I would like to welcome you to an interesting new idea 00:00:10.96\00:00:15.76 that we have come up with. 00:00:15.76\00:00:17.13 The church has always been about growth. 00:00:17.13\00:00:21.33 You would agree, yes or no? 00:00:21.33\00:00:23.46 The church has always been about growth, at its core, 00:00:23.46\00:00:27.10 it's mission, it's growth that comes from Revelation 14. 00:00:27.10\00:00:30.70 Teaching, training, and General Youth Conference has always 00:00:30.70\00:00:34.30 seen itself helping and aiding in that. 00:00:34.30\00:00:37.16 We teach young people, we train young people, we want to 00:00:37.16\00:00:40.73 be the church of today that can aid our church. 00:00:40.73\00:00:45.16 So what we have done is, we have always worked with 00:00:45.16\00:00:49.53 Church leadership, Amen? 00:00:49.53\00:00:52.33 We have Godly leaders in our church and we wanted to 00:00:52.33\00:00:55.86 bring them forward for a moment for some real 00:00:55.86\00:00:59.03 interaction, we want the panel to, some of you are 00:00:59.03\00:01:02.33 evangelist, some of you are trainers, some of you are 00:01:02.33\00:01:05.63 teachers, some of you are preachers. 00:01:05.63\00:01:08.03 We want to dispel that this morning. 00:01:08.03\00:01:10.36 In a very real way we want to get to know you, 00:01:10.36\00:01:13.26 to get to know who you are, what makes you tick, 00:01:13.26\00:01:16.13 why you serve the church. 00:01:16.13\00:01:18.40 We've had the privilege to work with church members 00:01:18.40\00:01:22.36 and church leadership for quite some time. 00:01:22.36\00:01:25.06 I think of Dr. Ratsara, Dr. Pippin, I think of Elder 00:01:25.06\00:01:29.33 Gallimore, all along the way Godly church leaders 00:01:29.33\00:01:33.60 have be helping us and mentoring us. 00:01:33.60\00:01:36.70 So what we have done this morning, we have taken 00:01:36.70\00:01:38.40 questions from you, we have taken questions from young 00:01:38.40\00:01:41.66 people around the world and we distilled them down to very 00:01:41.66\00:01:44.90 specific questions that we want answered. 00:01:44.90\00:01:47.46 Because we want them to be relevant people. 00:01:47.46\00:01:49.96 Just like us, they are real people, and so for a moment 00:01:49.96\00:01:53.46 we want to sit here with you at this table. 00:01:53.46\00:01:56.36 Like a child would inquisit their parents and we want to 00:01:56.36\00:02:02.20 be very real, and we want real answers from 00:02:02.20\00:02:04.56 real people this morning. 00:02:04.56\00:02:06.50 We have assembled questions from around the world. 00:02:06.50\00:02:09.00 You will get a pulse, you will get a sense of what the 00:02:09.00\00:02:11.46 young people here in this auditorium, 00:02:11.46\00:02:13.73 and literally around the world, how they are thinking 00:02:13.73\00:02:16.13 and what they struggle with. 00:02:16.13\00:02:18.06 And we want to do that and we want to launch into that 00:02:18.06\00:02:21.30 if you will allow us. 00:02:21.30\00:02:23.06 I want to first of all thank you for being here. 00:02:23.06\00:02:25.70 Thank you for your support, I know some of you had other 00:02:25.70\00:02:29.06 things that you changed your schedule to be here. 00:02:29.06\00:02:32.30 It means a lot to us that you are here supporting us. 00:02:32.30\00:02:36.10 I think in my presidency, at GYC, two highlights stick 00:02:36.10\00:02:40.06 out on my mind, this conference because it has been such 00:02:40.06\00:02:44.03 a spiritual blessing and such a GC representation. 00:02:44.03\00:02:48.66 The other is, some of you, actually I think all of you, 00:02:48.66\00:02:53.46 voted me to serve as a GYC voice in Atlanta at the upcoming 00:02:53.46\00:02:58.20 session and I am just ecstatic that us here, as young 00:02:58.20\00:03:02.13 people, have a voice at the General Conference session. 00:03:02.13\00:03:06.06 For the that I thank you, I appreciate that, and I 00:03:06.06\00:03:10.33 humbly and honorably take that and serve as a voice. 00:03:10.33\00:03:14.46 So thank you very much for that. 00:03:14.46\00:03:16.00 So if you will allow me, we will get started. 00:03:16.00\00:03:18.20 If I can, actually I should introduce you to who we have 00:03:18.20\00:03:23.00 here, we have Elder Mike Ryan, Dr. Ted Wilson, 00:03:23.00\00:03:28.60 Dr. Ratsara, Dr. Mark Finley, 00:03:28.60\00:03:32.30 although it's Pastor Mark Finley for me I think. 00:03:32.30\00:03:35.23 Dr. Ella Simmons, Dr. Bill Knot, Dr. Don Schneider, each 00:03:35.23\00:03:41.26 serve as General Conference Vice Presidents, Elder Knots serves 00:03:41.26\00:03:46.26 as the communication piece, specifically of the GC. 00:03:46.26\00:03:50.10 Elder Schneider an Elder Ratsara served as Division Presidents, 00:03:50.10\00:03:54.06 which are branches of the General Conference. 00:03:54.06\00:03:55.86 We might get into that a little bit later, 00:03:55.86\00:03:57.63 but that is who we have here. 00:03:57.63\00:03:58.93 We have Israel and we have Amy, Israel because GYC all 00:03:58.93\00:04:02.90 along the way has had support from the church and it has 00:04:02.90\00:04:06.50 seeked the Council of the church and we have him to show 00:04:06.50\00:04:10.03 that, and we have Amy. 00:04:10.03\00:04:11.86 This morning also there is an unwritten thing that will 00:04:11.86\00:04:15.40 happen, there is a proper way to associate with church 00:04:15.40\00:04:19.40 leadership, and we want to show that in a very real, 00:04:19.40\00:04:23.33 practical way this morning. 00:04:23.33\00:04:25.16 So if I could ask the first question to get us started. 00:04:25.16\00:04:27.56 We have had a conference and focused on being unashamed. 00:04:29.43\00:04:34.83 We have focused on commitment to spiritual things in a 00:04:34.83\00:04:38.93 practical way, we have talked about creation, we have 00:04:38.93\00:04:43.00 talked about being unashamed of the gospel. 00:04:43.00\00:04:45.53 I think this question fits within that. 00:04:45.53\00:04:47.96 I will open it up to anyone, as leaders of the General 00:04:47.96\00:04:51.43 Conference, would you speak to the commitment level of 00:04:51.43\00:04:54.93 the GC leadership as well as the global leadership to 00:04:54.93\00:04:58.40 the authority of Scripture, even when it cuts 00:04:58.40\00:05:02.00 across cultural practices. 00:05:02.00\00:05:04.60 Dr. Mark: Culture should never dictate Scripture. 00:05:09.70\00:05:12.86 John 17:17 Jesus says, Thy word is truth. 00:05:12.86\00:05:15.96 The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist is 00:05:15.96\00:05:18.00 clear on the authority of Scripture. 00:05:18.00\00:05:21.26 Scripture always transcends culture. 00:05:21.26\00:05:24.50 Now there can be cultural aspects in which Paul says, 00:05:24.50\00:05:28.30 "I become of all things to all men. " 00:05:28.30\00:05:31.26 So methods can be adapted, not theology. 00:05:31.26\00:05:34.13 Israel: Thank you, I wish Elder Finley I would have asked 00:05:37.40\00:05:39.30 that question because I was suppose to have a 00:05:39.30\00:05:41.13 follow-up question to you, but here it goes anyway. 00:05:41.13\00:05:45.00 Recently most of us are aware of, recently there have 00:05:46.86\00:05:50.20 been some public criticisms on the Internet regarding 00:05:50.20\00:05:53.26 the amounts of money spent on public evangelism in the 00:05:53.26\00:05:56.30 form of net type campaigns. 00:05:56.30\00:05:58.46 Are there other successful methods that are more cost- 00:05:58.46\00:06:02.20 effective in public evangelism? 00:06:02.20\00:06:05.86 Dr. Mark: Well most the people who are criticizing public 00:06:05.86\00:06:08.16 evangelism are not doing it. Audience: Amen! Amen! 00:06:08.16\00:06:12.36 And there is a lot of critics, and if they had a better 00:06:12.36\00:06:14.56 method at winning more souls, praise the Lord. 00:06:14.56\00:06:18.10 But when you look at Net Evangelism, we already have 00:06:18.10\00:06:21.13 the airtime on 3ABN or Hope Channel. 00:06:21.13\00:06:23.90 If you uplink one series, you might have 5000, 3000, 00:06:23.90\00:06:29.83 2000 churches and groups in their homes participating. 00:06:29.83\00:06:35.70 I would ask Jesus, what is the worth of a soul? 00:06:37.60\00:06:41.80 I would ask the young people here, how many of you have 00:06:41.80\00:06:44.66 ever attended a Net Evangelistic Event? 00:06:44.66\00:06:47.36 May I see your hands? 