Participants: Bradley LaLonde, Chad Kreuzer, Clarissa Lewis, Holly Smith, Indirah Job, Irene Jurgens, Nwamiko Madden, Rachel Brauthwaite, Robert Blais, Scott Moore
Series Code: 09GYC
Program Code: 09GYC000004
00:12 Loving Father we want to come before You to ask You for
00:18 Your blessings, we thank You because You have given 00:22 us traveling mercies. 00:23 We thank You for the opportunity and the joy together as 00:27 one under Your presence. 00:29 Heavenly Father we ask You that these meetings will be a 00:33 life changing experience for all of us. 00:35 We ask that You to please bless the organizers, and also 00:39 Lord, empower the speakers. 00:43 We pray for each one of us, the participants, Lord we 00:47 ask that the power of Your Holy Spirit might transform 00:52 our being and that we might come out of this place 00:55 equipped and filled with Your Spirit and on fire to 01:02 spread the gospel and Lord the good news of Your 01:07 salvation and to hasten You're soon coming. 01:10 We thank You for everything You have done for us and 01:12 we pray all these things in Your name Amen. 01:25 GYC, we have been having GYC for a couple of years now. 01:30 How many of you been to GYC before? 01:31 Raise your hands. 01:33 Wow, it's a lot of you. 01:34 We have a special segment called, 01:35 "Something Is Happening" repeat after me. 01:37 "Something Is Happening" 01:41 the problem is sometimes we say something is happening, 01:43 something is happening and often times is there 01:45 anything happening? 01:46 Well sometimes there are that's why we say something 01:49 is happening, anyway it's happening. 01:52 Anyway we would like to hear a GYC showcase highlights 01:55 some things that are, but for young people. 01:59 Each evening we're going to spend about a couple minutes 02:03 to introduce ministries, or some testimonies, 02:05 or something special going on that is of some 02:08 relevance to you. 02:10 Tonight we have a special video that we would like to 02:13 showcase coming from Life, Life is, I won't tell you 02:18 much about it, I'm going to have you watch the video 02:20 first and then we're going to come out with some people 02:21 and they will explain it afterwards. 02:23 So sit back, relax and watch the video. 02:30 We have come to the end of the school year today and 02:32 we're ending it the together. 02:36 We have learned a lot this year, haven't we? 02:38 Kids: yes. 02:39 We have also shared a lot a wonderful moments together. 02:42 You have a very special place in my heart and I'm 02:44 going to miss you. 02:46 I hope you have a fun summer, stay safe and remember, 02:48 always do your best. 03:12 Music playing 03:22 Music playing 04:46 Alright Phillip take it easy. Keep us in your prayers, 04:48 yep, thanks, bye-bye. 04:50 Eleida, for the next four months God is going to use 04:55 you, God is going to use Phillip, and God is going 05:00 to use me. 05:01 To instruct our students, to inspire our students, 05:05 and to help them to become involved in 05:08 active soul winning. 05:09 Our purpose is to fulfill what Jesus said in Matthew 28. 05:14 You remember the text its verse 19. 05:15 Jesus say go ye therefore into all the world and teach 05:19 all nations all things. 05:22 That is what we exist for. 05:24 Any other reason that we are here for needs to 05:27 get out right now. 05:28 Nothing in this world ignites somebody's evangelistic 05:33 fire as being involved in someone's conversion. 05:38 Being involved with someone giving their life to Jesus. 05:44 God has called us to do that. 05:46 God has called our students to be here, we do not know 05:49 who is going to be here, we do not know where people are 05:52 going to have come from, I mean you were teacher, 05:54 who thought that you would be here? 05:56 I used to drive an 18 wheeler and ride a motorcycle, 06:00 who thought I would be here? 06:02 And Phillip, who thought he would be here riding 06:03 motor-cross? 06:05 But God has called each one of us here, and God has 06:08 called each one of our students to be here. 06:11 As we start right here at the Lay Institute for 06:15 Evangelism, are you ready for that Eleida? Yes! 06:19 Let's pray, Jesus we ask that you would be with us... 06:25 God is going to use you to have an internal impact 06:28 on someone's life. 06:30 The devil is going to try to discourage you, maybe he 06:33 is even going to use some of your own classmates to 06:36 discourage you because we know that over the next 16 06:40 weeks God is going to use you to reach a soul for the 06:45 kingdom of heaven. 06:48 While you are here you're going to be challenged. 06:51 While you're here you may even become discouraged, 06:54 yet you will never regret your decision to come, 06:58 experience life. 07:45 Hi my name is Tom, 07:47 I'm from the Lay Institute for Evangelism. 