Generation of Youth for Christ 2009

Wed. Evening Keynote Address

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Justin McNeilus


Series Code: 09GYC

Program Code: 09GYC000001

00:12 I was instructed to give an assignment to introduce
00:16 the speaker tonight.
00:17 Our speaker tonight is Justin McNeilus.
00:20 He is someone who needs no formal introduction.
00:22 Rather than go through some rather long diatribe about
00:25 how important, great, and smart, and good-looking
00:28 guy he is, I think he is all those things if I'm allowed
00:31 to say that on national TV.
00:32 I would rather explain why he is speaking tonight.
00:36 Is that okay with all of you?
00:37 The history of social movements have taught us that it
00:41 is near sheer numbers that win nor the charisma of a
00:45 particular leader.
00:46 The logical soundness of an ideology.
00:48 The social or economical context for or anything else
00:51 that is measurable.
00:52 If anything it is the spirit of a collected movement
00:56 that determines the success or failure of it's objectives.
01:00 These factors merely, influence the direction and speed of a
01:05 movement, however it is the individuals level of
01:07 commitment, that is all of you sitting in these chairs,
01:11 your level of commitment determines the success of GYC,
01:15 and not a particular speaker, Amen?
01:17 Your emotional insurance in Jesus Christ determines
01:21 GYC's success and a sense of duty for heaven that
01:24 establishes the spirit and the transmission of
01:27 GYC's interests, simply said,
01:30 whoever is most unashamed wins.
01:34 Nevertheless in a contemporary culture to have an
01:37 absolute belief in anything or anyone is reviled.
01:40 To believe in a purpose is infantile.
01:42 To be believed in ethical lie is to be considered
01:44 fanatical, to be a Christian is to be idiotically
01:47 stupid, to be an Adventist is to be outdated and
01:50 old-fashioned, and to be holy today is considered
01:53 judgmentally unstable and mentally and insane.
01:57 This has resulted in a generation of apathetic loss
02:01 in different an indecisive young people and hopefully
02:04 not you, you sitting here is a reaction to this.
02:11 Passion has degenerated into biological hormones.
02:13 Religion into rhetoric, spirituality into a
02:15 neuropathological condition.
02:17 Believing in nothing with no emotional attachment or
02:20 logical rigor is the ideal to be reached in
02:23 contemporary culture.
02:26 Simply said, whoever is indifferent and bored wins.
02:32 Amidst this context there exist an army of dedicated
02:36 Young people who are fighting against these ideas.
02:43 Stemming from Scripture, there are young people
02:44 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church who yearn
02:46 to demonstrate Nehemiah's leadership.
02:48 Daniel's integrity, Mary's humility, Paul's passion
02:52 for evangelism and Christ's love for God and humanity.
02:55 This is the GYC movement.
02:59 GYC movement continues to seek and galvanize us young
03:02 people, if you are here for the first time,
03:03 get with the program real quick.
03:09 GYC points to the highest cause in
03:11 a young person's life.
03:13 The distinctive message and mission of the Seventh-day
03:15 Adventist Church towards the proclamation of the three
03:18 Angels messages.
03:20 Tonight you will hear the leader of this movement.
03:23 His name is Justin McNeilus.
03:26 He has no other agenda, but for the agenda of Jesus
03:29 Christ and GYC.
03:31 He is one who isn't ashamed of the objectives of this
03:34 organization and is one who is faithfully fulfilled it's
03:37 cause in the past two years.
03:40 It is not by its speaker, nor by charisma, nor by
03:44 theological eloquence, not by power, not by might,
03:48 but by my Spirit says the Lord of hosts.
03:51 This evening my prayer for all of you, my request for
03:54 all of you is, let's pray for the Holy Spirit.
03:56 If you think this conference is horrible, it's your
04:00 fault, you haven't prayed enough for it.
04:03 Let's pray for our speaker, Amen?
04:05 If he's horrible it is your fault.
04:09 Amen? Audience: amen!
04:12 Let's seek an untreated, unprocessed, organic courage.
04:18 Let's dare audaciously to be unashamed in this church,
04:23 the Seventh-day Adventist church, in this culture,
04:27 in North America, and in this world.
04:30 Let's here what Justin has to say tonight, Amen?
04:35 Audience: Amen!
04:36 Before we hear his voice we are going to hear a voice
04:40 of an angel, from a girl named Sofia Tsatalbasidis.
04:44 She's going to sing a song called, Let's Be Real.
04:48 God is real? God Is Real.
04:52 Are you ready to hear the song service? This song?
04:55 Amen, amen!
04:57 Song: God Is Real
05:09 If I were to tell you what song I would mean
05:19 well I might miss a detail or two.
