Generation of Youth for Christ 2009

Thurs. Am Devotional

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sebastien Braxton


Series Code: 09GYC

Program Code: 09GYC000002

00:12 Good morning, let us kneel for prayer.
00:20 Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for this opportunity.
00:24 We thank you for waking us up this morning.
00:27 I ask that you will please bless those who are
00:30 traveling in today, give them traveling mercies.
00:33 Thank you so much that we are here at GYC where
00:36 we can receive a blessing.
00:38 I ask you to please empty us of ourselves and fill us
00:41 with your Holy Spirit.
00:43 I pray especially that you will be with Sebastien this
00:46 morning, anoint his lips and help him to speak Your word.
00:50 Let him be a vessel for You.
00:52 Thank you so much for loving us, and dying on the cross
00:55 for us and we can't wait for that great GYC reunion
00:58 in heaven, in Your precious name, Amen!
01:08 Sebastien: Oh GYC do you love Jesus?
01:11 Audience: yes we love Jesus.
01:14 Sebastien: Are you sure you love Jesus?
01:16 Audience: we are sure we love Jesus.
01:19 Sebastien: And why do you love Jesus?
01:21 Audience: here's why we love Jesus.
01:23 Audience and Sebastien: because He first loved me,
01:27 that's the reason we all ought to love Him.
01:31 Audience and Sebastien: oh how I love Jesus
01:36 oh how I love Jesus, oh I love Jesus
01:45 because He first loved me.
01:50 How many of you, that's what made you get
01:52 at 6 in the morning?
01:54 Because you love Jesus right? Amen!
01:57 This morning I am going to share a message with you
02:01 entitled "But Now". But Now!
02:05 Before we jump into the message, and while the rest
02:09 of the latecomers are strolling in, I'm assuming with
02:12 their Bibles, I just want to ask you guys four favors.
02:15 Is that okay? Just four!
02:20 This will be something to help set the tone for our
02:24 meetings throughout the mornings.
02:26 My first request from you at GYC this morning is to
02:33 pray and be intentional about this not being
02:37 a regular meeting.
02:39 As GYC has been in existence for about eight years.
02:44 As an organization we exist to help ourselves not exist.
02:51 That is the reason why GYC exists.
02:54 It is a movement, and GYC as a movement therefore means
02:59 it is not an event.
03:00 It is not something that happens for five days at a
03:04 Convention Center while we stay in nice hotels eating
03:07 food that needs a lot of prayer.
03:13 I believe we can give them a chance this morning,
03:15 we will see what they have for us. Amen!
03:17 GYC is a movement, and what that means is we must always
03:23 be moving towards our goal, which is to finish God's work
03:29 in this generation.
03:31 If that is the goal, and if GYC is a movement,
03:35 then you are GYC.
03:38 GYC functions all year long, as long as the feet of young
03:44 people are fast about their Father's business.
03:47 Then GYC is a movement.
03:49 It's when you stop moving that GYC dies.
03:53 It's not when the conference ends, that is not when
03:57 GYC dies, GYC dies when your feet, as young people,
04:00 stop moving about your Father's business.
04:05 Thus I need two requests as my second favor.
04:09 There are too kinds of attendees.
04:12 There are those who have come to GYC for the first time.
04:17 For you my challenge is, you came as you are, we welcome
04:22 you as you are, but our prayer is that you will not stay
04:26 as you are. Audience: Amen!
04:28 We must always be seeking higher ground.
04:31 As a result of that, if this is your first GYC, pray in
04:35 your heart and be intentional in your mind that this
04:39 will not be a regular weekend.
04:41 I'm not going to go back to do more of the same.
04:44 It is not a mountain top experience, this is actually
04:47 the bottom of the mountain.
04:49 It's when you leave GYC that you understand spiritual
04:52 mountain climbing to the true mountaintop.
04:58 For those of you who have come to GYC before.
05:01 I know that for many of us who have attended for many
05:04 years, you can become disillusioned.
05:07 How many more GYC's do we have to have?
05:10 How many more great speakers can we come up with?
05:13 How many more great and powerful seminars do we need
05:16 to continue you to go through, for every generation?
05:20 We must be improving as a movement and that means for
05:23 those of you that attended for years, we need your
05:26 presence as well because God does not just use speakers
05:31 He also uses attendees.
05:33 Our young people, here in this place, for the next five
05:37 days, four days, who may not make it to morning or
05:42 evening devotions, for whatever reason.
05:45 But you will see them in the hallway.
05:47 They may be living in the room next to you.
05:51 Therefore God needs you to be an agent of change.
05:57 So with the theme "Unashamed" we have to leave behind
06:02 all the political correctness that keeps us bound from
06:06 being true to the calling that God has upon our lives.
06:10 If we are truly that generation, that means we must
06:14 be what no other generation was.
06:16 Not even Paul's generation.
06:19 So my challenge is, if you see a brother or sister doing
06:23 something that does not represent the spirit of Christ,
06:28 tap them on the shoulder and call them out.
06:32 If you see a young sister a little too close to a young
06:35 brother, tap them on the shoulder. Amen?
06:39 Tap them on the shoulder.
06:44 My third request and favor is that I hope that you guys
06:48 bring a pen and paper when you come to listen to the
06:52 Word of God.
06:53 We have this mindset that I have heard everything that
06:56 has ever been preached.
06:57 We have this mindset that what else could come
07:01 from this book?
07:03 But the truth of the matter is lives are continually
07:06 changed by the power of the Word of God.
07:08 That means for us to think arrogantly that we can get
07:12 nothing from when the Bible as being opened.
07:16 This is in actuality the thoughts of God being
07:19 expressed to humanity.
07:21 You cannot exhaust Him, so as my recommendation always
07:26 is, you take out a piece of paper, pen or pencil and
07:30 ask yourself three questions about every sermon.
07:33 It helps me as a preacher, some sermons are hard to
07:36 listen to. Amen?
