3ABN Homecoming 2009

Music & Testimonies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 09HC

Program Code: 09HC000010

00:25 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting,
00:28 Homecoming 2009. Featuring inspired messages
00:33 from your 3ABN Family.
00:39 Along with uplifting Christian music
00:41 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:48 Well good evening and welcome back to 3ABN's
00:51 worship center for the final service of this great
00:55 camp meeting. We got two hours tonight
00:58 and a lot of music, we got a great sermon online
01:01 with C.A. Murray and we are just really looking forward
01:05 to being with you tonight at this final camp meeting
01:09 service for 2009 fall camp meeting and Danny,
01:15 it's been a great time hasn't it?
01:16 It has been a good time, I asked C.A. just a while ago
01:19 I said these guys give such great sermons,
01:22 they've all skinned me alive a little bit.
01:24 I have to go home and rededication and regroup,
01:27 I said, could you take it easy on me a little bit tonight.
01:30 He said just bring me some Neosporin if you need to.
01:33 Something like that, I love it, I've actually,
01:37 absolutely being blessed, haven't you been blessed
01:39 by all that. Amen. The ministry and not only
01:41 the music but I mean the preaching of the word,
01:43 all of them, everyone of them, I still tell the guys
01:46 with Shelly everybody involved tonight.
01:48 That's right. What a blessing to have these kind
01:50 of people here in this one facility that's able to share
01:55 what God has put on their hearts
01:56 to a lost and dying world.
01:57 I don't think a single camp meeting has gone by that
02:00 somebody has come up to me and said,
02:02 Molly you know this is the best one yet? Yeah.
02:04 And I really believe that God's presence
02:07 is strong here, Amen. And every year it gets
02:09 better and better. Amen.
02:11 So, it's truly the best one yet?
02:13 Yes, absolutely. Because we've had so many people come by
02:17 and say that very thing I have, and I know
02:20 you have Danny and it's just been a tremendous thing
02:24 to be together and to have this time.
02:27 And I think it probably here at the home
02:29 coming camp meeting we've had a little more time
02:32 somehow to visit with the folks and to have that
02:36 fellowship with each other and we're just
02:39 so happy for that. Aren't you John?
02:41 Praise the Lord. Amen.
02:43 You know I'd like to issue all of you an invitation
02:45 to come to our spring camp meeting the end of May.
02:48 It's going to be a bit different this year.
02:51 It's not going to be connected with the
02:53 Ten Commandments weekend. We're gonna have our spring
02:56 camp meeting but it's going to be a pillars weekend.
03:00 Where what we do is different ministries
03:03 in the church are going to take the tenets of the
03:06 Adventist faith and they are going to teach on them.
03:09 It's going to be powerful, it's going to be,
03:13 going to be back, to back, to back,
03:16 to back just like we do the Ten Commandments
03:18 weekends. Amen. But we are going to do
03:19 a different tenets that make our faith strong. Amen.
03:24 They have been working on the music
03:25 for the Pillars project and Bobby Bradley,
03:28 our engineers from Nashville and he said
03:30 you all misspelled Pillars you put an R on the end of it.
03:38 Well, I tell you it's, it's a tremendous project
03:41 and we are all excited about it.
03:42 Last night I sat with family and we listened to the music
03:47 and we just praise the Lord with that music.
03:51 And this just a rough cut that we are listening to,
03:53 it's not all entirely put together Bobby let me borrow
03:56 a copy and we did receive such a blessing from it.
04:00 And I know that you are going to all be blessed
04:04 by this music. Okay, we are gonna have
04:08 a prayer and a theme song, which one you want
04:10 to do first? Well, Molly is gonna pray for us
04:12 and then we will do. Let's do that. Alright.
04:14 Holy Father, we come before you in the name of Jesus
04:17 and Father we are so grateful that you have graced us
04:19 once again with your Holy presence. Now Father tonight
04:23 we open up our hearts to you and we ask Lord
04:26 that as the music comes forth, as your word comes forth,
04:29 that you'll plant that word deep within our hearts.
04:31 Father, we don't want to leave here the way we came in.
04:35 We want to be changed by the power of your spirit
04:37 and the power of your word into your very image
04:40 and into your likeness, so Lord we yield to you,
04:42 we submit our lives to you in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
04:57 Just over the mountains in the Promised Land,
05:03 Lies the Holy City built by God's own hand;
05:09 As our weary footsteps gain the mountain's crest,
05:15 We can view our homeland of eternal rest.
05:22 We are nearing home! We are nearing home!
05:32 See the splendor gleaming from the domes afar!
