Good morning GYC. Good morning. 00:03:42.83\00:03:47.33 its hard to see a converse like this come to an end. 00:03:47.33\00:03:49.36 Isn't it. I have to concur with those who've already said 00:03:49.36\00:03:53.66 this is one of my favorite GYC conferences, as I 00:03:53.66\00:03:58.00 look back over the conferences, I've been 00:03:58.00\00:04:01.86 able to be at each one and I've been blessed by each one 00:04:01.86\00:04:04.33 they've each been special, but this year's conference has 00:04:04.33\00:04:07.26 been especially filled with the spontaneity 00:04:07.26\00:04:11.63 of the spirit. And I just really enjoyed seeing 00:04:11.63\00:04:14.56 God working in lives. It's time now for our final 00:04:14.56\00:04:20.03 message and you know I've thought a lot about 00:04:20.03\00:04:23.26 what I can say in the last hour, the last few minutes 00:04:23.26\00:04:25.80 we have together, it's not like just any other 00:04:25.80\00:04:28.43 message, it's not like a morning devotional or a 00:04:28.43\00:04:30.56 evening meeting you know where you have 00:04:30.56\00:04:33.16 more yet to come, this is it, this is the last one and 00:04:33.16\00:04:35.83 I've thought about what would God have me to 00:04:35.83\00:04:38.63 share with you. I've thought about the fact 00:04:38.63\00:04:40.40 that we're not only living in serious sober times 00:04:40.40\00:04:44.13 but we don't know about tomorrow do we? 00:04:44.13\00:04:46.96 This could be the last GYC, this could certainly 00:04:46.96\00:04:50.56 be the last GYC for some of us right, 00:04:50.56\00:04:52.93 I think back a couple of years ago, two years 00:04:52.93\00:04:54.83 ago in Minneapolis and one of my own 00:04:54.83\00:04:57.30 students was killed instantly on his way back 00:04:57.30\00:05:00.06 from GYC and that final chat was the last 00:05:00.06\00:05:02.83 sermon he heard. And we don't know and so as I've been 00:05:02.83\00:05:09.10 praying, as I've been studying, as I've been 00:05:09.10\00:05:10.76 asking God to give me a message. 00:05:10.76\00:05:13.33 He's placed a burden on my heart and I want to 00:05:13.33\00:05:15.93 share that with you today, I want to share the 00:05:15.93\00:05:17.76 burden that he has placed upon my heart. 00:05:17.76\00:05:20.60 My message is entitled which cloud are you in. 00:05:20.60\00:05:26.13 I would invite you to kneel with me, it's a 00:05:26.13\00:05:28.30 serious time, a serious message. I would invite 00:05:28.30\00:05:30.43 you to kneel with me as we seek God's will and 00:05:30.43\00:05:33.56 God's word. Father in heaven, we've come down 00:05:33.56\00:05:41.50 to the last few minutes we have to share together 00:05:41.50\00:05:43.53 and Lord we want to savor our each moment, 00:05:43.53\00:05:46.50 we've sensed your spirit in this place and we've 00:05:48.20\00:05:52.83 been blessed. Our hearts have been watered, our 00:05:52.83\00:05:55.80 hearts have been fed and we want to gather up the 00:05:55.80\00:05:59.73 fragments that remain. We want to not miss a 00:05:59.73\00:06:03.30 single blessings you have for us. Yet father we are 00:06:03.30\00:06:07.53 dealing with sacred divine, infinite truth 00:06:07.53\00:06:11.33 and we're but finite sinners and mortals, 00:06:11.33\00:06:14.43 so today Father, I pray that, that I might not be 00:06:15.90\00:06:21.06 the speaker, but I just may be the spokesmen 00:06:21.06\00:06:24.03 that I might be a messenger, but you would 00:06:25.90\00:06:27.56 give the message, that your Holy Spirit today 00:06:27.56\00:06:30.76 would speak to each heart. Lord, I may over 00:06:30.76\00:06:34.10 emphasize or under emphasize, but may your 00:06:34.10\00:06:37.03 spirit translate the words I speak to each person, 00:06:37.03\00:06:39.96 they might hear what they need to hear in just the 00:06:39.96\00:06:42.76 right perspective and balance. Today, we 00:06:42.76\00:06:46.43 know that you have a tremendous burden on 00:06:46.43\00:06:49.86 your heart, you have an unfulfilled dream that you 00:06:49.86\00:06:52.23 want to come and you want to claim us as 00:06:52.23\00:06:55.06 your own. Lord, we just pray that we might take 00:06:55.06\00:06:59.90 your dreams seriously, we might not just 00:06:59.90\00:07:05.33 have enjoyed a good conference, that we might 00:07:05.33\00:07:08.33 leave here determined, that we might leave here with 00:07:08.33\00:07:13.63 a purpose in our hearts to do something meaningful, 00:07:13.63\00:07:18.56 to live more consecrated and committed lives to 00:07:18.56\00:07:23.13 you. Lord, today I just pray that you'll take my 00:07:23.13\00:07:26.60 lips, and you'll take my heart and you'll forgive me for 00:07:26.60\00:07:31.56 my sins, you'll hide me in the cross that your word 00:07:31.56\00:07:34.63 might be heard, that Jesus might be seen, 00:07:34.63\00:07:37.60 in his name we pray. Amen. 00:07:37.60\00:07:40.10 As I was thinking of what shame really is. 00:07:44.36\00:07:47.30 And what it means to be ashamed. One day, I stop 00:07:47.30\00:07:50.13 in a Taco Bell to get a quick bite to eat. 00:07:50.13\00:07:52.86 And at this particular Taco Bell on that evening 00:07:53.40\00:07:55.60 there was a group of junior high students that came in 00:07:55.60\00:07:58.30 and I was watching them with interest, they sort of 00:07:58.90\00:08:00.93 grabbed my attention, it was a small Taco Bell 00:08:00.93\00:08:03.30 and it was pretty much just me and this group of 00:08:03.30\00:08:06.03 students in the Taco Bell, as I was looking at these 00:08:06.03\00:08:09.46 young teenagers, you know, I noticed that there was sort 00:08:09.46\00:08:13.70 of something similar about all of them, they all had 00:08:13.70\00:08:16.66 the same style of clothes, they were all wearing 00:08:16.66\00:08:20.03 dark clothes, black clothes mostly and they all had 00:08:20.03\00:08:23.86 black hair mostly, obviously dyed black, artificial black. 00:08:23.86\00:08:29.73 Most of them, at least the girls had these black 00:08:30.40\00:08:34.00 fingernails, your starting to get a mental picture 00:08:34.00\00:08:36.63 right, of what I'm describing, and they had piercings 00:08:36.63\00:08:40.16 throughout their features, made me wonder if they 00:08:40.16\00:08:43.76 have been too close to a hand grenade or something 00:08:43.76\00:08:45.96 when it had gone off. There was metal all over their 00:08:45.96\00:08:49.33 faces and I was looking at them and I was thinking 00:08:49.33\00:08:52.06 you know what makes a young person dress like this 00:08:52.06\00:08:57.96 and look like this. I mean I was thinking if you were 00:08:57.96\00:09:01.56 take one of those young people and put them in the 00:09:01.56\00:09:06.20 middle of GYC you all look so nice. They might feel 00:09:06.20\00:09:11.20 sort of out of place right. They might feel sort of 00:09:11.20\00:09:14.90 ashamed, but the fact that there were six or eight or ten 00:09:14.90\00:09:19.46 of them, I don't remember exactly. The fact they were 00:09:19.46\00:09:21.60 so many of them gave them this confidence and this 00:09:21.60\00:09:24.80 unashamedness, you hear what I'm saying, 00:09:24.80\00:09:28.80 their peers around them looked like them. 00:09:29.20\00:09:33.23 They dressed like them, they dyed their hair like 00:09:34.03\00:09:38.56 them and so for them surrounded as they were 00:09:38.56\00:09:42.96 by this group of their friends, for them they 00:09:42.96\00:09:47.56 thought they were normal, I was sitting there, observing 00:09:47.56\00:09:52.03 them and sort of thinking about this and I realized 00:09:52.03\00:09:55.23 they were looking at me and probably thinking I was 00:09:55.23\00:09:57.53 really weird. I mean I was the one by myself. 00:09:57.53\00:10:03.70 They had a whole group, the first thing I want us 00:10:03.70\00:10:07.23 to notice about shame. We are gonna look at 00:10:07.23\00:10:08.80 just two things about shame this morning 00:10:08.80\00:10:11.13 but the first thing that I want us to notice 00:10:11.13\00:10:13.26 about shame is that shame is not just a function of 00:10:13.26\00:10:17.10 our own hearts, it requires somebody around us, 00:10:17.10\00:10:22.40 are you with me, if I'm by myself and I do 00:10:23.40\00:10:26.73 something that's embarrassing, 00:10:26.73\00:10:27.90 it's not embarrassing right, I'm not ashamed. 