07:39 Maybe you guys don't know what I'm talking about.
07:41 Maybe your pastor is the most dynamic speaker in
07:44 North America.
07:45 Three questions you want to ask yourself.
07:48 Number 1. what is it that I heard in this sermon
07:52 that I have never heard before?
07:55 You are always going to learn something new.
07:58 Second question, where was my mind when the Word of God
08:04 was being preached?
08:06 Now you know sometimes you listen to the Bible being
08:09 preached and your mind starts wandering, yes?
08:11 You don't know why, maybe you ate that pizza too late.
08:14 Or you were hanging out with your friends strong last
08:18 night, but your mind starts wandering.
08:20 That is not a negative thing, you need to write that down
08:23 because even though the preacher may be talking about
08:26 "But Now", the Holy Spirit is trying to talk to you about
08:29 your relationship.
08:31 Where two or three are gathered, they He is
08:34 in the midst of them.
08:35 God has a message for every single person seated here.
08:41 Where was your mind when the word of God
08:43 was being preached?
08:45 And lastly, what am I going to do now,
08:49 that I've heard this message?
08:54 Specific action.
08:56 You know when you look at creation, which is in question
09:02 right now, we say that God created the world by His word.
09:09 That means that the Word of God always produces action.
09:15 Amen? So that means we live in a world right now that
09:20 when God spoke to a whale to swallow a man
09:23 and not digest him.
09:25 When God speaks to a donkey, it will open its mouth.
09:28 When God tells the Sun to stop while Joshua was fighting,
09:32 the sun stopped.
09:34 But there is one part of creation that keeps the power
09:39 that is within the Word of God captive.
09:41 That is humanity.
09:43 God can speak to us and we will do nothing.
09:46 Simply because He is bound by the will.
09:49 We must choose to surrender to the Word of God.
09:53 Everything that is in opposition to the Word of God.
09:58 So your third question is, what am I going to do now
10:03 that I have heard this message?
10:06 My last request is about a four letter word, anybody
10:12 know what I am thinking?
10:14 No, it is not to pray, but you should do that for me,
10:17 the entire time.
10:21 Okay, the four letter word starts with an A, M,
10:27 Oh, Amen! Oh Amen!
10:31 I want to reiterate something Justin said last night.
10:35 Amen is not a black word, Amen.
10:37 Audience: Amen!
10:38 I go to preach at black churches, and I just stand up.
10:41 Amen! I didn't say anything.
10:45 God bless my brothers and sisters, but it is important
10:49 for us to recognize that at the end, in the book of
10:54 Revelation, when the victory comes.
10:56 All creation black, white, Hispanic, Asian, whatever
11:00 you come from, before the flood, after the flood,
11:03 if you were righteous and you got the victory through
11:06 Jesus Christ there is one word that will come
11:08 out of every mouth, that will be Amen.
11:11 So that means it is not a cultural word.
11:14 Amen, the first time it is used in the Bible is in the
11:17 book of Numbers, chapter 5.
11:19 Unfortunately regarding a wife that was unfaithful
11:22 to her husband.
11:23 The priest was to take her to the gate of the camp,
11:27 pronounced a curse, and she was supposed to respond
11:30 by saying, Amen! which means so let it be
11:34 as you have said.
11:35 So if there is something that comes from the message that
11:41 resonates with your heart.
11:43 Something that you are saying, I want what that man or
11:46 that woman just said, so let it be unto me as they have said.
11:50 Then you say, Amen!
11:53 If there is something in the message that stepped on
11:55 your toes, and you are like oow, I'm going
11:59 to have to give that up.
12:00 You know you need to say, Amen, so let it be as you have
12:04 said unto your servant.
12:06 Amen? Audience: Amen!
12:09 so from the left, from the right, down the middle,
12:12 I'm a preacher that likes conversation.
12:16 So please do not withhold your Amen's.
12:19 Let's pray.
12:25 Mighty God, everlasting Father, we thank you for the gift
12:31 of life and we know it is not because we were so
12:35 righteous yesterday that You gave us life today.
12:39 But it is because Your Word says that Your mercies are
12:43 new every morning and great is Your faithfulness that
12:47 even when we do not believe, yet God abides faithful
12:51 for He cannot deny Himself.
12:53 Father your mercies endure forever and we are praying
12:58 for this one meeting that You will help us by the
13:03 power of Your Holy Spirit, that this will not be a
13:07 regular meeting.
13:08 That You will travel from heart-to-heart, and from
13:12 mind to mind impressing upon the soul the message that
13:16 You have for that one heart.
13:18 That we may all obtain higher ground and to develop
13:22 a Christ-like spirit that is unashamed.
13:29 Teach us Lord as we read Your word and take this Your
13:33 manservant, whom you know is but dust in Your sight
13:37 and breathe upon him the breath of God and
13:40 fill him with thy favor.
13:42 This is our prayer, and we ask You that it be our experience
13:49 for we ask in Jesus name, Amen!
13:51 If you have your Bibles with you, turn with me to the book
13:55 2 Samuel chapter 12.
13:57 2 Samuel chapter 12, when you are there say, Amen!
14:01 If you are not there say, have mercy.
14:06 2 Samuel 12:1, are you there? Amen!
14:12 Audience: Amen!
14:15 This is what the word of God says, "and the Lord sent"
14:20 "Nathan unto David. And he came unto him and said unto"
14:25 "him, there were two men in one city; the one rich, and"
14:29 "the other poor. 2. The rich man had exceeding many"
14:34 "flocks and herds: 3. But the poor man had nothing, save"
14:38 "one little ewe lamb, which he had bought and nourished"
14:41 "up: and he grew up together with him, and with his"
14:45 "children; it did eat of his own meat, and drank of his"
14:49 "own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him"
14:52 "as a daughter. "
14:54 Sounds like the way we treat pets in America, right!
14:56 I know some people do treat their pets better than their
14:58 children. I was like mercy.
15:02 But apparently it is not a new concept.
