Generation of Youth for Christ 2009

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Paul Howe


Series Code: 09GYC

Program Code: 09GYC000012

00:11 Good afternoon GYC Audience: good afternoon.
00:14 Are you enjoying your Sabbath thus far? Audience: Amen!
00:18 Amen, I have enjoyed this year at GYC,
00:22 this is my fifth year.
00:24 It is good to see some new faces here, good to see
00:28 some old faces as well.
00:30 I am wanting to welcome you all to our afternoon
00:33 evening/session and we have some extra time so I thought
00:38 I would share a testimony of my own.
00:41 I am from California, but I was a graduate student in
00:45 Madison, Wisconsin for the last maybe 51/2 years.
00:49 While a graduate student the Lord impressed me that He
00:53 would like to into the medical field.
00:55 I had never thought about becoming a physician before
00:57 so that was a surprise.
00:59 In the course of applying to medical school,
01:02 we all know that it is very, very expensive.
01:05 As I began my graduate career, I was reading testimonies
01:10 volume 1 and Ellen white talks about returning, what
01:15 some people call double tithe, 10% for your tithe and 10% for
01:18 offering, and my dad had mentioned this to me several
01:21 times and I had read it for myself.
01:22 I said in my heart, God this is something that I want to do.
01:25 I want to be faithful to this knowledge that you have
01:29 given me and I did that throughout my graduate career.
01:33 I applied to medical school I was praying for financial
01:36 support and the Lord blessed.
01:39 He provided me with four year full tuition scholarships
01:42 You know, worth $180,000, so I just want to
01:46 encourage all of you here, not only in that area of
01:49 financial stewardship, but also into every area of your
01:53 life to be unashamed, to be faithful, and to know in
01:56 advance that God is going to work all of your needs
01:59 according to His will and glory.
02:01 Sit back and relax to all those watching online,
02:04 and joining us on 3ABN, and those of you that
02:07 are here again we welcome you to GYC.
02:19 Would you all please bow your heads with me as we pray.
02:23 Heavenly Father we praise You so much for GYC and for
02:26 the opportunity to be here this weekend and for Your
02:29 Sabbath blessings. Lord we praise You so much for the
02:32 commitments that have been made thus far, for the
02:34 speakers and the ways that You have spoken to us.
02:37 Lord I want to pray a special blessing on Paul Howe as
02:40 he shares his testimony today Lord I pray that You will
02:44 speak to us through it Lord.
02:45 We know that in the witnesses of Your saints Lord,
02:49 that You speak to multitudes so
02:52 Lord I pray a special blessing upon that time and upon
02:55 the rest of Your Sabbath hours, in Jesus name Amen.
03:07 Good afternoon, again, GYC! Audience: good afternoon!
03:10 How many of you have your Bibles here with you
03:12 this afternoon? Can I see them?
03:17 Something is happening in our segment this afternoon
03:19 that comes from an exciting miracle that God has been
03:23 working with the Remnant Publication and Thomas Nelson.
03:26 Some exciting developments that have been taking place
03:28 with God putting studying notes into a Bible.
03:31 Before we do that, I wonder if we can show you a
03:33 video about the Bible.
03:42 Welcome to the last study Bible you will ever need.
03:45 The New Remnant Study Bible has all the study aids
03:48 serious Bible students have come to expect.
03:50 Like book introductions and outlines, an extensive
03:53 concordance, over 40,000 cross-references.
03:56 Words of Christ in red, maps and charts.
04:00 But hey check this out, with hundreds of other study
04:02 Bibles on the market, the Remnant Study Bible stands
04:05 head and shoulders above rest.
04:07 Not only because it's every thing you've always needed in
04:10 a study Bible, but because it will take studying your
04:12 Bible to an entirely new level.
04:14 From the hottest pen since the Bible prophets.
04:18 A masterful commentary of Ellen G. White is now included
04:21 alongside the New King James Bible text, as you read these
04:25 thought-provoking nuggets stand out from the main
04:27 Bible text and offer spirit field insight to bring
04:30 text to light in an inspiring and practical way.
04:33 You know what, if we stopped right here, this Bible
04:35 would be an invaluable resource to every home.
04:38 But keep watching because we're just getting started.
04:41 The remnant study Bible offers extensive study
04:44 tools that not only help you understand, but also enable you
04:48 to share these truths with others in a whole new
04:51 and effective way.
04:52 So yeah, go ahead and feel confident to share topics
04:55 such as the prophecies in Daniel chapters 2, 7, and 8
04:59 and the 2300 day prophecy.
05:01 See the plan of salvation plainly revealed in the
05:04 sanctuary and study the miracles and parables of Jesus
05:07 in a deeper way than ever before
05:09 But perhaps one of the most powerful features of the Remnant
05:12 Study Bible is the built in Bible chained reference.
05:15 A ready to go Bible study system that will allow you to
05:19 effectively guide yourself or a student through
05:21 major Bible teachings.
05:23 Select a topic for study from the 20 included topics and
05:27 turn to the first text.
05:28 To help you to find the text quickly, a chain-link is placed
05:32 to the side the text that expands the entire
05:34 passage to be read.
05:35 After you read and discuss the verse, a reference
05:38 to the next text in the chain is found at the
05:40 end of the passage.
05:42 These subjects are made crystal clear as the
05:44 Bible interprets itself.
05:45 The Remnant has teamed with Thomas Nelson Publishers
05:48 working together for over a year making this the
05:51 best study Bible ever offered at any price.
05:55 After the team of over 30 Spirit-led contributors,
05:58 prayerfully and carefully selected the comments of
06:01 Ellen G. White, we compile the note's, images, tools and
06:04 resources, and these were all edited by the world-class
06:08 editing team at Thomas Nelson.
06:10 We have gone to great links to make this Bible one that
06:13 you will be confident to use as you study and share.
06:16 Okay here's the deal, the apostle Peter makes a bold
06:20 call to young people of all ages to be a part of God's
06:23 special forces team.