00:10:27.90\00:10:31.03 It's only if there are witnesses, somebody to 00:10:31.03\00:10:34.03 see what I did, that's when I become ashamed, 00:10:34.03\00:10:37.03 that's when I become ashamed. You know, 00:10:37.63\00:10:39.50 I remember back some of the embarrassing moments 00:10:39.50\00:10:43.30 in my life and I remember one day I was with a friend 00:10:43.30\00:10:45.90 I was about that age 13, 14 years old and 00:10:45.90\00:10:48.83 I was with a friend and we were, it was on a 00:10:48.83\00:10:51.40 Sabbath afternoon. We'd gone on a hike at a lake near 00:10:51.40\00:10:53.60 our house and my friend and I, he was about a year 00:10:53.60\00:10:57.73 older than me I think and we were picking up rocks 00:10:57.73\00:11:00.80 and throwing them into the lake and just about 00:11:00.80\00:11:02.70 I don't know may be 50 yards or less into the lake 00:11:02.70\00:11:05.40 there was a buoy, and we were trying to hit the buoy, 00:11:05.40\00:11:08.66 you know how boys are. So, we're taking these rocks 00:11:09.03\00:11:11.46 and we're hurling them into the lake and trying 00:11:11.46\00:11:14.26 to hit the buoy, the problem was the buoy 00:11:14.26\00:11:15.86 was just about the limit of our range you know, 00:11:15.86\00:11:19.83 and so we are barely making it even that far 00:11:19.83\00:11:22.10 to the lake, much less hitting the buoy and 00:11:22.10\00:11:24.70 as we are winding up and heaving those rocks 00:11:24.70\00:11:27.23 as far as we could into the water, we're both 00:11:27.23\00:11:30.56 standing there and this rock came from 00:11:30.56\00:11:32.36 behind us well over our heads we watched as 00:11:32.36\00:11:36.50 it flew far beyond the buoy and splashed into 00:11:36.50\00:11:40.56 the lake. Now naturally, we wanted to find out 00:11:40.56\00:11:43.96 who had thrown this rock, they had a good arm 00:11:43.96\00:11:45.70 we turned around and he wasn't there, 00:11:45.70\00:11:47.50 she was, and I still remember the shame 00:11:48.60\00:11:57.80 and embarrassment as we were heaving those rocks 00:11:57.80\00:12:01.30 as far as we could and Jenny took a rock 00:12:01.30\00:12:04.16 and effortlessly through it way beyond, where we could 00:12:04.16\00:12:08.03 throw those rocks. Jenny was one of those girls 00:12:08.03\00:12:11.10 she was sort of every boy's dream and every boy's 00:12:12.10\00:12:15.06 nightmare. She was very feminine, long hair, 00:12:15.06\00:12:24.50 pretty steel blue eyes, but you didn't want to 00:12:25.00\00:12:29.80 meet her on a basketball court. When she had the 00:12:29.80\00:12:33.80 ball and was driving for the basket, 00:12:33.80\00:12:36.33 you had two choices, you either got out of the way 00:12:36.96\00:12:41.43 or you found yourself wondering where did she 00:12:42.83\00:12:45.20 come from, how did she do that and why am I on the 00:12:45.20\00:12:47.53 floor. It was at a church camp out and a spontaneous 00:12:47.53\00:12:56.50 arm wrestling tournament broke out among the young 00:12:56.50\00:12:59.36 boys, you know how boys are, I was probably one of 00:12:59.36\00:13:03.36 the older boys and so it really wasn't a very fair 00:13:03.36\00:13:06.03 tournament probably, but I remember arm wrestling 00:13:06.80\00:13:12.23 the Pastor's son Matt and as we are arm wrestling 00:13:12.23\00:13:17.30 who do you think showed up on the testosterone 00:13:17.30\00:13:20.33 filled scene, but Jenny. Now with Jenny watching 00:13:20.80\00:13:26.00 you had no choice. You better win right. 00:13:28.03\00:13:32.53 And rarely I had been, rarely had I ever been so 00:13:34.16\00:13:36.66 glad to have won an arm wrestling contest, 00:13:36.66\00:13:39.36 until Jenny step forward and said 00:13:39.36\00:13:43.03 I'll wrestler the winner. 00:13:43.36\00:13:44.56 Now, you talk about fear I still 00:13:52.33\00:13:58.00 remember squaring up with Jenny and looking 00:13:58.00\00:14:00.30 at the faces of all the boys around the circle 00:14:00.30\00:14:03.40 and the expression on their face said something 00:14:08.36\00:14:10.33 like this, if she beats you you're dead. 00:14:10.33\00:14:13.53 You've not only embarrassed yourself 00:14:15.50\00:14:17.83 you've disgraced the male gender for all time. 00:14:18.20\00:14:22.10 Shame is a function not only of what we experience 00:14:25.80\00:14:29.60 on our heart, but it's a function of the witnesses 00:14:29.60\00:14:33.53 in the crowd around us. It requires somebody 00:14:33.53\00:14:37.30 watching whose opinion matters to us, are you with me 00:14:37.30\00:14:41.70 Shame requires somebody watching whose opinion 00:14:41.70\00:14:45.06 matters to us. Now by nature we are people 00:14:45.06\00:14:49.00 pleasers we want to have others like us, 00:14:49.00\00:14:53.56 we are concerned about what people think, 00:14:53.56\00:14:55.83 we're influenced by the majority because we want 00:14:55.83\00:14:58.80 to be on the side of the majority, 00:14:58.80\00:15:00.46 are you with me, is that true or not? 00:15:00.46\00:15:02.63 We care about what the 00:15:02.63\00:15:03.96 majority cares about. And whether we like it 00:15:03.96\00:15:07.50 or not some of us may think I'm not really influenced. 00:15:07.50\00:15:10.90 But, whether we like it or not we are all influenced. 00:15:11.13\00:15:14.00 You cannot choose not to be influenced. 00:15:14.33\00:15:17.06 Daniel and Babylon could not choose 00:15:17.06\00:15:18.76 to be not influenced. The only thing we can 00:15:18.76\00:15:21.93 do is we can choose what influences we have 00:15:21.93\00:15:24.10 around us. And so as I was thinking 00:15:24.10\00:15:28.33 about these thoughts. I realize the problem is 00:15:28.33\00:15:31.76 that we often have a skewed idea about 00:15:31.76\00:15:34.50 what the majority is. Turn with me in your Bibles 00:15:34.50\00:15:36.83 and I am sure you brought your Bibles this morning. 00:15:36.83\00:15:39.13 The second Kings chapter 6, Second Kings chapter 6 and 00:15:39.13\00:15:44.46 we are going to look at one, only one instance 00:15:44.46\00:15:47.40 because we are really short on time this morning. 00:15:47.40\00:15:49.83 Second Kings chapter 6, we are going to be looking at 00:15:50.20\00:15:53.30 one instance of a change of paradigm, a change of 00:15:53.30\00:16:01.10 perception of what the majority is. 00:16:01.10\00:16:04.30 You see in our society, in our thinking. 00:16:04.56\00:16:07.23 We have this assumption that is made. 00:16:07.50\00:16:09.90 The majority defines normality. 00:16:09.90\00:16:12.90 Did you catch that? The majority defines 00:16:13.83\00:16:16.90 normality, isn't that sort of the way we operate. 00:16:16.90\00:16:19.46 Normal for us is what the majority of the people 00:16:20.10\00:16:22.40 do or think or act. For those young friends 00:16:22.40\00:16:27.33 in Taco Bell, normal for them was to dress 00:16:27.33\00:16:30.40 like that because that's the way the majority 00:16:30.40\00:16:32.86 of their friends were. So let's look here in 00:16:32.86\00:16:35.90 Second Kings chapter 6 and verse 15, this is the story 00:16:35.90\00:16:39.20 of Elisha's servant. He went outside and he 00:16:39.20\00:16:42.00 found the Syrian army had surrounded 00:16:42.00\00:16:43.83 the city. It says in verse 15 and when the servant of 00:16:43.83\00:16:46.20 the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, 00:16:46.20\00:16:48.10 behold an host compassed the city 00:16:48.10\00:16:49.73 both with the horses and chariots. 00:16:49.73\00:16:51.06 And his servant said on to him, Alas, my master 00:16:51.43\00:16:54.66 what shall we do? And Elisha said something 00:16:54.66\00:16:58.16 that didn't make any sense to those who heard it. 00:16:58.16\00:17:00.86 And he answered fear not for they that be with us 00:17:01.36\00:17:05.06 are more than they that be with them. 00:17:05.30\00:17:08.20 I mean the servants looked around this little village 00:17:09.20\00:17:11.66 of Dothan. It was hardly, it wasn't even a city, there 00:17:11.66\00:17:14.66 were no walls, it was just a little community of houses. 00:17:14.66\00:17:17.33 In those days of village was probably a dozen 00:17:17.33\00:17:19.60 houses or something like that. 00:17:19.60\00:17:21.13 And here the whole Syrian army has 00:17:22.06\00:17:24.06 compassed the city. There weren't gonna let 00:17:24.06\00:17:25.36 Elisha get away. And Elisha says, 00:17:25.36\00:17:28.73 don't be afraid for those that are with us 00:17:29.00\00:17:31.70 are more than those that are with them. 00:17:31.70\00:17:34.03 Completely irrational, it didn't help 00:17:34.70\00:17:38.66 the fear at all. Until Elisha had prayed 00:17:39.40\00:17:44.33 that prayer. He said Lord I pray thee open his eyes 00:17:44.33\00:17:48.46 that he may see. And the Bible says in Verse 17 00:17:48.46\00:17:50.86 Lord, opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw 00:17:50.86\00:17:54.13 and behold, the mountain was full of horses and 00:17:54.60\00:17:57.80 chariots of fire round about Elisha. 