Generation of Youth for Christ 2009

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sebastien Braxton


Series Code: 09GYC

Program Code: 09GYC000013

00:11 Good morning everyone. Audience: good morning!
00:14 I'm glad to see you all here this morning and to each one
00:17 of you could is here with us and watching from remote
00:19 places around the world, welcome to GYC
00:21 we are very glad that you are joining us.
00:24 Every day we have had the privilege of hearing powerful
00:27 messages that, I believe, have been through the lips of
00:31 humans but from the heart of God.
00:33 Each morning we have been challenged and the morning
00:38 messages set the tone for the day.
00:39 The first morning we were challenged, or we were
00:43 reminded that the grace of God, through Jesus Christ,
00:46 is what changes us, with a transformed life with a
00:49 'but now' experience we can be victorious
00:52 each day in Jesus.
00:53 The second morning we were challenged to be 'even if'
00:57 Christians, not just 'what if' Christians even challenged to
01:00 stand for righteousness regardless of our circumstances.
01:04 The third morning we were challenged to give God the
01:08 glory regardless of the circumstances, to give God
01:12 the glory, to witness for Him at each opportunity.
01:16 And this morning, the Lord has another message for us
01:20 from the lips of our brother Sebastien Braxton.
01:22 Let's keep a prayer in our hearts as he brings to us
01:25 the words from Jesus, and may each one of us have the
01:28 experience that the disciple's who were on the road to
01:31 Damascus had, after they realized that Jesus had been
01:34 with them, and as they said did not our hearts burn
01:37 within us while He talked with this by the way,
01:39 and while He opened into us the Scriptures.
01:41 God bless each one of you this morning.
01:53 If you all could please bow your heads with me for prayer.
01:56 Good morning Father, we just thank you so much for
01:59 waking us up this morning and for the gift of life that
02:03 You have blessed us with.
02:05 We want to praise You for just the high week that this
02:09 has been, all the incredible things we have learned and
02:13 heard and Lord we ask that You would let those burn in
02:16 our hearts, even after we leave GYC that we can share them
02:20 with our friends and family back at home to set their
02:24 hearts on fire as well.
02:25 God we ask for traveling mercies for everyone going home
02:29 today and we ask that Your presence would fill this room
02:32 right now, be with Sebastian as he presents Your
02:35 message, In Jesus name we pray, Amen!
02:46 Oh, GYC do you love Jesus? Audience: oh yes we love Jesus.
02:52 Are you sure you love Jesus? Audience: I'm sure I love Jesus.
02:57 And why do you love Jesus?
02:59 Audience: here's why I love Jesus,
03:02 because He first loved me, that is the reason that we
03:07 all ought to love Him.
03:09 Here's your last chance! Audience: Oh how I love Jesus,
03:14 I know you can do better.
03:15 Audience: oh how I love Jesus, oh how I love Jesus
03:24 because He first loved me.
03:29 How many of you, that is why you are here this morning?
03:32 It's because I love Jesus, Amen!
03:35 And before we jump into our message this morning,
03:40 two things, 1. I came downstairs to hear you sing
03:44 last night at the piano, I was blessed.
03:48 I was encouraged, I was excited, it to be back to Africa
03:52 for a minute as I praise God.
03:55 Except you guys were a little bit lighter.
04:02 2. I just would like to say that it has been a
04:08 privilege to be able to minister with Pastor Finley,
04:12 Pastor Asscherick, did you guys enjoy their messages?
04:17 Of course Chester is going to bless us later on this
04:20 morning, so it has been a privilege to minister with
04:24 as each of them have really impacted my life and a young
04:28 lady who led me into the church.
04:29 It was on some tapes, 'Youth For Jesus' in Atlanta.
04:33 So she popped in on the way home from college, I was a
04:37 rapper and so she said, do you mind if I give you a
04:40 ride, you guys never tried this kind of evangelism.
04:44 I'll give you a ride home and then you pop in a sermon
04:47 while you're driving the person home.
04:50 Then you drive extremely slowly so that you actually
04:54 get to hear the whole sermon.
04:58 So the first sermon I ever heard preached by an
05:01 Adventist preacher was a Revelations Lady in White,
05:03 about the remnant church.
