3ABN Homecoming 2009

Friday Morning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: 09HC

Program Code: 09HC000003

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting, Homecoming 2009.
00:32 Featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN family.
00:39 Along with uplifting Christian music,
00:41 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:49 Hello and good morning. It is still the last several
00:54 minutes of the morning and God is blessing us
00:56 as this is the preparation day for what we know
00:59 will be really an incredible Sabbath.
01:01 And I think we are preparing ourselves the best way
01:04 one can do that and that's by hearing good solid
01:06 preaching and teaching of the word. And our next hour
01:10 will be no exception because we have really an anointed
01:13 teacher and preacher of the word,
01:14 our very own Shelly Quinn. We like to hear Shelly speak
01:19 because she is not only a teacher of the word
01:22 but she is a student of the word. And whenever
01:25 she speaks she brings forth nuggets that are meat
01:28 in due season for God's people and so we expect
01:31 that today. We are so very happy that she is here
01:35 because she had a little bug yesterday.
01:37 And she went home just a bit early and we prayed
01:41 that bug out of her, praise the Lord. Amen. And so,
01:44 she is fit and strong and her husband JD is here,
01:47 we've been a little worried about JD too.
01:49 He's had a different kind of bug or may have been
01:53 the same bug I don't know if he passed that bug to her.
01:55 But he is fit and fiddle today.
01:57 Praise the Lord and here, so we are happy for
01:59 Mr. and Mrs. Quinn enjoying good health and we know God
02:04 has a blessing for us today. Before we go much further
02:08 into our program, let's have a word of prayer
02:09 as we rest God's blessing upon our sitting of this hour.
02:12 Dear father, we praise you thank you for your love,
02:15 goodness, grace and mercy.
02:18 We thank you for your word which is a lamp
02:20 unto our feet, a light unto our path. We thank you
02:24 for those who have dedicated their lives to the study
02:26 of the word and for your Spirit, which applies
02:30 the power of the word to our hearts and to our lives.
02:34 And so we thank you today in advance for what you know,
02:37 we know you were going to do through your maid
02:40 servant as she seeks to teach us those things that
02:45 you have taught her. And we praise you
02:48 and thank you in Jesus name. Amen.
02:52 There is a wonderful text that David was pleased
02:56 to write in Psalm, I think it's 113, where he asked
02:59 the question I think rhetorically, who is like unto
03:02 our God and it's a rhetorical question because
03:05 certainly the answer is there is no one like our God.
03:08 There is nobody like our God. The British, he was an
03:12 Anglican Archbishop and then he became a Bishop,
03:19 Thomas Dudley-Smith used that text as his musing
03:26 for a song that he wrote in 1979 just before he retired
03:30 called "as water to the thirsty," trying to determine
03:33 what is God like. Well, he said it's like water
03:36 to the thirsty; it's like peace that follows pain.
03:39 He is like meeting after party;
03:41 he is like sunshine after rain.
03:43 That's what our God is like. Our living Lord.
03:45 He said that's what my living Lord is to me.
04:01 As water to the thirsty, as beauty to the eyes,
04:10 as strength that follows weakness,
04:14 as truth instead of lies, as songtime and springtime
04:23 and summertime to be, so is my Lord,
04:31 my living Lord, so is my Lord to me.
04:42 Like calm in place of clamor,
04:46 like peace that follows pain,
04:51 like meeting after parting, like sunshine after rain,
05:01 like moonlight and starlight and sunlight on the sea,
05:10 so is my Lord, my living Lord,
05:14 so is my Lord to me.
05:23 As sleep that follows fever, as gold instead of grey,
05:32 as freedom after bondage, as sunshine to the day,
05:42 as home to the traveler and all he longs to see,
05:51 so is my Lord, my living Lord,
05:55 so is my Lord to me. Well that's my Lord,
06:03 my living Lord, so is my Lord to me.
06:26 It's so good to be here with you, I love camp meeting
06:29 and I particularly love when we have homecoming,
06:32 because it's just a special time of the year to see
06:35 all of our old friends and some of our new friends
06:37 as well. Let's pray. Loving Father, we come this
06:42 morning in the name of Jesus we just ask for your
06:46 presence, that you would be with us and send your
06:48 Holy Spirit to be our teacher,
06:51 in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
06:53 We want to also welcome all of you who are watching
06:56 from around the world or listening by radio,
06:59 watching on the Internet. However you are joining us
07:02 it's so good to have all of you here. Now,
07:04 I want to share something with you that I think twice
07:08 about sharing, because they say that when confession
07:12 is good for the soul but hard on the reputation,
07:15 right, yes. My job at 3ABN is programming
07:19 development manager and I have the true privilege
07:23 of working with five of the most talented artists,
07:26 we do all of the graphics that you see,
07:29 set development, promotions, whatever it is that you see,
07:33 the look and feel of 3ABN that's what my
07:36 department does. My job also, I host some programs,
07:42 my job is not to pray with people,
07:46 we have a Pastoral department that does that.
07:48 And because I am on television I've lot of calls
07:52 from people from around the world who want prayer
07:55 or emails or letters. I don't have a secretary,
07:58 so there is no way that I can get to all of that mail
08:01 and answer it and I can't always take time to answer
08:06 the phones and pray with people. Sometimes
08:08 I just forward them on to the Pastoral department.
