Series Code: 09GYC
Program Code: 09GYC000016
00:11 Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
00:17 With the cross of Jesus going on before. 00:27 Amen. And are we going onward Christian soldiers. 00:31 Yeah. I would like to invite you to stand 00:33 and join with us as we sing our theme song 00:35 "stand up stand up for Jesus." 00:48 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross; 00:56 lift high his royal banner, it must not suffer loss. 01:05 From victory unto victory his army shall he lead, 01:12 till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed. 01:21 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey; 01:29 forth to the mighty conflict, in this his glorious day. 01:37 Ye that are brave now serve him against unnumbered foes; 01:46 let courage rise with danger, 01:50 and strength to strength oppose. 01:53 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in his strength alone; 02:02 the arm of flesh will fail you, 02:06 ye dare not trust your own. 02:11 Put on the Gospel armor, and watching unto prayer 02:19 where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there. 02:26 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long; 02:34 this day the noise of battle, the next the victor's song. 02:43 To those who vanquish evil a crown of life shall be; 02:51 they with the King of Glory shall reign eternally. 03:02 You may be seated. 03:12 Hello, GYC. Hello. 03:14 Welcome to the closing devotional here in Kentucky. 03:27 I don't know I just graduated 03:29 from Southern Adventist University. 03:30 I have never been so nervous in my entire life, 03:32 this is crazy. But I just want to welcome you all 03:35 from the bottom my heart, I am excited 03:37 to be here at GYC. I am excited to be a part 03:40 of a moment that's growing, 03:41 I don't know how many of you? 03:42 Is this your first GYC? Wow! Wow, well I definitely. 03:47 GYC is definitely a great thing but I just want 03:49 to tell you this has been the best GYC. Amen. 03:51 And I am just excited to be a part of it. 03:54 You see all the young people praying in the corners, 03:56 you see all of the young people studying 03:58 their Bibles, you see the young people singing 04:00 from the bottom of their heart. 04:01 And I am just very thankful to be a part of this 04:04 and I just been very touched 04:06 by the messages that we've heard from Sebastian, 04:10 that we have heard from Pastor Finley 04:11 and the all the various seminars 04:13 and from Pastor David Asscherick. 04:15 The fact that we aren't ashamed 04:18 of the crucified Christ, we aren't ashamed 04:23 of the Creative Christ. 04:24 And tonight we learned about why we aren't 04:27 to be ashamed of the coming Christ and I 04:29 just want to welcome you once again 04:32 to the GYC and I thank you for coming out. 04:47 Good evening everyone, let us kneel and pray. Thank you. 04:55 Eternal Father and mighty God, 04:56 we thank you so much for the privilege 04:58 of being here today this evening at the GYC. 05:00 Where we can come and worship you 05:03 and celebrate you, our Father, 05:05 our God and our redeemer. 05:07 And as Pastor Asscherick preaches this week 05:10 about the coming Christ, O Lord, 05:12 we know that it is your heart's desire. 05:13 You who premised that you have gone 05:16 to prepare a place for your children 05:17 that where you are we may be also. 05:19 And it is your heart's desire to come and 05:21 get your children. 05:22 That they may live in a world where 05:24 in dwells righteousness. 05:25 Oh Lord, help us to be ready, help us to be prepared. 05:28 Give us that burning unashamed 05:30 desire and help us to be unified 05:33 because that is your prayer oh Lord Jesus 05:34 that your children may be one 05:36 and that the World may recognize 05:38 the love of God in us as we are one. 05:40 We ask for the blessing of your Holy Spirit. 05:42 We ask for clean hearts, we ask for conviction. 05:46 We ask for the wonder of your love 05:49 and the experience of righteousness today. 05:51 We pray oh Lord Jesus that everyone in this 05:53 room may meet you in peace, 05:54 that our families and our friends 05:56 because of your work through our lives 05:59 may see Jesus and say this our Lord, 06:01 we have waited for him. 06:02 Lo he will save us, this is my prayer, 06:05 may be our experience. 06:06 In Jesus name and for his sake I pray. Amen. 06:23 Good evening GYC. Good evening. 06:25 There is something that we like to say 06:27 and that is that something is happening 06:29 and to introduce this something 06:30 is happening session we are going to be 06:32 watching a short video and then go into 06:33 our testimonies. 06:40 Everyday the probation of some is closing, 06:44 every hour some are passing beyond the 06:47 reach of mercy. You know in 06:51 our North American cities there are over 97 million 06:54 people who are un-reached, over two billion people 06:58 in our world today have no exposure 07:01 whatsoever to Christianity. 07:03 One billion have never even heard of the name Jesus. 07:09 The greatest work on earth is to seek 07:13 and to save those who are lost 07:14 for whom Christ has paid the infinite price 07:18 of his blood. Around the world today, 07:22 there exists a movement of young people 07:24 who are excited to let God's will play out 07:27 in their life. Literally in every continent of the 07:30 globe there is young people who aren't content 07:33 with the status quo. 07:34 They are not content with sitting in the pew 07:36 each Sabbath. They are not content just 07:38 sitting idly by while people's 07:41 eternal destiny is at stake. 07:43 God needs you, the church needs you. 07:47 This movement of young people 07:50 led by only God himself needs you. 07:54 With that philosophy in mind 07:56 GYC launched a revolutionizing project. 08:00 Our church offers a lot of institutions that 08:03 do a lot of good training, but here is the reality. 