3ABN Homecoming 2009

Friday Evening - Sermon: By Night

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: 09HC

Program Code: 09HC000006

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting
00:27 Homecoming 2009. Featuring inspired messages
00:33 from your 3ABN family, along with uplifting Christian music
00:41 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:45 I'm so excited about, it's what we're gonna hear tonight
00:48 because we are going to be listening to our pastor,
00:51 Pastor John Lomacang, a name we get to hear
00:54 quite often who not only is pastor of the
00:57 Thompsonville Seventh-Day Adventist church
01:00 but he is worldwide ambassador for Three Angels
01:04 Broadcasting Network. He has been to such places
01:08 as the Philippines in the last year
01:10 and Australia and all over. I'll tell you it's just a
01:17 tremendous asset to have John and Angie
01:21 as a part of this ministry
01:22 we love them, and John not only is a
01:25 fantastic preacher, but he is a fantastic singer.
01:29 And I'll tell you that we're gonna enjoy
01:32 hearing him sing tonight as well at the close
01:35 of his sermon, but before John comes
01:38 and brings us this message, we are going to hear
01:41 from Emily Felts Jones and she is going to be
01:45 singing. He Cries.
01:48 You know we often only think of Jesus is a baby
01:51 at Christmas time, but his birth should be spoken
01:56 of and sung about all year.
02:00 For, he was our savior and redeemer even then,
02:04 and I've often thought that when the baby Jesus cried
02:08 he wasn't crying for his own needs as other
02:11 babies do. He was crying for a lost and dying world.
02:16 And his Heavenly Father watched in enjoy and
02:19 unspeakable sadness because he knew
02:22 his son was born to die. And as he lay cradled
02:27 in his mother's arms he thought of us,
02:31 each one of us And he cried.
02:49 Star light, star bright, star shining in the night.
02:56 Angels we, voices see and prays of baby he,
03:03 but that little baby just won't talk to see it,
03:10 'coz he can't start counting sheep, tonight.
03:18 He cries, for the children who will never know his name.
03:25 He cries for the dying soul who didn't know he came.
03:31 And he cries for his mother as she holds his
03:37 tiny hand and his Father understands and He cries.
03:51 Hohoooo... Hmmmm...
03:58 Divine, sweet son, loves them for the design,
04:05 sacred one that have called the baby of God is born.
04:13 But, that little baby just who won't close his eyes.
04:20 He can't hear those love of bytes tonight.
04:27 'Coz he cries for the children who will never know his name,
04:34 he cries for the dying soul who didn't know he came
04:42 and he cries for his mother while she holds his tiny hand,
04:49 and his Father understands and He cries.
04:59 Heavens heart is breaking with every falling tear
05:05 and the sun goes around the universe
05:09 and all creation he is for when he cries
05:14 for the children who will never know his name,
05:19 he cries for the dying soul who didn't know he came
05:26 and he cries for his mother while she holds his tiny hand
05:34 and his Father understands and He cries.
05:43 Yes, His father understands and He cries. Ohoo, Hmmm.
06:16 Can we say Amen again? Amen. I really, really appreciate
06:20 Emily Felts Jones style of singing different.
06:24 You can't find that everywhere.
06:27 Because she doesn't just sing, she interprets
06:29 whatever she sings. Thank you again for that
06:33 message. Tonight is a beautiful evening
06:37 it's the Sabbath. The Lord has promised that
06:41 whenever we get together for the Sabbath and
06:43 anytime we gather, where two or more are there,
06:47 the Lord is in our presence and tonight
06:51 as we go to the Lord before we open his word.
06:53 I always like to ask for divine direction and divine
06:58 guidance. For I've been around long enough to
07:01 know that I don't have anything to say
07:03 outside of Jesus. And so tonight
07:06 I would like to invite you to bow your heads
07:07 with me as I ask for the Lord to turn the power on.
07:13 Heavenly Father, thank you so much that you
07:16 are able to form clay into a living being.
07:23 You are able to breath life into a vessel
07:27 that knows no such thing. Lord, this evening as I
07:32 submit myself to you, I pray that your spirit
07:35 will speak to me and through me.
07:38 That you may be glorified, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
07:44 The message is entitled By Night.
07:46 What did I say? By Night. Good message to preach at night.
07:52 But it has a far more reaching application than
07:57 just the hour of the day. More specifically the hour
08:00 of earth's history. We are living in one of the
08:02 darkest times in our earth's history, I believe that.
08:06 And so we are going to begin with one of my
08:08 favorite books. The Book of John,
08:12 I'd like you to open your Bibles
08:14 if you have it with you tonight,
08:15 if you don't then share with your neighbor.
08:20 Because really it's God's word.
08:22 John's book, I did some research on the book
08:25 of John. I always like to know something about
08:26 the Bible writers. If you look at the
08:30 writer John, John is not only the one
08:32 that the Bible says whom Jesus loved.
08:35 But John was one of those disciples that
08:38 wanted to make it abundantly clear
08:41 about the divinity of Jesus. John is like the second
08:46 book of Genesis, as a matter of fact John
08:49 goes farther back then Genesis. Genesis says
08:52 in the beginning God created the heavens
08:54 and the earth. But John says in the beginning
08:57 was the word. Long before the world was
09:00 created, John says the word was there,
09:03 can you say Amen to that? Amen. And if there is going to
09:06 be any life in our beginnings, we need
09:08 to find Jesus there. John is one of those
09:11 Gospel writers that focuses on the perfect side of
09:16 Jesus. Now that seems to be a oxymoron because
09:18 there is nothing about Jesus that's not perfect.
09:21 But, he only talks about 7 miracles of Jesus.
09:25 And only 7 I am statements about Jesus.
09:30 But, he also points out that if there is going to be any
09:32 power in following Jesus. We've got to begin by
09:36 concluding that Jesus is divine.
09:41 That's a message that's being lost even in the
09:43 churches today. Jesus' divinity is under question
09:46 whether or not he is God or whether or not he can
09:48 create, that message is the message being questioned
09:52 today even in our churches.
09:55 So, in the beginning was the word,
09:57 we can begin there and so the anxious bystander
10:01 with John says John, if you can see what's happening
10:03 tell us what the future holds? And all you got to do
10:08 is listen to the news. There are a lot of people
10:10 that live in Thompsonville, that don't have televisions,
10:13 well I'm not one of them. I like to know what's
10:16 happening in the world around me to get ready
10:18 for the things that are coming, what do you say?