05:38 See the glory streaming thru' the gates ajar!
05:43 There we soon will enter, never to roam;
05:50 Hear the angels singing! We are nearing home!
05:59 We are nearing home!
06:10 My brother, my sister, Will you meet us there,
06:16 In that land of sunshine Where there'll be no care?
06:22 Accept of God's message And to Him be true;
06:29 Then when Jesus cometh He will call for you.
06:36 We are nearing home! We are nearing home!
06:46 See the splendor gleaming from the domes afar!
06:51 See the glory streaming thru' the gates ajar!
06:56 There we soon will enter, never more to roam;
07:05 Hear the angels singing! We are nearing home!
07:13 We are nearing home!
07:24 And we are nearing home! Amen.
07:30 I believe that Christ is coming soon. Amen.
07:31 Amen. Don't you Danny? I really do.
07:34 And we have a great message to share with the world
07:37 and I don't believe there is any, any medium
07:41 that is stronger than radio and television
07:45 for reaching out, Amen. Going beyond the doors,
07:48 you know we talk about knocking on people's doors
07:50 they are so many cities today where people
07:53 will not open a door. They won't let you in,
07:56 if they don't know you, you don't have an appointment,
07:59 they don't know who is coming
08:00 they will not open that door. But television and radio
08:05 goes beyond the door. Radio even gets them in
08:08 the car when they're driving down the road
08:10 and they're listening on the radio and television
08:13 in some of these cities like New York city
08:16 and some of the others reaches back beyond these
08:19 gated communities and even these gated apartments
08:24 where people are able to sit in the comfort of their home
08:27 and see and hear the truths of God's word.
08:33 It's wonderful isn't? But Danny it takes money
08:35 doesn't it? It sure does.
08:37 And I was thinking you know where else could you be
08:40 that where people have actually come up to me today
08:42 and I'm sure you guys too and said well
08:44 where can we give our money, when you gonna take up
08:46 an offering. You know so many times
08:48 we go to church and it seem like they take up an offering
08:50 all the time and so this is tonight is not only for
08:53 our folks here who didn't have a chance
08:55 to give already but for, especially for our folks
08:58 at home and so we appreciate your love and your prayers
09:01 and financial support of 3ABN and we are asking that
09:05 you pray and ask the Holy Spirit what he would
09:07 have you to do as your part of getting the three angels
09:11 messages to the world and helping those that
09:13 on the frontlines taking this message around the world
09:16 because we believe that the three angels messages
09:18 must go unto all the world, Revelation 18
09:21 and the earth will be lightened with the glory of God.
09:23 Amen. Then Jesus will come back,
09:25 and in an order to get this Gospel to the world
09:28 it does take a sacrifice, but you know what in the end
09:32 the every first movement of eternity
09:34 will be worth everything we ever had to go through
09:36 here right. Amen. Amen.
09:38 Well, how many of you really appreciated the testimony
09:41 that John Dinsley gave us, I believe it was yesterday,
09:45 of all that the Latino Network is doing,
09:48 the far reaches of that. Latino is one of our children,
09:52 it's part of this ministry. How many of you appreciated
09:55 what Julia Hood can have shared, Amen,
09:57 with what's going on over in Russia
09:59 and did you appreciate Kid's Time this morning. Amen.
10:02 It's everyone of those are part of this ministry,
10:05 they're like our babies. 3ABN is the mother,
10:10 and if you don't have a healthy mother
10:11 then you're not going to have healthy children
10:13 and you see each one of these ministries.
10:16 They're healthy, they're vital, they're very effective,
10:20 they're, the Kids time ministry, that Ms. Brenda
10:24 and Linda and Cinda work with. Those ministries
10:27 are touching children and droving children
10:30 out of darkness and into light.
10:31 They are preparing a generation that is going to come up
10:35 behind us that are ready to proclaim the Gospel
10:38 and carry this message, but that Kids Time programming
10:43 needs a healthy mom. So, we've got to keep 3ABN healthy
10:47 so the children will be remain healthy
10:49 and what John Dinsley shares of where this Latino network,
10:53 do you know it is continually growing and going,
10:56 they put us to shame, haven't they Danny. Amen.
10:58 They are going on different cable systems,
11:00 whole nations are receiving 3ABN Latino
11:05 in our Spanish speaking parts of the world.
11:08 So, this ministry is very healthy, alive and vital,
11:11 but we have to keep our foundation healthy,
11:14 alive and vital. So, that the other ministries
11:17 will be able to be productive as well. Amen.
