3ABN Homecoming 2009

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 09HC

Program Code: 09HC000005

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting
00:27 'Homecoming 2009'.
00:39 Featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN Family,
00:40 along with uplifting Christian music
00:41 all to you prepare your heart
00:43 for the coming of the Lord.
00:49 Well good evening and welcome to Camp
00:52 Meeting Homecoming. We are so glad you are
00:54 here tonight and well we are glad, well we already
00:57 been having fun, now we have, see folks you
00:59 should be here and you'll know what they
01:00 are laughing at us. That's right. Yeah.
01:03 Not with us may be, but I ask, but that's okay.
01:05 That's alright. We are used to. Yeah, we are.
01:07 I have been laughed at all my life and, but I,
01:10 I tell you we've had a wonderful day here at
01:13 Camp Meeting. We have, we have.
01:15 A real blessing. And John is hiding back
01:16 here in the shadows, yes He is, and Pastor
01:19 Murry, he is coming on now. Yeah, He was late.
01:21 But, we're glad He is here. He was busy
01:26 putting the program together, that's what he
01:28 was doing. You know, actually this looks like a
01:30 court, but they won't let me sing well also.
01:33 No we would, actually we would. You would,
01:35 actually! And we promised to put you on
01:37 this spot because he was saying although,
01:39 when Melody was singing so you and her
01:41 sing, yeah, just stood on this spot.
01:43 Oh, I thought they should do better.
01:45 Well, I only know one song though so, well
01:48 we are in trouble. We will try it.
01:51 But, we just had a wonderful time
01:53 together, we really have. And by the way the four
01:56 of us, I had a man last weekend I was in
02:00 Western Pennsylvania and he said he just
02:03 loved it when the four of us did a program
02:05 together and here we are together, praise the
02:08 Lord, oh because one person liked to
02:10 desperate together. Yeah, one guy. Alright,
02:12 good, good. Well, one is better than none,
02:15 I mean either. I guess I got the letters where
02:18 they weren't so sure of, not really. Not really.
02:21 We do have a great time together and you know
02:23 why because we have something in common.
02:26 Yes. We have Jesus. That's right. Jesus is
02:28 center of our joy, the center of our focus, and
02:31 can we give a sermon today about this one
02:33 thing I know and that's what we know,
02:35 yeah, Jesus said go into all the world.
02:37 Once we accept Him as Lord and savior of our
02:39 life and once we make the commitment to Him.
02:42 We can't help, but go into all the world
02:43 because he wanted to share with everybody.
02:46 We have that in common. We do! So,
02:47 we can work together, we can play, play ball
02:50 together, we can sing together, we can do
02:52 whatever enjoy the company. Yeah.
02:54 And I watch him play ball. I don't play ball
02:57 with him anymore, but my Achilles Tendon
02:59 won't let allow that, but these three do.
03:02 And I enjoy. I've watched them a couple of times,
03:06 but that's where I get my exercise as
03:09 watching these three. It goes like this.
03:12 Yeah, right. I got some good muscles in my
03:15 neck and well listen we are just so happy to be
03:19 here at Camp Meeting and I think we sounded
03:22 very relaxed tonight because we have had
03:24 such a wonderful, spiritual day together.
03:26 And everything started last night,
03:28 we have a wonderful night last night and we
03:31 are looking forward to the Sabbath tomorrow
03:33 and we are in the Sabbath right now, but
03:36 the next 24 hours we are just praying that
03:39 God will do something special in each of our
03:42 hearts and we believe that it will and those of
03:45 you that are watching in television, we believe
03:47 that you are going to receive the very same
03:49 blessing that we are receiving here because
03:51 it all comes from our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
03:56 Amen. I wonder, pastor Murry could we get you
03:59 to say a special prayer today for all those at home.
04:01 There someone needs, for having needs and
04:04 the Satan is against all of us, but we will just
04:06 boot him out and we let
04:07 the Holy Spirit roll and rain.
04:09 We are going to enjoy this time together with
04:11 our savior. We will be glad to do these.
