3ABN Homecoming 2009

Friday Morning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: 09HC

Program Code: 09HC000002

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting, Homecoming 2009.
00:32 Featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN Family.
00:39 Along with uplifting Christian music
00:41 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:47 Once again we want to welcome all of you to
00:50 3ABN's Homecoming weekend right here
00:53 in beautiful Southern Illinois at the
00:55 Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:58 also know as the 3ABN Worship Center.
01:01 So, I welcome all of you here in this beautiful
01:03 congregation as well as you that are viewing from
01:06 around the world we welcome you and this morning
01:10 we are going to be blessed by Pastor John Lomacang.
01:13 He is the pastor here at the Thompsonville
01:15 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:16 How many of have seen him on 3ABN for years now?
01:19 He co-host with Pastor John Stanton
01:22 house calls this view on 3ABN several times
01:26 a week as they answer questions and just expand
01:29 on the scriptures and we have learned from
01:32 this program that both of these men are lovers
01:35 of God's word imparts much knowledge
01:38 and wisdom and understanding and ability
01:41 to express what they receive from God.
01:44 So, I know we are going to be blessed again as
01:46 Pastor Lomacang ministers us too this morning.
01:48 But, before Pastor Lomacang comes
01:51 we have Kateena Leforge with us.
01:53 I'm gonna ask Kateena to come now.
01:54 And she is going to minister a beautiful song.
01:57 It's a song that I think is upon all of our hearts.
02:02 It's just a simple song
02:03 'Where can I go but where to,
02:06 but to the Lord'. But to the Lord, to the Lord.
02:08 Blesses as my sister.
02:10 Check once.
02:21 Living below in this old sinful world
02:29 Hardly a comfort can afford
02:37 Striving alone to face temptation so
02:46 Where could I go but to the Lord
02:55 Where could I go oh where could I go
03:03 Seeking the refuge for my soul
03:11 Needing a friend to save me in the end
03:19 Won't you tell me
03:20 Where could I go but to the Lord
03:37 Life here is grand with friends I love so dear
03:45 Comfort I get from God's own word
03:53 Yet when I face that chilling hand of death
04:01 Won't you tell me
04:02 Where could I go but to the Lord
04:10 Where could I go oh where could I go
04:19 Seeking the refuge for my soul
04:27 Needing a friend to save me in the end
04:34 Won't you tell me
04:36 Where could I go but to the Lord.
04:44 Where could I go but to the Lord
04:52 To the Lord. Amen.
05:05 Amen. Just like the song says you got to have
05:09 somewhere to go when trial comes,
05:11 amen, and what better place to go then to the Lord.
05:16 Thank you so much Kateena. Let's bow our heads
05:19 and ask for the God to bless this message.
05:21 Father in heaven, we are so frail,
05:26 we just don't know it.
05:29 We are, we get our best,
05:33 but we don't admit it.
05:37 Father we are short-sighted,
05:38 but we claim to see at all.
05:42 And we are lacking understanding,
05:44 but we claim to have wisdom beyond our ears.
05:49 We pray this morning as we open your word
05:50 that your strength will be imparted to us
05:54 to help us to understand the gravity of that song
05:57 that this is the opportunity to go the Lord,
06:01 in Jesus name I pray, amen. Amen.
06:05 I know you have your Bibles with you this morning
06:07 I would like you to open to the book of Job.
06:14 The book of Job, you know its Job,
06:19 Job what I often say is
06:26 Job's God did a Job on Satan.
06:33 It always amazes me that this entire book
06:37 was dedicated to the life of one man.
06:40 Years ago, I heard a song with the title
06:43 what a difference a day makes,
06:46 24 and one hours.
06:49 And the fact is we really never know
06:52 what the future holds, we just go forwarded
06:55 with expectations of great things,
06:57 but we go forward with the tentativeness
06:59 of uncertainty, never really knowing
07:03 what tomorrow is going to bring.
07:06 Twenty four hours is a long time.
07:10 In 24 hours we can go from prosperity to adversity,
07:15 in 24 hours, we can go from total calm to total panic,
07:20 in 24 hours we can go from sunshine to clouds,
07:23 and if you live in the Midwest
07:24 it doesn't take that long,
07:27 in 24 short hours.
07:31 We can be financially secure one moment
07:36 and completely bankrupt the next, 24 hours.
07:42 One moment our world can be secure
07:44 and the other our world can be a complete wreck,
07:49 and sometimes in less the 24 hours.
07:54 My wife and I've had events that have completely
07:57 changed our world within 24 hours.
08:00 And so as I share the sermon today,
08:02 I'm not just talking about what Job went through,
08:06 matter of fact I say it this way,
08:08 if you have never gone through a trail
08:11 you are not telling the truth,
08:12 amen. Can you say Amen? Amen.
08:15 If you are walking, if you are breathing,
08:17 you know what trials are all about.
08:20 And further more if Jesus is your Lord,
08:23 you know what it is like for the devil
08:25 to get on your back.
08:27 You know what it's like to face hardship
08:30 and deprivation, you know what is like
08:32 to wake up one morning and ask yourself
08:35 the question should I have awakened today.
08:41 Another songwriter said rainy days
08:43 and Mondays always get me down.
08:47 But, if it wasn't Monday it'd be Tuesday
08:50 and I want to say you to the trials really have
08:52 no particular day, they just show up
08:54 when the time comes and I want to say
08:57 this in the very beginning
08:58 trials are no surprise to God.
09:00 Can you say Amen? Amen.
09:02 The Lord knows when it's coming
09:05 and I love the fact that Ellen White says
09:07 God measures the trials before
09:10 he allows them to come to his children.
09:13 Amen. The God has not measured his blessings.
09:17 He just knows how far he can bless us.
09:20 Twenty Four hours, it makes a difference.
09:24 It's easy to be a Christian when prosperity rolls.