00:17:57.80\00:18:00.96 You see what Elisha knew. I don't know if Elisha 00:18:02.60\00:18:05.00 could actually see those horses and chariots of fire 00:18:05.00\00:18:07.63 before he prayed this prayer. I don't know. 00:18:07.63\00:18:09.73 Normally prophets aren't just walking around you know 00:18:10.20\00:18:13.16 viewing the unseen world, angels, but whether he 00:18:13.16\00:18:17.13 saw them or not Elisha knew something. 00:18:17.13\00:18:20.20 Elisha knew that they are more on the side 00:18:20.20\00:18:23.23 of God, then they are here on this globe. 00:18:23.23\00:18:25.93 Are you with me? Yes. 00:18:25.93\00:18:27.30 In fact it says in Acts of the Apostles page 599. 00:18:27.30\00:18:30.16 I like this, it says God is always a majority. 00:18:30.16\00:18:34.23 Amen. You see we are here 00:18:34.23\00:18:37.26 living on this little globe, this little speck, in a 00:18:37.26\00:18:40.16 little Solar System, in a small galaxy in space. 00:18:40.16\00:18:44.50 And we have this perception that those around us, 00:18:45.10\00:18:47.80 not even the billion people that live in the western 00:18:47.80\00:18:50.56 world or whatever it is. We have this perception 00:18:50.56\00:18:53.80 that the 20 or 30 or 40, 50 people that surround are 00:18:53.80\00:18:57.43 a circle of influence, they are normal. 00:18:57.43\00:19:00.53 And they're not, we are not. When the rest of the 00:19:02.90\00:19:08.06 universe looks down from space, because the 00:19:08.06\00:19:10.63 Bible says we are made a skeptical under angels 00:19:10.63\00:19:13.03 to worlds and to men right? 00:19:13.03\00:19:15.06 When the rest of the universe looks down 00:19:15.90\00:19:17.70 from space and they see this planet. 00:19:17.70\00:19:19.83 This is not normal, God defines normality. 00:19:20.13\00:19:25.10 Are you with me? Yeah! 00:19:25.10\00:19:26.53 God is a majority and God defines normality and 00:19:26.53\00:19:30.16 God and the billions of unfallen beings 00:19:30.16\00:19:34.00 when they see what's happening on this earth. 00:19:34.00\00:19:36.06 They think this is not normal. 00:19:36.06\00:19:37.70 Normality is not found in our circle of friends. 00:19:39.76\00:19:43.73 Normality is found in the perceptions of God. 00:19:44.06\00:19:48.60 Oh, but it's so difficult for us. 00:19:48.60\00:19:52.63 It's so difficult for us to have an accurate, 00:19:53.56\00:19:57.23 consistent, perception. That is equitable 00:19:57.23\00:20:01.83 with the perceptions of God. It's difficult, 00:20:02.10\00:20:05.90 because around us we are surrounded constantly 00:20:06.76\00:20:10.66 by a world of sin. Where sin becomes normal 00:20:10.90\00:20:15.26 what do you see when you turn on the television. 00:20:15.26\00:20:17.13 You see cheating, you see lying, 00:20:17.60\00:20:19.83 you see adultery, you see violence, 00:20:20.20\00:20:23.90 you see selfishness and greed. 00:20:25.46\00:20:27.80 It's normal in the business world. 00:20:27.80\00:20:30.20 It's normal in the entertainment world. 00:20:30.20\00:20:32.23 It's normal in the sports world. It's normal all around 00:20:32.23\00:20:35.73 us. At least we think it is, but when heaven looks 00:20:35.73\00:20:40.33 at this world it is anything but normal. 00:20:40.33\00:20:43.76 It's anything, but normal. And so we have a little bit 00:20:44.76\00:20:48.63 of a problem, I would like you to turn with me your Bibles 00:20:48.63\00:20:50.73 to Hebrews chapter 11. Hebrews chapter 11 is known 00:20:50.73\00:20:53.83 as the faith chapter of course. 00:20:53.83\00:20:55.93 And I want to start by reading verses 32 00:20:56.46\00:20:59.46 and onward. It says Hebrews 11, verse 32, and what 00:21:00.06\00:21:04.50 shall I more say? For time would fail me to tell of 00:21:04.50\00:21:06.90 Gideon and Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah, of 00:21:06.90\00:21:09.46 David also, and Samuel and of the prophets, verse 33, 00:21:09.46\00:21:11.96 who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought 00:21:12.16\00:21:15.03 righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the 00:21:15.03\00:21:18.30 mouths of lions. Quenched the 00:21:18.30\00:21:20.50 violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, 00:21:20.50\00:21:24.83 out of weakness were made strong, 00:21:24.83\00:21:26.83 waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the 00:21:27.06\00:21:30.10 armies of the aliens. Now so far this 00:21:30.10\00:21:33.20 life of faith sounds pretty good doesn't it. 00:21:33.20\00:21:36.06 I mean who wouldn't want to live a life of faith, right. 00:21:36.36\00:21:40.30 I mean the heroes. It sounds great, but 00:21:42.06\00:21:46.20 if we continue on in verse 35, faith does not always lead 00:21:46.20\00:21:51.43 to this overwhelming victory. At least not from a 00:21:51.43\00:21:56.26 human perspective. Women receive their 00:21:56.26\00:21:58.60 dead raised to life again, others were what? 00:21:58.60\00:22:01.10 Tortured, not accepting deliverance that they 00:22:02.10\00:22:03.80 might obtain a better resurrection. 00:22:03.80\00:22:05.56 And others had trial of cruel mockings and 00:22:05.56\00:22:07.80 scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment. 00:22:07.80\00:22:10.86 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, 00:22:10.86\00:22:14.66 were slain with the sword, they wandered about 00:22:14.66\00:22:17.10 in sheepskins and goatskins being destitute, 00:22:17.10\00:22:19.83 afflicted and tormented. Of whom the world was 00:22:19.83\00:22:22.26 not worthy. They wandered in deserts, and in mountains, 00:22:22.26\00:22:25.43 and in caves of the earth. These all having obtained a 00:22:25.43\00:22:29.06 good report through faith, received not the promise. 00:22:29.06\00:22:31.76 My question is what would lead man and woman 00:22:32.20\00:22:35.00 to live a life of faith. To go through those 00:22:35.26\00:22:38.33 type of discouraging situations. 00:22:38.33\00:22:40.90 To go through those type of painful experiences. 00:22:40.90\00:22:43.80 What would lead them to be rejected by their own people. 00:22:44.10\00:22:47.23 What would lead them to be killed by their own church. 00:22:47.23\00:22:50.40 I think the answer is, they caught sight of a perspective 00:22:52.43\00:22:56.50 of normality, that was heavenly. 00:22:56.50\00:22:59.16 Amen! That was weak. They caught sight of 00:23:01.60\00:23:04.70 a perspective of normality that was heavenly. 00:23:04.70\00:23:06.83 Can you say, Amen? Amen! 00:23:06.83\00:23:08.50 You see when Abel brought his more excellent 00:23:08.76\00:23:12.46 sacrifice. He was doing it in the 00:23:12.46\00:23:14.90 presence of his only peer. And he had peer 00:23:14.90\00:23:18.30 pressure you understand. But, it wasn't, he didn't care 00:23:18.30\00:23:21.73 so much what his older brother Cain thought about 00:23:21.73\00:23:24.10 his sacrifice. What he cared was 00:23:24.10\00:23:26.16 what God thought about his sacrifice. 00:23:26.43\00:23:28.86 God defined normality for Abel not Cain. 00:23:29.43\00:23:32.63 And the same could be said throughout the 00:23:34.10\00:23:36.36 chapter, you see these were individuals who cared 00:23:36.36\00:23:40.96 not about the world's opinion, they cared 00:23:40.96\00:23:43.86 about God's opinion. Abel stood up against 00:23:43.86\00:23:47.33 his only peer, Noah was willing to be the laughing 00:23:47.33\00:23:49.93 stock of the world. Abraham was willing to 00:23:49.93\00:23:52.26 separate from everything that was familiar. 00:23:52.26\00:23:54.66 Though surrounded by the world they cared not about 00:23:55.00\00:23:57.33 the opinions of the world. Moses it says was willing 00:23:57.33\00:24:00.36 rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, 00:24:00.36\00:24:02.90 then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. 