Generation of Youth for Christ 2009

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sebastien Braxton


Series Code: 09GYC

Program Code: 09GYC000006

00:12 Dear Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for giving each
00:14 of us this new year of life.
00:17 A new year in which to serve You.
00:19 We pray that we will serve You faithfully.
00:22 Please give us the strength, the humility, the courage,
00:27 to live for You this year.
00:29 So if You were here walking and talking, among us in the flesh,
00:33 You would not be ashamed to call us Your children,
00:36 Your followers.
00:38 Open our hearts this morning to hear the message that You
00:41 have to give us.
00:43 I pray You will touch the lips of Sebastian your servant,
00:45 that he will give us the message that You have on Your
00:49 heart for us to hear today.
00:51 Help us not only to listen to it, but to make it a part
00:56 of our experience.
00:58 Help us to reach out to others in this new year and
01:02 to bring many to You.
01:04 May our connection with You may remain strong, may we look
01:07 to Your face and follow You continually, honoring You,
01:12 living lives unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
01:16 We pray all these things in Jesus' name, Amen!
01:26 Tell me do you love Jesus?
01:28 Audience: yes we love Jesus.
01:31 Are you sure you love Jesus?
01:33 Audience: I'm sure I love Jesus.
01:35 And why do you love Jesus?
01:37 Audience: here's why I love Jesus, because He first loved
01:43 me, that's the reason we all ought to love Him.
01:47 Oh I how I love Jesus, I can't hear you GYC!
01:52 Oh how I love Jesus,
01:57 oh, how I love Jesus
02:02 because He first loved me.
02:06 Now why else would young people get up on New Year's Day
02:11 at six in the morning except for one reason. Amen!
02:16 I'm delighted to see you here and I know that some of your
02:20 Christian brethren will be strolling in late.
02:22 There was an ungodly party going on above my room.
02:26 I had to call upon the name of the Lord, but this morning
02:33 you guys did so well yesterday in the favors that I asked
02:36 of you, I thought I might push the envelope a little bit
02:39 and ask you a couple other favors.
02:41 Is that okay? Yes, okay here we go.
02:45 Number one: one thing that I want to challenge us here at GYC
02:53 as I had mentioned yesterday that GYC is not an event
02:56 but it is a movement.
02:59 The success of any movement, is movement.
03:03 That means when we talk about the spirit of GYC,
03:08 the spirit of GYC is not just when the meetings start,
03:12 or when we're in the seminars, but there is something very
03:15 special about that little break time between
03:18 one seminar and another.
03:20 When you are traveling on to your next seminar,
03:22 and you are leaving here to go to breakfast, I want to
03:26 challenge you all to take your spirituality higher in that
03:30 little space of time.
03:32 The reason why say this, I got invited to go to China
03:35 several years ago to preach.
03:37 In that invitation I asked how long, etc. Etc. Etc.
03:41 all the details and they said we want you to come for a
03:44 weekend, oh okay, you are talking about four or five
03:46 sermons, they said no you need to preach 23 sermons.
03:51 In one weekend?
03:53 They said yes you know how things are in China, etc.
03:57 So the young people when they come they want to get as
04:00 much as possible.
04:02 I say well how will they take a break?
04:04 This is how we take a break, after you finish one sermon
04:09 people do not get up and socialize and get a glass of
04:12 water, everyone gets on their knees and have a prayer
04:16 session of their own volition.
04:18 Lord help me to apply this message to my life.
04:21 Then waiting for the next sermon.
04:23 So I want to challenge us to start having more spontaneous
04:27 prayer sessions in the hallway.
04:29 I want to challenge us to start singing while waiting to
04:33 get our breakfast in line. Amen!
04:36 Sometime you don't have to make the door people so afraid,
04:39 this huge mob is rushing and salivating at the doors for
04:43 their breakfast and it could encourage them if we would
04:48 just sing some old songs of Zion. Amen!
04:50 The old songs of Zion are so powerful that there is an
04:53 entire song about the captivity.
04:56 And say hey as we are sitting by the waters of Babylon
04:59 can you sing us one of the old songs of Zion?
05:02 Now granted they were mocking the people of God, but they
05:06 knew something distinct about the music that is designed
05:10 to invite the presence of Jesus.
05:12 So I want to challenge you to spontaneously break out in
05:16 Bible studies, prayer sessions, singing together
05:20 in the hallway.
05:21 One thing I love when I get to go to Africa, you preach
05:24 for an hour, and they are angry you only went one hour.
05:27 Number one, so you can go 2 hours and they won't
05:31 get angry at you.
05:32 Then after you are done preaching, they go out in the
05:35 hall and get together and sing for another hour.
05:37 I'm like Lord, and sometimes all the way back to America I
05:42 am thinking to myself, is the Holy Spirit different here
05:44 then it is over there?
05:47 What is the answer to that? There is no difference.
05:50 The difference is the willingness of the heart. Amen!
05:55 So I want to challenge you to do this.
05:58 Second favor: which is sobering, we have this habit, some
06:05 of us at GYC, we like to start exiting before the meeting
06:09 is over, Amen!
06:12 So I'm taking the license to ask you a favor.
06:16 Before you decide to get up out of your seat, wait for
06:25 the meeting to finish.
06:27 Now why am I saying this?
06:29 I was reading a book "Education" the chapter on faith and
06:32 prayer and she was talking about how we live in a very
06:37 busy world, and as we are living in this busy world, she
06:42 says we have no time to linger at the feet of Jesus.
06:47 We come to hear a message, we are like Lord, I want You to
06:50 speak to me like Mary.
06:51 We have chosen that one good thing, and when we come to
06:55 the feet of Jesus, we are like old breakfast and we rush out.
06:58 Can you imagine if Jesus was here, how many people do you
07:02 think would rush out to breakfast? Zero!
07:08 I believe Jesus is here, as a result of that I want to
07:12 challenge you, don't rush so quickly out of the Master's
07:15 presence, take some time to digest what God's convictions
07:21 have brought to your heart.
07:23 Let it sink into your bones, make a resolution in your
07:26 mind that because of this message I'm going to change how
07:30 I walked to breakfast.
07:31 It's going to change your conversations at your breakfast
07:35 table, Amen! Is this possible GYC?
07:39 It is more than possible, right!
07:41 Because yesterday we have but now experience, did we not?
07:44 Amen! This is a weak Amen!
07:47 Is it because you stayed up late for New Year's Eve?
