3ABN Homecoming 2009

Saturday Afternoon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: 09HC

Program Code: 09HC000009

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting, Homecoming 2009.
00:32 Featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN Family.
00:39 Along with uplifting Christian music all to prepare
00:42 your heart for the coming of the Lord.
01:01 Cradled in my arms I held you
01:08 and I loved you more with each day passing by,
01:16 Sharing joy, sharing pain, through
01:20 the sunshine and the rain.
01:25 I can't believe it's time to say goodbye
01:33 I don't know what the future brings you
01:40 But, I hope that you'll keep heaven as your goal
01:46 Listen to this point, For I taught you how to pray
01:51 and made sure you knew the way
01:56 So, remember my request before you go.
02:03 Just be there When we finally make it
02:10 home and when we stand before the throne.
02:15 Just be there. So, when I turn around to see
02:24 if you will be standing next to me. Just be there
02:49 It's not an easy road you're traveling but every
02:56 place that you go Jesus has been.
03:03 So, when you find you made a turn,
03:08 forgetting what you've learned,
03:13 you may have to start all over again.
03:21 It's not an easy load you're bearing
03:28 but the trials of your faith. Will make you strong.
03:35 Facing danger unaware, He won't allow
03:41 what we can't bear. So, my prayer is that your
03:47 faith will lead you home. Just be there.
03:55 When we finally make it home and when we stand
04:01 before the throne. Just be there
04:07 So, when I turn around to see if you will be standing
04:16 next to me, Just be there. Will you be standing
04:31 next to me. Just be there. Just be there. Amen.
04:56 This has been a musical Sabbath, hasn't it. Amen.
05:01 And we've got an exciting story to hear right now.
05:07 Do you know that there are over 200 stations, some
05:12 that we actually own some affiliates
05:14 that are now carrying 3ABN radio. Can you say
05:18 Amen to that. Over 200, I signed four affiliate
05:22 agreements yesterday for New Zealand.
05:28 All over the world these are coming in.
05:31 And I'm going to invite Jay Christian to come and
05:33 join us and Jay bring us up-to-date with some of
05:37 these fantastic things, would you.
05:39 Okay Jim. Thank you very much. Thank you.
05:44 Boy, what a bunch of nice smiley faces.
05:48 Looks good to see you all. Thank you so much
05:52 for coming out. We have so many things happening
05:53 in radio and by the way when Jim and I were
05:55 talking back stage before it was time to come out.
05:59 He reminded me of something that I forgot
06:02 about and so I'm glad he reminded me of that,
06:04 so I can tell you and that is that every where that
06:09 the regular over the year TV downlinks for 3ABN
06:13 television. As they change to digital, you'll
06:17 also be able to listen to 3ABN radio from your
06:20 television. Now anybody who has satellite can do
06:24 that right now. You just go to the right channel
06:26 and you either get 3ABN English and Latino or
06:29 whatever and you move on to the radio channels
06:31 and you can listen to us, but that has not been
06:34 possible for the TV stations up until now.
06:37 And so as your local TV station, that's 3ABN
06:41 owned, as it changes to digital, then go to channel
06:44 3, I believe it is that's what it is on our
06:48 downlink here in Southern Illinois.
06:51 So we would like to encourage you to do that
06:52 and listen to us occasionally. We hope you will do that.
06:57 There are some things that probably are happening
07:00 in radio, you may not be aware of and so what I'm
07:03 going to do is just give you some of the exciting
07:05 information time is limited, if it was up to the
07:10 3ABN radio staff. I know that we would have a lot
07:13 of information between all of us to pass along to you.
07:17 But, this is skimming the top, so to speak.
07:21 But, we do have our first Internet radio affiliate.
07:25 Now most of ours have been over the air radio
07:29 stations, but somebody contacted us a while ago
07:32 and said you know I've an Internet radio station and
07:36 we would like to reach out to kids. We'd like to
07:38 carry a lot of your programming on our
07:40 Internet radio station as well. And we said sure,
07:43 why not. And so we welcomed into our family
07:46 www.pathfinderradio.com. Lot of great kids programs.
07:54 Now, hopefully you're reading 3ABN world as it comes.
07:59 Raise your hands as it comes in the mail.
08:00 You're reading 3ABN world. Well we've added,
08:04 we try to keep you updated in 3ABN world
08:06 as much as we can. Mickey Anderson writes
08:08 the articles mostly for the 3ABN world as far as
08:12 what happens in radio. And if you've been
08:14 reading that lately you've noticed that we have had
08:17 a lot of activity in Australia and New Zealand.
08:21 Well, recently somebody contacted us and they felt
08:24 the Lord's leading and they said, you know we
08:29 think that we want, the Lord wants, the Lord
08:31 wants us to start the radio station here.
08:34 And so they started, the application started doing
08:36 things and guess what? Satan attack.
08:40 Is that a new story? No, so they thought they were
08:44 going to lose their license or they construction
08:47 permit actually. And they thought they weren't
08:50 going to get it, but, guess what?
08:53 God is more powerful than Satan.
08:56 They got three radio stations, three full power
09:00 radio stations. So praise God for that.
09:05 In Australia, we have new full power stations in
09:09 Condingup Western Australia; Hopetoun,
09:11 Western Australia; Ravensthorpe, oh, I need
09:14 to tell you the frequencies, Condingup is 88 on FM,
09:18 Hopetoun is 97.3, Ravensthorpe, Western
09:22 Australia 93.1 FM and some low power stations
09:28 in Australia Esperance, Western Australia 87.8;
09:32 Gympie, Queensland 87.8; Mt. Beauty,
09:37 Victoria 87.6; Orange, New South Wales 87.8;
09:43 Pink Lake, Washington. I knew I was going to do
09:46 that because it's WA. grew up in Washington state.