10:20 Now not to get enamored by the two, but to know
10:23 that what Jesus has said is going to take place as
10:27 he said it is. News agencies are closing
10:31 their doors, for the first time some on,
10:33 more than a 100 years are publishing their last
10:36 newspapers or their last magazines.
10:40 Real estate is on the landslide, car manufacturers
10:43 on the brink of bankruptcy. Banks are on the verge of
10:47 either collapse or merging to sustain themselves.
10:51 Insurance companies are on the threshold of failure
10:54 and no wonder when you think of all the disasters
10:56 in our world. How could they possibly
10:59 sustain all the natural disasters taking
11:02 place around us. But, it's an indication
11:04 that Jesus is soon to come, can you say, Amen.
11:07 He said you will hear wars and rumors of wars.
11:11 You don't need wars to bankrupt our country,
11:14 all you need is one more disaster on the heels
11:17 of another and right now even in the state of
11:19 Georgia. They are trying find an answer to their flood
11:22 in the major cities. In California, when one
11:25 fire ends, another begins. The only problem we
11:29 have here in Southern Illinois is bugs.
11:33 That's somewhat of a natural disaster, if you live here.
11:38 We fight that all the hours of the day.
11:40 Can you say, Amen if you're from Southern Illinois?
11:43 But, the world is on the border of financial
11:46 meltdown and when you listen the Dow
11:49 ends up one day, down the other.
11:51 And the fact of the matter is not even the White
11:54 House has an answer for the crisis on the financial
11:57 front of our world. And the Pope does his best
12:03 to try to find an answer. But, I would suggest
12:06 even the Pope needs Jesus. What do you say?
12:08 Amen! The world is on the
12:11 verge of one of the darkest hours.
12:14 Lights are going out on the job market.
12:16 Hope is growing dim on the real estate
12:18 market, faith is growing dark on the
12:21 stock market and we are quickly being
12:23 polarized into two groups. Those who have and
12:27 those who don't have. Those who are employed
12:30 and those who are not employed.
12:32 That's why if you work here at 3ABN you've
12:34 got to know that God is down here.
12:38 You missed the chance to say, Amen.
12:41 We are not rich, but we are sustained by
12:44 the grace and provision of Jesus. What do you say?
12:47 I mean how else can you explain that no one
12:49 had to be laid off and fired to sustain this economic
12:52 hit, it is only by God's grace, our bread and our water
12:56 shall be sure and by the way when the time of
12:58 trouble comes that's all you're gonna need, Amen.
13:01 But, God is sustaining this ministry,
13:03 God is sustaining his people and we've
13:05 got to see as John saw that the only hope
13:07 we have is in the divine one and his name is Jesus.
13:13 By the way there are only two groups that really
13:14 matter, those who know Jesus and those who
13:17 do not know Jesus. And you've got to
13:20 decide, which group is going to be your group
13:23 because there are only two seats at the
13:24 end of this journey. You've heard me say
13:25 this before, one seat is smoking,
13:28 one seat is non-smoking. I'll plan on being in the
13:31 non-smoking seat. What do you say?
13:34 Amen. When it comes to eternal life everything
13:38 natural falls short of acquiring it.
13:42 And by the way if eternal life were acquired by
13:43 money, wealth would be the aim
13:45 or by education or by degrees.
13:50 We would see colleges, but we need to see
13:52 Jesus because our colleges need Jesus.
13:55 Amen! Whether they're Adventists or
13:57 not they need Jesus. Can you say, Amen.
14:00 We are living at an hour where wealth and possessions
14:03 are becoming feudal at their best.
14:05 On the passing of some of the greatest names
14:07 that we know in our secular society.
14:10 Michael Jackson, they put a crown
14:16 on his coffin, not to be insensitive,
14:19 but I am looking forward to the day and I hope
14:22 that when Jesus comes he can put a crown on
14:24 Michael Jackson's head. I'm praying for that one,
14:28 because it's hard to live a life,
14:31 that does not exalt Jesus, and be coined another
14:35 king. There are so many kings on the earth.
14:36 But, there is only king that really matters.
14:38 What do you say? Amen! That's King Jesus.
14:40 So, you cannot determine who is king outside of
14:43 Jesus. John makes it very, very clear that the only
14:47 two categories that really matter are those
14:50 who are locked in sin or those who are
14:52 locked in Jesus. For the wages of
14:54 sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. Amen!
14:58 And, I was raised in a family by the way that
15:00 really enjoyed flashlights. My father would walk
15:02 around the house during the day with a flashlight.
15:07 And even to this very day when I travel I carry
15:09 flashlights, I lost one in England because
15:11 I carried three, couldn't keep track of them all.
15:15 But, he taught me never to get caught on
15:17 the dark without a flashlight. I have one
15:19 in my bag in the back, if it gets dark I'll go get
15:21 my flashlight. Brethren, what I have
15:24 also discovered is that light is best appreciated
15:29 when our circumstances are the darkest.
15:32 What we need in these last days is to do what
15:35 Nicodemus did at the darkest hour of his life.
15:40 Nicodemus found Jesus. John chapter 3 in verse 1
15:44 made it very clear, how feudal personal
15:46 achievements and position and fame and fortune are,
15:51 because the only goal is really Jesus.
15:54 The Bible says there was a man of the
15:56 Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
16:01 And I could spend the rest of the night carrying
16:03 on taking about rulers. When you talk about
16:07 rulers you have a problem at the very beginning.
16:11 And so I won't even give any any attention to the rulers,
16:13 but Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin
16:16 National Council. He feared coming to
16:19 Jesus by day and so the Bible said that Nicodemus
16:22 came to Jesus by night. You may fault him
16:26 for that, but I say this it's better to come to
16:29 Jesus by night, then not come at all.
16:30 Can you say Amen? Amen!
16:34 Choose your hour of the day, but come to Jesus
16:37 whatever hour that maybe. Nicodemus came to Jesus
16:41 by night and I've also discovered that there are
16:43 certain things that we should not attempt
16:45 to do at night. Number of years ago
16:48 I was in North Carolina, driving around
16:50 one of the army bases I don't mention,
16:52 which one it is, but I turn my headlights off
16:54 just to experiment. In a matter of few seconds,
16:59 I was surrounded by MP police.