05:05 It was a powerful message.
05:08 So I don't know of Pastor Asscherick is here, or he is
05:12 watching me on his Mac Book Pro in his hotel room,
05:15 but I wanted to let him know that the Lord has used
05:19 him mightily in my life.
05:20 I'm always grateful for his faithfulness to preaching
05:23 the word of God, Amen.
05:24 Surely I'm fruit from his ministry.
05:28 I say the same for Pastor Finley,
05:30 he is one of my favorite preachers.
05:32 I love to listen to pastor Finley preach, he's like an
05:35 old-time preacher, you know what I mean?
05:37 You know back in the day they used have the rhyming of
05:39 the alliteration's in their sermon.
05:41 You could take Daniel and change his master, but you
05:45 can't change his mind.
05:47 I'm sitting in the back getting teary eyed, man I love
05:50 listening to this and I almost started crying in the
05:53 middle of his sermon sitting in the back.
05:55 I was like Man, I love listening to preachers who it
06:00 has always been in their heart to finish God's work.
06:04 Pastor Finley is one of those people.
06:09 But in spite of all the encouraging words that I've
06:14 heard throughout this time, I also received a very
06:19 sobering text message this morning.
06:21 A little bit before 6 a. m. it was about a young man
06:24 who is not here, but some of his fellow young people
06:27 are here from his church.
06:29 He was watching this new movie that has come out,
06:33 'Paranormal Activity' as a result of this he started
06:38 having manifestations of demonic possession.
06:40 The young people texted me and said, can you pray
06:44 for him, so immediately I responded and it's done.
06:48 So for two hours, 21/2 to three hours they are praying
06:52 with him, the Pastor was there, they are calling anyone
06:56 they can in hallway to come, they are singing hymns.
06:59 I can probably imagine for them it was very eye opening
07:03 shattering type of experience.
07:07 So I told them I would allow us to say a word of prayer
07:12 for this young man, is that okay?
07:14 But before we do that I want to go on record saying that
07:20 there are people, sometimes, who think that watching
07:26 such films and partaking in certain kinds of
07:30 experiences is no big deal.
07:35 Sometimes it is sad that it takes a young man to become
07:37 demonically possessed for us to come to an
07:40 understanding that we should be avoiding these things
07:42 in the first place.
07:44 Young people don't let it get that far.
07:49 Why do I have to give up this music?
07:51 Why do I have to put aside these movies?
07:54 You are playing on the devil's ground.
08:01 But there are some among us you may call liberal,
08:04 I call them backslidden, Amen? Audience: Amen.
08:07 It's okay to watch these things, and I say really.
08:11 Well explain that to young man Mark why it is okay to
08:14 watch those things as he is experiencing demonic possession.
08:16 Ask him what he thinks about the issue.
08:20 So if you will bow your heads with me, I'm going to
08:24 kneel and pray for Mark before we jump into my sermon.
08:34 Heavenly Father, we would like to thank You for the gift
08:39 of life and we know Lord that it is not because we were
08:43 so righteous yesterday that you decided to give us life.
08:50 Father we thank you for gathering us here this morning,
08:53 we asked by the power of Your Holy Spirit, You would
08:57 bless us through understanding that You would enlighten
09:00 the eyes of our minds that we may be able to perceive
09:04 truth as it is in Jesus, that we may learn more of His
09:09 loveliness, and we may sit at the feet of Him
09:12 who is the source of beauty. The beauty of holiness.
09:17 Father we lived up this young soul, Mark, you know why
09:21 the devil has sought to torment his life, and You of all
09:26 know the purpose that You created him for.
09:30 So we commit him into Your hands, lifting him up at this
09:35 hour asking Father that Jesus may have victory in his soul.
09:39 That he would not just allow the demon to be cast
09:43 out to find his home swept, garnished, and empty.
09:46 But that he may ask Jesus to abide in his own life.
09:51 As he experiences this victory Lord, may he not keep
09:54 this experience to himself, but may he allow it to be
09:58 a means to warn other young people from making similar
10:03 mistakes, and now Lord as we come to our final message,
10:08 we pray Father for Your wisdom, that Your Spirit would
10:13 travel from heart to heart and from mind to mind and
10:17 pressing truth upon his soul.