06:25 We have done our very best to provide you with the most
06:27 powerful sword of truth available.
06:29 Now the decision is in your hand, will you accept the
06:34 challenge to become part of God's Army of youth.
06:37 Equip your self today.
06:45 Wow, a study Bible with Ellen White and
06:48 New King James Version, I have with me Dwight Hall, President
06:50 of Remnants Publications, did I notice correctly that this is
06:53 being released by Thomas Nelson?
06:55 That is the miracle about this Phil, they came to us.
07:00 They flew into Remnant Publications and here's
07:02 what they said, we see on your website that you sell
07:05 a lot of Spirit of Prophecy books, or Ellen white books.
07:08 We see that Ellen G. White, and we have been reading
07:11 that she is a lot of in-depth study on the Bible.
07:14 Would you be willing to work with us to do a Thompson
07:18 New King James Bible with Ellen White helps?
07:20 I said no not really, I said yeah!
07:25 It was a miracle, and there are so many miracles that
07:27 I don't have time for.
07:28 So Thomas Nelson came to you, they asked if you would put
07:32 together a study help with Ellen White quotes and their
07:35 publishing and releasing it?
07:36 Absolutely and not only that they had their editors,
07:39 they had to go through all these comments make sure they
07:41 went along with the Bible text.
07:43 I mean miracle, after miracle, after miracle.
07:46 Not only are they publishing, they're editors actually read
07:49 the beliefs we have solely from the Bible, Amen!
07:52 And what we wanted to do with GYC it's for every
07:55 Bible that is sold here up to the 15th of January,
07:58 we want to give a donation to GYC to help on this
08:02 Africa Project that you have.
08:04 Africa Project, so if someone gets a Bible here GYC,
08:07 what happens with that?
08:09 They get tremendous study aide, like never before the
08:13 best study Bible that has ever been produced.
08:16 Up to $15 of that Bible purchase will go to GYC.
08:20 Isn't that great?
08:23 And with that we are building one-day churches in
08:26 Africa and also other evangelistic resources.
08:29 So, not only do we have an amazing Bible,
08:32 with Ellen White quotes, but you also are helping
08:34 spread the gospel around the world.
08:37 So everyone can be what? not ashamed of the gospel
08:42 of Christ, thank you so much Dwight,
08:43 I really appreciate it. Thank you!
08:45 Our next guests are going to be coming to us from GYC
08:49 Southwest Youth Conference in lona Missions.
08:52 I wonder if I could invite Angie David and Matthew Morea
08:56 and the group from there that are going to come up with me.
09:00 Angie, tell me a little bit about GYC Southwest.
09:04 GYC Southwest is one of the regional affiliates of GYC.
09:08 We are based in Southern California region and we are
09:12 primarily there to reach out to the young people in the
09:15 southwestern states of the United States.
09:18 We conduct a yearly conference called the Southwest
09:21 Yukon friends and we want to bring the spirit of GYC
09:25 to Southern California, to Nevada, to the Arizona,
09:28 to all the young people in that region.
09:31 I notice that you have Matt Morella of lona here with you,
09:34 are you two teaming together, what's going on there?
09:37 Matthew you would like to tell us a little bit about that.
09:41 Well first off lona is a Bible training program seeking to
09:45 educate and ground young people in the teachings and
09:47 the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church by
09:50 showing them how to study the Bible for themselves.
09:54 This June we are teeming with GYC Southwest, providing
09:58 an intense one-week course on how to study the Bible.
10:01 Our director of lona, Peter Gregory is going to take
10:04 the students through a verse by verse study of the
10:08 book of Galatians and that will go through how to
10:12 think, or how to ask a question, and how to understand
10:15 the book of Galatians for themselves.
10:17 So you are telling me that studying one book of the Bible,
10:20 we can understand how to study the rest of the Bible?
10:26 Well the main goal of intense is so that we can provide
10:30 tips, tools, and techniques of how to study the Bible
10:34 for yourself so you can apply those same tools with
10:38 other books of the Bible.
10:41 Angie, one week, please tell us how is it being done.
10:43 Well this is going to be very intense and we have a
10:46 wonderful group of volunteers who are putting
10:49 heart and soul into this project.
10:50 You know what Phil, I have to share a personal testimony
10:53 about why we are doing this.
10:55 Because when I was preparing to come to GYC, I was
10:58 praying and asked the Lord please give me a special
11:01 message just for myself, and as wonderful as the
11:04 speakers and seminars have been, it came through
11:08 personal Bible study with a friend of mine.
11:10 We sat there and we studied a couple verses of
11:13 the Bible and you know the Bible came alive.
11:16 I want every young person to have that experience for
11:19 themselves, to search within the word of God
11:22 for the hidden treasures.
11:24 So as President of GYC South West, you have this passion
11:27 and vision of getting all the young people to be able to
11:31 study and learn the Bible for themselves. -Absolutely!
11:34 When this is taking place?
11:35 This will be held June 13-20, 2010 so mark your
11:39 calendars and you can find out more information by
11:42 visiting the lona Missions booth where you can pick up
11:46 some flyers, visit our website WWW.GYC.Southwest. org.
11:50 Thank you so much, GYC, if you guys that live in that area,
11:54 June 13-19 Mark your calendars and make sure you go
11:58 there, I know that you will be blessed.
12:00 Thank you very much.
12:07 Good afternoon once again GYC.
12:08 Audience: good afternoon.
12:09 Are you excited about what the Lord has done here
12:13 GYC 2009? Audience: Amen.
12:16 Amen, I am so excited and have seen God's work in the
12:20 lives of those around me today.
12:22 I have seen God's work in my own life, and in my own
12:25 heart today and I am excited.
12:28 You know what the best part of this whole thing is?
12:33 I seen the power of God working in a beautiful way here
12:38 in GYC, but the power that has been here working at GYC
12:43 is a power that can carry us, and should, and must carry
12:48 us through every day of our lives.
12:51 Every moment of our lives.
12:53 We come to GYC and it is like this is a time of great
12:56 excitement and a great awakening.