08:10 I do pray with people all day long, they are at
08:13 the office, we pray in our meetings,
08:14 I am a praying person, but one day because
08:18 I'm on everybody's email list I get all of these emails
08:24 for prayers from around the world.
08:26 And I have been going through about 200 emails
08:29 and I had said a word of prayer here and there as
08:32 people were asking for prayer, but I came to this one
08:36 because I was running late, getting ready to have a
08:38 meeting, I came to this one email and I looked at it
08:42 and I said oh Lord be with them, delete and I went on.
08:46 And in just a few minutes the Lord was all over me
08:52 and I thought Lord forgive me please
08:53 don't let me ever get so busy that I don't pray
08:57 for your people and ever since then God has been
09:00 doing a work in me, he is trying to do a work in me.
09:04 He has really been increasing the amount of time
09:08 that I spent in intercessory prayer and the message
09:11 today is called pleading for the perishing.
09:16 Plead means to make a petition.
09:17 It's the same Greek word pleading an intercession,
09:22 to intercede or to plead are the same Greek word.
09:25 And pleading for the perishing,
09:28 the word perishing means somebody who is in ruins,
09:32 somebody who's on the edge of destruction,
09:34 somebody who has had a loss of well being.
09:38 How many of you know people who have had
09:40 a loss of well being. And you know the Bible tells us,
09:44 Paul wrote to Timothy and here's what he said
09:46 in First Timothy 2, verses 1 through 4,
09:49 he says I exhort you first of all, that supplications,
09:53 prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks,
09:56 be made for all men, for Kings, we have to remember,
10:01 Nero was the one who was in office at this time
10:05 a Pagon King. But he is saying, Nero,
10:08 this heathen enemy who was prosecuting Christians
10:13 and all who are in authority that we may lead
10:16 a quite and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
10:19 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God
10:23 our Savior; who desires all men to be saved,
10:27 and to come to the knowledge of truth.
10:31 The word intercession in Greek in enteuxis
10:35 and it's a technical term for coming before a King,
10:39 to make a petition, to plead with this King,
10:44 to meet and converse with this King,
10:47 and to plead on behalf of someone else and you know
10:51 what we're doing when we are in intercessory prayer.
10:57 We are seeking the presence of our King,
11:01 we're seeking an audience to bring a petition,
11:05 have him hear this pleadings for the perishing,
11:09 it's kind of like Abraham did when he was praying
11:14 for the righteous who were in Sodom and Gomorrah
11:16 or what Moses did, which I think is the most incredible
11:19 example of intercessory prayer.
11:21 In Exodus 32, when he said, Lord,
11:26 don't bolt this people out of your book,
11:28 bolt my name out of your book, he was ready
11:31 to stand in the gap of behalf of this people
11:34 and it was so amazing or Daniel, as he pleaded going
11:39 before the King, pleading for the perishing,
11:41 pleading for people's sins Paul and of course Jesus,
11:46 but why does God want us to pray for all man.
11:50 It goes on in verse 5 and 6 and it tells us there
11:53 is only one God who is the God of all mankind
11:57 and one mediator Jesus Christ our savior
12:01 and as disciples of Christ, as children of God,
12:06 he wants us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.
12:10 He wants us to plead for the perishing,
12:13 we want to be praying people,
12:16 interceding for all of mankind.
12:19 Now, sometimes we think well yes there is great prayer
12:23 warriors, you know J.D. Quinn,
12:25 he is a great prayer warrior I'm married to a man
12:28 who prays all day long. There's great prayer warriors
12:31 but surely God is not wanting me to pray like this
12:35 but he does and in the Bible there is a wonderful
12:38 example and this is just a regular lay person
12:42 like you and me and his name is Epaphras.
12:46 And in Colossians 4, here is what
12:49 Paul writes Colossians 4:12, 13, he says Epaphras
12:54 who is one of you, he is just like you Cheryl, Epaphras,
12:58 a bond servant of Jesus Christ, he greets you always,
13:03 laboring fervently for you in prayers.
13:09 Epaphras was laboring fervently and listen
13:12 what he was praying, that you may stand perfect
13:16 and complete in all the will of God. Let me ask
13:20 you a question. When's the last time you prayed
13:23 for all of your church members? When is the last
13:27 time you prayed and say oh! Lord praying fervently,
13:32 earnestly, laboring in prayer saying Lord let them all
13:36 stand complete in your will. Let them be perfect
13:41 in your will. And Paul went on to say,
13:45 I bear witness to him, he has great zeal for you.
13:49 Well, what God's trying to do in me and I think
13:51 by me sharing this, is he wants to stir up the zeal
13:55 in our hearts for others. You know James says
13:59 that the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous
14:02 man avails much. He said Elijah was a man
14:06 with a nature like ours, and and he prayed earnestly,
14:11 earnestly. In the Greek, if you were to make
14:14 a literal translation you know what it says,
14:18 talking about Elijah, in praying he prayed,
14:23 isn't that interesting? In praying he prayed.
14:27 You know what that tells me, sometimes when
14:31 we're praying we are not really praying,
14:34 sometimes it's just lukewarm mealy mouthed
14:39 Wayne babbling. It isn't with earnest zeal in our hearts
14:45 as we come before the Lord, asking,
14:47 pleading on behalf of others. But he says in praying
14:51 he prayed, it wasn't a casual request that it
14:54 wouldn't rain and it did not rain in the land
14:57 for three years and six months.