07:49 No, it shouldn't change your power Amen's!
07:53 Is this possible GYC? Audience: Amen!
07:58 That's a little better, we're getting there.
08:00 The title of our message this morning is
08:03 "the Brave Hearted Gospel, the Brave Hearted Gospel".
08:09 Let's pray: mighty God, everlasting Father,
08:17 we thank You for the gift of life and we know Lord
08:21 that You did not give us life because we were so
08:25 righteous yesterday.
08:27 But because Your mercies are new every morning.
08:31 There has never been an age where it took anything less
08:38 than encourage to further the work of God.
08:42 It took brave-hearted souls and Lord we pray this morning
08:50 that You would give us that Spirit that dwelt in the
08:54 breast of Paul.
08:56 That Spirit that sat in the bosom of Job.
09:00 That Spirit that was in the Lord Jesus Christ that
09:05 challenged Him to not just be loving,
09:07 but to speak the truth.
09:10 Teach us Lord as we study Your word is our prayer
09:14 in Jesus name, Amen!
09:17 Turn in your Bibles to Daniel chapter 3, what chapter?
09:23 Are you there? Okay there is mercy.
09:30 When you get there say Amen!
09:32 If you're not there say, have mercy.
09:35 Daniel chapter 3, Amen! Okay, Daniel chapter 3.
09:45 One of my favorite stories in all the Bible and I will
09:51 tell you why throughout the entire sermon.
09:55 Daniel 3:1, "Nebuchadnezzar, the King, made an image of"
10:01 Gold, whose height was threescore cubits by six cubic.
10:07 "He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of,"
10:11 "Babylon. Then Nebuchadnezzar sent to gather together the"
10:15 "princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges"
10:18 "the treasures, the counselor's, the sheriffs, and all the"
10:22 "rulers of the provinces to come to the dedication of the"
10:25 "image which Nebuchadnezzar, the King, has set up. "
10:28 "Then the princes and the governors and the captains and"
10:31 "the judges, treasures, counselors, sheriffs, and all"
10:34 "the provinces were gathered together at the dedication of"
10:38 "the image that Nebuchadnezzar, King, had set up. "
10:42 "They stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set"
10:46 "up. Then a Herald called out, to you it is commanded oh"
10:51 " nations and people and languages that what time you"
10:54 "hear the sound of a cornet, flute, harp,"
11:00 "sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of music,"
11:03 "you fall down and worship the golden image that"
11:07 "Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up. And who so falleth"
11:11 "not down and worship it shall the same hour be cast into"
11:16 "the midst of a burning fiery furnace. Therefore at that"
11:23 "time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet,"
11:27 "flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of music,"
11:30 "all the people, the nations, and the languages,"
11:36 "fell down and worshiped the golden image that"
11:41 "Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. "
11:43 Now when you are studying the word of God, there is one
11:46 device that we would like to use to extract the message
11:49 from the Bible and that device is repetition.
11:52 What is it? Repetition!
11:54 So the Bible writers back then, they didn't have Microsoft
11:57 office, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
12:00 none of these programs so you can bold, italicize, and
12:05 underlined something, right?
12:07 That's what we can do say that this is very important.
12:10 But in order for Bible writer to do that, they didn't have
12:13 those devices, what they used is something called repetition.
12:16 So when you are reading the first seven verses, I want you
12:19 to see how many times this phrase appears in the passage.
12:23 You see in verse 1, and it says he set it up,
12:28 this golden image.
12:30 You go to verse 2, it says right at the end of the verse,
12:33 which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
12:35 Chapter 3, Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
12:38 Verse 4, Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up.
12:42 Verse 5, I'm sorry, then you come down to verse 7,
12:45 that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
12:50 Now that's some repetition, yes?
12:52 So you wonder to yourself, why is this phrase constantly
12:55 being repeated, well guess what?
12:57 Did Nebuchadnezzar come up with the concept of an image
13:00 on his own? Yes or no!
13:02 Where did he get that image from?
13:05 From what? Audience: The dream! The dream!
13:09 So follow this, God had given Nebuchadnezzar a dream.
13:13 While He had given Nebuchadnezzar a dream, God said
13:17 through Daniel, interpreting this dream, that there will
13:20 be an image Nebuchadnezzar.
13:23 This is what you saw, and in this image there was a head
13:29 of gold, chest and arms of what? Audience: Silver
13:33 Belly and thighs of? Audience: Bronze
13:36 Legs? Iron! Feet part iron and what? Audience: Clay!
13:40 I'm actually speaking to Adventist, we should all know
13:43 this prophecy by now. Amen!
13:45 So he says okay here is the image, now Nebuchadnezzar
13:49 turns over in chapter 3 and says, oh no, no, no God has
13:53 got it all wrong.
13:54 It's not a head of gold it's an image of gold.
13:58 So here God has revealed something to Nebuchadnezzar.
14:02 Constantly in chapter 2 it says the secret was revealed.
14:07 So here we have through the revelation of God,
14:09 Nebuchadnezzar can see into the future of nations, and God
14:14 says after you shall arise another kingdom.
14:17 Your kingdom will not last for ever Nebuchadnezzar.
14:20 But the God of heaven He will set up His kingdom.
14:24 His kingdom is one that shall not be overcome.
14:27 We find here is Nebuchadnezzar is taking something
14:30 that God revealed clearly to him and he is now perverting
14:34 the revelation of God.
14:36 He is bending what the revelation of God was in order
14:39 to fit it to what he wants to see.
14:41 Now you have to ask yourself the question.
14:44 How do you and I pervert the revelation of God?
14:49 When it is not according to our own desires, when it does
14:54 not fit nice and neatly within our plans for our future.
14:59 All of a sudden we learn about new truth from God.
15:02 We sit down to look at the spirit of prophecy, we are
15:05 studying the Bible, someone preaches a sermon, and God by
15:09 Revelation has opened our eyes to some new truth, to some
15:13 secret that we did not, without His divine aid,
15:16 have access to.
15:18 As a result of that when it is not pleasing to self, when
15:23 it is not conforming to exactly what I want it to say then we
15:27 like to set up an image of gold.
15:30 Because Nebuchadnezzar says I'm going to pervert the
15:32 revelation of God to say what I want it to say.
15:36 It is not a head of gold, it is an image of gold.
15:40 You ask yourself what statement is he making?