11:19 That's right. And you know the amazing thing
11:21 about a ministry like this is we are really effected
11:27 by the economy. There is no getting around it,
11:30 we have in the past have had a number of people
11:33 who were able to give large gifts and help support
11:37 this ministry in a very strong way.
11:39 However you know the economy hits those
11:42 with larger means more than it hits those of us
11:45 who have a regular salaries, as long as we keep our job
11:49 when something like that has happened with Wall Street
11:52 and with the banks, that doesn't really affect us
11:55 directly as much as it does sometimes
11:58 those with the larger giving potential.
12:01 So, right now we have really dependent on those
12:06 who have been the regular givers.
12:08 The thousand dollar a month and they are a quite
12:10 a few of those 500, 200, 100, $50, $10,
12:15 whatever God blesses you with and you're able
12:19 to continue giving to 3ABN. Please remember that
12:23 this ministry really counts on you.
12:26 Something Danny that you have shared for as long as
12:30 I've know anything about this ministry
12:32 it is the little ladies and the little gentlemen
12:35 that are on fixed income, that sacrifices those
12:38 $5 a month, $10 a month, that is the backbone
12:42 of this ministry. So, don't ever think
12:44 that wherever you send isn't brightly appreciated
12:47 and that it doesn't do a mighty work for the kingdom
12:50 of the God, together as we come together,
12:52 we are able to accomplish. Amen.
12:54 Great things for God but it takes all of us
12:56 pulling together. Amen. Now, that was our big
12:59 offering appeal that wasn't bad for the whole weekend
13:02 being here about take three minutes,
13:03 is that alright. Okay, because we want to keep
13:06 our focus on where we've been all along
13:08 this is to help us be able to focus
13:10 and go into all the world, but our focus
13:12 has being on Jesus. Amen. And we want to keep it there
13:14 and on the message continuing to go out
13:17 and in times messages for an in times people
13:19 and undiluted three angels messages if you were
13:22 one that would counteract the counterfeit.
13:24 Thank you for your love, your prayers and support. Amen.
13:28 Now this ministry, speaking of music.
13:29 Right now, Emily Felts Jones is going to be
13:32 singing for you, Even in the Dark.
13:40 It was fitting I think that Jesus was born at night
13:42 because this world is a dark and lonely place
13:45 without him. Even as he hung upon the cross
13:48 he was surrounded by a darkness so deep
13:51 that he couldn't see beyond the portholes of the tomb.
13:54 So, he understands our darkness, those times
13:57 when we become so depressed that we can't see the light
14:00 for whatever reason. Even David said
14:04 if I say surely the darkness shall fall upon me,
14:08 even the night shall be light about me.
14:10 For the darkness cannot hide from you.
14:14 He can always find his brothers and sisters,
14:16 even in our blackest night, even in our deepest despair,
14:20 he can always find us, Hallelujah. Even in the dark.
14:40 Shadows fall across the walls of my cold empty heart.
14:48 Night settles in.
14:51 Cold as stone and all alone, I wait here in the dark,
14:58 A prisoner again. Holding pieces of the past.
15:05 The fairytales that didn't last.
15:09 I tried to hide my heartache from your view.
15:16 But it's only me that can't see you.
15:24 'Cause even in the dark, you found me.
15:31 I felt it when you touched my heart.
15:38 But even with your arms around me,
15:45 It's hard to see just where you are.
15:51 So through the shadows, through the night,
15:55 You came running with a light.
15:59 Bringing hope to me, so that I could see you,
16:07 Even in the dark.
16:22 Hard and fast, I'm running past the places in my heart
16:29 That make me afraid.
16:32 And though I try and close my eyes,
16:36 I still know where they are, And I can't get away.
16:43 But just before all hope is gone,
16:47 I look up and see the dawn,
16:50 Piercing like a knife into the gloom. Hallelujah.
16:57 Shining light into this darkened tomb.
17:06 Even in the dark, you found me.
17:10 I felt it when you touched my heart.
17:21 But even with your arms around me,
17:26 It's still hard to see just where you are.
17:33 So through the shadows, through the night,
17:37 You came running with a light.
17:42 Bringing hope to me, so that I could see you,
17:49 Even in the dark.
17:56 There's no night so black, There's no place too deep,
18:03 Where I can go, for you can always See to reach for me!
18:12 Even in the dark, you found me.
18:18 Yes Lord I felt it when you touched my heart.
18:27 'Cause even with your arms around me,
18:33 Sometimes it's hard to see just where you are.
18:40 But through the shadows, through the night,
18:45 You came running with a light.
18:49 Bringing hope to me, so that I could see you,
18:57 Even in the dark. Even in the dark.