09:49 So, whenever I see WA I'm imagining
09:51 Washington state. Pink Lake, Western Australia
09:54 at 88 FM. Also we've got some new agreements as well
09:59 in New Zealand, Stewart Island in Southland 106.7,
10:07 South Invercargill, South of New Zealand 88.4;
10:12 North Invercargill Southland at 106.7.
10:16 Bluff in Southland at 106.7. And the reason we're
10:20 giving all these frequencies right now is for our
10:23 listeners and viewers in that area that maybe
10:27 hearing this for the first time, so you know where
10:29 to change your radio station to. Also this is one
10:34 of our, this is our first praise report from that area.
10:38 A woman took her car into the garage to have it
10:41 fixed and when she left her radio was tuned to
10:46 3ABN radio she never heard of it before.
10:49 So praise God for that. In Alaska, full power
10:53 projects and micro transmitters that we've
10:55 told you about a lot. Homer, Alaska full power
10:58 station also Juneau and Sitka have full power
11:02 construction permits. So, we're going there as well
11:06 with full power as soon as they
11:07 get those stations built. In Africa we have an
11:12 affiliate in Kisii, Kenya it's referred to as 3ABN
11:16 Kisima 89.7 FM. They've had over 300 Baptisms
11:22 since they've gotten started. And now we have another
11:26 radio station in the same area as well.
11:29 In Jinja, Uganda, they're at 104.7 and their signals
11:35 are real close so you can maybe traveling from one
11:38 going toward the other one be listening to the
11:40 same programming. So, that's excellent to hear of
11:43 as well. So now we are reaching out in Africa and
11:46 so please give them your prayers. Again remember
11:49 over 300 Baptisms on that, one that was on the
11:51 air was the longest, so praise God for that.
11:54 We had a young couple and their 13 year old
11:56 daughter along with both of their mothers.
12:00 They were baptized after listening to the undiluted
12:04 three angels' message in Barre, Vermont, there at
12:09 92.1 FM and so quite a family affair and we
12:15 asked for their prayer, prayers for them as well.
12:18 And we also heard from a lady who works in a
12:22 church, and she got to thinking you know we
12:25 don't have a radio station here that has 3ABN.
12:28 But, I wonder if I can listen on the Internet.
12:30 I think I heard them talking about that one
12:32 time so she found us on the Internet, found our
12:35 signal and so she listens to 3ABN radio as she works.
12:39 So, the final thing I wanna mention to you
12:42 something that I've talking to you about for a
12:44 while, but it's something that's strong on my heart
12:47 and that is listening 3ABN radio through your
12:50 cell phone. And you've heard me talk about that
12:53 before and things progressed, right now for
12:55 our regular streamers and for people with smart
12:59 phones they can listen to us in addition to
13:01 Windows audio media. They can listen to us
13:05 through Quicktime Real audio and Winamp.
13:09 And so those are also available, so sometimes
13:12 somebody has a media player that does not play
13:14 Windows media. Well, you should be able to
13:16 listen to us now with no excuses. And also the 3G
13:20 streams for regular cell phones coming up very soon.
13:23 Keep checking our website 3ABN.org for the
13:28 debut of that. We will let you know so just check
13:30 this out so the regular cell phones can get us as well.
13:34 So, there you go, that's our report and we thank you
13:37 very much. Amen, thank you Jay.
13:40 Appreciate that. Shelley Quinn is going to be
13:46 speaking to us in a little bit. One of the things that
13:49 many of you do not recognize is that everyone
13:52 that you see here carries other duties other than
13:55 being a speaker. Shelley you see her on the screen
13:59 but she is our program development manager.
14:04 You see C. A. but he has also our production
14:08 manger. These people work 40 plus hours every
14:12 week at their jobs and then ministry is strictly on
14:19 the side you might say, same as true with Molly
14:22 and Hal and with all of us. And these are heavy
14:26 duties that each one carries and we appreciate
14:30 the ministry of every single of these people and
14:34 especially the ministry of Shelley Quinn.
14:37 She travels on the weekends she and J.D.
14:40 travel all over this country presenting
14:44 seminars and reaching out to the lost and we know
14:49 that God is blessing their ministry. And before
14:53 Shelley comes, Tammy Chance another person
14:58 who carries a full time job as well as the music
15:01 ministry is going to sing for us and Tammy is
15:05 going to sing "Here we are," thank you Tammy.
15:22 Here we are in your presence. Lifting holy hands to
15:45 you. Here we are praising Jesus.
15:56 For the things He's brought us through.
16:07 I don't have the words to tell you how I feel,
16:18 I don't know just what to say,
16:29 Well I'm not worthy to speak your Holy Name,
16:41 And yet you tell me you love me just the same.
16:52 Here we are in your presence. Lifting holy hands to
17:14 you. Here we are praising Jesus.
17:25 For the things He's brought us through.
17:36 I never thought that it could be this way,
17:47 I never thought I'd be the one,
17:59 But, you found me dying in my sin.
18:10 And You looked at we with love and took me in.
18:21 Here we are in Your presence.
18:32 Lifting holy hands to You.
18:43 Here we are praising Jesus.
18:54 For the things He's brought us through.
19:05 For the things He's brought us through.
19:32 You know this is the year of prayer at 3ABN and so
19:37 I've got another message that I would like to bring
19:39 to you about for there is two things that the Lord
19:42 has taught me in recent years that were life changing.
19:46 One was taking his promises, confessing
19:48 them over my life and praying them back to
19:51 him, but the other was when he taught me how
19:55 him, but the other was when he taught me how
19:56 to pray for an hour and I want to share that with you.