08:06 Young people probably don't have the money 08:08 or the time to donate six months, three months, 08:12 nine months to an evangelistic school. 08:14 But yet they want the training, 08:16 so we came up with it, in script, 08:19 you put the training in their home, 08:21 a young person can get online, 08:23 they can watch the training and they can go out 08:26 and give the study. 08:27 In this project you will first find training 08:31 on how to actually find someone interested 08:33 in a Bible study. 08:34 After that you can go online, 08:37 you can get your new set of in script studies. 08:40 You go online you can watch that study 08:43 being marked up by other young people 08:45 giving a study. You can go and you can watch tips 08:48 on that specific study and you can even go online 08:52 find an appeal and common objections 08:55 and how to answer them for that specific study. 08:58 So whatever our calling is, 09:01 whatever God has called you to do as 09:02 a work or as a profession you're first 09:06 and foremost duty is to win people to Christ. 09:21 So Chelsea, why don't you tell me a little bit 09:24 about this project, I hear you have been 09:25 losing a lot of sleep over it. 09:26 I am so excited about this project, 09:28 I am ready to burst. I have been waiting 09:31 till tonight to tell you. 09:32 Did you hear what he just said, 09:33 Amen. There was a problem. 09:35 Young people they're excited, 09:36 they want to go out and share their faith 09:38 but they don't know how. 09:39 And it's not realistic for every young person 09:42 to go to a Bible college although 09:44 I wish we all could, I enjoyed it. 09:45 But here is thing we sat down; we talked about it, 09:48 we said this is what we need to do. 09:49 We designed these Bible studies 09:51 with a fresh look geared towards young people. 09:54 Different tracks, track number one on Bible doctrine. 09:57 Something you can share with your friends. 10:00 Track number two Daniel and Revelation 10:02 an in-depth study for Adventist young people. 10:05 Track number three, lets hit some issues 10:07 that pertain to young people 10:08 in a Bible study format and so we sat down 10:11 we got excited, we are working on these Bible 10:14 studies with arise and Clifford Goldstein from 10:16 GC doing some editing. We're excited 10:17 but we said wait a minute. 10:19 What if they don't know how to use them, 10:21 if they take this Bible study and they don't know 10:22 how to use it, it does no good, 10:24 so let's put the training online. 10:26 So this is what you can do you get the study, 10:28 you sit down on your computer, 10:30 you log on and you can watch somebody else 10:32 give the study. You can watch it all the way 10:34 through, you watch tips, here is how you answer 10:36 objections, here is how you gain decisions. 10:38 You can just sit down in your home 10:41 for a little bit and watch a video 10:43 and go out and give that Bible study. Amen. 10:45 Amen.Imagine what would happen look 10:47 around, imagine what would happen 10:48 if every one of you in this room took this, 10:51 you got the training if you haven't had it already 10:53 and everyone of us go out and give a Bible study. 10:56 Can you imagine! What would happen 10:57 next year? So August 2010 stay tuned. 11:03 Thanks Chelsea, I love interviewing Chelsea. 11:06 Now I hear that there is a movement 11:09 going on in Africa and I have two beautiful 11:11 young ladies here tonight to tell me 11:13 a little bit more about that. 11:14 So Thando, why don't you tell me, 11:15 what is ALIVE? What's your involvement with it? 11:17 Why do we need to know about it? 11:18 Well, Amy ALIVE is an acronym 11:21 and it stands for Africans Living In View of Eternity. 11:24 And as ALIVE our dream, our goal 11:26 is to mobilize young people in Africa 11:28 to reach Africa with the gospel 11:30 and we want to do this because 11:31 we believe that Africa's problem is spiritual. 11:34 So the poverty, the disease, the famine, 11:36 the war they are just symptoms of a deep 11:39 perspiration problem, that demands an answer that 11:41 is only Jesus and that's what ALIVE, that's we do. 11:44 Amen, another movement by young for young people. 11:47 So tell us what type of evangelism 11:49 have you guys been doing especially 11:51 in the last year? 11:52 Well, I am excited about this past year 11:54 because the Lord definitely blessed 11:55 beyond our wildest expectations. 11:57 In July of last year we went to 11:59 the country of Zambia, my home country 12:01 and we were there for two whole months. 12:03 We did a youth conference with 3000 young 12:05 people came together for training and inspiration. 12:08 Then we did out reach, we went out 12:10 and we had two week long series evangelistic, 12:12 went to the high school in Lusaka. 12:14 Then we went to the village, no bathrooms, 12:17 no showers like the rural village. 12:19 We were there for a whole 10 days 12:21 door to door doing Bible studies, 12:22 at the end of our time there by God's grace 12:24 over 100 souls were baptized. Amen! 12:26 But the most exciting part Amy is that when 12:29 we left these young people kept on doing 12:31 God's work and by God's grace in Zambia 12:34 alone these young people who we trained 12:36 and were inspired by God have baptized 12:38 over a thousand souls, young people 12:40 just like us in Zambia and that's why we want, 12:42 we want to see this all across Africa. 12:45 Young people are just taking God's work 12:46 and finishing God's work in Africa. 12:48 Amen. Praise God. So Cathy, why don't you 12:50 tell us the story of one these young people? 12:52 Yeah, I was really exciting is what Thando was 12:55 talking about these young people are mobilizing. 12:57 They are doing the work we started off 13:00 a year ago with this vision thing okay, 13:02 we can hit one division each year so 13:04 in five years we will reach the continent. 