04:12 Shall we pray? Yeah. Gracious Father, we
04:15 just praise you just now, we are thankful for the
04:19 clock that has ticked away the hours of the
04:22 secular week and now we walk into the
04:25 blessing, the presence of this temple and time
04:28 call the Sabbath. We are thankful Lord for the
04:31 Sabbath and for Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath day.
04:35 There are cares of aplenty, there are
04:37 worries aplenty, but for the next 24 hours Lord,
04:41 we are going to leave our cares at the door.
04:44 We are going to leave them outside.
04:45 They'll be there when we get back to them,
04:47 but for just now Lord, we want to burst in the
04:50 sunshine of your love. We want to see the
04:53 smiling face of the savior. We want to hear the
04:57 wonderful words of life. We want to praise you
05:01 for truly you are worthy to be praised.
05:03 The only thing certain in this uncertain world
05:07 is that Jesus is coming again. Amen.
05:10 And oh Father, we want to be ready and that day
05:12 is made a reality. We want to see your face
05:15 Blessed Face and tonight as we sit, as we
05:19 sing, as we pray, as we praise, as we hear the
05:22 word of God preached, please dear Lord take us
05:26 just one more step along that road
05:29 that leads to Glory. Oh, Father guide and
05:32 we well follow, speak, and we will hear direct
05:36 and we will be your servants. Bless this
05:39 service the music and spoken word, so that
05:43 Christ is seen and known and heard and
05:46 felt not only this sacred auditorium, but around
05:50 the world during this very special time.
05:53 We love you Lord. We praise you and we thank
05:56 you for your promise to hear and answer the
05:58 prayer of faith in Jesus name, Amen. Amen.
06:02 John, you can sing the theme song.
06:03 Okay, let's do that as we are nearing home and
06:06 that's truly the fascinating.
06:08 So, let's join our hearts together.
06:10 May God watch us, there you go,
06:12 all of you sing with us,
06:14 Just over the mountains in the Promised Land,
06:20 Lies the Holy City built by God's own hand;
06:27 As our weary footsteps gain the mountain's crest,
06:33 We can view our homeland of eternal rest.
06:40 We are nearing home! We are nearing home!
06:51 See the splendor gleaming from the domes afar!
06:56 See the glory streaming thro' the gates ajar!
07:02 There we soon will enter, never more to roam,
07:10 Hear the angels singing! We are nearing home!
07:18 We are nearing home!
07:28 My brother, my sister will you meet us here
07:35 In that land of sunshine where there'll be no care?
07:42 Accept of God's message and to Him to true;
07:48 Then when Jesus cometh He will call for you.
07:55 We are nearing home ! We are nearing home !
08:06 See the splendor gleaming from the domes afar!
08:12 See the glory streaming thro' the gates ajar!
08:17 There we soon will enter never more to roam;
08:27 Hear the angels singing! We are nearing home!
08:35 We are nearing home! Amen
08:48 Well, we enjoyed singing that song and
08:50 we believe that we are nearing home.
08:54 We believe that Lord Jesus is going to be
08:56 coming back very, very soon and there is going
08:59 to be that great Homecoming, as we go
09:02 to heaven together, and right now we are going
09:06 to enjoy listening as Jim and Pam Rhodes
09:10 come and bring us some real special music, I am
09:15 following Jesus once step at a time.
09:30 I am following Jesus one step at a time.
09:38 I live for the moment in his love divine
09:46 Why think of tomorrow, just live for today,
09:55 For Jesus is leading, each step of the way,
10:03 The pathway is narrow but he leads me on
10:11 I walk in his shadow, my fears are all gone
10:19 My spirit grows stronger, each moment each day
10:28 For Jesus is leading each step of the way.
10:37 Jesus is walking with me each day walking
10:42 close by my side. He is my companion
10:47 along the way and in his love I love by.