17:03 And with their guns drawn they locked me in on both
17:06 ends just like that. And they said to me
17:10 what's wrong with you. And I said I'm just
17:12 experimenting. Brethren, it's not
17:16 good to turn your lights off at night to experiment.
17:19 What do you say? It's not safe to drive at
17:22 night with your headlights off.
17:24 Because the road that was safe with your lights on
17:27 is now impossible to follow. The landmarks are
17:31 no longer distinct. And the signs are not as
17:34 clear as they are when the lights are on.
17:37 And Ellen White tells us in Medical Ministry page 87
17:41 that scientific theories are coming in as a
17:45 thief in the night. Stealing away the landmarks
17:48 and undermining the pillars of our faith.
17:50 We've got to be careful what we allow to
17:53 come into our church. Can you say Amen?
17:55 Amen! We've got to be careful
17:56 what we allow to come in to our schools.
18:00 Because people are turning their lights off and
18:01 all they are saying is we're experimenting.
18:05 And you know somebody is driving with their
18:07 lights off when they think that the Sabbath is
18:08 no longer relevant to Jesus. Somebody is driving with
18:12 their lights off when they think that the
18:13 answer to lethargy is a change in our worship style.
18:16 The answer is only Jesus. What do you say?
18:18 Amen! Somebody's got their
18:21 headlights off when they think they are throwing out
18:22 the writings of Ellen White are necessary.
18:26 I could have said my favorite writer or the
18:28 prophetic inspiration, but I wanted to be clear.
18:32 Somebody say Amen. Amen!
18:34 We often put her on the side you know my
18:36 favorite writer. Who is that?
18:39 That could be Shakespeare. One of my favorite
18:43 writers outside of the Bible is Ellen White.
18:45 What do you say? Amen! If you wanted to know what's
18:47 gonna be in the newspaper tomorrow open up the
18:49 great controversy. Amen! People have thrown them in
18:53 the garbage you better find that where they are
18:55 throwing it and go get it to read it. Amen!
18:57 Because there is nobody who has been inspired
19:00 and filled by God's spirit like that third grade
19:05 educated lady by the name of Ellen White.
19:09 And some people say that she only had a third
19:11 grade education. She did not understand
19:13 Greek and Hebrew. God understands
19:15 Greek and Hebrew. That's all that matters.
19:17 Can you say Amen? Amen!
19:18 Somebody once came to me said well now I don't wanna
19:20 get you to so discouraged that you may leave the
19:23 church. I said there is nothing you can tell me to
19:25 get me to leave the church and so they sat me down
19:27 and gave me pages and pages of what they thought
19:32 were apparent contradictions by Ellen White.
19:35 And they hit me with one that I had known about
19:37 before, but I tell you what, whenever you need help
19:40 call on Jesus. Amen! And so being raised in
19:43 New York City, I was once a target of the shepherd's rod,
19:47 which drove me back to studying what Ellen White had
19:49 said and so when they came to me with that
19:52 I call it ecclesiastical foolishness.
19:57 They thought I was not prepared, so I said well
19:59 tell me what you have to say about Ellen White.
20:00 They said well, Ellen White did not like bicycles.
20:02 I said no she liked bicycles.
20:05 She just told a man who was wasting money on a bike.
20:08 That, that was not God's will. Amen. Amen!
20:10 Well, Ellen White did not, she contradicted the Bible.
20:13 The Bible says the fig tree, she says the sycamore tree.
20:16 Well the Greek word is Ficus Sycomorus they are
20:18 both right. Can you say, Amen? We got to get back to the
20:25 place where we treasure, what makes us a
20:27 distinct people. Amen!
20:30 Reading everybody else' books because it is
20:32 on the New York Times best sellers list.
20:35 Well if it's not on God's list it doesn't
20:37 belong in our list. Getting back to the
20:40 landmarks that God has given to us, but some
20:42 people say that, you know I'm riding on the road
20:45 and even though my headlights are off.
20:47 It feels like the same road. Well Brethren, whether
20:50 you know it or not. The feeling maybe the same
20:53 but the circumstances make your traveling deceptive,
20:55 because if you don't have any lights on you cannot
20:57 see and feeling is not reliable.
21:01 Because it feels better does not mean it's better.
21:03 Because it feels right does not mean it's right.
21:05 Because it feels good does not mean it's good.
21:08 Because it feels safe does not mean it's safe.
21:14 As a matter of fact it's neither the road nor the
21:17 vehicle, it's the driver that's why we need to say like
21:21 that song writer Jesus, take the wheel.
21:25 You didn't hear that song. That's alright, if you didn't
21:28 hear it that's okay. As long as you know Jesus.
21:32 There is a fourth thing that we ought not try to
21:34 do at night time. You see when you drive
21:37 with your lights off you may cross the line
21:40 and not know it. When preachers are and
21:45 leaders are turning off the light, they are crossing
21:48 the line and they don't even know it.
21:51 And I hate to say it, but some of our schools
21:53 are turning off the light, crossing the line and not
21:56 even knowing it. But, let me just say this
21:58 very clearly, if Motel 6 is committed
22:02 to keep the light on, we ought to be committed
22:04 to the same thing. What do you say?
22:05 Amen! They're just giving you a bed
22:08 for the night, Jesus is getting us a kingdom
22:10 for eternity, what do you say? Amen!
22:12 Keep the light on. So, Nicodemus had everything
22:17 except common sense. He came to Jesus,
22:20 he had wealth, he had position,
22:22 he had influence, he had power,
22:24 he had education. He was a man who was
22:27 influential and his voice had power in every circle,
22:30 but Nicodemus did not have courage because
22:33 he cared about what people thought rather than
22:36 what Jesus thought. Look at verse 2.
22:41 This is amazing insight to me and I prayed
22:43 about this verse. Nicodemus said to him Rabbi, we know
22:46 that you are a teacher come from God.
22:49 For no one can do these things that you do
22:51 unless God is with you. Now that may sound
22:56 like a complement, but Nicodemus actually
22:58 insulted Jesus. He called him a teacher
23:02 from God, he lowered Jesus from the son of God
23:05 to a teacher from God. Now, Brethren there is a
23:09 difference between a teacher from God and the Son of God.
23:11 Let me just say what the difference is,
23:14 when you begin to teach evolution you are lowering
23:17 Jesus to just a teacher from God.