15:44 He is defying the revelation of God, and he doesn't take
15:47 it so far that he wants to make this golden image and
15:51 set it up in his office on his trophy table, right?
15:55 Where does he set it up? On the plains of Dura!
15:58 He calls everyone in the realm and says, you know what,
16:02 not only will you and I pervert the revelation of God,
16:05 we are getting our knees and we're like Lord I want to
16:07 know God's will for my life, please tell me what you want
16:10 me to do. We pray and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit says
16:13 I want you to stop studying medicine.
16:16 I'm calling you into the mission field.
16:19 A revelation from God.
16:22 Oh I know what God meant, He wanted me to be a missionary
16:25 Doctor, somebody say amen.
16:29 That's what we do, do we not? Yes or no?
16:33 Oh Lord I'm going to GYC, is it Your will to go to GYC and
16:39 You will provide the funds?
16:41 Then you always save the money never came in so it must
16:43 not have been God's will.
16:45 Even though that God laid on my heart to go.
16:47 We use circumstances to determine, so you have all these
16:51 things to pray for the revelation of God, we perverted
16:55 it but guess what friends, it doesn't just affect you and I.
16:58 When you and I pervert something that God has revealed to
17:02 us clearly we become an agent of temptation for others.
17:06 It is not enough for me to have my own golden image, but to have
17:10 others to bow down to this image.
17:12 You see it is not enough for people to look at the
17:16 revelation of God, about creation but to pervert the
17:19 revelation of God to fit what they want it to say.
17:21 They are not content with just writing it in their own
17:24 personal journals, they want to publish it in articles,
17:27 and books, and propagated into universities.
17:30 I want everyone else to bow down to my golden image, to my
17:34 perversion of the revelation of God.
17:36 The flood was not worldwide.
17:39 Creation did not have to be in six literal,
17:42 continuous 24-hour days.
17:47 As we pervert the revelation of God, then they want all of
17:51 us to come to the feet of their golden image.
17:56 Everyone wants to bow down to this image.
17:58 Friends this is not a new concept.
18:01 Do you remember when Eve ate the fruit?
18:05 Yes! Did she just keep the fruit to herself?
18:08 You know Adam was in perfection, he was very happy serving
18:12 God, he was in the garden, keeping the garden as he ought
18:15 to be keeping the garden, but no Eve she takes the fruit.
18:19 Oh Wow, I've experienced a new sphere of spirituality.
18:22 Tish, Tish, Tish, Tish, and starts running to Adam with
18:26 her arms full of fruit.
18:28 Adam, Adam I ate the fruit.
18:29 Now all of a sudden as she's been confused and deceived by
18:33 the devil, she becomes an agent of temptation for Adam.
18:36 The serpent never came to Adam, he just had to get Eve.
18:40 So you see friends for each and every one of us this
18:44 idea, this aspect of you and I perverting the revelation
18:48 of God does not just affect your life and mine,
18:51 it affects every life around us.
18:53 Everyone under our influence, and we must make sure that
18:57 when God reveals something clearly to you and I, we submit
19:00 everything in our lives that is contrary to the will of
19:07 God, everything otherwise were pulling a Nebuchadnezzar.
19:13 Setting up a golden image and we want other people to bow
19:18 down to our image.
19:21 In fact there was even a punishment attached for not
19:25 conforming, we will cast you into the fiery furnace.
19:30 Well notice what happens in verse 8, the story goes on.
19:36 In verse 8 it says, "wherefore at that time certain"
19:41 "Chaldeans came near and accused the Jews, and"
19:45 "they said to the king Nebuchadnezzar, O King live"
19:49 "forever, thou O King has made a decree that every man shall"
19:54 "hear the sound of the cornet, flute, Harp, sackbut,"
19:57 "sultry, dulcimer, and all kinds of music shall fall"
20:00 "down and worship the golden image. "
20:02 "And whosoever not fall down and worship it,"
20:05 "that he should be cast into the midst"
20:08 "of a burning fiery furnace. "
20:10 "There're certain Jews whom thou hast sent over the"
20:15 "affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach"
20:20 "and Abednego, these men O King have not regarded thee"
20:25 "they served not thy God's, nor worship the golden image"
20:29 "who set up. " Who set it up? Nebuchadnezzar.
20:34 So now follow this, here come these tattletale
20:39 Chaldeans, have you had a younger brother
20:42 or sibling that was a tattletale?
20:43 A lot of times, I'm the oldest of seven, actually one of
20:47 my younger brothers is here at GYC.
20:49 I believe he's going to be crossing the line some time
20:53 during this conference, pray for him.
20:55 probably asleep right now.
21:00 But I remember being the oldest of seven children.
21:02 I did not grow up in the church so I remember we use to
21:06 have all these fights over video games, because back in
21:09 my day video games only had two controllers.
21:12 Seven kids, you know the problem.
21:15 Now Sebastian is the biggest so we come and I picked him
21:20 up by his collar, excuse me and get on the videogame,
21:24 and my little brother would start crying and screaming
21:27 Sebastian is not where it's my turn, it's my turn.
21:30 While he is fighting me over this thing, the fundamental
21:33 issue that began to come down is that all of a sudden my
21:35 younger brother would run over to the side and start
21:38 walking up the stairs saying I'm telling daddy, I'm
21:40 telling daddy, this is what he is doing.
21:42 I'm telling daddy, I'm telling daddy waiting for me to
21:46 drop the controller and say no please don't tell daddy.
21:50 So all of a sudden when he notices that I'm not getting
21:53 scared, do you know what he does?
21:55 He turns around and comes back down and says Saab, please
21:57 let me play the game.
21:59 But a lot of the issue is that tattletaling is coming
22:03 from the jealousy that is there.
22:05 It is because I want something from them.
22:07 These are the men and notice what they said, "whom thou"
22:10 "hast set up over the affairs of Babylon".
22:12 And the Chaldeans being jealous of these men, they make
22:16 sure, oh, oh, oh, Nebuchadnezzar was sitting too far back
22:19 there were too many people they are at the Plains of Dura.
22:23 He could not see three Hebrew boys who were standing while
22:28 everyone else was bowing.
22:30 So the Chaldeans felt it was their duty to their country
22:34 to go to the king and let him know there were certain
22:38 people who don't regard you.
22:40 They don't respect you, they are not conforming to your
22:44 laws, so Nebuchadnezzar obviously could not see them.
22:48 He hears the report and so he says bring them men to me.
22:52 Verse 13, look at that with me.