10:19 That it will have a sanctifying power over our lives.
10:23 This is our prayer and we ask that You will help this
10:28 to be our experience.
10:30 For we asked this in Jesus name, Amen.
10:38 The title of our sermon is 'Unfulfilled Dreams. '
10:44 Unfulfilled Dreams, if you go, I believe it's in
10:50 Tennessee, to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.
10:56 One of Dr. Kings close friend was is man
11:01 by the name of Ralph Abernathy.
11:04 If you have ever been in Atlanta you would know
11:06 about the Abernathy highway.
11:10 Ralph Abernathy, after Dr. King was assassinated,
11:14 they said you were close to Dr. King, what is your
11:17 response to his assassination?
11:19 What is your response to such a tragic loss of, not just
11:23 a friend, but also a fellow leader in a movement
11:28 for Justice and he looked at the camera and they
11:32 decided to quote him for the memorial.
11:34 He said, it reminds me of a verse in the word of God.
11:40 When Joseph's brothers were on their way to kill Joseph,
11:46 and they said let us slay the dreamer and see what
11:51 becomes of his dreams.
11:53 It seems as if life, is a continual story,
12:00 of unfulfilled dreams.
12:02 Have you ever had a dream, I had to confess I even had
12:09 a dream for this unashamed conference.
12:12 After opening night I said Lord give me an opportunity,
12:16 like Justin on opening night, for the camera guy to be
12:20 right here on the stage and for me to ask him to backup.
12:26 But they never came on stage, so life will continue
12:30 to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
12:34 But on a more serious note, when I was a child the thing
12:39 I loved the most was football.
12:41 Ever since I could walk, that is all I wanted
12:45 to do was to play football.
12:47 And living in inner-city Chicago, I was this little kid,
12:50 probably about 5-6 years old, but apparently I was
12:53 really fast so I would always ask my mom if
12:56 I could play football.
12:57 I was playing with high school kids.
13:02 Here I am this little first grader on this field,
13:04 and back in Chicago we don't play football like you
13:07 see on TV, there are no rules.
13:11 We play pile up tackle football.
13:14 And so what this means is there are no downs, first down
13:18 second down, third down, all it is, is someone throws
13:21 the ball and they give it the fastest person.
13:24 Which sometimes happened to be me.
13:28 So one of my middle names is Jamaal, so they would say
13:32 Little Jay you catch the ball and we are going to block
13:35 for you, so I would be waiting and catch the ball
13:37 and I would start running.
13:38 I running down this field, and as I'm running down this
13:42 field, I remember, I thought I had a few moves so I
13:45 start juking around, turning doing this.
13:47 But there was this one kid that was a very big guy.
13:52 I don't mean muscular, and me being six years
13:55 old, I think I just didn't gauge it right.
13:58 As I was running down the field I thought I could go around
14:02 him, but I didn't miss him and my shoulder hit
14:06 him and I started twirling in the air, fell on the
14:10 ground, and of course this is pile up tackle football.
14:15 So this enormously large young man decided to plop
14:19 himself down on top of me.
14:22 After that I don't know what happened, everyone else
14:26 jumped on top and when they finally peeled everybody
14:29 off of me, of course I was crying.
14:32 Extremely bruised, I came into my moms house like I
14:38 was returning from the Vietnam war.
14:42 My mom comes in, I told you not to play football
14:46 with those big kids.
14:47 She sees my little scrapes and bruises and says,
14:50 you know what? I'm not going get the hydrogen peroxide,
14:53 I'm going to get the alcohol.
14:54 I'm like oh no, so she takes the alcohol and starts
14:59 dabbing my little bruises and I am squirming and trying
15:04 to be tough and as soon as she is done and the Band-Aids
15:09 are all on, I'm like, mom can I go play football?
15:16 When I got older I remember going to high school and
15:19 I asked my parents, I went to field training and the
15:21 scrimmages and came home with a form.
15:23 I said mom can you sign this, that's all I need so
15:26 I can play football.
15:28 My mom said no you are going to get hurt.