12:58 But we can go home friends with the same excitement,
13:02 with the same awakening, and that is what
13:04 I pray we will each do.
13:07 God can make the power that we have felt here at GYC come
13:11 home to us in an individual powerful, practical way
13:16 each and every day of the rest of our lives.
13:19 And to me that is even more exciting.
13:21 Even more exciting than GYC, that is what we are going
13:25 to hear about this afternoon an exciting testimony from
13:28 Paul Howell and we are going to see how the Lord has
13:32 worked in his everyday life and how the Lord is working
13:35 through him to touch the lives of others, but before we
13:39 do that, Isabella and Esau are going bring us a
13:42 beautiful musical number and we ask that you just lift
13:45 your minds to God in prayer as you hear this music.
13:49 Let Him prepare your heart for the words that you will
13:52 hear this afternoon, Amen.
14:14 Time measured out my days,
14:18 Life carried me along
14:24 In my soul I yearned to follow God,
14:30 But knew I'd never be so strong,
14:37 I looked hard at the world
14:41 To learn how heaven could be gained.
14:50 Just to end were I began,
14:53 Where human effort is all in vain
15:01 Were it not for grace,
15:06 I can tell you where I'd be
15:12 Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere
15:17 With my salvation up to me
15:21 I know how that would go
15:27 The battles I would face
15:33 Forever running but losing this race
15:38 Were it not for grace
15:48 So here is all my praise,
15:52 Expressed with all my heart
15:57 Offer to a friend who took my place
16:03 And ran a course I could not start
16:10 And when He saw in full
16:13 Just how much His love would cost
16:21 He still went the final mile between me and heaven
16:26 So I would not be lost.
16:31 Were it not for grace
16:36 I could tell you where I'd be
16:41 Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere
16:46 With my salvation up to me
16:50 I know how that will go
16:56 The battles I would face
17:02 Forever running but losing the race
17:06 Were it not for grace
17:12 Forever running but losing the race
17:19 Were it not for grace
17:45 Good afternoon Audience: good afternoon!
17:48 Before I begin I would like to have a prayer
17:51 for God's special blessing for what I'm about to share with you
17:54 Our kind and loving Father in heaven,
17:59 we come to you today and ask that You would fill this
18:05 auditorium with Your Holy Spirit from on high.
18:07 That Your Angels would have power in this place and
18:12 that they would keep the devil and his forces away.
18:15 So that the words I will speak can reach every heart.
18:19 God I ask a special blessing on the words that I will speak.
18:25 I pray that you would touch my lips with a coal from
18:28 your altar, that I would say the things you want me
18:31 to say and leave unsaid the things I should leave
18:34 unsaid and that every person here would be touched.
18:39 Speak through me, Amen.
18:45 My name is Paul, and I am coming to you today from Ethiopia.
18:49 Now this is the first time, in about 6 or 8 months,
18:53 I have spoken up front without a translator.
18:55 So if I start pausing every sentence or two,
18:58 please bare with me.
19:03 I know it is a little unusual for a 26-year-old to be
19:07 managing an 80 bed hospital, a nursing college, and a
19:11 collection of rural clinics.
19:12 But I also know that the only reason I'm successful at
19:16 my job, is God's daily intervention in my life.
19:21 His power and grace alone sustain the hospital.
19:26 I am humbled and honored that God has given my wife and
19:30 I the opportunity to serve in Ethiopia.
19:33 I hope that my story, and the lessons that I share that
19:38 I have learned will help you to commit your life to God.
19:42 And to live a life of service for Him.
19:48 The road between Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia and
19:52 Gimbie is about 450 km long.
19:56 It is notoriously rough, and in recent times it has
19:59 gotten a little bit better but it is still one of the
20:02 most dangerous roads in all of Ethiopia.
20:04 There are some bandits, but most of the danger actually
20:07 comes from other vehicles.
20:09 Car per car, Ethiopia is the most dangerous country in
20:14 the world in which to drive.
20:17 I pray every time I get behind the wheel, believe me, by
20:21 the grace of God I have not had any serious accidents.
20:25 My road to Gimbie probably started at GYC Sacramento.
20:31 Although I didn't realize it at the time.
20:33 My wife, or future wife, Petra Homen, was one of the ones that
20:38 went forward at the call for a long-term missionary.
20:41 I didn't want to be a missionary, I wanted to be a
20:43 lawyer, I wanted to run for Congress, I had no interest
20:47 in missions whatsoever.
20:49 But in spite of this difference Petra and I were
20:52 attracted to each other and started dating.
20:54 Things went okay for a little while but then she went
20:57 to Argentina to study Spanish and I started law school
20:59 in Washington and our lives just diverged.
21:03 She became increasingly convicted that God was calling
21:07 her to spend her life as a missionary in Africa.
21:09 I still thought that I should be a lawyer and run for
21:13 Congress, so it was not a big surprise that we broke up
21:16 pretty quickly and painlessly and stopped communicating
21:19 completely, just wrote each other off.
21:22 Around about this time Petra agreed to serve as the associate
21:25 Dean of? Adventist high school in Denmark.
21:28 So it seem likely were just on different tracks.
21:32 But in the gap between Petra's time in Argentina and
21:35 Denmark she and her family decided to take a vacation
21:39 at Prince Edward Island.
21:40 If you look at a map you can see the shortest
21:42 route between Petra's parents home in Maryland
21:45 and Prince Edward Island it goes right past my
21:48 parents home in Maine.
21:49 Now it's about sundown on Friday afternoon when Petra
21:54 and her family were getting close to my family house.
21:56 Our moms are old friends and it seemed it is perfectly
21:59 natural to stop in and spend Sabbath together.
22:01 Well I just happened to be at home that summer.
22:06 Audience laughing.
22:08 I was working for the Department of Justice and
22:10 I always plan on getting married when I was in my 30s,
22:13 or something like that.
22:14 But when Petra walked in the door that night, everything
22:18 changed, a couple hours later I took Petra for drive
22:23 in my dad's Jeep and we parked in this beautiful scenic
22:26 overlook of the ocean underneath and everything.