22:58 "Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to"
23:02 "bring Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Then they brought"
23:05 "these men before the king. Nebuchadnezzar spake and"
23:10 "said unto them, is it true, oh Shadrach, Meshach, and"
23:15 "Abednego do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden"
23:19 "image which I have set up? Now if ye be ready. "
23:24 Now if you be ye ready what? If you be ready, "that at"
23:28 "what time you hear the sound he of the cornet, flute,"
23:32 "harp, sackbut, sultry, and dulcimer, and all kinds of"
23:36 "music, you fall down and worship the image which I have"
23:41 "made; well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the"
23:47 "same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and"
23:52 "who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?"
23:58 Now I want you to notice something here.
24:00 As I pause, Nebuchadnezzar brings the men to him and goes
24:04 okay guys I think you might of missed something.
24:07 I hope you guys don't think because I sent you over the
24:11 affairs of the province of Babylon that your exempt.
24:14 Maybe there was a mis-communication,
24:16 you didn't get the memo, so as a result of that,
24:19 guys is this really true?
24:21 Is it really true that you guys don't worship or serve
24:24 my God? You are not bowing down to my image?
24:26 I don't believe it, I trust you too much, you are my best
24:29 in my class at the University of Babylon.
24:31 So while you are the best I brought you in and you are
24:34 overseeing the realm and who better to enforce the
24:37 policies of Babylon then the individuals I set over
24:40 the province of Babylon.
24:41 I can't be having coup d'états in my cabinet.
24:46 So he says, listen guys, maybe you didn't hear, but you
24:49 are going to be cast into a burning, fiery, furnace
24:52 if you do not bow down.
24:57 This is where it gets good, verse 16, "Shadrach, Meshach"
25:03 "and Abednego answered and said to the king. "
25:05 "O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer you in"
25:10 "this matter. " I just want to pause here.
25:13 They said in this response, we are not careful to answer
25:17 thee, now there are 2 principles that immediately emerge.
25:21 He said now if you guys be ready, I'll give you some time
25:24 to deliberate, I'll give you guys sometimes to think about
25:27 this for a second, fiery furnace, bowing to the image.
25:31 Okay guys, I just want to let you know that and I'm going
25:34 back to my throne and let you make your decision.
25:36 Whenever you are ready.
25:38 He goes back to his throne and as Nebuchadnezzar is
25:41 turning, oh King, we are not careful to answer
25:45 you in this matter.
25:46 You see friends before a crises comes there must be certain
25:49 decisions you and I have made in our minds ahead of time.
25:53 We are not waiting for the crises, so when you come down
25:56 and your boss says hey, sister I need you to come in on
25:59 Sabbath, blah, blah, blah, we don't need to walk away
26:02 shaking, like man what do I do.
26:04 I'll call my pastor, my boss wants me to come in on
26:06 Sabbath, I'm going to put something on Facebook
26:08 pray for me.
26:10 No, no, no, we don't need to be careful in answering you.
26:13 Amen! I already know what the answer is.
26:17 Why am I saying that?
26:18 Because some of us are trying to be careful and we have
26:23 this mindset today that we must speak the truth in love.
26:29 I don't disagree with that, but this is where I disagree.
26:34 There is some mindset in our hearts that believes if we
26:39 can speak the truth lovingly enough it will
26:42 become acceptable.
26:44 So we are sitting down trying to deliberate saying how do
26:46 I palliate this thing?
26:48 How do I soften the blow, you know Nebuchadnezzar I'm
26:52 going to get the violinist to play some nice background
26:56 music, oh King Nebuchadnezzar we will not be bowing down
27:02 to your image, thanks, sorry for the, and we dance around
27:06 we say these words in canvassing we call, curse words.
27:10 In canvassing we call them curse words because they are
27:14 not assuming the sale.
27:16 They are like I understand you don't want these books,
27:19 you don't want to buy so we say if perhaps, maybe you
27:22 desire on some other planet and some of the universe,
27:25 somewhere down deep in the depths of your heart you would
27:28 consider buying this book from us.
27:30 It's $10.
27:33 So we say no, no, no there must be some curse words for
27:38 Christians, and as we come back to the point of speaking
27:43 the truth in love, you must speak the truth in love
27:46 friends and there is no one that spoke the truth more
27:49 lovingly then the Lord Jesus Christ.
27:51 Can you say Amen!? Audience Amen!
27:53 As a result of that I want you to sit down and think for
27:55 a minute what Jesus said to people.
27:57 So one of my favorites, John chapter 8, Jesus coming
28:00 to these individuals and they say, hey look you guys are
28:03 trying to kill me, and they say you have a devil you are
28:05 a Samaritan, what do you mean we are trying to kill you?
28:07 He said, you seek to kill Me, a man who has told
28:13 you the truth.
28:15 They say, this brother does not know what He is talking
28:18 about your born of fortification.
28:19 So Jesus turns to them and says, you are of
28:23 your father the devil.
28:26 How do you say that lovingly? You are of your father the
28:31 devil, is that going to soften the blow?
28:38 Yes or no? No, if someone walks up to you at the lunch
28:42 line in GYC and said you are of your father the devil
28:47 or they come up to you like Nicodemus and they say you
28:52 must be born again.
28:55 First words out of our hey Sebastian, what about that
28:57 breakfast, you must be born again.
29:02 So here we have friends, a situation where Jesus gives us
29:05 this example, so do the Hebrew boys that we are not
29:10 careful to answer you in this manner.
29:12 So when we are walking through the hotel, when we're
29:14 walking through the convention center, we're meeting
29:16 people at the front desk, we're meeting people at the
29:18 restaurant we go out to.
29:20 Wherever we find ourselves at this conference and for the
29:23 rest of 2010 and the rest of our lives there are certain
29:27 decisions we have to make ahead of time.
29:29 And that decision is I will always speak the truth.
29:33 I will speak it in love, but love does not mean it is
29:36 going to make the truth more acceptable to people.
29:39 Is this clear? Audience: Amen!
29:41 Is this making sense? Audience: Yep!
29:43 We don't have to be careful, now let's keep going with
29:45 what they are saying.
29:46 So they say this, "we are not careful to answer the in"
29:49 "matter," verse 16.
29:50 Verse 17, "if it be so, our God whom we serve is able to"
29:55 "deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will"
29:59 "deliver us out of thine hand, O King. "
30:05 After we have made up our minds about what we will do,
30:11 and what we will not do.