15:31 I argued, and argued, and argued and she said alright
15:35 call your dad, so I called my dad.
15:37 Daddy can I play football? No you're going to get hurt.
15:44 So we argued, and argued, and argued and nothing came out
15:46 and I showed up the next day to the coach and I said
15:48 my parents won't sign the waiver form.
15:50 I remember how brokenhearted I was,
15:53 this 13 year old kid, life seemed to be a continual
15:58 story of unfulfilled dreams.
16:02 Turn with me to the book of 2 Chronicles 6:
16:12 when you are there say Amen! Audience: Amen!
16:16 There is mercy.
16:24 2 Chronicles 6:1, the Bible says this, "then said,
16:29 "Salmon, the Lord had said that he would dwell in the
16:35 "thick darkness, but I have built a house of habitation
16:40 "for thee, and a place for thy dwelling for ever.
16:46 "And the King turned his face and blessed the whole
16:51 "congregation of Israel.
16:54 "And all the congregation of Israel stood, and he said
16:58 "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel who hath with his
17:01 "hands fulfilled that which he spake with his mouth
17:05 "to my father David saying,
17:09 Since the day that I brought forth my people out of
17:11 "the land of Egypt, I chose no city among all the tribes
17:15 "of Israel to build a house in, that my name might be
17:19 "there, neither chose I any man to be ruler over my
17:23 "people Israel, but I have chosen Jerusalem, that my
17:27 "name might be there and I have chosen David to
17:30 "be over my people Israel.
17:32 " Now it was in the heart of David my father, to build a
17:36 "house for the name of the Lord God Israel, but the Lord
17:40 "said to David my father, for as much as it was within thine
17:44 "heart to build a house for my name, thou didst well in
17:51 "that it was within thine heart.
17:52 "Notwithstanding thou shall not build the house, but thy
17:58 "son, which shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall
18:03 "build the house for my name. "
18:09 You see, have you ever had a dream that
18:13 was never fulfilled?
18:15 Sometimes it is the dream itself.
18:23 Before I was a Christian, my dream was to become a hip-hop
18:27 superstar, that was my dream.
18:30 Every breath, every social interaction, every place
18:35 I went, even in college I had a boom box that I kept
18:39 at the Rec center, so when I would leave class
18:42 we would have the boom box, doing our little
18:45 rap sessions on campus.
18:49 This was my life, this was my dream, but there was
18:53 something wrong with the dream.
18:55 So life continue to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
19:01 But even more so, sometimes it's the dreamer.
19:05 God told David yes, it was within your heart to build
19:10 Me a house, but you can build the house David.
19:14 The problem is not the dream. The problem is the dreamer.
19:21 But He said David it is well because
19:26 it was within your heart.
19:28 We have all tasted this bitter cup.
19:32 We all, if we could, have time to sit down with our
19:38 parents and say mom what was your dream?
19:42 What did you want to be when you grew up?
19:45 I remember talking to a young lady's mom once, and she
19:49 said you know I always wanted to be in a music Ministry.
19:56 Her mother works at an accounting firm,
19:59 and life continues to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
20:06 I think about a story I heard about the Rwandan
20:11 genocide, and how when the Hotoos were killing all the
20:16 Tootsie's and it was just starting and then they realized
20:21 that they started killing Tootsie children.
20:28 This lady came and she was trying to hide this orphanage,
20:31 Rwandan children, as they came in they wanted
20:34 to kill them slowly so they didn't use guns,
20:38 they used machetes.
20:41 She remembered them making her watch as an American
20:45 them killed this young girl.
20:46 She looked at her and said please help me?
20:50 Please help me? And right before she was killed she
20:54 turn to the lady and said I don't want to be a Tootsie
20:59 anymore, I promise I won't be a Tootsie anymore.
21:04 And life continued to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
21:12 I think about slaves who used to sing songs, the only
21:20 way for their heart to experience freedom.
21:25 Sometimes I get discouraged and think my work is in
21:29 vain, but then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.
21:34 There is a balm in Gilead.
21:37 Life continued to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
21:42 I think about the Holocaust, and reading that book by
21:48 Elie Wiesel, called 'Night', and he remembered when he
21:53 was going into the concentration camp.
