Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting, 00:00:24.56\00:00:27.60 Homecoming 2009. Featuring inspired messages 00:00:27.60\00:00:33.80 from your 3ABN Family. 00:00:33.80\00:00:35.46 Along with uplifting Christian music all to prepare 00:00:39.33\00:00:42.50 your heart for the coming of the Lord. 00:00:42.50\00:00:44.73 Its my privilege now to introduce my sister Tammy 00:00:45.83\00:00:48.60 and she is going to be singing a beautiful song. 00:01:03.03\00:01:04.03 "More than wonderful," right? 00:01:04.03\00:01:05.00 Okay, thank you Tammy. 00:01:05.00\00:01:06.00 You look pretty this morning. 00:01:06.00\00:01:06.96 Thank you. How am I doing? 00:01:06.96\00:01:07.93 Real good. Pretty good as a brother. Alright. 00:01:07.93\00:01:08.93 Can you think of anything else you want to say? 00:01:08.93\00:01:09.90 Well, that's enough right now. 00:01:09.90\00:01:10.90 Well, I got him going, let's just you know.. 00:01:10.90\00:01:11.86 That's, that's enough for now but I do 00:01:11.86\00:01:12.83 appreciate you and appreciate Bruce 00:01:12.83\00:01:13.83 and your dedication to this ministry and 00:01:13.83\00:01:14.80 most of all your dedication to the Lord. 00:01:14.80\00:01:15.80 Thank you, I appreciate you and love you too. 00:01:15.80\00:01:16.76 He promised us that He would be a counselor 00:01:31.73\00:01:37.26 A Mighty God and the Prince of Peace 00:01:38.30\00:01:44.96 He promised us that He would be a Father 00:01:45.96\00:01:51.46 And love us with a love that would not cease. 00:01:53.03\00:01:59.20 I tried Him and I found His promises are true 00:02:00.33\00:02:06.43 He is everything He said that He would be. 00:02:07.10\00:02:13.16 The finest words I know could not begin to tell 00:02:14.80\00:02:21.43 Just what Jesus really means to me. 00:02:21.43\00:02:28.70 For He's more wonderful than my mind can conceive 00:02:30.83\00:02:41.43 He's more wonderful than my heart can believe 00:02:41.43\00:02:48.03 He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams. 00:02:48.03\00:03:01.00 He's everything that my soul ever longed for 00:03:01.23\00:03:10.06 He is Everything He's promised and so much more 00:03:10.06\00:03:16.63 He is more than amazing, more than marvelous, 00:03:16.63\00:03:23.23 more than miraculous could ever be 00:03:23.63\00:03:29.80 He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me. 00:03:30.00\00:03:41.93 I stand amazed when I think the King of glory 00:03:46.03\00:03:51.73 would come to live within the heart of man. 00:03:52.40\00:03:58.80 And I marvel just to know He really loves me 00:04:00.06\00:04:06.80 When I think of who He is, and who I am. 00:04:07.20\00:04:15.16 For He is more wonderful than my mind can conceive 00:04:16.50\00:04:26.93 He's more wonderful than my heart can believe 00:04:26.93\00:04:33.83 He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams. 00:04:33.83\00:04:46.96 He's everything that my soul ever longed for 00:04:47.26\00:04:55.76 He is everything He's promised and so much more 00:04:55.76\00:05:02.10 He is more than amazing, more than marvelous, 00:05:02.10\00:05:09.00 More than miraculous could ever be 00:05:09.63\00:05:15.10 He is more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me. 00:05:15.86\00:05:28.90 He's everything that my soul ever longed for 00:05:29.96\00:05:38.90 He is everything He's promised and so much more 00:05:38.90\00:05:45.16 He is More than amazing, more than marvelous, 00:05:45.16\00:05:51.70 More than miraculous could ever be 00:05:52.33\00:05:58.83 He's more than wonderful, more than wonderful, 00:05:58.83\00:06:06.80 that's what Jesus is to me, to me. 00:06:06.80\00:06:28.93 Amen, thank you Tammy. 00:06:34.60\00:06:36.10 I would like to introduce our speaker, 00:06:37.76\00:06:39.73 which though you don't know him most of you do, 00:06:39.73\00:06:41.80 maybe some of our viewing audience 00:06:41.80\00:06:44.03 are not familiar with Elder Jim Gilley. 00:06:44.03\00:06:46.20 And I just want to say that I love Jim and Camilla 00:06:46.43\00:06:49.70 and their family and what a blessing 00:06:49.70\00:06:51.26 they have been and if you appreciate them 00:06:51.26\00:06:54.96 I would like to hear a hearty Amen 00:06:54.96\00:06:56.70 for them right now. Amen! 00:06:56.70\00:06:58.96 And they have been in ministry for many many years. 00:06:58.96\00:07:03.70 I won't spend a lot of time on the background 00:07:03.70\00:07:06.06 but Jim's heart and his love 00:07:06.06\00:07:07.53 and Camilla's for evangelism is for the saving of souls. 00:07:07.76\00:07:11.83 They have also, he spent many years in business. 00:07:12.63\00:07:14.80 He is a great administrator 00:07:14.80\00:07:16.16 and I just praise the Lord that God 00:07:16.53\00:07:18.43 has brought him here on his timing. 00:07:18.43\00:07:21.06 He has asked me to sing a song this morning 00:07:21.60\00:07:23.73 and the song that I will attempt to do with God's 00:07:24.36\00:07:26.60 help is one that always brings back and moves me 00:07:26.60\00:07:30.13 with compassion because when the Lord 00:07:30.13\00:07:32.43 impressed in 1984 to build a station 00:07:32.43\00:07:35.26 that would reach the world 00:07:35.26\00:07:36.43 with an undiluted three angels messages. 00:07:37.00\00:07:38.96 One that would counteract the counterfeit. 00:07:38.96\00:07:41.50 We used to go out, we just had a shell of 00:07:43.06\00:07:45.30 a building put up and we would go out 00:07:45.30\00:07:48.90 every Sabbath by faith we didn't have money 00:07:48.90\00:07:50.96 coming in that we knew of, never knew for sure. 00:07:50.96\00:07:54.30 We by faith said the Lord is going to turn this 00:07:54.70\00:07:57.10 building into something that's winning souls for him. 00:07:57.10\00:08:02.00 So we would go out and just be concrete 00:08:02.00\00:08:04.76 and rough shell, you could still see the 00:08:04.76\00:08:06.63 2X4s on the inside and look up and see the roof. 00:08:06.63\00:08:10.40 But we would go out every Sabbath when we were home 00:08:10.40\00:08:12.63 hold hands with a group of family 00:08:13.30\00:08:15.03 and people from local church 00:08:15.03\00:08:16.76 and area and once in while visitors coming by 00:08:16.76\00:08:18.90 and we would sing this song "holy ground." 00:08:19.93\00:08:22.80 I feel like today 3ABN is still holy ground. 00:08:23.26\00:08:26.76 As I walked through the door I sensed his presence 00:08:53.60\00:08:54.60 And I knew this was the place where love abounds 00:08:54.60\00:09:03.90 For this is the temple Jehovah God abides in 00:09:05.80\00:09:15.80 we are standing in your presence Lord On holy ground 00:09:16.60\00:09:26.23 We are standing on holy ground 00:09:29.86\00:09:41.73 And I know that there are angels all around 00:09:42.26\00:09:52.90 Let us praise, Let us praise our Jesus now 00:09:54.13\00:10:05.06 we are standing in his presence on holy ground. 