07:49 Would your parents be home? 07:51 Are you going to help my dad? 07:53 How can I help you dad? 08:16 Dad! 08:29 Hi my name is Tom. 08:31 No man! 08:39 Christa get my bag. 08:41 Here take this. 08:45 Come on, come on, come on. 08:55 music playing 11:50 Amazing Grace how sweet the sound 11:57 that saved a wretch like me 12:07 I once was lost but now am found 12:18 was blind but now I see 12:27 twist grace, the Bible tells us in Philippians 4:13 12:31 I can do all things through Christ who gives 12:34 me strength. 12:35 My friends how many things can we do with God that 12:36 gives us strength? 12:37 All things, in the Bible it says in Matthew 19:26, 12:41 "with men this is impossible, but with God all things" 12:44 "are possible". 12:45 How many things are possible? 12:46 Audience: all things. 12:47 Speaker: all things 12:48 it was possible for God to change Mike's life and it 12:50 is possible for God to change yours. 13:43 how precious is that Grace appear 13:51 the hour I first believed. 13:58 You will never regret your decision to come, 14:04 experience LIFE. 14:20 Scott, what is life? What is life? 14:24 It stands for Lay Institute for Evangelism. 14:29 Tell us about this Institute, what's going on, we've 14:33 been hit by this video, but what is actually going on? 14:37 What is it all about? 14:38 This is what is happening at Life. 14:40 The reason that life exists 14:42 is to help each one of you 14:44 to become the sole winner that 14:46 the Lord Jesus has created you to be. 14:47 So what we want to do at Life, and what we have done 14:51 already, and what we will do in 2010, is train people 14:55 younger people, older people, people consider themselves 14:58 middle-aged, to do the work of an evangelist. 15:01 How was this Life different from any of the other 15:04 training schools out there? 15:05 Well first of all we are in sunny Florida, so the 15:10 winters are very mild there. 15:11 Huge difference, huge difference. 15:13 I think one of the things that makes a huge 15:15 difference is the staff that we have. 15:17 Eleida Feliciano is our administrator. 15:19 You met Phillip Sizemore earlier this afternoon. 15:23 The energy that the staff puts into the students is 15:26 exponential, and I know other training institutions 15:30 do the same thing but we are really trying to focus 15:33 on the students as individuals, not just a pack of 15:36 students, but students as individuals. 15:38 What does the student need to be exactly what the Lord 15:41 wanted them to be when it comes to saving souls? 15:44 Why GYC, so attendees can get more information about 15:47 life, what can we do? 15:49 Well if you go into the booth area, it is very difficult 15:52 to miss Life, we have a trailer there in the middle and 15:54 we also have a set up there because we are going to be 15:57 doing one of the sessions that Phillip talked about 15:59 earlier this evening. 16:00 So you can come by our booth, and come by the stage we 16:03 have set up, that is actually the stage we had for our 16:06 class that is available on the DVD set. 16:09 That is there a website that they can visit? 16:11 There has to be people who want to go there, 16:13 but online also? 16:15 www. come experiencelife. com 16:19 That's it, great. Thanks so much Scott. 16:20 Adam: it is good to be here GYC. 16:24 We are all from the European continent, 16:27 anyone here from Europe? 16:30 It's good to be here in America. 16:32 Here in America, in America you have exported some things 16:35 that are really bad things for the rest of the world. 16:40 Right? You have given us Hollywood. 16:42 You have given the rest of 16:43 the world McDonald's. 16:45 Everywhere around the world 16:47 you see a McDonald's. 16:48 But there is one good thing that we have experienced in 16:50 Europe which is an export, so to speak, from the United 16:52 States of America. 16:53 We are going to talk a little bit this morning, 16:55 and Indirah could you tell us a little bit about this 16:57 program we are going to talk about? 16:58 Indirah: okay I'm going to speak to ASI for Jesus and 17:02 it was 5 to 6 by Bible workers in North England working towards 17:06 an Evangelistic series at the ending of the program. 17:09 We're working to give Bible boot camp to church members, 17:13 training them to follow up on our Bible study contacts. 17:18 What else did we do? 17:20 Adam: what was the best thing about the program 17:23 would you say? 17:25 Indirah: what are the challenges that was just it was 17:28 the first time it was done in England and so we 17:32 faced a lot of challenges. 17:33 There was no prodigal, there was no drafts so we were able to 17:35 create a pathway for upcoming 17:37 Bible workers in England. 17:39 Adam: So for the first time this year, soon-to-be 17:42 last year, ASI Youth for Jesus in England. 