14:59 The point is this, prayer is the key given by God
15:08 to man to open and shut the blessings of heaven.
15:14 Elijah prayed with energy, it was an energy that was
15:17 supplied by the Holy Spirit. It was not a lifeless
15:22 formula type prayer, he was praying with all of his heart
15:27 and he trusted in God, it was not the eloquence
15:32 of his prayer, it was the fervor with which he prayed
15:37 and the prayers of a righteous man avails much.
15:42 That means there is great efficacy,
15:44 there is great effectiveness, great energy in this.
15:48 And are you righteous? Yes, you're the righteousness
15:53 of God in Christ Jesus. So, what I want to show you
15:57 in this short time, we're gonna have to hurry
15:59 is that intercessory prayer is part of God's plan
16:04 to bring his blessings from heaven down to earth.
16:08 We were created to be co-laborers with God on earth,
16:12 and intercessory prayer is the highest calling
16:15 to ministry that there is. It develops the nature
16:19 of Christ in us. It's our duty as Christians,
16:22 and neglecting this call could be the chief reason
16:27 that the work is not done. Intercessors are doubly
16:32 blessed. Now let me prove that to you from scripture.
16:35 First point, intercession is a part of God's plan
16:38 to bring blessings down from heaven.
16:40 You know in Matthews 6:7 and 8, Jesus instructs us
16:45 and he says, don't be like the heathens when
16:47 you're praying, don't use vain repetition,
16:50 but he says when you're praying, don't be like them.
16:56 They think they're gonna be heard for their
16:58 many words. He says that your Father in heaven knows
17:01 what you need before you ask. But now the irony
17:06 of prayer, if God knows what we need before we ask;
17:09 the irony of prayer is this, that he instructs us to ask.
17:15 In Matthew 7, Jesus said verses 7-11,
17:19 ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find.
17:24 Knock and the door will be opened to you and these
17:28 are linear verbs, that means if you were to look
17:30 at this long line, it's a continuing action.
17:34 The better translation into English would be ask
17:37 and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking,
17:41 knock and keep on knocking and then he goes on
17:44 and he says and you being evil know how to give
17:47 good gifts to your children, how much more will
17:50 the heavenly Father give good gifts to those who
17:55 ask him? God longs to bless you, he longs to bless
18:02 mankind and prayer is how we gain,
18:05 bring these blessings down from heaven to earth.
18:12 You know I have, I can't say that scripture without
18:14 mentioning what Luke 11:13 says because it's kind of a
18:17 parallel passage and he's talking about asking,
18:21 seeking and knocking. But he says instead of how much
18:25 more will the heavenly Father give good things
18:27 to those who ask. He tells us what is the best thing,
18:31 then he says how much more will the heavenly Father
18:35 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Did you ask
18:40 for the Holy Spirit today? Amen.
18:43 That if we come out and meet today without God
18:48 working in us, there is no way that we can be
18:50 successful. So, if he knows what we need before
18:54 we ask, why does he ask us to ask? It is God's will
18:59 to do his work on earth through his Holy Spirit
19:05 in direct response to the prayers of the people,
19:09 but the God does not force himself on anyone.
19:13 The way I think of it is this, a loving God has put
19:16 self imposed handcuffs on his own hands and he says
19:23 I am not going to force myself on Janette and maybe
19:27 Janette is not praying for herself right now,
19:30 but I am her friend and I know she is in great need.
19:34 And I go before the Lord in intercessory prayer
19:38 and I earnestly plead on her behalf.
19:43 Well, that intercessory prayer are the keys that
19:48 unlock those handcuffs and give God permission
19:54 to work in her life and I know there is a lot of parents
19:55 out here, who are praying for your children.
19:57 Maybe your children are not in the church right now.
20:01 Maybe they have backslidden or just become so busy
20:05 and you know what busy stands for?
20:08 Bondage under Satan's Yoke. And we all get so busy,
20:12 but if we pray for our children, pray for your
20:15 relatives, pray for your church members,
20:18 pray for people around the world. God hears
20:22 and answers. James said, we don't have 'cause
20:26 we don't ask or else we ask for the wrong things
20:29 for selfish reasons, but our all holy, all loving,
20:35 all powerful God waits on us to ask that he might
20:41 not interfere with the power of choice
20:43 that he has given to mankind.
20:46 Do you understand that, that he knows what we need
20:49 before we ask, but he instructs us to ask.
20:53 You know I think about it and I think Lord,
20:57 I am not sure that's the way I do it.
20:59 But God says my ways are higher than your ways,
21:02 my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.
21:05 As high as the heaven is above the earth,
21:06 so are my ways above your ways.
21:09 And this is how God has set it up,
21:12 now the second point is this. We were created
21:15 to be co-laborers with Christ on earth.
21:18 You know Romans 8:17 says that we are co-heirs
21:21 with him. But we are also to work and labor on earth
21:26 as he did. We're supposed to walk in his footsteps,
21:30 we are to be co-intercessors with him.
21:34 You are created in the image of God. And in Psalm 115,
21:38 this is what the Bible says Psalm 115, verses 15
21:41 and 16. May you be blessed by the LORD,
21:45 who made heaven and earth, the creator God,
21:48 the heaven, even the heavens are the Lord's,
21:54 but the earth he has given to the children of men.