00:10:06.43\00:10:15.70 In his presence there is joy beyond measure 00:10:28.50\00:10:36.00 And at his feet peace of mind can still be found 00:10:38.70\00:10:47.96 We need that don't we. 00:10:47.96\00:10:49.13 If you have a need, our God has the answer 00:10:50.96\00:11:01.63 Reach out and claim it for child you 00:11:02.00\00:11:07.40 are standing On holy ground 00:11:07.40\00:11:12.56 We are standing on holy ground 00:11:14.30\00:11:23.76 Thank you Jesus. 00:11:23.76\00:11:25.00 And I know, sing it with me you know it. 00:11:26.26\00:11:29.50 There are angels all around. 00:11:29.90\00:11:36.40 Let's shake the rafters. Let us praise Jesus now, 00:11:36.40\00:11:49.23 we are standing in his presence 00:11:49.80\00:11:55.66 On holy ground. 00:11:55.93\00:11:58.36 Why don't we stand on our feet and sing this. 00:11:58.63\00:12:00.80 We are standing on holy ground 00:12:01.43\00:12:11.36 And I know there are angels all around 00:12:11.36\00:12:22.20 Let us praise, let us praise Jesus now, 00:12:22.20\00:12:36.06 we are standing in his presence 00:12:37.16\00:12:42.86 we are standing in his presence 00:12:43.20\00:12:48.26 we are standing in his presence 00:12:48.73\00:12:54.60 On holy ground 00:12:57.70\00:13:02.26 How many of you feel that today you feel 00:13:03.40\00:13:05.00 the Holy Spirit here today? 00:13:05.00\00:13:06.40 God bless you can be seated. 00:13:06.93\00:13:08.66 We are standing in his presence 00:13:16.23\00:13:19.00 and this is truly holy ground. 00:13:19.86\00:13:21.73 My first time here at 3ABN I was at the worship, 00:13:23.06\00:13:28.70 where I met the staff and they sang that song 00:13:29.70\00:13:33.46 and I had some loafers on, 00:13:34.43\00:13:37.90 I usually wear loafers and I could not stay in them. 00:13:37.90\00:13:43.13 I slipped them off and stood bare footed 00:13:43.60\00:13:48.16 on holy ground and I believe that God 00:13:49.20\00:13:52.93 that has used this holy ground to reach 00:13:52.93\00:13:55.50 as many souls as he has ever reached any 00:13:56.53\00:13:59.00 other way throughout all of this world's history. 00:13:59.00\00:14:03.80 And I believe that with all of my heart. 00:14:04.06\00:14:06.26 Shall we bow our heads and pray. 00:14:06.83\00:14:08.50 Father in heaven lay some soul upon my heart 00:14:08.50\00:14:13.90 and love that soul through me. 00:14:15.56\00:14:18.06 And may we humbly do our part to win 00:14:19.80\00:14:23.10 that soul for thee. Amen. 00:14:24.40\00:14:26.83 Father we pray today that Jesus will be uplifted 00:14:27.70\00:14:31.96 in every way, in his name we ask it. Amen. 00:14:31.96\00:14:37.06 You have your Bibles, turn with me to Joshua 00:14:38.90\00:14:41.23 and you can keep your Bibles opened in Joshua, 00:14:41.23\00:14:44.00 if you have them, because we may be 00:14:44.00\00:14:46.46 looking at some other text but we will 00:14:46.46\00:14:48.90 come back from time time to the book 00:14:48.90\00:14:52.23 of Joshua, which is our main text for today. 00:14:52.23\00:14:55.10 And we are going to begin reading with verse 5, 00:14:55.63\00:14:58.30 Joshua the first chapter and verse 5. 00:14:58.30\00:15:01.26 No man shall be able to stand before 00:15:02.16\00:15:04.40 you all the days of your life. 00:15:04.40\00:15:05.90 These are the words of God Jehovah to Joshua 00:15:05.90\00:15:11.80 right after the death of Moses. 00:15:11.80\00:15:14.13 He says, as I was with Moses 00:15:14.66\00:15:16.50 so I will be with you. 00:15:16.50\00:15:18.26 I will not leave you nor forsake you. 00:15:18.50\00:15:22.23 Be strong and have good courage, 00:15:22.96\00:15:24.83 for to this people you should divide as an 00:15:24.83\00:15:27.43 inheritance the land which I swore 00:15:27.43\00:15:29.80 to the fathers to give them. 00:15:29.80\00:15:31.53 Only be strong and very courageous that you 00:15:32.13\00:15:35.16 may observe to do according to all the law 00:15:35.16\00:15:38.43 which Moses, my servant commanded you. 00:15:39.06\00:15:41.10 Do not turn from it, to the right hand 00:15:41.10\00:15:44.20 or to the left hand that you may prosper 00:15:44.20\00:15:47.23 wherever you go. 00:15:47.23\00:15:48.36 Verse 8, the book of the law shall not depart 00:15:48.93\00:15:51.66 from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day 00:15:51.66\00:15:55.43 and night that you may observe to do 00:15:55.43\00:15:58.86 according to all that is written in it. 00:15:59.46\00:16:02.43 For then you will make your way prosperous 00:16:02.80\00:16:06.90 and then you will have good success. 00:16:07.30\00:16:09.83 Have I not commanded you? 00:16:10.60\00:16:12.23 Be strong and of good courage. 00:16:12.83\00:16:15.30 Do not be afraid nor be dismayed 00:16:15.70\00:16:19.73 for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. 00:16:20.03\00:16:25.66 We had just gone to the North American division 00:16:27.56\00:16:31.16 a few months before. 00:16:31.50\00:16:32.76 I had gone there as Vice President, 00:16:43.00\00:16:44.00 Camilla and I have been serving in 00:16:44.00\00:16:44.96 Arkansas, Louisiana, we I've been 00:16:44.96\00:16:45.96 the conference President. 00:16:45.96\00:16:46.93 Been an unfortunate situation, 00:16:46.93\00:16:47.90 the condominium in which we were living 00:16:47.90\00:16:48.90 and it was, there were three town houses 00:16:48.90\00:16:51.36 that were connected together. 00:16:51.36\00:16:52.80 The man in the middle had a fire. 00:16:53.30\00:16:56.06 He burned everything in his place, 00:16:57.26\00:17:00.30 which didn't bother us too bad but then it 00:17:01.16\00:17:04.00 burned our place and our neighbor on 00:17:04.00\00:17:05.70 the other side which bothered us tremendously 00:17:05.70\00:17:08.23 and it bothered us when he lost his too, 00:17:09.16\00:17:12.80 I'm only kidding. But he did set the fire, 00:17:12.80\00:17:15.70 accidental, but he and his inebriated condition. 00:17:15.70\00:17:19.73 It would not have happened had he been sober. 00:17:21.23\00:17:23.13 Lets put it that way. 00:17:23.13\00:17:24.60 It was a horrible situation. 00:17:25.00\00:17:28.36 You know God works sometimes miracles 00:17:29.20\00:17:31.50 out of things like that. 00:17:31.50\00:17:32.50 We saw so many miracles take place. 00:17:33.16\00:17:35.36 We did by the way; we salvaged a few things. 00:17:37.53\00:17:40.20 We salvaged some clothes 00:17:40.20\00:17:42.03 and we sent them to the cleaners to get 00:17:42.03\00:17:43.56 the smoke smell out. 00:17:43.56\00:17:45.06 And then when Camilla went to pick them up, 00:17:45.80\00:17:48.90 they said well we don't do the cleaning here, 00:17:49.63\00:17:52.16 we do it over at our other plant 00:17:52.16\00:17:54.40 and they said that plant burned. 00:17:54.73\00:17:56.70 So we were not supposed to have those clothes. 00:17:59.76\00:18:01.63 I'm assured of that. 00:18:03.10\00:18:04.80 Shortly after that the North American division 00:18:06.10\00:18:08.66 called us to come and 00:18:08.66\00:18:10.33 for me to serve as Vice President. 