17:45 Adam: Clarissa you were part of that program. 17:48 What was the best thing about the program for you? 17:50 Clarissa: one of the experiences I had was during the 17:53 Bible study with a 15-year-old, requesting for Bible 17:56 studies, and every single week of myself and Irena would 17:59 go to the house, she absolutely soaked up every single 18:02 Bible study and was convicted every single week. 18:04 She got to the point where she decided to get baptized. 18:07 Recently she actually told me that from going to a 18:11 secular college that she is now attending, she had 18:14 started her own Christian Union in her College and is now 18:18 giving the same Bible studies we gave to her to the 18:21 people in the college that she is at. 18:22 Adam: so before you went to ASI for Jesus Bible worker 18:26 did you have some training? Clarissa: yes 18:28 Adam: what was the training you had? 18:31 Clarissa: we attended Arise in Michigan. 18:33 Adam: what else did you do the program, something you 18:37 learned at Arise that you did there in the 18:39 Church in England? 18:40 Clarissa: every week we gave Bible boot camp and what 18:45 that obviously consisted of was sharing with the members 18:48 of the Church how to give Bible studies and basically 18:51 the Bible studies they had to give to other people. 18:55 One of the things we did was not just the theory side 18:59 of it, it was both a practical side of it too. 19:02 What we did is we decided to take some of the members 19:05 with us to our Bible studies, not to just sit there and 19:08 listen, but the best way to actually learn how to give a 19:11 Bible study, being to actually give the Bible study. 19:14 Adam: okay you were taking church members and 19:18 mentoring them out into the field, giving Bible studies, 19:21 and enjoying it? 19:23 Adam: now who did you take? 19:27 She took me with her. 19:30 Adam: she took you, did she bully you along? 19:32 Rachel: Yes she bully me along. 19:35 Rachel: In a good way, but she bullied me along. 19:36 Adam: So you weren't part of the liaison for Jesus team? 19:40 Not at all. 19:42 But you go to the Nottingham Central Seventh-day 19:46 Adventist church yes. 19:47 Adam: before you ever went out with Clarissa had you 19:49 ever done a Bible study before? 19:50 Rachel: Never in my life have I ever done a Bible study. 19:52 study, never, ever. 19:54 Adam: how was it? 19:56 Terrifying, absolutely petrified 20:03 Adam: but you still got through it? 20:04 I still got through it by God's grace. 20:06 With God all things are possible. 20:07 Adam: okay you just went along with Clarissa and watched 20:10 what she did? 20:12 I watched what she did and then she bullied me into taking 20:15 a Bible study on my own. 20:17 In a good way of course. 20:22 Adam: I'm sure she learned how to do that Arise. 20:26 So then you went on your own and started Bible studies with her? 20:30 but the ASI for Jesus, if I'm correct, was a six month project 20:34 So what happened after the project finished? 20:37 After the project finished I continued giving 20:39 the Bible studies. 20:41 Adam: on your own? On my own. 20:44 Then I invited a friend to come along with me and last month 20:50 the lady I was giving Bible studies to was baptized. 20:53 audience: Amen! Adam: Amen! 20:55 it must have been a good experience seeing them baptized 20:59 in the pool of your church. 21:01 fantastic and I was glad I was bullied into giving 21:04 Bible studies now. 21:07 And now you are continuing. Irena: I am continuing and I 21:09 have my next Bible study student very soon from now. 21:13 So here we have the project mentoring Church members, 21:16 the project finishes and church members are doing the Bible 21:20 studies, baptism, resulting after the project as well. 21:24 Now Irena, you were also part of the project. 21:26 What was one of the highlights for you, now you are not from 21:29 England. Irene: no I am not. 21:31 Where are you from? Irena: I'm from Holland. 21:33 Holland, is that in the United States? 21:36 Ah, no. Adam: We just have to check the geography. 21:40 That's in Europe right? Irene: that's right. 21:42 So what was the highlight of the program for you? 21:44 One of the highlights was meeting Andreas. 21:48 We met Andreas not by knocking on the door, but by just walking 21:53 up to him in a restaurant. 21:54 We gave him a DVD and then left. the next time we went to the 22:01 restaurant, he was there as well and talk to us. 22:04 He basically said he was interested in getting to know us 22:08 I didn't want us to convert him, I just wanted a friendship. 22:15 We decided to meet up with him regularly and we had a good 22:20 friendship and every time we met we had conversations with 22:24 him were always about our religion and our God. 22:30 How much we love Him, and then when the evangelistic series 22:36 started he invited himself basically to come for 1 meeting 22:42 Which meeting was that? 70 weeks prophecy. 