09:26 It's natural to praise God when our plans are
09:29 working out the way that we want them to.
09:31 It's automatic to say praise God
09:33 when disease is absent.
09:35 It's a joy to give thanks to God and when
09:37 our prayers are answered,
09:39 but one of the certainties
09:42 of life is the uncertainty of life.
09:47 What a difference a day makes?
09:52 A wise man and I want to say wise because
09:54 after you have married 700 women,
09:59 I think you learn a thing or two.
10:03 And now wiser man in Ecclesiastes 9
10:06 and verse 12, he said for man also
10:09 does not know his time.
10:12 A wise man said that.
10:14 Like a fish taken in a cruel net,
10:18 like birds caught in a snare.
10:21 So, the sons of men are snared in an evil time
10:25 when it falls suddenly upon them.
10:28 Trials don't send you emails before they come.
10:33 You don't get a registered mail saying
10:34 tomorrow at 04:30 PM
10:36 a trail is going to begin.
10:38 That's why brothers and sisters
10:39 we have got to walk with the Jesus
10:41 every moment of everyday, can you say, Amen. Amen.
10:44 You can wait until the time come to get
10:46 to know who Jesus is.
10:47 You have got know him before the trial comes,
10:50 so that when it comes you don't have to worry
10:53 where Jesus is. If you are walking
10:54 with him everyday, he is there with you
10:56 when the trials are there
10:58 and even when they are not there. Amen.
11:03 Trials of life are scheduled we just don't know when.
11:08 And we don't know where they are going to begin.
11:11 The reason I said they are scheduled because
11:13 nothing catches God off guard.
11:17 We never know what to expect
11:18 and when to expect it.
11:20 There is no Lord that we can take
11:22 to avoid the storms.
11:24 There is no map that we can follow
11:26 to dodge the pitfalls When our time comes,
11:29 our time comes.
11:34 I wish I could stop the sermon right now
11:36 and just give you a history of our trials.
11:40 But, I don't wanna do that
11:42 because I believe that when the trail is behind you,
11:47 it does as well and the gives us a whole lot more
11:49 energy to not keep repeating those trials,
11:52 Amen. Amen.
11:54 Sometimes we have to give the devil less press.
11:57 Amen. And talk about the goodness of God more.
12:00 You know sometime you come to church
12:01 and you say to be how you are doing today
12:03 and they give you all the resume of all that
12:05 the devil has done or try to do.
12:07 What we need to say if we can still speak,
12:09 we are to say that devil tried this but praise God,
12:13 He is a lot stronger than the devil.
12:15 Amen. God brought me through
12:17 a tough one this time but God brought me through.
12:22 But, the question is what do we do when the rain
12:24 and bad news comes on the same day?
12:28 What do we do the diagnosis is terminal?
12:30 What do we do when we get laid off
12:33 just before the holiday season?
12:37 What do we do when we are one of those
12:39 five million that no longer can afford
12:42 to keep their homes?
12:44 What do we do when troubles come in and
12:47 we are on Satan's hit list, what do we do?
12:53 Well, I like to pause today to walk
12:55 you through the life of man that knew what to do.
12:58 I think that Christians are to have a,
13:02 what could I call that here,
13:03 we are to have a plan in place.
13:06 Let me, let me refer to us,
13:07 we are to have a plan of salvation when trials come.
13:11 Job had a plan of salvation when trials came.
13:14 Go with me to Job chapter 1,
13:17 we are going to look at the resume of a man
13:20 who God's saw fit to dedicate an entire book
13:24 to just this man's trials.
13:26 And I would suggest you we can learn a lot
13:28 from the way that Job walked with God
13:30 through his difficult times.
13:33 Beginning with Job chapter 1 and
13:35 we are going look at verse 1 to 3,
13:36 let's look at his resume.
13:39 You know, when we want to get a Job
13:41 we boast our resume.
13:43 But, what I like about Job's resume is God
13:47 has his hand in Job's resume,
13:52 because what is written in the Bible is not
13:54 what Job wants us to know,
13:56 but what God wants us to know about Job.
13:59 Let me, let me just, I mean go further on that.
14:01 Aren't you glad that people don't know
14:04 everything about you? Yeah. Yes.
14:12 You see after David messed up
14:15 and he cried out to God,
14:17 God not only forgave him but redeemed him
14:20 and then called him a man after God's own heart.
14:26 God covers us, and then gives us the credit
14:32 for the way that we shine to his glory,
14:34 praise God for that. Amen.
14:36 The Bible says about Job. Look at this man's resume,
14:40 Job chapter 1 beginning with verse 1,
14:43 there was a man in the Land of Uz,
14:46 not the land of us, this was real,
14:52 whose name was Job; and that man was blameless
14:58 and upright. You know,
15:01 when God can call you blameless and upright,
15:04 that's praise the Lord,
15:08 and one who feared God and shunned evil.
15:12 Look at his possessions and seven sons
15:17 and three daughters were born to him.
15:21 You need God when you have 10 children.
15:28 Bible tells us that Job would wake up
15:31 early in the morning and pray for his children
15:33 and even offer to God sacrifices
15:36 for their sin before they sin.
15:41 When you have 10 children you need kneepads.
15:46 As one writer said you send knee mails to God,
15:51 not email. Also in verse 3,
15:55 his possessions were seven thousand sheep,
15:59 three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen,
16:06 five hundred female donkeys,
16:11 and a very large household,
16:14 so that this man was the,
16:18 what's the next word? Greatest.
16:20 Greatest of all the people of the East.
16:23 Notice the Bible didn't say he was the greatest
16:26 of all the people of the earth
16:28 and the reason for that there is always
16:30 somebody can do it better then you.
16:33 Don't ever think yourself to be the greatest.
16:36 Whatever you do as somebody wants us I can do better.
16:40 No, I'm saying I can do better,
16:41 but there is always somebody that God
16:44 has that can take your place
16:46 when you think that you are better then anybody else.
