Adventist Youth Conference 2010

Primetime: Playing With Fire

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: 10AYC

Program Code: 10AYC000001

00:16 Good evening AYC. Good day mate.
00:21 Good day. Good day, good day, good day.
00:25 It is such an honor to be here in this incredible
00:31 country, I can't believe Australia. Where did
00:36 you come up with this. I am going back, flying
00:41 back on Monday back to Andrew's University,
00:43 where I pastor. But I am going back on Monday
00:46 and I am telling them, hey guys, we're doing it
00:48 backwards. You're suppose to have summer
00:52 in the winter, I never seen anything like this,
00:56 do you know what the temperature was,
00:57 1 week ago this last Sabbath in Johnny's hometown,
01:01 in my hometown, minus 12 degrees centigrade.
01:07 Can you believe that? We got to figure out
01:09 how you do it and then we're gonna do it.
01:12 It is a great idea. I tell you what I think
01:15 this AYC is an incredible gift of God to your country.
01:20 Amen. Oh! Man, I've been
01:22 down to Melbourne, Karen and I, by the way
01:24 let me introduce my girlfriend to you, these
01:26 lights are bright. I've never seen them
01:28 quite this bright but I think I can see her sitting
01:30 right over there, I want you to see, she's been
01:32 my girlfriend and wife for 37 years, here she is,
01:35 so it's a treat to have her with me.
01:39 Thank you for taking two Yankees in like
01:42 this, we are honored to be here.
01:45 But you know what we just, we just spent the
01:49 weekend in Melbourne Thursday night through
01:51 Sunday, late afternoon, I'm telling you, I'm telling
01:55 you the truth, I am the one getting the blessings.
01:59 When you see people like, when you see people
02:02 like Lizzie, and Enoch and Sherilyn, Johnny,
02:08 standing up here, this is the power of AYC.
02:11 When young adults, I got 3500 young adults alright,
02:15 they are my pair, they're in my church, 3500 at
02:17 Andrew's University. But when I see turned
02:21 on for the Lord Jesus young adults as we
02:24 watch tonight with these four, I'm thinking
02:27 of myself, Pastor Gary, you were spot on.
02:30 I am thinking of myself, it doesn't get any
02:31 better than this. Because I really do
02:34 believe that God is raising up a movement,
02:38 I believe we're at the edge of time, I believe
02:42 Jesus is coming soon. Amen.
02:44 And but before he comes he is going to
02:48 sweep this planet with a generation of young adults
02:52 who are set ablaze for him. So we are so honored
02:58 and humbled to be able to share this weekend with you.
03:02 I got a prayer warriors some of them are Aussies
03:06 back at Andrews University, who are praying for
03:08 these two weekends. They prayed us right
03:10 through Melbourne, God did something very
03:12 special in Melbourne and then I said guys,
03:15 you don't back off now, you pray all the hard
03:17 because we're going to Sydney. We're going to Sydney
03:23 and NSW, New South Wales. Listen, when we, when
03:30 we got out of Melbourne, we drove over to in a
03:34 Eden, have you ever heard of Eden.
03:35 Yeah. And Karen and I have
03:37 just spend last three days driving up the
03:39 beautiful Australian coast. And I am telling you
03:43 the water is so clear I know you could read a
03:46 newspaper 30 meters down. Absolutely clear.
03:51 We sat at a table with some kids from New Castle,
03:55 it's in Queensland. Yes.
03:57 I guess it gets better if you keep going to North
03:59 is that true, it just keeps getting better.
04:00 Yeah. That's what they're
04:01 telling me, okay guys, I can take your word for stuff.
04:04 I just can't know this. But in this beautiful land
04:09 where the Holy Spirit is moving, we've got
04:11 prayer cover, we've got prayer cover back at
04:14 Andrews University and a young adult named
04:17 Sandy and her prayer team are praying, so we
04:20 can move into tonight teachings with confidence
04:24 in the Holy Spirit. Now listen, before
04:26 I pray with you. I want to put something
04:29 on the screen for you. I want to show you why
04:31 I believe we're living at the end of time.
04:33 I am not gonna parse the newspapers, I saw the,
04:37 I saw the, what's the name of the paper here in the Sydney,
04:41 Telegraph, Daily Telegraph, saw that one too.
04:46 Saw the paper in the Sydney, read the paper
04:48 in the Melbourne, I am not gonna parse any headlines
04:50 forget that. See that website on your screen, its not
04:54 on the study guides, you better write this one down
04:55 if you ever wanna check it out and say, hey is this
04:57 Dwight guy really telling the truth.
04:58 Yeah.,
05:00 a friend of mine is a physician in California,
05:04 he came back to Andrews University
05:05 this last summer, which would be winter for you,
05:07 in July and I said hey friend, 'cause we roomed across
05:11 the hall from each other in college, I said hey friend,
05:13 what you've been reading lately, he said, Oh Dwight,
05:15 you go to check out
05:17 So I went to,
05:20 checked it out. And I am telling you
05:22 what, forget the headlines, let me give you only
05:25 one illustration from
05:28 Then I'm gonna have prayer we're plunging
05:29 into tonight's teachings, alright.
05:30 One illustration here it is. By the way if you go to
05:34, you gonna look up in
05:36 the upper right hand corner and it'll say crash
05:39 course, short course, they're a bunch of
05:41 YouTube presentations, you want to watch
05:43 those, it's all PowerPoint, you'll never see his face
05:44 but you'll hear his voice. Okay, so he did this and
05:48 I'm gonna now pass it onto you.