13:06 We have reached three divisions; 13:08 we are in 15 countries right now all 13:10 because these young people have caught the vision. 13:12 When we got to Zambia there was this young lady 13:15 that had come from Zimbabwe to meet us. 13:18 And she was like and we asked her 13:19 why did you come? And she said well, 13:22 someone paid my way; I thought it would be a 13:24 good idea to check it out to see what you guys are doing. 13:26 I heard about GYC, I heard about Campus 13:28 and ALIVE and so she was kind of indifferent. 13:31 She went through our youth rally in Zambia 13:36 and she went through our real mission 13:40 and at the end she was on fire and decided to 13:42 start her own mission project in Zimbabwe 13:45 and so that's how this is happening. 13:47 Young people are just catching their fire from 13:51 other young people in countries 13:53 and they are going back to their home country 13:55 and starting it there. Amen! 13:57 Well, Cassandra Papenfuse doesn't sound like a 13:59 very African name to me. 14:00 Tell me is ALIVE just for Africans? 14:02 Oh, not at all. ALIVE is for anybody 14:05 who has a passion for ministry on the continent, 14:08 we don't care what your race is, 14:09 what your gender is, what your nationality is. 14:11 We want people that are committed, 14:13 we want young people that are going to 14:16 just put their life and their passion into mobilizing 14:19 young people to see Christ come back 14:21 and spread the Three Angel's Message. 14:22 Thank you and how can we get 14:25 involved in this next year? 14:27 Well, we have four missions coming up 14:31 in April we are going to go to Kenya, 14:32 June we are going to go to North Ghana, 14:34 July Liberia and September to October Ethiopia. 14:38 We are going to be at the campus booth 14:40 if any of you are interested in these specific 14:42 missions we also have opportunities 14:44 for a leadership, if you have skills and networking, 14:46 communications, evangelism we would love to use you. 14:51 Come out and talk to us or go to 14:58 Thank you. Now Michelle, you are a student at the 15:02 University of Virginia. Is that right? 15:03 Yeah, that's right. And this is your second GYC? 15:05 Correct. And last year was your first GYC? 15:08 Yup. Why don't your tell me a little bit 15:09 about how you got there and what was going on 15:12 in your mind before you decided to come to 15:13 GYC last year? Well, basically 15:15 Amy in the fall of last year you and I were 15:18 attending school at the University of Virginia 15:19 and you mentioned to me the option of canvassing 15:22 the following summer. And at first I was resistant 15:24 to the idea mostly because I was culturally 15:27 an Adventist but not really a converted Christian, 15:29 but then I read Called, Chosen and Faithful, 15:32 the experience of the call porters of 2007 15:34 and I just saw how the Lord was working through 15:36 these young people to spread the message 15:38 to the suburbs in Michigan and I was 15:40 just so impressed. I came to GYC 15:42 to find out more and I went on the outreach after that. 15:47 Amen and so it sounds like you had 15:48 an impactful experience at GYC last year, 15:51 did you make any decisions as a result of that? 15:53 I did, you know when I went on the outreach 15:55 I saw truly for the first time the spiritual needs 15:58 of our society today like I had never seen them 16:00 so clearly before it was like the Holy Spirit 16:01 had open my eyes to the fact and I decided to canvas 16:05 that following summer and it was wonderful. 16:08 Amen! And so for young people who are here today, 16:11 you know I know many of us have been making 16:13 decisions at this GYC. 16:14 Many of us have convicted about different things. 16:16 What words of encouragement would you give to those 16:18 who have been sitting in these seats, 16:20 listening to the messages and their hearts 16:22 have been convicted, what should they 16:23 when they go home. How should 16:24 they follow through with those decisions? 16:25 I would say first of all when you hear the Holy Spirit 16:28 speaking obey his voice. 16:30 Amen. When you hear the Holy Spirit obey his voice 16:32 and follow through because the record of your 16:35 commitment is in heaven and the Lord is expecting 16:36 and counting on you to follow through with that. 16:38 Amen! Thank you very much. 16:41 I have known Michelle for a long time, 16:44 well, a year. And I have definitely seen the changes 16:47 that has happened in her life over that time. 16:49 As a result of her personal commitment to God 16:52 and I know that's an experience that 16:54 each and everyone of us can have. 16:55 So let's be faithful in the commitments that 16:57 we make at this GYC and see how God can use those 17:00 over the course of the next year. 17:01 Thank you Michelle. 17:02 Now Pastor Asscherick, I hear you have written 17:05 a book, why don't you tell me 17:06 a little bit about that? 17:07 Well, it's true. I have written a book 17:09 and its called God, have you read it yet? 17:11 I have not. Okay, well I am disappointed. 17:13 I haven't even heard about it yet. 17:15 Well, the title of the book is God in Pain 17:17 and it was born out of my desire to be able to answer 17:22 not just the logical questions about the existence 17:25 God and the evidence for that existence. 17:27 Because even if people believe that God 17:30 exists what about the question of evil? 17:32 What about the question of suffering. 17:34 You are on a secular university campus, you know. 17:36 That's the number one question that we always get. 17:38 It's the pre-eminent question isn't it? 17:39 Yes. Sure the evidence for Jesus, 17:41 the evidence for you know the cosmological, 17:43 whatever it might be but if God is so 17:45 good why is the world so bad? 17:47 Why is there so much suffering? 