00:06:47.36\00:06:48.73 How many of you have ever been blessed by it? 00:06:48.73\00:06:50.33 How many of you have been baptized as the result of a 00:06:50.33\00:06:53.80 Net Event, may I see your hands? 00:06:53.80\00:06:56.20 Was it too expensive for you? Certainly not! 00:06:56.20\00:06:59.16 So do we look for better methods of evangelism? 00:06:59.16\00:07:02.06 Definitely, should we find better methods? Certainly! 00:07:02.06\00:07:06.33 But Jesus words in Mark 16:16, "go preach the gospel" 00:07:06.33\00:07:10.56 still ring with relevance. 00:07:10.56\00:07:12.33 Dr. Bill: There are some of us here who owe an immense 00:07:14.03\00:07:16.46 amount to public evangelism. 00:07:16.46\00:07:18.93 I spent a moment a while back thinking about the fact 00:07:18.93\00:07:21.66 that my paternal grandfather came into the Adventist 00:07:21.66\00:07:24.36 church through the Ministry of HMJ Richards, 00:07:24.36\00:07:27.66 the father of HMS senior. 00:07:27.66\00:07:29.46 My maternal grandmother, and my mother, through the 00:07:29.46\00:07:32.23 Ministry of Glenn Kuhn. 00:07:32.23\00:07:33.73 My wife through the Ministry of Mark Finley, I owe an 00:07:33.73\00:07:37.33 amazing amount to public evangelism and I always will. 00:07:37.33\00:07:40.83 Dr. Ella: May I just add just a note? 00:07:42.60\00:07:45.96 I just wonder why we always feel that there must be an 00:07:45.96\00:07:50.53 either or, as opposed to using all of the methods that 00:07:50.53\00:07:55.10 are available to us. 00:07:55.10\00:07:56.43 I believe that is the example that we receive from Jesus. 00:07:56.43\00:07:59.20 Amy: Elder Ratsara, I think with you being a Division 00:08:00.73\00:08:03.40 President, you might be able to help us answer this question. 00:08:03.40\00:08:06.13 Many young adults are ignorant of how the church works 00:08:06.13\00:08:08.96 beyond their local church and pastor. 00:08:08.96\00:08:11.26 Can you help us to understand the necessity of our 00:08:11.26\00:08:13.16 system of church structure which includes local church, 00:08:13.16\00:08:16.06 conference, union, division, and the General conference? 00:08:16.06\00:08:18.93 Ratsara Thank you so much, our God is a God of order. 00:08:18.93\00:08:23.56 And He has given us a wonderful structure to support 00:08:23.56\00:08:28.10 the mission of the church. 00:08:28.10\00:08:30.63 When it comes to the structure of the church, we have 00:08:30.63\00:08:35.70 four levels, four levels of our structure. 00:08:35.70\00:08:40.63 Which one of them, one of the levels is divided actually 00:08:40.63\00:08:44.03 into two, we will know that later on. 00:08:44.03\00:08:46.93 We have first the local church, the local churches are 00:08:46.93\00:08:51.80 made of all the individual members of the church. 00:08:51.80\00:08:56.70 And then we have the local conferences, or local 00:08:56.70\00:09:01.56 missions, or field of section depending where they are talking 00:09:01.56\00:09:07.80 But it is the same level. 00:09:07.80\00:09:10.50 So the local conference is made up of local churches. 00:09:10.50\00:09:16.66 We have many, many conferences all around the world. 00:09:16.66\00:09:22.60 Then we have the union, the union is a union that is 00:09:22.60\00:09:28.50 made up of local conferences. 00:09:28.50\00:09:31.30 The union is called the building block of the General 00:09:31.30\00:09:36.66 Conference, and then the fourth level from the top is 00:09:36.66\00:09:41.93 the General Conference, which is divided into 13 divisions. 00:09:41.93\00:09:50.56 A division is a branch of the General Conference, 00:09:50.56\00:09:55.46 so you can see it is well structured to push 00:09:55.46\00:10:00.36 forward for our mission to go forward. 00:10:00.36\00:10:03.83 This is a wonderful structure that the Lord has given us. 00:10:03.83\00:10:08.06 Justin: Thank you, it is always good and interesting for us to 00:10:08.06\00:10:11.50 understand that structure, because I think it exists 00:10:11.50\00:10:14.86 for a reason and a purpose. 00:10:14.86\00:10:16.60 If I can set the tone on the panel a little bit and get 00:10:16.60\00:10:20.80 real with you guys for second, and gal, we understand 00:10:20.80\00:10:24.93 that the church exists to protect our fundamental beliefs, 00:10:24.93\00:10:29.70 and I just want to read a question and 00:10:29.70\00:10:31.26 we have many that came in because I think it is 00:10:31.26\00:10:33.36 on the hearts of people. 00:10:33.36\00:10:34.93 Some, not all of our colleges and universities 00:10:34.93\00:10:37.83 continue to hire and protect professors who do not believe 00:10:37.83\00:10:41.66 in our core beliefs, such as creation. 00:10:41.66\00:10:44.86 Many youths have lost their faith under such teachers. 00:10:44.86\00:10:49.23 How can this be stopped? 00:10:49.23\00:10:52.76 Audience shouting Amen! 00:10:52.76\00:10:56.20 Dr. Ella: I tend to think that comes to me. 00:10:56.20\00:10:58.96 Justin: It was open to anyone. 00:10:58.96\00:11:01.63 There is of course not enough time to deal adequately 00:11:01.63\00:11:05.96 with that question, yet I believe we can lay some 00:11:05.96\00:11:10.26 fundamental blocks of understanding here. 00:11:10.26\00:11:14.60 First of all, my personal stand, and the stand of the church is 00:11:14.60\00:11:19.80 is that Seventh-day Adventist schools at all levels, including 00:11:19.80\00:11:24.93 colleges and universities exist for one purpose. 00:11:24.93\00:11:29.86 In most countries of the world today there are excellent 00:11:29.86\00:11:33.43 systems of education, but we operate Seventh-day 00:11:33.43\00:11:38.03 Adventist education institutions to pass on, 00:11:38.03\00:11:42.56 to teach Seventh-day Adventist world perspective, spiritual 00:11:42.56\00:11:48.46 understanding, Scriptural knowledge and so forth. 00:11:48.46\00:11:52.96 Ellen White said, and we must hold on to this, that 00:11:52.96\00:11:57.43 education and redemption are one. 00:11:57.43\00:12:01.20 If our schools are not thoroughly and uniquely Seventh- 00:12:01.20\00:12:08.46 day Adventist, they should not exist. 00:12:08.46\00:12:11.73 We have no reason for them other than that they are 00:12:11.73\00:12:14.73 thoroughly Seventh-day Adventist. 00:12:14.73\00:12:17.33 Then that indicates that in order to get a Seventh-day 00:12:17.33\00:12:21.53 Adventist education, we need, we have an imperative for 00:12:21.53\00:12:26.70 Seventh day Adventist, committed practicing Seventh-day 00:12:26.70\00:12:31.80 Adventist faculty, leadership, and staff. 00:12:31.80\00:12:36.36 We have all been in a position in which individuals have 00:12:36.36\00:12:39.56 been hired into our schools who have not been Seventh- 00:12:39.56\00:12:42.86 day Adventist and we appreciate our colleagues, but 00:12:42.86\00:12:46.43 either they will betray themselves as good Christians 00:12:46.43\00:12:50.10 by teaching what we believe, if they are not Seventh-day 00:12:50.10\00:12:53.90 Adventist, or they betray us by teaching something other 00:12:53.90\00:12:57.70 than Seventh-day Adventist beliefs in our schools. 00:12:57.70\00:13:01.93 It is clear from Genesis to Revelation that academics 00:13:01.93\00:13:06.13 and spirituality are one. 00:13:06.13\00:13:09.90 The divisions that you hear about, that we read about, 00:13:09.90\00:13:13.26 are false, they are a work, a tool of the devil. 00:13:13.26\00:13:17.10 Clearly, I could go on and on, but maybe I should let 00:13:17.10\00:13:20.40 someone else have a point on this. 00:13:20.40\00:13:22.33 We have a responsibility to make our schools, all of 00:13:22.33\00:13:26.43 them everywhere, thoroughly Seventh-day Adventist. 00:13:26.43\00:13:29.83 Justin: Yeah I really appreciate that, I think the key for me 00:13:29.83\00:13:33.20 is that you responded to it that if they are not teaching, they 00:13:33.20\00:13:36.13 essentially are not Adventist institutions as we know it. 00:13:36.13\00:13:39.66 If I could go with a follow-up question on that, 00:13:39.66\00:13:43.20 actually go ahead Mike. 00:13:43.20\00:13:45.13 Dr. Mike: I just wanted to make a quick comment that sometimes 00:13:45.13\00:13:48.20 when you are addressing this issue, it is important to 00:13:48.20\00:13:50.90 keep in mind that it is not just church leadership that 00:13:50.90\00:13:53.93 addresses it, but it is laypeople and church leadership 00:13:53.93\00:13:56.90 working together, and that is what will provide a 00:13:56.90\00:13:59.66 solution that will be of a permanent nature and one that 00:13:59.66\00:14:03.80 is progressive for the kingdom. 