00:18:11.26\00:18:12.93 Well, I told Elder Schneider I will be 00:18:13.83\00:18:15.40 one of the cheapest moves you've ever had because 00:18:15.40\00:18:17.96 we don't have anything to move. 00:18:18.40\00:18:19.86 I salvaged one chair, other things that we 00:18:20.70\00:18:23.80 salvaged were somewhere else usually they were 00:18:23.80\00:18:26.10 in storage or at my office. 00:18:29.16\00:18:30.13 And so we went to North America 00:18:30.13\00:18:31.10 and we immediately enjoyed working with 00:18:31.10\00:18:34.43 Pastor Don Schneider, such a tremendous man. 00:18:34.43\00:18:37.66 If you ever have the opportunity 00:18:37.66\00:18:38.63 to work with Don Schneider you do it 00:18:38.63\00:18:40.80 because he is such a wonderful Christian man. 00:18:41.00\00:18:43.56 And we were there a few months 00:18:50.76\00:18:51.73 and they told us we want you to go to Bermuda 00:18:51.73\00:18:52.73 for the weekend and we want you to conduct 00:18:52.73\00:18:54.20 the constituency meeting there. 00:18:54.66\00:18:56.86 Now I had never been to Bermuda 00:18:58.03\00:19:00.63 and they said since you have never been 00:19:00.63\00:19:02.03 we want you to go. 00:19:02.03\00:19:03.20 See they didn't tell me how hard you work 00:19:03.60\00:19:06.00 when you go out like that and I pretty well 00:19:06.56\00:19:09.40 knew it wouldn't be just real easy but 00:19:09.40\00:19:11.60 this was a real assignment. 00:19:11.90\00:19:14.16 When you got there, we got there 00:19:14.46\00:19:16.00 on Thursday evening, Thursday afternoon 00:19:16.00\00:19:18.30 and we had a few minutes to look around. 00:19:18.50\00:19:20.16 Friday, we were pretty busy and Friday night 00:19:20.16\00:19:22.60 we spoke, Sabbath morning we spoke at least once 00:19:22.60\00:19:25.66 and then Sabbath afternoon, 00:19:26.06\00:19:27.73 Sabbath evening whisper time 00:19:27.73\00:19:29.30 and then the meeting actually began that 00:19:29.30\00:19:31.66 Saturday night and for the constituency 00:19:31.66\00:19:35.76 and then all day Sunday. 00:19:35.76\00:19:37.13 By the way you know preaching is not easy, 00:19:38.16\00:19:40.26 it's hard. I heard a preacher say that's right. 00:19:41.50\00:19:44.03 Sometimes the people of congregation said 00:19:48.90\00:19:50.60 listening to us it's not easy either you know. 00:19:50.60\00:19:52.80 And particularly sometimes, 00:19:56.00\00:19:59.06 but you know I was tired when we got 00:20:00.20\00:20:03.46 through with that meeting. 00:20:03.46\00:20:04.50 I was really tired and there have been sort of 00:20:05.00\00:20:07.80 a hurricane, sort of flooding over the island 00:20:07.80\00:20:10.20 and they had canceled some flights 00:20:10.53\00:20:12.66 and they called us and they said 00:20:12.66\00:20:14.10 now we are going to be flying tomorrow 00:20:14.10\00:20:15.56 but we did cancel some flights today 00:20:15.56\00:20:17.46 and you can stay an extra day if you would like, 00:20:17.46\00:20:20.03 we really need your seat 00:20:20.03\00:20:21.26 and I looked at Camilla and she said lets go home 00:20:21.86\00:20:24.30 and I said lets go home. 00:20:25.63\00:20:27.73 I have learned to say the same thing 00:20:28.76\00:20:30.80 that my wife says. 00:20:30.80\00:20:34.76 So we got on the plane on the next morning 00:20:36.00\00:20:39.30 and we flew to the New York city 00:20:39.70\00:20:41.36 but because of the weather our plane was late 00:20:41.36\00:20:43.86 and we missed our connection 00:20:43.86\00:20:45.60 from JFK down to Baltimore. 00:20:45.86\00:20:50.30 Now that leg of the trip was on one of these 00:20:50.30\00:20:53.80 little prop planes. So it was one of those 00:20:53.80\00:20:57.76 commuter aircraft and it was not 00:20:57.76\00:21:01.60 we missed the first one, 00:21:02.43\00:21:04.00 the second one was canceled, 00:21:04.00\00:21:06.10 something happened to the third one. 00:21:06.60\00:21:08.60 And then it was almost midnight 00:21:09.30\00:21:12.10 and they said for a little while we are going 00:21:12.30\00:21:14.73 to bus you down there. 00:21:14.73\00:21:16.56 We could already made it down there twice 00:21:17.06\00:21:18.93 in buses if we had gone earlier. 00:21:18.93\00:21:20.66 But, now they said we are going to bus you, 00:21:21.33\00:21:24.40 then they said no we have another flight going. 00:21:24.40\00:21:26.73 So, we got on that plane 00:21:26.73\00:21:27.83 and went out to the runway 00:21:28.36\00:21:29.56 before we did that. I told Camilla, 00:21:29.56\00:21:31.46 I said you know our daughter Amy 00:21:31.46\00:21:33.00 lives in the East Village. 00:21:34.03\00:21:35.40 They said that we can spend the night if 00:21:35.86\00:21:38.13 we want, they will take us out first thing 00:21:38.13\00:21:40.86 in the morning and why don't we 00:21:40.86\00:21:43.30 go see Amy, be a free trip. 00:21:43.30\00:21:45.33 She said lets go home. 00:21:46.76\00:21:48.16 So we started for home, got on that last plane. 00:21:51.36\00:21:55.36 Went out to the runway sat there, 00:21:55.90\00:21:58.10 it had been storming, 00:21:58.10\00:21:59.50 raining and then it quit and it cleared up. 00:22:00.06\00:22:06.06 And all of a sudden was a beautiful clear night. 00:22:06.66\00:22:12.46 We sat on the runway for a long time 00:22:14.03\00:22:15.73 before we were cleared to take off. 00:22:15.73\00:22:18.16 By the time we took off it was after midnight, 00:22:18.73\00:22:21.46 we were already in a whole new day 00:22:22.70\00:22:24.50 and as we flew out early morning September 11th. 00:22:26.70\00:22:32.96 We flew between the Statue of Liberty 00:22:34.80\00:22:38.03 and the Twin Towers. 00:22:39.20\00:22:40.46 Camilla was kind of dozing, 00:22:42.20\00:22:44.93 she had the window seat and I was looking out 00:22:44.93\00:22:48.06 and I never really honestly liked 00:22:48.66\00:22:51.16 the Twin Towers. 00:22:51.36\00:22:52.73 I was totally loyal to the Empire State Building. 00:22:53.26\00:22:59.13 When I was growing up the Empire State Building 00:23:00.76\00:23:03.10 was the tallest building in the world 00:23:03.10\00:23:05.36 and it really it was so symmetrical. 00:23:05.60\00:23:08.53 It was right there in the middle of Manhattan 00:23:08.53\00:23:10.66 and all the other buildings kind of 00:23:10.66\00:23:12.40 look like they were bowing down to it 00:23:12.40\00:23:14.36 and then all of a sudden these two ugly modern 00:23:14.36\00:23:17.83 looking towers went up down at the end 00:23:17.83\00:23:20.50 in Manhattan and it ruined the skyline 00:23:20.50\00:23:24.10 of the New York city, I thought. 00:23:24.10\00:23:25.70 You know something. 00:23:27.73\00:23:28.73 That night I nudged her and I said look 00:23:29.70\00:23:32.33 at there those towers are beautiful, 00:23:32.33\00:23:37.20 beautiful and they glistened in the night. 