Participants: Mark Finley
Series Code: 09GYC
Program Code: 09GYC000011
00:12 Good morning! That was pretty pathetic.
00:17 Good Morning! Audience: good morning! 00:21 I had the distinct privilege and honor to introduce our 00:24 speaker, probably someone that doesn't really need an 00:27 introduction to be honest. 00:28 Most probably know him, pastor, Doctor I believe, 00:32 Mark Finley, but I would like to just take a moment to 00:36 introduce him in a very real way, if I could do that. 00:38 Most of you know him as an evangelist, you know him as a 00:42 great preacher, you know him as a pillar of the church. 00:46 We have gotten to know him as a mentor. 00:50 Sure he is a good preacher, but he is a better mentor. 00:54 We appreciate that about him. 00:57 There has been times in GYC where we have struggled. 01:00 We have struggled as young people and have had differences 01:03 of opinions, and Pastor Finley would come in and say 01:07 you guys, I will never betray your trust. 01:14 I will never betray your trust. 01:17 There has been times when it has not been popular to 01:20 support us and he has done that. 01:22 We appreciate that, there has been times where we 01:25 haven't gotten along, and he stepped in and he said, 01:28 he brings the attention to a spiritual focus and we 01:34 appreciate that about you. 01:36 Above the evangelist, he is a mentor. 01:38 You always give God the credit, GYC is such a powerful 01:42 movement and doing incredible things for God, 01:45 but there are people, there are individuals that God 01:48 lifts up to help the movement move. 01:51 This would not be what it is today without Pastor 01:54 Finley, there is no doubt in my mind. 01:59 So as I introduce him to you, understand that you are 02:02 not looking at necessarily at an evangelist, a pastor, 02:05 although he does those things greatly. 02:08 He is a mentor and a prayerful guardian of our army 02:13 assembled here. 02:15 We know this morning Pastor Finley as you lead us in 02:17 your message, you will not betray our trust. 02:20 We appreciate that about you, thank you. 02:30 Thank you Justin. 02:31 2002, Pine Springs Ranch, 400 young people met with a 02:40 vision to share Jesus, to uphold the biblical values 02:45 of the Seventh-day Adventist church and to take the 02:48 message to the world. 02:50 That movement of youth has grown to today where we 02:54 have more than 5000 people here in our 8th 03:00 convocation of GYC. 03:04 My wife and I came on Wednesday evening and we have been 03:09 absorbing the inspiration of the moment. 03:13 We have been encouraged, inspired, 03:17 what ever we contribute to you as young people, 03:20 you have contribute more to us. 03:22 You know after you have been on the evangelist platform, 03:25 preaching in almost 100 countries around the world for 03:31 43 years, it is nice to get an injection of inspiration 03:38 from mission, from young people. 03:41 So thank you for what you have contributed to us. 03:44 My first GYC convention was in 2004 in Sacramento. 03:49 Since that time, I have been a great supporter of and 03:53 believer in the mission and goals of GYC. 03:58 I believe the GYC will continue to grow, that God will 04:03 continue to bless it, and along with the youth that are 04:07 here, as you go back to your local churches that other youth 04:11 will catch that vision. 04:13 Today I pray that you will be one of God's 21st-century 04:19 superstars, that is my message this morning. 04:22 Let us pray. 04:23 Father in heaven, we thank you that we have been called 04:27 to be lights in a darkened world. 04:30 We thank you that we have been called to do more than 04:33 maintaining the status quo. 04:35 We thank you that we have been called as part of a final 04:40 generation to proclaim Your last-day message to the world. 04:45 May a love for Jesus, and a love for truth, and a love 04:49 for human beings for whom Christ died, burn in our 04:54 hearts, may we reveal that love, share that love, 04:58 and proclaim that love. 05:00 In Christ's name, Amen! 05:03 The world has its stars, you know their names. 05:09 They are plastered in headlines across the globe. 05:14 They light up the marquees from Hollywood to Hong Kong. 05:19 You have seen their images on television, in the movies, 05:23 in newspapers, in magazines, on billboards, throughout 05:28 the Internet, the world has its stars. 05:32 Rock stars, pop stars, movie stars, sports stars, 05:37 business gurus, corporate heads, political leaders, 05:42 Wall Street billionaires, the world has its stars. 05:46 The Rich and the famous, but God has His superstars. 05:51 That is my topic this morning, take your Bible please. 05:54 Turn to Daniel 12:3, how to be a superstar for God 06:03 in the final generation. 06:06 Daniel 12:3, "those who are wise," those who are what? 06:15 Those who are wise. 06:17 There is a world's wisdom that is foolishness and an 06:22 apparent foolishness in Jesus that is wisdom. 06:25 The Bible says, "those who are wise shall shine like 06:31 "the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn 06:36 "many to righteousness, like the stars 06:39 "forever and ever. " 06:42 The Hollywood stars, the pop stars, the music stars, 06:48 the sports stars, the business stars of this world 06:54 blaze like a meteor across the sky for a little while 06:59 and then they burn out. 07:01 They twinkle for a little while, then they fade 07:05 into insignificance. 07:08 There is always a prettier face, a better voice, 07:12 someone who runs faster, jumps higher, has more 07:16 outstanding appeal, knows how to cut a better deal, 07:20 but God's stars are like meteors that don't blaze and 07:25 go out, they shine for ever and ever and ever and ever. 07:30 God's superstars turn many to righteousness and shine 07:35 forever, this morning we want to study one of God's heroes, 07:41 one of God's superstars. 