21:55 He said my only desire is for me and my father to
22:01 survive and after four years, just months before they
22:07 were liberated, his father died.
22:11 He sat there on the bed, and the last voice he heard
22:17 was his father calling out to him.
22:18 Eleazar, Eleazar, he said deep down in my heart I was
22:25 angry that he was calling my name.
22:29 When they finally killed him there was a sense of peace
22:33 in my heart as if a burden was lifted.
22:36 He said it broke my heart that I even felt this way.
22:41 Months later he walked away free, without his father.
22:46 And life continue to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
22:52 Turn with me to the book of Hebrews chapter 11.
23:01 You see friends I believe that much of the Bible is
23:06 teaching us how life has continued to be
23:10 a story of unfulfilled dreams.
23:16 We start with Abraham in Hebrews 11:8.
23:20 The Bible says, "by faith Abraham when he was called to
23:25 "go out into place which he should after receive for
23:28 "inheritance obeyed and he went out, not knowing
23:32 "whether he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of
23:36 "promise as in a strange country, dwelling in
23:40 "Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of
23:44 "the same promise for he looked for a city which had
23:47 "foundations whose, builder and maker is God. "
23:50 Verse 13: "these all died in faith not having received
23:56 " the promises, but having seen them for a far-off and
24:00 "were persuaded of them, and embraced them and confessed
24:05 "they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
24:08 "For they did say such things declare plainly that they seek a
24:11 "country and truly, if they had been mindful of that
24:15 "country from whence they came out they might have had
24:20 "opportunity to have returned, but now they desire a
24:25 "better country. " Or I can say they dreamed of a better
24:30 "country, that is as in heavenly.
24:33 "Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God. "
24:40 And for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob life continued to be
24:45 a story of unfulfilled dreams.
24:50 Turn with me to the book of Genesis 40, we have the
24:59 story of Joseph, Genesis 40 and while Joseph is in
25:07 prison he interprets the dream of one of Pharaoh's
25:15 servants, in verse 12.
25:22 "And Joseph said unto him, this is the interpretation of
25:28 "it, the three branches are three days. Yet within
25:33 "three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head and restore
25:36 "thee unto thy place and thou shalt deliver Pharaohs cup
25:40 "into his hand. And after the former manner when thou
25:44 "was his butler, but think upon me when it shall be well
25:48 "with you and show kindness I pray the unto to me and make
25:51 "mention of me unto Pharaoh and bring me out of this
25:55 "house, for indeed I was stolen away out of the land of
25:59 "the Hebrews and here also have I done nothing that they
26:03 "should put me into the dungeon. "
26:05 You see in Joseph's heart there was a dream that one day
26:09 I could go home, back to my father's house.
26:13 I was stolen, and when you go back into pharaohs
26:18 court remember me he said.
26:22 But we know that Joseph was never able to go home.
26:28 So you turn to Genesis 50, and it was finally dawning
26:37 upon Joseph that he would not be able to leave Egypt
26:45 and go back to the land of his father's.
26:48 So he comes to his brethren in verse 24 of Genesis 50.
26:56 "And Joseph said unto his brethren I die. "
26:59 He said, "I am dying and God will surely visit you and
27:05 "bring you out of this land unto the land which he swear
27:09 "to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. And Joseph took
27:13 "an oath of the children of Israel saying God will"
27:17 "surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones. "
27:21 I won't be able to go with you when you get into the
27:24 promised land, but since life will continue to be a
27:29 story of unfulfilled dreams, I want you to carry out my
27:33 bones even though I cannot make it, at least bury me
27:37 there, don't bury me in Egypt.
27:41 And Joseph says I have a dream and God looks down to
27:46 these patriarchs, and He says, Abraham I know it was within
27:50 your heart, you wanted to see the promises.
27:58 You wanted to bring the heathen nations to the feet of
28:00 God, you see Joseph wanted to go home.
28:06 God said to them it is well because it was within your
28:10 heart, but then we also have Moses.
28:14 Go with me to Deuteronomy chapter 34, then you also
28:22 have Moses, this great leader of Israel.