00:23:38.70\00:23:44.00 And it was the last night 00:23:45.56\00:23:47.16 anyone ever saw them. 00:23:48.23\00:23:49.76 That next morning, a phone call came, 00:23:50.73\00:23:54.60 turn on the television 00:23:55.43\00:23:56.66 and we did about the time to see that second plane 00:23:57.46\00:24:02.26 hit whether it was recorded or live 00:24:02.26\00:24:04.53 I never quite understood but we saw it. 00:24:04.53\00:24:08.36 And I said to Camilla, 00:24:09.23\00:24:10.80 life will never be the same again. I promise you, 00:24:12.20\00:24:18.00 it will never be like it has been 00:24:18.60\00:24:21.33 and it has not so far has it. 00:24:22.00\00:24:24.50 When you look at all the different impacts 00:24:24.76\00:24:26.70 that this has had, the economy 00:24:26.70\00:24:28.86 and the world wide political situation 00:24:28.86\00:24:31.76 and all of the different things 00:24:31.76\00:24:33.23 that came out of 9/11. 00:24:33.23\00:24:35.73 My friend it has really been a dramatic time. 00:24:36.20\00:24:39.53 We spent a lot of time in New York, 00:24:39.53\00:24:42.60 of course immediately concerned about 00:24:42.60\00:24:44.23 our daughter who was teaching 00:24:44.23\00:24:46.13 off in the South Bronx 00:24:46.13\00:24:48.00 and there was no transportation home. 00:24:48.00\00:24:50.33 She had to walk, I think it was like 8 miles 00:24:50.33\00:24:54.90 carrying her shoes. 00:24:56.73\00:24:58.66 Because they were, had lost their comfort, 00:24:59.86\00:25:02.90 walking back, she was almost within the shadows 00:25:04.50\00:25:08.90 of those Twin Towers where she lived 00:25:08.90\00:25:10.70 in the East Village. 00:25:10.70\00:25:11.66 Inside of the line that they had drawn 00:25:12.53\00:25:15.43 that only those who lived inside could go inside, 00:25:16.03\00:25:19.46 and there she was. She was going back 00:25:20.90\00:25:24.93 because her dog was there, 00:25:25.96\00:25:27.63 her little dog was back at that apartment. 00:25:28.80\00:25:31.66 You know we were concerned, 00:25:32.86\00:25:34.80 we couldn't reach her. 00:25:35.46\00:25:36.80 Cell phone service was out and there was just 00:25:36.80\00:25:40.00 really no way to be in touch. 00:25:40.00\00:25:41.73 Concerned about not only her safety 00:25:42.83\00:25:47.30 which we always are but how is she handling this? 00:25:47.30\00:25:51.30 The concern was strong. 00:25:51.66\00:25:55.66 Then we heard about the one night 00:25:56.26\00:25:58.13 there nearest in Washington DC and 00:25:58.13\00:26:00.20 then the plane that crashed down in Pennsylvania 00:26:00.70\00:26:02.93 and we knew that we were at war, 00:26:04.20\00:26:08.06 whether we really as a nation wanted 00:26:09.23\00:26:12.50 to be at war or not. 00:26:12.50\00:26:14.93 What a time? You know we are living in a day 00:26:16.66\00:26:19.66 when things of this nature are going 00:26:19.66\00:26:22.90 to become common in time. 00:26:22.90\00:26:25.13 We are living in a time when things are failing, 00:26:25.83\00:26:28.26 we listened last night as John talked about 00:26:28.26\00:26:30.76 the financial world and all the different crisis 00:26:30.76\00:26:33.30 of the financial world and every once in a while 00:26:33.30\00:26:35.46 we get a little ray of hope that maybe things 00:26:35.46\00:26:37.90 are going to be better. 00:26:37.90\00:26:39.16 But, we know deep with in our hearts folks 00:26:39.16\00:26:42.60 that we are headed for trouble times. 00:26:43.40\00:26:47.10 We are headed for a time that's gonna to test 00:26:48.26\00:26:51.90 every single one of us. 00:26:52.33\00:26:55.93 I really enjoy hearing Julia tell about 00:26:57.30\00:26:59.80 the work in Russia and we spend 00:27:00.06\00:27:02.33 a lot of time in the former Soviet Union. 00:27:02.33\00:27:04.33 Camilla and I did, some of it before 1991 00:27:04.33\00:27:07.66 or in the 1991 region before communism fell. 00:27:07.66\00:27:11.43 And we have seen first hand so much 00:27:12.16\00:27:15.60 of what happened as a result of the fall of 00:27:16.10\00:27:19.00 the communism and the impact that it had upon 00:27:19.00\00:27:21.80 the citizens of the country. 00:27:21.80\00:27:23.36 And I remember it very specifically, one lady, 00:27:23.36\00:27:26.16 she was a doctor, had just retired. 00:27:27.50\00:27:30.86 Had her retirement for the rest of her life 00:27:31.96\00:27:35.60 and then the retirement system failed. 00:27:37.00\00:27:41.20 There was no check in the mail. 00:27:42.40\00:27:45.76 You folks think about it, 00:27:47.56\00:27:49.10 how would that hit you? 00:27:50.30\00:27:51.83 You worked all your life, 00:27:53.23\00:27:54.66 you contributed to the social security, 00:27:55.33\00:27:57.30 you put your money there. 00:27:57.30\00:27:58.96 I remember when I got my social security card 00:27:58.96\00:28:01.26 I was like 12 years old and I went down because 00:28:01.26\00:28:04.23 I had a little job as a janitor 00:28:04.23\00:28:07.73 and they said you have to 00:28:08.63\00:28:09.76 have a social security card. 00:28:09.76\00:28:10.93 So, I went down to the social security office 00:28:10.93\00:28:12.80 to get a social security card. 00:28:12.80\00:28:14.36 Got the card and the lady told me clearly, 00:28:14.93\00:28:18.93 she said every time you work they take 00:28:18.93\00:28:22.80 some money out and they put it in a box. 00:28:22.80\00:28:26.30 I remember, your money, 00:28:29.06\00:28:31.90 boy blessed her heart. Who had ever told 00:28:34.60\00:28:36.46 her that I wonder, 00:28:36.46\00:28:37.56 does she really thought she was telling 00:28:38.90\00:28:41.43 and that money is yours for retirement. 00:28:41.43\00:28:45.33 And I started working, 12 years old as a janitor 00:28:45.86\00:28:50.00 few weeks later they fired me. 00:28:51.33\00:28:52.80 But, you know you win some and you lose some right. 00:28:52.80\00:28:57.73 But, at least I had a social security card now. 00:28:59.83\00:29:03.30 But, what happens if the check quits coming. 00:29:05.56\00:29:09.66 I remember this doctor, she had no income now 00:29:10.23\00:29:14.13 and she had this little place out in the country 00:29:15.56\00:29:19.90 but that's all she had, 00:29:21.03\00:29:22.40 just a small plotted land 00:29:22.40\00:29:23.96 and I said to her, how are you going 00:29:25.10\00:29:28.36 to make it? She said I don't know. 00:29:28.36\00:29:30.03 Now I preached on tithing 00:29:30.03\00:29:31.93 and I had talked about how if people 00:29:33.46\00:29:36.06 would tithe that God would honor their faith 00:29:36.06\00:29:38.86 and I believe it with all of my heart I believe that. 00:29:38.86\00:29:41.90 Some of those people had a very difficult 00:29:42.60\00:29:44.63 time accepting that, in fact I would say 00:29:44.63\00:29:47.00 that most of those who had not been Seventh-Day 00:29:47.00\00:29:50.63 Adventists for a long time or who were not yet 00:29:50.63\00:29:53.56 Adventists could not accept that at all. 00:29:54.16\00:29:56.90 But, this lady did and she came to me 00:29:57.70\00:30:01.60 and she said I don't know how but I am 00:30:02.33\00:30:04.40 going to be true to God and I am going to tithe. 