15:04 Verse 5, "and David's anger was greatly kindled against"
15:08 "the man; and he said to Nathan, as the Lord liveth, the"
15:13 "man that has done this thing shall surely die. "
15:17 6. "And he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he"
15:22 "did this thing, and because he had no pity. "
15:25 7. "And Nathan said to David, thou art the man. Thus"
15:29 "saith the Lord God of Israel, I anointed thee King over"
15:33 "Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul;"
15:37 Now we know that the situation that is coming by the
15:41 prophet Nathan has followed David's sin with Bathsheba
15:45 and his desire to cover it up.
15:47 We find now that Nathan comes, and this seems to be a
15:51 precedent in the life of David, that he gets rebuked
15:55 under stories, people tell him a story and he responds to
15:59 the story and then the prophet, or the person will say,
16:03 you are the person who is guilty of the very
16:05 thing in this story.
16:07 He comes and he says, you know David you were a shepherd
16:10 boy, there were two men in one city.
16:14 One man, a rich man, had many flocks and herds.
16:19 That means he had multiple groups of sheep, but at the
16:22 same token this one gentleman, a poor man, he only had
16:26 one lamb and that lamb was so precious to him that it
16:30 grew up as if it was one of his own children.
16:34 When a traveler came in, it was the custom of hospitality
16:38 in the Old Testament, they wanted to prepare
16:41 something for this wayward traveler.
16:43 The rich man looking over his many flocks and herds,
16:47 he said to himself, you know, I don't want to use any
16:51 of my sheep, I'm going to go get his sheep.
16:55 So he takes the one man's lamb, and as he takes this
17:00 man's lamb he kills it, and feeds the traveler.
17:03 And David's response is complete utter shock.
17:06 As a shepherd, we are talking about a man who will
17:09 fight a bear to defend his sheep.
17:11 We are talking about a young man who will wrestle down
17:14 a lion to defend his sheep.
17:18 So you can only imagine how precious and heartfelt
17:22 this is for David.
17:24 He responds with this condemnation in 2 Samuel 12.
17:28 David says, as surely as God lives, the man who did this
17:34 thing shall surely die.
17:36 Now it is interesting, the Old Testament, in the book of
17:40 Exodus, tells us that if you steal a man's lamb you only
17:43 have to restore fourfold, it is not worthy of death.
17:48 But yet we find that with David, he goes beyond the
17:51 condemnation of God.
17:53 He is harsher on this particular crime,
17:56 than God Himself is.
17:58 It is interesting because the next verse says David, you
18:01 saw just how you condemned this man, well guess what?
18:04 You're the man, you're the man.
18:09 We live in a time where you're the man doesn't have any
18:13 negative connotations.
18:15 They come up and say will brother Sebastien I heard your
18:18 preaching, you're the man, no Jesus is the man. Amen!
18:22 Jesus is the man, but in David's case I want to add a
18:26 different definition to, that your the man.
18:28 You see often times we are harsher upon the evil we see
18:32 in others then we are in our own lives.
18:35 We sit down and we watch CNN.
18:37 We open up the newspaper, we heard some stories from the
18:41 mission fields about the kinds of evil and wickedness
18:44 that exists in the world.
18:45 We sit back like David listening to the Jerusalem news,
18:49 a man stole another man's lamb.
18:52 We are like, man this guy should be killed.
18:56 Then the message comes back to you and immediately
18:58 says you're the man.
19:01 We read about the fact that this genocide that happened
19:05 in Rwanda, if you just pick up one book to read the
19:09 stories of what the men did to other men, men did to
19:13 other women, and you see the evil that was in
19:17 the heart of individuals.
19:19 They said they looked at the genocide as a 9-to-5 job.
19:23 Get up at 9 and go out killing till 5 PM and come back.
19:27 1 million people died in less than 100 days.
19:31 We look at that and say, look at this gross evil.
19:34 The fact that all these nations did not intervene,
19:38 we condemn the evil that we see around us,
19:41 but what do we do about the evil in our own hearts?
19:44 We are often harsher, and when you see the wickedness
19:47 in that man, when you see the wickedness in that woman,
19:50 do you see that you are the man?
19:52 You see friends what we are talking about is this,
19:58 what caused them to commit this genocide in Rwanda?
20:02 What caused the heart of Hitler to rise up and decide to
20:05 kill millions of Jews?
20:08 What caused Stalin to cause the death of these people?
20:10 It was a three letter word called sin.
20:12 If that is what sin leads to, and sin is in me,
20:17 then you're the man.
20:20 We think because our sins are not as gross,
20:23 God is showing His distaste for sin.
20:26 In our own hatred of the evil in others, every time we
20:30 look at the news, every time we cracked the newspaper,
20:33 He says gets what, he grew up in a good Christian
20:36 home just like you.
20:38 He went to a nice good Academy and school just like you.
20:42 What happened to him?
20:45 To me that is why Timothy McVeigh, blowing up this
20:50 building in Oklahoma city, with such a big deal to America,
20:53 because we thought terrorist are out there.
20:58 Terrorist are out there and that is exactly our
21:01 mentality in the church.
21:04 The greatest opposition that comes in the church,
21:07 tends to be within the church.
21:10 Can you say Amen? Audience: Amen!
21:13 Somewhere and someplace in some office sin has taken hold
21:16 of a man or a woman.
21:19 We may condemn the actions of a pastor, we may condemn
21:23 the actions of an elder or another church member,
21:25 but here comes back to you.
21:27 Be it a Nathan, 2009, you are the man.
21:31 You are the man.
21:33 I remember listening to this illustration about a wealthy
21:37 businessman, he was listening to an apologist,
21:39 Robbie Zacharias.
21:41 Him and Robbie had a meeting, and Robbie was recounting
21:44 this meeting, and he said he sat down with this wealthy
21:48 businessman, and Robbie's presentation was about the fact
21:51 in order for you to believe right and wrong,
21:53 you have to believe in God.