16:50 So, as far as the East was concerned,
16:52 Job was the greatest of all the people of the East.
16:55 Solomon was from the East.
16:57 The wise men were from the East.
17:03 But, what these tells me is that trials
17:05 are not cancelled because of our possessions.
17:09 Trials don't care about your fame.
17:14 Trials don't take into account your popularity
17:17 or your wealth, or your fortune.
17:19 None of those things exempt us
17:22 from the trials of life.
17:25 But, on the contrary I would suggest
17:27 you the more you have the more trials
17:29 you are going to have.
17:32 My wife and I got our, and I think the Lord
17:36 for some of the turnaround in AIG
17:38 can you hard Amen. Amen.
17:41 You know, those AIG, those three letters AIG
17:43 is a bad word right now.
17:46 I remember getting our statement of
17:48 our Pastoral Retirement Fund.
17:54 Only to determent that I lost thousands
17:58 and I thought now I can retire 65
18:00 after work till I'm 75.
18:03 But, things are turning around
18:05 but I want to say this, this morning
18:06 I don't even put my faith in that,
18:08 my faith is still in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
18:12 Because he is the only one that said your bread
18:13 and your water shall be sure.
18:16 Job had trials and friends you got to keep
18:20 this mind calling yourself great
18:23 and being called great by God
18:25 is something all together different.
18:27 Not a great people just died.
18:30 Farrah Fawcett great, Michael Jackson great,
18:36 and I forget the list, Walter Cronkite
18:40 and Ted Kennedy and Pastor E.E. Cleveland;
18:46 I just pray that one the Lord
18:47 comes he calls them great. Can you say Amen? Amen.
18:50 That's all that really matters because
18:52 greatness in the eyes of man
18:54 and greatness in the eyes of God
18:56 are not the same thing.
19:00 Some writer said when the angel that open
19:04 their records not a trace of his greatness could find.
19:10 But, Job was the great man because
19:11 God called him great.
19:13 If God said that Job was great,
19:15 Job was great, but one of the pitfalls
19:18 are being well know is this,
19:20 everyone knows when you stand and everyone knows
19:23 when you fall. I can imagine Job's neighbors,
19:28 what a trial that must have been,
19:29 being at the top is all that it's stacked up
19:32 to be being way up their means
19:34 you get more breeze than anybody else.
19:37 And sometimes the wind blows and bends you more,
19:40 but I'm so glad to know that God knows
19:42 how much we can bend and God always keeps us
19:45 when we trust him from breaking.
19:47 Can you say Amen? Amen. But the young
19:48 people now a days they have this new
19:50 term in the context of that modern vernacular,
19:52 I must say every dog has his day.
19:59 Verse 6 of Job chapter 1,
20:02 now there was day, Hum!
20:06 You remember your day I said,
20:08 you remember you day? Let me assure do you
20:11 remember your day when you're trial came?
20:15 There was a day did you make it through?
20:19 Can you say, Amen? Amen.
20:21 There was a day when the sons of God
20:25 came to present themselves before the Lord,
20:29 and Satan also came among them.
20:32 Why is it that the devil always tries to break up
20:35 the good times we have?
20:38 Always in the middle of our stuff,
20:43 always in the middle of our celebrations,
20:46 trying to find the way to turn our good
20:48 times into bad times, the devil came also
20:50 but the Bible didn't tell where the meeting place was.
20:56 But according the Bible it couldn't have been
20:57 in the heaven because revelation 12
21:00 and verse 7 says, war broke out in heaven.
21:03 Michael and his angels fought with a dragon
21:05 and the dragon and its angels fought back,
21:07 but they did not prevail, Praise the Lord.
21:10 They didn't make it. They did not win.
21:12 But it says nor was a place found
21:15 for them in heaven any longer.
21:16 So, the great dragon was cast out,
21:19 that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan,
21:21 who deceived the whole world:
21:23 he was cast to the earth and his angles
21:26 were cast out with him.
21:29 This meeting did not take place in heaven.
21:32 According to the subtangent we call it the LXX.
21:36 Some Bible writers say that the sons of God
21:38 could refer to angles, so when the sons of God
21:41 came to present themselves some writers say
21:44 that could have been the angels.
21:46 Other translators suggest that
21:48 it was representatives of other unfallen worlds
21:51 that came to present themselves,
21:52 but either case the meeting did not
21:55 take place in heaven.
21:58 But notice Satan's own testimony
22:01 verse 7 and verse 8,
22:05 and the Lord said to Satan,
22:08 "from where did you come?"
22:10 So, Satan answered the Lord and said,
22:12 "from going to in and fro on the earth
22:16 and from walking back and forth on it".
22:22 He was spending his time in the earth looking
22:24 for someone and does the same thing today.
22:27 The Bible says he is as a roaring lion doing what,
22:31 walking about, like a roaring lion seeking
22:35 whom he may about, what he did then
22:37 he still does today, walking around,
22:40 ringing peoples bell late at night,
22:43 showing up at their hospital bed,
22:45 showing up at their Job before they get to work,
22:48 getting them fired, car breaking down
22:51 in middle of the highway, children acting up
22:53 when you think they gonna do well,
22:54 come on can you give me an Amen? Amen.
22:56 The devil shows up and he shows up unscheduled,
23:00 but the beauty of this is wherever he shows up,
23:02 you have to know and remember that God
23:05 is ever present. Amen.
23:07 The Lord is there before the devil gets there,
23:10 back and forth in the earth, but I like this,
23:13 you see verse 8 is amazing to me because verse 8
23:16 didn't say that Satan asked about Job.
23:18 It says that the Lord said.
23:26 The Lord said to Satan,
23:28 "have you considered my servant Job,
23:35 that there is none like him on the earth,
23:38 a blameless and upright man one who fears
23:41 God and shuns evil. Let me suggest you
23:46 God would have never given Job
23:51 as a reference to the devil
23:55 unless he knew that Job was a man that trusted God.
