Ten Commandments Weekend 2008

Commandment #1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray


Series Code: 08TCW

Program Code: 08TCW000003

00:58 From the 3ABN Worship Center
01:01 it's the Ten Commandments Weekend 2008:
01:03 The Constitution of Grace.
01:07 We welcome all of you back to the Ten Commandments Weekend
01:10 right here in the Worship Center, 3ABN's Worship Center
01:14 in southern Illinois. Did we just enjoy Pastor Gilley
01:17 as he shared a tremendous
01:19 message with us!
01:20 And we are now going to have Commandment #1,
01:24 but I wanted to just welcome all of our viewers and listeners
01:28 from all over the world. The Ten Commandments Weekend
01:31 isn't only going out live via 3ABN television
01:35 both the international channel as well as the English channel
01:39 but also 3ABN radio is broadcasting us live as well.
01:43 And did you know that our Latino network has a
01:46 Ten Commandments Weekend as well?
01:47 They are in the Dominican Republic, and they are
01:49 broadcasting live too. So we are blanketing the whole world
01:54 with the character of God.
01:57 And I think that is something that we can just
01:59 rejoice with. And I want to thank all of you that are here
02:02 in our viewing audience. We appreciate you being here.
02:05 We want you to be refreshed and renewed and open your heart
02:09 and allow God to touch you and minister to you.
02:12 You know, we here at 3ABN are convinced that when we come
02:16 into a service that we are never to leave the way we came in.
02:21 That the Word of God will change us.
02:24 And that's what is happening with us today.
02:26 Well, we have a lovely lady with us tonight.
02:29 Her name is Emily Felts-Jones.
02:31 She has already... she has already ministered once, but
02:34 I am going to invite her out now as she continues to minister.
02:37 And she is going to minister a beautiful song
02:40 "What Wondrous Love. " Welcome, Emily!
03:10 What wondrous love is this,
03:15 O my soul, O my soul?
03:20 What wondrous love is this,
03:25 O my soul?
03:31 What wondrous love is this
03:36 That caused the Lord of bliss
03:42 To bear the dreadful curse for my soul,
03:48 for my soul;
03:50 To bear the dreadful curse
03:55 for my soul?
04:02 When I was sinking down,
04:05 sinking down, sinking down
04:10 When I was sinking down,
04:14 sinking down;
04:19 When I was sinking down
04:23 beneath God's righteous frown,
04:28 Christ laid aside His crown
04:32 for my soul, for my soul;
04:36 Christ laid aside His crown
04:41 for my soul.
04:45 To God and to the Lamb
04:49 I will sing, I will sing;
04:53 To God and to the Lamb,
04:58 I will sing;
05:02 To God and to the Lamb
05:06 Who is the great I AM,
05:10 While millions join the theme,
05:14 I will sing, I will sing;
05:18 While millions join the theme,
05:22 I will sing.
05:27 And when from death I'm free,
05:30 I'll sing on,
05:32 I'll sing on;
05:35 When from death I'm free, I'll sing on.
05:43 When from death I'm free,
05:46 I'll sing and joyful be,
05:50 And through eternity
05:54 I'll sing on, I'll sing on!
05:58 And through eternity,
06:02 And through eternity,
06:07 What wondrous love is this,
06:14 O my soul?
06:32 What wondrous love that the Lord has for every one of us!
06:35 You know, I'm going to invite C.A. Murray to come on out now.
06:38 He's going to bring us teaching on Commandment #1.
06:42 And let me tell you a little about C.A. Murray.
06:45 He was a minister - pastor - for 19 years.
06:49 The Northeastern Conference Communication Director
06:52 for 11 years. And what some of you may not know
06:55 is that in church... in the church that he was pastoring,
06:59 he was John Lomacang's youth pastor, weren't you C.A.?
07:02 So I asked Pastor Lomacang a few minutes ago
07:06 "If you were introducing C.A., what would you say?
07:09 How would you introduce him? "
07:11 And he just simply said: "Mollie, just tell the people...
07:14 ask the people: Could anything good come out of Buffalo, NY? "
07:20 It was 4 years ago at Spring Camp Meeting
07:24 that I first met C.A. Murray.
07:26 Someone came into my office and they said:
07:28 "Mollie, do you... have you met C.A. Murray?
07:30 Do you know who he is? " And I didn't...
07:31 didn't know a thing about him and they said:
07:33 "Well, he reminds me of Owen Troy. "
07:36 And if any of you know Owen Troy, he has got more integrity
07:41 in his character than most.
07:44 And he's on the 3ABN Board and a man that I just
07:48 admire tremendously.
07:49 And so this is who this man was being compared to.
07:52 So I thought I've got to meet C.A. Murray.
07:55 And he came into my office; I invited him in
07:58 and just said real simply: "C.A., have you considered
08:03 coming to 3ABN to work? " And he said:
08:05 "No! "
08:07 Of course he hadn't. That was the furtherest
08:09 thing from his thinking.