19:21 Amen. Hallelujah for that, Hallelujah.
19:26 This morning I don't know if you all heard those children
19:30 this morning was not that inspiring? Yes.
19:35 And I particularly liked the blue grass group.
19:39 Weren't they wonderful? Well you know what?
19:42 I had one of those in my bag and I pulled it out,
19:44 a blue grass number and I dusted it off and thought
19:46 I share it with you tonight and it's a old one,
19:50 wayfaring stranger, you may know it,
19:53 hundreds of people have recorded it
19:55 and if you wanna sing along you feel free.
19:58 Wayfaring stranger.
20:08 I am a poor wayfaring stranger
20:16 Traveling through this world below
20:23 There is no sickness, toil or danger
20:29 In that fairyland to which I go
20:38 I'm going home To see my father
20:46 I'm going home No more to roam
20:53 I am just going over Jordan I am just going over home
21:09 And I know dark clouds may gather around me,
21:23 And I know my way is rough and steep
21:31 But golden fields lie just before me
21:38 Where weary deep, that's you and me, no more shall weep
21:46 'Cause I'm going home to see my father
21:53 I'm going home, no more to roam
22:01 I am just going over Jordan
22:09 I am just going over home
22:19 You know the scripture says there is a river
22:22 whose stream shall make glad the city of the God
22:24 and I wanna go there. How about you?
22:27 I wanna be there. While we are on this side
22:31 of the Jordan we don't have that long
22:33 until we cross over and if we don't see each other
22:37 before that day comes let's meet up there,
22:40 you want to? And so I saw you when.
22:46 And I am going there to see my father
22:53 I am going there no more to roam
23:02 I am just going over Jordan I am just going over home
23:16 I am just going over home
23:28 Hallelujah. Praise God. Amen.
23:36 Thank you, Emily.
23:37 You know, over the years I think that you have seen
23:43 the quality of 3ABN's production really go up
23:46 haven't you? The picture. Haven't you noticed it?
23:50 Well, the man who is largely to be thanked for
23:54 that is Moses Primo. Jesus Christ. That's right,
23:58 we thank the Lord, but the Lord sent Moses here.
24:01 And Danny will tell you that when Moses came here
24:05 it was the direct intervention of the Lord
24:07 that brought him here. And there is no question about it.
24:10 And the Lord has kept him here and it is just
24:14 a real honor to work with Moses.
24:16 And Moses, we have some real fantastic
24:19 opportunities right now, would you share some
24:21 of those with us.
24:22 Sure, Jim I also like to tell the viewers
24:26 not only the ones that are here but everyone
24:29 that is watching tonight or listening through the radios
24:32 that we are very good stewards of the money
24:36 that the Lord entrust on us and some people
24:41 have received this news about application
24:45 for a new construction permits and for downlink stations.
24:50 And some of them said why we are still building
24:54 downlink stations when we have dish network,
24:57 we have all these satellites, we have the Internet
25:00 and I want to just explain to you that
25:05 there is still a very good reason and very good market
25:09 for downlink stations, as a matter of fact,
25:11 Jimmie can testify for that, we received a lot of comments.
25:16 A lot of praise reports, a lot of testimonies
25:19 of people that have come to the church through
25:22 watching 3ABN via a downlink station.
25:26 So, this is another way, I am not saying
25:30 this is the only way but it's just another way
25:32 that we are using to preach the gospel
25:35 and we are maximizing all the ways that we can to reach.
25:40 So, no matter where they are and how they receive
25:44 the message. So, it has been nine years
25:48 that FCC have closed the applications
25:52 for downlink stations but in August of this year.
25:55 The 25th of August they open for applications
26:00 to mainly through the small cities
26:04 and then in January of next year they're gonna open
26:07 for all of the United States. Even the large cities
26:09 like Chicago and New York and large cities
26:13 that right now are closed for new applications
26:16 they will open in the beginning of the year.
26:19 So, I want to praise the Lord for that opportunity
26:22 and encourage everyone that have a desire
26:25 to put a downlink stations to still invest
26:30 in this way of preaching the Gospel
26:32 because it is very positive and a very efficient
26:37 way to reach souls. And the proof of that
26:41 is that we just announced that in the beginning
26:44 of the month of August and we had a lot of people
26:48 that were interested and we apply for so far
26:52 for 22 different cities that, and these people
26:58 got together, they all lay people and they raised
27:02 the funds to not only to apply but they're promising
27:06 to raise the funds to actually buy the equipment
27:08 and build the TV stations and all that the 3ABN
27:11 has to do is provided their programming
27:16 and help with the engineering department
27:19 and we wanna say a special thanks to Ben Peake,
27:23 he is one of our engineers and Cynthia also,
27:25 they have been extremely busy, sometimes we don't go home.
