Elizabeth and Marshall Wareham 00:00:20.96\00:00:26.36 Elizabeth and Marshall Wareham 00:00:46.46\00:00:50.86 Elizabeth and Marshall Wareham 00:01:31.53\00:01:37.40 Elizabeth and Marshall Wareham 00:02:03.46\00:02:09.30 Good evening GYC! 00:03:38.46\00:03:40.13 Tonight I had the amazing privilege of introducing to you 00:03:41.80\00:03:45.53 not only an inspirational speaker, 00:03:45.53\00:03:47.83 but a dear friend of mine. 00:03:47.83\00:03:49.60 Over the last eight years the Lord has used 00:03:49.60\00:03:52.53 David Asscherick and his ministry to touch my life 00:03:52.53\00:03:55.33 in an amazing way. 00:03:55.33\00:03:56.86 I know I would not be who I am today if it were not for 00:03:56.86\00:04:00.16 him and the Ministry that he has had. 00:04:00.16\00:04:01.66 The Lord has used him to bring different people into our 00:04:01.66\00:04:04.80 lives that have led me not only to change the course of 00:04:04.80\00:04:07.80 my life, but to Mission College and different places 00:04:07.80\00:04:10.73 where I know that he is led of the Lord. 00:04:10.73\00:04:14.33 My prayer for you tonight as he preaches on The Relevancy 00:04:14.33\00:04:18.03 of Crucifixion, is that your heart and minds would be 00:04:18.03\00:04:21.26 drawn not to the messenger, but to the giver of the 00:04:21.26\00:04:24.76 message and to the giver of the Lord of David's life. 00:04:24.76\00:04:28.20 May you all be blessed, Amen! 00:04:28.20\00:04:30.26 Alright, thank you Laura, I couldn't hear a word you 00:04:34.66\00:04:36.93 said, good evening everyone. 00:04:36.93\00:04:40.13 Happy new year 00:04:40.13\00:04:42.90 Is the year 2010 going to be a great year? 00:04:42.90\00:04:45.56 I'm determined it is going to be my best, boldest, and 00:04:47.26\00:04:51.83 most unashamed of Jesus year yet. 00:04:51.83\00:04:54.33 Anybody else want to say that? 00:04:55.96\00:04:58.63 I'm on fire for the new year, normally I treat the new 00:04:58.63\00:05:01.83 year with ambivalence mostly, but I don't know I feel 00:05:01.83\00:05:05.70 very good about the new year and I really like the idea 00:05:05.70\00:05:09.56 of having the GYC over the new year. 00:05:09.56\00:05:11.66 Do you like that? 00:05:12.80\00:05:14.80 I think it's the best place frankly, one of the best 00:05:14.80\00:05:18.53 places to usher in the new year and my hope is that we 00:05:18.53\00:05:22.23 don't have to do too many more of these. 00:05:22.23\00:05:24.00 Are you tracking with that? 00:05:26.13\00:05:27.86 In other words, okay, great I like you and you like me, 00:05:27.86\00:05:30.83 this is all fine and good, but it is going to be better 00:05:30.83\00:05:33.80 in heaven. Amen! 00:05:33.80\00:05:36.50 so I am all for the GYC, love it and support it, enjoy 00:05:36.50\00:05:39.33 it and what to spend the New Year's here, but I will 00:05:39.33\00:05:42.13 look forward to the time when they are done. 00:05:42.13\00:05:44.73 Amen! 00:05:44.73\00:05:48.23 Well did you have a good day today? Audience: Amen! 00:05:48.23\00:05:51.46 Did you enjoy the seminars? Audience: Amen! 00:05:51.46\00:05:53.63 Did you learn anything? Audience: Amen! 00:05:53.63\00:05:55.73 Now the really important question, are you going to 00:05:55.73\00:05:59.13 apply any of it? Audience: Amen! 00:05:59.13\00:06:01.90 Now that is where the rubber meets the road. 00:06:01.90\00:06:05.00 We have a lot we want to talk about and we are going to 00:06:05.00\00:06:08.80 be developing a series of three presentations. 00:06:08.80\00:06:12.40 I'm so happy I get to preach three times. 00:06:12.40\00:06:14.46 Listen, its one of those things where typically I get 00:06:14.46\00:06:19.53 asked to speak somewhere and they say, 00:06:19.53\00:06:20.80 what is your sermon title? 00:06:20.80\00:06:22.30 I don't know, they're asking months in advance. 00:06:22.30\00:06:26.86 Some terrible thing could happen, my life could change. 00:06:26.86\00:06:30.40 How do I know what I am going to preach four 00:06:30.40\00:06:31.46 months from now? 00:06:31.46\00:06:32.93 Usually, I usually don't know what I'm going to preach 00:06:32.93\00:06:35.26 on Thursday, they say do you have your sermon title and 00:06:35.26\00:06:37.13 your hymns and Scripture? 00:06:37.13\00:06:38.80 I say no, I'll know that tomorrow, 00:06:38.80\00:06:40.46 Friday, the day before Sabbath. 00:06:40.46\00:06:42.03 But somehow when I was asked to speak at this year's GYC, 00:06:42.03\00:06:46.43 Justin called, or whoever it was that called, I just knew 00:06:46.43\00:06:49.50 immediately, maybe even instinctively, exactly what I 00:06:49.50\00:06:54.00 was going to preach and when I heard the theme, 00:06:54.00\00:06:57.73 guys what's the theme this year? Audience: Unashamed! 00:06:57.73\00:07:00.60 It sounds so good to hear you all say it. 00:07:00.60\00:07:02.20 What is our theme this year? Audience: Unashamed! 00:07:02.20\00:07:05.83 While that sounds so good. 00:07:05.83\00:07:07.96 When I heard the theme I thought that's a great theme. 00:07:07.96\00:07:11.86 I love the fact that it is rooted in Romans chapter 1 00:07:11.86\00:07:17.20 which is where we are going to be spending our time 00:07:17.20\00:07:18.53 tonight, without further ado let us pray and then dive 00:07:18.53\00:07:21.86 head-long into a study of Scripture. 00:07:21.86\00:07:25.00 Let's pray together. 00:07:25.00\00:07:26.23 Father in heaven, we gather here confessing that we are 00:07:26.23\00:07:33.20 at times ashamed and yet the longing desire of our heart 00:07:33.20\00:07:40.03 is to be unashamed. 00:07:40.03\00:07:42.90 Father this is not a confession of strength when we say 00:07:42.90\00:07:49.30 we want to be unashamed it is an admission of weakness. 00:07:49.30\00:07:53.23 But we are thrilled to know that Your strength is made 00:07:54.86\00:07:57.60 perfect in our weakness. 00:07:57.60\00:07:59.43 Father as we open Your word we need You to come and open 00:07:59.43\00:08:03.13 us, we are in need of Your Spirit, the infilling of Your 00:08:03.13\00:08:06.83 Spirit because spiritual things are spiritually 00:08:06.83\00:08:09.13 understood and discerned and tonight we come in need of 00:08:09.13\00:08:12.36 Your inspiring, enlightening, and instructing Spirit. 00:08:12.36\00:08:17.06 Father we don't want to hear just a good sermon, and I 00:08:17.06\00:08:21.00 don't want to just preach a good sermon. 00:08:21.00\00:08:22.80 We want to spend time with Jesus. 00:08:24.43\00:08:27.20 We want to spend time with You. 00:08:27.20\00:08:30.83 We want to be revived. We want to go home. 00:08:30.83\00:08:36.16 So Father tonight may this be more than oratory, may this 00:08:36.16\00:08:44.06 be more than elocution, may what happens tonight be a 00:08:44.06\00:08:49.33 supernatural transaction in which the Spirit takes the 00:08:49.33\00:08:54.63 preached word and applies it, tailor makes it, to every 00:08:54.63\00:08:58.30 circumstance, personality, and situation. 00:08:58.30\00:09:02.16 Father we need revival, I need revival, so tonight we 00:09:02.16\00:09:08.43 are crying out for genuine revival. 00:09:08.43\00:09:12.76 Speak to us through the message preached is our prayer 00:09:12.76\00:09:17.73 in Jesus Christ name. 00:09:17.73\00:09:19.50 Let everyone say, Amen! Amen! 00:09:19.50\00:09:23.30 So what it is our theme everyone? Audience: Unashamed! 00:09:25.26\00:09:28.90 It sounds so good. 00:09:28.90\00:09:30.46 As I was reflecting on what it means to be unashamed of 00:09:30.46\00:09:35.76 Christ, I decided it wasn't enough just to be unashamed 00:09:35.76\00:09:43.03 of Christ in a general sense. 00:09:43.03\00:09:45.46 The question that came to my mind and what I am going to 00:09:45.46\00:09:47.96 try and explain over the course of our time together, is 00:09:47.96\00:09:52.10 what does it mean specifically? 00:09:52.10\00:09:54.60 What does it mean, what word everyone? 00:09:54.60\00:09:57.50 Audience: specifically! 00:09:57.50\00:09:59.06 What does it mean specifically for a Seventh-day 00:09:59.06\00:10:01.83 Adventist Christian living at this time in Earth's 00:10:01.83\00:10:04.50 history to be unashamed? 00:10:04.50\00:10:06.53 Are you tracking with me? 00:10:06.53\00:10:08.23 In other words their have been different periods, different 00:10:08.23\00:10:11.03 epochs, areas of time in which to be unashamed of Christ 00:10:11.03\00:10:15.20 meant something very specific. 00:10:15.20\00:10:17.83 What does it mean for me and what does it mean for you as a 00:10:17.83\00:10:21.16 Seventh-day Adventist Christian or perhaps you are not 00:10:21.16\00:10:23.66 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian you have just come and 00:10:23.66\00:10:25.20 decided to hang out with us. 00:10:25.20\00:10:26.80 As Bible believing Christians what does it mean for 00:10:26.80\00:10:31.10 me to be unashamed of Christ? 00:10:31.10\00:10:33.13 I think it means three things. How many things? 00:10:33.13\00:10:36.60 Audience: three things. David: three things. 