17:48 Right. And it's a question that I 17:49 have given a lot of thought to. 17:50 Even I think as Seventh-day Adventists 17:51 we are uniquely positioned to be able to answer 17:54 that question with our great controversy 17:56 backdrop in a way that others are not positioned. 17:59 Amen. And so what I wanted to try 18:01 and do is take the great controversy 18:02 and put it in modern language. 18:05 I am not talking about the book 18:06 the great controversy, but just the concept. 18:08 This warfare motif of scripture 18:10 and put it in language that I was converted on a 18:13 Secular University campus. University of Wyoming, 18:15 I was 23 years old and I was trying to think of 18:17 what would have appealed to me 18:19 as a Secular University? What would I have wanted? 18:22 What would I have found persuasive and compelling 18:24 and so I have, I don't know if it's successful 18:27 or not but I have done my best to put that into a book. 18:29 That's fantastic, so it sounds like 18:31 its going to be a resource that will be not only edifying 18:33 for ourselves but something we could 18:34 share with our friends. 18:35 Yeah, as it's presently written there are 18:37 a number of Ellen White quotes but the Ellen White 18:39 quotes are always sited not so much 18:42 as authoritative but as illustrative. 18:44 We are going to be working on a book that will be 18:46 slightly shorter; it will be for sharing 18:48 to anyone even if they are not an Adventist. 18:51 But I would say even now it's not Adventist 18:54 in an off putting sense I think it's, I like to think 18:56 it's very logical and certainly very Biblical. 19:00 Awesome and how can we get a copy of this book? 19:01 That's a good you go to the booths I think. 19:03 I don't have one myself but I'm sure they are available. 19:07 Excellent, thank you, thank you. 19:08 Now, we see there's tons of resources 19:10 available to us in order to do evangelism 19:12 and there is opportunities for us to follow up 19:14 with the convictions that we have at this GYC, 19:16 lets be faithful, lets not let it burn out at the end of 19:19 today at the end of tomorrow but lets carry it 19:21 through the next year and until Jesus comes. 19:24 Amen. Amen. 19:30 Good morning GYC. This year we launched 19:32 our small group session and I have here 19:35 a few of our small group leaders 19:36 and the sessions were small but 19:38 they had many good testimonies. 19:40 I have just a couple of people here 19:42 that are going to share, we have Norman 19:44 and Joel McNulty. You guys were 19:46 small group leaders correct? 19:47 Yes, I graded the people and my husband led the group. 19:50 Alright, so tell me a little bit about 19:52 some of the experiences that you had from your group? 19:55 Well, we had a very positive experience in our group. 19:58 There are lot other people in our group 20:00 are from the Loma Linda area. 20:01 Many of us go to Advent Hope Sabbath school 20:03 and yet the people that were in the group 20:05 had many them had to manage each other, 20:07 so people were meeting each other, 20:09 making friendships. In our first evening we had 20:12 one young man who during the prayer time 20:14 was praying to God you know God I haven't prayed to you 20:16 like this in a longtime, its so good to be reconnecting 20:20 with you and so we saw real experiences 20:22 where we could come together and strengthen 20:24 what we had seen and felt during the day 20:26 and encourage each other. 20:27 So people in the Loma Linda area they didn't connect 20:31 with each other, hadn't connected with each other, 20:33 didn't know each other before this were connecting. 20:35 People all over they come to GYC have been 20:38 connecting with one another. 20:39 So I have Moises here and he was also a small group leader. 20:43 Were you excited about leading out in your 20:45 small group Moises? 20:46 No, to be honest with you I was not. 20:48 I had so many bad experiences leading 20:51 young people you know, so many who 20:54 don't want to anything and, that was my past experience. 20:57 And I coming was coming to GYC, 20:58 my first GYC trying to get re-energized 21:01 and I said Lord you know what you know I don't want to lead 21:04 but I am down for whatever when it comes to you. 21:06 So my friend Enrique he is like, 21:08 you know he want to help, I said sure lets do it. 21:09 So I got to the session and the first two 21:12 people that are pulled up are two young buds 21:14 I was like oh, Lord what's going to happen here. 21:16 Okay, we go in and then another one 21:20 shows up, young, young girl and then another 21:23 older gentleman shows up. But as we 21:26 as we began the session you know 21:28 I got to know them a little bit 21:29 but as the days progressed I realized 21:31 that you know that it was a confession time. 21:34 You know I told you know guys 21:35 I was not excited to come here, 21:37 I was afraid that you guys were who didn't want to 21:39 do anything and like you know what it happens a lot 21:42 but you know what we are willing to work 21:43 but to my fellow partners here, they said you know 21:50 what this session changed my life. 21:54 Before I don't want to pray now I just want to pray all 21:57 the time and the girl confessed to me 22:00 she said you know what Sabbath was a joke to me 22:03 before but now it's, I want to take it serious. 22:05 It's become a part of me and I can now 22:08 realize how important it's to rest in God. Amen! 22:11 And so that testimony also, you mentioned that 22:13 that helps strengthen another of the group members who 22:16 were struggling, so we can see through these small 22:18 small group sessions that through sharing, 22:20 through prayer to God the Holy Spirit 22:22 is moving and working in young peoples lives here 22:24 on an individual level amongst each other using one another 22:28 to strengthen and encourage their brethren. 