10:55 He is walking with me daily He talks with me,
11:04 when shadows hover, He closes a brother, yes
11:08 He is walking with me. You can have Jesus as
11:19 your old friend too, just let Him in today,
11:26 His love is tender care and you go well on your way,
11:34 He is walking with me daily He talks with me,
11:44 when shadows hover, He closes a brother, yes
11:49 He is walking with me. He is walking with me
11:56 daily he talks with me when shadows hover,
12:02 He closes a brother, yes He is walking with me.
12:08 Yes He is walking with me, yes He is walking with me.
12:24 Praise the Lord! You know some day soon
12:29 Jesus is going to come and take his home.
12:31 Amen. I think we are going to walk with Him
12:34 on this earth, we are just going to walk right
12:36 into heaven with Him, and when you get there
12:41 look for me, when I get there
12:43 I will look for you. Amen.
12:57 When you finally make your entrance to that city
13:09 With Jasper walls and bright golden avenues
13:21 As you behold all its beauty and its splendor
13:33 Remember there's just one request I make of you.
13:45 Look for me, for I will be there, too.
13:58 I realize when you arrive there'll be so
14:06 much to view. After you've been there
14:13 ten thousand years, a million, maybe two,
14:21 Look for me, for I will be there, too.
14:40 As you go down your list of firsts, there's no question,
14:52 You'll want to see our loved ones waiting
14:58 you and me; when you feel you've
15:07 shared your story with the last one
15:16 That wants to hear you tell just how you made
15:23 it through, Look for me for I will
15:32 be there too I realize when you
15:45 arrive there will be so much to view
15:53 After you've been there ten thousand years,
15:59 a million, maybe two, Look for me
16:09 for I will be there too. When you've been there
16:23 till ten thousand years, bright shinning
16:33 eyes are swollen, We all are lasting to see
16:50 God's friends, then when we first read them,
17:06 After you've been there ten thousands years,
17:12 a million, maybe two, Look for me for I will
17:23 be there too I will be there too
17:47 Praise the Lord. I just love the music, don't you?
17:50 I really do. We had a really good time last
17:54 night because they did a concert for us that was
17:56 not aired it was just for those of us here at the
17:59 Camp Meeting. But, we taped it and one of these
18:02 days we're gonna air it and we'll let you know
18:05 when we do. One of the most
18:07 exciting things at 3ABN is 3ABN Latino.
18:12 It's just growing leaps and bounds and John
18:16 Dinzey would you come and join me here
18:18 and tell us about some of the most exciting
18:21 things that are happening. Welcome John, glad
18:24 you're back here. Thank you Pastor Gilley.
18:26 Well, it's a pleasure to be here with you, Praise
18:28 in the name of the Lord. Amen.
18:30 I just wanna say thank you to all the 3ABN
18:35 Ministry because 3ABN Latino is a small staff of
18:38 people, and we just praise the Lord for the
18:41 dedicated workers and volunteers of 3ABN
18:43 Latino, but also every department of 3ABN
18:47 English helps 3ABN Latino. So, we want to say a big
18:51 thank you and praise the Lord for our
18:53 production staff that it does an outstanding job.
18:57 Amen. Amen. The call center, we just
19:00 praise the Lord for the call center,
19:03 our publishing department, just praise
19:04 the Lord for every department dedicated
19:06 workers that are here to serve and help us bring
19:09 the Gospel to people all over the world.
19:12 I just want to ask for you to join a campaign
19:17 that began a few months ago.
19:19 See last year, we told you about Channel 45
19:23 in Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua, the capital
19:27 and the Lord blessed us with an opportunity to
19:29 enter into the capital and then eventually
19:33 reached the whole country because the
19:34 license allows you to expand and so we made
19:39 this known and the Lord blessed us with
19:42 the finances to put the channel on the air.
19:45 But, there is a problem. There is an official in
19:48 the, equivalent to the FCC that has not yet
19:51 signed a document. So, we launched a few
19:54 people praying for
19:57 Channel 45. And you know we lost count
20:00 how many people have been praying.