07:44 I want to spend some time with you looking at and 07:47 meditating on the book of Daniel. 07:50 I'm raising the question, How does Daniel's life 07:55 apply to a last generation of Seventh-day Adventist 08:00 Christians who have been entrusted with a message to 08:03 take to the world? 08:05 Now there are four specific things that we want to 08:09 focus on in Daniel's life as we turn to Daniel, 08:12 the first chapter. 08:15 I know you have your Bible and this is GYC, if you have 08:20 your Bible just lift it so I can see it please. 08:22 GYC young people know that when they come to a 08:29 biblical message that it is far more than religious 08:32 entertainment, they come to study God's Word. 08:37 They come to hear a message, not from a preacher, 08:40 but from a thus saith the Lord. 08:44 They come to hear the word of God speaking to their 08:48 hearts and challenging their souls. 08:51 They come not to be placated by pious platitudes, 08:57 they come rather to be challenged, to be stimulated, 09:00 to be inspired, to be everything they can for God. 09:04 Daniel, four qualities of Daniel's life. 09:08 Four qualities of superstars for God, let me mention 09:13 them and then we will unpack them in the text. 09:16 21st-century superstars for God will know how to thrive 09:21 in adversity, they do not expect a comfortable cross- 09:28 less, easy-going... accommodating life. 09:31 They recognize that the challenges of the future bring 09:34 adversity, God's superstars are trained in the school of 09:39 adversity and they know where to place their trust. 09:43 God's superstars, as we'll study in the book of Daniel, 09:46 will understand their identity and they 09:49 know who they are. 09:51 God's superstars maintain their integrity and 09:55 they know what they believe. 09:57 God's superstars leave a legacy, they know why they 10:01 exist and so this morning we will discover, from the 10:04 book of Daniel, how to thrive in adversity. 10:07 We will discover how to understand our identity and 10:10 the importance of identity. 10:12 We will understand how to maintain our integrity in 10:14 the most difficult challenging situations where 10:17 we are called to compromise. 10:18 We will understand how to leave a legacy, be part of a mission 10:21 for God, will understand the where, the who, the what, 10:24 the why of the superstars. 10:26 Daniel the first chapter and first verse. 10:28 Daniel 1:1, "in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim 10:34 "King of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to 10:38 "Jerusalem and besieged it. " 10:40 Here in Daniel 1:1 you have a great controversy theme 10:43 introduced unpack in the book of Daniel. 10:46 Jerusalem, the city of righteousness, Babylon, 10:48 the city of rebellion. 10:50 Daniel God's man, Nebuchadnezzar stands opposed to God. 10:54 Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar come in conflict. 10:57 Jerusalem and Babylon, come in conflict, two kingdoms come in 11:01 conflict, the great controversy between good and evil. 11:04 The great controversy between Christ and Satan. 11:06 The controversy that will require superstars to stand 11:10 for God in the end is introduced in Daniel 1:1. 11:13 Daniel 1:2, "and the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah 11:17 "into his hand, with some of the articles of the house 11:21 "of God," incidentally Jeremiah tells us in Ezra that 11:25 when Jehoiakim took those articles from the house of God 11:28 when he took the golden vessels from the sanctuary, 11:31 that he took 5400 of them from the sanctuary. 11:35 Who was this Jehoiakim? Jehoiakim was a compromising 11:40 king of Judah, when Jeremiah came to Jehoiakim and he 11:45 told him about Babylon's attack and predicted 11:48 Babylon's attack on Jerusalem. 11:50 Jehoiakim, the compromising, king of Judah that wanted 11:56 to please everybody took the prophecy of Jeremiah that 12:02 was written out and given to him about Babylon attacking 12:05 Jerusalem, he ripped it up because he didn't like the 12:09 prophecy, as he ripped it up, he threw it on the flames 12:14 of fire, he tore the scroll to pieces. 12:18 He cast it into the fire. 12:21 Jehoiakim discovered all too quickly that to reject the 12:26 Council of God is a recipe for disaster. 12:31 To turn one's back on the prophetic word, 12:34 to make light of prophetic appeals, 12:37 to scorn the warnings of the Almighty 12:39 is a formula for catastrophe. 12:42 When the prophets of God speak the word, 12:46 I pray that we will listen to the word and heed 12:49 the lesson of Jehoiakim. 12:52 When God's modern-day messenger speaks to the church 12:55 through the gift of prophecy, I pray that we will not 12:59 scorn those messages, not turn our backs on those 13:03 messages, but listen to the word of God. 13:06 Jehoiakim took the prophecy of Jeremiah, about the 13:12 destruction of Jerusalem, and he tore it up and threw 13:16 it in the fire, but soon the armies of Nebuchadnezzar 13:19 attacked and Jehoiakim saw firsthand the result of 13:23 rejecting the prophecies of God's word. 13:26 In our personal lives, God calls us to faithfulness 13:30 to the word of God. 13:32 In our personal lives God calls us to faithfulness to 13:36 the messages of God's last day prophet to this church. 13:40 They are given to build up the church, to edify the 13:43 church, Jehoiakim did not learn that lesson. 