00:10:36.60\00:10:38.23 Well let's just think of our name. 00:10:38.23\00:10:40.20 We are seventh day Adventist Christians. 00:10:40.20\00:10:45.00 Let's say that together, we are Seventh-day Adventist 00:10:45.00\00:10:49.20 Christians, what does that name mean? 00:10:49.20\00:10:52.13 What does that name, Seventh-day Adventist, communicate? 00:10:52.13\00:10:56.86 Well I think it communicates three things. 00:10:56.86\00:11:00.70 First of all seventh day. 00:11:00.70\00:11:04.13 The seventh day is an allusion to the Sabbath. 00:11:04.13\00:11:07.83 The Sabbath, scripturally speaking, has two primary 00:11:07.83\00:11:13.36 theological significances. 00:11:13.36\00:11:15.70 Number one, Sabbath is rooted in salvation and 00:11:15.70\00:11:19.50 redemption, can you say Amen! audience: Amen! 00:11:19.50\00:11:22.60 Right? Ezekiel chapter 28 and verse 12, "I am the Lord 00:11:22.60\00:11:25.40 "who sanctifies you and the Sabbath is a sign that" 00:11:25.40\00:11:29.16 "I am the Lord who sanctifies you. " 00:11:29.16\00:11:31.00 So when I tell someone I am a Seventh-day Adventist, what 00:11:31.00\00:11:33.23 I am saying part is I honor and keep the Sabbath because 00:11:33.23\00:11:38.70 I believe God is my Redeemer and God is my Savior. 00:11:38.70\00:11:42.40 Amen! audience: Amen! 00:11:42.40\00:11:44.36 So as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian then, being 00:11:44.36\00:11:46.36 unashamed of Christ, for me means, I'm unashamed of the 00:11:46.36\00:11:49.80 crucified Christ, so far so good? 00:11:49.80\00:11:53.50 But the Sabbath has another significance, the Sabbath is 00:11:53.50\00:11:56.43 also rooted in creation, we are going to talk about that 00:11:56.43\00:11:58.93 tomorrow night. 00:11:58.93\00:12:00.33 We believe, just as Chester did a very good job of 00:12:00.33\00:12:02.90 communicating, and Amy did a good job of communicating 00:12:02.90\00:12:05.06 last night, we believe in a literal six-day creation 00:12:05.06\00:12:09.33 that took place in the recent past. 00:12:09.33\00:12:11.56 Can you say Amen! to that? 00:12:11.56\00:12:13.00 We will talk more about that tomorrow night, but as a 00:12:13.00\00:12:15.00 Seventh-day Adventist Christian I am also unashamed of 00:12:15.00\00:12:17.66 the creative Christ, Amen! 00:12:17.66\00:12:22.06 that is the Sabbath day part, the Sabbath. 00:12:22.06\00:12:24.66 Unashamed of the crucified Christ, unashamed of the 00:12:24.66\00:12:27.43 creative Christ and what is the second part of our name? 00:12:27.43\00:12:30.53 Seventh-day Adventist comes from Latin Adventist. 00:12:30.53\00:12:34.96 Adventist means arrival, what does it mean everyone? 00:12:34.96\00:12:41.03 Audience: arrival David: the arrival. 00:12:41.03\00:12:42.70 We are waiting for someone to come. 00:12:42.70\00:12:45.06 We are anticipating someone's arrival. 00:12:45.06\00:12:48.60 I wonder who that might be? 00:12:48.60\00:12:49.86 Whose arrival are we anticipating? 00:12:49.86\00:12:54.20 You tell me! Jesus Christ, so what does it mean for me 00:12:54.20\00:12:59.10 David Asscherick, and what does it mean for you John, 00:12:59.10\00:13:01.20 Mary, Tom or whatever your name is. 00:13:01.20\00:13:03.00 What does it mean for you to be an unashamed Seventh-day 00:13:03.00\00:13:06.50 Adventist Christian? 00:13:06.50\00:13:08.00 I think it means three things. 00:13:08.00\00:13:09.23 We are unashamed of the crucified Christ. 00:13:09.23\00:13:12.10 We are unashamed of the creative Christ. 00:13:12.10\00:13:14.83 And we are unashamed of the coming Christ. 00:13:14.83\00:13:17.46 Can you say Amen? Audience: Amen! 00:13:17.46\00:13:19.16 we are going to talk tonight about being unashamed of the 00:13:19.16\00:13:21.90 crucified Christ, now it is not insignificant and not 00:13:21.90\00:13:25.83 serendipitous that our name, and the significance of our 00:13:25.83\00:13:30.16 name is actually rooted in what many might call, 00:13:30.16\00:13:32.90 Magna Carta. 00:13:32.90\00:13:34.66 That is Revelation chapter 14, what we refer to colloquial 00:13:34.66\00:13:37.96 as the three Angels messages. 00:13:37.96\00:13:42.13 Maybe you would just join me there briefly. 00:13:42.13\00:13:44.73 Where am I going? Revelation chapter 14. 00:13:44.73\00:13:49.03 Here in Revelation chapter 14 we will talk more about 00:13:49.03\00:13:52.30 this tomorrow specifically and certainly on Saturday. 00:13:52.30\00:13:56.56 But just take a look at this, Revelation 14 beginning at 00:13:56.56\00:13:58.70 verse six, "John said I saw another angel flying in the" 00:13:58.70\00:14:02.16 "midst of heaven," what is the very first thing we learn 00:14:02.16\00:14:04.16 about this angel? Having the what? Everlasting gospel! 00:14:04.16\00:14:09.86 The very first thing we learn about the first angel that 00:14:09.86\00:14:12.23 is flying in the midst of heaven, is that he has the 00:14:12.23\00:14:14.53 everlasting gospel. 00:14:14.53\00:14:16.23 Now notice what the angel who has the everlasting Gospel 00:14:16.23\00:14:18.03 says, "to preach to those that dwell on the earth, every" 00:14:18.03\00:14:21.80 "nation, tribe, tongue, and people saying with a loud" 00:14:21.80\00:14:23.63 "voice dear God and give glory to him for the hour of his" 00:14:23.63\00:14:27.00 "judgment has come. " So this is a judgment hour message. 00:14:27.00\00:14:30.20 There is an urgency here, "and worship him who," 00:14:30.20\00:14:35.06 Who what? "Made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and the 00:14:35.06\00:14:39.00 springs of water. " 00:14:39.00\00:14:40.16 That's creation, we will talk about that tomorrow night. 00:14:40.16\00:14:41.90 Now notice that you then have the second angel's message 00:14:41.90\00:14:44.26 in verse eight, and the third angel message in 00:14:44.26\00:14:46.30 verse nine, 10, 11 and then you have 12. 00:14:46.30\00:14:48.60 Notice what happens in verse 14, then I looked, this is 00:14:48.60\00:14:52.10 after the giving the messages, "looked and behold a white" 00:14:52.10\00:14:54.80 "cloud and on the cloud sat one like the Son of Man having" 00:14:54.80\00:14:58.10 "on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp" 00:14:58.10\00:15:01.90 "sickle, and another angel came out of the temple crying" 00:15:01.90\00:15:04.90 "with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, thrust in" 00:15:04.90\00:15:07.46 "your sickle and," What is the word everyone? 00:15:07.46\00:15:09.46 "Reap for the time has come for you to reap for the" 00:15:09.46\00:15:13.00 "harvest of the earth is ripe. So he who sat on the" 00:15:13.00\00:15:15.53 "cloud thrust his sickle on the Earth and the Earth was," 00:15:15.53\00:15:18.33 what? "Reaped!" 00:15:18.33\00:15:19.86 So in the three Angels messages do we see the gospel? Yes! 00:15:19.86\00:15:23.40 Do we see creation? Yes! Do we see coming? Yes! 00:15:23.40\00:15:26.36 That is why I am a Seventh-day Adventist. 00:15:26.36\00:15:28.30 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist because the message that 00:15:28.30\00:15:32.03 God has committed to His last day people. 00:15:32.03\00:15:34.40 I think the name is a great name, it could have been 00:15:34.40\00:15:36.73 called some other name, but I think the Seventh-day 00:15:36.73\00:15:38.36 Adventist name is a great name because it holds out at the 00:15:38.36\00:15:42.06 forefront the three central prominent features of our 00:15:42.06\00:15:45.83 faith, seventh day, that's redemption, that's creation. 00:15:45.83\00:15:49.26 Adventist, that's the arrival of Jesus, it is all rooted, 00:15:49.26\00:15:52.76 totally, completely rooted in the three Angels messages. 00:15:52.76\00:15:56.00 Can you say Amen! Audience: Amen! 00:15:56.00\00:15:57.73 So we are going to talk tonight about being unashamed of 00:15:57.73\00:15:59.80 the crucified Christ. 00:15:59.80\00:16:02.06 Unashamed of the crucified Christ and we are going to go 00:16:02.06\00:16:05.93 of course to Romans chapter 1, so join me there. 00:16:05.93\00:16:11.06 Our central text, our theme text we will go to Romans 1. 00:16:11.06\00:16:17.03 Justin took us here last night and hopefully many more 00:16:17.03\00:16:22.93 will be taken us there as well. 00:16:22.93\00:16:24.76 Romans chapter 1 beginning in verse 16 the apostle Paul 00:16:24.76\00:16:29.76 is writing to the church at Rome and he begins with the 00:16:29.76\00:16:33.56 word for, what is the word everyone? For. 00:16:33.56\00:16:38.16 Take a look at the very first word of verse 17 and tell 00:16:38.16\00:16:40.80 me what that word is? For. 00:16:40.80\00:16:42.76 Take a look at the very first word of verse 18 and what 00:16:42.76\00:16:45.40 is that word? For. 00:16:45.40\00:16:46.86 How about the first word of verse 20? For. 00:16:46.86\00:16:48.80 Paul is setting out a case. 00:16:48.80\00:16:51.76 He is setting out a what did I say? 00:16:51.76\00:16:54.10 He's building his case. 00:16:54.10\00:16:56.26 Paul is very logical, Paul is very linear and you may 00:16:56.26\00:17:00.36 even, and perhaps say that Paul is clinical in his 00:17:00.36\00:17:03.33 setting forth of the gospel. 