24:00 You see God does not lend us to the devil,
24:02 Amen. Amen. God doesn't say, well,
24:05 I am going to lend to the devil on Friday,
24:06 but I want you back on Sabbath morning.
24:10 He brought up Job's name because
24:12 he understood that Job was a man
24:14 that could not be bought, he could not be sold,
24:17 he could not be compromised,
24:19 he didn't turn his back on God,
24:20 he was one that feared God and shunned evil.
24:23 It is so good to know that if you trust God,
24:25 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
24:28 God has the freedom to bring up your name
24:30 and know that when he does,
24:31 you won't fail him, Amen. Amen.
24:34 So, the question is now whether or not God
24:36 is going to fail us. The question is whether
24:37 or not we are going to fail God,
24:38 what do you do when difficulty come?
24:40 Does God get the blame?
24:41 Well, the Bible continues,
24:43 God said there is none like him.
24:45 He fears me and he avoids evil.
24:48 But on any given day, at any given time
24:51 without any prior notice for no apparent reason
24:54 you will be faced with the challenge of your life,
24:57 and when your day comes there are not detours,
25:00 no preventive measures, no side stepping,
25:03 one day God will have a conversation
25:05 with Satan about you.
25:08 I want you to be afraid that because
25:10 before we get any further, we have to rejoice that
25:13 God identifies with Job, what you say?
25:20 Job is God's child. God is Job's Lord.
25:32 Just so that you can get it, you are God's child.
25:35 Amen. God is your Lord,
25:39 and if God before us come on,
25:41 now who can be against us.
25:44 You see, I don't know if you get that,
25:45 you've got to get that, that sounds religious
25:47 but let me just break that down from religiosity
25:50 to everyday practical application.
25:52 Listen up very carefully, wake the person
25:54 of sitting next to you,
25:55 they don't want to miss this
25:56 because they are going to need this statement,
25:58 you've got to know that when trials come
26:00 you are not just another person,
26:02 if God is your Lord you're his child,
26:04 what do you say? Amen.
26:06 You are not just some obituary individual
26:08 on the planet of seven billon plus people
26:11 wondering how things are going to workout
26:13 because the Bible says every good
26:15 and every perfect gift comes down
26:18 from the father of enlighten in which there
26:20 is no shadow of turning and if God makes
26:22 a promise to you God is able to
26:24 carry that promise through, Amen. Amen.
26:26 God doesn't say your life is an accident
26:28 and by the way on that very note,
26:30 stop saying good luck.
26:34 You know, some folks say well good luck
26:35 and they are Christians.
26:37 My life is not the roll of a dice,
26:39 my life is will of God, what do you say? Amen.
26:41 So, don't live your life like you are wondering
26:43 what's going to happen. God knows what is
26:45 going to happen that's what the Bible says,
26:46 trust in the Lord your God with all your heart
26:50 and lean not on your own understanding
26:54 and all your ways acknowledge him and
26:57 he will direct your paths.
26:59 I think the problem comes when we try to direct
27:01 our paths that's why I saw card the other day,
27:05 I say the other day could have been 20 years ago
27:06 I don't remember when, you know, when you pass 50,
27:10 the other day just starts be any day you pick,
27:16 am I telling the truth? Yes.
27:19 You know, you have a hard time remembering
27:21 folk's names. You look by the mere eyes, umm, umm,
27:25 and you say you are tired but you know,
27:27 we know, it is something else.
27:32 But you know, I saw a sticker with somebody
27:34 had God is my co-pilot, you know,
27:37 let me suggest you that person is in trouble.
27:39 They better give God the steering wheel,
27:41 what do you say?
27:43 We don't need God as our co-pilot.
27:45 We need the Lord driving that car.
27:47 My wife and I just came back from London,
27:49 England. We were there for couple of weeks
27:51 and I told some of my friends about
27:54 my experience there. I had the nerve
27:57 you've got to be brave or you got to be
27:59 out of your mind, to rent a vehicle in England
28:05 with a right side steering wheel,
28:08 left hands stick shift and everything
28:11 is on the opposite side.
28:12 But I want to say when they said,
28:15 now do you realize that the steering
28:17 wheel on the other side, yeah I do,
28:21 or do you realize that the stick shift,
28:23 can you drive a stick shift from the,
28:24 see and here we go in out then you go for out to in
28:27 and you got remember when you make a ride
28:29 you turn into the other lane not this other lane.
28:31 I told somebody then he said,
28:32 well, I had some friends that
28:33 did they are dead now.
28:38 What I did is when I got to England
28:40 there was a sewage, you know,
28:41 some days you just got to think
28:43 completely differently, am I telling the truth?
28:45 Yeah. Some days Lord just changes the way you think.
28:48 I have submitted myself, clint I said,
28:50 Lord this is your time I am going to drive around
28:52 and I want to say a hearty Amen to my family
28:55 for seven family members putting their
28:57 lives in my hand. Amen.
28:59 You got to really trust somebody to get in a van
29:02 with somebody who does not live in England
29:04 and drive around that whole
29:05 country for two weeks,
29:07 but I want to say I didn't have an almost
29:09 accident to God be the glory.
29:10 Praise the God. The point of matter is
29:13 there is not so much what you can do,
29:15 but when you commit your ways into the Lord,
29:17 God can do anything. I believe those kinds of
29:20 verses when it says I can do all things
29:22 through Christ who strengthen me.
29:23 I believe that. Amen.
29:24 I don't believe that just another good Bible verse
29:26 in the book of Philippians I believe it's true.
29:29 I believe with men it's impossible
29:31 but with God how many things,
29:32 All, All things are possible,
29:34 that's why you've got come to the place
29:36 when you understand that when we belong to the Lord
29:39 he will not leads us out to the devil
29:41 when God identifies with us,
29:44 Satan cannot do to us as he pleases.