22:31 So, this is the first launch we had a few bumps 22:33 this year but next year I am really excited 22:36 we are going to have a lot more structure, 22:38 its going to be a lot easier and the convention center 22:41 is already, we are working with them to have it set up 22:44 and I am really looking forward to sessions 22:46 next year in Baltimore. Thank you. 23:00 About five years ago when I was college 23:03 I ran across some books and those books 23:06 were counsels on health and diets and foods. 23:09 As I took a look through these books 23:11 I began to think to myself you know 23:13 I should try to apply these health principles to my life. 23:16 So that year, me and one of my friends 23:20 decided to try what we termed the Ellen White diet. 23:24 And so as we tried our Ellen White diet 23:28 we decided we would commit ourselves 23:29 for the next year to following all the principles 23:33 that we read about in those books. 23:35 Well, as we did I realized how much clearer my mind 23:38 was and as I did I realized you know what I want to 23:41 study my Bible more, I want to memorize scripture 23:44 more and I started wanting to be a more spiritual person 23:48 and wanting to be closer to God 23:49 and indeed I was getting closer to God. 23:51 Well, my friend and I decide you know what 23:54 we need to share these things with other people 23:56 on our campus; we want to see them 23:58 have the same experience. 23:59 So we did, we started having classes 24:02 and we started sharing these principles with them. 24:05 And soon we saw other people's lives changing. 24:07 And so made me think you know 24:10 what I want to be involved in sharing health 24:13 with other people so that they can 24:14 come to meet Jesus Christ through it. 24:16 Well now here at GYC we have our very own health expo 24:21 and last year was our first health Expo 24:24 that we did. How many of you 24:25 were here for that? Amen. 24:28 Well, it was a great success. 24:31 We had about a 150 people come 24:33 from the community to the health Expo 24:35 and Kylie was there helping with the health Expo 24:38 and I just want her to tell us a little bit 24:40 about someone special who came to the health Expo. 24:44 At the health Expo a man named Shubra came 24:47 to the, to the health fair. And as he was there 24:51 he was learning about health but somebody 24:53 had asked him if he wanted to sign up 24:55 for Bible studies. So he signed up 24:57 for Bible studies. 24:58 And a friend of mine and I in San Jose 25:01 we are Bible workers and so we began to study 25:03 with Shubra and at the first study that 25:06 we had with him we realized that he didn't know 25:09 anything about the Bible, he had grown up 25:12 in a Hindu religion so he knew nothing 25:14 and as we began to study with him he realized that 25:17 the Bible was the inspired word of God 25:19 and he invited Jesus into his life for the first time. 25:24 So he went to this health Expo thinking that 25:27 he was just going to learn about health 25:29 but instead he found Jesus. 25:30 Amen. There are going to be people today 25:34 coming from the community to our health Expo 25:36 who think that they are just going to learn about 25:38 health, but we have something so much more 25:40 to offer them and we are going to be meeting their 25:43 spiritual needs as well as their health needs 25:45 and you also have the opportunity to be a part of 25:48 the health Expo following the last talk today, 25:52 Chester's charge for all of us we will be having 25:55 our health Expo in the Cascade hallway. 25:59 The same hallway that all of you wait in 26:01 to get into the cafeteria. 26:02 You will see tables lined up and banners lined up 26:05 and those of you who have already signed up 26:07 to help run the health Expo you know where you need 26:09 to be, but I would like to invite all of you 26:11 to come to the health Expo and check it out 26:13 you are welcome to go through the booths 26:15 and see what its like. 26:16 See if it something that you would like to 26:17 do in your community at your church 26:19 to reach out to people with health 26:21 and draw them into Jesus Christ 26:23 and then also you can meet the people 26:25 from the community who are there with their different 26:28 health issues and may be you can talk with them 26:30 and help lead them closer to Jesus. Thank you. 26:43 Good morning GYC. Good morning 26:45 That was a little weak, good morning GYC. 26:49 Good morning! How many of you 26:50 have been blessed by this weekend's conference? 26:52 Yes. How many of you can personally testify that 26:55 this has been an life changing experience for you, 26:58 amen. And now how many of you are ready to go back 27:02 and do something about it. Amen. 27:05 I want to share something exciting 27:08 with you this morning, we want to bring 27:11 something special not just at the end 27:14 of every year but something to your home, 27:17 closer to your home throughout the year 27:20 not just at the end of the year 27:23 and throughout the year we have been receiving 27:28 emails and inquires and phone calls 27:29 not just throughout the country but from all over 27:32 the world and let me tell you if you are not convinced 27:35 this weekend that this is a global movement, 27:37 I can testify for you that Spirit of the Lord is 27:40 not just here with us in Louisville, its all over. 27:44 And we wanted to share a little bit 27:46 with you about the vision that GYC has 27:50 and its not to limit your experience but to bring 27:54 this experience home to you and Michael, 27:56 can you tell us a little bit about what this is. 27:58 How many of you have one of these? 28:01 Yeah, now usually we see a lot of these in the trash 28:04 can or we see them all littered around 28:06 the ground or something at the end of the conference. 