00:14:03.80\00:14:05.93 Justin: So what can we do as young people? 00:14:05.93\00:14:07.23 Dr. Ted: There is a very practical way in which church 00:14:08.70\00:14:12.56 members can address the needs and the confusing situation, 00:14:12.56\00:14:18.00 at times, on campuses and that is to work through the 00:14:18.00\00:14:22.10 system, it is so important to have leadership at 00:14:22.10\00:14:26.23 colleges and universities who are absolutely committed 00:14:26.23\00:14:30.36 the 28 fundamentals beliefs. 00:14:30.36\00:14:32.70 To the word of God, to the three Angels messages. 00:14:32.70\00:14:35.80 There are many of our administrators who are like 00:14:35.80\00:14:39.43 that, but it is important that you work through them and 00:14:39.43\00:14:43.03 through the board of trustees. 00:14:43.03\00:14:45.43 Those people are responsible for those institutions 00:14:45.43\00:14:48.83 and that is where you, in a practical way, can actually 00:14:48.83\00:14:52.20 influence the people by simply talking to them, 00:14:52.20\00:14:55.73 calling them, e-mailing them, dialoguing with them. 00:14:55.73\00:14:59.20 It will make a difference, you need to make your voice known. 00:14:59.20\00:15:03.93 Dr. Ella: May I just add a point? 00:15:03.93\00:15:06.23 You said as young people, and I'm thinking as young 00:15:06.23\00:15:10.30 people, as students you have a responsibility to stand 00:15:10.30\00:15:14.30 for truth in these institutions. 00:15:14.30\00:15:18.00 In the classrooms, if you stand and you are honest in 00:15:18.00\00:15:22.33 your communication of what is happening, those who have 00:15:22.33\00:15:26.10 responsibilities and the desire to make a difference, 00:15:26.10\00:15:30.16 will have, shall we say, the foundation from which to 00:15:30.16\00:15:34.20 operate to make the difference. 00:15:34.20\00:15:36.60 Often those of us who travel around the world, 00:15:36.60\00:15:39.86 who sit in various offices who are not out of touch 00:15:39.86\00:15:43.36 with the church, but who are focused in different 00:15:43.36\00:15:46.80 places, at different times, really do not know exactly 00:15:46.80\00:15:50.53 what is happening in a given class room. 00:15:50.53\00:15:53.50 But if you stand for truth, if you stand for what is 00:15:53.50\00:15:58.30 right, everyone here will stand behind you. 00:15:58.30\00:16:01.70 Israel: Thank you, we appreciate that. 00:16:03.40\00:16:04.50 When you say stand for truth we hear make your voice 00:16:04.50\00:16:08.20 heard, stand for truth, all these things are very 00:16:08.20\00:16:12.10 positive and encouraging for us. 00:16:12.10\00:16:13.96 Working through the system, I think the bottom-line 00:16:13.96\00:16:17.40 question is what does that mean? 00:16:17.40\00:16:19.73 How do we do that? 00:16:19.73\00:16:21.23 How do we work through the system in a proper way? 00:16:21.23\00:16:23.33 Does it mean in a classroom setting, if my professor is 00:16:23.33\00:16:26.60 saying something that is clearly not in line with what 00:16:26.60\00:16:29.36 I understand the Bible to be, do I stand in class and 00:16:29.36\00:16:32.06 say something, to write him a letter? 00:16:32.06\00:16:33.70 What are the ways in which we can stand for truth and 00:16:33.70\00:16:36.30 work through the system, and how does this all tie into, it 00:16:36.30\00:16:40.03 is like the question asked regarding church structure. 00:16:40.03\00:16:43.90 We don't understand the church structure. 00:16:43.90\00:16:45.63 Can I write a letter to the GC president or any 00:16:45.63\00:16:48.16 president, what would be working through the system? 00:16:48.16\00:16:51.36 Dr. Ella: I want to start with a personal example, and then 00:16:51.36\00:16:54.53 anyone here can answer this specific question. 00:16:54.53\00:16:57.80 I want to say welcome to Louisville everyone, 00:16:57.80\00:17:01.03 this is my town, this is my hometown. 00:17:01.03\00:17:04.13 I grew up here and my family was not Seventh-day 00:17:04.13\00:17:06.90 Adventist, I joined the Seventh-day Adventist church 00:17:06.90\00:17:10.56 at age 16, so I made a decision as a young person. 00:17:10.56\00:17:14.06 I did not have the blessing of Seventh-day Adventist 00:17:14.06\00:17:17.56 education, I attended universities right here. 00:17:17.56\00:17:21.13 Indiana University, the University of Louisville. 00:17:21.13\00:17:24.70 I did get Andrews in later on. 00:17:24.70\00:17:27.20 But right here in this town I did my doctoral work. 00:17:27.20\00:17:32.80 First of all you must always conduct yourself as Jesus 00:17:32.80\00:17:37.53 would, you do not need to attack the professor in class. 00:17:37.53\00:17:42.26 I had to deal with this in a real situation. 00:17:42.26\00:17:47.06 For example, I can remember I would always say when 00:17:47.06\00:17:50.70 called upon to answer those questions, evolution, 00:17:50.70\00:17:54.30 let's go right there. 00:17:54.30\00:17:55.90 I believed that as a scholar I need to know the theories 00:17:55.90\00:17:59.96 of evolution, but never to accept it as fact. 00:17:59.96\00:18:03.90 So I would always have to say in class, and all my test 00:18:03.90\00:18:08.46 papers, according to you this is what has happened, 00:18:08.46\00:18:13.30 although I still believe it is six days, God created 00:18:13.30\00:18:18.13 the heaven and earth and so forth. 00:18:18.13\00:18:19.90 So there is a way to do it without creating a problem. 00:18:19.90\00:18:23.36 People will respect you even while they continue to 00:18:23.36\00:18:26.83 disagree with you. 00:18:26.83\00:18:28.56 Dr. Mark: To follow up on what Ella has said, there is a 00:18:28.56\00:18:33.46 difference between a teacher who makes a comment in 00:18:33.46\00:18:38.33 class that I may not fully understand, and they may have 00:18:38.33\00:18:42.76 a different perception of truth than I do, and a blatant 00:18:42.76\00:18:47.93 open statement that violates the tenets of Scripture 00:18:47.93\00:18:53.06 in the Adventist church. 00:18:53.06\00:18:55.10 The comment on academic freedom, in a sense academic 00:18:55.10\00:19:00.10 freedom is a myth and here is why. 00:19:00.10\00:19:03.90 When I agree to teach in a Seventh day Adventist 00:19:03.90\00:19:10.33 College, by that very agreement I agree to be supported 00:19:10.33\00:19:16.06 by seventh day Adventist tuition dollars, from Seventh- 00:19:16.06\00:19:20.50 day Adventist parents who want a Seventh-day Adventist 00:19:20.50\00:19:24.93 education. Audience: Amen! 00:19:24.93\00:19:27.73 So I voluntarily, by choice, I give up freedom to teach 00:19:27.73\00:19:35.00 contrary to Seventh-day Adventist values, and if 00:19:35.00\00:19:39.26 I can't do that, the thing to do; and be intellectually 00:19:39.26\00:19:43.33 honest, is to say, I no longer believe that, and go teach 00:19:43.33\00:19:47.36 someplace else, where that can be accepted. 00:19:47.36\00:19:51.26 So academic freedom, there are Catholic universities, whose 00:19:51.26\00:19:55.30 boards meet; who dismissed recently, teachers because they 00:19:55.30\00:19:58.73 weren't teaching Catholic theology in their University. 00:19:58.73\00:20:02.13 Presbyterian boards and Lutheran Boards who meet, 00:20:02.13\00:20:08.00 so the issue is, yes as Adventist we work together, 00:20:08.00\00:20:13.33 we work in harmony and love, but the intellectually 00:20:13.33\00:20:17.76 honest thing to do, for somebody who may no longer 00:20:17.76\00:20:21.83 believe Adventist theology, is to find a place where 00:20:21.83\00:20:24.86 they can teach in harmony with what they believe. 00:20:24.86\00:20:27.83 Amy: Elder Schneider I would like to ask you a question that 00:20:27.83\00:20:30.70 is related to that, for those professors who may not 00:20:30.70\00:20:34.20 take that integrity position and remove themselves, 00:20:34.20\00:20:37.66 I think this question is directed that way. 00:20:37.66\00:20:40.20 Recently there has been an online petition asking the 00:20:40.20\00:20:43.43 General Conference to tolerate monogamous 00:20:43.43\00:20:46.33 homosexual relationships. 00:20:46.33\00:20:48.76 Some of those signers were ministers and professors 00:20:48.76\00:20:51.16 of our schools. 00:20:51.16\00:20:52.40 Some sits on boards of organizations that teach very 00:20:52.40\00:20:55.23 divergent doctrines, what should be done when church 00:20:55.23\00:20:58.00 employees, receiving a check from the church, openly 00:20:58.00\00:21:00.80 seeks to undermine the very teachings they endorse? 