00:30:04.40\00:30:07.30 Went back there the next year, 00:30:08.30\00:30:10.00 said how are you doing? She said I am doing well. 00:30:10.00\00:30:12.70 Next year how are you doing? I am doing fine. 00:30:12.70\00:30:15.66 And then she told me she said I prayed to God, 00:30:17.30\00:30:21.46 so I am going to start, 00:30:21.46\00:30:22.80 she said my daughter lost her job 00:30:26.10\00:30:27.06 we had my granddaughter, 00:30:27.06\00:30:28.10 my daughter and myself with no income whatsoever. 00:30:28.10\00:30:31.53 No way to make it, no savings nothing 00:30:32.66\00:30:35.10 and she said I had, I prayed 00:30:36.26\00:30:39.06 and said Lord give me a way of making ends meet 00:30:39.06\00:30:45.06 and she said a thought came to me 00:30:45.96\00:30:47.43 I believe it came from God, 00:30:47.43\00:30:48.93 he said grow flowers, in that little land, 00:30:48.93\00:30:53.80 now one of the most beautiful customs of 00:30:54.63\00:30:56.66 the people in Ukraine is giving of flowers, 00:30:56.66\00:31:00.20 if they go to eat with somebody or go to see 00:31:01.70\00:31:04.90 somebody they take them flowers, 00:31:04.90\00:31:07.73 its beautiful when you preach there they bring 00:31:08.36\00:31:10.90 you flowers and they give them to you, 00:31:10.90\00:31:14.43 you know the first time that they brought me 00:31:15.00\00:31:17.30 flowers I honestly I wasn't accustomed to that. 00:31:17.30\00:31:20.80 You took flowers to women but you didn't 00:31:21.63\00:31:23.70 bring flowers to an ugly old guy, 00:31:23.70\00:31:26.10 I mean you know and what are you 00:31:26.10\00:31:29.50 supposed to do with them. 00:31:29.50\00:31:30.93 You know and they bring all these flowers 00:31:31.86\00:31:36.16 but I soon began to see, it was a gesture of love 00:31:37.83\00:31:41.06 and what you did you would be preaching 00:31:42.03\00:31:43.53 and somebody bring you some flowers 00:31:43.53\00:31:45.06 so you take them and you hold them for a little bit 00:31:45.06\00:31:47.50 you don't have to hold them forever, 00:31:47.50\00:31:49.10 but you treat those flowers with love 00:31:49.10\00:31:51.70 and respect because they were 00:31:51.70\00:31:53.30 given out of love and respect. 00:31:53.30\00:31:55.93 And then I would lay them on usually a chair 00:31:56.83\00:32:00.50 and then others would come and you put them 00:32:01.30\00:32:04.46 on a chair and you know the amazing thing as 00:32:04.46\00:32:07.80 she said I don't care how bad the economy gets 00:32:07.80\00:32:11.23 people still buy flowers, she said my daughter, 00:32:12.10\00:32:16.90 my granddaughter and I have made more money 00:32:17.30\00:32:21.30 than I ever made as a physician, 00:32:22.30\00:32:24.03 physicians aren't paid like physicians are 00:32:25.80\00:32:29.26 here in the country, they are all the same 00:32:29.26\00:32:32.43 as just about anyone else but she said 00:32:32.43\00:32:36.33 I am doing better. God honored her faith 00:32:36.33\00:32:41.70 and you know that's what God does, 00:32:42.53\00:32:44.00 he honors faith and that is what he was telling 00:32:44.00\00:32:47.33 Joshua I will honor your faith, 00:32:47.33\00:32:51.00 I will honor it, I promise you 00:32:52.20\00:32:55.66 that I will honor faith. 00:32:56.30\00:32:59.06 There is something else that he honors 00:32:59.33\00:33:01.33 and that is courage he tells us be courageous 00:33:01.33\00:33:04.20 when you look at Joshua, Joshua had many 00:33:04.20\00:33:06.83 reasons to be afraid and God mentions 00:33:06.83\00:33:09.46 three times here right off four times total, 00:33:09.46\00:33:13.86 be strong and be of good courage, 00:33:14.10\00:33:17.80 why because Joshua was afraid, 00:33:19.10\00:33:22.26 you know God doesn't tell him fear not 00:33:23.56\00:33:25.36 if you are not afraid, 00:33:25.36\00:33:26.33 but fear is an emotion that God understands 00:33:26.33\00:33:30.26 but God will not and cannot work in fear. 00:33:30.26\00:33:33.40 Because fear focuses on self and fear focuses on Satan, 00:33:34.20\00:33:40.03 faith focuses on God and focuses away from self. 00:33:40.90\00:33:48.20 Moses is dead and you know something God 00:33:48.20\00:33:51.90 many times he wants to remove from us 00:33:51.90\00:33:54.50 anything that we are depended upon, 00:33:54.50\00:33:56.50 Joshua was depended upon Moses, 00:33:57.13\00:33:58.80 he had been the second man to Moses. 00:33:59.50\00:34:01.16 God had spoken directly to Moses, 00:34:01.46\00:34:03.86 God had given so much to Moses as revelation 00:34:05.00\00:34:09.70 and now Joshua is being told 00:34:10.80\00:34:14.46 you are now to be the leader. 00:34:14.83\00:34:16.90 Now they had been here before there are 00:34:18.10\00:34:20.30 standing in a raging river, you know 00:34:20.30\00:34:21.83 God doesn't ask them to go when the river is 00:34:21.83\00:34:24.30 low he asked him to go when its actually 00:34:24.30\00:34:27.43 at flood level, all the water is coming 00:34:27.43\00:34:31.36 out of the North and there's very, once 00:34:31.36\00:34:34.03 or twice in the whole year 00:34:34.03\00:34:36.33 when it is at flood level, 00:34:36.33\00:34:37.90 God doesn't always ask us to do something 00:34:39.46\00:34:42.23 when its easy, it was not going to be easy 00:34:42.53\00:34:45.73 to walk across the Jordan, 00:34:45.73\00:34:46.93 there were times when it would have been easy 00:34:46.93\00:34:48.96 to walk across it. 00:34:48.96\00:34:50.20 But, now it was at it's most difficult, 00:34:51.50\00:34:54.56 not only that but the children had been 00:34:55.20\00:34:57.36 there before, they had been there and 00:34:57.36\00:35:00.53 failed and God knows that they are there 00:35:00.53\00:35:06.70 and Joshua knows they can fail again. 00:35:07.23\00:35:09.96 They can simply turn around, 00:35:10.80\00:35:12.70 they can rebel, they can say we are not 00:35:12.70\00:35:14.33 strong enough, we cannot go forward, 00:35:14.33\00:35:16.80 he has got a whole brand new generation 00:35:16.80\00:35:18.73 now that have come along and he is the 00:35:18.73\00:35:21.40 only one who harkens back, 00:35:21.40\00:35:24.50 he and Caleb, back to the old generation. 00:35:24.50\00:35:27.66 Because they had shown their faith before 00:35:29.20\00:35:32.86 they were ready to go before you remember that, 00:35:32.86\00:35:35.13 but you see and they have reason 00:35:36.43\00:35:40.43 to be afraid because they are giants 00:35:40.86\00:35:44.76 across in that land there are always giants 00:35:44.76\00:35:47.43 where ever you go they are always giants 00:35:48.40\00:35:51.03 and I will tell you something, 00:35:52.56\00:35:53.86 God tells us that he will be with us, 00:35:53.86\00:35:58.36 Philippians 1st chapter Verse 6, being confident of 00:35:58.36\00:36:01.66 this very thing, that he who has begun a good 00:36:01.66\00:36:05.20 work in you will complete it 00:36:05.20\00:36:07.56 under the day of Jesus Christ. 