22:00 Huh! Now the parable of the vineyard in Matthew 21,
22:05 Jesus says hear this parable, there was a certain
22:07 landowner who planted a vineyard and set ahead
22:10 around it, he dug a wine press in it and he built
22:13 a tower. And he leased it to the wine dressers
22:17 and went into a far country. That's what God's done
22:21 with us. See Psalm 24, verse 1 says that the earth
22:25 is the LORD, and the fullness thereof;
22:27 I mean he is the rightful owner of the earth,
22:30 but he has leased it to mankind. He created
22:34 the earth, he created all of his potential
22:37 and then he said, here children, this is yours,
22:41 go be fruitful and multiply, subdue, create.
22:45 Did God create iPhones, computers, or the shuttles?
22:49 No, but he had all of the potential here on the earth
22:52 and we are co-laborers with him here on earth.
22:58 But he, and he wants us to be co-laborers in spreading
23:01 the Gospel. In Second Corinthians 5:18-20 he says
23:06 now all things are of God, who has reconciled us
23:08 to himself through Jesus Christ, and has given to us
23:11 the ministry of reconciliation; Amen,
23:15 that is that God was in Christ reconciling the world
23:19 to himself not imputing their trespasses to them
23:22 and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
23:27 Now, then we are ambassadors for Christ as though
23:31 God we're pleading through us,
23:34 we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.
23:39 Ambassador Teehankee was here from the Philippines
23:41 and he did our corporate worship on Tuesday.
23:45 And he said the first thing that they trained him
23:48 as an Ambassador is that you don't open your mouth
23:51 unless what's coming out of it is the mind of the King.
23:57 The mind of the president, you've got to speak
24:00 as an Ambassador, everywhere you speak is to
24:04 represent the president of that country and
24:08 immediately I thought oh! Lord as an ambassador
24:11 for Jesus Christ every time I open my mouth
24:16 is your mind coming through me?
24:22 Intercessions is our duty as Christians.
24:25 Ezekiel 22, verses 28-30, this is that famous
24:30 stand in the gaps passage but I want to read it
24:34 you in context. Ezekiel 22:28 and 30 God says,
24:41 her prophets plastered them with untempered mortar,
24:45 seeing false visions and divining lies for them.
24:50 Thus says the Lord when the Lord had not spoken.
24:54 Are there people in today's what we call a Christian
24:58 realm or a Christian society; are there people out
25:02 there who are saying thus the Lord
25:04 when it's not God who is speaking, that's untempered
25:08 mortar, these false visions and he goes on to say,
25:11 this people of the land had used oppressions,
25:14 committed robbery, mistreated the poor
25:16 and the needy and they wrongfully oppressed
25:19 the stranger. Don't we see that going in on in our own
25:23 world and here's what the Lord says.
25:25 So, I sought for a man among them,
25:29 who would make up a wall and stand in the gap
25:32 before me, on behalf of the land that I should not
25:36 destroy it, but I found no one. I found no one
25:43 to intercede, no one to keep my raft back.
25:49 He says in verse 31, therefore I have poured out
25:53 my indignation on them. I have consumed them
25:58 with the fire of my wrath. And I have recompensed
26:01 their deeds on their own heads says the Lord God.
26:05 That's what God would have done to those rebellious
26:11 Hebrew children who were in the, in the wilderness
26:13 if Moses hadn't stood in the gap and said Lord
26:16 don't bolt their name out, bolt mine.
26:19 But now here is the scripture that was a turning
26:22 point for me, an absolute turning point.
26:25 Isaiah 59, verses 14-16, I want you to turn your
26:30 Bible there because this scripture came,
26:34 is coming alive in my heart and it's changing the way
26:40 that I pray. Isaiah 59, verses 14-16, in Isaiah 59,
26:51 verse 14, the Bible says, justice is turned back
26:58 and righteousness stands far off, for truth
27:01 has fallen in the street and equity cannot enter.
27:07 Do we see that in our own society in today's world?
27:11 So, truth fails and he who departs from evil
27:14 makes himself a prey. Then the Lord saw it
27:18 and it displeased him that there was no justice.
27:23 But now look at verse 16, he saw that there
27:27 was no man and wondered. He saw and wondered
27:33 that there was no intercessor, therefore his own
27:41 arm brought salvation for them and his own
27:42 righteousness, it sustained them. God looked down
27:45 and saw the condition of the world and he saw that
27:50 there was no man to intercede and he was filled
27:54 with wonder. He was so amazed that no one would
28:01 stand in the gap. You know why he was amazed
28:04 there's two reasons. This is what he showed me
28:09 the day that I deleted that email with just a little
28:14 formula player. He was amazed that there
28:18 was no one who loved the people enough to pray
28:22 for them. When we are not interceding on behalf
28:26 of others, it's a lack of love in our own hearts
28:30 and he was absolutely astonished that there
28:35 was no man who believed in his power to deliver.
28:42 That's the only two reasons we are not interceding
28:45 is either we don't love that group of people or that
28:49 individual enough to pray for them or else we are not
28:53 firmly convinced that God has the power to
28:57 deliver them. Now, you think about that,
29:00 that will change your heart, won't it?
29:04 I mean I don't about you but when the Lord was revealing
29:06 this to me, it was like a dagger went into my heart.
29:10 And I thought Lord God, forgive me and now anytime
29:14 there is prayer need and if I'm rushing right past it,
29:17 I'm thinking stop Shelly, Lord pour your love into
29:22 my heart for these people and let me pray,
29:24 let me love them with your love. Amen. And Lord,
29:28 I believe help their my unbelief,
29:31 I believe you've got the power to deliver.