00:17:03.33\00:17:04.86 For this, for this, for this, for this, in fact who 00:17:04.86\00:17:09.80 wrote the book of Acts? Who wrote the book of Acts? 00:17:09.80\00:17:13.50 Luke wrote the book of Acts. 00:17:13.50\00:17:15.40 Listen to some of the adjectives that Luke uses to 00:17:15.40\00:17:18.53 describe how Paul presented the gospel. 00:17:18.53\00:17:21.80 In Acts 17:2, 18:4, and 19:24, 25 he says Paul reasoned. 00:17:21.80\00:17:29.43 What's the word everybody? Reasoned! 00:17:31.20\00:17:33.66 In Acts chapter 17 he alleged. 00:17:33.66\00:17:36.03 In Acts chapter 9 verse 22 even go so far as to say, 00:17:36.03\00:17:39.80 come on and work with me. 00:17:46.76\00:17:49.70 So Luke said that he reasoned, that he alleged, and that 00:17:49.70\00:17:54.60 he proved. Are we together on that? 00:17:54.60\00:17:57.23 What is Luke saying, Luke is saying that when Paul went into 00:17:57.23\00:18:00.33 the synagogue, Paul was amidst a group of people, a 00:18:00.33\00:18:03.90 congregation of people and was setting forth the case 00:18:03.90\00:18:06.66 for the Messiahship of Jesus in a logical, scriptural, 00:18:06.66\00:18:10.70 and linear manner. Amen! 00:18:10.70\00:18:12.46 We find them doing that here in Romans. 00:18:12.46\00:18:15.70 Look at what he says, "not ashamed of the gospel of" 00:18:15.70\00:18:20.36 "Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for" 00:18:20.36\00:18:25.33 "everyone who believes, for the Jew first, and also for" 00:18:25.33\00:18:29.23 "the Greek, for in it the righteousness of God is" 00:18:29.23\00:18:32.30 "revealed from faith to faith as it is written," 00:18:32.30\00:18:34.96 "the just shall live by faith. " 00:18:34.96\00:18:37.86 You can have a case, it would not be impossible or even 00:18:39.53\00:18:42.50 difficult particularly, to make a case that these are two 00:18:42.50\00:18:45.70 of the most important words in all of Scripture. 00:18:45.70\00:18:49.20 In fact you can make a very strong case 00:18:49.20\00:18:54.26 Someone give me a hand held mic. 00:18:54.26\00:18:57.66 So whoever you are, please bring me my sword. 00:18:57.66\00:19:02.06 Thank you sir, okay, alright! 00:19:05.90\00:19:10.13 Okay, you could make a very persuasive case that the 00:19:13.03\00:19:18.50 entire bedrock foundation of the Protestant Reformation 00:19:18.50\00:19:23.93 was founded on these two verses. 00:19:23.93\00:19:25.40 Martin Luther came across that phrase, "the just shall 00:19:25.40\00:19:29.83 live by faith. " 00:19:29.83\00:19:32.70 Now I know these quotes are from Habakkuk but he was 00:19:32.70\00:19:34.26 exposed to it the Romans. 00:19:34.26\00:19:35.93 Romans 16 and 17 we find the apostle Paul setting forth 00:19:35.93\00:19:40.53 his case and he does so in a very logical and very linear 00:19:40.53\00:19:45.13 even a very clinical manner. 00:19:45.13\00:19:46.86 I learned a new word this week, I love words. 00:19:46.86\00:19:49.66 You might be able to tell. 00:19:49.66\00:19:51.03 I learned a new word this week and I'm curious if anyone 00:19:51.03\00:19:54.13 does this word, the word is litotes. 00:19:54.13\00:19:56.80 You were just using that yesterday were you? 00:19:56.80\00:20:00.56 Litotes, does anyone know what that word means? 00:20:00.56\00:20:04.30 I wouldn't expect it, I didn't either. 00:20:04.30\00:20:08.70 The word litotes is actually a very interesting word. 00:20:08.70\00:20:12.40 It's a rhetorical device in which you derive an 00:20:12.40\00:20:16.30 affirmative by stating the negation of the contrary. 00:20:16.30\00:20:20.50 It's crystal clear now isn't it? 00:20:24.83\00:20:27.40 You see you will be a using it all the time now, litotes. 00:20:27.40\00:20:31.33 Basically Paul is actually employing the litotes device. 00:20:31.33\00:20:34.96 What he is saying is that he is stating his case in a 00:20:34.96\00:20:38.60 negative, he says I am not ashamed. 00:20:38.60\00:20:42.90 Deriving an affirmative by stating the negation of a 00:20:42.90\00:20:46.80 contrary, I am not ashamed. 00:20:46.80\00:20:49.63 You shame which is something you would not want 00:20:49.63\00:20:52.50 to be and you stated in the negative. 00:20:52.50\00:20:54.53 Why does he frame it this way? 00:20:54.53\00:20:56.96 Why does he purposely frame the setting forth of his 00:20:56.96\00:21:01.10 argument, which is a very systematic, very profound 00:21:01.10\00:21:04.96 argument, which begins in Romans one and moves very 00:21:04.96\00:21:08.30 powerfully gaining momentum all the way through into 00:21:08.30\00:21:11.60 the final chapters of Romans, Romans 16. 00:21:11.60\00:21:14.23 Why does he set it forth in the negative? 00:21:14.23\00:21:16.80 I am not ashamed, in fact if you look up a variety of 00:21:16.80\00:21:21.10 English translations you will find almost unanimously 00:21:21.10\00:21:25.00 every translation renders this, I am not ashamed, I am 00:21:25.00\00:21:28.90 not ashamed, I am not ashamed, I am not ashamed. 00:21:28.90\00:21:31.53 I came across only one translation the CEV renders it 00:21:31.53\00:21:34.90 in the positive and it has Paul saying I am proud of the 00:21:34.90\00:21:38.20 gospel, but it misses the point. 00:21:38.20\00:21:40.96 The reason almost all translations render it in the 00:21:40.96\00:21:44.66 negative is that the underlying Greek is framed in the 00:21:44.66\00:21:48.33 negative, and my question is why? 00:21:48.33\00:21:50.96 Why not just state it in the positive? 00:21:50.96\00:21:53.63 I am proud of the gospel. 00:21:53.63\00:21:55.46 Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel. 00:21:55.46\00:22:00.23 The answer is so simple that you might have missed it. 00:22:00.23\00:22:02.93 The only reason that you would state that you are not 00:22:02.93\00:22:05.90 ashamed of something, is that there was probable cause 00:22:05.90\00:22:08.83 for you to be ashamed of it. 00:22:08.83\00:22:11.10 Are you tracking with me? 00:22:11.10\00:22:13.26 So he is coming out and saying I am not ashamed, well 00:22:13.26\00:22:15.63 why frame it that way? 00:22:15.63\00:22:17.20 In the days of Paul there would have been significant 00:22:17.20\00:22:21.10 shame associated with the message he preached. 00:22:21.10\00:22:24.10 He says he is not ashamed of the gospel, ashamed of the 00:22:24.10\00:22:28.76 what word everybody, the gospel. 00:22:28.76\00:22:31.33 Now the center of the gospel is a man named Jesus Christ. 00:22:31.33\00:22:34.90 Jesus Christ was crucified. 00:22:34.90\00:22:37.40 Let's talk your moment about crucifixion. 00:22:37.40\00:22:41.86 Let me just give you two quotations. 00:22:41.86\00:22:44.00 Both semi-scholarly sources, scholarly in one and popular one 00:22:44.00\00:22:49.53 The goal of Roman crucifixion was not just to kill the 00:22:49.53\00:22:55.00 criminal, but also to mutilate and dishonor the body. 00:22:55.00\00:22:59.83 What was that last word there to? Dishonor the body of 00:22:59.83\00:23:04.63 the condemned. 00:23:04.63\00:23:05.93 In ancient traditions an honorable death required 00:23:05.93\00:23:08.33 burial, leaving a body on the cross was to mutilate it 00:23:08.33\00:23:11.83 and prevent it's burial was a grave dishonor. 00:23:11.83\00:23:15.00 There it is again. 00:23:15.00\00:23:16.23 Under ancient Roman penal practice Crucifixion was also 00:23:16.23\00:23:19.16 a means of exhibiting the criminals low social status. 00:23:19.16\00:23:22.03 It was the most dis- honorable death imaginable 00:23:22.03\00:23:26.20 originally reserved only for slaves. 00:23:26.20\00:23:28.56 So what is the recurrent word here? 00:23:28.56\00:23:30.86 What is the recurrent word? Dishonorable! 00:23:30.86\00:23:33.00 It is easy to kill somebody, just thrust a sword through 00:23:33.00\00:23:36.00 them, thrust a spear through them. 00:23:36.00\00:23:37.40 Why go to all the trouble of crucifying them? 00:23:37.40\00:23:40.06 Well sure there is more pain, because it is torturous, 00:23:40.06\00:23:43.33 etc, but the primary reason for inflicting crucifixion, 00:23:43.33\00:23:46.50 incidentally the Romans didn't invent it, they likely got 00:23:46.50\00:23:49.60 it from the Persians or the Carthaginians, but they 00:23:49.60\00:23:52.73 perfected it and turned it into an art. 00:23:52.73\00:23:54.93 They kept a man balancing ever so precariously between 00:23:54.93\00:23:59.03 being dead and being alive. 00:23:59.03\00:24:00.93 They like to suspend him there. 00:24:00.93\00:24:02.76 Historians tell us that some people spent as many as 00:24:02.76\00:24:05.26 seven days on the cross. 00:24:05.26\00:24:08.43 It wasn't just for the purpose of killing, that's easy. 00:24:08.43\00:24:11.83 The Romans were master executionists and turned death 00:24:11.83\00:24:15.20 into an art. 00:24:15.20\00:24:16.53 The purpose of crucifixion, it was reserved to dishonor. 00:24:16.53\00:24:21.23 What is the word everyone? To dishonor. 