23:21 When you teach that the literal seven day week
23:24 did not occur, then Jesus is no longer the creator.
23:29 He is just a teacher from God, we've got
23:31 to pray that we get back to the creation message.
23:34 What do you say? Amen!
23:35 Without the creation message, we have no Sabbath.
23:38 That's why Satan is experimenting in our schools
23:40 to try to get people to. Say, well it was not really
23:42 seven days. Some people say it was 7000 years.
23:45 Brethren, a thousand years I'm so glad that 24 hours
23:49 is not a seven thousand year period.
23:50 Can you say Amen? Amen!
23:52 The word is and the evening and the morning were
23:55 the first day, not just the day.
23:58 I would like to see a plant that could last for
23:59 3500 years with no life. That's the reason why
24:06 our churches are dying. And people losing their way
24:10 instead of holding Jesus up we are keeping Jesus down.
24:14 Notice what John says in John 12 in verse 32.
24:17 Jesus says if I be lifted up, I will draw all
24:22 men unto myself. People are bringing Jesus
24:25 down instead of lifting him up.
24:26 We've got to lift Jesus up. What do you say?
24:29 Amen! Because it doesn't matter
24:30 what you believe because Nicodemus had all the
24:32 right habits. We would otherwise says about him
24:35 Nicodemus studied the prophecies
24:37 about the Messiah. Nicodemus was in the crowd
24:42 when John the Baptist introduced Jesus.
24:44 Being in the crowd is not enough, understanding
24:49 the prophecies are not enough.
24:51 Nicodemus kept track of Jesus for three years.
24:55 Nicodemus was impressed by the teachings and the
24:57 authority of Jesus. Nicodemus heard the
25:01 people discussing the divinity of Jesus.
25:05 But, let me say this having the facts about Jesus
25:07 is not conversion. We got lot of facts about
25:12 Jesus, but some of us still need to be converted
25:14 come on and say Amen? Amen!
25:16 When you come to church on Sabbath morning and
25:18 one beat each other up, you need to be converted.
25:21 You think that down hill, we don't have our wars.
25:23 We have our wars. The devil camps out in
25:27 Southern Illinois and why not? Because the world
25:31 is effected by what happens down here.
25:33 Wouldn't you camp down here if you were the devil?
25:36 Don't say Amen!. Nicodemus had all the
25:42 facts about Jesus and by the way a good Bible
25:45 study habit is not conversion.
25:47 Hanging out with religious people is not conversion.
25:49 Keeping track of Jesus in not conversion, being
25:52 impressed by Jesus is not conversion.
25:54 Knowing that Jesus is divine is not even conversion.
25:59 The new birth experience calls us to abandon
26:02 who we are and accept who Jesus is. Amen!
26:05 I remember when I was in the New York City.
26:06 I tried to find a church that will allow me to be
26:08 a disc jockey and still be saved.
26:12 Pastor Seay could tell you about that.
26:14 I'd wake up when he preached on Sabbath
26:16 mornings in our youth church their in Brooklyn, New York.
26:19 Came to church and almost broke my neck nodding
26:22 through the sermon. Now I get on peoples
26:24 case for nodding during my sermons.
26:27 I need to give you a break because I don't know
26:29 where you are with Jesus.
26:33 But, I would say that I would rather you nod in
26:35 church then stay awake out of church.
26:37 Amen! Because one day through the
26:39 preaching of Elder E. T. Mims the Lord broke through.
26:42 I could have said Pastor Seay there but it was through Elder
26:45 E. T. Mims when he discontinued our
26:47 youth church, remember that? Made us all come down
26:50 stairs in the church together, large 1200 member
26:53 church coming there Sabbath after Sabbath
26:55 because my girlfriend, who is now my wife
26:57 and by the way, who is still my girlfriend.
26:59 Can you say Amen? Amen!
27:01 Kept bringing me to church every Sabbath
27:04 I just got home from partying.
27:08 And she would come and throw pebbles at my window
27:10 to wake me up and go get my clothes ready as my
27:13 dad made me go take a shower and she sure
27:15 I was in church every Sabbath because I was
27:17 living by night and she was trying to lead me
27:19 back to the day, would to God that we had the same
27:22 passion to reach people for Jesus.
27:24 Amen! Some of the young people
27:25 say there is nobody in the church to marry
27:27 Well you are not looking long enough.
27:30 You got to look a little more, if not in your church, go
27:32 to another Adventist church, exhaust all the
27:36 Adventist churches before you got on the world.
27:37 Amen somebody? Amen!
27:39 You know, we look at some people in church look like
27:42 you know some of the young girls say, Well he
27:43 don't look like marrying material.
27:46 Give him sometime, I didn't look like marrying
27:48 material either. My wife tells me now, she
27:51 says when we were dating you used to wear same
27:53 thing for three days. I say, well I have changed now
27:57 can you say Amen. I don't wear the same thing
28:01 and I look at, I've looked back at some of those
28:03 pictures in the 70s, you know what I am
28:04 talking about. When we did not know a thing
28:06 about matching clothes, we were plaid with stripes
28:11 and I remember one day driving to somebody's house
28:14 in Southern California I had on stripe,
28:16 I had on plaid shorts and stripe socks and they
28:20 looked at me says, what's your problem.
28:23 It's amazing what the Lord can do when he comes
28:25 into your life. Amen. You can even look different.
28:30 What a change can be made in our lives.
28:32 Knowing all the facts about Jesus is not all that
28:35 it takes to become a Christian.
28:38 When we are born again we've got to
28:40 accept the truth about ourselves.
28:41 Let's look at the truth about ourselves.
28:42 Go with me to Jeremiah chapter 17, let's see the
28:45 truth about ourselves tonight.
28:47 I like God's word, it's very clear, but I tell you what?
28:50 When the doctor gives you a diagnosis it better be
28:53 clear, so that the medicine really makes a difference.
28:58 Jesus gives us a spiritual diagnosis, in this text
29:02 sometimes it is difficult for us, when I first saw
29:05 the text I didn't think it was true about me.
29:06 Because you know sometimes we look at what Jesus
29:09 says about us and we look at people around us
29:11 rather than look at ourselves.
29:13 But, notice what the Bible says about the true
29:15 condition of those who are not yet born
29:19 again and I must say that this is sometimes
29:22 still true even after you are born again because
29:25 you still don't know your heart.