27:30 Especially in the week of August 25th
27:33 we didn't go home until like 8 O'clock at night
27:35 because they were so many applications
27:38 coming in and another way to prove that
27:42 this is not a outdated preaching way,
27:46 is that there has been more than 1500 new applications
27:51 of just since August 25th until now.
27:55 So, there is a lot of people applying for other reasons
27:58 but there is still a lot of people, another good thing
28:00 about this is that all these stations
28:03 are going to be digital and being digital
28:06 what we do, we just divide the frequency
28:09 and we can put four channels into one frequency,
28:48 so for instance here, near our headquarters
28:49 we have a TV station in Johnson City.
28:50 So, in Johnson City we used to have an analog way
28:51 only one channel, 3ABN English.
28:52 Now when we convert to digital we have 3ABN English
28:53 in channel number one or 15:1 and then we have 15:2
28:54 we have 3ABN Latino and that we have the 3ABN radio
28:55 and we are working on getting the sun beam
28:56 and one fourth station. So, we can put four channels
28:57 in one frequency, so it's a very efficient way
28:58 of preaching the Gospel.
28:59 We are looking for all the opportunities that
29:00 are out there to preach the Gospel.
29:01 We started 25 years ago with the analog satellite dishes
29:05 and that was at that time the best way.
29:08 And in the year 2000 we convert to digital
29:10 and then we increased from one satellite to two
29:14 and then later on three and then now we are fulfilling
29:19 the promise of preaching the gospel all around the world.
29:22 Now with 11 satellites and it's not only satellites,
29:27 we are increasing with cable companies
29:30 they are broadcasting 3ABN more and more.
29:32 We are increasing with the dish network that accepted
29:37 to take 3ABN as one of their channels
29:40 and we also exploring IPTV.
29:44 IPTV is a tremendous opportunity to preach
29:47 the gospel, because they're still, the restriction
29:52 of having a satellite dish and in large cities
29:56 like New York and LA and this cities.
29:59 You can really put a satellite dish on the balcony
30:02 or in apartment buildings and IPTV is the way
30:06 that they can get and resolve that problem
30:08 because with the small box you can access the Internet,
30:12 you are able to receive all these channels,
30:14 so, there is no more restriction.
30:16 So, we are exploring that way,
30:17 we are contacting some other IPTV companies
30:21 and we are working on Trinidad and Tobago,
30:24 that this gonna have a IPTV system
30:26 and they're gonna carry 3ABN.
30:28 And we, about a three months ago
30:31 we receive a visit from three pastors from South Korea.
30:35 They came and they said we need to have all the 3ABN
30:40 programs that we want to translate in Korea language
30:44 because we're gonna start a IPTV service
30:47 that will serve the entire country of Korea
30:50 and IPTV is very used and very developed in Korea.
30:55 So, they're taking our programs right now
30:57 and translating to the Korean language.
31:00 Also, we got a visit of two laypeople from Singapore,
31:07 one was a pastor and other one was a businessman
31:10 and after we talked to them and explained to them
31:14 and show them 3ABN, they were so excited
31:18 that they came back, they form a ASI chapter
31:22 in Singapore and they brought more laypeople
31:27 that had the same vision and that they created
31:32 a organization NGO called Maranatha.
31:36 And they are building a media center
31:39 where they are going to translate 3ABN's programming
31:43 to different languages Indonesia.
31:45 Now only they want that they use at most
31:49 but even the small dialects that they want to reach many,
31:53 many different population Indonesian.
31:56 I want to show you some pictures
31:57 because pictures now can described a thousand words.
32:00 And here is some pictures of the building,
32:03 they just start a few months ago
32:05 but you can see, they're already on the second floor,
32:07 it's every exciting to know that
32:11 they are moving forward and this media center
32:14 is located in Bandung, Indonesia,
32:18 is near by the Seventh-day Adventist University
32:22 in the Indonesia. So, we praise the Lord
32:24 for what they are doing, they are supposed to finish
32:27 building in November and start operation in April
32:31 of next year and not only they're going to translate
32:34 the 3ABN programming but they want to send
32:37 some of the young people to come to Illinois
32:40 to learn a little bit about production and produce
32:42 their own programming there, just the way that
32:44 they're doing in Russia and you saw the Russian report
32:47 this morning was really exciting. So, we are exploring
32:53 different local areas of broadcasting 3ABN.