00:24:21.23\00:24:24.53 The secondary source here, the secondary quote. 00:24:24.53\00:24:26.10 Social stigma and disgrace associated with crucifixion 00:24:26.10\00:24:30.10 in the ancient world can hardly be overstated. 00:24:30.10\00:24:33.00 It was usually reserved for slaves, criminals of the 00:24:33.00\00:24:36.50 worst sort, from the lowest levels of society, military 00:24:36.50\00:24:39.96 deserters, and especially traitors. 00:24:39.96\00:24:43.00 Among the Jews it carried additional stigma because as 00:24:43.00\00:24:46.76 Deuteronomy 23:24 states, a hanged Man is accursed by 00:24:46.76\00:24:49.96 God, and this was understood by the Jews to mean that 00:24:49.96\00:24:53.60 the very method of death brought a divine curse upon 00:24:53.60\00:24:57.20 the crucified. 00:24:57.20\00:24:59.23 Now think about this, Paul is coming to Rome. 00:24:59.23\00:25:02.16 He is coming to the regal city, the Imperial city, 00:25:02.16\00:25:04.93 all roads lead to Rome. 00:25:04.93\00:25:06.50 Rome wasn't built in a day. 00:25:06.50\00:25:08.00 When in Rome do as the Romans do. 00:25:08.00\00:25:09.40 Paul is coming to Rome and he is now writing of Rome 00:25:09.40\00:25:13.76 and he is going to be preaching a gospel of good news 00:25:13.76\00:25:18.06 message that is centered on a crucified Jew. 00:25:18.06\00:25:22.80 The whole purpose of crucifixion was to stigmatize 00:25:25.46\00:25:30.53 the person that had undergone the punishment. 00:25:30.53\00:25:33.86 Is there cause, contextually and culturally for being 00:25:33.86\00:25:38.10 ashamed of this message yes or no? Yes, absolutely! 00:25:38.10\00:25:42.30 The people in Paul's day would have regarded the veneration 00:25:42.30\00:25:46.16 of a crucified person, and furthermore a 00:25:46.16\00:25:48.96 faith system founded on a crucified person as the height 00:25:48.96\00:25:53.03 of folly, I mean you're kidding right? 00:25:53.03\00:25:57.63 You're going to tell us, let me just get this right. 00:25:57.63\00:26:00.70 I want to be sure you I heard you right, let me fix my 00:26:00.70\00:26:03.76 hearing aid, be, be, be. 00:26:03.76\00:26:04.80 Let me make sure I heard you right. 00:26:04.80\00:26:06.03 You are going to tell me about a crucified deliverer. 00:26:06.03\00:26:10.06 Just let that sink in, crucified deliverer. 00:26:10.06\00:26:16.50 You are going to tell me about someone who couldn't 00:26:16.50\00:26:19.10 deliver himself from this hideous, ignominious, 00:26:19.10\00:26:21.63 stigmatized punishment and he is going to deliver me? 00:26:21.63\00:26:26.80 There was a tremendous stigma attached, this is why 00:26:26.80\00:26:31.90 Paul purposefully, intentionally employed this 00:26:31.90\00:26:36.33 rhetorical device litotes, he purposely states his 00:26:36.33\00:26:40.70 case in the negative. 00:26:40.70\00:26:43.13 I am, what are the words everyone? Not ashamed! 00:26:43.13\00:26:47.06 Crucifixion communicated two things in Paul's day. 00:26:47.06\00:26:50.96 High crime and low social status. 00:26:50.96\00:26:54.23 High crime coupled with social status. 00:26:54.23\00:26:57.60 Both were sources of shame in Paul's time so he purposely 00:26:57.60\00:27:01.33 communicates it in the negative. 00:27:01.33\00:27:03.06 Now let me read to you a fascinating little statement 00:27:03.06\00:27:07.80 here, this is from a series of sermons by Dean Martin 00:27:07.80\00:27:11.30 Lloyd Jones who preached on the book of Romans at 00:27:11.30\00:27:14.76 Westminster Chapel every Friday afternoon 00:27:14.76\00:27:17.63 from 1955 to 1968. 00:27:17.63\00:27:21.83 It took in 13 years to get through the book, Expositorily 00:27:21.83\00:27:25.33 Preaching on the Book of Romans. 00:27:25.33\00:27:27.40 Can you imagine, 13 years of sermons? Fascinating. 00:27:27.40\00:27:31.53 Listen to what he says, "why then is it that the world" 00:27:31.53\00:27:35.56 "ridicules the gospel? It is because the message which" 00:27:35.56\00:27:39.53 "the gospel conveys. The Gospel proclaims, the preacher" 00:27:39.53\00:27:43.63 "of the Gospel has to proclaim him who was born in utter" 00:27:43.63\00:27:48.16 "abject poverty. Born in a stable, no room at the inn. " 00:27:48.16\00:27:51.96 "Brought up in a little village, trained as a carpenter. " 00:27:51.96\00:27:55.23 "That is the One that we preach. That is the One that we" 00:27:55.23\00:27:58.66 "hold before the world, One who was crucified in apparent" 00:27:58.66\00:28:02.26 "weakness having made exalted claims for Himself, He is" 00:28:02.26\00:28:05.56 "taken in utter helplessness and He is nailed to a tree" 00:28:05.56\00:28:08.93 "and dies why the mob jeers at Him. They derided Him" 00:28:08.93\00:28:12.50 "saying, He saved Himself, He saved others let Him save" 00:28:12.50\00:28:16.06 "Himself if He be the Christ, the chosen of God. " 00:28:16.06\00:28:18.33 "That is what we proclaim. We proclaim a carpenter who" 00:28:18.33\00:28:21.70 "lived a life of poverty and who died upon the cross. " 00:28:21.70\00:28:25.16 "Of course the world scoffs at it and ridicules it in its" 00:28:25.16\00:28:28.40 "heart, but we assert that this selfsame person is the" 00:28:28.40\00:28:31.60 "Savior of the world. " 00:28:31.60\00:28:34.90 "The Son of God, to the Jews this was stumbling block. And " 00:28:34.90\00:28:41.30 " to the Greek the height of foolishness. So the very " 00:28:41.30\00:28:44.73 "character of the message tends to produce ridicule and as I" 00:28:44.73\00:28:48.70 "say man by nature doesn't like being ridiculed so he's ashamed" 00:28:48.70\00:28:52.60 "of the gospel. " 00:28:52.60\00:28:53.66 "And this is the temptation. " 00:28:53.66\00:28:55.63 Paul frames his affirmation of his confidence in Christ 00:28:55.63\00:29:01.00 in the negative purposefully because he knew that the 00:29:01.00\00:29:05.66 promotion and the publishing, widespread publishing of a 00:29:05.66\00:29:10.33 crucified deliverer sounds almost oxymoronic. 00:29:10.33\00:29:14.23 Let me ask you a question? 00:29:14.23\00:29:16.10 Have you ever been ashamed of the gospel? 00:29:16.10\00:29:21.63 Have you ever been ashamed of Christ? 00:29:21.63\00:29:27.76 Well, yes or no? Rah, rah, rah, rah, rah. 00:29:27.76\00:29:33.90 What is that? 00:29:33.90\00:29:35.46 Is there someone here who will say, I've been totally 00:29:37.53\00:29:40.10 ashamed of Christ? 00:29:40.10\00:29:43.06 Yeah join the club, me too. 00:29:43.06\00:29:45.23 Incidentally, so probably to was Paul's number one 00:29:45.23\00:29:51.56 understudy, a man by the name of Timothy. 00:29:51.56\00:29:55.63 Join me in 2 Timothy chapter 1 if you would. 00:29:55.63\00:29:59.63 2 Timothy chapter 1, this word here ashamed occurs, 00:29:59.63\00:30:04.86 this particular Greek word that is rendered ashamed 00:30:04.86\00:30:10.06 occurs some 11 times in the New Testament. 00:30:10.06\00:30:13.40 We are going to look at most of them. 00:30:13.40\00:30:19.23 2 Timothy 1:8, Timothy was a young man. 00:30:19.23\00:30:25.00 Easy for us to remember his name Timothy rhymes somewhat 00:30:27.33\00:30:34.26 with timidity, and this was probably his struggle. 00:30:34.26\00:30:39.26 Paul writes to young timid Timothy and says beginning 00:30:39.26\00:30:43.66 in verse 8, "therefore do not be", what is the word? 00:30:43.66\00:30:48.00 "Ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. " 00:30:48.00\00:30:51.46 What is he saying? Don't be ashamed of Christ. 00:30:51.46\00:30:57.36 He continues, "do not be ashamed of the testimony of our" 00:30:57.36\00:31:00.20 "Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share with me in the" 00:31:00.20\00:31:02.86 "sufferings of the gospel according to the power of God" 00:31:02.86\00:31:05.63 "who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not" 00:31:05.63\00:31:08.13 "according to our works but according to his own purpose" 00:31:08.13\00:31:10.56 "and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus" 00:31:10.56\00:31:12.90 "before time began. " 00:31:12.90\00:31:14.10 Look at the confidence he is speaking with, "but now" 00:31:14.10\00:31:16.73 "he is being revealed by the appearing of our Savior" 00:31:16.73\00:31:19.63 "Jesus Christ who has abolished death, and brought life" 00:31:19.63\00:31:22.46 "and immortality to light through the gospel:" 00:31:22.46\00:31:24.90 "which I was appointed a preacher, and an apostle," 00:31:24.90\00:31:27.13 "and the teacher of the Gentiles. " 00:31:27.13\00:31:28.90 "For this reason I also suffer these things:" 00:31:28.90\00:31:31.53 "nevertheless I am not ashamed. " 00:31:31.53\00:31:36.20 Same language in Romans 1. 