00:24:03.76\00:24:07.03 You see, if you turn with me back a few verses to 00:24:07.93\00:24:10.36 verse 13, the Bible says, these all died in faith, 00:24:10.36\00:24:14.30 not having received the promises, 00:24:14.56\00:24:16.43 but having seen them afar off, and were 00:24:16.43\00:24:18.40 persuaded of them, and embraced them, and 00:24:18.40\00:24:20.10 confessed that they were strangers 00:24:20.10\00:24:21.43 and pilgrims on the earth. I love this verse, because 00:24:21.43\00:24:24.60 it gives a four step sequence. 00:24:24.60\00:24:27.23 That it takes in order for you to become a person 00:24:27.50\00:24:30.10 of faith like Abel, like Abraham, like David, 00:24:30.10\00:24:35.03 like Moses. What were the four steps 00:24:35.03\00:24:39.30 that these men and women of faith went through 00:24:39.30\00:24:41.70 as they became men and women of Hebrews chapter 11. 00:24:41.70\00:24:45.43 The Bible says they saw the promises afar off. 00:24:45.86\00:24:48.86 For them at first just like for us at first. 00:24:48.86\00:24:52.13 Spiritual things almost seem illusory. 00:24:52.13\00:24:55.70 They almost seem like a mirage, is that real? 00:24:56.03\00:24:58.83 Is heaven real, is there really gonna to be a 00:24:58.83\00:25:01.10 second coming. I mean we are surrounded 00:25:01.10\00:25:03.06 by the real things right we can feel them, 00:25:03.06\00:25:04.73 we can touch them. We know that they're real 00:25:04.73\00:25:07.36 there is somebody sitting next you. 00:25:07.36\00:25:08.63 There is somebody sitting in front of you 00:25:08.63\00:25:09.90 and behind you. You know they're real 00:25:09.90\00:25:11.66 but that heaven that we talk, about the Jesus 00:25:12.06\00:25:14.53 that we pray to, at first it seems as though 00:25:14.53\00:25:16.80 well maybe it's just sort of mystical, maybe is just 00:25:17.10\00:25:19.80 sort of imaginary, is it real. The Bible says they 00:25:19.80\00:25:24.56 saw the promises afar off. But, the second step 00:25:24.56\00:25:27.70 they didn't stop there. The second step the Bible says, 00:25:27.70\00:25:30.13 they were persuaded of them. You see that. 00:25:30.46\00:25:34.06 The first step is to see the promises, it's to know 00:25:35.03\00:25:37.60 that there is a promise of heaven. There is a promise 00:25:37.60\00:25:39.80 of a second coming, but the second step is to 00:25:39.80\00:25:42.06 be persuaded of them, to actually believe 00:25:42.06\00:25:44.23 that it's real. There is a heaven. 00:25:44.23\00:25:47.46 Jesus is coming again. Amen! 00:25:48.63\00:25:51.66 There is going to be a new heavens and a new earth 00:25:52.13\00:25:54.90 where indwell of the righteousness. 00:25:54.90\00:25:57.03 There is going to be an end of sorrow and suffering 00:25:57.46\00:26:00.06 and sin. God is going to wipe every tear from every eye. 00:26:00.06\00:26:04.03 Amen! Praise the Lord. 00:26:04.03\00:26:05.86 Amen! They are persuaded of them 00:26:05.86\00:26:08.70 but there is another step, they took another step 00:26:08.70\00:26:10.70 they embraced them the Bible says. Having 00:26:10.93\00:26:14.00 seen them afar off, they then were persuaded of them, 00:26:14.00\00:26:17.46 and then they embraced them, this became what they 00:26:17.46\00:26:20.76 lived for. This became what their 00:26:20.76\00:26:23.03 affections were set upon. Set not your affections 00:26:23.03\00:26:26.03 on things of this world. But set your affections 00:26:26.03\00:26:28.40 on things above. Those are the real things. 00:26:28.40\00:26:31.66 So in these men and women of faith. 00:26:31.66\00:26:34.30 There was a progression from seeing the promises 00:26:34.63\00:26:37.63 afar off, believing them to be true, being 00:26:37.63\00:26:39.80 persuaded of them, and then embarrassing them, 00:26:39.80\00:26:42.03 so that their heart, their affections 00:26:42.03\00:26:43.96 their life revolved around them. 00:26:43.96\00:26:46.40 And I wonder today at which point are 00:26:46.83\00:26:50.66 we in this progression. Where are we? 00:26:50.66\00:26:56.30 Are we still in the far off, are we in the persuaded, 00:26:57.43\00:27:00.10 are we in the embraced. The final step it says 00:27:00.46\00:27:06.70 after having seen them being persuaded of them, 00:27:07.66\00:27:10.50 and embracing them, it says they confessed, 00:27:10.50\00:27:12.90 they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 00:27:12.90\00:27:15.46 They were ashamed to be different. 00:27:15.46\00:27:19.10 Amen! Normality is not here 00:27:19.10\00:27:22.70 they said, normality is there, we're citizens 00:27:22.70\00:27:25.66 of that country. And we are going to be 00:27:25.66\00:27:29.06 normal in that countries eyes not in this land's eyes. 00:27:29.06\00:27:34.40 They were not afraid to confess, how do you confess? 00:27:35.20\00:27:38.06 You're strangers and pilgrims. 00:27:38.06\00:27:39.30 It's by the way you live your life. 00:27:39.50\00:27:42.43 Amen! Is by the way 00:27:42.43\00:27:45.80 you live your life. Four steps, the Bible says 00:27:45.80\00:27:50.03 continuing on in verse 14. For they that say such 00:27:50.03\00:27:52.36 things declare plainly that they seek a country. 00:27:52.36\00:27:54.66 You know I've often thought about Enoch. 00:27:54.66\00:27:55.86 Enoch is a symbol or a type of the last 00:27:55.86\00:27:58.06 generation, right. GYC are we wanting to be 00:27:58.06\00:28:00.70 the last generation. We want Enoch to be 00:28:00.70\00:28:03.80 our type, we want to be the Enoch type right. 00:28:04.60\00:28:07.26 Enoch was translated without seeing dead. 00:28:07.56\00:28:09.66 And I've often heard the little phrase, you know 00:28:09.66\00:28:11.30 the little story that says Enoch and God were walking 00:28:11.30\00:28:13.53 together for so long. That one day God 00:28:13.53\00:28:15.23 said you know we've been walking together for 00:28:15.23\00:28:16.76 so long, we are close to my house than yours. 00:28:16.76\00:28:18.70 So why don't you just come with me. Amen! 00:28:18.70\00:28:19.93 Well, I would like to say this way this morning 00:28:22.00\00:28:23.96 may be Enoch was walking so far with God, 00:28:25.13\00:28:27.70 that God said, you know what? Your understanding of 00:28:27.93\00:28:31.36 normality is much more like heaven then on earth. 00:28:31.36\00:28:34.83 You'll be more comfortable there 00:28:35.63\00:28:37.00 then here, so why don't you just come home with me. 00:28:37.00\00:28:39.10 Amen! And I think that's the experience that 00:28:39.76\00:28:41.50 we need with GYC. We need the experience 00:28:41.50\00:28:45.76 of God saying to us your perception of normality 00:28:45.76\00:28:49.03 has now become heaven's perception of normality. 00:28:49.03\00:28:51.90 You're going to be more comfortable here then 00:28:51.90\00:28:54.16 you will be down there so, why don't you come home. 00:28:54.16\00:28:56.76 Amen! That's what I want. 00:28:56.76\00:28:59.20 But, if I have that experience my friends 00:29:00.16\00:29:02.26 I am going to be different from the world. 00:29:02.56\00:29:04.33 You can't have both. You cannot have it both ways. 00:29:05.70\00:29:10.66 It's one way or the other. And I am convinced that 00:29:11.13\00:29:17.46 the only way that we can have this experience of 00:29:17.46\00:29:20.13 having heaven's normality become our normality. 00:29:20.76\00:29:23.83 Is if in fact we are spending time each day 00:29:23.83\00:29:28.90 in God's word. The first step is what? 00:29:28.90\00:29:33.10 Having seen the promises afar. Where are those promises? 00:29:33.10\00:29:35.53 Where are they, GYC? They're in God's word. 00:29:36.80\00:29:39.96 If you're not spending time in God's word. 00:29:40.63\00:29:42.00 If I am not spending time with my Bible in front 00:29:42.00\00:29:44.33 of me, if I am not spending time in prayer. 00:29:44.33\00:29:46.56 If I am not spending time having the mind of God 00:29:46.56\00:29:49.73 infused into my mind, I'll never begin 00:29:49.73\00:29:52.70 thinking like he thinks. The only way 00:29:52.70\00:29:56.86 heaven's normality becomes my normality. 00:29:56.86\00:29:58.96 Is if I am spending time in the word of God. 00:29:58.96\00:30:02.13 The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 12, the next chapter 00:30:04.33\00:30:07.63 and verse 1, and this is sort of the Apex 00:30:07.63\00:30:10.76 of my thoughts today. The Bible says in 00:30:10.76\00:30:14.63 Hebrews 12 and verse 1 Wherefore seeing we also 00:30:14.63\00:30:17.96 are compassed about with so great a cloud 00:30:17.96\00:30:20.16 of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, 00:30:20.16\00:30:23.33 and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us 00:30:23.66\00:30:26.63 run with patience the race that is set before us. 00:30:26.63\00:30:29.53 You know I used to read this verse and I used to 00:30:29.53\00:30:31.16 think that this cloud of witnesses, that Paul's 00:30:31.16\00:30:33.63 talking about, they exist by virtue of the fact 00:30:33.63\00:30:36.16 that I was born after them. I mean all of those 00:30:36.16\00:30:38.66 men and women have faith they've gone before. 