21:55 You can't ground morality without God.
21:58 So the wealthy businessman looks at Robbie across the
22:00 table and says, you know I want to believe there is
22:03 right and wrong, I want to believe that there is evil
22:06 in the world but I don't want to have to believe
22:07 in God to believe that.
22:12 As he is going on and on his assistant was sitting by.
22:15 His assistant looked at the wealthy businessman and he
22:19 said, I hear you're talking about the evils around you.
22:22 I hear you talking about the evils in society.
22:25 But what do you do about the evil in your own heart?
22:30 The man paused for a moment, and he said I guess
22:35 when I committed it is a victimless act.
22:40 Robbie, providing the proper logical kill, told the story
22:45 of a prime minister in Japan who had committed suicide.
22:53 When his wife woke up in the morning she saw a book open
22:56 on their table, De Profundis by Oscar Wilde.
22:59 He had these words underlined, "as terrible as it has"
23:05 "been, what I have done to others, nothing was as"
23:10 "terrible as what I had done to myself. "
23:13 Evil is not victimless, can you say Amen? Audience: Amen!
23:16 You may think that you can sit at your computer and watch
23:20 your pornography by yourself, but the Bible talks about
23:24 those who oppose themselves is in 2 Timothy chapter 2.
23:28 He talks about you that sin against me.
23:31 You are sinning against yourself.
23:33 Sin hurts God because it is self-destructive.
23:36 Are you hearing me?
23:39 So you have in this concept, we need to look at the evils
23:43 around us, this will change the dynamics of how we
23:46 interact as a church.
23:47 When we see a brother or sister make a mistake,
23:50 we see an individual having this weakness, we say oh, I look
23:53 at them and the fingers come back, you're the man.
23:57 Sin is in you.
24:02 My question is, is there a change that you are seeking in
24:05 your heart this morning?
24:07 Is there a change that you are seeking in your life?
24:11 And the most fundamental question, I believe,
24:14 to this generation of post-modernism,
24:16 how does one change the longings of the human heart?
24:20 We are a generation about being real.
24:23 We are generation about being open.
24:26 It's come to the place now where we are saying, you know
24:28 what, we're just honest, we are wicked inside.
24:31 And you know what we now give people virtue for being honest
24:34 about being sinful, well at least he is being real.
24:38 That is what we say, at least he is being real.
24:42 Yet he is being real, real wicked.
24:45 The fact that a person is being honest about their sin
24:49 does not justify it, it does not give it any merit.
24:52 Now we do need some more authenticity in the church,
24:56 but that is for another sermon.
25:00 My question is this, we have all these recommendations
25:03 for how we believe the human heart can be changed.
25:06 Are we really going to change the human heart by
25:10 education? Audience: no.
25:12 Is it really going to be sitting in a classroom listening
25:15 to someone teach me about the history of hatred, that is
25:18 going to make me stop hating?
25:19 Are you really going to deal with my lust by publishing
25:23 physiological books on sexuality?
25:26 Are you really going to do with my pride by talking to me
25:29 about Napoleon at Waterloo?
25:33 Friends, Jesus is the only cure for the evils in society.
25:37 And Ellen White says this, hanging on the cross Christ
25:41 was the gospel.
25:43 How can you be unashamed of the only cure for
25:47 the evils of society?
25:51 How can we be ashamed?
25:53 My belief is this, because we have not experienced that
25:58 change, deep down we don't really believe
26:02 Jesus can change people.
26:04 Deep down we don't really believe that Jesus can bring
26:08 a person from here to here.
26:11 From darkness to light, from blindness to sight, from the
26:16 power of Satan unto the power of God.
26:20 But the first place to start is within your own heart.
26:25 If there is a change that you are seeking this morning,
26:28 this is the time to get it changed.
26:32 Turn with me in your Bibles to the book of John 20.
26:36 Gospel of John chapter 20 when you are there say Amen.
26:42 Audience: Amen! If you are not there, say have mercy.
26:46 John chapter 20, are you there? Audience: Amen!
26:51 notice with me verse 30 and 31.
27:00 "And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence"
27:03 "of his disciples, which are not written in this book:"
27:07 "but these are written, that you might believe that"
27:11 "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God: and that believing"
27:15 "ye might have life through His name. "
27:18 Now it's interesting that John puts this at the
27:21 end of his gospel.
27:23 You pick up the Bible for the first time, someone tells
27:26 you that Ellen White talks about reading the Gospel John as
27:29 a good place to start.
27:31 You start reading the Gospel of John and as you are
27:33 plowing through one, two, three, four, five, all the way
27:36 to chapter 20 and now boom, he lays it on you.
27:39 Oh, by the way this is the point of my Gospel.
27:42 So now you have to go back and read the gospel with new
27:46 eyes, so you wonder why certain stories are not in John's
27:50 Gospel that are in Matthew's Gospel.
27:52 Why is it that certain accounts are not found
27:55 in John's Gospel?
27:56 Well John says in verse 30, he says and many other signs
28:00 truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples which are
28:04 not written in this book.
28:07 Which means my Gospel is not a historical account.
28:10 I wasn't trying to catalog history.
28:13 I wasn't trying to necessarily count from prophecy to
28:17 the fulfillment in the experience of Jesus.
28:20 The purpose of my Gospel, he says, but these are written
28:25 that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ,
28:28 the Son of the living God.
28:30 If this is the purpose of John's Gospel, every single
28:34 story, every single passage, every single encounter in
28:38 Jesus' life, He is trying to say this is why you should
28:42 believe, this is why you should believe that Jesus is the
28:45 Christ and that in believing you and I may have
28:48 life through His name.
28:50 John says faith is not an intellectual assent alone.
28:54 Faith does not just belong in a dogma or doctrine.
28:58 Faith does not just belong in a creed.
29:01 Faith belongs in an individual.
29:03 Faith belongs in Christ.
29:06 And because faith is for a person, and I'm trying to get
29:11 you to believe in a person, John says.