00:31:36.20\00:31:38.10 "Nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have" 00:31:38.10\00:31:41.36 "believed," can you say Amen! 00:31:41.36\00:31:43.70 "and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I" 00:31:43.70\00:31:46.20 "have committed unto him against that day. " 00:31:46.20\00:31:47.90 Look what he now has to say to Timothy, "hold fast the" 00:31:47.90\00:31:49.90 "pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in" 00:31:49.90\00:31:51.83 "faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. " 00:31:51.83\00:31:54.03 "That good thing which was committed unto you keep by" 00:31:54.03\00:31:56.73 "the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. " 00:31:56.73\00:31:58.03 "This you know, that those in Asia have turned away from me," 00:31:58.03\00:32:01.50 " we think that Paul was a popular guy. NO! 00:32:01.50\00:32:03.60 He said he went to Asia and everyone abandoned me. 00:32:03.60\00:32:06.20 Everybody pretended like they didn't know me when I went 00:32:06.20\00:32:09.76 to Asia, everyone turned away from me. 00:32:09.76\00:32:12.30 "Among whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. " 00:32:12.30\00:32:14.76 "The Lord grant mercy into the household of Onesiphorus;" 00:32:14.76\00:32:18.90 "for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my" 00:32:18.90\00:32:22.53 "chains: but when he arrived in Rome, he sought me out" 00:32:22.53\00:32:26.16 "very zealously," apparently not like the others. 00:32:26.16\00:32:28.66 "And he found me. The Lord grant to him that he may find" 00:32:28.66\00:32:31.53 "mercy of from the Lord in that day; and you know very" 00:32:31.53\00:32:34.40 "well how many ways he ministered to me at Ephesus. " 00:32:34.40\00:32:37.10 Three times, Paul is beginning a second letter to 00:32:37.10\00:32:39.53 Timothy, he says Timothy I know you're tempted to 00:32:39.53\00:32:41.90 timidity, I know you're tempted to be ashamed, don't be 00:32:41.90\00:32:44.73 ashamed of the gospel, don't be ashamed of the testimony 00:32:44.73\00:32:47.53 of our Lord, don't be ashamed of my chains. 00:32:47.53\00:32:49.73 You are reminding me of Hermogenes, you should be like 00:32:49.73\00:32:52.80 Onesiphorus, when he came to town he couldn't wait to 00:32:52.80\00:32:55.90 find me, he knew I was in chains and knew that I had been 00:32:55.90\00:32:59.33 rejected and that I preached this crazy, wild, seemingly 00:32:59.33\00:33:02.73 insane message of salvation to the world based 00:33:02.73\00:33:06.60 on a crucified Jew. 00:33:06.60\00:33:07.93 He said don't be ashamed. 00:33:07.93\00:33:10.10 Now, beloved, the only reason that Paul would write these 00:33:10.10\00:33:13.96 things, not once, he doesn't say casually, he doesn't say 00:33:13.96\00:33:17.83 off-the-cuff or serendipitously, by the way. 00:33:17.83\00:33:21.00 He gives this counsel because he knows that Timothy is 00:33:21.00\00:33:23.63 tempted to timidity. 00:33:23.63\00:33:25.03 He knows that Timothy is tempted to be ashamed. 00:33:25.03\00:33:27.43 He knows that this is a struggle for Timothy. 00:33:27.43\00:33:29.80 There is reason to believe, and if I had time I could 00:33:29.80\00:33:34.43 develop what I believe is the case. 00:33:34.43\00:33:35.83 A persuasive case that Paul himself struggled with this 00:33:35.83\00:33:38.56 four a time, but he got the victory over it which is why 00:33:38.56\00:33:41.56 he announces, with such boldness to the church at Rome. 00:33:41.56\00:33:44.53 What does he say at the onset? I'm not ashamed! 00:33:44.53\00:33:47.00 There would have been significant cultural reasons for 00:33:49.36\00:33:52.33 Paul two have felt shame, are you kidding? 00:33:52.33\00:33:54.56 Preaching the salvation of the world from a crucified Jew 00:33:54.56\00:33:58.80 in Roman society. 00:33:58.80\00:34:01.10 The whole purpose of crucifixion was to stigmatize. 00:34:01.10\00:34:04.40 The whole purpose of crucifixion communicated high crime, 00:34:04.40\00:34:06.93 low social status, and you are going to tell us about a 00:34:06.93\00:34:09.43 crucified deliverer? 00:34:09.43\00:34:11.90 Do you not hear the inconsistencies 00:34:11.90\00:34:13.96 in that language? 00:34:13.96\00:34:16.43 Fascinatingly Jesus used this word as well. 00:34:16.43\00:34:20.50 Go with me to Luke, chapter 9. 00:34:20.50\00:34:23.73 In Luke Chapter 9 he actually uses also in the Mark 00:34:23.73\00:34:26.90 account, Mark 8, but we are going to look at the Luke's 00:34:26.90\00:34:30.03 account, Luke 9:22. 00:34:30.03\00:34:34.53 It says, in verse 21, "he strictly warned them and" 00:34:38.63\00:34:42.23 "commanded them to tell this to no one saying, the son" 00:34:42.23\00:34:45.80 "of man must suffer many things, and be," 00:34:45.80\00:34:50.36 what is the word there everyone? 00:34:50.36\00:34:52.10 "And be rejected by the elders and chief priests and the" 00:34:52.10\00:34:55.86 "scribes and be killed and be raised the third day. " 00:34:55.86\00:35:00.06 Then he said to them, "if anyone desires to come after" 00:35:00.06\00:35:04.06 "me, let him deny himself and take up his," what? 00:35:04.06\00:35:07.13 Take-up his what everyone? Cross! 00:35:07.13\00:35:10.30 So Jesus here speaking about rejection. 00:35:10.30\00:35:13.10 Jesus here speaking about being killed. 00:35:13.10\00:35:15.86 He is speaking about suffering and then he says 00:35:15.86\00:35:17.73 if you're going to come after me you will have to 00:35:17.73\00:35:19.56 take up your cross. 00:35:19.56\00:35:20.60 I will remind you that Jesus was a man. 00:35:20.60\00:35:22.43 That Jesus was a man who walked and talked in the same 00:35:22.43\00:35:25.50 way that you and I walk and talk. 00:35:25.50\00:35:27.03 He learned the way that you and I learn, yes He was God, 00:35:27.03\00:35:29.80 but at some level He must've laid aside those divine 00:35:29.80\00:35:32.53 attributes and He experienced life as you and I 00:35:32.53\00:35:35.36 experience life, Jesus must have known. 00:35:35.36\00:35:37.60 Jesus must at some level have known, whether God revealed 00:35:37.60\00:35:40.23 to Him, or with His brilliant brain He just put it 00:35:40.23\00:35:43.83 together, that He was going to die a hideous, 00:35:43.83\00:35:45.80 ignominious death at the hands of the Jews. 00:35:45.80\00:35:47.93 He knew that the Jews couldn't execute capital 00:35:47.93\00:35:50.03 punishment, they would have to bring Him to the Romans 00:35:50.03\00:35:51.70 and He knew that they would push for crucifixion. 00:35:51.70\00:35:53.83 So Jesus here, I believe, anticipating, 00:35:53.83\00:35:56.90 He is aware that when He dies He it almost certainly 00:35:56.90\00:36:00.60 will be a crucifixion. 00:36:00.60\00:36:02.20 So It basically says, Fellows listen it is not always 00:36:02.20\00:36:05.30 going to be happy go lucky. 00:36:05.30\00:36:06.73 I'm going to be rejected, I'm going to be crucified, 00:36:06.73\00:36:09.86 I'm going to be killed. 00:36:09.86\00:36:11.00 I can just imagine the response of the disciples. 00:36:11.00\00:36:12.90 What's this guy talking about? 00:36:12.90\00:36:14.50 When we join the Messiah club we couldn't wait to chop 00:36:14.50\00:36:16.50 the heads off of the Romans and now He is talking about 00:36:16.50\00:36:18.50 getting killed, we wanted to do a little killing 00:36:18.50\00:36:20.30 of our own. 00:36:20.30\00:36:21.46 Jesus must have sensed the incredulity, He must have sensed 00:36:21.46\00:36:24.56 the surprise so It turns them and says, I have news for 00:36:24.56\00:36:27.10 you, if you want to be My follower, you are going to have 00:36:27.10\00:36:29.60 to pick up your own cross. 00:36:29.60\00:36:31.80 Take up your cross and follow Me. 00:36:31.80\00:36:36.56 Now look at this, verse 24, "whoever desires to save his" 00:36:36.56\00:36:39.03 "life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake" 00:36:39.03\00:36:41.50 "will save it, for what profit is it to a man if he" 00:36:41.50\00:36:44.10 "gains the world and is himself destroyed or lost. " 00:36:44.10\00:36:47.00 Now look at verse 26, in the immediate context of His 00:36:47.00\00:36:50.26 rejection, in the immediate context of His crucifixion, 00:36:50.26\00:36:53.46 which He anticipates, look at what He says. 00:36:53.46\00:36:56.30 "For whoever is," What is the word? 00:36:56.30\00:36:58.86 "Ashamed of me, and my words. " 00:36:58.86\00:37:04.16 What words? Well the words I'm going to be crucified. 00:37:04.16\00:37:05.90 "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words of him, the son" 00:37:08.73\00:37:12.00 "of man will be ashamed when he comes in his own glory" 00:37:12.00\00:37:15.20 "and of his father's, and the holy angels. " 00:37:15.20\00:37:17.96 Beloved this word does not appear that many times in the 00:37:17.96\00:37:19.86 New Testament, go look it up. 00:37:19.86\00:37:21.73 It's 11 times, we have looked at 8 of them already. 00:37:21.73\00:37:26.20 When this word comes up, with two exceptions, it is in 00:37:26.20\00:37:30.63 the context of a crucified Messiah. 00:37:30.63\00:37:32.80 When this word is used, with two exceptions, and we will 00:37:32.80\00:37:36.90 look at one of them in just a moment. 