00:21:00.80\00:21:03.56 Audience: Amen! Amen! Amen! 00:21:03.56\00:21:08.83 All the people, that we talk about, are people. 00:21:08.83\00:21:12.03 We need to deal with all the people in a Christian way. 00:21:14.60\00:21:20.16 Even people that are very, very different in their way 00:21:20.16\00:21:25.73 of thinking than we might be. 00:21:25.73\00:21:28.50 If I am given an opportunity to deal with an issue like 00:21:28.50\00:21:34.36 that, I really want to deal with it by talking with the 00:21:34.36\00:21:41.16 person in a setting where that person and I can visit 00:21:41.16\00:21:47.93 back-and-forth as opposed to a trial setting. 00:21:47.93\00:21:52.76 It seems to me like a trial setting causes a conflict 00:21:52.76\00:21:58.90 that may not be necessary. 00:21:58.90\00:22:01.60 Since I have been in the jobs I have been in for the 00:22:01.60\00:22:07.26 last 30 years or so, it has been my job to deal with 00:22:07.26\00:22:12.93 people, some of them I have asked to quit. 00:22:12.93\00:22:17.73 Very rarely, almost always as we visit, I can find a 00:22:17.73\00:22:23.43 time to ask a question, are you having a lot of fun 00:22:23.43\00:22:29.10 doing what you are doing? 00:22:29.10\00:22:31.00 People who are not supportive of this church are by in 00:22:31.00\00:22:36.96 large not having fun either. 00:22:36.96\00:22:39.40 And people who are not enjoying what they are doing, 00:22:39.40\00:22:45.73 are not doing a good job supporting this church often. 00:22:45.73\00:22:52.00 That leads me to another point then. 00:22:52.00\00:22:54.50 I say, if you are not having fun, and you are not 00:22:54.50\00:22:59.50 really into the mission of this church, would you want 00:22:59.50\00:23:03.73 me to help you find something else? 00:23:03.73\00:23:07.33 Almost always, that has taken care of the issue for me. 00:23:07.33\00:23:13.00 Almost never have I said, okay next Tuesday we go to 00:23:13.00\00:23:18.63 trial, be ready because were coming at you. 00:23:18.63\00:23:21.43 That just has not been necessary in my experience. 00:23:21.43\00:23:26.20 Justin: Thank you, I guess to sum these questions up 00:23:26.20\00:23:30.63 in a sense, we asked them as young people because there 00:23:30.63\00:23:35.06 is a sense of concern. 00:23:35.06\00:23:36.66 We love the church, we love creation, we love God 00:23:36.66\00:23:41.50 creating man and woman to marry and all these things, 00:23:41.50\00:23:46.30 to do with the homosexuality thing. 00:23:46.30\00:23:48.23 Sometimes we get a sense that these things are not being 00:23:48.23\00:23:53.30 dealt with quickly, or quickly enough. 00:23:53.30\00:23:57.56 I think it goes with young people, if this is happening, 00:23:57.56\00:24:00.36 let's do something right now. 00:24:00.36\00:24:03.76 But we also asked that question from our mentors. 00:24:03.76\00:24:07.13 Why is there a sense from young people that it doesn't 00:24:07.13\00:24:09.53 feel like it is happening quick enough? 00:24:09.53\00:24:11.60 Why isn't, we talked about creation, homosexuality, 00:24:11.60\00:24:15.03 why is this something being done quicker? 00:24:15.03\00:24:17.40 Dr. Ted: Probably one of the basic reasons, touching on this, 00:24:17.40\00:24:23.03 touching on creation and many other subjects has to do 00:24:23.03\00:24:27.46 with something we started out with, and that is the 00:24:27.46\00:24:31.86 authority of Scripture. 00:24:31.86\00:24:33.93 As society has permeated the church, as we have become 00:24:33.93\00:24:40.00 more quotes sophisticated, we have lost a sense of the 00:24:40.00\00:24:46.06 word of God in a literal understanding as being 00:24:46.06\00:24:50.16 authoritative in our lives, and in our institutions. 00:24:50.16\00:24:55.36 I think as we address these situations, they have to be 00:24:55.36\00:25:00.53 done within the light of Scripture. 00:25:00.53\00:25:03.13 The Scripture is very clear on homosexuality, 00:25:03.13\00:25:06.70 it doesn't mean that we cannot deal with the 00:25:06.70\00:25:10.20 situation in a Christ-like manner, as Elder Schneider 00:25:10.20\00:25:13.86 has said and others. 00:25:13.86\00:25:15.83 It needs to be done carefully, but society should not 00:25:15.83\00:25:20.43 impact the way we view truth. 00:25:20.43\00:25:24.33 Scripture has to be presented first and I think more 00:25:24.33\00:25:28.33 and more administrators need to understand that. 00:25:28.33\00:25:32.23 When they do, and when they fully accept that, things 00:25:32.23\00:25:36.03 will move a little more quickly than you are seeing 00:25:36.03\00:25:39.76 at the present time. 00:25:39.76\00:25:41.30 The conference that took place at Andrews University 00:25:41.30\00:25:45.36 in October is a prime example of how some individuals 00:25:45.36\00:25:49.00 who are very interested in the area of marriage and 00:25:49.00\00:25:52.56 homosexuality, were able to put together a very profound 00:25:52.56\00:25:58.50 conference they came down very strongly on the word 00:25:58.50\00:26:01.90 of God, but with care and with love. 00:26:01.90\00:26:04.96 But it is very clear what God says. 00:26:04.96\00:26:07.93 Israel: Maybe just to follow up from Elder Ryan. 00:26:07.93\00:26:11.46 The Seventh-day Adventist church doesn't come to this 00:26:11.46\00:26:14.20 subject in neutral, we have a position and it is 00:26:14.20\00:26:17.16 Biblical, we know what it is. 00:26:17.16\00:26:18.73 I think Elder Schneider's counsel is very, very good. 00:26:18.73\00:26:22.40 I wonder what the disciples thought? 00:26:22.40\00:26:24.80 There have to be some of them that were just a little 00:26:24.80\00:26:28.30 suspicious about Judas, and yet Christ went year after 00:26:28.30\00:26:31.80 year and didn't take care of it. 00:26:31.80\00:26:34.76 I wonder if we can't learn something from that. 00:26:36.83\00:26:39.90 I think Elder Schneider, counsel is very good. 00:26:39.90\00:26:42.90 The fact that let's deal with people as Christ would 00:26:42.90\00:26:46.80 deal with them, it doesn't change the truth. 00:26:46.80\00:26:49.60 We have a position and we know what it is, but I think 00:26:49.60\00:26:53.23 our first responsibility is when we finished is to say, 00:26:53.23\00:26:56.86 did I act like Jesus? 00:26:56.86\00:26:59.16 Dr. Paul: I would like to also add, I really believe that we 00:26:59.16\00:27:06.43 are the church, we need to take a firm stand and we have 00:27:06.43\00:27:10.93 done that as a corporate, we have statements that are 00:27:10.93\00:27:16.40 written on top of what we need to do as leaders and as 00:27:16.40\00:27:21.50 members as we have already stated, Elder Schneider and 00:27:21.50\00:27:26.60 Doctor Ryan said. 00:27:26.60\00:27:27.83 I do believe we need to apply this principle. 00:27:27.83\00:27:33.50 The best way to combat error is to emphasize the truth. 00:27:33.50\00:27:39.60 So I feel the need, that we need to do more emphasizing 00:27:39.60\00:27:46.53 the truth, we need to spend more time and I would say 00:27:46.53\00:27:53.36 study more, talk about this and gradually, while we emphasize 00:27:53.36\00:27:59.56 truth, then we are bringing to light and gradually darkness, 00:27:59.56\00:28:05.76 it will go away. 00:28:05.76\00:28:07.60 On top of the administrative approach that we are doing 00:28:07.60\00:28:11.80 and by the way you know in the division, that is the 00:28:11.80\00:28:16.00 approach we are doing. 00:28:16.00\00:28:17.30 On top of that, we need to emphasize the truth, 00:28:17.30\00:28:21.06 and the truth will triumph. 00:28:21.06\00:28:23.30 Dr. Mark: There is an example from early Adventist history 00:28:23.30\00:28:26.03 that is very instructive, although the Seventh-day 00:28:26.03\00:28:30.30 Adventist church today faces, at times, the introduction of 00:28:30.30\00:28:34.73 doctoral heresies, this is not new in the church. 00:28:34.73\00:28:39.53 Over 100 years ago, John Harvey Kellogg introduced into 00:28:39.53\00:28:44.40 the Adventist church pantheistic theories. 00:28:44.40\00:28:47.36 When they came in, they came in subtly at first and 00:28:47.36\00:28:51.96 there were those Adventist leaders that said meet this, 00:28:51.96\00:28:56.53 hit it head on, purge the church. 00:28:56.53\00:29:00.36 They came to Ellen White and Ellen White said, not yet. 00:29:00.36\00:29:06.06 Why? Her heart was Pastoral, she wanted to save as 00:29:06.06\00:29:11.73 many people as possible. 