08:10 But you know, something that both Danny and I said to C.A.:
08:14 "If it be God's will for you to
08:16 be a part of the ministry
08:17 at 3ABN,
08:19 the Lord won't leave you alone.
08:21 You'll wake up at night thinking about it.
08:23 He'll keep bringing it up in your mind.
08:26 And, uh... to make a long story short,
08:29 this was in May of 04, and in December of 05
08:34 C.A. came to 3ABN.
08:36 He's the Production Manager.
08:38 He's been a tremendous blessing,
08:40 and I have found that what that person told me
08:43 that he had the character, integrity in his character
08:46 that that's been true. So receive from Pastor Murray now.
08:54 I always find Ten Commandments Weekend to be an exciting time,
08:59 and delving into the Word of God is an exciting thing.
09:05 We've entitled this portion of the message
09:13 We are framing this in the context of the
09:15 Constitution of Grace.
09:17 But as we look at Commandment #1
09:20 we want to culture it
09:23 in the ideological elohims.
09:27 Shall we pray?
09:29 Heavenly Father, truly Your word is a lamp unto our feet
09:33 and a light unto our path.
09:35 And we simply ask for Your anointing
09:39 so that Your word may be preached
09:41 so that Your people will hear and understand
09:44 and so that Christ will be glorified.
09:47 And we thank You for Your promise
09:50 to answer the prayer of faith. In Jesus' name, Amen.
09:55 I'll ask you to turn with me, if you will, to the
09:58 20th chapter of the book
10:02 of Exodus.
10:04 Exodus chapter 20.
10:09 When we study God's word, a correct understanding
10:15 of that word is the result of a number of factors
10:20 and ingredients - not limited to but certainly including
10:26 an understanding... some understanding of what
10:29 social scientists call the milieu.
10:33 We would simply call the context.
10:36 Not only an understanding of the people and time
10:41 of the particular book or chapter that we are considering
10:45 but an overall macro context,
10:50 a cosmic context,
10:53 that is framed by God's relationship with man.
10:59 We see God in His word
11:02 as one attempting to initiate
11:06 and desiring to establish and maintain
11:09 an intimate relationship with His people.
11:12 God has always wanted intimacy with His people.
11:16 He has always wanted atonement
11:20 for the world in general and His people in particular.
11:24 And so, those broad-based parameters
11:29 provide, in my opinion, a backdrop
11:32 not only for the Commandments
11:35 but for every law, every rule, every commandment,
11:38 every ordinance, every prohibition,
11:40 every sanction as well as every blessing,
11:43 every promise, every epiphany,
11:45 every prophecy that God gave to His children -
11:50 and through them... to the world.
11:52 From the time that Abraham was asked to look into the sky
11:57 and count the stars through the long period until
12:02 the first stone concussed the holy brow of Stephen
12:06 there was something very special that Jehovah God
12:11 wanted to do with the Jews, to the Jews,
12:15 through the Jews, and for the Jews to the world.
12:20 And so Jesus, the Ego Eimi,
12:23 the I AM, began to codify here in Exodus
12:31 a set of laws
12:34 predicated on the demonstrative fact
12:37 that you can do because He has already done.
12:45 And God enjoins that to His people today.
12:47 We can indeed do all things
12:52 because of what Christ has already done.
12:55 When we were kids and we were playing, my Dad many times
13:01 would tell us to do something. Or perhaps more accurately
13:04 tell us to stop doing something. And my sister, Donna,
13:07 is sitting right there. She can attest to it.
13:11 Sometimes we would get
13:15 a little recalcitrant.
13:18 A little insubordinant.
13:20 A little obstinant. A little just plain hard headed.
13:25 And the context for what ensued was the fact that
13:30 West Indian men... my father is from the Island of Barbados...
13:33 don't take a particular like in saying anything twice.
13:38 In fact, when my parents argued,
13:42 my Dad rarely raised his voice and never said anything twice.
13:47 And so, there were times as kids
13:51 when we thought we were out of range
13:57 and in a safety zone
14:02 that we would actually question one of my father's directives.
14:06 He would say: "Don't do that! "
14:10 And sometimes in a fit of insanity we would say:
14:14 "Why? "
14:20 And my old-school Dad would provide the context -
14:24 um-hmm -
14:28 for the discussion.
14:29 "Because I am your father, " he would say.
14:33 How many have heard that before?
14:35 "I brought you in; I'll take you out. "
14:40 Or... "Because I said so! "
14:43 But once when I was 10 or 11
14:47 I searched my brain and it occurred to me
14:52 that "Because I said so! " or "Because I'm your father"
14:58 was not sufficient justification
15:02 to alter or abate my intended course of action.
15:09 I might have even used the word stupid.
15:16 I thought I was out of reach
15:23 and I thought he had not heard me,
15:28 but my father sprang like a cat.