00:30:38.66\00:30:40.33 So there is a cloud of witnesses that surrounds me. 00:30:40.33\00:30:42.90 By default. Then I looked at those 00:30:44.43\00:30:48.33 kids in Taco Bell. And this is the question 00:30:48.33\00:30:53.30 that comes to my mind. In what sense does the 00:30:53.30\00:30:58.13 Hebrews 11 cloud of witness encompass them. 00:30:58.13\00:31:01.13 When they get dressed in the morning are they 00:31:04.10\00:31:05.40 thinking about Daniel. Are they thinking about 00:31:05.40\00:31:09.20 the example of Moses. It seems to me like 00:31:09.20\00:31:16.20 they have a totally different cloud of 00:31:16.20\00:31:17.60 witnesses. And the second point that I want to 00:31:17.60\00:31:22.16 make about shame. First is, shame requires a 00:31:22.16\00:31:24.76 witness or witnesses right? The second point 00:31:24.76\00:31:29.00 is this, you choose your cloud of witnesses. 00:31:29.00\00:31:33.96 Did you catch that. You choose your 00:31:36.70\00:31:40.00 cloud of witnesses. You choose who is 00:31:40.00\00:31:43.70 important to you. Whose opinion really 00:31:43.70\00:31:46.53 matters anyway. You choose who your 00:31:46.53\00:31:50.06 heroes are and you will become like your heroes. 00:31:50.06\00:31:53.60 Your cloud of witnesses determines who you are 00:31:54.06\00:31:56.76 ashamed or unashamed to be like. 00:31:56.76\00:31:58.90 Those kids at Taco Bell they're ashamed 00:31:59.70\00:32:02.10 to dress that way because their cloud of 00:32:02.10\00:32:04.16 witnesses was dressing that way too. 00:32:04.16\00:32:05.93 Many heroes today, many Adventist young people have 00:32:07.96\00:32:11.80 heroes that are the movie stars. The pop music stars. 00:32:11.80\00:32:14.76 The fashion designers. The rich and the famous. 00:32:15.10\00:32:17.20 And everyday we're forming characters, habits. 00:32:18.56\00:32:23.00 based upon our cloud of witnesses. 00:32:25.00\00:32:27.06 You see I really enjoyed last night, David Asscherick's 00:32:28.16\00:32:31.90 meeting, when he talked about character development. 00:32:31.90\00:32:35.30 Did you enjoy that? Amen. 00:32:35.30\00:32:37.40 It's just amazing how the Holy Spirit dovetails 00:32:38.23\00:32:40.80 messages, from one end of GYC to the other. 00:32:41.03\00:32:43.70 I was thinking about that I was thinking you know. 00:32:44.93\00:32:46.56 How is that characters formed. 00:32:47.90\00:32:50.40 In relationship of this cloud of witnesses. 00:32:50.90\00:32:53.43 I mean when I make a decision. 00:32:53.86\00:32:55.50 I don't always make the exact same decision 00:32:55.86\00:32:57.83 every day of course. But, I am making the 00:32:57.83\00:33:00.50 same, I am often making those decisions based 00:33:00.50\00:33:03.13 upon the same motivating factors. 00:33:03.13\00:33:06.33 Are you with me? In another words, if I've got 00:33:06.33\00:33:08.50 to choose, to buy some clothes let's say, and 00:33:08.50\00:33:11.90 I am going to buy a new pair of jeans, a new pair of slacks. 00:33:12.63\00:33:15.33 I am gonna make a decision and subconsciously 00:33:15.56\00:33:17.96 whether I know it or not? I am just confessing I am 00:33:17.96\00:33:19.70 a human being and I think all of us have this 00:33:19.70\00:33:22.10 probably trait. At some point entering 00:33:22.73\00:33:27.46 my reckoning of what I am going to buy, 00:33:27.46\00:33:29.63 comes the question? consciously or subconsciously 00:33:30.70\00:33:34.13 what are others gonna think about this. 00:33:34.53\00:33:36.06 Are you with me? And my decision making 00:33:36.50\00:33:39.46 whether it's what I'm eating, what I'm listening to, 00:33:39.46\00:33:41.33 what I'm watching, what I'm buying. 00:33:41.33\00:33:42.86 My decision making is largely influenced by the 00:33:43.20\00:33:45.93 cloud of witnesses around me. Right? 00:33:45.93\00:33:48.66 Now when as I am going to the store, I am not 00:33:49.60\00:33:52.30 making a habit every day of going to the same 00:33:52.30\00:33:54.63 rack and buying the same pair of jeans. Right? 00:33:54.63\00:33:56.36 But, I am forming the habit of going to the each 00:33:56.63\00:34:00.06 decision I make and making it upon the same basis 00:34:00.06\00:34:05.10 of the cloud of witnesses that are around me. 00:34:05.70\00:34:07.80 Are you with me? Yeah. 00:34:08.36\00:34:09.66 I'm forming habits each day that is why 00:34:09.86\00:34:12.50 in Revelation chapter 14 verse 7, in the 00:34:12.50\00:34:14.93 First Angel's message. The first injunction. 00:34:14.93\00:34:17.40 The first two words say, Fear God. 00:34:17.40\00:34:20.80 The Fear of God is simply the opposite of the 00:34:22.70\00:34:24.80 fear of man, right. The fear of man says 00:34:24.80\00:34:28.20 I don't know what I should do, let me think what 00:34:28.20\00:34:31.53 other people will say. Let me decide based upon 00:34:31.53\00:34:34.56 what other people will think. And it's our cloud of 00:34:34.56\00:34:37.73 witnesses that we are basing that upon, right. 00:34:37.73\00:34:40.53 And it maybe they are maybe our friends. 00:34:41.53\00:34:42.96 They maybe our co-workers. Maybe our boyfriend. 00:34:42.96\00:34:44.60 Maybe our girlfriend. But, it's people whose 00:34:44.60\00:34:47.70 influence, whose opinion really matters. 00:34:47.70\00:34:50.20 That's what we base our decisions on. 00:34:50.93\00:34:52.50 And the first command of everlasting Gospel says, 00:34:53.26\00:34:55.56 no, form a habit instead of basing decisions upon 00:34:55.56\00:34:59.63 what people think and what people say, 00:34:59.96\00:35:02.06 form a habit of basing decisions 00:35:02.06\00:35:04.33 upon what God thinks and what God says, 00:35:04.33\00:35:07.06 that's the fear of God. You cannot move beyond that 00:35:07.06\00:35:11.43 first command of the everlasting Gospel 00:35:11.43\00:35:13.80 if you do not get the first the fear of God in your heart. 00:35:13.80\00:35:17.16 You're gonna tell me that you're gonna live your whole 00:35:18.50\00:35:21.90 life even if you're surrounded by Adventist friends, 00:35:21.90\00:35:24.63 GYC friends, good clouds of witnesses. 00:35:24.63\00:35:28.13 But, you are forming a habit of making decisions 00:35:28.13\00:35:30.50 based upon people and all of a sudden 00:35:30.50\00:35:33.56 at the end of the time when you have to stand alone, 00:35:33.56\00:35:36.23 and the whole world is marshaled against the truth, 00:35:36.23\00:35:38.83 you're all of a sudden gonna make a decision based 00:35:38.83\00:35:41.30 upon what God thinks? I don't think so. 00:35:41.30\00:35:44.46 If you want to be faithful against the mark of the beast, 00:35:45.20\00:35:47.76 at the end of the Third Angel's message 00:35:47.76\00:35:49.60 you got to have the fear of God, 00:35:49.60\00:35:51.20 which is the first part of the First Angel's message, 00:35:51.20\00:35:52.96 and this is relevant for GYC, isn't it? 00:35:54.23\00:35:57.10 We claim to be an army of young people on a message, 00:35:57.10\00:36:00.50 to take the Three Angel's message to the world, 00:36:00.50\00:36:02.76 on a mission to take the Three Angel's message 00:36:02.76\00:36:04.36 to the world, in this generation. 00:36:04.36\00:36:06.03 But, we can't do it unless first of all 00:36:06.03\00:36:08.30 we've taken the Three Angels' messages to heart. 00:36:08.66\00:36:12.50 We need the fear of God in our hearts. 00:36:12.50\00:36:15.13 We need to be making decisions based upon 00:36:15.56\00:36:18.26 a cloud of witnesses that is not human around us 00:36:18.26\00:36:21.90 but based upon divine normality. 00:36:21.90\00:36:24.90 That's the basis of decision making 00:36:25.70\00:36:28.13 for God's last day people. 00:36:28.40\00:36:29.80 Everyday, when I'm making a decision, 00:36:29.80\00:36:33.60 my primary concern is whatever others will think, 00:36:34.53\00:36:37.76 what others will react, my free time is to spend 00:36:37.76\00:36:41.03 the same way, the world around me, 00:36:41.03\00:36:43.60 my cloud of witnesses spends its free time. 00:36:43.60\00:36:46.16 My iPod is filled with the same music that Babylon 00:36:46.16\00:36:48.76 around me listens to, my computer is filled 00:36:48.76\00:36:51.20 with the same torrent downloaded movies 00:36:51.20\00:36:53.63 that the world around me is watching. 