28:28 Deuteronomy 34:1,
28:35 "and Moses went up from the plains of
28:41 "Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah
28:44 "that is over against Jericho. And the Lord showed him
28:50 "all the land of Gilead as far as Dan, all Naphtali,
28:55 "and the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of
29:00 Judah as far as the western sea, the South, and the
29:04 "plain of the Valley of Jericho, and this city of palm
29:07 "trees, to Zoar. The Lord said unto him. This is the
29:11 "land. " Can you imagine, this is the land?
29:18 God is showing Moses Himself.
29:22 All this time Moses, 120 years and God sits on the
29:27 shoulders of his servant and He points to him,
29:31 "this is the land which I swear to Abraham, Isaac, and
29:36 "Jacob, saying I will give it unto thy seed. I have
29:41 "caused you to see it with your eyes Moses.
29:47 "But you shall not cross over there. "
29:50 Life continued to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
29:59 40 years in the wilderness, being accused of usurping
30:05 leadership, finally praying for a rebellious nation,
30:11 interceding for people who don't even want to follow God.
30:16 God is saying Moses you know what I will just make
30:19 a nation out of you, forget these people.
30:22 Moses said, Lord if you don't take them to the
30:25 promised land, I don't go.
30:30 Putting his own dreams aside.
30:33 And God looked at Moses because of one mistake friends,
30:38 one mistake that Moses made, and he was looking over on
30:44 the mountain top, this time not to receive the
30:47 Commandments of God, not to receive instructions to
30:51 build the sanctuary, but to see the land of his dreams,
30:55 only to know he could never enter.
30:59 Life continued to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
31:07 Turn with me to the book of Acts 1:8,
31:26 Acts 1:8, when you are there, say Amen. Audience: Amen.
31:36 And Jesus about to leave His disciples, in verse 8
31:42 He says, "but you shall receive power after that the
31:47 "Holy Ghost is come upon you; and you shall be witnesses
31:53 "unto Me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
31:58 "in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. "
32:01 Here is the last words you hear from God on earth,
32:05 whom you have had the privilege of walking with.
32:09 As Jesus is ascending He says, you shall receive power.
32:14 And guess what Peter, guess what John, you're going to
32:19 take this gospel unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
32:25 He had already told them that He would return when this
32:29 gospel is preached to all the world for a witness.
32:32 The disciples heard that on the Mount of olives.
32:36 So they thought to themselves, here comes the dream.
32:40 If we can preach the gospel to all the world we can
32:45 see Jesus come back in our generation.
32:48 It was in the heart of the apostles and then you
32:52 bring in Paul, it was in the heart of Paul raising up
32:57 churches, and then you find that eventually James get
33:02 martyred, Peter gets crucified upside down.
33:06 Thomas is dragged through the streets of India for
33:10 preaching the gospel and yet and still life continue
33:13 to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
33:16 Desiring to see Jesus come, but never able to see.
33:20 Do you have a dream?
33:27 You see friends GYC exists because somebody had a
33:32 dream, and God looks down at Moses seeking to lead
33:38 His people into the promised land.
33:40 God looks down at the apostles, to Peter, to James,
33:45 and to John, and when they get to heaven and they are
33:49 looking Jesus face to face and they say Lord we wanted
33:53 to finish Your work in our generation.
33:56 And Jesus will say, Peter, Peter it is well because it
34:03 was within your heart.
34:06 Paul, being beheaded by Nero, standing before King
34:11 Agrippa, he says King Agrippa I wish that you were not
34:17 only almost, but all and completely persuaded to be a
34:22 Christian, even as I am, except for these bonds.
34:25 and God will look in the face of Paul and He will say
34:31 Paul it is well because it was within your heart.
34:39 Our Advent pioneers, they wanted to see Jesus come.
34:47 Can you imagine October 11, 1844?
34:52 They thought Jesus was coming in 11 days.
35:00 Ellen white describes that prayer meeting and how
35:05 no one would go to sleep until they knew in their
35:09 heart of hearts that there was nothing between
35:14 my soul and the Savior.
35:16 I wanted to make sure I was ready and it makes me
35:20 wonder if we really thought Jesus was coming, if we
35:23 really believed in our heart of hearts would we have
35:26 prayed the same we prayed this morning?