00:29:11.73\00:29:13.90 The apostasy was not fully developed and she recognized 00:29:13.90\00:29:17.93 that if church leadership moved too quickly, people 00:29:17.93\00:29:21.90 along the way would be lost. 00:29:21.90\00:29:24.36 Many people may grasp the fringes of an idea, but it 00:29:24.36\00:29:29.00 takes time to work with them, as Elder Schneider has 00:29:29.00\00:29:33.63 mentioned, in kindness and love. 00:29:33.63\00:29:36.96 So why doesn't the church move more quickly at times? 00:29:36.96\00:29:41.93 It is because the loving heart of Christ longs to redeem 00:29:41.93\00:29:46.90 everybody possible and to work with people. 00:29:46.90\00:29:50.43 But there was a point where the pantheistic heresy was 00:29:50.43\00:29:55.06 affecting so many young people that the church had to 00:29:55.06\00:29:58.73 meet it and Ellen White said, that she was given a 00:29:58.73\00:30:02.40 dream by God, and He said meet the apostasy. 00:30:02.40\00:30:06.70 Meet it head-on! 00:30:06.70\00:30:08.40 So there comes a blend, and I know we are dealing with 00:30:08.40\00:30:12.80 young people who want us to be real. 00:30:12.80\00:30:14.53 We are real leaders, we love this church, we believe in 00:30:14.53\00:30:20.33 the supremacy of the word of God. 00:30:20.33\00:30:23.06 But we also have hearts of pastors. 00:30:23.06\00:30:25.70 We want to see our teachers, many of whom, a vast 00:30:25.70\00:30:29.96 majority of whom love Jesus and are committed to this 00:30:29.96\00:30:34.13 church, there may be some who teach some things that are 00:30:34.13\00:30:37.90 not totally in harmony with the fundamentals, but even 00:30:37.90\00:30:42.60 they have hearts to be redeemed for God's kingdom. 00:30:42.60\00:30:47.26 So we have that delicate balance, of walking that tight 00:30:47.26\00:30:50.66 rope between the Pastoral love that reaches out to 00:30:50.66\00:30:54.30 redeem and protecting the church from apostasy. 00:30:54.30\00:30:57.46 Please pray that as leaders we will know when to be 00:30:57.46\00:31:00.60 tender and went to meet it. 00:31:00.60\00:31:02.83 Israel: I would like to follow up that question Elder Finley. 00:31:02.83\00:31:07.10 I think it is great and it's enlightening to us. 00:31:07.10\00:31:10.73 To me somewhat assuring that there is a Pastoral 00:31:10.73\00:31:14.30 approach rather than just oversight, which is what the 00:31:14.30\00:31:17.50 fear of the young people sometimes is. 00:31:17.50\00:31:20.20 As a follow up question, sometimes there is a 00:31:20.20\00:31:23.40 perception; some, not all, church leaders seem to be 00:31:23.40\00:31:26.56 negative towards supporting ministries that have a track 00:31:26.56\00:31:29.70 record for upholding the teachings, policies, and 00:31:29.70\00:31:31.93 leadership of our church. 00:31:31.93\00:31:33.50 While other entities, and even workers who undermine our 00:31:33.50\00:31:36.20 teachings seem to have lost a lot of affirmation. 00:31:36.20\00:31:39.26 Then, how can this be? What can be done to call everyone 00:31:39.26\00:31:42.80 to the same accountability? 00:31:42.80\00:31:44.63 Sometimes it seems as though we're Pastoral in situations 00:31:44.63\00:31:48.10 where, as you just mentioned, while at the same time not 00:31:48.10\00:31:51.96 showing the same type of Pastoral ministry toward other 00:31:51.96\00:31:55.56 ministries that might in some way try to support the church 00:31:55.56\00:31:59.13 in its distinctive teachings. 00:31:59.13\00:32:01.00 Dr. Ted: I think one of the most important things, and we get 00:32:01.00\00:32:04.73 back to practical counsel, Israel is what you're asking 00:32:04.73\00:32:07.83 about, how do we make a difference when a school, or 00:32:07.83\00:32:11.96 whatever and the same thing has to do with any kind of 00:32:11.96\00:32:16.06 supporting ministry activity. 00:32:16.06\00:32:18.76 You have to let people know what you are doing, 00:32:18.76\00:32:22.30 who you are, you have to make contact. 00:32:22.30\00:32:24.50 Leaders are people, like you're trying to prove today. 00:32:24.50\00:32:28.73 You simply have to get closer to people and explain it. 00:32:28.73\00:32:33.46 Let me just say it is absolutely wonderful to be at 00:32:33.46\00:32:37.50 GYC, I have been here since Wednesday night and I have 00:32:37.50\00:32:41.50 been thrilled, I have been so encouraged by the 00:32:41.50\00:32:45.10 commitment of the young people to the church, 00:32:45.10\00:32:48.60 and to the principles of the church, and to Scripture, 00:32:48.60\00:32:52.36 and to what the advent movement is really about. 00:32:52.36\00:32:57.06 Now once people get a flavor of that, all doubts are 00:32:57.06\00:33:00.90 going to be dismissed, and you have publicly stated from 00:33:00.90\00:33:04.73 this platform, that GYC supports the Seventh-day 00:33:04.73\00:33:09.13 Adventist church and always will. 00:33:09.13\00:33:10.93 Once people understand that, they are not going to be as 00:33:10.93\00:33:14.60 hesitant and it is the same with many other 00:33:14.60\00:33:17.16 supporting ministries. 00:33:17.16\00:33:18.50 People simply don't know exactly what you are doing. 00:33:18.50\00:33:23.16 Some people, unfortunately, are opposed simply because 00:33:23.16\00:33:27.76 their world view is completely different. 00:33:27.76\00:33:31.36 And you just have to accept that. 00:33:31.36\00:33:33.16 But I would highly encourage supporting ministries, 00:33:33.16\00:33:36.86 and GYC has already proven it, that you are so loyal 00:33:36.86\00:33:40.63 to the church and its values and its mission, people 00:33:40.63\00:33:44.33 shouldn't have a question. 00:33:44.33\00:33:46.06 Israel: I appreciate that, but I want to make sure that we are 00:33:46.06\00:33:48.80 also addressing the other part of the question which is 00:33:48.80\00:33:52.43 in some cases I know we seek to be Pastoral, and I 00:33:52.43\00:33:56.00 believe that is great. 00:33:56.00\00:33:57.23 I think it is great, we need to win our brothers and 00:33:57.23\00:34:01.10 sisters and sometimes as young people we overlook that. 00:34:01.10\00:34:04.86 So we appreciate you bringing it to our attention Elder Finley 00:34:04.86\00:34:08.63 which sometimes causes us a little bit of self reflection. 00:34:08.63\00:34:12.36 I guess the part of the question that strikes me more 00:34:12.36\00:34:16.80 than anything is, sometimes ministries are given 00:34:16.80\00:34:20.30 affirmation by certain parts of church leadership. 00:34:20.30\00:34:22.90 That is a perception that we sometimes receive. 00:34:22.90\00:34:25.40 That there is not just a Pastoral treatment of the 00:34:25.40\00:34:28.26 situation but actually affirmation is given to people 00:34:28.26\00:34:31.10 who are divergent or ministries or situations that are divergent 00:34:31.10\00:34:33.86 from our fundamental beliefs. 00:34:33.86\00:34:35.90 Dr. Mark: You have to distinguish Israel between 00:34:35.90\00:34:40.30 the affirmation given by an individual and the endorsement 00:34:40.30\00:34:44.66 given by the church. 00:34:44.66\00:34:46.36 The Seventh-day Adventist church at the General 00:34:47.80\00:34:50.33 Conference does not mussel its leadership. 00:34:50.33\00:34:53.50 So you are going to have people who may give individual 00:34:53.50\00:34:58.86 affirmation, but the Seventh-day Adventist church of the 00:34:58.86\00:35:04.23 General Conference gives endorsement to supporting 00:35:04.23\00:35:07.10 ministries through the ASI organization. 00:35:07.10\00:35:10.20 The reason we are here today is to give 00:35:10.20\00:35:13.26 endorsement to this ministry. 00:35:13.26\00:35:15.16 Now there are two other aspects of this I want to 00:35:15.16\00:35:18.60 discuss, what is a supporting ministry? 00:35:18.60\00:35:21.73 How do you define a supporting ministry? 00:35:21.73\00:35:24.80 A supporting ministry is a ministry that is in harmony 00:35:24.80\00:35:28.36 with the mission message and organization of the Seventh- 00:35:28.36\00:35:31.90 day Adventist church, but generates its own 00:35:31.90\00:35:35.13 financial support, so there is no difference in loyalty 00:35:35.13\00:35:39.46 to mission message and organization. 00:35:39.46\00:35:42.33 The only difference is that it generates its own 00:35:42.33\00:35:44.20 financial support. 