57 and last year I came across a food
31:01 manufacturer, actually he read our book,
31:03 Prove Positive, totally changed his life,
31:05 he was having a lot of health problems.
31:08 He was a multi millionaire rancher up in
31:09 Montana and I was speaking in his area,
31:12 didn't even know he existed but he found out
31:14 I was there he came there and wanted me to
31:16 take him, take me to his house.
31:19 I ended up spending the night with him,
31:21 with him and his family, a great guy,
31:23 but his ice cream was the best that I had ever
31:28 had. And he has 32 flavors, one more than
31:32 Baskin Robins and its not Soy based, its
31:36 oatmeal based. And his problem after I ate it
31:39 and my boys were there too and they were
31:43 raving about it, everyone raves about his
31:45 cream. He told me about his problem of
31:48 naming the ice cream. You can't call it ice
31:52 cream that doesn't have dairy in it in America.
31:56 And of course this was better than ice,
31:58 then any ice cream that any of us have eaten,
32:01 including the dairy ice cream and but a week
32:05 later he called me up and he said I found out
32:07 the name, I woke up with it in the middle of
32:09 the night. He is going to call it; we can't say
32:12 its ice cream.
32:15 And he's also come out with something to
32:18 compete against number 2, and 3 as well.
32:20 Number 2, the most damaging was pancake
32:24 mix, pancake mix is primarily powdered egg,
32:27 its cholesterol or oxidized cholesterol from
32:30 the powdered eggs and it was tied with three,
32:32 Parmesan cheese, the powdered cheese and
32:35 that's not a misprint. Lard was number three
32:37 as well. They're both tied for number 3 as
32:40 being the worst as far as harmful within 24
32:45 hours to the aorta and what they can do to the
32:49 brain blood cells. Now I am going to ask our
32:51 team also to go ahead and unhide the next
32:54 slide that I had in this presentation.
32:57 Because its interesting again far ahead of our
33:01 time was Ellen White on this subject before
33:05 Bruce Taylor came up with it there were some
33:07 questions in regard to that, but she said
33:11 especially harmful are the, what?
33:17 Especially harmful are the custards and
33:21 puddings in which milk, eggs, and sugar are
33:24 the chief ingredients. The free use of milk and
33:26 sugar together should be what?
33:29 Avoided. Far ahead of our time.
33:32 Physical exercise, also critically important in
33:35 regards to IQ and it's their aerobic physical
33:39 exercise that seems to be the most beneficial
33:42 but there is another type of exercise that's
33:44 helpful as well. This study showed working
33:46 with one's own hands in a real world 3D
33:50 environment is imperative for full cognitive
33:53 and intellectual development, Dr. Eric
33:56 Sigmund says, with woodwork, metal work,
33:59 craft, music or car mechanic classes dropped
34:01 by many schools and children wanting to play
34:03 computer games at home, the western world is
34:06 becoming a software instead of a screwdriver
34:09 society. And there are problems with that he
34:13 mentions. Research is showing that increasing
34:15 time spent in the virtual world of computers is
34:17 displacing hands-on play and hands-on
34:20 learning. 3D learning allows young people to
34:23 experience how the world works in practice,
34:25 to gain an understanding of materials and
34:27 processes and to make informed judgments
34:30 about abstract concepts.
34:33 And so working with your hands in a 3D
34:36 world environment actually improves
34:39 cognitive function improves IQ. He did
34:41 studies in regards to even engineering
34:43 students. Engineering students are starting out
34:45 at an all time low, because they have
34:48 difficulty in conceptualizing these
34:51 things coming from that, their software society
34:54 instead of yesteryear's screwdriver society.
34:59 Ellen White also talks about the importance of
35:01 work and particularly fast work in regards to
35:07 mental activity. She says there is no excuse for
35:10 slow bungling at work of any character.
35:12 When one is always at work and the work is
35:14 never done it is because mind and heart are not
35:16 put into the labor. The one who is slow and
35:19 who works at a disadvantage should
35:21 realize that these are faults to be corrected.
35:23 He needs to exercise his mind in planning how
35:26 to use the time as to secure the best results.
35:30 By tact and method, some will accomplish as
35:32 much in five hours as others do in ten.