22:46 he came just once because he wanted to see what we were doing 22:50 He was so blown away that he kept coming every night. 22:54 It was amazing and he is still in the process of learning and 23:01 getting to know God. We are still in touch with him. 23:02 But it was amazing to see how our friendship just brought him 23:09 so close to our God. 23:11 Amen! so the Bible worker does not always know because you 23:13 meet people all over. Irena: yes 23:15 Now what else, you said there was a campaign, did this happen 23:19 during the campaign? During the campaign we had 23:22 at the same time we had Field school of evangelism 23:25 were Adventist youth came to be trained by us as Bible workers 23:30 and some pastors as well. They held meetings. 23:33 Adam: how many were there? About 20 of them. 23:36 They helped us at the meetings and they did practical training 23:40 by door knocking, they learned by the classes we gave them. 23:47 Now we are coming to a close but I believe there is something 23:50 exciting that you are involved with next year also as well. 23:54 Yes, after being in England and seeing the programs there 23:58 me and Indira have decided to go back to our home country 24:01 and do the exact same thing and have Bible workers there. 24:05 There are no Bible workers in Holland yet, but we are setting 24:08 up as we speak. 24:10 Adam: Amen! ASI for Jesus over here in America and there is 24:14 one in UK, and now there is going to be one in Holland 24:17 as well so it was spreading young people, 24:20 involved in evangelism, over in Europe. 24:22 Some people say evangelism doesn't work, I can tell 24:25 you it is not true. 24:26 Evangelism still works, people are still hungry 24:29 for the Gospel and it is good that you were 24:32 involved in it Clarissa. 24:33 Adam: and you are involved in the project as well? 24:36 Clarissa: It's not going to be just accessing Holland 24:39 but also back in England and this year 2009 24:43 was our first year doing 24:44 ASI, but next year we are going to do it again. 24:46 It will be with five Bible workers including myself. 24:50 Now for just six months, but for 10 months and it will 24:55 be based in Birmingham in the UK. 24:57 Adam: Amen! Good things are happening across the pond 25:00 in Europe as well is another exciting initiative that is 25:04 taking place over there as well as a follow on from the 25:07 field school of evangelism which took place. 25:11 This upcoming year there is something you may have heard 25:14 about and you will hear more about it soon I'm sure. 25:17 It's called Peace, which stands for 25:20 Pan European Advanced Center of Evangelism. 25:29 It is a three-way initiative with the North England 25:32 conference, ASI Europe, and Amazing Facts to start a 25:36 training center for evangelism in Europe so we can train 25:40 people over there to spread the gospel over there in the 25:43 continent of Europe. 25:45 We want to solicit your prayers and let you know that 25:47 things are happening all over the world and I believe 25:50 Jesus, as we all work together, will soon come. 25:53 As this message of a crucified and soon to come Savior goes to 25:57 the whole world, Amen! 26:03 I am so excited for what we are about to tell you. 26:05 Are you listening closely? Audience: yes 26:07 I have three gentlemen with me and we're going to talk 26:11 to you about something called iPreach. 26:12 How many of you have heard of iPreach? 26:14 Pastor Boonstra with It Is Written believes in 26:17 sponsoring young people to do evangelism, Amen! 26:21 so this year he could not be with us, we are very sad 26:24 about that, but I have three young men that were part 26:27 of it and going to sure about it. 26:28 So tell me your name and where you are from. 26:30 My name is Brad LaLonde and I'm from Moose Jaw 26:33 Saskatchewan in Canada. 26:34 Okay Bradley, what impact did you personally about being 26:39 part of iPreach? 26:41 How it personally impact me is that one year ago I came 26:44 to GYC, and was sitting where you guys are sitting 26:47 tonight, and I heard this program called iPreach. 26:50 I said hey I will give that a try. 26:51 So I went home with the idea and talk to my local 26:54 conference, I talked my local church, and we hooked it 26:57 up that I could be a Bible worker leading into my own 27:00 evangelistic series. 27:01 I had the challenge of putting the pre-work together, 27:05 organizing a campaign, and rented the facilities. 27:08 There's one verse throughout this process that I held 27:11 onto, it says nothing you do, no work for the Lord 27:14 will be in vain. 27:16 I held onto that and every single night of the campaign 27:19 there was someone there that needed to hear the message. 