22:29 Unfortunately we couldn't see anything because it was
22:31 pouring rain and pitch dark because it is midnight.
22:33 But anyway as I was there in the Jeep with Petra,
22:36 we were sitting together and I said Petra
22:40 it would be great if we could be friends again.
22:45 But I'd be even happier if you agree to be my wife.
22:51 Audience laughing.
22:53 Then there was this very long and very awkward silence.
22:57 Audience really laughing.
23:00 Then Petra said in na, nah, ah, ah, yes.
23:06 Audience laughing again.
23:09 And then Petra went off to Denmark and I went back to
23:12 law school and we almost called off the engagement.
23:15 Believe me it is pretty scary to marry somebody
23:17 you don't really know.
23:18 This whole time Petra still wanted to go to Africa and be a
23:22 missionary, I still wanted to be a lawyer and run for office.
23:25 But by the grace of God we were married a few months
23:28 later on top of a mountain and then we both went back
23:33 to school, Petra to finish her bachelors and me
23:36 to finish my law degree.
23:38 Well roundabout that time we start to fall in love,
23:42 and I can tell you... Audience really laughing!
23:47 there are big advantages to falling
23:49 in love after you're married.
23:51 A bunch of my married friends told me their honeymoon
23:54 was fantastic, but as time has gone on we are starting
23:57 to get bored and things are going stale.
24:00 Well I don't want to go into the details, but Petra and
24:05 my experience has been quite the reverse.
24:08 As we got to know each other better we realized that we
24:13 tended to be close to God when our lives were difficult
24:16 and far from God when our lives were easy.
24:19 So we prayed, it may seem to you to be a very stupid
24:23 prayer, we prayed to God give us a life that is so intense
24:28 that the only way we can survive is by walking close
24:32 with you. Audience Amen!
24:34 God give us a life that is so intense the only way we
24:37 can survive is by walking close with You.
24:43 If you are bored today, if you feel lukewarm today,
24:47 if you don't want to spend the rest of your life pushing
24:49 papers across the desk, if you are unsure of your future
24:53 but know that you want to live an extraordinary life of service
24:56 for God, I challenge you, I downright dare you to pray
25:00 this prayer and to keep on praying it every day until
25:04 God leads you into the life of service He has planned.
25:09 As Petra and I continued to pray this prayer, we started
25:12 to feel peace about the future even though we were
25:15 really uncertain what the future would hold.
25:17 I got an offer from the US government to work in
25:20 foreign service, Adventist church offered me a job on
25:23 Capitol Hill, but nothing seemed quite right.
25:25 All this time Petra is poking me, and poking me,
25:27 and prodding me, Paul, Paul, apply for a job internationally
25:31 working for the Adventist church.
25:32 Maybe there is a hospital or something where
25:33 they can use you.
25:35 So I reluctantly started looking into it.
25:38 There's this hospital in Afghanistan and I heard there
25:41 was an internship there and looked into it.
25:43 Adventist Health International, it didn't seem to
25:46 be going very well and I was not surprised one day
25:48 when I got a phone call from Dick Heart who is
25:51 president of Loma Linda University and
25:52 Adventist Health International.
25:54 He said Paul, I am really sorry, but it seems like things are not
26:01 going to work out for you and Petra to go to Afghanistan.
26:03 I said okay, no big deal I wasn't expecting it anyway.
26:06 He said, but Paul we need an administrator for our
26:10 hospital in Ethiopia.
26:12 Would you and Petra be willing to go out there?
26:14 Well, this wasn't even something we had considered.
26:18 I never dreamed of being an CEO over a hospital,
26:21 I was just 25.
26:23 But Petra and I prayed about it and felt that God
26:26 had opened the door and He would enable us
26:28 to walk through it.
26:30 Let me tell you a little about Gimbie Adventist hospital.
26:34 The hospital is located about 6,800 feet, which is
26:37 fortunately above the malaria zone.
26:39 450 km due west of Addis, and the hospital was started in the
26:43 1940s, since that time it has grown.
26:46 It has flourished at different times, and now it has
26:48 about 80 beds, 300 plus employees, a nursing college,
26:52 and a whole collection of rural clinics.
26:54 Some of which are not accessible by road.
26:58 The hospital faces monumental challenges on every
27:04 imaginable angle, but God sustains us day by day.
27:10 In the past year and a half I've learned a number of
27:13 things and I would like to share some of the things
27:15 I have learned with you today.
27:19 The first thing I learned was when we put ourselves on the
27:21 line for God, He comes through powerfully and unmistakably.
27:26 When I was in the US I felt like I did not need God,
27:29 I could live my life just fine on my own, at least that
27:32 is the way I felt about it.
27:33 But in Ethiopia things are totally different,
27:36 our hospital is on a very precarious financial footing.
27:41 The cost of doing business has gone up dramatically
27:45 in the past couple years.
27:46 For example, physician salaries in the market rate have doubled
27:49 in the past few years.
27:50 The price of staple food has quadrupled in
27:53 the past two years.
27:54 Now we could have just raised our prices, but then we
27:57 could only serve the rich people in Gimbie.
27:59 Not that there's any rich people there really.
28:02 But as the mission hospital, we felt it was very
28:05 important to have our service available for everyone.
28:07 What all this means is that we are often very, very
28:11 short of cash and when it comes down to the end of
28:13 the month, it doesn't look like we are going to be
28:14 able to make payroll.
28:16 This is very, very serious because our employees
28:19 live paycheck to paycheck.
28:22 Some of the lower paid employees don't have anything to
28:26 eat towards the end of the month.
28:28 So when it comes down to the end of the month, I meet
28:30 with Henick, the head accountant, at the hospital.
28:33 We pray together and ask God to give us money to meet
28:37 the payroll, and every month He comes through and you know
28:40 what, we never have money left over.
28:43 Our payroll a month is about 20,000 US dollars, which isn't
28:46 much, by the way, for 300 employees.
28:48 After we meet the payroll, we will have two dollars
28:52 left over, five dollars left over.