28:09 This year I am asking you to save it, 28:11 'cause there is some important information about 28:12 the other YC's that you will see. 28:15 Now for those of you who have one you can turn 28:17 in your booklet and there is no page number here 28:21 so you are going to go to page number intense, 28:23 page number intense is where you are going to go, 28:25 hope each of you have had a intense conference here, 28:30 the messages have been wonderful. 28:31 If you go to that page you will notice 28:34 that we start here with intense 2010 28:37 with Peter Gregory. 28:39 You'll have three pages, this page the next one 28:43 and the next one and they talk about a regional YC 28:46 in your area these are affiliates of GYC, 28:49 so for those of you who have family and friends 28:52 back home and you say I wish they could have come 28:54 we have affiliate GYCs and to my left 28:58 I'm going to introduce them to you this is 29:00 Jared Collins, he is from the Great Lakes area; 29:02 we have Angie; we have Mark Tay; 29:05 we have also Mark and Jeff and Brian and 29:09 and they are going to be introducing to you 29:10 a little bit about their conference, 29:11 just so you know there's been conferences 29:13 bringing up all over the world, 29:15 there's been ones in Australia, 29:17 the Philippines, England, Germany, there is even 29:20 other ones around the area, we have inquires 29:21 from Missouri, Wisconsin, inquires from Oregon, 29:24 all over the place. So stay tuned, contact Sarah 29:27 or myself or anyone here if you are interested 29:29 in getting involved in your local area. 29:34 Hi, I am Jared Collins and I am the president of 29:37 GYC Great Lakes and that encompasses 29:40 the states Wisconsin, Illinois, 29:42 Michigan and Indiana. 29:44 Our upcoming conference is tentatively 29:47 scheduled for March 18th to 21st 29:50 on the campus of Andrews University 29:52 and our speaker will be Mark Howard. 29:55 You can access information for GYC Great Lakes 29:58 through our website directly 30:02 you can also access it through 30:04 the website. Thank you. 30:09 Good morning, my name is Angie and I am the 30:12 president of GYC Southwest. 30:14 GYC Southwest is located in the South Western region 30:18 of the United States, Southern California, 30:21 Nevada, Arizona, we'll take anybody 30:25 who wants to come and hear the word of God. 30:28 If you turn back to your page intense 2010 30:31 in your program we will be conducting 30:35 with Peter Gregory and Iona Missions 30:37 a one week intensive training on how to study 30:41 your Bible, how to dig in mind 30:43 for those hidden treasures of God's word. 30:44 That will be June 13 to 20th our annual youth conference 30:49 will be held labor day weekend September 3 30:52 through 6 and our theme for this year is stand, 30:55 because if we are truly unashamed 30:58 of the Gospel of God, we will stand 31:00 when others may fall around us. 31:04 Hi, my name is Mark Teh and I currently serve 31:08 as the director for the western youth conference 31:10 which is based in Northern California 31:13 at the beautiful Weimar Center to be specific. 31:16 Yesterday at the question and answer period 31:20 Dr. Duprey counseled us that if we want to study 31:24 a topic the best place to start is at the beginning. 31:27 So, this year our theme is based on Genesis 1:27 31:32 and it's in his image, you'll find that many end time 31:36 issues hinge on a correct understanding of the Genesis 31:40 account, specifically creation and evolution, 31:44 how that effects our understanding of faith, 31:46 the Sabbath and how that effects our understanding 31:49 of the law, marriage and how that effects our 31:53 understanding of Godly relationships, 31:55 as well as the Three Angel's messages. 31:58 How God wants to recreate us, not only physically 32:02 as evidence in the health message 32:04 and the call to the original diet, 32:07 but also how he wants to recreate 32:09 us spiritually with our hearts. 32:12 So we hope that you will join us this year 32:15 at the western youth conference, the dates 32:18 are July 14th to 18th starts Wednesday 32:21 this year through Sunday and again it will be at 32:25 the Weimar Center and for more information 32:28 you can checkout our website 32:29 at 32:31 that website is also on your program. 32:37 Hello, my name is Mark Anthony Valadez 32:40 and I am the current president for GYC 32:42 in Espanol. This year I believe 32:44 its going to be the most powerful 32:46 conference that we are going to have. 32:49 The first two years we were at Andrews University 32:51 we had the privilege of being at Southwestern 32:54 Adventist University in Keene, Texas near Dallas 32:58 and everyone who speaks Spanish is welcome to attend, 33:02 don't necessarily have to be Hispanic 33:04 or of Hispanic background, if you speak Spanish 33:07 you are more than welcome to join us 33:09 if you don't speak Spanish and you are in the area 33:11 we are more than happy to provide a translator for you. 33:13 So this year's theme is "Venceremos" in English 33:19 we translate to "we shall overcome" 33:21 and some of our speakers are Pastor Jay Rosario, 33:26 Pastor Esteban Hidalgo, Pastor Andres Portes 33:32 and Pastor Steven Bohr, so keep us in prayer 33:36 and we would love to see you there, 33:38 it will be June 3rd through the 6th. 33:40 The first week of the June 3 through the 6, 33:42 for more information you can visit 33:47 and again that is, I would love to see you 33:52 there and together we shall overcome. 