27:22 In fact one night a newspaper reporter came to write an 27:25 article about it. 27:26 Lo and behold the topic that night was the Sabbath. 27:30 So a newspaper article went out to our community about 27:33 how Saturday is the Sabbath day. 27:35 Brian, there was something very specific that you 27:38 were able to do, something very special as part of this 27:41 meeting, can you tell us about that? 27:43 I had a very special privilege, I took some training at 27:47 Arise in 2007, and I have done some Bible work 27:50 and the Lord blessed it. 27:51 This year I had one decision for baptism and I had the 27:55 privilege of baptizing her three weeks ago. 27:57 So it was a blessing. 27:59 Can you imagine young people, he organized and 28:01 preached evangelistic meeting, did the pre-work, got 28:04 training online and was able to baptize someone himself. 28:08 Wasn't that amazing? Praise God! 28:09 Alright tell me your name and where you are from. 28:11 My name is Nwamiko Madden and I'm from Montréal Canada. 28:14 Another Canadian, alright. 28:16 So give us a testimony of what happened 28:20 during your meetings. 28:21 First of all iPreach experience as a testimony because 28:24 our church in secular Montréal hadn't done an 28:27 evangelistic effort in seven years. 28:29 So it was pretty much a resurrection of the dead and it 28:32 was amazing to see the churches get back animated. 28:35 I think we had like approximately 22 people going 28:38 out each night, knocking on doors. 28:40 And the experience was amazing, but what was really 28:42 amazing to me was to see that the Spirit of God was 28:45 the One that was confirming that He instructing 28:49 the entire thing. 28:50 Because one day as we were getting ready to go out, 28:52 we had gotten together and knelt down to start praying. 28:54 We were just getting ready to go out and as we are 28:57 kneeling down on the floor, and everybody is praying, 28:59 we were about to say Amen, and a guy walks in. 29:02 We look at up him, we are like what is up? 29:05 He says I'm ready. 29:06 We were like ready for what? 29:08 He said I can't take it anymore the Spirit of God has 29:12 been convicting me, I'm being told by God to go to 29:15 the Adventist church and become a Seventh-day Adventist. 29:18 I'm here, I'm ready, where is the pool? 29:22 I said is right back there, but I'd never seen it be 29:25 that easy and the Spirit of God confirmed that. 29:27 When we started do evangelism, he starts to bring those 29:30 Divine appointments to us. 29:32 Speaker: Praise God what a testimony, 29:34 what a testimony, thank you. 29:35 One more thing actually, we did the evangelistic series 29:38 and there was people that were baptized and some still 29:41 studying for baptism in January, but we also did a 29:44 website with the meetings and 200 people went onto the 29:48 website and watched it online. 29:50 So many seeds were planted by God's grace. 29:52 Well praise the lord you can tell these guys are 29:53 preachers, right? 29:55 Speaker: Tell me your name and where you're from? 29:57 My name is Robert Blais and I'm originally from Montréal 29:59 British Columbia. 30:02 Another Canadian, I'm going to have to make an appeal 30:04 for the United States people to join iPreach, right? 30:06 No we appreciate these guys. 30:08 Tell us about three special people that are here GYC 30:13 this year. 30:14 Well something incredible happened at the evangelistic 30:19 series we did for iPreach. 30:21 Some of the people that were baptized, three of them 30:24 are here today at GYC. 30:27 Speaker: Praise God, Amen! 30:30 we want to ask you a question, there are young people 30:33 out here, do you think they should come to the training 30:37 tomorrow and join iPreach? Yes or no? 30:39 Amen! yes, I say yes, absolutely! 30:40 Get out your program booklet, tomorrow morning at 30:44 8:45 AM, what time? Audience: 8:45 AM. 30:47 In this room there will be a training for iPreach, 30:50 if you want to be a part of it there is sponsorship, 30:52 there is so many good things, come and be a part 30:55 of the training and you will be up here next year 30:59 sharing a testimony. 31:01 Next we have a video on something very important that 31:05 GYC does every year. 31:07 So we can roll that video about the outreach day. 31:13 Today is my favorite day at GYC, Amen! 31:16 not only is it the Sabbath day 31:19 but today is the outreach day. 31:22 Today is your opportunity to take 31:24 what you have learned in those seven 31:26 hours and put it into action. 31:28 To take that enthusiasm and excitement I've been seeing 31:31 and bring it to the streets, Amen! 31:33 the very first year I believe there were 17 buses. 31:37 This year there were 50, so the number of buses, there 31:40 is so many people that want to go out there. 