28:55 Every month at Gimbie is a miracle from God.
29:00 Now our hospital is the referral center for our
29:06 whole region in Ethiopia.
29:07 There are a few other hospitals in the region,
29:10 but none of them provide care on our level.
29:12 So we get all the most difficult and desperate cases
29:15 in Gimbie, and some of those cases are very difficult
29:18 and desperate indeed.
29:19 A couple months ago a young Muslim woman came in with
29:22 her family, late in the afternoon.
29:23 She had severe post operative complications.
29:26 Our medical staff took one look at her and said she is
29:29 going to be dead in a couple hours.
29:31 Petra, my wife, is the chaplain at the hospital.
29:34 She came into the family and asked
29:36 if they wanted prayer.
29:37 Normally Muslim families are reluctant for prayer and
29:41 this family was no exception.
29:42 But they felt the situation was desperate enough that
29:46 they would try anything.
29:48 So Petra prayed and they weren't particularly enthusiastic
29:51 about it, and they definitely refused her
29:53 offer of a Bible, because God has blessed us with the
29:56 ability to give Bibles free to all of our patients.
29:59 At this point, all of us in the hospital, myself,
30:03 Petra, many of our staff started to feel a special
30:07 burden for this girl and throughout the afternoon
30:10 and into the evening we continued to come into her room
30:12 and prayed with her.
30:13 At about midnight I checked back into her room and
30:16 things look really, really grim.
30:19 The nurse told me this girl's going to die in a couple
30:21 minutes, maybe maximum would be an hour.
30:25 The next morning we came into the hospital and
30:27 everything was quiet.
30:28 I said to Petra, ah shucks babe, I bet they have
30:31 taken her and buried her by now.
30:33 Then the nurses came and said Mr. Paul, Mr. Paul,
30:36 Mr. Paul, Sister Petra, Sister Petra,
30:38 and let me just explain.
30:39 In Ethiopia your last name is not important.
30:41 Everyone goes by their first name, so I'm Mr. Paul.
30:44 Anyway, they said Mr. Paul, Mr. Paul, come look, come look.
30:48 So I opened the door to the ICU and the girl was sitting
30:52 up in bed eating breakfast.
30:54 She was talking with her family and completely healed.
30:57 Her family came all around Petra and said, your prayer
31:00 saved our daughter's life.
31:02 Can you tell us more about God?
31:04 Can you give us Bibles?
31:05 I'm telling you God is working every day to save souls
31:09 at Gimbie Adventist hospital.
31:12 We have large construction site at our nursing college.
31:15 We are expanding our nursing college to also be a
31:18 midwifery college, and one day I found out there were
31:21 some stealing going on at this worksite.
31:24 So I investigated things a little bit and we terminated
31:26 the workers who had been responsible and we set up some
31:28 patrols for the future.
31:30 These guys we fired were really, really unhappy.
31:33 I started getting death threats.
31:35 One day I got a whole bunch of death threats back to
31:38 back, so that night when I went to bed I carefully
31:41 locked up all the doors and windows in my house.
31:43 Then Petra and I went to bed.
31:45 In the middle of the night we woke up when our
31:50 bedroom door started opening.
31:53 I can tell you that both of us started praying more
31:56 fervently than usual. Audience laughing.
32:01 Our bedroom door stopped opening and then it started to
32:04 close, and then I heard footsteps running away.
32:07 I jumped up out of bed and grabbed my machete and ran
32:09 after them and found the front door wide open.
32:12 I had locked everything down before went to bed and
32:17 there were no signs of forced entry.
32:18 So what this means is that somebody had been hiding
32:21 in my house when I went to bed.
32:24 Then opened my bedroom door.
32:26 GYC, I had no idea of what I was getting into when I
32:29 prayed to God that He would give me life so intense that
32:32 I would only survive if I walked close to Him.
32:35 You have to be careful what you pray for.
32:38 Audience laughing.
32:41 But today if there is any of you feeling like God isn't
32:43 real in your life, like He has never done anything
32:45 for you, I challenge you go to a place that requires
32:49 God's presence for your day-to-day survival.
32:52 Second lesson I learned in Ethiopia is that God works
32:57 through people, but there is often a shortage of people
33:01 who are willing to let God work through them.
33:04 In most of Ethiopia there is one medical doctor for
33:07 every 5000 people, but in our area there is only one
33:10 physician for every 100,000 people.
33:13 This shortage is even tougher for the hospital because
33:17 almost all physicians in Ethiopia are sponsored by
33:20 the government, when they finish school they owe the
33:22 government time and go work for the government and
33:24 then leave the country.
33:26 So we have a huge challenge getting good physicians.
33:29 When I arrived we had 2 general practitioners.
33:32 One of them was only willing to work a couple hours a
33:35 day, the other one was a fraud.
33:38 I mean literally we are talking catch me if you can
33:40 sort of a situation.
33:42 One Sabbath afternoon, Petra and I were in the wards and
33:45 we were praying with patients and singing some hymns
33:47 and one of the nurses came and got me, Mr. Paul,
33:50 Mr. Paul there is an emergency in the ER and we can't
33:52 find a doctor, I looked around, no doctor.
33:56 So I grabbed a medical student and she grabbed her
33:58 textbook, and we all ran to the ER together. Audience Laughing!
34:02 We sat down and opened up the book and tried to figure
34:03 out what in the world this patient had.
34:05 I was thinking to myself, God, this can't keep going
34:09 like this, but God knew and God sent us Dr. Priscilla,
34:14 a young general practitioner from Argentina.
34:17 I wish I had time to tell you all the stories, but let
34:19 me just say, there are many, many people alive in Gimbie
34:22 today who would be dead if it wasn't for Dr. Priscilla.
34:26 When I first came to the hospital, the accounting
34:29 was a wreck.
34:31 Just to give you an idea of how bad the accounting was.
34:34 The hospitals international bank account, were most of our
34:38 financial activity took place, was not on our hospital books.
34:42 The hospital building was not on our hospital books.