05:49 Why I don't need a headline to know that
05:51 Jesus is coming soon, don't have any headline to bring.
05:54 Watch this, you see that sports park on the screen,
06:00 that is the sport that you do not know.
06:04 No, that's not Aussie football, that's
06:07 American baseball. Now you play baseball
06:10 here don't you, you just call it cricket, but it's
06:11 still baseball isn't it. Yeah I know, I know
06:15 the West Indians were here, I know that the Aussies
06:18 took them to the cleaners, I saw that little
06:20 bit of the News. Alright so this is a
06:23 baseball stadium, let me get my little laser going
06:27 here, because I wanna show you for the sake of this
06:30 illustration, Chris Martenson I wanna show you, I am
06:35 gonna take you. Okay, I'm gonna take you
06:37 and I'm gonna handcuff you. Alright. Here is where I'm
06:39 gonna handcuff you, I am gonna handcuff you,
06:41 this would be, can you see this little section up here,
06:43 this will be the nose bleed section, I mean this is
06:45 really high, this is the plain field here, this is.
06:47 I am gonna handcuff you to one of the little
06:50 chairs, those are your handcuffs.
06:53 Now, what I'm gonna do is I am gonna leave
06:55 you up there and I am gonna walk all the way
06:57 down here to the pictures man, you see that little, that
07:01 little mount of paper, that's the pictures man.
07:07 Okay. And I have in my hand a magic eye dropper,
07:13 okay. The reason its magic you watch, 12 O'clock noon
07:18 is when I handcuff you, no, no 12'O' clock noon
07:20 is when I release the first drop of water,
07:22 you are up there at the top, I release a drop of water.
07:25 Now the reason this is a magic eye dropper is
07:27 because every 60 seconds that single drop of water
07:31 will double in size. So that after 60 seconds
07:35 instead of 1 drop how many do I have I have two.
07:37 So after two minutes instead of two drops
07:39 how many do I have, I have four and then I have eight
07:42 and so on and so on. Okay, here is the question
07:44 Chris Martenson asked this, this made a
07:45 believer out of me. He said alright guys,
07:49 if I drop the first drop at 12 noon, how much time
07:53 do you have to extricate yourself from that, from
07:57 those handcuffs and get out of there before you drown.
07:59 Because for the sake of illustration, we need to
08:01 also assume that this is water tight.
08:03 Alright, so you can fill it with a tap of water.
08:05 Alright. How much time do you have? You tell me,
08:12 how much do you think, let me tell you this at 12:44,
08:16 okay 44 minutes later at 12:44, kind of because I got
08:20 the flowers here, it's a little hard to do this.
08:21 But at 12:44, there will be, there will be 5 feet
08:25 of water on the plain field. Alright 5 feet of water.
08:30 93% of the stadium is still empty no water, 12:44,
08:35 now how much time do you have? Hold on to your seat,
08:39 because the answer is in 5 minutes and by 12:49,
08:44 the entire stadium will be full of water to the roof.
08:51 You have 5 minutes, for 44 minutes and only 5 feet
08:56 of water, 93% empty. In the last 5 minutes
08:59 boom the whole thing fills. What's happening here,
09:02 watch this. He quotes a philosopher named
09:05 Albert Bartlett. The greatest short coming, you see it
09:08 on the screen. "The greatest short coming
09:09 of the human race is our inability to understand the
09:13 exponential function." It's the power of compounding,
09:18 put a little money in the bank, isn't that right, put
09:20 a little money in the bank, not these days, but put a
09:21 little money in the bank you know it kind of keeps
09:23 it compound expose to right, compound boom, boom, boom.
09:26 Geometric, remember this from math days,
09:29 geometric progression. Chris Martenson said,
09:34 says, that's what happening to the planet watch this.
09:38 Human population beginning of time, whenever that is,
09:42 he says whenever that is, alright.
09:44 There it goes the graph. There is the graph.
09:45 There is the graph. There is the graph.
09:47 1900s,1980s, 1990s, 2000, 2005, 2007, he calls
09:53 it the hockey stick graph, you know what a hockey stick
09:54 looks like though. So it's shaped like a
09:56 hockey stick, it's just down low and nothing
09:59 happening, nothing happening, and all of a sudden,
10:01 watch another one, he says let's talk about, lets talk
10:04 about the economy indebtedness.
10:06 Global debt, beginning of time nothing, nothing,
10:09 nothing, nothing, nothing, 1800, 1900, 1990, 2000, 2005,
10:14 2007, Australia and the United States and the
10:17 western world, China the east, straight up, says let's
10:24 talk about oil depletion. How much oil is the planet
10:26 using, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing,
10:28 here in the, at the end of the 2007, 2008, 2009
10:34 hockey stick again. You know what, when
10:37 I got through, when I got through this study on
10:42 I said to myself wait a minute,
10:44 I went and got Karen, I said Karen, if there were sign,
10:48 if no prophecy were left to be fulfilled.
10:51 If the planet only had itself we would run out of time.
10:57 The last 5 minutes, suddenly, when you think you have
11:00 all the time in the world, in 5 minutes it's over.
11:04 That's my point guys. In five minutes its over,
11:09 he said well I don't think, I don't feel like here in
11:11 Sydney that Jesus is coming soon.
11:13 Forget how do you feel, in 5 minutes it can all end.