31:43 Outreach becomes the highlight of GYC. 31:45 Young people went out, sometimes for the first time, 31:47 and they will keep doing it from here on out. 31:49 I think there was just a couple hundred people it 31:52 was a social phenomenon, but seeing there is thousands 31:55 a couple thousand people coming here, there is definitely a need 32:14 Okay guys, be sure to pray with the people when you are done 32:17 if they have a spiritual interest. 32:19 It is crucial and has melted so many hearts. 32:22 I've had friends that pray with people who are atheist 32:26 Gnostics and it has melted their hearts. 32:29 Guys, you have no idea the power of prayer. 32:50 When we got off the bus there was couples walking down 32:53 the street, probably 20, 21 years old. 32:56 I go hey guys would you be interested in filling 32:58 out a survey? 32:59 And they were like are reluctant, not really. 33:01 Well what you come here and talk about it and somebody 33:03 said about being a Christian their eyes lit up. 33:06 I just got through praying and said, Lord I know there 33:09 is someone would have to reach today, I know there 33:11 someone You want to touch today. 33:12 As we were riding I was praying God this is my third year in 33:15 GYC, this is his first, but I still haven't experienced 33:19 anything crazy yet as far as outreach is concerned. 33:22 So I had just said that prayer and was walking and this 33:25 man comes running to us and says, I have kids and I need 33:29 help, two days ago I was trying to commit suicide. 33:31 Can you guys pray for me? 33:33 A lot of people out there really hurting. 33:35 So I said to me well sir if you are interested we have 33:38 a means through which you can start reading the Bible 33:40 again, you can actually study it for deeper meaning. 33:42 He said, well that sounds like a great idea. 33:46 She took the Bible studies. 33:48 So he signed them up for Bible study. 33:50 We signed up two more Bible studies. 33:52 It was so full of the Holy Spirit at that moment. 33:54 It was just such a blessing. 34:13 I see GYC in the future working itself out of a job in 34:17 the sense that young people all over the world are 34:20 making the decision that we need to go out and do 34:22 evangelism and that we are not going to have time to 34:25 have a convention because everybody is too busy 34:26 out doing the work. 34:28 Then we are not going to have to come anymore because 34:30 Jesus will have come because we took the 34:32 Gospel to the whole world. 34:54 In San Jose we went door to door and this video tells 34:58 you a little bit about what happened. 35:00 For right now I want to ask Holly to share with us about 35:04 something that happened in San Jose. 35:06 Well last year in San Jose California, there was someone 35:15 who knocked on a very special persons door. 35:18 Her name was Olga, I went back to find Olga and I would 35:23 go and knock on her door. 35:24 I must've went back to Olga's house about 25 times and 35:28 Olga was never home. 35:31 I thought Lord how can people never ever be home. 35:34 I went in the morning, I went in the afternoon, I went 35:36 in the evening, and I went late at night. 35:38 This lady was never home. 35:39 So I decided I was going to call her because her number 35:42 was on the card. 35:43 So I give Olga a call, and when I call her she sounds 35:46 really pleasant and happy that I've called. 35:48 So I schedule a time to come by, when I arrive at the 35:52 house she's beaming, 35:54 she says I'm so happy that you came. 35:55 I'm so excited you're here and I am a little taken back 35:59 because I felt like this lady had never met me. 36:02 She said you are the Bible study worker right? 36:05 And I say yes, I'm here to give you Bible studies. 36:08 She said I remember having lunch with you. 36:11 And I was like, you remember having lunch with me? 36:14 She said yes and it turns out I was doing some cooking 36:17 classes with her daughter who lives all the way on the 36:20 other side of town. 36:21 Guess what, someone from GYC happened to knock on this 36:25 lady's door, well not only did I just meet Olga but 36:29 we continued to study the Bible with her. 36:31 Because she mostly spoke Spanish I brought a friend with 36:34 me and as they continue to study the Bible, they went 36:37 through the studies and Olga's life was changing. 36:40 One day Olga said, 36:42 Jay, that was the one who was giving her the Bible studies, 36:44 she said Jay, what would it take for me to become a 36:47 Seventh-day Adventist? 