00:36:53.63\00:36:54.93 My bookshelves are full of the same books and 00:36:54.93\00:36:57.30 magazines that my neighbor's bookshelves are full of. 00:36:57.30\00:37:00.06 If I am ashamed to be different 00:37:00.06\00:37:01.76 in lifestyle matters, it indicates my cloud 00:37:01.76\00:37:04.70 of witnesses, which is around me. 00:37:04.70\00:37:06.60 My heroes are not savoring the things of God 00:37:07.06\00:37:10.00 and all of a sudden, when an opportunity for a witness 00:37:10.00\00:37:13.03 arises I am expected to be unashamed to be different, 00:37:13.03\00:37:16.43 is it gonna work that way? 00:37:16.43\00:37:17.40 There is not a fluke of character that everyday 00:37:20.60\00:37:23.76 allows you to make decisions based upon what people think 00:37:23.76\00:37:26.40 and then every once in a while you get to make 00:37:26.40\00:37:28.73 a decision based upon what God thinks. 00:37:28.73\00:37:30.30 Those neural pathways need to changed my friends, 00:37:32.00\00:37:36.63 so they become habits, they become our character. 00:37:37.76\00:37:42.23 You know, this is one of the thing 00:37:44.33\00:37:45.56 that concerns me about GYC, 00:37:45.56\00:37:47.40 because sometimes I am afraid we just come 00:37:50.33\00:37:51.83 and we have a great conference. 00:37:51.83\00:37:53.16 I watch, I watch a lot of young people, 00:37:56.30\00:38:01.56 I listen to seminars they go to, 00:38:04.06\00:38:08.33 I watch the decisions they make, 00:38:08.33\00:38:11.06 and sometimes that really concerns me. 00:38:12.20\00:38:13.80 I'll just be honest with you, sometimes it really 00:38:13.80\00:38:16.70 concerns me. I am thinking what is the disconnect here. 00:38:16.70\00:38:21.06 Like here at GYC we really try to have a program 00:38:22.66\00:38:26.63 that's Bible based. 00:38:26.63\00:38:28.10 Like the seminars, they are trying to show 00:38:29.23\00:38:32.70 the principles of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. 00:38:32.70\00:38:35.50 These aren't GYC principles about music or entertainment, 00:38:35.50\00:38:38.40 or whatever it is. 00:38:38.40\00:38:39.36 But, the young people come and they say Ra Ra Ra, 00:38:42.66\00:38:44.63 GYC, come to GYC, GYC was great. 00:38:44.63\00:38:47.90 And the life they're living is in absolute contradiction 00:38:51.10\00:38:55.13 to everything that was taught at GYC. 00:38:55.36\00:38:57.10 And reminds me of Ezekiel 33, we won't take time 00:38:59.80\00:39:02.20 to turn there. You can look later. God said to Ezekiel, 00:39:02.20\00:39:06.43 you're like a musician that plays an instrument well, 00:39:06.90\00:39:09.66 that people love to come hear you, they say come, 00:39:09.66\00:39:11.96 let's go hear Ezekiel preach. 00:39:11.96\00:39:13.43 They go back and they don't do what you say, 00:39:14.53\00:39:17.60 Jesus quoted it in Matthews 15, 00:39:19.80\00:39:21.86 'This people draw nigh unto me with their mouth', 00:39:21.86\00:39:24.63 their mouth, right, but their hearts are far from me. 00:39:24.63\00:39:28.00 Oh! I hope that's not GYC, I want to share with you 00:39:30.03\00:39:33.06 a statement from the spirit of prophesy, 00:39:33.06\00:39:34.20 it's actually, a couple of paragraphs. It 00:39:34.20\00:39:36.36 says this at the conference of the Battle Creek, Michigan 00:39:38.50\00:39:41.00 May 27, 1856, I was shown in vision some things 00:39:41.73\00:39:44.50 that concern the church generally, 00:39:44.50\00:39:46.30 The glory and majesty of God were made to pass before me, 00:39:46.60\00:39:50.00 said the angel, 'he is terrible in his majesty 00:39:50.00\00:39:53.06 yet ye realize it not; terrible in his anger, 00:39:53.06\00:39:55.36 yet ye offend him daily. 00:39:55.36\00:39:56.60 Strive to enter in at the straight gate, 00:39:57.00\00:39:58.93 for wide is the gate and broad is the way 00:39:58.93\00:40:01.30 that leadeth to destruction, and many there be 00:40:01.30\00:40:03.00 which go in there at; because straight is the gate 00:40:03.00\00:40:05.70 and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, 00:40:05.70\00:40:07.30 and few there be that find it. 00:40:07.30\00:40:09.10 These roads are distinct, 00:40:09.10\00:40:10.90 separate, and in opposite directions. 00:40:10.90\00:40:13.70 you get them the mental picture right. 00:40:13.70\00:40:15.00 They're distinct, separate and opposite directions. 00:40:15.00\00:40:18.16 One leads to eternal life; the other to eternal death, 00:40:18.16\00:40:21.96 I saw the distinction between these roads, 00:40:21.96\00:40:24.80 also the distinction between the companies 00:40:24.80\00:40:27.20 traveling them, the roads are opposite. 00:40:27.20\00:40:30.10 One is broad and smooth, the other is narrow and rugged. 00:40:30.63\00:40:33.40 So the parties that travel them are opposite 00:40:33.40\00:40:35.76 in character, in life, in dress, and in conversation. 00:40:35.76\00:40:39.43 Do you catch that, parties that travel the two roads, 00:40:39.66\00:40:43.56 opposite roads are opposite also in character, 00:40:43.56\00:40:46.36 in life, in dress, and in conversation. 00:40:47.20\00:40:51.56 Those who travel in the narrow way are talking 00:40:52.56\00:40:54.23 of the joy and happiness they will have at the 00:40:54.23\00:40:56.06 end of the journey. Maybe they actually have embraced 00:40:56.06\00:40:58.73 the unseen things right, they're talking about heaven 00:40:58.73\00:41:02.36 Their countenances are often sad, 00:41:04.16\00:41:06.70 yet often beam with a holy sacred joy. 00:41:06.70\00:41:09.40 They do not dress like the company in the broad road, 00:41:09.40\00:41:12.10 nor talk like them, nor act like them. 00:41:12.73\00:41:15.86 A pattern has been given them. 00:41:17.90\00:41:20.03 A man of sorrow and acquainted with grief 00:41:20.03\00:41:22.20 opened the road for them, and traveled 00:41:22.20\00:41:24.23 it himself. His followers see his footsteps, 00:41:24.23\00:41:27.40 and are comforted and cheered. 00:41:27.40\00:41:28.93 He went through safely, so can they, if they follow 00:41:29.30\00:41:31.83 his footsteps. In the broad road 00:41:31.83\00:41:32.86 all are accompanied with their persons, 00:41:32.86\00:41:35.86 their dress, and the pleasures in the way. 00:41:36.33\00:41:38.83 they indulge freely and hilarity and glee 00:41:38.83\00:41:41.30 and think not of their journey's end, 00:41:41.30\00:41:42.93 of the certain destruction at the end of the path. 00:41:42.93\00:41:44.96 Everyday they approach nearer their destruction, 00:41:44.96\00:41:47.40 yet they madly rush on faster and faster. 00:41:47.40\00:41:50.66 Oh, how dreadfully this looked to me! 00:41:50.66\00:41:53.60 But this next paragraph is last paragraph, 00:41:54.63\00:41:57.10 it really catches my attention, 00:41:57.80\00:41:59.73 I saw many traveling on this broad road, 00:41:59.73\00:42:04.33 which way is the broad road? 00:42:04.33\00:42:05.73 The road that leads to destruction. 00:42:05.73\00:42:08.70 I saw many traveling, many traveling on this broad road, 00:42:08.70\00:42:12.40 who had the words written on them. 00:42:12.40\00:42:14.16 'Dead to the world, The end of all things 00:42:14.16\00:42:19.26 is at hand, Be ye also ready.' 00:42:19.26\00:42:23.56 They looked like all the vain ones around them, 00:42:26.20\00:42:30.46 except a shade of sadness which I noticed 00:42:31.13\00:42:35.30 on their countenances. 00:42:35.30\00:42:36.53 Their conversation was just like the thoughtless 00:42:37.53\00:42:41.33 ones around them; but they would occasionally 00:42:41.33\00:42:43.36 point with great satisfaction to the letters 00:42:43.36\00:42:46.10 on their garments calling for the others to have 00:42:46.10\00:42:48.53 the same upon theirs. They were doing outreach. 00:42:48.53\00:42:51.63 They were in the broad way, yet they professed 00:42:55.13\00:42:59.26 to be of that number who are traveling the narrow way. 00:42:59.26\00:43:02.50 Those around them would say, there is no distinction 00:43:04.10\00:43:09.53 between us, we are alike, 00:43:09.53\00:43:12.66 We dress and talk and act alike. 