29:51 When we know that we are God's children
29:53 we may go through trials but brethren it's not
29:56 what you going through, but it's who is
29:58 with you when you are going through it.
29:59 Amen. The Lord is my shepherd.
30:06 Satan suggested that Job served God for selfish
30:09 reason look at verse 9.
30:11 So, Satan answered the Lord and said,
30:13 does God, does Job fear God for nothing,
30:17 and then verse 10, Satan tried to get God
30:20 to remove the protection that Job enjoyed
30:22 and I want to say this,
30:23 I praise God from his protection.
30:24 Can you say Amen to that? Amen. I was on airplane
30:26 coming back from Miami, South West airline 737,
30:33 a 737 is not a plane to be on when there
30:35 is a lot of bad turbulence.
30:37 It seems really small. Anybody know what
30:39 I am talking about? So, we were coming
30:41 into the Midwest from the nice,
30:43 calm breezes of Miami, Florida,
30:45 descending in the Midwest
30:46 and the winds began to blow.
30:51 There was a lady sitting to my right.
30:53 She began to panic so much so that
30:55 she began to cry in her husband's armpits.
30:58 I didn't know if it wasn't her husband's armpits
31:00 making her cry or if it was the plane
31:02 that was making her cry. She buried her head
31:05 in her husband's armpits, and I am thinking
31:08 which one is this? And I was listening to
31:11 a song that I was practicing my lyrics
31:16 because I was just about to join back up
31:17 with the group that is here to sing.
31:19 I am singing with them for number of years
31:20 and I was relearning my lyrics because not long
31:23 after that I was going to the Philippians
31:24 earlier this year to sing with them
31:27 and I was listening to that song,
31:29 I know the peace speaker, I know him by name,
31:33 and I tapped that letting on her shoulder I said,
31:35 ma'm let me encourage you.
31:38 I have traveled all over the world
31:42 and I want to encourage you,
31:44 I am on a mission from God,
31:46 this plane is going to be just fine. Amen.
31:49 Praise the Lord. Amen.
31:50 Ellen White says that because a child of God
31:55 was on some mode of transportation
31:58 all of the other passengers were spared
32:00 because God's man, God's child was there
32:03 and I believe that. Amen.
32:05 When I traveled I was that promised with me,
32:07 I said, ma'm it may be rough but we are going
32:09 to land just fine. And by the way,
32:11 I had a song I think you need to listen
32:12 to while this plane is being tossed around,
32:14 all you got do is tighten your seat belt
32:16 and that the Lord do the rest. Amen.
32:18 So, I gave her the headset to listen to the song
32:20 and as she was listening we were descending
32:23 and that plane was dancing with all the high winds
32:25 in the Midwest right there in St. Louis
32:26 and I was thinking Lord
32:27 don't make me into a liar today.
32:33 I just testified about your delivering hands
32:36 showing God. You know what I am saying?
32:39 God, that plane touched down like me,
32:41 we are landing on butter, Praise the Lord,
32:44 and the song lasted until we touched down,
32:48 and when she gave me back the headset,
32:49 you know, what she said to me
32:50 and I gave the God glory for that,
32:52 she says thank you for allowing me
32:54 to travel with you.
32:56 Amen. To God be the glory. Amen.
32:59 You see, brothers and sisters
33:01 we are God's children,
33:02 so yes, we serve God for some reasons
33:04 but let me make this very clear don't serve God
33:07 for the benefits, serve God because he is God.
33:09 Amen. The devil said,
33:11 Lord you are just serving him because he has got
33:13 all that stuff look at verse 10,
33:16 :have you not made a head around him,
33:17 around his household and around all that
33:19 he has on every side.
33:21 You have blessed the work of his hand
33:23 and his possessions have increased in the land",
33:26 and that's true when God blesses you nobody
33:29 can bless you like God can. Amen.
33:32 Every time we go to bed at night we always pray Lord,
33:34 guard the windows, guard the doors,
33:36 send an angles to surround this house
33:38 and we wake up the next day
33:39 and we don't know until we get to heaven
33:41 and there is an angel who is going to say
33:43 I know where you live.
33:45 Can you give us our address?
33:47 I was there God kept sending me there
33:49 because you kept asking me to come back,
33:53 Amen. Amen. Then when you get to
33:55 heaven there is going to be an angel that said,
33:57 when you prayed I was the guy sitting right
33:59 next to you in the airplane,
34:00 you didn't even know it was me.
34:03 God delivers and works in mysterious ways.
34:06 But it is true sometimes we serve God because
34:08 of how God blessing us but that was not the case.
34:11 Look at verse 11, look at the conversation,
34:14 look at how Satan is jostling,
34:16 he is trying to find Job's weak point,
34:18 but now he says to God, stretch out your hand
34:20 and touch all that he has he and will surely
34:22 curse you to your face. Satan suggested that
34:26 there is a sight of Job that God is hiding
34:28 by protecting him in another words,
34:29 remove your blessings and the real Job would be seen.
34:36 Now you know, how true that sometimes is people
34:39 agree until something happens,
34:42 and then they blame God for it,
34:43 so the question is how far apart is your praise
34:46 from your blame? How much distance
34:49 is the between your pray and you blame?
34:51 How close is your worship to your worry?
34:53 How easy is it for you to go from commending God
34:56 to criticizing God? How close is that?
35:01 People do that flip of a switch.
35:04 Some Christian are blaming God.
35:06 I want to say very clearly God is consistent.
35:09 God can be trusted. He is the same yesterday
35:12 come on now today, and forever. Amen.
35:17 All those questions how far part
35:18 of your blame from your, your praise those
35:21 unanswered questions until your day
35:23 comes because lot of folk say,
35:25 I will never disappoint God. Oh!
35:27 Wait till your time comes.
35:28 You never know who you are until hour comes.