29:14 I'm trying to get you to believe in a man who can flip
29:16 tables and receive children with the same hands.
29:19 That is what I am trying to get you to believe in,
29:22 that He is the Christ.
29:26 So that means that when you look at John's Gospel, he is
29:29 building a case in an argument from story to story, from
29:33 person-to-person, this is why you should believe it,
29:36 that Jesus is the Christ.
29:40 But I believe friends that more than any other gospel,
29:45 John records the ability of Jesus to change lives.
29:49 It has some of the most accounts of Jesus' one-on-one
29:53 encounters with individuals in His ministry.
29:57 Okay, just to do a quick overview.
29:59 We meet in Chapter 3 Nicodemus, the Pharisee.
30:03 Then we go and see that Nicodemus was wealthy and
30:07 well respected and knowledgeable.
30:09 You go to women of Samaria an outcast, the downtrodden.
30:13 You deal with the man at the pool of Bethesda,
30:15 completely hopeless.
30:18 Then the woman caught in adultery, the guilty.
30:20 The blind man, the helpless.
30:22 Lazarus, the apparently irreversible.
30:26 Jesus comes in and changes individual lives.
30:30 What we find here, this becomes the greatest argument
30:34 for Christ, His ability to change lives.
30:37 Because they can argue for post-modernism,
30:39 they can argue for evolution,
30:41 they can argue for all these different things in
30:43 theories, but the point is deep down every heart
30:46 seeks to change.
30:47 Every heart has habits they want to break,
30:49 evolution won't do it.
30:51 Every heart has something, you can get a PhD in
30:54 psychology and still not deal with your mental problems.
30:58 Because Christ, John says, is the One.
31:02 My question is, has God changed your life?
31:09 Would your story make it in the, these are written category
31:15 so that you might believe?
31:17 Are you an argument for the Messiahship of Jesus,
31:24 that He is the Christ?
31:29 Is there someplace in the diary of your experience where
31:33 God has changed your life?
31:35 I want to look at one story in the gospel of John,
31:38 which is where we are going to finish.
31:40 Go with me to John chapter 9.
31:47 John chapter 9 and we're going to start in verse one.
31:50 To me this is one of the most exciting
31:53 stories in the Bible.
31:58 When you are there say Amen! Audience: Amen!
32:00 Does anybody need mercy?
32:04 John 9:1, "and when Jesus passed by, he saw a man which"
32:12 "was blind from his birth. "
32:16 2. "And his disciples asked him saying, Master, who did sin,
32:20 " this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?"
32:25 3. "Jesus answered, neither hath this man sinned,"
32:28 "nor his parents: but that the works of God should be"
32:31 "made manifest in him. "
32:34 Now I want you to follow this, John chapter 8 Jesus was
32:37 about to get stoned, He was passing out of the Temple
32:40 so they wouldn't kill Him.
32:41 So Here he is, the Savior is escaping for His life,
32:45 and while He is running for His life, He passes by a man
32:49 who was born blind.
32:51 Now let me ask you a question?
32:53 If you are running for your life, and you know there are
32:56 a group of people trying to kill you, would you stop?
33:02 Would you stop? Well that is the kind of Jesus we serve.
33:09 He is not afraid for His life,
33:11 He's afraid to pass you by.
33:13 Can you say Amen! Audience: Amen!
33:15 He is not afraid for His life, He is afraid to pass you by,
33:20 and He sees a man who has had an issue in
33:24 his life from birth.
33:25 Blind from birth, as Jesus passed by, He wasn't looking
33:30 for the blind man, that was not on His agenda.
33:33 He was just passing by, and while He was passing by,
33:38 they see this man who was born blind.
33:41 While they see the man the disciples are like, whose
33:44 fault is it? Did his parents mess up?
33:46 Did he mess up? I thought that was interesting,
33:48 can a man sinned before he was born?
33:50 That is interesting.
33:53 And Jesus says in verse 3. "Neither hath this man"
33:56 "sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God"
34:00 "should be made manifest in him. "
34:02 Now I want you to think now for yourself in your
34:04 personal life, I don't know what issues you and I have
34:07 been dealing with from birth.
34:09 There are some weaknesses in your life and mine that we
34:13 have had for a long time.
34:14 Can you say Amen! Audience: Amen!
34:15 There are some struggles we have been dealing with since
34:18 we came to know Jesus for ourselves.
34:21 There are some skeletons in the closet, some of our
34:24 darling sins that does so easily beset us.
34:29 You may wonder, why is it Lord that I had to go through
34:34 this from birth?
34:36 Why is it that I had this issue since I was a child?
34:39 Why is it that I am the one, when you talk about my
34:43 travels in ministry around this country and I
34:45 sit down with young people having been abused
34:48 by Seventh-day Adventists?
34:50 I sit down with young people, I was preaching at one
34:54 place and this story has never left my mind.
34:58 After I finished preaching this young lady came up and
35:01 said Sebastien I need to talk to you about your sermon.
35:04 I said yes how are you doing, how can I help you?
35:09 She started tell me about sexual abuse she was
35:14 experiencing, she said I don't know what to do.
35:22 So we pray together, we talked.
35:25 The next day I preached again, she came up with a friend.
35:30 Her friend looked at me and she looked at me and said
35:34 Sebastien, she has something she wants to tell you.
35:39 I said okay, so as we were sitting on the side people
35:44 are conversing and ready to leave the meeting.
35:47 The girl looks at me and immediately her face turns
35:52 bright red and she starts crying.
35:54 Her friend says go ahead just tell him, just tell him.
35:58 While she is trying to encourage her friend the girl
36:02 collapses on the floor and starts crying hysterically.
36:05 And I knew why, and I knew why.
36:11 Every one of us has a why question, why me Lord?
36:16 Why is this my struggle? Why is it so hard for me?
36:20 Sometimes we come into the church and feel like we are
36:23 the only one, Amen?