00:36:07.56\00:36:09.40 Some of you are thinking about 00:36:09.40\00:36:11.00 the times that are to come, 00:36:11.00\00:36:12.70 things that are going to happen on this earth. 00:36:12.70\00:36:14.93 How am I going to be able to stand it, 00:36:14.93\00:36:17.06 the very same way that you handle these things 00:36:17.06\00:36:20.56 that you face everyday. 00:36:20.56\00:36:21.86 By trusting in Jesus Christ. Amen. 00:36:21.86\00:36:25.66 By putting your faith in him, 00:36:25.93\00:36:29.43 now there are four things that he says 00:36:30.30\00:36:33.46 here that he is going to give us 00:36:33.46\00:36:34.46 one of them is faith. Secondly, 00:36:34.46\00:36:37.33 courage, he tells us how to have it. 00:36:37.93\00:36:40.03 Thirdly, he talks to us about obedience, 00:36:41.00\00:36:44.23 because obedience and Bible study he says 00:36:44.23\00:36:47.70 here are the things in dependence upon him, 00:36:47.70\00:36:50.73 are those things that give us courage 00:36:50.73\00:36:54.20 and faith. Amen. Its not something, 00:36:54.20\00:36:57.06 courage is not something you build up on your own, 00:36:57.06\00:36:59.63 if you look at the real word confidence, 00:37:00.93\00:37:04.86 you look at that word it comes from 00:37:05.46\00:37:08.46 in the Latin 'Con' which means altogether, 00:37:08.46\00:37:11.53 and 'fidere' which is where we get 00:37:11.53\00:37:14.00 the 'fidence' part, 'fidera' which means 00:37:14.00\00:37:16.63 faith or trust. So it is altogether faith 00:37:16.63\00:37:20.40 and trust, not in ourselves but in God. 00:37:20.40\00:37:25.63 And trusting in him, 00:37:26.60\00:37:28.10 World War 2, some of you can remember 00:37:28.10\00:37:32.33 World War 2, some of you remember it 00:37:32.33\00:37:35.26 better than others because some of you 00:37:35.26\00:37:37.96 were actually involved in the battle, 00:37:37.96\00:37:40.86 I was talking to someone this week, 00:37:40.86\00:37:43.03 Charlie Clark and he was involved in World War 2. 00:37:43.03\00:37:48.93 And London was being bombed, 00:37:49.80\00:37:53.90 those people were knowing 00:37:55.40\00:37:59.33 that any moment a bomb can hit their home, 00:37:59.66\00:38:03.20 it could hit them and they could be 00:38:04.90\00:38:07.16 damaged as they went down the street, 00:38:07.16\00:38:08.76 they had to run for bomb shelters, 00:38:08.76\00:38:10.56 run to get down into the subways 00:38:10.56\00:38:14.33 and so forth to try to find protection, 00:38:14.33\00:38:16.43 there was a clock there. And the clock is still there, 00:38:18.23\00:38:21.46 it's called Big Ben, Benjamin Hal was 00:38:22.30\00:38:26.53 the director of public works when it was built 00:38:27.00\00:38:29.83 and he was so much wanted that clock, 00:38:29.83\00:38:32.43 that clock has something like 13 tons of metal in it 00:38:32.43\00:38:37.56 it's like a giant hammer that goes against 00:38:38.56\00:38:42.60 that bell and he wanted it, 00:38:42.60\00:38:45.90 he wanted it so badly that the crown 00:38:45.90\00:38:49.26 named it after him, Benjamin Hal was 00:38:49.26\00:38:52.70 his name and they named it Big Ben. 00:38:52.70\00:38:55.80 You know the text, the him that you hear 00:38:57.73\00:39:03.26 chimed every hour on the hour, 00:39:03.26\00:39:05.13 is a him entitled full of him, 00:39:06.50\00:39:10.80 full of God. The words to that him goes so 00:39:13.63\00:39:18.13 hour by hour, which is a great song 00:39:18.13\00:39:23.86 for a clock that chimes on the hour isn't it. 00:39:24.23\00:39:26.90 So, hour by hour be thou my guide, 00:39:27.10\00:39:31.63 kept by thy power no step will slide, 00:39:32.70\00:39:36.96 hour by hour be thou my guide. 00:39:36.96\00:39:43.30 And every hour the Londoners of that day 00:39:44.30\00:39:48.50 would listen to Big Ben and be reminded 00:39:48.90\00:39:53.93 that God was with them, they were trusting in him, 00:39:54.40\00:39:58.70 putting their confidence in him 00:39:59.90\00:40:03.00 which is where all of us must put our confidence, 00:40:04.06\00:40:11.33 you know this text is so clear 00:40:11.60\00:40:14.76 it says no man will be able to stand 00:40:15.60\00:40:17.40 before you, in other words no trouble, 00:40:17.40\00:40:19.36 no problem, nothing that you face 00:40:19.36\00:40:21.93 if you trust in him and most of us have had 00:40:21.93\00:40:26.80 plenty of opportunity to put our trust totally 00:40:27.46\00:40:33.10 and completely in the Lord. 00:40:33.10\00:40:34.90 So, I will be with you, I will not leave you 00:40:35.23\00:40:38.06 nor forsake you. Now that should give 00:40:38.06\00:40:41.50 each others faith, 00:40:41.50\00:40:43.10 he says I am not going to leave you, 00:40:44.06\00:40:45.53 you are not going to be by yourself, 00:40:46.13\00:40:47.86 I will be with you all the way no matter 00:40:48.33\00:40:51.43 what you're facing I am going to be with you. 00:40:51.43\00:40:53.96 That my friend should give us complete 00:40:55.30\00:40:59.90 faith in him shouldn't it. Amen. 00:40:59.90\00:41:02.06 And then he say be strong 00:41:02.26\00:41:04.10 and of good courage for this people 00:41:05.40\00:41:08.53 you shall divide as an inheritance the land 00:41:08.53\00:41:11.90 which I swore to their fathers be strong 00:41:11.90\00:41:15.73 and very courageous. 00:41:16.03\00:41:18.43 I, sometimes, we get the idea that confidence 00:41:19.36\00:41:23.63 is something we build up inside of us, 00:41:23.63\00:41:26.30 we got to get rid of that. 00:41:27.03\00:41:28.56 I remember one time I was flying 00:41:28.83\00:41:30.23 across country and right behind me 00:41:30.23\00:41:33.10 was a major league baseball player, 00:41:34.40\00:41:36.10 he was sitting between his two attorneys 00:41:36.10\00:41:40.26 and he was sitting there, 00:41:41.16\00:41:42.63 they were on their way to Los Angeles 00:41:42.63\00:41:44.90 to renegotiate his contract, 00:41:44.90\00:41:47.46 he had a little card in his hand 00:41:48.00\00:41:50.30 and he was telling them about all of his great 00:41:50.30\00:41:52.86 accomplishments in sports. 00:41:52.86\00:41:54.33 He would tell them how many hits he had, 00:41:55.70\00:41:57.40 he would tell them all these different things 00:41:57.40\00:41:59.10 and how valuable he was to the team 00:41:59.10\00:42:01.36 and finally when I heard so much I was 00:42:02.40\00:42:06.10 wishing for headphones, you know to drown it out. 00:42:06.10\00:42:09.43 I knew who he was and frankly 00:42:11.00\00:42:13.30 I never thought he was that good to be honest. 00:42:13.30\00:42:15.53 And finally he got up to go to the restroom 00:42:18.20\00:42:21.33 and he had been drinking a lot of coffee 00:42:22.43\00:42:24.56 and he was pretty jittery pretty nervous guy 00:42:25.60\00:42:28.13 I think maybe even without the coffee. 00:42:28.13\00:42:30.40 He got up to go to the restroom 00:42:31.33\00:42:32.56 and when he did I heard the one attorney say 00:42:32.56\00:42:34.86 to the other, man I will be so glad 00:42:34.86\00:42:37.66 when we get to LA, I am sick of hearing 00:42:37.66\00:42:39.76 this guy brag about himself. 