05:30 For when you describe something you didn't see
05:39 then you're never quite sure that it is true.
05:49 Well what I have seen with the eyes of my soul
05:59 with the fingers of faith, I can feel, I can feel
06:09 well you just have to listen and know that it's true
06:18 there's no doubt, I believe, God is real.
06:38 With all the creation persuasive enough
06:46 to prove Him Creator to be
06:56 and maybe somewhere our God does exist
07:04 why should He be bothered with me?
07:14 Well what I have seen with the eyes of my soul
07:22 with the fingers of faith, I can feel, I can feel.
07:31 Well you just have to listen and know that it's true
07:40 there's no doubt, I believe, God is real.
07:49 Well what I have seen with the eyes of my soul
07:58 with the fingers of faith, I can feel, I can feel.
08:08 Makes it clear that He's living and alive today
08:16 there's no doubt I believe, God is real
08:28 there's no doubt, I believe, God is real.
08:56 Good evening!
09:01 How's everybody doing?
09:02 Are you excited to be here?
09:05 Can you believe it, GYC already?
09:10 A whole year has gone by since we met last.
09:13 Actually more than a year.
09:15 Have you done anything exciting?
09:19 I don't really expect an answer to that I guess.
09:22 Are you ready?
09:23 Are you ready for our conference?
09:26 I think, I know this conference has the capacity to be
09:33 the best GYC we have ever had.
09:35 Are you ready? It's going to happen.
09:39 I just want to draw your attention to the program
09:42 booklet very quickly.
09:43 Do you have it in your hands?
09:45 Open it and go towards the back.
09:47 Turn there quickly.
09:50 In the back you have pictured, a few smiling faces.
09:54 Do you see it?
09:57 Take a good look at it, I want you to see the Executive
10:01 Committee of GYC.
10:03 These guys and girls, excluding myself obviously,
10:08 are some of the most talented people the Seventh-day
10:13 Adventist Church has.
10:16 Let me tell you something about them.
10:17 Christmas Eve you are probably all enjoying your tofu
10:23 turkey and singing hymns together.
10:25 These guys were meeting to plan next year's GYC.
10:30 Christmas day you are probably spending time with your
10:32 family, they were on a conference call getting ready
10:35 for this year's GYC.
10:37 These guys are talented individuals,
10:41 so can you do me a favor? Yes? No?
10:45 Audience says yes.
10:46 If you see them anytime during the conference,
10:50 just give them a hug for me.
10:52 They deserve it, they do such excellent work.
10:55 I am privileged to work with them.
10:57 If you are tuning in from 3ABN or watching us live
11:01 over a streaming broadcast on the Internet, just pray
11:05 for them, they do a lot and they need your prayers.
11:09 I didn't get to hear Justin Kim's introduction, so hopefully
11:12 it went okay, but I would just give you a warning before
11:15 getting started.
11:17 I'm a banker by trade, what am I? Audience: a banker.
11:21 So I haven't had the formal education of how to preach
11:25 and package sermons real nicely.
11:27 So I tell you that just to warn you that the message
11:31 tonight is a simple message that has
11:34 truly spoken to my heart.
11:36 So tonight you will get a simple message, from a simple
11:39 person that I hope speaks to your heart as well.
11:44 But I'm particularly excited, there are two things
11:47 that give me a little extra energy during the day.
11:50 When I get to take a nap and when I get to exercise.
11:53 I got to do both of those today, so be prepared.
11:59 We will bow our heads one more time before we dive
12:02 into tonight's presentation.
12:04 Our precious and most gracious Heavenly Father.
12:09 Lord we pause one more time tonight.
12:14 We have a assembled from all over the world.
12:19 We have come here prepared to learn from You.
12:23 We ask now Lord humbly, that You would reveal Yourself
12:29 to us in this conference.
12:33 Tonight during our presentation Lord, we ask that the
12:35 Spirit would fill this auditorium.
12:39 That You would speak through me, You know the messenger.
12:42 You know my weaknesses and I pray that all that will be
12:46 placed aside and that tonight we would receive a message
12:50 from the throne of God.
12:52 We pray all these things in Your precious name, Amen.
12:59 Not long ago my wife and I were on a trip.
13:02 We got to go to London and do a little bit of traveling.
13:07 A little bit of sightseeing.
13:09 We got to London and got on one of those double-decker
13:11 buses, they are interesting buses.
13:14 We got up on the top and it was a little cold, we were
13:17 a little bit jetlagged, but we wanted to see London.
13:19 It was one of those buses we're you could get on and
13:22 off the bus and see different parts of the city.
13:25 So there we were cruising around London and got to the
13:29 stop at Westminster Abbey.