32:58 We also continue to build TV stations overseas,
33:02 not only here in United States but also overseas
33:06 we build a television station in Papua New Guinea.
33:10 Port Moresby is the capital and now people are writing
33:14 and saying why only Port Moresby.
33:16 We want to have in our cities too.
33:18 So we move ahead and we are going to build
33:22 a TV station in a city called Lae,
33:26 which is the second largest city in the country
33:30 and we already have the funds, praise the Lord for Jim,
33:34 we don't want to worry about that one.
33:36 We have already all the money that we'll need
33:38 and we actually already ordered the equipment
33:42 and we are just waiting for the equipment to arrive
33:44 and we also waiting for a lease
33:47 for this transmitting site. Unfortunately there is a lot
33:51 of red tape in that country and it has been
33:54 a little difficult, but we just asked that you pray
33:57 with us that this transmitted site
34:00 will be released soon. So, we would be able to start
34:03 broadcasting in the City of Lae.
34:08 We are moving also ahead with the project in Ghana.
34:12 I just wanna tell our friends in Ghana
34:14 don't give up we are still trust that the
34:18 Lord will open the ways for us to get a transmitter site.
34:21 We don't have the funds yet but we have the license
34:25 and we are moving ahead that we will be able
34:28 to build that television's station very soon.
34:35 We are also very excited with 3ABN NGO in Australia,
34:41 John and Rosemary already gave some of this reports
34:44 but we are very blessed and very thankful to the Lord
34:47 because we were able to pay for,
34:51 it's all paid for Jim. The land that we purchase
34:56 there in the city called Morisset and we had to pay
35:01 $25,000 just to pull a construction permit.
35:05 So we pay that and we file construction permit.
35:10 John Malkiewycz drew the block diagram
35:17 and the drawings for the media center
35:18 and we are building a very good and efficient
35:22 media center there without much delay,
35:27 hopefully next year we will be able to start that
35:29 media center also. As you can see
35:32 we are looking in much different directions
35:35 for instance, Internet.
35:37 Internet is another way that we wanted to develop
35:40 even further what we are doing,
35:42 we have a website that we stream there,
35:48 we have it stream also in the MoPCWeb
35:51 and we got like around 8-10,000 hits
35:56 on just on Friday and Saturday,
35:58 not counting during the week.
36:00 So, there is a lot of people that are watching
36:03 just by using the Internet not only here in United States
36:08 but all over the world, we can look at the IP addresses
36:14 where the people are connecting from
36:16 and we don't exactly what location but at least tell us
36:20 what country and they is a long list for many different
36:24 countries that are connecting to our
36:28 broadcast and watching 3ABN.
36:31 And I just wanna share with you,
36:33 and you don't have to worry about this one
36:36 either Jim and I tell you this because
36:39 Jim is still getting acquainted with
36:44 their operations of 3ABN, that Danny
36:48 was already used to. Once Moses come
36:51 and all that means a lot of money.
36:52 But I can tell that the all the money that
36:56 we spend is well invested, as a matter of fact,
36:59 just a proof that we just last week,
37:03 we had some employees that were complaining
37:06 that their computers were so slow
37:09 and we went to check and their computers
37:11 were purchased like ten years ago.
37:13 And this doesn't happened in any business,
37:17 normally in after two years or even after three years
37:20 you just replace your computer, because
37:22 your computer is so outdated but we have
37:25 computers at 3ABN that are about 10 years old
37:29 we have cameras that are 12 to 14 years old.
37:33 And we are in the process of changing some of those
37:36 cameras to the new digital cameras
37:38 that will be able to match the other signals
37:43 that are out there. They have high definitions.
37:46 So, I am not even gonna tell you about
37:48 high definition yet because I want Jim to
37:50 be alive and I am not going to tell him
37:55 the cost of high definition. But the other thing that
38:00 I was mentioning is that we are working on,
38:03 the engineering department is working on a
38:05 system that would be the next step
38:08 beyond the IPTV.
38:10 We gonna combine, you see IPTV
38:14 we use the box that you connected the box
38:17 to your television set and the computer,
38:20 you stream by using your computer screen
38:23 and you can watch your programs.
38:26 And there is always people that like the box
38:30 because they like the bigger TV set
38:32 and they are people that like the computers,
38:35 so what we are looking to do is try to combine
38:38 the functions of both systems and offer something
38:42 that would be available to both worlds or
38:48 for both type of people that wanna watch it.
38:50 And this system, I can tell you that
38:53 they are already over 30 million people
38:56 already connected in this system.