35:33 Look at the hour that came for Job, verse 12,
35:38 and Lord said to Satan "Behold,
35:39 all that he has is in your power, only do
35:42 not put lay your hand on his presence.
35:43 So, Job when out from the presence of Lord
35:45 and look at how the story unfold.
35:47 It is amazing. Job unveiled the predator of all evil.
35:50 The perpetuator of all evil verse 13,
35:53 now there was a day when his sons
35:54 and daughters were eating and drinking wine
35:56 in their oldest brother's house
35:57 and by the way they were not drinking alcohol,
35:59 they were drinking grape juice.
36:00 Can you say, Amen? Amen.
36:02 Not drunk children. These were godly children.
36:04 And a messenger came to Job and said the oxen
36:07 were plowing and the donkeys feeding beside them.
36:09 When the Sabeans raided them and took them away
36:12 indeed they have killed the servants
36:13 with the edge of the sword
36:15 and I alone have escaped to tell you it continues,
36:17 verse 16, while he was still speaking
36:20 another also came and said,
36:21 the fire of God fell from heaven
36:23 and burned up the sheep and the servants
36:24 and consumed them and I alone have escaped
36:27 to tell them while he was still speaking another
36:30 also came and said that Chaldeans
36:32 formed three bands,
36:33 raided the camel and took them away, yes,
36:35 and killed the servants with the edge
36:37 of the sword and I alone have escaped to tell you
36:40 and while he was still speaking
36:41 another also came and said, your sons
36:43 and daughters were eating and drinking wine
36:44 in their oldest brother's house
36:47 and suddenly a great wind came from across
36:49 the wilderness and struck the four corners
36:51 of the house and it fell on the young people,
36:53 and they are dead and I alone
36:56 have escaped to tell you.
37:00 The devil always has somebody to bring bad news.
37:04 I alone have escaped. You didn't escape.
37:07 The devil employed you to bring the bad news.
37:11 I will say to people if you have bad
37:12 news don't tell me.
37:15 Unless you want me to pray for you,
37:17 but if you just want to go ahead
37:19 and spread bad news, tell the bad news to Jesus.
37:22 Only he can handle that, Amen. Amen.
37:24 Tell it to Jesus, but you know
37:27 what I want you to understand this.
37:28 We can easily get consumed with the
37:30 details of what happened,
37:31 but that's not the focus of the story.
37:33 The focus of this story get me now listen carefully,
37:36 are you ready, the focus of this story
37:39 is Job's response to what happened,
37:45 not what happened.
37:49 Job's response to what happened.
37:52 Look at verse 12, what do Job did?
37:56 Then Job arose, tore his robe,
38:02 shaved his head and fell down, verse 20,
38:07 verse 20, fell to the ground
38:10 and what did he do, church say it together,
38:13 he worshiped. You see brethren true worship,
38:16 will hold you up and everything
38:18 else let's you down. Amen.
38:21 Praise the Lord for the true worth,
38:22 when you worship God, when you worship God.
38:27 He will keep you up when everything
38:29 and everybody let you down.
38:30 You can't trust folk,
38:31 no matter how sincere they are,
38:33 the only one that you can really trust is God,
38:35 Amen. Amen. Now I trust my wife
38:37 and she trusts me, but the Bible says,
38:38 trust in the Lord your God with how much of your heart,
38:41 all you heart. When you do
38:43 that your heart is secure.
38:47 He fell down and worshipped God
38:49 and then he discovered in the moment of
38:52 the greatest trial, his worship to God
38:54 is the very thing that held him up
38:56 when everything else had let him down,
38:58 his finances, his fame, his fortune, his notoriety,
39:02 his health, his family, when everything let him
39:05 down the Lord never lets us down. Amen.
39:12 One of those coin phrases of Christianity is this
39:15 and I want to straighten this one out,
39:16 the Lord give it and the Lord take it away,
39:19 that is not true.
39:26 I am waiting for an Amen from somebody. Amen.
39:28 You heard that so much you think that,
39:30 that's true. Did God take anything from Job?
39:33 Absolutely not. Job's humanity
39:36 came to the point of discombobulation.
39:38 He didn't understand why this was happening
39:40 and he blamed the day he was born and he said,
39:43 well it's God's stuff, if He want it back
39:44 He can have it back. God didn't take it.
39:49 God does not gift you and then rob you, Amen. Amen.
39:56 God does not set the table
39:58 and then yank the chair from under you.
40:01 God does not give you the Job and say,
40:04 ah I made a mistake,
40:07 no shadow of turning every good
40:10 and every perfect gift
40:13 and Job is demanding Lord give us
40:15 and Lord takes it away, that statement is not true
40:17 the Lord does not take anything away
40:19 from those who love him, no good thing he says
40:22 will he withhold from those who walk up
40:25 rightly Psalms 84:11, no good thing
40:30 that's why people now a days,
40:31 they got to get that right,
40:32 you see because God allows it,
40:33 are you hearing me, because God allows it
40:36 does not mean that God did it. Amen.
40:40 I am tired of people when people die
40:42 they blame it on God. God took my mother away
40:44 he needed her in heaven.
40:45 God doesn't need your mother in heaven.
40:47 Your mother needs God on earth.
40:49 Your mother needs God on earth.
40:52 Can you imagine God's, well I need one more
40:54 worker to finish these houses,
40:55 let me kill somebody in a car accident,
40:57 that's not the way God works, amen. Amen
40:59 Blame God all the time for steps that God never does.
41:01 When sickness comes God is accused of making me sick.
41:06 God is not in the life taking business.
41:08 God does not separate children
41:10 from their parents by death.
41:12 God does not wipe out babies in the backseat
41:15 of your car because he needs
41:16 little angels in heaven.
41:19 But that's what the devil wants us to think.
41:22 God does not send trials.
41:26 God does not send pain.
41:33 But, there are four components to the story
41:35 that you need to get it very, very carefully.