00:37:36.90\00:37:38.10 It is in the context of a crucified Messiah, so Paul says 00:37:38.10\00:37:40.56 "I'm not ashamed. " 00:37:40.56\00:37:42.06 He wrote to Timothy three times and said, don't be 00:37:42.06\00:37:44.60 ashamed, others were ashamed of me, don't you dare be 00:37:44.60\00:37:47.10 ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. 00:37:47.10\00:37:48.56 Don't be ashamed. 00:37:48.56\00:37:49.80 Jesus is here, Fellows I have news for you, I'm going to 00:37:49.80\00:37:52.16 Jerusalem and I'm going to be betrayed. 00:37:52.16\00:37:54.00 I'm going to be rejected, I'm going to suffer and He 00:37:54.00\00:37:56.40 anticipates crucifixion, He knows is coming, 00:37:56.40\00:37:58.53 at some level, and I'd like to think He just put it 00:37:58.53\00:38:00.96 together, He figured it out, I'm going to be crucified. 00:38:00.96\00:38:03.43 He senses the incredulity, He senses the surprise and 00:38:03.43\00:38:05.86 says, hey you take up your cross. 00:38:05.86\00:38:07.93 Do not be ashamed, in fact He goes so far as to say that 00:38:09.90\00:38:12.73 whoever is ashamed of Me, the crucified Christ. 00:38:12.73\00:38:16.06 Here again, crucified Christ, Christos, Messiah, 00:38:16.06\00:38:19.40 Anointed, the crucified Deliverer. 00:38:19.40\00:38:22.56 You are kidding, right? 00:38:23.70\00:38:26.40 The crucified Deliverer, if you are ashamed of Me the 00:38:26.40\00:38:29.83 crucified Deliverer, He says, I will be ashamed of you. 00:38:29.83\00:38:33.73 Beloved, with two exceptions, we have looked at every use 00:38:33.73\00:38:37.60 of this particular Greek word. 00:38:37.60\00:38:39.53 We have looked at them and were going to come back to the 00:38:39.53\00:38:41.96 third in just a moment because it is fascinating. 00:38:41.96\00:38:44.23 Is the message clear so far? Yes or no! 00:38:44.23\00:38:48.00 Why would Paul announce it in the negative? 00:38:48.00\00:38:51.73 Because there was a cultural stigma attached to his 00:38:51.73\00:38:55.80 crazy message. 00:38:55.80\00:38:59.00 In fact it is imperative for us to go very quickly to 00:38:59.00\00:39:02.36 1 Corinthians chapter 1, join me there. 00:39:02.36\00:39:04.00 Here we get a feel for the intensity of the radical-ness 00:39:05.63\00:39:15.00 of the message preached. 00:39:15.00\00:39:17.50 Look at what he says here, very similar by the way. 00:39:17.50\00:39:20.06 Very, very similar. 1 Corinthians, Romans 1, many 00:39:20.06\00:39:22.60 of the same themes. 00:39:22.60\00:39:24.83 Romans chapter 1, "for I'm not ashamed of the gospel" 00:39:24.83\00:39:26.63 "because it is the power of God. " 00:39:26.63\00:39:28.36 The phrase "power of God" 3 times in 1 Corinthians 00:39:28.36\00:39:31.26 chapter 1, the words "saved", the word "faith" and 00:39:31.26\00:39:34.13 "believe", they are very, very similar. 00:39:34.13\00:39:36.56 So check this out, beginning there in 1 Corinthians 00:39:36.56\00:39:40.43 1:18, we are going to look at the message of the cross. 00:39:40.43\00:39:44.30 What is the message everyone? 00:39:44.30\00:39:45.93 What's the message everyone? Audience: the cross. 00:39:45.93\00:39:48.53 What is the message over there, I can't hear you? 00:39:48.53\00:39:51.06 What is the message? Audience: the cross. 00:39:51.06\00:39:53.06 It's the cross, look at what he says. 00:39:53.06\00:39:55.00 "The message of the cross," is what? "Foolishness". 00:39:55.00\00:39:59.10 "The message of the cross is foolishness to those who" 00:39:59.10\00:40:03.16 "are perishing, but to us who are being saved," 00:40:03.16\00:40:05.43 say it with me, "it is the power of God. " 00:40:05.43\00:40:08.30 That is what he says in Romans chapter 1. 00:40:08.30\00:40:11.10 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the" 00:40:11.10\00:40:14.50 "power of God. " 00:40:14.50\00:40:17.30 He says man, this is the message we preach and they think 00:40:17.30\00:40:20.96 you are loony, you preach that salvation of the world, 00:40:20.96\00:40:24.63 salvation for me, salvation for my family comes through a 00:40:24.63\00:40:28.30 crucified Jew, again I have to say it. 00:40:28.30\00:40:30.20 A crucified Deliverer, you are kidding right? 00:40:30.20\00:40:35.26 Paul says the message of the cross is foolishness. 00:40:35.26\00:40:39.76 It's out right folly, "but to us who are being saved," 00:40:39.76\00:40:42.96 "it's the power of God for it is written I will destroy" 00:40:42.96\00:40:46.10 "the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the" 00:40:46.10\00:40:48.70 "understanding of the prudent. " 00:40:48.70\00:40:50.03 Paul calls out here rhetorically again. 00:40:50.03\00:40:52.23 Paul was a debater, he was with depth, he was brilliant, 00:40:52.23\00:40:56.80 he was capable of using rhetorical and forensic devices 00:40:56.80\00:41:01.33 to make his case. 00:41:01.33\00:41:03.66 Where is the wise, he says. 00:41:03.66\00:41:06.96 Almost challenging, almost defining. 00:41:06.96\00:41:10.66 Corinth at the time was certainly rival Athens, it may 00:41:10.66\00:41:14.06 have been the greatest city in the Greek Empire at the 00:41:14.06\00:41:17.26 time, the greatest city in Greece would be a more correct 00:41:17.26\00:41:20.43 way of saying it. 00:41:20.43\00:41:21.63 He is writing to the Corinthians, where is the wise? 00:41:21.63\00:41:24.16 Where is the scribe? Where is, your Bible says, 00:41:24.16\00:41:27.93 the disputer? It's literally debater. 00:41:27.93\00:41:30.16 It is like he is picking a fight. 00:41:30.16\00:41:32.53 Where is the debater of this age? 00:41:32.53\00:41:34.86 "has not God made," what is the word? "The foolishness" 00:41:34.86\00:41:38.96 "of this world, for since in the wisdom of God the world" 00:41:38.96\00:41:42.40 "through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through" 00:41:42.40\00:41:45.76 "the foolishness of the message we preach. " 00:41:45.76\00:41:48.50 Which he just told you was the message of the cross. 00:41:48.50\00:41:49.80 "Pleased God through the foolishness of the message we" 00:41:49.80\00:41:53.53 "preach to save those who believe, for the Jews request" 00:41:53.53\00:41:58.60 "a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom, but we preach," 00:41:58.60\00:42:03.60 what do we preach? Christ, that is Messiah, that is 00:42:03.60\00:42:10.50 Deliverer, that's Anointed, we preach the Messiah crucified. 00:42:10.50\00:42:18.73 It is foolishness, absolutely, totally, completely, 00:42:18.73\00:42:24.73 fool hearty, and Paul knew it. 00:42:24.73\00:42:26.43 In fact a little later this epistle he says, we are all 00:42:26.43\00:42:29.30 going to be fools for someone, 00:42:29.30\00:42:30.66 I'm going to be a fool for Christ. 00:42:30.66\00:42:32.10 We preach Christ crucified to the Jews it is a stumbling 00:42:32.10\00:42:36.20 block, and to the Greeks it's foolishness, but to those 00:42:36.20\00:42:40.30 who are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power 00:42:40.30\00:42:43.66 of God and the wisdom of God because the foolishness of 00:42:43.66\00:42:46.56 God is wiser than men, and weakness of God is stronger 00:42:46.56\00:42:49.46 than men, for you see your calling brother that not many 00:42:49.46\00:42:52.30 wise, according to the flesh, not many noble are called, but 00:42:52.30\00:42:56.00 God has chosen the foolish things of this world to put to 00:42:56.00\00:42:58.96 shame the wise and God has chosen the weak things of this 00:42:58.96\00:43:01.90 world to put the shame the things that are mighty. 00:43:01.90\00:43:03.33 Weak, like a crucified person? 00:43:03.33\00:43:05.83 You can't get any weaker than that. 00:43:05.83\00:43:08.33 And the base things of the world, base, despised, 00:43:08.33\00:43:11.90 abominated. 00:43:11.90\00:43:13.46 The base things of this world and things which are despised, 00:43:13.46\00:43:16.80 There it is. He is talking about the cross and the things that 00:43:16.80\00:43:19.70 are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, 00:43:19.70\00:43:22.56 this is the way that the ancients would speak with, 00:43:22.56\00:43:25.96 when they wanted to say something that was lowly, 00:43:25.96\00:43:28.63 something beneath their recognition, they would say, 00:43:28.63\00:43:31.30 things that are not. 00:43:31.30\00:43:33.93 It is thing that is not. 00:43:33.93\00:43:36.50 Paul said God has taken those things. 00:43:36.50\00:43:38.90 Paul says that God is taking the things that are not, 00:43:38.90\00:43:41.60 the things that are despised, the things that are based, 00:43:41.60\00:43:44.56 and God has chosen to use those things to confound the 00:43:44.56\00:43:47.50 wisdom of the worldly wise. 00:43:47.50\00:43:49.60 Paul was an unashamed preacher, not just of the Christ, 00:43:49.60\00:43:53.26 not just of the coming Christ, not just of the creative 00:43:53.26\00:43:56.90 Christ, anyone can believe in that. 00:43:56.90\00:43:58.56 Creative Christ, that is good news, that's power, 00:43:58.56\00:44:00.90 that's strength, that's a might, that's majesty, that's 00:44:00.90\00:44:03.63 Christ, that's sword, that's slaying, that's returning. 