11:16 That's my point, watch this, I saw some words that I
11:20 found in Ellen White, but there weren't from
11:22 Ellen White, watch this, Horace Brock PhD, economy,
11:26 look at this, "All in all, we have witnessed problems
11:29 that originated within the United States give rise
11:31 as truths, the problem we started it, I apologize,
11:35 we've witnessed problems that originated within the
11:37 United States give rise to global scenarios that were
11:39 virtually unthinkable as, I can't see that next word
11:43 because it's blackening, what's the next word,
11:45 as recently as the summer of 2008, and do so, well what
11:49 are the last two words, binding speed."
11:52 A hundred years ago, a little lady wrote these words
11:55 "great changes just before the end of time are to take
11:58 place in our world, and the final movements,
11:59 what are those last two words blinding speed,
12:02 no rapid ones. " One more line, The
12:04 Great Controversy. "The end will come more
12:06 quickly than we expect." Guys, guess what, we're the
12:11 prime time generation, you are the prime time
12:15 generation. For these four sessions that you and I have
12:18 together, that's our theme prime time,
12:21 prime time, prime time. You right. So when hear
12:25 stories like these, we're gonna hear more of these
12:27 all the way through the weekend, trust me,
12:29 when I hear stories like this, I am saying Pastor Gary
12:32 you nailed it. I am saying, God is
12:35 raising up a prime time generation, the last
12:39 generation potentially, doesn't set any days, the
12:43 last generation potentially if you will seize this
12:46 movement and give it everything you have for
12:48 the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
12:50 Man, that's why I am so excited about you,
12:52 I am so proud of you. Alright, lets pray, I promised
12:54 to pray and then we'll plunge into tonight's teaching.
13:02 Dear God, in this hot place, here we are just
13:09 thinking about this warms our spirits.
13:14 So what's it mean, prime time, you could,
13:18 you could rapid up in 5 minutes.
13:25 Dear God, if there ever were a generation poised
13:30 by heaven itself to alert this planet to it's soon
13:34 coming king, this is the generation.
13:36 If there ever were young and ready to be mobilized,
13:39 here they are Father, take them right here in Sydney.
13:43 Make this an unconventional weekend, don't
13:48 limit it by our faith. Unleash it by your Spirit.
13:53 We pray in Jesus name. Amen. What is in that prayer,
14:01 while we were praying together, all of a sudden
14:04 its sounded like in around the house.
14:06 The ushers here have run around the run house, this
14:09 really is a round house isn't it.
14:11 Run around the round house and pull, pull, pull,
14:13 pull, pull, opened all the doors.
14:15 What if we heard it, while we were kneeling
14:18 in prayer, we heard it, just this low decibel moan,
14:23 groan, something way in off in the distance, moan, groan,
14:29 but then it gets crushed under it, its getting louder.
14:32 We're still, our eyes are closed, we're in prayer,
14:36 but it seems like that noise, where ever it is, somewhere
14:38 outside is approach the round house and then we
14:43 hear it and by the way where I come from in the
14:45 Middle West of the United States, Michigan,
14:47 called the midwest where I come from, we are trained
14:50 to listen for the sound of a freight train and if you
14:55 don't live near train tracks and you hear a freight,
14:58 you know what I mean by a freight train, you hear a
15:00 freight train, that is nature's way of saying
15:04 hold on, because a tornado is approaching your village.
15:09 You know what a tornado, you don't have tornadoes
15:10 here do you, you have them here, come on these
15:12 winds will go around like this, suck up everything,
15:14 'yeah tornadoes, they sound like freight trains.
15:16 So you and I are in prayer, our eyes are closed, and
15:19 we hear this moan and groaning and suddenly it is
15:21 an exploding sound and before we can even our eyes it's as
15:25 if all the fury of a cyclone has entered the round house,
15:30 where we are in prayer. We suddenly opened our eyes,
15:34 we're hearing this gale force shriek of a wind.
15:37 And we look up, we look up the curtains are perfectly
15:40 stationary, no movement, the wires aren't moving,
15:44 it's just the roar of a wind. Wide eyed, we look at
15:50 each other, what's happening and then we all see it,
15:53 simultaneously we see it, hovering half way between
15:57 that skylight and the floor, right about up here, a
16:01 Royally Broyally orange ball of fire, just suspended.
16:10 Hollywood couldn't do it, suspended in mid air, just
16:13 twisting and turning, fire. You've ever seen a steel
16:17 factory, you know they have these big, big cauldrons
16:20 that they pour the molten steel, you've seen
16:22 molten steel haven't you, like liquid, orange liquid,
16:24 so it's this orange liquid boiling but contained with
16:30 no container and then an invisible hand, while we're
16:32 watching, an visible hand out of nowhere reaches up and as
16:36 if it had a pairing knife. A little knife in it's hand,
16:41 peels off a slice of orange, and that orange darts across
16:45 him, the hand goes again, and by the time that
16:50 invisible hand is through, every bowed head, in this
16:54 round house auditorium has dancing fire atop it.
17:01 Pentecost, Pentecost, can you imagine what it
17:07 would have been like to be in the upper room,
17:10 hallelujah at Pentecost. Can Pentecost happen,
17:16 I have two freshmen, Uni students, we call them
17:18 university, but you call them Uni, so we'll do Uni,
17:20 two freshmen Uni students, now a freshman means
17:24 first year, is that what you call them here, first year.
17:26 Yeah, that's probably just as easy.
17:29 I had two first year students, sitting in my office,
17:31 my little office in the pioneer model church
17:33 right in the middle of Andrews University.
17:36 And they say hey Pastor, both of us new students
17:38 here at the Uni, we're burdened, we have a passion,
17:42 we believe its time for the Holy Spirit to be poured out.