35:28 Would we have had the conversations we had last night,
35:33 and you think about how this church was founded,
35:37 how God raised up this Remnant church and you see the
35:41 spirit of dedication, the sacrifice, and the commitment.
35:49 I remember reading about one of my favorites, J. N.
35:55 Andrews, going over to France as a missionary, got on
36:00 the ship with his daughters and when he got on the ship
36:04 he told his daughters, he said look, he said look
36:11 we're going to France so we don't speaking English
36:15 anymore, and he told his daughter were not going to
36:20 speak anymore English, they had to learn French.
36:23 He got to France and started doing the Ministry,
36:28 producing periodicals and then they got word that
36:33 J Andrews was sick.
36:36 So Ellen White and some of the brethren got a chance
36:38 to visit him, and when the doctor came they realized he
36:41 was starving himself.
36:44 They said this man is not eating, he said what are you
36:48 talking about and they found out that he was starving
36:52 himself and not using the funds they sent for his food
36:56 so that he could print more tracks.
36:59 They described that in the last year of his life how
37:05 he would come to his table to have devotions, and
37:12 because he was sick, he couldn't stay awake very long.
37:16 His body was so weak and they said he would sit down at
37:20 his table and put his head on his Bible and just cry.
37:26 As he was on his deathbed they say he was constantly
37:30 haunted, I didn't do enough, there is more I could have
37:35 done to further the work of God.
37:40 And then he said this line in French, I rest everything
37:43 in the hands of God.
37:46 God is going to take J. Andrews when he gets to
37:50 heaven and He's going to say it is well because it
37:54 was within your heart.
37:56 He is going to take James White and He is going to say,
38:01 it is well because it was within your heart.
38:05 He was in the heart of my brother Israel Rommel's that
38:10 there exists an army of young people who want to see
38:15 Jesus come in their generation.
38:19 Israel, God is going to tell you it is well,
38:25 even if He doesn't come before you die because
38:31 it was within your heart.
38:35 One day brothers and sisters Jesus is going to get
38:39 heaven and the Bible says that God would have all men to
38:47 be saved, He is not willing that any should perish.
38:53 And Jesus is going to come to heaven and everyone is
38:57 not going to be there, and He is going to say wait and
39:01 everyone is going to put their crowns down at His feet.
39:04 The Father is going to take His Son He gave for you
39:08 and me and He will say it is well Jesus because
39:11 it was within your heart.
39:13 It is well because it was within your heart.
39:18 My question this morning, is it even in your heart
39:24 to finish the work?
39:27 We don't have to be ashamed if it doesn't happen through us
39:32 because God was talking to David.
39:36 You wanted to build me a house, and David it is well
39:44 that it was within your heart.
39:47 After Solomon built it, David was dead.
39:56 Solomon said, it was in the heart of David my father
40:00 to build a house for my God.
40:05 It was in his heart, and my fear GYC is for many of us
40:11 it's just a conference, just seminars, just want to
40:17 deal with the hard issues.
40:19 My question is, is it even in your heart to finish the work?
40:24 I'm tired, I look at Mark Finley and it brings me
40:29 to tears because I can see it's in his heart.
40:33 He wants to finish the work, he wants to go home.
40:38 All these years he has faithfully preached
40:40 the word of God.
40:42 I listened to C. D. Brooks and it breaks my heart.
40:45 All these years he has faithfully preached
40:49 the word of God.
40:50 And now they look at us and the question is,
40:55 is it even in your heart? Is it even in your heart?
41:02 Are we just playing youth conference?
41:08 Will live continue to be a story of unfulfilled dreams?
41:14 This morning that is my question.
41:19 This is sermon breaks my heart because sometimes I
41:25 get discouraged, I'm not going to lie.
41:29 Sometimes you wonder, is your work in vain?
41:35 Why spend the long hours studying the word of God?
41:39 Why get up and preach, young people oh brother
41:42 Sebastian, pastor Asscherick, I enjoyed your sermon.
41:48 We're not here for entertainment young people.
41:50 We are not here to just rouse your hearts and say,
41:53 rah, rah, rah this is great.