15:30 With blinding speed and superhuman strength
15:34 he lifted me off my feet and said:
15:36 "Because if I catch you doing that again
15:39 I will kill you. "
15:44 My sister can attest that. Growing up in our house
15:46 there were many infractions
15:47 for which death was the ultimate penalty.
15:53 But I stayed alive long enough to baptize my Dad
15:56 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
15:59 And yet, over and over again we see this recitation,
16:03 this preamble that we are about to look at
16:06 that contextualize the prospective and prospective,
16:12 the future relationship and activities between God and
16:15 His people. I'm in Exodus chapter 20 verse 2.
16:18 Exodus 20 verse 2.
16:20 The Bible says:
16:30 And we see this pattern over and over again
16:32 no less than 10 times.
16:34 Four times it is recited on God's behalf;
16:37 six times it is recited by the Lord Himself.
16:41 God, as it were, has to articulate His pedigree
16:45 for a people who, in many instances, did not know God.
16:49 And even when they were introduced to Him
16:51 they were disposed to develop
16:54 and almost irresistible case of spiritual Alzheimer's.
17:02 The pages of the Old Testament are riddled with stories of
17:05 a people afflicted with a volitional, selective
17:09 memory loss.
17:10 A loss that resulted in a continual and habitual
17:14 wandering from God.
17:16 And the truth be told...
17:19 Israel never really got the victory -
17:22 not for any protracted length of time.
17:25 They never really got it right.
17:28 Oh I say and I say again, the only thing worse than
17:30 nostalgia is amnesia.
17:34 And so a loving Lord, knowing the unstable, capricious,
17:37 fickle, on/off, hot/cold nature of His children,
17:41 people would often have to reformulate in their minds
17:44 the reality that "I am the Lord God
17:47 and beside Me there is no other. "
17:49 "I AM! " The can do. The all powerful, covenant-keeping God.
17:55 You know, you've got to love a God who designates Himself
17:58 like that. Lord God. That is a sermon in itself!
18:03 That's a brand name and a generic drug,
18:08 a prescription for sanctification
18:11 in a bottle with your own personal name on it.
18:13 Lord God. Not just a god... YOUR God.
18:17 The God who brought you out of Egypt.
18:20 Pharaoh: a type of Satan.
18:22 Egypt: a type of sin.
18:25 And Jehovah is saying: "I delivered you
18:27 from their presence and their power.
18:30 This is what I did for you,
18:32 now I want you to do the following for Me. "
18:34 Verse 3:
18:43 You know, I always thought it was rather interesting
18:45 that the Lord had to put that there.
18:47 Because it occurred to me... the truth be known...
18:50 other than the one true God
18:53 there is no other god.
18:57 I put it to you. Other than Jehovah God,
18:59 who else is there? Who is your default setting?
19:02 What is your plan B?
19:05 Other than God, there is no god.
19:07 The word in the Hebrew is Elohim.
19:11 Elohim. The word is a Hebrew word.
19:14 E- L-O-H-I-M. The I-M is a pleural ending.
19:18 Elohim is a pleural word.
19:20 It is the word most used in the word of God for God.
19:25 Often it denotes the title or the office of God.
19:29 El was also the head honcho, the audio titular head of
19:33 the Canaanite Pantheon... so it was a borrowed word.
19:36 They had El; we have Eloh...
19:40 our God is greater than your god.
19:43 Elohim bespeaks divinity and might and power
19:48 and keeping ability.
19:49 As I said, it is masculine in gender and always pleural.
19:54 Sometimes it means Jehovah the real God;
19:56 other times it means false god.
19:59 Well, how do you know the difference?
20:01 Context.
20:03 That word context comes back to us.
20:05 When the context is singular with the pleural,
20:08 it's the true God.
20:09 I'll give an example.
20:11 Genesis chapter 1 verse 27,
20:12 Genesis 1:27:
20:14 "So Elohim created man in His image. "
20:19 So, you've got the pleural Elohim
20:21 with the singular word His. Not their but HIS image.
20:25 Pleural with singular... talking about the true God.
20:28 Another example. Genesis chapter 1, verse 29:
20:30 "And Elohim said 'Behold I have given you every herb'. "
20:36 Again, pleural word, singular I.
20:40 Look at Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4.
20:42 Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4.
20:45 I am reading from the New King James.
20:48 The Bible says: "Hear, O Israel!
20:57 When you've got a pleural with a singular,
20:59 you're talking about the true God.
21:01 And God doesn't wait very long to get you involved in this.
21:05 The very third word in the Bible is Elohim.
21:09 The Hebrew says Bereshit bara Elohim.
21:13 "In the beginning God... "
21:15 "In the beginning God... "
21:18 So right off the bat you've got to deal with the fact that
21:20 you've got a tri-unity. "In the beginning God... "
21:23 God got together and said: "Let US make man
21:26 in OUR own image... in the beginning. "
21:29 But when you've got a pleural with a pleural,
21:31 then you're talking about a false god.
21:34 Same word but different god: pleural with pleural.
21:38 God says: "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. "
21:43 No phonys... um-hmmm...