00:43:14.13\00:43:19.56 I want to make something clear 00:43:26.03\00:43:27.30 you can change the way you dress and 00:43:30.93\00:43:32.73 the way you talk perhaps, but it won't save you. 00:43:32.73\00:43:35.06 We are not talking about lifestyle changes 00:43:36.73\00:43:40.46 being salvific or salvational. 00:43:40.46\00:43:43.36 Alright, we are saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. 00:43:43.93\00:43:48.03 But I want to make something clear 00:43:50.30\00:43:51.90 your lifestyle may very well indicate 00:43:53.46\00:43:57.23 which cloud of witnesses you're in. 00:43:57.23\00:43:59.76 It may very well indicate, what you're doing 00:44:01.70\00:44:05.96 along that road, which road you're in. 00:44:05.96\00:44:09.56 This is serious business someone is going to say 00:44:09.56\00:44:13.90 but why talk about reforming the life. 00:44:13.90\00:44:17.60 It's because I believe at GYC 00:44:17.60\00:44:21.20 we need to not only have a revival of spiritual Godliness 00:44:21.20\00:44:28.36 in our experience here, we need to have some changes 00:44:28.36\00:44:31.10 in our lives when we get home. 00:44:31.10\00:44:32.46 It says in the Review and Herald , Feb. 25, 1902. 00:44:32.46\00:44:38.06 "A revival and a reformation must take place, 00:44:38.06\00:44:41.53 under the ministration of the Holy Spirit." 00:44:41.53\00:44:43.60 Revival and reformation are two different things. 00:44:44.43\00:44:46.90 Do you catch that, they are two different things 00:44:46.90\00:44:49.70 Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, 00:44:49.70\00:44:52.86 a quickening of the powers of mind and heart, 00:44:52.86\00:44:55.23 a resurrection from spiritual death. 00:44:55.23\00:44:57.30 That's, I believe what takes place at GYC. 00:44:58.80\00:45:01.80 As I see what takes places, as I listen to the appeals, 00:45:01.80\00:45:04.46 as I see the responses, I believe God 00:45:04.46\00:45:06.73 is working a revival at GYC, and it thrills my heart 00:45:06.73\00:45:10.23 God's Spirit is moving, people are making decisions 00:45:11.43\00:45:15.53 for Jesus. But a revival will not last, 00:45:15.53\00:45:20.33 that is not accompanied by a reformation. 00:45:20.33\00:45:22.36 She goes on she says, reformation signifies 00:45:23.50\00:45:27.40 a reorganization, a change in ideas and theories, 00:45:27.40\00:45:32.40 habits and practices. 00:45:32.40\00:45:34.73 Reformation will not bring forth the good fruit 00:45:34.73\00:45:37.80 of righteousness, unless it is connected with revival 00:45:37.80\00:45:41.93 of the Spirit. Revival and reformation 00:45:41.93\00:45:44.46 are to do their appointed work, 00:45:44.46\00:45:46.30 and in doing this work they must blend. 00:45:46.30\00:45:50.56 If you have a revival without a reformation, 00:45:50.56\00:45:53.46 you very soon have a near profession, 00:45:54.40\00:45:57.10 letters written on your garments 00:45:57.10\00:45:59.16 which you point to and you say, come with us to GYC 00:45:59.16\00:46:01.83 you'll hear great speakers, if you have a reformation 00:46:01.83\00:46:08.60 with a revival, you have legalism, 00:46:08.60\00:46:12.16 your miserable, and you make everyone 00:46:12.16\00:46:16.36 else around you miserable. We need both 00:46:16.36\00:46:20.20 a revival and a reformation. 00:46:20.20\00:46:24.16 A reformation is a reorganization of your life. 00:46:24.16\00:46:27.33 So, today my friends, I think 00:46:29.03\00:46:30.33 we need to think about what's going to happen 00:46:33.86\00:46:35.70 when we get home. 00:46:35.70\00:46:36.70 I really do, I think we need to think 00:46:36.70\00:46:42.36 where is my standard of normality coming from, 00:46:42.36\00:46:45.66 this morning I would like to make an appeal, 00:46:48.80\00:46:50.33 I would like to make a general appeal first, 00:46:52.30\00:46:54.13 if you want to say Lord, 00:46:56.40\00:46:58.23 too often my standard normality has been this 00:47:02.50\00:47:06.00 cloud of witnesses around me instead of the cloud of 00:47:06.76\00:47:09.63 witnesses of the unseen world. 00:47:09.63\00:47:12.93 But beginning with this GYC I want to have a paradigm shift. 00:47:14.20\00:47:19.50 I want to choose Hebrews 12, Hebrews 11 and 12, 00:47:19.50\00:47:25.30 to be my cloud of witnesses, if you'd like to say that this 00:47:25.30\00:47:28.36 morning, why don't you stand where you are. 00:47:28.36\00:47:30.00 We are saying today, I want my standard of normality 00:47:30.00\00:47:35.23 to be based upon heaven's standard of normality. 00:47:35.90\00:47:39.76 I want my standard of what should be done with my time 00:47:40.30\00:47:44.73 what should be done with my money, 00:47:44.73\00:47:46.30 what should be done with my influence, 00:47:46.30\00:47:48.30 I want to seek first the approval of the God 00:47:48.30\00:47:51.10 in those things, that's what we are talking about. 00:47:51.10\00:47:53.00 I want to be so close to heaven's normality 00:47:55.73\00:48:00.50 that Jesus can say to me, 00:48:00.50\00:48:02.00 you know what you'll be happier in heaven 00:48:02.83\00:48:04.36 then you'll be on earth, 00:48:04.36\00:48:05.70 why don't you just come home. 00:48:06.36\00:48:07.83 And you're standing here this morning, 00:48:08.96\00:48:10.86 because that is your decision, your 00:48:11.46\00:48:14.40 standing here this morning because that is your 00:48:14.40\00:48:17.90 burden and that is your heart's desire 00:48:17.90\00:48:20.36 your standing here this morning 00:48:20.36\00:48:22.66 because you want your perspective to match 00:48:22.66\00:48:25.46 the perspective of heaven. Is that your desire, 00:48:25.46\00:48:27.46 because you love Jesus, 00:48:27.46\00:48:30.03 because you want to be like him 00:48:30.73\00:48:33.03 that's why you've made this decision. 00:48:33.03\00:48:35.46 But this morning, I want to make a further appeal, 00:48:38.70\00:48:42.00 I want to ask if there is somebody here 00:48:45.10\00:48:49.23 who realizes that they're, they're not as far in this 00:48:51.06\00:48:56.30 four step process, of seeing the promises, 00:48:56.30\00:49:01.46 being pursued of them, embracing them 00:49:01.46\00:49:04.83 and confessing them as they ought to be 00:49:04.83\00:49:07.30 and they realize the only way they're going to move 00:49:08.76\00:49:12.26 down that process, is if spend time in the word of God 00:49:12.26\00:49:17.26 And so, then my appeal now is if there is somebody here 00:49:17.26\00:49:21.50 who would like to say, in 2010, I want to spend 00:49:21.50\00:49:25.26 more time in God's word than I spent in 2009, 00:49:25.26\00:49:28.63 I want my heart to be saturated with God's will, 00:49:29.16\00:49:32.33 God's thoughts, not the what's on television, 00:49:32.33\00:49:35.30 not what's in the movies, not what's in popular culture. 00:49:35.30\00:49:38.20 If their is somebody here that wants to say that 00:49:38.20\00:49:39.96 this morning, I invite you to just make your way forward, 00:49:39.96\00:49:42.06 to say Lord, I want to go home and I want to lay my Bible 00:49:42.73\00:49:47.76 before you, I want to kneel in front of your sacred world, 00:49:47.76\00:49:51.60 and I want to say Lord, search my heart. 00:49:51.60\00:49:54.23 Try me and know my thoughts, see if there is anything 00:49:54.96\00:49:59.40 any wicked way in me, anything in my lifestyle 00:49:59.40\00:50:02.33 that I need to change, are you willing to do 00:50:02.33\00:50:04.10 that my friends. Are you willing to say Lord 00:50:04.10\00:50:07.20 lead me in the way of everlasting 00:50:07.20\00:50:10.56 If there is something in my lifestyle 00:50:10.56\00:50:12.56 that I need to change not because of legalism, 00:50:12.56\00:50:15.56 not so that I'll earn your favor, 00:50:15.56\00:50:17.53 not so that I'll have your grace but because you revive 00:50:17.53\00:50:20.46 my spirit and I want it to last. 00:50:20.46\00:50:23.36 Lord, change my life. Are you willing to say 00:50:23.36\00:50:27.00 that my friends, you've come forward 00:50:27.00\00:50:29.26 because you want to spent more time in God's word. 00:50:29.26\00:50:31.40 God sees your decision, God is going to help you, 00:50:31.40\00:50:34.66 but when we talk about a reorganization, 00:50:34.66\00:50:37.80 a reformation of our life, we must talk about some 00:50:38.03\00:50:40.90 specific things. So I want to ask for some specific 00:50:40.90\00:50:44.23 decisions that we made here, there's some of you that know 00:50:44.23\00:50:47.76 that your iPods are full of music 00:50:47.76\00:50:51.00 that is the Devil's music. 