30:13 In order for you and I to maintain an unashamed attitude,
30:18 an unashamed lifestyle, to truly abide in this theme
30:22 we have to decide ahead of time, I will not be ashamed.
30:27 You have to make it up in your mind ahead of time.
30:29 Okay, I'm down here walking to this restaurant across the
30:32 street from the Louisville convention center and someone
30:36 says what are you guys doing here?
30:37 Many of us wait until the crises, well you know Adventists
30:42 are not popular.
30:43 We are down south in the Bible belt.
30:45 Seventh day Adventist you know they are not the best people to
30:50 just throw the name out there.
30:52 Say you are with the generation for youth with Christ,
30:55 that is a little better, then they don't know
30:57 if you're Adventist or not.
30:58 Oh you guys are a Christian group?
31:00 Yeah were with a Christian group.
31:02 When you go out and say I've decided it my heart ahead of
31:06 time, you see when I first found out they wanted me to
31:10 speak for this theme, I got on my knees and said Lord
31:13 I don't want to just speak intellectual messages.
31:16 I want to actually have a life of unashameness before I
31:20 come to this conference.
31:22 So in all my travels and all my here and there, to and
31:26 fro, I made up my mind, opportunities come
31:28 I will be unashamed.
31:30 So I remember the first thing that happened.
31:32 I went to Canada to speak over there.
31:34 When I got to Canada I'm in customs now, it doesn't make
31:37 any sense, you guys are right across the border.
31:39 But they make you wait two hours for no reason.
31:42 Because we are Canadians, I have nothing against Canadians
31:45 by the way, except for the fact that they make us go
31:48 through border control.
31:50 I walked into the customs line and I hand her my slip.
31:54 She said what are you doing here?
31:55 I said I am preaching.
31:57 She said oh you are preaching, do you have any alcohol?
32:04 I said I'm a preacher.
32:06 I know some preachers that drink?
32:08 No sir, if you know that preacher, he is not
32:10 really a minister.
32:12 This is as a customs line, she starts engaging me at the
32:15 customs line about alcohol and Christianity.
32:18 I'm like, am I in another world or something?
32:23 So I leave from that and get back on the plane and sit
32:26 next to a gentleman who is a chief financial officer for
32:29 a big financial accounting firm.
32:32 A Fortune 300 company, what ever they call it.
32:34 As we are sitting down talking, I bring out one of my
32:37 little books, obviously Christian.
32:39 He said hey, where you going?
32:41 I said I'm heading to Guam.
32:44 What are you going to be doing in Guam?
32:47 Don, Don, Don, I'm going to be preaching.
32:50 Really? What are you going to be talking about?
32:54 We are trying to do something at the University of Guam,
32:57 etc. and etc. and I started going on and on into the
33:00 conversation, by the end of it the guy was talking about
33:03 how he lives in Boston and his single and very lonely.
33:06 He said he was looking for a friend and we start
33:08 talking about cooking.
33:09 I thought hey man I can teach you how to cook?
33:10 Audience: Amen! Sebastian: yeah right!
33:13 That gave me extra motivation.
33:16 So I sit down this guy and start talking and giving him
33:20 the importance as men we need to learn more of the
33:23 practical things of life.
33:25 Amen! ladies? Audience: yeah!
33:26 Some of us even need to learn how to iron our shirts,
33:29 but let me stop.
33:31 I don't want to make the men feel bad.
33:33 Some guys going to shrink down in his seat, I didn't
33:36 iron my shirt this morning.
33:37 Audience: laughing.
33:39 So I left on another plane ride, I'm coming back sitting
33:43 next to a man who is a lawyer.
33:45 A big lawyer and he actually knows the McNeilus's.
33:48 So we were talking and he was like I know the McNeilus's.
33:52 I did a case with X,Y and Z... and Dah, Dah, Dah.
33:55 Their up in Minnesota. I said yeah exactly.
33:58 Their son is actually the president of the organization
34:00 I work with.
34:01 He said oh yeah, I know about them, I had to do some
34:03 research for a case.
34:04 He says so what is this organization?
34:07 Generation of Youth for Christ.
34:09 He says what's going on?
34:11 I said this is what's happening, we are trying to end
34:13 the world, finish the gospel.
34:15 Audience laughing
34:19 The rest of the flight we talked about spiritual things.
34:23 This guy was studying to be a Catholic priest, then he
34:27 left the priesthood to became a lawyer.
34:29 You would never know.
34:34 Last story, my brother just recently came to Boston where
34:38 I live, so I was taking my brother to get his hair cut at
34:41 the barbershop I usually go to.
34:43 While my brothers getting his hair cut I am sitting there,
34:45 they say, Sebastian, they found I travel and speak
34:48 sometimes, they knew I was a Christian.
34:50 So the guy who owns the barbershop looks and says hey,
34:53 Sebastian you are a man of God.
34:55 He says to you know anything about the Illuminati?
34:57 I'm like the Illuminati, oh no not this conspiracy stuff.
35:01 So I say I know a little bit.
35:04 The next thing I know as I'm engaging him on this thing
35:07 he said hey Sebastian it's time for your haircut.
35:09 So I'm sitting in the barber chair and they put on the
35:12 little drape and he starts asking me questions.
35:14 He says, what do you think about this, let me ask you
35:16 this question, we have been having a lot of discussions
35:19 in the barbershop about religion this week.
35:22 It has been getting heated up in here, but I want to ask
35:24 you a question.
35:25 He said is it possible for God and the devil
35:27 to be the same person?
35:29 I'm like what! So I am sitting in the barber chair,
35:33 and while I'm sitting in the barber chair he said is
35:36 that possible? I say it is not possible because God is
35:39 righteous and the devil is wicked,
35:41 they can't be the same person.
35:42 He said well what about the devil's evil and he starts
35:46 harping on the evil side.
35:47 He said than what is evil?
35:49 I said evil is that which ought not to be.
35:52 It goes dead silent in the barbershop.
35:54 He said man you're getting deep on me too fast.
35:57 Audience Laughing
36:00 After that another guy in chimes in and the barber next to
36:02 us start talking about the love of God.
36:05 The fact that God can forgive and the barber said I robbed
36:07 a church one time.
36:09 He was at a local church and they left offering out and he
36:12 stole $950 from the church.
36:15 Everyone in the barbershop started moving away from him.
36:17 Audience laughing
36:22 he said hey man I know about God's forgiveness.