13:32 Westminster Abbey is a particularly interesting place.
13:36 I guess it's most basic point is that it is nothing more
13:40 than a graveyard, but it is interesting because there is
13:43 a lot of famous people buried there.
13:45 You have got Kings and Queens, you've got Princes and
13:48 Princesses, you've got Shakespeare and even Darwin are
13:51 all laid to rest in it's crypt.
13:53 We are nearing the end of our self-guided tour when we
13:57 came across a person that deserved a little bit of pause
14:01 we came to this person and I looked at it and started
14:05 reading the inscription and thought to myself,
14:07 I couldn't help but wonder.
14:09 What was it like to walk a day in the shoes of this guy?
14:16 What was it like to take adversity head on?
14:20 What was it like to try to complete the impossible?
14:24 What was it like to walk a day in the shoes of
14:28 William Wilberforce?
14:31 See William had quite an interesting upbringing as
14:33 a child he was always sick.
14:35 He couldn't see well and at a very early age his father
14:40 died, and he kept going from school to school.
14:43 As he started getting into his college years, he really
14:46 gave way to worldly influences.
14:50 He was a frequenter of parties, gambling and things like
14:53 that, and he really had no time for God.
14:56 In fact William was so frustrated with people that
14:59 consider themselves Christians, that he would blast them
15:02 right out loud.
15:05 He went to college and met his best friend William Pick.
15:08 The two of them began to talk about politics.
15:12 They struck an interest in politics and Wilberforce
15:16 actually at the age of 21 was voted into the Parliament
15:20 over in London.
15:23 But it happened about the age 25, William was taking a
15:28 trip into the countryside of Britain and it was reported
15:33 that he began to read his Bible in the
15:36 morning and evening.
15:39 He engrossed himself in the Scripture and at the end of
15:41 that trip he was a born again Christian.
15:46 He got to the end of the trip and the political realm
15:48 was ready to start up again and he thought to himself,
15:51 you know God really can't use a politician.
15:54 There is no point of me going back to the political
15:58 realm, I have got to maybe be a pastor or full time
16:01 Ministry, something like that.
16:02 But William Pick, his best friend stood in for a little
16:06 bit of counseling and the two of them began to think,
16:09 strategize, and dream.
16:11 They thought to themselves, wouldn't it be incredible,
16:15 wouldn't it be neat if we could eliminate slavery?
16:20 You see these two young college age students could see
16:25 something that nobody else could.
16:27 These two young people could envision a Britain and her
16:32 colonies without slavery.
16:34 So they said let's do it.
16:37 We can do it, we must eliminate slavery, we will do it.
16:41 William Wilberforce then unleashed himself upon the
16:44 world, and I would submit to you this.
16:46 The day that William became unashamed about his
16:50 relationship with Christ was the day William was
16:55 unleashed for the cause of Christ.
16:58 Did you catch it?
16:59 The day that William was unashamed about his
17:03 relationship with Christ was the day that he was
17:06 unleashed for the cause of Christ.
17:09 The two of them thought, strategize, dreamed and got
17:13 ready to rid Britain of slavery.
17:17 So they started telling their inner circle about it.
17:20 What do you think happened?
17:21 They began to laugh at them, William you've got to be
17:25 kidding me, eliminate slavery in Britain it will never,
17:28 never happen, it cannot be done.
17:32 But he refused to hear the word no.
17:34 He went on with his life committed to eliminating
17:37 slavery at all costs.
17:39 Sickness struck William many times,
17:42 but it didn't stop him.
17:43 Family tragedies plagued him, but it didn't stop him.
17:47 Many even threatened his own life,
17:50 but it didn't stop him.
17:52 Now along the way William won quite a few battles.
17:56 He won small wars, if you will, along the way.
18:00 He even wasn't completely committed, he ran a program
18:05 for Sunday missionaries to India.
18:07 He fed the hungry and put in some legislation to rid the
18:12 world of animal cruelty, but he never lost track.
18:16 He never lost sight of his true purpose to eliminate
18:21 slavery from the world of Britain.
18:25 At the age of 73, stricken with the flu, William spoke
18:29 at a town hall meeting.
18:30 His life was wrapping up, but he still wanted to
18:33 eliminate slavery.
18:35 He was still preaching, still teaching,
18:37 still telling others, and then in 1833 the Slavery
18:42 Abolition Act was passed abolishing slavery in most
18:47 of the British Empire's.
18:50 William Wilberforce died three days later.
18:57 So I paused just a moment longer in front of his tomb.
19:01 There etched on his grave site for all the world to
19:05 see for the rest of time were these words.