20:05 So, we need you to join us and pray also for the
20:07 next 10 days or so, pray at least one time a day
20:11 for Channel 45 in Nicaragua. And we hope to see the
20:16 Lord moved the hand of that person to sign to
20:19 that document because as soon as He signs it
20:21 we have the funds to put the channel on the
20:23 air and I just spoke two days ago to our
20:27 representative there. And He gave me an
20:30 update but before I give you that update I'll give
20:32 you, I'll nerve your update, because I went
20:34 earlier this year about two months ago to
20:37 Nicaragua and I went to that FCC there in
20:40 Nicaragua. And He took me to the
20:44 engineering department, a representative and He
20:46 say; I asked Him how are these going.
20:48 He said oh, you guys have fulfilled every
20:51 technical requirement necessary.
20:54 We're not waiting for anything.
20:55 This for us, you're done. We're just waiting for
20:59 upstairs to get, to sign the document.
21:02 So, we went to see the Vice-President of the
21:04 FCC there and He said oh you guys are just, do
21:08 you everything in order. He says, and I want to
21:10 tell you your representative here has
21:12 done a monumental job trying to get that signature.
21:15 Praise the Lord. Yeah. Do you know what
21:17 He has done? He has talked to the president,
21:19 vthe son of the president of the nation.
21:22 Is that something? Yeah.
21:24 He said hey, we need this signature.
21:27 And He didn't stop there. He talked to the First
21:29 lady of country to say hey, we need this signature.
21:33 And so they have been kind of pulling his tails.
21:36 Yes, I'll get assigned in 30 days He said.
21:39 That was in June. So, we need people to join
21:43 us in prayer. We need this Channel on the air
21:45 because Jesus is coming soon. Amen.
21:47 And we need the people of Nicaragua to hear the
21:49 good news. Amen. Amen. So, join us for the next
21:53 10 days pray for Channel 45 in Nicaragua.
21:57 And I want to tell you that the Lord is doing
21:58 great and mighty things. They are things on the
22:01 horizon that we see, that's kinda get 3ABN
22:05 English, 3ABN Latino anywhere in the world
22:08 anybody can see it at anytime and this is just;
22:11 this, there are things in the works that we
22:14 cannot talk to you about. Well, we know the Lord
22:16 is at work and we're gonna see miracles
22:19 happening, like we've seen before.
22:21 Let me give you an example. Let's start in Mexico.
22:24 There near Monterrey, Mexico we were told
22:27 that the mayor of one of the cities called a local
22:31 conference and say hey I have been watching
22:34 3ABN Latino and that's a good stuff you guys
22:37 have there. I want some more information about
22:40 the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Amen. Amen.
22:44 Let's move over to the U.S. In Texas two
22:46 people walked into church watching 3ABN
22:49 Latino on the Internet and say hey we want to
22:52 be Baptized. Amen. Amen.
22:55 Few months ago I was in California and I'm
22:58 gonna change the name of the pastor because
23:01 I don't have his permission to tell the
23:03 story with his name on it. But, I knew this pastor
23:06 in Chicago who eventually moved to
23:09 California and if He is watching who I'm
23:11 talking about. But, He is retired now and
23:15 I was sharing a story of what god has been
23:17 doing to 3ABN Latino and I was told by them
23:20 that Pastor's brother I'm gonna call Him Pastor
23:23 Luna but He knows who He is his brother
23:28 was an Atheist what that's right.
23:32 Here's a Seventh Day Adventist pastor his
23:34 brother an Atheist. And now Pastor Luna is
23:37 already retirement age and his brother still an
23:40 atheist. How many prayers do you suppose
23:43 were sent up to the throne of grace by that
23:46 pastor for his family? They thought He was
23:48 going to the grave an Atheist. He became sick
23:55 and He started watching television, found 3ABN
23:59 Latino in Honduras. I think it's Honduras,
24:03 and the Lord's touch his heart except the Jesus
24:06 Christ as his personal savior and now he is a
24:08 member of the seventh day Adventist church.
24:10 Amen. Amen. It's amazing what god
24:13 can do. Let's move over to Dominican Republic.