19:59 What happened after God taught me about praying
20:02 his promises back to him. I've done that for two
20:05 years and as I confessed his word over my and
20:09 prayed those words back to him. He was changing me;
20:14 he was developing the mind of Christ in me.
20:17 And then I got a job that was as a consultant some
20:22 distance away from home I was traveling all the
20:25 time and I abandoned that practice. And after about
20:29 18 months of abandoning that practice I was back in
20:32 home, we lived in Coleman, Texas.
20:34 I was on the way to Sam's, which was 60
20:38 miles and as I'm driving down the road.
20:41 How many of you pray in the car? Yeah, you should
20:45 see me praying in the car, I'm going down the road
20:48 and I'm praying and I'm talking to the Lord and
20:50 every now and then I'll raise my hand and I know
20:52 people pass me by and think what's that woman
20:54 doing? But, here I was praying in the car all the
20:57 way to Sam's for 60 miles. Just pouring my heart
21:00 out to the Lord saying Father what's wrong with me.
21:04 How is that I can walk close to you sometimes.
21:07 That I sense your heartbeat and then I can
21:10 find myself in such a backslidden condition.
21:13 And so I'm praying all the way to Sam's, parked the
21:16 car, I hop out go into Sam's and do my shopping,
21:19 get back in the car and I've got 60 minutes to go home.
21:23 And I'm praying all the way back just pouring,
21:25 I was crying going down the road and just about 15
21:31 minutes out of Coleman, suddenly the still small voice
21:36 of the Lord broke through. How many of you know that
21:39 you know that you know. That God has spoken to
21:42 you before. He's impressed his thoughts
21:45 upon your mind. And I'm crying out saying Lord,
21:49 how can I keep from backsliding.
21:52 This is 1999 and I said how can I keep from backsliding.
21:57 And what I heard was this not an audible voice,
22:00 but in mind what I heard was, child if you come
22:04 and spent the first hour of each day with me in
22:08 prayer I promise you'll never backslide again.
22:11 Amen. Well, I thought about that for while and though
22:14 well of course I wouldn't backslide.
22:16 If, even if I backslide by the end of the day if I'm
22:19 starting off the next day an hour in prayer with the
22:22 Lord. Of course we wouldn't backslide.
22:23 And then I'm thinking I'm just speechless,
22:26 I'm going and that's rare for me.
22:28 I'm going down the road and I'm thinking Lord,
22:32 I don't trust myself, I'm not a
22:34 very disciplined person. So, how can I promise you
22:38 that I'm gonna pray for an hour a day.
22:40 Lord it would have to be you and as soon as that
22:43 thought, those words actually I'm praying out
22:46 loud came out in my mind, it was like one of
22:50 those aha movements. It's what the teenagers say.
22:52 You know how they say well duh! Of course it
22:56 would have to be God. It's not up us it's up to God.
23:00 We surrendered to God. So, the next morning,
23:03 I said Lord okay I will get up and I'll pray an hour
23:05 tomorrow. If it's gonna have to be you.
23:07 You're gonna have to work through me.
23:10 And I got up the next morning, I'm an early riser.
23:13 Oh, I decided well I'll breakfast so that I won't
23:16 have a growling stomach and be distracted while
23:18 I'm praying then oh well, I'll clean up the dishes
23:21 'cause I hate a mess and oh, I'll go ahead and take
23:23 my shower so that I'll really be awake to pray.
23:26 And it was nearly 8'o clock by the time I sat
23:29 down to pray. And then I thought Lord what do I do.
23:32 Well the Lord impressed upon me to journal my prayers.
23:37 And I thought well I've never done that.
23:39 You know just to write out like you're writing a
23:40 love letter to the Lord. And I thought okay,
23:43 so I grabbed my Bible, I grabbed a pad then
23:45 I thought Lord if I'm writing when I write fast
23:49 I can't read my own writing. So, times I'll write grocery
23:52 notes and then you know you look at them and you
23:53 think you get to the grocery store and think
23:55 what on earth was I wanting. And so I said Lord do you
24:00 mind I can type really fast. I type over 100 words
24:03 a minute. Is it okay if I do this at my computer.
24:05 Than I can read the prayers. What do you think the
24:07 Lord said. No Shelley, you can't type, you can't
24:09 pray to me on a computer. God doesn't care how
24:12 we're praying as long as we are praying, right.
24:15 So, I went to the computer now it is 8 O'clock.
24:18 And I decided I covered up the clock, covered up
24:20 the little clock on the computer, 'cause I didn't
24:22 want be aware of the time. And I sat there and I said
24:25 Lord teach me how to pray? And first of all
24:28 I want to say, what I'm going to share with you
24:30 today is a two hour teaching and I've got
24:32 about 30 minutes. So, we are going to get, I'm just
24:36 gonna give you the outline of this because the outline
24:38 will suffice, I don't believe in formula
24:41 prayers, but there are components to prayer,
24:43 would you agree, and I'm just gonna share six
24:46 components that the Lord gave to me.
24:48 And the interesting thing is, is that as I was doing
24:52 this the Lord taught me how to press into his presence.
24:56 And as I was doing this being the type of person
25:00 that I'm when the Lord impressed me to pray at a
25:03 certain way of certain component.
25:04 I labeled it and the label I'm gonna go ahead and
25:08 share with you it came out and it was P or praise
25:13 and in the next section was Repentance.
25:16 The next section was affirmation.
25:19 The following section was Intersession and then
25:23 supplication and then exalting the Lord.