21:48 no demigods; no faux gods.
21:51 No pretend gods.
21:55 No other gods before God.
21:59 In fact, the word God is so holy
22:02 that the ancient Jews didn't even pronounce it.
22:06 They had the word Yahweh.
22:08 We pronounce it Yahweh. We don't even
22:09 know if that's how it's pronounced because
22:11 it's been forgotten. Your early Christians
22:14 found the word Adonai... A- D-O-N-A-I...
22:18 They took the 4 letters from Yahweh. Added the O, the A,
22:23 the O and the A from Adonai and it became Jehovah.
22:28 But the ancient Jews did not pronounce it.
22:31 No one pronounced Yahweh.
22:33 Some pronounced Adonai.
22:36 Most simply call Him Ashem - the name -
22:39 or Adoshem - the great name.
22:42 So there is but one true God.
22:45 But that mixed multitude in the desert thought that there were
22:49 many others. They had been seduced by 400 years
22:53 of Egyptian captivity. But God would have them to know
22:57 that there is only one.
22:59 And anything else, ladies and gentlemen,
23:02 is fiction... it is an idol.
23:04 How dare we attempt to replace the real God with fiction?
23:10 And for the nexus, the kernel, the core of Commandment #1
23:15 is do not elevate to God status anyone or anything
23:20 that can never really be God.
23:22 No idols; no elohims.
23:26 And I would submit to you that as bad as it is
23:30 not to know God, it is arguably egregiously worse
23:35 to know Him and live like He doesn't exist.
23:42 NOTHING, ladies and gentlemen, and I mean NOTHING
23:46 comes before God.
23:50 Amen.
23:53 Nothing is more important than God.
23:55 Not your money; not your home; not your job;
23:59 not your reputation; not your spouse; not your family...
24:03 Did he say family? I said family!
24:07 Now family is very important
24:09 NEXT to God.
24:12 Amen?
24:14 Because none of these things can save you.
24:17 And frankly, I put those in that line early on
24:20 because I don't believe any of these things are really
24:23 our problem. I don't think they are the real issue.
24:27 Like jaundice.
24:29 Jaundice is a symptom of a deeper problem.
24:33 Hey! If you're choosing your job over Jehovah,
24:40 you've got a problem.
24:44 Um-hmmm.
24:47 The real issue is not your job.
24:50 The real issue may lie somewhere else.
24:53 It is far more pandemic, far more invasive,
24:56 far more sinister.
24:58 The real idol, the real demigod, is not what we own,
25:03 ladies and gentlemen, it is what we ARE.
25:06 Because what you own is simply a symbol,
25:10 a symptom, of what you ARE.
25:14 Someone said: Tell me where a person spends his money
25:17 and I'll show you what he is.
25:22 It is a consequence of these last days.
25:26 So that makes what we are about to say present truth.
25:29 Turn with me to II Timothy chapter 3 and verse 1.
25:35 II Timothy chapter 3 and verse 1.
25:41 The word of God says:
25:53 Now that is not inveighing against homosexuality -
25:56 although I've heard it spoken of that way -
25:59 because the Greek word there for men is anthropon
26:03 or anthropoid... which simply means mankind -
26:06 from which we get words like anthropology.
26:09 Paul's caveat to Timothy is that in the last days
26:13 human beings - that is, mankind -
26:16 is going to fall out of love with God
26:19 and in love with itself.
26:24 God is saying that the prevailing sin
26:27 of these last days... of the end time...
26:31 the fertile garden from which so much misery grows...
26:35 is the sin of self love.
26:38 The problem is we are in love with ourselves.
26:43 And we are so in love with ourselves
26:46 we don't have room for God.
26:50 We've replaced God, ladies and gentlemen,
26:53 with us.
26:54 Latter days... later day man's god is man.
27:00 Are you listening to me?
27:03 And what is implied and alluded to in Timothy
27:06 is stated emphatically in Romans chapter 1 verse 25.
27:10 Romans 1 verse 25.
27:12 "Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie...
27:22 Heaven's complaint is that those who were created for God's glory
27:26 have decided they don't want Him anymore.
27:30 They are worshiping themselves.
27:33 How incredibly fascinating, ladies and gentlemen,
27:37 that the genesis of man's latter day ascent to divinity
27:41 and his contaminant descent into degradation
27:43 interestingly enough can be traced to the end of the
27:47 2300 day prophecy. Follow me for just a minute.
27:50 The beginning of Christ's mediatorial work
27:55 in the holy of holys.
27:58 In the days surrounding 1844,
28:03 heaven stepped into high gear... and so did Satan.
28:08 And just as God had His champions,
28:12 as He brought to the field of battle His champions -
28:16 James White, 1821. Ellen White, 1826.
28:20 Joshua Bornheims, 20 years old at that time,
28:24 one of the greatest communicators the world...
28:27 the church has ever produced who moved William Miller
28:29 from the small towns into the large cities.