33:54 Amen. My name Jeff Tartarchuk 33:57 and I am the president of GYC Southeast 33:59 which is based in Collegedale, Tennessee 34:02 right at Southern Adventist University's campus 34:04 and this year we will be going into our 7th 34:08 annual conference and our speaker will be 34:11 Pastor Samuel Pipim and it will be October 13 34:16 through 17, October 13 through 17, 34:20 so if you are within the Georgia, the Alabama, 34:22 the Florida or the Carolinas, the Virginia 34:25 or the Kentucky area and you want to come out 34:27 to our youth conference, come 34:29 out to GYCSC. Thank you. 34:34 Hi, my name is Brant Sylvester, I am serving 34:38 as the president of GYC Atlantic 34:40 and the Lord is really doing great things 34:42 with GYC Atlantic. 34:44 We've had the privilege of hosting our first 34:46 youth rally in New Jersey this past semester 34:50 and so basically the purpose of the youth rally is like 34:54 we have mentioned already is to inspire 34:57 the youth where they are in their local churches. 34:59 And so what the Lord is doing we have a youth 35:01 rally we just have in New Jersey like I mentioned 35:04 already we have one coming up in Boston 35:06 in February and we also have our large conference 35:09 which is going to be in June, 35:10 the first weekend in June. 35:12 The theme is "Here am I" and I pray that all of you 35:16 those who are in that region can be in attendance. 35:21 So, if you want to know how you can help 35:24 with the GYCs in your local area remember 35:27 these presidents faces and you can talk to them 35:30 after the conference and for more information 35:32 visit our website at, sure. 35:38 Sorry. The theme for the GYC Great Lakes 35:42 upcoming conference is "the end of faith" 35:45 from First Peter 1:9, thanks. 35:48 And I want to tell you that these leaders 35:51 spent so much time on their knees and I want 35:54 to solicit your prayers for these leaders 35:55 and for the work that is going on in your area. 35:58 Thank you. 36:08 In a little while we are going to have our charge 36:10 given to us by Chester Clark 36:12 and we are also going to have our charge given 36:15 to our new executive committee 36:16 while we also thank those who have served 36:19 our ECom for the last term, the last two years, 36:22 but before we do that I have here with me 36:25 on stage someone that I like to introduce to 36:27 you which is Dr Ray Holmes and his wife Shirley Holmes. 36:30 Now I know that I have committed a great crime 36:33 and that I was surprised Mrs Holmes 36:35 to be up on stage even though she is not 36:37 wearing her favorite dress and she said are you sure, 36:40 can I go up like this? And I said Mrs. Holmes 36:41 you can come up there however you want. Amen. 36:45 Amen. Dr Holmes, many of us know him, 36:50 some people might just know Dr Holmes 36:52 as the Pastor of their local church 36:55 as one that they have learned to fall in love with, 36:58 they've appreciate your messages, 37:01 others might know you as their favorite teacher 37:03 when you taught them at the seminary Dr Holmes 37:05 Some might know you as their favorite author, 37:08 you have written books and they've inspired 37:10 our hearts and they've taught us 37:12 what Adventism is about and then there are 37:14 some who know you as their mentor, 37:17 but there are still some people Dr Holmes 37:20 who not only know you as their mentor 37:23 they know you as their personal friend. 37:25 Dr Holmes represents a generation of leadership 37:29 that has not just impacted one generation 37:32 but has impacted generation after generation 37:35 after generation the reason Dr Holmes 37:38 why you are special to me is because you have been 37:41 a mentor to my personal mentor, 37:43 but you have not stopped there, 37:45 even in your retirement you've stepped beyond 37:48 the role of a retired person and you have come 37:53 into my personal life. 37:54 Dr Holmes, I am privileged to have you as part of 37:58 the district that I work within the mission 38:00 conference as a minister, I have listened to 38:02 what you have said and you have impacted me not 38:05 just as a pastor in training but you have impacted me as 38:08 a father, as a person as a man and as a Christian 38:11 and so we wanted to on behalf of GYC express 38:14 our appreciation to you in a very special way 38:17 we have received here a plaque and I want to say this 38:22 and I want to say this first 38:23 that if we had a million dollars 38:24 we would give it to you but we don't. 38:26 And so, this is just an expression 38:29 of what is in our hearts more than money is worth 38:32 and it says Dr. C. Rayman Holmes, 38:36 Pastor, teacher, author, mentor. 38:40 You have been faithful to the cause, 38:43 that's as a pastor, you have been faithful to 38:45 your pastorate, you have lived the example 38:48 of excellence, that's as a teacher 38:50 you have taught by example not just by word, 38:52 you have left directions worth following, 38:55 that's as an author, you have given us something 39:00 to follow not something that should be thrown away 39:01 and you have impacted not just one 39:03 generation but you have impacted 39:05 generation after generation. 39:07 On behalf of GYC I wanted to tell you here 39:10 that your labor is never in vain in the Lord, 39:14 I've asked Justin to share a couple of words 39:17 but before that Mrs. Holmes has stood by Dr. Holmes 39:20 aside not just as a strong wife would do, 39:24 but Mrs. Holmes in her own way has her own ministry 39:27 and she's in many time ministered to me 39:31 to my family. I remember the first 39:32 district meeting that I went to Mrs. Holmes, 39:34 as a new pastor in the upper Peninsula, 39:37 we sat down at worship and the Pastor 39:41 who was in charge of worship asked in the morning 39:44 devotion, what is justification by faith? 39:47 And I was looking around I thought our Pastor was 39:50 going to jump in and answer, because 39:51 that's typically what pastors do. 39:53 But Mrs. Holmes stood in and she began to 39:55 break down justification by faith to all of us 39:58 and I looked with a smile on my face, 40:01 I went home and I told my wife, Judy, I said, 40:03 the Pastor's wife's of today have a lot to learn 40:07 from Mrs. Holmes and more importantly 40:10 the Pastors of today have so much 40:13 to learn from you. 40:14 You have been by side of Dr. Holmes side all this time, 40:16 you have impacted the entire church 40:18 through your ministry Mrs. Holmes. 