00:50:52.26\00:50:53.40 Your computers are full of movies, 00:50:58.03\00:51:00.06 they are not bringing you closer to Jesus and 00:51:01.50\00:51:04.36 they are certainly not bringing you to a closer 00:51:04.36\00:51:06.90 understanding of his normality. 00:51:06.90\00:51:08.53 I want to ask for decisions, I want you to ask you to 00:51:11.36\00:51:15.86 bow your heads and close your eyes, 00:51:15.86\00:51:19.16 this is not a decision between you and me, 00:51:19.16\00:51:21.26 or between you and anyone around you, 00:51:21.26\00:51:23.50 where there is someone here heads are bowed 00:51:23.50\00:51:27.46 and eyes are closed, if there is someone here 00:51:27.46\00:51:29.36 who wants to say Lord, there is something in the 00:51:29.36\00:51:31.23 entertainment area of my life, whether it's music or movies, 00:51:31.23\00:51:34.13 whether it's that subscription to 00:51:34.13\00:51:35.73 ESPN or something that is taking 00:51:35.73\00:51:37.93 my time, it's consuming me and it's changing my 00:51:37.93\00:51:40.80 normality to be the normality of this world. 00:51:40.80\00:51:42.73 If you want to say this morning, I want to work 00:51:42.73\00:51:44.53 a reformation in my life when I go home. 00:51:44.53\00:51:46.36 I want your power, I want your grace, 00:51:46.36\00:51:48.93 I need your strength to make these changes, delete these 00:51:48.93\00:51:51.73 songs just raise your hand right where you're at. 00:51:51.73\00:51:53.50 You're saying, I want to make these changes 00:51:54.36\00:51:56.93 in my life, I want a reformation. 00:51:56.93\00:51:59.46 God bless you, God will give you strength 00:51:59.46\00:52:01.86 when you make this decision, but if we leave here 00:52:01.86\00:52:04.43 only being revived, without purposing 00:52:04.43\00:52:08.23 in our hearts that we are going to delete that music, 00:52:08.23\00:52:10.43 we are going to delete those movies, 00:52:10.43\00:52:11.96 we are going to get rid of that 00:52:11.96\00:52:13.80 television. Whatever it is, I don't know if 00:52:13.80\00:52:15.76 we don't make that purpose in our heart my friends, 00:52:15.76\00:52:19.13 I am afraid that reformation never happened 00:52:19.96\00:52:22.03 this would be a revival that doesn't last 00:52:22.03\00:52:23.86 you can lower your hands. 00:52:24.33\00:52:25.80 Their may be some of us who need to make a reformation 00:52:28.53\00:52:32.23 in other areas of our lives and again your heads 00:52:32.23\00:52:36.23 are still bowed and your eyes are still closed, I want 00:52:36.23\00:52:39.13 to ask you if there's someone here, realizes in the 00:52:39.13\00:52:42.73 area of their health, the way they keep their body temple 00:52:42.73\00:52:47.30 they need to change, their habits and practices. 00:52:47.30\00:52:51.06 they need a reorganization I don't know what it is 00:52:51.06\00:52:55.16 the Holy Spirit might be convicting you of. 00:52:55.16\00:52:56.73 But it's very clear that a diet 00:52:56.73\00:52:59.13 or a lifestyle effects our spiritual faculties. 00:53:02.90\00:53:08.43 If you want a revival that lasts, you need a reformation 00:53:09.46\00:53:13.23 in your lifestyle, 00:53:13.23\00:53:14.40 and maybe it's going to bed earlier, so you can get up 00:53:15.96\00:53:18.40 and spend that time with Jesus in the morning, 00:53:18.40\00:53:20.73 may be it's exercising, so you have a clear mind 00:53:20.73\00:53:24.26 and instead of being morose and depressed 00:53:24.26\00:53:26.53 you can have energy and happiness. 00:53:26.53\00:53:28.66 May be there is articles of food 00:53:30.33\00:53:32.46 that you know are not healthy, 00:53:32.70\00:53:34.60 I don't know what it is? But there someone here 00:53:37.16\00:53:39.20 that wants to say Lord I want to work a 00:53:39.20\00:53:40.40 reorganization of my health, just raise your hand, 00:53:40.40\00:53:42.96 purposing your heart right now 00:53:42.96\00:53:44.66 and God will give you the strength 00:53:44.66\00:53:46.70 and the blessing 00:53:46.70\00:53:47.83 to make a reformation in your life as we return. 00:53:47.83\00:53:50.80 You see, God know each hand, 00:53:52.56\00:53:56.90 you can lower your hands, 00:53:56.90\00:53:58.30 God knows each hand, and God knows each heart 00:53:59.16\00:54:01.06 and I believe that as we reorganize our lives 00:54:02.10\00:54:05.56 as we go home, this revival from GYC 2009 00:54:05.56\00:54:10.40 will not only last us through 2010, this revival can 00:54:10.40\00:54:14.66 be the beginning of an entire generation 00:54:14.66\00:54:17.86 of people, who looking unto Jesus 00:54:17.86\00:54:21.06 lay aside every weight in sin which so easily besets them 00:54:21.50\00:54:25.60 and finish the race, that God has set before us. 00:54:25.60\00:54:29.60 Is that your desire. Amen! Let's pray. 00:54:29.60\00:54:32.70 Father, in heaven today we are grateful, 00:54:32.70\00:54:37.40 oh you fed our hearts, you watered our souls 00:54:39.03\00:54:41.96 through this GYC, we don't want to end it, 00:54:42.76\00:54:45.80 to end by God's grace, by your grace 00:54:45.80\00:54:48.00 it doesn't need to end, 00:54:48.00\00:54:49.40 Lord, let this revival still burn in our hearts 00:54:50.76\00:54:54.16 and burn brighter with each passing day. 00:54:54.16\00:54:57.63 Lord, you've told us that a revival without reformation, 00:54:57.63\00:55:01.03 or a reformation without a revival cannot accomplish 00:55:01.03\00:55:04.30 what we need, we need them both. 00:55:04.30\00:55:06.10 So, today I just praise your name for the young 00:55:07.13\00:55:09.03 people and older people alike, 00:55:09.03\00:55:10.30 who have made decisions to take with they've learned 00:55:10.30\00:55:13.40 at this GYC, not just as pleasant words, 00:55:13.40\00:55:15.86 not just as popular speakers, but as real principles 00:55:15.86\00:55:19.73 they are gonna live by. Lord, today 00:55:19.73\00:55:23.00 I pray that you'll change our sense of normality 00:55:23.00\00:55:26.00 to be like heaven's, I pray Lord, 00:55:26.73\00:55:30.53 that you would help us to see things the way you see 00:55:30.53\00:55:33.96 them, that some day very soon you can say 00:55:33.96\00:55:37.56 to us, you'll be happier in heaven then here. 00:55:37.56\00:55:39.70 You can come and claim us as your own. 00:55:40.10\00:55:43.56 Lord, right now I'm praying for someone 00:55:43.56\00:55:46.56 who is struggling with the decision, 00:55:46.56\00:55:49.60 their standard of normality has being so skewed, 00:55:49.60\00:55:53.53 their cloud of witnesses is so pervasive 00:55:53.53\00:55:55.56 and strong and influential in their life, 00:55:55.56\00:55:57.23 they are afraid to make a decision for Jesus. 00:55:57.23\00:55:59.60 Lord, please send your spirit to these souls, 00:55:59.60\00:56:02.33 help them even now to purpose in their hearts, 00:56:04.73\00:56:08.03 to change the things that need to be changed 00:56:08.40\00:56:10.43 and they know, your spirit will show them. 00:56:10.43\00:56:13.50 Lord, I am praying for those who made a decision 00:56:13.50\00:56:17.30 either in the area of entertainment 00:56:17.30\00:56:18.70 or in the area of health, I am praying that you will 00:56:18.70\00:56:21.00 give them strength Father, for the devil will not 00:56:21.00\00:56:23.63 let them go easily, those habits which have 00:56:23.63\00:56:27.16 taken years to form, will be difficult to change 00:56:27.16\00:56:30.96 but by your grace with their spirit, and the 00:56:30.96\00:56:33.20 power of the spirit, reviving their soul each day, with the 00:56:33.20\00:56:36.00 power of your word changing their sense of normality 00:56:36.00\00:56:38.90 they can be unashamed to live like heaven would live 00:56:38.90\00:56:42.66 if it was here. Oh! Lord prepare us 00:56:42.66\00:56:46.16 for that eternity, make us men and women of faith, 00:56:46.16\00:56:52.03 make us GYC, not just with letters on our garments, 00:56:52.03\00:56:57.13 but help us to be on that narrow way, 00:56:58.00\00:57:00.06 following in Jesus footsteps, thank you for going before us 00:57:00.06\00:57:04.23 Thank you for going behind us. 00:57:04.23\00:57:06.46 Thank you, for holding our hands. 00:57:06.46\00:57:08.30 Thank you for giving us the strength. 00:57:08.30\00:57:11.46 Lord, may we look to Jesus, who was both the author 00:57:12.53\00:57:18.60 and the finish of our faith, may that be our experience 00:57:18.60\00:57:26.93 today, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. 00:57:26.93\00:57:30.40