28:32 And just as God began to raise up young people with strength
28:37 and stamina and Holy Spirit to do a great work for Him,
28:41 interestingly enough Satan also raised up his champions.
28:44 Same time period; right about 1844.
28:47 Rebel and threat to the cause of God...
28:52 Carl Marx, 1818.
28:54 Frederick Ingles, 1820.
28:56 Henry David Thoreau, 1820.
28:59 Some of these born within months or days of God's champions.
29:02 Charles Darwin in 1831... the same year that William Miller
29:07 preached his first sermon... Charles Darwin jumped aboard
29:11 a ship called the HMS Beagle -
29:14 follow me, if you will -
29:15 as an unpaid naturalist.
29:18 He made amazing discoveries in the Galapagos Islands
29:21 about 1,000 leagues west of the country of Ecuador.
29:25 And by the time he returned in 1836, he had convinced
29:31 himself that mankind was the product of an evolutionary
29:34 process that he called natural selection.
29:38 Chance was in... God was out.
29:44 He fine-tuned his ideas for 23 years.
29:47 Others bought into his theory.
29:49 And during the days of the Great Disappointment,
29:52 October 1844,
29:55 Darwin was saying that God had
29:59 nothing to do with our creation.
30:01 And by the time his 1st edition
30:04 of The Origin of the Species
30:06 came out in 1859, it sold out in one day.
30:09 Five additional editions also sold out within days of
30:14 their release, and one Ph. D. egghead said,
30:18 commenting on Darwin's work, "He is the single-most
30:22 influential individual on planet earth in the last 250 years. "
30:26 And it is no coincidence that Darwin came to the fore
30:31 about 1844.
30:34 When Christ stepped up His ministry, Satan stepped up his.
30:38 Get this quote, another Ph. D.:
30:42 "With the publishing of the book Origin, mankind has finally
30:48 escaped from God. "
30:53 Satan didn't stop there.
30:55 Carl Marx and Frederick Ingles collaborated on a book called
30:58 The Communist Manifesto, released, interestingly enough,
31:01 in 1848. Watershed year for the Adventist community.
31:04 The Communist Manifesto served as inspiration for countless
31:08 20th century and 19th century dictators and tyrants
31:11 including Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Pol Pot
31:16 and many others who got their theology from
31:20 The Communist Manifesto.
31:22 You see, none of them had any value for human life.
31:25 And when you take God out of the picture,
31:28 all you are left with is an animal
31:32 in a dog-eat-dog world that asserts daddy was a gorilla,
31:38 momma was a chimpanzee.
31:43 The Bible says... Psalm chapter 53 verse 1:
31:46 "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. "
31:51 There are scientists who will tell you it takes more faith
31:54 to believe in evolution than it does in creation.
31:58 Dr. Mike Denton says: "By the time that Darwin's last edition
32:02 of Origin came off the press in 1872, even Darwin himself
32:06 was plagued by self-doubt because he was unable to meet
32:09 the many objections to his own theory. "
32:12 By the end of his life, Charles Darwin wasn't even buying
32:16 what he was selling.
32:18 But Satan wasn't finished.
32:22 In 1844, one month after the Great Disappointment,
32:25 Marx and Ingles collaborated on another book
32:27 called The Holy Family.
32:29 But there was nothing holy about it.
32:31 The book was described as a sarcastic assault and revolt
32:36 against the state, the family, religion, and God Himself.
32:40 Ingles lived with a woman all of his life
32:42 but he never married her. He refused to marry her
32:45 as an affront to God. He taught that marriage was
32:47 unnatural, unethical, and evil.
32:54 It was no coincidence, ladies and gentlemen,
32:56 that these men came to the fore about the end of the 2300 days
33:02 because Satan knew that his time was short.
33:05 And now the whole world accepts a myth, a theory,
33:11 as fact.
33:13 Science was the hook used to pull God off of His throne
33:18 and to replace Him with us.
33:22 So a new ideology is born.
33:25 Nobody buys that God is dead.
33:27 Nobody buys that God is out to lunch.
33:30 The new theology simply is God is unnecessary.
33:35 When we've got science, we've got computers,
33:38 we've got math, we've got art, we've got medicine,
33:40 engineering, literature. We've got college degrees,
33:43 we've got Ph. D.s. We're learned; we're not illiterate.
33:47 We don't live in tents, we live in houses.
33:49 We rely on ourselves.
33:50 God is just not necessary.
33:56 Romans 1:25 says:
33:58 "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. "
34:03 Do you know? Do you know what the most overused,
34:08 underrated, bankrupt word in the English language is?
34:15 May I suggest to you that it is love?
34:19 Um-hmmm.
34:23 I John 4:8:
34:30 The word, the concept like ethics and morality
34:35 have absolutely no meaning without God.
34:41 You can talk about emotionalism, eroticism, physical attraction,
34:45 sex, but if you are talking about real love,
34:48 you've got to be talking about God.