36:49 Olga has been coming to church and now she's preparing 36:52 for baptism because someone went out on Outreach Day 36:56 and knocked on her door. 36:58 Amen!, so you may be feeling a little tired, you're 37:01 thinking about a nap tomorrow afternoon, but I want 37:05 you to remember Olga because that young person decided 37:08 not to take a nap and Olga's door got knocked on, Amen! 37:11 Now there's something different this year that is 37:14 happening, Outreach Day is normally on what day? 37:17 Audience: On Sabbath 37:18 on Sabbath this year is on what day? 37:20 Audience: Friday 37:21 It's on Friday, tomorrow is January 1. 37:24 Many people make New Year's resolutions every year and 37:27 we have something special that we are going to bring to 37:29 their door on New Year's Day. 37:31 Holly tell us about that. 37:32 This year we are going to carry a flyer with us to 37:35 invite them to our city wide Health Expo, that is going 37:38 to take place right here, on Sunday afternoon. 37:41 On their it tells them, it tells them for you who are 37:45 making New Year's resolutions, come to this Health Expo 37:48 and we will help you make them. 37:50 So not only is there going to be a Health Expo on 37:52 Sunday, but we will pass on a flyer to every door and be 37:56 inviting them to recommit in their spirit shall life by 38:00 taking Bible studies and dive deeper in the word. 38:02 Maybe they have made new commitments. 38:04 So you have an opportunity to go door-to-door tomorrow. 38:06 What time should you be here? 38:08 Audience: 12:45 PM 38:11 12:45 PM so get out your schedule booklets and mark 38:12 12:45 PM in this room. 38:14 Now, raise your hand if you have been 38:16 in outreach before. 38:18 Alright, now for those of you who want to go on outreach 38:21 this year, maybe you are nervous, maybe you are a little 38:24 tired, but you're saying I want to go on outreach 38:26 tomorrow, I want you to stand up. 38:27 Stand on your feet. 38:29 Stand on your feet if you are going to commit to go on 38:33 outreach tomorrow, and for the 3ABN audience, I want to 38:36 ask you that you pray for each one. 38:38 We are going to have a short prayer, a blessing for 38:40 these people making a commitment for tomorrow. 38:42 Let's pray, Lord I ask that You will bless each one that 38:45 has stood to make this commitment for tomorrow. 38:47 Lord may nothing get in our way of going out and 38:49 reach people for You. 38:51 I ask that You will open doors and prepare the way. 38:53 I thank You u for this opportunity to be a part of Your 38:56 great work, so Lord guide us, prepare the people even 39:00 now that we will meet tomorrow. 39:01 We thank You for this opportunity, 39:03 I pray this in Jesus name Amen! 39:04 You may be seated. 39:06 Thank you Holly, next we have a video of an exciting 39:11 ministry called Anchor Point Films, 39:13 so check out this video. 40:00 He went further and he said alright let me see if I can 40:03 take 48 of these. 40:05 48 out of the 300? 40:19 1 with 157 zeros after it. 40:21 That number is so big, just to give you an idea, 40:23 scientists have determined that there are only 1 with 40:29 80 zeros after it atoms in the entire universe. 40:32 That is not just our planet, or our solar system, 40:35 or our galaxy, but the entire universe only has 40:38 1 with 80 zeros after it. 40:41 What you've got in here is you have got something so 40:45 remarkable that the whole universe can't hold it, 40:49 in fact this is what Peter Stoner said: 41:00 Crucifixion inflicted by the Romans was the most 41:06 horrible punishment that anybody could go 41:09 through at the time. 41:10 It was a type of torture that was to bring death 41:13 but a slow death. 41:15 People were impelled on a cross, or on a pole. 41:18 Nails were put through your hands and through their feet. 41:23 The feet would have been placed together, the nail would 41:28 have gone with one single nail through both feet, 41:30 nailing those feet to the cross. 41:33 The individual then, as he hung on the cross, 41:36 would have to lift himself up every single time he 41:40 breathed on those feet in order to allow 41:43 his diaphragm to expand. 41:45 Also their blood would be actually burning inside, 41:48 like a burning sensation because of the effect that 41:51 crucifixion would have on the body. 41:53 So torture was in several different stages. 41:56 It was completely awful, it was suffocating, 41:59 it was the bloodcurdling thirst that they were 42:02 feeling and it was meant to be exactly that torture 42:07 and then eventually death. 42:11 Now there were some people in the early Christian age 42:14 who didn't like the fact that so many people were 42:17 becoming Christians because of this passage. 42:20 Certain Jewish literature had a curse on you if you 42:23 studied this prophecy because I think it is very 42:27 powerful evidence pointing to Jesus as the Messiah. 42:31 They were very threatened by this passage because it 42:34 was too overwhelming, that it pinpointed the individual 42:38 who was supposed to come to the very year. 42:48 This is a ministry I am especially excited about. 