13:50 Back to Daniel, there is a curious passage in Daniel 1:2 13:58 and it says, "and the Lord gave Jehoiakim, and the Lord gave 14:06 "Jehoiakim, king of Judah, into his hand. " 14:10 Why would God do that? 14:15 Why would God allow Nebuchadnezzar, the king of 14:20 Babylon, the Citadel of rebellion. 14:24 Why would God allow Nebuchadnezzar to have a 14:27 victory over Jerusalem? 14:29 It seems that evil triumphs, it seems that wickedness 14:35 wins, why would that happen? 14:39 Why would God allow that to take place? 14:43 The Bible says, the Lord gave, verse two, Jehoiakim into 14:47 Nebuchadnezzar's hands. 14:49 The Lord allowed the king of Babylon to defeat 14:51 the king of Jerusalem. 14:53 Why would God permit evil to apparently triumph? 14:55 Why would God allow Jerusalem to be destroyed by a 15:00 wicked, heathen king? 15:02 Why would God allow a Godly teenager, Daniel, to go 15:06 into captivity? Why? 15:08 Because God knew that He could build His superstars in 15:15 adversity and they would impact the kingdom of Babylon 15:20 as they trusted Him in that adversity and change the 15:25 course in history of the world. 15:28 Let's pause in the story of Daniel for a moment and 15:32 think of what Daniel thought when he was taken captive 15:37 by Nebuchadnezzar, and when he was traveling through the 15:40 desert as he looked at his last lingering glance 15:46 of Jerusalem in the distance. 15:48 Daniel a teenager, probably 17 years old. 15:52 Other Israeli teenagers, young people. 15:56 He would never see his father again. 15:59 He would never see his mother again. 16:01 He would never play with his friends on the Judean and 16:05 Galilean hillsides again. 16:07 Never walk the streets of Jerusalem again. 16:11 Daniel's future laid before him, but it was totally 16:16 unknown, Daniel had no idea what to expect in Babylon. 16:23 His entire life was changed, transformed in an instant. 16:30 Circumstances over which he had absolutely no control 16:35 thrust him into uncertainty. 16:38 Maybe you can identify with Daniel. 16:43 Your future is uncertain, you are going through a period 16:48 of adversity in your life. 16:50 You are facing, at home, overwhelming obstacles. 16:54 You will leave GYC without a sense of clarity and 16:58 certainty, possibly, of what God wants you to do 17:01 or where He wants you to be. 17:04 You are experiencing some challenge in your life, as a 17:07 young person, that seems to have apparently no human 17:12 solutions, here is the good news. 17:16 God superstars thrive in adversity because the God they 17:22 serve is bigger than the problems they face. 17:26 Daniel was not focused on his problems, he was focused 17:30 on the God who could solve them. 17:32 His mind was not absorbed with the difficulties around 17:35 him, it was absorbed with the God above him. 17:38 His heart was not trembling in fear, it was radiating 17:42 in faith, and a few years later, as a young captive 17:46 in Babylon, Daniel describes. 17:50 Daniel 2, please take your Bible to Daniel 2:20. 17:53 Daniel describes why he could thrive in adversity. 17:57 Daniel describes the key of thriving when things are 18:01 falling apart around you. 18:02 Daniel describes the key of thriving when the mountains 18:06 are high and the winds are strong and the troubles blow 18:10 and the challenges are great and the problems are 18:13 immense, Daniel says in Daniel 2:20, Daniel 2:20. 18:21 The Bible says, Daniel says, "Blessed be the name of God 18:27 "for ever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. " 18:32 What does Daniel say, wisdom and might are God's. 18:36 "And He changes the times and the seasons;" 18:39 What I lack He has, wisdom and might are His. 18:45 You may be ignorant, but He is wise. 18:48 You may be powerless, but He is all powerful. 18:51 Get your eyes off the adversity, get your eyes off 18:54 the problems, get your eyes off the difficulties. 18:56 Adversity is the stuff that heroes are made out of. 19:02 Problems and challenges are the very building blocks 19:07 for success if we are going to face crises in the future 19:12 and we are, if we are going to face adversity in the 19:15 future, and we are. 19:17 If we are going to face challenges in the future, 19:19 and we are, God is going to train us in the school of 19:24 trial today so we understand how to trust tomorrow. 19:29 There's amazing book that has been written, it's an 19:34 older book now, the book is almost 50 years old. 19:37 It was written in 1962. 19:39 The book's title is 'Cradles of Eminence'. 19:43 It is a study by two physicians, Victor and Mildred 19:49 Goertzel, about 413 famous people that impacted the 19:56 world in the last 2000 years. 19:58 So it is a study of people that were world changers, 20:03 people who made a difference. 20:06 These two physicians, the Dr. Goertzel's, Mildred and 20:10 Victor, wanted to discover what it is that makes a 20:15 person great, in other words what is the environment 20:20 that's superstars grow in? 20:23 What conditions assist in producing extraordinary people? 20:27 The two researchers spent years trying to understand the 20:32 source of peoples greatness. 20:34 They searched for one common thread that would run 20:37 through all of these great people's experience. 20:40 What was the common thread that ran through these 20:44 outstanding people's lives? 20:45 The one factor that stood out above all the rest is 20:53 this, the single ingredient in 392 of the 413 people 20:59 they studied with this, they all, without exception, 21:05 had overcome obstacles and adversities in their lives. 21:10 Their problems became opportunities for success rather 21:15 than hindrances to success. 