36:25 The guy was cutting my brothers hair and he started
36:28 bringing up the fact that it's all about the love of God.
36:31 This is what God is, the Bible says that God is love.
36:34 Then the guy at the end... the entire barber shop is like
36:37 preaching from the seat while I'm getting my hair cut.
36:40 It's like I'm paying $20 for you to preach to 10 people.
36:44 It works for me and I'm going to come out looking clean.
36:50 We are not careful to answer you in this matter.
36:54 We know that our God is able to deliver us.
36:57 You see friends one of the things that should embolden us
37:02 as young people is to be 100% confident that our God is
37:06 able to deliver us.
37:08 You see one of the problems is we come into the situation
37:10 and like man, I'm in a dilemma.
37:12 You are not in a dilemma.
37:14 If God be for you, who can be against you?
37:17 That is not a dilemma friends, that is an opportunity for
37:20 the miracle of God. Can I get a Amen!
37:24 audience: loud Amen!
37:25 So you're in a situation, man I'm in a bind, praise God.
37:28 Now watch the Lord deliver me from this.
37:31 I'm not careful, I don't need to figure out whether I'm
37:33 coming in on Sabbath or not, it is not an issue.
37:36 It is not an issue, I'm going to give God an opportunity
37:41 to work a miracle for me.
37:43 He is able to deliver us.
37:46 I want to tell you one of my favorite stories about this.
37:51 I heard it at a conference one time.
37:56 This guy was telling me the story of how he told his
37:59 little son, he had taken him to a zoo.
38:01 When he took him to this zoo, he was walking through the
38:05 zoo and saw all the animals.
38:07 The Lions are caged in a big box.
38:09 Then you go to another animal and they are caged in.
38:13 The monkeys are caged in, and apes are caged in and he
38:16 walked up to this elephant in the cage was beneath the
38:20 elephant, it was like coming up here on the elephant.
38:23 And all he had was a pink string on his leg.
38:25 The son was confused, he was like I don't get it.
38:30 He said Daddy how come the elephant doesn't just break
38:34 out of the cage?
38:36 All he has is a pink string on his leg.
38:39 So the dad turns to his son and says son this is what
38:45 happened, when he was a baby elephant they put a chain
38:49 on his leg and he would kick and kick, and he would kick
38:54 to try and break the chain but he couldn't.
38:56 Then he got a little bigger, when he got bigger they put
38:59 a bigger chain on his leg, and he would kick, and he would
39:03 kick and he would kick and try to break the chain, but he
39:06 couldn't, then he got full grown.
39:08 When he got full grown they put a bigger chain on his leg,
39:12 and he would kick, and he would kick and try to break
39:15 the chain but he couldn't.
39:18 So now all the time the elephant doesn't try to kick
39:21 anymore, so all they do is put a pink string on his leg.
39:24 As long as he feels something around his leg he will never
39:28 try to kick because he said to his son, the string is not
39:31 on his leg is on his mind.
39:35 For many of us we are like elephants in pink strings.
39:38 That is why we are ashamed, we have been kicking
39:41 against the grain.
39:43 We have been trying to share the gospel.
39:44 We have been trying to be bold and it seems we cannot
39:48 break free, but because of this we have kicked and kicked
39:51 and kicked like nothing is happening.
39:53 I go knock on doors, I give Bible studies, I get on my
39:56 knees to have my devotions.
39:58 It seems like nothing is happening, I'm not having any
40:01 breakthroughs, but the point is friends that we cannot
40:04 just let this string beyond our legs or on our minds.
40:08 Little pink strings make us timid now.
40:12 Little pink strings keep us from being bold for the Lord.
40:17 I believe friends, that is the Seventh-day Adventist
40:20 church, we have been talking since the 1800s about
40:22 finishing the work.
40:23 We've been talking since 1800s about seeing Jesus come
40:27 in our generation and as a church we have kicked, and
40:30 we've kicked, and we've kicked and couldn't finish the
40:33 work and now we have become a generation of elephants
40:36 and pink strings.
40:38 We don't believe God is able to take the gospel to all
40:40 the world anymore.
40:42 We don't believe that Jesus is able to use us to bring
40:45 a soul to the feet of Jesus.
40:48 Because we been kicking against chains and now the devil
40:51 has is bound with little pink strings.
40:53 They don't allow proselytizing on my campus.
40:59 We don't talk about religion in the workplace.
41:04 Pink strings, when you have as Pastor Asscherick was
41:08 telling us ever so eloquently, you are talking to the
41:12 Roman empire you will be killed on the spot
41:14 if you are Christian.
41:15 Those were chains, and we are in a generation
41:19 of pink strings.
41:21 My challenge is that some of us need to break the pink
41:25 strings on our legs.
41:27 In order to be unashamed we have to forget about the past
41:31 and have a "but now" experience, can you say Amen?
41:34 Audience: Amen!
41:36 Yeah, that was then, there was a chain then "but now".
41:38 You understand that God is able to break the pink strings
41:41 on your mind and mine.
41:43 He is able to break the chains, you just keep kicking.
41:46 He is the One who will bring the freedom.
41:48 You just keep pushing against the generation, you keep
41:51 pushing against the culture, I'm not going to submit to
41:54 post-modernism, I'm not going to submit to modernism, I will
41:58 not submit to evolution, I will not, I will keep kicking.
42:02 You will be afraid to put a pink string on me and then she
42:05 says when the law of God is exalted to its rightful place,
42:09 then we will see a revival of primitive godliness which
42:13 has not been witnessed since Apostolic times.
42:16 Let us become bold again about Jesus.
42:18 Let us become unashamed, do we know what we're asking for?
42:23 She says let us experience that revival, that rekindling
42:26 in the great controversy and you will see flagellation will
42:30 come back, you will see that torture come back.
42:32 You think it's hard to get hired because you don't want to
42:34 work on Sabbath? That is nothing.
42:37 And if you can't keep up with the foot man what are you
42:40 going to do when the Horsemen are running?
42:44 Friends it is time for us to start embracing a brave
42:47 hearted gospel, it's time for us to understand the gospel
42:51 message has never gone forward by the cowardly.
42:55 It was talked about Martin Luther and Desiderius Erasmus.
43:00 Erasmus, he was an intelligent man.
43:04 He was the man who was smart and make you feel good about
43:08 yourself, you know those people that have that kind of
43:12 winning smile, How are you doing today sister?
43:15 Make you feel just beautiful.