34:51 How curious it is, ladies and gentlemen,
34:54 that the further we move from God, the more we stray from God
34:57 in these last days, the more we tend to use words
35:03 that substitute for God.
35:05 The more we use terms that have their relevance and meaning
35:09 only in God.
35:11 We tend to deify the term and forget about God.
35:16 We have made a god of love.
35:20 I love my dog. I love my cat.
35:23 I love my new clothes. I love my television.
35:26 I love 3ABN. I love my computer.
35:29 I love my horse. I love my boots.
35:32 I love my shoes. I love my new dress.
35:35 I love the summer. I love the winter.
35:37 I love the snow. I love the beach.
35:39 I love waterskiing. I love the mountains.
35:43 I love my new pickup truck.
35:45 I love my wife. I love my John Deere tractor.
35:48 And if either of them gets old and rusty, I'm turning them in
35:51 on a new model.
35:57 The word... the concept itself...
36:00 has been adulterated.
36:02 We talk about love. We read about love.
36:04 We hear about love. We sing about love.
36:06 We sell love.
36:08 We worship love.
36:10 We browse for love on the Internet.
36:12 Ever searching, never finding.
36:14 Looking for love in all the wrong places.
36:17 It's like those guys in Manhattan
36:20 that sell the fake Gucci watches
36:25 or the $4,500 Rolex watches or the $1,500 Gucci handbags.
36:31 Now how do you think you are going to purchase
36:34 a $1,500 Gucci handbag or a $4,500 Rolex watch
36:39 for a cool 25 bucks?
36:45 You're getting ripped off!
36:47 I am saying love in today's world is little more
36:52 than justification for self indulgence.
36:56 God is love, but love is not God.
37:02 And a God of love, as much as He loves,
37:05 said: "You cannot have any other gods before me...
37:08 not even love itself. "
37:11 And so man is latter-day man's god.
37:17 Love is his Holy Spirit,
37:19 and the logical, predictable end to that kind of ideology
37:25 is evolution.
37:26 When you put man at the top and take God off the throne,
37:31 you are in for trouble.
37:33 We see how twisted we can become
37:37 when we leave out the pure gospel.
37:40 So I am my god and you are yours.
37:43 Have you ever heard the story of the self-made man
37:47 who worships his own god?
37:53 Um-hmmm.
37:57 How absolutely pathetic... of all men most miserable.
38:02 If you are your own god, may I suggest to you
38:07 that your god is too small?
38:12 You see, if you are your own god one day you are going to
38:15 run into something that your god can't handle.
38:18 If you are your god, someday your god is going to be sick.
38:24 If you are your own god, occasionally your god is
38:27 going to have a day when he
38:29 simply doesn't want to be bothered.
38:32 If you are your own god, sooner or later your god is going to
38:35 face a problem he can't solve.
38:38 If you are your own god and your god can't keep you,
38:44 and your god can't heal you,
38:46 and your god can't help you,
38:48 and your god can't cure you or comfort you or free you
38:52 or constrain you or change you or transform you...
38:56 If your god can't save you, then what in the world
39:00 is he going to do with me?
39:05 You see, you see, you see... theology aside,
39:10 it just makes good sense to serve the Living God.
39:14 Because if you reject God, all you're left with is you.
39:20 And you will forgive my pejorative English,
39:23 I mean offense to no one, but when it comes to
39:25 my salvation, you ain't good enough for me.
39:34 The Lord said: "I have loved you with an everlasting love;
39:38 therefore, with loving kindness I have drawn you. "
39:40 Excuse me, but that's the God I want to put my money on.
39:45 How about you?
39:49 Look around us. We have paid a heavy price for our arrogance.
39:54 On April 2nd of this year I heard on the news
39:59 that nine 4th graders were arrested for plotting a murder
40:03 of their teacher.
40:05 Nine 4th graders.
40:07 They had planned to smash her skull,
40:12 tie her up, and then stab her to death.
40:17 Nine 4th graders.
40:18 The plot was so well organized that it shocked the community.
40:23 They had brought rope, scissors, a baseball bat,
40:28 bricks, and a knife to school.
40:31 And when asked "Why were you planning
40:34 to murder your teacher? " their answer was
40:38 "She talked mean to one of us. "
40:42 The gods of this world, the elohims,
40:46 have replaced reason and sanity and morality and humility
40:52 and kindness and sympathy.
40:54 And then a terrorist, allegedly in the name of God,
40:57 flies a plane into a 110-story building,
41:01 and in our delirium we cry: "Where was God? "
41:06 The answer? Right where you left Him.
41:12 Hasn't gone anywhere.
41:14 Been in the same spot for 7,000 years.
41:17 He is right where you left Him.
41:20 Genesis said "Bereshit bara Elohim; in the beginning God. "
41:25 He was there then; He's here now!
41:28 "Ye shall find Me, " He said, "when you search for Me
41:32 with all your heart. "
41:34 There are 4 principal ideologies that I want to talk about
41:38 that are the elohims of this world.
41:41 The ideological elohims.