35:36 And so part of this work is the aerobic part of
35:39 it as well. Getting some of it maybe mindless
35:42 per say, we have to plan and we have to do by
35:45 tact and method, but this mindless fast work
35:48 of the hands actually helps to develop the
35:50 brain and keep that brain smart.
35:53 And that's why at Weimar Center of Health
35:55 and Education, where we are leading out in an
35:59 academy, in college and a lifestyle health
36:01 center. Physical labor is a critical ingredient
36:05 for every faculty member and for every
36:08 student that's there. Whether it's garden work
36:11 or other type of physical labor work and you
36:14 know who we have the hardest time with in
36:16 regards to getting that labor done,
36:20 not within the students, it's actually within the
36:23 faculty, lot of our faculty are not used to
36:27 sort of thing and they tell me you know there
36:29 is intense classes I am having to teach,
36:31 I'm having to prepare, don't have the time for
36:33 it but then when we tell them this is a must
36:36 as far as Weimar they go out and do it and
36:38 they come back with smiles on their faces and
36:40 they feel refreshed and they talk about how
36:42 much more efficient they are in preparing for
36:45 their classes, something critical about regular
36:49 physical labor. While hypnosis will also
36:52 counteract IQ. In fact this comes from a
36:55 hypnosis text book, hypnosis attempts to
36:58 cancel out frontal lobe functions and bring
37:00 people into a trance in which they're highly
37:02 suggestible. This is most easily accomplished
37:05 by training the eyes to focus in on one object,
37:07 the best object being a little flickering light.
37:12 The person will record information and duties
37:14 without interpretation, or without frontal lobe
37:16 activity. Now, lot of people may not realize it
37:20 but they could have a hypnotic instrument in
37:22 their own home, what trains the eyes to focus
37:25 in one object and flicker.
37:30 Yes, and what produces that flicker is the
37:33 rapid scene of reference change.
37:35 Now you maybe watching this on
37:36 television on Three Angels Broadcasting
37:39 Network and if you are rest assured it's not
37:42 going to suppress your frontal lobe, you know
37:44 why it won't? The average scene is not
37:47 changing every three seconds like it does in
37:49 movies and entertainment television.
37:51 We sit people down in front of their favorite
37:53 TV program and within 90 seconds to utmost
37:56 three minutes they're no longer in beta wave
37:58 activity, they are in alpha wave rhythm,
38:00 which is a hypnotic rhythm. Their memory is
38:03 still working, their emotions are working,
38:04 they can laugh and cry with the scene,
38:06 but there are no longer putting it in the
38:08 appropriate sub sense. And this is why they
38:11 can laugh at hideous things that if they
38:12 occurred in real life they would be uphauling,
38:15 because of the hypnotic stage that they are in.
38:18 There are 17 detrimental effects on the frontal
38:21 lobe of the brain that entertainment television
38:25 has been proven to do, over 3000 studies have
38:26 been done on it; over 300 books have been
38:28 written on the subject and they all show a
38:30 decline in frontal lobe function. It decreases
38:34 interest in learning. It decreases interest in
38:37 reading. Decrease in IQ scores. Decrease in
38:40 academic performance. Decrease in
38:42 discernment. Increase in day dreaming and a
38:45 decrease in creative ingenuity.
38:47 In fact one of our professors at one of our
38:49 colleges, Columbia Union College,
38:54 who taught communications for years,
38:55 people would come because they wanted to be
38:57 experts in the media and sometimes they
39:00 would fail his communications class and
39:02 they would say this is what I want to do for
39:04 my life. I am failing and he would tell them
39:07 one piece of information that would help them.
39:10 He would tell them to go home and stop
39:12 watching television and movies, and in one
39:15 year come back and take his class, students
39:18 would do that and they would come back and
39:20 get an A. Interestingly the top Hollywood
39:24 producers, who design the sets in the movies
39:30 and everything about it, themselves don't
39:33 watch entertainment television because they
39:36 know it's gonna suppress their creativity.
39:38 And they'll tell you about this. They will
39:42 tell you about it in interviews etcetera.
39:44 They might watch what someone else has
39:45 done for 90 seconds to utmost three minutes
39:47 but they're not going to watch a full length
39:49 movie because of what it's going to do in
39:52 suppressing the frontal lobe of their brain in
39:54 regards to creativity.