24:18 You remember the 10 commandments
24:20 weekend. Well, during one of the
24:21 10 commandments weekend one of the
24:23 books was given to a, a Sunday keeping pastor.
24:28 He read this thing, He says Wow! This is
24:30 fantastic. I want a book for all the members of
24:34 my congregation. And now I was told just
24:36 about a week ago that you're just
24:40 keeping the Sabbath. That's in Dominican Republic.
24:43 Let's move over to Porto Rico for a
24:45 moment because I'm running out of time.
24:49 Danny Shelton worked with us.
24:50 We had a 3ABN Latino rally in Porto Rico
24:53 amazing things we heard. And then He told
24:57 you about a person a young man named Jose.
25:01 He used to, he was using drugs, abusing
25:03 drugs, marijuana, he started watching 3ABN
25:08 Latino and the Lord changed his life and
25:13 Danny told you about the phone number
25:14 you remember that. His girlfriend saw this
25:17 phone number 3ABN on there and says must
25:20 be a secret code for a girl, erased it.
25:23 And the next day she looked at the phone
25:27 again and there it was again. Huh, the girl
25:30 3ABN is back. Erased it again until finally she
25:34 says hey who is this girl 3ABN? It's a secret
25:38 code isn't it. What's the girl's real name?
25:42 He said no, that's a Christian TV channel.
25:45 And she saw it, at first she said well, that's
25:47 boring. What do you do watching that because
25:50 of his previous lifestyle. But, now she is visiting
25:53 the church taking Bible studies. Amen.
25:56 My wife Idalia was talking to the mother of
25:59 Jose and she said I have been praying
26:03 for years for Him. He is not a Seventh Day
26:06 Adventist, but because what she has seen in
26:09 Him she is now studying to be a
26:10 Seventh Day Adventist. And she said this.
26:13 You know its one thing for people to say in
26:15 public they have changed. But, I can tell you in my
26:20 house I see the real Jose and he is changed.
26:24 Amen. Amen. Amen. She says I see Him
26:27 sometimes on his face praying for up to 30
26:30 minutes. Praise the Lord. This young man is an
26:35 evangelist. He was walking down the street
26:37 saw somebody there and he say hey.
26:40 The guy said you got some change to Jose.
26:43 Jose change. I know what you want that for.
26:46 You want it for some cocaine don't you?
26:48 I used to do that. I'm gonna give you
26:51 something better than cocaine and He talked
26:53 to him about Jesus Christ. And when we went to
26:56 visit in Porto Rico Jose brought that young man in.
27:02 And He is too taking Bible studies. Amen.
27:04 Pray for Jose he says he wants to be an
27:06 Pray for Jose he says he wants to be an
27:07 evangelist. Does He have it in Him?
27:08 Yes, the Lord has put that in Him. Amen.
27:11 Great mighty things are happening and we want
27:13 to tell you that Jesus Christ is coming soon.
27:15 Pray for 3ABN Latino and I want to tell you
27:19 next year we're planning some evangelistic
27:23 campaigns and I believe this is part of that
27:28 scripture that says that the whole earth will be
27:32 lightened up with the glory of god. Amen.
27:35 Please remember us in prayer. God is doing
27:36 great mighty things. I wish we had more
27:38 time but our time is up.
27:41 Well, we can listen all night. Thank you.
27:43 You see why I'm excited about 3ABN
27:46 Latino. It's a wonderful, wonderful Ministry
27:50 that's reaching out around the world and
27:52 just growing so rapidly. We can hardly keep up
27:56 with it. Seems like everyday or two they
27:59 are bringing to us these cable agreements for me
28:02 to sign and over and over again we're seeing
28:06 that 3ABN Latino is moving into new cable outlets.
28:11 You know, one of the things we really enjoy
28:13 about Camp Meeting is the good music, isn't it?