43:17 That was Erasmus and Erasmus understood through his
43:21 studies of the Bible, you know what the church is off.
43:25 In a matter of fact they are not just off, but church is
43:29 way off, so he started teaching these things.
43:32 While he teaches these things he meets a young man and
43:35 converts him and his name happens to be Martin Luther.
43:38 So Martin Luther comes into this guy is
43:41 like a thunderbolt.
43:43 I mean you just can't stop this brother,
43:45 you can't get more unashamed.
43:46 So Martin Luther embraces it and starts preaching.
43:49 Okay Martin were going to bring you before the Council.
43:52 They bring Martin Luther before the counsel and while he is
43:55 sitting there before the Counsel they said Martin Luther
43:57 what are you thinking, are you trying to
44:00 defend the church? Are you trying to tear down everything
44:02 that Jesus Christ tried o build.
44:03 I will build my church on this rock, etc. etc. etc.
44:07 After Martin Luther finished he says I will not recant, as a
44:10 matter of fact I have people that will support me.
44:12 They said really, like who?
44:15 Its like Desiderius Erasmus.
44:18 Erasmus says hey, he's extreme, he's extreme and he is
44:23 pushing things a little too far, this is never anything
44:28 I was teaching.
44:30 Luther points at him and says, you're a coward.
44:34 You're a coward and Luther went on to further the
44:38 Reformation, when did you hear about Erasmus?
44:44 It's always been the brave hearted that move the
44:48 work of a God forward.
44:50 Now Martin Luther said, some times I'm too harsh, sometimes
44:53 I'm a little too hard, but friends if we are going to risk
44:56 something in this generation, let's risk being too hard,
44:59 rather than too soft.
45:01 Let's put our neck on the line, not for something that is
45:04 cowardly but for something that is bold.
45:07 Then like the disciples, after you get persecuted you come
45:10 down to your knees, in Acts chapter 4, and say Lord give
45:14 us more boldness.
45:16 After I just got out of jail preaching the gospel, that is
45:19 what the disciples do.
45:21 The brave hearted gospel.
45:23 We are almost done.
45:26 The next verse in verse 18, "then they said to the king"
45:33 "but if not be it known unto thee, O king, that we will"
45:39 "not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which"
45:44 "thou have set up. "
45:45 Now I want to think about this one for a second.
45:55 The Hebrews boys said, our God whom we serve is able to
46:00 deliver us, and when they said that this is what I like
46:05 to call this first level of faith.
46:07 This is when you get to that place where I'm confident in
46:10 the power of God.
46:12 When you can actually sit down from your heart of hearts
46:14 and say I know in whom I have believed.
46:17 So that is the verse 17 kind of Christian, but then you go
46:21 to verse 18 and then they say you know what?
46:23 But "even if" God does not deliver us we will not bow down
46:26 to your image, so therefore what we have are two
46:29 kinds of Christians this morning.
46:30 We got a "what if" Christians and we have "even if"
46:33 Christians, and a lot of us live our lives around
46:36 the "what if's".
46:38 What if they don't understand?
46:41 What if they don't accept the message?
46:43 What if something bad happens?
46:45 What if I go into town to my university and I get banned?
46:48 You know friends when we do campus ministry at Eastern
46:51 Michigan University.
46:53 There was only 5 or 6 of us in the Ministry.
46:55 While we were there in the Ministry, the little work
46:58 that we were doing, they had United Christian Fellowship,
47:02 and they said do not invite Campus Hope, which was our
47:05 Adventist organization, they said they are not going to
47:08 be a part of anything we do.
47:10 Because of this we were banned on campus.
47:14 All the other Christian groups were like yeah you are a
47:16 Campus Hope, there is them and there's us.
47:22 The question is become from that and we were like man
47:25 maybe we should have spoken the truth more lovingly.
47:28 Maybe we were too aggressive about the health message
47:31 and had a veggie taste fest on campus.
47:33 This is what we start saying to ourselves, but is that
47:37 really the issue?
47:39 No friends, sometimes bad things happen to faithful men.
47:43 Sometimes you have to understand that people don't always
47:47 accept the truth no matter how lovingly you tell them.
47:51 But the point is you have to tell them.
47:53 You have to stand for something.
47:56 You have to have some time were some point in your life
47:59 decide I will die for this thing.
48:01 If it means I will loose all these things, but then for the
48:05 grace of God let it come.
48:07 And Jesus fared no better. Jesus fared no better.
48:14 You see friends we are now at a place where many of us
48:17 have become "what if" Christians.
48:19 That is why we are ashamed.
48:21 But God is saying when you look at this time, when this
48:24 situation parallels with what we are going to face in
48:27 setting up of the Mark of the beast.
48:29 Because the situation parallels this, you understand that
48:33 when we are facing the last days and the crises that
48:36 lays before you and lays before me, we do not need a "what
48:39 if" Christian to stand, we need an "even if" Christian.
48:42 I will not bow down, so you go down and say Sebastian
48:45 do you understand you can't work here if you don't come
48:48 in on Sabbath, "even if".
48:50 My question is what happens to that bold Christianity?
48:55 What happened to this kind of faith in God?
48:59 Like the Hebrew boys where they sat down and said "even
49:03 if" God won't do this, "even if" the people misunderstand,
49:06 "even if" the message isn't accepted, "even if" we are not
49:10 going to be popular, "even if" I'm going to go home and my
49:13 mom is not going to follow or understand all the
49:15 convictions that Jesus laid on my heart at GYC.
49:18 "Even if", that is true faith, complete surrender to God.
49:23 Doing what is right because it is right and leaving the
49:28 consequences with God.
49:29 That is what we are trying to say with unashamed.
49:34 "Even if", so you make up in your mind I will not
49:38 transgress the Commandments of God.
49:40 I will not go around trying to bash Christianity or act as
49:43 if it's embarrassing to know Jesus.
49:45 It is not embarrassing to know Jesus.
49:47 It is embarrassing to be a sinner, to be naked and not
49:50 covered with His righteousness, that's embarrassing.
49:54 Because when you stand before the awful eye of God then
49:58 you will understand true embarrassment.
50:02 It is then we will understand.
50:06 You see friends, the concept of an "even if" Christian,
50:10 this is exactly what we need.
50:13 We need GYC, as a movement, to embrace a spirit
50:19 of "even if".