29:26 Notice what the Bible says Jeremiah 17 verse 9,
29:29 the Bible says the heart is what brethren,
29:32 deceitful above all things and desperately wicked
29:36 who can know it? We had a church member one
29:39 Sabbath came to church with a baseball bat.
29:44 New convert that needed to be converted.
29:49 Came to church with a baseball bat to beat
29:51 up one of the Deacons. Big Deacon.
29:56 I want to make the picture really clear, it was a, well
29:59 let me just be very kind, it was a deacon
30:02 and a lady, now let me to say this, women may not
30:06 say whole a lot, but they mean what they say.
30:09 And she came to church and I am glad that
30:11 she had the decency to notify the pastor
30:14 before she attacked the deacon.
30:16 Showed me her small Louisville slugger
30:18 and she said pastor I'm gonna beat up the deacon
30:20 and we got and surrounded that deacon
30:23 that deacon was about 240 pounds, but he needed
30:25 protection, some people come to church
30:28 on Sabbath morning, they maybe in the right building,
30:31 but they are not in the right frame of mind.
30:33 And the reason is because the heart is deceitful above
30:36 all things and desperately wicked.
30:39 And sometimes even in church while you're praying
30:41 your mind is somewhere else. Amen.
30:44 Notice the difference when Jesus comes into your life,
30:46 Ezekiel chapter 36, go there with me,
30:48 verse 26 and verse 27. Lord makes it very clear
30:53 and I do believe that when you have Jesus in your life
30:57 there should be a difference between who you were
30:59 and who you are?
31:06 and I do believe that Jesus can give you victory over
31:09 anything. Even cigarettes.
31:14 Can I say Amen! Even cigarettes.
31:18 My mother when she got converted
31:20 you some of you read the story.
31:21 My mother was a three pack a day cigarette smoker.
31:27 When I met her, she was about 94 pounds dripping wet,
31:30 out of her mind, did not know which way was up.
31:38 you could see confusion in her face. I kept writing
31:42 to her to say, mom you need to give your life to Jesus.
31:44 Mom you need to turn your life over to Lord.
31:45 Mom, go to a church and have somebody pray for you
31:48 to you be delivered and one day she took me seriously and
31:50 found a pastor down there in the Virgin Islands
31:53 and went to ask him to pray for her to be delivered
31:55 and I do believe that when you reach out in faith
31:57 God honors true faith. Amen!
32:00 They got together that afternoon
32:02 and by the way I want to say this, it doesn't
32:04 have to be an Adventist pastor if they know Jesus
32:06 they can pray for deliverance too. Amen!
32:10 This pastor got together with her
32:11 wasn't an Adventist pastor and he prayed for her to be
32:15 delivered and I got a call from my mother one day
32:17 her voice sounded light. I said Mom,
32:22 are you okay? She said well I just got
32:24 some good news to tell you. I haven't smoked in the last
32:25 three months. Amen! The Lord delivered her from alcohol
32:30 and cigarettes at the same moment
32:32 and for the rest of her life, didn't need a patch,
32:39 didn't need to wean her way off her alcohol and
32:41 cigarettes. Jesus still has the power to deliver. Amen!
32:44 He says in Ezekiel, I will give you a new heart
32:49 chapter 36 in verse 26. I will give you what kind
32:52 of a heart? A new heart and put a what
32:55 new spirit within you. I will take the heart
32:58 of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
33:03 I will put my spirit within you and cause you
33:07 to walk in my statutes, and you will keep my judgments
33:12 and do them. And by the way
33:14 you can't even keep the commandments of God
33:16 without the Holy Spirit.
33:19 And you know you can even eat right without the Holy Spirit.
33:21 Now, get what I'm saying you may eat right,
33:25 but ain't right while you're eating.
33:29 You didn't get that.
33:31 Nicodemus had a pig free diet. He wouldn't even
33:37 catch the swine flu, he stayed so far from pigs.
33:41 But his heart wasn't right and the Lord is concerned
33:43 about our diet. Praise God for the health message.
33:46 Widely important message, you got to be healthy
33:48 to carry the Gospel, but if that's all you have
33:51 you need somebody else in that equation.
33:54 You need Jesus.
33:56 The Lord says, I will put, I will give you the strength
33:59 to walk in my statues. When I met my mother
34:02 she called me one day and she says, Oh! By the way
34:04 I am not only not smoking, but I found a new love.
34:07 I like to eat.
34:11 She was 55 or 57 years old and she said now,
34:15 I hope you don't mind when you met me
34:16 I was a size zero, I am a size 10 now,
34:18 is that okay. If the Lord has to add some weight to you
34:22 to save you, that's okay. Amen!
34:26 And don't get so enamored by your shape.
34:28 You're gonna look different when you get to heaven
34:30 anyway. Can you say Amen. Amen!
34:31 Somebody trying to beat health,
34:33 so beat the way you look.
34:35 I told you, I gave up the battle
34:37 I get tempted every now and then
34:38 to get me some just for men.
34:43 And every now and then, my wife will put her hand through
34:45 my hair after I wash it because you know right now
34:47 it's hard as a helmet.
34:49 And she say honey, I just like the way your hair
34:52 looks, that's silver gray, and I thought you know what.
34:54 The Bible says the honor of an old man is his gray hair.
34:58 Amen! Come on you gray hair people say Amen!
35:00 So, I said you know what my church members gave me
35:03 gray hair, I need to let them know that,
35:06 but it also says that as you get older,
35:08 you get wiser and that wisdom
35:10 is what we don't have naturally.
35:15 It's what God allows us to acquire through
35:18 our experiences.
35:21 But you know what you can even have
35:22 gray hair, if you don't have Jesus that's not enough.
35:26 And some people are getting nipped here and tucked there
35:28 and augmented here and lifted there.
35:30 Brethren, we all on the way to the grave, no matter
35:32 what you look like.
35:35 You can have a complete make over,
35:37 but your DNA will remind you how you really looked.
35:41 Some people have kids, that look completely different
35:43 from them.
35:44 Because they been so plasticized that when their
35:46 kids come out they remember what they used to look like?
35:50 Leave it to Jesus. Can you say Amen!
35:52 Let the Lord give you the real birth, the new birth,
35:55 that's why he looked at Nicodemus
35:56 and said you must be born again.
36:01 You know, you need more sermons like that. Sometimes,
36:04 we go to the Pope and we would like to philosophize
36:06 and try to intellectually stimulate individuals.