28:15 And we really have been blessed throughout
28:18 this Camp Meeting with good music and tonight
28:21 is certainly no exception. Right now I'm going to
28:24 invite Emily Felts Jones to come and she is
28:27 going to sing for us 'I know who holds
28:30 tomorrow'. Amen. This is an old Southern
28:34 Gospel song written by Ira Stanphill.
28:38 It's written around the depression, a time of
28:41 uncertainty and despair not unlike our world today.
28:45 Is it? Nothing ever changes. But, I don't think it's
28:51 gonna get any better. Do you?
28:52 No. But, one thing we can be certain of
28:57 no matter what happens today we know who
28:59 how holds tomorrow. Amen.
29:08 I don't know about tomorrow,
29:14 I just live from day to day.
29:21 I don't borrow from it's sunshine,
29:27 For it's skies may turn to gray.
29:34 I don't worry about the future,
29:41 For I know what Jesus said,
29:47 So today I'll walk beside Him,
29:54 For He knows what is ahead.
30:01 Many things about tomorrow,
30:07 I don't need to understand;
30:14 For I know Who holds tomorrow,
30:20 And I know Who holds my hand.
30:27 I don't know about tomorrow,
30:33 It may bring me poverty;
30:40 But the One Who feeds the sparrow,
30:47 Is the One Who stands by me.
30:54 And the path that is my portion,
31:00 May be through the flame or flood,
31:07 But His presence goes before me,
31:14 And I'm covered with His blood.
31:21 Many things about tomorrow,
31:26 I don't need to understand;
31:33 For I know Who holds tomorrow,
31:40 And I know Who holds my hand.
31:47 He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
31:53 by his own hand He leadeth me;
32:00 and his faithful follower I will be,
32:06 for by his hand He leadeth me.
32:15 Many things about tomorrow
32:21 I just don't need to understand
32:27 for I know who holds tomorrow
32:34 And I know who holds my hand.
32:47 Amen, aren't you glad tonight?
33:07 I want to introduce the youngest grandchildren;
33:12 this is baby faith, say hi, Thank you.
33:16 Say hi, Hi! Oh, see how smart they are!
33:21 Aren't these kids smart, they said hi?
33:24 Can you say hi? Say hi! Oh, say I love papa.
33:31 Thank you. Okay, you too. Okay, they are sweet.
33:36 Nothing like grandkids, right! Amen.
33:38 somebody said and I said it once joking and Melody
33:40 gave me a look that I knew better I said if I
33:42 know so much fun and I had Him first
33:44 but I didn't really mean it I am glad
33:47 to had your melody alright well this,
33:50 this is Baby Faith and this is Joanna Daniel
33:52 and he is got daddy with him and momma
33:54 over here and so we are gonna let you guys go
33:57 out okay daddy is gonna take you for walk.
33:59 Say bye, bye, say bye, bye see how smart they are.
34:04 Oh, I will tell you those kids can do everything,
34:06 they can do anything. Well, Melody you know when
34:12 you have children you tell them things
34:14 like I gave my life for you, any of you have ever
34:17 said that to your kids, if you are really come
34:19 down to it, I had gave my life for you.
34:21 I came up right before about 20 minutes before we
34:25 went on the air and she was singing a song
34:26 and she said dad would you sing this with me
34:28 I said I don't know that song she goes please and
34:30 I said no and then all of a sudden I thought
34:33 I told her out do anything for her,
34:35 you know, so even its expensive looking foolish,
34:38 may be I shouldn't sing with you Melody,
34:40 but what song is it gonna be,
34:43 Jesus be the Lord of all I know it years ago
34:46 beautiful song, is that written by
34:48 Lanny Wolfe, right?
34:49 Okay. We will try and if this doesn't goes well,
34:51 I will let you do the next one on your own.