36:25 You are struggling with some thing and that's the Devils,
36:27 it has to be one of his best lies, just you.
36:31 No one else in GYC is struggling with this, just you.
36:35 We come here ashamed, we come here like we want to get
36:40 involved, I want to do this but we are ashamed.
36:42 Jesus says, friends, we don't have to be ashamed of what
36:45 has gone on in the past.
36:47 We don't have to be ashamed of where we came from.
36:50 What we have struggled with, deep down even if you were
36:53 born with the issue.
36:55 You are saying why me? Jesus says, so that the works of
36:58 God can be made manifest in your life.
37:01 God wants to show Himself strong in your behalf.
37:04 He wants to show the miracle working power of Jesus,
37:07 that there is more than power in the blood, there is
37:17 healing, restoration and for you and I to come back.
37:18 You know the Bible says that we are all born in sin
37:19 and shaped in iniquity.
37:21 We've all had a blindness from birth,
37:23 and Jesus doesn't pass by, He doesn't pass by.
37:29 And He says, why? So that the works of God could be
37:35 manifested in your life.
37:37 So notice what Jesus does, how He heals this man.
37:40 John 9, we read verse three, and went on to verse four,
37:45 "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is"
37:50 "a day: the night cometh, when no man can work. "
37:53 5. "As long as I am in the world,
37:55 "I am the light of the world. "
37:57 6. "When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground,"
38:00 "and made a clay of spittle, and he anointed the eyes"
38:03 "of the blind man with the clay,"
38:04 I thought this was interesting.
38:08 The man is already blind, Jesus makes clay from dirt.
38:15 He puts it over the eyes of the blind man.
38:18 He is already blind and then He gives him these
38:22 instructions, in verse 7. "And he said unto him, go,"
38:27 "wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by"
38:31 "interpretation, sent.) He went his way there for,"
38:35 "and washed, and came seeing. "
38:37 Can you say Amen? Audience: Amen.
38:39 Now follow this, he anoints the eyes of the blind man
38:41 with this clay, He spits on the ground makes clay and
38:44 anoints the eyes of the blind man and says go find the
38:47 pool of Siloam and wash.
38:49 Wait a minute Lord, how come the blind man doesn't say
38:53 but I'm blind Jesus?
38:55 How am I going to find a pool of Siloam?
38:58 So his eyes, he is walking through the streets of
39:02 Jerusalem inside the temple with mud hanging off his
39:05 face looking for a pool to find his sight.
39:09 You can imagine he's groping around and talking to people
39:13 hey, am I near the pool of Siloam?
39:16 You have some people that help you on your journey to
39:18 Jesus to be healed, and some people that don't.
39:22 Some people thought this was a practical joke.
39:24 Oh yeah, there's the pool of Siloam,
39:26 leading him right into a wall.
39:31 But then you have other people say,
39:33 brother what are you looking for?
39:34 A man named Jesus told me to go find a pool of Siloam,
39:38 so I could wash.
39:40 They take this blind man by the hand, with this mud on
39:43 his eyes, and they say here's the pool of Siloam.
39:47 I can only imagine that as he goes down to the pool,
39:51 he stumbles in and falls into the water and kneels down
39:55 and start washing his face.
39:57 But this time when he opens his eyes, he can see.
40:02 The first thing the blind man sees is his own reflection.
40:07 I have never seen myself, he sees water dripping down
40:11 his face and looks up and the reflection of a bright
40:15 blue Jerusalem sky.
40:17 So as he is going out of the water, he sees blue for the
40:20 first time, he looks over to see red for the first time.
40:24 He looks over and sees a young child for the first time.
40:27 He sees a beautiful woman for the first time, have mercy.
40:34 As he is walking around he realizes and comes back seeing
40:39 and here we have the only person that we know he wants to
40:43 see is Jesus, but he only had heard His voice.
40:47 If he heard His voice he would know, but he never seen
40:51 Jesus, even if he saw Jesus he wouldn't know Him.
40:58 He wouldn't know Him.
40:59 You see friends, when Jesus works a change in your life,
41:02 the first thing that happens is you see yourself for
41:05 who you really are.
41:07 When your eyes come back, can you say Amen?
41:09 Audience: Amen.
41:11 You see yourself for who you really are.
41:12 He comes home and sees mom for the first time, it is as
41:17 if this is an entire new world for the blind man.
41:21 He is looking at the situation and everything he sees
41:24 is beautiful to him, but at the same token he doesn't
41:27 just get to see beauty, he doesn't just get to see colors,
41:30 and a sky and a man embracing his wife, or a child
41:34 running into the arms of his father for the first time.
41:37 He also gets to see evil for the first time.
41:39 He has only heard, he never saw, he never saw.
41:46 Of course you know what happens.
41:49 He comes back seeing in verse eight.
41:52 As soon as Jesus works that change in your life and mine,
41:56 notice what happens.
41:58 "The neighbors therefore, and they which had seen him "
42:00 that he was blind said, is not this he that sat and begged?"
42:04 9. Some said, this is he: others said,"
42:08 "he is like him; but he said, I am he.
42:12 10. Therefore said they unto him, how were thine eyes opened?
42:15 "11. He answered and said, a man that is called Jesus"
42:19 "made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me,"
42:23 "go to the pool of Siloam and wash: and I went and washed
42:27 and I received sight. "
42:28 You see friends as soon as you have a "but now"
42:31 experience people will always remind you of
42:34 what you used to be.
42:36 You'll come back from GYC with this holier than thou,
42:39 you came from GYC and have all this training.
42:41 You want to go out witness in the streets now?
42:43 I remember you.
42:45 I remember when I first became a Christian,
42:46 my mother she was a Seventh-day Adventist before I was born.
42:50 Left the church when I was probably one or two years old.
42:56 I remember as soon as I became a Seventh-day Adventist,
42:59 I came home to visit for Christmas holiday and was a
43:02 vegetarian, you know that didn't go over well.