19:08 His name will ever be especially identified with
19:12 those exertions which by the blessing of God removed
19:15 from England the guilt of African slave trade and
19:18 prepare the way for the abolition of slavery in every
19:21 colony of the Empire.
19:23 The persecution of these objects he relied not in vain,
19:27 but on God.
19:29 In the progress he was called to endure great opposition
19:34 but he however, outlived it all.
19:38 What laid the foundation for the success of
19:42 William Wilberforce?
19:44 You see the day William became unashamed about his
19:48 relationship with Christ, was the day he was unleashed
19:52 for the cause of Christ.
19:54 The day William became unashamed about Christ was the
19:58 day he was unleashed for the cause of Christ.
20:01 God is calling for this today.
20:03 He is calling for a generation, a church, a you to
20:08 become so consumed with one single purpose.
20:12 A generation which will unashamedly, in their love
20:16 for Christ be unleashed for the cause of Christ.
20:21 A generation which will not just unashamedly proclaim
20:24 the truths of revelation 14 messages,
20:26 but will live them.
20:28 I firmly believe that as this generation does,
20:32 as we do, by the grace of God we can see Jesus
20:36 come again in our generation.
20:41 Do you desire to live a life unashamed?
20:43 A life so consumed with a purpose from the Master that
20:48 no matter what your vocation is.
20:52 You missed it, do you desire to live a life unashamed?
20:58 Audience: amen.
20:59 A live so consumed with one purpose for the Master,
21:02 no matter your occupation?
21:07 You see there is a problem.
21:09 People come to GYC and get inspired, they partake in
21:12 the seminars, they get trained, they get all ready,
21:16 all juiced up and ready to conquer the world.
21:19 But then they leave with this sense of insecurity.
21:23 I'm not in full-time ministry.
21:27 You know it's nice that you come to our conference and
21:30 participated, but if you're not in full-time ministry,
21:33 you are out of the herd.
21:37 So our team deduced we need a theme
21:39 that tackles this head on.
21:41 It's not all the reality that God uses only those in
21:45 full-time ministry for His work.
21:48 The more precise reality is that God wants to use you
21:52 no matter the work you are in.
21:55 Nursing, banking, graphic design, counseling, car sales,
21:58 aviation pilots, students, it does not matter,
22:02 God wants to use you.
22:06 So I ask again, do you desire to live a life unashamed?
22:10 Do you desire to be unleashed for the Masters cause
22:14 no matter your job?
22:16 No matter your occupation?
22:17 No matter your vocation?
22:21 Turn with me in your Bibles to our theme text.
22:26 Romans 1:16.
22:33 The basis of this unsecure feeling that people leave
22:37 with, is the reason we came up with this theme,
22:40 the theme Unashamed.
22:43 Romans 1:16 tonight to me the relevant question is,
22:47 first is how do we get this unashamed lifestyle?
22:52 And secondly, how do we maintain it?
22:55 Romans 1:16, I'm sure there are hundreds of ways we
22:59 could pull out from this, possibilities for this
23:03 unashamed lifestyle.
23:04 But I want to pause for moment on just one.
23:06 We will read it, Romans 1:16.
23:09 "For am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is"
23:12 "the power of God unto salvation to everyone who"
23:16 "believes; to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. "
23:19 In the text we could explore many different things,
23:23 but I just want to point your attention to the word
23:27 "power", it says this power is available to us.
23:33 The same power that created the universe in six literal
23:37 days is available to us.
23:40 When we obtain this power the result is salvation,
23:44 but it doesn't stop there.
23:46 This power is available to others through us.
23:50 Now my key question for tonight.
23:54 How is this relevant to us?
23:55 Where does the rubber meets the road?
23:58 How do we make it applicable to us?
24:00 To do that I want us to study a story found in the New
24:04 Testament, tonight I want to take a look at the
24:07 story of Noah.
24:09 To me there is not a more fitting example in the entire
24:14 Bible than the story of Noah.
24:18 I will tell you why, there are a couple reasons.
24:21 Tonight as I was preparing for the story of Noah,
24:24 Noah kept popping up in my prayers.
24:26 It had to be studied, second, Noah if you look at it,
24:30 you know the end from the beginning.
24:32 You know that Noah was the last of that generation.
24:35 So it would seem to me that it would serve a purpose
24:38 for us to study it.
24:40 Third, can you just step back, just a touch?
24:45 I'm sorry.
24:49 Thanks.
24:54 I'm just not that seasoned of a speaker for that
24:58 kind of distraction.
25:00 Third, Jesus, Himself alludes to the story of Noah.
25:04 It would seem reasonable to me that if Jesus says it,
25:09 we need to study it, can you say Amen?
25:11 Fourth, the story of Noah, indeed the entire book of
25:16 Genesis is under attack.