25:28 I'm gonna hold off and not tell you how yet but,
25:32 all of the sudden after about two weeks of this
25:34 I looked and I realized. Praise, repentance,
25:37 affirmation, intersession, supplication and the E for
25:41 exalting. PRAISE, what does that spell praise,
25:45 so I called it the Praise prayer. And I do wanna
25:49 say that for me journaling really
25:52 increased the intimacy. I found that as I wrote to
25:58 the Lord, usually when I'm praying and I try to
26:00 pray for more than 15 minutes here is how it goes.
26:03 You're on your knees and you praying and I'm just
26:05 praying along and thinking, oh, I forgot to
26:07 pick up the cleaning. Praying along and
26:09 thinking, oh, I've got to do such and such tomorrow.
26:13 Anybody identify with that am I the only one that
26:15 this happens to. You know what when you're
26:18 journaling your prayers, it keeps you so focused and
26:22 it increases the intimacy. Now you don't have to
26:26 journal to add these components to your
26:29 prayer 'cause you're gonna see these are
26:30 components a lot of us have. But, because I know
26:34 if I told J.D. Quinn that he had to journal his
26:36 prayers he would never pray again and this isn't
26:39 the only way that I pray. But, I also want to say that
26:43 one time I was sharing from Matthew 26 and
26:46 verse 40. When Jesus told his sleeping disciples in
26:50 Gethsemane he said what, could you not tarry with
26:53 me an hour? And I was sharing on the air about
26:56 praying for an hour every morning actually I did
26:59 this every morning for eight years.
27:02 And as I shared that somebody then later
27:06 either wrote or called Molly and they said that
27:09 Shelley Quinn, she is just trying to
27:10 make us feel guilty. Saying that she prays for
27:13 an hour everyday. But, you know what
27:16 unfortunately Shelley Quinn hasn't been praying
27:19 for an hour everyday. Not likely I got so busy,
27:24 I quit doing it, prayed all through the day, not
27:27 saying that I wasn't praying constantly,
27:30 but the intimacy of my relationship changed.
27:34 When I quit this, and I started it back up a few
27:39 weeks ago and I can really sense the increased
27:43 intimacy with God. There is no commandment that
27:46 says you have to pray for an hour every day, but if
27:49 you want a more intimate relationship with the Lord.
27:52 I suggest you try this, so here I'm sitting at my
27:55 computer and I said Lord, how do
27:58 you I pray for an hour. And the first thing that he
28:02 brought to me was Psalms 100 verse 4 through 5
28:06 that says, enter into his gates with thanksgiving
28:11 and into his courts with praise; be thankful to him
28:16 and bless his name for the Lord is good, his mercy is
28:20 everlasting and he is truth endures for all
28:23 generations. In the sanctuary they entered
28:27 into the courts with praise and as we are
28:30 approaching our heavenly Father in
28:33 the heavenly sanctuary. We should enter his
28:36 courts with praise. And you know, do you think
28:40 I mean God actually commands us to praise him.
28:43 He says that we were created to declare his praises.
28:46 In Hebrews 13:15, it says let us continually offer up
28:50 the sacrifice of praise to God. The fruit of our lips
28:54 that is our thanks giving thanks to his name.
28:57 But, why does God want us to praise him, does
29:00 praise change God, who does praise
29:04 change, it changes us. And when we are coming
29:09 before the Lord, maybe our soul is downcast like
29:14 David was. In Psalm 42 and 11 and he says why
29:19 are you cast down, O my soul? Why are you
29:23 disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall
29:27 yet praise him. The help of my countenance and my God.
29:34 When we start praising the Lord, we will find that
29:38 no matter what's going on in our life our
29:41 circumstances look different. In Psalm 103 verses 1
29:45 through 5 he writes - Bless the Lord, with all my soul;
29:50 all that is in within me. Bless his holy name.
29:54 Bless the Lord, with all my soul, and forget not
29:57 all of his benefits. Don't we do that, don't we
30:01 forget God's benefits. He says who forgives all of
30:06 your iniquities, who heals all of your diseases, who
30:09 redeems your life from the destruction,
30:11 who crowns you with loving kindness and
30:14 tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with
30:19 good things so that your youth is
30:22 renewed like the eagles. My favorite is Psalm 63
30:28 when David says Oh, my God my soul thirsts for
30:32 you in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
30:38 He says early in the morning will I come to
30:41 you because your love is better than life he says
30:46 I've seen you in the sanctuary
30:49 and Lord I need you. So I believe God wants us
30:52 to start off the morning with praise. I think as we
30:56 enter before him. Enter into his gates praising
30:59 him, it gives you an attitude that's gonna be
31:03 different the whole day long and God inhabits the
31:06 praises of his people. Does he not? Psalm 22:3
31:10 says that but that's what it says in the King James,
31:13 in the New King James it says he is enthroned on
31:17 your praises. C.A. teases me sometimes because
31:21 something good will happen. And I say praise the Lord,
31:25 and he says you are always saying praise God.
31:28 Well, I used to have a neighbor that's what she
31:30 would say and I thought that woman is nuts.
31:33 I really did I thought she was a religious fanatic
31:35 because she went around all the time saying praise
31:37 the Lord, but it's getting to me to be with me that
31:41 when I hear a good report I know
31:45 who should be praised. And I know that the glory
31:50 is due his name, so that's what you'll usually here
31:53 me say is praise the Lord or glory to God.
31:57 Praise magnifies in our own mind. The authority
32:01 that God has in our life and his power, his power
32:06 to be the master of our destiny. Listen to this,
32:10 I love this, First Chronicles 29:10-13,
32:14 therefore David blessed the Lord before all of the
32:17 assembly, and David said blessed are you Lord,
32:21 God our Father forever and ever. Yours, O Lord,
32:26 is the greatness the power and the glory, the victory
32:31 and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and earth
32:34 is yours; yours is the kingdom, O Lord,
32:36 you're exalted as head over all. Both riches and
32:41 honor come from you, and you reign over all;
32:45 in your hand is power and might; and in your hand it
32:49 is to make great, and to give strength to all.