36:09 People say I like intellectual stimulation.
36:11 Jesus doesn't mind that, but remember there is nobody
36:14 more intellectual than Jesus. Amen!
36:17 And Jesus says you must be born again,
36:19 anybody in the fifth grade could understand that.
36:21 You must be born again and the new birth experience there's
36:25 something else for us. It gives us the eyes of Jesus.
36:28 You know why because Paul says the natural man
36:30 does not receive the things of the spirit of God
36:32 for they are foolishness to him.
36:34 He can't see them, he cannot know them
36:36 for they are spiritually discerned.
36:39 So, to be born again means to understand, to detect
36:42 to tell the difference. Brethren, when people say
36:44 I don't see anything wrong with,
36:48 that's an indication that they are not born again. Now,
36:50 could I be plain, because I may not get the preacher on
36:53 Friday for another 10 years. Can I be plain.
36:56 Can you give me an Amen. Amen!
36:58 Brethren when you say that you can't see anything wrong
37:01 with putting on the world, whether it is in the way
37:05 you dress or the way you ornament yourself.
37:08 You are not born again. Amen!
37:09 Now, that's not a personal attack
37:12 that's the word of Jesus. Because Jesus,
37:16 the only thing we put on when we put on Jesus,
37:19 is we put on the Lord Jesus Christ.
37:21 That's not a very popular message by the way,
37:24 but you know what, when I get to heaven, I rather walk
37:29 on gold than wear gold. Amen! And if your a threat to
37:33 heaven, you ain't gonna be going to heaven, breaking up
37:35 the streets.
37:37 Can you imagine somebody trying to snatch
37:39 your gate of pearl to wear it.
37:41 You got to have an awfully large head to do that,
37:45 so get that issue squared away down here.
37:47 Somebody ought to say Amen to that. Amen!
37:49 So, you got to see when you look at God's word
37:52 it opens your eyes. I always say to people
37:54 if something that God's word offends you
37:56 then you need to get on your knees and pray.
37:58 Because if I open my map and it gets me upset
38:01 I don't need to be on the road, am I clear.
38:07 Is that a little bit of apostasy
38:09 ecclesiastical, a bit of dictum, is that what call it.
38:13 If your map upsets you then you need
38:15 to know the one who wrote that map.
38:17 And by the way the map, God's word is reliable.
38:19 I've had to do a whole lot of things
38:21 differently when I open up the map.
38:24 And every now and then those things
38:26 try to creep back into your life, you know what I am
38:27 talking about.
38:29 Oh! Yeah, you put that music down many years ago and
38:31 all of a sudden you hear it on the radio
38:32 and you just, that rhythm comes back.
38:35 Depends on what era you're from, if it is the 40s,
38:38 you know what I am talking about.
38:40 Now, all of a sudden they tell you that
38:42 well you know the golden collection
38:44 all of Elvis favorite hits and look at your wife
38:47 and says honey we don't have that,
38:49 we need to keep that even though we are not gonna play.
38:50 Let's get the notes for posterity and before you know
38:54 it, it ain't posterity you have the problem.
38:56 Well I know what I'm talking about sometimes
38:58 you know XM satellite radio we got all these new frankel
39:00 motions, but I am thinking what I am learning
39:02 is, the devil is trying to find new ways to get in.
39:06 He got us so electronically connected
39:09 that we are really, we are really
39:11 in the, what do they call it, the world wide web.
39:17 Spinning it all around us, getting at us all
39:20 webbed in there.
39:21 Filling our minds with things that don't matter and
39:24 every now and then you know I, I must confess.
39:30 You ought to say you confess too.
39:33 Don't look at me like you don't know
39:34 what I am talking about.
39:36 Some of you forgot to change the station, go on that car
39:38 and now turn on, you see what I am talking about.
39:41 Every now and then that old stuff comes back
39:44 and you begin to reminist,
39:46 what you used to be when you heard it.
39:47 You know, what I am talking about.
39:48 Remember that, remember that honey
39:50 we were are, you know you go back 25, 40 years
39:52 and all of sudden the Lord taps on you
39:55 when somebody beeps their car horn when
39:57 you almost run off the road,
39:58 listen to that stuff, you shouldn't listen to.
40:03 That's why Nicodemus needed to be born again.
40:06 He came to Jesus in an awful condition
40:09 and by the way because we look good
40:11 does not say a whole lot about our spiritual condition
40:14 because God is not impressed by the outside.
40:16 God looks on the heart. Can you say, Amen!
40:19 And let me add something to those people
40:21 that still be struggling in some areas.
40:22 You may not have worn a stitched Jewelry,
40:25 but that does not mean you don't need to be converted.
40:33 Oh! That's a real quite subject.
40:37 When Nicodemus met Jesus he asked the most ridiculous
40:41 question. How can a man be born when he is old.
40:45 I am glad that we can be born again at any age. Amen.
40:49 On Sabbath, two older people came
40:50 here and they're now members of our church.
40:52 They're not here tonight, I'm not gonna mention their
40:54 names, but I remember they were well in their 70's.
40:57 I don't know if they are in their 80's, but I would
40:59 just give them the 70s, but he said, he said to me
41:01 how old is too old to be baptized, and I said
41:03 you can ask me the question you are not too old.
41:07 And they're baptized members here now,
41:09 Amen. If you need Jesus, it's never too late.
41:12 If you can move and think you can be baptized.
41:16 Nicodemus asked a ridiculous question
41:19 and you notice that Nicodemus must have failed
41:21 biology because he says can a man enter a second time.
41:26 Not only was he ridiculous, but
41:28 Jesus didn't fall for that bay,
41:31 which was a lesson to me. You know sometimes,
41:32 we get caught up in those conversations
41:34 that don't amount to a hell beans,
41:36 and I have discovered truly there are
41:38 some foolish questions.
41:40 You know what we always say there is no stupid question,
41:42 there are some ridiculous questions because
41:43 this was ridiculous and Jesus did not get drawn
41:46 in by it Jesus didn't answer it.
41:49 Can a man be born again when he is old, can he enter
41:52 a second time, Jesus ignored
41:55 the question and by the way there are some people
41:56 that have some ridiculous questions on house calls.
41:58 John and I know that, we get some crazy questions
42:01 like for example.
42:03 What was the color of Adam, I say multicolor, Amen!