39:57 This study done not long ago and published at
40:00 Columbia University and published in the
40:02 Journal pediatrics, the more TV adolescents
40:05 watch the more likely they are to develop
40:06 attention and learning problems, and do poorly
40:08 in school in the long-run. The amount
40:10 of TV kids watch when they were 14 was
40:12 positively linked with having attention
40:14 problems later, not doing homework,
40:16 being bored at school, not finishing
40:18 high school and hating school the researchers
40:20 found. 14 year olds who added 1 more daily
40:23 hour of TV doubled their risk of academic
40:26 failure at age 16. And unfortunately it's not
40:29 just a problem of teenagers, that can be
40:31 problem of college students as well.
40:33 And what we are finding out, entertainment
40:36 television does suppress the frontal lobe of the
40:38 brain you can see on pet scans etcetera,
40:41 and this is the area where spirituality,
40:44 morality and the Will are centered, this is the
40:46 area where the Lord can communicate with us
40:48 through the Holy Spirit. But interestingly what
40:50 we're also finding out is what suppresses the
40:53 frontal lobe seems to also effect physical
40:56 health and longevity. For instance when the
40:59 frontal lobe is suppressed far greater
41:01 you're gonna have an anxiety disorder or
41:03 depression come about as a result. This study
41:06 was done in Australia and published just one
41:08 month ago from a study in Victoria,
41:11 compared with adults who watch less then two
41:14 hours of TV that day, those who watch more
41:17 then four hours had a 46 percent higher risk of
41:19 death from all causes and an 80 percent higher
41:23 risk of cardiovascular death during the six
41:25 year study period. Each hour is spend in the
41:27 front of the TV per day raised a person's risk
41:30 of death from cardiovascular disease by
41:32 18 percent and the risk of cancer by nine
41:35 percent. In fact the study's authors were
41:38 stymied, at first they thought it was the
41:40 sitting but then they realized it wasn't just
41:42 the sitting, the pattern held even after the
41:44 researchers took into account the education
41:46 level, the overall health of the participants,
41:48 their age, whether they smoked,
41:50 their cholesterol and blood pressure.
41:52 What's more, exercise doesn't necessary make
41:54 up for the long seasons in front of the tube.
41:57 Dunstan and his colleagues figured into
42:00 their analysis how much study participants
42:02 exercise when they compared groups of adults
42:05 who exercise the same amount but watch
42:07 varying amounts of TV, those who watch
42:09 more TV were still at a higher risk of dying,
42:12 during the six year study. Reading or doing
42:15 homework doesn't seem to be associated with
42:17 risk factors in regards to death. So, it's not
42:20 just sitting 'cause reading homework and
42:23 sitting in a class is not associated with it and
42:28 thus, notice that last quote, we are not sure if
42:31 it's the sedentary behavior itself or
42:34 something inherent about or associated with
42:38 TV viewing. And I think that it's clear by
42:40 other studies is that association is what
42:43 suppresses frontal lobe function is bad for the
42:45 health, it can even increase the risk of
42:48 and heart disease. Music also has a role to
42:51 play in regards to IQ. I can go through a
42:55 number of studies showing that even this 11
42:58 year old burning to play the cello at an
43:00 age increased his IQ as a result of that.
43:05 And having your children learn an
43:08 instrument is important. Music enters the brain
43:11 through its emotional regions, which include
43:12 the temporal lobe and limbic system.
43:14 From there, some kind of music tend to
43:16 produce a frontal lobe response that influences
43:18 the Will, moral worth, and reasoning power.
43:21 The type of music that shown to be most
43:23 beneficial is the traditional classical
43:26 music, this was a picture that I took
43:28 myself at the Dallas symphony during the
43:31 Christmas concert not long ago. Beautiful
43:34 music, it sold out 12 nights in a row,
43:37 they don't have to advertise it and there is
43:41 upsurge of classical music occurring around
43:45 the globe simply because, part of the reason is
43:48 the study showing the benefit as far as
43:50 organizing the brain is concerned and in
43:53 regards to IQ. In fact an interesting,
43:56 interestingly other kinds of music will evoke
44:00 very little if any frontal lobe response but will
44:02 produce a large emotional response with very
44:04 little logical or moral interpretation and that's
44:07 characterized by the syncopated rock and roll
44:10 rhythms they are prevalent in our day.