29:36 Jeremiah 29:4-7, God instructs us to pray
29:40 interceding, thus says the Lord of host,
29:43 the God of Israel to all who were carried away captive,
29:47 whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem
29:50 to Babylon. They're in Babylon, they're captive.
29:54 Now God's giving them instructions and listen to this.
29:57 He says, build houses and dwell in them;
29:59 plant gardens and eat their fruit.
30:01 Take wives and beget sons and daughters;
30:03 take wives for your sons and give your daughters
30:05 to husbands, so that they may bear sons and daughters.
30:09 That you may be increased there and not diminished.
30:14 Now listen, in captivity, in Babylon what God
30:18 has to say, he says, and seek the peace of the city
30:22 where I have caused you to be carried away captive.
30:27 Oh! What, pray for the peace of Babylon,
30:32 God you want me to intercede on behalf of my enemies
30:34 that have carried me away captive?
30:38 I know if you are on the Internet you get all kinds
30:42 of stuff. I mean I get stuff of political nature
30:47 forwarded to me all the time and a lot of that
30:50 I agree with and I am just, just, just can.
30:54 And thinking yes, this is true. But you know what
30:57 God's got me doing now, he's got me stopping to pray
31:02 for the people; to pray for the people,
31:04 the heads of the state around the world. Amen.
31:09 For the senate, for the congress of the United States,
31:11 for the President. For those that we think,
31:16 you know I pray for Osama bin Laden that
31:18 he'll have a change of heart. Amen. Amen.
31:21 I never loved him enough to pray for him before,
31:24 but God is showing me that we need to pray,
31:28 that's why he said in First Timothy when Paul wrote,
31:30 he said you gotta pray for all men.
31:32 And I want to share something with your right now.
31:35 If you've got a pen you might want to write this
31:37 down and for those of you at home.
31:39 Recently I was contacted by the elder of the San
31:43 Diego Korean Adventist Church and they have
31:47 a wonderful ministry going on.
31:50 They've got churches across United States,
31:54 they're praying for North Korea,
31:56 they're praying for mercy. They are pleading with
32:00 the Lord to bless those handful of Christians
32:03 that are there in such a unbelievable situation,
32:09 who were being prosecuted, but they're praying
32:11 that God will open the door for evangelism,
32:15 that they can evangelize North Korea and as soon as
32:18 I heard that I thought oh! Lord forgive me,
32:21 I prayed for a lot of places but I haven't prayed
32:24 for North Korea. Those are your people.
32:27 So, if you've got a pen you might wanna go to
32:30 prayercoalition.org if you want to join in this prayer
32:37 and praying for the people, they have conference calls
32:40 where they've got people calling in from around
32:42 the world and they're praying with earnestness.
32:45 They are praying like Elijah did, praying with prayer,
32:48 that's prayercoalition.org.
32:50 In Ephesians 6:17 and 18, Paul writes and tells us
32:55 that we are to take the helmet of salvation,
32:58 that assurance of salvation, the sword of the Spirit,
33:02 which is the word of God and pray always
33:05 with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.
33:09 Being watchful to this end with all perseverance
33:15 and supplication for all saints. We need to be praying
33:19 for the people who are in the mission fields.
33:21 Praying for the pastors, praying for what's going on
33:24 in every church. Now, the most important thing to show
33:29 you that it is our duty as Christians to intercede,
33:34 is First Samuel 12 and verse 23, First Samuel 12:23,
33:43 it is a sin against the Lord when we do not intercede.
33:50 That's right. First Samuel 12:23, Samuel writes
33:56 and he says moreover, as for me, far be it from me
34:02 that I should sin against the Lord, in ceasing to pray
34:10 for you; far be it for me that I should sin against
34:16 the Lord, reminds of what David wrote in Psalm 51.
34:22 Against you and you only have I sinned,
34:25 but it's our duty, we were created in his image,
34:27 we were given the mind of Christ.
34:31 We are supposed to be praying for our enemies,
34:37 praying for our church, praying for people all around
34:41 the world. The next point intercession is the highest
34:47 calling to ministry, from time to time I have people
34:50 who call and they'll be precious little saints and
34:53 I talked with one not probably a week or two ago.
34:57 Little 93-year-old woman and she said to me, honey,
35:00 there is just not much we can do for the Lord anymore,
35:03 I just can't get out of the house,
35:05 3ABN is my church and I'm saying well Praise the Lord,
35:08 she said, it keeps me going. She said all I can do
35:12 nowadays is just pray. So, I pray for you all everyday,
35:18 I pray for all the people, God's people around the world
35:22 and I told her, you've got the highest calling to ministry
35:26 that there is. Let me prove it to you from scripture.
35:28 Hebrews 7:24 and 25, Hebrews 7:24 and 25,
35:39 the reason I say intercessory prayer is the highest
35:42 calling to ministry is because it is the ministry
35:45 of our risen and exalted savior. The Bible says
35:52 in Hebrews 7:24, but he, speaking of Jesus,
35:57 because he continues forever has an unchangeable
36:01 priesthood. Therefore he is able to save to the
36:08 uttermost those who come to God through him
36:14 since he always lives to make intercession for them.