42:50 Pastor Asscherick could you tell us about 42:51 this ministry began? 42:53 Well I had the privilege of meeting Chad Kreuzer, 42:56 in 2000 in Grand Rapids, I was conducting an evangelistic 43:00 meeting there as a part of ASI Youth 43:02 for Jesus and this spiky haired young kid came 43:06 walking into our meetings and he decided to stick 43:10 around and be baptized. 43:11 This is him here, and that was what, 9 years ago now. 43:16 After that you went away and got some training and went 43:21 into full-time evangelism and traveled around. 43:24 You did that for a number of years and then in the last 43:27 2 or 3 years God has given you a new burden. 43:32 Still an evangelist, preacher, but what is going on now? 43:36 Well basically what happened is we were doing evangelism 43:40 across the country and in Europe and meeting 43:43 a lot of secular people. 43:44 Atheists, agnostics, and people who didn't believe in 43:47 the Bible, and as we were meeting them one of the common 43:49 themes we found with these people is that they would say 43:51 things to us like... 43:52 We would share something about the Bible, Daniel and 43:55 Revelation, and they would say Awh, I saw that on the 43:57 Discovery Channel. 43:59 As we saw we began to notice and thought why don't we 44:02 produce something that looks similar to what they are 44:05 already used to seeing. 44:06 They are already interested in watching and so we will 44:08 make something that looks like that but instead of being 44:11 skeptical, like you see on Discovery Channel, or the 44:13 history Channel, it is something that uplifts the Bible 44:15 and our message, the Adventist message. 44:18 This is what we've done and we have discovered that it 44:20 is such an easy way. 44:21 I ask people the question, you know I met the bank and 44:23 asked the banker, hey do you ever watch documentaries? 44:25 Of course, oh yeah, I love documentaries. 44:27 Would you watch this if I gave it to you? 44:29 It is so very simple and what we have begun to discover 44:31 with these is as we put them out. 44:33 We have the first three done, there will be about 20 in 44:36 this particular series going through the major messages 44:38 like you see an evangelistic meetings, but instead of 44:41 preaching, you have archaeologist scholars and 44:44 people who have knowledge of this particular subject. 44:48 That is basically what we have been doing. 44:49 I remember Chad when you called me up and said, hey we 44:52 want to come and shoot you in which you help us to be a 44:55 part of this video project, this was the first one. 44:57 I remember thinking to myself, oh yeah Chad is my friend 45:01 and I'll help him out. 45:03 I thought he was going to show up with this little video 45:05 camera angle like sooooooo. 45:07 He shows up and has all this paraphernalia and the 45:11 lighting and it turned out, well the production went 45:14 well and then I remember when I got the first copy. 45:17 It was like the video is done and people were actually 45:20 saying to me, have you seen Chad and Vadieo's video? 45:23 Of course this is Vadieo, his lovely wife, 45:25 she does talk but not today. 45:29 so people were saying, Awh, have you seen the video? 45:31 I was like no I've not seen it. 45:33 People were saying, oh it is amazing. 45:34 I remember when I first saw it I was like, but the 45:39 thought that literally came to my mind is this is legit. 45:42 So I got two copies for free, but you cannot get them 45:46 for free, and I gave it to my parents. 45:50 My parents are not Seventh-day Adventist, they are not 45:52 Christians, and they love, like you said, the history 45:54 Channel, the Discovery Channel type thing. 45:57 I gave it to them totally legit. 45:59 They absolutely loved it so Chad, tell us about that. 46:04 What is your training? 46:07 How do you go from being an evangelist, a preacher, 46:10 a spiky haired kid coming to my evangelistic meetings, 46:12 to producing these amazing quality videos? 46:15 It was basically just a need, I don't have a background 46:20 in film, I just can say that for 19 years I watched like 46:25 several hours a day, so I have years of film. 46:27 But basically from what I used to watch and I look back on 46:32 it and learned from that. 46:34 You look at what you see and I prayed about it and the 46:36 Lord basically gave me the ability to do these things. 46:39 I really believe that if God put something on your heart 46:42 He can give you the ability to accomplish what 46:45 He's asking you to do. 46:46 Can you tell us where to find out more? 46:47 Yes you can go to our website www. anchorpointfilms. com 46:53 or you can check our booth here, it's booth number 400. 46:57 Come and check it out and will spend some time here GYC. 47:00 Wonderful, thank you. |
Revised 2014-12-17