41:44 I cannot take total credit for them.
41:47 I borrowed this from Dr. John Pauling
41:50 who borrowed it from Dr. Tony Campolo
41:53 who borrowed it from Dr. Roger Smith.
41:55 And each of us add our own cherry to the top of the sundae.
41:59 But there are four particular ideologies that define
42:03 modern man. They are the ideological elohims that the
42:06 secular world lives by.
42:08 The first is autonomy.
42:09 The first is autonomy.
42:12 I'm sorry, it's contingency
42:13 followed by temporality,
42:15 followed by relativity,
42:16 then autonomy.
42:18 Let's talk about contingency.
42:20 Contingency suggests that everything that happens
42:24 in this world is the result of cause and effect.
42:28 You do something; you get a response.
42:31 So there's no need to ascribe any of the outcomes
42:35 in my life to the interposition of any supernatural powers.
42:39 In other words, I put in; I get out.
42:41 I don't give God or anybody else credit for what happens to me.
42:44 I do the work; I get the reward.
42:47 In other words, 200 people go for a job.
42:50 199 people don't get the job; I get the job.
42:54 Not because God helped me; because I deserved the job.
42:59 I worked for the job; I'm better than the rest of them
43:03 OR... dumb luck.
43:07 Contingency: I put in; I get out.
43:11 Cause and effect - NOT GOD.
43:32 Even some Christians believe it.
43:34 They believe they've got to help God out.
43:37 If I don't do it, it won't get done.
43:43 You see how that pushes God to the side?
43:46 Takes God off the throne; puts me on top.
43:50 Demigod #2: autonomy.
43:54 The concept is I determine who calls the shots in my life.
44:00 I reserve the right to make my own decisions.
44:03 The concept is: it's MY life and I can do what I want
44:09 so there's no need to seek or follow God for direction.
44:14 If I want that, I get that
44:16 and I don't ask God or anybody else about it.
44:19 If I can take it, I take it.
44:21 If I can steal it, I steal it.
44:22 If I can connive to get it, I do that.
44:24 I am autonomous. I don't owe anything to anybody.
44:28 So, an animal lover will leave $5,000,000 to his cat
44:33 and give nothing to feed starving children in Haiti
44:38 who are eating mud patties.
44:40 Or thousands of dollars to save the rainforest
44:44 but not one dime for inner-city children.
44:48 I'm autonomous; I determine what has value.
44:52 Autonomy says "I report to me. "
45:21 I determine... I give meaning to my life,
45:25 and I don't need God.
45:27 God is unnecessary.
45:32 Demigod #3: relativity.
45:36 Relativity suggests the idea that absolutes are untenable,
45:42 unintelligent, and unreasonable...
45:44 even counterintuitive.
45:47 Relativity insists that the idea that one size fits all,
45:53 that there is one rule or one set of rules,
45:56 or 10 rules is stupid.
46:02 You have an individual situation. It only makes sense
46:06 that you adjust your rules to fit the situation.
46:10 That's relativity.
46:12 Why would you subscribe to a one size fits all mindset?
46:18 I'm different; you're different.
46:22 So the rules for each of us must be? Different!
46:26 That's relativity.
46:28 Every situation being the same?
46:32 That's insane!
46:34 It's all relative.
47:04 Um-hmmm.
47:07 What is right is what is right for me
47:10 is what is right.
47:12 What's right for you... not right for me.
47:16 What's right for me... not right for you.
47:20 You determine what's right for you,
47:22 I'll determine what's right for me,
47:24 and this idea that there are 10 rules that never alter,
47:29 never change, that ain't right.
47:34 That's relativity.
47:36 The final demigod is temporality.
47:40 It simply suggests that nothing lasts forever.
47:44 Your car's not going to last forever.
47:47 Your house is not going to last forever.
47:49 Your wife?
47:55 Your husband.
47:57 Your job, your religion: they're all going to change.
48:03 There are people today who don't just expect things to change
48:09 they engineer change.
48:12 They expect things to change.
48:15 My car is going to last so many years; I gotta' get a new one.
48:20 My house will last so many years;
48:23 I'll have to get a new one.
48:25 My marriage will last so many years...
48:35 They don't expect to be in the same place,
48:39 the same relationship.
48:41 The idea that something can be unchangeable...
48:46 the same yesterday, today, and forever...
48:51 is incomprehensible.
49:12 So if this marriage gets tough I'm gone.
49:16 If serving Jesus gets tough, I'm out of here.
49:21 It's never going to last, so why work at it?
49:28 Every malfeasance, every cancel in the social corpus of mankind
49:32 can be traced to one of these elohims.
49:37 What a world we would have,
49:39 ladies and gentlemen,
49:40 if we could simply put God first.
49:48 Can you imagine the kind of world we would have
49:51 if we all just put God first?
49:58 The kind of nation? The kind of community?
50:03 If every man, every boy, every girl
50:07 simply put God first.
50:11 No elohim before Elohim.