17:44 I said Amen. Halleluiah. Yeah we believe its time
17:48 that Pentecost come. Wow! What should I say
17:53 to those boys, 19, 20 years old,
17:56 what should I say to them, hey guys time out, wow,
17:59 lets not get too ambitious here, is that what I am gonna
18:01 say to them, wrong generation guys, wrong time in history,
18:06 wrong place, would there be anything wrong with the
18:09 Holy Spirit pouring out himself in Pentecost, would
18:11 there be anything wrong with it.
18:13 Not on your life, we need Pentecost again, relinquish
18:18 for Pentecost again. I believe the faint stirrings
18:22 of the Holy Spirit are felt in the AYC
18:25 movement across Australia. The Spirit is holding this
18:31 generation in his hand. Ready for the final outpouring.
18:36 Open your Bible with me, is there enough light in
18:38 here for you to read. The goodness is I got the
18:40 words on the screen too, but open your Bible,
18:42 because I don't like us to think well we're just getting
18:44 together and putting everything on the screen,
18:46 open your Bible to the 1st Pentecost, Acts chapter 2,
18:49 Acts chapter 2, man its warm in here, would you be offended
18:55 if I took this off. I know it bothers Aussies,
18:58 but do you mind. Are you sure?
19:00 Alright. I got so many, I got so many power packs
19:05 on me I am afraid that they're gonna hit the wrong switch
19:07 and then I am going to go Pshew! I got three of them,
19:11 so don't be distracted by these. I am trying
19:14 not to be. Acts chapter 2, lets go, take a look at
19:18 Pentecost again, I'll put it on screen for you, let's go
19:20 Acts chapter 2 verse 1, "When the day of Pentecost
19:22 came, they were all together in one place."
19:27 I love conferences like this gets together,
19:30 it's good to be out in Western Australia, in Perth,
19:33 its good be up in Cannes, where you're gonna have
19:35 one of these. Its good to be down in Victoria or
19:39 New South Wales. But, when we come together
19:42 there is something special, God's going to do something
19:44 special this weekend. So they are all together
19:46 at one place. Suddenly, that description I just gave
19:49 you, that kind of eye witness description is based on the
19:51 original language of Greek. Suddenly a sound like the
19:54 blowing of a violent wind, notice its not a wind,
19:57 its only the sound of a wind. Suddenly a sound like the
20:01 blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled
20:03 the whole house where they are what, sitting.
20:07 They saw, see after that sound exploding to
20:12 the upper room. They saw what seemed
20:13 to be tongues of fire that separated, so when they
20:16 started those tongues of fire and the Greek, they
20:18 started in the central common place and then separately
20:20 like a hands cut in them. Tongues of fire that separated
20:25 and then came to rest on each of them and all of them.
20:29 Let's read this out loud together, and all of them
20:31 were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to
20:34 speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
20:36 Is this ecstatic language, utterances that no man can
20:39 understand on earth, no, no, no, we know
20:43 from the very next verse. This isn't just some
20:45 unintelligible language, people understood them.
20:48 Now they were staying in Jerusalem, God fearing
20:50 Jews from every nation under heaven.
20:51 All empires come and this is, this is Pentecost, this
20:55 is a Jewish celebration Pentecost, they're
20:57 all there in town. When they, these visitors
21:01 for all over the world, when they heard this sound,
21:03 a crowd, you can imagine they ran together in
21:06 bewilderment, because each one heard their own language
21:09 being spoken. Wait a minute I can understand that,
21:13 he's speaking Australia. Utterly amazed, they asked,
21:19 hey, wait a minute, aren't all these who are speaking
21:21 Galileans, which is code language for like country
21:25 bumpkins, illiterate, please, aren't all of these who are
21:29 speaking Galileans. Then how is it that each
21:31 of us hears them in our native language?
21:34 I am telling you, why we come from all points of the
21:36 compass, but when we're together the Holy Spirit
21:38 can do a miracle and not only gives us the gift of
21:41 tongues and give people the gift of hearing.
21:45 Guess what, I saw a forum 1, 2, 3, 4, tonight four
21:51 people given the gift of speaking.
21:55 Do you think any of them grew up and say when I get
21:57 older one day I want to stand in front of four hundred
21:59 people with some bright lights and I am gonna
22:01 tell them about Jesus. Do you think any of them
22:02 wanted to, even dreamed of doing it, no, why can
22:06 they do it? Holy Spirit. Amen.
22:09 Holy Spirit, they're not worried about themselves,
22:12 how am I sounding, how am I coming across, is this a
22:14 great story, is this a boring story.
22:15 They don't care, Holy Spirit gives us the gift of speaking
22:20 also gives the gift of hearing.
22:22 How is it that each of us hears them in our own
22:23 native language? Then Peter stood up with eleven,
22:26 raised his voice and addressed the crowd,
22:29 fellow Jews and all of you who life in Jerusalem,
22:31 let me explain this to you, listen carefully to what
22:33 I say, these people are not drunks, some of you are
22:36 saying that no. It's only nine in the morning!
22:40 What's happening here, I'll tell you what's happening.
22:42 This is what was spoken by the prophet
22:44 Joel in the last days. Oh! I love that.
22:47 Do you know what Peter inserts those words.
22:49 That's not from the Old Testament.
22:51 The Old Testament reads in those days, Peter
22:54 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit puts, in the
22:56 last days and you know why I am grateful he did,
22:58 because that means you and I can look
23:00 forward to Pentecost 2. There's been a Pentecost
23:03 2000 years ago, there is another Pentecost coming.