32:53 Now therefore, our God, we thank you, and praise
32:57 your glorious name. I'm gonna take one minute on
33:00 praise because I wanted to share something.
33:03 The first few weeks I was doing as I thought,
33:05 O Lord I'm so limited in my ability to praise you.
33:10 I read back through my prayer journal and I
33:12 thought it's like I'm saying the same thing everyday.
33:16 Little bit differently maybe, but I thought
33:18 Lord teach me how to praise. And God impressed me to
33:21 go the Psalms and what I would do is I take a
33:24 Psalm sometimes two or three, I would go through
33:27 and I would find something special in that
33:29 Psalm. That really spoke to me. And I would
33:31 rewrite the Psalms in my own words and let it be
33:36 my praise to the Lord. You know the Psalms are
33:39 really David's prayer journal. Aren't they?
33:42 And they were later set to music it was him praying
33:45 and let me read this one to you, I just give you an
33:47 example, I brought this out of my prayer journal
33:50 it says I'll read the Psalm then I read what I've said.
33:53 Psalm 1 if you want to follow along, this is the
33:57 Psalm, First Psalm, verse 1 Blessed is the man who
34:01 walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands
34:04 in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat
34:07 of the scornful. But, his delight is in the law of the
34:10 Lord; and in his law he meditates day and night.
34:13 And here is what I wrote in my prayer journal.
34:16 Oh, Father of God I thank you for Godly council.
34:19 I thanking you, I thank you for blessing me,
34:22 as I follow your council. I thank that you are making
34:25 your law of love my delight. Give me an unquenchable
34:30 desire for your word my Lord. Cause me to mediate on it
34:34 day and night for your word is inexhaustible.
34:38 Thank you Lord for making it my habit to live
34:41 in your word. Psalm 1:3 says He shall be like a
34:45 tree planted by the rivers of water, and I said Father
34:49 God I praise you for planting me by your grace,
34:53 I'm stead fast, precious Lord I praise you and
34:57 thank you for your rivers of water I'm spiritually
35:00 refreshed by your living water. The Psalms goes
35:04 and says that brings forth fruit in it season;
35:07 and I said Lord I thank you righteous Father that,
35:10 you caused me to bare fruit in your timing.
35:14 Oh, Lord cause me to remember that by your
35:16 word and by your spirit you are doing a work in
35:19 my heart that you have promise to complete.
35:22 The Psalms goes on it says whose leaf also shall
35:25 not wither; and I said most gracious Lord
35:27 I thank you that my vitality and courage shall
35:30 not fade. And then the Psalms says whatever he
35:33 does shall prosper. And I wrote how I praise you,
35:37 for your plan for my life, in you and by your grace
35:41 my purpose is ever blooming and growing.
35:44 Glory to your Holy name. Isn't that beautiful.
35:47 Amen! And you know what, it's not me,
35:50 it's because I was pressing into the presence
35:52 of the Lord and he was giving,
35:54 my sister is doing this. And I will tell you
35:57 she is not a poetic person anymore than
35:59 I'm a poetic person. But, what she writes is so
36:03 inspired, it's gorgeous. Okay so let's look at
36:07 repentance, we got the praise, repentance.
36:10 What does it mean to repent, come on what
36:12 does it mean to repent? It means about faith.
36:16 Change your mind, think differently,
36:18 change your conduct. The Bible tells us that
36:23 sin hinders prayer. And if you think about as you
36:27 went into the court room at the tabernacle.
36:30 What you entered into the courts what was one of
36:34 the first things you saw right there
36:35 in the outer court. You saw the altar of sacrifice.
36:40 So, we need to come and make this repentance
36:42 while we're still in the outer courts so that we
36:44 can come and present to the presence of the Lord.
36:48 And the Bible tells us in Psalm 22, 3 and 4, who
36:51 may ascend the hill of the Lord or who may stand in
36:55 his Holy place. Only he who has what?
36:58 Clean hands and what? A pure heart.
37:03 David said in Psalm 66 verses 16 to 20,
37:06 if I cherished sin in my heart the Lord would not
37:09 have listened. If we are cherishing sin in our heart
37:13 we can't go before Holy God and expect him to
37:17 answer our prayer. It's when we come before
37:19 him in the attitude that we need to confess our sin,
37:23 that we need to repent. David goes on says God
37:27 has surely listened and heard my voice and
37:30 prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my
37:33 prayer or withheld his love from me.
37:36 In Psalm 32 he said when I kept silence my bones
37:40 were wasting away, but then he acknowledged
37:43 God, he acknowledged his iniquity before God
37:47 and then God, when he confessed his
37:50 transgressions to the Lord. He was new, he was forgiven.
37:55 And then he ends up in Psalm 32:6 saying for this
37:58 forgiveness let everyone who is Godly pray.
38:02 Pray to you in a time when you maybe found.
38:07 That's what we need to do. Now there is one part
38:11 that I want to talk to you about confession,
38:13 repentance all of this forgiveness.
38:17 It's something that we don't always think about,
38:19 but in Mark 11, 25 and 26 these are words that aren't
38:23 read in your Bible. These are Jesus' words.
38:27 And here is what he said, whenever you stand
38:29 praying, if you have anything against anyone,
38:31 what are we supposed to do, forgive him, that your
38:35 Father in heaven, now let's look at this Jesus
38:38 says forgive him that your Father in heaven may also
38:43 forgive you your trespasses. And then he says in verse
38:47 26, if you do not forgive what's gonna happen,
38:52 neither will your Father in heaven forgive
38:55 your trespasses. Wow! How many times have we
38:59 gone before the Lord after we have been grumbling
39:02 and murmuring and complaining about
39:04 somebody the day before or maybe earlier in the
39:06 day and we are holding something in our heart,
39:09 that we're not forgiving him for.