50:21 That when everyone goes home, wherever you are on the
50:24 globe, wherever you are in your neighborhood, small towns
50:28 big towns, big cities or small little Podunk passing through
50:32 streetlight, what ever the case may be.
50:34 Where ever you are you and I must make up our minds when
50:37 we leave this conference.
50:39 First sermon of 2010 I have made up my mind Lord,
50:42 I'm going to be an "even if" Christian.
50:44 I've already decided to follow Jesus, no turning
50:48 back, and once we come to that place friends this is
50:52 exactly what Christianity needs.
50:54 This is what we have been lacking is that kind of courage,
50:57 that Brave hearted gospel.
50:59 I'm going to take a hit for Jesus.
51:01 I'm going to risk being misunderstood because He risked
51:03 being misunderstood for me.
51:06 I'm going to risk being shamed, because He took the shame
51:10 for me and sometimes it has to, it boggles my mind, that
51:14 it doesn't break our hearts and we shrink back from the
51:17 responsibility He gave us as a church.
51:19 There is no backup plan to the three Angels messages.
51:24 There is no backup church to Seventh-day Adventist church.
51:29 This is it, and because this is it I looked down and think
51:34 to myself, Jesus did how much for you and me?
51:37 He gave everything for you.
51:42 Yet we come down the streets of Louisville, on the
51:46 streets wherever we live and start acting like Peter in
51:48 Matthew 26, "I don't know Him".
51:53 When He is the judgment hall being persecuted, I don't
51:57 know Him and every time I read the story it breaks my
52:00 heart because there were many false witnesses right then
52:03 and there in the judgment hall testifying against Jesus,
52:05 but there was one that broke His heart, it was Peter.
52:10 That was the only person that turned the head of Jesus
52:12 when He looked at Peter.
52:14 You don't know Me Peter?
52:17 Depart from me Lord, I'm a sinful man.
52:22 Fear not from henceforth you shall be fishers of men.
52:27 You don't know Me Peter?
52:32 Lord save me, I perish.
52:35 You don't know Me Peter?
52:36 Who do you tell men that I am?
52:39 You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
52:43 You don't know Me Peter?
52:49 Lord you're not going to go to the cross, I will suffer it
52:55 not to be so.
52:56 You don't know Me Peter?
52:58 Friends think back of all the moments in your life where
53:03 Jesus came through for you.
53:05 Think deep down, when He did and "even if" blessing.
53:09 You know you didn't deserve the goodness of God.
53:13 You know you didn't deserve the grace of God and because
53:16 we didn't deserve it, do we sit down and think in our
53:18 hearts because I didn't deserve it, you know what friends,
53:21 I'm going to come to this God bless me "even if".
53:24 Jesus died on the cross for all humanity, not just the
53:28 ones that would accept Him.
53:30 "Even if" they don't accept I'm still going to die for
53:34 them, even though they will suffer the pains of
53:37 hell for themselves.
53:39 Imagine what is going through their minds and now you
53:44 understand that throughout Christian history this is what
53:49 moved the Gospel forward, it was a brave hearted gospel.
53:55 No more cowards, no more individuals with no backbone,
53:59 no more young people being afraid of being misunderstood.
54:03 I remember reading about Athanasius, one of the early
54:06 church fathers in the 4th century.
54:08 When these heiresses were coming up in the church Athanasius
54:12 was fighting these heresies.
54:14 They came and said Athanasius don't you understand the
54:18 world is against you?
54:20 Athanasius coined this term called, contra mundum,
54:24 and he said if the world is against Athanasius then
54:28 Athanasius is contra mundum, I'm against the world.
54:31 Because I am standing for truth, there is no other
54:35 ground to go to.
54:37 That was a true Christian.
54:39 You read about these individuals I don't know if you guys
54:42 have read the book, A Thousand Shall Fall, have you ever
54:46 read that book before?
54:47 A powerful book I read it in like two days.
54:49 I want to share something with you before you go
54:52 into that story.
54:59 By Eric Ludy, where I get the title of my sermon,
55:02 The Brave Hearted Gospel.
55:04 This is what he says, "like many of you I've grown up"
55:07 "amidst a sterile and weak North American church. "
55:11 "We talk a good talk but when it comes down to living"
55:14 "it out in the real world we are nearly impotent. "
55:18 "We talk about love, joy, peace, victory and blessed"
55:21 "happiness, but few in our ranks actually exhibit these"
55:24 "basic evidences of the Christian faith. "
55:27 "As a group we Christians are soft, mushy and lax. "
55:31 "There seems to be a serious shortage of the majestic,"
55:36 "intrepid, daring, just, endurable qualities the church"
55:40 " once possessed. The steel of a man is strangely lacking. "
55:44 "For instance, whatever happened to the idea of sacred"
55:48 "honor? Unvarnished nobility?"
55:51 "And unwavering allegiance to the King?"
55:54 "What happened to the quake in my boots fear of God?"
55:56 "The lay it all on the line commitment to the"
55:58 "cause of Christ?"
55:59 "the if I die if I must attitude toward defending truth"
56:03 "and Scripture?"
56:05 "Where did the radical abandon to seek and save the lost"
56:08 "disappear to?"
56:09 "Where is the once glorious idea of martyrdom or how"
56:12 "about the burning need to stand against evil?"
56:15 "To break the jaws of the wicked,
56:16 "in order to ransom the oppressed, the orphaned,"
56:19 "the widowed, and the enslaved?"
56:21 "Where is the holy boldness, the courage, the daring"
56:26 "needed to bear the truth of Christ in this"
56:29 "godforsaken culture. "
56:30 "The brave hearted gospel is gritty living. "
56:34 "The stuff of Martyrs and saints, it's bravado meets"
56:37 "brains, it's hand-like fist meets poet-like heart,"
56:41 "it's fore-head of flint meets tender love-inspired soul. "
56:45 "Rather it is historical living ripped straight from"
56:48 "the pages of Scripture and made incarnate in the lives"
56:52 "of the disciples of Jesus in the 21st century. "
56:55 "The brave hearted gospel isn't soft with sin. "
56:57 "It is not hard on sinners, but rather it is the giving"
57:01 up of everything to sin trumped and the sinner rescued.
57:05 "The brave hearted gospel is pure adventure, a life of"
57:08 "nuclear joy and hollowed ecstasy. "
57:10 "It is a hard way to live and yet the most satisfying. "
57:16 Friends today it's time for us to re-embrace the
57:26 Brave-hearted gospel.


Revised 2014-12-17