23:07 In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit
23:09 on all people. And your sons and daughters will prophesy,
23:13 your young men will see visions, your old
23:15 men will dream dreams. Even on my servants,
23:18 both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in
23:23 those days, and they will prophesy.
23:27 Ladies and gentlemen, what do you say, we focused
23:31 for a few moments on the promise of God to bring
23:35 one day Pentecost 2. Take a study guide
23:39 out will you. Take a study guide out,
23:40 there should have been a study guide handed to
23:41 you when you came in. You didn't get a study guide.
23:45 Oh! We got some ushers who have a lot of work to do.
23:48 Oh my, I hope there's not just one usher.
23:53 Can we have some help, hey guys just jump up and
23:55 help this young lady will you, please.
23:59 Oh wait, we got some coming guys,
24:01 they're a head of it. Good. Make sure you get a
24:04 study guide, let me put it on the screen for you.
24:09 You will see this quotation at the bottom and I wanna
24:11 say that quotation to the variants, so here's tonight's
24:14 teachings, its prime time, playing with fire.
24:16 Playing with fire. Get the study guide,
24:19 because now I am gonna we'll move into a little teaching
24:21 time, the reason we have study guides at Andrews University
24:24 in the Pioneer Memorial church, so that what we
24:26 discover can go on, we can take it home with us,
24:29 we can brood on it, we can pray over it.
24:31 If I go too fast and you don't get a blank that's filled,
24:33 you see that website at the bottom, its on the top of
24:35 your study guide.
24:38 That's a website for our, all our teachings at the
24:41 Pioneer Memorial church, they're all there, you can
24:44 subscribe to the podcast or the video cast.
24:47 The study guides are online and the answers
24:48 will be at the bottom. So if there's a blank that
24:51 we somehow over look here, don't you worry about it.
24:54 The answers will be at the bottom, they're online.
25:02 What will Pentecost fire look like, we got to get a
25:04 handle here on what Pentecost will actually be like.
25:09 Thank you, ushers you did a great job, God bless you.
25:11 Everybody got a study guide, lets go.
25:13 Alright, if you didn't get a study guide, just
25:15 hold your hand up and the ushers will look, will see
25:16 it and they'll know what to do.
25:18 Lets take that first, first blank, fill it in please,
25:24 in your study guide. The Greek word for Pentecost.
25:26 You've heard of pentagon, pentagram, how much is Pente?
25:31 Five. The Greek word for Pentecost, Acts 2:1, is
25:34 Pentecoste or 50th day, so write in the numbers,
25:39 50th day, for in the Jewish liturgical calendar.
25:42 If you subtract fifty days from Pentecost, you go all
25:46 the way back to the Feast of Unleavened Bread, or Passover.
25:51 Can we get that up there on the screen for you.
25:53 Get all the way back, count fifty days from
25:55 Pentecost, go fifty days backwards, it takes you
25:57 straight to Passover. That is a huge clue as to
26:01 the meaning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
26:03 Keep your pen moving, lets fill out the next one.
26:05 In other words the secret to Pentecost is in what
26:08 it follows, it follows the Passover.
26:11 So fill in the word Passover. And the secret to the Passover
26:15 is the passion of God. What's Passover about,
26:21 Passover is about passion. How do you know that Dwight,
26:24 Calvary is the supreme manifestation of God's
26:26 passion to save his lost earth children.
26:29 Calvary happened on Passover, so the secret to the
26:33 outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we got to go fifty days
26:35 back we get to Passover, what happen on Passover,
26:39 in the great economy of the universe, ah! God himself,
26:44 bless you, thank you very much.
26:46 God himself poured out his passion to save every
26:50 man and woman and child who'd every reborn on this
26:52 planet, he poured out his passion, say it aloud with me,
26:55 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
26:59 begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should
27:03 not perish but have everlasting life."
27:06 Passion poured out at Calvary, and Passover
27:13 preceded Pentecost. So that, thus the key to
27:17 unlock Pentecost is to go back to Passover
27:19 and what's the secret of Passover, God's Passion
27:22 to save a lost human race. You think about it,
27:27 you think about this, way back here at the beginning
27:29 of time, Adam and Eve alright. Gates to the Garden of
27:32 Eden closed forever, in this life. Adam and Eve,
27:38 right here, you think about it, tell me true or false.
27:42 Every word since that time, every word of God,
27:46 every act of God, every intention of God, every
27:50 will of God can be defined by from that movement
27:54 on, can be defined by his passion to save the
27:59 lost human race. Everything God has done,
28:03 everything. True or false. True.
28:08 Ladies and gentlemen, it's true.
28:11 By the way that's why God can't sleep at night.
28:13 You think God sleeps at night, you kidding.
28:15 He can't sleep at night. How could you sleep,
28:18 if they were your children who had run away from
28:21 the home, name me one parent who loves his children,
28:25 who sleeps well after that day, until you hear from
28:28 you children again. Is there a parent who sleeps
28:31 while her children are gone. Please, the God of universe
28:38 passion, everything, so we get to Calvary, passion,
28:41 I would like to summit to you that every act of God,
28:44 since every will of God, every intention of God,
28:46 every event under God's control, everything since
28:50 has had to do with his passion to save lost people.
28:53 Which means ladies and gentlemen, AYC plays into the
29:00 hands of a God who can't sleep at night
29:04 until every child is at least found and give
29:09 him a choice to come home, true or false.
29:12 True. It's got to be true.