00:35:44.20\00:35:45.70 An independent ministry by definition is one who stands 00:35:45.70\00:35:49.03 outside of the church and becomes a corrective of the 00:35:49.03\00:35:52.30 church and criticizes the church. 00:35:52.30\00:35:54.43 So you have two ends of the spectrum, you have 00:35:54.43\00:35:57.50 independent ministries who see the church in apostasy 00:35:57.50\00:36:01.36 and who correct it, who attempt to correct it. 00:36:01.36\00:36:05.13 The fundamental issue there its unsanctified pride. 00:36:05.13\00:36:08.96 On the other end of the spectrum you have liberalism, 00:36:08.96\00:36:12.50 who believes it has grown beyond the church, that it's 00:36:12.50\00:36:15.73 positions are archaic and want to reform the church, 00:36:15.73\00:36:18.90 by getting it to deny its fundamental beliefs. 00:36:18.90\00:36:22.73 That also is pride, so whether you look at the ultra- 00:36:22.73\00:36:27.50 right, the critical independences, or the ultra-left 00:36:27.50\00:36:32.23 the liberals, the fundamental issue is pride. 00:36:32.23\00:36:35.40 We at the General Conference want to bring people 00:36:35.40\00:36:39.03 toward the center of the 28 fundamental beliefs that 00:36:39.03\00:36:42.63 support this church in the mission to take 00:36:42.63\00:36:45.23 the gospel to the world. 00:36:45.23\00:36:46.90 Dr. Bill: One of the ways in which those of us who work in 00:36:46.90\00:36:51.73 the General Conference-based ministries are learning to 00:36:51.73\00:36:54.90 think about our work is to identify what God is doing 00:36:54.90\00:36:58.03 in the church, and try to get in on it. 00:36:58.03\00:37:00.50 That means coming to GYC, that means listening 00:37:00.50\00:37:04.00 carefully, that means praying in the hall with young people, 00:37:04.00\00:37:07.16 that means letting our own hearts and minds be affected 00:37:07.16\00:37:09.66 by the movement and the phenomenon we are experiencing 00:37:09.66\00:37:13.00 here, in that we become supportive ministries of what 00:37:13.00\00:37:16.30 you are doing, and that is the definition 00:37:16.30\00:37:18.13 we intend to work with. 00:37:18.13\00:37:19.76 Dr. Mike: You know I have had an opportunity to work in a lot of 00:37:19.76\00:37:24.80 frontline mission projects. 00:37:24.80\00:37:26.76 Many people come to me and say, well we have a 00:37:26.76\00:37:30.23 supporting ministry that wants to come and help us, 00:37:30.23\00:37:32.06 is it okay? We don't know who they are. 00:37:32.06\00:37:34.33 Well there is a system that we have within the church 00:37:34.33\00:37:39.66 that gives approval to supporting ministries. 00:37:39.66\00:37:44.03 ASI is an organization we use to say look at them, 00:37:44.03\00:37:48.16 if you are part of ASI then we sometimes give a nod. 00:37:48.16\00:37:52.20 But actually there's a much more biblical explanation 00:37:52.20\00:37:56.20 in the end, in the very end. 00:37:56.20\00:37:58.90 Isaiah 8:20, to the law and to the testimony if they don't 00:37:58.90\00:38:01.96 speak according to this word, there is no light in them. 00:38:01.96\00:38:05.10 And many times a supporting ministry will prove itself 00:38:05.10\00:38:08.20 or not prove itself, based on that principle. 00:38:08.20\00:38:12.40 There is a reputation that begins to move forward. 00:38:12.40\00:38:15.50 I think there's no question that as people rally around 00:38:15.50\00:38:22.73 the mission, the message and they are interested 00:38:22.73\00:38:25.73 passionately and proclaiming Christ to the world. 00:38:25.73\00:38:28.63 If they take that up, they will become partners with the church. 00:38:28.63\00:38:32.70 Amy: Just as a follow up to that, are we sure that all the 00:38:32.70\00:38:35.96 ministries represented at the General Conference session 00:38:35.96\00:38:39.20 are supportive of the church mission? 00:38:39.20\00:38:41.23 Audience: Hardy Amen, chuckling. 00:38:41.23\00:38:47.40 Dr. Ted: Are you talking about ministries in the exhibit 00:38:47.40\00:38:51.63 session? Yes! 00:38:51.63\00:38:54.40 There is a committee that works carefully to try and 00:38:54.40\00:38:58.13 screen those who are there. 00:38:58.13\00:39:00.43 They do their best, and certainly the ASI standard is 00:39:00.43\00:39:05.70 held very high, there may be some things that slip in 00:39:05.70\00:39:10.96 here and there, they shouldn't, but by in large, 00:39:10.96\00:39:14.60 by God's grace we hope the committee does a good job. 00:39:14.60\00:39:17.96 It is very careful in the way things are planned for 00:39:17.96\00:39:21.26 the General Conference session. 00:39:21.26\00:39:22.93 Amy: I'm sure you choose Godly people to sit on that committee, 00:39:22.93\00:39:26.30 each of you are in that leader- ship position as Justin said, 00:39:26.30\00:39:29.66 and we look up to you as very Godly leaders. 00:39:29.66\00:39:32.50 I think I speak for the three of us, and many of the 00:39:32.50\00:39:35.56 young people here, we too desire to become Godly leaders 00:39:35.56\00:39:38.60 one day, what do you look for when you are hiring 00:39:38.60\00:39:41.23 someone? How can we develop into those Godly leaders? 00:39:41.23\00:39:43.76 How can we seek mentorship from people like yourselves, 00:39:43.76\00:39:46.36 from other people can help train us to be those people? 00:39:46.36\00:39:48.93 What would you suggest for us to do? 00:39:48.93\00:39:53.46 Yes, that is a very good question. 00:39:53.46\00:39:57.93 Dr. Paul: Because the future of the church is in Jesus Christ 00:39:57.93\00:40:03.93 through leadership, so that is for an example, 00:40:03.93\00:40:08.30 Southern African division, is a major portion of the 00:40:08.30\00:40:13.83 role of leadership to mentor young people and young 00:40:13.83\00:40:19.33 leaders because it's success without is a successor failure. 00:40:19.33\00:40:24.56 So what I have found, at least three qualities that we 00:40:24.56\00:40:33.90 want to develop for in leadership. 00:40:33.90\00:40:36.80 First of all, the church is a spiritual organization. 00:40:36.80\00:40:41.60 So the first qualification, the first quality we need 00:40:41.60\00:40:46.40 to develop is spirituality. 00:40:46.40\00:40:48.40 We need to be very close to the Lord. 00:40:48.40\00:40:51.20 We need to allow God to lead us so that we can lead 00:40:51.20\00:40:54.76 people, we don't want to mislead the church. 00:40:54.76\00:40:57.76 So spirituality is very important and vital aspect when 00:40:57.76\00:41:05.10 it comes to the quality of leadership. 00:41:05.10\00:41:07.60 Then, secondly, is love. We need to lead by love. 00:41:07.60\00:41:13.73 Jesus Christ is the top leader, He is the example and 00:41:13.73\00:41:18.63 that is why we are still worshiping Him now, because He 00:41:18.63\00:41:23.50 led by love, He sacrificed Himself. 00:41:23.50\00:41:26.23 So by the grace of God we need to develop this loving spirit, 00:41:26.23\00:41:30.43 because once people know that you love them, then they 00:41:30.43\00:41:36.56 will follow you, so love is very important. 00:41:36.56\00:41:41.10 Then thirdly, is excellence. 00:41:41.10\00:41:44.83 We need to ask God to help us to be effective and 00:41:44.83\00:41:50.36 efficient, getting things done, well organized. 00:41:50.36\00:41:55.83 So we can bring success to the work of the Lord because 00:41:55.83\00:42:01.13 you cannot debate success. 00:42:01.13\00:42:03.63 They are three things, spirituality, loving sacrifice, 00:42:03.63\00:42:08.43 and work hard. 00:42:08.43\00:42:10.96 Dr. Ted: Can I jump in on this? 00:42:10.96\00:42:13.10 I think God uses people who are humble. 00:42:13.10\00:42:18.00 He doesn't need people who have every kind of an answer 00:42:18.00\00:42:22.03 for everything, He can use people who are even less 00:42:22.03\00:42:26.03 educated than one might want to be able to accomplish 00:42:26.03\00:42:29.90 things, humility is one of the most important things. 00:42:29.90\00:42:33.70 Which means complete submission to God. 00:42:33.70\00:42:35.90 In addition to that, people who are good listeners. 00:42:35.90\00:42:42.20 People who don't just jump to conclusions. 00:42:42.20\00:42:45.43 People who don't just categorize things immediately, 00:42:45.43\00:42:49.13 but they listen carefully. 00:42:49.13\00:42:51.30 People who certainly love God and love human beings, 00:42:51.30\00:42:56.93 that is so important, integrity. 00:42:56.93\00:42:59.10 I think of Micah 6:8 sums it up, it sums it up. 00:42:59.10\00:43:03.13 Do justly, be fair, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. 