38:59 So, when we start 3ABN in this system
39:02 we are ready to start with a potential to reach
39:05 30 million people, so we just praise the Lord
39:08 for to what he's doing on the engineering department,
39:11 there is lot of new technology they we have
39:13 to keep up with. We praise him for giving us
39:18 the direction and I do believe that all this technology
39:22 is made available because there is a need to reach souls
39:26 and no matter if it is from downlink stations
39:30 and the old analog way or in the new digital way
39:34 or dish network, satellite dishes, IPTV,
39:38 cable system, whatever way we can
39:41 get to give the message that Jesus
39:44 is coming soon and that we need to be read
39:47 to see him face to face, that's our goal
39:50 and that's what we are trying to do
39:51 with engineering, no matter how much it costs there. Amen.
39:56 The Lord, the Lord provides the way,
39:59 and he uses these folks to do it
40:02 and you know the digital conversions,
40:06 we have how many stations do you we have?
40:08 We have about 14 already that we converted.
40:12 Alright and out of 120 or so. Yes.
40:15 I was in Jacksonville a few weeks ago,
40:18 those people are raising money in order to pay
40:23 for that digital conversion and we are hoping that,
40:27 that they are able to do that pretty soon.
40:29 And they had some questions for instance
40:32 will this give them better coverage
40:34 when they do, do convert. Right. Will it?
40:36 Yes, Actually what happens for instance a case
40:40 in point here in Johnson City. I have people
40:43 that have come to me and said, wow,
40:44 I couldn't watch the channel 15 before
40:47 and now I am able to watch. Alright.
40:49 What happens is that they analog signal
40:51 and only have just minute for you to explain this,
40:54 I will try to make it quick. The analog signal
40:58 travels in the different way then the digital.
41:01 So, before with an analog signal you could get
41:05 in places that the signal was not strong enough
41:08 and it was kind of noisy but it was still going
41:12 and the digital signal is different, it's either zero
41:17 or one, you know for you to understand
41:19 the digital technology. It's either zero or one so,
41:23 either you have a very good picture or
41:25 you don't have anything at all. So people are just amazed
41:30 to see the quality of the 3ABN picture.
41:33 The other factors that everything that we
41:36 produce here, we produce already in the 15 megabits
41:39 which is very high standard, so when we put that
41:43 good resolution into a digital system people can
41:47 see the difference before and after
41:50 and that's what makes the difference also
41:52 the way that the digital signal travels is different
41:56 and in a lot of cases we are able to actually
41:59 increase the power for the last transmitting
42:02 power we are getting more coverage.
42:05 Wow, so in addition of that of course they get the
42:08 additional channels. More channels, yes.
42:10 And radio is gonna be growing, we hope to see
42:13 radio is on 120 outlets. That's right.
42:16 And as well these televisions.
42:18 Do you have anything else to tell for us. No,
42:20 I don't have, I am done. Well, he's gone
42:24 through quicker than we thought he would,
42:26 I tell you this is a wonderful fellow.
42:30 We appreciate Moses Primo so much.
42:33 And his technical ability is only exceeded
42:38 by his devotion to the Lord and savior Christ.
42:41 Amen. He loves the Lord, he wants to see the message,
42:45 he was drawing a large salary with a large broadcasting firm
42:51 and then he felt the call to come here, he felt it more
42:54 than once and he said no and then the Lord
42:57 just made it very emphatic to him that's
42:59 what he was supposed to do.
43:00 And I will tell you that he has made a great
43:05 difference in our quality. I was talking to a
43:07 television executive this past week
43:09 and this executive said to me, 3ABN's quality is superb
43:15 and then he said something he said in fact the 3ABN
43:20 picture is better than many network's high definition
43:25 picture and that's what he said.
43:27 So, that was really encouraging to me.
43:31 I believe God is leading and we take one step at a time,
43:35 you notice that he looks at me when he's spending money,
43:36 nobody can spend more money than Moses and I.
43:42 I will tell you that and I'm glad that the Lord
43:47 send him here. But the Lord had to send some
43:49 providers in order to make it, but I will say
43:53 this that nobody is more careful with God's money
43:57 than Moses at the same time. In fact he squeezes
44:01 the green out of the dollar. And if you see any white
44:06 dollars floating around it means that Moses got hold
44:10 of them because he is so careful in spending
44:13 God's money. It's time for us to enjoy some
44:16 more music, and Kateena LeForge
44:18 is going to come sing that beautiful song
44:22 'it is well with my soul.'
44:26 I love to know how songs were written,
44:28 who wrote them and under what circumstances.