44:12 Showing that upbeat music is not necessarily
44:15 uplifting music. In fact last week I was
44:18 speaking in Melbourne and the person who
44:20 took me to the, picked me up from the airport
44:23 is getting his PhD in sports psychology at the
44:27 university down there. He is into sports
44:29 himself but he is every interested in what can
44:32 enhance the sports performance and so he has
44:35 gone along with his professors some study on
44:38 music and sports performance and the first
44:41 study he did was on accuracy of shooting a
44:45 pistol and music associated with it,
44:48 the first music they used was the type of
44:50 music that you would normally see on TV
44:52 when people are shooting pistol.
44:56 For sport what type of music that would be?
44:59 It's the syncopated rock and roll rhythms that
45:02 are there and they would play that to them
45:04 and they found out it decreased their accuracy
45:06 significantly. They were tended to be all over
45:09 the place when that music was played during
45:11 or before, then they played them more
45:15 peaceful, classical music or even more
45:18 energetic classical music and they find out
45:20 it increased their accuracy significantly,
45:26 multiple fold as a result of music.
45:28 And so music can organize the brain,
45:30 the baroque music by Boch, Handel seems to
45:33 be very beneficial, there are other
45:35 composers like Giuseppe and even more
45:37 modern composers that write in the
45:39 classical realm that are helpful.
45:42 Fortunately most of our hymns are actually
45:44 classical music. They were written by classical
45:47 composers, the hymns can be a very beneficial
45:49 thing as far as the brain is concerned.
45:52 This study, 24 university students performed
45:55 two tasks of attention. Positive moods were
45:58 induced by playing Bach's Brandenburg
45:59 Concerto No. 3 and negative moods by
46:02 Prokofiev piece played at half speed.
46:05 Now that tells you something else, not all
46:07 classical is helpful. Prokofievs doesn't have
46:10 that melodious classical and particularly when
46:15 its played it will induce problems to the brain
46:18 but when its played at half speed its even more
46:20 problematic and it will induce depression in
46:23 anybody who listens to it. Interestingly the up,
46:26 the opposite would be in fact in Bach's
46:28 Brandenburg Concerto. Even if you don't have
46:30 a relish for classical music, if you listen to
46:33 Bach's Brandenburg Concerto you'll actually
46:35 improve your frontal lobe and your happiness
46:39 scale. To produce a neutral mood participants
46:41 read a series of facts and figures about
46:44 Canada. Hopefully there aren't any Canadians
46:46 here but if there are that's how they induce
46:49 the neutral mood. The study showed when
46:53 they were in a positive mood participants
46:55 scored higher on remote associates task - a
46:58 measure of creative thinking.
47:00 When feeling happy, Anderson explained,
47:02 "your attentional window is actually bigger
47:05 - it's like looking through a big widow versus
47:07 a small window." And so creativity along with
47:10 frontal lobe function significantly improves.
47:14 Alvin Toffler comes from the very secular
47:16 perspective as many of these scientists do,
47:18 but he states this constant stimulation of
47:21 the senses shuts down the analytical processes.
47:25 And this I think underscores one of the
47:28 reasons why we are seeing an all time high
47:32 rates of depression in the western world to a
47:35 large degree. We have more fun things to do
47:38 than ever before in human history and if
47:40 these fun things prevented or treated
47:42 depression what should we see? We should
47:45 see the lowest rates of depression ever
47:47 recorded in human history, but yet we have
47:49 higher rates and part of those higher rates is a
47:51 lot of the entertainment and fun things
47:53 including the music, videos games, other
47:57 forms of entertainment actually suppress the
47:59 analytical processes. As Alvin Toffler says
48:02 constant stimulation of the senses shuts down
48:05 the analytical processes and ultimately shuts
48:08 down the ability to face life rationally.