50:17 You know, the tallest of skyscrapers is built on a firm
50:22 and deep foundation.
50:24 The glory of all of the Ten wonderful Commandments
50:30 the constitutional reality of man's existence,
50:34 is foundational and revolves around the fact
50:40 that "In the beginning God... "
50:44 And God desires and deserves
50:49 no rival.
50:51 For truly there is no God
50:57 but God.
50:59 There is none like Him.
51:03 Genesis 1:1:
51:05 "Bereshit bara Elohim. "
51:09 God doesn't try to justify it, doesn't try to explain it,
51:13 doesn't try to rationalize it.
51:15 He says: "In the beginning God... "
51:17 and you have to accept that first page, first chapter,
51:21 first line or else close the book...
51:25 because everything else in this book is based on
51:30 "In the beginning God... "
51:31 And if you're going to live with Him and live for Him,
51:36 then you can't have anybody else in front of Him.
51:41 God says: "I'm a jealous God. "
51:44 I'm not going to take any rivals.
51:47 Not going to take any other courters, no other suitors.
51:50 You date me... that's it!
51:53 God, God, and only God.
51:57 Isaiah picks up the strain in chapter 44 verse 6.
52:03 Isaiah chapter 44, verse 6:
52:09 Give me a second to find it...
52:24 "I am the first, and I am... " the what? "I am the last. "
52:29 "Besides Me there is no God. "
52:34 Amen? No God but God.
52:39 "And who can proclaim as I do? Then let him declare it
52:43 and set it in order for Me.
52:46 Since I appointed the ancient people and the things
52:50 that are coming and shall come.
52:53 Let them show these to them.
52:56 Do not fear nor be afraid.
53:00 Have I not told you from that time and declared it?
53:04 You are My witnesses. " I am reading from the New King James.
53:08 "Is there a God beside Me?
53:12 Indeed, there is no other
53:17 Rock. "
53:20 There's no God but God.
53:22 Ellen White said: "If you cannot see
53:28 the future, look back over the past.
53:33 You ought to be able to see a pattern of what I call
53:37 providential interposition.
53:39 You ought to see a pattern of God inserting His hand
53:44 into your life
53:46 and bringing you from day one to today.
53:50 You ought to be able to look back and see where God
53:53 has blessed you, answered your prayers.
53:57 Kept you, directed you. Instructed you, saved you.
54:02 Ladies and gentlemen, it is no accident that you
54:05 sit in this place on this night.
54:07 It is no accident! God is in control of our lives.
54:12 Amen? Amen.
54:14 There's no God but God.
54:16 And our God is saying:
54:18 "Don't put anybody in front of Me. "
54:21 No one. Not your children.
54:25 Not your brother. Not your sister.
54:28 Not even your husband or your wife.
54:31 Because come Judgment Day, God is not going to say
54:35 "What did your husband do? "
54:40 "What did your wife do? "
54:44 "Tell me, tell me about your parents.
54:48 What did your parents do? "
54:51 He's going to ask "What did you do
54:55 when I came calling? When I knocked on the door?
55:00 I knocked on your door
55:03 and you didn't answer.
55:06 I called, but you had the TV on.
55:11 I sent a letter, but you left it in the mail box.
55:17 I prayed for you, but you didn't answer.
55:24 "Thou shalt have no other gods "
55:29 because no one on this earth has a heaven to give you
55:35 or a hell to keep you from.
55:39 We owe our all to God,
55:43 and there is none other than God.
55:47 And one day soon and very soon we're going to see Him
55:52 face to blessed face.
55:56 The song says "Oh, what a day of rejoicing
56:01 that will be. "
56:03 How many love the Lord tonight?
56:07 How many plan not lettin' anybody or anything
56:10 get between us and our God?
56:13 When you put your hand in His hand,
56:15 nothing, no one
56:19 can take you out of His hand.
56:22 Shall we pray?
56:23 Heavenly Father, we love You, Lord.
56:28 And though we are surrounded by a world that denies
56:31 Your very existence, that worships itself
56:35 in print, on the television screen, on the radio,
56:40 in the arts and sciences.
56:43 We have put ourselves on the throne and pulled You down.
56:48 But Father, we who sit here tonight
56:52 have elevated You to Your rightful status.
56:57 You are on the throne of our hearts.
57:01 You own our lives.
57:04 We submit and surrender ourselves to you
57:08 as living sacrifices.
57:11 Though Satan is angry,
57:14 though he is wroth with the nations,
57:16 though a thousand follow, Lord, we have determined
57:21 we will follow You.
57:23 There will be no other God but You, dear Lord.
57:26 No idols, nothing cherished.
57:30 We open our hands to You and submit our lives to You
57:34 and ask that You would give us the faith, the grace,
57:40 the strength to fight the fight of Jesus each day
57:45 knowing that we do not fight alone but that there is a God
57:50 in heaven who hears and knows and loves us
57:55 and will take us home
57:59 if we will but walk with Him.


Revised 2014-12-17