35:09 Jesus be the Lord of all Jesus be the Lord of all
35:23 Jesus be the Lord of all The kingdoms of my heart
35:36 In my heart are kingdoms of A world that's all my own
35:51 Kingdoms that are only seen By myself and God alone
36:04 In the past when I tried to rule my world
36:12 It just seemed to fall apart So please Jesus
36:20 be the Lord of all The kingdoms of my heart
36:31 Jesus be the Lord of all Jesus be the Lord of all
36:44 Jesus be the Lord of all The kingdoms of my heart
36:57 I guess I only fool myself For I said
37:07 I have yielded all But in a secret corner
37:16 of my heart Was a kingdom that
37:21 didn't fall I surrender now,
37:28 make my heart your throne Rule it's kingdoms,
37:35 great and small For if your not
37:40 Lord of everything Then your not Lord at all
37:51 Jesus I surrender all Jesus I surrender all
38:04 Jesus I surrender all The kingdoms of my heart
38:17 For if you not Lord of everything
38:24 For if you not Lord of everything
38:30 if you not Lord of everything Then your not Lord at all
38:53 Thank you all. Thank you, thank you.
38:55 We all live for that. Okay, good job Melody,
38:58 thank you. Okay, you are going to do one more
39:00 song. Yes, you are going to sing with me.
39:03 I still see her as a three-year-old, yes
39:06 I will sing it with you and she looks at
39:08 you like that you will sing it with me what is it?
39:11 'Center of my joy', 'Center of my joy', alright
39:15 and that's what Jesus should be to all of us.
39:17 Okay, let's try.
39:19 Jim was relaxed this evening. So, here we are, alright
39:25 Jesus You're the Center of my Joy
39:35 All that's good and perfect Comes from You
39:41 You're the heart of my contentment
39:47 Hope for all I do Jesus You're the center
39:55 of my joy When I've lost my direction
40:03 You're the compass for my way
40:07 Lord You're the fire and light
40:10 when nights are long and cold
40:16 In sadness You are the laughter
40:20 That shadows all my fears When I'm all alone
40:26 Your hand is there to hold
40:33 Jesus You're the center of my joy
40:41 All that's good and perfect
40:45 Comes from You You're the heart
40:51 of my contentment Hope for all I do
40:57 Jesus You're the center of my joy
41:04 You are why I find pleasure In the simple things in life
41:14 You're the music in the meadows And the streams
41:21 you are the voices of the children
41:26 My family and my home You're the source
41:32 and finisher Of my highest dreams
41:36 Sing it to her learn it here with us
41:39 Jesus You're the center of my joy
41:48 All that's good and perfect Comes from You
41:55 You're the heart of my contentment
42:00 Hope for all I do Jesus
42:05 You're the center of my joy
42:13 Jesus You're the center of my joy
42:22 Alright, thank you Melody.
42:25 Now, I am supposed to do many working people,
42:27 are you going to sing that with me?
42:28 No, I don't know that. Oh, she doesn't know
42:30 that one. Alright, thanks honey each man
42:33 for themselves. Okay.
42:35 I don't know if you are supposed to talk
42:39 about this on television, but years ago
42:42 we watched this old movie must be in the 70's,
42:45 it was a guy named Robert Mitchum,
42:47 any of you ever seen Robert Mitchum,
42:48 oh come on be honest, some of you know,
42:50 okay lot of yes I see there, its okay
42:53 these was years ago and he raised his sons
42:56 to be, he was a bank robber and raised his
42:58 sons to be bank robbers and so they
43:01 would say but Dad, but he said listen
43:03 whenever we get in trouble I will be there
43:05 with you. You can count on me boys.
43:06 Well, they finally got caught.
43:08 They surrendered by police, they are in a
43:10 van, and dad what are we gonna do.
43:12 He says don't worry about it.
43:14 Look out there you watch that and he
43:16 opens the door and he runs away leaving
43:17 his boys and they say dad, he said each man
43:20 for themselves boys. So, Melody when we were
43:23 growing up something it happens, she would say
43:25 dad and I will say each man for themselves honey,
43:27 but I was just kidding. He has told me that
43:30 over and over. So, she gave it back to me.
43:33 They say what goes wrong comes around.