41:36 See what happened is that we need to stop blaming
41:41 the one who is really responsible. Amen.
41:44 Look at the four components,
41:45 this has really amazed me.
41:47 There are four components in the story
41:48 that teaches a valuable lesson,
41:50 how many components, four, how many,
41:53 four, first there is God.
41:57 God is Job's advocate.
42:00 God never stands against us.
42:06 I will be back.
42:09 The God never stands against us. Amen.
42:13 That's God, he is our advocate,
42:15 but there is Satan our adversary,
42:16 he never stands with us. Right.
42:20 He is always against us.
42:23 Then, there is your spouse.
42:24 I am a tiptoe on this one. Job's adversity,
42:31 your spouse won't always stand with you,
42:37 don't say amen to that one you have to go
42:39 home after camp meeting.
42:42 And your friends, your associates,
42:47 won't always understand what you are going through.
42:52 God the advocate, Satan the adversary,
42:54 your spouse could be adversity,
42:57 and your friends could be the associates,
42:58 but I want to give you the promise today
43:00 because God says I will never curse you,
43:03 come on say amen Amen
43:04 Satan says I will always curse you.
43:07 His wife said curse God and his friends
43:10 said this curse is from God,
43:13 whole lot of cursing,
43:14 but God had nothing to do with any of it.
43:15 What do you say? Amen. God is not a God
43:18 that curses us. When you stand with God,
43:20 God does not curse you. You see,
43:22 the story of that Job and his God,
43:24 42 chapters are dedicated to one man's test,
43:27 one man's trail, one man's triumphs
43:30 and the reason why the record indicates
43:32 that Job had friends, as this friends,
43:34 if all you have left are friends
43:35 you should at least be able to count on them.
43:38 Amen. But, if you can't count on your wife
43:42 or your husband,
43:43 are you going to count on your friends.
43:45 It always amazes me how the devil
43:48 didn't take Job's wife.
43:51 Don't get too happy about that,
43:53 somebody trying to figure how to get
43:54 rid of your wife, you better behave yourself.
44:00 The Lord allowed Job's wife to stay
44:05 because sometimes there is no adversity
44:07 as close as your spouse.
44:12 Say it under your breath, that's right,
44:16 that's why you better make sure you marry somebody
44:18 who knows the God you know. Amen
44:21 Serve the God you serve. Amen
44:23 Because you think trials are bad in the world,
44:25 wait till you come home
44:26 and there they are waiting for you.
44:30 Job didn't know it, but Satan kept Job's wife
44:33 as an ace in the hole and there she is,
44:35 instead of bending her knee to pray
44:37 with her husband cursed God and died.
44:39 What is God up to? When people talk like that,
44:42 just look at them and say are you foolish,
44:45 and ignore them and pray for them
44:51 because if I am following the story correctly
44:53 Job's wife was there to see that
44:55 trial and the triumph.
44:59 Am I right? Amen.
45:01 Her testimony was quite different
45:02 at the end of those 42 chapters.
45:05 Only time you heard about her was when
45:06 she was cursing God on the beginning telling Job
45:08 because God didn't say much about
45:10 her in the very end and said,
45:11 God did all for Job. But, look at verse 19 to 25,
45:15 Job had the assurance he needed he looked beyond
45:17 the trials sometimes we've got to look beyond
45:20 the trials and look to the one
45:21 who was delivering us from that trail.
45:23 You may not know the date of your delivery
45:25 but you know the Lord that delivers
45:26 you stay with the Lord and he will give you
45:28 the date Amen. Amen.
45:30 Look at verse 19 to verse 25, Job Chapter 19
45:33 verse 25, Job Chapter 19 verse 25,
45:38 amazing how the Lord works.
45:44 Job said I don't know about all the stuff
45:46 that's happening,
45:48 but I know that my redeemer lives,
45:49 come on and say Amen Amen.
45:51 All that I know is my redeemer lives
45:53 and brethren he still lives today,
45:55 what do you say, I know that my redeemer lives
45:58 he shall stand that last on the earth
46:01 and after my skin is destroyed this I know
46:04 that in my flesh I shall see God
46:07 whom I shall see for my sins.
46:09 God is not goanna send you through trials
46:11 and deny you the privilege of standing before
46:14 him to see his awesome glory
46:15 and my eyes shall behold not another,
46:18 how my heart yearns within me
46:20 when you are going through trials brothers and sisters
46:22 your heart yearns for deliverance,
46:24 but even more than that your heart yearns
46:25 to see God stand up and do something
46:27 to give you the boast about. Amen.
46:29 Every now and then God does something so great,
46:31 we can't stop telling about.
46:34 That's why James, the apostle says
46:36 we have to look to the end to understand the Lord.
46:38 I will read this to you James 5:11.
46:41 Indeed brethren we count them blessed to endure.
46:45 You have heard of the perseverance of Job
46:48 and seen the end intended by the Lord
46:50 that the Lord is very compassionate
46:52 and merciful God is compassionate
46:54 and God is merciful. Amen.
46:58 But, when you go on through trials
47:00 it's hard to remember that.
47:02 Why is this happening to me?
47:04 But, here is where the story winds up.
47:07 You see this story ends in a an amazing way.
47:10 It reveals one of the greatest hurdles that
47:12 we have to overcome before God
47:14 can fully restore us. Go back to Job
47:16 and we are goanna go to last chapter
47:17 you thought I was going to peach on 42 chapters.
47:21 I am going to the end of the story right now
47:23 because you know the end is always
47:24 with a good stuffs; right in the end of the story,
47:28 look at Job chapter 42 and I am going to read
47:31 just a portion of verse 12.
47:32 I am goanna read a portion of verse 12
47:34 and I want you to hold on to that when you go
47:35 through your trials,
47:36 you got to have fun reading verse 12
47:39 Job chapter 42, the Bible says now the Lord
47:42 blessed the later days of Job more than the
47:44 beginning can somebody say amen. Amen
47:47 And we also prove some other words halleluiah.