29:14 Everything, Christmas. I can still think of nothing
29:19 these days, except I must save, write that in, I must
29:23 save my children. I have got to, that's why he
29:27 came the first time, that's why he is coming the second
29:31 time, that's what Calvary is all about, I must save
29:35 my children. It's no wonder, because of that passion
29:40 that Jesus last words to his disciples, ah! Can you
29:43 believe this, turn one page back.
29:44 So you're in Acts 2, turn the page back to Acts 1.
29:48 Isn't this something, I am talking about the disciples
29:51 have a question for Jesus, this is just before his
29:52 ascension. They have a question, I'll tell you
29:54 these disciples were so Adventist, I am telling you,
29:56 they are Adventist to the core, they asked Jesus
29:59 a question, watch this. I see that I left out of
30:02 study guide, before I get to their great Adventist
30:04 question, I think you must have to fill this in.
30:06 Pentecost was and is about more than being
30:08 filled with God's Spirit, this is a key point.
30:11 I'm glad I'm reminded, watch this guys,
30:12 Pentecost was and is about more than being
30:15 filled with God's Spirit. You know what, you know
30:18 what, we say this, because some people will come you,
30:21 you'll be out in their streets, you'll be doing
30:23 door knocking and you come across a Pentecost
30:26 of Christian and says hey brother, do you have the
30:29 Holy Spirit, you know what your answer is if
30:31 anyone asked you do you have Holy Spirit, what
30:32 your answer, yes. Well show it to me he
30:36 says, see what he wants to know do you have
30:39 manifestations that prove the Holy Spirit is in you.
30:42 And then of course, you're very quick to remind him
30:44 that more important than the gifts of the spirit are
30:46 the fruits of the spirit and you live those without
30:48 publicly displaying them, you just do them.
30:52 But of course you know what he's asking for.
30:54 Aah! Pentecost, you see once we know the Passover
30:57 precedes Pentecost, Pentecost was and is about
30:59 more than being filled with God's Spirit, what is
31:01 Pentecost about, it was and is ultimately about
31:04 the infilling of God's fiery passion.
31:07 So when you ask, Karen and I right now are reading,
31:10 are doing 40 days of prayer, I'll tell you more about it
31:13 tomorrow night. We're doing 40 days of
31:15 prayer but the whole book, this little book that
31:16 they were reading together was 70 of our
31:18 senior leaders back in Andrews University, it's
31:20 focusing on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, hey
31:22 listen guys, when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit
31:26 here's what comes into you, you are infilled with God's
31:29 fiery passion for lost people. That's how you know you
31:33 have the Holy Spirit, if you have a passion for the lost.
31:36 Now here comes that Adventist question.
31:37 Acts chapter 1 verse 6. So, when the disciples
31:40 meet with with Jesus they asked him Lord, this is a
31:44 very Adventist questions, are you, are you at this
31:47 time going to restore the Kingdom to Israel.
31:49 Hey Jesus is this the time when you come, oh!
31:53 There isn't an Adventist alive who doesn't ask that
31:54 question every now and then, I wonder if this is it,
31:56 could this be it. Doesn't your heart beat,
31:59 doesn't your heart quicken now and then
32:00 with that thought, could this be it.
32:03 A very Adventist question, but a very un-Adventist answer.
32:07 When Jesus says, hey wait a minute, hold, hold it.
32:09 It's not for you to know, it's none your business guys.
32:12 Don't worry, no worries, you have work to do first.
32:19 Isn't that something, it's not for you to know the
32:20 times or dates that the Father has set by his own authority.
32:23 What do you mean you have work to do, Ah! He
32:24 takes a breathe and then he says, but, now this that
32:28 great text, I know it's marked in the Bible.
32:30 Acts 1 verse 8 But you will receive power when
32:34 the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you begin to
32:40 display manifestations, no,no,no, no when the
32:42 Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be my witnesses
32:45 in Jerusalem and Judah and Samaria and to the
32:48 ends of the earth. Let me show you two
32:51 Greek words here fill it in, in your study guide please.
32:55 When the dynamite, because when Jesus says
32:57 you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
32:59 comes on you, the Greek word as you know is
33:01 Dunamis, Karen and I, as we were coming up the
33:03 coast from Victoria and to New South Wales.
33:06 We're going unto roads where they've had to
33:08 dynamite part of that coastal mountain range,
33:11 just blow it open, what's dynamite do, removes any
33:15 obstacle, opens the door. When the dynamite power,
33:18 Jesus is telling his disciples, when the dynamite
33:20 power of the Holy Spirit comes on you, he will fill
33:23 you with my passion. That's his point. You'll be
33:26 filled with my passion and you will be witnesses.
33:29 Now, time out, time out, watch this, do you know
33:31 that the Greek word for a witness is Martus, from
33:34 whence comes the English word, Martyr, because
33:37 what is a martyr, one who makes the ultimate witness
33:40 even with his death, her death.
33:43 Jesus says, you'll be my witnesses, by the way you
33:46 live, even the maybe the way you die.
33:48 You will my witnesses, one who witnesses through
33:50 life and even to death you will my witnesses to
33:53 the end of the earth. Key word, witnesses,
33:57 passion, 14 times in the Book of Acts, Luke will
34:00 repeat that word Martus, witnesses, Martyrs, you
34:04 would be my witnesses, he repeats it again and
34:07 again and again. Jesus point is inescapable.
34:12 Once my passion, once my passion becomes your passion,
34:18 you will become my witnesses. Let my passion come in
34:22 you then I am gone, boom, he's gone.