34:45 I realize that this was a very serious problem.
34:48 Now I didn't have any accounting background so I got
34:51 a textbook and started looking through it.
34:53 What am I going to do, how am I going to solve this?
34:54 But God knew we had this problem, and God sent
34:58 David Hagstead, a highly qualified tax accountant
35:01 from Washington, DC.
35:03 He said Joel Kurtz, a brilliant business student
35:05 from Southern, and He sent Henick Tecs, this great
35:08 Ethiopian accountant and these three guys
35:10 revolutionized our accounting.
35:12 Let me give you an idea of how much work they did.
35:14 In international auditing there are five levels.
35:18 One is a clean audit, that means you financial activity
35:21 is pretty good and transparent.
35:23 5 is no opinion, an audit that is a 5 means there is so little
35:28 documentation that the auditing firm can't begin to tell you
35:32 how bad your financial activity is.
35:35 Every year before I arrived the hospital was getting
35:38 fives on every audit.
35:41 But by the grace of God, and through David, Joel and
35:44 Henick we went from a five to a one in one year.
35:50 Audience: Amen.
35:51 What is even more remarkable, is that each one of these
35:53 guys is 23 years old. Audience: Amen.
35:57 I'm telling you these stories partly as examples of a
36:01 huge positive change that one person, or a group of
36:05 people can bring when they dedicate their life to God.
36:07 But I am also telling you these stories because there
36:11 is a great need for these kind of people.
36:14 All across the world there is a need for missionaries
36:18 today, there is no skill set that is irrelevant.
36:22 I have a great volunteer nurse named Scott Billow and
36:25 he likes to say, God needs missionary janitors.
36:29 He is not knocking janitors, he is just saying that
36:31 everyone has a role in the mission field.
36:34 But some of you guys are young and you may say I am
36:37 too young to go work for God.
36:38 I could never be in the mission field.
36:40 Let me tell you a story.
36:41 The General Conference came to inspect the hospital
36:44 one-day, we had all these top guys they came to the
36:48 hospital and we welcome them.
36:49 We gave them a walk-through and they said wow,
36:51 this place is looking great, like things have really
36:54 improved since we were here last.
36:55 Can we talk to the administrator?
36:57 So I took them up to my office and we all sat down.
37:01 And they say where is the administrator?
37:05 I said, that's me. They said, ah, really?
37:10 Where is the rest of the administration staff?
37:12 We are all here. Audience laughing!
37:17 At that time the average age of our administrative
37:19 committee was 26, and they said what, this is being
37:22 run by a bunch of kids. Audience laughing!
37:25 And we said, yet that is pretty much true.
37:28 You know, sometimes it pleases God to use people that
37:33 are inexperienced, but people who are willing to commit
37:36 themselves completely to Him.
37:38 Audience: Amen!
37:41 Now I know a lot of you think the way to be missionaries
37:45 is to stay home, get a good job to make money, and send
37:49 some tax deductible contributions and brighten the
37:53 corner where you are.
37:54 That is all fine and good and there is a time and place
37:56 for that, believe me I love tax deductible contributions,
37:59 and if any of you want to make one,
38:00 please see me right after this program is finished.
38:04 But this sort of mindset ignores a very important
38:08 point, diversity is valuable.
38:12 I think all of you already know this from school and
38:14 work, but in the context of mission work let me make
38:18 things a little more clear.
38:19 The people who will listen to you least are the people
38:24 who know you most.
38:26 The Bible tells us no prophet has honor in his hometown.
38:31 As an example, if we had two missionaries campaigns
38:34 going out, like an evangelistic series.
38:36 One in Ethiopia and one in the US.
38:39 We could double the attendance at both if we put the
38:42 Ethiopian guy in the US and the US guy in Ethiopia.
38:45 That is just the way it works, diversity is very important,
38:48 but it is also important in the theological sense.
38:52 Here at GYC our theme is unashamed and I haven't said
38:56 much about being ashamed yet.
38:57 The reason I haven't said much because we do not have
39:00 a problem with being ashamed in Ethiopia.
39:02 At least the members there don't
39:03 I am reminded of this every morning about 4:30 a. m..
39:07 The local mosque cranks up its speakers and
39:10 starts the call to prayer.
39:11 And you hear something like Ton Con Sa Be Soo,
39:14 Ton Con Sa Be Soo and it goes on and on and on.
39:16 And a half an hour later the Orthodox Church comes on.
39:20 Ton Con Sa Be Soo, Ton Can Sa Be Soo, they pretty much
39:24 say the same thing.
39:25 Anyway what I'm saying is, if GYC had been held in
39:30 Ethiopia, unashamed would have never been the theme.
39:33 See this is where we in the United States really need
39:36 to learn from our Ethiopian brothers and sisters.
39:41 Why is it that in Ethiopia people are unashamed and
39:44 yet here in the United States we feel ashamed?
39:48 Turn with me to 1 John 2:28 reads,
39:57 "now little children
39:59 "abide in him so that when he appears we may have
40:02 "confidence and not shrink away from him in
40:05 "shame at his coming. "
40:07 I know here at GYC you have been talking about being
40:11 unashamed before the world.
40:12 That's great and tonight David is going to be talking
40:15 about being unashamed of the second coming.
40:19 But I would submit to you that it is equally, if not
40:21 more important that we are unashamed when Christ comes.
40:25 In fact these two concepts are pretty closely related.
40:28 If we live our lives so we are unashamed when Christ
40:33 comes, we won't be ashamed of anything else.
40:36 If we are living our lives for God, we will really
40:40 not care what anyone else thinks.
40:42 We can see in this verse, I defended myself a little
40:46 but if we abide in Christ,
40:49 we will not be ashamed.
40:51 What does it mean to abide in Christ?
40:53 Do we look at 1 John 3:23, 24 we will see that
40:59 abiding in Christ means believing in Jesus
41:04 and loving each other.
41:06 That is all pretty simple, right?
41:08 Well now I have got a question for you.