25:19 People believe them to just be an illusion of a couple stories
25:23 that are fictitious, make-believe.
25:25 Sometimes it's good to meet adversity head-on.
25:28 So tonight we study the book of Genesis, and we study
25:31 specifically the story of Noah.
25:34 Genesis 6:5, turn with me there Genesis 6:5.
25:42 When you get their say Amen! Audience: Amen!
25:46 Genesis 6:5 "and God saw that the wickedness of man was"
25:51 "great in the earth, and that every intent of his heart"
25:56 "was only evil continually. "
25:59 We'll skip down to verse eight.
26:02 "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. "
26:06 I would like to turn your attention specifically to
26:09 verse eight, God uses the word "but".
26:13 So He is saying listen Noah, all things on this earth
26:18 are not good, this is a problem.
26:21 I'm frustrated with the human race, it is not good,
26:24 it is not what it should be "but" then there is Noah.
26:29 And God unveils this carefully articulated plan to Noah
26:33 of saving grace inside of the ark.
26:36 To me there is a striking parallel here found in the
26:40 book of Romans.
26:42 When Paul was describing a bankrupt humanity he says
26:46 this, the wages of sin is death but, but the gift of God
26:50 is eternal life.
26:52 So you see just like Noah, God has a plan for your life.
26:55 The natural course would be for the earth and all its
26:59 habitants to be destroyed but, but then there is you.
27:02 You see God peers down from heaven, past all the
27:06 hatred, past all the bloodshed, past all the evils
27:09 in this world and sees one person He cannot live
27:13 eternally without, YOU!
27:21 So He humbled Himself.
27:26 He left His heavenly throne and walked and talked
27:28 like one of us.
27:32 Most did not appreciate Him, most did not have nice
27:36 things to say about Him.
27:39 The masses chose a thief over their Creator, but He
27:43 withstood it all for you.
27:47 They dragged Him to a hill called Calvary,
27:50 and there He hung on a cross for you.
27:54 Despite it all, YOU were worth it.
27:57 He knew if you did it you could choose to live
28:01 with Him for ever.
28:03 Jesus put a plan into motion to provide us hope.
28:07 Jesus is the hope of the world and everything
28:11 flows from there.
28:13 He is the constant, permanent answer to the evils
28:16 of this lost world and soon Jesus will come again and
28:19 part the clouds and therein lies the real hope
28:23 we can believe in as Christians.
28:25 Everything else, merely a Band-Aid.
28:28 Jesus paid it all, and He paid it all for you.
28:32 You are the treasure found in the field that was worth
28:35 selling it all for.
28:37 You were the Pearl in the marketplace that was worth
28:39 risking it all for.
28:41 Jesus paid it all, and He paid it all for you,
28:44 but you were worth every penny.
28:47 His gentle appeal is to accept Him as your Savior.
28:51 Don't put it off till tomorrow, choose you this day
28:56 whom you will serve.
28:57 So it gives us clues in the Bible as to when His soon
29:00 coming will be.
29:01 Like the days of Noah, not so you and I can pinpoint
29:06 the exact moment in time when Jesus returns, but so that
29:10 we can always be ready to meet Him.
29:13 Arthur Barclay in his book, The Gospel of Matthew,
29:18 had his pulse on this issue.
29:20 He said we must so live that it does not matter when He
29:23 comes, it gives us the task in this life for making every day
29:28 fit for Him to see and at any moment ready to meet
29:33 Him face to face.
29:35 All life becomes a preparation to meet the King.
29:39 For Noah it didn't matter when the rain would begin.
29:43 He received the instructions from God and he put it into
29:47 practice, once he encountered that saving grace from
29:51 God, everything was on the table.
29:56 You see the day Noah became unashamed about Christ was
30:00 the day he was unleashed for the cause of Christ.
30:04 That friends is the foundation to a life lived unashamed
30:08 Accepting Jesus as your personal Savior lays the
30:12 ground work and preparation for being ready to live a
30:17 life 100% unashamed of the Gospel because the reality
30:21 is when you meet Jesus, everything is on the table.
30:27 Is it going to look weird to some people? Sure!
30:29 Will it look ill rational to others? Sure it will!
30:32 But, if they knew the end from the beginning,
30:34 if they knew the hope that was in you it would not
30:37 even be debatable.
30:39 When you accept Jesus as your Savior,
30:42 everything is on the table.
30:45 God looked down past the evil and found in Genesis the
30:49 evils of the world and He had compassion for Noah.
30:53 But the story goes on.
30:57 Genesis 6 and I want to read verse 13.