36:20 He is our advocate, he is the one who's interceding
36:25 for us. Amen. You know when John said in
36:28 First John 2:1, he said my little children I write
36:30 these things to you that you may not violate
36:32 God's law or sin. But if anybody should sin we have
36:36 an advocate before the Father. An advocate means
36:40 one who intercedes on your behalf is Christ Jesus,
36:46 the righteous. Hallelujah. Who is he who condemns us
36:51 Paul says. Who is he who condemns us, it's Christ
36:57 Jesus who died and furthermore he is also risen.
36:59 So, he is not gonna condemn you. He died for you,
37:05 there is no one to condemn you, he is even at
37:08 the right hand of God, he says in Romans 8:34.
37:12 Interceding for us, that's what Jesus is doing.
37:18 So, as our priest King Christ lives in the presence
37:22 of the Father and intercessory is the highest
37:27 expression of his ministry, as our, as he exercises
37:34 his rights as our advocate. The next point,
37:39 intercessory prayer develops the nature of Christ in us.
37:45 Amen. He wants all men to be saved.
37:48 An intercessory prayer is our highest privilege,
37:52 highest calling to ministry, it is the intercessory holds
37:56 the place of infinite importance in God's plan.
38:02 In God's Kingdom of grace, he is looking for those
38:05 who will intercede on behalf of the others.
38:08 He wants us to pray unceasingly. Amen.
38:11 For a perishing world. This is the greatest ministry
38:15 power, you know we talk about people who have
38:18 great elocution, there are so good at sharing the
38:25 message and we think wow! That's the greatest ministry
38:29 power to get the Gospel out. No, no, no, no, the greatest
38:33 ministry power that God has bestowed upon us
38:37 is intercessory prayer. I'm gonna prove it to you
38:41 before the end of this, this teaching.
38:43 What it does is it lines our thoughts up with God's
38:48 thoughts, as we are praying for others.
38:53 We should plead for the power of the Holy Spirit to be
38:56 made known to all men. You know I know,
39:00 I haven't ask her, but I am sure Jerry and Janet
39:03 Page wouldn't mind me sharing this.
39:04 Because they've shared it on 3ABN before.
39:08 When he was a conference president in a different
39:10 conference in the central California where he is now.
39:14 She said that there was this prayer group that
39:16 got started. And they were praying constantly and
39:20 pretty soon everywhere she went within this conference
39:25 people were saying, we are praying for you and Jerry
39:27 to be filled with the Holy Spirit and she said at first
39:30 I thought what do you mean your praying for me
39:32 to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I know the Lord,
39:34 I've been a Christian all my. I'm a pastor's wife.
39:39 And she said what is this, and she said,
39:41 she told Jerry what is this, everybody is praying for us
39:43 to be filled with the Holy Spirit and she said then
39:46 one day it happened and life has never been the same.
39:49 We need to pray for our pastors,
39:52 pray for our leaders, pray for leaders everywhere
39:56 to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ask God to show us
40:01 how the prayer of faith helps us to tape into his grace
40:06 as we exercise this power for his glory. Now,
40:10 another point, neglecting this calling could be the chief
40:16 reason that the work isn't finished.
40:21 Don't you want to see the work finished? Amen.
40:25 You know God does too; he's coming back for a spotless
40:29 bride isn't he. Yeah. One without a blemish or wrinkle,
40:35 that encourages me. He says to us and turn here
40:39 if you will, I am gonna read it to you from the amplified,
40:42 it's gonna read a little bit differently than your Bible.
40:44 But I just want to show you it's Isaiah 62,
40:50 Isaiah 62 and let's look at verse 6 and 7.
40:58 This is the watchman on the walls, he has
41:03 called you; he has called me to be a
41:08 watchman on the walls, look at this.
41:09 Isaiah 62:6, I have set watchman upon your
41:13 walls oh Jerusalem, who will never hold
41:17 their peace day or night. You who are
41:23 his servants and by your prayers, that's
41:28 what's implicated here. You who are his
41:31 servants and by your prayers put the Lord
41:34 in remembrance, remembrance of
41:36 what? In remembrances of his
41:38 promises. Keep not silence and give him
41:44 no rest until he establishes Jerusalem
41:48 and makes her appraised in all of the
41:52 earth. Right now he is saying I have set you
41:55 as watchmen on the walls. You John as a
42:00 watchman on the walls, keep not silent,
42:03 you are the servant of God, by your prayers
42:06 constantly put God in remembrance of his
42:10 promises. Pray, pray, pray for your church,
42:16 pray for your family, pray for 3ABN, pray
42:21 for Hope channel. There is no competition
42:24 here, pray that there will be a unity in the body.
42:29 Pray that we can finally get it together
42:33 and quit all of our little silly petty things
42:39 and get out there and get this work done.