34:24 Very next verse, after he said this, he was taken up
34:28 before their eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
34:32 They're watching, disappearing God,
34:34 nothing, they were looking intently up into
34:37 the sky as he was going when suddenly two men
34:39 dressed in white stand, they suddenly see them
34:42 standing beside them. "Men of Galilee, these
34:45 men said, why do you stand here looking up into
34:46 the sky, this same Jesus who has been taken from
34:49 you into heaven will come back in the same way you have
34:52 seen him go into heaven. " He's coming back,
34:56 didn't he just tell you he had something do
34:57 before he gets back? Oh yes he did. Once you
34:59 back go, back to the upper room prepare when the
35:02 Holy Spirit comes upon you, you're gonna become
35:04 my witnesses and that's exactly what happens.
35:09 Isn't that something, a reminder, he's coming back.
35:12 This is a written by William Willimon, in a
35:14 few opening verses Luke manages to reprove both
35:17 the enthusiasm and the speculation of uninformed
35:20 apocalypticism, that means that's all, this
35:23 headline, this is through probably the end with this
35:25 headline, this headline ah! Stop, stop, stop.
35:27 Uninformed apocalypticism apocalypticism on the one
35:31 hand or despair and stodginess of a church
35:33 without apocalyptic hope. Can you imagine not
35:36 having the hope that Jesus is coming
35:37 soon that will be awful. The angels keep the balance.
35:41 Jesus keeps the balance and so what do they do, boom.
35:45 Write it down, the same Jesus is coming back, but
35:47 you can't gaze into the Heaven forever, and the
35:49 angels say, you have a work and that work has
35:52 got to begin right now and they respond to this
35:55 as apostles returned to Jerusalem from that Hill
35:57 called the Mount of Olives, just a Sabbath day's walk,
36:00 I've stood on the Mount of Olives, looked over
36:01 that city, you could just imagine them, now their
36:04 hearts set ablaze, when they arrived, they went
36:06 upstairs to the room where they were staying.
36:08 By the way this is the room where they had the
36:09 last supper, the Lord's Supper.
36:11 They go up to that upper room where they were
36:13 staying, now watch this, they all joined together
36:16 constantly, you see Jesus says when the Holy Spirit
36:19 comes upon you, then you receive power.
36:21 So, what would be the object of your praying constantly.
36:26 They all joined together constantly in prayer,
36:27 along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus.
36:30 Hit the pause button right there, do you know that
36:32 that's the last place Mary the mother of Jesus is
36:35 mentioned in all the Bible. How would you like your
36:39 last point of reference in history to be the truth that
36:43 you were at a prayer meeting, isn't that good.
36:47 The mother of Jesus the last time we hear of her,
36:49 she was at prayer meeting, she was at a prayer meeting.
36:53 Boy, I don't know, do they have prayer meeting
36:56 back at the church where you're from.
36:58 Yeah, better find me at prayer meeting then Jesus,
37:01 if your mother was at prayer meeting Jesus, better find
37:04 me at prayer meeting, the last mention, there she is.
37:10 What's going on, they're asking, they're asking and
37:14 asking and asking, what are they asking for, ask
37:18 the apostles, I love this. Ellen White gives, pull
37:20 back the veil, she says okay. Here's what they were
37:22 asking for, the disciples prayed with intense
37:24 earnestness for a fitness to meet people and in
37:26 their daily conversations to do what, to speak words
37:32 that would lead what? Others, is this sinners or
37:35 others, sinners, you see what the passion is, even
37:40 though its blocked from my view, sinners are what
37:44 are never blocked from God's view.
37:46 God is always looking for another sinner to save, by
37:50 the way is it hard to be saved or easy to be saved.
37:53 Has God made it tough to be saved or is God finding
37:55 every excuse in the book to save every lost human
37:57 being he can find. What would you do if it
38:00 was your child that ran away from home, how
38:02 hard would you make it for your child to come
38:04 back home, how hard would you make it.
38:06 Tell me the truth, would you make it as tough as
38:09 nails, you would make it as easy as possible.
38:13 He will say that door is wide open, wait a minute,
38:16 didn't Jesus tell a story about a boy who ran
38:18 away and came home, that's the heart of the Father.
38:20 That's the heart of the Father, when you go door
38:23 knocking on Sabbath afternoon, every man and
38:26 woman and child on the other side of that door, is
38:29 somebody heaven has been opened and praying,
38:31 a friend of theirs, a friend of heavens
38:34 would reach one day. You're not just meeting
38:36 people, you're meeting runaway children, all over
38:40 the city of Sydney and you as a representative of
38:44 the Father are gonna say, hey someone misses
38:49 you very very much. Are you open to coming home.
38:56 The survey doesn't ask it that away.
38:58 Are you open to coming home, they'd kick you out,
39:01 wouldn't they. But, that's what you're asking,
39:04 would you, are you open to come home.
39:08 That's all God wants. That's all he wants.
39:14 They prayed with the passion, a passion
39:18 to save lost of people. So what would happen
39:22 tonight if you and I began to pray, this is kind of an
39:28 embarrassing question, that I am gonna ask you
39:30 after this statement. What would happen if
39:32 you and I begin to pray tonight.
39:36 That God would infill us with his passion to save
39:41 runaway children. This is the embarrassing
39:44 question, so I am not gonna ask you to raise
39:45 your hand and don't ask me to raise mine.
39:48 When was the last time you prayed, urged for
39:54 God to fill you with his passion for lost people.
40:02 You got down in your dorm room, your apartment
40:04 room, your house, got down on your knees and
40:10 you said God I have to have this passion, can I have it.