41:12 How many of you have the love of God in your hearts
41:14 today, please put up your hand?
41:16 I'm not seeing very many hands folks.
41:18 This is GYC, we are supposed to be unashamed here.
41:21 What is going on, put up your hands if you have
41:23 the love of God in your heart.
41:25 Thank you, that is more like it.
41:27 Now let us turn to 1 John 3:17, "but whoever has the
41:35 "world's goods and sees his brother in need and closes
41:39 "his heart against him,
41:40 "how does the love of God abide in him?"
41:43 It's a rhetorical question here, what John is really
41:46 saying is this, if I had some thing and you need it and I
41:51 I don't help you, God's love is not abiding in my heart.
41:56 I have another question for you.
41:58 How many of you have made a significant sacrifice to
42:04 help someone who is desperately poor?
42:07 Please put up your hand, and don't lie to me today.
42:11 This is GYC we're before God.
42:13 Not that many hands, so GYC we need to look at verse
42:17 18 of 1 John 3, "Little children" or we could say
42:22 GYC, "let us not love in word or tongue," or by putting
42:27 up our hand, "but in deed and in truth. "
42:30 Here is were the church in Ethiopia walks all over us.
42:35 If I had been in a church in Ethiopia and said put up
42:39 your hands every person who has made a significant
42:40 sacrifice to help someone who is desperately poor,
42:43 every hand would have gone up.
42:45 Every person would have been telling the truth.
42:47 In Gimbie today, it is a poor place, malnutrition
42:50 rates are high, about 30%.
42:52 Yet no one starved, because everyone helps each other.
42:58 We need to learn from our brothers and sisters in
43:01 Ethiopia, now today if we are going to think about how
43:05 our church is doing, we have a church that is ashamed of
43:07 what it believes and were ashamed what we believe because
43:10 we don't have God's love in our heart completely.
43:13 How well do you think this church is going to be doing?
43:15 Not very well, today you're probably not surprised
43:20 to learn that the average age in our church is
43:22 closing up on retirement if you just look at
43:24 North America and Europe.
43:25 If things keep going like this, the average
43:28 Adventist is going to be in a nursing home and the
43:30 average Adventist is going to be dead.
43:31 The average Adventist pastor is going to be looking
43:33 for more work which is really bad because God knows
43:35 there aren't enough jobs to go around now.
43:37 But there is really good news today.
43:42 All through the developing world Africans are
43:47 reaching back to help.
43:49 Today in Germany, students from Africa are standing
43:54 firm against heresy in the church.
43:57 Today in Canada, Rwandan immigrants are revitalizing
44:01 parts of the church.
44:03 And all across the United States people from Africa
44:06 our breathing life back into our dying church.
44:09 Isn't it fascinating that when the gospel first
44:13 came out from North America and Europe,
44:16 but now the people who are outsider, are coming back
44:20 in to bring us the gospel.
44:22 I don't want you to think the church in Africa is perfect.
44:27 It is not, there are two main problems,
44:29 corruption and tribalism.
44:32 Now if we are going to look at the world as a whole,
44:35 for our church that is, we see we do not have that many
44:39 theological problems like we have here in the US.
44:42 But corruption and tribalism are really, really big
44:45 deals, in fact I would venture to say to you that for
44:48 the world church as a whole, music, worship, dress,
44:54 worship styles, prophecy, and sometimes even inspiration
45:00 of Ellen white are trivial issues compared to the
45:03 massive damage that is being done to our church by
45:06 corruption and tribalism.
45:07 My wife was in Rwanda when church leaders started
45:10 hacking each other apart with machetes.
45:12 Corruption and tribalism are still killing people
45:16 in Ethiopia today.
45:18 Churches and institutions are in shambles and we
45:21 don't really hear about this stuff today.
45:23 But this is how it is, and corruption and tribalism
45:26 may have been all fine and good back in the day
45:28 when Democrat and Republican Congo was called Zaire.
45:32 Back in the day with Zimbabwe was Rhodesia,
45:35 back when India used be part of the British Empire.
45:38 But it is not going to cut it today.
45:40 Let me share another sobering piece of information
45:44 for you, according to some studies our church is losing
45:49 its market share, that is the world's population just
45:54 maybe growing faster than our church is.
45:57 GYC, if our church is going to grow, if our church is going to
46:03 survive, we have to leave corruption and tribalism behind.
46:07 We have to embrace 21st-century ideals like
46:12 communication, like transparency.
46:15 You may be saying to me today what in the world does
46:19 this have to do with me?
46:20 Paul in Louisville, this is the US, why you talking
46:22 to me about Africa?
46:24 Why should I care?
46:25 Well I would say to you that you should care.
46:28 Turn with me to Luke 10:30, this is the very familiar
46:38 story of the good Samaritan.
46:40 I'm not going to go through until you are nauseated.
46:41 I do want to make one very important point,
46:44 the wounded guy was a Jew.
46:48 The dude that helped him was a Samaritan.
46:51 What this tells us is that differences of race
46:56 ethnicity, religion, and geography are not legitimate
47:02 limits on our God-given obligation to help each other.
47:06 Let me just repeat that for you.
47:08 The parable of the good Samaritan teaches that
47:11 differences of race, ethnicity, religion and geography
47:14 Are not legitimate limits of our God-given
47:17 obligation to help each other.
47:19 Here in the United States God has given us a lot,
47:23 and to whom much is given, much is also required.
47:27 We can't just sit on our pot of gold people.
47:29 There are people in Africa who really,
47:32 really need our help.
47:37 So how can you help?
47:39 Well interestingly enough missionaries turn out to be
47:43 a great check on corruption and tribalism.
47:49 You see there is nothing like unbiased third party to
47:54 resolve messy tribal conflicts.
47:57 Also missionaries don't tend to be involved in corruption,
48:01 in my case if I lifted the entire gross
48:04 income of the hospital, I would still have less money
48:07 than most of my law school classmates make in a year.
48:10 There is just no reason that most missionaries
48:12 have to start stealing stuff.
48:15 Let me give you some practical examples.