21:18 Trials, obstacles, challenges and adversity are the 21:22 building blocks that God's heroes are made of. 21:26 Never give up, are you going through some trials? 21:29 It is not because God is casting you off, He is 21:33 preparing you for greatness. 21:35 Are you going through some difficulties? 21:37 It's not because God has forsaken you, 21:39 He's training you for leadership. 21:41 God's superstars know where to put their trust, 21:47 so they thrive in adversity. 21:49 I love the way Ellen White puts it in 'Ministry 21:53 of Healing', page 471 in which she says, "trials and 21:59 "obstacles are God's appointed agencies for success. " 22:05 Oh, are you going through a trial? 22:07 Are you going through an obstacle? 22:08 Are you going through a challenge? 22:09 Are you going through adversity? 22:11 God sees something in you and He wants to train you 22:14 for leadership, praise His name for that. 22:17 Put your trust in Him, He'll help you to solve that 22:20 difficulty and problem so you can take on bigger 22:23 difficulties and problems as a leader. 22:25 God's superstars don't cop out. 22:29 God superstars don't look for an easy life. 22:32 God superstars don't want comfortable convenience. 22:36 God superstars with their hand of faith in Jesus Christ 22:41 are willing to take on adversity because they know 22:44 that God is bigger than any problem they may face. 22:47 Now the second principle we see in the book of Daniel 1 22:53 is that God's 21st Century superstars understand their 22:58 identity, they understand not only where to put their 23:04 trust, but they understand who they are. 23:08 When Daniel was ushered into the Babylonian kingdom, 23:15 King Nebuchadnezzar did everything he could to distort 23:21 and destroy Daniel's sense of identity. 23:26 Now our identity has to do with our understanding 23:30 of who we are. 23:31 Our sense of identity, or belonging, 23:35 influences everything we do. 23:38 It inspires our dreams, it gives direction to all that 23:43 we hope to be, the devil understands this profound truth. 23:48 Let's discover what the devil attempted to do to Daniel 23:52 and his friends. 23:55 They were ushered in to the greatest kingdom of the 24:00 world, Babylon's splendor and luxury awed their 24:05 senses and wowed them. 24:09 Before their education began, as they were introduced 24:16 as young handsome, intelligent, articulate young people, 24:23 to the PhD program in the University of Babylon, 24:27 the king wanted to do something that would cause them to 24:33 forget their identity, that would cause them 24:37 to forget who they were. 24:39 So the Scripture says, Daniel 1:6 and onward. 24:46 "Now from among those of the sons of Judah were Daniel, 24:53 "Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. " 24:57 Now Hebrew names have significance. 25:01 The name Daniel, if you see 'el' on the end of a name, 25:05 that means it is a derivative of God, so the name 25:10 Daniel means God is my judge, or the God of judgment. 25:14 The Hebrew judges were not like some judges today. 25:18 The Hebrew judges were on the side of the one that was 25:22 prosecuted and their role was to set all things right. 25:27 So the book of Daniel, is the book of judgment. 25:31 It is the book about the God who sits upon His throne 25:33 to set all things right in the universe. 25:35 So Daniel may have been a captive to Babylon, but the 25:38 God he served ultimately with the God that was on the 25:41 throne, not Nebuchadnezzar. 25:43 Daniels very name says, He is the God that 25:46 will set all things right. 25:47 Then there was Hananiah, the word Hananiah means the 25:51 Lord is gracious unto me. 25:53 So every time little Hananiah ran around in his diapers, 25:58 or his Pampers, as a young Israeli boy, and mom said 26:01 what is your name, Hananiah, Hananiah, Hananiah, 26:05 the Lord is gracious unto me. 26:08 I may be a captive in Babylon, but the Lord is gracious 26:11 unto me, and then there's Mishael, that means one with 26:14 God like qualities of goodness and kindness. 26:17 Then there is Azariah, that means the Lord is my helper. 26:20 So I may be a captive in Babylon, the mighty empires 26:24 a Babylon may be dominant but I am Azariah, the Lord is 26:27 my helper, He will never let me down. 26:30 That wouldn't do in Babylon, running around saying I am 26:32 Azariah, the Lord is my helper. 26:34 It wouldn't do in Babylon to say I am Hananiah, the Lord 26:37 is gracious unto me. 26:38 It wouldn't due in Babylon, my name is Mishael, I have Godlike 26:42 qualities to be admired. 26:45 My name is Daniel, God sits on His throne, so the King 26:48 the Bible says in verse seven. 26:51 "To them the chief of the Eunuch gave names: he gave 26:54 "to Daniel the name of Belteshazzar. " 26:56 Belteshazzar means keepers of the hidden treasures of 26:59 Baal, Baal Marduke was one of the 13 gods of Babylon. 27:03 Daniel now was no longer God's on His throne, now I have 27:06 changed your name, I'm changing your identity from 27:10 Belteshazzar, Hananiah to Shadrach, and it's clear 27:15 as we can tell, Shadrach means the servant of 27:19 the god of Sheba. 27:21 Hananiah from the Lord is gracious to the servant 27:23 to the god of Sheba. 27:25 From Mishael to Meshach, Meshach means inspiration 27:29 of the sun, from one wanting the qualities of Jehovah 27:32 God to the inspiration of the sun. 27:34 From Azariah to Abednego, Abednego means servant of 27:38 Nebo, servant of Nebo. 27:40 So Nebuchadnezzar wanted to change their names, 27:44 he wanted them to lose sight of the fact that they were 27:47 a holy people before God, a righteous people before God. 27:52 Deuteronomy 7:6 tells you the heritage of these Hebrews. 