43:06 My mom was like, I'm making your favorite.
43:08 I know you like salmon and filet mignon for Christmas
43:11 dinner, like mom I'm vegetarian now.
43:13 What! You're vegetarian, you're getting too much into
43:19 this Adventist thing.
43:20 Mom I'm not trying, I'm just saying that I'm trying to
43:24 be healthy and take care of the temple of God.
43:27 Boy, I was Adventist before you were born.
43:29 I know about the prophecies, I know about Daniel 2.
43:33 I know about Daniel 7, I'm okay mom that's great.
43:37 Don't try to come here like your boss.
43:39 No, I'm just vegetarian.
43:44 I remember when you used to eat double whoppers from
43:47 Burger King and I am like I'm sure you do, but now,
43:50 are you following me?
43:53 You see friends when people bring up your past it only
43:56 makes the change of God that much more powerful.
43:58 Audience: Amen.
43:59 Wait Sebastien, aren't you the guy that used to be out
44:01 there with the baggy jeans? With your hat cocked and
44:03 dressing like you're clothes were made for your big brother?
44:06 Yes that was me, but now.
44:10 So here comes the blind man now, he comes back and
44:13 everyone is like hey, aren't you the guy that sat and
44:17 begged on the side of the road?
44:18 Oh well, I can get a job now because I can see.
44:21 But now, this is what it is.
44:24 There is something about our past that makes us ashamed.
44:31 For many of us when we went out yesterday for outreach
44:34 no one responded, we are like,
44:36 Man, I'm a terrible canvasser.
44:39 Some of us were knocking on doors to do some outreach,
44:43 no Bible studies, I'm not good at this outreach thing.
44:47 Some of us are trying to get victory over sin, yesterday
44:50 I failed so therefore I am not going to
44:54 get victory today.
44:56 Jesus is all about "but now" experience.
44:59 That means that the present is a contrast to the past.
45:02 So you come and say yeah, the devil reminds you failed
45:06 yesterday, you're right, "but now. "
45:09 By the way brother, aren't you the girl that went to GYC,
45:11 messed up wearing your skirts too short, attitude too
45:15 strong? No sir, "but now," that is what this is about.
45:19 The reason why we are ashamed is because we haven't had
45:22 a "but now" experience.
45:24 You see the blind man, in order for him to deny Jesus,
45:29 he has to deny his own sight.
45:31 How can you make me ashamed, a man named Jesus told me
45:35 to wash and I can see now.
45:37 Well sir you know according to Socrates and Plato and
45:41 different philosophies, that's great but I can see.
45:46 Explain! Can you imagine that, philosophy class 101.
45:51 Blind Man can see, explain? Audience: Laughing!
45:56 This is where we are friends, this is where we are.
46:01 So he comes John 9, and I want to speed through
46:07 the story, the Pharisees are opposing him.
46:09 His parents won't claim him.
46:10 Here is your son who just got to see for the first time
46:14 and you can only imagine the discouragement in the mom's
46:17 heart, especially when people in Jerusalem are, what did
46:20 you do that your son was born blind?
46:24 Now Jesus heals your son and you don't want to stand for
46:27 Jesus? He is the one who gave your son sight.
46:31 Friends you have to believe your parents aren't always
46:34 going to receive what happens at GYC.
46:37 Even though they appreciate the change that Jesus has
46:41 worked in your life and mine.
46:44 Sometimes they are afraid to stand.
46:48 So the parents won't claim him, so now he is talking to
46:53 the Pharisees in John 9.
46:56 This is what happens and this is where we are closing.
47:03 Verse 24, "then again called they the man that was blind"
47:07 they called him, blasted him, and told them to come back.
47:12 "And said unto him, give God the praise: we know that"
47:17 "this man is a sinner. " They are talking about Jesus.
47:21 Verse 25, "and he answered and said, whether he be a"
47:26 "sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that,"
47:30 "whereas I was blind, now I see. "
47:33 Amen! You see friends he is standing before the
47:36 Pharisees, men who have memorized the
47:39 Old Testament word for word.
47:41 Men who are strong to think.
47:43 Men who can reason, and the blind man says you cannot
47:47 reason me out of my faith in Jesus.
47:49 How can you reason, they are like look,
47:51 give God the praise, we know this man is a sinner.
47:54 And the blind man says, you know what I'm not interested
47:56 being intellectual, I'm not interested in being the
47:58 smartest apple in the bunch.
48:01 That is not my goal.
48:04 Whether He be a sinner or not I do not know, but there is
48:06 one thing I know, whereas I was blind, now I see.
48:10 BUT NOW, but now.
48:16 You see friends we come to GYC,
48:18 you may not know many things.
48:23 I can't break down 2300 day prophecy.
48:25 I can't give a seminar on how to reach the
48:27 neighborhood for Christ.
48:29 I can't get up there and preach these devotional messages,
48:33 I can't be the one to run logistics.
48:35 Whether you be a sinner or not, whether Jesus is this,
48:40 whether you come break down the virgin birth,
48:42 whether you can break down the theological necessity
48:45 of the three Angels messages, whatever the case may be.
48:48 You need to know just one thing, are you following me?
48:52 Do you know one thing this morning at GYC?
48:56 You see when people try to attack the blind man,
48:58 when they try to disprove him, when they try to reason
49:01 him out of it, they cannot reason him to deny Jesus is
49:05 to deny my experience.
49:07 This is where we are lacking, and experiential knowledge
49:10 with the power of God.
49:12 When we know what it is like to be changed.
49:15 When we know what it is like to be delivered.
49:17 When we know what it is like to not buckle under temptation,
49:20 when the devil lays it on thick.
49:22 When your mom, who is not converted, lays it on hard.
49:25 You are like mom, I'm trying to keep the Sabbath,
49:28 why are you asking me to do all these things?
49:33 You may not know many things, but do you know one thing?
49:41 Do you know one thing?
49:46 Have you had a "but now" experience?