39:12 You know in Colossians 3:13 it says that we must
39:16 bear with one another, and forgive one another
39:19 and that if we have a complaint to against
39:20 anyone else that we've got to forgive him even as
39:24 Christ forgave us. And the way Paul says is
39:28 even as Christ forgave us you must also do.
39:32 Let me share a quick story, J. D. and I before
39:36 we married we were in business in international
39:39 finance. We had a partner and it's a long story, but
39:43 the short, short end of it is this. We got the short end.
39:47 We ended up $250,000 in debt because of something
39:50 this partner did. And he was an international
39:53 figure and it's a long story, but I was the one
39:58 who uncovered his little scheme. I was in, I have
40:02 been in London, I have been in Geneva, I have
40:05 been all over and I was sitting in Luxembourg at
40:08 this time, when I get the notification. That he has
40:12 put a hit contract out on my life. I'm in Luxembourg,
40:18 they don't speak English in Luxembourg.
40:19 They speak German in the, I mean yeah German,
40:22 French. They speak German and French.
40:24 That's what they speak, I speak just a little bit of
40:27 German and little bit of French. So, you know
40:29 I was kind of like a schizophrenic as I was
40:31 trying to carry on a conversation with people,
40:33 but I was there visiting a man who was an
40:35 Egyptian who spoke English and I asked him
40:38 the does he really have that ability, he said well
40:40 of course he does. Well now, I have to go back to
40:43 London, I'm looking over my shoulder for the next
40:45 eight weeks while I'm out of the country.
40:47 I had never hated anybody in my life
40:50 up until this point. And I hated this man;
40:52 he put us $250,000 in debt and he is threatening
40:55 to kill me. Hated him, I went home, I'm back in
40:58 United States and I am praying and as I am
41:01 praying and asking God to forgive me of my sins
41:04 I kept hearing him say you must forgive him.
41:07 I don't want to forgive him Father. I don't know
41:10 how to forgive him. And so the Lord would say
41:14 you must forgive him if you want me to forgive
41:16 you and I said Lord I don't want to forgive him.
41:19 And finally God just came kept after me day
41:21 after day until the point that one day he impressed
41:25 upon me I'm saying Lord how do I forgive?
41:27 He said pray for his salvation and I said
41:29 I don't want him to be saved, let him rot in hell.
41:33 And I meant it, I didn't want this man to be saved
41:37 and there is no use. I mean I could sit there and
41:39 say well okay God but God knows my heart
41:41 doesn't he. He knows our hearts, so I just talked to
41:44 him like I talk to you with a little more respect
41:46 maybe. But, and I am saying Lord I don't want
41:50 him to be saved. So, the Lord had me start praying
41:55 for his salvation. Here is an illustration that God
41:58 showed me and I want to share it with you because
42:00 its so powerful when, I think some of you are
42:04 here from Colorado. Sheryl in Colorado, there
42:07 is mountain streams coming down, lets say
42:10 that there is a little stream about this wide and its
42:13 coming down from the mountain and I take a
42:15 wire and I anchor the wire right here on this
42:19 side of the stream and I anchored the wire on the
42:21 other side of the stream somebody doesn't know
42:23 the help message. They're upstream, they've been
42:25 eating at McDonald's and they throw the wrappers
42:28 into the stream. Here they come floating down what
42:31 are they gonna do when they get to this wire.
42:33 They catch on it pretty soon somebody else
42:35 throws more trash it comes floating down the
42:37 stream. What does it do? Catch on this wire and
42:41 after a while bit by bit a piece of trash at a time
42:45 and another piece of trash begin to build up just like
42:48 a beaver would build a dam step by step, trash by
42:53 trash, pretty soon that stream is blocked off.
42:57 That wire represents unforgiveness in your heart.
43:01 When we have unforgiveness in our heart the trash
43:05 of the world comes and begins to collect around
43:09 that and pretty soon bitterness, resentment are
43:14 building up in our heart and what happens the
43:17 flow of the living water cannot get through.
43:20 The Holy Spirit can't break through.
43:23 We've got to go before the Lord and say Father
43:25 help me to forgive. Repentance is a gift from
43:30 God, when I confess my sins we know he says in
43:35 First John 1:9 if you confess your sins he
43:38 what, faithful and just to forgive your sins and
43:42 what else does he do. Cleanes us from all
43:45 unrighteousness but he tells us in Acts 5:31 that
43:49 Jesus has been exalted to the right hand of the
43:51 throne of the Father to be Prince and savior,
43:54 to grant forgiveness, to give forgiveness of sins.
43:59 So, repentance is really a gift, Godly sorrow leads
44:04 to repentance that leads to salvation, right.
44:09 Worldly sorrow leads to death. So, what we need to do
44:14 is recognize the long suffering of God as
44:18 Romans 2:4 says that the goodness of God leads us
44:22 to repentance. When you confess your sins, ask
44:25 him to grant you repentance. Say Lord I know I am
44:28 sinning but I feel powerless to turn away
44:31 from this. I know I've been gossiping, oh I
44:35 shouldn't be. But, Lord and you know I used that
44:38 all the time because I don't care how holy you are.
44:40 I know what gossips you are. I have heard you.
44:44 We don't, we isn't that a human thing that we like
44:47 to talk about other people. It's a sad situation but
44:51 it's the truth. We all talk about other people.