31:03 Genesis 6:13, "and God said to Noah, I have determined"
31:05 "to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is filled with"
31:08 "violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them"
31:10 "with the Earth. "
31:12 "Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; make rooms in the"
31:15 "ark and covered inside and outside with pitch. "
31:19 But on top of that Noah had another specific heavenly
31:24 job, he was to preach a bold message to the world.
31:28 God wasn't willing even at that time that any should
31:32 perish so He said Noah, preach to them all.
31:35 I want everyone and anyone who wants to accept this
31:38 saving grace of the ark, to be in that ark with you.
31:40 So Noah preached to the masses.
31:42 He said you have to get into this ark, you need Jesus,
31:46 you need a Savior, you need it.
31:48 It is particularly interesting to me the response he
31:53 gets, he is out there preaching for 120 years.
31:56 Listen with me, the rationale for not needing the ark.
32:01 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 96.
32:05 "The world before the flood reasoned that for centuries"
32:10 "the laws of nature had been fixed. They reasoned, that"
32:15 "as many reasoned, now that nature is not above God. "
32:22 "That our laws are so firmly established that God"
32:26 "Himself could not change them. They reasoned it would"
32:33 "be impossible for God to create a flood,"
32:36 "God's not above nature. "
32:39 Catch the significance there?
32:42 They rationalized it in their mind, there's no creation,
32:47 God didn't create us.
32:50 If we could travel back in time, to the time of Noah,
32:53 I'm willing to venture this prediction.
32:55 We would go in and hear Noah preach and as people were
32:58 walking away from his preaching they would say,
33:00 Noah is loony, I mean listen here, you line up billions
33:04 of rabbits over billions of years and you'll see natural
33:08 selection take place.
33:10 God didn't create us, I mean we domesticated dogs,
33:14 come on and get real, Noah is loony.
33:19 God did not create us, we do not need a Savior, we do
33:23 not need the ark.
33:26 How many more could have been saved from the flood had
33:29 they just believed the creation story?
33:33 How many souls will be lost today because they throw out
33:37 the significance of a creator God?
33:43 Why make the same mistake they made in the past?
33:47 There is an appeal even in the flood story for us to
33:50 take a stance on creation.
33:53 Two issues glare at us as we look at this.
33:56 They rationalized in their mind, God cannot create
33:59 and God cannot destroy, both errors.
34:03 To me it is an essential building block of an unashamed
34:07 lifestyle, once you give up creation,
34:10 there is no end insight.
34:13 You convince a generation that God didn't create the
34:17 Earth in six literal days, you will be looking at the
34:20 last generation of Adventists.
34:24 You missed it again!
34:26 You convinced a generation that God didn't create the Earth
34:31 in six days you will look at the last generation
34:34 of Adventists.
34:36 If you throw out creation, we lose our relevancy.
34:39 The doctrine of creation is important.
34:42 It frustrates me of how arrogant we are as Christians.
34:46 We say God I will tell you what,
34:48 I'll weigh the scientific evidence and if You win,
34:50 I'll believe in creation.
34:53 We say we shall examine all the scientific evidence,
34:57 but we ignore one important source of evidence.
35:02 All the scientific evidence we should ever need is
35:06 recorded in the book of Genesis.
35:09 Awh Justin, that's fanatical.
35:12 You can not realistically expect me to believe the Bible
35:15 and then take it at its word, can you?
35:20 My response is this, you are not smarter than the enemy.
35:26 He used a talking snake in the Garden of Eden.
35:30 What kind of tricks do you think he has up his sleeve
35:32 for the Creation-Evolution debate?
35:38 Do you want a response from him, he has been waiting
35:41 for 6000 years for you to say okay God,
35:43 show me the scientific evidence,
35:46 or do you want a response from the Lamb?
35:51 Do you want to study science or biology? Fine!
35:54 Evolution-Natural Selection fine, but if at the end
35:58 of the day our only guide in light should be the Bible.
36:02 No scientific theory should be elevated above a clear
36:06 thus saith the Lord.
36:08 The word of God is clear in Genesis 1:1.
36:13 The pen of inspiration, letter 84, 1909.
36:17 "The divine mind and hand is preserved for the ages the"
36:20 "record of creation in its purity. It is the word of"
36:25 "God alone that gives us an authentic account of the"
36:30 "creation of the world. In the days of Noah the people"
36:34 "rationed that God couldn't create a flood. They stopped"
36:38 "believing God was the Creator and stopped believing"
36:42 "what God did in the past. "
36:44 So the idea of a worldwide flood was completely foreign
36:48 and the mockers came out of the woodwork.
36:54 But it didn't stop Noah.
36:56 They heckled him and said what are you doing, what's
36:59 your purpose, give it up Noah, the waters aren't
37:02 coming, the flood is impossible, building an ark is
37:04 impossible, but it didn't stop Noah.