48:10 What will happen? He says, this leads to
48:12 escape techniques that involve withdrawal,
48:14 apathy and rejection of disciplined thinking
48:17 when faced with difficult duties and decisions,
48:20 and what sets it all off? It's that constant
48:23 stimulation. You not only have the syncopated
48:25 rock and roll music, you have the essential
48:27 images on the screen, moving in rapid
48:30 succession we call it MTV, showing a very
48:33 profound effect in regards to reducing
48:36 frontal lobe function in a profound adverse
48:39 effect in regards to IQ as well.
48:44 Well the brain is a lot like a muscle, if we
48:48 don't use it what's going to happen?
48:51 We are going to lose it. And so we actually
48:53 need to use our analytical portions of
48:56 our brain to preserve as well as to expand our
49:00 intelligence. There is a book written called
49:03 education by the pen of Ellen White.
49:06 Secretary of Education California recently
49:08 said it's far ahead of its time and if the state
49:11 of California would apply these principles in
49:14 their educational system they would lead the
49:16 world in education. No doubt a lot of the
49:19 statements that she has made have been now
49:22 shown to be true in educational studies,
49:25 but in the middle of this book she says,
49:26 as a means of intellectual training
49:29 the Bible is more effective than any other
49:32 book, or all other books combined.
49:35 This is why the complete AYC experience can
49:38 actually enhance your IQ, because we are
49:41 studying the Bible. She says, the greatness of
49:44 its themes, the dignified simplicity of
49:46 its utterances, the beauty of its imagery,
49:49 quicken and uplift the thoughts as nothing else
49:51 can. No other study can impart such mental
49:54 power as does the effort to grasp the
49:56 stupendous truths of Revelation.
49:59 The mind thus brought in contact with the
50:01 thoughts of the infinite cannot but expand and
50:03 strengthen. And so I ask you they actually
50:10 I had, this is not a comprehensive lecture on
50:12 improving your IQ, I'm reaching the
50:14 highlights, but if you want to get more
50:16 comprehensive presentation I would
50:18 encourage you to do what T. Colin Campbell
50:20 recommends. He is the author of The China
50:23 Study, professor at Cornell University in
50:27 nutritional biochemistry and one of the most well
50:30 thought researcher in America. And recently
50:33 well about a few years ago he was interviewed
50:36 on February 24, 2005. He is not really a
50:39 Christian per se but a member of our faith and
50:42 someone showed him actually picked up
50:45 himself I believe or someone showed him
50:47 some of the multiple books written by Ellen
50:51 White. And he says I am not aware of anyone
50:55 who was more on point than Ellen White.
50:58 Given her background she is truly an amazing
51:01 woman. I am convinced that almost 100
51:04 percent of her statements are now
51:05 substantially supported by the scientific
51:08 evidence that has been developed during the
51:09 past 2-3 decades. And then he went on,
51:12 what I have come to realize to even deeply
51:16 worry about is why it is that this message of
51:19 Ellen White and others has been so mislaid on
51:21 shelves out of sight. It is abundantly clear to
51:26 me that now is the time to bring this forward
51:28 in whatever way that each of us are able to
51:32 do. So, I ask you here this afternoon do you
51:36 want to be more intelligent. Do you want
51:39 to be more analytical? You want to make
51:42 better decisions? You want to have a greater
51:45 capacity to empathize with others, that's also
51:48 very much connected with the frontal lobe of
51:50 the brain. You want to have a better
51:52 discernment? You want to have a greater
51:54 ability to see into the future, to reason from
51:57 cause to effect? You want to have a greater
51:59 ability to overcome an addiction?
52:01 That also requires an intact frontal lobe.
52:04 You want to have a greater power to follow
52:05 your conscience and finally do you want to be
52:08 more open to understanding and doing
52:10 the will of God. If you answer yes to any of
52:13 these questions, I would encourage you to
52:17 review your life habits and what you do on a
52:20 daily basis and see what you can do to change
52:23 your lifestyle to optimize your brain
52:27 function, particularly the frontal lobe of your
52:30 brain, your life is in front of you and your
52:33 success and happiness in this life is directly
52:36 dependent upon your ability to make those
52:40 positive changes that can also help the Holy
52:44 Spirit influence you to a greater degree.