00:42:39.76\00:42:41.46 And I was sitting alone in the seats 00:42:43.63\00:42:45.76 in front of him, I had my stuff kind of out, 00:42:45.76\00:42:48.90 I've been working and I have raised up 00:42:48.90\00:42:51.73 and looked back over and said and I will be too. 00:42:51.73\00:42:54.70 You see that's not confidence folks, 00:42:57.06\00:42:59.70 that's something else but it's certainly 00:43:00.60\00:43:03.00 not confidence, not the kind of confidence 00:43:03.00\00:43:05.26 that God wants us to have. 00:43:05.26\00:43:07.00 We were never intended to be depended 00:43:07.00\00:43:10.43 upon ourselves, we are to be totally 00:43:10.43\00:43:13.53 in connection with him and depended upon him 00:43:13.53\00:43:16.60 to be strong and courageous, 00:43:16.83\00:43:18.86 because he is who he is. Amen. 00:43:18.86\00:43:22.20 To be strong and courageous because 00:43:22.56\00:43:24.93 he is the one who will see us through. 00:43:24.93\00:43:29.03 As a ministry, Danny, I will tell you, 00:43:30.16\00:43:33.00 Danny's had battles from the day 00:43:33.00\00:43:35.03 this ministry began. 00:43:35.03\00:43:36.53 But, when I got here a lot of this was 00:43:37.36\00:43:39.20 brand new to me, 00:43:39.43\00:43:40.50 I mean I've been through a lot of battles 00:43:41.00\00:43:42.60 in my life believe me, but I have never been 00:43:42.60\00:43:45.90 anywhere where so much is totally depended upon 00:43:46.40\00:43:51.63 the Lord Jesus Christ as we are here, 00:43:51.63\00:43:53.70 completely. Folks, we won't even be around 00:43:54.43\00:43:57.40 two months from now without the help of 00:43:57.40\00:43:59.86 the Lord and without your standing with us. 00:43:59.86\00:44:01.80 It's that way all the time and has been, 00:44:02.23\00:44:04.93 Danny tells me from day one. 00:44:04.93\00:44:06.90 The Lord has never just filled the coffers 00:44:07.53\00:44:10.13 and said hey there is plenty here now 00:44:10.13\00:44:12.50 you can just sit back and relax, 00:44:12.50\00:44:14.46 it's never been that way. We live for month to month, 00:44:14.70\00:44:18.36 faith in him, depending upon him 00:44:18.90\00:44:22.46 and certainly not upon ourselves. Amen. 00:44:22.80\00:44:26.80 At all and he says I will be with you 00:44:27.46\00:44:30.60 I will never leave you and then the 00:44:30.60\00:44:33.60 next part of it, he says only be strong 00:44:33.60\00:44:36.13 that you may observe to do according to 00:44:36.13\00:44:39.66 all the law, which Moses my servant 00:44:39.66\00:44:41.86 commanded you, you know the amazing thing 00:44:41.86\00:44:44.30 is that somehow the devil has done 00:44:44.30\00:44:48.26 everything that he can to confuse people 00:44:48.26\00:44:51.03 about obedience, he either says you don't 00:44:51.03\00:44:56.10 need to obey at all and even makes 00:44:56.10\00:44:59.20 obedience legalism and says oh! 00:44:59.20\00:45:01.96 This is wrong, you shouldn't do that 00:45:01.96\00:45:03.70 or on the other hand he makes someone 00:45:04.00\00:45:06.43 so legalistic that they think that somehow 00:45:06.43\00:45:09.20 by be having obedience and observing 00:45:09.20\00:45:12.20 what God has told them to do, 00:45:12.20\00:45:13.76 that somehow they're going to earn their 00:45:13.76\00:45:15.30 own salvation and develop themselves in some way. 00:45:15.30\00:45:19.20 So the devil doesn't care which way 00:45:20.30\00:45:21.86 he gets you off, he just wants to get you off, 00:45:21.86\00:45:25.90 he just wants to get us in the ditch on 00:45:26.83\00:45:28.70 one side or a ditch on the other but let me 00:45:28.70\00:45:31.26 tell you I think we are spending more time 00:45:31.26\00:45:33.60 in the ditch and saying that God doesn't 00:45:33.60\00:45:35.56 want us to be, observe his law and be obedient 00:45:35.56\00:45:39.46 to him more time here then we are over there now. 00:45:39.46\00:45:44.16 So, one ditch or the other, 00:45:44.16\00:45:46.20 it seems to be one ditch more than the other now. 00:45:46.53\00:45:49.06 But, he still wants us to understand truth, 00:45:50.63\00:45:55.56 God does. You know my children, 00:45:55.56\00:45:58.73 I have got two, my oldest two children 00:45:58.73\00:46:01.66 are here and they have always told me 00:46:01.66\00:46:03.90 they were more obedient than the other, 00:46:03.90\00:46:05.53 the younger two, they say because you 00:46:05.53\00:46:09.63 punished us more, you disciplined us more 00:46:09.63\00:46:12.70 and sometimes I've said to them 00:46:13.63\00:46:15.43 please forgive me for being so rough on you 00:46:15.43\00:46:18.30 and they said oh no, that was right, 00:46:18.30\00:46:21.50 it was the other two that weren't rough 00:46:21.50\00:46:23.50 enough on you know. 00:46:23.50\00:46:24.76 But, never once when those children were 00:46:28.80\00:46:32.46 obedient did I ever say you know you are a legalist 00:46:32.46\00:46:36.46 because they were obeying out of love, 00:46:39.00\00:46:42.36 and respect and love go together. 00:46:44.36\00:46:46.90 You know if we love the Lord, 00:46:47.60\00:46:49.13 he says you are going to obey me and he says 00:46:49.13\00:46:51.53 if you obey its going to be so much 00:46:51.80\00:46:54.80 to your benefit to obey. 00:46:54.80\00:46:58.26 Now that doesn't mean that you earn 00:46:58.26\00:47:00.06 your way to heaven through obedience. No, 00:47:00.06\00:47:02.20 that's not it at all, but this love response 00:47:03.53\00:47:09.03 that we have causes us to want to be 00:47:09.23\00:47:13.76 in harmony with our Lord 00:47:13.76\00:47:16.46 and with our savior and then he tells us 00:47:16.96\00:47:19.30 the way to do this is through Bible study, 00:47:19.30\00:47:22.60 it says this book of the law 00:47:22.93\00:47:24.33 shall not depart from your mouth 00:47:25.26\00:47:27.56 but you shall meditate in it day and night, 00:47:27.56\00:47:30.90 that you may observe to do according to all 00:47:31.40\00:47:35.23 that is written in it for then 00:47:35.23\00:47:38.13 you will make your way prosperous 00:47:38.13\00:47:40.10 and then you will have good success, 00:47:40.70\00:47:44.43 meditate upon the word, take a text during the day 00:47:45.00\00:47:48.86 take it with you all day long, 00:47:48.86\00:47:50.56 memorize that, think about that text, 00:47:51.06\00:47:53.40 let that text be your theme text for the day. 00:47:53.40\00:47:55.83 Meditate upon it, you know they talk 00:47:55.83\00:47:58.03 about mediation today and this type of 00:47:58.03\00:48:01.36 mediation that the world talks about 00:48:01.36\00:48:03.10 you don't want to get involved with at all, 00:48:03.10\00:48:04.80 where you just kick your mind into neutral 00:48:04.80\00:48:06.90 and lie there and mediate. That's not it, 00:48:06.90\00:48:09.10 but God says meditate upon my word 00:48:09.10\00:48:11.80 and if we mediate upon his words, 00:48:12.00\00:48:15.30 nothing is more powerful than that, 00:48:15.83\00:48:19.30 because thy word have I hid in my heart 00:48:19.90\00:48:23.00 that I might not sin against thee. 00:48:23.66\00:48:27.50 You see we can depend upon our God, 00:48:28.53\00:48:31.10 we can't always depend upon 00:48:32.16\00:48:33.70 things of this world. 