37:09 Why? The day Noah became unashamed about Christ, was the
37:14 day he was unleashed for the cause of Christ.
37:18 But listen closely!
37:20 A day will come in the future when pressure is amped
37:24 up for Christians.
37:27 Where peer pressure is elevated to a level that we have
37:31 never seen before, but my fear is this.
37:36 God's work goes undone because we would rather look cool
37:40 then listen to God's command.
37:45 How many classrooms, neighborhoods or workplaces go
37:50 unreached, untouched because of what we think others
37:55 will think of us?
37:58 Justin, you don't understand!
38:01 If I tell my classroom that I love Jesus, they are going
38:03 to think that I am weird.
38:06 If I tell my workplace I believe that Jesus is coming
38:09 soon, they will think I'm a little loony and never talk
38:11 to me again, so why even do it?
38:14 Listen if I tell my neighborhood that Jesus lives in my
38:17 heart they are going to think I'm strange.
38:23 I shudder to think how many souls will be lost because
38:27 of our perception of what others will think of us.
38:34 How many eternal destinies could have been altered had
38:37 we rose above peer pressure?
38:42 For Noah it did not matter, and it sure shouldn't
38:45 matter to you.
38:47 Others will think you're weird, get over it.
38:50 To think someone's eternal life is in the balance and
38:53 you are worried about getting your feelings hurt,
38:55 get over it.
38:58 To think Jesus died on the cross for your neighbor,
39:00 your classroom, your coworker, and you're worried about
39:03 your reputation so you go silent!
39:06 GET OVER IT!
39:09 To live a life unashamed is to live a life carefree of
39:14 popular opinion and worldly reputation.
39:17 You start caring about what God thinks of you.
39:20 When it comes to man or woman, get over it!
39:25 Noah was out building the ark, building it to the
39:28 specific dimensions God had instructed and they came
39:32 out by the droves to taunt him, but he paid no attention
39:36 to it.
39:38 He had at the forefront of his mind the picture of God
39:41 protecting him from the flood.
39:44 Men and women could laugh but he was only concerned
39:48 with God's opinion.
39:49 But notice with me, some of his most vocal doubters.
39:55 Patriots and Prophets, page 96.
39:58 Actually it started on 95 and into 96.
40:01 "Many profess to be worshipers of God. This class"
40:05 she says, talking about the worshipers of God, "were"
40:10 "foremost in rejecting the preaching of Noah. Their"
40:13 "minds had become so blinded by rejection of light that"
40:17 "they really believed Noah's message to be delusional. "
40:21 "The Christians were among the most to make"
40:26 "fun of Noah. "
40:27 There will come a day when Christians, when believers and
40:31 even Seventh-day Adventists will begin to question this
40:35 unashamed lifestyle.
40:37 Adventist will say, and are saying, God's flood was a
40:43 mistake, preach only love.
40:49 To judge the last generation?
40:51 Come on, not God!
40:55 The Gospel to the world, every nation, kindred, tongue,
40:59 and people, that is not even realistic.
41:01 It will happen, people will begin to say it and it
41:05 happens now but as time draws to a close it will happen
41:09 more and more, and I bring it up for this reason and
41:13 this reason alone, DON'T MISS THIS!
41:15 There is a proper way to deal with these people, and an
41:20 improper way to deal with them.
41:25 Testimonies to the Church, volume 6, page 151.
41:29 "Reformers are not destroyers. We will never seek to"
41:36 "ruin those who do not harmonize with our plans. God"
41:41 "desires us to have all who serve Him be firm as a rock"
41:45 "where principle is concerned, but meek and lowly of"
41:50 "heart as was Christ's. A rude, condemning spirit is not"
41:55 "essential to heroism in the reforms of this time. "
42:00 "All selfish methods, all ego driven methods in the"
42:06 "service of God are an abomination to His sight. "
42:13 An abomination to His sight, pretty strong choice of
42:17 words from the inspired pen.
42:19 When we assume the role of an unashamed lifestyle we
42:23 must check our egos at the door.
42:28 DON'T MISS THIS! This counsel is particularly relevant
42:32 for those who claim to be Bible conservatives.
42:36 Careful! One of the dangers we face is how we treat our
42:42 fellow Bible believing, conservative Adventist.
42:50 We have such egos when it comes to our perception of
42:54 interpretation of the truth that we despise those
42:58 who think differently.
43:00 We have no tolerance for them until they pass our
43:03 conservative witness tests, they are out of the herd.
43:08 We must learn to be gracious and charitable to another.
43:13 Listen to my words carefully!
43:16 If you cannot live with these people here on earth,
43:19 how are you going to do it in heaven?