44:30 In the 1860s there was a Chicago lawyer by
44:34 the name of Horatio G. Spafford and he had sent
44:39 his family on a vacation across the Atlantic
44:41 to England, because of a last minute business
44:45 development he was detained.
44:48 So, he went ahead and send them on,
44:50 his wife and his four daughters one of the boilers
44:54 exploded and the entire ship went down in a matter
44:57 of about nine minutes and so he had a ship take
45:01 him out to the place where his family had perished
45:05 and the captain called him to the deck and said
45:09 that he thought that they were about in that area.
45:11 And he stood there on the deck of that ship
45:15 and wrote the words to it is well with my soul.
45:19 We want to be careful not be affair with a friend
45:22 to God it's easy to praise him on the mountain tops.
45:25 That our God is good at all the time. Amen.
46:02 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
46:15 When sorrows like sea billows roll;
46:41 It is well, it is well, with my soul.
46:53 It is well, with my soul,
47:08 It is well, it is well, with my soul.
47:39 And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
47:51 The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
48:04 The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
48:16 Even so, it is well with my soul.
48:33 It is well, with my soul.
48:45 It is well, it is well, with my soul.
49:00 It is well, it is well, with my soul.
49:32 Can you say that? Jesus loves me.
49:45 I have been given a role tonight I don't normally have,
49:47 I get to introduce to you one of the hardest working ladies
49:50 behind the scenes here at 3ABN,
49:52 she truly is a treasure, the sweet voice
49:55 of Tammy Chance.
49:59 Thank you. I know that you're gonna be
50:05 really blessed by this song because I was out here
50:07 earlier doing a sound check and when I got done one
50:09 man on the front row clapped. So, I said boy this is gonna
50:15 go over well tonight, but he was too late
50:18 to change it, so you're gonna have to suffer through it.
50:34 This world is not my home I'm just a passing through
50:43 My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue
50:52 The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
51:01 And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
51:14 Oh Lord you know I have no friend like you
51:20 If heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do
51:26 The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
51:32 And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
51:40 Just over in Gloryland we'll live eternally,
51:49 the saints on every hand are shouting victory
51:55 Their songs of sweetest praise drift back
52:00 from heaven's shore
52:02 And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
52:10 Oh Lord you know I have no friend like you
52:16 If heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do
52:22 The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
52:28 And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
52:36 They're all expecting me and that's one thing I know
52:42 my savior pardoned me and now I onward go
52:48 I know He'll take me through though I am weak and poor
52:55 and I can't feel at home in this world anymore
53:01 The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
53:07 And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.
53:21 Amen. Amen.
53:27 Well, you all being seating and listening long enough
53:31 it's time you get involved, what you say? Amen.
53:33 Because I know you all can sing
53:34 I heard you earlier today. What don't we doing,
53:36 we may have time, why don't we start a verse,
53:39 start the verse and then the chorus.
53:40 I'll see if you recognize this song and you sing
53:43 with us okay.
53:45 My heart can sing when I pause to remember
53:54 A heartache here is but a stepping stone
54:05 Along a trail that's winding always upward
54:14 This troubled world is not my final home.
54:24 But until then my heart will go on singing,
54:34 Until then with joy I'll carry on,
54:43 Until the day my eyes behold the city,
54:52 Until the day God calls me home.
55:01 Now, if you're near, why don't you stand up,
55:02 let's sing a new chorus again.
55:04 But until then my heart will go on singing,
55:14 Until then with joy I'll carry on,
55:23 Until the day my eyes behold the city,
55:33 Until the day God calls me home.
55:45 Amen. You know I would like to hear them
55:48 sing how great thou art. You would.
55:50 I think we got it out, I think we can go out on it.
55:52 We got, yeah, we make time. There we go. Alright,
55:55 lets do it. How great thou art. You want to do that,
55:57 be frank. Try one and go.
55:58 Can we them B flat, is that okay,
56:01 and Page put them on spot, they both say yes.
56:03 Oh! yeah. Alright, let's do it.
56:04 Now we can do it B flat. That will be the question.
56:07 Alright let's, let's do it. Just grab, I'm ready,
56:14 already go, sure.
56:15 Alright, give us a note and we'll start out.
56:18 Okay. O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder
56:28 Consider all The works Thy Hand hath made,
56:36 I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,
56:45 Thy pow'r throughout The universe displayed;
56:52 Sing it out.
56:54 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
57:04 How great Thou art! How great Thou art!
57:12 Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
57:22 How great Thou art! How great Thou art!
57:37 Wow, they can sing. Amen. Alright.


Revised 2014-12-17