27:56 Take your Bible please and turn to Deuteronomy 7:6. 28:04 Here is the heritage of these Hebrews. 28:07 "For you are a holy people to the Lord your God. " 28:11 Daniel you're a holy person to the Lord your God. 28:15 "The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for 28:19 "Himself, a special treasure above of all the peoples 28:23 "on the face of the earth. " 28:25 Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. 28:28 Daniel with his Hebrew names and Hananiah, Daniel and 28:35 Mishael, Daniel and Azariah were young men that knew 28:41 their very heritage, they understood their identity. 28:46 They realize that God raised up Israel to make 28:50 an impact on the world and they were going to be 28:54 faithful to their heritage. 28:56 Babylon wanted to change their identity. 28:59 Babylon wanted to water down their understanding of 29:03 who they were, and I say to a last generation of 29:07 Seventh-day Adventist young people, never lose your 29:11 heritage, never forget your identity. 29:14 We are Seventh-day Adventist, not some other 29:17 denomination that simply has happened on the 29:21 historical scene by chance. 29:23 God has raised up these people of prophecy, based on 29:28 the prophecies of Revelation chapter 12, chapter 14. 29:33 We are a people of destiny, while we appreciate 29:37 Christians of every denomination, we sense that we 29:42 have a heritage, we are not some community fellowship 29:46 of Sabbath keepers, and Do You Hear Me? 29:49 Audience: Amen. 29:50 We are Seventh-day Adventist. Audience: Amen. 29:53 We don't believe that arrogantly, we don't lord it 29:58 over others, but humbly we believe that God has raised 30:03 up, in this generation, a divine movement of destiny 30:08 to impact the world with the Gospel. 30:12 We believe we are a holy people chosen by God for a final 30:19 generation to proclaim the Gospel. 30:22 The reason Seventh-day Adventist young people, 30:25 some of them, are leaving the Seventh-day Adventist 30:30 church, is not because the church preaches too much 30:35 prophecy, it is because they have lost since of our 30:40 prophetic significance. 30:42 Young people want a challenge, young people want to be 30:45 something, to be part of something big for God. 30:49 Something grand for God. 30:51 Young people want to have a sense that they are identified, 30:54 not with the bureaucratic institution, 30:57 but a movement. 30:58 The Seventh-day Adventist church is not simply a 31:02 denomination, it is that, but it is a movement of God 31:06 based on prophecy. 31:09 Babylon wants to infiltrate, Babylon wants to undermine. 31:17 Fundamental biblical doctrines, we would lose our 31:22 identity, and once you lose your identity what 31:26 do you have to preach? 31:31 God's superstars, thrived in adversity. 31:36 God's superstars, understand their identity, you can 31:40 change Daniel's name, but you can't change his nature. 31:45 You can change Daniel's country, but you 31:48 can't change his character. 31:49 You can change Daniel's home, but he can change his 31:52 heart, you can change Daniel surroundings, but you can't 31:54 change his spirit. 31:56 You can change Daniel's master, and give him 31:58 Nebuchadnezzar rather than Jehoiakim, 32:00 but you can't change his mind. 32:01 God looking for a group of Seventh-day Adventist youth 32:07 who deep within their souls are committed to Jesus. 32:10 Deep within their souls they are committed to His word. 32:14 Deep within their souls they understand their identity. 32:21 They sense, as Peter says, 1 Peter 2:9 a group of young 32:28 Adventist youth understand their destiny. 32:30 Who understand their identity. 32:35 We look there in 1 Peter 2:9. 32:39 The New Testament church grew rapidly because they're 32:44 was a sense based on the prophetic word of the Old 32:49 Testament, that God raised up a body of believers that 32:54 would impact the world. 32:56 That is what enables young people to become part of 33:00 the New Testament church. 33:02 They had a sense of identity, they identified with a 33:07 movement in New Testament Christianity that was 33:10 bigger than they were. 33:16 1 Peter 2:9, "but you are chosen generation," 33:24 now here is Peter, speaking to young people in his day. 33:28 Challenging them, he says, "you are chosen generation, 33:33 "you are royal priesthood, you are a holy nation," 33:37 His own special people, why? 33:42 "That you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you 33:47 "out of darkness into this marvelous light. " 33:51 Jesus Christ raised up New Testament Christianity based 33:55 on the prophetic word of the Old Testament, to share 34:00 the light and truth of God with the world. 34:04 Jesus was raised up based on the prophecies of Daniel 34:08 and Revelation, a last day end time movement with 34:13 a mission that is far larger than we can possibly 34:17 accomplish, but empowered by His Spirit to take the 34:21 Gospel to the world. 34:24 This is the generation that God is calling to understand 34:29 their identity, to understand who they are and why 34:33 they exist, there can be no higher calling. 34:37 There can be no greater task. 34:40 During Hitler's third right, millions of Jews 34:45 were taken, and these Jews that were taken were loaded 34:52 on trains, they were jammed in box cars. 34:57 Not only Jews but many others, but predominately. 35:01 As they were loaded on the box cars, they were jammed 35:07 together, some suffocated to death in those boxcars 35:12 where the conditions were so barbaric and inhumane. 35:19 A Jewish prince from a royal family and his son were 35:27 captured, they were in hiding. 