43:21 Get a grip with yourself, think of what you are saying.
43:25 Until they think a certain way, until they act a certain
43:28 way, I'll have no respect for them?
43:31 When all along the way Jesus was willing to pay it
43:35 all for them.
43:38 Do you think you are above that brother or sister
43:40 simply because your perceived correct view of Scripture?
43:44 You have no business thinking you are above someone when
43:47 Jesus would stoop below both of you and hang on the cross.
43:51 Period! But here is another danger we face.
43:58 When we listen to a message, when we listen to a
44:01 particular point, we look around and see who does this
44:04 message best serve?
44:08 Oh, I'm glad he's saying this, yeah!
44:10 Preach it Justin, such and such really needs to hear it.
44:14 When you hear a point like this I would express an
44:19 appeal that we hear in a common song, not my brother,
44:24 not my sister, but it is me, oh Lord, standing in the
44:29 need of prayer.
44:31 Instead of pointing fingers, are you the one God is
44:34 trying to drive home a point to?
44:36 Some may say, well Justin it is easy for you to say,
44:39 you're the president of GYC, you are at the top of an
44:42 organization spawned to cleanse the church
44:45 once and for all.
44:47 No, no we are not, we are an organized army of young
44:53 people, meek and lowly of heart.
44:56 We abide in Christ, a rude and condemning spirit
45:00 is not essential.
45:02 Our single desire is to turn people, especially young
45:07 people, to the church.
45:08 I love my church and I only want to see more young
45:14 people involved in His work.
45:16 Never, never will GYC attempt to drive people away
45:20 from the Seventh-day Adventists Church, NEVER!
45:23 until Jesus comes again we will support the work and
45:26 the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
45:29 We met as an executive committee in February.
45:32 We ate together and prayed together and sang together.
45:36 There in a living room guided by, I believe God Himself,
45:40 we came up with a statement.
45:41 We started with the question, if someone came up to us,
45:44 on the street, and asked us the purpose of GYC,
45:47 what would our response be?
45:49 Here's what we came up with.
45:51 We want to get young people to make other young people
45:55 Adventist by inspiring, equipping, and mobilizing them.
46:00 In a sentence we condensed the mission of the Seventh-day
46:04 Adventist Church.
46:05 We want to get young people to make other young people
46:09 Adventist by inspiring, equipping and mobilizing them.
46:13 That is why we get up in the morning and serve GYC.
46:17 It is the reason we exist, to serve our church.
46:21 Back to the story of Noah, he didn't let the believers,
46:26 the Saints stop him.
46:28 He didn't let his ego get in the way of completing his task
46:31 given by God.
46:33 He didn't allow his ego to run his life, he kept
46:36 preaching, he kept working for God.
46:40 You want to be unashamed, keep preaching.
46:43 Keep working for God.
46:46 The day Noah became unashamed about Christ was the day
46:50 he was unleashed for the cause of Christ.
46:56 Noah went on building the ark in the face of adversity.
46:58 He was laughed at by the multitude,
47:00 but it did not stop him.
47:02 The believers told him to give it up, it's impossible
47:06 Noah, it's not going to happen, but he continually fixed
47:11 his eyes on Jesus.
47:13 He continually meditated and prayed on that saving grace
47:17 found in the ark.
47:19 For 120 years, Noah was preaching a warning message to
47:24 a world in need of a Savior.
47:28 Patriarchs and Prophets again, page 102.
47:31 "Before the flood God sent Noah to warn the world that"
47:36 "the people might be led to repentance and thus escape"
47:41 "the threatening destruction. As the time of Christ"
47:45 "second appearing draws near, the Lord sends His"
47:49 "servants with a warning to the world to prepare for"
47:54 "that great event. "
47:56 Let me read that again, at time of Christ's second
48:00 appearing draws near, as it is coming to a close,
48:03 as we are nearing the end of time, the Lord sends His
48:06 servants, I would proposal those servants are you and I,
48:10 with a warning to the world to prepare them for
48:14 that great event.
48:16 Noah continued to preach a warning message to the world.
48:20 He continued to work on the plan of God that had been
48:24 given to him to save others.
48:26 I love the picture we get of Noah in 1 Peter.
48:33 Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Peter 3:20.
48:48 I'm going to read from the English Standard Version
48:51 because I like the way it renders it.
48:53 1 Peter 3:20, Noah had a message given to him by God.
49:02 God came to Noah and said, Noah I can look past all the
49:05 evils of this world, it is not a good situation but,
49:08 but there is you.
49:12 God does the same thing to you.
49:13 Looks past all the evils of the world and says but there
49:18 is you, please accept me today.


Revised 2014-12-17