44:55 And so that's a good one, do you say Lord I know
44:59 I am not supposed to gossip. I am not supposed to even
45:02 to listen to gossip. Help me Lord not to find it too
45:05 liking, help me to turn away from that and grant
45:10 me repentance Lord God. Now let's look at affirmations.
45:17 Affirmations and by the way if you want to learn
45:20 how to really repent go to Psalm 51.
45:24 Psalm 51 is David's repentance after Nathan
45:29 had to come to him and said you're the man.
45:33 You're the one who is guilty of stealing this one
45:37 little lamb from this man that that's all he had.
45:40 We know that little lamb was Bathsheba.
45:42 But, David said in that Psalm he said that O Lord
45:46 purge me with hyssop. Clean me and I shall be
45:50 clean. Did you know there was no hyssop in
45:52 Jerusalem which is where he was when he was
45:54 praying that. But, what did the hyssop represent.
45:58 He is looking back to the time of the Passover.
46:01 When the hyssop was dipped into the blood of lamb.
46:06 So, the way I pray that is O Lord, wash me in the
46:09 blood of Jesus. Wash me thoroughly and repeatedly
46:13 Lord. Restore to me the joy of my salvation.
46:17 Affirmations that was where the Lord led me
46:19 next because praise, repentance, affirmation,
46:22 that's just taking the promises of God and
46:25 what does Second Corinthians 1:20 say how
46:27 many of his promises are ours in Christ, all of his
46:32 promises. So, now, when you think of what
46:36 Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the assurance of things
46:41 hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
46:44 In the Greek it's the title deed. When we stake our
46:48 deed, you know we're putting stake on those
46:50 promises and saying yes Lord, I believe all of your
46:53 promises are mine and now I am going to make
46:56 an affirmation of that. Its like during your prayer
47:00 time have your Bible open if you want to start.
47:03 Look at Ephesians chapter 1, I mean start in
47:05 Ephesians look at all of the promises of who God
47:08 says you are in Christ. And pray them back to
47:12 the Lord. First of all Isaiah 55:11 says
47:16 God says my word will not return word but will
47:19 accomplish every purpose for which I sent it.
47:22 And he says in Jeremiah 1:12, I am watching over
47:25 my word to perform it. So, now one thing that
47:30 helped me a whole lot was Romans 4:17 'cause
47:33 as God first started having me take these
47:36 affirmations, his promises and praying them back,
47:39 confessing him over my life, I found that who
47:43 I knew some of the things that I was saying God's
47:46 promises of who I was in Christ I knew I am
47:49 claiming this and I am thinking, boy Lord,
47:50 it's not true in my life yet. But, Romans 4:17 says
47:54 that God is a God who gives life to the dead and
47:57 calls things that are not as though they already were.
48:02 He knows the end from the beginning; he says
48:04 you are predestined to be conformed to the image
48:07 of Jesus. So you take these promises from God
48:10 and an affirmation goes just beyond claiming it,
48:14 its declaring as you confess it over your life
48:17 you declare that you agree with God.
48:20 And what it does is it confirms the authority
48:23 of his word. The authority of God in your life and it
48:27 causes his way of thinking to become your
48:31 way of thinking. One of my favorite scriptures
48:35 about the word and power of the word is Hebrews
48:38 1:3. And in Hebrews 1:3 it talks about Jesus being
48:43 the exact representation of the Lord God.
48:47 And then it goes on and it says that he upholds all
48:52 things by his mighty word of power.
48:56 The reason some of us are so powerless is because
48:59 we are not letting the Lord uphold us by his word.
49:01 But, I know when I, any time I quit doing
49:05 affirmations if I let life get too busy to dedicate
49:09 time to do this, it's like somebody unplug me
49:11 from my power source. And as soon as I start
49:14 doing this again its like they plug me back in,
49:17 but here's one of the best promises and it comes
49:19 from Second Peter 1:3-4 it says, now listen
49:24 because this is God talking to you, his divine
49:27 power has given to us all things, all things that
49:34 pertain to life in Godliness through the
49:36 knowledge of him who called us by his glory and
49:40 virtue, by which, by his glory and virtue have
49:45 been given to us exceedingly great and
49:49 precious promises so that through these, through
49:53 what through these promises you may
49:57 become partakers of the divine nature having
50:01 escaped the corruption that is in the world
50:04 through lust. You have to partake of his promises to
50:09 partake of his nature and you know the way I say
50:12 it is this. The Bible tells us that we are new,
50:16 we are in Christ we're new creations right,
50:18 Second Corinthians 5:17. We have a new identity in
50:23 Christ Jesus but some of us don't know what that
50:27 identity is? We have an identity crisis, that's not
50:31 psycho babble its truth. We just don't know who
50:35 we are in Christ, we don't spend enough time in the
50:37 word applying the promises I mean we read
50:41 the word we agree in our minds, but we don't really
50:45 get it into our heart but boy when you start
50:47 making this part of your prayer time confessing
50:50 them over your life, praying them back to God
50:53 you will find that you believe. Intersession, huh,
50:58 I did a whole hour seminar in intersession,
51:00 just yesterday so I don't think I need to spend a lot
51:03 of time but for those of you who maybe watching
51:05 by television who didn't get to see that, let me
51:08 share three scriptures that are very critical to know
51:11 why it's important to intercede. Ezekiel 22:30,
51:15 God says I saw for a man among them who would
51:17 make a wall and stand in the gap before me on
51:20 behalf of the lamb that I should not destroy it,
51:23 but I found no one and it goes on to say therefore
51:27 he poured out his wrath. God wants men to stand
51:31 in the gap, you were created in the image of
51:33 God and you are to be co-intercessors with Christ.