00:43:03.13\00:43:10.93 Those are the kinds of leaders that God is going to use. 00:43:10.93\00:43:14.13 He is going to pull them out, and there are plenty 00:43:14.13\00:43:16.36 of them right here at GYC. 00:43:16.36\00:43:18.16 Dr. Bill: If I can add one more quality to what my brothers have 00:43:18.16\00:43:21.00 suggested, it's tenacity. 00:43:21.00\00:43:22.90 Many times as a young person, you may have a God driven 00:43:22.90\00:43:27.63 idea, a dream in your life, in your mind. 00:43:27.63\00:43:29.90 You may approach a church leader and may discover, 00:43:29.90\00:43:33.00 initially, not the overwhelming acceptance you are 00:43:33.00\00:43:35.83 seeking, or even an affirmation you think it deserves. 00:43:35.83\00:43:39.16 Be tenacious, come back a second time, and a third time 00:43:39.16\00:43:42.80 if necessary, pray with that individual, go back and 00:43:42.80\00:43:45.80 look at your idea and share with other Godly friends. 00:43:45.80\00:43:48.73 Don't stop with the first no you get. 00:43:48.73\00:43:52.46 The system works if we are tenacious, I have experienced 00:43:52.46\00:43:56.40 that in my own life as a young person working with 00:43:56.40\00:43:58.83 student government on Adventist campuses. 00:43:58.83\00:44:00.93 The system will work if we will go back and carefully 00:44:00.93\00:44:04.26 plan, re-draft, re-direct, come back a second and third 00:44:04.26\00:44:07.56 time, you will discover the success 00:44:07.56\00:44:09.93 God intended for your idea. 00:44:09.93\00:44:11.70 Let me put a little pretext to your response because I 00:44:11.70\00:44:14.56 want to direct a question in this realm specifically to 00:44:14.56\00:44:18.56 you Doctor Simmons because we have Godly women in our 00:44:18.56\00:44:22.53 leadership at GYC. 00:44:22.53\00:44:24.26 Our first president with a female, and I see you are 00:44:24.26\00:44:27.26 a female amongst men, on that side of the panel. 00:44:27.26\00:44:30.23 I wonder from your perspective, 00:44:30.23\00:44:32.06 can you address the female leadership? 00:44:32.06\00:44:35.86 Dr. Ella: Certainly, let me address this in 00:44:35.86\00:44:41.30 a general way first. 00:44:41.30\00:44:43.30 But perhaps this is really important, maybe more 00:44:43.30\00:44:47.30 important for women today, since you state the question 00:44:47.30\00:44:51.50 with that perspective. 00:44:51.50\00:44:53.53 Young people, when you have all the rich knowledge base 00:44:53.53\00:44:58.83 that you must have, all the professional and vocational 00:44:58.83\00:45:03.86 skills, all the dispositions of humility, and you are 00:45:03.86\00:45:08.83 tenacious, remember you must be committed 00:45:08.83\00:45:14.20 to your God and Him only. 00:45:14.20\00:45:18.40 We want to be real, we see in our church so often 00:45:18.40\00:45:21.46 individuals, male and female, clamoring for a position. 00:45:21.46\00:45:27.10 That is not of God. 00:45:27.10\00:45:30.06 There is a difference between your call and being 00:45:30.06\00:45:34.26 tenacious about staying on track, pursuing that which 00:45:34.26\00:45:38.46 God has called you to do. 00:45:38.46\00:45:40.16 Then setting your sights on a position and then 00:45:40.16\00:45:43.56 manipulating your way through the system, your network, 00:45:43.56\00:45:47.90 your contacts, what ever, to get there, that is not of God. 00:45:47.90\00:45:52.20 So I say to all, and particularly to women, 00:45:52.20\00:45:55.86 because I do have a burden for the young women 00:45:55.86\00:45:59.53 for whom I am simply a forerunner. 00:45:59.53\00:46:03.40 God has special things He wants to do through you for 00:46:03.40\00:46:09.90 this church and for this world. 00:46:09.90\00:46:12.23 Our system is not exactly structured to receive women 00:46:12.23\00:46:17.66 as openly as it receives men, that comes from tradition 00:46:17.66\00:46:23.03 and a comfort with the way things have been. 00:46:23.03\00:46:26.00 But our church is changing, and young women then, you must 00:46:26.00\00:46:31.40 be prepared to take up that work that God has set before you. 00:46:31.40\00:46:36.76 I love all the Paul says about the Christian existence, 00:46:36.76\00:46:42.06 but this is particularly applicable to coming into the 00:46:42.06\00:46:47.33 work, as we call it, working for the church. 00:46:47.33\00:46:51.53 Paul says for us to run the race, in Hebrews 12, 00:46:51.53\00:46:55.66 run the race that has been marked out for us. 00:46:55.66\00:46:59.73 We think about running the race, but in that he says 00:46:59.73\00:47:03.00 that has been marked out for you. 00:47:03.00\00:47:05.70 God has a specific plan for each one of us, including 00:47:05.70\00:47:10.96 for women, yes you must be tenacious women. 00:47:10.96\00:47:15.90 Do not allow the system, the systems of this world, 00:47:15.90\00:47:20.40 or the traditional systems of the church to deter you 00:47:20.40\00:47:24.90 from doing what God has called you to do. 00:47:24.90\00:47:28.46 And then please, do not act in unseemly ways in trying 00:47:28.46\00:47:33.46 to move into that which God has called you. 00:47:33.46\00:47:36.33 I remember in this country when women's liberation was 00:47:36.33\00:47:40.66 a big thing, women went out to the street and marched. 00:47:40.66\00:47:44.96 Voices have to be heard, but there is a way to do 00:47:44.96\00:47:48.80 things, particularly for Christian women. 00:47:48.80\00:47:51.56 I remember one of the foremost leaders, in this country, 00:47:51.56\00:47:55.06 make this statement, she said women, we have arrived. 00:47:55.06\00:48:00.06 We have now become the men that we wanted to marry. 00:48:00.06\00:48:05.03 If I ever hear an Adventist woman say that, I think it 00:48:05.03\00:48:10.03 is over for all of us. 00:48:10.03\00:48:12.03 Audience: laughing! 00:48:12.03\00:48:13.96 No, we do not want to become men, we don't want to 00:48:13.96\00:48:17.66 outdo men, we want to take our positions along side 00:48:17.66\00:48:22.00 the men of the church and do what God created women 00:48:22.00\00:48:26.26 in the beginning to do. 00:48:26.26\00:48:28.70 We are not to take over, but we are not to be dominated 00:48:28.70\00:48:33.20 either, we are to be equal partners in what God has 00:48:33.20\00:48:37.36 called every individual, in this church, to do. 00:48:37.36\00:48:41.46 So prepare yourself, but please remember to maintain 00:48:41.46\00:48:46.13 your feminine Christian dignity in doing that. 00:48:46.13\00:48:49.70 That does not mean you are weak, in fact it means you 00:48:49.70\00:48:53.53 must be tougher than the men and 00:48:53.53\00:48:56.56 Ellen White says this, there are times that the women 00:48:56.56\00:49:00.76 are stronger than the men, maybe because we start off 00:49:00.76\00:49:04.30 in a weaker position and God has to give us more. 00:49:04.30\00:49:08.10 I don't know, but we must be tough, but we must 00:49:08.10\00:49:11.83 remember who we are and whose we are. 00:49:11.83\00:49:17.06 Audience: Hardy Amen! 00:49:17.06\00:49:21.16 Israel: If I can, for a moment, Mr. President, say hi to my 00:49:21.16\00:49:23.60 wife who is watching us on TV right now. 00:49:23.60\00:49:25.93 I love you Judy, where is the camera? 00:49:28.00\00:49:29.16 Audience: Laughing 00:49:29.16\00:49:32.06 I have a question here for us. 00:49:33.23\00:49:36.00 Maybe our division presidents, I know some have served 00:49:36.00\00:49:38.90 in divisions and are no longer in division's but this 00:49:38.90\00:49:41.40 might be something appropriate for you to answer also. 00:49:41.40\00:49:43.86 In the light of the Catholic priest molestation, 00:49:43.86\00:49:46.90 televangelist dishonesty, and all the secular scandals 00:49:46.90\00:49:50.60 there have recently been on television; what can we do 00:49:50.60\00:49:54.26 as Adventists to improve and safeguard our own global church 00:49:54.26\00:49:58.40 system where transparencies and accountability 00:49:58.40\00:50:01.46 that reassures us as membership? 00:50:01.46\00:50:03.20 Dr. Paul: The church is like a family, and when we read the 00:50:06.70\00:50:11.30 Bible, the Bible says many times, family of God. 00:50:11.30\00:50:16.66 For a family not only to survive, but to thrive, 00:50:16.66\00:50:21.96 we need transparency and accountability. 00:50:21.96\00:50:26.50 So we need to take the church as a family with their 00:50:26.50\00:50:31.50 accountability and transparency are required. 