42:44 Amen. Pray and ask God to truly pour out
42:50 his blessings on each and everyone of us, as
42:54 lay people that we may go out and do the
42:56 work. You know Jesus said in Luke 18,
43:00 he was talking about the parable of the
43:02 persistent widow and you know how that
43:04 starts. He says he, he taught us this so that
43:08 we would learn not to give up in prayer
43:10 basically is what he is saying and he goes
43:13 through this parable and he finally gets
43:15 down after talking about this persistent
43:18 widow that goes to King, pleading day
43:20 after day, night after night and finally the
43:22 King says okay, you got it. And he saying
43:26 hey this evil King will do this, he said, shall
43:30 not God avenge his own elect who cry out
43:34 day and night to him, though he bears long
43:36 with him, I tell you Jesus says, he will
43:40 avenge them speedily, nevertheless when the
43:45 son of man comes will he really find
43:49 faith on the earth? Will he? He will if we
43:55 will understand his will and we
43:57 understand his will by understanding his
44:00 word. We get into the word, we find the
44:03 promises, we pray those promises back
44:06 to him, bringing him into remembrances of
44:08 his promises, pleading and not giving up. But
44:12 most people, I would say perhaps the
44:15 majority of Christians neglect Christ's call to
44:20 this earnest prayer. To unceasing prayer to
44:24 receive the answer, let me share something
44:27 with you. I think I've got time. In the
44:31 farewell discourse, if you want to turn to
44:34 John chapter 14, you can kind of flip
44:36 through here and follow this with me.
44:38 Jesus, before he went to the garden his
44:42 farewell discourses considered John
44:44 chapter 14-17 in those three chapters he has
44:49 seven prayer promises that he gives to us.
44:53 So, let's begin with John 14:13, Jesus
44:58 says whatever you ask in my name that I will
45:01 do, that the Father maybe glorified in the
45:04 son, do you believe it? Amen. Amen.
45:06 Whatever we ask, why are we asking so little.
45:10 Why do we ask so little? We don't
45:13 believe, I mean we got a middle
45:15 ascension 'cause we say this is what the
45:17 word says. But we need greater faith to
45:21 believe that if God says whatever we ask
45:25 if we are meeting the conditions of prayer
45:28 then it will be done. Look at John 14:14,
45:32 he says if you ask anything in my name
45:35 I will do it. Now according to the
45:37 Hebrew thought, a person's name was
45:41 linked to their character, their rights
45:44 and their authority. So, using the name of
45:46 Jesus in prayer is not some mystical power,
45:52 praying in his name means to be praying
45:53 in his will, in his authority. Now John
45:55 15:7, turn to there, John 15:7 Jesus says,
45:59 if you abide in me, and my words abide
46:03 in you, you will ask what you desire and it
46:07 shall be done. Oh! We get frightened by this
46:11 scripture, because people have twisted
46:14 this scripture around for name it and claim
46:16 it. Yeah. That if whatever desire, O
46:20 Lord I want a new Mercedes Benz. No,
46:23 he says if you abide in me, if you are living
46:28 in me and my word abides in you, my
46:31 word is living in your heart ask whatever
46:33 you wish, whatever you desire and it will
46:36 be done for you, because what happens
46:38 when you're living in the word, you are
46:41 living in Jesus the words in your heart, it
46:44 lines you up with God. His desires
46:48 through his word become your desires,
46:51 his thoughts become your thoughts and you
46:53 are praying in agreement with the
46:55 word and the Will of Jesus Christ. He says
46:59 in John 15:16, you did not choose me but I
47:02 chose you and appointed you that
47:03 you should go and bear fruit that your
47:05 fruit should remain and whatever you ask
47:08 the Father in my name he will give you.
47:11 Whatever, anything, all things. John 16:23,
47:22 boy if Jesus gave seven prayer promises
47:24 in one farewell discourse, seven is a
47:25 number of perfection. John 16:23, this is
47:29 important for us take note of, he says in that
47:32 day you will ask me nothing most
47:34 assuredly I say to you, whatever you ask the
47:36 Father in my name he will give you,
47:40 whatever. Look at the next verse, John 16:24
47:44 until now you've asked nothing in my
47:46 name. Ask and you will receive that your
47:50 joy may be full. No wonder James says
47:53 you have not 'cause you ask not. Or you
47:56 ask amiss because you want to use it in
47:57 selfish pleasures. Look in John 16:26
48:01 and 27, he says in that day you will ask in
48:04 my name and I do not say that I shall pray
48:07 the Father for you, for the Father himself
48:09 loves you, because you have loved me
48:12 and believed that I came forth from God.
48:16 Let me share a story with you. Two years
48:19 ago we were at ASI, sitting at the dinner
48:22 table and Dr. Ratsara, who is the President
48:27 of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean
48:30 division, that is a mouthful isn't it.
48:33 Precious man of God and God is doing a
48:37 work in his heart and I mean, this was two
48:41 years ago I mean that, that division is on
48:44 fire, because God started doing a work
48:47 in his heart about prayer. Isn't it funny
48:50 that I forget about this, until this year at
48:53 ASI I saw another man from this
48:55 division and the story came to my mind. But
48:59 what Dr. Ratsara shared was that God
49:01 was working in his heart about prayer and
49:05 fasting. So, he decided to try it in a
49:08 district that there had been no growth, no
49:13 baptisms for 20 years, this was a non-
49:16 Christian area and there were 273
49:21 members in this very large spread out
49:24 district. And I don't, if I remember this story
49:27 correctly I don't believe there was a
49:28 pastor, there they were lay leaders. But
49:31 what he did is he went to them and he
49:34 showed them what God was showing him
49:37 about the power of prayer and fasting,
49:42 and what happened was this. There was
49:46 one little farmer there, he was layman but he
49:50 got on fire through prayer and fasting. He
49:53 went out, he did just individually eight
49:56 campaigns and planted 53 churches.
50:03 Amen. Praise God. In two years. Praise
50:04 God. In two years. Amen. But get this,
50:06 273 members praying and fasting, interceding
50:14 on behalf of all of the people for two years.