41:55 It is because in our hearts we are saying Lord, Jesus
41:59 charged us as ministers before God and before Jesus
42:03 who will judge the quick and the dead at His appearing.
42:06 Preach the word, and because we preach the word to
42:11 challenge young people to believe, we are not extra
42:16 ordinary people, we are not superstars, we want to go
42:20 home just like you.
42:26 So the danger is we leave this conference, like he said
42:30 in Ezekiel, oh they treat you like a man with a
42:34 lovely voice, they will listen to you but they
42:38 won't do what you say.
42:43 Brothers and sisters we have to be of a certain kind of
42:48 heart, and within your heart and mine, we have to find
42:53 out, is it within my heart?
42:59 Have we made a commitment in our minds?
43:01 Brothers and sisters there is only two options for a
43:06 unashamed Christian, either Jesus comes and we finish
43:12 the work, or I die trying.
43:14 That is where it was in David's heart.
43:17 You can't build it David, God said.
43:20 It wasn't because it wasn't in his heart, it was because
43:25 God said he couldn't build it.
43:26 It wasn't the dream, it was the dreamer.
43:32 So my appeal this morning, I don't need to prolong this
43:35 any longer, is it in your heart?
43:38 If you want to say this morning, before the Lord Jesus
43:42 Christ, forget about the cameras, forget about your
43:46 friends, forget about what is popular, just to look up.
43:50 I do not want people to come up just because it's
43:52 another appeal, if you are going to come up here right
43:56 now, you are coming up and saying, Sebastian our heart
44:00 is with yours, our heart is with you pastor Finley,
44:04 David Asscherick, and Israel.
44:10 I'm not ashamed to have an unfulfilled dream,
44:13 I'm not ashamed.
44:18 It is in my heart to finish the work, it is a my heart
44:27 I want to finish it.
44:29 You are saying Lord this morning either I am going
44:35 to finish the work by Your grace or I am going to die trying.
44:39 Just kneel with me where ever you are as you are
44:43 coming up, where ever you are.
44:50 As you come up, we can keep coming up, but this morning
44:55 but we are saying, life doesn't have to continue to be
45:00 a story of unfulfilled dreams.
45:02 We are coming before Jesus, our Creator, our Savior
45:12 and our coming King.
45:14 We are saying this morning Jesus it's in my heart,
45:22 it's in my heart to finish Your work and to see You
45:29 come in my generation.
45:31 Give us what we need Lord, give us what we need.
45:39 That is what we are saying.
45:45 I want to give you a moment to just talk the Lord
45:50 with in your own heart.
45:55 Just to talk to Him within your own heart.
46:00 Is it really within my heart, and if it's not Lord
46:03 place it there, give me courage.
46:12 Help me to be unashamed Lord so that life doesn't
46:16 continue to be a story of unfulfilled dreams.
46:44 Heavenly Father, we come before you as one-man
46:54 and we are saying this morning Lord, encouraged by
47:01 Your words to David, that it was in the heart of
47:06 David, Solomon's father, to build a house for You.
47:12 But you told David, Father, for as much is it was
47:17 within thine heart thou did well, that it was
47:23 within thine heart.
47:25 Lord we are coming before you today realizing we don't
47:30 have to be ashamed of unfulfilled dreams.
47:36 Encouraged to know that even though we may not see the
47:41 fruition of everything that we have dreamed, that one
47:46 day You are going to come before us, in heaven You are
47:50 going to say it is well because it was within your heart.
47:56 This morning we are saying Lord, because we really
48:00 believe we are the last generation, it's in our
48:06 hearts Lord, we have the young people, help us to
48:11 be rightly trained and help us to take the message
48:20 of a crucified and soon coming Savior, to all the
48:28 world in this generation.
48:31 Father for us, all we pray this morning as GYC,
48:40 all we pray this morning is that it would be within
48:45 our hearts Lord so that the issue will never be the
48:50 dreamer, it will never be the dream,
48:54 and it won't be the dreamer
48:57 and we can see Jesus coming in the clouds of glory.
49:02 We can be raptured up to meet the Lord in the air.
49:09 This is our prayer, and we ask that You'll help this to be
49:14 our experience, for we ask in Jesus name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17