43:36 About 25 years ago, this November will be 25 years
43:40 since I was impressed build a television station
43:43 that would reach the world with an undiluted
43:45 Three Angles messages, one would counteract
43:48 the counter-fit. I have no idea back then
43:51 where this thing would go. Kenny,
43:53 my brother is here, he had no idea, we
43:54 had no idea where it would go.
43:56 We had no money, no property, and
43:57 no equipment. We really didn't have anything except
44:00 a dream and that's why I say you know
44:02 we can't live without hope.
44:03 We should be giving hope to each other
44:04 and Jesus is the only way we are gonna get that
44:06 hope by keeping our nose in the Bible,
44:08 continually praying to the Lord, keeping in
44:11 communications with Him, but we didn't have
44:13 anything. So, we went forward and God began to
44:15 bless, but as soon as we started our Ministry,
44:18 some folks that I knew from town was Franklin,
44:22 came to my house one evening and brought a tape.
44:23 They said we got this song and it just reminds
44:26 us of you in the Ministry that you all are working in,
44:30 and just say if you like it and if you like it
44:33 you can just sing it. And I said I will listen to
44:36 the little later, when I heard it, I said you know
44:38 I love this song, but I want to say
44:40 it's called Mending Broken People, but the goal
44:43 has been is for us to be a part of the Ministry
44:46 with God's blessings of course,
44:49 Mending Broken People, but I have to tell you
44:50 something I may not be able to get through this,
44:52 but you all have mended me.
44:56 I have gone through things in my own life, still
44:59 going and I am sure some of you do,
45:01 but thank the Lord for people like you all
45:03 and those of you at home that continue to
45:06 support a Ministry and you continue to go forward
45:10 and because I have been by this Ministry,
45:13 going home watching the Ministers on television,
45:17 watching the programs in 3ABN,
45:19 meeting and knowing and learning to love the
45:22 folks that are involved in sing their heart.
45:24 My heart has been mended. So, tonight
45:26 for all of us, thank you Lord that you are the
45:30 one who mends broken people.
45:46 When I see my brother stumble and all his dreams crumble,
45:56 Let me be there for I, too, fell.
46:06 When I see his heart breaking
46:12 from a wrong turn he's taking,
46:19 Let me be there for I remember well.
46:26 I want to spend my life mending broken people
46:39 I want to spend my life removing pain
46:50 Lord, let my words heal a heart that hurts,
47:00 I want to spend my whole life mending broken people.
47:21 When I see a life that's broken
47:26 Lord give me words that should
47:30 be spoken For I well remember the pain,
47:42 When I see teardrops falling, Lord remind me of my calling
47:54 Help me restore their faith again, don't give up folks
48:02 I want to spend my life mending broken people
48:14 I want to spend my whole life removing pain
48:24 Lord, let my words heal a heart that hurts,
48:35 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
48:47 I want to spend my life mending broken people
49:13 I want to thank the Lord for the opportunity
49:16 of being in Ministry like 3ABN. I can't even
49:19 begin to tell you about the wonderful people
49:21 that God has brought to this Ministry,
49:24 the people that were able to associate with
49:27 the people that are there for you,
49:30 and you need somebody like that around
49:31 you and for those of you watching on television,
49:34 may be you are by yourself, but I want to tell
49:36 you something you are not by yourself.
49:37 Jesus Christ, the Lord all, we just sing about
49:40 a while ago He can be the center of your joy.
49:44 You don't have to worry about all of that
49:46 because you turned it over to Jesus.
49:47 He is your closest friend, your only
49:50 dependable friend, and He will go
49:52 with you to the very end, and I am just so
49:54 thankful tonight and I praise for Three Angles
49:57 Broadcasting Network, but it wouldn't be
49:59 possible, wouldn't be working,
50:01 all the reports and the thousands of people
50:03 that are being reached in giving their lives to Jesus,
50:06 and coming into the Church, couldn't happen without
50:08 each and everyone of you, each and everyone
50:10 of you and so I know this is not,
50:13 we are gonna give Jesus an amen
50:15 tonight, alright, say amen.


Revised 2014-12-17