48:19 There was a man in Ethiopia from Bermuda.
48:24 He's a church leader his name was Delbert Pearman.
48:27 During his time in Ethiopia there was a massive tribal
48:30 conflict, but Delbert stood firm.
48:34 He was respected by both sides and as long as he was
48:38 in Ethiopia there was peace.
48:43 Every three months or so we have general staff meetings
48:45 at the hospital, all the staff come together and they give me
48:47 constructive criticism, and not so constructive
48:50 criticism, all that good stuff.
48:52 At the end of day, after we have talked about payroll,
48:55 housing and all that good stuff, someone always raises
48:57 this issue, Mr. Paul, Mr. Paul.
49:00 Please send us some missionaries can you get us some
49:04 missionaries, and when they go to the churches around
49:07 Gimbie I hear the same thing.
49:08 Mr. Paul, Mr. Paul, can you please give us
49:11 some missionaries so it will be like it used to be.
49:17 You know right, that in 1970 our church sent out 3 times
49:21 as many missionaries as we send out in 2009.
49:23 GYC, if we are going to reach the world for Jesus in
49:26 our generation, it is not going to be by cutting back
49:30 on missionaries, it's time to expand these programs.
49:34 Especially at a time like this when every person can
49:38 make a meaningful contribution to God's work.
49:41 There is no skill set that is irrelevant.
49:44 I understand that there is some of you who cannot go
49:49 to the mission field, and to you I say please help our
49:54 church set a good example.
49:56 Ethiopia really looks up to the United States and Europe
50:00 were Adventism started in the first place.
50:04 But it is very, very hard for me to speak against
50:09 tribalism in Ethiopia when we have racially separate
50:14 conferences here in this country.
50:16 Audience: Amen, Amen
50:18 We just can't keep going like this.
50:24 I am absolutely sure of at least one thing in my talk
50:29 today, that is that the church in America needs the
50:33 church in Ethiopia, and the church in Ethiopia
50:37 needs the church in America.
50:40 We are all part of the body of Christ.
50:42 If we want to be serious about this whole idea of
50:45 reaching the world for Christ in one generation, we
50:49 have got to work together on an unprecedented level.
50:54 It's time to join hands in faith and prayer all around
50:58 the world, and we need to move forward with unity that
51:02 this world has never seen before.
51:08 Today I am here to tell you that when I gave God
51:12 control of my life, He led me into a life that is
51:17 so intense that the only way I survive is through
51:21 His daily intervention in my life.
51:23 Today I urge you, I challenge you to let God take the
51:28 lead in your life, to let Him shake off the shackles
51:33 of shame and indifference that binds you to an
51:36 ordinary life so you can freely walk into this
51:39 extraordinary life that God has planned for you.
51:42 Today God is calling for people who are willing to put
51:46 aside racial and ethnic differences.
51:49 God is calling for people who are willing to commit
51:52 themselves totally to Him.
51:55 God is calling for people who will put it all
51:59 on the line for His cause.
52:03 Today, and I'm sorry to use a slightly stale phrase
52:07 here, today, here at GYC God is calling for an army of
52:11 youth, not just from the United States, not just from
52:15 Ethiopia, but United from every nation on the globe.
52:20 God is calling for an army of youth that is so committed
52:24 to sharing His word, so connected with God and so
52:29 unashamed of their faith that nothing can stop us from
52:33 reaching the world for Jesus in this our generation.
52:41 Five years ago, at GYC Sacramento, when I was
52:45 just starting to get together with Petra.
52:49 There was a theme song called, I'll go where you want me
52:54 to go, and at that conference thousands of us promised
52:59 to go were God wanted us to go, to say what He wanted us
53:03 to say, and to do what He wanted us to do.
53:05 And be who He wanted was to be.
53:07 And if we had lived up to our promises we would not be
53:12 here today, but we are here and we are here because we
53:17 failed, and we failed because we're ashamed.
53:23 But now we are starting a new year,
53:25 it is time for a fresh start,
53:27 it's a chance to do things over and do things right,
53:30 it's a chance to recommit ourselves to God.
53:37 Today if there are any of you who would like to say God
53:41 I'm sorry for the past, but today I want to commit
53:45 my life and I will spend a significant part of my life
53:49 as a missionary for You abroad.
53:52 I'm asking you to come to the front with me for prayer.
53:56 You know missionaries are needed all over the world
54:00 today, and some time ago, several thousand years ago
54:04 Jesus told His disciples to go through the whole world
54:08 and spread the gospel.
54:10 When they went through the whole world and spread
54:11 the gospel they reached the world for Jesus
54:13 in one generation.
54:15 Today if we are going to be serious about reaching the
54:19 world for Jesus in one generation, GYC we need to go.
54:23 We need to say and we need to do and need to be.
54:28 The harvest is ripe, all that God is waiting for is
54:32 workers, workers like you, workers like me.
54:36 As nice as GYC is, I'm tired GYC, I don't want to be
54:42 coming back here when I'm 37.
54:46 Today I encourage you to join the diverse army of youth
54:52 that by the grace of God will reach the world for Jesus
54:57 in this our generation.
55:04 Our kind, loving, and merciful Father in heaven.
55:08 You know that in many ways we have failed You in the
55:13 past, but today, as we start 2010, we ask that You give
55:18 us courage, that You would fill our hearts with Your
55:23 love so there is no room for shame.
55:25 Today I thank You for all these people that have come
55:28 forward to commit their lives in service to You as
55:32 missionaries, and I pray that You will continue to give
55:35 them the courage to go where You want them to go,
55:38 to say what You want them to say, and to be
55:42 who You want them to be.
55:44 We know that this is not possible on our power,
55:48 but today we just lay ourselves at Your feet and we
55:53 surrender ourselves to You.
55:55 We trust that You, who have begun a good work in so many
56:00 hearts today, will continue this good work and we will
56:04 no longer be coming to GYC year, after year, after year,
56:08 but instead we will be having reunions together with
56:12 You in heaven. Amen!


Revised 2014-12-17