00:44:03.63\00:44:06.33 No, no, Paul was preaching the crucified Christ. 00:44:06.33\00:44:09.46 In verse 29, "no flesh should glory in his presence. " 00:44:12.96\00:44:15.40 "But of him you are in Christ Jesus became for us wisdom " 00:44:15.40\00:44:18.50 "from God and righteousness and sanctification and redemption:" 00:44:18.50\00:44:22.40 "that it is written that he who glories let him glory," 00:44:22.40\00:44:24.63 Where are we going to glory? "In the Lord. " 00:44:24.63\00:44:27.43 Now look at this, jump down to verse 2 of the next 00:44:27.43\00:44:30.10 chapter, "for I determined not to know anything among" 00:44:30.10\00:44:33.46 "you," except here it comes again, "Jesus Christ and him" 00:44:33.46\00:44:36.76 "crucified. " The anointed Deliverer, crucified. 00:44:36.76\00:44:41.96 Some of you are attempted to laughter, Paul anticipates 00:44:44.23\00:44:46.16 to everyone it is funny. 00:44:46.16\00:44:49.43 You are really going to come to our town, you're going 00:44:51.90\00:44:54.06 to come to Rome, you're coming to Greece? 00:44:54.06\00:44:55.83 What happened in Acts 17 when Paul goes through 00:44:55.83\00:44:58.10 Areopagus and Paul starts promoting, you know some of 00:44:58.10\00:45:01.26 your Greek poets said this and I bring a message to you 00:45:01.26\00:45:04.40 from the unknown God and were not children groping 00:45:04.40\00:45:06.23 around in the dark. 00:45:06.23\00:45:07.36 Oh yeah this is good stuff, because the world loves 00:45:07.36\00:45:09.73 philosophy, the world loves intellectualism, the world 00:45:09.73\00:45:12.13 loves for people to stand up and sound smart, and sound 00:45:12.13\00:45:14.80 good, and then he says I preach to you Christ whom God 00:45:14.80\00:45:17.43 raised from the dead, and it's like the record stops. zooop! 00:45:17.43\00:45:19.96 And then the Amphibians look at one another, 00:45:19.96\00:45:23.10 are you kidding? Who is this babbler? 00:45:23.10\00:45:26.26 The guy has lost his mind, a crucified Jew is going to 00:45:26.26\00:45:30.40 save us? And you are really, really going to come and 00:45:30.40\00:45:35.20 talk to us and tell us that our salvation depends upon 00:45:35.20\00:45:39.93 a crucified Jew? 00:45:39.93\00:45:42.63 Paul says it is foolishness, but he says when I came to 00:45:42.63\00:45:45.70 you, I decided, I made up my mind that when I came to you 00:45:45.70\00:45:48.76 I was not going to know anything among you except 00:45:48.76\00:45:51.70 Jesus Christ and him crucified. 00:45:51.70\00:45:56.80 The intellectual hostility that Paul based is identical 00:45:56.80\00:46:01.00 to the intellectual hostility that we face today. 00:46:01.00\00:46:03.20 That intellectual hostility manifested itself with 00:46:03.20\00:46:05.40 religionist and secularist. 00:46:05.40\00:46:08.20 In Paul's day the religionist would have been the Jews, 00:46:08.20\00:46:11.70 they would've said you are kidding, right? 00:46:11.70\00:46:13.53 It was a scandal, and the so-called secular assured they 00:46:13.53\00:46:16.80 were religious, but they were religious only in the sense 00:46:16.80\00:46:20.60 of religion being part of Greek society in very broad 00:46:20.60\00:46:24.33 strokes, they were the secularist. 00:46:24.33\00:46:26.40 Not exactly akin to our materialist but close enough. 00:46:26.40\00:46:29.66 Basically what he says is, the religionist want a sign, 00:46:29.66\00:46:32.90 prove to me that what you are saying is true. 00:46:32.90\00:46:35.26 The secularist, the Greeks, they want wisdom. 00:46:35.26\00:46:37.56 That is what they are seeking after. 00:46:37.56\00:46:38.66 Beloved, that is the same kind of hostility 00:46:38.66\00:46:40.23 that we face today. 00:46:40.23\00:46:42.00 Because we are not as wild as the Pentecostals. 00:46:42.00\00:46:45.83 I'm speaking in tongues and God is doing... 00:46:45.83\00:46:48.30 We're just lowly Seventh-day Adventist church. 00:46:48.30\00:46:51.86 We don't have all that accouterments, and frankly don't 00:46:51.86\00:46:54.30 want them, we just have a Bible and a message. 00:46:54.30\00:46:56.56 Audience: Amen! 00:46:56.56\00:46:59.10 That's it! I don't want to have to work a miracle for 00:47:01.70\00:47:05.36 you to believe the gospel. 00:47:05.36\00:47:06.63 The gospel is believable on its own terms. 00:47:06.63\00:47:09.40 The secularists say to us, well it is not intellectually 00:47:09.40\00:47:12.40 credible, well my response is Paul's response. 00:47:12.40\00:47:15.36 God has made foolish the wisdom of this world. 00:47:15.36\00:47:18.23 Beloved, the apostle Paul was in environment that was 00:47:18.23\00:47:24.56 far more hostile than ours. 00:47:24.56\00:47:27.60 In fact, let me just read you some thing very interesting 00:47:27.60\00:47:29.76 here, this is from Barnes on this very topic. 00:47:29.76\00:47:31.60 He says, "it is worthy of remark also that to the ancient" 00:47:31.60\00:47:35.43 "philosophers this doctrine would appear still" 00:47:35.43\00:47:38.70 "more contemptible than it does to the people of modern" 00:47:38.70\00:47:41.86 "times. Everything that came from Judea they looked upon" 00:47:41.86\00:47:45.00 "with contempt and scorn. They would spurn above all things," 00:47:45.00\00:47:49.80 " the doctrine that they were to expect salvation only by the" 00:47:49.80\00:47:54.60 "crucifixion of a Jew. Besides the account of the" 00:47:54.60\00:47:57.33 "crucifixion has now lost no small part of its reputation" 00:47:57.33\00:48:00.83 of ignomy, even on the cross there was conceived to be 00:48:00.83\00:48:03.60 no small" amount of honor or glory. " 00:48:03.60\00:48:05.83 In other words he is saying, because the world has become 00:48:05.83\00:48:08.80 so Christianize, we now regard the cross in a positive light, 00:48:08.80\00:48:12.00 we think the cross, self-sacrifice, the cross 00:48:12.00\00:48:16.43 magnanimity, the cross selflessness, the cross. 00:48:16.43\00:48:19.60 We wear it, you don't, people wear it around their neck. 00:48:19.60\00:48:23.03 They put on their cars, and they hang it, the cross. 00:48:23.03\00:48:26.16 Beloved, in the first century they didn't have all these 00:48:26.16\00:48:30.03 centuries, they did have these centuries of venerating 00:48:30.03\00:48:33.90 the cross, and the God of the cross. 00:48:33.90\00:48:35.83 Paul is walking around and saying, yeah, the Messiah 00:48:35.83\00:48:38.80 was crucified and you should believe in Him. 00:48:38.80\00:48:42.33 Somebody is saying, what about the resurrection? 00:48:42.33\00:48:45.33 Beloved you couldn't even get to the resurrection. 00:48:45.33\00:48:48.30 The records stopped at Messiah. Squish... 00:48:48.30\00:48:51.50 "But to the ancients it was connected with every idea" 00:48:54.86\00:48:58.40 "ignomy, with them therefore the death of the cross was" 00:48:58.40\00:49:00.90 "associated with the idea of all that is shameful" 00:49:00.90\00:49:03.80 "and dishonorable. " 00:49:03.80\00:49:04.93 There is our words again. 00:49:04.93\00:49:06.43 "And to speak of salvation only by the sufferings and" 00:49:06.43\00:49:09.20 "death of a crucified Jew was suited to excite in their" 00:49:09.20\00:49:11.96 "bosoms only unmingled scorn. " 00:49:11.96\00:49:15.70 Let's put that in modern language, they 00:49:15.70\00:49:18.30 thought it was stupid and they hated it. 00:49:18.30\00:49:20.86 Paul was in a more intellectually hostile climate 00:49:23.63\00:49:27.13 then you are, are you hearing? 00:49:27.13\00:49:31.46 You think, I'm so afraid to speak, people in my University 00:49:31.46\00:49:34.26 are going to think I'm weird. 00:49:34.26\00:49:35.83 The intellectual hostility you face is less than half 00:49:38.33\00:49:41.66 of what Paul faced. 00:49:41.66\00:49:43.93 For a variety of reasons, one of which is the point we 00:49:43.93\00:49:47.93 are making here and that is the cross, the crucifixion. 00:49:47.93\00:49:51.90 The concept has lost much of its stigma. 00:49:51.90\00:49:53.96 In fact, it is valued by many as an object of veneration. 00:49:53.96\00:49:57.26 An object of selflessness. 00:49:57.26\00:50:00.16 Paul wrote to Timothy and said, man when I showed up in 00:50:00.16\00:50:03.96 Asia people pretended they didn't even know me. 00:50:03.96\00:50:06.70 For Phygellus and Hermogenes, who are you running from? 00:50:06.70\00:50:13.33 Some of us are like, here it goes. 00:50:15.56\00:50:20.60 God bless you! 00:50:25.76\00:50:27.20 Right? Isn't this us? 00:50:30.40\00:50:32.06 Isn't this us? 00:50:32.06\00:50:35.16 Tell me you can't relate? 00:50:37.60\00:50:39.43 You are in a restaurant, 00:50:39.43\00:50:41.20 thank you! 00:50:49.36\00:50:50.83 It's like trauma for us. 00:50:54.13\00:50:56.40 Paul comes marching into cities, and he says can you show 00:50:56.40\00:50:59.93 me the most prominent location please. 00:50:59.93\00:51:01.66 I've got a message, I've got an urgent message that 00:51:01.66\00:51:03.80 everyone needs to hear, gather round. 