40:19 We want to give you just a couple of words 40:21 to say but first I want to give this to you Dr. Holmes 40:24 on behalf of GYC. We love you. 40:40 This has been a mountain top experience 40:48 for me to be at my first GYC, 40:51 a mountain top experience, a prefiguration of heaven. 40:54 Amen! And when I accepted the Sabbath, 40:59 as a Lutheran Pastor's wife, 41:01 it was like facing the Red sea, 41:04 I felt like a new born baby not knowing what lie, 41:09 lay ahead but God opened up that sea, 41:13 we have lived a rich and bountiful and wonderful 41:16 blessed life and we are looking forward to, 41:19 aren't we all, winning more and more victories 41:24 for Jesus and then laying our trophies 41:26 down at his feet. Amen. 41:27 God bless everyone of you, 41:31 Sora Koers, my mother always told me 41:35 that means keep a straight course. Amen! 41:41 In a little bit Dr. Holmes, we are going to ask 41:42 you to pray for our executive committee 41:44 and to share a few words, but I 41:45 want to ask Pastor Kim to share a couple of words 41:48 for us now, all of you may not be 41:53 directly familiar with Dr. Holmes, 41:55 when GYC was started in 2002 it was a 42:00 selfish endeavor, some of us young friends 42:03 we got together and we just said hey 42:05 who can we get, who we normally can't get 42:08 and just have them all to ourselves. 42:11 That was the first GYC, we just have work shops 42:15 and we called them work shops, it was just mentoring 42:17 sessions with the people that we wanted to 42:19 hear and be with. 42:21 There are few individuals though who have been 42:23 here at GYC are speakers, GYC has been 42:26 conglomeration of everyone's personalities 42:29 and ministries and contributions and sacrifices 42:33 but there are few who's very ministry, 42:37 theology, ideology, character 42:41 are inter-weaved into the very fabric 42:45 of this organization and this conference. 42:48 Elder Holmes is a Godly man, he is a source of 42:54 encouragement to us, to the young generation. 43:01 It is proof that this theory, this reality, 43:06 this gospel works. Its real, its doable 43:16 and he is living evidence of the grace of Jesus Christ. 43:21 He has written myriad of books, 43:25 we need to read all these books. Amen! 43:29 He left a legacy in ministry and I just wanted to say 43:32 Elder Holmes, you so refreshing 43:35 and you are grumpy, I love grumpy, 43:42 you are theologically stout, you sweat excellence 43:51 and he is normal and he is funny, 43:59 he is just a good guy, but more than that 44:03 his love for his Lord is just so dignified 44:08 and so just humble to be around, 44:10 its just the Grammateus that he has 44:14 is something that we the younger generation 44:16 does not have. 44:18 And for the first time in Earth's history 44:20 we need to start looking to the elder generation 44:23 for wisdom and for guidance and for direction 44:26 for the future. So Elder Holmes, 44:30 just a mere formality from one younger Pastor 44:35 to an older Pastor, I thank you for being my Paul 44:40 and I hope I can continue be a faithful Timothy to you. 44:47 Oh! What I ask at this time 44:51 Elder Gallimore if you can come out and Elder Gallimore 44:53 is going to representing the board 44:55 and he is going have a word of prayer 45:01 and I'm gonna ask if you can to, 45:02 I'll give you some words, yeah. 45:03 A lot, but time will not let us to do that 45:09 but what I want to say two things, 45:12 first of all Dr and Mrs. Holmes 45:15 did not know anything about this 45:16 and Mrs. Holmes is in her travel clothes 45:22 and I wanted to relieve this gracious woman 45:26 of any embarrassment and she wanted me to note that 45:31 this dear woman is a great woman of prayer 45:36 and if you are on her prayer list you are blessed. 45:39 The only thing I want to say to both of this couple is, 45:42 they could have retired and gone to some balmy climate, 45:47 but they returned to the upper peninsula of Michigan, 45:52 to the place where he as young people 45:56 they made a stand, left their Lutheran church 45:59 became Seventh-day Adventists, 46:01 today they are pasturing the church 46:05 in Bessemer, Iron Mountain, Michigan. 46:08 That church has more than doubled in size, 46:12 there is a new church building, 46:15 there is a new school building, 46:17 we didn't have a school there and we didn't have 46:20 any kids. Dr. Holmes came to us and he said 46:24 we got to have a school, so we are going to build one 46:26 and trust that God will send the kids 46:28 and the Lord did, they started coming out of the woodwork, 46:31 I just want to thank God that in their golden years 46:36 they have continued to give everything they 46:40 have to the cause of Christ, you may retire 46:44 from the seminary, but you didn't retire 46:46 from the work of your savior. 46:49 Amen! Lets bow our heads. Father in heaven 46:52 we want to thank you for working in the lives 46:54 of these two precious workers, teacher, minister, preacher, 47:02 mentor, the Spirit of God has raised them up, 47:06 the Spirit of God in his own unique and wonderful way 47:10 carved them out and made them a gift to the 47:14 great advent message. 47:16 Father in heaven, thank you for both of them, 47:19 we hear their words ringing in our ears 47:24 to be faithful to scripture, to be faithful to the 47:29 reformation and Lord, may we finish 47:31 that reformation soon and go home 47:35 and as young people see these two precious brothers 47:40 and sister, grandmother and grandfather in Israel, 47:44 may we say Lord Jesus put us on that kind 47:49 of path, in Jesus name. Amen. |
Revised 2014-12-17