47:50 That's right. Thank you, Jesus.
47:53 God blessed him more,
47:55 but here is the key to the story.
47:57 I told you last night, there is a key to
47:59 why God turned it around, look at verse 16,
48:01 look at verse 16, there is a reason why God
48:04 turned it around and this is what helps us
48:06 to understand where we are in our trials.
48:09 It says in verse 16 of chapter 42
48:12 what are the first two words,
48:14 'after this', what are the first two words,
48:17 'after this', let's say it together 'after this',
48:19 what are the first two words, 'after this'.
48:25 We have never gone through what Job went through,
48:28 but in all of our lives there is an after this,
48:31 come on say amen. Amen.
48:33 There is an after this when you sit down and wipe
48:36 your tears away and say to your friends
48:37 let me tell you what I just went through. Amen.
48:42 'After this', Job lived 140 years
48:49 and let me suggest to you not by guessing
48:52 but by affirmation those next 140 years
48:55 were the time where Job rejoiced about God's
48:57 deliverance, can you say, Amen!
48:58 Amen. Praise God. Let me tell you what
48:59 happened a couple of years ago. Now,
49:00 when you are 100 years from
49:01 that deliverance Job says,
49:03 if you only know what happened
49:04 to me a 100 years ago.
49:06 When we get to heaven we are goanna say
49:07 you know what happened before 4,000 years ago.
49:10 It's goanna be so minimal in heaven
49:11 we are not even going to remember
49:12 can you say Amen to that. Praise God.
49:14 The former things will not be remembered nor even
49:16 come to mind. God is goanna wipe away
49:18 all the junk we go through down here and all
49:20 we are goanna do through eternity is give God
49:21 the glory, praise God for that,
49:23 'after this', Job lived a 140 years
49:26 and he saw his children and grandchildren
49:28 for four generations. So, Job died old
49:32 and full of days, but that's not the key to the story.
49:35 The key is in verse 10. The key is in verse 10.
49:39 You see complete restoration comes
49:41 when we can do a verse 10 and the Lord
49:45 restored Job's loses or turned the captivity of Job
49:49 when he prayed for his friends.
49:54 Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much
49:57 as he had before
49:59 and I am goanna end with the questions because
50:00 I must do it now. I want you to think of
50:03 these if you don't get it you can get the recording.
50:08 Do you have any former friends
50:10 that you need to pray for, amen,
50:12 so that you can be restored?
50:13 Do you have people that have let you down?
50:17 Are there people that you just can't stand?
50:24 Are there acquaintances that at the mention
50:25 of their names you get sick?
50:30 Can you think of someone that has so deeply
50:32 hurt you that you are not over it yet?
50:35 Is there someone that you just can't forgive
50:37 because the pain is so deep?
50:39 Well, brothers let me just say to you this,
50:40 sisters let me remind you as I sing this song.
50:45 It's not about us, not about our position or job,
50:48 our oppositions or status or education.
50:50 It's about the God we serve. It's not who Job is,
50:55 but it's who God is. Amen.
50:57 Listen to the message of who God is
51:19 When I think of how He came so far from glory
51:29 Not just for Job for me to rather
51:32 Came to dwell among the lowly such as I
51:46 To suffer shame and such disgrace
51:54 On Mount Calvary take my place
52:02 Then I ask myself this question Who am I?
52:11 This, I have to be honest.
52:15 Who am I that The King would bleed and die for
52:30 Who am I that He would pray not my will, Thy Lord
52:43 The answer I may never know
52:51 Why He ever loved me so
52:59 But to that old rugged cross He'd go
53:06 For who am I?
53:21 When I'm reminded of those words
53:28 I'll leave Him never
53:30 Can you say it back friends
53:34 If you'll be true I'll give to you life forever
53:49 Oh I wonder what I could have done
53:55 To deserve God's only Son
54:04 To fight my battles until they're won
54:10 For who am I?
54:17 Who am I that The King would bleed and die for
54:32 Who am I that He would pray not my will, Thy Lord
54:46 The answer I may never know
54:53 Why He ever loved me so
55:01 But to that old rugged cross He'd go
55:09 But to an old rugged cross He'd go for, who am I?
55:45 Praise the Lord. Brothers and sisters,
55:48 it's not who we are. It's who Jesus is. Amen.
55:52 It's not what we have;
55:53 it's what he has for us. Amen.
55:57 There those of you watching and listening
55:59 to this program that we are going
56:00 through trials today,
56:01 I want to recommend you to Jesus.
56:03 Amen. The one who would never leave you
56:05 and never forsake you.
56:06 The one who would never ever let you down.
56:08 The one who will not lease you out to the devil,
56:11 would bless you and take those blessings away.
56:13 The one who is there 24 hours a day,
56:17 send ups and down you can trust
56:18 the Lord that is reliable.
56:21 I want us to bow our heads right now
56:22 and just thank the Lord for his goodness
56:24 to us let's pray.
56:26 Our heavenly father we thank you so much
56:29 that in the amidst of our trials
56:30 and tribulations, there is a friend
56:33 that sticks closer than a brother.
56:38 Lord you promised to walk through us
56:40 through the valleys,
56:41 to assist us as we climb the mountains,
56:45 to carry us when our feet are too weary,
56:48 and to open doors that have been
56:51 slammed on our faces.
56:53 You promised to wipe away every tear from our eye.
56:55 There will be no more death and sorrow,
56:57 no crying or pain, and we pray that father
57:00 we can hold on to that faithfulness
57:01 this of yours and trust you and give you glory
57:05 until the trials are forever done.
57:07 Thank you for your faithfulness
57:09 in Jesus name we pray. Amen!
57:12 Continue trusting the Lord and friends
57:14 we can say he will never let you down.
57:17 May God be the God you serve
57:19 until we see you again.


Revised 2014-12-17