42:10 No matter what color you are. I mean look at all of us,
42:12 we got the same dad. Come on say Amen family.
42:17 Then they asked did Abel marry his sister? Maybe,
42:20 but he better not marry yours.
42:23 He said, what color was Jesus? Divine.
42:26 So, we got steps to cry for the black Jesus
42:29 and a white Jesus and they got a Filipino Jesus
42:32 in the Philippines and a German Jesus in Germany.
42:35 Brothers, this is the same Jesus. Amen.
42:38 Stressing about all that
42:39 race relation stuff, get off your high horse.
42:42 Jesus loves you no matter what country you're from,
42:45 because you are not going back to that country.
42:46 You are going to a heavenly country. Amen!
42:49 And somebody else asked, how many wise men were there?
42:52 I would say enough.
42:55 And was Jesus in the tomb 72 hours? Now all that matters
42:59 is he is not there now. Can you say, Amen!
43:01 All that stuff don't make a difference.
43:03 See human diversion is the enemy of divine
43:07 conversion, intellectual satisfaction is
43:10 DNA of heart sanctification.
43:12 God wants to get to the heart, he wants to convert
43:14 us, but we want to spend all that time
43:16 asking questions that don't mean anything.
43:20 That's why Jesus told a religious man,
43:22 he told the law keeping clean meat eating Pharisee
43:26 that he couldn't see. How insulting?
43:30 And by the way, Jesus has the right to insult us.
43:36 That's why he said Nicodemus again do not marvel,
43:39 he didn't say it once, he said it twice,
43:41 don't be surprised, you got to be born again.
43:44 Some folks are trying to make it to the kingdom
43:46 by just church membership, no it is not church membership.
43:48 You got to be born again.
43:52 I never forget one of my ministerial directors,
43:54 I won't tell you which one, but he said to me
43:55 when he was doing a evangelistic series
43:57 after being a pastor for seven years,
43:58 he got converted.
44:02 So, because you are in church don't necessarily
44:04 mean you've converted.
44:05 You can know the message inside out,
44:07 you are still need to be converted. Amen.
44:09 That's just intellectual knowledge.
44:11 And that's what when Nicodemus got to Jesus
44:13 as intellectual as he was he met somebody
44:16 who was more than his match.
44:18 Isaiah said my thoughts are not your thoughts,
44:20 my ways are not your ways, as high as the heavens
44:23 are above the earth, so are my ways
44:26 above your ways and my thoughts
44:27 above your thoughts. Don't try to match wits with Jesus
44:30 and by the way don't try to make
44:32 deals with Jesus either.
44:34 Some people say Lord, if you do then
44:35 I will. You got to own something to negotiate
44:39 with Jesus, you know what I'm saying, what do you own?
44:42 If you want to see what you own, see
44:43 what do you brought into the world when you came into it.
44:46 See what you take out when you leave.
44:48 You may get married or buried with your bank book,
44:51 but you are not gonna spend any money anywhere.
44:53 I just heard of a man who went to funeral
44:56 one day and he passed by the coffin
44:58 and there was a guy in their very, very wealthy,
45:00 all of this money was around him and he paused
45:03 at the coffin longer than anybody else.
45:07 He looked down, he took out his checkbook
45:09 and wrote a check and put the check
45:11 and then took the cash.
45:14 He said when you get to where you're
45:16 going. My check is good.
45:19 You got to use it now for Jesus.
45:21 You are not taking it with you. Can you say, Amen.
45:23 Amen! You know, that's why you have to try
45:26 to get this thing clear. You see researchers are
45:29 still trying to figure out how the world was made.
45:32 I got the answer, Jesus. Can you say, Amen.
45:35 Doctors are still trying to understand how
45:37 disease can disappear, the answer is simple Jesus.
45:41 Some are still trying to figure out how nine tens
45:44 can go further then ten tens, Jesus.
45:48 You got to buy into the plan by the way
45:50 and some people don't know how
45:52 red people, yellow people, black people,
45:54 and white people can work together down here
45:56 in Southern Illinois and not kill each other. Jesus.
46:00 Amen! If we can get along down here,
46:02 we can get along everywhere, by the way
46:04 can we all just get alone. Amen!
46:08 Some are trying to understand how a ministry
46:10 with almost no money in the bank
46:13 could wrap the globe in more than 11 satellites
46:16 and survive for 25 years. I got the answer
46:18 Jesus. What you say, Amen!
46:20 And no offense to any, but some
46:21 people are still trying to figure out
46:23 how a man who can only be a carpenter has
46:25 one blind eye could do all this.
46:28 Jesus. What do you say. Amen.
46:31 When God has people that are walking by
46:33 faith and not by sight he can do anything.
46:38 Don't look at yourself as incapable, that's
46:40 what Nicodemus thought, he had it all,
46:42 but by the way he found that he didn't have
46:44 what Jesus wanted to give to him.
46:46 That's why sometimes we got to
46:48 be pruned before we can grow.
46:50 We got to be cut down before we can stand up.
46:53 God has to cleanse the stream before the water is pure.
46:56 He has got to close our mouths
46:57 sometimes to teach us what to say Amen!
47:00 Amen! When he finally got through to Nicodemus
47:02 by the way, I would have loved to
47:04 have been Nicodemus because the Lord revealed
47:07 to Nicodemus all of our favorite Bible verse.
47:11 It was Nicodemus that God, the God of the Universe
47:15 burst that verse, for God so loved the world.
47:18 It was Nicodemus who had that privilege of hearing
47:20 that verse for the first time.
47:23 That God so loved the world. Nicodemus is in all our lives.
47:26 We just did not know it was him.
47:28 That God so loved the world, he said to Nicodemus
47:30 that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever
47:32 and even you Nicodemus, you Pharisee.
47:35 Even you can saved if you love the Lord.
47:38 Whosoever, I am a whosoever what about you.
47:41 Amen! That whosoever believeth in
47:43 him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
47:48 That's why salvation is not even doing the right thing,
47:52 but doing the right thing can only happen if
47:54 you're in a saving relationship with Jesus.
47:58 Tonight, Brethren don't get caught off guard by what's
48:01 happening in the world.
48:03 Don't get discouraged about the terrorist
48:05 scares and all that stuff.
48:06 You know what Jesus is not going to allow us
48:09 to destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons.
48:11 Can you say Amen. Amen! The Gospel is going to go
48:15 to the entire world, you know, why? Jesus said that.