35:29 The Gestapo found them, and this little boy, 35:34 11 years old, was jammed into one of the 35:38 boxcars with his father. 35:40 The boy almost died, he was almost trampled to death 35:45 as hundreds of people were herded into all these 35:49 boxcars on the train. 35:51 As the train rolled on all night, people were suffocated 35:57 in that train boxcar and some fell over dead. 35:59 But the father knelt down and he kept holding his boy, 36:02 and holding his boy, and holding his boy. 36:05 In the morning when they got to Ravens Brook, that dreaded 36:11 concentration camp, the father looked up and saw 36:15 those words over that iron gate, wrought out in iron, 36:20 work makes you free. 36:23 They were to be divided into three groups. 36:26 The elderly and the sick would be killed in the 36:28 gas chambers immediately. 36:30 The young would be taken to another gas chamber 36:33 and killed immediately. 36:34 Those that had some measure of health would 36:38 forced to work. 36:40 The guards tore from that father his young son, 36:49 that young prince. 36:51 With tears running down dad's face he looked down into 36:58 the eyes of his son and he said son, never forget that 37:04 you are a prince, never forget that you have royal blood 37:09 running through your veins, never forget who you are. 37:13 And to the generation of Seventh-day Adventist young 37:17 people I say to you today, you have royal blood running 37:21 through your veins. 37:22 It is no accident that God has called you to the 37:25 Seventh-day Adventist church. 37:27 Of the millions of young people the world, 37:32 God has called you, you are person of destiny. 37:37 You are one of all the billions of youth in the world, 37:43 God has chosen. 37:45 You are not here today by accident, and those of you 37:48 watching on Three Angels Broadcasting, 37:51 you are not watching by accident. 37:52 God is calling you to something big and great for Him. 37:55 Those of you watching over the Internet, 37:56 you are not watching by accident. 37:58 God has raised up and end-time movement and He invites 38:02 you to become part of that movement to proclaim His 38:07 love and grace to the world. 38:11 God's superstars thrive in adversity, they know where 38:16 to place their trust. 38:18 God superstars maintain their identity, they never lose 38:24 sense of who they are in Christ. 38:28 Never lose sense of why they are here in Christ. 38:33 And thirdly, Daniel 1:8, not only God's superstars 38:37 thrive in adversity, not only does God's superstars 38:42 cling to their identity, God's superstars 38:49 maintain their integrity. 38:54 The Bible says, Daniel 1:8, God's 21st-century superstars 39:03 act with integrity, they have a sense 39:06 of unswerving loyalty to God in their lives. 39:12 Daniel 1:8 says, "but Daniel purposed in his heart that 39:17 "he would not defile himself with a portion of the Kings 39:20 "delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank, therefore 39:24 "he requested of the chief of the Eunuchs that he might 39:26 "not defile himself. " 39:28 The Bible said Daniel did what in his heart? 39:30 What did Daniel do? Daniel did what? 39:32 Purposed in his heart, what is another word for 39:34 purposed? What is that? 39:36 He decided, Daniel decided, Daniel determined, Daniel 39:40 declared, Daniel decided in his heart that he 39:45 would not defile himself. 39:48 Another word for the heart is the mind. 39:50 The wine flowed and sparkled in the glasses, everything 39:56 to tempt the taste and to delight the eyes. 39:59 Every article of scrumptious food that one could imagine 40:03 was upon those tables. 40:05 Everything was done to wow their senses, everything was 40:10 done to stimulate their senses, everything was done to 40:14 attract their taste buds, everything was done to win 40:19 their allegiance, but Daniel purposed in his heart. 40:24 Daniel decided in his mind that feast was a feast. 40:30 That night in Babylon, in honor to the Babylonian Gods, 40:35 in honor of their victory over Jerusalem. 40:39 To eat that meat would have been to honor those Babylonian 40:42 gods, to drink that wine and eat that meat would have been 40:46 to defile mind and conscious and sense, physical, mental and 40:49 spiritual natures of human beings are intertwined. 40:53 Daniel knew that to defile his mind with that wine, 40:59 even one glass socially would be to put himself in a 41:04 position of compromise, therefore he purposed in his 41:10 heart, Daniel would not yield his conscious convictions. 41:16 Daniel purposed, Daniel determined, Daniel decided, 41:22 Daniel was not concerned about his reputation, 41:27 he was concerned about his character. 41:29 Daniel was not concerned about royalty, he was more 41:33 concerned about loyalty. 41:35 Daniel was not concerned about pleasing the king, 41:39 he was concerned about pleasing the King of Kings. 41:42 Dwight L. Moody once said, 41:43 "if I take care of my character, my reputation is 41:45 "going to take care of itself. " 41:48 What led Daniel to make such a significance decision? 41:52 Daniel knew he had royal blood running in his veins so 41:54 he didn't need to put royal dainties in his mouth. 41:58 Daniel knew he had a mission from the ruler of the 42:01 universe, therefore he did not need a commission from 42:04 the ruler of Babylon. 42:06 Daniel had bowed low before the King of Kings in the 42:09 prayer room so he can stand tall before the king of 42:13 Babylon in the throne room. 42:15 Daniel knew he had the approval of heaven so he was 42:19 willing, if necessary, to be reproved by 42:21 the king of Babylon. 42:24 Ellen White make this interesting comment in 'Prophets 42:27 and Kings' page 482, "but Daniel did not hesitate. 