00:50:31.50\00:50:35.16 How are we doing that? 00:50:35.16\00:50:38.56 You see we have a system already, but many times we 00:50:38.56\00:50:43.06 don't really make good use of the system. 00:50:43.06\00:50:47.13 We have already a check and balance in our system. 00:50:47.13\00:50:52.36 Through the representative our form of governance is 00:50:52.36\00:50:57.13 represented from the local church, when we have a 00:50:57.13\00:51:01.30 conference session and we had the delegates from the 00:51:01.30\00:51:05.43 local churches, and then the union sessions. 00:51:05.43\00:51:08.40 So through the sessions that is already one. 00:51:08.40\00:51:11.30 Then through the boards and committees, that is a check 00:51:11.30\00:51:16.16 and balance already, but unfortunately sometimes we have 00:51:16.16\00:51:20.46 this system, but we don't really make good use of it. 00:51:20.46\00:51:24.73 So we need to look into the way we conduct our 00:51:24.73\00:51:29.10 businesses, that transparency is required. 00:51:29.10\00:51:33.43 That accountability is required, we have already an 00:51:33.43\00:51:38.36 auditing system in our church that all the organizations must 00:51:38.36\00:51:43.30 be audited, including the local church once a year according 00:51:43.30\00:51:48.20 to the church manual. 00:51:48.20\00:51:49.83 The conference's and up must be audited. 00:51:49.83\00:51:53.66 Then the last thing I want to emphasize and we are 00:51:53.66\00:51:58.83 trying to do this in SAD, Southern Africa division is 00:51:58.83\00:52:04.50 to be really intentional about the evaluation and 00:52:04.50\00:52:10.16 assessment, that is very important. 00:52:10.16\00:52:13.30 Sometimes you say whoa, this is a church don't 00:52:13.30\00:52:16.50 evaluate us, no, this is also a body. 00:52:16.50\00:52:20.40 We need to go into the evaluation 00:52:20.40\00:52:24.26 of the system strongly. 00:52:24.26\00:52:26.26 Lastly we need to be more open and sharing of 00:52:26.26\00:52:31.53 information, we need to allow the door to be opened 00:52:31.53\00:52:37.06 in a two-way communication. 00:52:37.06\00:52:39.56 That is where a leader must not be threatened by hard 00:52:39.56\00:52:42.83 questions, and actually we need to invite those 00:52:42.83\00:52:46.83 questions because we are together in this. 00:52:46.83\00:52:50.40 We are a family, if we foster that kind of spirit, 00:52:50.40\00:52:56.20 then transparency and accountability will be upheld. 00:52:56.20\00:53:01.96 Before you respond Elder Finley it is great that the church has 00:53:01.96\00:53:07.93 a system of accountability and we appreciate that system. 00:53:07.93\00:53:11.16 You mention sessions and boards and etc. 00:53:11.16\00:53:13.43 in some ways, I think those are great systems and 00:53:13.43\00:53:19.93 they are there for a reason. 00:53:19.93\00:53:22.33 I was just thinking, as you were mentioning these 00:53:22.33\00:53:25.06 things, Elder Ratsara, we are happy that Justin is 00:53:25.06\00:53:27.76 going to be at the GC session, but I was thinking to 00:53:27.76\00:53:30.83 myself, in Michigan Conference we have, our membership 00:53:30.83\00:53:33.86 will have maybe three delegates or so to the 00:53:33.86\00:53:36.46 General Conference session. 00:53:36.46\00:53:38.23 I think one of them, if I'm not mistaken, one might be 00:53:38.23\00:53:41.60 our President, Elder Gallimore. 00:53:41.60\00:53:44.40 Which means there is two an out of one of them is an 00:53:44.40\00:53:46.06 employee, and then all the criteria, so three people 00:53:46.06\00:53:49.60 have to divide that up. Like the reason I say that is 00:53:49.60\00:53:53.36 by the time you have the General Conference and from the 00:53:53.36\00:53:56.60 General Conference we get into the important meetings 00:53:56.60\00:53:59.66 even nominating committees, I'm thinking what is the 00:53:59.66\00:54:02.70 likelihood of anyone getting into a nominating 00:54:02.70\00:54:06.20 committee from just regular laity? 00:54:06.20\00:54:08.03 That might be an easy thing to happen, but from my 00:54:08.03\00:54:10.50 perspective, then someone to have a voice even in that 00:54:10.50\00:54:12.93 type of a large committee, 300 to 400 people. 00:54:12.93\00:54:14.66 I don't go how may sit in those committees. 00:54:14.66\00:54:16.36 I think it's great we have these checks and balances, 00:54:16.36\00:54:20.30 but are they really checks and balances? 00:54:20.30\00:54:21.93 I guess that's the question I'm really asking, is it really 00:54:21.93\00:54:25.80 a system of checks and balances as it is intended to be? 00:54:25.80\00:54:29.53 Dr. Mark: The General Conference session has just over 2000 00:54:31.36\00:54:35.03 delegates, many of those delegates are mandated by 00:54:35.03\00:54:40.36 the Constitution of the General Conference. 00:54:40.36\00:54:43.66 That Constitution is formulated by the 00:54:43.66\00:54:47.30 General Conference session and has been formulated 00:54:47.30\00:54:50.16 down through the years and can only be changed by 00:54:50.16\00:54:53.00 a General Conference session. 00:54:53.00\00:54:54.73 All the delegates who are representatives of the world 00:54:54.73\00:54:57.60 field, and when you think of the fact that Seventh-day 00:54:57.60\00:55:00.43 Adventists have a church of 16 million members 00:55:00.43\00:55:03.83 we have a representative form of government, 00:55:03.83\00:55:07.40 but although we have over 2000 delegates, 00:55:07.40\00:55:10.90 many of which are determined by the Constitution, there 00:55:10.90\00:55:16.00 are some delegates that are reserved to be appointed. 00:55:16.00\00:55:20.06 Over 300 of them by the General Conference themselves. 00:55:20.06\00:55:24.10 And it is a very interesting thing, our General 00:55:24.10\00:55:26.83 Conference President, Jan Paulsen recently meant with 00:55:26.83\00:55:30.70 each of the division presidents and urged them to look 00:55:30.70\00:55:34.96 at the delegates that were not assigned by position 00:55:34.96\00:55:39.03 mandated by the Constitution and consciously choose 00:55:39.03\00:55:43.06 youth to participate in the session. 00:55:43.06\00:55:46.80 So there are those numbers, which many people don't 00:55:46.80\00:55:50.10 realize, there is a certain number we can allocate 00:55:50.10\00:55:53.06 that the Constitution doesn't mandate and we are 00:55:53.06\00:55:56.00 looking specifically at young people because we want 00:55:56.00\00:55:58.90 them to participate in the process. 00:55:58.90\00:56:01.56 If I can draw us into a little bit of a conclusion here 00:56:01.56\00:56:07.60 and go back where we started. 00:56:07.60\00:56:09.66 We start with comments about the mission of the church. 00:56:09.66\00:56:12.83 Obviously we are all here for different reasons and 00:56:12.83\00:56:15.80 we all support the mission of the church and all these 00:56:15.80\00:56:18.70 things we spoke about our ways for us to do that. 00:56:18.70\00:56:21.73 You mentioned there are 16 million Adventists. 00:56:21.73\00:56:24.86 We are excited about that number, but it is weak 00:56:24.86\00:56:28.00 to be honest, there is a lot in the world. 00:56:28.00\00:56:32.06 There is a lot the United States that haven't heard 00:56:32.06\00:56:34.23 the name of Jesus because they don't have the 00:56:34.23\00:56:37.00 opportunity to hear the Seventh-day Adventist message. 00:56:37.00\00:56:39.60 I think in closing it would be good for you to 00:56:39.60\00:56:42.80 encourage us, what is being done? 00:56:42.80\00:56:45.06 It is not a good number, we don't like it 00:56:45.06\00:56:47.80 in closing what is being done, and specifically what 00:56:47.80\00:56:52.10 can we as young people do to help you finish this mission? 00:56:52.10\00:56:56.40 The Seventh-day Adventist church believes that it has been given 00:56:56.40\00:57:01.46 a mission mandated by God. 00:57:01.46\00:57:04.50 Matthew 24:14, Revelation 14:6, 7. 00:57:04.50\00:57:11.00 GYC can serve as a forum for young people urging, 00:57:11.00\00:57:18.00 encouraging, training to have one passion and one goal 00:57:18.00\00:57:23.76 and that is to preach the gospel to the world. 00:57:23.76\00:57:26.73 Amen, your participation in our conference, 00:57:26.73\00:57:29.60 your participation on this panel has meant a lot. 00:57:29.60\00:57:31.86 We hope you have sensed a pulse of the young people here at GYC. 00:57:31.86\00:57:36.56