48:19 Amen! One day Nicodemus along with us is going
48:22 to meet the Jesus that he didn't believe could
48:24 do anything, but I want to say tonight
48:26 with Jesus all things are possible.
48:28 When Nicodemus get in front of Jesus
48:30 one day he is gonna finally see that
48:31 Jesus can deliver like he said,
48:33 he could and by the way
48:34 this is what's gonna happen on that day.
48:36 Sin is going to be eradicated, death,
48:38 will be terminated, Satan will be annihilated.
48:41 Politics will be eliminated, world will be assassinated,
48:44 hate will be obliterated, sorrow will be terminated,
48:47 sinners will be extricated
48:49 and Jesus will be vindicated. Can you say, Amen!
48:52 Amen! On that day, the Lord is gonna show
48:54 Nicodemus really whose incharge
48:57 because some of us think that we are just like
48:59 that young man.
49:00 I have come to the place where
49:01 I'm getting older and getting smarter, that's a good thing.
49:05 What you say. Amen.
49:06 It'd be sad to get older and get more foolish,
49:10 but I am getting older and I am getting wiser
49:12 and I have discovered that it's no longer
49:14 about me it's about Jesus. Amen!
49:16 And so, when you get to that place
49:18 when you discover somebody who can do all that he
49:20 says he can do for you even trials don't make a
49:23 whole lot of difference to me any longer
49:24 and by the way you know what
49:26 if you're in a trail make sure that Jesus
49:29 is in that trial with you. Amen!
49:31 Because we have one of the darkest hours
49:33 of our earth's history and it's only going to get darker
49:36 by the moment. So, is there a Nicodemus
49:41 here tonight, need to born again.
49:44 You don't even know that.
49:46 Unless the Holy Spirit convicts your heart
49:48 of that, but I want to give you the answer
49:50 to the question, you know, all over the world its night.
49:53 This is hour that we need to continue
49:56 proclaiming that Jesus is coming again.
50:01 Don't get distracted by the conference,
50:03 by the union, by the schools, by the churches,
50:06 by the pastor, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
50:09 Amen. The author and finisher of your faith.
50:12 Fix it there and when you fix it there
50:15 what happens around you really
50:17 wouldn't make a difference.
50:19 I heard the story of a man who
50:20 was one day going to be sentenced to death.
50:22 He only had one chance to have himself
50:25 vindicated and released and so the king said to him.
50:28 If you can walk from here to the gallows
50:30 without spilling a drop of milk from that cup
50:33 you will be set free. And so he began his journey,
50:37 a two mile journey from the castle to the gallows.
50:42 If he drop one drop of milk he would have been condemned.
50:48 I want you to know for the first time in his life
50:50 he took his eyes off of the people around him.
50:56 We need to have our eyes fixed on Jesus like
50:59 that man had his eyes fixed on that milk.
51:03 When he made it all the way to that gallows
51:06 he looked up and realized
51:08 that because he didn't drop a single drop
51:11 he was going to be vindicated. Well, tonight
51:14 friends our salvation is not on a drop of milk,
51:16 it's in a drop of blood. What do you say, Amen!
51:19 I believe tonight as I sing the song
51:21 I believe that the difference is all because
51:23 what happened on the cross. I want to encourage you
51:26 that Jesus is soon to come, I want to encourage you
51:29 to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus
51:30 because what he did on that cross
51:33 made all the difference to the end of our story.
51:37 Listen to this song.
51:50 I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary, Amen, and
52:01 I believe whatever the cost And when time has surrendered
52:19 And this all earth is no more
52:23 I'll still cling to that old rugged, yet, cross
52:36 I believe that this life with its great mysteries
52:47 Surely someday will come to an end
52:56 oh, but faith will conquer all the darkness and death
53:09 And will lead at last to my friend
53:20 yes, I believe that the Christ Who was slain on that cross
53:33 Has the power to change the lives today
53:42 For He changed me completely and a new life is mine
53:55 And that is why by the cross I will stay
54:05 and yes I believe in that hill called Mount Calvary
54:16 can you say that my brothers, and I believe in whatever
54:24 the cost and time has surrendered
54:35 And this whole earth is no more, I'll still cling to that
54:45 old rugged-end of Cross. Amen.
55:09 Tonight, I want to pray that the message
55:14 of the cross is not lost on us.
55:19 It was until not Nicodemus stood at the cross
55:22 that he realized what Jesus was saying that
55:24 night, you must be born again.
55:28 He was born again at the foot of the cross.
55:31 He was the man that the Lord
55:33 used to finance most of the evangelistic
55:36 outreach for the new testament church.
55:39 Did God have a plan for his life?
55:41 God has a plan for our lives tonight.
55:45 We are not wasted on the message of the cross.
55:47 Jesus did not waste his blood and when he comes again
55:50 we are going to see the efficacy of the blood
55:52 that Jesus shed, but tonight I want to pray
55:55 that if there is a Nicodemus in us.
55:58 We can find the new birth before Jesus comes
56:00 again. Would you bow your heads with me.
56:02 Our Heavenly Father, we thank you so much,
56:04 that tonight the blood that was available
56:09 to Nicodemus on that lonely evening there
56:13 in the audience of the divine one.
56:16 Father, if he had only known that he was speaking
56:20 to the one who spoke him into existence.
56:22 If he had only known the power resident in
56:26 that conversation, he would not have asked what he did.
56:29 So, Father tonight we pray
56:32 for those of us who may be religious and may be
56:34 even convicted and have a set of beliefs that are all
56:39 together correct. We pray that we can find
56:43 Jesus more than we can know what we
56:45 believe. We pray Father at this dark hour
56:49 of earth's history that you will find your people
56:53 again where they are and get them ready
56:55 for where you are preparing for us.
56:58 That this message of conversion and Holy Spirit's
57:02 power can grip as never before.
57:06 So, speak to our hearts, find us where we are
57:08 and when the moment of decision comes
57:12 may we choose to follow the savior
57:14 the one who is waiting to fellowship with us.
57:17 Thank you for the promise and thank you for the
57:19 power that you make available to us.
57:22 In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
57:26 May the Lord continue to bless you
57:29 and direct you and be with you
57:33 until we meet you again. May the Lord guide you
57:36 and direct you that we can meet you on that eternal day.
57:39 God bless you until we see you again.


Revised 2014-12-17