49:50 You see the man that wrote that hymn that we love so
49:53 much, John Newton, Amazing Grace.
49:59 How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
50:04 I once was lost but now am found,
50:07 was blind but now I see.
50:10 John Newton used to be a wicked man.
50:16 He grew up under his father who was actually very
50:18 educated and John Newton, a very young age in his teens,
50:24 got into sailing, went out with his father and was a
50:29 rogue kind of child.
50:32 While he was in his little escapades doing the devil's
50:35 business, he ended up getting kidnapped and became a
50:39 slave in Africa.
50:41 He was held there captive for almost a year, and it just
50:45 so happened that one of his father's friends happened
50:49 to be passing by this particular port.
50:52 John was trying to send out signals so somebody can
50:55 help him, they caught the signal came and picked up
50:58 John Newton and on his way back to England
51:01 they hit this storm.
51:04 While they are in this storm, they thought for sure the
51:07 ship was going down.
51:09 We're going to be all lost, we are going to be destroyed.
51:11 He said everyone was manning their thing, pulling on the
51:14 ropes, trying to get buckets of water out of the ship.
51:16 While he is doing this he said it occurred to him,
51:19 he said, man where is God? God have mercy on me.
51:21 He said when he said that out of his mouth, it hit him,
51:27 why would God be merciful to me?
51:30 I run a slave ship, he takes female slaves from the
51:34 bottom of the ship rapes them and puts them back.
51:42 John says there is no reason for God to save me.
51:46 No reason! Right after he prayed this, in his heart,
51:51 he recanted and said God won't save me I'm a wretch.
51:55 I'm a wicked man, the ship survives.
51:59 He got converted and dedicated his life to ministry.
52:04 He wrote thousands of hymns.
52:06 His good friends of William Cowper who wrote, Oh For
52:10 A Closer Walk With God.
52:14 While John Newton came in, he wanted to pen the words
52:18 of this song, God's Grace, the story that
52:25 he turned to was John 9.
52:28 John Newton had a "but now" experience.
52:33 I remember reading about how he was 82 years old,
52:39 he was 82 years old and a man said, John how are you doing?
52:42 He said my memory is not that great, but I remember
52:46 two things, I'm a great sinner and Jesus is a great Savior.
52:50 That is what I remember, he says that's all,
52:53 I know two things for sure.
52:58 My question to us this morning at GYC is, do we know?
53:02 Do you know?
53:04 I remember my sister used to watch this show,
53:07 Extreme Makeover, maybe you have heard of it.
53:10 On this television show, my sister was telling me about
53:14 how they take ordinary people who apparently have no
53:18 style or fashion sense.
53:22 They bring them onto the show and redo their hair,
53:25 give them a new wardrobe, makeup, sometimes they do
53:27 plastic surgery on the person.
53:29 They do Liposuction and reduce their weight.
53:32 They put them on a weight program and a exercise regime.
53:35 They go through the whole 9 yards.
53:39 The whole point of the show is for the reaction of your
53:43 family and friends when you go back home.
53:46 That's the whole point, and the reaction is filmed on tape,
53:51 so the family is sitting there and you hear the
53:53 knock at the door.
53:55 They opened it up and you see the mom go crazy,
53:59 John you look great, he's got a nice suit on, nice shoes,
54:02 fresh haircut, whatever the case may be.
54:05 Then they say this is Extreme Makeover, they may have
54:09 shows to change your fashion.
54:11 They may have shows to change your hairstyle, your house,
54:16 but what shows do they have to change your life?
54:23 This morning some of us need an extreme makeover and
54:29 when you go back home the reaction of your friends and
54:33 of your family, every head is bowed, every eye is closed.
54:40 Every head is bowed, every eye is closed.
54:43 Maybe there is a person, a young person this morning who
54:48 says, Lord I need a "but now" experience.
54:52 I need my eyes opened.
54:54 I need the works of God to be manifested in my life.
54:59 I need you to break down the strongholds in my past.
55:03 I don't have to be ashamed.
55:05 If you want to say this morning, Lord I want a "but now"
55:10 experience and when I get that but now experience now you
55:16 know why you can be unashamed.
55:17 You can't get me to disbelieve in Jesus.
55:21 You can't get me out of creation because He's re-created
55:25 Today, if that is your wish say, Lord I want a "but now"
55:29 experience, I want you to stand to your feet.
55:31 I want a "but now" experience and GYC is just the pool
55:39 of Siloam so you can come and wash.
55:42 Then go back and see.
55:45 Now my last appeal is very specific.
55:49 There are some of us who may have never, ever gotten a
55:57 victory over particular thing.
55:59 It is just that one nagging sin, that one thing I have
56:04 been dealing with for a long time.
56:06 I went to Africa a young man he has been struggling with
56:09 masturbation for 10 years.
56:11 Young ladies have told me they are struggling with
56:13 pornography for years.
56:15 Young people dealing with anger and hatred, even racism.
56:23 You say, look Lord this struggle,
56:28 I need victory this week.
56:31 I need to have a "but now" experience and I want you to
56:33 come to the front so we can have special prayer for you.
56:36 I need specific, necessary victory over this
56:41 thing in my life.
56:45 I want you to come to the front because for many of us
56:49 this is where the rubber meets the road.
56:51 We can talk about Christ, we can talk about the power
56:55 of Jesus, but the point always boils down to do we have
56:58 victory and can we keep getting victory?
57:02 We are saying, Lord today, there is something in my life,
57:05 perhaps since I was born, I need victory today.
57:11 I need to have that "but now" experience.
57:13 Don't go back to the same.
57:17 Go ahead press in, let's make room.
57:19 Then we are going to pray, I want to make sure everyone
57:23 can come there is plenty of room in my Father's kingdom.
57:28 Saying, Lord, I need victory, I need victory this morning.
57:34 Every single day of my life and you want to come and say
57:40 Lord today, something very specific, I need You to break
57:45 this by the power of God.


Revised 2014-12-17