00:51:03.80\00:51:05.10 Oh, there is an urgent message and he has traveled many 00:51:05.10\00:51:07.36 dozens and hundreds of miles. 00:51:07.36\00:51:09.03 There is an urgent message, okay you're all gather 00:51:09.03\00:51:11.46 together, beloved I preach to you Christ, 00:51:11.46\00:51:13.70 Jesus of Nazareth a man crucified. 00:51:13.70\00:51:16.63 What! We're going to beat the tar out of this guy. 00:51:21.63\00:51:25.80 We are done with him. We're done with his babbling. 00:51:25.80\00:51:28.90 Beloved, you have this vision and I had this vision of 00:51:28.90\00:51:31.86 Paul the hero striding confidently through the cities 00:51:31.86\00:51:34.93 of Asia minor and riding into Philippi and into Galatia. 00:51:34.93\00:51:38.03 People believing by the hundreds and by the thousands. 00:51:38.03\00:51:40.80 Flocking to the great and mighty, the only place that 00:51:40.80\00:51:43.56 happened was when they thought he was Apollo's, 00:51:43.56\00:51:45.26 and thought the other was Mercury and when they found 00:51:45.26\00:51:47.90 out he wasn't they tried to kill him. 00:51:47.90\00:51:50.30 People hated this guy. 00:51:50.30\00:51:54.16 Reality check time. 00:51:54.16\00:51:57.96 We think we're going to go gliding in because we got a 00:51:57.96\00:51:59.50 WWJD bracelet, yeah! 00:51:59.50\00:52:02.20 Unashamed baby. 00:52:02.20\00:52:07.03 Just tuck it up under your sleeve. 00:52:07.03\00:52:11.36 Beloved you get the point and I want to close with this. 00:52:14.90\00:52:17.30 The apostle Paul says in Galatians chapter 6:14. 00:52:17.30\00:52:21.46 He says, "but God forbid that I should boast. " 00:52:21.46\00:52:25.56 I want you to hear this. 00:52:25.56\00:52:29.33 Aw, Paul was a real person and he didn't like to be 00:52:29.33\00:52:34.53 rejected, I think that is why he is so affirmative. 00:52:34.53\00:52:39.70 I think that is why he is so engaging right at the outset 00:52:39.70\00:52:42.00 of the Romans. 00:52:42.00\00:52:43.20 He says, I'm not ashamed! 00:52:43.20\00:52:44.60 So Paul writes and he is a real person and says, 00:52:44.60\00:52:48.46 "God forbid that I should boast except in the cross. " 00:52:48.46\00:52:52.96 Everybody is going to look like a fool. 00:52:52.96\00:52:56.46 I'm going to look like a fool for Jesus, he says. 00:52:56.46\00:52:59.03 Now I told you there was 11 occurrences. 00:52:59.03\00:53:02.53 We have looked at most of them, Romans 1, 2 Timothy 1, 00:53:02.53\00:53:06.43 we didn't look at Mark 8, but it is very similar to Luke 00:53:06.43\00:53:09.30 chapter 19, but we have been basically through all of 00:53:09.30\00:53:13.20 them, but let me show you one of the ones that is not 00:53:13.20\00:53:17.10 related to the crucified Christ. 00:53:17.10\00:53:19.16 This term comes up, it's almost always in the 00:53:19.16\00:53:21.00 context of the crucifixion. 00:53:21.00\00:53:22.46 Paul says I'm not ashamed of the crucified Christ. 00:53:22.46\00:53:24.40 He says to Timothy, don't be ashamed 00:53:24.40\00:53:26.00 of the crucified Christ. 00:53:26.00\00:53:27.23 Jesus says don't be ashamed of Me, 00:53:27.23\00:53:29.00 I'm going to be crucified. 00:53:29.00\00:53:30.13 But let me show you one of the two instances where this 00:53:30.13\00:53:32.20 does not, it is so thrilling. 00:53:32.20\00:53:36.30 Book of Hebrews, book of Hebrews go there with me, 00:53:36.30\00:53:38.76 if you will. 00:53:38.76\00:53:39.93 We have a very good reason to believe the apostle Paul 00:53:39.93\00:53:41.40 wrote it and I like to think that he did. 00:53:41.40\00:53:43.10 But even if he didn't, the point stands. 00:53:43.10\00:53:45.00 It is more powerful still, if he did. 00:53:45.00\00:53:46.86 Hebrews chapter 2, where are we going everyone? 00:53:46.86\00:53:49.66 Audience: Hebrews chapter 2. 00:53:49.66\00:53:52.16 Hebrews 2:9, look at this, this is awesome. 00:53:52.16\00:54:00.56 "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the" 00:54:00.56\00:54:04.50 "angels," there are some translations put it that He was 00:54:04.50\00:54:08.40 made lower than the angels for a little while. 00:54:08.40\00:54:10.90 "We see Jesus that was made a little lower than the angels" 00:54:10.90\00:54:13.83 "for the suffering of death crowned with glory and" 00:54:13.83\00:54:17.50 "honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death" 00:54:17.50\00:54:21.26 "for everyone. " 00:54:21.26\00:54:22.80 Hallelujah, beloved that is the gospel. 00:54:22.80\00:54:26.00 That is the gospel that Jesus died the death 00:54:26.00\00:54:30.30 that you deserved. 00:54:30.30\00:54:32.36 Jesus lived the life you have not lived and Jesus' 00:54:32.36\00:54:37.30 resurrection is your only hope is the future 00:54:37.30\00:54:39.43 resurrection, can you say Amen! 00:54:39.43\00:54:41.06 That is the gospel. 00:54:41.06\00:54:43.06 The gospel is not a philosophy and it certainly isn't a 00:54:43.06\00:54:46.53 concept, the gospel is a person. 00:54:46.53\00:54:49.20 It is the good news, it is a statement about facts about 00:54:49.20\00:54:51.36 a person, and that person is Jesus. 00:54:51.36\00:54:53.43 Jesus is God, but gospel is good news about God. 00:54:53.43\00:54:57.10 Look at verse 11. 00:54:57.10\00:55:00.06 "For both He who sanctifies and those who are being" 00:55:00.06\00:55:03.16 "sanctified are all of one," now this is complex in the 00:55:03.16\00:55:06.16 Greek but what he is saying is, those that are being 00:55:06.16\00:55:08.83 sanctified, and those that are sanctifying, that is 00:55:08.83\00:55:11.50 Jesus, are all members of the same family. 00:55:11.50\00:55:16.50 Members of the same what? That is basically the point. 00:55:16.50\00:55:19.36 "For both He who sanctifies and those who are being 00:55:19.36\00:55:22.23 sanctified are all of one" now look at this, 00:55:22.23\00:55:23.90 here it is, here it is. 00:55:23.90\00:55:25.10 "for which reason," because he is a member of your family, 00:55:25.10\00:55:27.96 "for which reason," 00:55:27.96\00:55:30.26 "He is not ashamed to call them brethren. " 00:55:30.26\00:55:36.76 There it is right there, same configuration my friends. 00:55:36.76\00:55:39.03 Same word, Woo, hope you didn't miss it. 00:55:39.03\00:55:42.83 If you missed it you weren't paying attention. 00:55:42.83\00:55:45.03 Paul says I'm going to live my life on ashamed of Christ. 00:55:45.03\00:55:47.76 I'm going to exhort Timothy, don't be ashamed of Christ. 00:55:47.76\00:55:50.03 We are going to be fools, we are going to preach the 00:55:50.03\00:55:52.26 crucified Messiah, the crucified Deliverer. 00:55:52.26\00:55:54.33 I'm going to go to Athens, I'm going to Asia, and people 00:55:54.33\00:55:56.50 are going to hate me, but I'm going to preach the 00:55:56.50\00:55:58.20 crucified Christ. 00:55:58.20\00:55:59.46 And we get to the book of Hebrews, I love this, 00:55:59.46\00:56:01.00 you like to think that the Spirit inspired Paul to write 00:56:01.00\00:56:03.73 it, Paul says, consider Jesus who was made a little lower 00:56:03.73\00:56:06.43 than the angels so that He could taste 00:56:06.43\00:56:08.10 death for every man. 00:56:08.10\00:56:09.53 And then He says some thing fascinating, He who sanctified 00:56:09.53\00:56:12.70 and He who is being sanctified, that is God and you, are all 00:56:12.70\00:56:16.70 members of the same family and for that reason Christ is 00:56:16.70\00:56:20.66 not ashamed of Paul. 00:56:20.66\00:56:23.53 Paul was not ashamed of the crucified Christ. 00:56:26.50\00:56:29.00 The crucified Christ is not ashamed of the struggling 00:56:29.00\00:56:35.16 failing, sometimes falling, Paul. 00:56:35.16\00:56:40.23 Christ glorified, not ashamed of the un-glorified Paul. 00:56:40.23\00:56:49.33 So how is it, I asked you at the outset, have you ever 00:56:59.73\00:57:05.76 been ashamed of Christ? 00:57:05.76\00:57:07.40 Silence, as if that question needs to be asked. 00:57:07.40\00:57:13.80 There is not a person in this room who hasn't been at 00:57:13.80\00:57:18.10 some fundamental level, people are going to say that is 00:57:18.10\00:57:22.36 a manipulative technique, blah, blah, blah. 00:57:22.36\00:57:24.53 Give me a break. 00:57:24.53\00:57:26.36 If we were not ashamed of Christ in the way that we would 00:57:26.36\00:57:31.46 like to be and should be, there wouldn't be a GYC 2009. 00:57:31.46\00:57:36.53 You say, you can't read my heart. 00:57:40.23\00:57:42.00 I can't read your heart but I can look at the evidence, 00:57:42.00\00:57:43.90 we are still stuck here. 00:57:43.90\00:57:45.46 That tells me that we have to some degree taken our light 00:57:49.66\00:57:52.10 and put it under a bushel. 00:57:52.10\00:57:54.03 But I've decided for me beloved, and I don't want my 00:57:54.03\00:57:56.76 promises and resolutions to be like ropes of sand. 00:57:56.76\00:58:00.33 I am pleading with God to make me a man like Paul in 00:58:00.33\00:58:03.90 2010 Lord, I want to be bold, I want to be unashamed. 00:58:03.90\00:58:07.43 I want to be hated for Christ sake. 00:58:07.43\00:58:11.60