00:48:33.70\00:48:35.00 First Corinthians the 13th chapter says, 00:48:35.70\00:48:38.50 where there are prophecies they will fail 00:48:38.50\00:48:40.20 everything else is going to fail, 00:48:41.56\00:48:43.23 but then it tells us love never fails 00:48:44.50\00:48:48.23 and God is love and he loves you, 00:48:48.96\00:48:53.10 he cares for you and you can depend upon him, 00:48:53.10\00:48:57.23 I was down at a day church in 00:48:58.00\00:49:00.26 Chattanooga, Tennessee years ago. 00:49:00.26\00:49:02.60 I had gone to visit that church, 00:49:04.70\00:49:06.50 it was a church on another denomination, 00:49:06.50\00:49:08.06 on a college campus there, but so many 00:49:08.06\00:49:10.43 people have told me you just need to go 00:49:10.43\00:49:12.30 and and get acquainted with that church 00:49:12.30\00:49:14.76 and wonderful folks there. 00:49:15.00\00:49:16.60 And I went also it was an assignment, 00:49:16.80\00:49:20.33 it was at the seminary and there is an 00:49:20.33\00:49:22.50 assignment they would ask us to visit 00:49:22.50\00:49:24.23 different churches and make some notes 00:49:24.23\00:49:26.83 on that church, at the end of the service 00:49:26.83\00:49:29.53 that day they introduced a man by 00:49:29.53\00:49:32.90 the name of C.F. Yagle and they said 00:49:32.90\00:49:36.60 that he was there and that it was his 00:49:37.10\00:49:40.13 93rd birthday and they sang happy birthday 00:49:40.13\00:49:44.63 to him and then they mentioned that he had 00:49:44.63\00:49:48.86 written the song, no one ever cared 00:49:48.86\00:49:51.13 for me like Jesus I went down 00:49:51.13\00:49:55.06 and I waited and I said tell me about that song, 00:49:55.06\00:50:00.56 I waited till everybody else left 00:50:00.56\00:50:01.86 and there were a lot of people down 00:50:02.20\00:50:03.30 there but I didn't have any place to 00:50:03.30\00:50:06.06 have to be at a certain time, 00:50:06.06\00:50:07.80 and soon just the two of us were standing there. 00:50:09.00\00:50:11.46 And I said I love that song, 00:50:12.60\00:50:14.00 but I just wondered is there any particular 00:50:14.90\00:50:17.46 story behind that, why you wrote that song, 00:50:17.46\00:50:21.60 he said I was a minister in Florida, my wife left me, 00:50:22.43\00:50:27.93 it was hard during the depression, 00:50:29.53\00:50:31.26 he said the church couldn't pay me 00:50:31.26\00:50:34.46 a salary anymore, every once in a while 00:50:34.46\00:50:36.56 somebody would bring us a dozen eggs 00:50:36.56\00:50:38.30 or some vegetables or something, 00:50:38.30\00:50:40.43 but that's all we were receiving but 00:50:40.43\00:50:41.76 I kept preaching and she finally said 00:50:41.76\00:50:45.10 I cant handle this anymore 00:50:45.10\00:50:46.50 and she said I hear there is work in California 00:50:48.10\00:50:50.93 and I'm headed for California. 00:50:50.93\00:50:52.66 And I'll call you when I get there and she left, 00:50:55.06\00:50:58.46 she called him she said you've got to give up 00:50:59.30\00:51:01.06 this preaching thing, its too uncertain 00:51:01.06\00:51:03.83 and she said there are jobs here 00:51:05.53\00:51:08.26 you can get one so easily 00:51:08.56\00:51:10.16 and if you'll come she said I'll care for you, 00:51:12.13\00:51:15.00 if you come we can continue our marriage. 00:51:16.16\00:51:18.96 He said but I can't, I can't leave 00:51:20.03\00:51:23.43 because God has called me, 00:51:23.90\00:51:25.60 she said well I am not coming back, 00:51:25.60\00:51:27.93 but if you come I do care for you. 00:51:28.73\00:51:31.40 He said I hung up the phone went to the piano, 00:51:32.40\00:51:35.96 he said I sat down and I began to play 00:51:37.70\00:51:41.26 and then he said the words came to me 00:51:43.13\00:51:45.16 she said she cares, but no one ever cared 00:51:45.46\00:51:50.73 for me like Jesus. Amen. 00:51:50.73\00:51:53.46 And I wrote that song I said did she ever 00:51:54.10\00:51:56.30 come back and with tears flowing down his cheeks, 00:51:56.30\00:52:00.30 he looked at me and he said no, 00:52:01.16\00:52:03.10 she never came back but no one ever cared 00:52:03.40\00:52:09.00 for me like Jesus. Amen. 00:52:09.00\00:52:13.03 I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus, 00:52:32.16\00:52:37.70 Since I found in Him a friend so strong and true. 00:52:38.23\00:52:43.40 I would tell you how He's changed my life completely. 00:52:44.70\00:52:51.26 He did something that no other friend could do. 00:52:51.90\00:52:59.73 No one ever cared for me like Jesus. 00:53:00.66\00:53:12.26 There's no other friend so kind as He. 00:53:12.26\00:53:22.76 No one else could take the sin and darkness from me. 00:53:24.20\00:53:36.96 O, how much He cares for me. 00:53:37.56\00:53:45.46 how much He cares for me. He cares for me 00:53:45.46\00:53:53.83 Every day He comes to me with full assurance. 00:53:53.83\00:54:04.73 Now more and more I understand His words of love 00:54:05.13\00:54:17.80 But, I'll never know just why He came to save me, 00:54:18.10\00:54:28.90 Till someday I see His blessed face above. 00:54:29.90\00:54:38.76 No one ever cared for me quite like Jesus. 00:54:40.26\00:54:51.43 There's no other friend so kind as He. 00:54:52.50\00:55:04.10 No one else could take the sin and darkness from me. 00:55:04.10\00:55:15.53 O, how much He cares for me. 00:55:17.20\00:55:30.20 O, how much He cares for me. 00:55:30.90\00:55:56.23 Amen. Thank you John. 00:55:56.86\00:55:59.16 No one ever cared for you or for me like Jesus. 00:55:59.86\00:56:04.53 Amen. We must put our full complete 00:56:04.53\00:56:07.53 confidence in him. 00:56:07.53\00:56:09.63 Be strong, be courageous for the 00:56:10.53\00:56:12.56 crises is ahead, only through him. 00:56:12.56\00:56:16.20 We are not heroes, we are not brave 00:56:16.70\00:56:19.73 but he is and we must trust in him, 00:56:20.70\00:56:24.60 shall we pray. Father in heaven, 00:56:25.20\00:56:27.10 just thank you today that we do have 00:56:28.13\00:56:30.50 the assurance of life eternal through 00:56:30.50\00:56:32.90 Jesus Christ that we can seek eternity 00:56:32.90\00:56:36.16 and not in this moment because 00:56:36.16\00:56:40.46 we have our trust in Jesus. 00:56:40.80\00:56:42.90 O, Father I just pray that you bless each one 00:56:43.90\00:56:47.20 that's here and those that are watching by 00:56:47.20\00:56:49.96 television and listening by radio, 00:56:50.53\00:56:52.90 bless them Father we pray, 00:56:53.80\00:56:55.56 help them to put their faith 00:56:56.10\00:56:57.76 and confidence in you 00:56:57.76\00:57:00.66 and trust only in you Father, 00:57:00.66\00:57:03.33 in Jesus name. Amen. 00:57:03.33\00:57:06.60