50:17 In two years it went from 273 members to over
50:23 21,000 members. Two years they baptized
50:31 over 1725 members in two years. Do we
50:37 want to see this work get done. Amen. See
50:40 when we get serious with God, he will get
50:44 serious with us. Our lack of prayer limits
50:49 what God can do, what he can work
50:53 through in our lives. We've got to have
50:57 united fervent prayer, we've got to be like
51:01 Elijah in praying we pray. We've got to be
51:05 like these Africans, we got to wake up
51:10 church. Amen. We got to start praying
51:13 with laboring, fervently in prayer for
51:17 others. Amen. And you know what? You
51:21 will be doubly blessed if you do. Amen.
51:24 Intercessors are doubly blessed. Now I
51:28 know one think J.D. is always telling me.
51:30 He'll come home and we discuss his prayer
51:33 calls during the day of course you know he is
51:34 with the pastoral department of 3ABN.
51:37 And we pray for some people that he's
51:40 prayed for and he'll share stories but he is
51:43 always saying to me, it's so amazing. He
51:46 said, these people are praying for you and
51:49 me Shelly. He said it's so, it's so heart warming,
51:53 'cause they'll call and they'll say we pray for you
51:56 everyday and that's; you know that's
51:58 something that we look at and say Lord
52:00 no wonder we're so blessed, thank you
52:02 Father God. But intercessors are
52:04 doubly blessed. Job 42 verse 10, Job
52:08 received a double blessing when he
52:12 prayed for his friends. Turn to Job 42, and
52:15 verse 10, in Job 42 and verse 10 it says
52:24 and this is after by the way you all know the
52:27 story. Job's friends if you can call them
52:31 friends had just, they thought they knew
52:35 what was going on. You know until God
52:39 shows up and says to them I mean they're
52:41 fussing at Job, telling him how it's all his
52:45 fault, he is not righteous. Have you
52:46 ever had friends that think they know the
52:48 answer to what's going on in your life
52:50 and you sit and listen to them and think
52:52 you're wearing me with your advice,
52:55 that's the way Job was. He had these
52:59 friends who were actually harping at
53:01 him. And God shows up on the scene and
53:05 he says who is this that darkens my
53:08 council with words without wisdom. You
53:13 know we gotta be careful when we are
53:15 offering council to somebody else. We
53:18 shouldn't council or give our opinion to
53:20 anyone unless we prayed and asked the
53:22 Lord what's going on. So Job 42 verse 10, it
53:25 says here God has shown up, he's shown
53:30 himself to Job, Job's beginning to get the
53:32 true picture, he suddenly isn't
53:35 blaming God and Job turns around and
53:39 begins praying for these friends who
53:41 were so irritating to him and it says, and
53:43 the Lord restored Job's losses, when?
53:47 When he prayed for his friends God restored
53:54 the losses and he gave the Job twice as much, a
53:58 double blessing, twice as much as he had
54:02 before. If you've got problems in your
54:06 marriage, pray for other people's marriages
54:08 If you've got problems with your children, pray
54:11 for other people's children. Amen. If
54:13 you've got problems in your church, pray
54:15 for other people's churches. Amen. As
54:17 we pray for others God sees, I mean
54:20 when we are going through a problem we
54:21 surely understand how devastating it can
54:26 be and it makes us pray with more
54:28 compassion. It's the highest privilege and
54:32 the greatest responsibility of a Christian
54:35 and not only does it bring down God's blessing on
54:39 others, but as we've seen it brings down
54:42 God's blessings, double portion
54:45 blessings on us. Why? Because we are
54:48 developing the mind of Christ. Amen
54:52 Don't we want to see his work finished?
54:56 Amen. And usher in the second coming of
54:58 Jesus. Amen. Oh Lord, we do. Amen.
55:02 We do. But we do about this much, we
55:08 say it, it's kind of like a theory, it's something
55:11 that oh! Yeah, this is going to be good.
55:12 But God says I am gonna stir you up,
55:16 I am gonna make you really yearn for it,
55:19 so that you will plead for the perishing,
55:22 intercede on their behalf, pray unceasingly for the
55:28 perishing world, stand in the gap, love people
55:34 enough to intercede trust in God, have faith in God
55:42 enough to believe that he has the power to
55:47 deliver. Amen. Do not sin against the Lord,
55:51 amen, by failing or ceasing to pray for others.
55:57 In Second Chronicles 7:14, he said, if my
56:04 people who are called by my name will
56:07 humble themselves, it does take a good dose
56:11 of humility, you got to understand your
56:14 not master of your own ship, you're not
56:17 in control, your not sovereign, and its, it
56:21 really takes humility to pray for your enemies.
56:25 I am praying right now for a lady, I won't say
56:29 where she lives, but she was a Muslim she became
56:34 A Christian by watching 3ABN. Amen. But she
56:36 is married to a Muslim man who is tormenting her,
56:40 punishing her, beating her everyday, and she
56:44 says, I tell her all the time. Your story inspires
56:48 everyone and she says, I will take a beating
56:50 everyday if I can inspire someone else to stand
56:53 in faith like this, but I also pray for her husband.
56:57 I pray O Lord, change his heart or get him
57:02 out of the way. Amen. He says if you'll pray
57:04 and seek my face and turn from your wicked
57:07 ways I will hear from heaven and I will forgive
57:12 your sin and heal their land. Amen. Let's pray.


Revised 2014-12-17