40:16 I am just going through my life as if my life is the
40:17 only thing that counts on this planet, I got to have
40:19 your passion God, would you please fill me, fill me.
40:28 One thing I know, because I have listened to
40:31 a lot of sermons, you cant preach God's passion into
40:35 people, preachers haven't been able to preach it into me,
40:38 trust me I am not going be able to preach it into you.
40:42 You can't get a good book you know just give me a
40:44 book, give me a podcast, give me some video that's
40:47 been circulating, some DVD, I got to just watch this DVD,
40:50 it will give it to me, it'll give it, give it to me DVD,
40:53 give it to me DVD, there's not a DVD on earth that
40:56 can give you a passion for lost people, you know why,
41:00 you cant even get a passion for lost
41:02 people from the Bible. You can hold that Bible
41:05 up to your head, you can hold that Bible up to your heart,
41:07 I want the passion, give me the passion, push it
41:09 through me, push it through me, it won't give you passion.
41:12 The Bible can do it. There's only one source
41:17 for the passion and guess who he is, he is the God
41:20 of this universe. Oh! Sure he breathes
41:24 through this, but he has to bring it, because you can
41:28 read the same chapter till you're blue in the face,
41:30 nothing happens and when the Holy Spirit, a light
41:36 goes off, there's only one source in this universe
41:39 ladies and gentlemen, and that source
41:42 is Almighty God himself. I beg of you, I beg of you,
41:48 ask me, ask me, hey how's it going, Luke,
41:51 Luke 11:9, ask and you will receive, seek and you
41:57 will find, knock and you will, and by way we're
42:02 the only language on earth that can do this,
42:04 the language that you and I speak hallelujah.
42:07 Watch this first letter to ask, what A, first letter of
42:14 seek, S first letter of knock K. ask. As if he
42:25 was considered as soon how we miss it.
42:27 Three times I am telling you to ask, but now you
42:29 take the first letter of all three of those commands
42:31 and it still spells ask. Ask me, if you who are evil,
42:35 Luke 11:13, if you who are evil know how to give
42:38 good gifts to your children, how much more will your
42:41 Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.
42:47 You know what we got to begin this conference, we
42:49 got to begin this conference by ask, we got to ask.
42:55 Because you're the prime time generation, you're it,
42:57 we've been set up this whole race has been
43:00 set up because you came alone, we've been waiting
43:03 for you for a long time, the baby bloomers haven't
43:05 finished the work in case you haven't heard.
43:07 Amen. We baby boomers have,
43:10 we baby boomers are so weighed down with
43:14 everything in this life. Gods says, I love you
43:18 but I really love them because I can work with them.
43:24 Don't misunderstand me, he loves us all the same.
43:29 They did not ask for a blessing for
43:31 themselves merely. They were weighted with the
43:33 burden of the divine passion for the salvation
43:36 for the salvation of souls. They realized that the
43:38 Gospel was to be carried to the world,
43:40 and they claimed the power that Christ had promised.
43:44 Hallelujah. Ladies and gentlemen, jot it down,
43:47 one last, I think this is the last one, then I want
43:49 to end with that, Ellen White quotation.
43:51 The tongues of fire are proof enough that what
43:53 those ten days of prayer were seeking was the
43:55 power to be what? Effective, to be an
44:02 effective witness to the world, on behalf of the
44:04 Lord Jesus Christ, to be a witness that's
44:08 what we pray for. That's why that when
44:11 God answered their prayers he didn't send them ears,
44:14 he didn't send them fingers, he didn't them toes, he
44:17 took the tongue and he made into fire and he
44:19 said you want to speak for me, I'll give it you.
44:22 Boom, he gave us the gift we needed.
44:25 What we're asking for the passion, to talk in
44:29 front of others for you glory. Only you can make me
44:34 do that God, give for me your Spirit.
44:38 With such an army, I love this education page 271,
44:40 you see at the bottom here, you see this is why I believe
44:42 it's a prime time movement at the bottom of your study
44:44 Guide, with such an army as our young rightly trained.
44:47 That's what AYC is all about, training the young,
44:49 "with such an army as our young, rightly
44:50 trained, how soon the message of a crucified,
44:53 risen and soon coming Savior might be carried
44:56 to the world!" Watch this how soon might be
44:59 end come, the end of sorrow and suffering
45:02 and sorrow and sin. In five minutes the entire
45:09 stadium is filled, in five minutes that's why
45:17 we're prime time and that's why you are the
45:20 prime time generation. God has called you for
45:25 such a time as this. Will you be filled with the Spirit.
45:31 Real. I say let's ask right now, lets not do
45:35 another thing, just go to your knees, I'm gonna
45:36 come down there and join you, just go to our knees,
45:38 lets just ask Jesus, Jesus Pentecost 2 and if we don't
45:42 have Pentecost 2 that's okay Jesus I want the
45:45 filling with the Holy Spirit right now, I can wait,
45:46 if you want to wait for Pentecost 2, I'll wait Jesus,
45:49 but I am going on my knees now push the chairs around,
45:51 push the chairs around, so we get minimum of
45:53 three people, minimum of three, because some
45:54 of you came with a spouses or a girlfriend, I want
45:56 somebody else in that group. So, make the group more
45:58 than just the two of you, minimum of three, don't
46:01 pray to yourself minimum, move the chairs, move
46:04 the chairs, make the room, we're gonna pray and for the
46:07 next few moments you're gonna hear the
46:08 sound of prayers ascending to heaven
46:11 with one passion and that is dear God, fill me
46:15 with your passion, fill me with your spirit.


Revised 2014-12-17