52:46 Daniel chapter 1, Daniel had a tremendous
52:50 disappointment in his life and verse 8 says
52:53 Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not
52:56 defile himself with the King's meat nor with
53:00 the wine which he drink. Therefore he
53:03 requested the prince of the eunuchs that he
53:05 might not defile himself. Daniel purposed in
53:10 his heart and other way of saying that is
53:12 Daniel stepped out in faith and followed the
53:14 Lord's plan. Now some people might say well
53:17 wait a minute we don't have the King's meat.
53:19 I saw right here in Sydney, Australia Burger
53:22 King. I found, I even saw a Dairy Queen,
53:28 there is lot of royal food around here still,
53:32 and so you have the choice between the royal
53:35 food or what the culture is saying that
53:37 you should eat or you have a choice of
53:40 purposing in your heart and like Daniel
53:43 stepping out in faith. Verse 9 says,
53:48 the Lord poured favor and tender love into the
53:51 prince of the eunuchs for Daniel. And so who
53:57 was it that poured that favor and tender love.
54:00 It was the Lord who poured at him in response
54:03 to Daniel's faith. Now another word for favor
54:06 and tender love is great, so Daniel stepped out
54:09 in faith and the Lord poured grace into his
54:12 life and the Lord is wanting to pour more
54:16 grace into your life and he is just waiting for
54:20 your to step out in faith and follow his
54:23 plan. In ten days the first and in fact the
54:27 American medical association recently said
54:29 it's the first perspective epidemiological study
54:32 ever recorded in human history, in Daniel
54:34 chapter 1, in ten days they were healthier,
54:37 they looked better and in one year and half
54:40 their mental acuity was far above what had
54:43 ever being recorded there in Babylon.
54:46 Far better than the highest IQ people,
54:48 not just Daniel but anyone who participated
54:50 in Daniel's program. In fact Ellen White says
54:54 this, "dear youth, God calls upon you to do a
54:58 work which through his grace you can do."
55:02 Who is she writing this to? The youth,
55:05 I thought the health message was just for
55:07 people that were old and starting to get
55:08 disease. Now, the health message was much
55:11 more for the young people than it was the
55:13 older people but here is what else she says
55:16 show a purity of tastes, appetite and habits that
55:20 bears comparison with who? Daniel's.
55:23 God will reward you she says with four things,
55:26 calm nerves, a clear brain, unimpaired
55:30 judgment, keen perceptions. The youth of
55:34 today whose principles are firm and
55:36 unwavering will be blessed with health of
55:40 body, mind, and soul. And I am seeing many
55:44 young people take hold of this message more
55:46 than just less fortunately, then I told
55:48 you in the story of, to begin with, who is now
55:52 in medical school following the Lord's will
55:55 and will be powerfully used of God.
55:57 The wisest man who ever lived said, wisdom
56:00 is better than rubies, and he had lots of
56:03 rubies, lots of riches in fact he is estimated to
56:06 be the richest ever that walked the planet,
56:09 as far as the amount of money in the total
56:11 monetary supply. That's how you measure
56:13 wealth. And he says if you have a choice
56:17 between rubies and wisdom what should you
56:19 choose? Wisdom, and then he says all the
56:23 things that may be desired are not to be
56:25 compared to it. Whatever it is that your heart
56:28 desires, there is something equally
56:31 important or more important and that is
56:34 wisdom. I will close with a couple of
56:38 statements by the pen of Ellen White.
56:40 Be determined to become as useful and
56:43 efficient as God calls you to be. Be thorough
56:47 and faithful in whatever you undertake.
56:50 Procure every advantage within your reach for
56:54 the strengthening of the intellect. And then a
56:59 wonderful promise that she tells us.
57:01 The Lord has given man capacity for what
57:04 type of improvement? Continual
57:06 improvement, he has created us for the
57:09 potential for continual improvement,
57:11 in fact I have to remind people sometime the
57:14 biggest room in the world is the room for
57:16 improvement. And so don't get discouraged,
57:19 there is room for improvement for you as
57:22 well and the Lord has given you the capacity
57:24 for continual improvement, has granted
57:26 all possible aid in the work. And then this very
57:29 interesting statement through the provision of
57:30 divine grace we may attain almost to the
57:35 excellence of what? Angels. Almost to the
57:39 excellence of unfallen, very intelligent beings.
57:46 If we step out in faith and follow the Lord's
57:49 plan for continual improvement.


Revised 2014-12-17