42:31 "The approval of God was dearer to him than the favor 42:35 "of the most powerful earthly potentate, dearer than 42:39 "life itself, he determined to stand firm in his 42:43 "integrity let the result be what it may. " 42:46 What was important to Daniel? 42:48 What was that important to Daniel? 42:50 The approval of God. 42:54 Have you made a decision in your life where you 42:58 have said, the approval of God is the most 43:02 important thing in my life? 43:04 When a decision comes between doing what you want to do, that 43:12 may not be in harmony with God's will, and doing what 43:16 you ought to do, what decision do you make? 43:21 You see conversion comes at the point of a test. 43:25 Deeper conversions come at the point of a test. 43:30 When you do God's will, when it is already in harmony 43:34 with your own will, that is no test. 43:37 But when you make a decision to do God's will when God's 43:42 will runs contrary to your will, that's a test. 43:46 Now Daniel recognize this vital truth that if he 43:49 compromised on this one point, 43:52 he would continue to compromise. 43:54 Ellen White points this out clearly continuing to read 43:58 on page 482, in 'Prophets and Kings' and it says this, 44:04 "God's richest blessings do not come to those who 44:09 "compromise their integrity. " 44:11 Can you say that together with me this morning? 44:16 God's richest blessings do not come to those that 44:20 compromise their integrity. 44:23 Again, God's richest blessings do not come to those 44:30 that compromise their integrity. 44:33 How many of you want God's richest blessings today? 44:35 How many are going to do your will rather than God's? 44:38 I knew some of you were paying attention and thinking. 44:40 That's why you always have to throw in a trick question. 44:42 Audience laughing. 44:44 God's richest blessings come from those that do not do 44:51 what? Compromise their what? Integrity. 44:56 How many want God's richest blessings again? 44:59 How many want to say God, whatever you want me 45:03 to do, I want to do it? 45:05 Even if it crosses my own will, God wants to bless you 45:09 abundantly, now look I continue the reading in Prophets 45:13 in Kings page 482, this is a powerful statement. 45:16 "Should Daniel and his companions compromised with 45:20 "wrong in this instance, by yielding to the pressure of 45:24 "circumstances, their departure from principle would 45:27 "weaken their sense of right and abhorrence to wrong. " 45:31 You see it's not the thing you do in compromise is 45:35 always so grossly evil, it is not the thing you do 45:39 necessarily, but it is the process that the mind goes 45:43 through in doing it, are you with me? 45:46 To make a decision that is contrary to the will of God, 45:51 when in my heart I know and am convicted by the Spirit 45:55 and convicted by the word it's wrong, it is not always 46:00 that the thing I do is so wrong, but it is the process 46:04 that leads me to do it which is compromise. 46:08 One compromise leads to what? The next, and the next, 46:12 and the next and soon I am doing things that I never 46:15 imagine that I would ever do. 46:17 God is looking for a generation of youth that will 46:20 maintain their integrity and be loyal to God at 46:24 any cost, in His word, like Daniel purposed in his 46:28 heart to serve God. 46:30 Daniel would not compromise his integrity by 46:32 breaking God's law under any circumstances in his life. 46:38 God's superstars know how to thrive in adversity. 46:45 God's superstars understand the significance of who 46:51 they are in Christ, and who they are as the final 46:57 end-time movement they maintain. 47:00 Their identity, they don't compromise their identity. 47:03 They are unashamed of that identity. 47:06 They sense that God has raised up a last day movement. 47:11 God's superstars live lives of loyal integrity. 47:17 Now there is one last thing about God's superstars. 47:22 Daniel 1:9, they know where to place their trust. 47:27 God is bigger than their problems. 47:31 They sense the importance of identity and maintaining 47:36 who they are, they recognize the significance of 47:41 compromise and they thrive in adversity. 47:46 They cling to identity, they maintain their integrity, 47:53 but there is the last thing about them. 47:55 They leave a legacy, God's superstars leave a legacy. 48:01 Daniel 1:9, "now God brought Daniel into favor and 48:07 "goodwill with the chief of the Eunuchs," because Daniel 48:12 was loyal to God, Daniel could make an impact on the 48:17 whole Babylonian empire, he left a legacy. 48:24 Daniel 1:20, Daniel 1:20, the Bible says, 48:31 "and in all matters of wisdom and understanding about 48:37 "which the king examine them, he found them 10 times 48:41 "better than all the magicians and astrologers that 48:45 "were in his realm. " 48:47 Daniel was elevated to the head of the class in Babylon. 48:50 He impressed and influenced the professors in the 48:55 University of Babylon. 48:56 When you thrive in adversity, when you understand your 49:00 identity, when you purpose in your heart to serve God 49:03 and maintain your integrity, God blesses what you do 49:07 and you become an impact on scores of people all around 49:11 you, you leave a legacy. 49:13 You leave footprints in the sand of time and life for 49:15 Jesus Christ every place you go. 49:18 Daniel left a legacy. 49:20 He was elevated to the highest position, eventually next 49:23 to the king of Babylon. 49:25 Nebuchadnezzar trusted Daniel, he sensed Daniel was 49:28 a man of integrity. 