51:37 First Samuel 12:23 Samuel says, O Lord far be it for
51:41 me that I should sin in ceasing to pray for you:
51:48 for my brothers, but here is the one that gets me the
51:51 most. And I am going rapidly through this one
51:54 because you can, if you didn't see the other one
51:56 you can go back and get that tape.
51:58 But, Isaiah 59:16 listen to this, he is speaking of
52:03 God, saw that there was no man and wondered,
52:08 wondered that there was no intercessor: why did
52:13 God wonder, why was he in such amazement that
52:17 there was no one to intercede on behalf of the
52:20 others, two reasons. He wondered that no one had
52:25 enough faith in him to believe that he was
52:27 powerful enough to deliver and he wondered
52:31 that no man loved the people enough to intercede.
52:33 See God wants us all to be intercessory
52:38 prayer warriors. And it's the highest calling to ministry
52:42 that there is, because Hebrews 7:25 says it is
52:45 the ministry of our risen and exalted savior.
52:49 It talks about Jesus being at the right hand of the
52:51 throne of the Father, who is able to save to the
52:54 outermost because be always lives to make
52:57 intercession for us. One thing the Lord did with
53:00 me is I was doing intercession was that he
53:05 had me interceding for the whole world first and
53:09 then I come down to the Christians then my
53:13 church, I mean in general, then my own
53:16 congregation, then my own family and I finally
53:18 ended up with J. D. and I thought this is interesting
53:20 Lord, why do you want me to do it this way.
53:22 I think it because it becomes increasingly
53:25 more intimate and he was preparing me so that I can
53:27 go on to supplication. So, let me tell you about
53:30 supplication. The Bible says in Hebrews 5:7, that
53:35 supplication is the area in which as I come to it I am
53:38 praying for myself now I'm making serious
53:42 supplication as Jesus did in the garden.
53:44 Hebrews 5:7 says in the days of his flesh he
53:47 offered a definite special petitions and
53:50 supplications was strong crying in tears to him
53:54 who was able to save him and he was heard because
53:58 of his reverence towards God. His Godly fear, his piety.
54:03 King Solomon in First Kings 8:59, as he was
54:07 praying he prayed he says I made supplication
54:11 before the Lord be near the Lord our God day and
54:15 night that he may maintain the cause of his
54:17 servant, and the cause of his people as each day
54:21 may require. Each day when I come in I pray
54:27 Philippians 4:6 and 7 says be anxious for nothing
54:30 but by prayer and supplication you know
54:33 we should lift everything before the Lord.
54:35 And what I believe is that the good steps or the
54:38 steps of the good man are ordered by God, so as I
54:41 come in to supplication what I am doing is I'm
54:44 now praying say O Lord I need you, I need your
54:48 Holy Spirit. O Lord help me to surrender to you,
54:52 help me to pick up my cross and die to self,
54:54 put to death the misdeeds of my flesh by the power
54:57 of your Holy Spirit and I just pour out my heart
55:00 Lord give me divine appointments today,
55:02 Lord be with me this is what I need to do today
55:06 and I just pour out my heart before the Lord.
55:09 Now the E, praise, repentance, affirmation,
55:13 intercession, supplication, exalting the Lord through
55:18 listening. The first day as I was praying in this way
55:23 I had sat down about 8 O' clock opened up a file on
55:25 my computer, I am journaling my prayer,
55:27 you don't have to. But, I am journaling my prayer
55:31 and I thought well, surely at least 40 minutes its
55:35 passed by now so I peaked at the clock that
55:37 I'd covered up. It was 10:15. I prayed for
55:42 2 hours and 15 minutes and I thought Lord that's
55:46 the most amazing thing that's ever happened.
55:48 Because I was pressing into the presence of the
55:51 Lord I just lost myself in prayer and then I was
55:58 getting ready to type in Jesus name. Amen.
55:59 When all of a sudden you know what I heard,
56:02 be still and know that I am God. That's that
56:06 still small voice so the Lord First Kings 19:12
56:10 and I believe the still small voice of the Lord
56:12 and any time it talks about the audible voice of
56:15 the Lord in the Bible. It talks about that it's like
56:19 the sound of many rushing rivers. I mean on
56:22 Mt. Sinai when they heard the audible voice of
56:25 the Lord coming from Mt. Sinai, what did the
56:27 people do, they quaked in fear but that still small
56:32 voice of the Lord I believe is when God uses
56:34 his Holy Spirit to impress his thoughts up on us.
56:37 And so I am really seriously taking what
56:41 God said about be still and know that I am Lord.
56:47 That's Psalm 46 verse 10 and I am, I have been
56:51 seeking his face and now he is breaking through.
56:56 Have you ever noticed in David's Psalms that
57:00 David is praying long and suddenly there would be a
57:02 word from the Lord? I only got a minute, here is
57:06 what the Lord said to me. When he started speaking
57:10 to me I was so nervous its just me or is it you,
57:13 but I knew he was calling me to full time ministry
57:16 and over a period of months I became
57:18 convinced he was calling me to full time ministry.
57:20 And when we received the call to full time
57:23 ministry, accepted it. The next day as I was praying
57:26 you know want the Lord said to me after I finished
57:28 my prayer always before you have put your hand to
57:32 the plough and you've turned back but not this
57:35 time, for I will cup my hand over yours.
57:39 That's all he said but those, that one little bit as
57:43 he taught me to sit and listen, he said my sheep
57:46 will know my voice. I am not special, God wants to
57:50 talk to all of us children. Can you imagine a loving
57:53 Father who wouldn't talk his children? So, if you
57:57 feel uncomfortable about that just make that part
58:00 more time he speaks to us number one from this word
58:03 and nothing it says will ever
58:04 not line up and agree with that.


Revised 2014-12-17