49:30 God honors His superstars, in my imagination I see 49:35 three men and they are walking down streets of gold. 49:40 They're in a land called glory. 49:43 They're in a place called eternity and I see Daniel and 49:49 he is arm and arm with a man on his right. 49:51 That is Nebuchadnezzar, because the Daniel 4 you have 49:56 the only chapter in the book of Daniel not written by 50:01 Daniel, it is Nebuchadnezzar's testimony of coming to 50:05 a knowledge of the true God through Daniel. 50:07 Then I see another man, Cyrus and Daniel influenced him 50:13 for the kingdom, Daniel left a legacy. 50:16 Daniel was the difference maker. 50:19 Daniel was a world changer and young people today who 50:23 thrive in adversity, who are not overwhelmed by the 50:27 little problems of life. 50:29 Young people today who know their identity as Bible 50:34 believing Seventh-day Adventist Christians. 50:37 Young people today who purpose in their heart will 50:40 leave a legacy, they will be difference makers, 50:44 they will be world changers for Jesus. 50:47 If Jesus does not come, when life is over, when you 50:54 lay in the grave, who is going to stand around reciting 51:01 all of your wonderful accomplishments. 51:03 Are they going to stand in awe over your titles? 51:08 Or are they going to share what a spiritual blessing 51:13 to them you were and a Godly life you lived? 51:17 Are they going to share how compassionate you were? 51:20 How you listened to their problems. 51:21 How you encourage them with a Bible promise. 51:24 How you helped them carry their burdens. 51:26 How you prayed for them, how you shared Jesus and 51:28 His truth with them. 51:31 Will they list your degrees or awards, the number of 51:34 committees you are, the amount of money you had? 51:38 Never, they will share the blessing you have been 51:42 to them, will you leave behind a newspaper column of 51:45 accomplishments telling people how important and great 51:50 you were, or will you leave behind a grateful legacy of 51:54 people that have been led to Jesus Christ because 51:57 of the legacy you left? 51:59 You see there is nothing wrong with titles. 52:04 Titles are good things to have, but if it ever comes 52:08 down to the choice between a title and a testimony, 52:13 take the testimony every day. 52:15 Nebuchadnezzar may have had the title, 52:18 but Daniel had the testimony. 52:21 Pharaoh may have had the title, 52:24 but Moses had the testimony. 52:27 The king of Egypt may have had the title, 52:30 but Joseph had the testimony. 52:33 Queen Jezebel may have had the title, 52:36 but Elijah had the testimony. 52:39 Herod may have had the title, but John the Baptist 52:42 had the testimony. 52:44 King Agrippa may have had the title, 52:46 but Paul had the testimony. 52:49 Herod it may have had the title, but Peter had the testimony. 52:52 Pilot may have had the title, but on that cross, 52:57 with nails through His hands, and a Crown of thorns 53:02 upon His head, Jesus had the testimony. 53:07 Audience: Amen. 53:08 God's superstars have something to live for, 53:11 to share God's truth with others. 53:13 God's superstars leave a legacy, they have a task to 53:17 fulfill, they have a work to finish. 53:20 One all-consuming passion fills the mind of God's 53:25 superstars today, they are not interested in their 53:29 titles, they're not interested in they're 53:32 accomplishments, they're not interested primarily 53:35 in their bank accounts. 53:36 They have no self inflated importance. 53:39 God's superstars want to leave a legacy for Jesus Christ. 53:43 They want during this time they are on earth to impact others 53:48 lives for the kingdom. 53:49 One all important thought influences everything they do. 53:52 One all embracing purpose feels their life, to share 53:56 Jesus Christ and His love of others. 53:58 Your influence can make a difference, you can leave 54:01 a legacy for the kingdom today. 54:04 Would you like to say Lord, I am not going to give up 54:09 in adversity, whatever the devil throws at me I know 54:14 where to place my trust. 54:16 God is bigger than my problems. 54:19 Today would you like to say, Lord, I sense that I am 54:24 part of a movement that is far greater, 54:27 far bigger than I am. 54:29 I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. 54:35 I never want to do anything that would betray the 54:39 trust that God has given to me as a 54:41 Seventh-day Adventist young person. 54:43 I cannot turn my back on the Christ that has called me 54:48 to His last day movement. 54:50 There is nothing grander, nothing bigger or greater. 54:55 Lord when it comes to a decision between my will and 55:00 Yours, I want to purpose in my heart to serve You. 55:07 Lord the goal of my life, the goal of my life is 55:14 to leave a legacy, to touch somebody's life for Jesus. 55:19 To influence somebody for the kingdom of God. 55:22 Everything earthly will be consumed in the flames of 55:29 the presence of God when He comes. 55:34 Houses gone, cars gone, titles and degrees gone, but one 55:41 thing lasts forever, when you share Jesus with someone 55:47 when you share His truth with somebody, when your heart 55:52 is filled with a passion to touch somebody for Jesus, 55:57 that is going to last forever. 56:00 So they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of 56:05 what? The firmament, and as stars forever and ever. 56:10 Do you want your life today to something big? 56:12 Do you want to commit your life today to something grand? 56:15 Do you want to say Jesus, just now I'm going to stand 56:18 to stand my feet and say Lord, I want to be part of 56:23 a generation of young people and adults called by God 56:28 for this special last day movement. |
Revised 2014-12-17